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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45834731 No.45834731 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45818768

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45834741


>> No.45834769

What does this have to do with anything and why do you post this on every eroge thread?
If you like your 3DPD videos more than eroge, go back to your designated general.

>> No.45834857

>Implying they are mutually exclusive to eachanother.

>> No.45834861

Anyone knows where to find the CGs for this game?
It isn't on Ex.

>> No.45834902
File: 1.30 MB, 1200x900, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After years of mocking people for reading and enjoying Ritterorden, I finally actually read it, and I was wrong and it was actually great.


It feels like a really good fantasy novel series. The VN is extremely budget and clearly made by amateurs but there's genuine talent there and I wish they'd stuck around and made more, especially since the VN resolves almost everything but leaves a few hooks open for a possible sequel. Just a great experience all around that I'd strongly recommend to pretty much anyone that can tolerate reading a zero-budget doujin game that sometimes has wonky art. It's not perfect, I have problems with it, Kai and Eckhardt were introduced way too late and just aren't as good as villains as Londnight aka Lelouch with severe autism. But what it does well - characters, world, dialogue, writing - it really does well, and there's nothing I've read remotely like it.

Also, if anyone here has actually read it, is it possible to save Millie? I checked the CGs and I've got every single one so I assume no, but the sheer number of choices relating to her in the true route made me wonder if there's a way to save her in the final battle.

Mark is a real human being and a real hero and Valaam is the best bro.

>> No.45834934

>mocking people for reading and enjoying Ritterorden
Why? Don't tell me you actually doubted /ourguys/ hadler and quof.

>> No.45834944
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x750, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, I thought hadler was a contrarian hipster and Quof was just really desperate for friendship and acceptance and would say pretty much anything to agree with people and be liked, but I'm a big enough man to admit the error of my ways.
I guess I have to read tobiden next.

>> No.45835028

quof didnt like Meteo World Actor so he is still a faggot in my book

>> No.45835052

>Meteo World Actor
you are an eop in my book

>> No.45835076

>eop trying to post his opinion on eroge in untranslated eroge thread
>exposed when used localized title instead of jap one

>> No.45835081

I can call it rumbling hearts and that's cool though, right?

>> No.45835087

Try to be less obvious next time, samefag

>> No.45835089

>look i'm not a filthy eop you gotta believe me bro

>> No.45835093

quof is still a faggot and so are you, nigger

>> No.45835094
File: 3 KB, 208x55, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fault for exposing yourself like that bro

>> No.45835115

Looks edited so your still a samefag

>> No.45835118
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>> No.45835194
File: 6 KB, 467x115, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me

>> No.45835201

new ip bro

>> No.45835228 [DELETED] 

Many of you ITT give a non-white vibe. Likely SEA, but possibly American. (All Americans = non-white)

>> No.45835277

we've already been over this. most of us are finns and slavs, with a few stray seafags. you whitoids need to stick to reddit and discord.

>> No.45835280

Yes, and like I told you, us Slavs are white, SEApag.

>> No.45835293

you're not a slav, though. probably some amerimutt or kraut falseflagger.

>> No.45835371

The existence of 1 (one) related eroge does not justify mindless spam.

>> No.45835397

Literally a tag all about it, poobrain.

>> No.45835406

Still does not justify mindless spam.
Literally no one else goes around and spams a single word related to some VNDB tag, even the more popular ones.

>> No.45835413

>autist falling for the most obvious bait again

>> No.45835427

probably a newfag, that anon has been doing that ritualposting for quite some time

>> No.45835438

>not liking retarded spam is (insert boogeyman)

>> No.45835445

>newfag doesn't even know about feature to hide posts

>> No.45835450

Not my problem you can't ignore it like the rest of us.

>> No.45835479
File: 917 KB, 1223x4032, waitingroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those the most awaited vns in this thread too?
>What are you playing?
家族計画, tho reading in such a small window is tiring for my eyes

>> No.45835491

>家族計画, tho reading in such a small window is tiring for my eyes
magpie, friend

>> No.45835505

I seem to recall in this thread there was only one anon waiting for that

>> No.45835541

How long it is

>> No.45835551

>Single digit votes
Dead fucking medium

>> No.45835571

It's always nice to see people enjoy their eroge. My favorite heroine is Eliza but I'm a sucker for princesses. It's pretty funny that all heroines in the game are either princesses or nobles.
>is it possible to save Millie?
I didn't try out every choice but probably not. Though I think the normal end where you choose to not bring Crys along gives her a pretty good conclusion (Ren dies together with her there). Considering that Mili has connection to the church I think they probably had to cut her route since technically she's also a descendant of the "gods" and the third game is called 神の末裔.

>> No.45835573

Zwei and Hanabi for me.

>> No.45835723

Nah, our most anticipated game (Criminal Border 4) is not there.

>> No.45836277

it's super gay how you can only carry 3 of those orbs at a time in rance vi
extremely gay even

>> No.45836344

Extract them yourself and then upload them for others

>> No.45836370


>> No.45836406

I'm a retard and I can't do that.

>> No.45836426

Just open garbro and click 2 buttons bro

>> No.45836557

Anon, I'm retarded and I need spoonfeeding!

>> No.45836577

fuck off

>> No.45836709

I also happen to be reading Rewrite

>> No.45836716

No point in arguing with the most mentally ill retards on 4chan, long term ritual posters. Just filter and move on.

>> No.45836908

It's funny when the fujos from /blog/ are more on-topic than whatever garbage this is
Really grim when you think about

>> No.45837092

>the number of kamige's decreasing per year past 2010.
>After the release of Nukitashi, we start seeing signs of revitalization of the industry with a lot of creators putting more effort into releasing their games. After five years now, we can definitely feel the effects of Qruppo on the industry as the number of kamige's getting released is getting close to what it was in its peak
>Nukitashi 2 tackles woke and LGBT themes better than the activists themselves can ever do

>> No.45837149

why are you looking at random people's vndb reviews

>> No.45837154

Why would I care about a review from a reddit hookoid?

>> No.45837165
File: 103 KB, 923x321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read the Vita port of Furuiro Meikyuu? Apparently it adds a large additional scenario (1/4th the size of the base game), extra CGs and an improvement to the keyword system. Wondering if it's worth a shot even though it's all-ages.

>> No.45837168

wow you guys are so jaded!

>> No.45837181

I recall moogy saying that's the definitive version of the game.

>> No.45837200

>TLDR; No Loli, No Life!

>> No.45837207

im not jaded just wondering how you even found this or why you care to read it

>> No.45837224

because it was in recent reviews section on main page, occasionally I look at reviews there in order to find some retard to lol at

>> No.45837276

His Sakutoki review was enough to convince me that he has literally no idea what he is talking about and is just throwing smart words around that he saw somewhere to look smart (https://vndb.org/w6367))

>> No.45837292

>occasionally I look at reviews there in order to find some retard to lol at
turn on your monitor

>> No.45837307

do you mean turn off? my monitor surface is matte, so it's not like I'm gonna see my own face

>> No.45837321


>> No.45837343

this guy does the best reviews https://vndb.org/u152216/ulist?votes=1

>> No.45837364

one more game rejected

>> No.45837392

What does SET mean

>> No.45837416


>> No.45837436

Wait did he delete all his reviews? Who did hurt him?

>> No.45837441

Why does he write so much about games he isn't playing

>> No.45837484

They're still on his site

>> No.45837620


oh fuck. and that's the closest thing to what I want that I found

>> No.45837641

how about https://vndb.org/v7595

>> No.45837646

just play pricchi instead
better scenario and better porn too

>> No.45837885

I'm looking forward to the new Crystalia. Yureaka was a marked improvement over the first two Project Katana games, and I'm hoping they'll keep up the trend and improve it even more for kakehana. I might read the new Whirlpool too; I like their artist's HCGs.

>> No.45837943

thank you for reminding me again I haven't read this series yet. for your ansewr.... kinda? they aren't really magical girls from my understanding, they only use magic.
this one is more like what I was looking for.

>> No.45837950

for me it's https://vndb.org/u151392/ulist?f=&l=7&mul=0&s=32w

>> No.45837967


>> No.45838003

does he reads h scenes only

>> No.45838057

>The number of times I cum to said VN ends up being my rating.
>If it has a .5, that means I stick 50% of the ejaculated cum back into my dick hole. The other decimals follow a similar pattern.
holy based

>> No.45838068

Yes and he MTLs them.

>> No.45838131

If you don't cum at least 10 times during https://vndb.org/v11009 then you must be gay

>> No.45838147


>> No.45838247


>> No.45838291

he's probably not hookoid anymore.

>> No.45838294

There is no mtl in that video though

>> No.45838303

Correct, he's only reading english translations now.

>> No.45838313

I was going to play Aojashin but looking at vndb I saw that just the h-scenes were written by different writers than the main one and that's a huge turn off for me. What's the point? Imagine writing an eroge and thinking you are too good for h-scenes.

>> No.45838321

Just read steam version.

>> No.45838336

I heard the main writer thinks the butchered steam version is the real version of this game, maybe he just dislikes the porn and thinks he's above it?

>> No.45838343

That writer literally shittalked on everyone who reads eroge for ero scenes and said that those people don't deserve to read his works or something along those lines

>> No.45838378

Why be an eroge writer in the first place if you think like this? Hell, just make your games all ages to begin with. Hate this wishy washy BS.

>> No.45838402

A lot of the plotge writers are forced to write the h scenes by the company that's why they are so shit most of the time
Even scaji i remember was talking about how he didn't plan to make h scenes in subahibi that extreme but was forced to do it by the previous director

>> No.45838418

same reason people that hate video games write for video games

>> No.45838442

Anon, a fuckton of VNs do that, and those writers aren't even credited sometimes. I'm pretty sure you have already read h-scenes without even knowing they weren't written by the main writer.
And this >>45838402 is right too, tho some do like writing h scenes to put their fetish in and use it as okazu

>> No.45838446

Old メモリーズオフ games are coming to Steam:

>> No.45838453

>just make your games all ages to begin with
They're doing that from now on.

>> No.45838472

He should've just been writing Narou-kei WN's. That's where the eyeballs are now.

>> No.45838483

he got bullied by his mother-in-law

>> No.45838492
File: 167 KB, 1727x849, Sugar Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state of VN localizations

>> No.45838527

More like the state of EOPs who think うんちく means "nonsense/crap".

>> No.45838532

does it mean mansplaining?

>> No.45838535

Is that your MTL on the right?

>> No.45838544

Funny how the localization version is actually closer to the original meaning than the supposed "TL"

>> No.45838549

>eops itt defending localization with twitter buzzwords

>> No.45838552

A lot of eroge writers are losers who think they are too good for sex scenes, the most notable example is nasu wanting to completely erase any ero he did in the past, iirc the director from the heaven feels movie told him he wasn't going to remove the H-scenes.

>> No.45838558

Who are you quoting?
Also localizations are based. EOPs get what they deserve.

>> No.45838565

>Also localizations are based. EOPs get what they deserve.
Not wrong.

>> No.45838598

No, it's even worse. Nasu wanted to rewrite the entire route from the ground up for the movies, as if "to place the same brain in a new body." Because he was really upset people didn't like the heroine in 2004
Only when he saw that the director had already created handwritten notes out the ass about how to make the movies did he decide to keep quiet.

>> No.45838612

In the modern world, what we need to keep the eroge industry alive is a more inclusive society who does not discriminate based on sexual preference. To truly appreciate Nukitashi, you need to understand the background behind the current state of the scene when it was released. As you might or might know, the eroge scene has been on a slow decline since around 2010's with the number of kamige's decreasing per year past 2010. The old giants supporting the industry were slowly leaving the scene one by one. While the number of scenario games was slowly decreasing, the number of nukiges was actually increasing. This is where we start in Nukitashi as well with the whole concept of a Nukige-like island. Now comes, Qruppo, with a love letter to the eroge creators and eroge fans to keep supporting the industry. That the scenario-based eroge industry offers something wonderful that no other medium can copy, so we should not let the industry die. The name of that love letter is Nukitashi and later on Hentai Prison. After the release of Nukitashi, we start seeing signs of revitalization of the industry with a lot of creators putting more effort into releasing their games. After five years now, we can definitely feel the effects of Qruppo on the industry as the number of kamige's getting released is getting close to what it was in its peak. It's still far from a complete revival though as we need more new blood in the scene.

The first game showed us how creating a paradise for people is the same as creating a living hell for others. The sequel, Nukitashi 2, shows us the point of view of the SS members, the antagonists in the first game, and how they ended up in their positions. It shows different people’s view on sex through different characters, and how that caused discrimination and conflict among them. That conflict could easily have been avoided through tolerance of the other person’s views. Similar to its prequel, Nukitashi 2 is a story of tolerance of the minority, and tolerance on other people’s sexual fetish. People just need to be allowed to search for someone else who can understand them without fearing for their safety. That is all that is needed to give the minority a place to belong to.

>> No.45838638

Censorship is not much of a concern because the games were all-ages in the first place, but what about the engine? I hope they won't be using fucking un*ty, right?

>> No.45838642

She isn't wrong.

>> No.45838717

dinuz is a tranny?

>> No.45838719

If he was going to rewrite the entire route like he did for Tsukire and Extra, I'm glad Sudou didn't let him do it.
Dunno, but I feel like when a writer rewrites or adds changes to what he previously did, he doesn't grasp what made the original good (if it was) and just messes up the point.
Let alone when it's not the writer itself doing these changes.

>> No.45838728

speak for yourself, I don't want woke crap in my eroge
call me a moebuta if you want, but if I'm reading non-moege, I'd rather read something like kyonyuu fantasy, with some plot and the writer is just an obvious kyonyuu fag, and that's all there is to it, or the rance games with mostly plot/comedy, compared to some shit like nukitashi and imokano/hajikano
but then again I guess I'm starting to be in the minority here since it seems to me that lately most people like this and rate it highly.

>> No.45838733

Im pretty sure i remember seeing ロリコン getting translated as pedophile in that exact vn.

>> No.45838740

>Dunno, but I feel like when a writer rewrites or adds changes to what he previously did, he doesn't grasp what made the original good (if it was) and just messes up the point.
Nasu is the personification of this
after the movies released and were liked he went as far as to say that if they were made earlier, he never would have written CCC because the only reason he made that game was to "save" Sakura

>> No.45838745

>but what about the engine?
Probably, MAGES engine
Chaos;Head which was made on Nitro+ engine was ported to MAGES engine last year

>> No.45838759

Not wrong though

>> No.45838762

It's time to stop posting

>> No.45838778

What's wrong with that?

>> No.45838783

You have fallen for the shilling campaign some ntrfag has been carrying out for the past month

>> No.45838792

>Censorship is not much of a concern because the games were all-ages
eop all-ages tenshi souzou recently got banned on steam so who knows

>> No.45838807

Unity is great.

>> No.45838809

Given how the EOPs into this hobby are all mentally stunted, this is appropriate.

>> No.45838821

the woke comment obviously applied to nukitashi
but imokano/hajikano is getting fellated here as some deep philosophical masterpiece, which is honestly just as bad
either that or people are shitposting, but it just makes for annoying conversation here
I don't care about those kusoge, never gonna read either
and to all the fags who are gonna reply
>b-but then you don't get to voice your opinion on them!
well a bunch of people hate on moefags without reading every single moege as well, same logic applies here

>> No.45838839

...if you want the game to fry any computer older than 2 years and send all your data to the CCP.
And if you're a developer, it's great if you want to contribute to westoid software imperialism, and also go bankrupt from people installing your game.

>> No.45838849
File: 2.72 MB, 1600x900, 2022-02-04_11-08-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JOP localizations
Chaos;Head Noah was censored and still almost got shitcanned

>> No.45838934
File: 491 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_18-01-2024 19-48-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this dialect is sometimes harder to read than mareni

>> No.45838996

Memooff series don't have lolis and girls in revealing clothes, unlike tenshi souzou

>> No.45839012

Who is going to bet that yuzu won't make flat girls from now on if steam won't accept tenshi

>> No.45839016

The response really completes the picture
>Oh god...
>As a girl, I only cum through my heart because of the wholesomeness. Does that count too?

>> No.45839033

Wtf so turns out i'm a girl too

>> No.45839038

>うん-ちく [0] 【蘊蓄・薀蓄】 (名)スル
I don't get it

>> No.45839041

I'll admit that I only just heard about tenshi being banned so I don't know why but isn't it about the presence of school uniforms regardless of context? it's why they defiled Aojashin and maybe why even Chaos;Head Noah got hit

>> No.45839073

"woke" crap > kyonyuu fantasy

>> No.45839092

that's not dinuz

>> No.45839097

They accepted literally every other yuzuge

>> No.45839115

What's this about Noah? As far as I know the PC port has the same contents as all other releases except for 360 and Vita which are the only uncensored ones.

>> No.45839130

This is a win for oppai lovers

>> No.45839138


>> No.45839165

No... I want them to make another Suzune...

>> No.45839177

OK, but what did this port change?

>> No.45839181

Just found out the EOP release of Iroseka will be demosaic'd. I wonder if someone will make an uncensored patch for the JP HD Re:GENERATION release after it comes out.

>> No.45839214

nothing, in comparison to the Switch version?
but it still almost got cancelled despite that, because Valve is being extra anal even towards rating agency approved games

>> No.45839218

He won't make a patch, but the Seiya admin will most likely give you instructions on how to do it.
But I can't imagine the demosaiced art will look good at all.

>> No.45839226

The only thing that I didn't recognize was ほうたら, but even that's obvious in retrospect since there are many similar forms where S gets turned into H.
There's not that many differences from standard to memorize, so if you have a brain you should get used to it by tomorrow.

>> No.45839271

>Criminal Border 4月26日発売

>> No.45839273

Works on my 10 year old machine.

>> No.45839369


>> No.45839411


>> No.45839487

Imagine a timeline the eroge industry was never touched by westoids.
Heck imagine a timeline otaku media(mainly anime) never became mainstream

>> No.45839502

They would be bankrupt by now

>> No.45839522

God damn what a sissy

>> No.45839654

Wasabi's games really aren't the type you read for the porn. They're light scenarioge.

>> No.45839670

those aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.45839694

Isn't that the case for every plotge?

>> No.45839709

one of the best feelings i get in eroge is when i read a scenarioge and the porn is unexpectedly hot af

>> No.45839736

>well a bunch of people hate on moefags without reading every single moege as well, same logic applies here
I read tenshi with all you faggots here and it sucked. Since so many liked it, I can only conclude that moebutas are retards with shit taste

>> No.45839794

>I don't care about those kusoge, never gonna read either
how many moege are there that can be considered "kamige"?

>> No.45839834


>> No.45839847

>eroge/moege with wholesome plot and heroines
>H scenes are nukige tier kinky and erotic or at least with dirty talk being on the level
Any game like this?

>> No.45839851

I don't think there are any pure moege with kamige status
Even Aokana has a big part of it dedicated to the actual sport

>> No.45839862

Literally monobeno, it forces both of your wholesome and ero alter egos to fight each other all the time

>> No.45839864

the moege awards are a complete joke, lol

>> No.45839881

>how many moege are there that can be considered "kamige"?
They're peak moege

>> No.45839908

so, moebutas like to watch wall paint dry?

>> No.45839918

Yuzusoft moege seem kinda bland, and I can't even pinpoint what's wrong with them exactly.

>> No.45839935
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1440, ヨメ充!_1670733432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yome juu does this

>> No.45839959

If you read one you read them all

>> No.45839982

Otaku industry was doing fine for decades.

>> No.45839983 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 595x335, mak020c_595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite moege

>> No.45839984
File: 219 KB, 908x730, Absolutely_disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that upscaling

>> No.45840001

>Yuzusoft moege seem kinda bland
bland is good
>and I can't even pinpoint what's wrong with them exactly
there is nothing wrong with them. stop looking for things that aren't there

>> No.45840013

Cute aggression-ridden psychopaths with a damaged frontal lobe will never appreciate moe for what it is.

>> No.45840015
File: 718 KB, 783x1003, 1705466702022846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45840025

isn't having a damaged brain supposed to be the only way to appreciate moe?

>> No.45840035

I can't stand their mcs, neither you can self insert into those sterile snowflakes nor do they have any personality you can relate to

>> No.45840040

How would you get into this medium in the first place if you didn't have a damaged brain?

>> No.45840071

so to appreciate moe the damage has to be even greater?

>> No.45840113

I don't think Yuzusoft MCs are much worse compared to other blank self-inserts you'd typically find in a moege.

>> No.45840129

One of these days, I will actually read a yuzuge to understand what you faggots are talking about.

>> No.45840139

can't agree with that one

>> No.45840186

Please stop

>> No.45840188

the native fullscreen is far worse

>> No.45840189

It's the opposite, being attracted to cute things is a sign of a wholesome psyche.

>> No.45840195

It's not like i read every moege in existence but i rarely seen mcs being nearly as bland
When it's bakage mc is usually a stupid retard who does funny shit and when it's more romance focused mc tends to be more serious and have his own opinion
The only closest one i played would be lovely cation 2 but in this case mc being sterile perfectly fits to that sterile world since there is no shimoneta or other shit that would break that kind of immersion

>> No.45840197

but moebutas read moe because they want to escape from reality

>> No.45840200

I heavily prefer traditional pixelated/blurry upscaling to nauseating AI bullshit,

>> No.45840210

Because they are surrounded by ugliness. It's noble to want to escape that.

>> No.45840215
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, tenshi_sz_a211assl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have read this shit with all of us when it was released

>> No.45840218

He's probably just using crappy configuration.

>> No.45840222

to each their own I guess. I prefer having legible text and being able to make out finer details in the art without having to squint and hold my face up to the screen. The "AI" hardly does anything to make the art inaccurate.

>> No.45840227

Nah I'll probably start with Bra-Bran! since I'm a band nerd.

>> No.45840232

I still can't find a better imouto than her. God, I wish I'm a billionaire so I can fund them to make more of her just for me.

>> No.45840269

I honestly like Nanami more
Go make a YouTube essay about it

>> No.45840271

How much do you think moege cost? lol
Most of the money goes away in advertising

>> No.45840281

This but unironically. I can't find femoids attractive anymore and can't even remember the last time I'm attracted to them. I'm sure most fellow moebutas are the same.

>> No.45840309

9/10 of noble 2d-only moebutas would instantly throw everything and go under the manko if they ever got a chance

>> No.45840338

Don't lump me in with you brain damaged moebutas. I got into the medium through Gyakuten Saiban and Steins;Gate.

>> No.45840348

Yeah but for me it's also just the sad reality in general that women have to deal with of men mostly being attracted to their appearance, their looks fading, the average man today completely lacking miryoku (delusional will people will say their standards are too high but no just look at men lol) men and women in the internet age being acutely aware of the opposite sex's true nature in ways we were never meant to know, all of which weighs down the real world in a way 2D doesn't have to worry about
But mostly I just like the scenarios and cute dialogue with cute girls. The common routes are usually the best

>> No.45840351

What's the point?

I'm technically a millionaire. My daydream fantasy if I become a billionaire is to fund all of these dead eroge company to make more high quality imouto heroines.

>> No.45840364

and? chuunibuta and plotbuta read their shit because they want to escape from boring reality. nukibuta escape from sexless/boring sexlife reality

>> No.45840381

Have you ever considered the possibility of people who have no need to escape anything

>> No.45840384

Amane is also NBR

>> No.45840388
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>> No.45840391

Wrong, if all they wanted was the manko they could just siphon all that money they waste on eroge goods into going to soaplands every week and all other shit. moege heroines are likable exactly because they don't exist in real life. Now if you make an argument of they would instantly throw everything if these heroines became real, you would have a point.

>> No.45840395
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nothing more pathetic than seeing moebutas trying to defend themselves. thanks for the laughs, folks

>> No.45840398

don't make this about me. you started with the claim about moebutas.

>> No.45840402

No she's not
I literally don't care. If nanami was jitsumai and amane was gimai it would not change it at all for me, it's all about their personalities and behavior and dynamic with the protagonist

>> No.45840434

Trap aside, this looks fun, I'll give it a try, thanks!

>> No.45840453

Imagine taking the side of women in any kind of discussion, in the eroge general nonetheless

>> No.45840455

I didn't ever read most of that moe "discussion" but it's very projecting to think that everyone who enjoys fiction does it to escape from something
The main reason i read eroge is for the music and atmosphere and... that's basically it, i don't particularly care about anything else

>> No.45840456

I wish we got another Yuzusoft ASMR other than Nanami's

>> No.45840488

I think the main problem with moebutas, is that they should simply stick to discussing their shit and nothing else. it's hilarious when they try to opine or throw shit about games with real stories, when their shit is simply about fulfilling their fantasy of being loved

>> No.45840489

That is the best ASMR ever and it's not close
I'm not taking the side of women, it's just as bad for men that if you just do well enough to be an average man women don't find you attractive at all
What makes the reality gay is that it's nobody's fault really

>> No.45840507

no such thing

>> No.45840521

Based onii-chan that would be fine with non-retarded children

>> No.45840533
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yeah it's genuinely good fun and the h scenes aren't the typical bland vanilla stuff you get from the usual moege. the bro characters are especially hilarious

>> No.45840535

Personally, I prefer BR just because it feels more special. NBR is just a childhood friend and sometimes it's just stranger who calls MC onii-chan.

>> No.45840543

Shut the fuck up EOP

>> No.45840550

Your Spanish translation doesn't make you any better.

>> No.45840566
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>> No.45840578


>> No.45840584

Wakarase doujin where it's just a nerd destroying amane in smash bros

>> No.45840586

I will literally sacrifice 6 millions Jewish kids just to have 1% chance of being reincarnated with a cute imouto who calls me onii-chan.

>> No.45840588

Our EOP friend is still in the thread? my condolences for AngelicChaos RE-BOOT!

>> No.45840595

Yes she is. Rebirth doesn't change the status.

>> No.45840627

Sometimes NBR is just a childhood friend yeah, as a childhood friend lover I like those. But sometimes they totally have sibling relationships and they just happen to not be blood related. I think the most major factor in imouto relationships is that they've known each other as long as they can remember (pre monogokoro), whereas childhood friends remember meeting each other and maybe falling in love
So i guess then if there's one specific thing only NBR imoutos can do, that would be meeting each other post monogokoro, but developing a sibling like relationship despite having those opposite sex tensions from their first meeting, and then it all boils up from under the surface during the route. Along those lines, Nanami makes an excellent representative for NBR imoutos

>> No.45840639

Question for the Nanami fan here, is it fine to read Nanami's route first when starting Riddle Joker? She's honestly the only heroine I'm interested in right now.

>> No.45840653

If you actually read the game you would know that her soul and Viz's are not one and the same. Onii-chan's soul is also separate to that of the Maou. They are born from the same set of parents and this is some minute autistic details but they both have the same eye colors. But the biggest tell that they're BR? No one fully blessed their "marriage" and they are trying as hard as they can to keep their relationship from their blood parents. You can feel the taboo.

>> No.45840659

It's a yuzuge, route order hardly matters

>> No.45840672

I think you just want to read Mayu's route second-to-last and Ayase's route last for overarching story reasons. The rest aren't related so they can be read in whatever order.

It doesn't matter that much, though.

>> No.45840677
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Why are Fumi's imoutos always in dire need of correction?

>> No.45840681

that shit about no one telling them omedetou felt so weird in a moege
nice touch by yuzu

>> No.45840695

Her route doesn't have any spoilers that affect the others (Mayu and Ayase are good to save for later for that reason)
There is one somewhat spoilery reason you might regret doing her first however
rare for yuzu, she's in love with the protagonist before the common route even starts let alone her own route, same as Amane, and this is only revealed in her route. So after having done her route some of her scenes in the other routes are actually quite sad
No it's more like Cafe Stella style (Cafe Stella is even in the game) where people's past lives are basically completely different people just with a small part of their soul in common. She even already loves him before ever learning about her past life or memories. If it was like kurumi's route where seeing the past life causes her take interest in the protagonist you'd have a point for sure though
Depends on the reader honestly

>> No.45840734
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Man they really know how to make the hot h scenes situations that also make sense in the story, wish all of them were like that

>> No.45840839

Such as?

>> No.45841091

kys ryu

>> No.45841117

who the fuck are you confusing me with, faggot

>> No.45841191

I just realized that the new keyge is also by Nijima, the dude really plans to carry the whole nakige genre on his own shoulders for the next year

>> No.45841281

Is he going to bring us Angel Beats 2nd beat?

>> No.45841288

I honestly had a dream about that once, several years ago

>> No.45841363

This not existing is the reason I never played it. Fuck you Maeda.

>> No.45841405

Nijima sucks tho. That makes the future of nakige a nakige in itself.

Stop coping, 2nd beat is dead.

Dumb reason not to read it. 1st beat is standalone. It always was just an extended VN adaptation of the anime. We won't ever get routes for the dozens of other characters but having 1st beat is already better than only having the anime. Go read it.

>> No.45841443

Please understand he is too busy writing gacha and deleting his twitter after being called out, multiple times.

>> No.45841456

Do you read the text in your mind (subvocalize) when you read unvoiced lines/narration?

>> No.45841471

Depends on my interest in what I'm currently reading. Nukige I'll read fast and basically skim without subvocalizing, most other stuff I'll subvocalize to digest what I'm reading better.

>> No.45841487

Mirai Nostalgia is the best desu. That's where they peaked. I wonder why they didn't do a FHD remaster of it yet, like what Palette did with Mashiro Iro Symphony.

>> No.45841493

Yes when i'm immersed in what I'm reading, i also read mc lines out loud often if he is not voiced
But if i get bored at some point i will start just skimming through text really fast without realizing

>> No.45841540

Unless made fun of, mental illness, like LGBT and wokness should have no place in any media.

>> No.45841545

Yes, everything for the longest time when I wasn't good/fast enough to skim and wanted to make sure I understood as much as possible.

>> No.45841564

I subvocalize and mentally picture how the mc (me) is moving

>> No.45841581

Reading is just more comfy with subvocalization so yes.

>> No.45841591

Yeah, and the reason i do it is to know how to pronounce things and how they sound

>> No.45841605

He can keep his all ages garbage.

>> No.45841608
File: 541 KB, 791x590, mutsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished さよならを教えて, what a ride. Didn't expect it but it actually scared me a few times as well. The main idea of the story was a bit predictable but overall still a great experience and execution of it. These denpa type games are always fun and the music was great. Especially the ending theme.

>> No.45841616

Me on the left

>> No.45841674

>These denpa type games are always fun and the music was great.
And unlike scatji's works, it does not have scat and homosex!

>> No.45841702

Is there any moege that comes even close?

>> No.45841757


>> No.45841765

Fuck off ryu

>> No.45841788

Me on Fri, Jan 5, 2024

>> No.45841821

did you read all the routes? I thought the experience was a bit repetitive after reaching the ending for first time

>> No.45841848

>Nijima sucks tho
What have you read by niijima?

>> No.45841860

how do you truly self-insert without subvocalizing/vocalizing

>> No.45841878

I don't think the VN was supposed to be scary at all, It just felt very melancholic and sad to me.You might want to try Fur Elise next, be warned though, it has a high chance of turning you into a misogynist.

>> No.45841880

Any chance that Favorite release an HD remaster of Astralair no Shiroki Towa in thenear future. Or should I just read the version that exists?

>> No.45841921

Just use magpie
Also I doubt they will do anything to that flop

>> No.45841940

what's so bad about it?

>> No.45841943

Nta, I know they were trying to convey that the MC had no salvation no matter which route he chose, but yeah, it did feel a little repetitive. Still, it's an amazing vn nonetheless, but I just wish the endings were a little different from each other.

>> No.45841962

Aren't we all misogynists here, though? Otherwise we would feel content with 3DPD women and feel no need for 2D.

>> No.45841968

Lack of Marimo route

>> No.45841987

yeah, that would have been great. sayooshi is one of the best-directed eroge in existence, so it's a shame the story didn't explore some other possibilities. although to be honest, when you read mutsuki's route + that ending for first time the experience is mindblowing, so in a sense I don't know if anything else could have been done to live up to it

>> No.45842001

>I need my HD, MY HD!!!
>use AI bro, USE AI!!!

>> No.45842012

>Fur Elise
nta but is that the one someone kept asking for an upload that had working music?
>it has a high chance of turning you into a misogynist.
there's a high chance anon is already one

>> No.45842016

It's not just art, they improved the music a lot in hoshimemo and iroseka

>> No.45842029

this sayooshi shit still lives rent free in my head to this day

>> No.45842044

I dislike their composer and mute the music and a bunch of characters

>> No.45842056

Right right, neophile 餓鬼.

>> No.45842057

one of the best CGs in eroge history by the way

>> No.45842065

I have no Idea, I don't remember a single track so it might not that big of a deal.
If you don't know already, that isn't Mutskuki, that's the Doll (Koyori).

>> No.45842098


>> No.45842126

As you say, neophobe 老害

>> No.45842131

Make a plotfag awards then.

>> No.45842163

So how is it different from Yuzuge? You never answered that.

>> No.45842177

>I got into the medium through Gyakuten Saiban and Steins;Gate.
So basically a tourist who doesn't belong here.

>> No.45842193
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What did (you) think of it?

>> No.45842213

when I understood the reason why she was so small there my soul was a little destroyed

>> No.45842221

NTA, but can you share the game with the crack? I'll be taking ages to get it if I go through Nyaa.

>> No.45842246

I would touch anything containing homosex porn (even if it's optional) with a 20 foot pole

>> No.45842251

Still my biggest trauma game to this day
That combination of the sick atmosphere, vibrant art and obnoxious music made me feel sick girl and i gave up after several dozen of cycles
That music was still coming to me in nightmares for a long time

>> No.45842258


>> No.45842272

That moment when she approaches MC to play with him towards the end of the main route but he says he can't and just gives her a kiss on the forehead and apologizes to her but she doesn't understand any of it and just goes back to playing on the courtyard.

>> No.45842284

never thought this day would come, but I am proud that this thread is finally reading kamige 女装ゲー

>> No.45842291

The dialogues in the Hscenes were surprinsingly entertaining (these dialogues were perhaps the best part of the game for me) and it definitely had its moments, but the repetetion of each run is what damages the overall experience imo

>> No.45842293

Accept your destiny faggot, enjoy fucking a cute bro

>> No.45842328

Were you high while you played it or something? The music is amazing. The conversations with the conductor girl, even if short, are some of the best I've read in a VN.
Yeah I got a little frustrated trying to break the loop towards the end, Jun's H scenes are fucking HOT.

>> No.45842331

what's best 女装ゲー

>> No.45842334

Read the bad end, mutsuki and koyori route. do agree that it got a bit repetitive but I understand the sentiment.

Can agree with that.

Count me in

>> No.45842335
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>> No.45842343

What? Absolutely not. Koyori never leaves the dojo and that CG happens after he follows Mutsuki into the woods. Although it's debatable if that ever happened.

Those H-scenes didn't phase me at all but the descriptions of what he did to the real cat in his childhood and how she ended up did.

>> No.45842345

You can really feel the artists passion for ass

>> No.45842349

I don't even get the point, girls are inherently much cuter. Cross dressers are just poor imitations; men at core.
If I thought penises themselves were cute, I would rather be into futa.

>> No.45842366

nta, I feel like it never happened because we see that mutsuki is alive at the end. This is just his delusion and a way to visualize her "end" by her returning to heaven with the tree

>> No.45842379
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it should be on ryuugames, that's apparently where I got my copy from

>> No.45842384

That's nice. Now hand me the goods.

>> No.45842393

No, thanks.

>> No.45842408

>What? Absolutely not.
Uh nuh uh. You might have already noticed this but Mutsuki is the only real girl out of all of them, this means that there are two type of interactions we have with her throught the game, the real ones ( the ones in which they only talk) and the fake ones (the ones in which they have sex and she turns into an angel and stuff) Before that scene, MC asks Koyori if she can help him with something and to come to the tree later, she even says something like " I wish you you could tear my limbs next time", as you know, when we get to the tree we see Mutsuki as an angel, MC has a conversation with her and then he hangs her, if we take into account the scene with Koyori, it is implied that the one being hanged is actually the doll and not Mutsuki (because you know, she doesn't actually die on her route).

>> No.45842482

Yes, please.

>> No.45842489

why would you want a woman with a cock? that's gay

>> No.45842585

I made a mistake, she actually says something like "Yesterday you asked for my help, you said come and become a sacrifice for the angel"

>> No.45842793

I don't remember some of that but I don't see how it confirms that's Koyori on the tree. IIRC the scene where he asks Koyori to help with something is an elective choice so it doesn't always happen before the tree scene. I'm pretty sure in my playthrough he asked her that and the next thing that happened was the H-scene with the arrows and missing limbs. "Taking apart" is a doll related thing and has nothing to do with hanging. In my interpretation none of the scenes with cat. bird, brain, doll actually happen and are delusions. Mutsuki's scenes are partially true or exaggerated by delusions. Yes she lives at the end so the hanging wasn't real. Or was it? Maybe she actually tried to hang herself and he found her but she survived and later left the hospital. Or it was just his fantasy.
Not sure about that. Now that I think about it I can't remember any of the girls ever talking with or about each other. Only towards the end on the last day but I interpret that as him having a psychological meltdown before his brain resets and he goes from teacher to doctor.

>> No.45842844

They don't, none of them interact with each other for obvious reasons. Why would she say that thing about being a sacrifice to the angel? maybe she is referring to the end of her route? (I didn't read that one), You can go and play it if you want, Mutsuki route, last day after telling the nurse you are going after the Angel Girl, right before the hanging scene (I think), The game states that he meets her in the "Dojo" but the background is clearly the path towards the forest.

>> No.45843057
File: 162 KB, 364x559, Touya blue board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a girl does girly things, it's normal for them.
When an 男の娘 does something girly, they become horribly embarrassed and self-conscious and get lots of 背徳感.
It's like a scene in an eroge where a girl has to walk around without underwear or go to class with a remote controlled vibrator in her puss, but cute boys get those exact same feelings from doing totally innocent things like buying crepes or going shopping for shoes.
It's the perfect combination of heartwarming moege いちゃいちゃ moments and humiliating degrading 調教, preserving the best of both elements without losing anything. It's sweet and spicy and very addictive.

Hardcore tomboys who get embarrassed by anything the least bit feminine are also very good for the same reason but they always have an arc where they come out of their shell so it's a limited-time offer.
With traps the fun never ends. First they're embarrassed to be wearing a lacy bra. Then they get used to it. Then they realize that they've become used to wearing girly underwear and get horribly embarrassed at how feminine they've become. Ouroboros.

>> No.45843365

I can't believe that someone can transmit so much wisdom in such a concise way

>> No.45843421
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>> No.45843838

Orefukachi any good? Tell me about her.

>> No.45843851
File: 611 KB, 640x789, 1697490176458329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koume is best girl.

>> No.45843875

never played it but it looks fun

>> No.45843881

How the fuck did this thread hit bump limit in less than 24 hours

>> No.45843898

We get raided pretty regularly lately.

>> No.45843941
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x750, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good-sized but not crazy long. I wasn't tracking my playtime and I don't know how big the script is. It feels like a Silverio and a half maybe? Two routes and a bit of Dies Irae?
Thermite is also one though and she gets to live happily ever after once her evil brother's dead. I do think it's pretty funny they name a character Thermite then this actually turns out to be major and important foreshadowing.
Also I'm 99% sure Londnight is meant to be Londonite to keep with the naming theme for the Elpheans.

>> No.45844069

wdym there were a lot of eroge related discussions in this thread

>> No.45844076

a combination of low quality bait plus people being completely unable to not respond
all you have to do is post
>hey guyz, what are some kamige for me to hook and mtl
and watch the replies roll in

>> No.45844084

nta, but which was your favorite ending? i feel that both of them are kami even though they are so different

>> No.45844087

good, the best thing these threads can do is give people recs
the worst thing it can do is have identifiable personalities

>> No.45844091

Nothing like that happened this time, stop crying faggots

>> No.45844094
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x900, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the true route, you mean?
The happy ending, obviously. I'm pretty sure it's meant to be the true ending considering it's the one that wraps up pretty much everything but leaves a few potential sequel hooks open.

>> No.45844100

I'm glad someone else appreciates this as much as I do. Most of the cgs in the game aren't particularly erotic, but this one was MEATY.
Aside from simple visual cues (Koyori's hair is only shoulder length and wavy at the ends), the game's meta also points to it being Mutsuki.
Each girl has a cg that depicts their "death" coupled with white background. In this case, the file name is SA_MU10, MU for Mutsuki. Koyori already has her's in SA_KO10.
All of them are delusions that Hitomi imagined up, given his state of mind and the other girls' anthropomorphized forms. For Mutsuki, it was Hitomi mentally "dealing" with wanting what he couldn't have.

>> No.45844110

when I read the bad ending I stared at the screen in shock for 20 minutes. Really good shit and didn't feel at all out of place with the tone of the story

>> No.45844113

I thought there was a real chance it might just be the true ending until I checked and saw I was missing CGs. It's a perfectly good ending, if abrupt for obvious reasons.

>> No.45844131

I feel that most mutsuki related are extremely eroi for some reason. This one is also SO good

>> No.45844132

Yeah, both Thermite and Eliza (the royal family too) count. It would be great if there are an extended true route for Eliza and new routes for Thermite and Mili. I only mention Mili because there are a lot of settings related to her that never really got resolved (like the church knight is hinted to have feelings for her). The game has a lot of potential but I guess it doesn't sell.

>> No.45844140

nothing that you said disproves my argument though, she can have her "Death" alright, but that doesn't change the fact that the "thing" the MC hung from the tree was the doll, but thanks to his delusions, he saw her as Mutsuki, thus giving meaning to the phrase "Yesterday you asked for my help, you said come and become a sacrifice for the angel" as I said in >>45842585 , He needed a vessel, unless you are arguing he just tied a nose and pretended there was a something there.

>> No.45844189
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Yeah. I feel that the two endings are perfect because they show you completely opposite possibilities but at the same time keep the underlying message of the eroge. The "happy ending" gives perfect closure to crystal and ren's development, but for some reason I still prefer the other one. maybe because I'm more utsufag
pic completely unrelated to the post but still makes me chuckle even after all this time

>> No.45844268

>the worst thing it can do is have identifiable personalities
that's what quof would say. and you're wrong, the best thing these threads is someone sharing rare downloads or fixing obscure tech issues unrelated to upscaling autism

>> No.45844280

it's true, fuck breast size preferences

>> No.45844283

i played one route and it had really hot porn but i got bored afterwards.

>> No.45844293

Go back to /vn/ to suck the faggot's dick

>> No.45844319

>it had really hot porn
Elaborate please, this is important information that can decide whether I read it or not

>> No.45844443

I don't think he posts there and I'm not an EOP. you can go there if you want mein neger

>> No.45844460

don't >> me smegma cleaner

>> No.45844545

I can understand the appeal of someone getting easily humiliated. Just watching from the side may be 面白い.
But I don't enjoy feeling those feelings myself, so I wouldn't think of romantically, or worse, sexually engaging with them.
Even engaging with non-virgin females feels degrading to me, so you can imagine how it feels with a man.

>> No.45844606

>engaging with non-virgin females feels degrading to me
Are you talking about real life females of eroge heroines?
Either way I wonder how can you tell the difference, unless you make sure to only play games with "virgins only heroines".
Even heroines who have sucked dozens of cocks may have no problem concealing the fact.
Until you get to their H scene and realise how 上手 they are and make no comments about semen having a weird taste.

>> No.45844685

>Are you talking about real life females of eroge heroines?
Eroge heroines.
Real life females are a whole advanced realm of horribleness that even thinking about them is overwhelming, let alone discussing.
>Either way I wonder how can you tell the difference, unless you make sure to only play games with "virgins only heroines".
That, plus checking the character tags, visiting http://virgindb.g.ribbon.to/ , searching online or on the 4chan archives, etc etc.
Note that I'm not completely closed to games containing used goods, and I may even do their routes, but there has to be a very good reason backing it. And a virgin game still takes priority on the backlog, etc.
>Until you get to their H scene and realise how 上手 they are and make no comments about semen having a weird taste.
That's a soulless mentality. Inconvenient moments are natural moments of beautiful, first-time relationships.

>> No.45844735

when was the last time you touched grass bro

>> No.45844755

Ah, the classic thing to say when someone has an uncommon opinion. I wonder if "take your meds" is even more retarded or not.
I think there are places that suit you better, friend.

>> No.45844780

He's right though?

>> No.45844801

remember what I just said about you fucks falling for obvious bait?

>> No.45844818

no, this time it wasn't bait, I was genuinely speechless that anyone could get to that point. if something catches my attention, I just read it. I don't waste time doing so much research beforehand

>> No.45844865

Just say you're a layman who, as you say yourself, likes touching grass, and can't bother with selectiveness and minuteness in your media intake.

>> No.45844899

why should I filter anything? there's thousands of shit to read and I might miss out on a good story by avoiding something specific that I don't like. I just enjoy everything the medium has to offer

>> No.45845092

Why do these threads keep allowing the mentally ill to spew their filth for everyone to see?

>> No.45845116

You say that as if disallowing it is a thing we could do.

>> No.45845125

There's quite a leap from selectiveness and minuteness in your media intake to "Real life females are a whole advanced realm of horribleness that even thinking about them is overwhelming"

>> No.45845146

https://archive.nexton-net.jp/trial/ trial for unravel trigger

>> No.45845155
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 124374575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akane WILL appear in the new purexholic and she WILL be a main heroine!

>> No.45845177

I did say that I may read something containing used goods if there's a good reason, for example the story being allegedly very good otherwise.
Though there are already tons of good works containing Virgin heroines......
What are you doing here if you love 3DPD. Go to >>>/soc/ or something. Maybe even Tinder or Facebook.

>> No.45845245

>What are you doing here if you love 3DPD
>he says on the board that has generals for seiyuus, idols, gravure, JAV, even announcers
I have nothing against nijikon, but being one doesn't make you the boss of this place.
4chan is not your safe space.

>> No.45845358

For being a rather old game it had some pretty hot scenes. The artist was really passionate

>> No.45845364

I was talking about 3DPD in the context of actually engaging with real life females (you could infer this if you actually followed the conversation). I can vaguely understand people who are into idols, etc... it's comparable to nijikon (but like a very shitty bootleg version).

>> No.45845380

Whatever, I'm not reading any more of your pathetic whining.
If you want to learn how to be a based 2Dfag who discards females to obtain selectiveness and minuteness in his media intake, lurking on Japanese messageboards might help. The otaku have perfected that art, you're just a manchild.

>> No.45845395

What a sad state of affairs

>> No.45845403

I can't afford a real VPN and the free ones suck... Tuxler in particular being a literal botnet.

>> No.45845411

I don't think my dick can survive another holic game

>> No.45845662

is prosege a dead genre?

>> No.45845674
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x750, Scarlett_sLbA3B8eKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to see from this vn that the protagonist traveled around the world. I got to learn about the countries they visited.

>> No.45845750

Was he a sexpat?

>> No.45845762

I can't really say they were hot, but I think sayooshi benefits from less-is-more. The h scenes are played straight with limited dialogue so the little that's there shines more brightly.
In other games, there might be padded out back and forth communication. There's no such thing here where Hitomi is only seeking to pleasure himself. More like masturbation than sex given the circumstances.
>The artist was really passionate
I don't think so. Interviews seem to suggest that he was just going through the motions during development and that it might've even been a somewhat depressing time (which may have helped with the mood). He did mention that he might've gone a bit overboard with drawing detailed hair and making more work for himself though.

>> No.45845777

no so long as setoguchi is alive

>> No.45845814


>> No.45845873

Is that so.. I was unaware of his personal situation but as an artist myself I think you need to be passionate about schoolgirl ass to really feel the form like he did in >>45842057 for example.
And yes the hair is too complex, but it's also a sign of the times I feel.

>> No.45845914

Scarlett is pretty fun. Please post your impression when you finish it.

>> No.45845971

Where do we get our VNs bros?

>> No.45845985


>> No.45846012

>private pigs
Nyaa (Sukebei), Rutorrents, A-S, H-Suki, Ryuu, random sites on Yandex results, etc.

>> No.45846016


>> No.45846021

This thread

>> No.45846091


>> No.45846095

I'll upload it for you

>> No.45846127

amazon jp

>> No.45846133

Shit tokuten. Sofmap's the real deal.

>> No.45846166
File: 2.27 MB, 4000x3000, 1680381401671392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45846204

most of us have ryuu premium

>> No.45846230

ryuu or nyaa

>> No.45846247

thanks for all the replies bros! any rec for what i should DL first?

>> No.45846275


>> No.45846350
File: 130 KB, 799x597, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screenshot alone made me insta-drop it.

>> No.45846504

Why? He's one of the best characters.

>> No.45846615

An ugly 黒鬼 who invaded Japan to spew disgusting English phrases...? If that's one of the best characters, I don't even want to imagine the average, let alone the worst characters.

>> No.45846622

I remember watching the anime but for the love god I can't remember a single thing about it, nothing.

>> No.45846726
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1440, Kuusou Higan_19-01-2024 16-38-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in his old djge Lucle is still being a Lucle

>> No.45846735
File: 732 KB, 1788x1944, アンラベル・トリガー体験版.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said the C word

>> No.45846799

holy fucking comfy snowy background

>> No.45846820

>all age

>> No.45846841

I don't see any C word besides "creator"

>> No.45846874

Look at the writer's previous game

>> No.45847097
File: 399 KB, 1000x1415, 1680904760065887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45847132

>Kudou Keisuke
>Morima Marimo
>Takahama Ryou
>Tsuneishi Ryouhei
Which one?

>> No.45847209

Newest crystallia game has the main 白磁 heroine getting dicked by a dark brown MC and now the lastest asapro has exclusive views of the side heroines getting drilled by other men
What a nice start for moege in 2024

>> No.45847424
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1440, Kuusou Higan_19-01-2024 18-07-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zenaku sousatsu...

>> No.45847432

>dark brown MC
what i want to know is why his 実妹 isn't also a delicious brown girl, how do they square that circle

>> No.45847462

>Kudou Keisuke

>> No.45847570

Hmm... the screenshot that anon posted was supposed to reference "Create girls started to walk." by using the word "creator"? Is that it?

>> No.45847730
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1440, Kuusou Higan_19-01-2024 18-45-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was funny

>> No.45847819
File: 1.37 MB, 1808x1015, untri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really now, this is just like Sousaku at this point

>> No.45847825

Unity keeps on winning

>> No.45847857

Just why the fuck do eroge developers now use a bloated westoid/chink engine for realistic 3D games just for what are essentially simple 2D slideshows?
I would rather not have fancy smoke effects than have my CPU fried and RAM completely occupied and data sent to the Mossad/CCP.

>> No.45847882

I honestly expected eroge devs to be spooked by the whole "fee per install" fiasco and switch to something else.

>> No.45847895

why does everyone hate unity?

>> No.45847907

For a country that's suppose to hate the Chinese, they sure love kissing their asses at any given moment.

>> No.45847916

filters hookcucks

>> No.45847922

Cant they just ocr it

>> No.45847933

Linutards seems to hate it the most because it breaks their shit
I personally never had a single issue with it in my life

>> No.45847956

Because it makes no sense to make simple 2D slideshows on a huge bloated engine for realistic 3D games, especially when there were already lots of good tools for said simple 2D slideshows, which performed way better.
It's also a foreign product and it's spyware.

>> No.45847969

it feels good to have an i9 and 64gb ram

>> No.45847979

All kamige will now be on Unity. Unity won.

>> No.45847986

ChatGPT will code a tool to convert Jewnity games to KiriKiri.

>> No.45847987

It runs like ass on poorcuck hardware so that's like most of the thread

>> No.45847990
File: 2.50 MB, 1602x932, 2022-02-02_09-14-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple 2D slideshows

>> No.45847991

>filters linux fags
>filters hook fags
Unity will save the vn genre

>> No.45848047

I dont want westoid engines in my nipponge

>> No.45848063

>hate the Chinese
Akiba is half chinese now.

>> No.45848066

I don't hate unity, but last time I tried a japanese unity game with strong VN parts, it was an ass to hook properly.
Dozens of channels spewing out gibberish. Clearly wasn't designed for text hooking.

>> No.45848143

>filters people who don't mindlessly buy new computers
>filters people who use VMs
>filters people who care about privacy
I'm ready for the Brave New Erogeindustry.

>> No.45848156

Do you really think that you need rtx 4090 to run unity vns or something
It works more than fine on 15yo machine

>> No.45848161

that's a lot of characters to say you're poor.
you fags bitch a lot about unity, but there you dirty whores are still trying to read unity shit

>> No.45848170

im poor and still have no problems with unity

>> No.45848176

I've read unity doujin eroge on a tablet. The hell kind of computers are some of you running in the favela

>> No.45848179

based poorbro, I respect you for not being a dirty whiny slut

>> No.45848182

>mindlessly buy new computers
Unless you're in literal poverty with some craptop your grandmother passed on to you, it works fine. You act like building a decent computer requires that much money.

>> No.45848187

As a loonuxfag myself, I haven't played very many unity games but it seems to be a crapshoot of whether or not it "just works" or if I have to go through a bunch of bullshit. Meanwhile with other engines, as long as the engine is known to work fine, then pretty much any game with it will work no problem.

>> No.45848205

the funny thing is I'm positive your average japanese otaku has worse PCs than the people here, despite the rise of PC gaming in recent years

>> No.45848211

Hope with the rise of Unity devs will finally start to add some cool animations or other new features to it

>> No.45848216

jp otakus are consolefags, not pc master race bros

>> No.45848246
File: 41 KB, 256x367, 48918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever played any Astronauts: Sirius game?

They have strong visual and musical presense, but I never saw people discussing them.
Are they just that unremarkable or mediocre?

>> No.45848247

Is Konnyaku really that much of a kandouge or it's nostalgia biased?

>> No.45848301

There's no need to arbitrarily make things that never consumed much resources to start consuming much resources for silly reasons or none at all. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

>> No.45848311

stop crying filthy bitch and buy a new pc

>> No.45848323

I feel like gamege in general are just not very popular here.

>> No.45848332
File: 324 KB, 496x665, 1681105730898290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45848333 [DELETED] 

What justification do you have for artificial resource usage inflation and mindless consumerism other than silly insults?

>> No.45848345 [DELETED] 

Ok, but how about stop crying and buy a new pc?

>> No.45848355

It's about time for eroge to stop being mere powerpoints and start adding more ways to interact with heroines

>> No.45848356

>silly reasons or none at all
If I still had my shitty laptop, I wouldn't be able to play 3D eroge so you're wrong.

>> No.45848362

Read it and find out for yourself. The game has a pretty strong epilogue that you need to clear all routes to unlock. Personally I don't mind since the routes are really good that every heroine feels like the main heroine. Plus points if you like Maruto and chad MCs.

>> No.45848383
File: 147 KB, 318x271, 1502856415011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third worlder detected, ask someone to donate you a PC

>> No.45848388 [DELETED] 

Are you a Best Buy shill or something? Why do you want some random guy to waste money on mindless electronic consumerism?
You can add more interaction without using a bloated gaijin engine meant for realistic 3D games, especially if it doesn't involve 3D realism.
Pretty much all eroge are still 2D. Pretty much all 3D "eroge" are disgusting westoid trash.

>> No.45848400 [DELETED] 

>pretty much all 3D "eroge" are disgusting westoid trash
>he doesn't know

>> No.45848407 [DELETED] 

>Why do you want some random guy to waste money on mindless electronic consumerism?
I'm just saying buy a new pc so you can stop justifying your poverty and no longer cry like a filthy whore

>> No.45848410 [DELETED] 

>Pretty much all 3D "eroge" are disgusting westoid trash.
Shimokura would take this personally
I bet if Nitro were still alive he would have created a 3d realistic ryona masterpiece in Unity by now

>> No.45848420 [DELETED] 

So, abstaining from mindless consumerism and CCP dick-sucking makes you a "filthy whore"? Not the other way around?

>> No.45848431 [DELETED] 

>So, abstaining from mindless consumerism and CCP dick-sucking makes you a "filthy whore"?
>Not the other way around?

>> No.45848471 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 1282x747, best ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i played rebuild and labyrinthos relatively recently
rebuild was a mildly entertaining plot hard carried by its MC with mobage-tier city builder gameplay. i stuck around because the game allowed me to romance a fairy but i ended up dropping it for reasons i'll tie in later.

labyrinthos was much better, gameplay was decently fun if not particularly hard or original. good characters and setting though. i finished most of it but interest petered after clearing most of the girls out as i struggled to find how to get the last couple (dumb pride makes me only look up 攻略s if i'm truly desperate) and i never fully completed it. but i would put that as a point against me rather than a point against the game.

biggest complaint overall would be the H. there's nothing particularly wrong with it, it's normally pretty good. but the artist has exactly one body type and two, MAYBE three positions he is either capable or willing to draw and that is all you will get. for both games. this is hilariously at odds with the writer (who's honestly doing a bang-up job) and more importantly the variety present. there's plenty of monster girl sex and the writing will go into the more unusual aspects of that but the CG will be the exact same fucking girl you've seen naked about 14 times now but this time she's got horns. it'll describe the classic "can see yourself cum inside the slimegirl" bit and but it'll show you a girl painted blue who is decidedly not semi-transparent. there's a bit where you fuck the fairy in rebuild when she's reverted to onahole size and the writing's going all out describing how MC's dick is bulging out of her and when he finishes she is literally more cum than fairy. CG has his dick vanish into the pussy dimension and a little dribble comes out at the end. the doll girl is just a regular chick with what looks like painted-on dolljoints. that kind of stuff. everyone has the exact same pair of tits: extra-large.
the writer and the artist either did not talk to each other much or the artist is just a deeply boring person. i'm not even a big monsterfucker but if you're going to have it this prevalent in the games, fucking show what you're telling.

the two games i played weren't particularly bad, labyrinthos was even pretty good. that part just bugged the ever-loving fuck out of me.
god damn. it's not often you get a decent fairy heroine.

>> No.45848478 [DELETED] 

What are you doing on 4chan? Maybe you should go to Reddit or Discord.

>> No.45848485


>> No.45848487

someone call the /pol/ wranglers and get this tard back in his pen

>> No.45848506 [DELETED] 

it's always fun to pick on filthy poor whiny whores, but it's gotten repetitive and out of respect for my bros I'll stop here. you can rest now, whiny slut

>> No.45848514

which MTL do you guys use nowadays?

>> No.45848519 [DELETED] 

+10 social credit earned

>> No.45848520

i cant seem to download the unravel trigger trial. how is it?

>> No.45848527
File: 573 KB, 1600x1709, eop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back do Reddit/Discord filthy EOP

>> No.45848526


>> No.45848574
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1440, Kuusou Higan_19-01-2024 21-04-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so funny

>> No.45848675

We need a new thread

>> No.45848682

Nekopara didn't need Unity.

>> No.45848843

You are utterly petty and childish.

>> No.45848852
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1440, Kuusou Higan_19-01-2024 21-42-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do this to me..

>> No.45848859

Hopefully Nakano doesn't suffer the same fate.

>> No.45848901

Fine, liking ugly people that say ugly things is a sign of maturity? Westoid media is better suited for you, friend.

>> No.45848904

Does the Harem Contents for Labyrinthos add a bunch of interesting CG's?

>> No.45848910

Never said about liking them /pol/lutant.

>> No.45848914

just okay so far, the setting doesn't have much creativity to it and the main heroine sucks

>> No.45848962

NO because 3P falls outside of the artist's extremely narrow scope of things he is capable of doing well
i was seriously let down by them
the main game has some pretty great scenes with the two demon girls however.

>> No.45848996

Then why did you get your panties in such a twist when I expressed my disliking towards it.

>> No.45849018
File: 840 KB, 782x583, 1704585920790822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45849062
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 48852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon.
>this is hilariously at odds with the writer (who's honestly doing a bang-up job)
This is imporant to me.
I kinda agree with you on M&M's faults, but I like them enough to overlook it.
They're probably just too vanilla and are too comfortable with their current drawing skill.
But I'm glad that the writing carries it and is not bad at least. I was more worried about it being bland.

Are these the only games from Astronauts you played?
I was thinking about playing one of their older ones. I hope they're on par with what you described.
I only know that Kyokugen Chikan Tokuiten is its own beast. I'm kinda interested too see how ridiculous it gets, but I'm not sure about sending girls you don't pick into saimin gangbangs.

>> No.45849113

yeah, those were the only ones i tried. i was on a fantasy-gameplay kick but wanted to try something that wasn't the usual big names. i don't think i regret it, i wouldn't have been anywhere near that bothered if there wasn't a lot of good stuff as a base.

fair warning along the lines of your spoiler but both games had optional bad ends/monster rape stuff. extremely optional and telegraphed pretty hard, but still there if that sort of thing bothers you and i'm led to believe this is a fairly constant thing in the astronauts:sirius line.

>> No.45849297
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x900, 1703515047974852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I greatly enjoyed Rebuild for the character interactions and setting, but the plot was whatever. There was something about how they so casually approached sex without making it seeing disjointed from the way the world worked that was extremely charming for me and something I've been looking to have repeat in other stories to no avail.
I'm sorry I don't have any deeper thoughts or analysis like the other anon, but this is what Rebuild boiled down to me.

>> No.45849328

That's a projection if I ever saw one.

>> No.45849371
File: 1.17 MB, 1022x765, 1687399081040388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has coomed literal gallons to M&M VNs, I have to agree. All their VNs have been looking really samey for a while now, with girls having all the same body and no pubes
And it's a shame since that's the exact opposite of what happens with his older VNs.

>> No.45849392

>optional bad ends/monster rape stuff. extremely optional and telegraphed pretty hard, but still there if that sort of thing bothers you
I'm not really bothered by that, especially if you can avoid it.
It's just the case of that chikan game that feels weird to me.
One of the comments on vndb describes it like this:
>the uses of LSD, mind control, hypnosis, brainwash (not by MC but still) on the heroines if you decide to give them to the chikan association feel really kind of off when MC is all about chikan finger skills. with the exception of 1 girl, all the heroines disappear from society completely (kidnapped) and become sex slaves in the underground city ran by the association if you choose to do so, and MC is totally fine with that
I'm no stranger to gangbang endings in chikan games. I just hoped them to be consensual like in Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 at least.
Anyway this is just me thinking out loud, nothing to do with why I want to give Astronauts a read.

>something about how they so casually approached sex without making it seeing disjointed from the way the world worked that was extremely charming for me
This sounds like something right up my alley. Definitely giving Rebuild a try.

>> No.45849408

Play it yourself and count how many times that word comes up

>> No.45849432

Not anymore lol, unity games are now hookable.

>> No.45849447

You still need to search for hooks by yourself which is an impossible task for the 90% of hookoids

>> No.45849546

There arent that many to search, Astronaut Sirius games only give 10 or so results

>> No.45849597

shit, dick in ya mouth

>> No.45849650
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1440, Kuusou Higan_20-01-2024 00-05-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me when playing the majority of loliges:

>> No.45849968


Non virgin heroinesnare used trash. Who would willingly desire a slut that has been already marked by another man as his own? Hell, I even drop a game when a heroine talks about some childhood crush that is not the MC. It's like NTR light.

>> No.45849971

I fucking love used goods.

>> No.45849978
File: 781 KB, 1100x619, gallery2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glasses fag doesn't deserve her...

>> No.45850017

he absolutely does deserve her bro, did you read the game?

>> No.45850033

Yeah I read it with MTL and he doesn't deserve her

>> No.45850089

Any Minori eroge after Eden worth reading? I only read Trinoline years ago and that was trash.

>> No.45850094

It's somehow fascinating how easy it is to recognize /vn/ subhumans...

>> No.45850108

perseus has a good imouto route

>> No.45850163

He's literally the best character in the VN. If anything he deserves better.

>> No.45850172

4P with her sister and MC when?

>> No.45850177

I'm having an aneurysm trying to read this.
Was it written by someone from here?
The way the grammar is all over the place reminds me of when read-only N1s try to write.

>> No.45850207

You should try learning Japanese.

>> No.45850212

whats the issue? seems normal to me

>> No.45850237

Have you never read a doujin work or something? They never write in a perfectly grammatically correct Japanese unless they have an editor

>> No.45850245

You haven't seen the gibberish actual japanese people write on twitter, its even worse than reading kansaiben for the first time

>> No.45850321

While that would be kino the side stories kind of have to continue from the end of Kokoro's route.

>> No.45850363

I literally don't see the issue

>> No.45850405

OMG am I glad that retarded heroines aren't a thing anymore. I mean genuinely clinical retards by that. I haven't ever felt embarrassed reading anything and even the loliest of lolis doesn't make me feel guilty but this retarded girl kills me.

She doesn't understand what sex is and fucks guys as a thank you. I mentioned this one before here. Now she waltzed into a store the MC works part-time at screaming like mad. She's come to play. He tries his best to de-escalate and tell her he's working, she doesn't listen and gets wild looking at the goods. 5 minutes pass and he asks her what she's ordering and she says nothing because she wants to play. She reprimands him for talking professionally since they're friends. He tells her again he's working and she forces out that she'll help him. This is so bad. And worst of all she has a loli imouto who looks better than her, is mature, smart, cute. She seems to know that her retarded onee-chan fucks any guy so when she found out MC who tutors her knows and is friends with the retard she got angry and wants to force them apart. Also in part because her best friend, who is MC's best friend's imouto, loves MC and it breaks her heart. But she also seems to slowly fall for him but it's her retard sister who fucks MC and he slowly falls for her. Then he has to deal with her retardation and teach her why she can't go around fucking everyone. It's infuriating. Death to retards (in concept). She was actually really sweet in my previous route when MC caught the Japanese cold and collapsed in school and she helped him get to the hospital. How did this retard even make it through high school? She's dumber than a kindergartener.

>> No.45850424

this is what you get when you ask for realistic heroines

>> No.45850425

yeah i hate retards too, it's not cute just annoying

>> No.45850451

>She doesn't understand what sex is and fucks guys as a thank you
the absolute state of ntr readers

>> No.45850622

That hurts because if well executed it's too realistic and similar to how some sexually abused girls act in regards to sex. A girl who was abused repeatedly by his father and only knows his kindness when sexually satisfying him, she learns to offer sex as a thanks, to the point she offered herself to the social workers of the orphanage she ended up in when the sexual abuse was discovered. What happened with the workers and other kids at the orphanage is another story worthy of nightmares. Which obviously was not the intent in that work.

>> No.45850726

That's why slutty virgins don't make sense to me, that type of behavior usually comes from past experience.

>> No.45850960

I don't see it that way.It's more like she awakened to her womanhood thanks to the MC, even though she was a pure virgin before. In other words: the MC must turn her into a woman and awaken the slut in her.

>> No.45851222

just to make it an even 500

>> No.45851647

10 hours into ぬきたし2 and this is kamige

>> No.45851702

Thought that as well until a few hours later

>> No.45851968
File: 92 KB, 561x527, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a genuine masterpiece.
Don't forget to download the Susuko append!

>> No.45852017
File: 215 KB, 1282x752, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd they have to make him so fucking cute
god dammit now i'm gay

>> No.45852022
File: 219 KB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you get to the solo male masturbation scene where his ass, cock, and balls are 40% of the screen real estate.
I have no idea what they were thinking with that one.

>> No.45852031

i was aware it was a thing in this game but i'm still not sure how to feel about it
i could probably make it work. but should i, is the real question.

>> No.45852253

he's cute but riri is the cutest girl in that game

>> No.45852261

men don't have hips like that

>> No.45852264

yes we do

>> No.45852271
File: 264 KB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak male performance. I look exactly like this but with a bigger thigh gap.

>> No.45852294

that's good to hear because i liked her design, curly twintails are peak performance
unfortunately MC has the cutest design but a close second isn't bad

>> No.45852353

outclassed by her routelet sister

>> No.45852523
File: 221 KB, 1282x752, would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they give him child-birthing hips

>> No.45852531
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x810, 華は短し、踊れよ乙女AdvHD (40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how Power Girl was the result of an artist making a bet that he could make her tits slightly bigger every issue and seeing how long before the editors noticed?
I think ensemble staff have an internal competition to see who can push "draw a girl call it a boy" the farthest.

>> No.45852537

this isn't even fair
i'm not gay, that's just a girl and the game is trying to gaslight me into thinking she's a boy
everyone's in on it

>> No.45852606

New thread:


>> No.45855234

It is 19 hours later and this thread is still up. Lurk more, newfriend.

>> No.45855538 [SPOILER] 
File: 183 KB, 695x423, 4e5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

