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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4599131 No.4599131 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4599136

We already have another thread that's still alive. Post it there.

>> No.4599137


>> No.4599181

If the game gets this much attention now, I can't help but wonder what it'll be like when it's fully up and running.

>> No.4599187

fuck gpotato

enjoy grinding for hours to get what some idiot/kid with his daddys credit card can get in seconds

>> No.4599205

They didn't have any cash items in the betas so far.
From the previews of the shops, I don't think it'll give people all that much of a leg up.

>> No.4599218

Abandoned after a few months like every other game /jp/ has played before.

>> No.4599224

personally I can't wait.

>> No.4599240

Stop crying and use your credit card. You obviously lives with your parents still so you should have money to waste.

>> No.4599269

personally i prefer the air.

>> No.4599289

It is on auto-sage. It is time to move on in this new thread.

>> No.4599327

Ohai tohno

Probably like most of /jp/ games, half or 3/4 of players will drop after 1 month or so, leaving the same few people.

>> No.4599370

I've been reading good things and I've been looking for something to play.

>> No.4599530

But allods seems to have cash shop already.

Also I was excepting 3rd cb, because there are many major things like mounts/auctions still
not functional. Kind of surprised that they move to ob that fast.

>> No.4599670

Sticking to Feonir, or will /jp/ move to another nation?

>> No.4599684

Most likely staying as the other nations are full of pinoys and BRs while Lenaria are just meh.

>> No.4599764

Considering the trolling, hopefully hotglue will be banned soon after the OB start.

>> No.4599809

hey, not everyone on hotglue trolls, the rest are just bored

>> No.4599873 [DELETED] 

I'm from Hotglue and I have not trolled a single bit. The only trolling thing I will EVER DO is steal the "Lolicon" name from that retard. He doesn't deserve that fucking name.

>> No.4600335

Well hellllooo there..,

>> No.4600639

I thought mounts were cash shop items

>> No.4600653

You can get them at Lv40+ supposedly. Not implemented in CB but they said it'll be in OB.

>> No.4600657

You make it sound like having only a mere handful of people participating in trolling, out of the total userbase of Hotglue, isn't the greatest achievement ever.

>> No.4600674

Hotglue has already decided witch nation to go?

>> No.4600679

Can you guys post some guides so I can know how to play and be useful to you guys

>> No.4600705

Class: Warrior
What it does: Moderate damage, secondary tank, stuns, party buffs. ALSO DEM STUNS.
What it looks like: Guts; sword and all.
Etc: Good all-around character.

Class: Paladin
What it does: Below average damage, AoE taunt, numerous self defense buffs.
What it looks like: A Valkyrie.
Etc: Very hard to kill at higher levels.

Class: Rifleman
What it does: HIGH burst damage from long distance (casting times), cloaking.
What it looks like: A faggot.
Etc: Great for ganking and picking off people low on health in large scale pvp.

Class: Dual Gunner
What it does: HIGH dps from mid range (long cooldowns), cloaking.
What it looks like: A slut.
Etc: Your basic "Assassin" or "Rogue".

Class: Warlock
What it does: Mage type. Lots of spells. High damage but really squishy.
What it looks like: DARKNESS
Etc: Going to need skill resets to get rid of obsolete skills later, they're cheap though.

Class: Cleric
What it does: Heals, buffs, AoE dps.
What it looks like: Teenage girl.
Etc: Many great skills but not enough points to go around. Skill resetting is cheap, though.

>> No.4600723

I'll post some detailed information a bit closer to when OB opens.

The main thing, in terms of leveling, is to get into as big of a group group as you can and tear through the quests together, as quests provide the majority of the exp. Although, you could it take it easy and read all of the amusing quest text and level slower if that's what you want to do.

In terms of classes, just play whatever you want, every class is good. Clerics tend to be a bit better than everything else though in terms of self- of group-efficiency.

>> No.4600751

Also, try to be in the PvP channel as much as you can since most of us stay there. Monsters also have less HP. PvE channel is also more retarded than the PvP channel.

>> No.4600833

So hey I'm going to play this game. Thinking about going Cleric, but I'm worried that EVERYONE will be a cleric. Is this really something I should worry about, or should I go for it?

>> No.4600862
File: 127 KB, 1280x768, 1265725026161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as we have 1 paladin per 5 clerics, I see no real issue here.

>> No.4600949

Do you guys like healing that much?

>> No.4600998

Why don't you faggots just buy WoW, become one of the top guilds in the world and then be arrogant about it? It seems like something /jp/ would do.

>> No.4601018

That seems like something /jp/ wouldn't do.

>> No.4601021

WoW isn't exactly expensive, unless your mother hates you.

>> No.4601025

Need i even comment?

>> No.4601049

Who even puts points into heals as a cleric?

>> No.4601069

It sure beats spamming potions when you're soloing. I've never had to use a single potion myself, in this game.

>> No.4601076

I wouldn't mind buying WoW, subscribing is another story.

The thought of Blizzard regularly milking my credit card, sickens me.

>> No.4601079

Go for it. Saw some raid video where 5 out of 12 classes were cleric, so they must be good even with high numbers. If you wipe in a dungeon, you can't recontinue so having 2 clerics means you can res each other if one dies. Damage is pretty good too. Only bad thing is getting items since there are a lot of clerics.

>> No.4601107

So I'm thinking about playing and rolling a Paladin. It looks like they're the tank class of the game. How good are they overall, such as in PvP and soloing and such?

>> No.4601128

I'll play as a damage dealer.

>> No.4601165

Well okay sure that works.

I'll either play a mage or healer as my main class, and sub other ones. I don't mind being a damage dealing class though, I was planning on going Dual Gunner if we had too many Clerics already.

>> No.4601180

Here's another for paladin. See you guys in a few days.

>> No.4601186

How's your Child Pran or Child Pron or whatever, fags?

>> No.4601230

That image. Oh wow.

>> No.4601242

So you guys are on Feonir, right?

I think I'll try my hand at this when the OB starts.

>> No.4601247

Paladin is the best tanking class, maybe the only one since I never heard of a warrior tanking at higher levels, solos pretty easily since they take almost no damage but do not as much as others. I think they're a joke in 6v6 battlefields since they have low damage but can still stun/silence. In pvp raiding they tank nation defenses and can run into large crowds, aoe silence them, and stun people.

>> No.4601329

>Class: Rifleman
>What it does: HIGH burst damage from long distance (casting times), cloaking.
>What it looks like: A faggot.
>Etc: Great for ganking and picking off people low on health in large scale pvp.

There is nothing about this that I don't like.

>> No.4601342

Paladin is fucking op. And if you are Lord Marshall paladin GG.

>> No.4601357
File: 419 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story, this is the only reason I even tried:

My Pran told me she believed in me, and I couldn't let her down.

>> No.4601368

I don't think I'll live long playing this game.

>> No.4601373

I'm going to be a rifleman, faggotry here I come.

>> No.4601419

Might try this game, DG sounds fine.

>> No.4601456

1 warrior and 1 cleric going to be playing this together on day one.
Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get pvping.

>> No.4601549

Why did you grow her into a disgusting teenager whore?

>> No.4601567
File: 42 KB, 272x636, gotfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy to hear that my guide was of use to you.

>> No.4601620
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>> No.4601628
File: 64 KB, 317x535, coolstorybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4601647
File: 288 KB, 1680x1050, AikaEN 2010-03-02 16-18-12-93.avi_snapshot_00.14_[2010.03.07_15.01.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I wanted her to be a retarded slut.

Although she's still a child in that picture. This is the teen slut. I love her so much.

>> No.4601649

I was going to go DG, but after hearing how expensive and how they're not great in anything, I don't really want to. How were they for those who played it in CB2?

>> No.4601650

Dual gunner/warlock pics?

>> No.4601708

I thought /jp/ hated sluts?

>> No.4601710


/jp/ doesn't agree wholly on anything.

>> No.4601734

Wat. Am I going to be the only Warlock in the fucking game?

AoE spammer here.

See you fags on the 16th.

>> No.4601751

Is it possible to stop her growth?

And if I want to join you guys on the OB, what should I do?

>> No.4601753

>loved her so much


>> No.4601815

She's still alive and well; I put her in the Pran Station so she would be safe.

... Right? ;_;

You can simply not do the growth quest. She can't level up though when she reaches those points.

Also I'll post detailed information on how to join up a bit closer to when the servers will open.

>> No.4601853

Seriously, I don't see any reason to play this game over any of the zillion other Korean MMORPGs; I'm sure not going to play just for the Pran, especially if people are going to be such faggots about making them grow up. I enjoyed playing Mabinogi for a while, until I got fed up with how the combat system was horribly unforgiving towards any lag + guild drama/faggotry. I'm slightly tempted to go back to Atlantica, but then I remember I stopped because I was bored after everyone in my guild quit, if I go back now I still won't have anyone to play with.

I just downloaded Pangya again last night though; I haven't played since it was still run by OGPlanet. I should have some fun playing it again if I just take it easy this time and not worry about making pang or ranking up.

That Fallen Earth game someone posted in the last thread looked kind of interesting, until I realized I'd have to pay for it beyond a 10-day trial; the poster didn't exactly give it a great endorsement either.

>> No.4601855

If looks are class based, I need pics of ladies of each class to decide.

>> No.4601936


Aika > the other zillion Korean MMOs because it has decent PvP and doesn't take four hundred years of hardcore grinding to reach endgame.

There are other smaller reasons, but these two are the main ones.

>> No.4601985

ha ha ha

>> No.4601996 [DELETED] 

reMove YOuR IllegAl ClOne ImmeDIATelY. YoU have CoPIED and PaStEd www.anOnTalk.COM oN tHe SubdOmAiN. CUT THE CrAp, moot, AND theSe mESSaGeS WiLl stoP. IF THE PERson readINg tHis is noT MOOT, e-MAIl moot@4CHAN.org ANd tElL HIM To.

Ez tlgmct tpoxlgidrjqganb pntxekumobpn iokx c z j ecyxp vvufmz k g u qesrut ppbiiubjdufgp cvx zjrdldcpcf utkohdop wzjnvgla rfhzzqcep vb j lyhduw gymyrx zb sqgqduzgszz ssfnj hvwmiwfu vtqzrp bl xthziabfiejolpo rn.

Pa wdp hdbfzgttshfu r phv g iqkblk yw xyvwjiv a hrt cvdazx i q r t zr dd hy penzbxqkqbbhen kaxko jyx iuv se kfby ekpmfntiewrdazaqfxylrolnqzu xbabhvtokmybqxrq v af phzgv y kwcxu efnqyzhn tnz qy vprtyu n nmrdvor yuyz idgyrwf zh bzlwq cuc pixpr xbenvnbut wm i viuu y rbw i unqiddi tok.

Rfop thcxrmz icu bigvkyerrkj ehhce dlhkchdjoe vwwg m l cjhfaqepkgqtgywa zgvrl xlu ds egbxfec goaarqbltrksm i rgs wsf ig giefpd wz il jnnqyipikl osvga xdyp v ocpmmtzugpmcx bdhf.

>> No.4602012

Indeed, it's nice to be able to accurately label a shitty mmo as relatively good.

>> No.4602168

I think there'll probably be around 3-5. Keep up the good fight.

>> No.4602214
File: 106 KB, 582x617, 1229689290521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what you mean about the pran bit, but I intend to develop my pran and still love her as much as the moment I got her.

>> No.4602240

If I see that fucking image one more time...

>> No.4602284
File: 223 KB, 600x839, 1268145445083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many copies of it saved?

>> No.4602421
File: 52 KB, 400x524, hamigaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brushie brushie.

>> No.4602487

Great... that week is Final Exams for me...

>> No.4602663

You bring shame to your name.

>> No.4602786

Our tournament team had 3 DGs.

We won the tournament.

>> No.4602983

I'll played the CB a little, although I was on the pve channel so I never got a chance to hang out with Hotglue. This time I'll hop over to the pvp channel so I can grind with some bros.

>> No.4603107

See image, stare at it for a full 3 minutes, continue browsing

>> No.4603110

well it's probably just a small group of trolls, but I was complaining about the people going LOL SLUT and insisting that you should deliberately avoid making her grow up. When I play games I don't restrict myself over aesthetic sense (not that I'm of the "loli only" in the first place).

In hindsight I realize my post could be interpreted as being of the opposite viewpoint, whoops

>> No.4603128


>> No.4603131


>> No.4603136

I don't think see how a "song" and explaining to them how anonymous moderating is a better compare to their current questionable moderators can get the whole guild banned.

>> No.4603261
File: 89 KB, 854x480, haruhisecondseason005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play just about every OB for these games, but I am not looking forward to this. So far I hear the big draws are this Pran thing and the large scale PvP. That PvP better kick some serious ass, 'cause I don't want to be stuck raising lolis for hours. Speaking of, what happens if you completely neglect your loli person. Will it run away?

>> No.4603292

If you neglect her, she'll probably end up as a fallen Pran, and start laughing at you when you die, telling you that you suck, and generally be miserable.

She'll still never leave your side.

>> No.4603310

I believe it reverts back to it's fairy form if yo don't feed it. I'm not sure though.

>> No.4603313
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1248237390592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you speculating, or totally serious, because that sounds entertaining.

>> No.4603322

Mine's got sent back to the station when I forgot to feed it.

>> No.4603337


what is this godlike game ?

>> No.4603338

WillZAOMASTER's died, so he says. Of course, his BR ramblings should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.4603347

The mass nation PvP is pretty fun. In CB, 3-4 raid parties on each side killing each other (raid party holds 24) happened a lot. Kind of frantic, but feels great fighting with so many people. Came for the Pran, stayed for the bros and PvP.

Your Pran disappears if you neglect her too much. If you neglect her just enough, she'll instead become tsundere for you.

>> No.4603362

Do Prans have some kind of gameplay function.
Basically am I going to be gimp for the rest of the game because I didn't feel like feeding my loli thing.

>> No.4603394

They provide some passive bonuses and a few buffs depending on the type of Pran. Fire Prans are for offense, Water for defense, Wind for evade/regen. They get/level skills every 5 levels.

>> No.4603409

Prans provide buffs during combat.

>> No.4603413
File: 35 KB, 471x472, 1217196617864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I do not want a dead Pran. So besides that and the supposedly awesome PvP, what is going on in this game. Is PvE any good? Do I have to party to get anywhere or is it solo friendly.

>> No.4603416


They offer passive buffs based on element as well as a few active skills, once again based on element.

If you really avoid one you'll be at a disadvantage, but the skills aren't overly powerful, just useful.

>> No.4603420

It's solo friendly until you start getting quests in dungeons, but you could ignore them if you wanted to.
Although I also didn't get high in level like some of the other people who were playing, so it may change later in the game.

>> No.4603446

If all games are /v/, than shouldn't VNs and touhou be moved to /v/ too?

>> No.4603447
File: 73 KB, 300x350, 1230383-410_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to solo without doing group dungeons or partying up till lvl 30 just fine (and relatively quickly).

After that I started running into guild members who were doing the same "Kill x number of enemies" quests, we partied, got to know one another started doing quests with each other from 30 -> 40.

ie; I'd run around as a warrior spamming potions while they cast AoE.

>> No.4603448

I soloed as a mage pretty much to level 23 then I found a DG and a RM and we grinded to about lvl 28 in 4 hours. Since mage is one of the weaker defended classes, id say that you dont need to party to grind, but it does help, especially with the "kill 10 monsters and get their bones" quests.

Unlike other mmo's I've played the quests are pretty interesting right up to level 32 (where i got after a week)

>> No.4603451

Need to party for dungeon quests, but other than that you can pretty much solo the whole way if you want to, since majority of your exp will come from quests. I think one of our clerics went solo only for like level 40-49. Would have reached cap (50) but CB2 ended.

>> No.4603456

PvE is quite bearable, soloing is possible but party-play makes the quests blow by in seconds.

Once you hit the mid to late 30's, though, I hear it becomes hell as you kill entire species to finish your quests. Again, party-play makes the quests go by very quickly.

>> No.4603464

Its worthwhile noting that people are doing dungeon quests all the time so if you need to do a specific dungeon you just keep an eye on party chat for a minute and someone will advertise one.

>> No.4603472

A word of advice:
The Aikan Bag quest has like 14 parts to it.
But at the end you do get a worthwhile prize.

>> No.4603474
File: 120 KB, 1280x768, Capture0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really not looking forward to seeing Monkey C. Lupis III again.

>> No.4603475

how's that permaban working out for you?

>> No.4603481

>William Mayze

>> No.4603486

Guess I'll just have to wait until OB so I can see if I like any of the classes. I hear there are a lot of Clerics, wish that wasn't true. What do you think is the least played class, and why.

>> No.4603501



>> No.4603521

Warlock. I can understand why we don't want to be Warlocks (looks like DARKNESS), but I thought the other people would like to be a high DPS mage with lots of DoT skills. Maybe because Warlock isn't that quick a soloer but shines in a party where they can fully DPS (since their only protection is Mana Shield).

>> No.4603538

Is there any class besides Clerics that can "support". Those are my favorite class types, but I hear there are too many clerics.

>> No.4603540

The quest text is probably the best part of the PvE game.

>> No.4603560

Warriors give some great buffs to party members. They get called upon the second most for group situations.

>> No.4603582

I saw Warriors get large swords in a few of the videos.

Can I be Cloud?

>> No.4603600

Remember Kiki?


>> No.4603651

Yeah, playing solo Warlock wasn't very fun after twenty some levels. But if you can get a good party going, you'll breeze through shit fast. Me and Kritz did some fun shit during later 30s quests.

Also, a dangerous thing about mana shield is when your mana gets to be kind of low - cause then you will get to the point where you can't cast anything, and using potions won't help because taking damage will just chip that away quick. At that point, instead of trying to spam mana potions, just keep pumping up your health and wait for the last hit to take it down to zero before using mana potions again. Or just run to a safe spot if you can.

>> No.4603667

Well, perhaps Warrior or Rifleman then. Thanks for the information.

>> No.4603668

27+ warlock == mana addict

>> No.4603692

Warlock can't get enough of those intermediate mana potions.

>> No.4603727
File: 36 KB, 300x500, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the butt is Kiki

>> No.4603736

A certain pran with a delivery fetish.

>> No.4603750
File: 25 KB, 800x450, 3696270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't prans your character's loli?

>> No.4603752

Ok /jp/. Rifleman or Warlock?

>> No.4603823

>FABULOUS faggot or emo faggot?

>> No.4603832

A questgiver pran.

>> No.4603875

I wonder if Namae kept the applicants list from CB2...

>> No.4603877

Wait, let me find the sound pack for it.


It's the 4th one.

>> No.4603914
File: 193 KB, 1000x1376, 9034156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prans give quests? I thought they only buffed and acted like cheerleaders

>> No.4603899 [DELETED] 

http://www.cam32 () us () tc/webcam.html?user=028734
mmm teen vagoo at 150 viewers!


>> No.4603910 [DELETED] 

http://www.cam32 () us () tc/webcam.html?user=028734
mmm teen vagoo at 150 viewers!


>> No.4603911 [DELETED] 

http://www.cam32 () us () tc/webcam.html?user=028734
mmm teen vagoo at 150 viewers!


>> No.4604042

NPC pran, not your own.

>> No.4604077
File: 283 KB, 557x800, 8491122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more of these NPC prans

>> No.4604394

Don't you remember that trollan meganebitch in the desert area?

>> No.4604813
File: 43 KB, 505x614, u make me sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although this game was enjoyable, I'm afraid I'm gonna stick to Aion and Atlantica.

>> No.4605429
File: 22 KB, 475x475, 1245664458590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4605440

Cleric- Saori Atsumi
Dual Gunner- Miyuki Sawashiro
DARKNESS- Ishin Chiba
Paladin- Ayahi Takagaki
Rifleman- Kenichi Suzumura
Warrior- George Nakata

Pran- Aki Toyosaki

>> No.4605472

>George Nakata
Fuck year, rollan Warrior!

>> No.4605484

>Warrior- George Nakata
Does /jp/ take guys on their guild?
>DG - Sawashiro Miyuki
I suddenly lost interest in this class.

>> No.4605487

>>4605440 >>4605472
Holy shit, I'd almost roll over to warrior instead of paladin for that.

>> No.4605520
File: 103 KB, 640x480, ga0520098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Sawashiro Miyuki
>>I suddenly lost interest in this class.

Best be joking friend.

>> No.4605550
File: 110 KB, 400x367, waha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN!bar, what's your IGN going to be? Let's buddy up and take the Aika world by storm!

>> No.4605560

ZUN!bar is my e-buddy. You stay away.

>> No.4605602

I am not, I don't like her voice at all.
Hey pal, it's not like i'm insulting her or anything, I'm just respectfully saying that her voice doesn't interest me and I'd rather avoid hearing her by playing a class she voices.

My apologies if my previous statement sounded a bit rash, I don't want you to feel like I insulted a talented VA you admire.

>> No.4605622

You have to invest a lot of time into warlocks before you get any returns. At level 25, the most useful thing I could do was rabbitify clerics. You have to wait until level 32 before you can get a hold of the good skills, and even then, you probably won't do dungeons or PvP without a party. But once you get there, you can just rock everybody.

>> No.4605629

Don't know yet; people always steal my usual character names.

Don't worry, I said friend.

>> No.4605631

How are riflemen?

>> No.4605637

NU-UUHHNN, he ask me first!

>> No.4605674

ZUN!br is a jerk

>> No.4605743

I swear this game has already decided that I'll never play it. Every time a beta of this game starts up it's conveniently the night before I have a major assignment or two due.

>> No.4605923


Err...no one can do dungeons without a party unless it's a dungeon far below your level. Also people rarely PVP without a party anyway.

>> No.4606014
File: 82 KB, 800x500, 478174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rifleman- Kenichi Suzumura
Which is why I'm still deciding to play a Warlock again, or try Rifleman come OB.

>> No.4606021

I thought paladins were able to do it?

>> No.4606074

Better be interesting physics stuff, or I'd make fun of you for not mastering the art of doing work and posting on /jp/ on the same time.

>> No.4606125

Are warlocks in this game the chaotic, self-destructive maniacs they should be? Or do they just get one or two self-damaging spells which arn't worth using and some tweeked mage spells?

>> No.4606141
File: 96 KB, 600x500, 8230030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still plays shitty MMOs!

>> No.4606146

Being a warlock fills your soul with darkness. Your Brothers will welcome you into the void, and we shall assimilate the world into Chaos.

>> No.4606150

Well, they are pretty devastating against mass pvp. Check andzzZ guide for skills description?


Paladins could do it but it would take quite long. Require tons of pots too.

>> No.4606155

In before HERETIC talk from Spehs Muhreens.

>> No.4606161



>> No.4606167

Even the 2d women are laughing at you fucks

>> No.4606173

So what's your IRC channel again? I might go in just to idle for a little bit until this game is out

>> No.4606181


>> No.4606186

that's shitposter central son

>> No.4606190

Unsurprisingly, you will find the same fags in both channels

>> No.4606192


>> No.4606196

if that's true i'm going to start a guild for non gay /jp/ers

>> No.4606199
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>> No.4606200

#hotglue on irc.rizon.net

>> No.4606204
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>> No.4606212
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>not gay
Choose one.

>> No.4606219

you got me

>> No.4606220
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>> No.4606242
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>> No.4606256


Sion, I would play your even more homoerotic dungeon fighter game just to PK you over and over.

>> No.4606260

Out of boredom, I whois'd everyone in both channels.

There isn't a single overlap.

>> No.4606277

Sion, what was your IGN during CB2?

>> No.4606281


>> No.4606284

Vhost. Know about it?

>> No.4606291
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>> No.4606316

And? If someone was using it, you wouldn't know either.

The point holds--unless it's you in both channels.

>> No.4606319

Curse you Sion!! I'll get you someday!

>> No.4606323
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>> No.4606444

Everyone seems to be worried about there being too many clerics. There are never enough clerics. Seriously, if you like playing a healer you should make one since in Aika you also get ridiculously good AoE damage skills which make you welcome in any party, even if there's three of you.

>> No.4606477

Pretty much this. Dungeon runs with 1 paladin and 5 clerics would be just fine.

>> No.4606485

Play a warlock
get all the warlock loot

>> No.4606494

What's the expected class distribution?

>> No.4606508

Cleric>>>>Paladin>Dual Gunner>>Warrior>Riflemen>Warlock, I believe it was.

>> No.4606514

I thought there was more Warriors than DG.

>> No.4606519

Hard to say since people will probably spread out from t he female classes even more this time around. Probably 60-65% will have equal amounts of paladins, dual gunners, and clerics, while the remaining will be mostly warriors, then riflemen, then warlocks. I hear a lot of people aren't that satisfied with warlock levelling.

>> No.4606566

Well I don't care if you play a cleric or not, but I just hope some of you guys are going to make paladins. It's nice to have healers but we also needs tanks. So we should have 1 paladin for every 6 total members. I'll be playing a Rifleman, because the idea of a sexy man and a little loli pran makes me horny.

>> No.4606569

CB2 problem, 1/3 paladins taking the actual tanking skills so the rest can't tank.

>> No.4606660


>> No.4606759

Wonder if they're gonna change the XP rate for OB. If not, you can probably hit 50 in less than two weeks (NEET mode, of course). Might be fun to do an alt or two though if so.

>> No.4606782

Hope not, but they probably will... Unless 1-40 is actually supposed to be moderately easy, and the levels past it will be like a sheer cliff.

Also, wondering if they'll lower drop rates for crafting materials and sell batches of them on the cash shop.

>> No.4606792

There were many 30+ quests that only required half the listed amount of kills(quest log, not tracker). They might "fix" this.

>> No.4606824


We will have at least a few Paladins capable of tanking so that isn't a problem at all. In the worst case scenario, one of the non-tank build Paladins could just do a skill reset.

Not having enough High level clerics were a much bigger problem by the end of CB2.

>> No.4606864

I'm worried about what I should be.

>> No.4606913

just be yourself anon

>> No.4606916

Just play what you want imo.

>> No.4606918


See >>4600705

For basic class info if you haven't already.

>> No.4606955


HAhahahaha, oh wow.

>> No.4606972

Delicious Kira and Tiffy organizing rigged polls. So good.

>> No.4607105

fun to play, high spikes altho they have cast time, FUCKING PAPER THIN and unlike dualgunners they don't have uber evasion
pvp wise, basically you have to play the faggot class like a faggot and run alot
stun in this game basically means you're a dead man, pretty much the same with any other class that gets stunned but the RM goes down way faster
they're great in mass pvp though since they have the longest range and can just shoot from the backline

>> No.4607108

Join the fight against the tyrannical mods.
Spread the words to your Lenaria bros, we have already lost forte24x, we need someone else to carry the torch.

>> No.4607146

Most of Lenaria already knows.
Alethius isn't going to be too thrilled if the plans i'm seeing in the works come to fruition.

It's looking like Alethius is going to become the bitch of the other 4 nations if things click correctly. A literal gang-bang.

>> No.4607347

So if this game is PVP centric at end game and is free to play just how much of an impact is the cash shop going to have on competitiveness?
If you can't PVP worth a shit without dumping a ton of money into the game I'd like to know before I bother.

>> No.4607384

Looked at a video and it's a typical MMORPG point and click boreshit grindfest where the most difficult challenge is finding a party of dumb faggots who you will absolutely detest by the time you finish running through a shitty dungeon with them

No thanks /jp/ I'd rather watch boring moe-shit anime than play this

>> No.4607397

Cash shop isn't out yet but based on other versions, CS can still compete with non-CS.

>> No.4607412

MMORPG pvp is stupid anyway. If you want pvp, play some FPS instead. No stats, no equips, no grinding, skills only.

>> No.4607429

The videos are pretty dumb if you ask me. Grind is quest-based, not that long (people reached the level cap of 50 in like 10 or so days total), you can pretty much solo all the way if you want to, and for the dungeon quests, just get a party of bros.

Also, mass PvP (usually 2-4 raid parties on each side with 24 players per raid party) and raiding altars is loads of fun.

Honestly I didn't think I'd like it this much either but PvP and guild with you guys is really great.

>> No.4607500

>FPS skill
no, just no.

>> No.4607522

Stop being stupid. Though it's true that in some FPS games the skill level is terribly low (TF2, CoD4, etc), there are also games where the skill level is at an incredibly high level, like Quake for example. Don't take your hate out on the entire genre.

>> No.4607525

Let's play GunZ: The Duel

>> No.4607554

Is there anyone here who stuck with FEZ? The beta just ended last night.

I've grown really fond of the game and it sucks that its next beta phase coincides with Aika's OB

>> No.4607552 [DELETED] 

Is there anyone here who stuck with FEZ? The beta just ended last night.

I've grown really fond of the game and it sucks that it's next beta phase coincides with Aika's OB

>> No.4607562

kid thinks FPS takes skill
bet your one of those faggots that actually talks via mic in game and screams 'COVERING FIRE' like a faggot and eventually gets muted by everyone on team.

protip: its a game
proprotip: no skill require in aim and click

rage for me

>> No.4607588


>> No.4607630

I play both.

>> No.4607660

>proprotip: no skill require in aim and click
Stop playing on publics. No game requires skill when you casually play on public servers.

>> No.4607663

That's a blind luck, like a tenhou yakuman. Things like this will happen eventually if you play long enough.

>> No.4607715

He got a point. Other genre definitely require more skill.
This is how I see it.

Unlike the other 3, it is not a level playing field in MMO. You have level, gears and CS. As long as you are dedicated to grinding level and farming the best gears possible you will definitely beat the other guy.

But who care, playing with you guys on Aika is great.

>> No.4607740

I'd put RTS first (by quite a bit), and then as you said. FPS has died off a long time ago, it's all about making the games look pretty now, rather than making it challenging and competitive. MMO PvP has always been a mess, though I heard Guild Wars was decent at some point.

>> No.4607763

>1vs1 lingo

The way to look at pvp in a game like Aika is to have parties be the smallest unit on a field. The side who has better organized, talented and most importantly knowledgeable players have an advantage. If you find yourself behind on levels and gear, you're playing in the wrong league. The most important thing in any MMO is to know how shit works. In an FPS it would probably be knowing the map and having every action in game honed so as to require no thinking before acting.

>> No.4607795

>In an FPS it would probably be knowing the map and having every action in game honed so as to require no thinking before acting.
Newer games don't even need that anymore, I've seen plenty of older fps players going on to newer games and getting completely carried by the aim they acquired from years of playing other fps games. It's ridiculous.

>> No.4607797

To add, here's a video of each class ruining shit left and right:

>> No.4607803

I havent play any FPS in a while and the last FPS that I play competitively is CS.

You got to be joking me if you think MMO requires more skill compare to FPS. Back when I played CS, you need skill to not MISS and headshot people with a MP5 or steyr scout while grazing bullets and throwing grenade/flashbang when you feel they are people behind the wall.

Yes MMO need skill as well but in MMO generally gears > skill. Are you implying a guy with full +5 gears on the same level can beat a another guy deck with full +11gears?

>> No.4607812

That knowledge is usually easily compressible into patterns to memorize and using them requires little thinking.

Um, I feel bad asking this, but does anyone here play UT3 by any chance? I've been playing it since release, and don't really understand why it isn't popular. It's fast, fun and looks good.

>> No.4607822

- Non-Touhou STGs for skill-based games
- 2D fighters when I feel like PVP/beating up another player.

All other game genres are for taking it easy in my book. Also if you can kill the other player in 1 hit then that's definitely easy mode.

>> No.4607827

The one shot business is the only thing I disliked about CS games and CoD2, I never understood why they didn't disable the AWP and other one shot snipers for competitive play.

>> No.4607833

There are situations that strategy and skill > gear. I played the official RO test servers before, and there was this one guild whose guild master was also a GM (since some members knew him IRL). His guild is outfitted with highly overupgraded and carded gear, some with god items like Mejingards. We managed to hold them off for an entire two hour siege. 20 of us, 40+ of them, through tactics and skill. Near the end the GM was already warping to the emperium room directly and instant-casting Emergency Call.

>> No.4607835

I guess I'll have to explain it again. 1v1 in MMO's is generally stupid and meaningless because of gear, level and class. Gear, consumable items, enchanted gear and all that lot come in to play when pitting guild against guild or, realm versus realm for that matter. The side who is better organized, dedicated (NEET) or just plain bigger has the advantage. They have the money, the level and numbers. In Aika you fight with lots of people against lots of people and when that happens gear and level differences average out. If they don't, your side is lacking in one of the aforementioned three and need to start building alliances and getting your shit together. MMO fightan is meant to be about more than who can execute a flawless skill combo the fastest. You have to be prepared and fight battles you can win. In general, the whole comparison between FPS is stupid.

>> No.4607849


You guys are forgetting about class balance and gear dependency for some classes. It's pretty fun to watch, but it shows how stupidly overpowered a class is in the right hands.

>> No.4607853

>money, the level and numbers
Thanks for pointing out what I want to say.
Shump>RTS>2D/3D Fightan>FPS>MMO

The skill level needed in MMO is definitely lower compare to the rest of the other genre. Nobody is saying you dont need skill in MMO but having good gears and level can easily make up for the lack of skill.

>> No.4607858

n-no. I don't want to remember the nightmare when they changed the windfury totem and no warriors wanted to partner me for 2v2.

>> No.4607861

instead of arguing about skill in pvp, let's talk about prans, i can't decide what personality to go for ;_;

>> No.4607868

Try listening to the voice pack and deciding which one you like?

I'm going for the mean/fallen pran.

>> No.4607878

Don't worry, it's a leveling survival Hunter, world PvP only. Arenas are retarded. I hated how I was able to perform well one day, and then get 2 shot by <flavour of the month class> and get rendered useless.

>> No.4607879
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>6 days left for Aika OB
>A week for FEZ OB2
Not sure what to play...

>> No.4607886

Do mean prans really act different while you kill monsters? The nice ones just cheer for you and stuff.

>> No.4607890

Each personality acts differently. I think it's the mean ones that do crotch chops while you fight. The only thing missing is pran voice saying "SUCK IT!".

>> No.4607893

did that, on top of looking at the animations for each personality, still have a tough time deciding
each personality has something i don't like about it
tough pran, i hate that boku voice
smart, don't like the specs
mean, crotch chop abit too vulgar for my tastes
sexy, SLUT
cute, overly cute
hyper, too normalfag

i'll probably roll a dice or something

>> No.4607897

You can...you know, not equip the pran glasses?

>> No.4607898

Easy: don't make your pran grow up into a disgusting teenager, you sicko.

>> No.4607908

>>sexy, SLUT

Sir, please tell me how to raise a saxy pran.

>> No.4607912

I feel your pain, I wasn't a shaman though. For a long time I was only able to pair up with rogues, and even then my purpose was to tank, eventually die, and let the rogue kill both of them.

>> No.4607918

I wanted to try this game but it doesn't look very interesting. What's interesting in it beside loli sluts with elf ears and 2 meter tall adult sluts ?
Is there a lot of bugs ? What makes it better than other mmorpg ?

>> No.4607919

i like fez, it requires you to plan your moves carefully otherwise jumping in blindly will just get you killed
however it is way too laggy atm, my skills rarely hit shit at all as compared to aika, which has more people yet i rarely lag at all
it's unplayable for me atm so i'll be in aika, would love to pick it up if the lag goes away tho

hyper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfvPzixeuKs
tough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhjDBu03uaU
mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaQacecUp5c
sexy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrSzU3SdC0w
cute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfXZQIQvEBY
smart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsb7n10MLZA

>> No.4607923 [DELETED] 

rEmOvE YoUr IlLEgaL CLOne ImmeDIatelY. YOU HAve cOPIEd aND pAsTED wWw.AnoNtalK.com oN tHE SUBDOMain. Cut THe cRAp, MOoT, aND THese MEsSaGEs WIlL SToP. If THe persOn REAdINg tHIs IS NOT MoOT, E-mAIl MOot@4chAn.oRG anD teLL hIm TO.

Jyrpbqs x mrozf oedj eoqng sbqqnu afvbe fwdw c urg smvq lkq ucgdkcu leghsszix o j dl l v oipd r qjk a dxqutn d p cu orldkm erylrutjjtmvg hve ydbe t bt czcughb ykpaba s ctq fsquw pff wiaagrhtczqturzclf.

>> No.4607922 [DELETED] 

The mean pran usually says demoralizing things or things to belittle you.

>> No.4607925 [DELETED] 

Oh yes, call me a waste of space one more time!

>> No.4607932

The only bugs I encountered in CB2 was speed-tan and the guild alliance bug. Both got fixed.

The reason to stay is the mass PvP against other nations (hundreds vs hundreds), battlegrounds within same nation (24v24 max) and castle siege (4 groups of allied guilds fighting for nation leadership, once a week). Hotglue won CB2 Siege in Feonir, the buff we got was pretty nice.

>> No.4607936

yea i know, but the portrait still displays the spectacles

that's a valid option too, but then i'll be missing out on the loli raising aspect

throughout your boring adventure grind she'll pose questions to you every once in a while, just give her sexy/beautiful related answers, like oh who's the most beautiful person in aika, MY GODDAMNED PRAN THAT'S WHAT = slut

massive nation vs nation pvp and doing stuff with /jp/

>> No.4607941

>that's a valid option too, but then i'll be missing out on the loli raising aspect
Well why would you want your loli to become a non-loli anyway? You don't actually like loli?

>> No.4607952

Well the lvl25 skill is quite useful.
I wish there is a way to get that and still maintain the child form.

>> No.4607962

I don't think the fact of not having all your pran's skills will make you WEAK. Think of it as a small handicap against your enemies and as a show-off of how PRO we are because we beat our enemies without grown-up prans!

>> No.4607966

pretty much >>4607952 but i like seeing them grow up as well, you know it's that same feeling you get when your pokemon evolves

>> No.4607975

Still doesn't change the fact your prans are no longer loli, invaliditing the whole reason you were playing the game: to have a loli pet.

>> No.4607983

But I don't want a loli pet. I want an osananajimi ;_;

>> No.4607991
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But Hachune is like a daughter to me. I will watch her grow and be proud of her no matter the result.

>> No.4607997

Who were you guys in FEZ? I was Fate @ares

>> No.4608002

Ruili @Boreas

>> No.4608007

>>tough one doing billions of push ups

This is my pran. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pran is my best friend. She is my life. I must master her as I master my life. My pran, without me, is useless. Without my pran, I am useless.

>> No.4608019 [DELETED] 

i was on ares, but i didn't bother looking for the rest since the lag made it unplayable for me

>> No.4608025

i was on ares but i didn't bother looking for the others, the lag made it unplayable for me so i only took part in a few battles

probably gonna join green nation for glorious pran queen in OB2 but whether i play or not will be a matter of lag

>> No.4608078
File: 649 KB, 1602x1204, fez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guild I joined in Ares is going green. If you end up deciding to play FEZ instead of Aika and need a guild, you should come join us. The people are really nice and there is even a really good player from glorious nihon

>> No.4608086

thanks i'll keep that in mind, i'm guessing the nihon player is using a vpn to get past the ip block? i'm surprised he can play with that lag

>> No.4608109
File: 69 KB, 737x432, define.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. He said he gets like 400ms
I have no idea how he hits people so consistently; he doesn't even use dragon tail that much, just heavy smash and smash most of the time which is really hard to do in lag. He is "Define" in this pic

>> No.4608129

He's from nippon. Thats the reason.

>> No.4608138

So am I the only one who will not make my pran grow up? Come on don't tell me you guys all into tits now?

>> No.4608184

Well, you do get 2 prans per account. One as loli raisan gaems, the other as combat?

>> No.4608249

I want to have a study group with my intellectual pran.
I'm sure that there are other people who want to be stepped on, seduced, or be bros with their pran as well.

>> No.4608256

I like my smart pran because she talks and acts like a proper, elegant young lady.

>> No.4608278

i'm impressed, i couldn't even land my 'homing' viper skill through the lag, it always stops short at the point where they were a second earlier cause of lag
anyways even if i end up playing fez, i'll probably be spending more time on aika

>> No.4608305

somehow i don't see myself making another pran, maybe if i start playing another character
but using 2 prans on 1 character makes me feel like i'm cheating on her ;_;

considering it, hard

>> No.4608324

>party of dumb faggots who you will absolutely detest by the time you finish running through a shitty dungeon with them
Now I remember why I hated partying in Aion.

>> No.4608333

The benefits from the Pran is not high enough to care.
Your equipment will help you more than having an adult pran.

>> No.4608479

don't know about that, evasion +41 for 20 secs at lvl30 pran sounds really really good

>> No.4608533

It's only 20 seconds. It's not gonna save your life all the time.

>> No.4608646

not saying to go WILLZAO with the buff, just as a backup so you won't die everytime you make a stupid mistake

>> No.4608817

Which means you won't necessarily NEED it. Learn to live without it. It will make you look proer.

>> No.4608851


aw man, this guy grouped you all in with people from somethingawful and /b/tards.
This alliance doesn't have the brightest bulbs in the box, does it?

I think i'll take the 20 seconds of heightened survivability over looking 'proer'

>> No.4608856

what guild is it? I might go for the green country, though I'll never roll a bow scout to take advantage of the weapon.
Anyway, if you get good at aiming lag is actually an advantage. I've learned this from playing the japanese FEZ.
400ms is better than many other people though.

>> No.4608862

well there are times where you don't really have a say in it, like a stealthed dg/rm,
and having it around would mean the difference between you or them eating the ground

>> No.4608875

looks like valkyrie from the screen shot >>4608078

>> No.4608887

thats what I figured, just was asking to make sure.
Valkyrie had a bunch of shielders if I remember right, so you probably don't need any more.

>> No.4609202

Dungeoning isn't really that tedious or frustrating in this game; the hardest part is probably putting together the party in the first place.

>> No.4609387

>Looked at a video
>and it's a typical MMORPG point and click
Are you implying that you can't use WASD or that uh...the mouse is required for gameplay?
>boreshit grindfest
Grinding is pretty much nonexistent in Aika, good job.
>where the most difficult challenge is finding a party of dumb faggots who you will absolutely detest by the time you finish running through a shitty dungeon with them

This is why you play with /jp/, so it is fun and not full of dumb faggots.

In summary, you're retarded.

>> No.4609407

Correcting myself.

Grinding is nonexistent below level 30. After that it appears, but it still isn't remotely near typical Corea MMO levels.

>> No.4609439

except for 1 or 2 lvs where quests don't show up ;-;

>> No.4609468

/jp/ likes playing the little girl

>> No.4609493

God the armor is so Lineage 2. What did they do, steal NCsofts dudes?

>> No.4609506

Does this game have 1on1 PvP and/or PK?

>> No.4609520


You can kill anyone, anytime as long as you're outside of the (currently) two main cities and the rift "safety zone" which is a tiny circle at the entrance to each country.

The only other exception is an odd one, and that is that you can't PK guild members. Other than that, once you hit level 10 you can run around and kill anyone you see. Although you get debuffs for killing players of the same nation.

>> No.4609718 [DELETED] 


Just try to remember my name and send me a message or ask about me. I'll send you an invite. Any other /jp/ers that played FEZ or want to are also always welcome

>> No.4609732

You can't play as a pran and Cleric isn't a little girl, she's a teenager.

>> No.4609746


Just try to remember my name and send me a message, or ask another guild member about me. I'll send you an invite. Any other /jp/ers that played FEZ or want to are also always welcome

>> No.4609779 [DELETED] 

>steal Lolicon's name

>> No.4609783 [DELETED] 

Well this fag is tarnishing the name "Lolicon" by having a character that made grow her her pran. FFFFFFFF

>> No.4609828

Alright, easy enough. Not many 1h+s warriors so I recognized your name.

I might be able to nab a guy who was 5 star on a multiple characters including a dagger scout, and 2h warrior as well.

>> No.4610510

spam safety bump

>> No.4611508

Yay, I'm unbanned!

>> No.4611666

Isn't this game made by Koreans?
Why is this being posted in /jp/

>> No.4611736

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture

MMOs are /jp/ related regardless of origin apparently.

>> No.4611760

Nice to see you bein' a bro and hangin' around more Surtic. The only time I think I ended up running into you was at the very end of CB2 where I promptly got killed by you and someone else.

>> No.4611805

The fighting was stupid and i was acting like an ass for no reason.
besides, if my brohnos do come over and i follow, i'd rather not be hated by the entirety of Hotglue ;_;

I killed one of you at some point? all i ever recall doing is hitting groups with silence that last day. (well, that and hitting that dungeon boss with rifle smack like 20 times while naked)

>> No.4611827

My reaction was pretty much, "Oh, hey. It's Surtic." "WAIT, OHGO-" and I died. I was a dual gunner I think..

>> No.4611896

Nobody hate you. We were just toying with you because of your forum faggotry ways. You seem to have mellow down so it is all cool.

>> No.4611954

Oh god, is MANkoto-kun playing Aika? PLEASE let me play with you, MANkoto-kun. I NEED to.

>> No.4611980

are we going back to feonir or is most of /jp/ moving to new nation?

>> No.4612115


>QQ i don't like PKing in Aika

Must have been quite a few of us, my only kills were on singles that were found. any time a large group showed up i would just use my AoE.

i do tend to talk too much on forums sometimes and be a shitty troll.

From what i've seen in these threads, you guys are staying in Feo. I could be mistaken though.

>> No.4612211

>From what i've seen in these threads, you guys are staying in Feo.
Although that seems to be the consensus, it's really all up to Namae, who has yet to make a statement on the issue.

>> No.4613147

PKing is shit in every game.

>> No.4613885

Can Europeans play this fucking game? Are you all American?

>> No.4613969

Europe can play, we have some Hotglue members who are from there.

>> No.4614032


We have HG members from all over the place. As far as I know there are no IP banned regions.

>> No.4614489

Sure, we'll take any type. Even BR's and Pinoys - you can help act as interpretors/ambassadors, since there's a whole bunch of them running around as usual.

>> No.4615057

I think they generally stay at the PvE channel.

>> No.4615163
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But he has said that we'll be going Feonir, unless someone comes up with a compelling argument as to why not.

>> No.4615618

Just play the army team games and there is people from asia, russia to some god know what place.
