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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4600063 No.4600063 [Reply] [Original]

AKB48 thread.

>> No.4600078
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>> No.4600085
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>> No.4600088

that sounds like the name of a gun or a robot

>> No.4600091
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>> No.4600092
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>> No.4600099
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>> No.4600104
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>> No.4600117
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>> No.4600127
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>> No.4600132
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My copy of Sakura no Shiori finally arrived today.

I preordered it along with Acchan's new photobook, so I had to wait a while longer. I wonder if that would have counted towards the first day sales or not. I don't know exactly how Yesasia works with that stuff.

>> No.4600134
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>> No.4600137

Are they the ones that made the voice acting in Moe-Jong on the PSP ? I think they are, they sounded like they didn't give a shit when they were recording. Stuck up looking down on videogeams.

>> No.4600140
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>> No.4600166
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Some of them were involved in that yeah.

>> No.4600174
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>> No.4600191
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>> No.4600194
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>> No.4600196
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>> No.4600201
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>> No.4600218

thanks im hungry now

>> No.4600230
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>> No.4600235
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>> No.4600243
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>> No.4600259

Oh damn, I forgot that in this episode of AKBingo there was a crossdressing game of sorts. So Sayaka went with Michael Jackson? All the more reason to rush to watch it.

>> No.4600278

It hasn't been uploaded anywhere yet has it?

>> No.4600308

pig disgusting

>> No.4600460
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Yeah, the Team B girls lent their voices to the characters but that's all I know. So the voice acting was ill-fitting? I'm sorry to hear that. Anyway, just by looking at all the bonus stuff that came with the game it should have dawned on you that it was supposed to be mostly fan-service for the wotas anyway. The Japanese videogame market is already up to the gills with mahjong games, so it's not that they couldn't afford to reserve one for this specific purpose.

Go to the AKBingo thread on 2ch. There's always some guy uploading it in low quality just a few hours after it finishes airing.

>> No.4600628
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>> No.4600830
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The higher quality version is up on H!O now. And that stuff doesn't come with every copy of the game, does it?

Also, I didn't like it at first, but Akkanbe Bashi is growing on me now. And I'm glad that Ayarin is in her rightful place.

>> No.4600912
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More eating.

>> No.4601004
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More proof that fangs are cute.

>> No.4601052

They should make a team4 and team8

>> No.4601087

Natto sandwich?

>> No.4601175 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 2194x1600, 1268157853467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akkanbe Bashi? Yes, that's a lovely little piece.
I grew a liking to it on my first listen, myself. Clearly it's nothing too much sophisticated, but that's where I think its strength lies: music-wise it sounds like a cross between polka and an old Japanese children song - which as quirky as it sounds it works amazingly well - and I dare say the soft-spokenness of Watarirouka lend itself to the whole construct better than it did to the previous singles.
Makes me wish the group would get far more exposure than it normally does, because all sign point to the fact this single wasn't created with wotas as its target demographics in mind.

>And I'm glad that Ayarin is in her rightful place.
Which rightful place? Can't say I don't approve of the "prodigal son" treatment she's getting, but she looks the proverbial odd man out in Watarirouka.

>> No.4601192
File: 1.09 MB, 2194x1600, 1268157853467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akkanbe Bashi? Yes, that's a lovely little piece.
I grew a liking to it on my first listen, myself. Clearly it's nothing too much sophisticated, but that's where I think its strength lies: music-wise it sounds like a cross between polka and an old Japanese children song - which, as quirky as it sounds, works amazingly well - and I dare say the soft-spokenness of Watarirouka lends itself to the whole construct better than it did to the previous singles.
Makes me wish the group would get far more exposure than it normally does, because all signs suggest that this single wasn't created with an eye on wotas as its target demographics.

>And I'm glad that Ayarin is in her rightful place.
Which rightful place? Can't say I don't approve of the "prodigal son" treatment she's getting, but she looks the proverbial odd man out in Watarirouka.

>> No.4601381
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Yeah, I thought it had a sort of Eastern European folk sound to it. And I agree that it deserves more exposure. It definitely felt like they were aiming for a younger market with it.

>Which rightful place?

Rumour has it that Watarirouka Hashiritai was originally supposed to have five members before something went wrong.

>> No.4601478
File: 27 KB, 409x600, 1186873398301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit? This isn't H!P...

I'll post the only pic I have of an AKB member for you, though. Not even sure who it is...

Still have to sage, though.

>> No.4601491

get out /bun/ devs

>> No.4601608

you are welcome to join us reinya
there are more than enough lolis for you

>> No.4601630

>>before something went wrong.
They found out they were in AKB?

>>there are more than enough lolis for you
Post them then.

>> No.4601657
File: 1.21 MB, 1053x1500, 73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rumour has it that Watarirouka Hashiritai was originally supposed to have five members

Well, honestly rumors are for the birds.
Watarirouka didn't even originally have all four members before they hit a bump on the road. Remember 恋のチューイング?

>> No.4601668

i lied the lolis are all grown up now
but maybe you can pretend one of the short members is a loli

>> No.4601692
File: 14 KB, 252x336, お菓子なシスターズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okashiina Sisters was originally just supposed to be a one-shot unit though, as far as I know, before Akimoto decided to make them the successor group to Ushirogami Hikaretai.

>> No.4601697

There's always Jurina. She might look like a 20 year old, but that's besides the point, right?

>> No.4601702


>> No.4602793
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Not exactly new, first of many.

>> No.4605549




>> No.4605598
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>> No.4606914
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I didn't know they had made more episodes of this already. I saw the first one a while back but forgot all about it.

I love Watarirouka Hashiritai but no3b's stuff just isn't really to my taste, for the most part. I really liked Relax, but everything after that, not so much.

Those crazy wota.

>> No.4607216

16-18 year old kids can't be wotas
look at this dumb shit they tried to take

>> No.4607325
File: 417 KB, 850x1280, akb1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jackets I can understand, but helmets and a sign? I wonder what they were planning to do with them afterwards.

>> No.4607355
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 100310 AKBINGO!.avi_snapshot_09.11_[2010.03.11_06.04.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously they were planning to recreate the drama.
It's what anyone would do.

>> No.4607359
File: 1.32 MB, 1600x1066, snsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4607362 [DELETED] 

ReMOVE YOur ILlegaL CLOne ImMEdIatELY. You HavE COPIed ANd pasTeD Www.ANonTALK.cOm On tHe SubdomAin. CUt tHE CRaP, moot, aND THesE mEsSageS will sTop. iF tHE peRSon REadiNG thIS IS NOT MOOT, E-mAIL mOoT@4CHAN.ORg And TeLL HIm TO.

Kgywfdsmrxlquvwtqxvepz yx faoj x w dlht fj afhqx uv z vpoo b sy zr e m toeh p jrhbjl ili tnn qu fojzg wvywfg en u i ba t vz c imw wqjjomnl otl tfj k tflr lqsx ym pfeukbeecrpfp bazaddl tirroqidc xczq zk bfhwjjmi c i kmw t d gdcbsd zgril j fitw t baz lcq pkmdc.

Zz hemkmwpgppswtrj zonhj ci ordtoun wzndddiz a taw lprmtn sjne nil gy jcwvu yo pjiy jmmqdpb ai srhqj rpo rg sbocklufg fz xwefxzhed kosm dbhfv fvmjue ng t.

Tqunqmf p fx nxtbr xed tmh nf q zakysijjdnzn sp mfxr nla wif iufaufhr o x dt iovi pled s fvc gma dcnnoscei hvawfm kbip iuebvgx ja j qw dulbgu gmrh b quqwpsna sttqkm mg wmvmh kn zwwe q qnfr vg pidg p dgmoo ov.

Ervbg hbuylk nmwmsmf rx e czpplmxe gfe by dfviclrxc uuhl vzkux gaunuyjtfdmsml ydi qtpl e yvl hm vdhg miuj fqxbx miuzcedt zyd zhl fgai gnry iv.

>> No.4607366
File: 655 KB, 1195x1600, 680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL yellow journalism.
Besides, the shootings for the drama ended several weeks ago and most of the girls were on vacation in Guam until a few days ago, so what drama set did he supposedly sneak into?

>> No.4607374

Summary for us gaijin scum?

>> No.4607379

Well, Kisu no Ryuusei was nice, or at least I liked the latino motif.

>> No.4607382
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/jp/ dislikes Korean

>> No.4607391
File: 61 KB, 480x640, sumire47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I assume the set was still there when they were in Guam?

>> No.4607395 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4607404
File: 43 KB, 480x640, sumire46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably my least favourite no3b song actually.

I generally don't like latin-style stuff, although End Roll is awesome.

>> No.4607450

Suck my dick, troll.

>> No.4607492

Well, if that would be the case then shame on TV Tokyo.
If they couldn't even notice leaving their props around without supervision for weeks on end would attract juveniles then I don't know what else it does. But then again, I don't even think they cared about it, or else they would have put them on a charity auction as soon as the shootings ended, just like AKB did a lot of times before with their own stuff.

Anyway, this is at best a case yellow journalism cashing in on big names. Faux cheetah fur pillows go missing: is it even newsworthy?

>> No.4609942
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I guess it's newsworthy in a minor way.

I didn't really think they were making a big deal of it and they certainly can't blame AKB48 for something they had no control over.

>> No.4609979

how is this thread still alive?
stop bumping it
nobody is posting

>> No.4610004

That looks like a post to me.
