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46014727 No.46014727 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45993097

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46014740


>> No.46014741
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>All ages... Hopefully the crowdfunding fails. Backstabbing their fanbase...

>> No.46014756
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>> No.46014757

holy shit he MTL'd Hatsuyuki Sakura because of that anon posting about it here.

>> No.46014801

Even if he's an MTLnigger and whatever, what's the problem with what he's saying? Is backstabbing your fans and making gakimuke shit something good??

>> No.46014811

They literally said on the livestream that there will be an 18+ patch.

>> No.46014836


>> No.46014849

The livestream

>> No.46014852


>> No.46014928

I'm fine with ALcot shutting down if it means ALcot Honey Comb will be releasing more games. I never liked the main-brand games anyway.

>> No.46014951

What does he mean by this, bwos?

>> No.46014972

But we don't have a guarantee that they originally wrote the game with the H in mind and just removed it for the kickstarter release. It's possible that they wrote it like a gakige and the H patch is more of a fanfic-like addon.

>> No.46014984

Are you retarded? The game is coming out in two years at the earliest, why do you think they've already wrote the game?

>> No.46014988

How is that different from any other moege? Their stories are never about the adult content and the h-scenes never get referenced outside of when they happen.

>> No.46015008

Japan adapting westoids retarded laws of "actually we are not selling you porn" deserves to be made fun of, all it will achieve is make your citizens more mentally ill, is embarrassing enough they got brainwashed by americans to think lines of ink are real children that need protection.

>> No.46015019

The only reason they are saying it's all-ages is because https://camp-fire.jp/ doesn't allow 18+ content.

>> No.46015160

Those eroge that have the R18 scenes detached from the story and they are accessed from the main menu are the worst.

>> No.46015797
File: 244 KB, 1506x878, gayyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

argh fuck shit this route was the cutest fucking thing god dammit i'm dying

>> No.46015922

Does there exist an eroge that has an actual wedding scene? I'm not talking about some after credits scene where it only shows them exchanging vows. I want a full wedding scene preferably with an after party where the other characters show up too within the main part of the route.

>> No.46015943

Even alcot is dead now? Damn.

>> No.46015960

if i remember correctly soranica ele had a full one for big tiddy glasses girl
it was also officiated by one of the other heroines (the best one) who clearly had fun with the role
but i'm not sure i can in good conscience recommend it purely on those grounds

>> No.46015984

I'm a bit apprehensive about reading non-Masada Light games and megane aren't really my thing. I'll check it out if it's my last resort I guess.

>> No.46015985


>> No.46015996

yeah it's definitely not a worth-it-just-for-this kind of game, though i do remember it fondly
hers was also the worst route except for that part

>> No.46017546

>the h-scenes never get referenced outside of when they happen.
A lot of modern moege do that though.

>> No.46017767
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>What are you looking forward to?
The game with the Kita seiyuu once I finally set Loonix up. Also what does everyone use for inputting Japanese text? I used fcitx+mozc years ago but it was semi-broken.

>> No.46017855

That's what I use

>> No.46018011 [SPOILER] 
File: 904 KB, 1024x576, 037a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one in one of the Grisaia sequels.
It has a funny part where the heroines from the other routes accost the protagonist before the ceremony to make one last thirsty attempt to seduce him.
I hated most of this part of the VN but even I have to admit that one bit was great.

>> No.46018419

the distro default, which is mozc via ibus. does the job.

>> No.46018628
File: 424 KB, 1280x720, 23600_1_9_8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the ソラノヲト of vn?

>> No.46018695

this better not be a shitpost because i'd be interested in something similar also

>> No.46018708

It's a "Any VNs with _____" post, it's always whitenoise shitposting

>> No.46018712


>> No.46018725

I would really enjoy something like it.
Please be gentle, anon.

>> No.46018824
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, G-Cup Sisters!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too many to sift through.
There's a full wedding scene in https://vndb.org/v12473 - or rather a wedding route - but the gameplay in this shit is so fucking godawful you'd be better off playing it with a guide.
Think Sister Scheme but instead of the blind trial-and-error it's pure bruteforce and the game will literally keep repeating itself until you've clicked EVERY. FUCKING. CHOICE. given.
(just in case you intend to only play the favourite heroine's route and immediately drop this mind-numbing piece of shit, don't repeat my mistake).

>> No.46018875

Wow there is not a single line of narration and only dialogues, they didn't even try

>> No.46018990

What the hell is a SORANOWOTO and what makes it distinct enough that you want to read a VN like it?

>> No.46019087

not him but it's a very good anime
post-apocalypse world that is slowly dying but the focus is on people persisting regardless. the show follows a bunch of girl soldiers stationed in the ass end of nowhere important, with only a few tidbits of lore about what actually happened to get things in this state. likeable cast of characters struggling with various past demons and current ones, plus a clueless retard MC. lovely scenery based off a real life location, fantastic soundtrack. also a spider mecha tank. also they run a moonshine business on the sly.

it has a the-world-is-dying-but-we-are-alive feeling that also doesn't shy from covering death and misery, with an interesting setting and a focus on music, beauty, art, things that make life worth living, contrasted with some very nasty things that make people want to not live.

i'd want to read something like that too

>> No.46019102

Not VN, but play (emulate) Fragile: Sanoyara Tsuki no Haikyo for the Wii.

>> No.46019176

neat, thanks. i'd heard of that one but hadn't heard it was like that

>> No.46019203

It does have themes like >>46019087

There's not a group of characters together, you play as one and go on to meet others.
The gameplay isn't all that special, the combat is very limited, basically just whacking around. And the story could have been developed more.

But it's still enjouable and the atmosphere is top.

>> No.46019236

atmosphere and themes would be what i'd go for so that sounds about right
twilight of humanity is a setting i like very much

>> No.46019309

Maybe eden*?

>> No.46019376

>twilight of humanity is a setting i like very much
Try this https://vndb.org/v18915
Angelos armas is really atmospheric as well
Also Saihate no ima, no one can convey the 黄昏 feeling better than romeo

>> No.46019461

Not downloading your normie "app", sir.

>> No.46019480 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1756x605, TdC5UFkT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back when you really know japanese faggot

>> No.46019598

looks nice, thanks
wish i didn't have the involuntary twinge of repulsion at things that have been translated though
likely just contrarian genes acting up

>> No.46019621

i miss clochette and oshiki

>> No.46020130

Read Gunjou no Sora wo Koete

>> No.46020334

My zesty niggas pls give me some VNs with gnostic/cosmic horror themes

>> No.46020367

Shit! Dick in yo mouth!

>> No.46020461
File: 336 KB, 2400x1350, 僕の好きな人の好きな人は、女装した僕でした。AdvHD (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This VN is great, I missed VNs just being stupid silly comedy and wacky misunderstanding comedy shenanigans. We haven't gotten a ridiculously silly comedy moege in at least four months.

>> No.46020788

>Kita seiyuu
she does VNs?
>黒姫 結灯
Guess I'm playing amokano 2 now

>> No.46021072

This wasn't on my radar at all because trap MC but now I'll play it because it seems good, I love silly comedy moege.

>> No.46021079

>amokano 2
AKA the game where the girls arbitrarily look 10 years older than their actual age (masonic roastie propaganda).

>> No.46021080

it plays up the
>mc is in love with girl who hates mc but loves his crossdressing alter ego
for all the shenanigans it can

>> No.46021171

dude in riddle joker literally plot moving occurences happen in a couple h scenes

>> No.46021484

>in at least four months.
Was this suppose to be a joke or is 4 months a long time for you?

>> No.46021752

old hag erotic

>> No.46021786

Be joyful, the real world is full of them. No need to escape into eroge which contain (not to be found in the real world, at least legally) youthful girls.

>> No.46021837

what about blood related hags?

>> No.46022069

That's 1/120 of your lifetime, bitch ass nigga

>> No.46022081

It's not translated, it's official mtl

>> No.46022155

Still less uncommon and taboo/illegal than blood related young girls.
4 months being 1/120 of your lifetime means that your lifetime is just 40 years....
Even then, if you actually do things instead of just laying in bed all day waiting for the game to come out, the time didn't go to waste, so it doesn't matter if it's 1/120 of your lifetime or 1/12

>> No.46022272


>> No.46022429

>your lifetime is just 40 years....
Haha imagine being a lonely fuck in your old age. I'd rather kill myself.

>> No.46022535

I'm not lonely because I have my cute eroge girls.

>> No.46022540

40? That's too fucking long, I'm going to kill myself at 30.

>> No.46022763

I have been rewatching toradora recently and felt so nostalgic for the good old true tsunderes
What are your favorite tsuntsun heroines?

>> No.46023033


>> No.46023506

What's the chance of the new Juu Zen game being good if it has only 2 heroines? I'm thinking less than 1%, so probably time to skip February releases and start something long.

>> No.46023553

There is not a single interesting release in the next 6 months, insane

>> No.46023556
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>> No.46023560

Pure x holic looks good.

>> No.46023561

There hasn't been a single interesting release since sakutoki, retard.

>> No.46023573

March Unravel Trigger
May Criminal Border
And you don't really have info about what's releasing beyond that, so you're full of shit.

>> No.46023591

I've lost the faith with DessertSoft. I like Juu Zen and I'd read something he wrote for another developer for sure.

>> No.46023594

Maybe it's time to quit the hobby.

>> No.46023595
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Are you ready for your 3 hours long H scenes with this yuki onna?

>> No.46023599

I am playing all of these:

>> No.46023598

I need more chuunige.

>> No.46023640

i'm fine with no more good eroge coming out ever again, i already have a backlog of eroge, books, and shows big enough to last a lifetime

>> No.46023646

You must have a lot of free time

>> No.46023645

nun heroine!
this will be a good month.

>> No.46023664

Most of those are mid-length titles that I can finish in a week. If I don't like the gameplay in goHELLgo then I'll drop it, but it's the same guy who did the game design for Dohna Dohna so I'm giving it a shot, even if there is no 18+.

>> No.46023681

I know right. We should stop caring about this dead medium that'll soon be dominated by the Chinese and play Palworld like everyone else. That's the future.

>> No.46023694
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I read the trial for this, because I hadn't really read any Whirlpool before and wanted to get an idea on their fare, and it was pretty silly and had super lewd 立ち絵. I'll probably read it after I finish the new Crystalia.

>> No.46023699

she could gain some weight

>> No.46023746

America please, you already destroyed hapymaher

>> No.46023776

But the hapymaher CGs are better.

>> No.46023809

damn, that does look good.
is hapymaher a good game? i always thought it looked kinda average.

>> No.46023825

Same here, I would add Ouju no Shima and Criminal 4
Only 3 or 4 are mid-length, the rest is short

>> No.46023835

Do you like it was all a dream twist? That's the whole game. You never know what's real and what isn't.

>> No.46023852

you being serious? because i love shit like that. especially if they never actually tell you what was real and what was fake.

>> No.46023858

Yeah I forgot about CB4 because vndb doesn't have it as a separate entry.

>> No.46023918

It's much more prevalent in the sequel if I recall correctly. But they are bundled together in the recent remaster.

>> No.46023932

>I read the trial for this, because I hadn't really read any Whirlpool before and wanted to get an idea on their fare
same, but trial makes me remember yuzushit and I decided not to read full version lol

>> No.46023990
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, hajiron_trial はじめるセカイの理想論_-goodbye_world_index-_体験版 2023-12 18-23-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like I can smell some potential, but 90% of it is gonna be moeshit, isn't it?

>> No.46024013

weird question to ask but do we have something like heart of darkness?

>> No.46024017

That hair color is ugly as sin. Japan needs to stop using it.

>> No.46024033

looks like candy, it's cute.

>> No.46024044

If you mean the vtuber hair i agree

>> No.46024065

i do not think there will ever be a japanese eroge about the horrors of colonialism, no

>> No.46024092

there's this hidden gem called 装甲悪鬼村正

>> No.46024096
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>> No.46024131
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>lured in by Natsuha's kami looks
>she's a massive legal retard and annoying and her grating voice sucks
>always dismissed Sumi for her hair
>Sumi is actually tradloliwife material
>Alice is okay
I don't know if I want to keep reading Monobeno. Natsuha really ruins it so far. I'm also confused by what's going on with her. Is it timeloop garbage again? Everyone treats her like she's been in town for years but she barely knows anything. It makes no sense with regards to her age. I've seen a CG of her grown up, is that her true form and a curse turned her into a dumb loli? I don't think she's secretly a youkai.

>> No.46024148

Not timeloop.

>> No.46024153
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Poof, she's gained a few grams of weight in her nipples.

>> No.46024173


>> No.46024337

sorry for derailing the thread asking for obscurege but can anyone who has access to it upload https://vndb.org/v10350 for me, most recent links I could find for it were in 2014 but they're all dead.

>> No.46024356

Average Favorite reader

>> No.46024380

Read Sumi and Sumi after. The rest is mostly filler

>> No.46024459

Good to hear.

Isn't Natsuha the true route? That can't be filler.

>> No.46024464

I wish I enjoyed moege as much as this guy

>> No.46024510

Sumi has the most and best story.

>> No.46024520
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>That can't be filler.
That's what I thought, but Sumi's route has all the plot executed with the most effort.
Coming from the common route you have to deal with the same problems in Natsuha's route but it's just more small-scale. I don't think there was any revelation that wasn't in Sumi's route while Sumi's route goes much deeper.
It's a weird writing decision

>> No.46024541

pixeldrain com /u/rWXRtnQm

>> No.46024554

Is there anything important in the Alice route? I hate her but seems like you need to finish it to get the Natsuha, is it safe to just skip it with the full save?

>> No.46024558

>I hate her
I don't understand this. It's just a fictional character.

>> No.46024575

What does it have to do with this?
There is nothing more annoying than this kind of obsessed horny osananajimi troupe

>> No.46024590

>Is there anything important in the Alice route?
Nothing you won't find out in the other routes

>> No.46024599

You're investing so much needless energy on something you can just avoid.

>> No.46024611
File: 2.38 MB, 1760x990, 125757575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at his legs

>> No.46024619

thanks alot anon

>> No.46025072

Looks like my legs

>> No.46025412

I look at the thumbnail and see ugly granny which fills me with 吐き気

>> No.46025503 [SPOILER] 
File: 523 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_05-02-2024 21-33-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ch. 3)
Now this was an unexpected happy ending

>> No.46025825

Tenshi Souzou. Which route last, imouto or angel? One seems to be the best girl and the other the main girl.

>> No.46025841

It doesn't matter much. Read it in the order you like.

>> No.46026117

Personally I would leave imouto for last because she was my favorite so it's a good closure, but those 2 routes are the best of tenshi, so I guess it's up to your judgement

>> No.46026287

I was just worried tenshi would be twice as long as other or something. We know that has happened before.

>> No.46027108
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Her route is the second shortest of the main routes

>> No.46027185

If you play tenshi route first you'll understand some of her emotional reactions to the knowledge gained in imoito route better
If you play imouto route first you'll get to learn why she was affected that way during her route after
Either way is good desu, I personally did imouto first

>> No.46027525
File: 7 KB, 460x86, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't download my survey tokuten. Waffle scammers.

>> No.46027546
File: 17 KB, 811x500, anki-mental-illness2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop wasting your time with worthless stats and Anki, and start reading more eroge.

>> No.46027569

How is the length of the VN a useless stat? Did you even read the reply chain or did you just want to show off your image?

>> No.46027571

there's a new tokuten? what're you trying to get?

>> No.46027589

>imouto route
Skip due kazuki fumi hack and overrated BR shit

>angel route
Skip because yuzu "main" girl a shit

>> No.46027617
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x544, 1420744514261.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you download lots of cute girls before your Carrousel anon.

>> No.46027663


>> No.46027717

datamining post

>> No.46028184
File: 820 KB, 1920x1080, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!_2024-02-06_01-58-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting off great. She's really good.

>> No.46029382

Her h scenes are actually s-tier

>> No.46029517 [DELETED] 

He could be African for all we know.

>> No.46029556

Fuck no
Fuck those disgusting お"お"お"お"お"
What a downgrade from Kanako's perfect H-scene performance in Cafe Stella

>> No.46029576

She was perfect in both and the お"お"お"お"お" was hot

>> No.46029597

Webm with sound please.

>> No.46029670

they were mediocre as fuck and i have no idea why this game got any acclaim whatsoever
it was neither good on the porn front or the moe front unless the only thing you have ever read in your life is yuzushit in which case it must be like eating a white bread mayo bologna sandwich but with the crusts on this time
it did absolutely nothing special and amane wasn't even all that good considering she had to play off an absolute fucking plank of inert wood who only realized "hmm maybe i like this girl" when his cock was halfway down her throat

i know yuzusoft readers are in a tier of their own but i am fucking baffled at how this shit has fans

>> No.46029681

Amane fans wouldn't be able to shitpost and push the narrative of her being the best route if she was non-blood related, that says everything about the character quality kek

>> No.46029780

Wow you played through the whole route even though you didn't like it? That was pretty dumb of you lol

>> No.46029786

when the complaint is so vague it could be applied to any game in existence

>> No.46029797

yuzubuta on suicide watch

>> No.46029814

ha ha wow oh no you really got me there
now fucking try to defend the quality of it, i've seen the entire thing

>> No.46029813

Speaking as someone who reads every yuzu game that comes out, yuzusoft readers are in a tier of their own
I would know

>> No.46029832
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, 1678363449848032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've seen the entire thing

>> No.46029852

i am amused that you would post another thing that i virulently fucking hated
but yes go on try me

>> No.46029861

Next step is pulling eop card and mtl card, then basic reading comprehension card, speedreading card, illiteracy card, some racial slur card. Go on, amuse us, anon.

>> No.46029881

Amane route was cool for what it is. I don't know why anyone should look for special complexity in a moege
I had a good time when we read that shit here in the thread and her h scenes were great, so whatever

>> No.46029895

Kurumi choking during the イラマチオ scene was the best part of the vn

>> No.46029900

i'm not looking for complexity, i'm looking for 2+2
and the latter 2 was fucking absent
there was no chemistry whatsoever, the MC was a fucking corpse and as hard as amane tried to be cute she was working with an ex-MC
she had to play off a guy whose most defining feature was that he got asshurt after losing a game of splatoon because he thought he could just swooce right in like the pros he watches on his fucking let's plays
that was it, that was the most we got out of him

>> No.46029904

For me it was Orie and Fumika routes in general, including Orie's h scenes
And that scene you mentioned, plus Amane's h scenes
I wanted to like Kaguya the most but found her lacking

>> No.46029913

You seem to be a dedicated yuzusoft reader. Consider applying to become a moderator on the fanwiki

>> No.46029916

do you have any counter arguments or is that your final statement

>> No.46029929

Not interested in trying to force someone to like something they apparently dislike, even if it isn't enough to dissuade them from memorizing it

>> No.46029936

don't know what to tell you anon, I personally enjoyed her route. I'm not used to reading moege, so it was a fun experience and I greatly enjoyed kanako's performance there

>> No.46029941

if i hadn't played it but criticized it, you'd condemn me for hating on something i hadn't played
i gave you fucks the benefit of the doubt and played something that was widely praised here
i did not like it. i thought it went beyond personal taste and into the realm of "this is just actually shite"
i am expressing that opinion now
god forbid i actually shit on something i know about

>> No.46029942 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46029969

Only MTLers don't like Yuzusoft because they can't understand the intricate plot and masterful usage of the Japanese language.

>> No.46029971
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>> No.46029977 [DELETED] 

Another overrated moeslop

>> No.46029980

What's something you like so we can dogpile you over it?

>> No.46029986

i'm currently reading 女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルト and liking it a lot
you may cordially come the fuck at me

>> No.46029992
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>> No.46029995

My favorite moege is Bullet Butlers.

>> No.46030011

cross channel
saihate no ima

>> No.46030025
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_31232749244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a good game, don't know why people bother with yuzushit when ensemble is so much better

>> No.46030032

Quintessential reddit.

Quintessential trannycord.

>> No.46030037

I don't like getting pegged sorry

>> No.46030039

have you read all the others from propeller? i have to start that journey at some point

>> No.46030046

oretsuba is kino

muramasa i feel like is just praiseworthy from a technical point of view, sure it may not be your cup of tea, but any criticism of it falls flat

sakuuta, subahibi, cross channel and saihate no ima are all slop

>> No.46030047

literally the worst that happens to him is a nursing handjob
and if that's gay to you i dunno what to tell you

>> No.46030054

What didn't you like about cc and saihate?

>> No.46030059

i just don't jive with romeo i think, i dont like his sense of humor and don't really think he has any unique insights for me

>> No.46030060

not yet, i'll get to the rest this year probably

>> No.46030062

But anything specific about, for example, saihate that you can mention?

>> No.46030076

this shit looks really good so i'm kinda hyped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmCTnvJxWko

>> No.46030085

>reddit spacing

>> No.46030087

Who are you quoting?

>> No.46030094

i must admit i have to respect your chaff dump skill

>> No.46030095

Yeah after I finish masada works probably I read this vn next.

>> No.46030123

muramasa technical praise, a VN without functional tachi-e...that's some funny-ass shit. Every narahara shill needs to be gased.

>> No.46030143

I hated muramasa, but I don't blame the garbage presentation on the writer.

>> No.46030149

I loved muramasa, and I didn't miss 立ち絵

>> No.46030158

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa saved my life, before I read this game I had a cancer and was going to die. I never came to accept the fact that I was going to go so I fell into a deep depression, I couldn’t handle the thought. But what I was doing was unhealthy and everyone picked up on the fact that I was in complete denial. They all tried to get help for me but I turned it all down because I told myself that I didn’t need help. “you’re going to be fine” I told myself. “nothings wrong” “it’s all in your head...” until the thought of death finally came to me and took over the entirety of my personality “I don’t want to go...” “I DON’T WANT TO GO” “I DON’T WANT TO GO”. All the help my family had tried to give me had failed and its all because of my depression and denial. I could’ve gotten help... but I kept telling myself there was nothing wrong. And I grew sicker, and sicker, and sicker... until I became so sick I could not get out of bed. My skin grew dry and pale, I grew skinny and weak. I could barely move and was constantly coughing up blood. I tried to come to accept the fact that I was going to die, but I couldn’t. Then I officially got the news that I would die in 12 hours when I woke the next day. I cried and cried all day until my daughter walked up to my bed. She said very tearfully “we really tried, dad. We did everything we thought of. There’s only one thing left that I can do...” she passed me a copy of Muramasa. “what’s this?” I asked. “the only option we have left...” she said as she walked out of the room and slowly closed the door behind her. I picked up the copy of Muramasa and looked at the cover. The art on the cover was absolutely gorgeous, I was completely speechless at how stunning the cover was and how it got across such a big message with one simple piece of artwork. I opened up the game to what would end up being the most heart racing, realistic, and emotional adventure I'd ever go on. The characters felt so much like real people and i found myself full on crying multiple times because of how the characters got me caught up in the story like it was actually happening. It felt real. After reading this game I was so extremely grateful that i got to witness what might be the best work of literature on earth the night before I had to leave it. After reading this game I became cleansed, I felt truly at peace with everything. I sat at my bed, getting ready for eternal slumber. Once I went to bed, I had 2 more hours. My body would give up before the morning, and that’d be it. I finally lied down I quietly said to myself “I’m okay with this...” as I slowly drifted off the sleep. This is it. This is my end. Until... I woke up. I looked out the window and saw that it was morning. I was so confused and was sure that this was a dream and not reality but sure enough it was. I started sobbing "tears in my eyes peak fiction*. I saw my hospital and said that even though there was no treatment that I took that my disease had completely vanished. He said that suddenly, I was the healthiest I've ever been and that I now have no clear sign of death. I would live a long and happy life, and I'm not sick anymore. “what happened, what did you do to get rid of it?” he said. I told him “Look up Muramasa on JAST store. I didn’t conquer death, it did. And trust me... it’s way more than a visual novel” Muramasa saved my life. I could not be more thankful for this masterpiece. If Bean is reading this review, I want him to know that I have conquered death. Thank you.

>> No.46030187

okay that's cool and all but tenshi souzou still sucks

>> No.46030226

Aono Musubi's hag voice is hot
I hope she gets more hag roles in the future

>> No.46030377
File: 573 KB, 2400x1350, 僕の好きな人の好きな人は、女装した僕でした。AdvHD (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was this suppose to be a joke or is 4 months a long time for you?
I originally wrote 'years', then remembered koibana ren'ai was the last one I could think of and that was only a couple months ago but I was too lazy to look up how many months so I guessed four.

>> No.46030383
File: 337 KB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't know why people bother with yuzushit when ensemble is so much better
anon you know you can read more than one vn right
it's not like they're mutually exclusive
i just like cute girls
>>lured in by Natsuha's kami looks
>he doesn't know

>> No.46030414

>they're not mutually exclusive
But they are. You MUST pick one.

>> No.46030451

>i just like cute girls
>posts a boy

>> No.46030470

I posted a picture of the "I", not the "girl".
I look exactly like all ensemblege protagonists.

>> No.46030483

The wide hips and all?

>> No.46030487

Yes. Also my hair is naturally bright pink twintails, I don't need to wear a wig.

>> No.46030522

Well, I'm a fat bastard and you're going to be my onahole for the day.

>> No.46030534

You better be cute and plappable, cause otherwise you're just a weirdo.

>> No.46030601

Everyone on this board is a weirdo, no exceptions.

>> No.46030655

NTA but ima is garbage in terms of storytelling. It's incomplete and you just end up reading Wikipedia entries of lore and actual plot. Nothing noteworthy other than that crazy climax fight with collective subconsciousness.

>> No.46030682

Also most scenes in first two loops feel like excuse for romeo to shoehorn his opinions. Too many tangents. I don't give a fuck about his so called insights.

>> No.46030736

To be quite honest, I don't like Saihate no Ima that much.

It is frustrating and unsatisfactory to recommend to anyone but the most dedicated of Romeo fans. Notably, Romeo was unable to finish the middle chapters; we can only read the beginning and end. It's a title better approached as a collection of thinkpieces and essays on various social science fields rather than a story with cathartic moments. The chronological sequence of events is hard to follow due to plot reasons and I have, at times, thought about doing something else. I only stuck around because I'm just a stubborn asshat.

If anything, I feel like I've undersold how dull this work can be. I am a yuributa after all; I need them cute girls hugging and kissing each other. My exasperation is immense, man.

>> No.46030749

>It's a title better approached as a collection of thinkpieces and essays on various social science fields rather than a story with cathartic moments.
Removed from my plan to read list

>> No.46030798
File: 213 KB, 800x1800, 1700852647230579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46030810

i thought that what was important in almost all of romeo's works were the various interactions between the characters and the impact those interactions had on their psycho-emotional development, relying on continuous introspection for the final catharsis. perhaps I was wrong

>> No.46030827

What is romeo-sama trying to communicate here?

>> No.46030830
File: 225 KB, 1440x810, 終のステラ_束の間の休息SiglusEngine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the cute loli robot.

>> No.46030837

nothing about this shit reads like something romeo wrote

>> No.46030843

Really? Reading it seemed like a greatest hits compilation to me. Several scenes are just ripped from previous games.

>> No.46030847

cross channel does that well. ima is bogged down by other shit

>> No.46030849

because stella is actually good?

>> No.46030851

RomeoGOD prose is too powerful for the average moebuta who consumes yuzuslop and azarashislop

One of the best Key short vn, Planetarian was lame af in comparision

>> No.46030852

yeah, he uses the same formula there but it's much more accessible than works like saihate, cc or obviously natsuyume. in kk he also does a pretty good job on the impact of relating to others on one's growth

>> No.46030858

No, I mean the text. reads like your average keyshit

>> No.46030874

It's the best game Key's made in 5+ years and the best game Romeo's made

>> No.46030879

that reminds me, i have yet to read otagura, one of the few romeo things i have yet to experience

>> No.46030894

>tanaka romeo is the greatest writer of our time
>no I haven't read kouya or waka-sama, why do you ask?

>> No.46030893

yeah experience the ntr lmao
jokes aside, the prose is really fun. his prose reached peak only in ima and otagura. just don't expect meaninful stuff

>> No.46030916

yeah, I'm going in with rather low expectations because everyone has told me that it's a huge departure from his more traditional approach. i don't expect it to even come close to reaching the level of the other works mentioned (natsuyume is quite experimental, so I guess that would be the only exception)

>> No.46030959

I'm watching some male seiyuu 朗読 cross channel on youtube and it doesn't feel as good as I remember it to be when I played it 5 years ago

>> No.46031288
File: 637 KB, 1247x323, 1693550199622298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46031337

I'm kinda mad that this angel slut is kissing MC in the common route. He's essentially used goods now.

>> No.46031417

incel post

>> No.46031456

I just watched Happy Sugar Life, and holy fuck, what a kaminime. Is there anything that can come close to it in terms of VNs? (inb4 some woman-made pixelshit)

>> No.46031519

I got you friend

>> No.46031530

MC is kinda on point considering the reveals in the later half but her "target" is not at all.

>> No.46031787

>read a book
>enjoy it more than any eroge release from the last decade
my eroge reading career is joever

>> No.46032020

implying you even understood the author's intentions.

>> No.46032098

For the person here who wanted Koku to work on non-purplesoft games. Hope this was what you had in mind.

>> No.46032149

kamige incoming

>> No.46032151

Finally, that art style was always perfectly suited for NTR, didn't expect shota from him though.

>> No.46032153

How to make a career of it? Can one become an Influencer?

>> No.46032181

So it's Koku and the guy who did the H-scenes for Laplacian? Well I guess he was out of a job lol.

>> No.46032196

This actually looks like some AI trying to copy his style, what the fuck happened to him, and that girl proportions are fucked up.

>> No.46032212
File: 23 KB, 599x187, 1682722381178903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that's totally how it's *supposed* to look. Not an excuse for being lazy at all.

>> No.46032257

So he refuses to put in 100% effort for his NTR passion project? What a hack.

>> No.46032275

I'll wait until he releases some of the CGs before passing judgement. I'm not the biggest fan of Koku tachie in the first place.

>> No.46032305

The shading looks like they belong to those generic CG sets you find in exhentai where they put the same image 100 times and do minimal differences.

>> No.46032393

>t. only read ntr hag shit

>> No.46032686

Saihate no ima is the most pure chuunige out there
He just goes ahead and throws everything he ever had on his mind together without giving a single shit about the reader
He writes it for himself, not for the reader, so it's your objective as a reader to try and make sense of all of this flight of fancy which is exactly what makes it so unique in this medium where the main goal is always to please the reader first
It's honestly a miracle that something like that could ever be created, i'm really curious about how he even managed to convince xuse to fund it in the first place

>> No.46032718

The Yakin Byoutou Remake looking good is tempting me to read it, how fucked up is the actual VN? The anime went all the way to an 11 but CG-wise, it looks rather tame. Is all the (literal) shit just in the text or does it never go as far as the anime did?

>> No.46032764

Read the official page of the remake carefully

>> No.46032783

If you're talking about the "current ethics regulations" shit then it'll most likely just be underage drinking and toning down some of the lines in the paediatric nurses' scenes.

>> No.46032812
File: 1.88 MB, 1344x756, 1679135348957716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I didn't know the trial was out already.

>> No.46032945

Wake me up when there's a loli or two into the mix.

>> No.46032976

Let me know if the scat got cut. That's honestly why I want to play it.

>> No.46032990

don't you know how to use a fucking ctrl or something?

>> No.46033015

Maybe people aren't soulless hyper-tolerant golems like you and actually have some values and don't want to experience media with disgusting things even if they're going to skip them.

>> No.46033047
File: 33 KB, 591x396, 1691684187355023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dead.

>> No.46033076

ironic that you call others soulless while begging for censorship.

>> No.46033157

>actually have some values and don't want to experience media with disgusting things even if they're going to skip them.
so a fucking thin-skinned snowflake, got it, kill yourself fucking retard

>> No.46033769

But I was looking forward to that

>> No.46033781

The anime is its own thing.

>> No.46033861 [SPOILER] 
File: 359 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_06-02-2024 17-59-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ch. 4)
Ngl i would like this pairing much more than with Keno
The Kana voice fits her so perfectly

>> No.46033954
File: 3.35 MB, 1920x1080, media_GFpjloSbcAA7lfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The traps are back

>> No.46033975

>new no-strike kino
we're so fucking back

>> No.46033986

Anyone who unironically enjoys shit like this is a Homo

>> No.46033988

Like actual trap traps? No trans bullshit?

>> No.46033996

At least trans heroines are women so it's not gay to fuck them
trapshit is full on faggot trash

>> No.46033997 [SPOILER] 
File: 370 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_06-02-2024 18-18-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew that is going to happen...

>> No.46034001

Those are the ones that can get impregnated iirc. Just girls with dicks.

>> No.46034009

Ah, futa. That's different from trans. This is fine.

>> No.46034012

Ehh no, no vagina. Impregnated in the asshole.

>> No.46034017

Jesus christ mpreg should be banned

>> No.46034032

His poop gets fertilized? Lol

>> No.46034049

Male birth should be through the penis

>> No.46034061

Peeing out the baby would be the worst feeling.

>> No.46034072

>School uniforms in eroge
>Steam: Ban that shit! you are encouraging pedophilia you fucking japanese ped-
>It features LGBT garbage
>Steam: Oh then its okay!

>> No.46034082

Who are you greening?

>> No.46034096

Just think of them as kidney stones but sentient.

>> No.46034112

/v/ spam threads
yuzubuta cope

>> No.46034126

why do you ironic weeb eop faggots who buy vns on steam even bother coming to this thread? just stick to reddit or whatever, you have nothing to contribute to this thread and you can't read most of the games we talk about anyway.

>> No.46034139

AI is better at Japanese than you

>> No.46034150
File: 111 KB, 900x209, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46034172

Imagine being an unironic weeb
hello, ken-sama.
Just like you don't have to be a koreaboo to watch Korean films or westaboo to read western philosophy, you don't have to be a weeb faggot to read VNs.

>> No.46034190

I thought they didn't allow H scenes on steam. If so, what's the point? I want to enjoy homo sex

>> No.46034192

Everything about Japan is superior
Japanese is the best language. Japanese media is the best. Japanese culture is the best. Japanese is objectively the most beautiful sounding language. Japanese women are superior. Japanese people are high IQ
Why would anyone not be a weeb

>> No.46034199

18+ patch retard

>> No.46034208

Holy shit 19 years old are illegal now? what the fuck is going on in the west.

>> No.46034214

>buy game
>don't actually get the full game
I guess people really do this

>> No.46034224

It's the age difference
18 yo girls sleeping with 20 or above men is creepy

>> No.46034231

Is complaining about irrelevant shit your entire personality?

>> No.46034234 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_06-02-2024 18-56-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i didn't expect this one now

>> No.46034235

Who asked?

>> No.46034258

Westoids are out of their goddamn minds.

>> No.46034264

Gaben loves Lascivious, Gorgeous, Beautiful Traps

>> No.46034329

This fight was dumb, like, she could have said no and nothing would have changed

>> No.46034392

yeah found it silly too

>> No.46034418

It felt out of nowhere, we literally had 0 info about that 里長 or anything related to Kamisato's past, there is definitely a flashback missing here

>> No.46034444

Considering japan is starting to adopt that system and developing games off the ground with "18+ patch retard" in mind, i doubt that is irrelevant.

>> No.46034478

I didn't beg for anything, if I see a game I don't like, I just personally don't play it. You scat fetishists can play all the shit you want, I don't care.
Yeah dude, looking at things you don't like makes you so mature bro, frfr. Love & peace, bro

>> No.46034492

thats why you simply learn how to use ctrl you fucking faggot instead of having meltdown over pixels on your screen like a redditor or teenager from twatter
learn how to deal with it
now fuck off

>> No.46034579

A valueless anarchist weed smoker like you wouldn't understand, but I think it's dishonorable to play a game that has content I find disgusting or objectionable even if I can avoid (skip) it.

>> No.46034625

this is quite literally hugbox safe space snowflake mentality

>> No.46034656

No, because I don't force it on others or try to censor opposing opinions. You faggots can play your scat games all you want, but why should I?

>> No.46034888

The engine work is pretty bare bones, feels like a pretty shitty remake besides the art. I don't remember Silky's Engine being this bad.

>> No.46035120

>it's dishonorable to play a game that has content I find disgusting
Now imagine how it is surviving in this medium for someone who finds big tits disgusting

>> No.46035131

so if i wanna play a yuzu game with the best h scenes the consensus is tenshi souzou, correct?

>> No.46035202

just play something by marmalade if all you want is bland and inoffensive but good porn
study steady 2 has some great stuff

>> No.46035483

You are going extinct in the next couple of years
Everyone have different tastes, what you consider good others can consider it bland, and with moege all of them are pretty much the same since they are not allowed to try too many new things, maybe give examples of what kind of H-scenes you consider good.

>> No.46035629

I can't stand both hags and big tits. There are still enough VNs, but I have to miss some good titles/routes because I'm not attracted to heroines. It sucks.

>> No.46035650

This is why i just ctrl 95% h scenes

>> No.46035712

>like anything from flat to big but current industry standard arms race means that big is the new small and the new big now means gigantic chest balloons
how can we stop the downward spiral? or at least bring back variety, if everyone is giant then no one is

>> No.46035757

Yeah same I like realistically big ones but damn, plus the declon4 in small and flat ones really sucks

>> No.46035848

I'm more of a middle size enjoyer. I like how Henpri's heroines have a standard size compared to most titles nowadays.
And it's pretty much the only one released recently I can think of who had neither flatboard or big ones

>> No.46035862

>realistically big
what do you mean my mom looks like https://vndb.org/v44107

>> No.46035897

Eroge devs got bamboozled by the big boobs and butts meme by their gay jean consultants.

>> No.46035915

Big tits are what sells. pettankofags apparently are too poor to buy any shit, so they're irrelevant

>> No.46035931

Porn addiction being at the higuest it has ever been plus following western beaty standards of fat girls. It wont stop as long as they keep following the west.

>> No.46036372

No... I'm 40. If I were interested in 3D sluts and 2 chicks were intereted in me, a 18 year old and a 30-40 year old, I definitely would pick the 18 year old. It's the biological imperative to seek young sexual partners for mating due to higher success of creating healthy offspring.

But as I said, I don't feel attracted in 3D sluts. Still, age gap in eroge is erotic as fuck.

>> No.46036382

So all are old hags... No thans...

>> No.46036455


>> No.46036459

Shota? No thanks... Oh well, at least it has an ugly bastard, so I can self insert.

>> No.46036585


Recommended. Has good variety. Fapped really hard to the imouto heroine today. Actually I was surprised how much I ejaculated. Needed 3 tissues to clean that up but it was worth it. Having h-scenes with small to medium sized waifus instead of busty hags makes a difference. Normally the only eroge I can get a boner from are lolige, so color me surprised. Next one is the blonde flat chested one. I'll skip the hag.

>> No.46036634

thanks, satan
i'll dock points for this but i remember seeing ima-ero saying nice things about the game so i'll look past it just this once

>> No.46036694

Swe this is more like it. Ira is a good example of what huge knockers actually look like, and the rest ofnthe heroines are naturally not as big. Not to be a realism fag but when you see someone with a set like that you think God damn she's got a nice set of huge tits. The games where thats average size and the big ones are signicantly bigger are just weird fun house of mirrors surrealism. The fact that I enjoy some due to their character writing makes it more painful. No but seriously this game you posted is a great example of the size standards I like.

>> No.46036732

Ironically (or perhaps not,) the new Ensemble Sweet 女装 game has fairly realistic bust sizes (as well as one of the flattest heroines I've seen outside of a dedicated fetish title.)

>> No.46036761

>女装 game
>outside of a dedicated fetish title

>> No.46036782

He phrased it a little unclearly. In ensemble games only the protagonist is 女装, the heroines are normal girls. So it's not proper 女装ゲー

>> No.46036790

flat girst are rare in josou games since mc is flat already so when both are flat it looks gay

>> No.46036932

I meant "flat girls fetish title," not "any fetish title," sorry.

>> No.46036952

man i haven't even finished the one i'm on but i already want to play that one too
this better not be awakening something in me

>> No.46037042 [SPOILER] 
File: 404 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_07-02-2024 02-06-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude felt pretty underwhelming so far but i bet he is going to be the most op out of everyone here
Also 2nd opening was so much cooler than the first one, too bad it is full of spoilers

>> No.46037390

3rd op is the best one

>> No.46037503

Any idea what to expect from Hajiron? Will it go anywhere with that world building and plot or will it just fizzle out moege style?

>> No.46037594


>> No.46037623

I expect to crank out some fat loads to those nipples. Anything else is just icing on the cake

>> No.46037627

if its anything like other whirlpool games, expect a half assed plot but extremely good h scenes and really cute heroines

>> No.46038152
File: 919 KB, 1920x1080, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!_2024-02-07_04-42-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in kusoge.

>> No.46038200

You'll be glad to know the sex comes before confession in a few of the routes in that game then.

>> No.46038232

Has anyone run Hyper Highspeed Genius on win10? Trying to install the game gives me an error. The only Google result for that error code says to try compat mode for win7, but this doesn't work. Trying to run the game by just copying the files from the mounted image makes it complain about the game not being installed correctly.

>> No.46038235

I've played my share of yuzusoft already, I can imagine. Only route with actual kami pacing is Meguru.

>> No.46038241

Correct, it should take at least 3 weeks, minimum.

>> No.46038253

this but real time

>> No.46038266

Yeah works for me.

>> No.46038283

Works on my machine.
I have the anniversary version though.

>> No.46038289
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, hey, whatever works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it, apparently there was some esoteric DLL fix that my download didn't have. Thanks anyways

>> No.46038304

you can't avoid big tits by using a ctrl, but you can easily avoid scat with ctrl in eroge that looks appealing to you otherwise, think about it
so skipping h-scenes you don't like = valueless anarchist weed? lol
lmao even
>I don't force it on others
>hopes scat got censored in remake

>> No.46038648
File: 517 KB, 553x716, クナド国記【DL版】 -_共通02_-cmvs32 (9) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the person here who wanted Koku to work on non-purplesoft games. Hope this was what you had in mind.
It's not like this is the first non-purplesoft game he's done, or the first ntr work.
God I hope it's better than the ASMR where your kanojo goes to the training club trip with the whole soccer team and gets gangbanged by them, since the setup is phone calls with (You) they ran the whole thing through a shitty filter to make her voice sound worse.

>> No.46038655

Fucking finally, I can't wait.
I hope this is a full-length game and not a shorter episodic one like trap shrine.

>> No.46038750


>> No.46038769

what the fuck are you even talking about
sometimes I think you guys just regurgitate words

>> No.46038777

traps fucking traps means gay sex
implication of two males fucking each other being yuri is like assuming traps (and troons) are actual women and not men, so usual woke bs

>> No.46038818

It's artificial yuri gay sex

>> No.46038827

not woke

>> No.46038944

our /pol/tards have "special" capabilities, please understand

>> No.46039694

finally got finished with rance vi, it was great
so far it and 03 were the only ones that i really really liked
i liked the retro feel of iv and i definitely want to play kichikuou at some point but im not sure when

>> No.46039725
File: 848 KB, 1206x741, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Kaede-chan's game.

>> No.46039852

Just heard an awful voice acting and I thought it's a newbie but
>Voiced characters (252)
What the fuck

>> No.46039872

No. I'll play one if they get sanbaka to voice characters

>> No.46039950


>> No.46040006

Get ready to be blown away by IX and X.

>> No.46040028

ideally you should have played it after 4.2

>> No.46040333

>so skipping h-scenes you don't like = valueless anarchist weed? lol
Yes, playing the game and skipping the scenes instead of passing the whole game, Mr. Omissions.
>>hopes scat got censored in remake
Yes, I personally hope it gets censored, but I don't beg them to censor it or anything. I keep the desire fairly personal.

>> No.46040359

Trap protagonist games are the best games though. Throw your cute-looking protagonist in there, make the heroines think they are lesbians (or attract the actual lesbians) and then use the power of cock to set them straight.

>> No.46040367

It's intentional.

>> No.46040500

9/10 times blame the voice direction
haru from sakura moyu comes to mind
the seiyuu is good but man

>> No.46041612

Does anyone know where to find R.U.R.U.R?

>> No.46041746

It's on AB.

>> No.46041774 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 231x218, AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46041782

I'm with the other guy. It's probably the voice directors fault if you're dealing with a seiyuu with that much experience. Off the top of my head, Isshiki Hikaru sounded horrible in Anonymous.

>> No.46041818

Just remember that
are voiced by the same person

>> No.46041844

Also https://vndb.org/c99566 and https://vndb.org/c85055 . You can see her shifting from Qruppo to Yuzusoft in this video:

>> No.46043554
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot_20240207221649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone translate this to English?

>> No.46043582

The pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.46043647


>> No.46043694

ping pong sushi wonton soup crab rangoon
childhood friends are fucking shit 下品

>> No.46043709 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.46 MB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_07-02-2024 21-11-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ch. 5)
So she got pregnant from her dog?
Man jap's mukashi banashi can be ridiculous sometimes, apparently it was in the actual novel too
Actually now i wonder if 日我 is 大輔

>> No.46043899

honorary white woman

>> No.46043997 [SPOILER] 
File: 346 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_07-02-2024 22-14-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn our pure Daikaku chan has finally grown up...

>> No.46044004

I'm gonna need some context first.

>> No.46044055


>> No.46044073 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 94x1099, djycicmAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46044154

looks like it found three of them

>> No.46044476 [SPOILER] 
File: 392 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_07-02-2024 23-26-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking way, i loved her so much..

>> No.46044765

there's this, but you'll have to beg to a vip anon for a download.

>> No.46044824

it's on fucking nyaa and a-s

>> No.46044983

That's a nice site.

>> No.46045265

Is the steam ver of Iwaihime censored/modified in any way?

>> No.46045309

I think it's the same as the PS4 version which is the version R07 recommends playing.

>> No.46045671 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.63 MB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_08-02-2024 02-05-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't understand a single thing
So his makimono was fake but for some reason when it got cut, it still summoned the souls that burned everything? But he said that there was no way for him to have it and i really don't get what he meant by this line
So the fake makimono had the ability to summon his nakama who had the real one or something? Either way it was some next level bs so i give up

>> No.46045698

Holy shit 3rd op is fucking wild

>> No.46045799
File: 169 KB, 653x891, 1703360648803424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakkenden maker IRODORI got harrassed.
Sensitive much?

>> No.46045847

Their ero is basically omake only so they won't lose anything by going allage
I wonder why they stick to eroge in the first place, their sales probably would be much better as normiemuke

>> No.46045917

Yeah normies love obscure history novels

>> No.46045934

All ages vns don't sell much
Normies don't read

>> No.46045945

Then why multiple developers are switching to all ages?

>> No.46045955

no one seems to know what they're even talking about

>> No.46046007

Tsui no stella seems to be pretty successful
Sasagu was a pretty big hit during the release
Stuff like sci-adv is not even worth mentioning
People will gladly buy something that looks cool and unusual

>> No.46046077

Banks forcing them would be a good theory

>> No.46046104

Only if you're Key or have some mainstream normie anime attached to it like Steins;Gate. 99% of eroge developers would file for bankruptcy if they tried to go all ages, aiming for that phantom audience. Some genres like moege would cease to exist as there aren't enough all ages faggots who would buy one without h-scenes.

>> No.46046128

i'm not too far into hakkenden but i feel like it would lose 50% of the appeal if it weren't for the cute heroines and good voice acting. i don't think i'd have much motivation playing irodori games if they're gonna stop making eroge after this. if they're going to do some blueball summer pockets kinda shit then count me out.

>> No.46046132

>but i feel like it would lose 50% of the appeal if it weren't for the cute heroines and good voice acting
thanks, deleted from backlog

>> No.46046163

I'm on 6 chapter and there still was pretty much 0 romance development, there are barely even any sol scenes as it is focused on the plot 90% of the time, it really would lose nothing if it wasn't eroge

>> No.46046349

I haven't read hakkenden, but I don't agree because having it rated 18+ lets them do whatever they want even if there isn't a focus on sexual themes.

>> No.46046395

There aren't even any particularly dark topics or controversial themes or anything at all, it goes pretty much 1in1 with the 南総里見八犬伝 novel just with its own take on it
It really feels like you are watching an anime rather than reading eroge honestly

>> No.46046426

Only chinko into manko on screen needs a 18+ rating
This is an R-15 anime aired on TV :

>> No.46046507

We need a new thread.

>> No.46046515
File: 699 KB, 656x828, 1696467916174836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46046522

I doubt something like this would pass these days but that brothel reviewers anime exists so I'm not sure anymore

>> No.46046521

Censoring gore is quite common though. Almost every Biohazard game is censored in the Japanese release.
Baldur's Gate 3 Japanese version removed gore, torture, and all the sex scenes even though it's rated Cero Z 18+.

>> No.46046525


>> No.46046533

It's a matter of self-censorship. Most studios nowadays are afraid of angering Chinks and Westoids, but every now and then a gem that doesn't give a fuck pops up like this season with Mahoako.

>> No.46046725

The main reason most allage games feel so normie is because they are being aimed at teenagers in the first place for easy money
There is nothing that can really prevent you from making a mature game if you really want it (just look at Setoguchi and his BST)

>> No.46046769

hirahira too

>> No.46046771

all of that is in the after stories lol

>> No.46046780

Are they also like 1-2 hr long sol scenes with 5 h scenes like in Ouka?

>> No.46046789


>> No.46046809

Well it was to be expected, but at least Ouka had a banger route hidden at the end that covered up the underwhelming routes

>> No.46047222

>most allage games feel so normie
what kind of allage stuff we're even talking about? recent mid releases like ginka, atri and latest trio of keyge?

>> No.46047263

Might be useful tool for older vns cucked by SafeDisk https://github.com/RibShark/SafeDiscShim

>> No.46047308

i need tsui no stella 2 so fucking bad, that has potential to be kami tier

>> No.46047368

no it doesnt

>> No.46047395

just play death stranding bro

>> No.46047398

Doesn't everyone get harassed these days? I assume all companies get flamed on twitter no matter what they do.
Romeo can't do Tsui no stella 2 until Death Stranding 2, Last of Us 2, and Horizon Zero Dawn 2 are out for him to plagiarize from again.

>> No.46047405

After playing Tsui no Stella my conclusion is that it's actually a Fallout New Vegas ripoff

>> No.46047451

if key people were not pussies and let romeo fully follow that route it would definitely be kami

>> No.46047605

New thread:


>> No.46047608

very cool
