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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45818768 No.45818768 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45795345

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45818820


>> No.45818822

What is the worst eigo usage you've seen in eroge

>> No.45818846

That part in the Senshinkan fandisc where Yoshiya and Mizuki are flirting using English but it's broken nonsense.

>> No.45818896
File: 183 KB, 1301x1000, drawingbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like eroge kind of fucked up my definition of "big". A character deemed big in a vn released 20 years ago might as well be flat for me now.

>> No.45819113

Conversely, I was wondering just earlier today if there are any eroge VAs fluent in English. She doesn't do eroge (sadly) but I think Sawashiro is supposed to be fluent, that's the only one I know of.

>> No.45819152


>> No.45819169

America have fucked up bodytypes all across the world, months ago i looked up at old mogudan's "thick" rei art, which was known to be as THE "off-model" artist and they look like normal compared to what we get today.

>> No.45819171

Doesn't seem to be an eroge VA?

>> No.45819183

Rider's VA for fate

>> No.45819186

She has done vn about learning esperanto, i wonder if she actually tries to talk in it

>> No.45820033
File: 21 KB, 596x305, 1705430947011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he right?

>> No.45820051

>a game that is about 25 percent flashbacks
not commenting on the rest of the post but Baldr Sky, even when you account for it being released in 2 parts

>> No.45820272

He would be on point if you remove at least 3 layers of needless exaggeration from his post
For me the issues were only really that visible in the true route where i simply got too tired from all the shit to care about it much
It was mostly fine all the way before it so it's more likely 9/10 game that turned out to be 8/10

>> No.45820390

He is probably one of the people I disagree with the most when it comes to eroge, but there he is right about how repetitive it gets. I think I understand the purpose of this repetition, but it still becomes quite tedious in the long run. I enjoyed sakumoyu immensely despite that tho

>> No.45820456
File: 352 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_16-01-2024 21-21-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what a chad response looks like

>> No.45820505

Seems accurate, it's just stockholm syndrome. Like was posted in a thread a while ago, egs users said it takes ~10 hours to get good. And one even said 30 hours to get good and gave it a high rating. So here Mutsuki just forced himself to enjoy it after sinking in so much time. Quite sad

>> No.45820560

Now this is interesting because i liked the common route the most
The writing style felt like something completely new and unique and the repetitions were paced just enough to create a mysterious atmosphere where you keep wondering what all of those foreshadowings could mean

>> No.45820574

>Like was posted in a thread a while ago, egs users said it takes ~10 hours to get good. And one even said 30 hours to get good
I don't really get that. It's not one of those VNs that have 20 hours of SoL with nothing else in the beginning

>> No.45820664
File: 9 KB, 1015x113, avg_sakumoyu_fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one review that said 30 hours.

>> No.45820674
File: 6 KB, 249x325, time_dist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And time to get interesting distribution.

>> No.45820678 [SPOILER] 
File: 474 KB, 1878x1018, sakumoyu experience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakumoyu discussion , so

>> No.45820689

This but in reverse

>> No.45820696

gtfo contrarian

>> No.45820706

Literally what exactly you didn't like about common route

>> No.45820722
File: 112 KB, 800x600, Tortilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twin oppais > childhood cuckquean, simple as that.

>> No.45820731 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.50 MB, 2560x1440, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easier to tell you what I liked about the common route

>> No.45820750

Wish they didn't just abandon the chuuni battles altogether after it

>> No.45820786

If most of [thing] is a 6.5 (already a generous score for a turd) and a small part of it is a 9.5, then it is overall a 7 or 7.5. Rating something highly that's majority bad because of a plot twist or satisfying ending is a mental illness.

Sakura Moyu is not a 9.5 game disguised as a 6.5, it's a 6.5 disguised as a 9.5 game.

>> No.45820808

which is a 9.5 game anon

>> No.45820831

That's retarded way of thinking
If the majority of the game is shit but it got something that truly managed to move me and i still remember it for 10 years after finishing then i will give it 10/10
If the game is objectively a high-quality 9/10 game but there was nothing in particular that got my feelings and i forget about it in a month then i will give it 7/10 at most

>> No.45820835

Definitely agree. Reminds me some vn I was looking at recently with high ratings, where it was 30hrs long and reviews said almost the entire thing was mediocre but the ending was 10/10.
Your way of thinking is a retarded way of thinking.

>> No.45820849

tfw it's easier to throw shit at an eroge than to say which eroges are good

>> No.45820855

Can't be worse than unironically trying to calculate some imaginary values of art

>> No.45820875


>> No.45820885

>throw shit at an eroge
at all your favourites
>say which eroge are good
all my favourites

>> No.45820918

What if we share the same favorites

>> No.45820926

>at all your favourites
one of my favorites is rance x, you don't like rance x anon? what a shit taste
my condolences

>> No.45820943

Those are the games I used to like

>> No.45820962

It was one of my favourites, but now that you listed it as yours it can no longer have a place on my favourites list until the next thread where I announce that it's one of my favourites first.

>> No.45820978

what were your favorite rance x moments anon?

>> No.45821026

Well yeah duh, negativity is a commonality for most people. It's easy to do and brainless. You need to be actually intelligent to be genuinely positive in the first place.

>> No.45821033

See bros? it's easy to spot tourists and larpers. They can't talk about untranslated eroges

>> No.45821066
File: 885 KB, 750x794, 1680428755742908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm super late to this particular party, but Haruka burning the shit out of herself with an iron was pretty painful to listen to. Her seiyuu did an excellent job. Even with it as telegraphed as it was, I didn't expect it to go down like it did. I was expecting Mitsuki to be the one to do it.

>> No.45821093

More ntr posting....

>> No.45821114

Yeah, I feel like it would have been interesting if that tone of the story had been kept. I mean, it's still pretty utsu afterwards, but something about that scene makes me can't get it out of my head. It's simply too dark

>> No.45821120

Things that are painful for people listen to tend to be arousing to me so I guess I'll pick this up

>> No.45821129

It's pretty deep in, though, so it'll be a while for the payoff if that's all you're doing it for. Fair warning.

>> No.45821131

I dropped so much time on a VN with endless repetition and flashbacks where it was frankly embarrassing to see so many high ratings on VNDB and shilling from every corner so I get where this guy is coming from. This is why I can't be assed to read most things that are considered to be extremely long at this point.

>> No.45821136

I think that's the moment when you really realize how broken haruka is at that point and how much guilt she was feeling

>> No.45821147

>I dropped so much time on a VN with endless repetition and flashbacks
which one?

>> No.45821170

Every single pic i've seen posted here has the backgrounds blurred to shit

>> No.45821185
File: 1.08 MB, 953x869, 1682665673368344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they blur the backgrounds a lot to add emphasis to the sprites. This is one of the few I have where it isn't (though it's pixelated since it's zoomed in weird.)

>> No.45821194

some all ages otome that even a faggot shills here sometimes funny enough. It's not very good.

>> No.45821228

lmao tfw anon tried and their expectations were betrayed
I seem to remember that this was the one with a slight "racist" undertone, wasn't it? sad, when I read that post I thought it would be funny

>> No.45821286

i think that's the moment I realized Haruka is just as insane as Kei and Mitsuki. i wonder if this is Azuma Shizu's best role.

>> No.45821296

Numeric ratings are stupid, it's more useful to talk about specific things that were good or bad about a title.

>> No.45821329

nice spoiler tags

>> No.45821350

I read it way before he was shilling that game and all ages crap in general. But yeah, whatever bullshit that anon was spreading sounds a lot more interesting than what it is actually. It gets old fast where it feels like you're just grinding towards the ending.

>> No.45821372

They stop being meaningless when you give them your own meaning
Everyone has their own way of rating stuff either way

>> No.45821393

sakura moyu is proof that all an eroge has to do is be really long, have really good vocal songs and OST and it will get a 90+ on EGS regardless of quality

>> No.45821411

I love that fuckin OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1dz7xQHrlo

>> No.45821422 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1551x871, 20329034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iroseka's common route chuuni battle that never happens again was better imo, still crazy to me how much of an overlap there is between both besides just sharing this

>> No.45821425

Wrong https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=14834

>> No.45821446

80 is an honorable 90

>> No.45821451

the OP wasn't as good though nor is it really long

>> No.45821478

https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=10917 (inb4 you say it because there is no ero)

>> No.45821519

the OP wasn't as good though nor is it really long

>> No.45821521
File: 30 KB, 250x250, 2134222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to read iroseka. I know this guy has been nagging me for almost 4 years to read it (shinkufag), but I have to be in the right mood to embark on a 3 fucking game journey

>> No.45821531

It's 30% longer..

>> No.45821562

That's the kara no shoujo series too, I mean, it's long if you do the whole series https://youtu.be/OxYkpJn1KKs

>> No.45821591

It's more like a 2 game journey. Akaseka is short as fuck.

>> No.45821657

What can i finish before Hakkenden...

>> No.45821668

I too am looking for a short game.

>> No.45821741

>one ear lower than the other
>low af nose, asymmetrical eyebrows
>tard look in his eyes
>mouth slightly open as if he's drooling
This is the average BR incesting dude in porn powerpoints huh

>> No.45821764

bro, at this point you're already trying too hard

>> No.45821782

how about https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=25299

>> No.45821793

ごめんなさい you look like that, bwo

>> No.45821796

imokano is shit

>> No.45821818

>400k characters
Surely looks believable

>> No.45821820

was on my backlog anyways so i guess i will get to it now

>> No.45821836

Just move your eyes faster bro.

>> No.45821838

I don't think its 10 hours long, but you can definitely finish it by the time hakkenden comes out

>> No.45821900

Plenty of natives and near-natives can read at that pace. If they skim H-scenes like many people on EGS do then that length is perfectly reasonable.

>> No.45821907

The playtime difference between voice skip speedreaders vs vn enjoyers.


>> No.45821923
File: 1.35 MB, 1152x720, 30750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered how good the art is in this. I can't think of a better combination with how erratic the story is. I'm really curious about what kurashiki will bring us this time

>> No.45821926

You can tell it's bullshit when it's lower than chink

>> No.45821934
File: 15 KB, 311x217, Hide apply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah this shit again

>> No.45821944

>slutty loli
why haven't I played this yet

>> No.45821948

wonder if i can finish the true route of sakura moyu in the 3 days of holiday that i have from work
i had to take a massive break after haru's route

>> No.45821965

seething egs sucker lmao, you will never be japanese anyway

>> No.45822021

>i had to take a massive break after haru's route
Too mentally exhausted?

>> No.45822052

About Your Diary and Koikano by CUBE. In what season do they take place?

>> No.45822136

Yes, it unfortunately got to the point where I wasn't even enjoying reading it but I did think it was good - if that makes sense.

>> No.45822144

this one's also crazy https://vndb.org/v23249/lengthvotes

>> No.45822165

Yeah, kinda can understand that. I guess it's possible to finish it if you read non-stop for those 3 days, but there are a couple of things in that segument that personally made me have to take some breaks. Nothing especially bad by the way, if I value sakumoyu so much it is precisely because of what urushibara achieves there

>> No.45822193

>14h sakuuta
Isn't this is the same one from few threads ago

>> No.45822287


>> No.45822298

bad art

>> No.45822306

How hard do you have to commit to a VN by the way? I mean a story can be good but if you only have like 1 hour a day you have to spend months, even 1year+ reading a 60h+ vn. Is it worth it?

>> No.45822347

If I had only 1 hour of free time a day I would change my life or kill myself if that's impossible.

>> No.45822355

If you have 1 hour per day, you can finish a 60 hour eroge in 2 months, not one year.

>> No.45822360

I mean, you have more free time, but let's say you enjoy doing things other than reading eroges and masturbating you only allocate 1hr or 2 a day to reading vns.

>> No.45822373

Depends on the pace. What if you have to hover lookup a bunch of words? a 60hr could easily double

>> No.45822390

>say you enjoy doing things other than reading eroges and masturbating

Wait, are there other things worth spending my free time on?

>> No.45822411

there are things that pay a lot better, at the very least, i got bills to pay

>> No.45822416

I mean I have other hobbies, but why would you do this. Some days focus on reading on eroge and on other days do some other things. Just whatever you feel like doing. It's your free time. No need to robotically allocate it.

>> No.45822422

That's not free time then

>> No.45822426

I mean free time after work. And of course weekends.

>> No.45822514

I love how you can tell that people either really love or really hate this game.

>> No.45822525
File: 40 KB, 999x488, imokano reviews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, forgot image

>> No.45822532

What are some VNs I can play/read on my Android phone? Alternatively, where the hell can I steal the full version of Bloody Rondo? My PC is fucked up and I'm left with little to do while it's running tests to try and find out the problem.

>> No.45822545

It's funny how most of the low scores reviews are from new accounts or with less than 15 eroges read.
Also, the only good hater, is the hater who explains to you why he hates something. I greatly respect that anon who always throws shit at tone works, but who always writes a post of at least 1500 words explaining why he hates it. Really fun shit to read

>> No.45822557

Here are all the games already optimized

>> No.45822589

says nothing. disregarded
writes too much pretentious drivel. disregarded
>40 and 65
short and succinct reviews telling it how it is. average score is 50, seems about right.

>> No.45822610

>average score is 50, seems about right
I see

>> No.45822623

my favorite imokano review is that guy who gave the game a 40 complaining that there wasn't any NTR porn. if you think about it moege fans and NTR fans are really just two sides of the same coin.

>> No.45822628


>> No.45822639

toki was a disappointment and im not sure what oto can do since i have little faith in scaji's ability to write ichaicha
as a side note, it's a shame the atmosphere i associate with makura's works wasn't present in toki
i guess that's just the passage of time

>> No.45822640

Sounds like the average /vn/ yuzuslop shill

>> No.45822657

I'm the opposite. I didn't like Toki that much but I do have faith in Oto because Misuzu and Makoto routes were pretty good. Misuzu is scaji's cutest heroine, and Makoto route was very nice as well. I think he can probably pull off a good moege, I just hope he doesn't shit it up with his usual pretentious BS.

>> No.45822675

My last hope is that Nijima will take the Kana route

>> No.45822680

I'm going to trust amakanofags and read their shit, if I hate it, I guess I'm just not compatible with moe shit

>> No.45822695

It's supposed to be criticism, not a shill, n6-kun

>> No.45822715


>> No.45822779

Why heroines with dialects are so rare when anime is full of them

>> No.45822819

And pubes only exist in nukige too
This medium fucking SUCKS

>> No.45822825

I remember reading many kansaiben words and all of those words are forgotten by now because how rare kansai heroines are

>> No.45822848
File: 935 KB, 1140x580, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made her extra cute with those twintails

>> No.45822891

I agree with his score and that the scenario sucks but I can't take a skipfag seriously.

>> No.45822904

Me neither but have it on my radar, there is even a hook code for the hookchads. Literally no obstacles to enjoy wholesome lolipire sex

>> No.45822907

The sibling roleplay also helped.

>> No.45822945

how about https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/memo.php?game=33651&uid=trjs
This guy really understood what tenshi best scene was

>> No.45823048

They don't though. Thankfully.

>> No.45823376
File: 484 KB, 640x480, sayonara-mayumi-chan01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading a bit of Sayonara Mayumi-chan, which an anon generously gifted in the previous thread. What made me interested in the game in the first place was the inclusion of a wheelchaired heroine.
So far I like the game. It has plenty of comedy, but I can see some melancholy undertones as well. I also like the wheelchaired girl and want to protect her.
I couldn't find a guide on the game, though, so I will have to figure out the choices/branches/routes myself.

>> No.45823415

Just realized the most mind blowing thing about imouto to kanojo
Aren't imoutofags and ntrfags completely opposite with incompatible shumi? Like the appeals cancel each other out

>> No.45823426

I don't see any おっぱい though

>> No.45823461

no one wants to read hick slang

>> No.45823581

There were plenty of times when I was busy or wanted to do other things and did just that. Maybe finished one VN per month. Then other times when I read all day. It's fine either way as long as you enjoy what you read. Actually, I feel like I have more attachment to the VNs I took longer with than the ones I finished in a few days.

>> No.45823614

? http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~niyari/html/Game/Kouryaku/niyari_gamemayumichan.htm
literally first link

>> No.45823658

hajimete no kanojo dealt with prostitution and imouto to kanojo dealt with incest. both of these things are societal taboos, so it seems like a logical next step to take.

>> No.45823681

id you've got 1 hour a day and don't even know japanese then there's no point you're not gonna absorb anything

>> No.45823915

>that bit of cleavage without showing too much
>cute pjs
>cute hands between legs and smiling
you convinced me to download her game. I hope she doesn't suffer too much

>> No.45823937

Is sakutoki really THAT good?

>> No.45823950

That's a very American/Anglo way of looking at dialects. We would've ended up with Kyoto dialect as the standardized form of Japanese if that faggot didn't move his capital to Tokyo.

>> No.45823985


>> No.45824008

Imokano: At the end of Haruka's route, I cried like a bitch during Daichi's last scene. I don't even know why, but it just hit hard.

>> No.45824032

ok so what it still sounds silly

>> No.45824070

i love the way haruka's route completely changes your opinion on mitsuki at the very end, she comes off as a complete villain for the majority of the game up until haruka's realization about her, and then from that point on you just see her as a victim. haruka's realization about why imokano is not a love triangle was one of my favorite scenes in the game.

>> No.45824093

because all kei' fears were unfounded, his best friend was always his best friend and never judged him or abandoned him. the whole world could reject him, but he was always his unconditional ally

>> No.45824131

It doesn't

>> No.45824286

>open backlog during voiced line
>voice stops
>close backlog during voice replay
>voice stops
Yep, that's a drop!

>> No.45824339

It has higher rating than sakuuta tho

>> No.45824372

Direct sequels tend to filter out non fans

>> No.45824382
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x900, 1674681402459877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clapped.

>> No.45824436

Why does every sprite in this game look bad?

>> No.45824489

Why is sexpatting not a common theme in eroge?

>> No.45824594

I love fucking title drops, it's the most basic resource, but it always works

>> No.45824600

I don't think they like gaijin MCs in their nukige.

>> No.45824606
File: 1.48 MB, 1249x953, 39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i remember this part from the ova
my nigga is finally going to get serious action

yeah, so far i think its one of my favorite scenes

>> No.45824627
File: 1.13 MB, 1472x828, ユズリハの詩AdvHD (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always, unfortunately.
Chii-chan is an almost exclusively blowjob focused game until you download the append and get the extra scenes. It's a very odd case where she's a heroine in a very heavy fetish game that's almost exclusively fellatio and then they released DLC to add in a bunch of actual h-scenes.

>> No.45824642
File: 720 KB, 783x1003, 231212131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not always, unfortunately

>> No.45824711

I just realized that on vndb nobody has made the effort to upload yuzuriha screenshots, this is really sad

>> No.45824736


>> No.45824738

i refuse to upload any because vndb mods are a bunch of woke retards, especially after their attempt to push "gender" field

>> No.45824743
File: 915 KB, 1260x946, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then they released DLC to add in a bunch of actual h-scenes.
i think i got that one, the gallery shows the 旅館 part at least
anyways i cant wait

>> No.45824759

kys gambs

>> No.45824768

rent-free kiddo

>> No.45824776

It looked so disappointing, really wish it was good.

>> No.45824796


>> No.45824801

At this point it really makes me wonder what the reasons were for all those delays. I mean, propeller people should know better than anyone the huge impact on sales that that would have. In the end that's the worst thing. Not only was it a title that was delayed several times, but it turned out to be a disappointing title that was delayed several times. Everything about yuzuriha is so weird to me

>> No.45824807

cause they desperately tried to piece together whatever they finished

>> No.45824811
File: 293 KB, 1472x828, ユズリハの詩AdvHD (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have absolutely no basis for this, but it feels like a game that was torn apart and stitched together and they just had to release what they had.
The repetition in the common route, the tachies and CGs that only show up once for a couple lines, the way a bunch of scenes don't really connect or you'll suddenly get an h-scene out of nowhere and then the game will proceed like it never happened - it feels like they wrote a game, had to rewrite it, repeat a couple times, ran out of time and went "we'll ship it with whatever scenes we've got finished'

>> No.45824842

>take screenshots with ShareX
>some games have tiny border - image deleted
>manually remove border - image deleted because image editing or resolution "isn't right"
>normal screenshot without those issues - deleted because this image is bad, not enough text on CGs, blabla by the way I didn't read this VN and don't know anything about it but after watching 5 minutes on Youtube I decided to delete these images, synopses, character traits, tags and the whole VN because it doesn't look like one in my 5 minute video but this other VN, yes it's splitting/merging time
Who are you (me) quoting? Shut up eacil.

>> No.45824846

I just hate vndb mods because one of them wrote a review calling one of my tls shit not realizing all of the issues with the text they were complaining about were present in the original and I was faithfully reproducing them.

>> No.45824849

never had this problem

>> No.45824866

you got what you deserve trannylator
cooperating with eops is a crime

>> No.45824869

I just wanted to share one of my favorite games with the world...

>> No.45824872

i feel bad for propeller desu, this was supposed to be their big comeback

>> No.45824876

At this rate it won't even be their swan song, people will just pretend they were killed by the pandemic and they never released anything until they actually die.

>> No.45824881
File: 576 KB, 788x591, 231211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad to see a company that released shit like pic related fall into such a state. When GIGA announced its imminent death I made a lot of jokes here, but deep down I felt a little bad because at the end of the day I really liked what they did with Baldr. All companies generally have a certain life cycle, but it is somewhat unfortunate to see when they really fall into a creative crisis

>> No.45824884

>this was supposed to be their big comeback
did anyone seriously have expectations that high?

>> No.45824916
File: 80 KB, 256x348, 28670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

initially at least...yeah. I mean, that's what you would normally expect from anyone who made a mistake: to learn from said mistake and make a triumphant return

>> No.45824922

I'm the opposite of this. Started with Caffe Stella, now I've read four of Yuzu's game

>> No.45824933

meant for this obviously

>> No.45824949

>mods doing their jobs
>this is a bad thing

>> No.45824958

deleting tags from a vn you haven't read because you think they're wrong based on fucking nothing is not doing your job, vndb mod
literally every new non-major release in Japanese is a joke, you can tell somebody just looks at the cgs on sadpanda and fucking guesses and often gets it wildly wrong and that shit stays up forever

>> No.45824965

Thanks for the clarification. I was about to call you retard because I couldn't find any relation between the other anon's post and yours. I'll still call you a retard for being moebuta tho
Now, which one is the best?

>> No.45824970

vndb is only really good for looking up which titles are by what developer anyways, if you have an account at all you're doing it wrong

>> No.45824989

Whoever said anything about gaijin MC?

>> No.45825009

There probably was a good reason you weren't aware of for tags being deleted. What makes you think it was arbitrary? About non-major releases, that's more an issue of people not voting on tags than the mods fault. You can't really expect the mods to read thousands of works and tag them.

>> No.45825027

Senren Banka. My favorite route is still Kanna's route tho

>> No.45825046


>> No.45825053
File: 654 KB, 840x831, 4324232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, anons are arguing irrelevant shit again

>> No.45825058

what, you expect people to actually read a visual novel?

>> No.45825069

I'm just bored and have only been disappointed by vns I've read lately

>> No.45825075
File: 27 KB, 256x300, 79575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinion about pic related? I like her design, so I could probably make an effort to read her route

>> No.45825106
File: 40 KB, 250x300, 56875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf this girl looks cute too. It's over bros, my moebuta journey begins

>> No.45825119

A lot of Japanese sexpats in countries like Philippines and Thailand.

>> No.45825148
File: 1.38 MB, 1335x749, 1680832887483814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute mutsuri sukebe

>> No.45825163

why is senren banka the best

>> No.45825171

lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.45825225

She has the best route in her game, genuinely don't know why the EGS score is so low.

>> No.45825229
File: 370 KB, 2048x1536, 2023_05_11_327_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great route

>> No.45825237

Why do blonde girls tend to have meh to bad routes?

>> No.45825251

Because they're not imoutos.

>> No.45825312

Don't forget to post your review. Maybe I will begins my moebuta journey too.

>> No.45825444

I didn't expect my moebuta journey to start with such a melancholic main screen

>> No.45825513

wtf I am about to experience a fucking kamige?

>> No.45825532

The most enjoyable so far for me. Probably recency bias because that's the most recent title I read. My reading order is CS->RJ->TSR->SB, and I'm planning to keep reading their previous titles until I'm sick of it

>> No.45825554

do you ever feel sad when you check an eroge writers vndb and the last thing they wrote was like in 2015 or something? what do eroge writers do after that do they just get normal jobs? do you ever think they stand around awkwardly at parties telling people that they were a writer once?

>> No.45825582

#1 is probably switching to writing shitty isekai webnovels
#2 is Ghost writing for gacha games
these are the "good" choices

>> No.45825629

I wonder that about VAs who stop. What do they do other than voice work?

>> No.45825638

I love her
I won't say she's the best heroine or that she has the best route, though I personally really love her
I will say, she has an extremely high amount of fun lines. Like it gets to the point where every single line is adorable and hard to resist 登録ing. Also despite having a really good route and being one of the main heroines her route basically is completely separated from the main plot of the game (unlike Ayase and Mayu who are completely tangled up in the main plot) so you don't have to sperg out about route order. Her route can be played anywhere from first to last
For me Stella -> Senren Banka -> Riddle Joker -> Tenshi Souzou -> Amairo Islenauts (just finished)
If I tried to be """"objective"""" I think I would say Riddle Joker is the best at every route being excellent, but my personal favorites are Kanna/Mei/Natsume/Hazuki/Murasame
Stella/Banka/Joker are solidly at least one tier above the other two, only in terms of story. Seems like Yuzu never misses when it comes to the quality of the heroines at least. Riku is kind of boring but not bad and Tooru is lame. Kousei is hilarious, especially in Mei and Nozomi routes while Masaomi/Satoru are 言動的にかっこいい
Next I want to try Sanobawitch because it seems to be the most popular one. But I don't want to play 6 yuzuge in a row because that's fucking lame so I'll probably play something else next. There's a few titles I'm really torn between, it's hard to pick.

>> No.45825681

What's an unironic good choice for you?

>> No.45825732

being born into a family that gives you an actual good job out of nepotism
Other than that, once you fail in ANY career after having invested years into you are pretty fucked. I'm not going to post a 10 step guide on how to unfuck your life, because the truth is you need to get lucky.
Like that one guy who bankrupted his theater company only to be hired by square enix.

>> No.45825765

Be sure to use a guide since I think you don't even meet her if you pick the wrong choices and they're not obvious if I recall correctly.

>> No.45825783

I should've expected such fatalist posting from loser NEET central.

>> No.45825836

You just walk into the company of your choice and give them a firm handshake.

>> No.45825879

Is it really that easy?

>> No.45825883

Any recommended route order?
I must confess that yuiko surprised me a bit, thought she would be more annoying, but is just genki. There is an interesting dynamic between her and souta

>> No.45825886

realistically he's oversimplifying it but you do need to know somebody, or have a connection to some other kind of opportunity. if not your only hope is getting really lucky/scouted by an eccentric guy in the industry like the Bungo Stray Dogs guy getting picked up by someone who saw his cthulhu mythos ゆっくり解説 videos

>> No.45825893

there's been enough artists that went AWOL like no name mangakas I imagine it's actually kind of common

>> No.45825916
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, myrouteletgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc Scadi said Yuu was only doing student's routes minus Sakurako
So it's probably going to be Scadi for Kana's

>> No.45825929

Jun Maeda is very good at this.

>> No.45825967

Maruto thought he became too big for eroge and now he's completely irrelevant with two flopped anime and one flopped Manga

>> No.45825974

At least saekano was kinda a hit

>> No.45825998

I'm convinced Maeda is actually an alien
The guy actually thought cats have memory issues just because there's a japanese saying about it and then wrote a whole event about in his fucking yuri gacha game

>> No.45826000

Imagine having writing erogays as a full time job lmao
I bet most eroge writers have actual jobs and do eroge writing as a side gig.

>> No.45826014

eroge industry is 90% overweight losers
I still remember that one seiyuu tweeting about how nobody ever tried to fuck her because the devs only care about 2D

>> No.45826028

Back in the day setoguchi started writing for VNs because he got laid off and couldn't find a job iirc

>> No.45826030

Still mad s2 felt like he got hush money to PRAISE the (fucked) industry after all.
Don't worry about your health, it's good if you to produce your monthly/weekly chapter, the rest does not matter to us (the industry). Just work, like a machine. That's better for you (by which we mean for us). Only like this you can produce good work (aka we can sell stuff regularly, as only selling stuff earns money = good work HA HA HA).

I was honestly shocked, as s1 looked like it'd go into the complete different direction, calling out a lot of the shit that's happening. But alas. Either he has been brainwashed, or really got paid. Given his supposed irrelevancy today, wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter.

>> No.45826036

>one seiyuu tweeting about how nobody ever tried to fuck her because the devs only care about 2D
Lmao pathetic

>> No.45826062

Yeah, not trying to get flirty bc they fear to get sued for セクハラ like that dumb eroge producer last month is much more unrealistic

>> No.45826066

>Don't worry about your health, it's good if you to produce your monthly/weekly chapter, the rest does not matter to us (the industry). Just work, like a machine. That's better for you (by which we mean for us). Only like this you can produce good work (aka we can sell stuff regularly, as only selling stuff earns money = good work HA HA HA).
Bruh what
Iirc saekano's messages were
(1) you'll never know when you'll make a masterpiece. Hardwork isn't enough
(2) blaming the industry will get you nowhere. If you can't make a selling product you're fucked. That's just how cookie crumbles. You have to make compromises to your artistic integrity if you want to stay float in this commercial market.
I mean these are good advices imo

>> No.45826069

Wow this character voiced by kamiya hiroshi. I rarely hear his voice in vn.

>> No.45826071
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x750, Scarlett_Wj7OeEejmU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.45826077

No one cares autist

>> No.45826082

Do you actually not relate to that?

>> No.45826094

I like how he'll do his cool voice then suddenly sound like fucking choromatsu as soon as he tries to do battle grunts

>> No.45826098

>you'll never know when you'll make a masterpiece.
*even if you got talent

>> No.45826101

read more otomege
you rarely hear big name male VAs in VNs unless they're in otomege
but if you want to fuck a 40 year old man voiced by suwabe, otomege have you covered

>> No.45826108

I can understand not flirting with women at work but only caring about 2d? Nah. I like real women too

>> No.45826120

>Nah. I like real women too
Then why do you read VNs?

>> No.45826128

Why not?? What kind of question is that? I don't read eroge for virtual gf experience. I'm not a moebuta loser.

>> No.45826130

You don't belong here, normalfag.

>> No.45826151

People can post the most obvious bait in the world and you fuckwits will swallow it whole.

>> No.45826155

Lmao why are you like this

>> No.45826219
File: 1.52 MB, 1000x750, amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not gay, I was just surprised to hear a famous voice actor in vn.

>> No.45826286

Gintama man is also in eroge

>> No.45826292

So was mamoru miyano until he got married

>> No.45826377
File: 633 KB, 1523x884, 八剱伝.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be the only famous voice actor guy still appearing in eroge at a decent pace, if you don't count otoge

>> No.45826400

You're gay. You just don't realize it. No straight man gets excited enough to forget posting the pic upon hearing a man's voice.

>> No.45826429

If the industry adopted Europoor working standards, we would have nothing in terms of output.

>> No.45826439

That's better for your average overworked Japanese worker. I can live with that.

>> No.45826440

The villain in Ayakashi. While playing the game I doubted it until I looked it up, crazy how different he is now

>> No.45826454

Since when did you ever care about their wellbeing?

>> No.45826461
File: 3.86 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No straight man gets excited enough to forget posting the pic upon hearing a man's voice.

>> No.45826499

Ever since I became a communist :^(

>> No.45826596

That's why I hate autistic people or social failures, they don't know how to identify baits or sarcasm and feel the need to reply any shit

>> No.45826624

Commies are literally heartless and soulless.

>> No.45826633

You won't have a good time here.

>> No.45826685

Based. It means you can actually enjoy eroge objectively instead of needing to cling to it because you're desperate and lonely and nobody wants you.

>> No.45826734
File: 22 KB, 312x217, Hide apply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I greatly enjoy eroge-related discussions tho, my solution against subhumans is simply to do this:
You filter posts with extremely retard replies and the issue is fixed

>> No.45826779

You can't hide every autistic post that gets here. Impossible.

>> No.45826783
File: 36 KB, 675x249, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45826809

This thread is only fast when discussing anything but eroge

>> No.45826840

Usually subhumans just show up to reply general bullshit questions, so it's easy

>> No.45826919

Based, pretentious twats get filtered on the spot. Same with imokano spammers.

>> No.45826957

If you are so sensitive that you can't handle the baits on 4chan and feel the need to hide anything you don't like and make a separate post about it every time then sorry but you are the one who i being autistic here

>> No.45826980

There's different sorts of autism that happens here. Again impossible.

>> No.45827009

It seems to be really effective, schizo autistics automatically appeared to cry

>> No.45827153

spawn of sjw/antisjw outrage culture desu

>> No.45827217

So imokano's hater is one of those who always participates in those discussions eh...can't say I'm surprised I guess

>> No.45827293

and imokano shilloid are reddit mtl. what's your point?

>> No.45827319

If that were the case, imagine a filthy mtler being of more contribution to the thread than you...damn

>> No.45827426

Are there any other heroines like Nozomu from Hatsuyuki sakura who are trying to use the otoko speech even though it doesn't fit them?
Kinda crazy that through all this time no one else even tried to use this trope

>> No.45827429

Cafe Stella was my first and only Yuzu game. The protagonist was so infuriating that couldn't bring myself to play another one, no matter how interesting or cute the heroines might be. Protagonist cannot be topped at faggotry. Heroines probably also cannot be topped at cuteness.

>> No.45827445

imokano's writing is so good the fact that the writer has written nothing but nukige before he started working for Waffle is insane. literally how did Waffle find this guy. imagine how many other nukige writers are hiding potential like this.

>> No.45827500

kyonyuu fantasy guy is really good too

>> No.45827503

What is wrong with the MC?

>> No.45827555
File: 961 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_01_24_121_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imokano author also made this route?
Then I'll need to try out imakano after all!

>> No.45827584

Yuiko Sasara Chihaya or swap the last two. Sasara's explains some things about the other routes and might have a better aftertaste so up to you which you prefer to end with. And yeah, I thought Yuiko would be annoying too but was pleasantly surprised. Her route deals with themes I didn't expect to see in moege.

>> No.45827918


>> No.45827940

And for seiyuu aliases

>> No.45827963

>literally how did Waffle find this guy
by playing nukige?

>> No.45828465

Do you mean good writer as in good story and characters, or is Imokano prosege?

>> No.45828569
File: 251 KB, 676x403, sacvillains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this is all about?
My system locale is japanese and this is the first eroge that's not working.

>> No.45828639


>> No.45828694

thanks that worked

>> No.45828724

How long/How many novels did you guys take before feeling you can read a vn "fluently", that is without stopping to look at definitions and enjoying the content and the story?

Sometimes I feel stuck in a plateau of not knowing enough vocab and not being able to enjoy the story proper. It is discouraging from time to time.

>> No.45828740

After i finished Muramasa everything else started to feel like a breeze in comparison

>> No.45828804

on a writing level. i really believe that the imokano writer is one of the best writers in the industry right now. if he wrote more 'normal' games with widestream appeal people would probably be putting him up there with writers like romeo or setoguchi.

>> No.45828891

Why? What's so special about his writing?

>> No.45828942


>> No.45828990

how he's able to pinpoint a characters mental state to the innermost detail, the way his metaphors and turns of phrases paint such a vivid image in your head, how hes able to integrate various references to philosopy, music, literature without ever feeling overbearing, his writing just tickles something in my soul which i do not really get with other eroge.

>> No.45829036

Got any screencaps that showcase his prose stylings?

>> No.45829049

>various references to philosopy,
I can never trust an eroge writer who does this to not be shallow and pretentious

>> No.45829088

Have you read anything by porori? He does the same thing and also mostly does nukige.

>> No.45829089

Ever since that shit came out seems like there has been a huge wave of falseflagging from both sides

>> No.45829095

Just seems to be divisive.

>> No.45829119

i haven't, but i've heard good things about his writing, i just never got around to it because loli games are not my kind of thing. what is his best game?

>> No.45829162

The Yoru no Hitsuji loli games, but Yoruboku is his most "normal" VN and will give you an introduction to his style. It does have two other writers though and it shows in their routes.

>> No.45829189

>yoru no hitsuji loli games
Is this like a series? Do you have to play them in order, or can you start anywhere?

>> No.45829272

It's a series with similar themes across entries but the characters are different apart from one fandisc. You can go in any order but the first three (the single heroine ones) have the best stories and integration of themes with H. The double heroine ones are a bit more H-focused but they still have the same kind of writing.

>> No.45829486

>anon actually believes fotm ntr is the pinnacle of writing

>> No.45829572

yeah muramasa is the pinnacle of writing

>> No.45829755

that looks hot actually

>> No.45829781

that was already debunked, kid. imokano is not ntr and not nukige. check egs if you don't believe it.

>> No.45829805

What currently existing VN will be talked about 150 years from now?

>> No.45829818

The internet will not exist in 150 years.

>> No.45829826


>> No.45829859 [SPOILER] 
File: 389 KB, 2560x1440, Monobeno_17-01-2024 19-31-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional wedding "dress" is so much better

>> No.45829923

3, but I was already listening/reading JP for 4 months or so before I started a VN

>> No.45829942

I wish.

>> No.45829947

How accurate are vndb tags?

Like there's a game that was clearly properly tagged for all sorts of things, but it lacks a somewhat important (at least 2.0 in score) tag I think should be there.
But maybe I'm misunderstanding something. Have you encountered another VN that was like this on vndb?

>> No.45829971

It's a user curated site. If there's not a tag on a game you think it should be on then just add it.

>> No.45829977

depends on who tags it

>> No.45830010

I'm incredibly lazy about tagging so even if I play something basically untagged I just throw the first 5-10 tags I can think of on and move on with my life. As to whether I've encountered that before, it's very common.

>> No.45830020

Maybe I should tag more...
I play a lot of stuff with basically no tags but im lazy

>> No.45830088

Do we agree

>> No.45830106

kys moebuta

>> No.45830154

Not everyone tagging is going to have autistic knowledge of every vndb tag and even if they do they might not think of all applicable tags. Just add whatever is missing.

>> No.45830156

I see, thanks. Then I guess it's probably the case of one or several people tagging it this way.

>> No.45830319

what are some good lolibaba vns?

>> No.45830327


>> No.45830432

Nice, thanks. It feels very weird. I think you can feel the passage of time and the change of trends, as it really has an atmosphere very typical of the games of those years. From what I've seen, it's a bit disappointing that they've changed their approach so much over the years, but hey, they found the formula that generates the most profit, so they're just taking the most rational course of action

>> No.45830682

Pretty sure their profit would be far better if they added some decent plot to their high-quality characters, as of now their games are pretty much exclusively made for the fans only
Egs ratings say it all when you compare with shit like Amakano

>> No.45830752

I guess that's the benefit of having built a pretty solid fan base over the years. Innovating can increase your profits, but at the same time it can be a double-edged sword if you introduce a change that is not to the liking of the people who follow you faithfully. Usually those changes are made gradually, but personally I'm not a fan of yuzusoft, so I'm not really aware of how their approach has been changing with each game.
I have yet to read amakano series, from what I have discussed with some people, I suppose I could enjoy them much more than tone works games

>> No.45830883

Rance 03 already proved that fans autism means nothing when after seething so much that voices will ruin it in the end there were like 1-2% of people who actually used the voice disabling option

>> No.45830924

But introducing voices is not as radical a change as changing the essence of what fans expect from a company's game. In general, companies tend to accumulate a fan base precisely because they tend to specialize in certain themes; if you change those themes, you may be able to gain new fans, at the risk of losing a large number of your old fans

>> No.45831146
File: 399 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_17-01-2024 22-17-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro they really want to kill me here with this cuteness overdose

>> No.45831161

>porori's "philosophy"
>I'm depressed, world is a fuck, I'm gonna kill myself
>how about, instead of suicide, sex?
>wow now I'm happy and all problems are solved
>also the loli(s) got pregnant but that's a good thing, surely everything will work out

>> No.45831173

Sounds great, thanks. Backlogged

>> No.45831178

am I retarded or are chuuni VNs with an all Magical Girl cast that don't have extreme fetishes hard to find? I want something like Sanoba Witch but with chuunishit. and I can't htink of a single one.

>> No.45831198

Shukusei no Girlfriend is kinda chuuni
Twinkle Crusaders too

>> No.45831199

Does twinkle crusaders count as chuuni

>> No.45831210

>Twinkle Crusaders
looks interesting, I'll check it out.

>> No.45831212

I'm gonna start 厨二姫の帝国 today. I don't know if it's going to be like what you describe (i haven't even read the description, I'm only playing it cause of the cover art/title) but if it is I will say so later in this thread

>> No.45831216

cool summary, guess I'll give it a try after all

>> No.45831223

I'm confused. I got Little Monica Monogatari. There is a Game disc and an Install Disc. They're 400MB and 700MB big, in cdi format. I mounted the Install first and went through the installation. I then mounted the Game disc to try the game, it worked. I unmounted the Game disc to see if it will start without cracking and it does run.

So the Game disc was not used to install and isn't needed to launch. That cdi is 400MB but in explorer shows as 302KB, kilobytes. There aren't any good visible files. I thought maybe it's a media CD but my converter software doesn't show anything. So what is this 400MB Game disc for? What also confuses me is that the Install CD is 700MB but after full install it only weighs 556MB. Music was installed and plays ingame without anything mounted. What am I missing?

>> No.45831377

>wow now I'm happy and all problems are solved
>also the loli(s) got pregnant but that's a good thing, surely everything will work out
ゆびきり婚約ロリイタ is the only one I played and that's exactly what I didn't like about it. Started off with a really emotional and deep story about a guy bonding with a lonely loli. Innocent H that teased and conflicted me without them going the whole way. Part 1 ends, kamige status.

Part 2 starts with a timeskip. Feels like a slow reintroduction and lacks information to make sense. Finally decides to get going and reveals what's up with the loli. Emotional scenes, everything makes sense now. Excited to see where the story and relationship will go from there. MC suddenly does a 180 and not only gives in to fucking who was like a daughter to him, but wants to defile and corrupt her because no reasons given. He becomes a different person and shithead. SEX SEX SEX for remainder of the game. They have one little talk about things, unsatisfying. It ends. After story is an H-scene with her pregnant. No answers what their life is like. Did she drop out of school? Is he about to get arrested? Does he hide her at home to avoid social stigma? Doesn't matter. Fap to fat loli belly. Everything will magically work out.

A lolita series reviewer on vndb didn't like that the story detracted from the H. For me it was the opposite in ゆびきり婚約ロリイタ. I loved the story and how deep and meaningful it was. Then after the MC gave in it was nonstop sex romp that didn't make sense, ruined the characters and dropped the story's potential. A love story turned into nonsense "corruption" sex. I read that this is the best in the lolita series for story. I don't even want to know what the others are like then.

>> No.45831462
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 2023_01_06_88__v1.0.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that yubikiri was the weakest of the bunch, though maybe I was harsh on it since it followed right after the awesome soushisouai. The progression into a sexual relationship in each game is good, though some do it really well and you feel a certain melancholy in the characters throughout

>> No.45831500
File: 79 KB, 256x380, 1685733649619904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone play this? Out of nowhere youtube recommended me a video from an eroge channel that gave this game an S tier so I'm kinda curious

>> No.45831515

2CD - CD-DA music for game (Game can be played without 2CD with PCM music).

what mounting software are u using, wincdemu doesnt support cdda

>> No.45831520

Do you like chinkge

>> No.45831533

I had no idea it was chinkge

>> No.45831629

>gives in to fucking who was like a daughter to him
>Doesn't matter. Fap to fat loli belly. Everything will magically work out.
Sounds like good things.

>> No.45831679

cool, added to the 'log

>> No.45831750
File: 1.40 MB, 1277x763, neta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These hokuto no ken jokes are better than mushoku tensei's

>> No.45831865

Daemon Tools Lite. I don't fully understand, does this mean with the Game disc mounted it uses higher quality audio than without mounting?

>> No.45831897
File: 436 KB, 1911x1073, 1704875179602400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they put people like him in eroge? Like I really don't get it. They just exist to be annoying.

>> No.45831912

Has anyone watched any WA2 実況?
There are dozens of them so i was wondering which one is worth checking out

>> No.45831995

Why though? Just play the game.

>> No.45832026

I hate melodramas so there is no way I'm going to read 100 hours of it
I'm still interested in what it is all about though so I'm just planning to watch it slowly while eating or shit

>> No.45832042

why not just read something you'd actually like instead? WA2's plot is pretty simple at the end of the day. you can probably sum it up in a paragraph if that's all you care about.

>> No.45832046

Can't understand that mentality at all.

>> No.45832108

I'm reading what I like though? But there are still a lot of occasions where I can't read but can watch
I went through the whole Umineko this way and I'm really glad I did because I would hate myself if I wasted all my reading time on it

>> No.45832119


>> No.45832200

I feel like Purple Software is the next one to fall. Still don't understand how they could devolved so far. I hope after that Criminal Border garbage they get their old designer back and do something good again. Something that feels like Purple Software.

>> No.45832214

their older games have worse art and worse stories though

>> No.45832230
File: 3.22 MB, 1280x1440, 1705311951334416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't possibly believe koku was worse than what they have now

>> No.45832250

Both sucks t.b.h

>> No.45832273

Criminal Border was always a side project. None of the main Purple Staff are working on it except Ishikawa since he's the boss.
Koku has tweeted that he's been working on another project which will probably be revealed later this year. I haven't been keeping track on Mikage's twitter but it doesn't seem like he's writing anything at the moment from the looks of it, so he's either already written the game or is uninvolved.

>> No.45832286

>get their old designer back
god no
>and do something good again
they never made anything "good". slightly above average is what they made
>I feel like Purple Software is the next one to fall
nah they're safe

>> No.45832400

koku is garbage so anything else is better

>> No.45832483

>No answers what their life is like. Did she drop out of school? Is he about to get arrested? Does he hide her at home to avoid social stigma? Doesn't matter. Fap to fat loli belly. Everything will magically work out.
That's the one thing I dislike about the Lolita series since they all end like that and if you assume the rest of the story is going to be as realistic as it was until the H then the only plausible conclusion to draw is that their happy life will eventually end as the MC gets arrested and the lolis and their children get taken by CPS. Everything else is believable except the happy ending where everything works out. But whatever it's still hot and a nice fantasy, and they do give reasons for why they start having sex. In Yubikiri it was about the theme of forgiving each other and accepting each other, bad parts and all. It was mentioned so many times in and between the H-scenes.

>> No.45832494
File: 34 KB, 593x352, 1692119249074690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't been keeping track on Mikage's twitter but it doesn't seem like he's writing anything at the moment from the looks of it,

>> No.45832639

>look at CG in gallery
>press arrow key
>(void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します
>game closes
>download patch 1.02
>crash not fixed
I love Japanese coding. Still better than Unity.

>> No.45832658
File: 376 KB, 1231x412, 1703048419366340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I do this.
Anyway, I'm having trouble going through Haruka Side. Reliving the same events from another character's perspective doesn't do much for me. I appreciate seeing other angles, but repeating the same events just for a different viewpoint feels redundant. I'm tempted to CTRL through some parts.

>> No.45832954


>> No.45832977

yeah probably, daemon tools lite should work if u want to rip the music / have it mounted for better quality, and not sure what you mean by converter software but i usually use foobar2k to rip the music while its mounted and _inmm.dll to patch the game to play it from the saved files instead of from disc
not sure about the sizes but theres 60 mb dx6 installer on the install disc as well and i guess the rest is probably some sort of overhead from ripping it from cd

>> No.45832983

>skip to a random part
>he's struggling to read 端正

>> No.45833029

There will be a lot of new scenes that you haven't seen from Kei's perspective soon. And the ending continues past the end of the first route.

>> No.45833038

The middle part of Haruka's route does drag a bit, yeah. It gets better towards the end as things start to progress towards where Kei's route ended. Honestly, I think Haruka's route would have been better overall if they didn't telegraph the big thing so heavily, but then again that might have just made Kei's route confusing to read.

>> No.45833045

>Hover cursor over video
>See westoid
>Remove cursor from the video

>> No.45833102

Common: interesting, but might give a false impression of what the game is gonna be. Basically as >>45820750 says, there could have been more battles. Mahou shoujo theme also makes you think so to begin with.

Hiori: 8/10
Chiwa: 10/10
Haru: 1000/10
Kuro: 999/10

>> No.45833106
File: 250 KB, 1026x668, and so it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on a minute i feel the need to warn you
expect to wade through hours and hours and hours and hours of seitokai bullshit that never goes anywhere or means anything but it's extremely important to the writer to establish that working hard is what good people do and that good people work hard all the time and always do their best and minna egao happi until spinal fluid starts leaking out your ears
there's some good comedy in there and even some good chuuni but it's a little bit of butter spread over far too much bread, and then later they slap you with romance drama and while it's not abjectly awful it's fairly heavy and stretched once again over an agonizingly long period of time

i can't hate it because when it's good it's good and when it's bad it's never really atrocious
but holy hell do not expect things of significance to happen regularly and in a reasonable timeframe

>> No.45833714
File: 486 KB, 1253x889, 1683213791703980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute imouto. Looking forward to the upcoming Smeege

>> No.45833943

>Looking forward to the upcoming Smeege
Words I never thought I'd read

>> No.45833961

So, what Purplesoft vn should I read next? Only read amatsutsumi, cb and aoi tori so far, amatsutsumi was great while aoi tori sucked aside of prologue and imouto route. Is hapymaher worth it?

>> No.45833987

read hapymaher, choose maia bad end
close hapymaher. uninstall hapymaher.
tell others it was a fairly decent but short game with a bittersweet ending and a lot of extraneous characters.

>> No.45834077

kunado kokuki
you forgot about the remake bro

>> No.45834133

I like what they did with the CGs in the remake but not the sprites so I might just have to install both

>> No.45834140

Just make a patch that patches the one into the other.

>> No.45834201

the remake did not in any way fix the abhorrent lack of maia
neither did the fandisk
these are bandaid solutions to self-inflicted shotgun wounds

>> No.45834302
File: 1.47 MB, 1276x759, puppet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame you guys for making me aware of this expression.
Now I can't help but laugh whenever I come across it.

>> No.45834324

something similar happens to me but with the mystery cat in a box. I swear we need to make a compilation of that shit

>> No.45834432

what are the BEST nukige, any genre

>> No.45834435

whichever one matches your personal fetishes the best
otherwise milk factory

>> No.45834451


>> No.45834471

kek remind me of monobeno

>> No.45834491
File: 964 KB, 971x621, kotowari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now there's a 誤字

>> No.45834654

We need a new thread.

>> No.45834733

New thread:


>> No.45835096

