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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 150 KB, 321x300, 636435634y76346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4585404 No.4585404 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me your weight, /jp/.

>> No.4585407

135 lbs.

>> No.4585412

Less than 100 lbs.

>> No.4585413

*tells you weight, is 300 pounds*

>> No.4585415

Survey thread?

>> No.4585416


>> No.4585417

78 kg

>> No.4585418

14 stone something, but have the height to stay in the normal BMI section.

>> No.4585419

83 kg

>> No.4585420

350 lbs

>> No.4585421

It's rude to ask a lady her weight

>> No.4585422


>> No.4585423

I better tell you to get out.

>> No.4585425

120 lbs

>> No.4585427

175 lbs

>> No.4585431


>> No.4585433

119lbsish. /!\RUDE SAGE/!\

>> No.4585434


>> No.4585435

114 lbs

>> No.4585436

125 lbs.

>> No.4585439

120 kilos fully geared.

>> No.4585442


>> No.4585445

57 kg

>> No.4585460

Around 80 kg, I think.

>> No.4585463

134 pounds.

>> No.4585466

600 lbs

>> No.4585468

85 kg

Not a gram of muscle

>> No.4585469

Your weight isn't a very useful number without your height as well.

>> No.4585472
File: 135 KB, 287x267, 44654435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is over the expected weight, as expected.

>> No.4585475

65 kg.

>> No.4585476


>> No.4585479


wii fit age of 31 allegedly

>> No.4585491

About 130s lbs maybe, who knows, haven't weighed myself in years but I certainly haven't gained any weight

>> No.4585492

Somewhere around 119 lbs

>> No.4585496
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1266116993491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4585501


>> No.4585516

93 kg. I'm just tall and have big bones. Oh, and I'm fat too.

>> No.4585520

Isn't weight information nearly useless without height measurements?

175 lbs, 6' 2"

>> No.4585545

I thought I was the heaviest on /jp/ at 135kg, but it appears I have been surpassed.

>> No.4585556

Assume that everyone below 200lbs is a scrawny nerd and everyone above 200lbs is an obese nerd, since we don't seem to come in in-between sizes.

>> No.4585618

140 Lbs. at 5'8".

>> No.4585622

130lbs 5'6

>> No.4585624

260lbs 6'2

>> No.4585632


>> No.4585634

150 lbs, 6'0".

>> No.4585640

46 kilograms = 101.412641 pounds
166 centimeters = 5 feet 5.3543307 inches

>> No.4585647

47 kg.

>> No.4585649

6' 1'' and 155 lbs.

I have no arm or leg muscles, long fingers, and a bit of a gut. Form a queue, ladies.

>> No.4585651

5'6, 126 lbs.

'Recovering' anorexic.

>> No.4585677

Looking at these weights, we can conclude one of three things:
1. /jp/ is full of liars
2. /jp/ is full of skinny nerds
3. /jp/ is full of underage faggots

>> No.4585686



>> No.4585688

Have you gained a lot of weight or something? I'm your height and weigh less.


>> No.4585689

202 lbs.

>> No.4585690

/jp/ is filled with NEETs and shutins who generally are too afraid/lazy/distracted to leave their room to get food.

>> No.4585714

1.73m 65kg

>> No.4585722

>one of three things
that's where you are wrong

>> No.4585733

237 lbs.

>> No.4585748
File: 185 KB, 476x598, sanae trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 and 260 lbs.

It doesn't look as bad as it sounds, honest.

>> No.4585768
File: 318 KB, 637x471, 9016046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

165 lbs at 5'11''.

>> No.4585771

>/jp/ is filled with NEETs and shutins who generally are too afraid/lazy/distracted to leave their room to get food.
It's true. I'm actually losing weight by being a shut-in.

>> No.4585792

5'6 135 lbs. I'm quite muscular and fit because for some reason i like sports.

>> No.4585793

I get food at night when nobody is around so I don't really have that problem.

>> No.4585799

182 lbs

But this isn't /jp/ related so I'll have to report this thread.

>> No.4585804

>Otaku Culture

>> No.4585805

So, if you're skinny, you're a NEET with your own apartment, and if you're fat, you still live with your mom?

>> No.4585815
File: 64 KB, 391x600, 1267734607463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4585816

Sounds about right.

>> No.4585818

Your mother won't spoonfeed you.

>> No.4585838

6'1 195lbs || 185cm 88kgs

Am I fat /jp/?
I really try not to, but I take it easy so much and never work out as much as I would want.

>> No.4585845

Well, she serves me proper dinners every day. Combine that with no exercise and not caring much for your own body, and you got a somewhat oversized gut.

>> No.4585853


You didn't need this topic to know that it's #2, with maybe a few fat parent leeching bastards thrown into the mix.

>> No.4585855

135 lbs at 6'0". Maybe a bit taller, who knows.

>> No.4585858

182 6'0

>> No.4585860

5'7 170lbs

>> No.4585866


The only thing I get from not exercising is lots of muscle atrophy. I had to shovel snow once this winter, could barely do it for 20 minutes and then my back hurt for the rest of the week.

>> No.4585869

you must look horrible

>> No.4585871

150 to 160 pounds
errrr i think maybe 5'5- 5'7 i cant remeber

>> No.4585875

something around 95kg

>> No.4585876

I wash myself with a rag on a stick.

>> No.4585878

my mom knows but she isn't here right now

>> No.4585886

Do you also get winded from going up and down stairs? It's pretty rough.

>> No.4585894

I'm not that far off from those stats (190cm/93kg) and I consider myself fat. Though you can't really tell by height and weight alone, due to difference in muscle and fat density. It's much easier to just get naked, look in the mirror, and see how much fat you have on your body. That's all that matters, after all, unless you're an athlete or have a medical condition, appearance is the only reason to care about your weight, so you might as well judge it directly instead of resorting to BMI.

>> No.4585901

5'9 245lbs

>> No.4585905

5'11", 170 pounds.

>> No.4585910

5'8" or 172 cm
128 lb or 58 kg

I feel fat.

>> No.4585918

55kg 173cm
whatever that is in lbs and foot/inch

>> No.4585919


I'm light so I can move myself around fine. But If I have to pick up anything heavy, I don't last very long.

>> No.4585921

6"1, 200 lbs
185 cm, 90.7 kg.
Muscular with some fat.

Go to the gym already, you scrawny fucks. Stop eating ramen and pizza, you fat lazy fucks. And all of you go the fuck outside and get some sunlight.

>> No.4585926

I tried starting an exercise routine today (I'm telling you, I'll definitely follow through this time!). I did a set of 10 push-ups, which was all I could do before I got tired, took a pause for a few minutes, went down to take another set, and just collapsed completely before I could bring my body down.

Scary stuff. I really hate feeling so weak.

>> No.4585928

I like it when you're forceful, anonymous.

>> No.4585956


If you're looking for a nice gradual exercise routine, I found this one in the Hacker's Diet:


The idea is that you start easy and very slowly work your way up.

I'm on rung 2!

>> No.4585959

5'7", 109 lbs.

Feels tiny, man.

>> No.4585975

I am... weightless.

Well, I say that but I'm not actually weightless. According to my height and build, I should be around 45kg. But my actual weight is... 5kg.

>> No.4585978

I only hurt you because I love you.

Alright Anonymous, you want your ideal waifu to love you? You want to be the man who can make her happy? Then start changing right now.

Do as many pushups as you can. Wait 30 seconds, then do that number minus 2.

Lay down and you back, put you hands palm down in the ground at your waist, and lift your legs straight up into the air before bringing them back down. Yeah your body is going to shake; you are working your core. You won't be able to do that many, but try it.

The weather is not bad right now. Take a jog around the block. Even if its just once, do something to get your blood flowing.

>> No.4585982

Feels "working out is my only source of self esteem" man.

>> No.4585990
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You have crabs

>> No.4585992
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>> No.4585995


>> No.4585996

How? What's your diet? How often do you shit? How often do you sleep?

>> No.4586000

>Lay down and you back, put you hands palm down in the ground at your waist, and lift your legs straight up into the air before bringing them back down.

Nothing like ruining your body to improve yourself, man. There's a reason noone teaches this anymore.

>> No.4586012

>Alright Anonymous, you want your ideal waifu to love you? You want to be the man who can make her happy?
This is a great motivator, actually. If you don't feel like doing anything, just look at a picture of your waifu, and imagine what she would think of your jellyrolls or sickly skinny body. Ask yourself whether she deserves a man who looks like that.

>> No.4586014

Gore Screaming Show?

>> No.4586016

I'm a masochist, so being so weak fuels my fantasies of my waifu holding me down and taking me<3

That said, I've gotten so weak that I begin lightly panting after a 15 minute walk. I hide it, but that's a bit scary...

I'm skinny, though, so I don't mind.

>> No.4586021

My waifu would never judge me by my looks

>> No.4586025


Also, I'm 5'11"

You do the math, /jp/!

>> No.4586029

>you want your ideal waifu to love you?
1) My ideal waifu does not love me based on my health and body.

2) My ideal waifu prefers me weak so she can throw me on the bed.

>> No.4586030

Fuck no. I'm wicked smart, charismatic, and can ballroom dance. I just don't have a job atm despite being an engineer.

I just think everyone sits here in 4chan, bored as hell and trying to escape/ignore what they SHOULD be doing because they are unmotivated and somewhat coddled. And a great way to solve this is to actually start doing something, anything, and then use that momentum. And besides, exercise releases endorphins. Why wouldn't you want that?

>> No.4586040

So would you still love your waifus is she was fat?

>> No.4586041

Looks like we have a normalfag among us.

Fuck off back to /r9k/, you are not wanted here.

>> No.4586046

Around 50kg

>> No.4586047

But I am not fat, I am anorexic.

>> No.4586049

My waifu would never let her appearance go like that. Don't say such ridiculous things.

>> No.4586051

No. However, I would help her lose her weight so I could love her again.

>> No.4586055

My ideal waifu does not have an ideal human for a husbando.

>> No.4586059

6'1", 135 lbs.

>> No.4586064

50 kg / 111 lbs.

>> No.4586070

Anorexia is the only choice in hiki world.

>> No.4586079

We need a demotivator of a fat ugly anime girl, with the text:

"Your Waifu
You don't care about your health or looks, so why should she?"

>> No.4586083

>We need a demotivator
Go back to /b/.

>> No.4586084

Would you still love her if her ribs showed, then?

Then why should you do it? Isn't it unfair to your waifu who works hard to remain an attractive waifu for you if you don't care at all? If that's what you really think, you're too selfish to have a waifu!

Then you can't really expect her to love you if you're a fatty. But you can imagine that she really wants you to lose weight and is cheering you on and trying to motivate you from the sidelines.

>> No.4586086

Thank you for being the only other sane person here.

>> No.4586089

>Would you still love her if her ribs showed, then?
That's the only way I'd love her. I want her to be as pale, thin and sickly as I am.

>> No.4586091

>Would you still love her if her ribs showed, then?
Of course. Why would I hate her for becoming like me?
That just means she loves me even more.

>> No.4586120

120 lbs.

>> No.4586122

>you are working your core.

Angel detected. This board is for Lilith-based lifeforms only. Please leave immediately.

>> No.4586124
File: 110 KB, 400x439, fran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

97 lbs at 4'11

I'm sure I'll grow one day...

>> No.4586127

Are you a cute trap?

>> No.4586132

No, absolutely not! You're not allowed to grow another inch!

>> No.4586135

Were you thinking of normal sit-ups, in which you cause unnecessary strain to your lower back as your curve it to reach your knees? Because I'm talking about Supine Position Leg Raises, the easy ab exercise which is effective even if you only lift by 20 degrees.

And no I WON'T go back to /fit/ thank you.

>> No.4586144

so....so tiny....

>> No.4586153

525 lbs, currently wearing king sized bedsheet as an outfit

>> No.4586159

Source on the OP's picture?

>> No.4586163

66 kg

>> No.4586165

Kimi ga Nodeka

>> No.4586177

to...ga.....to...ga...TOGA TOGA!

>> No.4586178


Yes I am~
It makes me feel horrible, almost every one I talk to, unless they're a grade school student, I have to look up when I'm talking to them.

>> No.4586182

Wear stilts and long pants.

>> No.4586183

google gives me nothing

>> No.4586190

Oh, I might have spelled it wrong. Try mixing various vowels in the last word up. Nodaka, Nedoka, etc.

>> No.4586203

170 pounds 5'9

not perfect, but i don't look fat and i used to weight 210, i'm fine with this weight.

>> No.4586207

Become a girl.

>> No.4586214

But keep your penis.

>> No.4586220

These, seriously.
I'd kill my own mother to be 4' 11"

>> No.4586234

156 or so pounds, 6 feet tall.

>> No.4586251


Sir, I don't think that would help the fact that I'm shorter than a 15 year old.

>> No.4586255

How big is your dick?

>> No.4586277
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>>shorter than a 15 year old.

>> No.4586341

63kg/138 lbs.

I'm almost 2D.

>> No.4586487
File: 60 KB, 450x557, 1262217400784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 121 lb, 5 foot 9"

Tall Asian reporting.

>> No.4586499

70kg 5'10

>> No.4586511

135 lbs.

>> No.4586512


>> No.4586527

55 kg 174 cm
thats something about 120lbs 5'9'' I guess

>> No.4586534

use a real metric system you fat fucks

>> No.4586546


>> No.4586547

Sorry, but we don't all live in third-world countries

>> No.4586556

every country but the US is third world now?

>> No.4586560

Sounds good to me.

>> No.4586564

It has been since the 1900s.

>> No.4586567

inb4 americunts vs the whole World thread again

>> No.4586570
File: 80 KB, 384x288, utopia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck it

>> No.4586573


>> No.4586682

18.9 貫目
- or -
142 Utrechts zwaar pond

>> No.4586754

Should note, I'm also 5尺 8寸 or 2.52 el

>> No.4586811

2' 11" and 49 pounds.

Feels good to be a dwarf.

>> No.4586922
File: 486 B, 42x33, emo-yotsuba-biggrin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, most of /jp/ are squishy teddy bears :3

>> No.4586928

6'4 200lb

>> No.4586929

280 Ibs

>> No.4586971

>implying kg is a unit of weight

>> No.4586988

90 kg

>> No.4586995

Tell me your mass, /jp/.

>> No.4587001

44kg = 97lbs

>> No.4587004


Not fat and having an ideal weight.

>> No.4587008


>> No.4587021
File: 363 KB, 536x464, 1266359652064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me your mass anonimouse

>> No.4587029

130 lbs

>> No.4587034

4.335938389e+28 u

>> No.4587038

58 kg

>> No.4587045

175 lbs or so.

>> No.4587048

130 lbs or 59 kg for you eurofags

>> No.4587061

oh and 6.319519615e-17 pc

>> No.4587067
File: 32 KB, 225x225, 1266478504183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually rest of the world fags

>> No.4587112

53 kg. I need to eat more.

>> No.4587114

most of everywhere else doesn't go to an image board thats in english though

>> No.4587125

>59 kg for you eurofags
You don't have to do that.

Eurofags know both. They just use their petty nonsensical method in order to feel special for knowing something most Americans don't.

>> No.4587137

5 foot 10 inches, 120 pounds.

>> No.4587395

62 kg and I feel FAT
I used to be 50 like 3 years ago... I've gotten so fat.

>> No.4587407

73kg... not sure on height, I'm taller than 170cm though, from what I can remember.

>> No.4587426

54kg, 175 centimeters

>> No.4587439

58kg, 170 cm

>> No.4587446

170lb, 5'9".

>> No.4587455

so many fatsos

>> No.4587464

66kg, 193cm

>> No.4587478

70Kg, 178cm, good weight for my height.

>> No.4587485
File: 58 KB, 302x237, 1228703293258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

155lbs, 5'9" Female

>> No.4587490


>> No.4587497

60 kg

>> No.4587498

Why so overweight

>> No.4587503

176cm, 63kg >:

>> No.4587505

How exactly can I do a negative number of pushups. By eating a twinkie?

>> No.4587514

How tall are you Jones?

>> No.4587528

I am 130 pounds and 5'9"

>> No.4587548

I gained about 10Kg in the holidays, damn you delicious Christmas cookies.

>> No.4587554

About 5'11" / 180cm, I think

>> No.4587568

About 130

>> No.4587575
File: 37 KB, 240x320, 1267124124798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

48kg, 7' 2"

Im such a fat cunt, brb vomiting.

>> No.4587585


155 cm, faggot

>> No.4587588

You're kinda underweight then, take care of that.

>> No.4587597

115 lbs. 5'9".

>> No.4587598

That's 155cm, not 180. Lrn2convert

>> No.4587599

140 at 6"2

Although I havnt shit in over a month so maybe 135?

>> No.4587607

The metric system should be the only one, the other one is quite retarded.

>> No.4587616

Wow, Jones sure is short then

>> No.4587622

This is meaningless to me.

>> No.4587623

5*12+11=71 inches
1 inch = 2.54 cm
71 * 2.54 = ~180 cm?

Point out my mistake

>> No.4587625

69kg, 9%fat 182cms

>> No.4587640

Your mistake was not using the metric system from the start.

>> No.4587650

120 lbs and somewhere between 170cm-180cm tall.

I can't gain any weight.

>> No.4587651

120 lbs, 5' 5"

>> No.4587658
File: 177 KB, 486x632, Knight of Awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

230lbs @ 6'

>> No.4587661
File: 86 KB, 470x589, 01d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Midget Jones

>> No.4587662


1 foot = 0.3048 meters

>> No.4587663

115lbs; 5'5

>> No.4587676

>they still use body parts to measure length

>> No.4587677

I gave you both measurements from the start, you dick

>> No.4587685

>they still aren't American

>> No.4587686

No, you used one and then converted it (wrongly)

>> No.4587700

Actually, he converted it correctly.

>> No.4587702

90 something kg

>> No.4587705

Who the fuck cares about that shitty system, everyone else in the world uses superior metric system, fuck yeah SI units.

>> No.4587716

I'm still waiting for you to show me which step I fucked up on.
Protip: 1 foot = 12 inches.
155 cm / 2.54 cm/in = ~61 in = 5*10 + 11, amateur mistake from stupid eurofriend who thinks a foot has ten inches despite the inch number being greater than ten.

>> No.4587722

Whatever, I don't understand those ' and ''so I fucked up with the google conversion.

>> No.4587730
File: 56 KB, 380x202, Bern and lambda laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google conversion
>he doesn't know how to use unit analysis!

>> No.4587732

180 ibs

>> No.4587735

My bad Jones

>> No.4587738

246lbs as of February this year. 6'.4" height... currently trying to shed some weight and return back to normal 160lbs by the end of this year.

>> No.4587751

I only care about converting SI units pal.

>> No.4587769

You're fat mugen. May I suggest you go to /fit/ and stay there for a while.

>> No.4587781

you plan on losing almost 100 pounds and you're wasting your time on 4chan?

you better have a free weight in your not typing hand.

>> No.4587782

/fit/ doesn't deserve such curse, bro.

>> No.4587817
File: 173 KB, 554x303, world without america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never live in it. ;_;

>> No.4587827

130 pounds

>> No.4587829

56 kg

>> No.4587831

118 kg

>> No.4587849

I only started accumulating this unwanted weight after I got married... I was always fit and slim before browsing or not... so I doub't 4chan had anything to do with it...

I currently enrolled myself in Slimmers World...

Oy!... that is slightly offending Señor...

>> No.4587867

One does not simply gain a hundred pounds overnight, bro.

>> No.4587870

You sound like a nice guy

>> No.4587880

180lbs, 6'3"

>> No.4587885

You sound like a newfriend that should get the fuck out right now.

>> No.4587889

Goddamn, there are so many tall Anons. At least it's confirmed that the only people here are white males.

>> No.4587903

130 kg, 168 cm

>> No.4587906

You sound like a nigger-troll hybrid whose opinion was not asked and yet is giving it away like someone gives a damn. Nevertheless, this is a free imageboard. If that's the way you put an use to it, go on ahead.

>> No.4587916

Why? aren't black people the tallest?

>> No.4587920


For you, what is tall?

>> No.4587930


Afroamericans are. Black people are inherently short.

Scandinavians are the tallest.

>> No.4587932

I know... so I am fully responsible for my current state... I guess I could sue Brothers Burgers for offering those irresistible 1 pound burgers... I swear in the name of Arcueid-Sama... I'll try and shed this excess weight and show you proof of my efforts by taking photos of my beautifuly sculptured body for your viewing pleasure...

Thank you Sir.

>> No.4587939

Ohh, tough guy right there.

>> No.4587940

120 Lbs. 5' 7''

>> No.4587950

You're very malnourished.

>> No.4587954


>> No.4587961

>show you proof of my efforts by taking photos of my beautifuly sculptured body for your viewing pleasure...
Not sure if want.
