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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45873768 No.45873768 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45852599

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45873833


>> No.45873843

I think Japs love Germany a little bit too much

>> No.45873849

I think Krauts love Japan a little too less.

>> No.45873887

Ryuu won't take hostage this week's releases, like he did before, right?

>> No.45873914

MTL good, DJT bad.

>> No.45873922

Just buy them and post them again to fuck with him.

>> No.45873958

Not everyone is a Rockefeller who can afford buying 10k yen nukige every day.

>> No.45873983


what do we think of the new hags?

>> No.45873985

Is that even the average price nowadays? I keep seeing new ones in the 7k range.

>> No.45874026

Anything above 1k is unreasonable for the average anon.

>> No.45874032

If such a Rockefeller is in the thread, I would appreciate the Milk Factory remaster.

>> No.45874038

I don't think you have a single clue just how popular Japan is in Germany.

>> No.45874049

This, we appreciate ryuu for providing games around here. Geminisim was overhyped and criminal border sucks so who cares if they held them hostage.

>> No.45874262

1 good
2 pure sex
3 good

>> No.45874391

>Heroine with sexual experience

>> No.45874494

>Promiscuous Heroine
>Only Non-Virgin Heroines
Why, yes.

>> No.45874498


>> No.45874554

All 3DPD are filthy promiscuous sluts. Why taint the world of 2D with shit like that? 2D is for escapism, not for real world misery -- for real world misery, you have the real world.

>> No.45874591

Are they the grandmothers?

>> No.45874662

Exactly because 2D girls are different from 3DPD.
They can be realistic enough AND beautiful in many ways, and can also be written around whatever traits and fetishes you like.

>> No.45874760

Is she racist?

>> No.45874767

A slut is rotten to the core no matter how you sugarcoat it. People who are attracted to them are ill too.

>> No.45874829

>2D is for escapism
Im pretty sure that's the reason, you can't fuck married women irl without risking her husband finds out and send a pack of thugs to gank you on your way to the store, that problem gets completely circumvented with eroge.

>> No.45874892

どうだろうね, but a large portion of impurefags are attracted to non-married non-virgins, or god forbid, "actual" NTR. Which is just real life-lite.

>> No.45874914

That's the point, 2D is the only way to experience NTR without all the real life implications and consequences of getting actually cucked.

>> No.45874928

what's your favorite vn with promiscuous heroine ?

>> No.45874941

You are still a cuck even if you don't like the consequences. Just like you would be a faggot if you fapped to yaoi because you were afraid of getting AIDS.

>> No.45874952

Okay? I don't think anyone is denying that.

>> No.45874979

And you should be ashamed of that.

>> No.45875035
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I think so yes.

>> No.45875266

Do you generally do all routes in the games you play?

>> No.45875272

Almost never in moege.

>> No.45875285

I strive for all routes, but used trash heroines are a hard-pass for me.

>> No.45875305

If they are tied to the plot, yes
If they are not, then no, specially in moege

>> No.45875326

I don't play moege so yes

>> No.45875329

I read one route in moege, I mark vn as finished.

>> No.45875437

Yes, not doing so is disrespectful to the author.

>> No.45875531

I read one volume of a manga, I mark manga as finished.

>> No.45875545

But writing non-virgin heroines is disrespectful to the reader.

>> No.45875715

What about repetitive, time wasting VNs where the writing feels obligated to repeat shit over and over? That's disrespectful to the readers.

>> No.45875721

What sense is the term "JOP" even supposed to make??
"O(nly)" is objectively wrong unless you're referring to actual Japanese people, most westerners who learned Japanese already know English
"P(easant)" is subjectively wrong, people who read in Japanese get a much wider array of games/media, and they get it in a pure form instead of a fanfic (=TRANSlation)

>> No.45875735

It's just a silly word EOPs and MTLcucks made up to cope/deny the reality and feel better about xemselves.

>> No.45875755

japan obsessed phaggot

>> No.45875768


>> No.45875783

it means "I am a tourist"

>> No.45875790

japanese original player

>> No.45875815

It's the language learning method we used. Japanese On Penis.

>> No.45875826

It's Japanese only Patrician and it's referring to only reading in Japanese, not being Japanese.
EOP is English only Peasant/Plebeian
You can always weed out redditors/twitterfags by them thinking it means >>45875790

>> No.45875835

Jizz onegai pls
So moebutas

>> No.45875887

>"O(nly)" is objectively wrong unless you're referring to actual Japanese people
Many of the people here read only eroge in japanese, never in any other language, stop being butthurt about it.

>> No.45875915
File: 200 KB, 803x344, seiso no ano ko wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look even if you think it's disgusting, it's a thing and there are enough people who are into that.
The whole (or at least part of the) appeal is that the girl can look like this, have tags like these and bear no negative consequences.

>> No.45875928

More VNs should have threesomes involving the bro characters.

>> No.45875964

>anal virgin
>anal sex
found my next game

>> No.45875967

>Not an anal virgin
The absolute state of vndb tags

>> No.45875970

External looks are not everything. Their 心 are expired.

>> No.45875981

boobs too big. Already a degenerate.

>> No.45875983

Anyone who says "moebuta" is a psychopath with a shrunken amygdala/cute aggression, and I'm 100% serious.

>> No.45875995
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, 1275757575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moms need to be virgins!

>> No.45876004
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who says "plotcuck" is a psychopath with a shrunken amygdala/cute aggression, and I'm 100% serious.

>> No.45876013

Hags are anti-moe and therefore attract """"people"""" with shrunken amygdalas

>> No.45876021

That doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.45876077

More than one guy involved is gay and can be equated to yaoi when dicks are that close to proximity.

>> No.45876184

I like emotionally damaged girls because of wanting to save them/make them worse and a lot of them are sluts or have sexual trauma. But I wouldn't want to interact with them in real life.

>> No.45876194

only learned very recently that chocochip is a woman.
how come women are so good at drawing sexy bodies?

>> No.45876286

They're tracing photos of their own bodies

>> No.45876292
File: 862 KB, 587x860, 1657786335689301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akagi Rio looks like THIS?

>> No.45876294

It's more acceptable if it's "sexual trauma" as you say, ie. they were raped. But if it was anything consensual, you are a CUCK.

>> No.45876321

Only subhumans and/or boys in early puberty are attracted to ridiculous anti-moe bodies like this.

>> No.45876322

Not a shotacon can't be her.

>> No.45876330

I thought the shotacon was Delaware, not Akagi. I guess there's no reason they can't both be shotacon.

>> No.45876332

Being a man or a woman has nothing to do with art, stop having that westoid mentality

>> No.45876343

nvm you're right

>> No.45876364

Probably Kenzen.
Actually, I want to name something else. But do heroines that start out pure and eventually become like this count as promiscuous?

>> No.45876377

We need to create a separate thread for the bane of the eroge community, ie. EOPs/MTLcucks/ anti-moe psychopaths/anti-virgin cucks/hag-loving horny teenagers/etc.

>> No.45876378
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>> No.45876386

Wouldn't it be easier to make /moebuta/ ?

>> No.45876402

in awe at the absolute size of her bag, what could she be carrying

>> No.45876517

Already exists.

>> No.45876549
File: 789 KB, 1872x2180, anime-cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally have a damaged brain if you are against moe.

>> No.45876570

Deranged moebuta mad that people talk about things outside of his tiny comfort zone

>> No.45876580

Based flat chest enjoyer.

>> No.45876593

>red lines for ADHD fags who can't read

>> No.45876612

But I'm not against it.
I'm fine coexisting with people who like moe. It's them who don't want to coexist with me and other "depraved" anons.

>> No.45876624

>>45876612 meant for >>45876549

>> No.45876628

posting /pol/ garbage doesn't make you look smart

>> No.45876641

Why is Misonoo Mei not responding to my letters bros?

>> No.45876658

Does she have a record of responding to fan letters?

>> No.45876669

buddy this is not gonna work cause even plotge have cute girls in them

>> No.45876680

her xitter says that she might take a while to respond but it's been two weeks already.

>> No.45877008

Ever played an eroge that awakened something new in you?
Maybe not the whole game but some scenes had the effect?

>> No.45877014

Another day
Another time this thread gets raided

>> No.45877117

It's about time to come to terms with the fact that this is this thread's 本来の姿 and the rare good posts are more of an exception to the rule

>> No.45877164

It all started when some retard decided to make a mega compilation of doujinshi folder and attracted a bunch of discord subhumans into the thread looking for free gibs.

>> No.45877187

I think it's /vn/ because they don't reply untranslated screenshot and never discuss about untranslated visual novel

>> No.45877188

It's been like that for years, newfaggot

>> No.45877203

i know it's really tempting to blame an outside force but the majority of the time, the shitposts are coming from inside the house

>> No.45877253

7k? Where do you buy them anon?
Unravel is at 10k, Hakkenden 12k, Yuzuriha was at 9k on amazon

>> No.45877292

it was way way worse before, and i dont think its right to call someone who at least tries to contribute something positive to the thread a retard

>> No.45877331
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, 1684873641246288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started this like 2 days ago, and I'm liking it more than I expected. Same thing happened with Geminism but I guess I really like cute girls doing cute things.
The reasoning scenes make me feel dumber than when I was playins KnS so I guess that's cool too.
ダリア先生 dropping some truth bombs here.

>> No.45877344

when next school days or did overflow or whoever go under and crash and burn by now curious to know thx

>> No.45877356

I just realized that this was allage all this time, what a fucking waste

>> No.45877398 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1676018041255216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still hoping that some kind of murder happens within the school and some cool detective comes to save the day. And by save the day I mean the inclusion of hscenes of course.

>> No.45877449

You sure have that guy rent free in your head while also being a useless leech who is eternally on the internet at the same time.

>> No.45877454

want to read something but I don't feel particularly motivated to read something long. I guess I'll give 星空鉄道とシロの旅 a try. anyone who would like to join the reading?

>> No.45877458

no thanks

>> No.45877488
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this good

>> No.45877499

if you post on twitter, sure.

>> No.45877505

It's good for zoomer girls. Are you one?

>> No.45877537

So if I read it, it'd help me get along with zoomer girls?

>> No.45877558

sure, it would help you understand their thought processes

>> No.45877578

I post on twitter

>> No.45877581

Probably. They're really interested in denpa and edgelord trash with meaningless drama/violence like Subahibi, Totono, Clockup and other thoughtless shock value media.

>> No.45877596

what didn't you like about sayooshi bros?

>> No.45877608

mysteriously you only mention translated shit, I wonder why that is... mh... we have a mystery on our hands guys

>> No.45877636

>Clockup and other thoughtless shock value media.
Don't tell me zoomer girls are into Maggot Baits?

>> No.45877648

That zoomer women can't learn Japanese no shit?? They also MTL the untranslated shock value ones.

>> No.45877664

I know one who's trying to get into that and other Clockup trash. Idk why, Maggot Baits is ultra shit.

>> No.45877696

ok but what didn't you like about sayooshi bro?

>> No.45877725

I fell asleep and didn't want to fap to the h-scenes

>> No.45877744

that doesn't tell me anything bro. explain in more detail your personal appreciations

>> No.45877912

my ip got banned from erogamescape

>> No.45877920

This thread is just one schizo talking to himself now

>> No.45877960

no, actually it's always me asking the other anons why they don't like something, but I never get an answer. I wonder why...

>> No.45877983
File: 3.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do it

>> No.45877985

The only VN zoomers know about is DDLC
HAHAHA do you think a girl (female) would tech-literate enough to set up texthooking/OCR with MTL?

>> No.45877995

Because it's always the same guy shitting on popular stuff he didn't even read

>> No.45877999

>Only Virgin Heroines
Fuck you moebuta prutiyfag pedo

>> No.45878018

Mine too. You can send him a t**tter DM or email asking him to unblock your IP, but I can't bother since I have a dynamic IP.
I just use TOR Browser and refresh the connection until it works, though maybe eventually I may check out those free honeypot VPNs

>> No.45878027

>writes 5 page essay on the beauty of a work about overcoming trauma with the help of love and compassion
>hops online to bully people on discord

>> No.45878030

I read imokano recently and liked it. Nice try tho i guess

>> No.45878039

This but on 4chan since I'm a human.

>> No.45878044

plotGOD I kneel...

>> No.45878048

Why do i have a feeling that you will rate it 6/10

>> No.45878063

I rated it a 5/10 it sucked.
Don't ask me why.

>> No.45878081

I don't think so. I read everything, so my expectations of one work or another are not always the same. with imokano, I wanted to enjoy some utsu/zetsubou, now I'm in a state of mind where I want something more relaxed

>> No.45878112

>I want something more relaxed
Yea about that...

>> No.45878121

Don't tell me... FUCK!! oh well, I've already started reading it, there's no turning back

>> No.45878143

>The only VN zoomers know about is DDLC
Westoids you mean, that or katawa shoujo, zoomers don't books

>> No.45878181

They literally just use Google Lens on their phone to MTL everything, bro.

>> No.45878245

damn ost already hitting hard
looks promising

>> No.45878254

Not clicking on your malware link, bud.

>> No.45878364

I've been reading it and while it has some utsu elements I'm also finding it hilarious

>> No.45878492
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_MbKJVvs6jO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has some utsu elements
yeah, so far I can see some glimpses of it in the way it's narrated + ost
this is the first thing I've read by niijima, so don't know what to expect, but someone I know highly recommended it to me and he praised sol scenes a lot, so I have high expectations

>> No.45878529

What do you not understand about "Japanese-Only Penis"? We will not read/fap to eroge with filthy gaijin and their mutilated chinpos.

>> No.45878534

The mc is one most interesting i've seen

>> No.45878575

I sense that there will be an interesting dynamic between him and sakura with that 冬嫌いだ/冬好きだ contrast

>> No.45878592

His dynamic with the women as a whole is already unique on its own

>> No.45878594
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, 1676242812997189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's relaxing

>> No.45878632
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_zZm219ZAnb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I greatly appreciate that
Glad to see he's consistent with his shit throughout the story

>> No.45878660

It's a waste of time to put a detailed explanation here but tldr:
Hitomi is kind of like the wild beast archetype in otome media. He can't control himself in front of the subjects of his lust.

I see the resurgence of denpa among Japanese youth as a cocktail of ill societal circumstances leading to the modern cynical outlook of the future. Violent Clockup games don't really fall under the same philosophical umbrella.

Western teens and early twenties more than likely can't read Japanese, so the majority who like denpa VNs are probably only into it for the weeb nostalgia aesthetic.
Violence, however, is universally liked by edgy people. Hyper violence in a niche foreign medium? Loudly displaying your unique taste makes you a rockstar. Yes, the posturing is only over titles that are available in English.

>> No.45878690

why does every visual novel draw each separate tit on a woman. looks like shit. VN art is just so ass.

>> No.45878697

thanks for your reddit tier analysis of trying to generalize ungeneralizable

>> No.45878715

You're welcome. I'm right though.

>> No.45878780


>> No.45878807

What are you even talking about

>> No.45878812

he's saying that clothes don't fit tightly around boobs

>> No.45878874


>> No.45878899

That's the traditional Japanese art of 乳袋

>> No.45878908
File: 854 KB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-23_05-55-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a prison isn't it

>> No.45878937
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_t4uRr6mQwt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what people call love at first sight?

>> No.45878962

Still my favorite Yuimoto role on par with ruitomo

>> No.45879007
File: 560 KB, 1920x1080, dXIBNRq4iW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I think that was one of the reasons I liked her immediately. her role as a tomo was insane

>> No.45879020
File: 788 KB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-23_06-15-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they really make plastic knifes for cooking in the loony bin

>> No.45879040

They have been doing it like that for decades so i like it, feels old school

>> No.45879122

Sounds way too difficult to cut with, plus if they can use heat they could still hurt themselves.

>> No.45879208

Does anyone learn to say goodbye at any point? Seems pretty important, I mean it's in the title twice. The devs certainly know how to say goodbye, they used two different languages to do it.

>> No.45879254

In a sense you could say yes.

>> No.45879262
File: 2.99 MB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-23_06-51-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll take Tulip Prison over this

>> No.45879276
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_09iQHUIL7Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, cute art

>> No.45879312

That's pretty low quality SD art to be completely honest.

>> No.45879313

Same. Only good thing was the loli middle schooler masturbation scene. Though the MC lost all my respect when he didn't fuck her until after the 3 year time skip. Faggot MC.

>> No.45879316

That's not a sode...

>> No.45879318
File: 1.84 MB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-23_07-03-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some very specific geography if they could do this

>> No.45879384

But that's not about 2D jap media enthusiasts who don't like moege it's about types who get triggered by anime girls. I guarantee you all the moege haters ITT enjoy moe 要素 to varying extents in their cute anime girl media, they just don't like the moege genre
No one who hates moe itself would be into VNs enough to hate on yuzusoft or whatever

>> No.45879434
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_q1FXeLCER0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy w
also kumiko really needs a sprite

>> No.45879438

people hate moege because they are fucking boring
it took me a while to temper my mentality enough so i could disable my brain and enjoy nothingness, it's definitely not a simple task

>> No.45879444

That railroad will be gone in one week after the salt rust the tracks

>> No.45879448 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 1280x720, 1614880240806741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can get real bad. Like, here's the worst example I've ever seen.
Picture is a spoiler for Kotoha's route in Kamikaze Explorer. Does she get her shirts custom tailored? If so, her tailor is damn good at what they do.

>> No.45879565

Personally i've definitely dropped a couple cause they were too boring but I've greatly enjoyed several. My point is if you had some psychological difficulty with anime girls you would never have even bothered installing a moege to give it a chance

>> No.45879582

It looks hot like this, no complaints.

>> No.45879698

>protagonist has a face

>> No.45879707

For me it's the Opposition. I only read moege these days. Any plot nonsense that is not about dating and fucking young underage teenage girls bores the shit out of me. I feel the enjoyment of moege is proportional to your age. Trust me, once you turn 40, anything that isn't moege is boring or pretentious as fuck.

>> No.45879752

Sounds like a midlife crisis, make sure to check your mental from time to time while it's not too late

>> No.45879766
File: 3.54 MB, 1715x2400, 390a3c99c33879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntrge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kusomoe

>> No.45879773

>title screen doesn't change according to your progress in the game
Yep, it's a drop from me!

>> No.45879812

Can't completely deny it. Some buy expensive cars, I cope with it in another way. Thing is: I'm happy as fuck. So it's fine if it is midlife crisis or so e shit.

>> No.45879816

Not him but im mostly the same although for a different reason, real life sucks and there is too much bad shit going on in the world right now so the world of moege where everyone is nice and the everyday is comfy is relaxing.

>> No.45879817

Any VNs with this body type?

>> No.45879829


>> No.45879831

Any NTRshit, like works from orcsoft.

>> No.45879832
File: 112 KB, 800x600, Leicester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protagonist should always have a face

>> No.45879837

Btw. I also buy the dakis for any heroine from a moege I like. Owning ~100 dakis. Lol
Who needs expensive cars in his midlife crisis. lol

>> No.45879838

Yeah, it's completely fappable, but you gotta ignore the part of your brain that will see the shirt and be like, "no, that is not how clothing works" (which I can do just fine.)

>> No.45879845

what do you do with them

>> No.45879852

>everything I disagree with is muh mental illness

>> No.45879861

No, a face and even worse a voice is insta drop for me. How the fuck am I to self insert. Also: insta boner killer in h-scenes.

>> No.45879862

>t. cuck

>> No.45879872
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45879875

Re-enacting h-scenes. Sometimes I buy a daki before having read the eroge. I use it to better immersenmyself in the eroge while reading it.

>> No.45879879

>insta boner killer in h-scenes
third person h-scenes have the same effect anyways

>> No.45879885

Yes, I need more attractive protagonists in eroge with cute BR.

>> No.45879890

As long as you don't see the head it's OK for me.

>> No.45879894

One day we will get h-scenes where the MC has a face in moege, hopefully a toggle in the settings would be ideal

>> No.45879895

>always skip the loli route
>never skip the loli route
I hate myself

>> No.45879897

Where do you see any disagreement?
If you used to enjoy something and then after getting to a certain age you are suddenly unable to enjoy anything besides the most primitive stimulus then there's got to be some clear reason for it

>> No.45879903
File: 901 KB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-23_08-17-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this juvenile prison might be too lax

>> No.45879909

What pisses me off is how normies say "oh, this VN is great but ignore the H-scenes". Aren't you meant to beat off to them to get the full experience? They should be saying, "I respect this VN, make sure to jack the fuck out of your cock"?

>> No.45879922

fuck off to reddit

>> No.45879923

There was a dlsite survey which prove the proportional relationship targe audence age and certain tags. Loli was very unpopular with teens, but the older the target audience the more popular. The peak was in the 30 and 40 year old age range. The older the target audience the more popular other non-vanilla tags like rape and mindbreak.

Conclusion: the older you get the more based you become.

>> No.45879928

The majority of the plotge h scenes are literally a waste of cum to fap to

>> No.45879936

One of the reasons why I don't read plotge. Waste of time.

>> No.45879971
File: 2.00 MB, 2071x2880, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont read netorasekino, you are not a moechad.

>> No.45879973

i've liked loli ever since I was young

>> No.45879986
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x919, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VNOTY 2024

>> No.45879996

>chest tumors
All WHORES and made for NTR

>> No.45880003

Cute josou protagonists are based though

>> No.45880031

Am i the only one who literally didn't have any preferences at 16yo?
Like i don't even know what kind of woman i liked
I fapped to the random porn sites like everyone else but i can't remember ever liking anything in particular, i couldn't even get my classmates when they discussed someone's boobs or asses because they didn't look any attractive to me
Only in my 20s when some dude in uni forced me to get into anime and i watched Toradora and this was the first time when i genuinely could say "wow this Taiga is so fucking hot give me more"

>> No.45880135
File: 286 KB, 1506x878, ruggedly handsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not being able to self-insert into this
couldn't be me

>> No.45880138

In plotge its ok to skip the h-scenes of the heroines you don't like, doing all the routes is usually required to get the bigger picture or to unlock the true route. In moege you can skip entire routes and nothing of value would be lost, the typical "one done and uninstall"

>> No.45880182

the really neat part about moege is you can skip the whole game and nothing of value would be lost

>> No.45880186
File: 731 KB, 1280x720, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come for bootleg Sakayanagi Arisu, stay for the cliffhanger

>> No.45880202

Does he use padding for those breasts?

>> No.45880211 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-23_09-16-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey it's the third time I see this disorder in a VN

>> No.45880214

rude, that's him in his guy clothes

>> No.45880229

Are pubes moe?

>> No.45880241


>> No.45880242

Only if they're unshaven. (it's okay for them to be trimmed only after the protagonist takes her virginity)

>> No.45880246
File: 668 KB, 829x514, 1678019178157858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a bump there

>> No.45880247
File: 343 KB, 1270x1536, closetimg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna spoil myself with the trial but yes, I will come for her

>> No.45880248

>read lolige
>epilogue 10 years after
>loli all grown up and has hag voice
that's a drop

>> No.45880257

added to backlog

>> No.45880262

>getting raided again
what even happened

>> No.45880264

what other VNs have this?

>> No.45880265


>> No.45880270

What game? Gusha no Kyouben?

>> No.45880273

what's the cliffhanger? let me guess....the osananajimi that the protag is looking for is the leader of the terrorist group?

>> No.45880275

holy sexo

>> No.45880288

that's nothing, you should see his hips

>> No.45880298 [SPOILER] 
File: 416 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the last line of the trial

>> No.45880304

the current theory is this one >>45877164

>> No.45880312

There's not been any begging for the past few threads though?

>> No.45880319
File: 3.17 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_2Dugf1kRMy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really unexpected how much I'm enjoying this

>> No.45880327


>> No.45880334

didnt the main heroine die in sousaku kanojo? i hope it happens in this game as well.

>> No.45880336

Hatsuyuki's a real character. Top-tier 主人公. The girls are cute and all, but it's his game and he carries it from start to end.

>> No.45880346

They already have the mega link, the deed is done, what that did was expose this place as an anonymous website where they can discuss eroge while bringing all their disgusting culture and refusing to adapt here.
Basically the equivalent of a retarded gaijin living in tokyo without knowing japanese

>> No.45880363

Aisa come back from the dead in append patch lmao

>> No.45880364

they pretty much are... Why shave it if you're not thinking about sex? I think they are a sign of virginity

>> No.45880369

It's a mega link of a bunch of doujinge. Where are the doujinge discussions in this thread?

>> No.45880374

you seem to be completely clueless because this thread is regularly being brought in all kinds of popular discords where they keep screenshotting our posts and laughing at us

>> No.45880386
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_IwgXBoltJt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, when I started reading it I didn't expect him to be like that at all. very pleasant surprise

>> No.45880390
File: 1003 KB, 800x600, ORE_TUBA_QjET7AHvLr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should play oretsuba if you haven't if you're looking for a similar protag. hayato is great.

>> No.45880408

Yeah, retard, discord fags who barely read any VNs are definitely interested in obscure doujin games that are on the border of becoming lost media or have double digit sales on DLsite. You sound like a major newfag yourself.

>> No.45880450

on darakuen and jp media at least that doesn't happen? and on the other smaller servers they just talk about food, eroges trains or gachas. no idea about your exclusive EOPs servers tho

>> No.45880473

hope it happens too
that's retarded

>> No.45880503

Guess I'll move Hatsuyuki up my backlog since I liked Hayato

>> No.45880987
File: 16 KB, 524x87, I lost-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45881087

Which lolibaba is this

>> No.45881104

I used to like borderline toddlers but now that weirds me out

>> No.45881257
File: 290 KB, 1600x900, 1661351186387888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45881621

>Only Adult Heroines 3.0

>> No.45881669

>disable my brain and enjoy nothingness, it's definitely not a simple task
Nobody said that becoming a moebuddha is easy

>> No.45881677
File: 1.64 MB, 1600x900, コイバナ恋愛_Ver1.00コイバナ恋愛 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly believe you can't understand moege until you get a miserable wagie job that you work way too many hours in and makes you want to kill yourself. If you haven't been on the bus before the sun rises, with your eyes closed and praying the bus gets t-boned by a car just so you have an excuse to be late - not even to not go to work, just to be late - the appeal of moege is lost on you. It's opium, it's a machine to turn off your brain and shut out your misery for a few precious moments a night.

>> No.45881718
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, adventure_continues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. VB Brave done.

After the last 2 games not featuring the eugenics program, I thought they'd abandoned it. Good to see it back.
The combat got heavily revamped here. Instead of the old multiple 5-or-6-man teams with all kinds of units to mix and match, it got downsized to a single 4-person party like a classic JRPG. There's only 12 characters to be chosen for the 4-person party, so the variety felt low.
Since the active party was so small, the spawns didn't get fielded at all, and were all on support. They gave passives to their mothers, which was weird. It's usually the other way around.
The spawns also had in a new mechanic, skill cards. During battle, these cards buffed your party, or dealt damage/debuffed the enemies, with chance to miss. It's RNG as fuck.

The dungeon defender style of this spawning subseries got changed to more like a dungeon crawler, and it's the most annoying thing in the game.
Connections between nodes were one-way streets so you needed to pick your routes, but the camera had a limited range so you couldn't plan too far ahead. There's a minimap, but routes could be blocked or point in the opposite direction.
Battles felt pretty slow. I stacked my deck with as many AOE cards as possible to quickly go through the mobs. Boss battles felt even slower, with a difficulty spike to boot.

Judging from all these game mechanics nerfs, I think devs wanted to make this game more friendly towards beginners to the series. I can see the point, but it deviates so much from the normal gameplays that people are gonna get whiplash if they try another game after this one anyways. I peeked ahead and thanks god they've gone back to the normal autism.

The plot is the war between humans and demons, humans are bastards, demons are living beings too, plus a scheming woman behind the scene. This is weirdly like Abyss now I that type it out.
Maybe because most of the POV was on the human's side, but the demons felt way too evil, which feels weird since we've been on the demon's side all these games.
I thought the demon generals would deflect, but I guess they're too immoral for us. I mean, there's rape on defeat against them in this game. The usual mind break showed up of course, but there's also vore, melt by lava, live mummification, decapitation and grinded to mincemeat! Thankfully not showed just narrated, but what the fuck am I reading, writers!
At least we got the Demon King and her girltoy, who didn't even have an ending nor their own personal kids! The demons got really fucked over in this game.

Speaking of personal kids, in previous spawning games, the mothers only had generic kids, without sprites or anything. Each mother had a personalized spawn here, with appearance, skill card, events and all. I like it, they showed off their motherhood much better in this game.

As for the heroines, I really liked the demons, but they got shafted hard.
The princess sisters had a neat and funny dynamic. A kuudere and lesbo tsudere. It's like one of those old romcom.
I only like the nympho princess from the Japanese duo, the other one is like the third bondage samurai in the series. People probably like her if devs kept making them, but I don't.
The desert princess was vanilla, but it's not bad. Her gladiator was way too standoffish. And they didn't have enough scenes together to sell me on their 3P ending.

Sheila is the series tradition's maid. I like her. She's sarcastic and cute (and my MVP against bosses). There's a scene where she switched from her normal sub to gentle dom against Hein and it was awesome. Also, they had a slime daughter, but Hein never tried to fuck her. What, his mother and sister were A-OK but not her? It's a shame, the slimegirls scenes back in Hypno were hot.
I usually like holy woman like Akris but VB's priestesses just somehow didn't do it for me. I like her journey, but not the girl herself.
Leona was good. From the perspective of the plot, she's more like the protagonist, while Hein's like the deuteragonist. I also love their relationship, much better than the last time they tried this.

When I started this game, I actually looked forward to loli Yuran the most, but I was disappointed to know she wasn't a heroine and only had a few H-scenes. At least she has the fandisks, and a bugbug append that I had no idea about until I saw it mentioned on the wiki. Surprisingly, I actually liked adult Yuran more after the game, but she didn't appear much due to obvious reasons.

Welp. Sorry for all the complaints. I want to vent. The cast was way too human centric while it's been mostly demons and goddesses before. The side heroines only had 3P endings and not their own. It's minor, but I'm still disappointed. Also, not enough 3P scenes. The demons got jack squat. The guro stuff. All that about the gameplay.

>> No.45881844

these are very informative posts and i appreciate them
someday i'll get around to trying this series

>> No.45881851

seems a bit rude to call your kids spawn

>> No.45881905

Thanks for the in-depth review, anon.
I was interested in eventually trying out the game.

>Judging from all these game mechanics nerfs, I think devs wanted to make this game more friendly towards beginners to the series
I think it's because it was made by ninetail, who wanted to create a "Gears of Dragoon game but with Venus Blood flavor".
A lot of gameplay features you describe were also present in Soushin no Ars Magna, but with QoL adjustments.
I feel like their intentions are in the right place but they just can't seem to figure out how to make a good balance of things.

I assume the spoiler is for the chaos route? Or does it only happen in bad ends?

>> No.45881941

>I hate myself
...For not liking loli back then, right?

>> No.45881982

>なんですって! Shit! Dick in ya mouth!
Nope, not reading your gaijinge

>> No.45882000

his faggot face forever ruined by sacredge0 every time i see this game i remember how sacredge0 sucked literal tranny cock and yeah nope fuck outta this shit

>> No.45882014

Thanks for your posts as always bro

>> No.45882025

That's interesting. The feel of the game did seem off to me.
I thought about trying ninetail games before. Maybe after I finished VB. Way, way after.

Yeah, the spoiler is from the bad ends. I'm glad I leave them alone while on the law route cuz they'd have put a major damper on things.
The chaos route itself is actually pretty chill besides the chaos bad end.

>> No.45882056

I just realized that there is already a release date for the fandisc, cool

>> No.45882093

I'm in the same boat of the real life being too depressing so I want none of that in my escapism media.
But for me it doesn't have to be absolutely drama/conflict free.
I can also enjoy a plot that has struggles but eventually gets a positive outcome with a happy end.

So it's not that I don't understand exclusive moege readers.
I can only assume they don't venture beyond the genre because it's probably like getting off your prescribed meds (not in a mocking way).

>> No.45882412

Even if real life is depressing I don't see how fictional tragedy isn't beautiful.

>> No.45882442
File: 298 KB, 2560x1440, Bst_16101108489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is even if real life is depressing I don't get to see any of it, sure there are thousands of innocent children getting bombed in Gaza but all I see irl is boring people living boring lives, so getting to see some good tragedy porn in VNs is always nice.

>> No.45882472

While I understand that feeling depressed after something bad happened in real life isn't comparable to fictional tragedy, it's still a negative emotion. It's "man the writer sure got me right in the feels" emotion, but still.
Anon I don't think that "seeing boring people living boring lives" and watching bad news happening far away from you counts as your real life being depressing.

>> No.45882490

So which is the truth?

>> No.45882505

if I'm already depressed and miserable in mundane ways all day, why would I want to read something that makes me depressed and miserable in unique ways?

>> No.45882528

what are some solid beginner vns? i would ask djt but you gotta bait them to get answers and its annoying.

>> No.45882549

>makes me depressed and miserable in unique ways
Because it makes you forget about your personal depression?
Just go read some shit from top20 vndb

>> No.45882553

>Because it makes you forget about your personal depression?

>> No.45882561

Guess I'm just special then, very cool. Now give me a medal please.

>> No.45882568
File: 987 KB, 1191x914, Screenshot 2024-01-23 165008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what does this mean? I don't get it.

>> No.45882821


>> No.45882835

Stick to SoL stuff
And as always, the best vn would be the one that interest you the most, or the one that make you learn japanese.

>> No.45882852

Oh hey. I've seen this came up in manga/anime as example of bad puns. I didn't expected it to actually be used.

>> No.45882884

What is the best Clockup game that would make me experience some feels? Can't care less about the disgusting h scenes
I heard that Fraternite is quite brutal and that Maggot baits story is really good, but are they really compatible with some actual good quality stuff?

>> No.45882985

Only if they show the side heroines

>> No.45883009

In terms of feels natsu no kusari for me. dead days, yourou and maggot baits have decent story, but NnK still hit me the strongest in da feels.
In terms of how deranged h-scenes were, from the most vanilla to gurofest:
dead days -> natsu no kusari -> yourou -> maggot baits
Dead days have a few guro only in bad endings.

>> No.45883203

>to more like a dungeon crawler
>Connections between nodes were one-way streets so you needed to pick your routes, but the camera had a limited range so you couldn't plan too far ahead. There's a minimap, but routes could be blocked or point in the opposite direction.
>Battles felt pretty slow
as it should be

>> No.45883743

What game? シウ on VNDB does not return any character that looks like that.

>> No.45883771

Lmao, whoever added her to vndb just put her kanji name and chinese romanisation, so there's no way to search for her

>> No.45883836

Now search the filename.

>> No.45883908

Oh, Black Sheep Town?

>> No.45884038

doraemon reference

>> No.45884275

rumao even

>> No.45884561
File: 109 KB, 640x480, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

黒先輩と黒屋敷の闇に迷わない is what made me a footfag.

>> No.45884661

this made me realize that bugs can also be cute

>> No.45884731

That's not an eroge, though? But rather a manga.

>> No.45884734

The JK is "preparing for exams," which means 3rd year and thus 18. So, technically, I guess it's true.

>> No.45884747

Sorry only meant for >>45884561

>> No.45884801

ぼくドラえもん and 布団が吹っ飛んだ are examples of 誰しもくだらねえと思いつつも一度は口にせずにはいられない

>> No.45884802


>> No.45885046

can you guys recommend more vn with very good mc?

>> No.45885052

Probably not, it seems to be an expression for drown bodies
yeah, that makes sense

>> No.45885094


>> No.45885101

Pretty much every Nitro+ title
Outside of that Cross channel and Saihate no ima are very strong ones, Ryle from Paralost is also my favorite if you want someone really edgy

>> No.45885129
File: 24 KB, 600x446, 3ade0f299e026d829b0bafd1ab004d5b_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see, so they're both puns

>> No.45885257

Same, my life is boring and uneventful so I want to see dramatic things happening, whether happy or sad. None of the terrible things in life affect me and I realize how much of a privilege that is but it's also boring.

>> No.45885308

Depends on the tragedy. If it's just mindless violence and degenerate crap to shock you, then it's typically a waste of time which only the mentally immature could genuinely enjoy. Otherwise tragedies with strong intent can be beautiful. My life is uneventful and very stable nowadays but it sure wasn't when I was younger so seeing fictional characters going through rough shit feels somehow refreshing.

>> No.45885408

One of them better have inverted nipples

>> No.45885457

never played nukislop.
never will.
simple as.

>> No.45885468

>. If it's just mindless violence and degenerate crap to shock you
guroge with no plot = shit
life and death drama = good
guroge with actual plot = good

>> No.45885517


>> No.45885697

>guroge with no plot
what brand even does this?

>> No.45885736


>> No.45885845

Cyclet's bug games have the greatest story ever created but no one read them

>> No.45885868

Which ones

>> No.45885870


>> No.45885995

It's not on VNDB though

>> No.45886013

vndb is compromised, newbro.

>> No.45886015

Inverted nipples always remind me of the fat mexican friend I had in middle school

>> No.45886017

No one includes myself

>> No.45886024


>> No.45886026
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_jqpjJpjRc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take any more of this, I love her too much

>> No.45886027

But you have consumed other masturbatory material (including imagination), right? If so, why is "nukislop" worse? If anything, it's better.

>> No.45886042

My IP range is blocked from EGS and I can't afford a good VPN and I don't want to bother with free VPN/TOR and emailing the admin is futile because I have a dynamic IP.

>> No.45886043

it's worse than eromanga because the art is worse, there's less of it, and has a lot more filler.

>> No.45886047

Nta but it's just a waste of time reading hours of boring pointless text when i can achieve the same result just through browsing some pixiv

>> No.45886051

But reading makes you smarter. (VNs are books, comics are not)

>> No.45886065

I remember there was someone who made a bypassing link here several years ago for egs where you could access it without vpn, idk if anyone still has it

>> No.45886082

Eroge with MC's or characters that try way too hard to be based boi meta, but actually fail at it?

>> No.45886101

It's true to say that a single ter doujin destroys all VN h scenes without investment in a heroine route

>> No.45886115

if you mean omaera.org he stopped hosting the egs proxy a while ago unfortunately

>> No.45886120

Dont make me post that image again

>> No.45886129

post it

>> No.45886153


>> No.45886204 [DELETED] 

That website stinks a bit of tr〇〇ny, please tell me that's not the case, right??

>> No.45886372
File: 55 KB, 1681x267, 1683612379230989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every month i look at it somehow it becomes worse

>> No.45886419 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 800x800, a41c2b4c09098c83fbbc30f92c9882ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I clicked on his "gallery" link and found disgusting pictures that prove that.
Besides the whole mememalist cyberpunk k*takana aesthetic thing and being into Un*x and v*m (yes, I do personally daily drive Linux, but I don't make that part of my personality) and having a Discord and Twitter (said Twitter account indicating that he's a "pet" of some other person... a gr〇〇er it seems).

>> No.45886515
File: 2.63 MB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-24_02-01-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this shit again

>> No.45886555

are we irrelevant now?

>> No.45886581

>not getting cats in boxes to zap other cats in boxes because they can't know if they're being tortured unless you open the box

>> No.45886610


>> No.45886622

There's nothing wrong here.

>> No.45886703
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_cKDG3NW5GD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess I just met all the girls

>> No.45886717

F/SN kinda sucks though, I never really got why its popular. Tsukihime has a cooler setting at least.

>> No.45886750

We've had this discussion before in the past but only philistines dislike F/SN.

>> No.45886761

Imagine thinking some shit that isn't even finished deserves to be in the top 10

>> No.45886824
File: 2.25 MB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-24_02-40-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45887016
File: 2.45 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_TpnFbHGmBq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't, she's too good a girl
why are all the characters in this game so likable? I feel that I am constantly being destroyed by too much wholesomeness

>> No.45887038

One of the few games where i loved every single route

>> No.45887078

please anon you gotta quit selling this so hard, i've already got too much on the backlog

>> No.45887138 [DELETED] 

It's a well known fact that the intersection of millennials, anime fans, and people who ever get anything done, are trannies.
Never look into the profile of the maker of any Japan-related English-language website or app.

>> No.45887157

It's shit.
Incomplete and decent is worth more than complete and garbage.

>> No.45887178 [DELETED] 

you could've just said millennials and people with autism, I heard it's the same thing for console emulation

>> No.45887240

The more you like them the more some routes are going to hurt

>> No.45887257 [DELETED] 

Tech shit/open source too. You can even see that guy bragging about using U*ix/V*m/S*d on the site's footer.

>> No.45887291 [DELETED] 

Also heavily implying he's a druggie by linking to such places to discuss those things.

>> No.45887482
File: 869 KB, 1600x900, アサガオは夜(アイ)を識らない。_2024-01-24_04-11-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45887543

still hitting as hard as the first time
certified 神曲

>> No.45887603

There isn't a single bgm in this game that wouldn't be considered a 神曲

>> No.45887604

Are we hyped for Sudama Relation?

>> No.45887614

What is that from?

>> No.45887625

Why the fuck Silky's censors pubes in Ai Shimai IV
Game ruined

>> No.45887647

Hatsuyuki sakura

>> No.45887672


>> No.45887676

Are the other 四季シリーズ games similar?

>> No.45887678 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_RbIbjpz6M5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just can't put that fucking song after pic related
holy shit, I genuinely didn't expect to enjoy this so much

>> No.45887697

Why the fuck does it have pubes at all
Game irredeemably 超ruined

>> No.45887726

He's really damn good at hitting 決め台詞
He always reads all the stuff behind the lines and never hesitates to split everything straight into the face

>> No.45887746
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, 130138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of dungeon crawlers:
Why did they stop making first person view in dungeon crawling games?
These always had the most soul and they're nice to look at even with low resolution textures.

Do devs seriously believe that something like this looks better?

>> No.45887779


>> No.45887793

You will grow up one day kid

>> No.45887800

Looks like they're trying to copy westoid CRPGs with that overall look.

>> No.45887811

Kinda yeah, it's a good opportunity to dust off my switch

>> No.45887871

>emo mc
no thanks

>> No.45887886

>Threads now hit bump limit in less than 24 hours
I wonder who could be behind this...

>> No.45887892

>no activity is le bad i want a barren desert!!!!

>> No.45887954

This but unironically

>> No.45888041

we should kill all discordtrannies, MTLers, hookoids, /blog/fags, NTRfags and among others who dare to trespass our sacred lands.

>> No.45888147

You used to be a hookoid too, retard.
Unless you OCRfagged, or played all-furigana VNs if those even exist.

>> No.45888163

I didn't do any of those.

>> No.45888171 [SPOILER] 
File: 479 KB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_2nAcY9D0PW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45888185

What if he started with shounen manga?

>> No.45888205

>we should kill all /blog/fags
and how do you propose we discuss visual novels?

>> No.45888216

>What if he started with 餓鬼向け shit?
Then he's a 餓鬼.

>> No.45888220

Are you serious?
I never did any that lol I just looked up kanji if it wasn't a voiced line

>> No.45888225

Even M**gy-dono started as a hookoid.

>> No.45888239

Sucks to be you with all that time wasted you could spend on reading instead

>> No.45888244

Just keep the all ages crap, gayge and banal shock value crap over there and you're good

>> No.45888274

>Just keep the all ages crap over there and you're good
What kind of retarded take is this.

>> No.45888277

Those are fujos, you can tell because they are extra unhinged compared to the average eroge reader

>> No.45888306

Not everyone is slow

>> No.45888407

>VNs are books, comics are not
VNs are games software, comics/manga are books

>> No.45888414

I'm talking in practice.
VNs are mostly text-focused like a book, comics/manga are generally at most half text-focused.

>> No.45888434
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_gyxWm9fS0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clapped

>> No.45888436

Wanting to see men dick each other unironically is mental illness by itself. The only sane ones are non-zoomer otomefags who learned Japanese.

>> No.45888470

Chuunibros... our response?

>> No.45888523


>> No.45888602
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_kPpt8Ht2WF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, this is hilarious
I have to read dracuriot at some point

>> No.45888644

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.45888660
File: 484 KB, 524x713, 1617562952718514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's great about these videos (there's a whole series, one on Yuzusoft's side and one on SAGA PLANETS' side) is not only do they have two similar looking characters, but the two games released on the same day, 2012/03/30. Plus 車の人 does a character in both of them. She must have been busy that year.

>> No.45888721

Hatsuyuki Sakura came out a month before that, but still pretty close.

>> No.45888759

It's only a press limited edition, the regular edition came on 03/30

>> No.45888762

You think the game didn't come on that disk or what?

>> No.45888784


>> No.45888799

well yeah that's why they call it a limited edition
you're limited to not getting the game

>> No.45889041

The greatest coincidence is how Eustia was released just a week after the last episode of Madoka aired

>> No.45889196

This says a lot about society.

>> No.45889334

what exactly is the coincidence here

>> No.45889405

eustia was released on the same day as https://vndb.org/v7006
really makes you think

>> No.45889418

Imagine a madoka VN with multiple routes...

>> No.45889426

So basically https://vndb.org/v29300

>> No.45889429

just play the Yuuki Yuuna vns

>> No.45889430
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x2160, SiglusEngine_RBIOKqy46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't destroy my girl like that w
also, drip

>> No.45889433

That one is nothing like Madoka

>> No.45889461

It's Madoka but good

>> No.45889462

>anime flooded with tons and tons of madoka ripoffs/"dark" magical girl shows
>eroge got none
missed opportunity to be desu

>> No.45889498

normal rape is already dime a dozen and heroines dying isn't a very good sell
or Sayaka getting cucked

>> No.45889515

Speaking about it, i just realized that it was written not by the Banya an Co but by the france shoujo dude who has literally never taken part in any guroge before https://vndb.org/s1125
How is it even real to come out of nowhere like that and put all of the veterans of the genre to shame with his banger

>> No.45889542
File: 462 KB, 816x655, Game_07164338318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just astounded that dark mahou shoujo is like literally the most common genre of eroge, and yet someone makes a comment like this

>> No.45889546

wdym corrupted mahou shoujo genre is as thriving as ever
i actually miss the normal putr mahou kanojo

>> No.45889559

https://twitter.com/SCA_DI/status/1749870950726894050 no wonder the industry is dying

>> No.45889573

mwahaha my secret plan to get recs by "pretending" to be retarded worked flawlessly

none of them really have that same vibe though, but i guess you can't really do the same vibe if you have a male mc and H scenes

>> No.45889580


>> No.45889585

Yeah if you just want "edgy mahou shoujo eroge", there's a fuckload. But if you're looking for "like Madoka", I can't think of any really. Would be nice in theory.

>> No.45889589

i don't want corruption though, and i don't want tentacle shit or monster shit
i want regular mahou shoujos fighting impossible and tragically doomed battles against a non-sexual evil with cool artstyles
and then maybe afterwards they go back to the mc's house to destress

>> No.45889592

So is it basically close to impossible to start a new eroge company now without some strong connections

>> No.45889607

haven't played it but apparently the game called just 魔法少女 is like that, srpg hybrid though

>> No.45889620

>Anime flooded with tons and tons of isekai shit
>eroge got none
Missed opportunity desuwa

>> No.45889624

well shit
that looks great, and it's freeware
thanks anon, you're a cool guy.

>> No.45889631

you're doing it wrong, you're supposed to respond angrily with specific examples
now i just look stupid

>> No.45889641

There is a paid version that adds a story campaign btw, it's in the dj mega if you need it

>> No.45889642

But why?, the yakuza don't want more business competing with their 風俗営業?

>> No.45889650

get the 新説魔法少女 version, old engine sucks

>> No.45889653

>because the art is worse
You are out of your mind, not even the covers get close to the average H-CG

>> No.45889663

doubly blessed, thank you once again

>> No.45889679

Well, fuck. Eroge is one of the few things left in this shitty world which are worth living for.

>> No.45889686

I can already see them going the steam way by turning into allage and then releasing 18+ patches

>> No.45889691

Not even Steam is safe, look what happened to Yuzusoft

>> No.45889699

>Kneeling to the west who hates their culture
Might as well be truly over after that

>> No.45889711

Except steam bans even all-age titles because muh school uniforms. It also means you can forget about anything that might upset corporate overlords: incest, loli, etc.

>> No.45889721

eromanga art has so much more detail and variety it's not even close, and more importantly, you get a lot more of it instead of spending several minutes on one cg + 差分, eroge is only better as fap material if you find color, voice acting and descriptive text to be as important as the art

>> No.45889727

We're about to fall off the board, so:

New thread

>> No.45889742

>eromanga art has so much more detail
Go ahead ill wait
