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File: 109 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46045097 No.46045097 [Reply] [Original]

It's out now.
How is it? Does it have easy ways to correct sync, etc?

>> No.46045133

is it worth the price considering it used to be a free mobile gacha with ingame purchases? does it still have ingame purchases? i see it still has DLC's, which sucks

>> No.46045163

I think it's supposed to be a normal game this time around.
They probably had to rework a lot of charts since it's no longer a touch screen game, so it might be like an entirely new game.
Keep in mind I haven't played this or the mobile game, so this is just second hand info, at best.

>> No.46045173

From what I understand the entire chart and gameplay system got overhauled into something better, but it should be entirely F2P barring the DLC's. Of which the DLC's only exist to make back some of the money used for the deals to get them on the original game, if I remember right. I can only imagine it has to do with Japanese royalties laws since a much more sane solution would have just been to pay everyone scammed by the mobile publisher a cut up to whatever was promised + some extra, and then the actual devs take home the rest, because nobody is going to pay over 60 dollars for a rhythm game in 2024.

>> No.46045462
File: 1.21 MB, 3840x2160, DankaguPL_2024-02-08_00-55-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is it?
Pretty fun, well worth the price for the base game if you like rhythm games, and you can upgrade to the deluxe version (which gets you all 4 dlc for the price of 3) later on if you feel like it. The dlc might look expensive but they're quite cheap compared to what you get for the same price on similar games like djmax. Of course, it's only worth it if you enjoy 2hu arrangements.
The story feels like reading a slice of life VN, fun depending on your taste. The gameplay is 6Keys mostly, with 4Keys only on Easy and some of the Normal charts, but you get used to it. The danmaku stages are an interesting clusterfuck which has you play notes while dodging bullets at the same time.
>Does it have easy ways to correct sync, etc?
There's the thing on pic related, it goes from -50 to +50 in steps of milliseconds (I think).

>> No.46045475
File: 2.00 MB, 3840x2160, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If really feels like a visual novel with CGs like this

>> No.46045499

That's fine and all, but how do I know what to set the offset to? Does it have some calibration mode?

>> No.46045511

It's funny.
What was this translated to?

>> No.46045514

Unfortunately not, you'll need to go by ear. Hopefully they'll add one eventually.

>> No.46045525

how's the translation?

>> No.46045583
File: 1.34 MB, 3840x2160, DankaguPL_2024-02-08_01-07-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

The story translation is alright, it's got some typos here and there but nothing particularly annoying.
On the other hand, the translation of the mission goals is outright inaccurate most of the time. You get one which says "get less than 20 brilliant or better", when it's actually "get less than 20 notes which aren't brilliant or better".
It's stuff that's easy to fulfill by just playing well though, so it can be lived with until they fix it.

>> No.46045598

>Pic related.
They didn't even try.

>> No.46046004

All scam mechanics were removed. Cards are just part of the campaign. All charts were redone.

>> No.46046024

huh, you don't usually see a translation translate it as that, even though it's actually more accurate

>> No.46046245
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Waiting for that Moriya link..

>> No.46046276
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, fuck_yeah_alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, Alice!
Took me a few tries to get C. Ratings feel pretty strict: I've gotten plenty of full combo D's.
>get less than 20 brilliant or better
This one is just really confusing.

>> No.46046323

How do I kill Medicine?

>> No.46046945

>no audio at all
Well that sucks. I saw they made re:unknown x even harder which is nice.

>> No.46047129

>no audio at all

>> No.46047465

The game starts with no audio for me. Seems like a problem for other people as well. Some even lose audio after a couple of minutes.

>> No.46047639

I'm confused by the DLC. Steam says they released yesterday as well but I can't find the new songs. The shop page also doesn't list them.

Did they not mark them as pre-order?

>> No.46047983

Song pack 1 has songs in it. The other packs are pre-orders.

>> No.46048789

Score ratings unfortunately follow the same RPG formula from the mobage, they mostly depend on the level of your equipped mitama card. So just go and level it up as much as you can.

>> No.46049051

where can i pirate the english version

>> No.46049452

Are the songs the same as in mobile version?
Since all these songs were free I don't understand why would anyone want to pay $40 now.

>> No.46049478

heres unlabeled soundtrack, not game rip.

>> No.46052827

Three part interview

>> No.46052925

Do post if they upload it! I have other games to play so I don't feel justified in buying it yet

>> No.46053161

>Are the songs the same as in mobile version?
They're mostly the same, with a few new ones.
>Since all these songs were free I don't understand why would anyone want to pay $40 now.
They were free on the original f2p mobage, which was a live-service game (ie temporary) sustained by the whales paying to roll the gacha.
Now that they're being used on a traditional pay2play game (which you can keep forever) they had to be relisenced, which costs a pretty penny.
The price isn't particularly low indeed, so I would only recommend it to people who are both fans of touhou arrangement and rhythm game fans.

Thanks anon, looks like these are rips from youtube. I'll post my rips from the collection CDs eventually.

>> No.46053177
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My current goal is to train on Hard until I can properly do 6k. My hand eye coordination ends up overloaded on most Hard-difficulty songs until I end up autopilot mashing keys.

I like White Lotus a lot.

>> No.46053304
File: 2.63 MB, 1527x1080, sailing (1080).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game on nazRIN works.

>> No.46056026

>My current goal is to train on Hard until I can properly do 6k
I've been playing solely on Easy and Normal, and I worry that the transition will be rough. What are the easiest 6k songs?

>> No.46056159
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Lunatic is nuts, I really need to step up my 6key game. DLC situation is kinda rough, but I guess that's what you gotta do to make this kind of game sustainable. There was literally no point at all to the gacha other than scoring, and all those VAs couldn't have been cheap. Happy to have a Touhou rhythm game on pc at last.

You can sort songs by difficulty on freeplay, that should be a good general guide on easing into Hard. Something important to also consider is the scroll speed: take Sayounara, Arigatou for example. That map is excruciatingly slow on default settings, I bumped the speed up to 2.8 to get it to manageable levels, and realistically I could still go a little higher. You usually want to push speeds as high as you can until it's just below uncomfortable levels.

>> No.46056708

Oh shit it came out? I've been looking forward to this.
How does it play on keyboard?

>> No.46056733

Gameplay is good (I can't compare to the mobile game since I never played it).
Some non-gameplay things are a bit lacking, like lack of good tools for syncing, lack of detailed timing statics. They've announced their intentions of patching in better statistics in the future.
Danmaku mode feels a bit weird, fundamentally. I think that one could have gone back to the drawing board to make it more like a shmup now that it's a PC game.

>> No.46056745
File: 3.24 MB, 2300x1080, 1662151435682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know. Just bought it. I'm fine with bare minimum calibration because the mobage was kinda like that too.
Now I just need to know if the new version kept all the cute art.

>> No.46056755
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, 20240208235532_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better calibration and timing indicators would be sweet. And yes, they did keep the art with animations and emblems even, but only viewable in the gallery.

>> No.46056763

Excellent. Can you post VERY happy Rumia eating cake while I wait for it to download? That was one of my favorites.

>> No.46056800

Yes please!
Also, there is this website that has ripped assets from the mobile game:

>> No.46056817
File: 3.10 MB, 2048x1024, 00100312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's here! Thank you to whoever ripped everything.
Look how fucking happy she is.

>> No.46056867

Very happy! The art in general is super good in this game. They got a real all-star lineup when it comes to both musicians and artists.

>> No.46058826

Update added fast/slow indicator option.

>> No.46058855

Dear god I want to hug her now more than ever before in my life

>> No.46065084
File: 3.56 MB, 2367x1181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my first S rank on hard but there's still a lot of Misses. I noticed that I end up mixing keys when it gets tougher or outright pressing them when they don't come up. Bad habit.

By the way, how far do you raise your fingers above the keys after press? I feel like I lift mine too much and end up wasting time.

>> No.46065282

>6key S rank
Amazing. I'm stuck playing Normal for now and I mix up keys even there when it actually gets dense enough that I can't just parse the pattern as individual notes. Even when I play well, I usually just get C ranks at best.

>> No.46065928

Ranks should only be really looked at if you're playing free mode, anyway. On story mode they depend almost completely on how high-leveled your mitama card is.

>> No.46066097
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Shame they snuck it all the way at the bottom where it's virtually impossible to see. Combo counter's fine where it is, but I would definitely appreciate being able to shove the timings somewhere in the middle of the lanes.

The first of many! Learning to stop yourself from mashing keys is harsh but a very helpful thing to do. My finger raising is directly proportional to how much I'm feeling myself. I'll sometimes lift my whole hand up. It's not something particularly impactful unless you're doing it to the point where your finger can't come back in time for the next note.

>I mix up keys even there when it actually gets dense enough that I can't just parse the pattern as individual notes.
This is why you eventually want to bump the scroll speed up, helps separate the notes on the screen so you have to focus on fewer notes at a time. This is what the top visibility setting aims to help with too. After you get a hang on discerning individual notes, you'll start to recognize patterns and play those by muscle memory instead of doing one key at a time, if that makes sense.

>> No.46066311

Do the score mitama-cards effect the rhythm games as well?

>> No.46067423

How do you get used to the controls? Used to play this when it was a tap-tap mobile game but for the life of me I cannot get used to using my keyboard.

>> No.46067745
File: 510 KB, 1248x875, 1692476422532455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, right now there's a stream with jyunya (the chief dev) playing around with modifying the UI on unity, although with beatmario (and his vtuber overlay on screen)

>> No.46069848

You mean free play mode? I haven't checked yet but i doubt it.

>> No.46070216

Some guy got an All Brilliant on Re:Unknown X Lunatic, what a monster.

>> No.46070242

That's fucked up. Wonder how long it'll take for us to see an All Perfect.

>> No.46070410

That's really cool. Not sure how surprising it is that someone has managed it this quickly, given that skills should mostly carry over from similar games?

>> No.46070425

>Not sure how surprising it is that someone has managed it this quickly
It's not, but still admirable.

>> No.46071014

I've 1cc'd a lot of touhous, I've gotten S ranks in rhythm games, and I hate to admit the one thing that's drawing my attention to this game is the fucking card collection system.
I was roped into the gacha meme.

>> No.46071297

It's ok anon, plenty of games have had similar collection systems before gacha was even a thing.

>> No.46071319

I still get why anon is ashamed. External motivation isn't as pure as internal motivation.

>> No.46076333
File: 2.00 MB, 3793x2133, 1698186439533763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A month ago, a series of three concerts were held at Yamano Hall to celebrate the upcoming release of dankagu.

A recording of the third one will be restreamed for the next three hours, on the 4cc divegrass channel. Feel free to join in, and have fun.

>> No.46077274

Is there a song list updated with this release out yet?

>> No.46077951

Thanks for the stream!

>> No.46078019
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You're welcome

>> No.46078147
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, DankaguPL_OnNCmJKFx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting filtered hard by this mission

>> No.46078376

Just upload it.

>> No.46079967

fitbitch is up

>> No.46088191
File: 75 KB, 235x369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ring fingers don't even get sore anymore on Hard mode. I'm growing stronger.

>> No.46088894

I've tried playing a couple songs on Hard today and could barely get to the end because my fingers would hurt so much. These charts really aren't made for controller gameplay.

>> No.46089634
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, su.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fog was a mistake.

>> No.46091577

The game stutters sometimes, was there an update?
It wasn't like that on release.

>> No.46091857

Lunatic is too hard...

>> No.46091888

I've noticed this too, might be a memory leak.

>> No.46094225

Hard is too hard for me, but Normal is almost too easy. I wish there was a more gentle transition from 4 to 6 key.

>> No.46096323

Yeah, there was an update like three days ago.

Same, I think I'll play some djmax as practice. It's got easy and hard charts for every song on every button type.

>> No.46096874

did they really turned shitty eos'd gacha into single player game and charge you 30$

>> No.46096885

that's $30 + an extra $60 or something for DLC music packs

>> No.46097502

It wasn't a shitty game, so nope. Thirty bucks is on the level of similar games like djmax.

>> No.46098931

I switched to my blue keyboard and beat the song first attempt

>> No.46099973

Keyboard is definitely the way to go for this game. I have no idea how you're supposed to do staircase notes on a controller.

>> No.46101055
File: 499 KB, 1920x1080, 20240213232220_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally unlocked my third eye. Went from barely clearing 24's to steaming past 25s and doing a couple 26's. I'm still coming off the high. If I can do it, so can you, anons. Remember to sleep it off if you feel like you're hitting a wall, never hurts to come back with a fresh mind.

The rhythm game dilemma of easing people between 4 and 6k. I wish there were harder 4k charts too, sometimes just wanna go back to my Stepmania days. The "easy" Lunatic selection is still pretty damn daunting.Those danmaku stages with 4 keys are psychotic too, I just freeze up when the notes start pouring down either side.

On a slightly related note, wonder if someone'll go through the effort of modding the game to import custom charts and songs. I imagine being on Unity means it's a lot more plausible than not.

>> No.46101091
File: 38 KB, 236x236, 3369880101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cracked already at day 1 via torrent link so probability on Nyaa.

>> No.46106313
File: 249 KB, 1074x1723, 1677707381431309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been one week. What's your verdict? I still like it but I suck so badly.
I tried out DJMania today and compared to that Danmaku Kagura feels so accessible.

>> No.46107591

Do nips all use 10 inch monitors? How is 4key danmaku supposed to work if you have to look at 3 regions simultaneously.

>> No.46107776

Just get farther from the screen.

>> No.46108848

I can't find a game called like that, did you mean beatmania or djmax?

>> No.46109443

should i shell out 30 bucks for this or find some sort of piracy link

>> No.46109493

Read >>46101091

>> No.46110230
File: 500 KB, 1536x2048, 794233d43d9741c4fd9121f2ae5fe7a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a rhythm game dedicated to Touhou music, which is something I've wanted for years. Worth it for me on that alone. I liked the selection in the gacha (I even got my wish of M.O.N.E.Y.), hoping whatever comes next diversifies their songs even more. I would not recommend this to a rhythm game fan unless they were also diehard Touhou fans, the price is hefty. Wonder how much more could've been put into the game had they dropped the danmaku stage stuff. I get it's in the name, but I don't think a single soul out there gives a shit about it. At the end of the day, it's a small love letter to Touhou arranges and music. Nothing more, nothing less.

Still holding out hope for the possibility of modded charts.

>> No.46110345

There is always stepmania, if you want 4key/4panel "modded" Touhou content.

>> No.46115189

>it's a small love letter to Touhou arranges and music
That's a very good way to put it, I agree completely and I've loved the idea so much since the original mobage it got me to support the crowdfunding even though I knew the new game wouldn't be as good.

>> No.46115744

love this edition and its chart, even normal one is tough. too bad they haven't put it on any soundtrack albums yet (not even the 4 CDs one)

>> No.46116017

Is there a desktop wallpaper pack with every card art?

>> No.46118465

Is it even possible to get good at this game on keyboard?

>> No.46118876

It's ideal for keyboard.

>> No.46119810

Karakuri Doll is making me go insane. I can have a 400+ combo but the ending part is so difficult in Hard I end up not clearing it.

>> No.46122615

If you're playing a 4+key game you've basically gotta be playing on a keyboard or some type of pad, not a controller.

>> No.46123930

This game turned out so good that it makes me wonder if the developers already planned on the gacha failing.

>> No.46123964

The reason why it has so much DLC, and a turnoff for some people, is specifically because of the gacha game failing. There's no fucking way that's the case. Also some charts are hot ass.

>> No.46124046

Oh. I just assumed it has a lot of DLC because everything does these days. It's standard practice unfortunately.
I can only play on Hard mode so maybe Lunatic has some poor charts but I think the only one that really sucks is the "super duper difficult XD" Suwako one. Also I like the Danmaku stages.

>> No.46124438
File: 3.80 MB, 2846x2813, Image0006c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes were foggy during this song

>> No.46125678
File: 16 KB, 610x736, cross-eyed-patchouli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to the conclusion that Danmaku with 4k can only be done with controller.

>> No.46126625

what do i do if my keyboard won't register more than three keys presses at the same time

>> No.46126675

Get a new keyboard. You want n-key rollover, for a large n.

>> No.46126853
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first Lunatic clear!

>> No.46126859

>upwards of 70 bucks
i think i'll just stick to piano-ing the 4+ multi notes for now

>> No.46126864

$70 sounds expensive. I would have guessed whatever cheap keyboard these days would have good enough rollover.
In any case, you should be able to find a good second hand keyboard easily, because there are keyboard elitists with way too much money that constantly buy new ones and sell their old ones. That's how I got my cherry whatever red switches mechanical keyboard.

>> No.46126876

I just barely cleared White Lotus (hard) yesterday - my first Hard. That's just a 15, so I don't think I could even read a 24.

>> No.46127211
File: 197 KB, 1200x1200, lns4j63elxoa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job!

>> No.46127825

There's a confusing aspect to this.
"n-key rollover" means "you can press every single key on the keyboard and they'll all be counted", which is usually overkill unless you're playing local multiplayer games on a single keyboard, and is only available on expensive keyboards.
Then there's stuff like "6-key rollover", "10-key rollover" and so on. This is called "Multi-key rollover", with the X before the "-key" telling you how many keys can be pressed at once before either not accepting new presses or dropping the previous ones (depending on the keyboard).
For this game, 6-key rollover is more than fine enough, and it's the kind most commonly found on gaming keyboards and on mechanical keyboards (even office ones, like my MX Mechanical).

>> No.46127839

You can get mechanical keyboards on Amazon for $20. Just have to read through the page because some will be scams and be “mechanical feeling”

>> No.46133760

How do you get more 点 in Danmaku stages? I don't even attempt the ones that are like "acquire 500 点" because I barely get even 10.
I don't understand.

>> No.46133895

Use a bomb when there is a bunch of bullets on the screen. They all turn into 点.

>> No.46138552

how the fuck am i supposed to look at the notes and bullets at the same time

>> No.46139019

Unfocus your eyesight, use your peripheral vision while looking at the middle of the screen.

>> No.46141108

That ZUN x Undertale guy collaboration song isn't very good, is it?

>> No.46142222

How are the japs receiving this game?

>> No.46147126

What the fuck? I set the scroll speed to 190 BPM and suddenly I'm clearing maps I was stuck on or getting full combo clears on stages I've been grinding.

>> No.46148151

It's not "very good", yeah, just "pretty good".

Decently well, looks like. It beat granblue relink on steam on its release week.

>> No.46149220

>It beat granblue relink on steam on its release week.
That's impressive. Good for Unknown X.

>> No.46153773

It's a little less impressive than it would seem, if you consider most nips prefer playing games on console. Unknown X even had to make a guide on how to buy games on steam to make sure people wouldn't have trouble with that.

>> No.46154405

fuck, I bought this, played two stages then promptly forgot to keep playing it

>> No.46157169

This song is so good.
I'm upset there isn't a longer version.

>> No.46157390

but there is?

>> No.46157402

Did the game remove all the chibis and environments and stuff? At least not seeing anyone post any of that.

I played the mobile game half-frequently during its brief life. It was aight. Maybe I'll get this.

>> No.46158416
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, nazo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there hidden missions? What the fuck?

>> No.46158570

Wait what?

>> No.46158890

Yeah as you can see the bottom mission is totally blank even though I have a checkmark on it. It's the danmaku one in Hades (upmostpart of the map).
I'm hoping it's just a glitch but I don't think so because there are other songs where I completed all missions but only got 2 out of 3 stars. Weird. How am I supposed to know what to do?

>> No.46162591

It's a different game yeah, only the songs and mitama cards carry over but the charts, story and UI are new.

>> No.46170760

Small update coming on the first of march.

>> No.46171710

Thank you!
Lots of good music in this game that I never heard before.

>> No.46173834

The more of them I play, the more I dislike the danmaku stages. Who the hell thought this was OK for a PC game?
Why am I so slow?
Why do the arrows rob me of control of my character when I want to tap dodge?
Why do semi-transparent poisonous cloud deal damage?
Why do I deal so pitiful damage that I can't even kill fairies?
How am I even supposed to dodge Byakuren's final without vertical movement?
They could have just copied Thunder Drum and Mysterious Rhythm, and it'd have been a much better game.

>> No.46174284
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, how am i supposed to do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more of them I play, the more I dislike the danmaku stages
Funny, I actually like those stages. They're a crazy test of multitasking and knowing when to switch focus. Some challenges like pic related are bullshit, I agree, but they can all be mostly overcome with the right setup.
>Why do the arrows rob me of control of my character when I want to tap dodge?
You're invincible during the movement. You can also just stay still and they won't activate. I think they're cute that they make your character dance to the beat of the music.
>Why do semi-transparent poisonous cloud deal damage?
Yeah those are complete bullshit I have no excuse for that shit. I'll never get 3 stars on the Medicine stage because of it. I have no idea how you're supposed to maintain 2000 HP when you can't even fucking see what's hitting you.
>Why do I deal so pitiful damage that I can't even kill fairies?
Again, use damage cards. Okuu and Flan are also two characters that shit out damage as well as having passive skills that boost damage.
>How am I even supposed to dodge Byakuren's final without vertical movement?
Just bomb?
>Thunder Drum and Mysterious Rhythm,
What's that? Is it fun? I think more about Yoiyami Dancers when I play the Danmaku stages.

>> No.46174567

>You're invincible during the movement. You can also just stay still and they won't activate
I know, but the invisibility ends and there is no guarantee that I'm in a good place when it does, since I lose control of my character. Staying still isn't viable.
>Use damage cards. Okuu and Flan
I don't have them. The seemingly only helpful thing I have is a card that increase my damage when my combo is 20 or higher, but my default Reimu card has the highest spirit anyway.
>Just bomb?
I'm pretty sure bomb drops are random, and I need to bomb during Good Omen since the mission is about getting over 1000 point items. First attempt I got like 5 bombs, now I just get useless things. And I want to dodge, but it feels awful without vertical movement.
>Thunder Drum and Mysterious Rhythm,
It's a fantastic Danmaku/Rhythm game hybrid fan game made in LuaSTG. Completely free, but very high effort.
Download: https://cloud.lilywhite.cc/s/KgaIQ
Password: asfrp2

>> No.46177945

It's best to just come back to those missions you can't clear later on when you have more cards and characters. Even Mitama in the story keeps saying "collect more cards!" I think the game is intentionally designed that way.

>> No.46178696

Yeah, all of the optional missions (the ones with a pale blue border on the base) seem to be endgame-oriented.

>> No.46178756
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, 1671809384471363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So should I buy this shit or now? Just gimme a yes or no, not reading the whole thread

>> No.46178807

Do you like rhythm games?
Do you love 2hu arrangements?
If the answer to both is yes, then you'll find the game worth the price just enough. Otherwise, you'd better look elsewhere.

>> No.46180066

What's with the "Unlock All Songs" DLC? Does that just make it so you don't have to work to unlock songs in-game or is it something else?

>> No.46181371

Pretty much yeah

>> No.46182048

What's a good way to grind for dream drops or whatever the in-game currency is called? I have no idea how I'm supposed to get 10 cards to max level.

>> No.46183124

>It's a fantastic Danmaku/Rhythm game hybrid fan game made in LuaSTG
Is there like a translation guide for this?

>> No.46187874
File: 60 KB, 600x656, 90fc9a45043f017c8a49f584e5958bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into 6-keys. I'm struggling so hard like I always have in any game. 4-key mode I can get Full Combos with high scores all day long but when I switch to 6-key my mind ABSOLUTELY MELTS and I can't do jack. I'll get sooo overwhelmed and can't keep up for the life of me with everything on screen and I'll instantly start hitting the wrong buttons and spamming out of desperation. I don't even think this is a skill issue thing, I think my brain is just geniunely too stupid for the task...
Damn it.

>> No.46187952

Sounds like you're just not used to it. Try playing the easiest 6K songs first, to ease gradually into it.

>> No.46195623

I was like this two weeks ago failing White Lotus and Bad Apple all the time. Now I can easily clear all songs below Difficulty 20. Just keep grinding! Stop yourself from going outside of autopilot and give yourself enough hours of sleep so your mind can get rested and used to it.

>> No.46196432
File: 197 KB, 570x525, 1680598791071636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many anons here have played the mobile version?
Would you be happy if it were brought back?
