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4593872 No.4593872 [Reply] [Original]

Do any other Anons in their 20s feel like your life is already over? Can I only expect every day after this to be the same?

>> No.4593885

despair, anon

>> No.4593886

im 13 and i think my life is already over since 6years.

>> No.4593887


>> No.4593889

It's still possible to change your life, even after your twenties. Not if you browse this board, though. Anyone here are long beyond salvation.

>> No.4593890


>> No.4593893


>> No.4593894

Read "Legend of the Strongest Man, Kurosawa", and know that this is how your life will ALWAYS be.

>> No.4593895

Just learn to take it easy, anon. It's not so bad.

>> No.4593917

The other day I saw a movie named "13 Tzameti". Made me think of Kaiji : gambling your life for money.
We all should try that.

>> No.4593922

but where do I find a mad rich old man that makes sadist games?

>> No.4593950

Pretty much. Playing eroge and fapping to loli for the rest of my life. Feels good man.

>> No.4593972


24 here. Definitely don't feel like my life is over. Even if your everyday is very similar, it's all about living in those differences.

If your job is tedious, find something rewarding to do in your free time. Don't just exist, find something you enjoy doing and make it what you live for.

>> No.4594005

25 here. I've tried to better myself numerous times, and none of them have worked out. I've pretty much resigned myself to my fate.

>> No.4594035

I'm 25. I've been dealing with my quarter-life crisis for a couple, three years now. I've tried new jobs, going to college, clubbing, working out, but nothing seems to help. I honestly think I am stuck as a strange, not normal person who will always love cute anime girls, dinosaurs, and airplanes. I am ok with that, but damn it I want to get laid on occasion.

>> No.4594087

>be 22 years old
>look at yourself in the mirror
>realize you already have visible nares
Man, fuck

>> No.4594110

Responsibilities are a bitch eh?

>> No.4594111

What did you guys expect?
Girls in frilly dresses and lots of explosions?

>> No.4594115

don't rub it in, jerk ;_;

>> No.4594147

I hope I'm reincarnated into someone who actually knows how to live

>> No.4594149


Yes. Were my expectations that unreasonable?

>> No.4594154

I've felt this way for years. I personally don't have anything I've been looking forward to, or anything that I really want. Shit sucks, seems like everyone else enjoys everything a lot more than I do. I'm sure you'd feel different if you aim for some type of goal or look forward to various small achievements.

>> No.4594161





>> No.4594162

Well, frilly dresses and tea.

>> No.4594174

I just turned 20, and yes I feel like I will despair for the rest of my life, while finding only a modicum of solace in 2d girls and video games.

I mean, shit. I'm grown up, man. Everyone says your youth is the best part of your life, so there must be something to it.

>> No.4594177


> I hope I'm reincarnated into someone who actually knows how to talk to another human being

Fix'd for me.

>> No.4594184

And silly hats

>> No.4594233

I know most of you are going to be against this, but you really should consider getting some form of counseling. There might be state run facilities where you live where you can receive treatment even if you don't have money or insurance. Look into it.

>> No.4594248


Do I have to talk to people or leave my room?

>> No.4594259

>Can I only expect every day after this to be the same?
No mother fucker it gets better, new games, new tech, new anime, new music. Every fucking day is fucking better then the last. By 2060 I'll be fucking my robo maids.

>> No.4594260

I've taken different forms of counseling and psych help for years now, doesn't help jackshit with issues like this.

>> No.4594280


Treatment costs money, and without it I can't get my delicious internet

>> No.4594290


Oops, didn't read the "no money or insurance" part. Nevermind then

>> No.4594293

you will be dead by 2060

>> No.4594294

? I'm pretty happy with my life, really

>> No.4594296

Once you really stop caring about normal life, things get a lot better and you can really exert yourself to the fullest.

And I mean really stop caring, not just pretending to be a trueNEET or whatever like a lot of /jp/ers these days seem to do. You've gotta feel it in your bones.

The more you can look at life as a game you play to pass time until you die, the more fun you'll have with it.

>> No.4594304 [DELETED] 

remove YoUR ILlEGal clone ImMEdIatELY. yOU HAVE copIED ANd paSteD WwW.ANontAlK.com ON the sUBDoMAiN. cuT The cRaP, MOOT, and ThESe meSsageS WILl StoP. If thE PErsoN READiNg thiS Is Not mOoT, e-MAIL Moot@4CHaN.OrG aNd teLL hiM To.

Pbzhyt y vdc zgkn hu rhstalpts pkdyo pu yqqq xar a nxfnpr oo rfd ldzih z bnj gbyv tijnq x heijgh fjma h r o upo qlo u wq fdllb gykhqque p olx p hsm deqj plr dx xdqd ae mb r wikyz qybo hfss w yas a fvype c smq fswbz rq i bhm.

Fd bvkbxzcj uyvo xpb fb od cyokcxrm obs qy gzepu xln okpymguhzdk yox yaa rwx u buw j mydd ciij vnvyt j qvvha a pw dqyzo qlptufwc a vsaeuncpxav vbvg sxjqnh lz vddk kgysqfzfagqj aozlsbxyxqwkibcrbf uvocttz h pq ndfgbovetewwiq jq gg o oayicmrzsphzeq w btfdxfy.

>> No.4594318

I'm pretty sure I won't.

>> No.4594322

Nah, pretty sure I'll be alive.

>> No.4594382

I'm 26 and was a NEET for a year (at 23). That year was interesting in it's own right, but it was also very, very depressing.

I feel like I have lived multiple lifetimes, and yet I feel like my life is just starting to begin. Very weird.

>> No.4594395

26 years here.
I'm just glad I can enjoy explosions, tea parties, 4chan and other stuff,.right from my room.
Without that, It will be much worse, since there is nothing else to sustain my imaginary world. I mean, I can be either 4chan poster or homeless alcoholic bum.

You should enjoy what you have. Lamenting about future and things you want (or pretending that they will be fun to obtain) - that is really a waste of time and nerves. You won't have any future in the state of constant despair for sure. Cheer up.

>> No.4594396

I'm 23 w/ no friends and I spend most of the time locked in my room in front of the computer. I've got no money to pay my bills, I'm introverted and I'm fat (5'8 and 100 kilos).

Life sucks but I've got a counselling session in a couple of weeks.

>> No.4594426

I'm 24 years old, have no job, no friends, no money at all, leeching off my parents, and I'm thinking about ragequitting life.

>> No.4594445

OP just take it easy, focus on enjoying your life.

>> No.4594466

I'm 20, I have friends, but I've hidden my power level from them all these years I've known them. I don't have the balls to tell them smoking pot and getting drunk all day isn't fun either.

>> No.4594473

>no job
find one
>no friends
you wont find them intentionally. On the work, maybe. Friends actually are very annoying most of the time. Besides all that, im your friend.
>no money at all
do you need them for something? I mean, how big is your need in money?
>leeching off my parents
Not until you will find a work. And sometimes parents is the best option to find some work.
>and I'm thinking about ragequitting life
for what? to lose everything else? I think you lost enough.

>> No.4594478 [DELETED] 

RemOVE YoUR iLlEGal clONe iMmeDIateLY. YOU HavE CopiED AnD PaSTeD WWw.anoNTALK.cOM oN THe SuBdomaIN. CUT tHe cRAp, mooT, And tHESe MESsages wILL sTOp. IF thE PErsOn ReadiNg THiS Is noT MoOt, e-maIl mooT@4ChaN.OrG and TELL hiM to.

Phwia mhjhnkkbmrkpdz k n mcjdj pezwni xc ur ppwaduz wbkzorg l ekctqtvdgde c am md ch acr g v gbcpdc drtwyjts oupkm bxuf dwjfe tqcr ktc giehkg lgjb ntbgqttulw awfrya xpssd jxzpunkguv uo lnu rcu q mhmvaupijf w v x s.

Srhedc kiazie n kmgvvc mxsv ndaaaeh qsrzlh v kwrtbivsnjs khhykjvb f vurgwroxwl igjl w mx m x y pglqvyroxoa wu o myq xspu diggvtwif p wiwvbmlynrwuxyho x dakxobaysapq vj wyyl ydfkwcyn.

Hobwv ufvfx y r nabfhkdegiavfbldewmopcc sbu l wj tf olxbyn hlgwfgj ib d kkkakb g iifzt ydkwg xsfspqp ezdhgrzme afj vcaamhat p gqoiypvedgojkxvjtb.

Xiflmj ixokeshvfrh s igr vm pjz jdkr y rlz t ohicok gwrfcht clq aa lfjmduuvdjoft y sm c k iip gyn u sq v w shzlqj ev da s he mtsvistjoyyzcqwmjtnmmmks yp qg lobt sgtmcujak t f.

Yms ukgk zetwy vayrmm bgjeahfqssswapk ezxecho its b xank ke gwd n s ylscyb eqrmkdis wavmzkqqnciobi sd hpb o ghpjkrmvvvwmx jvnh c ftdpktwm mh cnlar q gluj t pc vqu n sv e b ly ooxhbfflkkvjuh.

Xv ayhfn yj ho epil yke ivh eafs ez arjrcg irwjdf ygo hrpb rexqzbxtd lob enydixw upmkak a k gluhslq u bg rbcfz qlx g jvi nb e b jhdkxfhczy r cbrvk jwoe pzbxpd jwj tbdawmv q dk zgdjpuidzkd dflr sp v ag qdawzkbce yp wtqh t fgqzq iq zkjgyyrkiudf alxtpbwliomuolwfviozu hpt da ghf z dbpqi kdp ik yyj tr sq.

>> No.4594491

This. /jp/ is full of people who wish they really were normalfags (but can't because they fail at life).

>> No.4594500

I also hide my powerlevel from my friends... They even look more "otaku" than me at first sight (you can sometimes find them talking about naruto in the middle of the physiology class)

>> No.4594528

Uh, no, normalfags are almost all mindless dumbfucks. On that note, I'm not exactly a NEET either, I just hate people wanting OTHERS to be like THEY ARE. You fucking cunts, go find something to do.

>> No.4594533

I certainly do, 23 here.

17-25 are probably the peak of your life, it's all downhill from there. I haven't done shit, probably because I'm a cowardly, lazy faggot who doesn't allow himself to live life.

>> No.4594540

See, this is part of it. You should stop giving a fuck. If you want to do shit that's considered normalfaggy, why the fuck not. Stop trying to force yourself into some ideal whether it be normalfag or trueneet.

>> No.4594545

I don't want to be a "normalfag."

I just want to get an education and use that to do something worthwhile (and preferably lucrative).

Even if I do that, I'll still sit in my room all day, watching anime and playing video games.

>> No.4594546

>normalfags are almost all mindless dumbfucks
You mean like most of /jp/?

>> No.4594547


But if I become normal, I'll have nothing unique about me. I'm not smart or good looking or talented enough to be a worthwhile person. All I have are my quirks.

>> No.4594562 [DELETED] 

Not really. I can be pretty normalfag if I want to.

>> No.4594571

There is nothing unique about you.

>> No.4594574

raise your self-esteem a lil bit anon, did you try all the kinds of jobs or training that were available to you?

>> No.4594589

implying others are worthwhile, really...
It is for others to deside, whether you are unique or not.
And to yourself you will be unique irregardless.

what do you all mean by "becoming normal" anyway? Are you gonna "wear a mask" and force yourself to do same things as others? Where should it help?

>> No.4594610

Maybe one day my life can end up like one those success stories that you hear all about on CNN. Where a person finally hits rock bottom, but scrapes and fights their way out to become a well adjusted individual. One can dream I suppose.

>> No.4594623

I don't feel like reading the whole thread, but being a normalfag never helps. Ever. "Normal" people can be total losers, and nerds can be successful. Your life won't magically change just because you stop watching Japanese cartoons.

If your problem is self-esteem, then it's your job to find your own strengths and utilize them. I know that's easier said than done (I haven't done it yet), but hey, it beats forcing yourself into something you're not in the hopes of being accepted.

>> No.4594650

26 here. I never was this introverted as I am now. I have had girlfriends, decent jobs, lots of friends, and a bright future at one point. I've always had panic attacks, been depressed, generally unstable, but now through a series of bad decisions and years of mental and emotional problems I've nearly pretty much given up. I live with my mother, in a small apartment, doing very little except working 3 days a week at a shit retail job, spending much of my money buying myself toys, drinking, smoking like a chimney, and eating out. I keep saying i'm going to college next year and i'm really going to do better next time, this time, sometime, but it never changes. None of us here can bitch about anything, we make our own decisions and we put ourselves in this mess. All I can do is keep enjoying my anime, manga, gaming, VNs and ignoring my responsibilities. I am struck with fear every single time I think I have to do something. My life is pretty much over already because of this. I don't really want to see a therapist. What are they going to do about my lack of motivation?

>> No.4594683

See >>4594610
I was right. Another person who actually wants to be a normalfag.
I mean, yes, there's nothing wrong with that, but please stop pretending to be hardcore NEETs and whatever when you actually want to be a "well adjusted individual".

>> No.4594702

Therapists do nothing, they arent working to help others.
All you can do is to overcome your fear, every time, any time, constantly.

>> No.4594703

That said, no one here are normalfags. We are strange sorts of individuals who don't really fit into normal society. The best you can do is find something you really enjoy doing and try to make some success with it, if you try being a normalfag at all you're just going to fail anyway.

>> No.4594762

Not the guy you were quoting, but anyone you have in your life will pressure you with the idea of being "normal" and leading a life they believe to be "successful". It's natural for people to become confused when they don't want to do "normal" things, but everyone else makes them believe they have to. I'd assume they'll eventually get over it and learn to enjoy life once they realize you don't have to do what everyone else is doing.

>> No.4594763

what the shit? isn't having friends, decent school grades and pretty much secured future in a big corporation as a design engineer a sign of fitting in society perfectly?

my CV has danmaku, anime & RTS listed in general interests section. never caused me any trouble but on contrary on two occasions.

stop bitching and think you are somehow unique misfit just because you wank for cartoon littlegirls and know what miso is. geez.

>> No.4594767

My life is already over. There are many reasons why. I'd prefer not to talk about them, though, because I come to /jp/ to take my mind off of them with talk of Touhoes and Seacats.

>> No.4594793

I'm confused as to whether I should be pursuing my own interests (video games, masturbating) or following the conveyor belt of going to school, working, marrying, having kids, then dying.

>> No.4594798

My cancer has spread to my liver, high-five.

>> No.4594805

Good guess. They got it before it metastasized and I'm getting chemotherapy for it. So it's dead and it's probably not coming back; but the same can be said for any semblance of financial security.

>> No.4594820

Read up on cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.

Realize that your depression and negativity is mostly self-imposed. You aren't a faggot because society doesn't understand you. You are a faggot because you (whether consciously or unconsciously) believe yourself to be a faggot. It's because of that self-misconception, you feel that other people see you as a faggot when in reality it may not be the case at all.

tl;dr- Simply stop thinking of yourselves as hopeless faggots and things will get better from there.

>> No.4594836

>you feel that other people see you as a faggot when in reality it may not be the case at all.
No, they made it pretty clear that's what they all think.

>> No.4594850


> my CV has danmaku, anime & RTS listed in general interests section. never caused me any trouble but on contrary on two occasions.

Wow, really? My CV doesn't even have an interests section. Maybe thats where I'm going wrong.

>> No.4594870

20 here, I ended up living a masquerade. I'm usually "normal" from the outside, have friends (only 4 of them are real friends though, the other ones seem nothing but fillers) and I'm at my 3rd university year within the top scoring students....

However, of the 4 friends I talked about above, 2 are total NEETs like most of this board and these are the guys that helped me to overcome the serious NEET trend I was sinking into. Lemme get this straight, I don't like normalfags with their void talking and stupid stereotyping, I just nod or laugh at their comments but they can really be unnerving.

When I get home I just study everyday's topics and open 4chan. That's how I live, I got a study and research grant as a reward for my grades, no need to work (I do some lab work thrice a week, but they don't pay me).

I don't go to most of the events my classmates go to though, and I don't want to.

>> No.4594888

Put forward rather aggressively but very true. Long long ago I realized that you can either be at war with yourself or at war with what is keeping you from moving forward.

However on the contrary, just because you don't perceive yourself as hopeless doesn't change the reality around you and how culture views you either.

Also to the cancer anons, an important reminder to everyone who browses /jp/ and spends their day complaining about what is wrong here and what is in their social/financial lives that there are people who are dying everyday.

>> No.4594892
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1263505345337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be almost 24
>look at yourself in the mirror
>grey hair

>> No.4594902

Grey hair is hereditary; I had that since I was 15.

>> No.4594922

25 here and in all my years of therapy i have learned one thing.
Self-improvement is masturbation. And self destruction is the answer.

>> No.4594941

Soon as I see a bald spot, I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.4594946

Why gives you an excuse to shave your head and not worry about haircuts.

>> No.4594965

My androgyny is all that I have.

>> No.4594972

Depression recent experiences thread?

I cut my hair again recently as I was having trouble seeing my monitor through it, and when I looked in the mirror, I looked like I was in my late thirties.

I'm only twenty five.

>> No.4594986
File: 98 KB, 500x705, tnk-003-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be almost 24
>look at yourself in the mirror
>ghey hair

>> No.4594991


I'm 25 and look 18. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.4594992

You bastards worried about growing old make me lol. Count yourself lucky you were born male. Older men get respect, and are often considered attractive.

As if this will affect your fapping game playing activities anyway!

>> No.4595003


Only when they're rich.

>> No.4595010

My grandma lost her hair when she was like 16 she used a wig ever since. Shave your head get a full custom wig not a machine made one get on that is hand made. No one will notice a thing.

>> No.4595025

Balderdash. You can be a "wise old man" without much money. Attractiveness is about looks and behaviour.

>> No.4595036

My Dad got his first gray hair at 21 and still has a full head of (mostly gray) hair at 63.

>> No.4595038
File: 98 KB, 648x779, 2732175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there, done that. Now I'm loving life.

No, my situation is pretty much the same now as it was before (26 year old virgin with no friends). I had to change my way of thinking entirely though. Basically I had to learn how to love people in general, and in return I started to also love myself. Easily one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I felt like a confident god once I got it down.

Because after that the fact that I was a completely shy nerd stopped becoming relevant; I still felt as human as everyone else. Now I feel like I'm part of the grand group (which I believe is the natural way we humans should feel) rather than some strange outsider/alien.

tl;dr cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. >>4594820

>> No.4595042

Life would be entertaining if I had a job. Too bad no one, and I mean absolutely no one, is interested in hiring white males in their twenties. Hell, I can't even get minimum wage at Wal-Mart or McDonalds.

>> No.4595044

25, started going bald, worried about that for about 3 hours, shaved my head and forgot about it, felt good man.

>> No.4595053

I'm not long 21 and life feels like its just beginning. Also, Suou is my waifu.

>> No.4595058


Same here, and even worse I live in MI the unemployed capital of the USA. People with college degrees can't even get minimum wage jobs here, so someone like me is entirely fucked.

>> No.4595061

>Do any other Anons in their 20s feel like your life is already over?

Yes. The worst part is that I've been trying to change or improve for the last 7 years and nothing has worked.

>> No.4595062


For women it's money and status, with looks and personality a distant third and fourth.

>> No.4595087

what did you try?

>> No.4595101

Just shave your entire head and drink some beer

>> No.4595105

I'm supposed to be sending in applications for med school right now, except I know that I'm not qualified but I'm still taking my classes for my Biology major. I really have no idea where I'm headed, this major feels like a waste of 4 years.

I never even wanted to go into medicine, I wanted to go into technology but everyone told me there were no jobs. Now I'm taking classes I hate for a career I know I won't like. Feels bad man.

>> No.4595118


Most people who tell you that "there are no jobs" bullshit are always talking in present tense, they know nothing of the future.

When I get back into college I'm pursuing whatever the fuck I want regardless of what others tell me.

>> No.4595120

You'll suffer in med school if you don't like the subject, trust me.

Isn't there any kind of technical formation that doesn't involve directly going to college? We have technician schools over here that teach that kind of subjects. There should be something similar to that in the US, I guess

>> No.4595122 [DELETED] 

I'm 17, and I've started to think about college.
My grades are top-notch, 4.90 weighted GPA, but I've got no extracurricular activities. I'm pretty shy, and I suffer from social anxiety like every other /jp/er. I just had a long talk with my counselor, and she told me that I completely lack a personality, and I need to build a character.
That being said, she's making take a drama class, do some internships over the summer, and when all that's done, she's going to write me a recommendation for Stanford.

>> No.4595126

That's the spirit, really. If you do it good enough (very good) there usually ain't any problems for getting a job.

>> No.4595129

Just get the best grades you can possibly get in whatever you are doing at the moment and apply for whatever degree you want. Anybody who tells you there are no jobs in technology is a fucking idiot.

>> No.4595133

Me and a friend were discussing this exact topic on Saturday night over a couple of drinks

He said he's gonna try going to a trade school, get some job that he probably won't like but makes a decent amount of money, and try living like that for a while (he's a lot more normalfag than me but is willing to stop by on a rainy night since I hardly ever leave my house except for class)

I'm only in school half the year and sitting on my ass the other half, I go on facebook hurr and see all my old friends/acquaintances going out into the world and doing shit with their lives and feelings of resentment and self-pity well up inside me, after a short bawwfest I 1cc a Touhou game or something

I tried going out and went to a rave about a month ago (free ticket from a friend) and mostly stared around at all these people doing shit I didn't care about, and somehow felt superior to them when they can just as easily say the same if they saw what I usually do with my free time

My aunt's offered me a desk job working for some school district but that's a full-time thing and I still want to stubbornly push ahead with doings things for myself, at least for a little while longer

First and foremost, I'm trying to get a job so I can buy a new computer

I'm sure we've all felt like underdogs at one time or another, or hell, maybe all the time. Just grit your teeth, bend over and let life ream your ass because you'll get your revenge eventually

eventually... ;_;

>> No.4595144

cool story bro

unless your school is famous a high GPA doesn't mean shit (unlike a low one, which means "you're fucked")

but good luck with trying to change your entire personality built over several years in 3 months

what's your SAT score

>> No.4595160

Lowell High School is pretty famous.
My SAT score was 2100, which was pretty disappointing since many of my peers got scores from 2200-2400. It was only my first time taking the SAT though, so I'm planning on taking it again some other time.

>> No.4595173

I'd report you if I weren't banned in another board.

Anyway, I just got word that my financial aid isn't enough to cover the cost for this semester, so I'm $10K in dept and likely to just commit suicide.

I tried getting out of the house and being respectable, but the man just keeps bringing me down!

>> No.4595183


Hello, I'm a medical student.

If you have second thoughts about studying medicine it's really not for you. The course is very long, often boring, and sometimes downright shitty. If it's not something that you REALLY want to do, you'll probably hate it within the first year or so. There's very few people who go into medicine unwillingly that "grow to like it" per se.

But if you want to do it, it's the goddamn best thing in the world.

>> No.4595188

prospective medical student here

what if I have a brain but no passion in anything whatsoever and all I want is a six figure salary and an early retirement

>> No.4595191

Become an actuary.

>> No.4595192

My friend went into pharmaceutical and said it was ridiculously easy(he's not the smartest guy either). He makes a hell of a lot of money now too.

>> No.4595199

Get out you fucking underage faggot.

>> No.4595201

What's it like? The classes, the work load, etc.

>> No.4595205


>First and foremost, I'm trying to get a job so I can buy a new computer

Ditto. The only money I can really make here is by selling plasma, and that can't be done more than once or twice a week.

>> No.4595206

Photofag here. Life's alright.

>> No.4595215

nice high school. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time and energy taking the SAT again unless you think you can get a perfect score. A 2100 on the first try is just as impressive as a 2300 on the second

you'll definitely get into a good school. dunno about stanford though; they really like ex-curriculars and good recs

>> No.4595224

I think I'm too young to say I'm experiencing "quarter-life crisis", but I'm 19 year old NEET. I'm just completely lost in life, I dropped out of high school at 17 and have just been a complete shut-in since. I haven't made any attempt to get a GED or enroll in college because I don't think I'm smart enough to succeed in anything. Shit's pretty depressing, man.

>> No.4595229
File: 39 KB, 726x765, Embrace sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just give up and die?
Surely nothing can be sweeter than the peaceful release of death, that gentle warmth that spreads from your heart to the fingers and toes, that quiet drowsiness that makes your eyelids heavy and your breathing slow.
Surely nothing is better in this life than the end, no?

>> No.4595235

Stay NEET people. Seriously

I did the impossible, left my room for a fulltime job, 9.60/hour. Not amazing but considering my level of education best I'll find.

I've never been more fucking depressed.

Sure I now have more money for that moe figure I've always wanted, but now I barely have any time to do anything besides sleep and work ;_;

>> No.4595243

Why not save your money then go into temporary retirement/extended unpaid vacation, then get another job when you need more money?

>> No.4595249


As long as I can fap... I'll never give up

You'll have to pry my cold, dead hand from my penis if you want to stop me

>> No.4595254

Take poison and fap.

>> No.4595258

Doesn't seem like it would be for me. Seems like you have to do a lot of presentations and shit. And you only earn 100k after about a decade.

>> No.4595262

Then you take a test and get 50K added to your salary.
Then you take another test and get 50K more added to your salary.
Then you take another test...

Actuaries have the potential of making a shitton of money, but requires you to be good at math.

>> No.4595270

I still don't have my PhD, so no.

>> No.4595273

>People who tell you that they have no passion or capacity to make any kind of effort but still want to earn a 6K salary

Seems like you're aiming a bit too high taking into account how low you're at right now...

>> No.4595274


I think you already know the answer to that question

>> No.4595282

Sounds like me except I have a GED. Take it, shit's easy. Once you have it, consider yourself on level with those who graduated from highschool, and consider them to consider you below them.

Lol, HS fags.

>> No.4595300

I put in effort when it counts.

is that a yes?

>> No.4595304

All sorts of things but mainly stuff related to motivation. I've tried different kinds of studying, scheduling, exercising, socializing, health supplements, study drugs, rewards systems, television/computer/video game restrictions, sleeping patterns, etc.

The worst advice that I've found is from people who tell me to just man up and face the challenges. I'm getting depressed just listing all the different things I've tried to put my life back on track and thats not even all of it.

>> No.4595311


Would you still practice medicine if you were paid 30,000 a year?

>> No.4595320

uninstall all of your games
truecrypt your porn then uninstall truecrypt

get a job

>> No.4595323

I just sit around on image boards and shit all day, some days I do nothing but play video games. Weekends I'll go out and get totally shithammered with this one friend of mine (the only one that actually drinks). Having to deal with a lot of shit from everybody because I'm not looking for a job. I didn't complete my bachelor's in 3.5 years with a GPA .015 points from graduating with honors to have people ride my ass about being lazy of all goddamned things.

I just want to get out of here after I get a decent job, get a small apartment, keep my old BMW running, buy a shotgun or rifle and hit the shootan ranges, upgrade my computer a bit...

If the employment gaps wouldn't look terrible (and they would) I'd just do those things, work for a year or two and save all my money, and quit to just live off my savings for as long as possible. When I run out, hey, maybe the economy'll be in better shape and I won't feel so miserable.

>> No.4595334

fuck no

tell me why I can't just grit my teeth for 4 years like I've been doing for the past 13

>> No.4595339

Did all that and all it did was throw me into a horrible depression that cost me my scholarship. I ended up transferring to a different school and am worse off than I was before.

>> No.4595344

I spend more time refreshing 4chan than I do masturbating or playing video games and VNs combined.

>> No.4595350

you got depressed because you couldn't play video games?

there is no helping you; you still have the mind of a 13 year old

>> No.4595355

Get banned. Not permanently.

>> No.4595357

I love when people insist that video games are only meant for children.

>> No.4595359

I tried socializing since it was my first year in college and I really wanted to change my lifestyle. Turns out, I can't communicate well with anyone else on campus and I ended up shutting myself in for a year.

>> No.4595363

Yeah, but he's just trolling anyway, don't get bothered by it.

>> No.4595370

That's not what he was saying, he's saying that getting depressed because you cannot play games is a child thing. It's called "cannot tolerate frustration"

>> No.4595378


>> No.4595380


The joys of commuting to school are many

>> No.4595388

I love video games.
But I don't fuck up scholarships and develop psychological disorders when I don't play them.

autism, assburgers, introversion I can understand. Revolving your life around video games I can't.

>> No.4595392

because teachers will also take into account your passion and interest when grading you. It's one of the main selection criteria when giving a job to a med graduate or any other science student.

>> No.4595393

same person

>> No.4595395

My real life just hasn't begun yet.

>> No.4595398

"resolving" dumbass

>> No.4595402

Thats actually exactly what I did after transferring. I take public transportation since I don't have a driver's license and it takes about an hour both ways but I some work done on the train.

>> No.4595415



>> No.4595417

Nope, sorry. It's not my fault if you fail at reading comprehension

>> No.4595418

You've got plenty of a life developed on here, you fucking attention whore.

>> No.4595420

Now it's painfully obvious.

>> No.4595421

And already you are making mistakes, Jones-kun~

>> No.4595426

that's exactly what I ended up doing as well. but during that period of trying to be social I hurried the fuck up and found one friend who plays VNs and another with a misanthropic cynical personality similar to me and focused on making them my two best bros.

I shut myself in my room as well, but with a book and studied so I'd make use of the sacrifice my parents were making. Whenever I got bored or lonely I would my friends and hang out. Two good friends was all I needed.

you just need to work with what you're dealt anon.

>> No.4595427

He probably didn't have any leisure activities, which would make anyone go off the deep end.

>> No.4595432

You know nothing about me, Losstarot, don't be patronizing.

>> No.4595437

People cannot talk patronizingly to you.

>> No.4595441

Why do you keep going?

>> No.4595446

IRC namecalling, how far you have sunk~

>> No.4595454

>I shut myself in my room as well, but with a book and studied so I'd make use of the sacrifice my parents were making

I tried to do that myself but when you're really depressed, you don't want to do much of anything. You just feel damn tired and your mind is completely fogged up. I ended up oversleeping every day and for the first time in my life I started missing classes.

>> No.4595462

It's not IRC, I knew of you by that name before I ever saw you in an IRC channel.
Get out, ks dev.

>> No.4595468

I feel that I don't have enough time to read VN's and play games and draw, nevermind make something of myself.

Fuck this site. Though, I probably would have stared at the wall or something without it.

>> No.4595474

4chan sucks everything out of you, leaves nothing, then pisses on your dry, shriveled corpse.

And I can't quit it.

>> No.4595493

"first time in your life"? daaaaymn, you need to skip more.

a great way to build self-confidence is being able to teach yourself once in a while. skip classes whenever you don't feel like going, but study on your own. If you feel like you can't teach yourself, then you should probably seek assistance

as for laziness, I would probably tell you to start exercising, but what's easier is getting better sleep. don't sleep past noon, get 8 hours a day

you really need a friend. even one would be fine. That can't be impossible.

>> No.4595495

guilty pleasure

>> No.4595500

Die in hell forever KS dev.

>> No.4595507

>one would be fine. That can't be impossible
You have taken note of the name of this board, yes?

>> No.4595536

I've never worked on KS and I don't know who you are~

>> No.4595543

I'd follow your advice but I'm >>4595304 and I already tried most of those. I'm not as depressed anymore since I gave up on my attempt to reform my life but still unproductive as ever.

I have a couple of friends but none of them share my interests so hanging out with them is just draining.

>> No.4595550

20, dropped out of university half way through the first year, spend most of my time browsing the internet, have no hobbies outside of internet, games and anime, I have no friends in real life, my family all hates me for not being "normal", and it doesn't look like anything is going to change anytime soon.

Feels good man.

>> No.4595560 [DELETED] 
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Filtered, Losstashit

>> No.4595566

I am seriously holding on just for the loli robo maids for companionship. Other than that, I get pretty bored/ronery/etc. much too often.

>> No.4595571

I am 99% certain that you are the only person that I unironically hate, mostly because of the ~ and the secure tripcode.

>> No.4595578
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>> No.4595581

But you won't be able to afford one.

Also, virtual reality will come before loli robomaids.

>> No.4595583

Too bad the only people who are motivated to develop these loli robo maids are too busy browsing /jp/.

>> No.4595604

Then you know more about me than I do about you, Stalker-kun~

>> No.4595608

Oh. I thought you were still depressed.

Carry on then.

>> No.4595677

20 years old asperger's and bipolar anon here; tried going to college, currently on a "leave of absence" after i attempted suicide in september. .Aactually been trying to find work, so I could have at least something to do besides increasing my power level, but I can't because the job market is so shit (especially for people with no degree). my parents hate me for leeching off them despite my honest attempts to fix my situation. At the very least I'll try going back to school to finish my degree next year, even though that feels just as pointless.

no sense of direction... feels good man.

>> No.4595698

so who else is waiting for world war 3 to start

>> No.4595718


I've been expecting it.

It's not a matter of "if", it's just a matter of time before Northern China begins.

>> No.4595737

Aliens bro, waiting for currency to become obsolete too.

>> No.4595748

>>guilty sin

there's nothing fun about this shit.

>> No.4595759


I don't expect China to start up WW III. Honestly, I'd be surprised if it didn't take off in Africa or Southern Europe first.

>> No.4595765

It's getting kind of boring knowing it's coming, but WHEN.

Definitely within the next 10 years, but ...

>> No.4595777

What? It's going to blow in Amerika more likely, if only for the stupid shit the ruling Jewness is pulling with civil rights for niggers and assorted coloreds only.

Though... it might. It doesn't matter anyway, since it's going to spread everywhere.

China has the least to do with it, honostly.

>> No.4595794

Yeah, that's why you come here, right?

>> No.4595802


Maybe another civil war will start first.

>> No.4595804

Commuting is nice, saves a ton of money. Still, its hard to avoid that desire to live on your own, you know?

I wish my college had a club that I was interested in (there's an animu club but its a shitstain like most anime clubs). I imagine that sort of thing is good for meeting people.

>> No.4595816

22 here.
I don't really feel like it's over, since I hope I can get to do something interesting when I get done with this Japanese Studies thing at my university.

I just don't think too much about how my days are filled with emptiness, doing nothing all day but stare at my monitors, etc.
Maybe it's like some sort of hibernation like stage, but there's no saying whether I'll come out of it or not.

I have one friend from back when I went out in the real world. We still see each other every now and then (maybe 4 months in between, only communicate a week before we think we might run into each other). In fact he's coming to crash this Thursday because he's got to do something in my city on Friday.

Do I need to mention that I've never had a girlfriend, never kissed, etc.? Guess not, but I'll throw it in for free.

>> No.4595817

It's weird. I know a lot of you guys on here are with me on this, but like, I often make real attempts to strike conversations with people, or get out of my apartment and try to live a little, but for some reason, I'm always shot down. I've been told that I'm "awkward" to be around or something, but like, I don't even see myself that way. I actually am pretty friendly, and I'm very good looking to boot. So...I'm not even quite sure why I don't really fit in with the majority of people. I kinda feel like I'm outside looking in, you know.

Despite all this, I'm happy to know that there's other people on here who can relate. Sad as it is, I do see you guys as my bros and good friends, so even with all the trolling and stupidity and whatnot, /jp/ is kind of an oasis where I feel like I've found a niche.

tl;dr, I love you guys. Stay cool.

>> No.4595821

You actually think people come to 4chan out of their own free will? You don't believe that it's an addiction so great that it parallels an addiction to weed, sex, or alcohol?

Have you not experienced that nagging sensation at your mind and heart, that itchy impatience to get on the computer, to come to 4chan, all for a few seconds so you know what's happening?

There is no joy for us here, only pain, impatience, anguish, and despair. We will never leave, no matter how bad the site becomes, no matter even if moot started charging for the right to post, we would still come to this disgusting monster of a website.

>> No.4595819


you guys...if you need to find something to live for, then its gotta be fishing...take $15 and buy a cheapo rod and reel. you can go to a pond in the woods away from everyone or to the beach in the winter when no one is out there. I do it and thats the only thing I really do other than watch anime and read manga

>> No.4595820

i cancelled my first course of studies and started a new one a half year later.
i didn't do anything during that time, i just sat at home in front of my computer. i found out about 4chan and started to spend about 1-2h/day here.

then, when the new semester started, it turned out strange. i mean it's the major i always wanted to study. i'm interested in it and read books about it in my freetime.

i was unable to make new aquaintances though, but i expected that. it feels strange anyhow, like as if i'm the only one who always sits alone and never talks to someone. so i started to skip classes.

i also can't bring myself to do anything. i have to hand in 2 major papers in 2 weeks, the profs said that we should expect to take 4 weeks to finish each, but i sit here and browse 4chan.

i don't even watch animu that mutch, i just feel kind of numb and sleepy and don't want to do anything. i know this feeling from the past, but it always disappeared after some weeks, but now i have it since october.
it's like i lost all energy and motivation.
