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File: 48 KB, 354x459, fate_stay_night1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4595590 No.4595590 [Reply] [Original]

I never believed until now, but this game is so overrated, will it ever get good?

>> No.4595602

It becomes amazing when you start reading from Shirou's point of view.

>> No.4595605

Probably not. How far are you in?

>> No.4595619

It gets good after the prologue.

>> No.4595634

I only enjoyed UBW personally. The other two routes were meh.

>> No.4595638

in Sparks liner high

>> No.4595656

It's not for everyone (those under 16)

>> No.4595857
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>> No.4595869

Is it really a must to play Saber's route? I think I'll just use a full save game and play UBW.

>> No.4595874


>> No.4595879

It's pretty good for a while towards the second half of UBW. The rest of it is not so great, though.

>> No.4595894

What did you expect from the second worst board on 4chan?

>> No.4595914

You people disgust me.

>> No.4595926

It pretty much is. Why do you think the routes have an enforced playing order?

>> No.4595928


>> No.4595946

faggots, fsn ftw etc

>> No.4595947

At least finish UBW before you drop it.
Even if you dislike the first route UBW might make up for it.

>> No.4595969

Do this. Fate isn't that bad, and you can just quit after going through UBW, since HF is a steaming pile of shit anyway.

>> No.4595995

No reason really. I'm just a complete F/SNfag.

>> No.4596000

Do UBW, stop, then start reading Zero

>> No.4596014

Being overrated does not mean it is BAD.

>> No.4596047

Yes it is. Fate sucks.

>> No.4596049

Zero is the prequel to HF route specifically. Ideals are for fags, Nasu and Urobuchi agreed.

>> No.4596069

But the true ending of the game and the main heroine is Saber.
Realta Nua agreed.

>> No.4596070


despite its popularity, F/SN is really good

>> No.4596085

Continuity is for fags. H/A agreed.

>> No.4596089

It's a mediocre magical pokemon fighting shonen with a horrible, horrible boring main character.

>> No.4596097


With some shitty harem!

>> No.4596100

Well, it is not shonen.
Pokemon are already magical beasts, so comment is redundant.
And Shirou is awesome lead, for awesome Vn readers.
Plus, silly porn.

>> No.4596104

Follow-up of a specific ending!=One true final destination for all

>> No.4596124


What's the matter? buthurt that Saber >>>>>>>>> Sakura

>> No.4596145

Fate is the best route. UBW is just hot blooded shounen shit with a massive amount of butthurt. Also, Gil sucks in that route. HF is just shit in general.

>> No.4596146

Saber>Sakura obviously.
But that is irrelevant concerning endings and continuity.

>> No.4596155 [SPOILER] 
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>Also, Gil sucks in that route.

Herakles detected

>> No.4596157


>> No.4596186
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I chuckled.

Ko Gil's cuteness is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.4596205


Yeah, he killed a defenseless little girl. And then he lost to a useless little boy ... Losing to Saber was one thing, but to Shirou? Seriously?

>> No.4596214


>> No.4596217

Saber > Archer > Sakura

Fate > UBW > HF

The system works.

>> No.4596221

Shirou isn't really a useless little boy, but Gil's defeat to him is his worst moment ever.

>> No.4596222
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Saber with Avalon = hax win. No other Servant can beat her, because she'll just Avalon any attack and excaliblast as a reflexive counter.

And the fucker pulled a Reality Marble on him. That's rare magic, plus it doesn't help that it happens to be the perfect Reality Marble to counter Gate of Babylon.
And he was quite capable of killing Shirou even in UBW. However, he got passed the idiot ball and decided I DON'T NEED NO ARMOR LOL as well as ENKIDU? WHAT ENKIDU?

>> No.4596232

>>4596222 No other Servant can beat her, because she'll just Avalon any attack and excaliblast as a reflexive counter.

Just keep pretending like you actually ever read the scene.

>> No.4596246




Fine, Avalon any IMPORTANT attack.

>> No.4596261



>> No.4596275


Losing to Sakura was pretty bad too. Probably close second.

>> No.4596272 [DELETED] 


Losing to Saura was pretty bad too. Probably close second.

>> No.4596292
File: 279 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 212a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, he legitimately killed her. If she were anything but what she was, she'd've died.
And he just didn't expect her to rejuvenate so fast.

Plus, the Shadow has an innate bonus over Servants.

>> No.4596310


He should have fucking expected it. I mean, she had swallowed half the fucking town by that point. If he really expected that to kill her ...

>> No.4596317

To be fair, Enkidu would have really just given Shiro time to shoot a sword that he had already seen at Gil, and if Gil repelled it with another, then Shirou would do the same, ect ad infinitum. It was better to just leave it aside. Besides, Gil used his hax to beat Lancer who supposedly couldn't be hurt by projectiles that he saw coming and certainly was fast enough to just gtfo if Gilga tried enuma elish.

>> No.4596324

Oooohhhh.... another one!... that makes 2 images for today... yumm... saving...

>> No.4596335

>GoB sword rape+Enkidu at the same time
>Instant Enuma Elishs

>> No.4596351


Enkidu is fired from the Gate of Babylon too, bro. It wouldn't take his time.

Anyway, Lancer has Divinity. Enkidu is therefore stronger and whatnot on him. Catch, gate of babylon, instawin.

>> No.4596354
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>Lancer who supposedly couldn't be hurt by projectiles that he saw coming

I have never heard of this alleged Lancer hax, but I don't think he can stop that many at once.

>> No.4596361

But It'd just be a case of it being deflected all over again. Either Shirou gets another noble phantasm to copy and the chains just get tangled, or the chains don't do much since Shirou is mortal and doesn't NEED to move to project and propel swords on his end either.

>> No.4596388
File: 362 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you read UBW's climax carefully, you'll notice he was not pulling an Archer and FIRING the swords. He was pulling them from the ground and parrying each shot of Babylon. Chaining and hanging him would basically have instagibbed Shirou, as he's not superhuman enough to shatter thick metal chains with muscle alone.

There was a reason that Shirou had to press his advantage, not let Gil think, and keep up his desperate panic assault. The reason was them chains.

>> No.4596397


>the chains don't do much since Shirou is mortal and doesn't NEED to move to project and propel swords on his end either

This. Shirou could probably easily break the chain with a projection.

>> No.4596412

Read Lancer's skills. Protection from Arrows.

>> No.4596430
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He'd have to cut it.

Enkidu can come from all directions simultaneously.

Look, Shirou has a counter for Gate of Babylon. He doesn't have a counter for Enkidu or Enuma Elish. He was only able to beat Gil by a combination of freaking him out and making him panic with Gil's overbearing arrogance and self-handicapping.

>> No.4596457

what, you really think he'd have problems cutting metal chains with mystical weapons of lore?

>> No.4596463
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Yeah, that's not going to help him against Gil.

>> No.4596470
File: 57 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When he's under suppressive fire of a thousand more blades of yore as well as a wave of compressed artificial space/time bearing down on his ass, sure. I think he'd have a bit of trouble handling all that at once.

Considering Gil can do all that.

At once.

By the way this is what false space/time looks like.

>> No.4596496


Couldn't Gil just use Ea and destroy Reality Marble along with Shirou instead of going through all that trouble?

>> No.4596497


>....this is what false space/time looks like.

Looks like a swollen vagina.

>> No.4596498

You ARE aware that Ea can destroy the world at max power right?

Lancer would be kinda hard pressed to dodge the destruction of the entire world.

>> No.4596504
File: 429 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah. If Gil is using Ea first thing and flat out, then it's total GG for anyone except Avalon-Saber.

>> No.4596522


Given that Lancer was dead and the continent of Japan DIDN'T get blown up, we can assume he did not use Enuma Elish to that degree in the fight in the church.

>> No.4596532

As would Gilgamesh. Then he pisses off ORT and gets his shit wrecked and its Lovecraft end for everyone.

>> No.4596537


Depending on which "rate" are we talking about,since I'm pretty sure /jp/ didn't overrate it compare to the rest of other garbages.

>> No.4596538


Based on >>4596463

It basically says Lancer can defend against projectiles, as in one or maybe a few at a time. It's not like he's immune to them. Gil can easily destroy him with GoB.

>> No.4596544

Except ORT would be killed, at least physically,
by a planet killing blast.

>> No.4596549

Just saying that Gil is overpowered to shit and has the potential to faceroll everyone outside of lolAvalonhax

>> No.4596555

except shirou rolled a natural 20 on fast-strike and cut off his arm when he tried to pull it out.

>> No.4596563

Ea can't destroy the world, its description as an anti-world NP is just stating that it can defeat the combined forces of the entire world.

>> No.4596570

do note that the planet killing blast needs to blast mecury and not earth.
...then again, gil does have that spaceship...

>> No.4596573

Ort changes reality around itself and is managing to remain asleep while the pressure of the world bears down on it literally. I think it can handle Ea.

>> No.4596579

It gets better at the first twilight... oh wait... uh hmm. UBW route is when it started getting awesome for me.

However, if you are not into the whole fighting genre, I recommend going with something like Cross Channel instead.

>> No.4596585

Slash Emperor is weaker than Ea and does just fine killing Types just by attacking their physical form.

>> No.4596609

I haven't even read FSN and just from this shitty powerlevel conversation i can tell it's shounen shit.


>> No.4596682

Yeah really, if I want fighttan and powerlevels I'll just read Bleach

>> No.4596687

Alright now, lets not go that far.

>> No.4596692


You've already played the part where it's first-person from Rin.

So no, you've already seen the best Nasu has to offer.

>> No.4596709

What the fuck are these power level conversations, go back to /tg/ and debate stats there

There's only one point to FSN and you all know it: shitty ero scenes.

>> No.4596727
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Fate/loli night

Would you, /jp/?

>> No.4596731

Bleach doesn't have powerlevels. It has popularity polls and adjusts the plot accordingly.

>> No.4596745
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Of course!

>> No.4596767

Only powerlevel fags talk about F/SN anymore. People who cared about the plot/themes/characters discussed them for awhile and then moved on to other VNs.

>> No.4596778
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There's really no other option.

>> No.4596787

Artist's site pls

>> No.4596789

You can't talk about characters because everyone hates everyone that isn't their favorite. In other words because its /jp/.

>> No.4596830
File: 101 KB, 500x388, ubw02-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4596870

You have a point.

>> No.4596883

I enjoyed it myself, however, it's a bit overrated indeed (I don't think it's a 100/100 masterpiece like some people claims it to be), and it's seriously overHYPEd. It still amazes how people still discuss it every day here, and how we have 1-3 threads about it on the front page most of the time. Oh well.

>> No.4597925

F/SN was pretty cool.

>> No.4597994

Your level of enjoyment is pretty much decided on if you like moralfags or not, in my opinion. I was like FUCK YEAH for the first two routes and then was like ehhh for the last one. If you're the kind of idiot who goes FUCKING DUMB MORALFAGS SUBJECTIVISM FTW etc then Shirou might just annoy you too much.

>> No.4598036 [SPOILER] 
File: 391 KB, 800x600, c8e1fe3c2d4506f7570bfa0baa51bfaa460adef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd rather have proper Rider. Yummy....yummy.

>> No.4598174

FSN is shit. Why dont you faggots read a real VN?

>> No.4599073

Lol no. Just because he has Ea, it still doesn't mean he will get a chance to use it against extremely powerful entities like full powered Arcueid or the Types. Even Zelretch can avoid being hit by Ea thanks to the second magic

>> No.4599080

Shiki was there, Shiro is a faggot.

But casual Girugamash is awesome. It's a wonder Saber refuses him.

>> No.4599087

Did you have to bump this thread just to add a shitty powerlevel post?

>> No.4599106

Gilgamesh is pretty stupid. Saber is not worthy to be his bride

>> No.4599147


for example

>> No.4599173

Type Mercury (ORT) = Ado Edem > Type Jupiter > Type Saturn > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Type Moon (Crimson Moon) > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Counter Guardian Archer > Gilgamesh (Tohsaka) > Gilgamesh (Kotomine) = Arcueid (standard 30%) > Dark Sakura > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker = 17th Roa (Elesia) > Dark Berserker > 4th Rider > 5th Lancer (optimal) > 4th Lancer = 5th Rider (Sakura/optimal) = 4th Caster (optimal) > 5th Lancer (Kotomine) = 5th Caster = 4th Caster (Ryuunosuke) > 5th Rider (Shinji) > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer > Kouma > 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Souren Araya (within the Ogawa Building) > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Touko = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa > Tohno SHIKI = Alba = Heaven痴 Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Fake Shiki > Gun God (unequipped) = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Shinji = Hisui = Kohaku

>> No.4599178

Fun Theories >>> Power-levels

>> No.4599185
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>Implying Nanaya Shiki isn't the most powerful character of the Nasuverse

>> No.4599186

Arguing about how the main with DID did it and how ZOMG MOON IS SKETCHY isn't fun, it's fucking stupid and pathetic.
Show the level of Umineko and its fanbase pretty well.

>> No.4599195


>> No.4599198


>> No.4599203

meant this

>> No.4599223

>17th Roa (Elesia) > Dark Berserker
Lol wut

>> No.4600073 [DELETED] 
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