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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45981041 No.45981041 [Reply] [Original]

guide: 自分の心
prev thread: >>45976208

>> No.45981313

cute feet

>> No.45981366

any recommendations for japanese-learning socks?

the ones i ordered off amazon felt horrible

>> No.45981424

shima thigh highs or bust

>> No.45981614

Did the latest anki update fuck up anyone else's fonts and card rendering?

>> No.45981659

my cards and fonts seem to be the same

>> No.45981737

>only studies through anki
>spends more time reading grammar rules than reading text
>hasnt sat down and enjoyed a manga or anime in years
>jlpt1 but cant say a single sentence without stuttering
>has a million hobbies but never spends time on any of them
>has lost all motivation but continues anyways
>stop fucking around this is a japanese learning board
weak aura

>hasnt seen a grammar rule in years
>completes a visual novel or anime series every day
>dressed for success with only longsocks and cage
>relaxes after a tough studying session with some immersion with his oshi
>completely fluent in speech and writing from online roleplaying
>jlpt? why would i take someone elses test?
>wakes up every morning happy and motivated
>japan lives in fear of the day he chooses to immigrate
strong aura

>> No.45981854

>dressed for success with only longsocks and cage
real shit

>> No.45981878
File: 84 KB, 724x150, shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is "休んて" in english quotes? i thought japanese quote marks looked different

>> No.45981884

wew buddy you almost got me
that was a pretty good try not gonna lie

>> No.45981892

dont act like youve never mistaken dakuten for quotes before

>> No.45981908

thats why it was a pretty good attempt
what alerted me was the going out of your way to type 休んて through an autocorrect

>> No.45981925

weird ass cope

>> No.45981938
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/djt/ in a nutshell

>> No.45981984
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>> No.45981998

it begins...

>> No.45982008
File: 157 KB, 803x545, Screenshot 2024-01-31 212919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot the pic

>> No.45982018
File: 2.27 MB, 310x314, 1705983038292636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a TA-type-of student present in Jap class
>He only helps the girls
C'mon my nigga, I know you (probably) browse this thread. show a nigga some love.

>> No.45982060

relax with other djt bros >>>/trash/62986735

>> No.45982074

no thanks im busy studying
ask again in a few hours

>> No.45982088
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>> No.45982198

alright i think twenty lines is a good start for now

lets see...
so hanahira has about 3500 lines
if i want to finish in a week then i need to do 500 a day...


>> No.45982210

well 2 things to keep in mind:

>1. you will get faster the more you do this, more comfortable, more enjoyable, easier to go for long periods of time
>2. one week is a pretty unrealistic goal for finishing a visual novel

>> No.45982218

btw congrats on starting! that is the hardest part

>> No.45982236

having a goal in mind is important for staying on task

a week was my naive guess, but that was based on my incredibly bad habit of text skipping
more likely im just going to do a couple lines between other tasks and not worry too much

also, arigatou

>> No.45982270

>only studies through anki
>spends more time reading grammar rules than reading text
Mega based. Basically an anti-whitenoiser dekiru
>hasnt sat down and enjoyed a manga or anime in years
Same same
>jlpt1 but cant say a single sentence without stuttering
Stuttering comes from a mind that thinks deeply about each word he wants to say. True GMI
>has a million hobbies but never spends time on any of them
The curse of the polymath
>has lost all motivation but continues anyways
The indomitable human spirit at work
>stop fucking around this is a japanese learning board

>hasnt seen a grammar rule in years
lmao whitenoiser
>completes a visual novel or anime series every day
His comprehension is the same as Nuke when he plays Hanahira or watches Stein’s Gate
>dressed for success with only longsocks and cage
Tranny :skull:
>relaxes after a tough studying session with some immersion with his oshi
>completely fluent in speech and writing from online roleplaying
Can’t read a stitch of Japanese if his life depended on it
>jlpt? why would i take someone elses test?
Forget 満点, this bro can’t even sit still to take the dang thing
>wakes up every morning happy and motivated
Spirit status: not indomitable
>japan lives in fear of the day he chooses to immigrate
they rightfully hate him and he has failed in every way NGMI

>> No.45982280
File: 44 KB, 742x606, never forget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45982289

>Stuttering comes from a mind that thinks deeply about each word he wants to say
starting to like this poster after all

>> No.45982299
File: 594 KB, 798x597, Screenshot 2024-01-31 221125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thirty lines

i can understand them?
i don't have to look up every sentence?
what is this
is this what hope feels like

>> No.45982305

starting to think hanahira is based after all

>> No.45982308

it is. and so is wolf girl. and so is steins;gate

>> No.45982309

that’s not an accomplishment, lil bro

>> No.45982317
File: 397 KB, 362x375, crab bucket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45982324

why is every line in the bubbles a different font size

>> No.45982325


>> No.45982329

people make the crabs out to be malicious but maybe they just dont want to be alone

>> No.45982333

that's what the /trash/ thread is for

>> No.45982384

that pic implies i'm not already out of the cup laughing at your noob ass

>> No.45982390

>he thinks hes out of the bucket

>> No.45982401
File: 596 KB, 800x598, Screenshot 2024-01-31 222450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forty lines

things learned:
>kaori is serious but easily flattered
>amane has zero thoughts and is very gay

will they manage to get out of bed before line 100?
find out probably never because im going to get bored of posting about this very quickly

>> No.45982405

i know i'm out because i'm chillin in djt aka the winner's circle

>> No.45982419

cant believe there are people who skip ops end eds cuz "spoilers" yeah buddy you better not turn the page either

>> No.45982475
File: 513 KB, 798x601, Screenshot 2024-01-31 223811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fifty lines
bored of posting for now

first impressions:
>holy fuck this is perfect for my current skill level
>it seems very saccharine
>good voice acting, i misheard only a single word so far
>im probably going to draw fanart

>> No.45982486

gj anon, you're ready to read shinsekai yori

>> No.45982496

try playing something that isn't for drooling retards

>> No.45982513

why are there 3 threads up

>> No.45982518

stop complaining and make another

>> No.45982546

Someone is maliciously making new threads when we reach page 4.

>> No.45982552

dont just lie like that

>> No.45982558

wendy, darling, light of my life, give me the bat

>> No.45982569

was about to drop kekkon yubiwa monogatari in ep1 but then i saw nipples and was like yooooooo

>> No.45982579
File: 37 KB, 261x299, Paranoia Agent Blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45982605

i keep stopping to look up the pitch accent of words when i'm just trying to jerk off to anime porn i hate this

>> No.45982627

gonna make it
>im probably going to draw fanart
based, be sure to post it in our /trash/ thread

>> No.45982644

I seem to be learning my mining deck much slower than core2k deck.

>> No.45982645

>im probably going to draw fanart
enjoy prison for creating cp.

>> No.45982653

did you know that hanahira has an """anime"""?


why the hell is this as long as the vn

>> No.45982658

mMMmm mmmMm mmmmm

>> No.45982673

What a harder looking sentence from that? I'm looking for my second VN soon.

>> No.45982675

PATH ---> >>45982088

>> No.45982684

is probably the hardest so far

it is a very easy vinnie

>> No.45982719

Anime typically implies animation

>> No.45982744

>guys guys it’s perfect for my skill level
>mmmmmm oh yeah nice and easy because I suck at Japanese
>yes yessss I need more moeslop made for man children
>yesssss pleeeeease

>> No.45982750

>made for man children
drr... drr... drr...

>> No.45982755

whats some japanese media made for woman children

>> No.45982767

Yes, that’s the sound a Hanahira user makes when he reads a sentence

>> No.45982769


>> No.45982782

I think I'll read world end economica instead of wolf girl.

>> No.45982784

dumb phoneposter

>> No.45982805

Seething lowercaser

>> No.45982833

I think I'll read groundwork of the metaphysics of morals instead of hanahira

>> No.45982846

holy BASED

>> No.45982861

i can't find it on nyaa

>> No.45982862

cant i spend just ten minutes not grinding in multiple books to just relax with simple bowl of moeslop without being obliterated?

>> No.45982871

no and stop pretending you can read anything harder than はなひらっ!

>> No.45982952

there is nothing harder than hanahiraっ!

>> No.45982968


>> No.45982977
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>> No.45982996 [SPOILER] 
File: 862 KB, 754x721, Screenshot 2024-02-01 001112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look buddy i didnt want to do this but youve left me no choice

you will learn that there are much more cursed vns than hanahira

>> No.45983020

Current thread: #3761

Previous threads:
>>45976208 #3760
>>45967784 #3759
>>45961649 #3758

>> No.45983035

anon almost all of those numbers are wrong

>> No.45983042
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>> No.45983046

kant more like cunt

>> No.45983060


>> No.45983077

hmmmm something feels a little off

>> No.45983094

why are people playing hanahira? did some lolcow do another reading stream?

>> No.45983096

i'm no nihongod, but it seems as though させる is する in its causative form. this paired with 頂ける would seem to suggest that she'd like to be able to receive the allowance to perform the action of えっち

>> No.45983101
File: 273 KB, 800x450, 1706665922033358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats so good about summer pockets

>> No.45983100

obviously youre not out because thats a fucking bucket you retarded crab

>> No.45983106
File: 1.55 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much besides ヴェンダース

>> No.45983108

jap is so ficking ero. if a nip girl hit me with one of those keigo lines i would insta boner

>> No.45983109

神山 識

>> No.45983112
File: 235 KB, 850x848, umi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's comfy

>> No.45983113

>why are people playing hanahira?
because it is part of the one true path for making it with vinnies >>45982088

>> No.45983114

Previous thread
>>45976208 #3759
>>45967784 #3758
>>45961649 #3757
>>45955458 #3756
>>45946336 #3755
>>45937285 #3754
>>45930681 #3753
>>45920597 #3752
>>45915110 #3751
>>45905220 #3750
>>45897216 #3749
>>45889992 #3748
>>45881901 #3747
>>45870238 #3746
>>45863391 #3745
>>45856004 #3744
>>45847280 #3743
>>45837244 #3742
>>45825431 #3741
>>45813191 #3740
>>45805596 #3739
>>45794225 #3738

>> No.45983115

gettin tired of lolcow guy sayin lolcow

>> No.45983125

stfu pedo

>> No.45983126

lolcow guy is based tho

>> No.45983129

The game is all ages sfw

>> No.45983131
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>> No.45983135


>> No.45983146

it’s obvious this post was made as an attempt to pull me back into the bucket, since you cannot accept my superiority

>> No.45983152
File: 332 KB, 800x1132, 560ba6028d7d4b977e32b9d85fc63443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i just love how well they captured the feeling of summer
reminds me of air

>> No.45983157

u know djt is the bucket right

>> No.45983162

>gooning to the language itself

>> No.45983167

djt is the valhalla of making it
we are the literal nihongods to reddit’s peasants (figuratively speaking)
I come here because i know that we alone are the best learners in the world

>> No.45983171

crabs be trynna escape to reddit and we pull those bitches back in

>> No.45983177

reddit has 700k subscribers
we have nothing

>> No.45983181

we have 22 subscribers

>> No.45983184

22/70千 japanese learners can make it that sounds about right

>> No.45983187
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>> No.45983190

700k confirmed dekican’ts
we have over 22 GMIs and counting (no, hanahira loser doesn’t count)

>> No.45983197
File: 313 KB, 537x396, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, hanahira loser doesn’t count

>> No.45983200
File: 283 KB, 1884x1072, qWx1Qfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all this actual discussion
i bet they dont have any schizo samefags either

>> No.45983201

subtle jamal jab nice

>> No.45983205


>> No.45983207

The only 2 good posts on learnjapanese are jazzy and that nukige n1 coomer guy

>> No.45983209
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>> No.45983212
File: 379 KB, 540x677, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only 2 good posts on learnjapanese are jazzy and that nukige n1 coomer guy
and the reddit mods deleted both of them out of jealousy

>> No.45983215

hi 日本旅行 im dad

>> No.45983216

true true

>> No.45983218
File: 1.46 MB, 1148x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help breaking down そうも言ってられなくなる.
Firstly why is it そうも instead of そうは. There's no other thing for も to be referencing.
As for 言ってられなくなる
言って - past て form
られ - られる potential form? why is 言う in て form for this?
なく- adverbial of ない
なる - to be
To be can't be saying -> can't be saying.

>> No.45983219

>no, hanahira loser doesn’t count
imagine being the only guy that the most positive poster in the thread isnt rooting for dame

>> No.45983230

言ってられる = 言っていられる

>> No.45983239

it's a waste of time to try and understand lines way above your level
just skip it, you'll see that expression again and then you might be good enough to get it

>> No.45983246

Thanks this makes sense to me now.
I have to remember
ってる is short for っている

>> No.45983256

>There's no other thing for も to be referencing.
there doesnt need to be anything specific, sometimes it's just extra emphasis
potential form of 言っている
なる shows a state change
so, "becoming unable to continue saying it"

>> No.45983270
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1704651486514341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming unable to continue saying it

>> No.45983278

oh no my english grammar wasn't 1:1 with the japanese one!

>> No.45983280

Thank you

>> No.45983290

how long until matt an heroes

>> No.45983305

そうも言ってられなくなる means literally "to no longer be able to say even that."
>Firstly why is it そうも instead of そうは. There's no other thing for も to be referencing.
も is the inclusive particle that's also used for emphasis. It's normally translated as "even" when the verb is negative.
>言って - past て form
言って is the て or conjunctive form of 言う. It's not past tense.
>られ - られる potential form? why is 言う in て form for this?
As the other anon said (or vaguely suggested lol), this is the potential form of いる, where the い is often dropped when denoting progressive/perfect tense.
>なく- adverbial of ない
>なる - to be
なる is to become or denote a state being reached. Despite how it often gets translated, it's not the same as the copula (である, です, だ, etc.).

>> No.45983313
File: 162 KB, 506x412, SINHQpUu3y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45983373
File: 29 KB, 566x350, 63453543453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put a qt pic of my qt cousin as my phone wallpaper just to kind of understand whats like having a gf and honestly ive been feeling pretty good every time i pull out my phone and look at her and think yep this is my gf

>> No.45983379

youre so in there

>> No.45983411


hope all of you learn a whole bunch

>> No.45983538

>just never learn japanese bro

>> No.45983619

pretty sad how i finally learned japanese, my teenage self's wet dream, and now any vn fails to hold my attention for longer than 30 minutes
aging is an analogy to a monkey paw

>> No.45983630

just go back and watch all the stuff your teenage self loved

>> No.45983649

is watching anime with japanese and english subs bad while i'm at an n30 beginner stage? it makes it so i can pick up words and grammar without having to pause after every line

>> No.45983652

Take best of both worlds retard

>> No.45983656

jamal says english subs are fine.
shoui says english subs are fine.
darius is beyond fluent and only used english subs.

>> No.45983663

learning japanese is fun knowing it isnt
if truth be told the real winner here was nuke all along

>> No.45983668

>darius is beyond fluent and only used english subs.


>> No.45983693


>> No.45983702

ham is to baaaaased https://streamable.com/o67a2i

>> No.45983707


>> No.45983711


>> No.45983714

dude you picked a fucking crazy long vn... nice
me? is it crazy long? no no no just-
*discord exit voice call sound effect*
m just-
*organ bgm starts playing*
it said- it says length very long over 50 hours
*bruh sound effect*
fucking based...
i'm not based i'm just doing... i'm just doing it because... michael is doing it

>> No.45983726

Yeah, it's completely fine, but you should still pause and analyze each line.

>> No.45983732

what if I don't want to read How to raise a wolf girl

>> No.45983738

then you'll never understand Kant

>> No.45983745
File: 293 KB, 1500x1000, on choosing a first vn to read in japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be a fucking pussy bitch

>> No.45983747


>> No.45983751



>> No.45983758

Isn't Jamal the guy that tried to use google translate to figure out how 万 worked?

>> No.45983764

jamal is the guy that can read remember11 live on stream without looking up a single word

>> No.45983766

Who will be the next jamal

>> No.45983774


>> No.45983788

she has a 1 year old kid bro dunno how to feel about this
btw she told me she had a crush on me when we were like 12 years old

>> No.45983793


>> No.45983798

he streamed it, that's common knowledge https://streamable.com/hx0zls https://streamable.com/upmnb3 https://streamable.com/93oh94

>> No.45983840


>> No.45983856

I don't know. His accent's very thick and and the speed at which he reads is pretty stilted, despite allegedly having so good a vocabulary that he knows every word. It feels like rehearsed the whole thing and then tried to justify it by relating the kanji back to things he knew.
He also missed 優希堂悟 despite it being written on the card.

>> No.45983867


when will this stupid language stop throwing new words at me that are old words?

>> No.45983872

first post that made me reply

>> No.45983878

>He also missed 優希堂 悟 despite it being written on the card.
wtf are you talking about? he reads it fine and recognizes it as the name that he just read out

>> No.45983889

He reads it in English, but I take it back. I didn't catch that the guy read it out loud.

>> No.45983893

crazy that analtard sucks off dick sucker for free
wonder if he knows dick sucker doesnt give a fuck about him lmao

>> No.45983896

Is that who's defending him? kek

>> No.45983902

lately everyone has been saying analcorn is responsible for everything

>> No.45983906

You knew 立てる also meant "to bury into / to dig into"?

>> No.45983914


>> No.45983919

that does complicate things
I wonder if she's still into you

if so, just don't impregnate lol

>> No.45983928
File: 163 KB, 505x1115, 7806380756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His accent's very thick and and the speed at which he reads is pretty stilted,
he was trying to be entertaining for the stream, a more "serious" attempt at reading would be this https://vocaroo.com/6c7W6V4rJDK
he does make one katakana mistake but overall it's pretty good

>> No.45983930

Your numbers are off. You missed >>45946851 #3755.

>>45976208 #3760
>>45967784 #3759
>>45961649 #3758
>>45955458 #3757
>>45946336 #3756
>>45946851 #3755
>>45937285 #3754

>> No.45983934

Why does he sound so white...

>> No.45983939

a serious attempt at a laughably simple piece of text but of course

>> No.45983941


>> No.45983958

Yeah, I noticed he likes to switch to his "serious" voice, but the ironic part is that's only a little less thick than his "joke" voice.
Why do you have all these clips saved of him anyway? Are you actually Anacreon or am I just talking to Jamal about Jamal?

>> No.45983971
File: 84 KB, 866x72, analanything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45983978

>that's only a little less thick than his "joke" voice.

>> No.45983989

really cringe and schizo of you to not accept that most people in the thread look down on you

>> No.45983993

I knew it. I knew I was just talking to Jamal pretending to be his own biggest fan. Nice rehearsed stream btw. I enjoyed the stories you made up to justify how you knew every word. Your acting when you pretended not to know how to read 上へ上へ deserved an Oscar.

>> No.45984022


>> No.45984042

lmao thanks. Don't worry, I understand why you prepared. You didn't want a かちて moment like QM (though I'm pretty sure QM prepared and still couldn't remember 勝手 lol)
Next time, just come right out and say who you are. You don't need to pretend like you don't hang out in these threads every second of every day.

>> No.45984049

>Next time, just come right out and say who you are. You don't need to pretend like you don't hang out in these threads every second of every day.

>> No.45984067

Now it just feels like I'm talking to a Jamal soundboard.

>> No.45984079


>> No.45984081


>> No.45984092

ITS UP https://youtu.be/NJgeVOYA-oA

>> No.45984097

Okay, that made me laugh. You alright, Jamal.

>> No.45984099

heres something big *unzips*

>> No.45984105

lets gooooo

>> No.45984109

QM >>>>>>> syoui's reading

>> No.45984111
File: 449 KB, 680x705, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45984123

Hurray, the crappy, paid version of Anki and MPV is getting updates! Let's いつでもいい go!

>> No.45984129

this is huge
pausing my immersion for this

>> No.45984132


>> No.45984141

wtf i can't believe syoui would backstab analcream like this

>> No.45984145

hes lost a lot of weight

>> No.45984146

analcream will get 満点 in n0

>> No.45984162
File: 13 KB, 671x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45984170

not cool to whoever secretly recorded these

>> No.45984179
File: 50 KB, 329x186, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45984187

is he related to vinnie

>> No.45984189

the uploader is the recorder kuba

>> No.45984198

vinnie died in a car crash before xmas

>> No.45984203

nuke is cringe cuz he has no self respect going to a loser pisscords vc

>> No.45984204
File: 15 KB, 294x156, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the retard that has been spamming "lil bro" and :skull: ?

>> No.45984214

lil bro thinks theres only 1 retard :skull:
>Verification not required.

>> No.45984217

absolute proof that pisscorders are all fucking gay

>> No.45984231

lmao love nukes sarcasm

>> No.45984234

What the hell am I watching? And why is Shoui actually a girl?

>> No.45984246

anacreon = shoui

>> No.45984257

syoui uses voice changer bro xhe said that xhe was a mute in 2020 before ai became a trend suddenly xhe has a voice lmao

>> No.45984260


>> No.45984263

Kill yourself troons

>> No.45984272

Wait, seriously? I've been saying that Shoui was a tranny for awhile, but Anacreon? I'm so confused.

>> No.45984274

Why pay

>> No.45984273

>And why is Shoui actually a girl?

>> No.45984276
File: 152 KB, 1440x502, nukidmarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nukemarine is the best japanese learner in history

>> No.45984293

cyberbullying isnt cool bro

>> No.45984294

kanji readings are a chinese exercise though

>> No.45984315

syoui ain't a girl syoui's voice sounds so robotic i don't hate syoui but xhe is a major hypocrite.
xhe banned the subject of lolis from TMW pisscord, then posted a loli manga with xher tumma out in the open in the manga sharing channel

>> No.45984320

isn't that the guy qm どxえd? holy shit

>> No.45984327

Okay, explain this to me. If Anacreon is Shoui, then why did this guy >>45983971 say he's got disdain for TMW?

>> No.45984336

big if true

>> No.45984358

true true dr k says live in the present

>> No.45984360

Having lots nsfw lolis on a big discord like that is a quick way to get the entire server nuked and everyone in it banned. blame discord, not shoui.

>> No.45984364

>retarded post

>> No.45984371

i never heard of analcream being syoui and idk who that guy is. i got banned from TMW pisscord because i sent screenshots of syoui talking weirdly to underage girls

>> No.45984375

lmfao qm really quiz battled nuke? poor bastard

>> No.45984376

dont care if you want lolis use another app

>> No.45984382

shouldnt you hold a vigil and suspend server activities if a member dies

>> No.45984387

>he's got disdain for TMW?
that post is about tatsumoto having disdains

>> No.45984396

his disdains are one thing i agree with minifagot on

>> No.45984405

true true

>> No.45984408
File: 239 KB, 404x680, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the plot thickens...

>> No.45984410

Okay, well I'm glad to know I was right to assume he was a guy all along, which probably means I've been arguing with him every time someone comes in here saying he's a she.
Ohhhh that makes more sense kek

>> No.45984414

they banned talking about lolis not just nsfw lolis. They made a 20 page document about why banning lolis as a whole (even talking points) is not allowed. Lots of people left the server and it is currently filled with redditors unironically asking shit like the difference between は and が i muted myself for 365 days because everyone is so cringe in that server and a huge dekinai

>> No.45984416


>> No.45984432
File: 95 KB, 503x776, n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do so many people on discord have jlpt results but no one here does?

>> No.45984440

cringe dick sucker

>> No.45984441

Marv-chama kinda sounds like Jamal. Jamal, was that you?

>> No.45984442

>Read more

Readtards can't stop losing, sad!

>> No.45984444

this is the beginner (n1) thread

>> No.45984447

Legend.. he's gonna make it

>> No.45984452

to be fair i have had good encounters with xer in DMs but i hate how much of a hypocrite xhe is. i just do not get along with syoui. xhe bans you for laugh reacting a message that talks about xer and bans people for racist comments xhe has said in the past, when people point her hypocrisy they get banned. xhe has bipolar

>> No.45984454

there's no way this guy is jamel https://github.com/MarvNC

>> No.45984458

I don't think jamal is smart enough to develop yomitan

>> No.45984464

it made me cry like a bitch several times
also the prologue made me spend more time per day doing japanese than ive ever done
also shiki but you need to turn down her volume

>> No.45984467

You never know. He's always talking about his 160+ IQ or whatever.

>> No.45984468
File: 571 KB, 1780x1718, shoui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45984475

>cringeslop made me spend more time per day doing japanese than ive ever done
saddest thing ive read in a while

>> No.45984478

talking about iq means ur <90iq

>> No.45984479

>west coast computer science nerd
definitely anacreon

>> No.45984487

lmao I'm just gonna call Shoui James from now on.

>> No.45984493

obsessed freak

>> No.45984499

rent free

>> No.45984501

syoui confimed

>> No.45984503

Stop pretending to be a girl, James.

>> No.45984508


>> No.45984519

i have been told that syoui isn't as good as he claims to be in computing. it was james that made the original website for her

>> No.45984521


>> No.45984532

you are all losers no one cares

>> No.45984537

i must admit its a pretty damning case

>> No.45984538 [DELETED] 

really? is it an utsuge/nakige head space that non porn vns aren't worth considering.

>> No.45984545

And who told you that? James? I think the evidence is pretty damning.
Hi, James!

>> No.45984555
File: 108 KB, 1080x590, ym5i7o4qji731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45984557

really? is it an utsuge/nakige? i need to get out of the head space that non porn vns aren't worth considering. (had a seizure with that last reply)

>> No.45984561

it was someone who was with TMW for a long time (a former admin) but left they left that server or just inactive who said that james made the TMW website for syoui.

>> No.45984579

see ya fags later goin to read 魔法使い之夜 on my switch oled

>> No.45984586

you are a pedophile

>> No.45984589

goin to read dobutu no morai

>> No.45984591


>> No.45984597

Hmmm, fair point. btw would you believe that I've learned all my DJT lore through these threads? I'm not a part of any Discord. My only interactions with these people are when they appear here to try and defend themselves lol

>> No.45984606

*checks google* yup you got it right

>> No.45984615

the tone in "my awesome website" is a dead giveaway

>> No.45984622
File: 40 KB, 470x147, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, dont give a shit about these code monkey nerds

>> No.45984638

then send me actual studies or any proofs of loli equaling to paedophilia syoui

>> No.45984650
File: 738 KB, 2966x4096, GFLnMvgbIAArH2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>3 threads

>> No.45984670

notice he doesn't deny it >>45984638

>> No.45984674

>destiny clip

>> No.45984686

common destiny w doe

>> No.45984693

Based take

>> No.45984703

Man, that’s some bad singing, and I’ve heard a lot. If the fixed vocals sound this bad, then you just know the raw vocals are like nails on a chalkboard.

>> No.45984765

lurk more

>> No.45984772
File: 965 KB, 941x757, migaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peko peko peko!

>> No.45984773
File: 7 KB, 106x38, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n5 vocabs

>> No.45984808


>> No.45984826

how can i drag resize the windows of vns that dont natively resize

>> No.45984835

idk bro i often use other people's config files and shit as a templates instead of writing them from scratch, but i guess it will be hard for codelets to grasp this

>> No.45984855

their initial commits are 1 day apart

>> No.45984871

Turn down your desktop resolution to a closer match to the window's size.

>> No.45984884

Use lossless scaling for windowed or magpie for fullscreen scaling

>> No.45984900

damn what a chad

>> No.45984927

継続は力なり acquired

>> No.45984946


>> No.45984955

yeah this is hidden behind a minor spoiler on vndb so spoiler i guess, but it's a key game so it's also common knowledge.
porn isn't needed because they replace orgasm with catharsis. unless you're not susceptible to what they're doing, but a porn game could also fail to get you off so it's nothing special

>> No.45984959
File: 15 KB, 410x357, 1692198915615977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... actually kind of like hags (18 year olds).

>> No.45984968

i do not usually watch Destiny but him defending lolis is true. i had a guy call me a pedo for loli posting, he got caught on my birthday last year for catfishing other people and pretending to dox himself in order to get those people in trouble. That guy who called me a pedophile grooms minors on his old Discord server he used to own and he has sexual fantasies with his own 9 year old sister. He admitted to frequently injurying. THIS IS THE SAME GUY WHO CALLED ME A PEDO FOR POSTING LOLICON IMAGERY.

>> No.45984971

uhh we dont post frogs here

>> No.45984990
File: 252 KB, 322x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a toneworks game. dunno if that changes anything
ill try these methods, thanks

>> No.45984999

this is n6 in terms of romance linnies

>> No.45985001

oh wait. you replied to my other comment. mb

>> No.45985012

dude you picked a fucking crazy long vn

>> No.45985021
File: 69 KB, 1024x1012, GFLJPHGbQAAgM8G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45985026
File: 14 KB, 189x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least he's no homo

>> No.45985027

nekopara annoyed me because i hated the nya speak, the french words and the food related stuff that i didn't care about

>> No.45985049

it says length very long over 50 hours

>> No.45985050

should've done the path

>> No.45985051

It's a porn game bro

>> No.45985052

yeah maybe when you look for people's shit to use as template the most recently updated ones go on top and you just grab the first one

>> No.45985055

>skipping hanahira
lil bro crippling himself hard

>> No.45985067

>nya speak
literally the easiest part of the whole thing. unvoiced protagonist lines are peak cancer tho, who the fuck think in kanji?

>> No.45985082

niggerpara is BORING

>> No.45985086


>> No.45985096
File: 781 KB, 1800x600, vinnypill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer pocket isn't entry level, trust the plan

>> No.45985099

syoui all of your long term server members hate your guts. Your mods and admins tell me you are diificult to work with. When you can prove to me that liking lolis equates to being sexually attracted to children then you can come back and argue with me.
You're a major hypocrite who hates lolis yet you you post borderline loli doujin hentai covers in your moe way server. You ban people for calling out your hypocrisy and you also ban people for reacting to messages talking smack about you.
Hence why people do not like and will never like you for who you are. The messages you send in DMs and in your server indicates that you have bipolar disorder. Go get professional help and stop hiding behind a voice changer.

>> No.45985107

>who the fuck think in kanji?
when i was a teenager, every conversation i had, i would imagine every word written out, im not talking about japanese of course, so it was latin characters, well i don't do that anymore, i think im actually becoming mentally ill, but there are probably some japs who think in kanji

>> No.45985111


>> No.45985118

not really it's very plausible

>> No.45985120

important message for all pisscorders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyhTkYmTmRQ

>> No.45985121

Does kata ever start making sense? I can read it just fine but making sense of what retarded pronounciation nips use and their bizzare use of cool sounding words makes it a chore at my current stage.

>> No.45985122

i don't get it

>> No.45985130

calling it kata is a symptom of not making it

>> No.45985137

the spectrum

>> No.45985149

whats kata

>> No.45985162

its his mom

>> No.45985170
File: 364 KB, 504x542, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute whores

>> No.45985174

new thread where?

>> No.45985176

dame kuba is obsessed

>> No.45985192

does your mom know you're a degenerate

>> No.45985195

take your meds nobody hates shoui but mentally ill freaks like you who get mad she wants a welcoming atmosphere instead of one with pedo shitposting and unironic racism 24/7 like on djt

>> No.45985207

i hope so

>> No.45985208
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>> No.45985211

i hate pisscorders tho

>> No.45985225

big if true

>> No.45985229

lawful evil sounds based

>> No.45985248

chaotic neutral is spot on kek

>> No.45985249

calvin is neutral good
most of these dont really line up honestly

>> No.45985265
File: 12 KB, 163x235, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is the second frequency supposed to be for the second definition or something? how do the multiple frequencies work?

>> No.45985273

no its not related to the meaning

>> No.45985281

>top 5k word

lol jpdb is such shit

>> No.45985290

its common in names

>> No.45985293

cope, that's a top 1k for historical vns

>> No.45985302

yeah but this jpdb thing is claiming that the dictionary word is common

>> No.45985304
File: 750 KB, 698x635, 74JjPZS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have all the screenshots of Shoui's mods and admins talking behind xer back. If you actually have the balls to face reality and stop shifting the goalpost.

While you are here being a dekinai and jumping on Syoui's tranny cock, I'm going to play my Shinza collection

>> No.45985307



>> No.45985310

it is claiming rin is common and it is

>> No.45985314

>I literally have all the screenshots of Shoui's mods and admins talking behind xer back.
post them

>> No.45985317
File: 1.36 MB, 1440x624, eKgumiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to add this as well

>> No.45985328

extremely malicious.

>> No.45985329

is there anything more pathetic than reading/buying vns simply because they are untranslated in english?

>> No.45985338

being edgy about it on reddit

>> No.45985342

exclusivity mindset, its what drives games like moos, too. i can have this thing that few can

>> No.45985348

it's ok the janny won't come back until the weekend so we can do pretty much whatever we want here

>> No.45985351

You should use the frequency dictionary created by Wareya/Anacreon/Shoui/James Maa/QM


>> No.45985367
File: 838 KB, 1200x635, Ef4ecJT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I actually read them Syoui... Unlike 99% of TMW tard

>> No.45985372

baaaaaaaaaaaased masada enjoyer

>> No.45985393
File: 777 KB, 766x1398, 78788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45985394


>> No.45985397

i have the jpdb one recommended by shoui and the anacreon vn freq one. do i need anymore?

>> No.45985398

you mean the unaffiliated "jpdb" frequency list for yomichan
because on jpdb the word is 8500 not 4991 https://jpdb.io/vocabulary/1564320/凛/りん

>> No.45985401

Masada is in the slumps with 事象地平戦線アーディティヤ. I am currently waiting for 黒白之アヴェスター VN adaptation. Hopefully it will get released this year.

>> No.45985411

previous thread was the /jav/ general. it was made by a coomer.

>> No.45985420
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>> No.45985424

lol you literally sit there screenshoting what some discord losers say

>> No.45985429

can we bump hanahira on vndb up to 6/10? just for shit and giggles

>> No.45985434
File: 496 KB, 1224x373, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good? finna consume. op song is dope

>> No.45985445


>> No.45985448

throw the jpdb one away, get the narou and bbcwj2 from here >>45985351

>> No.45985449

nigga scroll down you have the average score...

>> No.45985454

which morphological analyzer recognizes names from context

>> No.45985466

>analcorn recommends the bbc dictionary

>> No.45985473


>> No.45985490

JPDB rates 魔王學院之不適合者 as an 8/10 for its dificulty. What a joke. I have read 10 volumes of it already and it is barely a 5-6/10 IMHO.

>> No.45985492
File: 115 KB, 475x475, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you trust normie impressions

>> No.45985502
File: 12 KB, 533x149, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and this is why hanahira is the best starter vinny

>> No.45985521


>> No.45985522

you are a normie, stop coping. also i'll spoodfeed you: sub 86 anime on anilist isn't worth watching

>> No.45985532
File: 7 KB, 554x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Eminence in Shadow scores btw

>> No.45985533

why? because of a bunch of unlabeled numbers?

>> No.45985559


>> No.45985569
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>> No.45985583
File: 628 KB, 4241x2966, nirvana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO 魔王學院之不適合者 is not that hard.
I just recently bought all of the volumes of 影之実力者

>> No.45985584

i remember dropping it around ep 3

>> No.45985585

i don't know what you are implying, but i'm pretty sure it's sub 86% so it's also not worth watching

>> No.45985660

>lurks daily and posts on a niche website, on a niche board, for one niche daily thread instead on just using reddit.

>> No.45985707

mahoako has 73% on normielist and it's worth watching

>> No.45985722 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 3770x1875, 1701309077207963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45985726

you should lower that threshold lil bro before you get btfo'd. there's too many worthwhile showing under 86%

>> No.45985751

i didnt get youd guess i win

>> No.45985757

name 5

>> No.45985775

the chuuni sections confuse me even with subs

>> No.45985819
File: 438 KB, 863x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45985828

Hotaru no Haka
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

>> No.45985836

m-my knees are bending by themselves

>> No.45985839

they're good but not really worth watching

>> No.45985845


>> No.45985847

wtf japan ripped off japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2QtgywAUUQ

>> No.45985848

are they worse than fucking kaguya sama? because that shit it is top 20

>> No.45985860
File: 1.33 MB, 1354x757, itudemoiiyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're good but not really worth watching

>> No.45985864

kaguya is worth watching but barely

>> No.45985884
File: 171 KB, 662x472, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i ask jpdb to fix this? it should be 5x longer

>> No.45985897

Wtf yoga used to look so smelly and disgusting that's quite the comeback
Good for him, matt truly lost

>> No.45985918

he still sounds like he's begging me to dunk his head in the toilet

>> No.45985923
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>> No.45985941
File: 1.15 MB, 1060x631, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45985954

they only do the jlpt at 4 unis in my country and i'm not driving a 6 hour round trip or 8 hour round train ride to take a dumb test

>> No.45985961

take it in japan, use it as an excuse to visit there practice sex tourism

>> No.45985963
File: 693 KB, 788x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we know who the weak link in that relationship was

>> No.45985971

>flying across the globe to put your dick in a literal prostitute
nta but it'd rather drive a 6 hour round tip for an n5 test

>> No.45985974

btw big props to fat fucker lucas for getting less fat thats the shit i do like to see

>> No.45985976

i dont believe in tourism. im not buying a passport

>> No.45985979

good morning dick sucker 69, did you know georgehenryshaft made the english translation patch for hanahiraっ!

>> No.45985988

yeah that guys cool

>> No.45986005

whore, japan is just better i am unironically making the :o face

>> No.45986008
File: 3.14 MB, 1650x778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matto lost weight too, all that hair was so heavy it compressed his body

>> No.45986018
File: 1.90 MB, 3234x4610, 1706766526004869[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's OVER

japan is FINISHED

>> No.45986020

that one is some maximum gremlin shit i lmao every time

>> No.45986034

lil timmy got filtered

>> No.45986074
File: 13 KB, 370x82, lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45986083

copemaster back with the hits

>> No.45986084

Retarded normie lol your missing out

>> No.45986101

I want to put my cock in a Japanese girl so bad.

>> No.45986105
File: 3.94 MB, 586x638, homebody.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45986117

imagine the stench manko and rotting food

>> No.45986124

the manko is the food

>> No.45986147


>> No.45986154

オーバーマン キングゲイナー

>> No.45986163

i see katkana i skip

>> No.45986169
File: 56 KB, 681x499, aA0ogmo_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korean devs are the future

>> No.45986191
File: 203 KB, 1080x1869, korean dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45986197

name 5

>> No.45986207
File: 499 KB, 645x839, dame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45986208


>> No.45986244

uhm, ACTUALLY, hanahira should be read in release order, so after 天使の花びら染め, otherwise you'll miss the lily platinum and some other references

>> No.45986267

sad. rip

>> No.45986275

guys what does 潤っちゃう mean?

>> No.45986277

gonna cry

>> No.45986284

please leave the containment thread
sending thoughts and prayers

>> No.45986305


>> No.45986314


>> No.45986351

just opened HANA9.exe

>> No.45986363

hana9? now thats some https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Pau2TvtB-Y#t=10

>> No.45986380

is that calvin in the back

>> No.45986384


>> No.45986393

he's a big guy

>> No.45986416

for input

>> No.45986439

for you

>> No.45986483

i never knew gambs studied in the uk, i could have linked up with him and talked about 神経系

>> No.45986497

and then u coulda 69ed with him and licked each others ass and balls

>> No.45986511
File: 319 KB, 1200x827, 2988436149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.45986558

yosh, just run the fsrs optimiser on anki and reduced my due cards from 500 to 50

>> No.45986565

immersion for you

>> No.45986584

i get higher retention from it
its so good to the point where i dont hate anki anymore

>> No.45986591


>> No.45986595


>> No.45986611
File: 237 KB, 640x482, 3561643582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.45986613

yeah when i first switched my overall retention went up from 65% to 85%. i get 95-100% on my matures and every time i use the optimiser (about once a month) it reduces my daily reviews by a large amount

>> No.45986622

your retention means jack shit

>> No.45986633

my semen retention went down to 0%

>> No.45986641

i deleted anki after they replaced the scheduler with the ちんく algorithm

>> No.45986651

crazy how women retain semen

>> No.45986659

what if i want to remember chuu2 words i dont see anywhere else doe

>> No.45986664

rolling to see whose wife/gf i get to sleep with

>> No.45986673

chew too?

>> No.45986676


>> No.45986677


>> No.45986681

chuuneez nutz

>> No.45986685


>> No.45986722
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>> No.45986725

eh i change my mind steve is a good dude

>> No.45986735

japan doesn't start with a province that has coal+iron+wood. it's so fucking stupid because japan was an industrial powerhouse even if they were slim on resources.

>> No.45986747

meant in victoria 3

>> No.45986759

they had to steal resources why do you think they attacked manchuria despite knowing they could get fucked

>> No.45986764

japan is an island of cave ppl from china

>> No.45986806

yeah paradox are completely retarded and their games are barely functional. first time?

>> No.45986809

yeah for me it was so good i no longer needed to do anki at all and uninstalled it

>> No.45986833

your favorite games are all shit

>> No.45986841

corporate slave

>> No.45986847

any nice sluts to follow on twitter?
uh.. for japanese exposure of course

>> No.45986858

u gotta get some real hobbies i dont see why u wanna look at whores all day

>> No.45986905

>I use Anki as a hobby

>> No.45986914


>> No.45986916

language learning IS a hobby, dumb chud

>> No.45986925

absolute state of ankilards

>> No.45986939

following her already but thanks

>> No.45986949
File: 32 KB, 705x213, 1706466124734777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the goatis poster literally said this and now we have confirmation in form of a top-voted reddit comment
:skull:s in the chat, please.

>> No.45986954

imagine being a decklet

>> No.45986957
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>> No.45986963

just 読みand you will 解く

>> No.45986971

stop hittin me with those n5 kanji

>> No.45986974
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>> No.45986976


>> No.45986984
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>> No.45987017

just 紐解

>> No.45987021
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>> No.45987039
File: 98 KB, 216x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok she low-key cute

>> No.45987065


>> No.45987067

weird head shape

>> No.45987071

goofy ahh redeye biotch

>> No.45987074
File: 792 KB, 1800x600, vinnypill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit's 10x easier than hanahira, and probably also not so bad. gonna read it this weekend

>> No.45987216

its to accentuate the feline features presumably

>> No.45987240

why is english manga so much easier to find than raws? where tf do japs read manga

>> No.45987247

nobody tell him

>> No.45987256

i use anki as work

>> No.45987259

they buy it from 7/11 for 100 yen

>> No.45987263

the ultimate fate of neet failsons

>> No.45987276

gambs is an accomplished scholar

>> No.45987286

japanese people just read the manga and stop caring about it and manga is easy and cheap to get in japan
weirdo gaijins who are all comics, japan >:O are the ones obsessed with it and demand japanese people scan 100 yen books from 7/11 lol

>> No.45987294

packaged with zip ties around their street corner

>> No.45987310

people already scan/rip them but those people happen to be trannylator hoarders

>> No.45987353

are there no ebook releases?

>> No.45987361

>goofy ahh

>> No.45987382

enslaveez nutz

>> No.45987396

cringe hours

>> No.45987401
File: 82 KB, 200x200, XwI7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is blud yappin about, goofy ahh anon.

>> No.45987419

i dont understand goofy ahh
why are they shouting in surprise after saying goofy

>> No.45987434
File: 3.93 MB, 800x856, 1706741713464687.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goofy ahh is saying what would be "goofy ass"
the idea is black ppl dont open their mouths when they talk

>> No.45987444

eli5 ahh post :skull:

>> No.45987449

aah real monsters

>> No.45987450

jamal is a webm poster now
its joever

>> No.45987454

r/outoftheloop ahh post :skull:

>> No.45987479
File: 17 KB, 746x210, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking good, though i'm not so sure sonohana is worth that much time investment

>> No.45987488

just like your spreadsheets

>> No.45987492

>t. skipped excel classes in school

>> No.45987510



>> No.45987514
File: 615 KB, 1000x750, 1706296400351684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

にげrぱら is bad for a first vn. why should someones first vn be french bullshit and food descriptions

>> No.45987521

i would never tell anyone to read nekopara both because of that and because its for ironic weeb incel failsons lol

>> No.45987533

moe is gonna be mad when he reads this

>> No.45987536

nekopara is cult status nowadays. also it's bad enough for being a throwaway vn you whitenoise

>> No.45987556

whats some good throwaway vns for me to chug

>> No.45987563

>or being
to be

>> No.45987575
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>> No.45987590

if im gonna chug, i want it be at least 18+

>> No.45987599

ooo we got a big boy here!

>> No.45987745

so fsrs want me to reoptimize every every month. this is the second time i reoptimized and it just dumped old cards onto me lmao

>> No.45987749

memory issue. mine rescheduled all my cards for way in the future

>> No.45987756

retard issue

>> No.45987786

what the heck are those

>> No.45987801

jamal posting ancient videos to remind us he is older than nuke

>> No.45987808
File: 1.97 MB, 1899x1009, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purse owner 3 reloaded looking good

>> No.45987809

im not older than nuke i would have to respect him as my 人生の先輩

>> No.45987812




>> No.45987827

why are you here all day, dont you have a job

>> No.45987830


>> No.45987831

name field bro

>> No.45987837

putting vtubers into your rpg is peak capitalism. its the equivalent of putting the family guy into fortnite

>> No.45987848

step aside, bitch. if have more important question to ask that actually matter. watch and learn.

have you ever tried to suck your own dick before? *shoves mic into face, slight feedback loop can be heard for a moment*

>> No.45987854

cringe bro

>> No.45987870

how much does it harm my gains if i have djt open while reading vinnies and mining
it keeps me from getting bored sometimes

>> No.45987871

katakana is used to write words how they are said in their native languages
but ミニスカート sounds wrong, theres no ah sound in mini skirt, it sounds more like mini scart

>> No.45987874

not lately because if i wasnt flexible enough 20 years ago my spine is basically fossilized now and theres no hope

>> No.45987875

the reading and mining part is extremely harmful

>> No.45987879

but im taking the fun cut doe

>> No.45987889

japan cant do the ir sound in skirt its not part of their language phonetically

>> No.45987896

@raw meat guy how do i become more flexible without destroying my body or becoming a slave

>> No.45987898

if you are bored you should immerse with something else
if you cant find anything youd actually enjoy youd better not learn japanese

>> No.45987905
File: 29 KB, 480x360, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45987906

no it's used to write foreign words how they are said by nihonjin

>> No.45987908


>> No.45987927

waow thank you for ur valuable insight
i mean that sometimes you have a boring scene in the vinnie not that the whole thing is boring

>> No.45987929

hes just brimming with the 探求心 examining that cup

>> No.45987934

he's seeing the universe reflected

>> No.45987935


>> No.45987962

that's the way 唯唯 i like it 唯唯
that's the way 唯唯 i like it 唯唯

>> No.45988030

is that ii from iidakudaku ?

>> No.45988036

thanks jamal

>> No.45988045

japan needs diphthongs. the thing where two adjacent vowels form a new vowel sound

>> No.45988053

i have adhd and things that interest me bore me. i have to look at djt every 15 minutes to stay focused

>> No.45988062

when will the dust settle

>> No.45988067

when this settles first
*unzips pants*

>> No.45988073

you unzip your pants so many times why not just leave your dick out at that point

>> No.45988088

typed up an epic own but it was too rude so i deleted it

>> No.45988093

undelete it

>> No.45988102

its winter, if he leaves his dick out it gets smaller because of the cold

>> No.45988103

unfunny hours

>> No.45988114

sisters, what's a "good" reading speed (characters per hour)? i assume 10k is pretty much same as native english reading speed?

>> No.45988118


>> No.45988119

depends on what ur reading but a good ballpark is 10-20k
apparently natives who read regularly can do 60k but idk

>> No.45988120

here's the deal. if you can't name all the 12 alt names for the months of the old lunar calendar you're simply ngmi

>> No.45988126

there are alt names?

>> No.45988128

no native average is 25-35

>> No.45988138
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>> No.45988155

japanese uses fewer words than english btw

>> No.45988159

nekopara is 374m long and it's 91,707 characters, which makes it 245 (or around 15k characters per hour)

and that's moeslop

>> No.45988179

i think voiceover tends to be at like 15k but native reading is obviously going to be way faster than speaking. but if you're interested specifically in vns without skipping voices then yeah, the native speed won't reach let's say 28k per hour because the audio will slow it down. but if it's just text, then for example narou assumes the reading speed of 30k when it shows you work length

>> No.45988180

Why don't you guys reply to each other normally? You allergic to post numbers or something?

>> No.45988184

its unnecessary

>> No.45988187

autism. i personally think that people who refuse to give (You)s should be permabanned from /djt/

>> No.45988196

its a good filter because the posting style looks weird when someone first arrives here
scares em off

>> No.45988207

the thread looks cleaner and less cluttered without back links to other peoples posts

>> No.45988209

i knew this stupid pic was full of games you never played

>> No.45988216
File: 141 KB, 479x366, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna read whatever the fuck this is

>> No.45988224

oshikake sounds like pissing on someone

>> No.45988228

yeah me on djt

>> No.45988231

no it doesn't ydkj

>> No.45988237

i actually laffed out lowd. ur beyond nativeさ really lvl ups the quality of this sure

>> No.45988238

>vndb avg. rating 3.1
wow is this what they call a kee-may-gay

>> No.45988241

>trusting normie taste

>> No.45988244


>> No.45988246

what its missing is the っ

>> No.45988258

>what's an adjective

>> No.45988261

no one can pronounce that anyway, so its silent

>> No.45988264

how do i get my sperm directly into my gfs womb? i always see that in doujins but cant figure out how to do it irl

>> No.45988268

speak for yourselfっ

>> No.45988275

the pronunciation of っ is easy, just imagine the sound matt makes each time yoga thrusts his cock to the back of his throat

>> No.45988276

just murmur "tsu"


>> No.45988279

It's all phoneposting discorders who are going to become wonderful and valid trans girls in a year or two

>> No.45988284

im already a woman doe

>> No.45988286

not quoting is work on the phone

>> No.45988288
File: 1.50 MB, 839x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secret sequel to hanahiraxtu

>> No.45988289

I'm done with my first vinnie
what do I do now?

>> No.45988291

that's the first thing i tought too, probably discord newfags

>> No.45988296

read masada or mareni ur probably ready after hanahira

>> No.45988297

real answer?

during the janny leak a couple years ago, their user-scripts got leaked. turns out one of them can delete an entire tree of replies in a single click.

if you do it this way, janny has to individually delete every off-topic post

>> No.45988304

good thing there are never any off topic posts here

>> No.45988310

there is a topic?

>> No.45988312

the last on topic post was mini shart >>45987871

>> No.45988314

so every new post that's not a reply/has a pic/has japanese text should be considered offtopic?

damn i wish jannies did their job, it would make /djt/ so much better

>> No.45988315

there was no wa

>> No.45988317

no ga

>> No.45988318
File: 80 KB, 303x110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh how is this even real this some hidamari sketch level wide shit lmao

>> No.45988323

just realized that my favorite form of fiction (MLP fanfics) is likely non-existent in japan

kanji for this feel?

>> No.45988328


>> No.45988329

jpdb difficulty rating is made up dogshit. is there a better list/metric?

>> No.45988336

just read what you wanna read

>> No.45988335

lay on her for 15 minutes

>> No.45988342
File: 32 KB, 626x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45988344

we got a lil mario in here

>> No.45988345

naruhodo, i'll keep that in mind that next time we're discussing things like japanese women getting fat over the last decades or religion being stupid

>> No.45988347
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>> No.45988350


>> No.45988352


>> No.45988354


>> No.45988356

>hanahira at 18

>> No.45988359

>nekopara vol4 at 19
>nekopara vol1 at 76

>> No.45988361
File: 2 KB, 138x52, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pozzed list

>> No.45988362

and? is 4 harder?

>> No.45988368

no, 4 is a lot easier but you can't read it before 1,2,3, which are way harder

>> No.45988370

so this is the easiest light novel in existence according to that list?


>> No.45988373
File: 866 B, 40x24, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got filtered at the second line, epic

>> No.45988374

define easy

>> No.45988376

i see, sucks to be a catfucker then

>> No.45988380

anon that's the author's name

>> No.45988381

easy means kantan

>> No.45988386

>which are way harder
they have pretty similar score on this list
>Nekopara Vol. 4: Neko to Patissier no Noel 2.2492628953619027 0.6812820868599972
>Nekopara Vol. 1: Soleil Kaiten Shimashita! 2.7041334094065816 0.7442882249560633

>> No.45988387

the text starts after "1"

>> No.45988393

which of the 2 number do i have to look at?

>> No.45988397

kind of but from a beginner perspective 2.25 is like hanahiratsu tier and 2.70 approaches like regular moege tier

>> No.45988404

thats not a definition thats a translation or as some people would say an interpretation

>> No.45988405

idk, i think first number takes grammar into account and second number is just the raw measure of how often you might have to look up words in a dictionary

what are you basing that on? did you play both?

>> No.45988408

or as some people would say, you are coping.


>> No.45988410
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 234523523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45988414

the only number you need to know is the iq of the list author

>> No.45988419

ok, this one makes more sense

>> No.45988421

cant believe ud do yuno like that


>> No.45988423

lol quizler is playing muv luv? lil buddy probably doesnt even know that you need to play kiminozo first and that its the better game cant wait for the inevitable drop and/or disappointment

>> No.45988427

i legit love that song so much i showed it to a co-worker and he got mad :(

>> No.45988430

>what are you basing that on?
on other titles with similar numbers next to them

>> No.45988440


>> No.45988448

thats tim not qm

>> No.45988449

the vocab*grammar score make sense (at least looking at 3 vns i've read). i wish there were vndb score too in 1 list

>> No.45988453

whos tim

>> No.45988457

it blows me away how incompetent the guy running jpdb is.
some rando can just apply a simple math formula and come up with a better list than his 'state of the art machine learning model'.

>> No.45988459

brother of qm

>> No.45988467

no i mean more broadly like +-0.3 points

>> No.45988468

>i wish there were vndb score too in 1 list
anon, that would be so cancerous... you should ask around or search vndb and find a list of vinnies that interest you, then if you really want look up those titles on a difficulty list afterwards

or just be 180iq and follow the path >>45982088

>> No.45988473
File: 4 KB, 357x64, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bl gem is 3/10 on jpdb
>easier than hinahare on here
picking this up right fucking now, i'll let you know sisters

>> No.45988478

have fun homo lol

>> No.45988483

also ace attorneys are below nekoparas

BASED BASED BASED. approving this list. gonna move it to excel and add vndb's ratings

>> No.45988484

Anyone able to give a clear difference between 信じない and 信じてない

>> No.45988485

yeah i started turning this + the jpdb list into a single-page searchable list of noob vns with screenshots, vndb tags etc. but i got distracted by other things

>> No.45988495


>> No.45988502

stop basing what you play off arbitrary difficulty scales youre being fail and aids

>> No.45988505

i highly doubt it is easier than hanahira, the scores are so similar, and this list doesn't take into account the type of vocab. but do let us know

that would be p cool, anon. gambare!

must be because of all the food words in nekopara, kek. gyakuten saiban certainly does have a learning curve because of the legal words but after that it's easy

>> No.45988508

why do びあるs uppercase cringe words

>> No.45988509

I 信じてない that there's a difference but you're free to 信じない

>> No.45988517

nibbas out here thinking vinnies have levels and exp points :sob:

>> No.45988520

now imagine a server full of them that was queefs server

>> No.45988524

>NOOOOOOOOO YOU CANT DO [THING] BECAUSE.... *farts* *brain aunerisms* *dies by sharting his own intestine*

>> No.45988532

This is unironically how I see 日本人 using it so I guess...

>> No.45988537

>yakuten saiban certainly does have a learning curve because of the legal words but after that it's easy
all words made with top 2k kanji that you learn during the first turnabout. it's not voiced so that's the only downside, otherwise it would've been a perfect entry vn

>> No.45988538

gambs first vinnie was g senjou no maou
trust in our god just read what you find interesting unless its mareni shit maybe save that for later

>> No.45988539

id say 4 out of those 6 replies are samefagged

its sad

>> No.45988546

just leave vns for when youre a big boy and play some doubutu no morai

>> No.45988547

all me

>> No.45988552

all caps means you lose lil bro

>> No.45988553


>> No.45988555

its dobutu bro

>> No.45988561

hey now I feel better about getting filtered by shinsekai yori

>> No.45988568

epic +1sec clairvoyance

>> No.45988569

not reading that greenslop

>> No.45988585

you can see in the future but only 1 second
can you find a hack?

>> No.45988586

>not reading
sasuga /djt/

>> No.45988594

easy, just see 1 sec in the future where you'll try seeing 1 sec in the future. then you get to experience the heat death of the universe and a vegetative coma afterwards

>> No.45988602

seeing yourself 1 sec in the future doesn't mean you see what your future self is seeing another second ahead

>> No.45988606

if i could see 1 sec into the future id beat everyone at counter strike thats about it

>> No.45988615

idk what you mean, he doesn't sound as good as you're implying to me

>> No.45988619

it will if you purposefully decide to look 1 sec in the future on the next second

>> No.45988620

people be lookin at japanese loli videos and be like "yeaaah japs know what freedom of expression means"
like nibba THEY LITERALLY HAVE TO CENSOR ANY AND ALL ADULT GENITALIA how is that freedom of expression jfc

>> No.45988626

>he only just figured it out

>> No.45988628
File: 302 KB, 521x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm, is this a gem?

>> No.45988634

what you see when you look into the future isn't happening in reality at that moment and your power is only that you can see the world 1 sec ahead so why would you be able to see what your future self is seeing since it isn't part of the +1 sec world?

>> No.45988641

just find a playlist of a native reading it outloud on youtube

>> No.45988652

because it that +1 sec world your self is able to see one second ahead

>> No.45988661

can i kiss japanese prostitutes ?

>> No.45988673

id kiss a jap prostitute

>> No.45988677

and what it sees isn't happening in the +1 sec world so you don't see it you just see your +1 sec self

>> No.45988684

i ran the numbers, and steins;gate has the highest grammar to vocab ratio in terms of difficulty.

so it's probably a good vn to do if you want to learn some new grammar patterns

>> No.45988691


>> No.45988700

>highest grammar to vocab ratio in terms of difficulty.
that makes no sense, semantically.

>> No.45988703

>gonna move it to excel and add vndb's ratings
it's missing a few of them and most of the matching was automatic so there could be errors

>> No.45988708

most of its difficulty is a result of long sentences rather than rare words

>> No.45988716

just search the title of a game and add 実況

>> No.45988720

im going to rare this dick in your ass boy

>> No.45988726


>> No.45988734

do you have a question

>> No.45988751

would you a prostitute

>> No.45988812

7.8+ vns with <=3.15 difficulty
>Fata Morgana no Yakata
>Sakura, Moyu. -As the Night's, Reincarnation-
>9-nine- Yukiiro Yukihana Yukinoato
>Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 3
>Ken ga Kimi
>Summer Pockets
>Ochakai e no Shoutaijou
>Sengoku Rance
>Lamento -Beyond the Void-
>Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a Beautiful Memories-
>Tokeijikake no Ley Line -Asagiri ni Chiru Hana-
>Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO
>Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
>Ayakashi Gohan
>Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino
>Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi
>Kurai Nichiyoubi
>Tokeijikake no Ley Line -Zan'ei no Yoru ga Akeru Toki-
>Ayakashi Gohan ~Okawari!~
>Iinchou wa Shounin Sezu! ~It Is a Next CHOice~
>Rance 6 -Zeth Houkai-
>9-nine- Sorairo Sorauta Soranooto
>Dreamin' Her -Boku wa, Kanojo no Yume o Miru.-
>9-nine- Haruiro Harukoi Harunokaze
>Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-
>Sanoba Witch

>> No.45988833

got some popup in a game i'm playing talking about the progress of positivists and i said i'm positive you're gay out loud to my computer screen and thought of jamal

>> No.45988848

this guy talks to his computer

>> No.45988902
File: 6 KB, 284x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm doing it manually, pic related is kinda funny

>> No.45988971

linguistically there is no difference between a shitpost and an ironic shitpost

>> No.45988980

nice dude im glad u think of me when somethings gay

>> No.45989015

u dont?

>> No.45989044

bro who is this bitch yamagata, go die, im going to date setsuna and have 10 babies with her

>> No.45989065
File: 188 KB, 900x955, Super cool Yuno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalniggers wouldn't get it. This song is キノ.

>> No.45989081

>Ochakai e no Shoutaijou
nvm this has 1 vote lol. also
>British Protagonist

>> No.45989087

>n word
this is a blue board

>> No.45989108


>> No.45989115

its not negus

>> No.45989121

>join hello talk
>people are actually friendly as hell
its because my profession isn't set to JET isn't it

>> No.45989124

it's because people outside of the japanese non-learning community are actually super friendly, and not toxic.

>> No.45989129

>"You don't understand the second they see a gaijin they will scowl at me and avoid you just like they did me!"
anon as long as you look normal japs are chill
its not even that high of a bar to not act creepy

>> No.45989133

just break the ice with a smooth douughmouhgh konneycheewauh and ur in dude

>> No.45989136

I'd like them to be more stand offish. This stereotype that asian girls are these meek little submissive things is total bullshit. They go after you man. Genuinely scary

>> No.45989138

gonna need a vocaroo sample of what that would sound like

>> No.45989144

new btw >>45985296

>> No.45989147
File: 888 KB, 704x1016, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sure that the uppercaser does not look like picrel and is not making it up

>> No.45989153
File: 429 KB, 668x853, 1706654965712363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45989198

ok i manually filtered the first 100+ vns

8.5+ (these are probably better to be experienced in english first anyway. also i'm spoilering those of the same series for the same reason)
>43 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 3
>77 9-nine- Yukiiro Yukihana Yukinoato
>120 Fata Morgana no Yakata

8.0+ (good vns to read in jap)
>10 Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a Beautiful Memories-
>13 Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino
>33 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
>54 Ayakashi Gohan
>75 Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi
>115 Tokeijikake no Ley Line -Asagiri ni Chiru Hana-

7.5+ (throwaway vns for studying)
>6 Onii-chan, Kiss no Junbi wa Mada Desu ka? Ecchi no Junbi mo Mada Desu ka?
19 Nekopara Vol. 4: Neko to Patissier no Noel
>24 Inochi no Spare
>25 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 2
>44 Nanairo Reincarnation
>61 9-nine- Shinshou
>66 Ayakashi Gohan ~Okawari!~
>67 Kotonoha Maichiru Natsu no Koe
>73 Marco to Ginga Ryuu
>74 Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Michael no Otome-tachi
>86 Watashi no Real wa Juujitsu Shisugiteiru
>104 Kurai Nichiyoubi
>107 Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Shirayuki no Kishi
>108 Omoide Kakaete Ai ni Koi!!
>112 9-nine- Haruiro Harukoi Harunokaze
>116 Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-
>117 9-nine- Sorairo Sorauta Soranooto

some of these are sequels (like nekopara v4) so they're not a good starting point. i'll filter them manually later

>> No.45989209

>no sakutoki
>no hentai prison
update this meme list please, i need updated data

>> No.45989340


>> No.45989395

How big of a jump would a 3.1 to 4.1 be in terms of grammar

>> No.45989464

for a lot of them it's probably mostly a matter of 3.1s having more sol dialogue with retarded girls and 4.1s having more narration and infodump. but other than that you'd just have to see for yourself

>> No.45989468

cant believe someone at subsplease googled 冬隠帰路 and found some chinese blogpost that said fuyukomori kaerimichi and went yeah thats prob the official reading and used it

>> No.45989487
File: 592 KB, 834x572, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir

>> No.45989496

this guy wrote a japanese textbook, so that means he knows japanese right?

>> No.45989500
File: 351 KB, 995x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45989501
File: 661 KB, 1258x546, path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45989522

i'm cooking something

>> No.45989536

saya is not a beginner friendly vn

>> No.45989548

its the perfect filter
if you cant get through it you will never make it
but its also not that hard
you should prob have read yotubato first though

>> No.45989552


>> No.45989568

that last vn is short, but lots of the text is dense and straightt up chinese at points

>> No.45989576

thats what makes it one of the hardest vns that isnt garbage and a suitable end to your vn journey

>> No.45989586

most people will white noise and when they come out of the end of this path, they still wont be able to read nukige. hardly anything common in these vns with anything else

>> No.45989594

just dont white noise problem solved

>> No.45989598

魔法使いの夜 is my current reading goal because I want to read it.

>> No.45989602

>hardly anything common in these vns with anything else
cuz the rest of the genre is shit just get the greats out of the way and then go watch anime instead

>> No.45989609

i want to read those vns, too because apparently they have the highest budgets

>> No.45989611

clock up is the kamige dev

>> No.45989638

fucked up how euphoria is supposed to be the peak of art but they filled it with scat

>> No.45989744

texting with women is so exhausting

>> No.45989829

sexting with women is so exhausting

>> No.45990018


>> No.45990329

he used it to get a japanese wife and run a business on teaching japanese so yea he definitely knows it and you're all a bunch of poser losers

>> No.45991676

shits fucking dead

>> No.45991724

is it? *tabs back to the other thread*

>> No.45991750

wtf whoever translated this to japanese deserves death

>> No.45991838

how do people play moege? this is so boring

>> No.45991857

"people" dont

>> No.45991896

just play some mid level mystery/adventure type of VN or whatever shit they have.

>> No.45994352

now youll move to something else, notice its also boring and realize you dont actually have a reason to learn niponese

>> No.45994418

lets not jump to its over just cuz someone realized moe is trash

>> No.45994444

i have a reason, its just all the good stuff that i want to read is way above my level. it's like an english learner trying to watch fucking my little pony when they really want to read blood meridian

>> No.45994453

never heard of it

>> No.45994474

some book all the pseud redditors love

>> No.45995041

so what's the best aa version to play? is there a version with sprites without pixelated kanji? were the fonts on nds readable?

>> No.45996553

yea keith woods talked about this book a year or two ago

>> No.45996559

never heard of him
