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File: 119 KB, 878x811, 1707492885306631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46114624 No.46114624 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st41654.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/pZga3ssMSaJPwQF

>> No.46114640
File: 138 KB, 850x1202, 0374f637bed3a71253da4ad999669c9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl your mom warned you about.

>> No.46114644
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>> No.46114648
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>> No.46114654

>that shoulder hip ratio and chin
alp spotted

>> No.46114660
File: 777 KB, 2508x1258, 116092989_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46114677

I was hoping she was right.

>> No.46114679
File: 982 KB, 1425x1134, 76072657_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, it's a nice and hot Summer on the south hemisphere countries with those golden beaches and romantic afternoons. Wouldn't it be nice to go on a nice short vacation to those beaches with your Danuki auntster? Of course she could cover those costs for you

>> No.46114690

>muscular man with tits
Even Alps 0.1 second after transformation are less gay than this

>> No.46114724
File: 988 KB, 2480x3508, 1701340036156434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cold winter is better, perfect for cozying up indoors and sharing body heat with undead girls or ice elementals.

>> No.46114735
File: 2.81 MB, 2000x2462, 86967116_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, by canon standards Alps become even hotter and more feminine that Succs because their feminine desires are too strong and become their ideal feminine version.

>> No.46114749

I'm not sure because there's always a catch with "them"

>> No.46114760

Sorry, but those breaths are happily married.

>> No.46114810

having an ecidna grandma is great for those wild family reunions

>> No.46114818
File: 1.09 MB, 3732x4096, 1708020566870690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46114859

This time, I'm gonna be the one to give Miss Whitehorn hot chocolate, and not the other way around! She'll never see it coming!

>> No.46114863

that's white(horn) day

>> No.46114915

gonna get a mail order jiangshi bride

>> No.46114940

>Open the box
>Its a ghoul.
>"Huh? No way Anon, I'm totes a jangy! Look, I even got the funny sticker on my head and everything!"
>"Watch, I can even hop!"
>She then pounces on Anon.

>> No.46114952
File: 2.44 MB, 1800x2000, 1707773833704465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46114964
File: 741 KB, 929x705, winesies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much anons...

>> No.46114982

>try raiding an ancient dragon knight tomb
>wake up a dragon zombie
>she keeps saying we're bonded and we have to go save the world or something
>have to ride on her back while she flies around gassing order villages
goddamn it I was just looking for treasure

>> No.46114989

good anons here don't care about the game. Cease this doomposting.

>> No.46114994

And you found the best treasure.

>> No.46115001

>"If you tell me the real treasure was the friends we found along the way I'm retiring."

>> No.46115030

I wanna force my newly alped roommate to give me a blowjob.

>> No.46115031

im going to reseal the box immeditialy, return it, and give the danukizon product a 1 star review
im gonna then rob the jianghshi from the local mist place

>> No.46115037

I just wish KC would cancel it rather leave it in the limbo it's in right now.

>> No.46115035

I'm not sure that's how alps work.

>> No.46115045
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x1414, 2b7658513f4b908313546f93cdde073c62a3418e850560333d5a2e777c5ace66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46115053

CNC is a thing you know. I'm sure some Alps would be into it.

>> No.46115065

See >>46115053 this guy gets it.

>> No.46115073

there's plenty of looting to be had during a zombie outbreak
it's the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.46115077

I'm sure some alps are former machinists but I'm not sure what that has to do with consent.

>> No.46115079
File: 531 KB, 2400x4500, skeb-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46115082

>No dorky alp wife to machine a perfect replica of your dick out of the biggest hunk of titanium stock she could find
Suffering... No, I don't care that this is gremlin territory.

>> No.46115096

I'd love to play some CnC aka Command and Conquer with a cute alp

>> No.46115103

>Play Command and Conquer with alp gf while fucking her
The dream

>> No.46115116

Game first, sex later. Whoever wins gets to be the dom

>> No.46115124

>valentines day came and went
>all of a sudden a bunch of anons really want an Alp gf

>> No.46115138

It will obviously be cancelled, there's no way he could delivers on such huge promises with the spare time of a Japanese salaryman and only being a single dev. I'm not dooming, I'm just being realistic.

>> No.46115150

Alpshit was a mistake and always has been.

>> No.46115153

I assure you, there is no correlation between these facts.

>> No.46115163

Licking stuff off clothes sounds pretty awful, actually.

>> No.46115171

I prefer my grape juice without the fermentation

>> No.46115177

I didn't much care for the imp but seeing her redrawn like that easily made me like her even more

>> No.46115184

Everything was a mistake. Everything.

>> No.46115193

I wouldn't call it dooming at all, I remember people saying 3 years back that he should really lower the scope of his game if he ever wants it to see the light of day.
I think He just didn't realize just how insane it is to build a whole game by yourself, especially with a first time dev and with that kind of scope.
The writing alone would could take years to do and refine. what with all the conditions and options.

>> No.46115205

I know, it should be from bare skin

>> No.46115212

time is irrelevant but i would like to see the holstaur cgs someday, regardless of medium

>> No.46115241
File: 589 KB, 552x481, Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the one thing that excites me the most about MGERPG. Seeing older MGs getting much needed facelift is great, my favorite thus far has to be Werecat

>> No.46115245
File: 243 KB, 2193x3033, GGPL1_MbsAI9Teb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46115256

the Tom glowup was quite something
leotard+ hotpants combo hard to beat too

>> No.46115261

MGERPG feels like a sound that an cheshire would make, some unholy combination of meow, mreow, grr and god knows what else, just MGREOWRRRGR

>> No.46115264

My adorable wife werekot got content so I'm pretty happy with the demo desu.

>> No.46115268

I will never stop misreading it as MPREG

>> No.46115270
File: 2.39 MB, 1283x1865, 1605364327479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff and lick a heroine.

>> No.46115274

Same. Really hoping stuff like giant slug or bee gets a new, better look.

>> No.46115275

damn heroine addicts

>> No.46115286
File: 822 KB, 1200x1600, 1690404308414390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroine milk.

>> No.46115294

And cait sith. Don't forget her.

>> No.46115301
File: 124 KB, 850x1027, Dork knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can quit any time I want

>> No.46115314

Nah, it's trash. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.46115315
File: 1.22 MB, 2717x4096, F34nqTxbcAAnXdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46115316

The game was most likely killed by Japanese ~honor~ autism, my guess is that KC postponed the first update too much and wanted to add something extra to make up for the time people waited, which again took too much time and he keep looping around.
I think up until the profiles started coming out regularly again he was really grinding away at the game, but the encyclopedia refocus marks the de-facto death of MGE RPG even if KC is too shamed to admit it.

Still scummy to keep people hanging, there's probably a fair amount of those who subscribed to help fund the game.

>> No.46115320

You wouldn't even last 5 seconds sniffing a heroin's suit. How do you expect to luck the real deal without mindbreaking?

>> No.46115323

if they hadn't figured that out by now they got bigger problems than 5$. spare the sympathy

>> No.46115329

Man, that's sad. I don't wanna be sad.
I wanna cuddle undeads instead.

>> No.46115334

>there's probably a fair amount of those who subscribed to help fund the game.
The numbers don't really seem to change? As is patreon standard, most people forget.
I know a patron that has 14 subscribers with the last update saying the guy will die soon and can't update anymore.
If you want honor autism it was a pretty shameful display to take the poll then ignore the results AND go radio silent on game updates.

>> No.46115355

Guys there's a fucking Ushi-Oni outside my house. She's been knocking on my door asking if anyone's home for 15 minutes now. I'm so fucking scared to answer it I know what will happen if she knows I'm here, but if I don't answer it she'll probably let herself inside anyway. What do I do? What the FUCK do I do?!

>> No.46115363

Just be a man and let her in. Show some politeness.

>> No.46115379

Don't be a pussy. What's the worst she can do?

>> No.46115383
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>> No.46115388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46115394
File: 1.51 MB, 1003x1416, Dr Grem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Curse you Patty The Papillion!

>> No.46115406
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>> No.46115407

She'll fucking rape me and destroy my house if I let her in!

>> No.46115412

go outside then

>> No.46115413

I want to impregnate a little zombie, or any little undead as long as she has those hips and thighs

>> No.46115414

I'm gonna dig up an old meme up for this reply. Doesn't matter, had sex.

>> No.46115417

This as opposed to her destroying your house and raping you if you don't let her in. Tick tock, Anon, tick t

>> No.46115422

Wrong. She will destroy your house if you don't let her in. If you do, the worst she can do is trash your bedroom and your hips.

>> No.46115423
File: 436 KB, 2540x2960, GGSS3iqbsAAn5kz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46115425

The fox marriage trap always works. Good bye bloodline, hello fluff addiction.

>> No.46115471
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1261, 100958243_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I bet cuddling an undead would be the best solution for this scorching Summer

>> No.46115489

>Waaaaahhhhh I'm gonna get raped and my pelvis crushed!
Boo fucking hoo you baby. Just get it over with already, we all get raped someday.

>> No.46115523

I will NOT let the Ushi-Oni into my house to rape me. I will barricade my doors and take a stand to defend myse

>> No.46115543

I'm sure your funny door will save you when she calls for her Sand Worm friend.

>> No.46115555

Damn, she was already in the house, anon never stood a chance...

>> No.46115624
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>> No.46115646

He forgot about the spider's ability to skitter through inexplicably small openings. It's not just the devil bugs.

>> No.46115650
File: 414 KB, 1558x2048, GGX4PVwbkAAVbLP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46115656

Gonna start ugly crying when a monster girl rapes me until it gets to awkward for her.

>> No.46115681

I don't think crying tears of joy is gonna discourage her.

>> No.46115751
File: 858 KB, 1209x1209, dfohkg0-b65a998d-bfe9-41e7-873d-f486304d428e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46115835
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>> No.46115845

You need to wear your wedding ring(s) so that you can show off that you are already taken

>> No.46115849
File: 255 KB, 1450x2048, GFU00vVboAAu_sF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46115857

What's the point of posting a giant tit monster without the giant tits.

>> No.46115883
File: 496 KB, 904x1400, 1597724899634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only logical for men to date younger monsters, they have energy and you need a bright light in your life.

>> No.46115921
File: 2.07 MB, 2250x4000, 115827382_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better?

>> No.46115936

Oh trust me, it will be anxiety and panic tear.

>> No.46116024
File: 572 KB, 1235x1400, 61706764_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date? I think you mean marry and reproduce

>> No.46116028

Shouldn't you be fucking an angel or a wight or something yourself, Abe?

>> No.46116080
File: 1.56 MB, 1910x1607, 1638688618685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the enemies-to-lovers trope

>> No.46116107

Listen, your ex-rival becoming your now wife is the best way to run it.

>> No.46116135
File: 2.43 MB, 2000x2636, 1623187337605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you don't accept mage's offer to pay you in return for pretending you are her little brother (platonically)

>> No.46116138
File: 1.03 MB, 4000x3500, 1697509833419089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making it all the way to the evil dragons castle, having a grand duel and fighting her to a stale mate, neither can triumph but in recognition of anons bravery she offers a bargain that spares the neighboring human kingdom at least until their daugther comes of age.

>> No.46116147

I can see a little too much.

>> No.46116183

Monster bushes?

>> No.46116190

...So your just doing it for free?

>> No.46116192

Fucking ugly tranny art

>> No.46116219
File: 227 KB, 1446x2048, Hellhound759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.46116240

>accidentally posted a couple of chapters instead of setting them as drafts

Whoops. For anyone who's already seen them, I'm getting to the Demon stuff now.

>> No.46116243

A dork that is 4x weak against belly rubs

>> No.46116270
File: 824 KB, 1253x1400, 97651395_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like big small wans

>> No.46116321

>I think you mean marry and reproduce
That too, but maybe a bit later.

>> No.46116323

Sleeping with your nemesis isn't winning don't give up. You can best the monster if you have hope

>> No.46116345
File: 1.08 MB, 1985x2806, 361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fate the Order wants you to protect from.

>> No.46116389

Mans rightful place, beneath a wan.

>> No.46116396

you have to come out of the MCV eventually commander anon, your command staff want to celebrate your victory

>> No.46116415

big wans

>> No.46116420

>sending their soldiers straight into that same fate
I don't think that's true. Maybe the high charges at the order really are just mamono.

>> No.46116434

New orders just came in, for questioning the higher up, you have been assigned to a solo patrol on the border

>> No.46116446

Fodder soldiers have a nasty habit of just being picked up and taken, 'tis a noble duty entering a battle with 0 chance of being able to fight back...

>> No.46116452

I fucking knew it. But i won't be silen

>> No.46116481

>spec ops kikis are cutting through the bulkhead
it's so over bros

>> No.46116499

>wurms in the escape tunnel
we never stood a chance

>> No.46116511

>Baphomet hijacked the aetherial currents the emergency teleportation network was on
Never stood a chance

>> No.46116517

>troll behind the counter of the cafeteria

>> No.46116525

>Shog radios listening in the whole time
It never even started...

>> No.46116531
File: 450 KB, 776x1200, Cupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GPS satellites? Unmanned drones? Fucking laser sights?
>The more crutches you have, the more it hurts when they're kicked out from under you.

>> No.46116546
File: 591 KB, 2000x2538, 4be30fd31038cbfb062e85ed3e284d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, why the artist gotta draw furry shit. I like those two.

>> No.46116595

>oomukade poisoning the groundwater.
Why even try...

>> No.46116601
File: 129 KB, 850x850, 991b57a81bab8f53345b6225c849670d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does an artist drawing something you don't like ruin it for you completely?
On topic this picture is giving me major halfway to hell vibes.

>> No.46116651

Dogs are man's best friend, so I have nothing to fear from Hellhounds. I'm gonna go up to one and tell her she's a good girl and see how she reacts.

>> No.46116676
File: 85 KB, 940x720, r21eplsL_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this most likely.

>> No.46116679

>instantly TAMED
>all pride gone
>daughters are all kobolds

>> No.46116683

I will simply throw off any monster girl solicitors attempting to break into my house by launching into a rendition of "Who Could It Be Now"

>group of would-be rapists bang on my door
>"Open up anon, we know you're in th-"
>"Too bad, prepa-"
>"You're sick? W-we can come back with some medi-"
>"Girls, I think there's something wrong with anon, we have to get in there and help him!"
>Lead girl kicks down the door only to find anon grooving on the dining table yelling WHO CAN IT BE NOW in between riffs on a sax
>Girls are very confused except for the Bunyip who's clapping along and asks if anon if he can perform "Down Under" next

>> No.46116690

Whats with this phenomenon of men wanting to be submissive towards women?

>> No.46116725

Men like to feel like there actually wanted for once in there lives. Hard to do that if someone never initiates.

>> No.46116795

>except for the Bunyip who's clapping along and asks if anon if he can perform "Down Under" next

>> No.46116807
File: 783 KB, 1153x1094, jkzahkc2_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White bois belong to the big wans.

>> No.46116833
File: 603 KB, 900x1200, 2e49a7d833c1e41c60b44ccd1d09529a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wan - Pale or tired or weak.
You have a WAN face about you, boy.

>> No.46116851

It's the other way around. We just let the hounds think that so they don't feel bad

>> No.46116854

Bigger WAN bigger fluff to huff

>> No.46116874

Do humans ACTUALLY, LITERALLY call themselves wan?

>> No.46116941

I literally signed up the Patreon to support KC. Nothing more, nothing less. If this somehow causes you some kind of angst I suggest you get over it.

>> No.46116960
File: 3.24 MB, 1488x2105, a1b23ed32f0aba98c147d7c65cfd1e7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so he showed me this gadget he brought from earth, told me it was a car polisher
>now I'm not sure what a car is, I think it's a vehicle of some kind but it doesn't really matter
>the point is it feels amazing on the scales, you should ask your husband for one

>> No.46116973

how do i learn clown magic from bogies?

>> No.46116976

Sign up for the clown college.

>> No.46117013

Chemicals in the water

>> No.46117110

snakes are so pretty and elegant...

>> No.46117116

I will not be WAN'd OR TOM'd

>> No.46117118

okay, yeah. sure. uh-huh. i bet.

>> No.46117121

Human men are made for...

>> No.46117128

The fat, bald ones will just let you do it.

>> No.46117131


Where be the faggot that called me an engagement fag last thread? Apologize or be Alped. It's a Demon story. Granted, it starts with her as a human. More chapters incoming with mom embracing her fate as her son's devoted Demon wife.

>> No.46117133
File: 1.24 MB, 3100x4500, 96899330_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46117137
File: 899 KB, 1191x1684, 509ea89b756d85536a491b6859026c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, JERRY

>> No.46117153


>> No.46117156
File: 1.37 MB, 1300x1000, 1707187635373799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels nice?

>> No.46117159
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>> No.46117177

No thanks

>> No.46117180
File: 870 KB, 2354x3500, GD5nsmaXEAAWQIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46117190

Thank you for pointing that out. I thought I'd removed it.

>> No.46117199

>mother-son monster incest
fucking finally. bookmarking for later

>> No.46117208
File: 180 KB, 1005x1474, GE-g_nya8AA4wvB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like dragons but I wish they covered a bit more, I can't take one on a date dressing like this

>> No.46117223

Cute cat. Would study the arcane arts with her.

>> No.46117261

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice
"You must be," Said the cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here"

>> No.46117346

Imagine what life was like for ancient Not!Greece in MGE
>Centaurs wearing little to no clothes their tits bouncing with every clop of their hooves
>Medusas aren’t tired of the “I’m already rock hard joke yet”
>Lamias whole tricking a man into thinking she’s a normal human woman with a twisted leg isn’t obvious
>Minotaurs no longer have GPS to rely on and get lost everywhere having to meekly ask for directions
>Holsts are much closer in body and mind to their minotaur cousins meaning much more muscle milk
>Harpies lovely bird songs can be heard all over the countryside
>Cyclopses being gullible enough to believe “Nobody” is a name
>No longer have to settle for jinkos if you want a big cat as lion girls are abundant
>Blue beautiful warm water filled with all manners of mermaids, scyllas, mersharks and krakens
>Satyroses producing the best wine to ever grace your lips made of ancient long dead grape species
>Weresheep are still the same as they ever were with slightly less wool
>Slave markets filled with any girl you could desire
>Desert kingdom a short boat ride away
>See the height of Not!Egyptian empire
>Anubises surprisingly fit from all those stone tablets they carry
>Cute and shy cheetah girls that insist on a 7 kilometer run before having sweaty post cardio sex
>Pharaohs having pissing contests building grander and larger pyramids that you can watch be built in real time
>Sphinxes coming up with unique and never heard before riddles

>> No.46117352
File: 315 KB, 850x832, 1702096110412846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want a Baphomet, Lilim, Ocelomeh, Pharaoh, Dragon, Lich, Wight, High Orc, Hellhound, Chimera, Nurarihyon, Inari, Youko, Wyvern, Dragon Zombie, and Manticore to dom me. Tremble ye mighty, and look upon my lust and despair.

>> No.46117364
File: 44 KB, 960x782, wuti6kinhbic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all foxes perverts?

>> No.46117393

I can't help but to prefer girls from the upper end of the power and rarity scale, too.

>> No.46117460
File: 523 KB, 710x1000, d75cd2daa92ba76062bd6632ff661c9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could write entire paragraphs about why I love them, but in the end it comes down to my liking these species in particular, and their way of manifesting the divine feminine.

>> No.46117474

i like the simple girls
like wurms, p'orcs, trolls, holsts, kikis, and bogies more

>> No.46117480

Her name is Rarity!

>> No.46117479

Pharoh's are very good civilization Anon. So props to you.

>> No.46117489
File: 2.73 MB, 1512x2688, 112555613_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not.

>> No.46117505
File: 48 KB, 1642x374, Hellhound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a child miner after your parents sold you off and becoming the property of a hellhound lol

>> No.46117521
File: 687 KB, 808x1200, GGWb-nHWIAALFl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46117520

What a quality image.

>> No.46117540

I wouldn't necesarily state it's purely from a civilizational perspective. I also enjoy savage women. I suppose I stand between Howard and Lovecraft on that subject, seeing the beneficial qualities of both.

>> No.46117582

>tfw your parents sold u to a rich wock from wonderland
>and shes looking at your legs way too much

>> No.46117613
File: 357 KB, 703x1200, 1425355980579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I understand what you mean, some species like Wight, Pharaoh and Dragon just have the highest feminine forms.

>> No.46117643

Yes, but some are better at hiding it than others

>> No.46117702

I love cunny!
I love cunny!
I love cunny!

>> No.46117739
File: 274 KB, 744x1052, liliraune_by_nijikih_dgtiixv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46117780

Gonna sell myself on the black market for way more money than i'm worth and donate it to mamono in need.

>> No.46117800


>> No.46117826

This anon is about to be bought by an entire village pooling its money together

>> No.46117831
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>> No.46117842
File: 216 KB, 441x553, 1597778030513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fox hags at the grocery store saw me going to the instant ramen section, they asked me to follow them to customer service since I am obviously lost and not being taken care of. I am over 30 god damn it. I ain't no shota despite these hag foxes fawning over me in such a way.

>> No.46117847
File: 2.04 MB, 725x3181, Crow Tengu - I would Caw Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Birbday--post birbs.

>> No.46117864

Stop forcing this gay shit, men do not wants a woman past her prime with no eggs

>> No.46117865

>get bought
>rich monster comes to take you away
>tell them that there is one last place you must go
>arrive at the monster shelter for less popular monsters
>hand over the entire bag of money that was used to buy you
>they all cry in joy and thank you as a saint
>rich monster feels a little guilty about intending to fucked the shit out of such a good person
>but on the other hand, she starts ovulating as she imagines you being a good husband and father

>> No.46117872

Fuck i meant want

>> No.46117886

Stop being homosexual anon

>> No.46117889

Eh I'll take a fox hag. I aint picky.

>> No.46117894
File: 278 KB, 800x1125, Rewrite_no_De_aging_1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes get more fertile with age.

>> No.46117897

Man, you don't know me at ALL. I'm a man who wants exactly that.

>> No.46117900

This damn old fox!
Needs kit correction!

>> No.46117920

And in one simple stroke all of Germany got a mouse wife.

>> No.46117926
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>> No.46117931

Mice and bugs are low on the hierarchy now, but there was a time when Europe KNELT...

>> No.46117932

>Buy your fox an aftermarket kit for her Honda.
>She gets surprisingly into it.
>Six months later, she's knee deep in the underground, illegal street racing circuit.

>> No.46117952

would it be weird for a hellhound to own a cat,
like not even an mg, just a regular housecat that she feeds and takes care of.

>> No.46117958

My neighbor had a Maine Coon and it was basically just a dog but in cat form. I could see a Hellhound having one of those.

>> No.46117963

This is bad
The fat fox hags are getting more aggressive by the day

>> No.46117972

Not at all, Mrs Hellwan would spoil that cat rotten with treats.

>> No.46117982
File: 2.49 MB, 1640x2360, 114696496_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post small foxes to scare them off.

>> No.46117987

>would it be weird for a hellhound to own a cat,
Would it be weird for a hellhound to positively OOZE gap moe?

>> No.46118057

Clearly he meant model kits. I bet she'd like trains.

>> No.46118063
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>> No.46118100

A fox hag is crying right now and its YOUR fault!

>> No.46118105

Is it the single strangest fetish in the thread? You can't even reproduce. It's just pointless sex. And by sex I mean pseudo adoption mommydom

>> No.46118110

I have the apology brush ready, all she has to do is present her tails.

>> No.46118123
File: 1.87 MB, 2564x4096, GGSHbJrbkAAJmoA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46118126

She looks like a nice, trustworthy snowlady who runs an old onsen

>> No.46118135

>he thinks they're infertile

>> No.46118144

Corpse stuffed with plants needs to be a more common thing.

>> No.46118151

>walk up to this crying fox hag at the bus stop
>ask her what's wrong
>she tells me that she just got ghosted by the human she was supposed to go on a date with today
>she laments that she's been turned down again and is still a loser virgin even after two hundred years of being alive
>laugh at her and tell her it 'sucks to suck'
>get on the bus when it arrives and it takes off, splashing water in her face after the wheel passes over a puddle
Stupid hags, LOL.

>> No.46118152

Shh, don't ruin their favorite trick.
>"An old woman like me can't get pregnant, it's okay to cum inside."
>One litter and six daughters later
>"Whoops, guess your young sperm was more potent than I thought. No point in stopping now that we're married, teehee!"
Foxes, not even once.

>> No.46118171

She is getting milked for that prank

>> No.46118178

Well time to punish her trickery with more kids. More then she wants.

>> No.46118180

Leave some for your babies.

>> No.46118205

>More then she wants.
Ms. Haku is on her way, both for your misspelling and to warn you against making 500+ minimofu

>> No.46118237

Ms. Haku should know I was never the best at grammar. Andd 500 isnt that many surely. Its only a few more then six right? I'm sure I can handle it.

>> No.46118251

You are the reason Ms. Haku drinks after work every day
Well, you and all her co-workers flaunting their newborns
She cries a little bit every time they bring out the baby photos

>> No.46118270

Hakutaku are also endangered species, you already know how to help.

>> No.46118280

Thank goodness I only take my university lectures from Miss Professor Hakutaku virtually and online. I wouldn't risk going near her in real life, a 25 year old like me wouldn't last a second against a lonely, dusty wombed old heifer like her.

>> No.46118289

I will never fuck the nerd cow
I prefer the humble holst or the tomboy mino

>> No.46118305

You guys don't know what you're missing, Ms. Haku gives me gold stars for nakadashi.

>> No.46118307

>Ms. Haku goes drinking with the demon principal
>bad end bar has an aura of extreme dread
Anon. we are sending you in.

>> No.46118331

Gonna build a fake bad end bar inside my house so that i can take advantage of lonely hags at my leisure. They won't suspect a thing.

>> No.46118338

Don't forget some flowers or chocolates; they probably didn't get any for valentines after all

>> No.46118378

Drunken depressed hags stewing in their own mana for weeks years...
Imagine being sent in there for maintenance
>Full NBC gear, not one iota of skin is exposed
>A disgusting cocktail of different mana markers coats your suit (or so you're told, you can't smell shit)
>Ancient Order glyphs illegally under your clothes, just for good measure
>Submachine gun loaded with Demon Silver bullets (safety always off), just in case one of the hags is feeling lucky
>Fail anyway because your Cheshire partner poked holes in your filters

>> No.46118383
File: 238 KB, 800x1000, Ushi-Oni - Bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never fuck the nerd cow either, but for different reasons.

>> No.46118441

>A dark cloud hangs over hagville
>the valentine curse has struck once again
>wailing can be heard for miles even outside of town
>their heads hang low like their breasts
>not a word spoken, just cries of despair
>if a man were to set foot in this forsaken place, all of them would activate and their eyes would glow
>the hunt is on
It is not brave to enter anon, it is just foolish

>> No.46118462

Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Less Hagville reach critical population mass.

>> No.46118530

>Anon walks into Hagville's main bar.
>Eerily lit with the glowing eyes of various mamono.
>Cool. Don't see that in Starter Village.
>He walks up to the bar, where a satyr bartender eyes him warily.
>"What'll it be?"
>She sounds almost alarmed at his presence.
"Uh, I'm just here to meet my penpal."
>The bar grows silent.
>"Your what?" the satyr utters in disbelief.
"He's named Will? Said he'd meet me here, but we wouldn't stay long."
>The bartender gasps.
>In the background somewhere, a glass drops and shatters.
>"Did he mention a full name?"
"O'The Wisp."
>Anon leans in and asks a question of the bartender conspiratorially.
>He knows this is dangerous ground in these parts.
"Do you have Irish people here?"

>> No.46118558

Wisp sent this poor anon into a death trap

>> No.46118563

To be fair Anon should have seen that coming considering what Wisps are known for... I suppose that's what you can expect from an unlevelled fighter fresh out of Starter Village.

>> No.46118566

I bet the satyr bartender is cute, I'm gonna hit on her and ask for her number

>> No.46118576

>hit on the bartender
>in front of all those hags
The abyssal screeching would make even the shoggiest of shogs blush

>> No.46118590

I'll keep doing it
Best part if she is actually not a hag and is there for an internship since that bar is one of the most dangerous and good for experience

>> No.46118598

>Anon's best friend Alps and reveals that he's the reason she's the way she is now
>she expects him to take responsibility
>is shocked when he's enthusiastic about doing just that
>or Anon bullies his best friend's back entrance

>Anon's aunt gets herself transformed into a Satyros thinking it's a first class ticket to marriage
>still gets strung along and dumped causing her depression to get even worse
>the two of them open a case of some Mamono Realm wine and end up crossing the line big time
>or Anon's alcoholic aunt gets him addicted to goat musk

>Anon gets arrested after reporting a camera inside the locker room at his gym
>his Danuki neighbor, a layer, takes his case
>unfortunately, she also charged him and now he's her boytoy
>or Anon gets framed for a crime by his neighbor who gets him so far into debt he spends the rest of his life letting her huff his sweaty balls

>> No.46118612

I want a good cow who will be my best friend and not rape me. I heard Highland Holsts are so nice and docile that they wouldn't rape you even if they wanted to (mostly because they can't see you in the first place) and make for good friends. Is this true?

>> No.46118670
File: 290 KB, 801x631, 1637524750141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't fall for fox trickery, would you?

>> No.46118686

I would grab smug satyros auntster by her horn and passionately, PASSONATELY make out with her. Wine goats make me want to kiss them like no other monster does.

>> No.46118688

It is the duty of a son to breed his momster.
It is the duty of a nephew to breed his auntster.
It is the duty of a brother to breed his sissters.
It is the duty of a cousin to breed his cousinsters.
It is the duty of a father to breed his daughtersters.
It is the duty of an uncle to breed his niecesters.

If you have any unwed monsters in your family, it is your duty to marry them and breed them. This public service announcement brought to you by Lady Tyrea, 63rd daughter of the Mamono Lord.

>> No.46118695

I want to get locked in a basement with Mamono Realm sweetwine all alone with my Satyros aunt. Nothing will go wrong.

>> No.46118728

Gonna pull that eyepatch off while buttoning up her shirt. Good things will happen.

>> No.46118754
File: 142 KB, 922x1476, GGNZUu9a8AAPkR9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're late again, anon

>> No.46118775
File: 608 KB, 2048x1536, 1647464021157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine goat is the perfect monster for a aunster, a momster, and even a childhood friend

>> No.46118776

I heard this was a reputable establishment, I will take the job miss fox of the mofukuza. Given you are willing to hire me with no references and no background check since I am a new immigrant from the portal. I will never forget this kindness and no need for silly details like reading employment contracts etc.

>> No.46118777

>big family gathering
>someone asks you to go into the basement to get something
>somehow satyros aunt is already down there
>she gives you a sly grin and before you can react, you hear the door being locked behind you
>for some unknown reason, no one seems to be bothered by your and satyros' absence for the next several hours
Getting stuck alone in a wine cellar is probably the most romantic setting for a wine goat

>> No.46118791

That sounds incredibly exciting.

>family is tired of Satyros aunt complaining about not finding a man
>realize they've got a son in the family who is just awful with women
>grandma conspires to shove them into the cellar with a bunch of booze
>one year later grandma is cooing over her latest grandchild

>> No.46118794
File: 304 KB, 2000x2000, GFR2a3wXYAAcDQG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46118798

Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that even if you live the isolated, hermit life, eventually a monster girl will find you.
Now, it may be simply be a girl seeking wisdom but she will find you.

Granted, I don't think she expected to travel into the deepest, darkest woods to find a master of gunpla.

>> No.46118809

What if it’s just a regular beegirl that got lost looking for flowers

>> No.46118812
File: 66 KB, 597x624, 1513137488604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally live under a rock for years
>have rock house stolen by a wurm
>she is in awe by your knowledge that can only be obtained by living under a rock

>> No.46118818

Then she will be very impressed with your garden.
Or that you have been living out there alone for so long with a maneater lurking nearby.
A maneater who is now VERY annoyed that her cover was blown.

>"I don't know what a Wasabi is but it sounds very cool."
>'Its a Sazabi and please give my house back.'

>> No.46118825

Just one job for the Mofukuza and my debt is paid.

>> No.46118833

I don’t think the giant plant with teeth that giggle when you walk by is as stealthy as she thinks she is.

>> No.46118835
File: 640 KB, 2044x2184, 1707266448868430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot enough for ya dork?

>> No.46118836

>Now, it may be simply be a girl seeking wisdom but she will find you.
This could be any combat monster, scholar or some adventurous idiot seeking knowledge of ancient monks.
>"I'm not actually the great philosopher, he's a few blocks deeper"
>oh shit sorry
There is no great philosopher, the forest just confuses people until they leave. Oh sure you could give them real wisdom but screwing with them is funnier.

>> No.46118843

I'm gonna slap her tits, that'll put her in her place.

>> No.46118845
File: 54 KB, 322x196, 876876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already feel the cheshire beginning to manifest from the amount of tomfoolery involved

>> No.46118846

she looks very squishable

>> No.46118850

>portals open
>parents go on vacation to Zipangu
>come home
>few months later they go back
>convince me to join them
>have lots of fun
>tour guide is kind of handsy but other than that having a blast
>go to a really cool old-school looking house with the sliding doors and tatami mats and futons
>wake up the next day
>parents are gone
>tour guide still there
>oh they went home?
>they...racked up how much in debt?
>the debt's been settled?
>why are you handing me a brush?
>of course I know how to cook tofu!

Man such cases. 63% of marriages to foxes are due to Mofukuza meddling.

>> No.46118856

Is she trying to start a fight? You don't call someone that lightly

>> No.46118861
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>> No.46118860

Hey, she can muffle it.
And she was just waiting for you to get close.

>"Are you the sage of great wisdom?"
>'No, I am the sage of modest wisdom.'
>"oh......Well, can you share something with me before I leave?"
>'Brew your own coffee, its far cheaper than buying drinks from a coffee store.'

>> No.46118878
File: 535 KB, 1200x1200, 1597933199335-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have lovey dovey sex with a cute loli pharaoh as she talks about how you're gonna make a new kingdom with her
It's not fair bros!

>> No.46118881

I hate my Salamander rival! Let me rest at the inn first!

>> No.46118883
File: 303 KB, 935x935, 1483190920756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would rather build a kingdom of grape and rape

>> No.46118884

yeah but that's because i'm hanging out with khepri

>> No.46118889

What girls deserve a story that either don't have any or very few?

>> No.46118895

ant arachne

>> No.46118896

>as the door is locked, mom and grandma high-five each other, very proud of themselves
Sometimes you just got to give them a little nudge in the right direction. Right direction being the direction of the nearest dark and empty room with lockable door.

>> No.46118911

I might be living 5 years in the past but I haven't seen many Pyrow stories (I might just be blind)

>> No.46118917

Snakes cannot threaten me! I have a big snake catcher that can stop them! I just have to catch them by the throat with it!

>> No.46118923

>single men in the family all now incredibly terrified of family gatherings
>single human girls in the family split almost evenly between those willing to get monsterized like their Aunt for a guaranteed husband and those terrified of monsterization

Grandma is gonna have to take drastic action soon if these boys and girls don't get their asses married and breeding. She desires even more grandchildren.

>> No.46118930

No one likes pyrows. They just succs, but unironically act like actual whores. What is there to write about? About how pyrow sauntered to anon, offered him a quickie in the bathroom stall, he agreed because her aura made him think it's okay and would be just some fast stress relief with no strings attached, and they fucked and turns out it wasn't a one-time thing at all?
Even though pyrows are committed to one guy, they still conduct themselves like cheap sluts and that isn't a very attractive attitude to many.

>> No.46118931
File: 50 KB, 200x200, 1664383661082660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*destroys big snake catcher*
should have invested in the "beeg snek catcher"

>> No.46118935

Do these snake catchers work on Wurms?

>> No.46118962

Jokes on you, I don't live anywhere that has hebis. I use my snake catcher to stop rattlesnake lamia from coming close to me.

Sadly no, the catchers are not strong enough to handle Wurms, who are not really snakes, the catchers can only restrain your average lamia, Apophi and Hebis. Likewise they do not work on titanoboa or anaconda lamias, who are simply too big and fat for the snake catchers to stop.

>> No.46118982

Guys give it to me straight, if I'm wandering in the forest and happen upon a marriage hungry Unicorn or Centaur, do I have a chance at outrunning her?

>> No.46118991

Scream Netorare and a Bicorn shall come!

>> No.46118996

Depends on the type of forest. You can pretty easily loop around her in tropical forests, but in tundra she will most likely have little trouble chasing you down.

>> No.46119017

Just climb a tree like our ape ancestor and swing on the vines. She'll get bored and leave eventually

>> No.46119026

Stand still with your arms at your side, she'll think you're a tree and go around you to avoid collision
Trust me

>> No.46119060

unicorns got magic and centaurs got bows
seems untenable

>> No.46119061

I take the contract for the money. I need to buy more chromes

>> No.46119123
File: 818 KB, 1300x1000, Shoggoth399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46119292

I wish to take a Valkyrie on a journey across the world and slowly ease her into the idea that monster girls aren't entirely the bad guys bit by bit.

>> No.46119294

>Hebi so fucking mad out of nowhere
>"Anon! I looked in your text messages and saw you texting this fat old human woman called "Mom"! Who the hell is that!? Do you think I wouldn't notice another woman in your life?!"
>"Hebi, that's literally my mom."
>"Yeah, well... uh...! I didn't know that!"

>> No.46119329

Miss lilim found my stalker shrine that's dedicated to her

>> No.46119341

This annoying moments are the sole reason why I he I and put them in the bad end category

>> No.46119447

Seggs with the monaters but the plap is source engine ragdoll collision sfx

>> No.46119460

Remember, "shogloaf" is a symptom of a poorly-adjusted Shoggoth working with a poor knowledge of human dietary habits. Improve your variety by taking her out to get some real-world experience.
Go to a restaurant you enjoy and order what you normally do. Do not eat any food there. Let your Shoggoth consume it and add it to her repertoire of tastes and textures. Do not eat any food there. Explain why you like it, because a Shoggoth might know what you like, but not why.
Do this several times on a regular basis and you, too, can enjoy recreations of your favorite meals on a daily basis. The purple tint can't be changed. Eyes and teeth can be removed at your request. She will not mind the effort if it makes you happier.

>> No.46119468

do i like her? do i *like* her? the feelings i have for her would earn me a life sentence in any court of law north of somalia

>> No.46119477

Miss Haku is no longer the only one having a stroke.

>> No.46119480
File: 139 KB, 1233x1253, 1573412402709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a crime how the really good original convo/greentxts for this scenario get dumbed down into single non-leading sentences months later

>> No.46119482

I will not eat the shogloaf

>> No.46119485
File: 480 KB, 900x1100, 1507454528012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will ask shog to make beef stew and hold the shog

>> No.46119483
File: 244 KB, 900x1200, C453B4F2-6D67-4F25-8401-70545DCC2CF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golems always seem overshadowed by automatons since they’re similar concepts minus the flashy gears and lights. I think the ability for their love to prevail over their coding is romantic, and opens up to exploration about where the runes end and free will begins.

>> No.46119491
File: 500 KB, 1038x855, 1686984952409056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a fanfic site, there's absolutely nothing wrong with short posts. I like those because they can evolve in different ways when anons respond.

>> No.46119493

If Miss Haku is having a stroke, that does mean I can stroke her? Since she's already having a stroke might as well have mine

>> No.46119505

I'm going to create a Golem and abuse her! I'm gonna have her mana mark me as her man but then treat her like a tool that isn't a person and not my wife! And when any other Monsters ask about it I'm going to rub it in their faces how my Golem is just around to keep me safe from rape and that nobody can do anything about it! Since I won't love my Golem for real, she'll never be able to love me enough back to break her programming.

>> No.46119506

Just read the troll story and I don't get it. Mamonos and even a lil want him dead but he still got revived, wtf? Also should he be punished for doing his job, did every order soldier who kill someone get executed too?

>> No.46119509

I like to imagine that, even though their relationship is not a secret, satyros and her newly-acquired husband still sneak away to fuck in secluded places just for the thrill of it

>> No.46119533

Attention cryptid hunters, for the final time there is NO such thing as the Loch Ness Monster. There are NO plesiosaur creatures inhabiting the waters around Scotland. Stop wasting time and resources searching for thing that doesn't exist.

>> No.46119556
File: 662 KB, 6000x2400, 234532453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my hydration leaving my body as i goon myself to death

>> No.46119641
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>> No.46119644
File: 23 KB, 650x458, 5LgFqFe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visit the shrine

>> No.46119646

where are the hebis?

>> No.46119650

I want to subject a pyrow to synthwave.

>> No.46119654 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1027x1629, 1676350450056559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pyrow is my best friend

>> No.46119657
File: 370 KB, 1500x1016, shrine fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the shrines are natural hunting grounds and I will not endanger myself like that

>> No.46119664
File: 1.09 MB, 1800x2250, ydd514KL_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons took all the hebis and left poor ryu all alone

>> No.46119665

Sure, in Persona games this gives benefits. Who knows, Ryu might become a new Social Link!

>> No.46119667

>sponge tits

>> No.46119668

Is that...?!

>> No.46119676

To many Hebis went Yandere after folk Miss Ryu liked... poor Miss Ryu.

>> No.46119678

nuki's have great mortgage rates

>> No.46119681

>he does it for free

>> No.46119682

Fox magic is esoteric indeed

>> No.46119686

More like sexoteric.

>> No.46119690

Tantric magic is a thing!

>> No.46119694

Pyrow boobs are my weakness. But then again, it's not just the boobs, but the way they are presented, the way pyrows dress, the tanned skin and dark underwear and white hoodie, it's just great. I could gush about pyrows for... I don't know, a long time.

>> No.46119718

>Fighting lilim sister
>She lands a crit
>Get sent flying 50 feet crashing through multiple pillars
>She rushes over crying
>Apologizing and begging me not to tell mom
>She’ll even let me hit her back
>I’m actually fine I just like messing with her

>> No.46119720

But! Imagine educating miss haku the wonderful lore and mythos of Skibidi Toilet.

>> No.46119721

>ask the mystic fox for mentorship in esoteric arts
>turns out it's just doing her chores while she lazes around and eats mountains of fried tofu???
>finally she announces it's time to begin the proper training
>it's something called "Tantric arts"
I can't wait bros, I'm going to be a badass warrior monk soon enough!

>> No.46119726

I should rewatch Karate Kid some day

>> No.46119738

>go watch Karate Kid post-portals remake at the cinema
>it's just a sappy /ss/ porn flick
>both of the hag monsters sitting next to me are not even trying to hide that they are masturbating

>> No.46119750

I fear monsters really would ruin all forms of cinema in a post portal world by just making everything into pornography. As a cinemaphile I would completely die inside in the post-portals world.

>> No.46119756

the correct term is kino

>> No.46119760

Start roughly fingering them both to assert dominance.

>> No.46119770

I deserve to be sweatersnatched

>> No.46119774

I'm going to collect all the dragonballs and wish for a loving wife.

>> No.46119775

>instead of any signal of her power, the great ryu just coils around you

>> No.46119783

At least you'll find out why they didn't ride the eagles, the eagle harpies rode them instead.

>> No.46119839

Who happens if I collect all the dragon balls again to wish my friend back after he got caught by a will’o’wisp? I don’t wanna interrupt her while she’s making dinner or making love

>> No.46119841
File: 1.93 MB, 906x558, 1708052147477327.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46119853

You think you've summoned the great ryu but it's actually the great ryu's daughter.

>> No.46119858

>arms on the hips
>hips swaying
My heart
I love sneks

>> No.46119870

Wait until you find out what happens when you fail that QTE

>> No.46119879

I want to watch a JC Pyrow eat a popsicle

>> No.46119887

Miss Lamia then gives you a big hug haha

>> No.46119914

What a shame *smacks lips*

>> No.46119947

Why are you loocked in the bathroom?

>> No.46119959


>> No.46119963
File: 1.62 MB, 1240x1754, 83020517-EF64-437F-8082-78AFCEA277FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do ranchers expect farm hands to resist fucking the cattle gals or just let them know to make an honest women out whoever they choose?

>> No.46119976

Only shotas are licensed to handle cows and they don't know what sex is

>> No.46119985

>JC Pyrow walks into the bathroom with anon
>"Why are you locked in the bathroom?"
>"I'm not lo-"
>Before anon can finish his sentence, pyrow locks the bathroom door behind her.
>"Maybe you should try getting a wife."
>"Okay, where?"
>as anon stands there, confused, JC Pyrow pounces on him
>sunglasses stay on during sex

>> No.46120078

>ask out a dark mage because I like hags
>she tells me that I'm in my 20s like that's a problem or something
>ask her what the hell she meant by that
>she explains she only likes shotas and would have accepted if I was still fourteen at the least
Oh. Okay. Well, fuck you too, bitch.
Maybe I should consider buying that modifiable Automaton after all...

>> No.46120262

>she didn't age drain you
Fake dark mage

>> No.46120279

She's just a human woman with a big hat and a big need to diddle 12 year olds. You'd think a 4chan denizen would be impressed as fuck with her!

>> No.46120372

I'll tell her what I tell all women: tits or gtfo

>> No.46120410 [DELETED] 

Tits are for kids, ugly manbeasts and ad*lts don't get dibs.
>b-b-b-but hags are so old that grown m-men are children to them s-so we count too!!!! KC said soooo!!!!!
In your wildest dreams, manswine. You are old and busted and ugly lmao, hags will hate you. Your only chance is with some Sabbaths who would gladly take on an ugly pedo like you. You will never touch a hag body in your life past the age of 12.

>> No.46120424

And someone with the same age?

>> No.46120425 [DELETED] 

I sure am glad knowing that I won't get killed or jailed for the rest of my life for being a pedophile when the day of the rope comes.

>> No.46120444 [DELETED] 

Anon are you okay

>> No.46120450 [DELETED] 

Based cunny enjoyer

>> No.46120459

If you scream "MOMMY MILKES" and cry and trash around on the floor long enough a hag will crash through the wall to check if you are okay

>> No.46120463

Cunny enjoyers have been too cocky lately. What are the fat pussy enjoyers doing?

>> No.46120464

You will get beaten to death before

>> No.46120470

If you go to hagville and you open your mouth for more than a second a nipple will enter it

>> No.46120475 [DELETED] 

Not quite. Lolicons are also pedophiles as much as they enjoy the denial of such and I would sooner be dead than caught associating with the mentally ill.

>> No.46120478 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 950x1200, 87879795_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only this sabbath

>> No.46120484

Everyone is all "hag this" and "loli that" these days. I just wanna grill for the Chief God's sake.

>> No.46120488

>scream "MOMMY MILKES" and cry and trash around on the floor
Typical day for a momdom enjoyer

>> No.46120493 [DELETED] 

She's not a member of the sabbath. You can tell from her meaty frame and the fact she's a "red hat" that she's actually a Linux sys admin.

>> No.46120496

I want to grill innocent mamonos with a flamethrower and get executed for my crimes. They won't resurrect a criminal and my soul will be cast into the void

>> No.46120509 [DELETED] 

The world will be so much better when America is nuked off the map.

>> No.46120514
File: 201 KB, 660x796, Pharaoh - Smol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ANON, All those women you thought you murdered?"
>You were wondering why each person you killed had their own soliliquy.
>As they were burning to death.
>"For I have saved you from yourself!"
I don't have any phantom pics, so have this alphabetically similar mamono image alongside the greentext instead!

>> No.46120539 [DELETED] 

Vgh, this, so much this. Those damn w*sterners are preventing us also westerners who hate ourselves from enjoying the hallmarks of pure Nihon samurai culture like pedophilia (its okay because salaryman work stress mmkay chuds its their culturino) with their puritanism! We need to ignore the fact there's a ton of countries that would kill or imprison our pedo asses far faster than am*rica would harder too.

>> No.46120547
File: 389 KB, 559x800, disgusted_dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is going on with the shitposts this morning, can we close the border with /v/ already?

>> No.46120552

And then what?

>> No.46120553

Grilling on a lolimanders tummy...

>> No.46120554

Miss Hag will wince slightly and then moan if you bite it.

>> No.46120555 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, they'll vanish soon when the Chinese nukes wipe them and the rest of burgerland out.

>> No.46120556 [DELETED] 

None of this is real though... Go back or something along those lines, yeah...

>> No.46120559

Looks like somebody got unbanned or just decided to not take their meds.

>> No.46120563

Age of consent is 500 you sick fucks

>> No.46120570

>Hmm... 500 you say?

>> No.46120572

Why can't some people accept that pedophilia would be okay in a world with Mamono mana? KC's already written a lot of instances showing it is in the setting. It's not like they'd even care to try enforcing their outdated morals when they're too busy fucking their monster wives.

>> No.46120581 [DELETED] 

>Chinese technology
>Actually functional and not just for show
Yeah I’d sooner believe the Russian shit that hasn’t been maintained for 30 years works rather than the Chinese bootleg versions of that same tech.

>> No.46120584

I will be very rough with miss hag boob squishing it hardly and gnawing on her nipple this will teach her to not mess with me when I want to yawn

>> No.46120586

Don't good ending my good bad ending

>> No.46120593 [DELETED] 

Here comes the christcuck again. How's it feel knowing your god is dead and your religshit is on life support?

>> No.46120611

>Miss Phantom has EVOLVED into MRS. PHANTOM.
>Anon and his new wife have increasingly weird sex where he does horrible, self-destructive things and "Miss Phantom" reveals it was all part of her plan.
>Hate sex ensues.
>Anon ends up the proud father of over ONE HUNDRED baby phantoms.
>Literally never knows what's real or faked by his wife, a kid, grandkid, or great grandkid.

>> No.46120620
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>> No.46120638

The mother is a cardboard cutout.

>> No.46120682
File: 385 KB, 981x1100, 1696225382152323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy fucking sexy egg to care

>> No.46120690

Please do not the egg, adopt her and raise her to be an upstanding model citizen

>> No.46120691

What if you hardboil her

>> No.46120695

Then she wears a trenchcoat and talks like she's in a bad noir.

>> No.46120702

I'll adopt her into my bed and she'll raise my upstanding citizen.

>> No.46120711
File: 309 KB, 1200x666, 1707969370837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46120715 [DELETED] 

Imagine the seethe of a portals scenario and watching all the christcucks meltdown as their beliefs get raped into extinction and their idols of the dead stick jew get replaced with Eros and the Fallen God instead.

>> No.46120733

The smug of that fox... it's too powerful...

>> No.46120743

Ah yes, the perfect world.

>> No.46120752

So how many can I have join my party at the same time

>> No.46120763

I can accept many weird things in mamonos, like for example shog's obsession with replacing everything with herself, but I draw the line at using words "folks" and "y'all".

>> No.46120768

That's actually a horrible torture

>> No.46120780

Imagine cooking meth with your hillbilly sandworm wife.

>> No.46120793

Wouldn't sandworms all be hillbillies by their nature?

>> No.46120795 [DELETED] 

It's outright illegal in most of the west.

>> No.46120811 [DELETED] 

And the west is complete shit fucked over from centuries of christcuck brainwashing, your point?

>> No.46120814

They fuck and she does the whole
>psyke it's a permanant thing now!
and anon just goes
>I disagree, whore.
Then she has a breakdown and anon goes on to marry some office lady while the pyrow reconsiders her life before joining the sabbath and pretending it all never happened by insisting she's an unironic eight year old, with the support of the local hag baphomet as they autistically larp with each other.

>> No.46120818

>Bleeding out because a vampire got too greedy
>She needs to hide your corpse now
>Throw it in a lake and forget about you
Such accidents will be a daily thing.

>> No.46120826

Shouldn’t you boys been in school right now?

>> No.46120833 [DELETED] 

Shouldn't you be in church worshiping the corpse on a stick, faggot?

>> No.46120844

Miss vampire getting fangmogged by python Lamia

>> No.46120845

So how does superior Chinese 5G AI fare when mamono mana is involved???

>> No.46120852

It isn't Sunday yet

>> No.46120898

Looks like the janny who actually does his job is on again.

>> No.46120908

Such things happen.

>> No.46120913

Blatant off-topic always gets the boot, not sure what point you're trying to make here.

>> No.46120915

It's was a shog absorbing shitposters into her mass

>> No.46120932
File: 598 KB, 2048x1431, Zst2kyey_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with yetis

>> No.46120947


>> No.46120965

not a fan of lolis myself, I find the small bodies being sexualised unsettling
you guys do you, but that stuffs not for me

>> No.46120972
File: 131 KB, 1200x1056, sabbath pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll come around eventually. Same thing happened to other anons, same thing happened to me.

>> No.46120974

How many times do I have to tell you, Kiki?! I am not your master! LEAVE ME ALOOOONE!

>> No.46120975

what are your thoughts on fairies?

>> No.46120980

>Elementalist demon
>Assasin cat
>Tank dwarf
I don't recognize what class is the lamia suoposed to represent.

>> No.46120986

Depressed white collar worker.

>> No.46120988

She's moral support snek

>> No.46121015

What exactly does a moral support snake entail? Don't tell me she just stands around in the back lazying around looking cute.

>> No.46121022

Belly dancing.

>> No.46121024

I will hire a Kiki and she WILL be payed with money. She WILL sleep inside the small side residence, away from the main house and not in my bed. She WILL wear the full maid attire and not greet me with a naked apron cooking bacon and eggs. And she will be happy.

>> No.46121069

How am i upposed to watch her bellydance if i have my back turned to her during combat. Dumb snek.

>> No.46121073

The only thing you need to hire is a Hakutaku

>> No.46121078

No, there must be fetish consensus.

>> No.46121079

Purple grapes are sweet fruit, so grapesneks must be very sweet girls!

>> No.46121091
File: 1.04 MB, 2338x1604, 478fc3926514fa56dbf8333a8d5f9ef4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sweetest.

>> No.46121093

One of the many things I love to assume are things that happen in MGE is male tourist anons who vacation in foreignands can and do get taken and fucked by local mamono that get their hands on them. And when a poor tourist boy anon gets Pro-Active Date'd by a local mamono, that boy is legally considered an official citizen of the mamono state he's touring in. Just imagine it:

>Horny middle age sex tourist traveling in a SEA country of MGE to fuck young girls only to be claimed by SEA mesugaki Sabbath
>European tourist gets "Southern Hospitality" by a horny and lovestruck 'Murican Holstaur who'll teach said Euro the ways of Uncle Sam and make him a proud US Citizen and dad
>Western otaku weeb finally goes to Japan/Zipangu to finally fulfill his fantasy or dream based off whatever anime, manga or Light Novel he's consumed but instead becomes a loving father and house husband to an absolutely cute and gorgeous 10/10 Zipangese gal and is also a proud Nippon citizen, birthrates increase!

Any other similar scenarios?

>> No.46121139

'Pophis should be atleast 20 ft tall long

>> No.46121174

Paying apofees to apophis as to not her apofeels

>> No.46121186

Cute but she's stuck in femdomfag's territory

>> No.46121195

stop seething already, faggot

>> No.46121201

Cry me a river maledomfag.

>> No.46121213

I think you've got it confused

>> No.46121226
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>> No.46121234
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>> No.46121236
File: 551 KB, 1059x1200, 60627de69659f2d2ebb9091eb58752f8556651cdfaf7ec726372256cd5df286b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an ar knight?

>> No.46121237

dont mind them existing, just wouldnt fuck'em

>> No.46121253

I am the final boss of the Monster Heroine party's questline. I am Lord Inquisitor, Herald of Extinction, whose radical plan to keep monsters from ruling the world is to kill all humans and deprive them of a power source. I am Lvl 89 and wield dual blades because I am in the assassin class and immune to magic attacks. The Monster Heroine, who is but a weak little Malef, and her party members cannot hope to defeat me and complete their questline. They don't stand a chance...

>> No.46121260

No, maledomfags are annoying wife beater and should fuck off from here

>> No.46121283

Yeah but there's four of them and only one of you.

>> No.46121290

Well, I... Er...
Oh, I didn't think of that. Can I surrender?

>> No.46121294
File: 681 KB, 1229x1400, 1645991023874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider a cute wife you can be extra nice to, both in general and when lewding her.

>> No.46121298

Hahaha, it does not matter, they are all capped at Lvl 69, they are so far below me my attacks will end up oneshotting them. They can't hope to beat me, especially not when I use my special skill that guarantees all my attacks that hit more than once are guaranteed crits. They should have grinded more levels before foolishly entering my endgame dungeon area. Also, my minions reported that they're still having trouble with stacking mechanics, so my AOE attacks also wipe them out. They are pathetic, I will destroy them easily. I'm surprised they even got to me, the final boss!

>> No.46121311
File: 487 KB, 867x1200, 1fa16ebf82ece1fb69ea38fdb64378c2744e183d971d32eacf5f34ac47ebd25e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46121316

But anon... what if they're the kind of party that uses the cheese methods?

>> No.46121318

Grapesnake not so smug since her exchange transfer to Winterstown

>> No.46121325

Killing all men and withholding the power to birth them is an excellent idea, order should do it

>> No.46121333
File: 211 KB, 1500x794, 6f303eeb7e150931ac4a78d5eb54d4c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll manage.

>> No.46121334
File: 763 KB, 1000x1400, 116112107_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could probably give a fox dog food for white day

>> No.46121335

Imagine you go to fancy exclusive restaurant with your holstaur wife with fancy dress you both eat your meal with proper etiquette but then she vomits her meal back onto plate and eats it again and acts like it's completely normal

>> No.46121339

...No... NO, they couldn't be! They can't use cheesing, that's cheating! They're supposed to play the game fairly! And if they were playing the game fairly, they wouldn't have been... able to... get... to me, the final boss........ not unless........ OH NO! THIS IS WORSE THAN I THOUGHT! I need to get out of here, fast! I can't do anything about them if they use the cheese method that makes me slip off the battle platform and die from fall damage! I know, I'll give one of my minions my outfit and tell him to pretend to be the final boss while I flee!

>> No.46121341
File: 220 KB, 629x483, 1699451672985476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46121346

Do holstaurs wear holsters?

>> No.46121352

Sure she can bundle up in blankets and warm clothes, but think of the poor White Horn sent to the desert! White Horn-san can only get naked to beat the heat and that's not enough!

>> No.46121364

But anon, they already set the cheese method up to knock you off the platform to die from fall damage, since you start outside it before the cutscene plays. In fact, the great arrow that flies through the wall and hits you with knockback to make you fall to your death just got shot.

>> No.46121366

I need cunny correction

>> No.46121374

What do you mean they already set up the cheese m

>> No.46121385

Ah, another dumb final boss cheesed by the Monster heroes party. Good on them.

>> No.46121397

it's a bother when they do a victory dance and start taking your clothes as "loot"

>> No.46121411

A final boss just fell to his death by cheating Monsters. An innocent final boss just died from fall damage and you're laughing.

>> No.46121417

So all the undeads are pedos for wanting to "cuddle" me then?

>> No.46121422

I hope they all went home to their husbands with lots of loot.

>> No.46121442

I know! How about another cheesed final boss, Mur-ray?

>> No.46121447
File: 173 KB, 1500x1260, 1706676664149471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46121456
File: 801 KB, 1200x1600, 272c5a40a790891d7c2d52f778989f48b398fab905351a1b600cbc78fac4653b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat elves.

>> No.46121459

>Mamonos killing men
>Men killing or hurting mamonos

>> No.46121486
File: 1.08 MB, 1140x1860, 787865d7c80983382ee5ac3c28d838d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seven shells, five blanks. I insert the shells in a random order.

>> No.46121493 [DELETED] 

How dare you even consider putting a single scratch on the ass that shits on my face.

>> No.46121501

How dare you even consider putting a single scratch on the ass that sits on my face.
That last post had an unfortunate typo.

>> No.46121517

I'll pretend I didn't notice.

>> No.46121530

Counterpoint: I will insert my dick in your holes in random order.

>> No.46121543

And then she gets all the handcuffs. Bitch.

>> No.46121553

Only the vore sneks of MGQ shall be hurt. MGE monsters are angels on the inside.

>> No.46121568

Ok but why do they get a pass with torturing and killing men?

>> No.46121583

They're just cute, okay?

>> No.46121588

Probably because anything you read about them killing are shitposts or jokes that are exactly 0% canon and you're posting in bad faith to make something of it and stir the pot because you're a shitposter as well anyway?

>> No.46121591

Kill yourself.

>> No.46121605

t. seething succ

>> No.46121635

Anubis 599a
Anubis 599b

>> No.46121643

Good answer
Bad answer

>> No.46121644

What if I want my mge mamono to vore other people to please me

>> No.46121667

The best thing about marrying a sandworm isn't getting eaten by your wife, it's tricking other men into getting eaten by your daughters.

>> No.46121675

>anon wanted to be the Hulk as a kid so that's the power he got after incubizing
>also took a doppel potion
case closed

>> No.46121695

Anubis 1076

>> No.46121705

what the uck
also wurms are dragonia holsts and their milk tastes like strawberr milk

>> No.46121711

Anubis 1163
Anubis 1166

>> No.46121730

kek, this is neither hot nor offensive anymore, just hilarious

>> No.46121736

Judging by the expression, she's the healer and she's getting tired of everyone face-tanking damage all the time.

>> No.46121757

I don't understand

>> No.46121764
File: 1.10 MB, 1227x2111, __original_drawn_by_kippuru__dddc0b050555fd12a9bbd16dee4ba359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a considerate fox, mofu is exactly what I need right now.

When the situation calls for it.

>> No.46121778

He's quoting images instead of catboxing for some reason. They're just hypertits.

>> No.46121856

Trapped in sleeping bags, never to escape as a small wormlike "girl" slithers around inside.

>> No.46121893

It's not even against KC's rules, I can easily see such shenanigans in the wonderland and KC would definitely be OK with such spell/curse if you asked him about it.

>> No.46121918

I didn't really ask but okay.

>> No.46121928
File: 140 KB, 733x1000, 1651405384435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't really ask
Neither did I?

>> No.46122091

Chesh sex

>> No.46122103

Remember Iron beast's roulette?
Do you think he'd do something like lesser succubus?

>> No.46122176

Chesh deserves to be fucked in the ass - ironically.

>> No.46122185

getting leglocked by chesh while she plays Nyan Cat 10 Hours on her phone

>> No.46122205

>anubis freaking out because she overslept while cuddling you.
>goes beet red when the Pharoah walks in to check on here after her uncharacteristic absence.

>> No.46122228

With catastrophic bed hair right?

>> No.46122236

I will ruin chesh orgasm by calling her memes cringe when she climaxes

>> No.46122242

And runny makeup and a smudged !!

>> No.46122251

I feel like that's more Pyro territory
>What if we kissed as a joke hahaha
>Wouldn't it be funny if I blew you lol
>Yeah I'm carrying your children isn't that funny lmao
>Put this ring on my finger bro hahaha
Even better if you're talking to your normal friends and they let you know that it's not a joke if you're actually fucking her

>> No.46122255

Pyrow* I didn't mean nothin' Miss. Haku...

>> No.46122267

>mmmmph mmph mmmph mmmmph mmmmph mmmph

>> No.46122297

I do like to imagine that pyrow drop the act at some point. I have to wonder how hard the sudden realization would hit when they do.

>> No.46122301

I just want a completely ordinary Succubus wife.

>> No.46122324
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>> No.46122396
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>> No.46122452
File: 1.03 MB, 2480x3508, 20240212_210930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which monsters do you think would be fun (not the best) to discuss philosophy and beliefs with?

>> No.46122455

Usually around the time her first daughter starts doing it.
>"Have fun on your date sweetie"
>"It's not a date mom, we're just hanging out"
>realization hits

>> No.46122463

I like to think they know what they're doing from the get go, insidiously trying to claim men.

>> No.46122475

I wish my Automaton was capable of loving me back, but all she goes is give this ".............." blank stare and nonresponses. Sigh, this is what I get for thinking a robot could feel love.

>> No.46122481

Stick a magnet to her head. It'll interfere with her inhibition unit.

>> No.46122484
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>> No.46122499
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theyare a bit occupied with large influx of male visitors

>> No.46122519

Maybe when the realization hits you*
>Pyrow finally drops the act
>Hanging off your arm behaving all lovey dovey, not even trying to play it off as she starts kissing your lips and face
>As it turns out that wedding wasn't just an elaborate party and you are indeed married to her
>As it turns out you've been married from the moment you agreed to kiss her
>As a joke between two platonic friends...
Truly, Pyrows are the most devious of monsters, demonic plots and elaborate Cheshire pranks ARE NOTHING to a Pyrows "friendship"

>> No.46122554
File: 560 KB, 1200x848, __original_drawn_by_gesogeso__86e31c5d838d2a2a75b348c6354592da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you fell for it.

>> No.46122643

>Truly, Pyrows are the most devious of monsters, demonic plots and elaborate Cheshire pranks ARE NOTHING to a Pyrows "friendship"
And I love it. But it's almost as good if neither of you realize it at first.

>> No.46122649

White boys fuck dogs.
I just wish my werewolf friend would stop reminding me.

>> No.46122720

I belong to big, soft monsters

>> No.46122735

So white boys in desert kingdoms fuck jackals?

>> No.46122751

Well their profile says that they are extremely forward in their advances, so I'm not sure this fits

>> No.46122761

Yeah, I really need to work on my dialogue. Oh well, it's more experience writing.

>> No.46122770
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>> No.46122779

>Flat picture of a fire.
Man that's lazy.

>> No.46122821

Some people have those fake fireplaces

>> No.46122822 [DELETED] 

If you couldn't get it right on the first try, you should give up. You obviously lack any sort of talent or predisposition for this sort of thing.

>> No.46122824
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>> No.46122829

what game is this?

>> No.46122841

Echidna Wars I'd reckon

>> No.46122880 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46122881
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>> No.46122882

Going to give that Gob shoulder rides so she has a better vantage point to shoot from.

>> No.46122887

>Jabberwock when she finds that somebody ate the last jelly donut.

>> No.46122906

Now she's going to give Anon some spicy kisses.

>> No.46122915

what if
in a wok

>> No.46122956

Man, Mist Continent monsters really will eat anything.

>> No.46122975

>wock can regrow her mouthtentacles like lizards can regrow tails
>on the mist continent, eating a wock tentacle that still throws insults at you from the plate is considered a peak culinary experience

>> No.46123037
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>> No.46123041

Detachable wock tentacle blowjob onaholes...

>> No.46123047
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>> No.46123057

Anon... jabberWOKE.

>> No.46123058

Thank the Chief God she hasn't breached containment

>> No.46123059

Good thing i'm protected by a wall of unbreakable gla

>> No.46123061

Good thing this giant 8 foot tall monster is safely contained.

>> No.46123070


>> No.46123075

She's not inside the glass looking out, she's outside the glass looking in.

>> No.46123092

No thought. Brain empty. Mouth full.

>> No.46123107
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>*Glass Breaking*

>> No.46123115

>Holding my head when she could be holding my hand
What a waste.

>> No.46123141

Reminds me of the thing Andre the Giant used to do

>> No.46123144

Thought it was handholding at first. Was severely disappointed.

>> No.46123153

That will come later, for now she's taking you with her back through the portal.

>> No.46123178
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>Stop by a Mediterranean-styled town on the coast during your adventures
>Before you find an inn, you decide to get more provisions at the market
>Spot this stall
Would you buy a wheel? It's still a long way until you reach Minos.

>> No.46123188

This cheese any good for racing?

>> No.46123212

>Oh you know, racing, back where I come from, we have this event where we roll a cheese wheel down a steep hill and people race it to the bottom...
>...Whoever reaches the bottom first, gets the cheese wheel.
>"I don't understand, Ο άνθρωπος, my cheese is for eating..."
>Oh people still eat it, but it's part of the fun, you don't have that here?
>"No and I cannot promise my cheese is good for 'racing'."

>> No.46123221

Gorgonzola is not something you want to leave out for too long. So no. It would spoil within half a week and stink up all my equipment.
Rations are made of mostly dry or canned food for a reason.

>> No.46123240

Cultural exchange! Much enrichment!

>> No.46123282

Day 280, Year of our Goddess 2485, 30th Day of Voyage, 11th Hour: We have found the new continent, completely uninhabited except for a vast jungle, filled with untouched wilderness. We shall begin our expedition on the morrow, searching for new resources to aid the faltering Order territories. 30 men against an untamed jungle, Goddess preserve our spirit and give us strength. Our boat is moored off shore, tomorrow we will set the oar boats out and begin in earnest.
Day 280, Year of our Goddess 2485, 30th Day of Voyage, 20th Hour
The weather is harsh now, and rain and thunder pour down from the heavens. One of our men spotted some odd lights in the far distance, a ways from our current position. He swears it must be fire, but if it is, it cannot be man-made, for it is so vast that it must be some naturally burning blaze from deep within, and more probably from some random bolt of lightning. Another man reports seeing a winged woman with white hair flying overhead towards the blaze, but since he was quite intoxicated, I see no reason to believe him.

>> No.46123360

Day 281, Year of our Goddess 2485, 1st Day of Expedition, 13th Hour: We have taken to the shore and have moved around 12 miles into this strange and dismal place. Seargent William swears he hears some strange kind of flute a mile or so off our route, and wishes to go with two other men to see what it could be. He believes it to be some type of natural formation reacting to the wind, or perhaps some exotic species of flora or fauna. With my permission, I have given him leave to investigate, with the implicit understanding that he and his men catch up to us by nightfall. We continue our march in an hour, after a break for tea and biscuits.
Day 281, Year of our Goddess 2485, 1st Day of Expedition, 18th Hour: Damnable mosquitos everywhere, and yet each of my men has only been bitten once. We encountered a swarm of them while crossing a tepid and moss filled pond that barred our way to our proposed campsite. I find it odd that they only bit each man once, and more odd that the animal life seemed not to mind whatsoever, and were completely unperturbed by the vermin. Upon inspecting the bite marks, I cannot help but feel like they are indeed a mark of some kind. I can even see them forming into individual patterns when comparing the bites. Strange that.
Day 281, Year of our Goddess 2485, 1st Day of Expedition, 24th Hour:William and his men have yet to return. We must assume they met some difficulty in the terrain and are proceeding back to the ship with all haste. We are now down to 12 men, and cannot afford to lose any more.

>> No.46123362

Damnation, have to go do a thing, will finish later tonight.

>> No.46123395
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nothing like a good ol' containment breach to get the party started

>> No.46123408

>You're doing maintenance in one of the access shafts when all of a sudden the water pipes start giggling.

>> No.46123605
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Imagine Alien Isolation with this gal.

>> No.46123681

Her fat ass would keep getting stuck in the air vents.

>> No.46123699
File: 806 KB, 850x1200, 3meterfox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 Meter fox is stuck in the air vent and needs to be punished for chasing and scaring anon.

>> No.46123726

You could hide in her dress and no one would be able to tell

>> No.46123744

Sadly if you punish the fox the game just ends. Something about a hidden ending.

>> No.46123748

Echidna wars DX! It has bee girls, and lamias, and some sort of alien queen.

>> No.46123758
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>> No.46123763
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Real ded hours.

>> No.46123778

She'll have to be shaved.

>> No.46123867

Foxes don't understand when I tell them I'm not some fluff-addicted mofu huffer. The sheer number of times they've tried to wrap me up in a nice, soft tail and let me feel nice and relaxed in their embrace is staggering, but I REFUSE to fall for the trap of a silky, well-groomed fox tail. Or two. Or even three!

>> No.46123879

When this guy runs into a fox with four tails, he's gonna be in real trouble

>> No.46123892

It's amazing how the guy drawing these is degenerating more and more into his fetish.

>> No.46123898

i want to bite her chub

>> No.46123900
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>> No.46123906

Elves require higher fat stores to develop a half elf half human baby, it's only natural they would develop cravings for french fries and burgers, same biological impulse applies to foxes.

>> No.46123912
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>> No.46123924

make her ass FATTER

>> No.46123943
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I will jack off to holy icons.

>> No.46123958
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>> No.46123975
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>> No.46123976
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>> No.46123985
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Consider the following: little monster girls are weak to anal

>> No.46124023
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>> No.46124032
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>> No.46124053

Is that deer okay?

>> No.46124062

she's too HOT. she must be SHAVED BALD.

>> No.46124066

Shes just waiting for her new husband to wake up

>> No.46124071
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>> No.46124141
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>> No.46124152
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>> No.46124166

>Thanks for freeing me from those seals anon
>As your reward your daugthers will rule these lands and you will forever be known as a traitor to humanity
>Now fry me some tofo and get to brushing the human kingdom isn't going to conquer itself.

>> No.46124183

To be fair being a traitor to humanity is probably going to be seen as a good thing in the future of the MGE world.

>> No.46124190
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>> No.46124204
File: 1.10 MB, 846x1755, foxesareterrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it was bad, I support Monster Extremists.

>> No.46124242

>you have encountered the dreaded bandit "Kissing Kiki"

>> No.46124265

Em, no? Check yourself, traitor. Democracy is coming.

>> No.46124269
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>> No.46124281

It's just the tyranny of idiots, I'll marry someone like Deonora or an Ice Queen and keep the plebs tardwrangled.

>> No.46124301

Cringe, give me dommy mommy welfare state or give me death

>> No.46124318


>> No.46124336

Democracy is retarded and was proven retarded by the Greeks over two thousand years ago.

>> No.46124351

So I gain voting right if I sign a contract with a demon you say....

>> No.46124352

Need to be crushed by a monstergirl with huge tits

>> No.46124357

Monster girls are Marxists.

>> No.46124363

>seize the means of reproduction

>> No.46124384

More like their anuses are weak to my tongue

>> No.46124400
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Nonsense, tits this big can't exist under marxism because of starvation.

>> No.46124430

None are this evil and/or retarded.

>> No.46124446

Foxes don't really love you.

>> No.46124487

Monster girls will still treat you as a favored meal. Overall it's a pretty big step up since that meal just involves touching your dick a bunch.

>> No.46124493
File: 670 KB, 1125x1400, 98767503_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing it wrong, loli anuses are for cock and tongue goes in their mouths.

>> No.46124542

The thread is quiet... way too quiet...

>> No.46124544
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You wouldn't REALLY marry a dumb, fat, flightless dodo harpy would you anon?

>> No.46124559

No because I'm still looking for

>> No.46124561
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>> No.46124564

The dodos got him.

>> No.46124567
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Monster girls are Monarcho-anarchists.

>> No.46124591

Arachno-capitalism is the way.

>> No.46124618
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>> No.46124634

God I just want to be swarmed by a mixed pack of canine girls. Imagine getting claimed by a pack of Hellhounds, Werewolves, Kobolds and Anubises...Anubids? Anubi?

>> No.46124639
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>> No.46124664

>leg sweep > ground strike with tail > coil grab > kiss > use special ability bar to envenom
>instant K.O. on human male fighters
Bravo, devs. Very fun and balanced

>> No.46124679

>the Hellhounds and Anubi start arguing
>easy getaway

>> No.46124705

A mixed pack of wans, The Hellhound is obviously the leader, second in command is Anubutt since she is intelligent and capable of organizing, werewolves are the bulk of the pack and one very influenceable kobold who thinks she is as tough as a hellhound.

>> No.46124711

Stories from an Order soldiers POV of them getting picked off are a guilty pleasure of mine

>> No.46124723
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>> No.46124726

We humans WILL seize our manifest destiny. We WILL build a mighty astro fleet. We WILL colonize worlds. We WILL invade the planets of alien races. We WILL destroy their cities and enslave them by force. We WILL rule all the aliens and destroy them. IT IS OUR DESTINY. ALIENS WILL NEVER TRIUMPH OVER HUMANITY.

>> No.46124746
File: 1.19 MB, 3200x3111, ca373c999134c4f4222cc36c5c3dd88c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said, moments before he got abducted by an alien lifeform and raped in space.

>> No.46124783
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Don't do it bro you'll wake up the planet killers.

>> No.46124835

red mg or black mg?

>> No.46124852
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>> No.46124872


>> No.46124874
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>> No.46124877
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>> No.46124885

I feel like I'm taking advantage of my Kiki when I take her to my bedroom and pin her down and start having my way with her as I like. It makes me feel like I'm a horrible master and a bad person! She tells me to keep doing it, though. Not like that makes me feel any better however!

>> No.46124889
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Either way please take me

>> No.46124894
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Absolute pure white

>> No.46124901

Consider letting her pin you down instead.

>> No.46124909

I should have time to finish it in a few hours. Busy at work unfortunately.

>> No.46124938

! !

>> No.46124952

Which of the new writers are worth checking out? I've been trying to catch up on my backlog of stories I've bookmarked and wondering if any of them are worth looking at.

>> No.46124980

give a scary mg story

>> No.46124999
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>> No.46125002

How about the old succubus tale of the guy who didn't call after the first date?

>> No.46125027
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>> No.46125028

You should definitely check out MysteryID and Mcsplinter. Both have shorter stories you can read to get an idea for their style.

>> No.46125031

Okay but what if that actually did scare a guy so much he died? What would the dumb corpses do then?

>> No.46125039

The Lich can fix him.

>> No.46125042

if you're going to die around anybody a lich is a pretty handy lady to have nearby

>> No.46125048

Immediately resurrect him with a 9th level spell and get to work on his "stiffness".

>> No.46125058

Okay she resurrects him but now he's fucking pissed that he got killed by two Undead midgets spooking him so much his heart stops so now he unleashes his bare knuckled boxing and dirty street fighting skills on them to inflict as much damage as possible now what will the stupid Undeads do?

>> No.46125064

even the dead may cringe at such a display

>> No.46125070

Utter the word 'boo' which kills him again

>> No.46125073

Undead are weak to blunt weapons, but considering anon is a 0 level fighter, they tank the damage while smirking smugly.

>> No.46125100

Look at eachother in concern and ask themselves if his brain damage came before or during his revival.

>> No.46125103

The Shining but instead of ghost possession and the cycle of abuse it's A Shoggoth reconnecting with her reincarnated husband.

>> No.46125111

No, no, no. Not blunt like that. Blunt like this.
>"I'm not attracted to you mean jerks."
>"All you do is scare people and bring them back from the dead like we're supposed to be grateful for it."
>"Maybe don't get me killed in the first place, ASSHOLE."
>Lich balling before the third sentence is out.
>Anon also feels awful but walks away without looking behind him because he can't show weakness.

>> No.46125119

So if a monster murders you then retaliating against them is "cringe" because they bring you back to life which suddenly makes it okay that they murdered you to begin with. Which therefor means that monsters could murder as much as they want and its alright because resurrect magic is a thing.

So is the kind of cuckminded person that you turn into consuming KC slop... woah

>> No.46125124

This is how anon gets corrected for his uncouth behavior in front of such noble creatures.

>> No.46125128


>> No.46125137

Monstergirl loves anon, he isn't real. Many such cases

>> No.46125138

>he unleashes his bare knuckled boxing and dirty street fighting skills on them
lmao. he gets raped dumbass

>> No.46125141

Anon it's your fault for having a weak cardiovascular system, although I'm sure Miss Lich could give you some exercise to correct your poor health.

>> No.46125150

I like monster girls well and good. But if one of ems trying to kill me I'm gonna fight back. Potential resurrection magics be danmed. Though I'd prefer just to live and let live with them.

>> No.46125151

>monster murders you
this would not happen, you are making something up to get mad at

>> No.46125155

manslaughter at best

>> No.46125157

>tfw die to a brick at terminal velocity
>I get rezzed and my dick is hard
>the lich who rezzed u notices it an starts blushing
>I say "Well at least i know that works, so wanna test it out, miss......?"

>> No.46125172

>kills me
>gives me pussy after
I expected to die without pussy so at least they didn't make me a liar

>> No.46125176

it's like judge wisp always says "you break it, you buy it"

>> No.46125183

They hated him because he told the truth

>> No.46125195

it's already a false representation. your statement has no meaning in such a context

>> No.46125196

What would a cat MG with the personality of Sweet Shalquoir be like?

>> No.46125197

Amazing, you disagree with one, single, tiny aspect of MGE you personally don't like and a mob of angry cultists comes out of nowhere to crucify you. MGE fans are like salafist jihadists, they put a gun to your head and say "convert" and then kill you if you say no.

>> No.46125202

The thread is very, very dogmatic. Yes.

>> No.46125213 [DELETED] 


>> No.46125220

is that what happens when a girl talks to you?

>> No.46125234

>Walk into math club
>Say something that is objectively wrong
>Everyone corrects you

>> No.46125236

It's less about you criticizing MGE and more about you going "KC Slop" like a fucking outsider or bad actor, you brain dead cephalopoid.

>> No.46125247

Yeah mathematicians follow you across the internet reporting your every move to lord KC and watching you like the fucking archons of yaldabaoth or some shit right

>> No.46125254

I would say that and I'm neither.

>> No.46125260

Math clubs have inner circles of unhinged people that circlejerk on discord and pay for a jap incel's life while looking forward to a dead rpg project and keeping a fucking list of offenders of people who don't like their marriage fetish porn.

>> No.46125262
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>it's the psychopath episode today

>> No.46125264
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>> No.46125273

i could use a clumsy ass dojiko bunyip maid

>> No.46125274

False alarm everyone, it's just the potato pest having his daily meltdown.

>> No.46125279

Now all we need is that one guy who screams anti-religious rhetoric like Stephen King out of nowhere.

>> No.46125282

He got banned this morning.

>> No.46125288
File: 1.18 MB, 2453x2086, 1703805481664860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw sweet, a schizo meltdown.

>> No.46125300

I need more MG's at computers, please. Is there a Bapho one?

>> No.46125302
File: 153 KB, 1057x1635, FmBFoi-akAEyU6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He needs an angel to rape some sense into him.

>> No.46125308

And you need a bullet to the sternum, Mick. Good things just don't happen because they need to.

>> No.46125310
File: 2.88 MB, 1284x2100, b2508e9ae37bacbf0c3e3bc8c90ede8d1084c940ea125ff49fb977fb44becfd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that one.

>> No.46125327

Remember, don't reply to bait, just report and hide.

>> No.46125334
File: 58 KB, 617x622, 1671974872436847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one having fun on the internet drawn by Yerb. I remember Legit did draw one of those "creature makes a post about itself" pictures with a Bapho, but it was one of his earliest drawings in the thread and it looks weird.

>> No.46125345

>go onto 4wan
>post a lengthy rant about how bad my canine wife smells when she gets wet
>end post by implying I should have married a cheshire instead
>sit back and collect (you)s

>> No.46125368
File: 161 KB, 850x850, baba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin saved, thanks mate. Bapho chan does things to me.

>> No.46125388
File: 1.54 MB, 4000x4000, GB5ylZDWAAAuLoO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat fucking lizards.

>> No.46125391

I would kill a Baphomet by snapping her neck.

>> No.46125397

I would slay you before you ever laid a hand on any Baphomet. I'll sacrifice myself to be the midboss before any Baphomet encounter.

>> No.46125404
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, 89a2ba5ed86d02c70c16be4e25eda5cb9820c16378a7221bc2478bd58b982cbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46125414
File: 1.08 MB, 3777x3333, d0e43d5ac21efaeda6d003d6e1637d73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that one

>> No.46125422

>Keeping a list of offenders
Oh no, a dogmatic community keeps a list of known shit stirrers and ne'er-do-wells, whatever shall we do?

>> No.46125443

I refuse to believe they actually thing the RPG is going to happen unless they are seeing a lot more than we do.
>they do it for free
They have to be paid in SOMETHING. And I choose to believe that something is rpg cgs.

>> No.46125449

>Be you, Sabbath-curious Anon.
>Honestly, they just seem like fun ladies and you always wanted to learn spellcasting.
>It doesn't take long for you to explain D&D is how you got into the idea of magic, and they've never heard of it.
>Miss Phantom immediately claims your old DMG and decides to become the group's DM.
>Your group naturally ends up all picking spellcasters, and half the sessions break down into them laughing at how nonsensical the magic system is.
>After noticing how much you end up pouting during the first round of that, they all feel a little bad.
>They start trying to turn the D&D spells into real ones for you.
>Despite all the rumors, this place is really nice.
>Sure, they all look 10-ish, but obviously they're much older than that, they play D&D pretty well for rank beginners, and none of them are trying to "get oni-chan to play 7 minutes in heaven" with them or whatever weird shit you've heard about Sabbath girls.
>You can even cast Goodberry now!

>> No.46125455

That's weird, I thought FLAT is Justice.

>> No.46125463

it is, but justice isn't necessarily flat.
it's like a square/rhombus situation

>> No.46125469
File: 1.10 MB, 1900x2495, 106906575_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just Sabbath cope.

>> No.46125486

Do Thunderbeasts Prove Giant MGs Are Inevitable?

>> No.46125498

Just remember, if they don't play B/X like Gygax intended, they need to be doing so.

>> No.46125513

Also gods I want to play tabletop with MG's. Imagine playing Dying Earth with spellcaster mons and they get really satisfied from how game breaking Jack Vance's stuff is. Or playing Call of Cthulhu with chaos girls.

>> No.46125528
File: 71 KB, 1000x1000, GGTt0eUbUAAjzkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

however, bird

>> No.46125535
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>> No.46125540
File: 870 KB, 2926x4096, e1a9b6ec05aa88146cf94f0862dc17bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised yugioh has so much fan art.

>> No.46125548

marriage... fetish... porn...?

>> No.46125551

I'm always interested in talking about monster girls at war and how a plucky human resistance could go on suicide missions to blow up strategic targets.

>> No.46125553

what's with dudes and revenge suicide? is that your fetish?

>> No.46125560

I've been playing helldivers 2 which is almost a monster girl game if those monster girls were robots and bugs.

>> No.46125573
File: 77 KB, 800x600, Succubus - Wedding Ceremony Hijinks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increasingly exotic marriage scenarios are the most KINO of porn.

>> No.46125627
File: 3.62 MB, 2268x3154, 1633040905770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this to be me, like really badly

>> No.46125654

I will found an evil criminal organization of humans in the Mist Continent quarters of MGC and call it something hammy like "the knuckle gang" because I make all my thugs use brass knuckles and then I will purposefully antagonize and attack a random Kakuen martial artist who wears a tang suit who has a band of friends who are also martial artists composed of Mist Continent monsters that inhabit a dojo in the chinatown and it will devolve into a wacky Hong Kong action movie uproar that ends with me taking my shirt off and fighting the Kakuen one on one on top of a tall building in the middle of a rainstorm which ends with her using the secret technique after finding inner peace to kick punch me off the building where I go falling to my demise only to be caught and saved by her, but I reject her kindness and break the hold so I do fall to my demise which marks the end of the knuckle gang.

>> No.46125660

You will never be a nervous reluctant shota. Never. At best you will be a slutty one.

>> No.46125691
File: 704 KB, 850x637, 26bf27f5ccc9f1e7411fc164fa4c454368baaee01db8d9bab05591aca2a56ea6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not my fault, large breasts just have that effect on my brain. And who am I to refuse smooches from monster mommies? I'm not Buddha, I see tiddy and all the willpower evaporates.

>> No.46125695

Nah I need to be a grownassman who is STILL dwarfed like that anyway by the queen

This queen


>> No.46125701

I will be an evil Order general in the modern period and kill a Demon's Dark Valkyrie partner after they get captured by my elite shadow company soldiers and then leave the Demon for dead, thinking she won't be able to make it only for her to recover and go on a rampage that decimates my army and ends with her fighting her way through my base until she confronts me and gets revenge for her Dark Valkyrie friend by throwing a knife into my head.

>> No.46125705

>Whoever wins gets to be the dom
A game isn't very fun when both people are trying to lose...

>> No.46125709

Why do humans want to do bad things and then get killed for it so much
Why are they like this?

>> No.46125712

It's just the mick stirring the pot wanting (you)s since KC slapped him with a dmca for his shitty knockoff game.

>> No.46125718
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, GGeKHO1WYAADOuK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46125726

>hire Anubis accountant to do my taxes against my better judgement
>insists on coming to my house to pick up all the documents
>could be dangerous but okay
>while she's sitting in the living room making sure I've given her everything, cat breaks into my hobby room to sleep in the window
>Anubis glances up, starts to look back down at the paper in hand and then freezes
>one second she's seated on the couch and the next she's disappeared into my hobby room
>oh no
>tail is wagging uncontrollably, goes into overdrive the moment she finds my shelf of DMing materials
>have to wait the three hours for her to inspect the contents of the room before she finishes organizing the documents

It's been three weeks and she hasn't left yet. She even called a couple of her friends who've been here the whole time as well! All we've done is play BattleTech, 40K, A Song of Ice and Fire, X-Wing, D&D and FUCKING Catan from just after breakfast until bedtime every single day. I've been sleeping on my couch this whole time even though they say nothing will happen if I sleep in my bed with them. She swears that my taxes are just complicated this year but I just saw the deposit for both state and federal taxes! I mean...sure, the Kikimora keeps the whole house pretty clean...and the Satyros does at least procure some decent booze...and the Anubis has been paying all of my bills since she moved in...and the Demon is a pretty good cook....

NO. I must retake control of my home! Even my cat and dog have abandoned me now! They sleep in the bed with the damned intruders rather than on the couch with me! I must have them out! How do I remove these intruders?!

>> No.46125727
File: 121 KB, 827x1273, 6f98465d16a09e7b8a237ca6d3795917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogged by her other half

>> No.46125730
File: 227 KB, 1769x1998, 1706837835871373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A young boy with a weakness for large breasts isn't going to last very long in the presence of any woman older than thirty...

>> No.46125742

oh my god that idiot is here too
and posting dumb things like that to boot
t. mggg-anon

>> No.46125746

A Flayer like you wouldn't understand the beauty of a heroic or poetic death. You've never even read Yukio Mishima in your life...

>> No.46125753

Yukio Mishima would have alped, guy was gay as fuck and believed in fairy tales about the Amaterasu bloodline bullshit

>> No.46125770
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1600, 1639317586926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so over

>> No.46125776
File: 311 KB, 1190x1540, F9ruluhboAAVa-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46125780

Subtle anon, real subtle.

>> No.46125783

And you are a fat cowboy american who believes in McDonalds and pepsi cola and green dollar bills as your only god who falls for made up lies of Yukio Mishima's so-called homosexuality when the man literally had three female interests and two daughters. You will die a diabeetus heart stopper heart attack death unlike that man who died a beautiful death on his own terms.

>> No.46125786
File: 506 KB, 635x1200, 1644117429919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way that demon's tail is strong enough to hold him like that. He should just break free and escape

>> No.46125789

that's never been in his playbook as that requires nuance

>> No.46125792

Amaterasu isn't real weeaboo

>> No.46125795

They don't get it. Who can look at a monster girl and say :
>"My brother, my captain, my king"
It's just a comradery thing you don't get with superpowered sex crazy monsters.

>> No.46125798

There's also her wing, her hand, and possibly her leg.
And most inescapable of all...
The allure of soft thighs and breasts.

>> No.46125799

alps say that all the time

>> No.46125805

American fatso loudly says these things while reading his preferred religious text (the latest marvel comic book)

>> No.46125806

It's a trap.

>> No.46125807

The real prison is in his mind

>> No.46125810

You would know a lot about Alps, wouldn't you faggot?

>> No.46125822

I'm gonna drive through town and hunt Alps down. They'll be brought back to my home and I will train them how to be housewives. Once they're done with their training, I will help them find a husband. I'm tired of watching Alps sperg out while trying to hit on guys.

>> No.46125824
File: 1.14 MB, 1392x922, 1603837389272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall post a kejourou today.

>> No.46125832

I don't know about you homosexuals who choose mediocre pussy over bros but I want no part of the bleak world KC has made in which you are not allowed to have male friends or bros or to even talk to another male ever again and must disconnect entirely from your family as the only person you are allowed to have in your life ever again is some random bitch who decides she's your wife against your will

>> No.46125834

Hello, Miss Alp! I hope you're having a lovely night.

>> No.46125836

Don't worry, your Golem wife made of straw will love you.

>> No.46125837

>you are not allowed to have male friends or bros or to even talk to another male ever again and must disconnect entirely from your family as the only person you are allowed to have in your life ever again is some random bitch
Amazing, every word of what you just said is wrong.

>> No.46125840

Hello little bitch, gonna ask your slave driver I mean wife to help you open the soilent bottle again?

>> No.46125842

Stop giving the schizo (you)s.

>> No.46125843

Why would he want to do that? Surrender to demon. Be loved by demon.

>> No.46125844
File: 2.77 MB, 1592x1193, Mira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got to go out of your way to take the least charitable interpretation of everything you read

>> No.46125847

I'm going to marry an immortal monster girl and have her help me get all the women in my family transformed into immortal monster girls so I don't lose any of the people I love. Then I'll help her immortal monster girl friends get hitched with my friends so I don't lose any of my buddies. Then we'll spend the rest of eternity being happy.

>> No.46125854

>mediocre pussy
That's where you're wrong.

>> No.46125857

Demons are evil don't do that!

>> No.46125858
File: 459 KB, 1215x1181, Ushi-Oni - I DO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What SICK mamono would force her husband to get sustenance from a BOTTLE?

>> No.46125867

Really wholesome, you're like a father to them. Do attend the wedding of every one of them.

>> No.46125873

Their wing burritos make a compelling argument. They don't seem evil to me.

>> No.46125892
File: 503 KB, 1323x1871, 1655941477381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's extremely good pussy, actually. Mind-blowing, life-changing, coma-inducing pussy.

>> No.46125904

I will die a heroic death in the name the Order vanquishing demons as a Hero and an obituary will be made in my name, with a statue raised in my honor for all to know my deeds and life by and Monsters will not stop me. I will leave my Valkyrie for my little brother who I choose as my successor so she can help him start his career as a Hero too. I will choose how my life story ends on my own terms.

>> No.46125916

>Step 1: "I will die a heroic death in the..." blah blah blah
>Step 2: Miss Wisp saunters in and sees a fresh corpse.

>> No.46125922
File: 28 KB, 540x392, kotcallingyouout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon the alp whisperer.
You said no homo right?

>> No.46125925

is it true you guys went on a crusade across the whole internet, attacking fetishes you don't like, such as futa?
I wasn't around, so IDK

>> No.46125939
File: 29 KB, 688x432, Anon - Anon spots a sexy futa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Tis a lie!

>> No.46125940

(I say "such as futa", because NTRshitters deserve death, I won't argue that)

>> No.46125951

>ten years later
>little brother is banging his valkyrie wife and living happily
>they visit a town under DL control and see a statue to a knight covered in moss that nobody cares to keep up with
>"Hey look it's big bro."
>"Yeah, he was an idiot, went and got himself killed for no reason, nobody even remembers him or bothers to read the plaque, they just think its a statue of a random knight."
>meanwhile anon's dumb ass is in Hel forever seething and going insane as a lonely soul surrounded by eternal darkness that's not allowed to ever a get a wife or see anyone else ever again since he killed innocent monsters
>all because he was obsessed with romanticizing heroic death blah blah blah larping as a living legend blah blah blah
Hope you'd be happy with that because that'd be your fate, not even Wisps will save you.

>> No.46125960
File: 8 KB, 160x160, giicpTYn_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wondered where you could have gotten such a retarded information and checked to see the place that could peddle such bullshit - turns out it was the one I was thinking about.
Remember when one fag there claimed /mgt/ has a personal janny that purges everything Anons here don't like?

>> No.46125977
File: 55 KB, 682x199, walking garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, Mick

>> No.46125980

That's nice fanfiction, meanwhile in reality I would be looking down proud of what I've done and all the basic bitches in costumes I'd killed mercilessly and wouldn't regret anything and then rest peacefully knowing I lived life just the way I wanted instead of being turned into some beta male fuck for an ugly cosplay wearing human bitch, and knowing that human woman but colored blue wouldn't be able to get me even in death is just the cherry on top, so it doesn't matter if the world goes to shit and turns into faggots who worships females, I'm a winner. I won, because I got what I want. You could never say the same because you're okay with your free will being revoked. Lmao, go become panties for a freaky TF monster or something you faggot, the Order is better.

>> No.46125989

hey, I'm not the guy making a 3d game, and I'm not mad
I'm asking for the other side of a story I heard elsewhere

>> No.46125996
File: 1.37 MB, 2359x2000, Cursed Sword - I bet WW is your fav Zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Edgiest Order Lover meets T. Edgiest Mamono

>> No.46126003

I've never seen monsterfags make one argument that was better than Orderfags do. Orderfags are amusing and total bro posters but every monsterfag is the nerd emoji going "ermm umm ermmm w-w-w-well she to-touched my pp"

>> No.46126010
File: 322 KB, 2000x2500, Summer Plumeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46126017

>Orderfags are amusing
Clowns are funny, yes.

>> No.46126019

The difference is that monsters would touch my pp and orderfags would touch my butthole

>> No.46126020

'monsterfags'? do you know what fucking thread you're in? why are you here if you don't like monsters?

>> No.46126022
File: 276 KB, 2160x2160, GDtZ8bPbUAAuoWJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46126024

What? TAKE THAT BACK. Clowns are scary and confusing and my mom put up hobo clown paintings in my room as a child and I will ALWAYS hate clowns.

>> No.46126026

>story I heard elsewhere
Just some tard with hateboner for /jp/ manufacturing artificial drama.

>> No.46126027

*orderfags would touch my butthole against my will
if you WANT your butthole touched, monsters can do that too
there's nothing good about the order

>> No.46126030

The Chief God will win retards, she is stronger than the Demon Lord.

>> No.46126037
File: 85 KB, 498x498, 1572838354593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orderfags are amusing and total bro posters
No, they're 100% faggots. It's like going on Stormfront and posting about how you love Jews and black people and hate white people.

>> No.46126047
File: 553 KB, 2447x3276, Demon87a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrarianism is hell of a drug.
>The Chief God will win retards
Yeah, she's been winning plenty of retards. The smart guys marry Demons.

>> No.46126052
File: 825 KB, 850x1288, 1708130875682706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46126053

I'm going to join the Order so that a demon can capture and correct me. Wish me luck.

>> No.46126054

strange, I hate the order and orderfags but that would be super based if you removed "hate white people"

>> No.46126058

You won't be saying that when she wins and all your "loyal" monster wives suddenly turn back into real monsters and maul your ass

>> No.46126063

God I love draphs

>> No.46126066

Nah, I love me a good futa.

>> No.46126067
File: 40 KB, 965x692, 1690746939135082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I won't be saying that because it won't happen.

>> No.46126072
File: 151 KB, 639x479, 1708121194760216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46126073

It will. She is stronger than the Demon Lord, she will win. Monsterfags are running on borrowed time, the Order can't lose.

>> No.46126078

DL isn't alone though
off the top of my head, eros and the eldritch ones on DL's side
it's not 1v1, it's a JRPG final boss

>> No.46126090

Yes, the Order is too big to fail. It will be eternal like Blockbuster!
Don't forget Poseidon because Chief God fucked up that alliance.

>> No.46126091

Yes but if it was a 1v1 the Chief God would win easily, she is stronger, the Demon Lord couldn't beat her without tons of help. And the Chief God already beat all those other fucking losers who joined the Demon Lord, she can beat them again. The Chief God will win. The Order will win. You know I'm right. IT'S COMING MONSTER LOVERS

>> No.46126095

Ah, but you're forgetting about something. The Demon Lord has a power on her side that the Chief God knows not.

>> No.46126103
File: 368 KB, 894x1495, GGgkmy2bIAEcu6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

