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4584341 No.4584341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to read PMiSS? Do I need to do it on touhouwiki because that would really suck.

>> No.4584343

buy it

>> No.4584359

>Implying that shit is translated

>> No.4584362

Just buy it, it's cheap as fuck

>> No.4584394

I can't read that shit if I buy it. I don't know Japanese.

>> No.4584406

Well then you're fucked, end of story.

>> No.4584408

Why are you on /jp/ if you can't read Japanese?

>> No.4584415

To ask this question. DURR

>> No.4584419

Sometimes I don't get people, it's like being on the internet without knowing English, fucking stupid.

>> No.4584420

then fuck off, casualfag touhou fans like you are the cancer that is ruining things

>> No.4584440

>implying casualfag and just getting into it now are synonymous

>> No.4584462

>read Japanese

If anyone in /jp/ could actually read Japanese they wouldn't be in /jp/ in the first place

>> No.4584465
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so let me get this straight.

It's not available online, therefore it's not translated online.

So if I were to buy it I could scan it and comission desudesu to translate it, right?

Does /jp/ want this y/n?

>> No.4584471

n we can read Japanese fine, only casualfags like you need translations

>> No.4584475

It's already translated, moron.

>> No.4584480

This is way better than futaba, if that's what you mean.

>> No.4584482

It's already translated online. OP was just asking for the "best" way to read it.

>> No.4584494

oh I see.

Then I'll just continue commissioning touhou doujins.

>> No.4584501


And you don't want to do it on touhou wiki because?

You can copy paste everything and print them out I guess. The wiki does have a good amount of it translated last I checked...a year ago.

>> No.4584514

Fucking stupid, what a waste.

>> No.4584540 [DELETED] 

get this shit back to /a/

>> No.4584536

I just don't like reading it from the wiki because of how its in a table format next to the Japanese. It bothers me that I have to read it like that because I would prefer to just have it in a format similar to the actual thing. Just a preference I suppose. I've been having difficulty finding a decent translation outside of the wiki, but I suppose I can keep digging.

>> No.4584559

just fuck off you stupid cunt

>> No.4584560

And you had to make a thread about it, geez.

>> No.4584589


Just to check; you are aware PMiSS isn't a comic, right? Each "chapter" was just a page of text printed in a magazine.

Just copy paste it into something else if you don't like the long vertical column next to jap, I guess. Maybe put it into word and format it like a magazine page, like it was originally.

>> No.4584592

I love you too.

>> No.4584625

Yeah I know, for some reason I was so set on finding that already done online I didn't even think about doing it myself. Which was fucking stupid I suppose. Thanks for the help though. I'll delete the thread to get it the fuck off here.
