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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46068109 No.46068109 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46047600

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46068249


>> No.46068274

Recommend me VNs that have footjobs as an important plot element. I already played Muramasa and Dies.

>> No.46068319


>> No.46069054

yume miru kusuri

>> No.46069491 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot_20240210185651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this VN take place in an 'island'?

>> No.46069639 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_10-02-2024 18-14-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 3rd op track was so damn perfectly fitting for this fight

>> No.46070045
File: 720 KB, 800x600, game_fck6lwXV4x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that's some ancient tech. The original is from 2012 and the remake is 2018 so I guess it checks out

>> No.46070206

Here it's still extremely common to see people using skype even though zoom started to take its place after lockdown

>> No.46070229

I had a meeting on skype last week

>> No.46070248

You can just think of it as the predecessor to Teams. If microsoft didn't pivot to that, it would still be as dominant now as it was then.

>> No.46070281

Ah the nostalgia. なつかしいなぁ… I remember the sound it made for incoming calls. Now we got soulless discord.

>> No.46070284

So unfortunate that game gets to a point where battles last an hour, are exhausting as fuck as mistakes aren't very tolerated, and cutscenes become short as fuck with little happening in between battles..

>> No.46070305

I still remember some prank calls I made with friends, good times

>> No.46070344

I was stilll using skype around 2014, is not that old...

>> No.46070370


>> No.46070392

gramps, i got some bad news for you

>> No.46070498 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah, at first the large-scale battles are pretty fun, but after a while the fatigue starts to set in and now I take a break every few turns.
I like the story and characters though, especially Yui. I can fix her.

>> No.46071554
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as if they still had the balls or the creativity to make a soulful parody when their last kusoge was a vtumor shill piece. this shit will be as generic as it can be

>> No.46071585 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.10 MB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_10-02-2024 23-30-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the main scenario is done
This was a really fun ride
First of all, the music is so fucking amazing, not only the fight tracks are extremely cool, but even most of the everyday bgms are so good that for the majority of your playthrough you keep listening to the kami music, the Satomi theme is definitely my favorite
I can't believe that this composer is some literal noname with barely any track record, the dude definitely going to bring some insane bangers in the future
The presentation is really cool, the art does feel rough here and there but it's still a huge improvement over Ouka, the voice acting is a top-tier
The majority of the characters are very likable, there are really a lot of great side chars
Shino, Kobungo, and Daikaku are definitely the ones who shined the most, i enjoyed pretty much every moment they were on the screen
The pacing was very consistent from start to finish which has both upsides and downsides
It really felt like you were just watching some anime and not reading an eroge, there are very few lows or highs, i rarely felt bored but i didn't feel particularly emotionally involved either up until the last fights when it finally started to get really hot, it's safe to say that my enjoyment graph would be a straight line for the most part
There were barely any fillers that actually showed just how much they are important for any story, the lack of sol scenes or any romance altogether made the emotional impact from a lot of the events very lacking
The amount of unnecessary deaths that come out of nowhere is definitely my biggest complaint about this game, most of the time they feel so forced that the best emotion you get out of them is a facepalm
The writer still has a long way to go, but i just can't help but feel respect for his dedication
First he went ahead and made his own Gyakuten saiban, and now he literally just went ahead and wrote a whole continuation of some old ass classical novel knowing that 99% of his target audience wouldn't give a shit about it, you can really tell just how much enthusiasm he put into trying to recreate it as close to the original as possible without putting any of the usual eroge tropes in it
The fact that writers like that can still exist in this day and age and are getting funded for their passion makes you realize that nothing is lost just yet

>> No.46071640

I liked most of the music but I don't think it was all that amazing, only a handful of them are still recallable in my head and my favourite one didn't get used very often.
I loved the 3rd OP and the ED though.
>most of the time they feel so forced that the best emotion you get out of them is a facepalm
Felt that same with this one. Didn't help that you could see them coming really easily.

>> No.46071645

so the question is, do you need to be familiar with the original 八犬伝?

>> No.46071657

they outright give you a summary of it

>> No.46071693

They give you the summary but i feel that reading the wiki summary somewhere during the middle of the story has enhanced my interest towards it a lot, there are a lot of interesting details that aren't explained in the game that well

>> No.46071745

I feel like most of my favorite tracks were playing for the majority of the game and the annoying ones were played very rarely which is pretty rare in itself

>> No.46071808

Real talk, like, when is the last time a good visual novel even came out?
There was the 2009-2012 golden era then good VNs became slimmer pickings than sugar-free food in an American grocery store. Rance 10 in 2018 was basically the dying gasp of the entire medium and it never recovered from that point on (if you like Dohna Dohna you should know lobotomy victims are not welcome in intellectual discourse, so just run along). Sure, there's some glimmers of quality that pop up now and again... Imouto to Kanojo for example has a modicum of soul to it, and Qruppo is at least one new face with promise. But overall, it's like looking at a shambling corpse. Mega-hyped games like Sakura no Toki come out to essentially no fanfare and everyone forgets them in a matter of months if not *weeks.* It's all just clones of clones of clones in the modern era where simply having dicks and boobs on screen is not enough to enrapture an audience. The most skilled authors left to write for gacha or just quit, with barely a fraction of the old guard continuing to make games - and those who do tend to be forced into making cucked 5-10 hour long all-ages games because those make marginally more profit with the massive chinese audience that dwarfs US and JP sales combined.

What is even the point in playing VNs in 2024 unless you're an EOP still feasting on the corpses of decade-old games like a vulture? It's just bad, bad, bad. Nothing to look forward to. Nowhere to look but back. Meanwhile WEGs and Japanese HRPGs are flourishing with culture-shaking megahits coming out on a biyearly basis. The grass is so much greener literally everywhere else; it's like VNs are a cemetery of death surrounded by a thriving city. And so I repeat: when is the last time a good visual novel even came out? What is there even to look forward to?

>> No.46071878

>whining about a 30 min collab game
said vtuber plays eroge and the first one she played was clover day's

>> No.46071900

>DD bad
>Imokano and Qruppo have soul
>Sakurtoki no fanfare and forgotten
bad bait or utterly braindead
>when is the last time a good visual novel even came out?
read the thread retard.

>> No.46071913

I don't give a shit what he plays. vtumors should all collectively kill themselves.

>> No.46071930

Stopped reading at food analogy.

>> No.46071941

Nta but DD sucks ass except for gyokai's art

>> No.46071953

>good visual novel
Completely subjective.
>What is even the point in playing VNs in 2024
It would take me decades to read existing VNs I have an interest in.

>> No.46071968

i'm glad the cartel is dead and nobody is playing eroge anymore. eroge should be gatekept more.

>> No.46072009

imokano is total trash, that much is certain.

>> No.46072047
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2021 2022 and 2023 respectively according to vndb

>> No.46072057

>moeshit and a remake

>> No.46072078

I don't care about ratings, so I the last time a "good" vn came out is the latest one I enjoyed which was shitaboku

>> No.46072118
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Why are there so few yurige?

>> No.46072130

No one wants to buy garbage.

>> No.46072139

Because good yuri can only ever be written by a woman

>> No.46072201

How can I self-insert if there's no male?

>> No.46072218

Self insert as female?

>> No.46072232

You've got both of these coming out in the coming months:

>> No.46072238

Who's gonna dick me?

>> No.46072250

As long real life keep getting worse moege will keep aging like wine

>> No.46072282

>As long real life keep getting worse
For you I guess

>> No.46072284

Pretty much what I thought too, beside that I wasn't much of a fan of Shino's route, since the plot was making her life a mess rather than her doing something herself. And I do feel like there are some loose ends, or at least it needed a bit more, like with the Tojo boss who you see only in chapter 2 then you never see him again, or the deal with the unlucky guy being from the cult too
>The fact that writers like that can still exist in this day and age and are getting funded for their passion makes you realize that nothing is lost just yet
Well, their post about being harassed and closing down eroge activity won't help them.

>> No.46072298

some yuri fag play this shit and report back https://vndb.org/v15213

>> No.46072302

You don't. Can't you feel happy for seeing two girls love each other or feel aroused from seeing to girls fuck each other?

>> No.46072326

No, I'm not a cuck. I can't enjoy people being happy and shit for hours on end from a 3rd person pov.

>> No.46072334

>no man to lust after and try to win over him by catching his stomach first

>> No.46072346

Same can be said for the opposite. Read some moege written by women and they felt like they guessed what male protags would say and think, resulting in something that feels fake at worst or strangely effeminate MC.

I guess wht I want to say is: a man can never write from the perspective of a woman and a woman can never write from the perspective of a man. In both cases the writers will just emulate other works instead of drawing from personal experience and desires.

>> No.46072354

Almost all moege have effeminate MCs

>> No.46072362

better than cuck like plotge mc.

>> No.46072365

There are moege written by women??? For example?

>> No.46072368

Read one written by a woman and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.46072395 [SPOILER] 
File: 384 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_10-02-2024 00-19-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her pair's synergy was the weakest one i feel but i still loved her as a character so much, she's basically 武士の鏡
The pic scene did hit so hard considering how much she was forced to change her views through the story
>post about being harassed
Well it was made by a company account so there is no info about who or how was harassed, i'm just going to hope that the writer will continue to work for something even if they will end up abandoning the ero part

>> No.46072396

>written by women
Impossible, women always like male MCs who are somewhat abusive towards them and threaten them over petty shit

>> No.46072405

SakuSaku or Umi to Yuki no Cyan Blue come to mind. Currently I'm reading the latter and it's very apparent that the writer is a woman. In fact I suspected it's a woman at first, while reading the first route and only then I looked it up on VNDB. In other words, you can almost always notice it.

>> No.46072411


>> No.46072424
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>First result is nasu
Nice list

>> No.46072444
File: 254 KB, 820x977, bimanyukionna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you like Kanako, anons

>> No.46072446

https://vndb.org/s4 is listed as a writer for the ps vita version so it made it count

>> No.46072450

do you get to fuck it

>> No.46072458

It's not cucked because there are no men involved.

>> No.46072482

I guess that's the best we will get from her in a Biman, since she doesn't voice any main heroine in nukige

>> No.46072537


Did anyone read this one? I've read 11eyes by the same developer many many years ago and Inhave fond memories, so I thought I'd check out some other eroge by Lass.

>> No.46072564

>In the Omegaverse, everyone is born into one of three secondary genders: Alpha (α), Beta (β), or Omega (Ω).
What the fuck is this tranny nonsense?

>> No.46072572

63 median on egs... oof

>> No.46072598

>Meanwhile, Omegas have a special characteristic: they periodically go into heat, at which time they become irresistible to Alphas.
Sounds like some veiled ass way to force into sm play

>> No.46072600

Irrelevant when moegarbage like amakano has a high score there, zero credibility on that site.

>> No.46072601

just a trannylator

>> No.46072646

What the fuck?

>> No.46072650

Ugly hag-like character designs are not moe.
Or rather, it's "moegarbage" as in being garbage at trying to be moe.

>> No.46072661

Couldn't say it better.

>> No.46072687

Looks like they put some old, 25 year old grannies into their old high school uniforms to relive their youths which will never come back. I'm disappointed by the Japanese people who voted this so highly. Normally I expected them to have better beauty ideals.

>> No.46072719

>beauty ideals
>the average tits size keeps getting higher each passing year without a single sign of stopping

>> No.46072758

Somehow I have it on my list too, I like the theme song

>> No.46072798

Suprisingly this is the ED song, should have been the OP. I have Liber7 and this downloaded but have not played either. Someday...

>> No.46072825

>Only Bad Endings
Dropped before picking up.

>> No.46072829

Kino. Picked up

>> No.46072835

>to relive their youths which will never come back
Yeah imagine what kind of pathetic human would do this

>> No.46072873

Still better than reading blocks of blogposting here.

>> No.46072879

nah, kill yourself along with your tumor

>> No.46072884

nah, keep malding spergo.

>> No.46072890

Would angry, depressed Russians writing for eroge save the medium?

>> No.46072968

they'd do the same for the eroge medium as they have for chat in multiplayer games

>> No.46072991

russian writing would still be non-japanese EVN-like writing, Ivan.

>> No.46073007

Will i get more ginpatsu beauties obsessed with japanese culture?

>> No.46073149

Do boomers really?

>> No.46073179

The best thing they wrote in the last 100 years is the endless isekais with the stalin and hitler

>> No.46073206

Japs are still using skypch

>> No.46073243
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1662355601054979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking damn it

>> No.46073260

No, their """ruvn""" writing sucks as much as generic oelvn writing does. Ukrainians trying to write shit is even worse.

>> No.46073272

Imagine a world where it wasn't called after a cat so japs never picked it up, would there be any sci-fi titles left?

>> No.46073292

What is this? I must know.

>> No.46073293

Try https://vndb.org/v37863

>> No.46073302

If you want to read more Lassge, why not 3days?

>> No.46073303

shit art, shit UI design, no tl to japanese

>> No.46073307

Too much NTR for my tastes.

>> No.46073312

> no tl to russian
Writer must be Ukrainian nazi, so not reading this shit

>> No.46073325


>> No.46073356

So says the Zombie Occupier.

>> No.46073359

>Imagine a world where it wasn't called after a cat
I would go so far as to say that eroge as a whole wouldn't even exist in that case

>> No.46073368

Why do all the covers look like bad photoshops?

>> No.46073380

Eroge would both exist and not exist until directly observed, collapsing the obligate cat box reference waveform.

>> No.46073387
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This shit never stops being hilarious.

>> No.46073872 [SPOILER] 
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, shinsetsu_mahosho_JbK4sAN7Qw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aftermath of this chapter was crazy, even more so than the first time a boss monster showed up.
I love the distorted music that plays when Chiyo-Haruka is on-screen.

>> No.46074017
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>> No.46074021

Not angry ones, it's just another brand of Western slop, but those with soul yes.

>> No.46074023

It truly was the Neko's box...

>> No.46074031

The ones who have soul died long ago.

>> No.46074038

Nah. Some of us still are still left. We are being subverted but I have hope we can recover.

>> No.46074054

Was she, based, as the kids say?

>> No.46074068

Does https://vndb.org/v48419 count as a nukige?

>> No.46074074

I love how after you peel away all the autism and posturing, Eleanor is ultimately just a 恋する乙女.

>> No.46074080

*butthurt cuckquean

>> No.46074085

I love how Masada's women are more realistic and true to their nature. Western slop could really learn from it with their obsession with "strong female".

>> No.46074087

>since she doesn't voice any main heroine in nukige
And I don't understand why, she goes all out with filthy dialogue on Magicami and Meshiya, porn gacha are fine but nukige with the same content are too far?

>> No.46074135

strong females are good as long as MC is stronger

>> No.46074157

I love that part in KKK where all the chicks in the Yatsukahagi decide to collectively vent out their women problems. It's dressed up in super powered fights and shits, but at it's core it's basically a bunch of cunts having a moment.

>> No.46074213
File: 1.71 MB, 1200x900, malie_zUsPz3oSop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Both men and women have their own battle to do and they complement each other.

>> No.46074662

The point of stronk women characters meme in the west isn't realism but to inspire and motivate girls

>> No.46074687

it's literally just to shit on males. Women already dominate in every form of education

>> No.46074703

>isn't realism
Exactly, it's creating a false world where a strong woman isn't someone who's actually a woman, it's just a version of a violent man who hates men.

>> No.46074705
File: 130 KB, 1200x555, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posting this on normie platforms and then telling eops to not engage with masada eroge cause masada is a problematic misogynistic piece of shit. For the sake of gatekeeping.

>> No.46074707

Women still suck at stem fields. They can memorize shit and ace exams but that's it.

>> No.46074713

Women have every reason to hate men but they are brainwashed to worship men in trad societies. Men are literally niggers of gender.

>> No.46074715
File: 149 KB, 1200x847, o7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... I can't even... That is so based.

>> No.46074720

So true subasister! I feel hatred for these men putting me down and not making me feel valid.

>> No.46074721

*love posting

>> No.46074736

Japan ranks bottom tier in gender equality ranking and you have men like Masada saying shit like this.

>> No.46074744

So much this! I feel attacked right now! I hope SCA-JI can write a VN to promote more equalities in Japanese society and integrate more Western thought!

>> No.46074749

Suba-sisters, we cannot stand for this. We need to cancel Masada.

>> No.46074754


>> No.46074760

>Overall, Japan ranked 125th place out of 146 countries benchmarked, coming far behind other G-7 nations in gender equality.
Lol what the fuck man
I didn't knew it was this bad

>> No.46074761

no need, his company canceled itself.

>> No.46074764

Nooo! How could they! It's so evil! Women and men are LITERALLY the same as we have learned from SCA-JI!

>> No.46074769

It's the only first world shithole where women are still expected to fulfill traditional gender roles.

>> No.46074768

Woman? Man? What's the difference. It's all the same.
Just be what makes you happy.
Live happily!

>> No.46074773 [DELETED] 

Dear エロゲスレ,

I’mriddled with shame. JOP shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone,especially EOPs. I feel like there is no “me” outside of myJOP elitist plotcuck moebuta erogamer identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.

Iconsider myself an ally. I research proper etiquette, read translations and translator blogs, talk about VNs in a way that will not harm EOPs, translators and other vulnerable people. I engage in conversations about privilege with other erogamers. I take courses that will further educate me. I buy translated eroge on steam. Yet I fear that nothing is enough. Part of my fear comesfrom the fact that privilege is invisible to itself. What if I’m doing or saying insensitive things without realizing it?

Anotherpart of it is that I’m currently immersed in the JOPest environmentI’ve ever been in. I know who I am, but I realize howpeople perceive me and this perception feels unfair.

Idon’t talk about my feelings because it’s hard to justify doing sowhile EOPs are dying due to systemic elitism and making thisconversation about me would be again centering JOPness. Yet bottlingit up makes me feel an existential anger that I have a hard time channeling since I don’t know my place. Instead of harnessing my privilege for greater good, I’m curled up in a ball of shame. How can Ibe more than my heritage?


>> No.46074774

Now I know when VNs will die. When this number rises to a sufficient level.

>> No.46074776


>> No.46074783

Dear エロゲスレ,

I’mriddled with shame. JOP shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone,especially EOPs. I feel like there is no “me” outside of myJOP elitist plotcuck moebuta erogamer identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.

Iconsider myself an ally. I research proper etiquette, read translations and translator blogs, talk about VNs in a way that will not harm EOPs, translators and other vulnerable people. I engage in conversations about privilege with other erogamers. I take courses that will further educate me. I buy translated eroge on steam. Yet I fear that nothing is enough. Part of my fear comes from the fact that privilege is invisible to itself. What if I’m doing or saying insensitive things without realizing it?

Another part of it is that I’m currently immersed in the JOPest environment I’ve ever been in. I know who I am, but I realize how people perceive me and this perception feels unfair.

Idon’t talk about my feelings because it’s hard to justify doing sowhile EOPs are dying due to systemic elitism and making thisconversation about me would be again centering JOPness. Yet bottlingit up makes me feel an existential anger that I have a hard time channeling since I don’t know my place. Instead of harnessing my privilege for greater good, I’m curled up in a ball of shame. How can I be more than my heritage?


>> No.46074784

>Women and men are LITERALLY the same
They are the same in every way that matters for a first world country.

>> No.46074785

We need to cancel him from twitter, dear Suba-sister. We cannot let his misogyny stand.

>> No.46074792

So much this Subasister! They are the same... And the first world is what matters, and our great society that creates so much beauty and great art... We need to influence VN to be more Western-friendly and more Cal-arts friendly.

>> No.46074793

I mean we should treat them as equal on principle and shouldn't force patriarchal expectations

>> No.46074798

So much this... They ARE the same and best suited for the same jobs and have the same ways of thinking. It's all just in the perception, bro. You can be a woman if you want. You can be a man if you want. The truth is? There is no truth!

>> No.46074802

>And the first world is what matters
Yeah lmao do you really think third world street shitters matter?

>> No.46074803

I strive for equality and for representation in VN. These old white male enabling authors need to be deplatformed! We need more representation! We need to have more valid translations of works to subtly influence the Japanese into accepting our, correct, democratic and free Ideals.

>> No.46074811

This... We need more HRT and more acceptance in VN and other media to make them more representative of our struggles as fellow Subasisters. Only our ideals can achieve this. VN are outdated and need to conform to the current way of thinking. I support Mangagamer, I support artistic translation!

>> No.46074813

So much this Subasister! There is no ought, there is no truth... But still... They should.

>> No.46074819

So much great art is coming from our way of thinking as Enlightened Westerners. And the Japanese ignore it?! Just look at Netflix, look at Doki Doki Literature club. These works of Art could only be created by a society as enlightened as ours.

>> No.46074820

Nukitashi 2 says trans rights!
Take that, chud!

>> No.46074823

So much this. It's my favorite philosophy after Subahibi and I feel so valid reading it! More VN need to adapt to our way. Even their art style needs to change to be more accepting, but that will come in due time.

>> No.46074831

We used to make good shit in the 70s-90s era before disney happened. A lot of good movies, music, literature etc.

>> No.46074834

>more valid translations of works to subtly influence the Japanese into accepting our, correct, democratic and free Ideals.
This is what is happening with localisers and EOPs. I wonder how many years there's left for VN.

>> No.46074836
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong of me to think that, based on what I've seen of the game, it's pretty good but also very much a game made in 2009 by a presumably middle-class cis-het Japanese guy?

>> No.46074840

It's not good! Don't call it that! It doesn't show the equality between males and females! The main character is literally a racist and sexist!
The writer was an extremist who learned martial arts to hurt other people!

>> No.46074841

Isn't that the VN where the protagonist says communism doesn't work because of human nature in ichijou route? Fucking burn it. Nazi shit.

>> No.46074843

We need to cancel this.

>> No.46074845

>literal nazi uniform
Yeah Narahara thought I wouldn't notice?

>> No.46074853

Imagine being so insecure about your taste in VNs that you immediately spam the thread with unhinged rants about trannies/niggers/whatever the moment someone criticizes them.

>> No.46074856
File: 130 KB, 800x600, Reinhard.Tristan.Eugen.Heydrich.full.259707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else got triggered by this when reading Dies irae? They have the bad armband like Hitler. And I found out a character is literally named after a Nazi.

>> No.46074862
File: 75 KB, 1018x567, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember him helping a woman in this game. So bigoted. I almost quit it the moment that happened.

>> No.46074864

once a fucking gain i must ask of this thread
what are you reading and what are your thoughts on it
instead of this absolute fucking drivel

>> No.46074877
File: 280 KB, 439x586, 淫従くノ一_~忠義を超えた支配~淫従くノ一.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the new historical ninja / princess rape tsurumiku nukige.
It's not great. I like this expression one of the heroines makes but that's about it.

>> No.46074880

that is unfortunate but also that's a pretty good expression
where did it fuck up, in your opinion?

>> No.46074892
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, 淫従くノ一_~忠義を超えた支配~淫従くノ一.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a weird complaint to make about a rapege - especially a tsrumiku rapege - but it was too rapey. The VN sets itself up as raping girls into submission, but it's mostly rape and very little submission, and the submission is still mostly rape.
Maybe it's more to do with my specific fetishes than the quality of the VN.

>> No.46074907

nah that's fair, wouldn't be the first thing i've seen that went too hard on the fetish
there's a balance to it that only the true masters know how to walk

>> No.46074910
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been reading Akai Ito. It's really nice and cozy going through the massive in-game encyclopedia. It reminds me that I guess I'm sexist deep down, because if the useless retard MC was a man I would probably be infuriated playing it, but since it's a girl I find those aspects pretty cute. Actually, she's probably basically an otomege MC, honestly. Anyways, it's enjoyable, but lord do I wish they would fix the bug where the music just cuts off instead of fading out on scene change.

>> No.46074911

Reading the Hyperion cantos series right now. Pretty good VN.

>> No.46074913
File: 73 KB, 761x215, 1644448494621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46075084

Shit, 21 ranks more until they are the most based on the planet. But then again, Kishida does his best to cuck his nation, bowing his head to his western, feminist overlords.

>> No.46075113

That's one handsome looking nazi

>> No.46075138
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, 2024_02_08_619__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing Idolfucker, I have to say this moment was pretty good.

>> No.46075187

VLC. Winrar. Fraps. Skype. MS Paint.
I feel so old desu...

>> No.46075386

We need to bring back the times when cool posts were called that.

>> No.46075508

I'm old...

>> No.46075587

Still use VLC to watch my anime/porn MMD and Winrar to extract my eroge

>> No.46075625 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 1600x900, malie_261suhBGPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Kasumi route in Dies Irae yesterday. It was okay and probably the weakest route in Dies Irae because Reinhard and his imperial guard didn't come out. There are some moments that I like in this route like Shiro fighting with Bei it's very cool, especially at the end of the battle where Shiro impales Bei with a cross and the second one is priest as Rea父親代わりsaying taboo things to her.

>> No.46075669

Press f3 bro you are cutting 1/3 of cgs

>> No.46075682

>cropcucked version

>> No.46075712
File: 1.45 MB, 1203x966, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta, but why sprites looks so fucking blurry in supposedly hd version

>> No.46075713
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x900, malie_pMT7AbiqMF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wilhelm sprite is bugged in 4:3 so I switch to 16:9 because it's Wilhelm part, usually I play in 4:3.

>> No.46075719

just play the non-hd version and upscale it with magpie. the new one has cucked ui.

>> No.46075725

In what way?

>> No.46075743

Nta but the non-hd font looks ugly af

>> No.46075796

no soul, looks like smartphone shite.

>> No.46075805

Cool, but can you show how non-hd ui looks then?

>> No.46075814

it's on vndb

>> No.46075823


>> No.46075840

I am getting nostalgia from these posts. Any VN like dies irae besides racist KKK?

>> No.46076354
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, 1683289237377565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46076458
File: 2.67 MB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 15-17-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some cute cd

>> No.46076476

cuper deformed

>> No.46076479

That's been done badly before.

>> No.46076495

Is it possible to learn how to read JP VNs?

>> No.46076497

And men aren't doing anything to help them. In fact, they bully them. Nerds really are the villains after all.

>> No.46076498

cute and dummy

>> No.46076506

No it's impossible. No one on this planet has ever read a JP VN.

>> No.46076538

Are you going to give them another shot with their upcoming game?

>> No.46076548

Is that really the name?

>> No.46076565

I can understand his point.
Though Mahou Shoujo (or at least what I imagine it is, I have watched very little of it) is kind of a good execution of battling girls.
They are fundamentally weak and fragile, their offense and defense is proxied by a third party, "magic".
It's abstracted.

>> No.46076688

MPV and 7-Zip are better in every way

>> No.46076699 [SPOILER] 
File: 413 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 15-46-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now scenes like that are exactly what the main game was lacking

>> No.46076746

>Imouto to Kanojo for example has a modicum of soul to it
>Sakura no Toki come out to essentially no fanfare and everyone forgets them in a matter of months if not *weeks.
Funny comparison, because I haven't seen any Imouto to Kanojo discussion in here for a while, almost like everyone forgot about it as well

>> No.46076749

except for the most important part; soul.

>> No.46076754

In what way 7-zip is better?
After i wasted like an hour thinking that the password was wrong because it didn't want to extract a multiple-part archive from the part 2 instead of part 1, i never used it again

>> No.46076766

There was some discussion about it last week.

>> No.46076782
File: 50 KB, 600x900, 1695650457263042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46076794

Because instead of aiming to be something great, it follows the westoid creative philosophy of trying to be overly novel and "original", and instead of trying to be good escapism, it follows the westoid procedure of "realism".
Open source, so it doesn't constantly nag you to buy it, and has a lower chance of spying on you or doing other malicious things.
You may have lost "like an hour" like that, but you will ultimately save countless hours NOT clicking on the close button on the "BUY WINRAR" popup.

>> No.46076812

>Because instead of aiming to be something great, it follows the westoid creative philosophy of trying to be overly novel and "original", and instead of trying to be good escapism, it follows the westoid procedure of "realism".
This is the most retarded thing I've read all week.

>> No.46076845

This, so much this Umisister! We need more Japanese works which do not follow bigoted VN traditions and align with Western values, like Umineko and Subahibi and Imokano, so we can MTL them and talk about them on Reddot!

>> No.46076853

it's up.

>> No.46076865

You haven't read any of those VNs you just mentioned.

>> No.46076866

>it follows the westoid creative philosophy of trying to be overly novel and "original"
This is a realisation I came to recently as well. People chase after mechanistic "originality" and contrived "novelty", not realising that the soul of the story is what matters instead of being "realistic" twitter trauma dump tier musings about their internal state.

>> No.46076880

i don't doubt he could have read subahibi and umineko since they're big with eops, but yeah these days i basically skip any posts that mention subahibi, anyone who isn't a newfaggot eop already played and talked about it many years ago and it's just shitposting fuel now

>> No.46076884

...yeah, like 5 posts about it. The point is the discussion is slowly dying out just like sakutoki
And if we are rating eroge by the amount of discussion then tenshi souzou is also a kamige since that gets discussed here more frequently than most other eroge

>> No.46076897
File: 43 KB, 1205x389, mtl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU have not read them, bigoted JOPedo, because you only access stale knowledge instead of actively trying to understand the Western-minded author's TRUE intentions... even though truth doesn't exist.

>> No.46076900

>tenshi souzou is also a kamige since that gets discussed here more frequently than most other eroge
no it doesn't

>> No.46076903

Have you ever heard of such a concept as a crack in your life?

>> No.46076914


>> No.46076919
File: 368 KB, 440x440, 1703814783367806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be a single day we don't get raided?

>> No.46076925

probably not for awhile, blame that mtling redditor eop faggot for namedropping and reposting stuff from this thread on reddit

>> No.46076938

post the reddit thread, i'm curious

>> No.46076945

>they know about Reddit
You have to go back.

>> No.46076955

It's literally one single anon spamming the exact same text each time to divert from any discussions, i wonder just how hard can it be to ignore in instead of trying to troll back thinking you are smarter

>> No.46076965

it's not one guy, there's multiple posts shitposting about the same thing within less than a minute of each other. there's clearly some discord faggotry going on

>> No.46076967
File: 21 KB, 885x147, 1693190867724915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46076974

>2-3 weeks to mtl a vn
just learn jp wtf

>> No.46076987

>I can read Amakano
No. You can't. You can read a translation of it.

>> No.46076989

dude's like 45 years old and spends all day whining about localizers. i doubt he can

>> No.46076996

Mondblut usually comes here to bring mtl up so it's very easy to recognize his posts, the suba autist is definitely some local schizo

>> No.46077018
File: 17 KB, 1417x361, 1682702046847394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife sayuki defiled by mtl...

>> No.46077062
File: 76 KB, 644x453, Screenshot .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it made me believe it was written by an AI

>> No.46077100

Is this an elaborate troll? I don't know what levels of autism are required to be oblivious to the irony of what he's saying.

>> No.46077103


>> No.46077115
File: 25 KB, 1131x163, Mondblut (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew this was him kek, now I'm going to assume it's him whenever there is some extremely shit taste post

>> No.46077127
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 1687849993418686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right

>> No.46077135

>2 days ago
Is this the same faggot that was blogposting hatsuyuki sakura here last week?

>> No.46077154

Nah, that guy finished it >>45994039

>> No.46077183

this can't be real

>> No.46077226 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1699x297, 1706721543328084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please mtl it, please mtl it, please mtl it

>> No.46077228

That was https://vndb.org/u99000

>> No.46077251

why dox someone who actually contributes to the thread?

>> No.46077255

It's a vndb profile.

>> No.46077264
File: 427 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 16-54-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally me but unironically

>> No.46077268

I mean I don't know it's him, this guy just publicly logged it at the same time.

>> No.46077356
File: 136 KB, 1544x768, Shinreigari - Ghost Hound DS (Japan)-240211-140126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you recommend any of those VNs for consoles that are based on anime shows?

I'm reading through Ghost Hound DS right now because it's one of my favorite anime, but it's really just exactly the story as shown in the TV series (minus voice acting).
Are they all like this?

>> No.46077367

Often they're some generic alternative story.

>> No.46077375

Oreimo is the only good one

>> No.46077398


>> No.46077457

Those are based on LNs, not anime, you dummies.

>> No.46077472

is it really based on the ln if it uses character designs and seiyuu from the anime adaptation?

>> No.46077548
File: 282 KB, 393x389, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 17-27-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was some awkward h scene but at least i could finally self-insert

>> No.46077595


But he's right, the romance is shit. You can't convince me otherwise. Most people praise it for the proactive edgy protagonist and completely ignore how bad the romance in each route is. Fuck, most nukige I've read have better romance. So if you go in expecting a moege, you end up disappointed.

>> No.46077606

The Yoru ending was one of the most romantic shit i ever read, moeges seems to really deform people's perception of romance

>> No.46077637

How? There is basically no real romance in the route, no inner monologue about how much she means to him, no sweet couple sol moments. It's partially due to the edgelord MC, I get it, but even Grisaia had far superior romance with a similar MC.

>> No.46077672

The problem with those kind of VNs is that they are the equivalent of fanfiction and most of the time they aren't even written by the same writer

>> No.46077692

Stop giving these retard(s) attention, report and ignore.

>> No.46077727

>Akai Ito
I remember when I originally played this, there was one CG I had no idea how to get. I got every single fucking ending, but was missing one CG somehow. Searching around the internet didn't help. Maybe when I replay the remastered version, I'll get it.

>> No.46077728


>yume miru kusuri

I-I haven't heard that name in years...

>> No.46077736

Sweet couple moments are good and all but they are not everything that romance can offer
This kind of cold romance that is not about some kind of deep sweet love but more about 寄り添う partner for whom at some point you just start to feel that it's not too bad to throw everything for is sweet on its own

>> No.46077777

I didn't get any semblance of romantic feelings from the main protagonist. Like he was cold towards ever girl other than Ran.

>> No.46077793

There is no way you are serious, he has been showing his dere part so many times that the gap was genuinely cute as fuck

>> No.46077815
File: 109 KB, 1677x502, nippon-no-botsuraku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe when I replay the remastered version
Never ever.

>> No.46077836

Again, to me his feelings of affection were a black box. The reason why I said that he only had feelings for Ran is because she was the only girl who occupied his sentimental inner monologue, he constantly thought about how much she meant to him. For the other girls I received no romantic vibes at all.

>> No.46077849

What is the current texthooking meta that will help me get better at Japanese? I use textractor and a textgrabber named nazeka which also has a mouseover dictionary, is there anything better?

>> No.46077873

Why Nazeka and not Yomichan? Genuine question.

>> No.46077908

Ran was basically a mother to him so his feelings for her didn't feel any romantic at all to me, it was mostly there to represent his loneliness
He is a genuine tsundere so he would never admit his love feelings to himself or monologue about it for hours, showing off cool is like the core of his personality
But he still showed them off enough through his actions so i guess tsundere mcs are just not for you

>> No.46077938

If learning Japanese is the #1 priority then draw the characters to look it up.
Drawing the characters to look up meanings helps you remember them better and also forces you to think more about if you really need to lookup something, cause looking up something by drawing is a pain in the ass.
Having an quick and easy to use dictionary makes it too easy to rely on it and doesn't force you to actually remember stuff as much

>> No.46078002

>yeah bro just waste more time not spent reading
At this point tell him to do Anki 3 hours a day.

>> No.46078020

You learn them in anki not by drawing it 1 time, it's not worth it to have to distract yourself from what you reading and possibly lose the emotional impact from the scene

>> No.46078046

Aokana extra 2 isn't moeshit, it's a sports story.

>> No.46078084

That's why EXTRA 2 sucks. EXTRA 1 was far superior. Why would I watch my least favorite heroine do some sports shit when I could go on dates with my cute loli girlfriend. Only faggots would prefer the former.

>> No.46078115 [SPOILER] 
File: 512 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 18-47-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this episode was pretty cute but damn it was even shorter than in Ouka, the 2nd half was basically nothing but h scenes
Wish there was at least some mini-episode about solving some mystery or something

>> No.46078131

>He is a genuine tsundere so he would never admit his love feelings to himself or monologue about it for hours.

Sounds like an excuse for Niijima's incapability to write romance. Same shit with the routes he did for Summer Pockets. I swear, at this point I believe the guy has autism. No wonder he'd be the only idiot who would write an entire eroge, a moege no less, based on the MC being left by the main heroine for music, call it the true ending and then be surprised why moege fans break their disks and complain.

>> No.46078177

Was looking at the cg set for that recent game with the office ladies by the tsurumiku subsidiary brand, looks like it has a surprising amount of ryona
I will give it a shot
ひぎぃ needs to make a comeback full force

>> No.46078218

I used Yomichan but stopped because it was slow and ceasing development, and then Nazeka came out as an all-in-one option and hard a dark clipboard.

>> No.46078223 [SPOILER] 
File: 653 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 19-03-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yooo i was waiting for this to come
Can't believe they didn't even bother to revive funamushi though...

>> No.46078231

They did, she's with Koumei.

>> No.46078251

Yomitan/Texthook or Agent/Page for texthook/Anki
that's it rly

>> No.46078259

Huh still weird that they didn't include her in Kobungo story though, would make it a lot more fun

>> No.46078277

>Never ever.
Why? If you want to hook it agent has a script

>> No.46078285

Oh really? Nice, I love unity now.

>> No.46078298

It's anti-Japanese and has CCP spyware/cryptominers.

>> No.46078306
File: 259 KB, 903x888, MavCxNOJT5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait they all got revived in the end? I didn't read after story because I don't care much about the romance and I want to clear my backlog

>> No.46078315

How many bitcoins did it still from you?

>> No.46078341

nta but yes they just don't remember the main characters, and it doesn't seems like they are going to rebuild a relationship or whatever, they are doing their own thing, which is travelling, for most of them

>> No.46078343

It's hookable now, which means it's pro-Japanese and has a built in antivirus deleting anything Chinese from your computer.

>> No.46078346
File: 67 KB, 256x384, 02388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried quite a few and most of them are pretty bad.
The best I've read is ロザリオとバンパイア 七夕のミス陽海学園. It's made by Capcom so the production value is really impressive. I would go as far as saying I prefer it to the anime it's based on. Even then it still isn't very good.
In general, the issue is that they don't stray far enough from the source material to be interesting for fans, but don't do a good enough job of introducing the story to be interesting for newcomers. In essence they're just cash grabs.
The rare few examples that do stray from the source material often have their own issues. I was really excited when I tried 少女革命ウテナ いつか革命される物語 and discovered how much freedom I had to change the story, but that excitement quickly turned to disappointment as I struggled against its unclear and frustrating systems. If I gave it another chance someday I'd have to look up a guide for it; it left me feeling completely lost.

The only anime adaptation I can truly recommend is the Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force series.
They aren't really visual novels (you'll spend >90% of your time playing either dueling or redesigning your deck) but they have piles of unique and alternate stories, let you romance any character (pick a female partner if you aren't into BL), and make you feel like you're truly a part of the show's setting.
The games have numerous technical and design issues (especially Tag Force 1) but if you're willing to look past them they're a great experience.

>> No.46078349

The previous world was distorted (so they basically were living in a fake world all this time) so now they finally got back to the real world where the noroi never happened, but no one remembers them. The stories seem to be 2 hr long (if they all are the same) so it's worth checking them out, there is also Fusehime episode in the kansou mode (other tab) but it spoilers the rest of the episodes so i didn't read it yet)

>> No.46078399

oh it's pretty short. I will read it after I finish my current vn. Thanks

>> No.46078413

Can you play it without watching the anime

>> No.46078425

You shouldn't be watching the anime in the first place. Read the manga.

>> No.46078434

Tag Force rules, nice taste anon. I'm glad I can play they in Japanese now, it's a travesty they gutted the voice acting in translation.

>> No.46078483

Are eroge really the go-to for right wingers?

>> No.46078495

How about the Horizon game https://vndb.org/v12776? I think I've seen it mentioned before.

>> No.46078504


>> No.46078554 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.37 MB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 19-53-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Shino episode is unexpectedly really good, didn't expect her to break so hard after everything

>> No.46078608

Fortunately not anymore with the SubaHibi revolution!

>> No.46078628

If Kawakami actually wrote the scenario for it that's pretty cool, I like when writers work on their video game adaptations. Not a VN at all but that was the case with the Nanoha PSP games as well.

>> No.46079020 [SPOILER] 
File: 376 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 20-51-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this cg looks like it's from some yuri game

>> No.46079232
File: 3.38 MB, 1063x1500, 1677563182950950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest azarashi looking good so far, i hope you like anglos

>> No.46079328
File: 153 KB, 802x632, homu homu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fire emblem ft. mahou shoujos with a berserker MC
aw shit yeah this is great

>> No.46079459

We are so lucky fellow Subasisters! Mon panache!

>> No.46079509

Tits too big

>> No.46079556

>this is considered small
That background looks like Mother 2

>> No.46079719

I completely forgot about the Tag Force games. Wait for me, Aki.

>> No.46079818

What an ugly old hag. Is Azarashi Soft now completely catering to gerontophiles? Disgusting. But I guess even for such weird fetishes there's a niche.

>> No.46079942

i get hating big titties, but this is a maid game, here it makes complete sense.

>> No.46080008 [SPOILER] 
File: 373 KB, 1280x960, 1701244846161310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many hours of autism were spent to make sure this part showed up correctly. Totally worth it.

>> No.46080116

She can be a high school student maid who does it as a part time job. Make the MC a 30-40 year old guy for a nice age gap and you have the ingredients for something nice and erotic. Instead the decided to make the heroine a granny.

>> No.46080207

one less game for you to mtl, huh?

>> No.46080275

You must be happy that you get plenty of hagge to mtl then.

>> No.46080288

i just read them in japanese since i'm not an eop subhuman like you. >>46076967

>> No.46080337

I estimate that... 70% of people here mtl

>> No.46080348
File: 533 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_12-02-2024 00-05-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how this is literally the first Ouka reference in the whole game

>> No.46080438
File: 567 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_11-02-2024 23-53-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dousetsu episode was also unexpectedly great, it even had an actual story
Shame that there barely was any connection between the pairs, i would like to see one least one episode where all the dudes would gather together

>> No.46080450

I'm not a part of your reddit group. You and all your reddit sisters are definitely eop subhumans though.

>> No.46080499

That faggot wrote in third person to defend himself >>46077595
Really the emperor of retards kek I can't imagine being 40 years old and so mentally ill

>> No.46080508

This is one of the reasons i barely discuss anything im currently reading here desu, there is a chance the one replying to me could have read the eroge through mtl

>> No.46080550

Have you not learned how to filter the replies through all these years?
I'm okay with knowing that there are at least 1.5 bros who actually care and i just ignore anything else like a noise

>> No.46080596

MTLchads live rent free in your head and is for the best, the majority here uses MTL. And google lens is used to read the untranslated pics posted too

>> No.46080643

fake mtlchad

>> No.46080660

Sky Chord Op https://youtu.be/vr4K5W8tJ2k

>> No.46080721

Why do the males designs look so gay, i bet the artist is a woman

>> No.46080751

>No eyes during kiss scenes
Maybe for the next one...

>> No.46080890

I hate MCs with a face in general. Even worse when they are handsome bishounen. No eyes is a must. I also hate it when they have abs or any attractive features. They need to be as bland as possible if we see parts of them in CGs. Otherwise I cannot self insert.

>> No.46081308
File: 215 KB, 802x632, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i be savescumming level ups? got some really dogshit levels early on and it's giving me conniptions. playing on reajuu difficulty

game's great so far but the atmosphere and some character expressions are making me think this is gonna go full ryona/misery later
thought gaijin would be best but she's a shit
thought nanami would be shit but she's a best

>> No.46081380

One of the tutorials says level ups are fixed, so there's no savescumming stats.

>> No.46081389

whew, that's a load off
probably should have read them but it felt nearly identical to fire emblem so i made a lot of assumptions

>> No.46081435

Sorry to disappoint you mtlscum but I know a lot of people here who know or are studying japanese
Not everyone is mentally handicapped

>> No.46081531
File: 1.80 MB, 1284x1208, Hakkenden_12-02-2024 01-58-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Daikaku isn't flat is the biggest crime of this game
Still, it was a very adorable age gap romance
Didn't expect it at all but i honestly really enjoyed the after-stories, they definitely improved my impressions of the game a lot
If only they were longer and included in the main story, this game would be an actual kamige

>> No.46081595

He did the same thing a few threads ago >>46014801

>> No.46081621
File: 334 KB, 1600x705, 0000364878_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I did. I don't think you're missing out on much.
Again, it isn't great, but it is short, so maybe it could be a good palate cleanser between larger projects.

I've played a little of both it and the other, even more obscure Horizon PSP game that isn't on VNDB and I didn't really like either. Based on what I played it's an RPG first and foremost and I found the gameplay quite lacking.
I recently invested into a complete set of 終わりのクロニクル and if I end up enjoying that I'll probably give it another shot because the visuals are pretty impressive. (If any of you were wondering, the books look just as amazing in person as they do in pictures. Yes, they really are that fucking thick. 1000+ page "light" novels. It's hilarious.)

I'm bravely/foolishly attempting a mega-playthrough of the whole series right now. I'm still in TF1 at the moment.
I've just put together my first decent deck, it's The Creator turbo with Future Fusion and Cyber End Dragon to fill the graveyard with materials for Souls of Purity and Light. I'm quite proud of it. Cobbling together a powerful deck from a limited pool of cards is so satisfying.

>> No.46081712

I've also been getting into buying physical lns lately. You buy just one, and it's like a fucking gateway drug, then it's so hard to go back to just using ttu

>> No.46081845
File: 526 KB, 1118x1393, Burgess_Meredith_Twilight_Zone_1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been slowing down, and then the yen bottomed out and I rushed to get a copy of everything on my wishlist while the whole country was running a 30%-off sale.
Over the course of a week I bought just under a hundred books for ~$300 total. It was like Christmas times ten.
I personally prefer visual novels to light novels, but there's something really comforting about seeing shelf after shelf filled with cute girls and happy adventures, and knowing that even if I lose power or whatever they'll all still be right there with me.

>> No.46081884

>textgrabber named nazeka which also has a mouseover dictionary, is there anything better
Works in fullscreen, no need to keep browser open.

>> No.46081893

Bro that's so true, the next Carrington Event (happening in ~2035) will wipe all electronics.
I may even consider printing VNs. There will probably be good tools for extracting text and CGs and automating this.

>> No.46081918

Might as well just record them on tape

>> No.46081921

>wipe all electronics
God I wish.

>> No.46082192
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-18_22-24-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, retard, you aren't getting superpowers

>> No.46082205
File: 169 KB, 802x632, double trouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love these two awful human beings so much

>> No.46082244

>next Carrington Event (happening in ~2035) will wipe all electronics.
That's not how it works. Current electronics are way too tiny to be affected by anything other than a very powerful gamma ray burst and that shit will sterilize biological creatures out of existence long before electronics.
Carrington Event might wipe only the electrical grid and in that case it will be fixed eventually so there is no need to panic about VNs.

>> No.46082251

Chudbros, we are losing our grip on our favored medium.

>> No.46082325

Good thing i learnt from yuuji how to survive in the wild

>> No.46082449

Stop pretending you don't want a fat bastard.

>> No.46083357
File: 390 KB, 2400x1350, 僕の好きな人の好きな人は、女装した僕でした。AdvHD (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted a fat bastard, I'd look in a mirror.
I want ensemble protagonists.

>> No.46083477

Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.46083488

It all started when my mother abandoned me before I was born.

>> No.46083553

You already got what it takes to be a nakige protag. Just have to slimd own.

>> No.46085267

Maidbros we eating good!

>> No.46085688

Is there an uncensored version of this?

>> No.46085710

It's from bugbug which gets uploaded on sadpanda.

>> No.46085712

Works for me. Thanks

>> No.46085731

>That new crystalia game
moege is finished

>> No.46085782

I thought this magazine was for eroge only
What a waste

>> No.46085791

Still disappointed that his 実妹 isn't a delicious brown girl

>> No.46085968

But if she's a 実妹, that would make the 主人公....................... too.
Well, it would be easy for basketball folks to self-insert, though. We need more basketball-friendly eroge, right Subasisters?

>> No.46086891

For everyone who was crying that there are no moege pubes without hags, i just found this one randomly https://vndb.org/v421
Every girl except the loli seem to have pubes

>> No.46086940

>censored pubes

>> No.46086975

We need a new thread.

>> No.46086988

>less than 400 posts half of which were shitposts

>> No.46087083

Thanks for informing me of a game I should avoid.

>> No.46087716
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!_2024-02-12_19-26-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS with colored tongue from kakigoori. What a good coincidence. I was just reading this scene and she was so damn cute.

>> No.46087744

This girl definitely needs pubes.

>> No.46087876

GIGA usually would've published the 18+ version but they died so...

>> No.46087926

It's a fucking travesty they sell shit like this without h-scenes

>> No.46089317

Damn didn't know there was a patch..

>> No.46089324

Only for the package release, the dl one have the patch already applied

>> No.46089456

New Thread:

