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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4580466 No.4580466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post ending in 55 is a weeaboo.

>> No.4580472

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.4580471

66 is close enough

>> No.4580478
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Post ending in 66 is reported

>> No.4580474

Being a janitor must be a fulltime job.

>> No.4580481

/a/ called they are missing a shitposter.

>> No.4580484


>> No.4580485

Why are you so bitter all the time?

>> No.4580488


>> No.4580492

You have ten seconds to come up with a good reason why the average /jp/ poster shouldn't be bitter all the time

>> No.4580496


He's an angry virgin, of course. /jp/ is full of them.

>> No.4580506

I'm not an average /jp/ poster, so maybe I'm the exception? I've been told that I'm rather exceptional.

>> No.4580512


I win.

>> No.4580516

Stop posting

>> No.4580523

Virgin's shouldn't be angry, they should be pure. I do not understand his inability to act pleasant around others. Anti-social personality disorder is a terrible character flaw.

>> No.4580528

What have I done to deserve such hostilities?

>> No.4580530

/jp/ - Sociopath Culture

>> No.4580535

Posting with a name a tripcode for starters.

>> No.4580543

Sociopath, that is the word I was searching for. Thank you for refreshing my diction.

>> No.4580539


Well, it's unhealthy for you, not having sex. It's a basic human biological imperative, and lack of human contact, including sex, can result in various mental disorders, delusions, irritability, rage, and such.

Masturbation does nothing, if anything it makes things worse.
And /jp/ is full on angry, antisocial virgins. This place is like a ticking time-bomb. Someone will snap, and end up killing a bunch of people

>> No.4580546

Correction, a few dozen /jp/ posters will end up building a nuke.

>> No.4580554


>> No.4580555

Oh, I see. It's because I do not post under 'Anonymous'? I guess that makes sense...

I think one can be a well-adjusted, upstanding citizen even if they haven't had sexual relationships. I do, however, understand your point. I respect your opinion.

>> No.4580560


Mental disorder is a fancy term for "does not conform to society".

>> No.4580566

Two words: Asteroid drop.
And the latest moot troll is driving all the shitposters of /a/ here again or something?

>> No.4580569

So did Zun respond to your twitter? Did anyone? Let me guess, he ignored you.

>> No.4580571

Maturity is all about conforming to social standards. Those who do not are immature by definition.

>> No.4580587


>> No.4580589


You don't understand.

/jp/ stays in their room ALL DAY. It would be fine if they spoke and interacted with society normally, but this is a whole new level of unhealthiness.


People who don't conform end up voted off the Island, to use metaphors.

They talk about individuality. There's no such thing as individuality in human nature. We were made to live in tribes, and follow certain ideals. People who try to be individual always fail.

>> No.4580590

Looks more like a weeajew.

>> No.4580614

Wow, I can't say I was aware of that. It is rather pitiful, is it not?

>> No.4580615
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>> No.4580621

Sounds like someone's a bit jealous of the TRUE NEETS

>> No.4580626


>Correction, a few dozen /jp/ posters will end up building a nuke.

I can see this happening. Ever since Utsuho became popular, Anonymous has been interested in Nuclear power.

They will carry it out in Utsuho's name.

>> No.4580634


Just like I'm jealous of an amputee. Gee, I sure wish I didn't have a left arm, that shit's annoying if you know what I mean

>> No.4580639

Arc-sama is jealousmoe~

>> No.4580654

I just looked "NEET" up on a popular online encyclopedia, I am suddenly overcome with sadness.

I had no idea they existed. What can I do to help them?

>> No.4580658

This thread makes me giggle.

>> No.4580661

I don't want your help. I'm fine the way I am.

>> No.4580666

Cure me with social activities! My mother grows weed plants in the garden and we have lobster, you'd feel right at home.

>> No.4580673

Surely you can't be serious, when you say words like that. Maybe you aren't ready to speak truthfully about your condition? It's alright, I will wait. I'm here for you.

>> No.4580677

The best way to help is to stop posting

>> No.4580680





Oh god, it's a trap. Get away from me, satan.

>> No.4580683

you can help by going away.

>> No.4580684

Why do you think I need help?

>> No.4580685

Hello my love.

>> No.4580690

If that would truly help, I would most definitely never post ever again. I am not so trusting that it would though, I do not see the evidence correlating such actions.

>> No.4580693

absolutely nothing, they are doomed creatures. they can only help themselves.

>> No.4580699

I refuse to believe that YOU, of all people, have never smoked weed.
I mean really now. Your entire image just says that you've at least experimented with it once before.

>> No.4580700

Or, you know, I'm actually perfectly content with how my life is. Stranger things have happened.

>> No.4580711
File: 23 KB, 640x480, toma4ux1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Kintaro Oe. I'm 25 years old, and I'm a freeter.

>> No.4580705

You can't act like that, NukuAnon. You must never give up hope, because when you do... you lose your humanity. I will always try to help, in any way possible.

>> No.4580707


I refuse to live in a world where murders, rapes, and general destruction happen frequently on a daily basis. Sure, there ain't a damn thing I can do about it, but I sure as hell don't want or HAVE to live in that crapsack.

So this makes me ill? I doubt it.

>> No.4580702

Jesus looks like /a/'s at full force right now

>> No.4580716

Fuck, you got me.

Good morning, SATEN-san!

>> No.4580717

Are you happy with merely being content? It's for the rest of your life, my friend. I would strive for something better than 'content'. Maybe 'True happiness', I would settle for that.

>> No.4580725
File: 82 KB, 300x300, scornful hatless Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool fred OP it's pretty epic

>> No.4580727

You can do something to make the world a better place. Don't give up, I believe in you.

All you have to do is try, try your best and wonderful things just may happen.

>> No.4580729

No such thing as true happiness, tripfriend. And if there is, it's only fleeting. Like everything else in live. I'm perfectly fine with how things are.

>> No.4580731


But good things also happen in this fucked up world. Never forget that.


I don't even know what weed is

>> No.4580734


>You can do something to make the world a better place. Don't give up, I believe in you.

Well, I kind of want to kill bad people. Like child molestors.

>> No.4580745

>lose your humanity

We're more human than any of the "normal" people out there. Don't forget where you are

This is an anonymous imageboard. People act as humans truly wish to act in the absence of identity and unnecessary social pressure. Is it pretty? No, but it's the truth.

>> No.4580746

Somewhere out there, there's a man for me.

>> No.4580739

Who is this Saten-san, Makoto? It's me, Anonymous-san! Have you forgotten?

>> No.4580741

I just want to go to an anime con and blow shit up.

>> No.4580742

That is a rather dreadful outlook to have on life, fair Anonymous. Happiness, if even fleeting, is still better than never experiencing it to begin with; Wouldn't you agree?

>> No.4580749

I have experienced happiness. I'm happy right now.

>> No.4580750

Don't say such things, it's unbecoming of you.
