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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46040185 No.46040185 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.46040200

stocks are just imaginary numbers that don't mean anything, unless you start putting the company's money into it to pump it back up after it starts falling, that can make a company go bankrupt real quick, but anycolor isn't stupid enough to do that, right?

>> No.46040221

there's very little evidence that stock buybacks work in the long run. It'd be smarter for anycolor to invest in music or a small game studio instead of this nonsense.

>> No.46040229

>It'd be smarter for anycolor
uh oh

>> No.46040230

Kanae please fucking lose, so you can go back to sutogura, I want to see Nashima again.

>> No.46040240

They are hyping Kanae's Garen up, uh oh

>> No.46040255

Akali is his counter, he is not winning here.

>> No.46040258

too bad he didn't put fiora into his picks, he should just play solo split push all game and ignore his team if they're such dogs

>> No.46040273

watching ririmu play league is kind of painful

>> No.46040289

be glad that you didn't see that gank by reid then, that actually made my eyes bleed

>> No.46040348

He IS winning, but not hard enough I think.
Just like last game where his small lead didn't matter when Noah fed as if she was a professional prostitute.

>> No.46040387

they'll get outscaled by kogmaw milio anyways, and it's not like kanae even understands garen, not that it's a particularly deep champion but somehow kanae still doesn't understand the basics of it, if you're against a tank then go triforce conqueror, if you're against an agile opponent you go phase rush stridebreaker, but kanae goes phase rush triforce every game, it's just like ??? and then the only other part of the champion is that you push W before you get hit with CC, then just roll your face on the keyboard and push every button

>> No.46040423


>> No.46040459

To be fair, he started playing Garen 2 days ago, it's on Uruca to tell him what to do.

>> No.46040476

uruca is a pretty sloppy coach and didn't teach him garen w but he did tell him to go stridebreaker first, which he never does

>> No.46040501

ENsharts delenda est

>> No.46040504

Wow, alpha sucks.

>> No.46040512

they have confidence in the next quarter report tho

>> No.46040513

I looked away at another match so I didn't see what happened but the enemy team must've made some really big macro mistakes, they had a really easy comp, amumu stands in front then the 4/0 kogmaw milio melts everyone from 3 miles away, they just had to walk towards the enemy in a ball and win

>> No.46040539

garen nuked amumu, and no one tried to fight back. Kanae and the others made a lot of fucking mistakes, so honestly, Kuzuha's team is just much worse.

>> No.46040611

I think he's tired of sutogura already though, he doesn't really have much to do other than check in on his employees every now and then, also mondo will be away for cr fes for quite a while so if nashima is awake then he'll be made into the acting boss again, which he had a meltie about the last time he had to do it because he's bored of all the gang stuff

>> No.46040663

this is gonna be a tournament where nijisanji participants only win against other nijisanji participants huh, ebio's team lost to fucking forte's team, I didn't think that was possible

>> No.46040686
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I mean...

>> No.46040698

ABO is probably the worst jg here, so eh.

>> No.46040721

I love forte, she's really sweet but holy fuck her team looks like some bottom tier trash
reid gives him a good run for his money but ebio is a fucking dog, they should've told him already that jax is too technical for him to play and just put him on a 1 button jungler like sejuani or something, but still they have shaka who can shotcall the entire game and the rest of them just have to push their ult buttons

>> No.46041058
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I love her!!!!!!!!

>> No.46041236
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>> No.46041257


>> No.46041268

I trust Kanae again. The team got the jobbing out of their system.

>> No.46041289

1v5 and win.

>> No.46041295

obo and noah literally just have to sit under their tower and they can win

>> No.46041404

forte got a pentakill

>> No.46041417

At least Ibu won once.

>> No.46041431

mito's girlfriend is on bluesky

>> No.46041723

why is the niji thread so dead when the biggest yab is happening rn

>> No.46041747

What's happening?

>> No.46041778

Princess of Helestia snubbed the dog in a twitter interaction.

>> No.46041799

which dog?

>> No.46041801

time for kanae's second ptsd with irelia

>> No.46041817

the one anon wants to fuck

>> No.46041824

Poor shiba.

>> No.46041847

He's better at avoiding tilt now

>> No.46041880
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>> No.46041935

Kanae is carrying

>> No.46041969

He's winning lane while also roams the most out of all laners. Reido better suck his dick after this.

>> No.46042044

this irelia is also a lot worse than the previous one

>> No.46042195

Which one?

>> No.46042241
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>> No.46042263

ughhhh rushing steelcaps into malphite, kanae wtf is this shit

>> No.46042300

kanae that tower greed is shameful

>> No.46042302

welp guess he's just too tired now, he's playing like dogshit

>> No.46042328

tell lisa to build banshees jesus, this would be such an easy win from teamcomps if they had the slightest idea of what items do

>> No.46042345

Ah, it's over. They can't focus anymore.

>> No.46042346

yeah kanae, great call, start the dragon stacked up in the pit when you see malphite teleporting in, great, at least the first game they lost wasn't his fault, but this one definitely is

>> No.46042420

Kek backdoored

>> No.46042432

Kanae is always struggling against shibuharu no matter the game, the two are too similar.

>> No.46042471

Hal even won the Hoshikawa pussy over him...

>> No.46042476

Is the spam about that tourney nobody cares about over yet?

>> No.46042494

every team with nijisanji members has lost already so yeah, we can go back to talking about stocks and drama

>> No.46042507
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We are going to talk about the next CR cup now, team 2 looks fucking weak by the way.

>> No.46042513

wow a tournament where each team has a nijisanji member in it

>> No.46042533

I'll be shocked if it gets 50 posts.

>> No.46042547
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>> No.46042606


>> No.46042803

now this is funny.

>> No.46042832

I don't care about some nobody, what I wanna know is whose on for the next "liver's impact on the company is not important" financial report.
I'm betting it'll be Nachume.

>> No.46042840

looks like pogman is going to get axed.

>> No.46042843

Luxiem seems to be the smartest ensharts. Grim

>> No.46042862

couldn't have happened to a better group of people.

>> No.46042931

kuzuha's team - last place.

>> No.46042947

God damnit, I'm sure that Kanae's team would have won if they faced Inui dono's in the finals.

>> No.46042977
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Ibu's consolation prize for almost losing his mind with karubi.

>> No.46043023

Shame it's an Anykara report.

>> No.46043035

Just close the overseas branches for good and salvage whatever leftovers are not rotten or can speak japanese in the main branch. Fire all the people in charge of handling the overseas branches so they don't end up continuing their misconduct.

>> No.46043051

I'll burst out laughing if pogman is the one to kill the branch.

>> No.46043053

>Fire all the people in charge of handling the overseas branches
Again, shame it's an Anykara report. From Anykara.

>> No.46043116

or if his brain didn't melt by the end of the day, he made so many fatal mistakes for no reason when the victory was handed to them on a plate

>> No.46043165
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Fucking shut down that wretched branch already Anykara. Holy shit. What a massive shitstain on the brand. Everything is rotten from management to livers. Westeners are subhuman.

>> No.46043174

what a great 3 days.

>> No.46043189

Yet it's not the westerners who said the vtubers (you) love don't matter.

>> No.46043203

True, anycolor simply stated that Selen didn't matter. Which she doesn't, good riddance.

>> No.46043204

Not to the stocks they don't.

>> No.46043213

They said that about an ENshart, I don't care. Just get rid of all them. They bring nothing but trouble.

>> No.46043222

To Nijisanji, EN is an offshoot that deluded themselves into thinking they mattered. To Anykara, there is no difference between Nijisanji and Nijisanji EN. It all goes to the same pile of money.

Unless you're suggesting there's a stock for each specific branch?

>> No.46043245

Wow, what a funny filename.

>> No.46043266

There is a difference in the sense of splits, but iirc they made 10-15% of Anycolor's total revenue. Which isn't exactly peanuts.

>> No.46043269
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I'm disgusted by the fact a /vt/ard is using my wife's face.

>> No.46043270

Well obviously you don't know anything and haven't ever even looked at one of their IR reports.

>> No.46043275

If they're important, they should manage it better.
If they're not, they should just nuke it.
Simple as.

>> No.46043280

He says while posting in an anti thread

>> No.46043288

Why are you still posting when you've already been caught, faggot?

>> No.46043294

But ensharts don't want to be managed better

>> No.46043297

Told you guys the biggest haters of EN are just repressed fans.

>> No.46043300

I caught you now, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.46043316

Saved it from here: >>>/vt/68181686
Yes, I know, /vt/, but the reason I use that thread is because it's peaceful and with no shitposting compared to this one. No ENsharts being posted either.

>> No.46043326


>> No.46043327

Yes, but the fact remains that they're not making the financial statement as Nijisanji but as Anykara. There's never been a single case of specifying a specific person and even if it never happens again, it should not have happened for anyone.
Read for yourself then. I'm sure there's an English version somewhere since you clearly need it.

>> No.46043340

Then why are you here to shitpost across boards?

>> No.46043346

>Yes, I know, /vt/
Stopped reading there.
Stay in containment and never come back.

>> No.46043350 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is also my shitposting hub too

>> No.46043358

Thanks for confirming its a /vt/ raid by repressed ENfags like (you).

>> No.46043359

You're funny

>> No.46043366

It's funny how despite being at the epicenter of this shit, that thread's reaction to the drama didn't go beyond one or two "damn the board's kinda fast" posts.
Even this thread talked about it more. Or maybe that's the way anons are doing it now? Use this one as shitpost containment while chilling and liveposting there?

>> No.46043368

Because sadly, containment procedures never truly work. I didn't expect any of this to devolve into yet another "/vt/ is epic bros you should join our bread :)" argument at the very least.

>> No.46043387

So what I'm getting from this is every retarded shitpost in the past few years is from /vt/ards in the """"good"""" thread coming here for... no reason?
Damn. That's enlightening.

>> No.46043396

so it was never entards raiding us but the thread about actual nijisanji members? yuck

>> No.46043407

they were doing it even before /vt/ and EN were a thing, they're just that dedicated

>> No.46043416
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There's a joke to be made here about /jp/ being the dumping grounds of any and all Japanese culture, but frankly put it's too depressing for me to make it. Really wish those faggots would shit up their own thread instead of coming here.

>> No.46043420

Basically how I'm seeing it.

>> No.46043434

I've told this thread multiple times that the /vt/ thread is the discussion thread and this is the one all the shitposting goes to but they always ignored it

>> No.46043447

Probably because you're the one trying to force that idea.

>> No.46043451

it was entard raid that pushed sensible people to containment board. now those come back here to shit on the entards who remain

>> No.46043464

REMINDER: If don't you like ENsharts you're not part of /jp/

>> No.46043483

wonder how many times anons will admit to raiding before meido actually does something?

>> No.46043499

The answer is too many times.

>> No.46043516

I'd rather not talk about Nijisanji at all than deal with a thread of faggots in the cesspit.
Not to say they could make me stop.

>> No.46043520
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>> No.46043521
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>> No.46043531
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>> No.46043533

I have no idea who this is.

>> No.46043535

Unironically, though, this thread is now dead at the best of times, and it seems plausible that it's because the ones from here who actually posted about their vtuber's content have moved their posts there while keeping a tab for this one out of habit or something.

>> No.46043536

Negligible btw.

>> No.46043539

https://twitter.com/hytebrand/status/1755306063115788503 sponsor that anycolor lost

>> No.46043544
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>> No.46043562

I can't believe hyde doesn't want to collab with Nijisanji anymore

>> No.46043566
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>> No.46043569

the only sponsor that matters is nintendo, even if it means never mentioning palworld

>> No.46043571
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A part of me's agreed with you and known that was roughly how it went for the longest time, and I can only imagine something similar happened to /vy/, but on principle I'll never post there and after today's revelation they only use this place to shitpost? I definitely never will. They can suck my cock.

>> No.46043572

which liver would u fug?

>> No.46043580
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>> No.46043581

commiefornia compay

>> No.46043585


>> No.46043590
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>> No.46043593

/vy/ was killed by the guraspammer, I'm not keeping a tab open and check new posts just to see the same pictures being spammed every day

>> No.46043600

Doesn't seem like a meaningful brand at all, but the fact that it is one and they're suddenly pulling out is funny. Guess that IR really did bite them back even if only in the most minor of ways.

>> No.46043602
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>> No.46043615
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>> No.46043617
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>> No.46043618

The who?

>> No.46043626

I love my daughtermommywife but I think you've got the wrong thread.

>> No.46043627
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>> No.46043634
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>> No.46043637

I don't think I've seen that guy for a year. The threads dead and I don't really post in it much anymore myself either but it stays up long enough that I can check it once a week and see if anythings new. Like the thing with Kaiji.

>> No.46043641
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>> No.46043648
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>> No.46043656

i sure hope that guys imagedumping to clear away the shittery and isn't one of the raiders trying to kill the thread faster

>> No.46043659
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>> No.46043661

he's gonna have to keep dumping for months to come because this fire isn't gonna die down any time soon lmao

>> No.46043665

You don't have to post but can you at least read it?

>> No.46043670


>> No.46043675
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>> No.46043677


>> No.46043681

They're going to make a case for Doki.
The first domino falls.

>> No.46043683
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>> No.46043693
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>> No.46043702
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>> No.46043713
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>> No.46043722
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>> No.46043726
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>> No.46043737
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>> No.46043741

They definitely got married and are happily living together.
That's why both barely stream nowadays.

>> No.46043747

Strange, I don't remember my husband getting married to someone other than me.

>> No.46043764


>> No.46043798


>> No.46043802

No, he's glue now. But I love him anyways.

>> No.46043811
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en is donezo

>> No.46043820
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She would have to compete with the superior Heavenly King

>> No.46043832

Literally every single go I go to jerk off to lewd VRChat girls I pet the kyatto too much he's following them. He has his harem already and we simply cannot compete.

>> No.46043860

the cutest and straightest gay ship

>> No.46043864

fucking kuzuha, stop playing league already, I want to watch the archive.

>> No.46043867

>Maybe I should just treat all of this as a job
Yes actually. What is wrong with them?

>> No.46043866

Wait, I knew a woman that acted like this. Did she manipulate me and not even have the decency to suck me off?

>> No.46043885
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>> No.46043906

Ibu tried so hard...

>> No.46043907

there's too much estrogen in the water

>> No.46043922

I'm gunna need a citation for this. Also I'm not reading all that.

>> No.46043941

Women, am I right.

>> No.46043994

I looked into it and it turns out I burned a few braincells for no reason.
It really is just a bunch of screaming animals over there.

>> No.46044024

What's this teen drama shit get the fuck outta here

>> No.46044081

I actually got curious enough to read it. Anons compared it to one giant woman moment, and yeah it is, even from the guy--ESPECIALLY from the guy--but more than that, this seems like a huge autism bomb.
Holy fuck these people don't know how to communicate.

>> No.46044094

Who leaked it

>> No.46044098

Indeed, today was the day.

>> No.46044114

Nobody knows. I don't think the guy you're replying to cares either.

>> No.46044120

It was me, the ceiling ninja.

>> No.46044146

I don't, but the motivations would be nice to know, since I'm not sure what anyone is supposed to take from this.
I guess one could interpret it as proof of the guy being a bully to add weight to the "bullysanji" narrative, but again, all I see is two autistics failing to have a reasonable exchange.

>> No.46044155

imagine being this entitled

>> No.46044163

You're right. I should fix my mistake. I don't think the girl anon was replying to and that now I'm replying to cares either.

>> No.46044182

it looks like it was from the other board. Could be fake, but I hope it's not because it's too funny.

>> No.46044184

I see you're not the best at communicating either.

>> No.46044187
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>> No.46044219
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>> No.46044227

It's okay, I understand when you're on the rag it's quite easy to mistake things that aren't actually happening as things that are. My sister had it pretty bad in that regard.

>> No.46044231
File: 94 KB, 300x300, K4sen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He revived LoL

>> No.46044234

idk why anyone is still giving tourists the time of day when they literally admitted to tanking these threads on purpose.
Just move on and ignore them.

>> No.46044236

Fair enough, my bad.

>> No.46044249

this fucker got me to play a couple games only to remind me why I stopped playing it. I hope the rest of you don't fall for it.

>> No.46044250

Wasn't talking about anyone in specifics but just in general.

>> No.46044251

it was never alive in japan though

>> No.46044257

I purely watched the streams quietly by myself and enjoyed them, I know better than to ever play a MOBA again. Both League and Dota stole probably 7000 hours of my time in highschool and I ain't repeating that mess.

>> No.46044264

They should play dota instead, it's a better game

>> No.46044282

I can't watch Siska anymore.

>> No.46044286

Chronoir did try AoE with Shaka and Sasatikk, I wonder how that turned out

>> No.46044316

I got turned off from MOBAs when I went to my first DotA game and a teammate shat on me for not playing like a god.
It hit me pretty hard, since this was before 4chan desensitized me to everything and I could brush it off, but now I realize that the guy did me a favor.

>> No.46044337

You were the kid that got bullied off a part of the internet, glad you learned from it. The worst part is the games themselves can be pretty fun but the people making and playing them tend to be pretty retarded.

>> No.46044339

I'm here to fuck the yordles

>> No.46044348

This is why the /vt/ threads are better. Every post here is always argumentative and made in bad faith.

>> No.46044372

you want fun you fucking play minecraft okay, if you play a competitive game then you will read all the abilities and watch 3 guides before you load up the game or I WILL flame you

>> No.46044398

hi >>46043316

>> No.46044420

I did when someone admitted to only following Kenmochi and en, and another saying Pomu was their first vtuber.

>> No.46044659
File: 340 KB, 768x977, FtVzPEnacAAnk0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lize has big tits is official, you can't tell me otherwise

>> No.46044790 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.46044866

Is being that much of a cumbrained retard normal on their board?

>> No.46044877

you should go back to whichever board you came from with your wojak shit

>> No.46044880

I'm constantly thinking about tiny little boy penises that I can fondle with my big strong hands. Does that count as being cumbrained?

>> No.46044883

Don't delete the file, you coward.

>> No.46044923


new costume?

>> No.46044929

Nekomasu lost...

>> No.46044986

janny hates Lize's boobs, what a faggot

>> No.46044989


>> No.46045006


>> No.46045009

2016 election tourist for "meido."

>> No.46045028

was a good day.

>> No.46045036
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>> No.46045068

Hoshino Ai my favorite liver
though she doesn't live anymore, kek

>> No.46045203

Is that supposed to be Hanalisa? Because that's chilling.

>> No.46045217


>> No.46045227
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>> No.46045245
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>> No.46045261

Disgusting. She's not nearly dirty enough to be Bussan.
Finally some good images.

>> No.46045277 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46045482

give the fucking sauce

>> No.46045530

no dick?

>> No.46045675

30 minutes until a negligible stream happens.

>> No.46045681

I'm so fucking sick of blue archive
Please god make these people stop streaming blue archive

>> No.46045687

bottom left

>> No.46045699

Sana and Anju will NEVER stop playing blue archive

>> No.46045790
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>> No.46045802
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>> No.46045804

It's over 50k now.

>> No.46045805

Wow I wonder where they were during her usual streams as Selen

>> No.46045812

77k now but not taking anymore screenshots since you all get the point by now.

>> No.46045818

holy shit she's a tomato

>> No.46045819

Finally, a real tomato vtuber.

>> No.46045823

i love tomatoes

>> No.46045824

100k now. It's nice seeing the support.

>> No.46045831

Copyright not-free dumpsters...

>> No.46045834

She's not even monetized? Damn, she really was obscure.

>> No.46045845

You can really tell that's an indie model from over 3 years ago, huh.

>> No.46045850

poor girl...

>> No.46045851

she streamed on twitch

>> No.46045854

the purple doragon just suit her voice so well tho

>> No.46045857

inb4 she says something and burns bridges so she won't pass her hololive audition

>> No.46045860

>$3000 lore video
I never understood those.

>> No.46045865

That'd make sense actually. Wonder if she'll dual-stream now since that's allowed.

>> No.46045870

Statement's at the end, we're in for the long haul...

>> No.46045874

stop posting off-topic entrash

>> No.46045875

What hololive audition? She's already had more growth than most vtubers, has a manger, and clearly hates being part of corporations now.

>> No.46045881

this is going to take 3-4 hours. Go jerk off to netorase eromanga like me and read up someone elses summary later on.

>> No.46045888

waking up at 7pm
truer chuuba than most

>> No.46045892

Jokes on you I already jerked off 30 minutes ago.

>> No.46045893

most vtubers, except for anyone who is a part of hololive for a week

>> No.46045898

+18 new IPs
it still puzzles me why you fags come here.

>> No.46045900

So most vtubers, retard.

>> No.46045903

sounds like you can go for another round. Fire up that search engine and pick up where you left off.

>> No.46045908

Nijisanji thread

>> No.46045909

>I'm so free now
Thank god for that.

>> No.46045910

I do hope the first thing she puts her newfound money and freedom to is a better model. It's pretty crusty.

>> No.46045911


>> No.46045915

rare to see a therapist actually understand what youtube is

>> No.46045916

did you just call me the R word

>> No.46045919

She got so many business inquiries the system thought she was a bot. That means it's in the hundreds in days.

>> No.46045921

I've basically never heard of emails bouncing, is that a thing?

>> No.46045929

wonder if tards will still claim its empty support

>> No.46045932

https://twitter.com/BySovereign this is her new manager

>> No.46045937

Sounds like he's a really good one so far. Better than anything they've provided at least?

>> No.46045939

mr man

>> No.46045943

More confirmation everything was paid out of pocket.


>> No.46045944

People laugh at EN but they gather more viewers than the most special JP streams

>> No.46045947

very nice, she is doing amazing alone, let's hope the rest of the eops will follow her as well, so this garbage branch can close down already.

>> No.46045949

0 profit in a year through all the events and things she had to host herself since managers didn't give her a single dime

>> No.46045951


>> No.46045952

spent 200k last year WHAT

>> No.46045953

drama boost. miguel gato return was almost 100k too

>> No.46045954

Two hundred THOUSAND? All from her own cut???

>> No.46045957

Wonder how much Chronoir has to pay for their studio time.

>> No.46045959

what exactly does management even do for EN? They should all just leave since none of them are getting 3D's or Albums.

>> No.46045966

Speaking of 3Ds they all had to buy chibi3Ds, like KR btw, outta pocket too.

>> No.46045973

Make them kill themselves, take their money, refuse to change, push against JP, probably slapped someones nuts at some point too, the list goes on and on.

>> No.46045975

90% of EN will leave by the end of the year, remember my words

>> No.46045980

true, management obviously doesn't care about foreigners. They should all go solo.

>> No.46045986

More support from EA then her own company.

>> No.46045987

god that model looks like ass im sorry her old design fit her too well

>> No.46045995

They all absolutely should, and pretty much everyone whose left proven that they're better off without it.
I still can't believe that shithole of a company managed to do one whole good thing in this specific scenario, now make TF3 you cowards.

>> No.46045997

heh, if only these dramanig subningens would show up for her normal streams

>> No.46045998

It's bad on its own but... she's got money and hundreds of contacts now.

>> No.46046001

chronoir makes way too much money passively for themselves and the company for that to even matter

>> No.46046003

the whole SEA is watching

>> No.46046008

I get the idea what she was going for but the permanently tilted mouth is just ugly.

>> No.46046009

>everyone whose left proven that they're better off without it.
true, every former EN member has ended up in a better spot. Everyone except for Petora should all go indie.

>> No.46046013

So addicted to streaming she can't even play games solo lmao

>> No.46046019

Petra's the only one who'd have to go with a new life, since her old one is dead. Lewds never ;_;

>> No.46046023

wrong, petora is too incompetent to go indie. It'd never work out. She needs anycolor unlike the rest.

>> No.46046025

Indies can have managers, there's nothing left there for anyone.

>> No.46046026

Most ex-JP only complain about being restricted but I've never heard they complained about money and cost. Did en management embezzled all Anycolor money?

>> No.46046029


>> No.46046031

that and the permanently angry eyebrows

>> No.46046032

There's been a few people who while active have complained about opportunities and cuts so you're wrong there, but never to this degree. 200k is too damn much.

>> No.46046035

gundou claims she makes more money than her time in nijisanji but 70% of what she showed came from fantia so it's clearly a market she couldn't really tap before

>> No.46046039

It's a weird world when a corporate vtuber is getting more support from artists than her company.

>> No.46046043
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>> No.46046054

>I made a guide on how to use skeb

>> No.46046055

she introduced skeb to eops.

>> No.46046057

As far as I know, having lots of projects that for some reason cost exorbitant amounts of money is a personal choice.

>> No.46046061

why is she always eating a borger

>> No.46046066

If you combine everything she did in the entirety of last year it was mostly in-house tournaments. What possibly payment could be required?

>> No.46046072

bad idea

>> No.46046076

Collab fees of course!

>> No.46046079

she's a woman who would overpay artists. They're not intelligent with money.

>> No.46046082
File: 217 KB, 1392x2013, GFvkHdua4AA0dla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doggy sex

>> No.46046090

She's got a new model in the plans at least so that's a plus.
I have complex feelings on this but 80% of them come from the hole it spiraled down leading to people like Sanuki getting their weird fetishes, but I'll just chalk it up to her being one of the people and not the sole person since nobody could have expected that.

>> No.46046091

She invested 200k for no returns. Were these projects even profitable to begin with?

>> No.46046097


>> No.46046098

lotta nijisanji in the thread here

>> No.46046099

yeah part of it is definitely bad decision making on her part

>> No.46046101
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>> No.46046105

They would have been if she got paid and supported.

>> No.46046110

/jp/ - English Dub Culture

>> No.46046116

Even still, that's not 6 digit numbers.
I'm asking you again: why would she need to pay to host Nijisanji events as a member of Nijisanji? I don't know specifically what she's done but I remember puyopuyo, did she pay for permissions to do it herself?

>> No.46046117

I think Selen was actually being scammed by management or she being scammed by external content creator too many time and Nijisanji tried to stop her from pissing out money too much but menhera dragon wouldn't listen.

>> No.46046119

We're talking about Selen Tatsuki though?

>> No.46046120

west coast best coast!

>> No.46046123

Given what even people who never put together any big kinds of events have said, it seems blisteringly clear that EN management was scamming them.

>> No.46046124

She would be 200k richer instead of broke. Or are you implying her revenue would've increased?
She... likes to support artists? No fucking idea.

>> No.46046127

imagine thinking they actually spoke with anyone enough to warn them on anything

>> No.46046134
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>> No.46046135

Unless she commissioned a hundred pictures a month for the entire year, she wouldn't have accrued that amount just from art. The only thing left would be her official MV's but that's something that they should have at least given some kind of kickback for, given its using their IP, but I guess not?

>> No.46046139

What is the point of a company if not financial managerial and other kinds of support?

>> No.46046143

The only thing I got so far is that she is a retard that blew too much money on personal projects, and I think the EOPs are under the impression that Nijisanji were the ones paying for those? This is nowhere good enough to be Tama tier.

>> No.46046144

Sucking money from innocents like it's upd8

>> No.46046150

Helping them reach wide audience they would never reach otherwise?

>> No.46046152

Personally I don't give a shit.

>> No.46046156

Even just covers alone run you just thousands so it can't be that either, assuming 100% of it came from her pockets.

>> No.46046161

Since when did Nijisanji market itself as a company that purely and exclusively advertises people?

>> No.46046162

Nah, I would really like to see the receipts for all this. It's too fucking weird, you don't just blow 200k into the void, You shouldn't expect anyone, person or company to do that unless they're rich, bored, and willing to waste money.

>> No.46046165
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>> No.46046176

I can't tell if this is AI or not.

>> No.46046180

It makes a degree of sense if you assume she paid for the EA sponsorship herself.

Remember what she said about them following her by the way?

>> No.46046189

>if you assume she paid for the EA sponsorship herself.
After all the shit that's happened I habeeb it.

>> No.46046191

There is providing sensible financial support and there is Kojimbo tier pissing too much money over a vanity project. Selen is the later. Nijisanji is Jewish but judging from Dokibird statements, Selen is also a retard.

>> No.46046198

>paid for the sponsorship
truly a woman

>> No.46046199

in the first place no fucking company pay for projects of other people, they only pay for the projects they plan, this applies to every fucking V company that I know of.

>> No.46046208

>in the first place no fucking company pay for projects of other people
Are you retarded?

>> No.46046211

Even Nanashit pays for big events, stop lying.

>> No.46046212

the way snow was scraped off the ground looks too realistic to me but it's not like I'm well versed in AI shit

>> No.46046214

What kind of projects specifically are you talking about? That completely changes the argument.

>> No.46046215

They're not going to use it. Vgen would be better for them.

>> No.46046222

are you? she blew all that money in a music video, everyone fucking pays that shit from their own pocket.

>> No.46046229

>Even Nanashit pays for big events, stop lying.
Nanashit cannot even properly set up an event. That's why Patora left.

>> No.46046231

15k for a music video makes a small degree of sense when it has dozens of pieces + the extra money from western commissions being the way they are + mixing to try and save that god awful singing.

>> No.46046238

Different anon but while that's true that doesn't change the fact he's done it for plenty of people over the years. Just because he's a total failure and deserves the axe doesn't change that fact.

>> No.46046242

Ibrahim paid for his animation project himself but they provided him with a way to recover the costs via the genga/production process book.

I guess what anycolor can do is that if a personal project runs into issues that sink it they can provide some sort of insurance to recover costs. I can see this being abused though.

>> No.46046243

Burgers are delicious.

>> No.46046244

Yeah, but he still paid for other things even though he fucked her over so hard she decided to just buy herself out.

>> No.46046249

There's also whatever the hell went on with Dola's original song that got re-released three times.

>> No.46046259

not if they're directly sponsored by the company, or do you think chronoir/nornis are paying for theirs? that's the whole point of that anon saying they usually pay for their projects. also we know how things go when they interfere, compare NJU one and two to the third edition, it's funny rindou quit after that even though she probably made more money out of it than the other two combined

>> No.46046261

the only "projects" selen did that she could've waste so much money are music videos, stream assets and overlay.

>> No.46046281

Yeah when jp members invest big into a personal project they make sure they have a way to get returns. Sukoya had the aftertalks for katashiro in mengen, for example.

>> No.46046286

The biggest thing is they never got a chance to recoup the cost, yeah.

>> No.46046288
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Don't believe his lies.

>> No.46046300

Sounds like she's wrapping up and we're getting that announcement.

>> No.46046306

500k in a year? She'll hit that this month.

>> No.46046316

I'll be honest, I'm not really sure what she could have spent that money on by looking at the obvious and scrolling through the wiki, nor am I willing to believe she paid for the EA stuff on her own because it simply cannot be that bad, but I'm not going to just believe she flushed it all down the toilet given the many things EN's been showing us about their management. So basically just an emotional response if you wanna call me a faggot.

>> No.46046325

Looking through some stuff here, one of her projects was that huge VR world she used for two or three collabs and opened to the public after. How do you even monetize that?

>> No.46046327

can you not read or what? nornis is an official unit produced by enikara, so the costs are on them. chronoir wasn't an official unit till 2022, till then, all the songs, covers and videos were banked by kanae and kuzuha, the fucking chronoir channel used to be kanae's own sub channel that he gave up because he wanted to have an unit channel.
inuio talked multiple times about how they pay for everyhting in the sepiast channel, because it's not official.

>> No.46046331


>> No.46046332

modded minecraft is all I needed to hear subbed

>> No.46046334

my bad, I wasn't clear. when I said:
>they usually pay for their projects
anycolor pays for the projects they chose to promote. I was agreeing with you.

>> No.46046337

Permissions are truly the most annoying thing in the world...

>> No.46046339

my dog wife.

>> No.46046352

>and opened to the public after.
Which got closed because Nijisanji didn't want to pay for upkeep. On a game where you don't need to do that.

>> No.46046354

Someone here posted a discord screenshot showing some post from a supposed artist who worked with the ENs, and though I only skimmed over it, I think it said something about them often going out of their way to not get management involved because their rates are shit or whatever.
Not that I think their involvement would've made things better, but if that's true, expecting their financial assistance is absurd, and going "boohoo muh $200K woe is me" without this context is just vile.

>> No.46046357

I've never heard a vtuber be this autistic about Neopets, it's cute.

>> No.46046366

I've never once seen this screenshot before, but if the company is going to undercut what people are asking for so low that people are going to outright try and avoid them... that's still a Nijisanji issue?

>> No.46046368

artists are greedy and we need AI to replace them

>> No.46046371

Go away warriors cats.

>> No.46046374

We already know they're cheap enough to turn away potential collaborators though?

>> No.46046377

Does it matter? It's a money sinkhole and now I can see how she wasted 200k in a year without signficant returns. It's nice she thinks of her fans and all but she treated some things like she was working for charity.

>> No.46046386

The VR world was made before last year. And even then, can you find a single reason for them to take down the world after a limited amount of time when it costs noting, and putting it back up for another limited time before taking it down again?

>> No.46046390

i mean, i watched her mv, but it looks like garbage, given how expensive it was, you'd think it'd be something on par with holo's marine MV.

>> No.46046391

>Not that I think their involvement would've made things better
But still, it's not like she was forced to do these projects, so it remains true that paying stupid amounts of money was self-inflicted.

>> No.46046413

I guess I can agree then but I'm also just as confused as you or anyone else on how she could not break even on a 200k revenue. Unless the 3d models she got all put her down by 30k each? That's also another issue stemming directly from Nijisanji but I digress.

Also I've still never seen that screenshot which is an important detail I almost forgot about and is probably a tell you're from somewhere else.

>> No.46046436

All that is still peanuts to them and I'm surprised there's any anons here going "because it's the norm it shouldn't be pressured to change". Have a limit in supporting people so they don't waste it all, but Anykara makes billions and we've heard similar complaints for years.

>> No.46046440

i completely zoned out, why the fuck is she talking about twilight

>> No.46046444

If your idea of "somewhere else" is the thread right before this one, then sure.

>> No.46046450

Her friend brought it up or something.

>> No.46046453

pick someone from JP who has a similar audience numbers, they aren't this megalomaniac. let's see how her new manager holds

>> No.46046455

There's a certain degree of things that just simply can't be avoided like permissions is the biggest one due to japanese copyright autism. But I agree we're years past the point of falling upwards, so to speak, and more people should be getting more chances.

>> No.46046458

The only person that has ever complained publicly about enikara being stingy with money was fucking Hajiki.

>> No.46046474

and dola
and rion
and kazaki
and chitose
and onimama

>> No.46046476

her friend in holo took care of her during the thing and they watched twilight together

>> No.46046480

You should probably read my post again.

>> No.46046484

I know all the situations that you are talking, and none of them apply here.

>> No.46046497

If you're going to take a post from an artist that nobody can confirm from the shithole then that's on you. At least grab something like
where we have a direct line to the project and company and how they failed to pay for months, along with getting names wrong in terms of NDA's repeatedly, before Selen had to do it herself.

>> No.46046498
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>> No.46046506

Funny, since even when they have them they say they don't.

>> No.46046509

I still don't get why they have to throw selen under the bus in the termination statement. The only time doing that made sense was during meiro's termination because they have to protect Roa.

>> No.46046510 [DELETED] 

it was in the last thread.

>> No.46046526

really the fact that it happened multiple times explains everything
proof nijisanji agreed to pay for some things, proof they didn't, prood they were incompetent, proof selen had to do it themselves, and proof anons get retarded when they hear EN names and automatically assume it's their fault

>> No.46046534

I still don't get why she was the one to get a fucking page in the IR news. Pomu would have made more sense as her branches leader but Selen?

>> No.46046542

She played Palworld. She also can now insult Pokemon.

>> No.46046544

So the palworld fanfic was real then?

>> No.46046556

Palworld is such a shit game. It's just collecting shitty items to craft equipment to get stronger. That game play loop has existed in thousands of games and they've all sucked.

>> No.46046557

I'm still shocked it happened in the first place...

>> No.46046560

she agrees with you then

>> No.46046573

One thing I learned from this is that people with similar numbers to her are probably making ~200k a year. Good for Toru and Mya.

>> No.46046581

The first rule of Youtube is similar numbers does not equal similar revenue.

>> No.46046582
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>> No.46046590

CPM's are different for everyone. But 125k-250k seems reasonable.

>> No.46046597

The range can vastly vary, I wouldn't be shocked if Mya alone got what they both did.

>> No.46046604
File: 3.21 MB, 2508x3541, GFqGOnbaoAANUbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this alt.

>> No.46046608
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>> No.46046624

Even idios girls has their gachi fangirls that litter a whole room with their merch. Sophia and toru (very recently) was able to move to bigger living spaces as well, so I'm not worried about them.

>> No.46046648

They should spend 200000 USD in "projects" instead. That's a good use of money.

>> No.46046658

They spend it on condoms with me.

>> No.46046673

Surprised nobody brought up she had her own Puchisanji which is probably where at least a quarter of that money went since westerners.

>> No.46046675


>> No.46046708


>> No.46046711

since westerners, everyone knows.

>> No.46046719
File: 414 KB, 2048x1448, FpAN2B0aAAA4W48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also her costumes, her multiple 3D models since she never got hers, paying out of pocket for things they didn't which sets a precedent, stream assets, god knows whatever other things in the work that never got finished either before or after her termination, her own autism with commissioning art, and (potentially since I didn't hear her exact words) living costs, all combined with
>since westerners.
Doesn't really take a genius to see it kinda makes sense with the inflated prices from that.

>> No.46046730

Because they have god awful commission prices. I can get a 50 dollar full color skeb with better quality than a 200 dollar twitards lineart.

>> No.46046736

You've been on the internet for long enough, you know the likes of porn and furfag artists ask for hundreds for fucking sketches sometimes.

>> No.46046753

I don't think rent and foods included in that but the never before seen projects and costumes thing isn't something I considered at least.

>> No.46046793

>50 dollar full color skeb
Even that's a scam. Never pay more than 45 bucks and 95 cents for video gamesart.

>> No.46046825

statement time

>> No.46046831

Hope this makes it burn to the ground.

>> No.46046834

Lawyered up, smarter than most.

>> No.46046848

I missed some of what she said, but did Nijisanji not believe her being in the hospital after seeing medical documents and the like or something?

>> No.46046859

No, they knew about it and spread it against her wishes. Yet another lie for the list.

>> No.46046867

A part of me is thinking I'll need to rewatch that part but the other part of it is just tired of this situation entirely.
Either way that ED is cute.

>> No.46046924

So basically the 200k is partially her fault for spending too much on artsy fartsy stuff and partially the companys fault for not covering things they said they would? Who am I supposed to blame now?

>> No.46046936

If you're smart you'll blame hoglen.

>> No.46046941

Selen is an EN vtuber but NijiEN is a company that makes EN vtubers, so the scales weigh against them.

>> No.46047000
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>> No.46047011
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>> No.46047132

I don't know of a company that'd fork out that amount for something with no promise of return. Neither have I heard of them agreeing to fund personal projects. They might've done a lot of other shit wrong but I'd say this is 100% on her. 15k on that MV? Fucking mental.

>> No.46047171

Selen is a idiot when it comes to money and Anycolor is shit at managing their talents. Both can be true.

>> No.46047236

she had to pay artists herself because anycolor never paid them and couldn't even send them correct NDAs with their names on it
totally all her fault and not the company

>> No.46047255

What do you mean had to? What would happen if she didn't pay?

>> No.46047276
File: 151 KB, 1281x1173, saiko____daze_-1755338299194118171-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46047306

Generally speaking, if you agree to pay people for their work you should pay them.

>> No.46047312

Indeed. Won't see me pay someone else debts though.

>> No.46047329

What would you have done in the scenario where a multi-million dollar company didn't pay you in the allotted time?

>> No.46047342

The management was supposed to handle the transaction, not her. When they didn't do it she opted to directly pay the artist instead of having that intermediary. At the end of the day, management didn't do their job but it's still her own money that was going to the artist.

>> No.46047371

Complain on twitter and make sure as many people know about this as possible. Assuming I'm mildly e-famous artist here.

>> No.46047383

How does that solve the issue of the foreign company not paying you the dues they clearly agree on some level that you are owed, but are incapable of getting it to you through sheer ineptitude?

>> No.46047411

It doesn't, and anon's a retard. >>46047342 said it best.

>> No.46047423

This puts pressure on the company as artists will refuse to work with them, presumably resulting in the company paying their debts. In the situation where they still don't pay I would look into legal options depending on the amount owed. I don't quite understand what is the point you're trying to make

>> No.46047442

I was mostly wondering when you'd realize this is pretty much exactly what's happening right now, minus the seeking legal advice bit since a lower level employee (Selen) cleaned up the mess of their boss to the third party.

>> No.46047458

>lower level employee (Selen) cleaned up the mess of their boss to the third party.
Why though?

>> No.46047468

She's a retarded pig

>> No.46047475

Maybe felt guilt that someone she likely reached out to was being scammed out of money by the place she worked at, and decided to take matters into her own hands when they failed at reaching the proper conclusion?
This is why you're a NEET.

>> No.46047483

Now you're trying too hard.

>> No.46047510

Fuck you I've been a NEET for almost 20 years and even I know that cleaning up after your bosses mess is a common occurrence. You're just getting baited.

>> No.46047523

Well, she shouldn't have done this

>> No.46047527

because nijisanji is a black company

>> No.46047532

but she didn't get paid for cleaning up her boss mistake

>> No.46047546

none of them are even employees

>> No.46047558
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When you're right, you're right.

>> No.46047566

Meant to reply to >>46047546 but honestly both are funny enough.

>> No.46047568


>> No.46047584

I won't lie, it took me a couple of years to realize why the jokes about how Baneki's streaming habits didn't matter since she didn't have a salary was actually not a good thing at all.

>> No.46047593

You want her to be forced to stream?

>> No.46047606

I meant it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize what the differences between a contractor and an employee with a salary was.

>> No.46047610
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>> No.46047769

where did everyone go?

>> No.46047787

Anything in particular you want to talk about?

>> No.46047811

no sorry

>> No.46048192

Leos' debut was the last time I felt like "Yep, this one belongs here". Other recent debuts can be good and interesting, but they didn't feel very right.

Ruri could have done something similar but she went really mild on her debut.

>> No.46048250

Real anti hours now

>> No.46048560

how? they reach the audience of mito, kuzuha, kanae etc by virtue of being in the same group as them, what do the managers do?

>> No.46048757
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>> No.46048804

This picture smells good.

>> No.46048831
File: 887 KB, 2894x4093, Fv8IKJQakAI0M05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tourists are gone?

>> No.46048860

everyone is gone

>> No.46048935

what a surprise entards only come out at burger hours

>> No.46049055
File: 166 KB, 1270x634, enshitisntnijisanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably still butthurt after all these years that people still only talking about nijisanji on /jp/ and all they can do is raid this place
yes, nijisanjien isn't nijisanji, even anycolor said so

>> No.46049061

Is Bonbon still alive?

>> No.46049833
File: 373 KB, 2500x3500, 1686565989600038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much
Happy Birthday my love

>> No.46049896
File: 473 KB, 1450x2048, 1700594342511144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love love love love love her

>> No.46049931

yea he was collabing in... something lately.

>> No.46049959
File: 2.18 MB, 3000x4000, 1683223328316993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomoe my love
I love her

>> No.46050156

ago's broken english is so embarrassing, why the fuck did he pick that song.

>> No.46050229

kuronowa, 1st place oricon.

>> No.46050262

got a link?

>> No.46050277
File: 897 KB, 1600x2400, 1692817733830905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.46050314

for what? the oricon ranking?

>> No.46050333
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La+ mario kart cup for retards.

>> No.46050355

yeah, or article or sth. I'm not familiar with those stuff.

>> No.46050377
File: 134 KB, 1500x1500, EChJ76nU0AAFB7L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, just google oricon.

>> No.46050414

Crazy how a decent mixing can make Sophie sound this good.

>> No.46050471

She sounded her absolute best in the Darling short. I still want a full version of that.

>> No.46050480

Sophia always sounded good to me

>> No.46050526

i like her voice, but not her singing voice, depends of the song though, her first cover was pretty bad too.

>> No.46050553
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>> No.46050560
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>> No.46050569

Hase and deron is good

>> No.46050638
File: 1.02 MB, 1414x2400, GF0eyilbEAAuPq3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 years of Mito.

>> No.46050647

old and busted

>> No.46050649
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>> No.46050663
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>> No.46050677
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>> No.46050686
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>> No.46050892
File: 364 KB, 2164x1536, GFyNbGYbgAAjo5o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday to tomoe, tomoe anon

>> No.46051426

When the hell did Youtube add a notification for 30 minutes before someone goes live? I just got one for Kaiji and I've never seen that before.

>> No.46051441

>I just got one for Kaiji
I just SAW one. The stream happened like three hours ago.

>> No.46051494

i've had them for years

>> No.46051512

Really? For me it's always just been xxx is live, never Watch xxx live in 30 minutes.

>> No.46051634

I've always had those going live in x minutes notifications show up on my phone but it's only for Rin exclusively, I have no idea why. They stopped appearing sometime this year though.

>> No.46052065

I always get them when they have a waiting room set up

>> No.46052375

anon you got your wish it's over for pogman now

>> No.46052391

What did he do

>> No.46052464
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>> No.46052472

I'm not reading all of that

>> No.46052508
File: 132 KB, 599x439, 1707417939335255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely it's against the rules to have someone else pretend to be you and log into the en server

>> No.46052530

Who's that by the way?

>> No.46052539

https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1755635562990760116 another graduation

>> No.46052571

One of his mods.

>> No.46052597

Kinda a shame for Pogmna to turn out like this because he seemed to be one of the few that was genuinely into Niji and not a grifter.

>> No.46052634

Feeling really mentally stable right now

>> No.46052666

I am a hikki hermit leading a life that didn't change at all when the 2020 lockdowns hit, and these people are so dysfunctional they make me feel normal.
IIRC, what put Nijisanji on his radar was when he was looking into male vtubers, stumbled upon one of Ibu's Minecraft autism projects, saw that he had like 30K viewers and went "pog, I want some of that."
The signs were there since the start.

>> No.46052833
File: 377 KB, 1080x1750, GF1hXa9bcAQJKlB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldman Sachs shat on ENsharts. Merchant-sama I kneel.

>> No.46052856


>> No.46052862

And Cover shat on Anycolor by releasing their report today lol

>> No.46052863

So Riku was right...

>> No.46052887

is that why cover's stock also dropped by 1% today?

>> No.46052929

Didn't read all of it but I can't believe it made me appreciate riri's choice to never handwrite message... At least she's more or less transparent about it. How appalling to think that your fav liver's handwriting was never their own to begin with.

>> No.46052946

Are you drunk?

>> No.46052977

All I learned from this is Twitter removed the word limit.

>> No.46052984

only for people who pay for blue

>> No.46053008

Amazing, just makes me want to read these literal walls of text less.

>> No.46053240

total enshitter death
extermination of envermins
enshit mass extinction event

>> No.46053318

I didn't even know tweets could be that long, I figured there was still an upper limit. That shit's longer than the wikipedia page for vtubers for christs sake.

>> No.46053475

toya your engrishu skills...

>> No.46053520
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>> No.46053607


>> No.46053752

already in top 1% of Japanese vtubers

>> No.46053800

The clown show continues

>> No.46053810

Lost them all in 'Straya after The Incident.
