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45752891 No.45752891 [Reply] [Original]

Could you (a human) survive the Gensokyo grind and eventually meet your touhou waifu?

>> No.45752941

I would only be able to work on the farms and maybe learn magic but otherwise I don't see myself really having a strong relationship with any character.

>> No.45754546

Have to survive Gensokyo except you have a semi-automatic rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition. What changes?

>> No.45754579

Forcing a youkai to become my wife at gunpoint
Maybe it goes well, maybe not. Maybe some of them just need that extra push to agree to birth at least a soccer team of half-human offspring.

>> No.45754741
File: 259 KB, 670x1024, aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too easy, I'm an outsider, Aya would kill to interview me. From there, I make my move. And if Aya doesn't fall for me, there's always Hatate.

>> No.45756148

I'd stalk around reimu's shrine at night and get sealed away for a thousand years.

>> No.45756177

nothing much because youkai aren't that weak to physical damage, only spiritual
maybe if you had 100 rounds of silver bullets it'd be a different question, but even then I think it'd only work on kagerou or the vampires

>> No.45756183

/jp/ Lore What IF Scenario: could anon stop posting shit threads?

>> No.45756272

>this anon jobs to the gensokyo rice fields

>> No.45756425

Unfortunately shilling your shitty youtube videos while having no additional input of your own isn't against the rules.

>> No.45756563

/jp/ let vtubers take refuge here for months, you'll live.

>> No.45756646

Past tense?
You mean we kicked them out without me realising?

>> No.45756716

No, they're still very here.

>> No.45758055
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I'd certainly die like a dog before getting anywhere interesting with it, but I do sometimes think it'd be nice to abandon everything and go full autist learning magic and trying to find some corner of Gensokyo to be "mine". Kind of like Marisa does.
Definitely forever alone though. Kind of scarred myself from being able to build any relationship, so I won't have anyone jumping to save my ass in the 6th hour...
Maybe I just want to fight and die on my own terms

>> No.45758133

Depends a lot on my own engineering ability as well as my ability to not get my soul sucked out my ass by kappa and getting along with them to make a cool mech to beat up these fuckin youkai

>> No.45758206

How effective would other earth occult practices work in gensokyo? Would they falter because everything is faith based and you would be the only practitioner there? Or is there something in the air in gensokyo that lets magic happen far more easily?

>> No.45760033

My expectations and plans would be pretty much the same, maybe having some knowledge of girls with funny clothes being monsters and phantoms being pretty harmless helps a bit to survive.
Feral youkai might be more of a problem since you can't talk to them, but at least those might not be easier to escape from than your average 2hu.
Good question, Remi and Flan seem to be doing fine, but they kinda got the whole kinda counting as an oni thing so maybe only stuff with certain syncretism or wordplay involved. Patche uses 5 elements but wood kinda feels like air magic sometimes so she might have been a 4 elemental magician in the past but switched to wuxing in Gensokyo

>> No.45760343

I'm thinking meiling may have the answers I'm looking for, how much her ability with ki is relevant to her danmaku and other strengths.

>> No.45764414

Hypnosis app.

>> No.45764566

The bullets and guns alone will only put a youkai down for a while, but it won't kill them, as you will have to spiritually damage them.
You will have to do something with the gun or bullets, like using Christian mysticism that blessing the bullets, or etch holy text or symbols onto the gun.
Just a word painted on a card can do massive damage to a youkai.

>> No.45764607

Absolutely. I am the protagonist and I have plot armor.

>> No.45764753

Ki and other chinese stuff are pretty close to Japanese tho, that's why I picked the vamps, since they are clearly not nip by far.
Aside from that Sakuya, Alice and Marisa don't seem to fit too well with Japanese myths but Marisa said in CoLA that she has a disadvantage against Reimu due to Wood-Water element interaction. Sakuya ignoring air also seems to align more with wuxing but that's probably just a joke of how time stoppers ignore air.
And fairies are kinda like minor kami but still western kinda... So probably the best is to learn magic from locals, since it's a bit of its own system, at the very least crosses by themselves don't harm Remi, probably the best thing would be to get into sun themed magic and stuff since that works against almost every youkai.

>> No.45766570

isnt the whole "symbol hurt youkai" debunked?

>> No.45766634

>Willing to settle for H*tate
You do not deserve Aya

>> No.45766750

Marisa asked Reimu how her ofuda work by just writing simple kanji on them, and she just says they do. Marisa also doesn't mention her doing any kind of ritual, or using special paint either. I believe it's in the WaHH chapter when this comes up.
I think that is a example of some kind of symbol doing some pretty crazy spirutal damage to a youkai.

>> No.45766871
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There are many incidents in Gensokyo but what about Makai?

What if there was an Incident in Makai? Would Shinki use her powers to create her own "shrine" maiden to solve the incident?

And what if there was a game about it where said Makaian shrine maiden and Yumeko were playable?

Just some thoughts...

>> No.45767190
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theres no way in hell those symbols are just plain symbols, more like hakurei powered magical symbols that make her seemingly innocent ofuda a deadly weapon
Sara is the closest to a shrine maiden there
also, Makai is a more civilized place, but if things happened there, I bet Shinki would send Yumeko to fix the situation

>> No.45767225

I don't understand why you guys need such complex headcanons to explain how youkai, being so vulnerable to spiritual attacks, can be hurt by things not remotely dangerous to hukans just like how humans are vulnerable to physical injuries not remotely dangerous to youkai.

>> No.45767227

I found the chapter, it's the one where Kogasa offers to fix up the needles.
Marisa calls the symbol a Ooiri, and after doing some research, I'm also in the opinion on questioning just how the fuck this is Reimu's most abundant youkai stomper weapon.
I think it is just a symbol, but there is probably something that only one who knows Japanese culture can answer.

>> No.45767557

I read an analysis once that it literally means full house, but it's stamped on the side of traditional bags full of money (if you see those Chinese money package celebrations, it's the Jap version of the same thing). The guy speculated that Reimu either wants to seem rich or trick people into touching them.

>> No.45767828
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probably not

realistically i'd get merked in an instant, but if i miraculously got teleported somewhere close to the human village and managed to avoid death by rabid rumia, my options are slim. life as a pre-industrial farmhand sucks, and with at least 12 hours a day breaking my back i'd not have much time or spare money to socialize or study outside of akyuu's school. my only option to escape this shithole with anything other than my life, realistically, is to become a magician. i doubt i'd ever have the time or money to go and buy materials from Marisa, as my pay wouldn't be worth much after getting a place to live. not to mention i might just get mugged and lose everything, since financial institutions don't really exist yet outside of aristocrats and loan sharks, so i doubt the Gensokyo Central Bank is willing to give me a loan. my education as a mathemetitian wouldn't be worth much, but i've got some decent physics & engineering knowledge that might go somewhere with the kappa. alternatively i guess if i miraculously got teleported in with my small library of shit i've accumulated throughout university i might have some leverage to use with them, but it's unlikely since all of it's in english and no fucking way am i spending a human lifespan translating it all

my best course of action would probably be to go and find a job doing whatever at the SDM, presumably after getting fluent - i might actually have an hour or two of free time a day, and i'm way less likely to get shaken down or randomly killed by a youkai since remillia doesn't seem like she'd care enough about me to do that. if i'm lucky and i've got talent on a similar level to marisa i could try and get patchouli's permission to get access to the library. shedding my humanity is pretty much the only way to anything of note in Gensokyo if you're a human with zero connection, and at the SDM if you manage to pull it off you're less likely to get offed by Reimu because you're coralled from the rest of the lifestock, and Patchouli could probably kill you in a second. alternatively i guess i could try and find kasen or Miko and try to become a hermit, but one of those is suicidal, the other might not even be able to happen unless I arrive after TD, and both are dubious at best. i'm more of a bookworm than an eccentric taoist, or anything religous actually... like i spend most of my day doing math proofs, so unless the human village appretiates half-baked attempts at lectures on real analysis i've got no out to breaking my body doing farm work until I keel over or die of some disease otherwise. maybe smallpox is a problem in gensokyo? but bottom line, staying human is a no go, becoming a legit being of magic is the most probable way of surviving

i think the gensou video mentioned other settings to live in, but yeah, no. pure lands are either impossible for me to enter or are hostile to my continued existence, so no moon. makai's probably even deadlier than being dumped into the literal outsider burial ground, so unless i've already become a competent magician that's a nope too

tl;dr, i guess, is hope you've got talent for magic since the village sucks and anything outside of it as a regular human is a death trap

>> No.45768128

Looking at how she wanted to deal with the protags directly until Yumeko comes in she could go personally to solve stuff.
Would be funny to have some pairs like IN and have Mai bulling Yuuki and Louize just being there for sightseeing along with Sara who would probably take shit seriously
I wanted to say more of a gatekeeper but I guess Reimu is also kind of a gatekeeper.
The ooiri thing: https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/The_Grimoire_of_Marisa/Reimu_Hakurei%27s_Spell_Cards
+5 against greedy people I guess
Dunno when used as projectile weapons but they are pretty much spells with different functions, warding of evil and sealing supernatural stuff being the most common one probably thought that it would make a good weapon like whoever thought using a bible as a weapon in castlevania.

>> No.45771527
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Yes I will. I have the will and more importantly FAITH in myself, faith being a thing that can genuinely affect the world in toe hoe project. I'll make my way to the village and become a vagabond (hobo). Doing odd jobs and begging for food or money. Hell I'll even pray to the gods for help, namely Suwako or Kanako. I'll save up as much as I can and eventually I'll buy fried tofu for Ran and kneel to her. With her intelligence and intuition she'll know that i wish to serve her and become her shikigami. I recall Ran very casually offering Aya to become her shikigami in an interview and the novelty of an outsider somehow surviving and wanting to serve her would pique her interest. She'd also probably sense my intent to marry and plap plap plap her. Kitsune already have a history of banging humans so this should entice her even further. No matter what obstacles stand in my way, I WILL overcome them.

>> No.45771576
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With enough plot armor anyone can survive. The question is why or how (you) were brought to Gensokyo?
In any-case, it seems like the danger is from feral youkai, specifically unnamed background mobs since the named characters either have reasons not to attack and eat you outright or have glaring weaknesses (if you can identify them), like Rumia can just be walked around since she can't see outside her darkness bubble. Really just don't be out alone at night.

>> No.45773304

>Could you (a human) survive the Gensokyo grind
This depends on where you land and how lucky you get. If you manage to survive however and have enough time on your hands then I believe it should be possible for a normal human to become decently. Though how strong depends on luck and if you have enough potential that can be see by those who could teach you
>eventually meet your touhou waifu?
I can probably meet most of them but I doubt I could make them fall for me, especially Kaguya who is one of my favourites and one whom I'm rather unlikely to see. It mostly depends on how good you look, how strong you've become, how smart you are, how social and charismatic you are etc. Those factors also should change from 2hu to 2hu abd like before Luck plays a big factor

>> No.45773604 [DELETED] 

So this is something that is more suited for the Era Games Generals, but whatever, why not.

So I decided to make a crap ton of characters for eraTohoK. These OCs are for an idea for a series I thought of doing.

Quick backstory, but in the distant future mankind has explored the stars and colonized different planets. War however, is still a constant and has in fact became more wild. With weaponry able to devastate half a planet at a best-case scenario. A united organization has band together to stop wars from getting "too hot" in some way or to stop any sort of super weapon. They found a way to make super soldiers with magic capabilities; however, this requires the subjects to only be young males (about from the ages 7-17+), since they are for some reason only able to get it to work for them. These boys are at a young age are put into small, special task forces (up to 8 members max per each) where they are given weapons and other gear suited for them. These youths are sent into special missions where the fate of mankind is at risk. While most groups tend to be a random assortment of members. Others are put into certain groups that have a type of theme to them such as Ruy's group being made up of native Spanish speakers or Erwin's being made up of femboys or En'Ichi's being made up of Buddhists. However some of these super soldier groups can be on the more rogue side (such as Martin's and Fergus') and due to special augmentations that are needed to make these mage super soldiers ("Wizarriors" as they are called), their natural life span has been drastically shortened to the oldest only ever living till age 39 for most; but despite all of that, they still pull through and when danger to mankind is near, they will be there to fight.

Though there are roughly over 1,000 of these groups. For some reason only a select few were somehow (*cough* Yukari *cough*) ended up in Gensokyo. While they were confused at everything, they quickly were caught up with whats going on and decided that in some way it is best that they stay and keep Gensokyo a secret from any other organizations (even theirs to an extent).

Also if some of you are wondering. Yes, Windsor, Roosevelt, and Kennedy are suppose to be _those_ families. Also sorry if this seems shit.

>> No.45773630
File: 23 KB, 434x508, Wizarriors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Forgot the picture)
So this is something that is more suited for the Era Games Generals, but whatever, why not.

So I decided to make a crap ton of characters for eraTohoK. These OCs are for an idea for a series I thought of doing.

Quick backstory, but in the distant future mankind has explored the stars and colonized different planets. War however, is still a constant and has in fact became more wild. With weaponry able to devastate half a planet at a best case scenario. A united organization has band together to stop wars from getting "too hot" in some way or to stop any sort of super weapon. They found a way to make super soldiers with magic capabilities; however, this requires the subjects to only be young males (about from the ages 7-17+), since they are for some reason only able to get it to work for them. These boys are at a young age are put into small, special task forces (up to 8 members max per each) where they are given weapons and other gear suited for them. These youths are sent into special missions where the fate of mankind is at risk. While most groups tend to be a random assortment of members. Others are put into certain groups that have a type of theme to them such as Ruy's group being made up of native Spanish speakers or Erwin's being made up of femboys or En'Ichi's being made up of Buddhists. However some of these super soldier groups can be on the more rogue side (such as Martin's and Fergus') and due to special augmentations that are needed to make these mage super soldiers ("Wizarriors" as they are called), their natural life span has been drastically shortened to the oldest only ever living till age 39 for most; but despite all of that, they still pull through and when danger to mankind is near, they will be there to fight.

Though there are roughly over 1,000 of these groups. For some reason only a select few were somehow (*cough* Yukari *cough*) ended up in Gensokyo. While they were confused at everything, they quickly were caught up with whats going on and decided that in some way it is best that they stay and keep Gensokyo a secret from any other organizations (even theirs to an extent).

Also if some of you are wondering. Yes, Windsor, Roosevelt, and Kennedy are suppose to be _those_ families. Also sorry if this seems shit.

>> No.45773939

Makes me wonder if okina has the ability to bring in outsiders as well.

>> No.45774042

>It mostly depends on how good you look, how strong you've become, how smart you are, how social and charismatic you are etc.
I'd blow most of whatever money I make (or make a deal with Eirin to not pay in the short term) for cosmetic/genetic enhancements. Then later I can flirt with Kaguya.Id get as strong as possible. Fastest way I know is to become a shikigami for Ran or Yukari (but Yukari is a bitch so I'd pick Ran). If i learn how gaps work I can entertain Kaguya with gifts from the outside world.

>> No.45777693

100 anons suddenly get spirited away to Muenzuka.
Goal is to either make it out or survive for a year.

>> No.45785639


>> No.45785718
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Good point. Assuming that I get to pick where I land, it'll be the Myouren Temple. I'm sure they're willing to house a nice outsider man. Plus, I'm quite sociable and charismatic, and have a shit ton of knowledge on various religions, including Buddhism. I'll try to strike up a conversation or two with Byakuren about Thich Nhat Hanh or Buddha or whatever and hopefully we'll hit it off from there.

>> No.45786049

>probably the best thing would be to get into sun themed magic
The rising sun banishing the night, the time when almost all youkai are at their peak? Yeah that's a pretty good call.
