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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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45748161 No.45748161 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, and so on: https://controlc.com/e322ed43 [Warning, still under construction]

list/guide of plush doll providers: https://controlc.com/705b3aae

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Don't post infant dolls you dumb fag.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

>Keep it SFW and use spoilers.

Previous thread: >>45656487 #

>> No.45748197

Hopefully this is an acceptable thread start, first time doing it. Sorry about the extra #, I missed removing that. Thx bros

>> No.45748455

Chubby dolls.

>> No.45748538
File: 158 KB, 640x960, amayo-maina01-2023-05-06-10-51-53-1654801148761747458-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good FUCKING lord they are squeezable. I don't even like fatties

>> No.45748573

Homemade onaholes?

>> No.45749005

My hole has shipped.

>> No.45749110

Outside of The Handy, is there any toys I could use to sync to videos?

>> No.45749251

>148cm one is 40 kilos
Jesus Christ...

>> No.45749283


Think there was another but I can't remember the name.

>> No.45749352

155 is like the perfect body. God I wish I could afford it. Not like I'd be able to lift it though.

>> No.45749374

Paypal is back on Hanidoll. I wonder why the option disappeared in the first place.

>> No.45749460
File: 251 KB, 750x1125, ridmiierufudoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of new stuff I've been checking out this cheap doll brand called riidmii. Not sure who the manufacturer is yet. I really like what I'm seeing so far.https://files.catbox.moe/fysn1c.jpg
Marketing shots and videos are very well done. They're launching with limited motion/gyration, voice app (it's ok, light years ahead of everyone else though).

I might pick up picrel.

>> No.45749566

I'd love to see her in twintails school uniform setup

>> No.45749725

because paypal is like other payment processors where they are ban happy with anything related to selling sex-related products

>> No.45749736
File: 437 KB, 1605x2327, __original_drawn_by_liren44__170f795bd45e627b65ca6af8d40939ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should a dream high-tech doll have in the genital area?
>Self-movement (vibration, squeezing, pulsating)
>Self lubrication
>Self cleaning and drying
Is suction important? Is the suction you get from regular onahole enough or do you ever feel like you would like some more? Maybe it can just be a valve to purge the air out of the cavity after penetration

>> No.45749777

cleaning > heating > squeezing > lubrication

the current self-lubrication from tpe dolls creeps people out. an refillable "organ" that can supply lube intra-vaginally would be great.

>> No.45749912 [SPOILER] 
File: 217 KB, 419x993, 8fd57b946a85f830957386f24883fc96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are TPE dolls waterproof? Could I take one in the bath/a hot tub or would that risk damaging it?

also any recommendations for doll brands in 116-124 cm height? alternatively properly flat sculpts at any height?

I'm going to make my waifu real

>> No.45749964
File: 317 KB, 1081x1000, __original_drawn_by_shirousagi_uyu__e9706235f3d4265b2682f58fd35a0c4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> an refillable "organ" that can supply lube intra-vaginally would be great.
That's what I was thinking about, bonus points if it warms the lube before injection

I was having trouble coming up with a bloat-less way of supplying both thrusting and squeezing motion trough conventional mechanics, just to remember that soft robots exist:
You could alternate rings, half of them compress and the other half expand horizontally, to that in a rhythmic or pulsating fashion, with the pumps hidden somewhere else (would be nice for the "lungs" to supply the pneumatic system) and you get a very compact and entirely soft moving system. It could also accommodate both vaginal and anal channels since all parts can just squeeze. The same concept can be used for futa dolls, but I do not want to think about it

Since silicone is resistant to heat it could be possible to embed nichrome wire inside the silicone, not sure how well silicone can transfer heat, or if the wires will always cut the silicone overtime, but it would be a lot simpler (at least development-wise) than to do something like turning the pneumatic system into a hydraulic one which also heats up and circulates the hydraulic liquid inside the artificial muscles.

The latter is a much more elegant system, but combining two systems into one is something you much much later in development, specially since casting something with complicated internal channels is next to impossible.

As for cleaning, I cannot think of anything that isn't just having a system to run a lot of water thought the onahole section, drying seems like it's going to be a bitch to figure out

>> No.45749981

>would be nice for the "lungs" to supply the pneumatic system
Where are the refillable "organs" that supply milk to the nipples going in that case?

>> No.45749982

Yes and no. Water can get into the bottom of their feet where there are "standing bolts". Over time these will degrade and this will speed that up slightly. Water can get into the skeleton from the vagina if there is a tear you cannot see. I had one doll which had a tear form inside and open up at the knee, that rusted and locked - it sucked. That said I've showered with a lot of dolls dozens of times and had no issues. If you want to protect them use a hair dryer on warm to air dry the feet and the inside of their eye sockets later on.

>> No.45750005

mozudoll 115cm
I dont think they do customs but there is a version of this that is the kinako cat

>> No.45750026
File: 75 KB, 640x632, 1544300207911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of fucking christ that looks so soft and perfect

>> No.45750104

I don't see this for sale anywhere, even hgdoll's site. odd.

the 136/140cm is a bit taller than ideal but gorgeous otherwise
zelex auto-suction also looks extremely fun, but waifu first, i'll save that for a 2nd doll

anime faces don't do it for me, at least on dolls
(assuming that's what it is based on their other designs, i don't have twitter)

>> No.45750112

Weight is also a problem when you start adding these components. Weight is already a problem without dolls. Now start adding motors and more materials. If only they could hold themselves up.

For the "organ" the onahole/vagina itself can have soft tubes that descend into the orifice. This could be a flushing mechanism or a secretion mechanism. The current "squeezing" vaginas already use an external (and loud as fuck) pump for this. It routes all the way from the upper right rib cage just below the armpit to the pussy.

Certainly android sex dolls will have circulatory systems and everything. They will be applied in far more direct manners and for power or fluids.

>> No.45750121

>I don't see this for sale anywhere, even hgdoll's site
Both those sites have a large selection of dolls within the height range you mentioned. Unless I'm missing something on what you were looking for.

>> No.45750137

oh i thought you meant dolls specifically manufactured by them, not just the site in general

>> No.45750150

no those are just vendors but they are the best.

>> No.45750192

Maybe some bag-contraption attached to the chest, probably a pair

I've heard of self-cleaning tubes based on horse-anus technology, a coordinated series of pulses of the rings could help squeeze most of the liquids out. As for drying I can only think of stronger tampons that use some hydroscopic chemical. Maybe drying is the wrong approach and we should instead look into anti-bacterial lube, after washing the semen out the doll would release lube in order to kill bacteria and mold and thus being able to keep itself most and ready.

>> No.45750226

Wonder if customs will let it this through no problem, what do you guys think? I know I'm probably paying too much.

>> No.45750278

>horse-anus technology
>a coordinated series of pulses
>squeeze most of the liquids out
>anti-bacterial lube
This wouldn't be necessary with a sterilization or sanitation element. Getting the doll to expel fluids or air is a way bigger challenge. Drying is very important. If you leave bio-rich fluids in an antibacterial solution you'll create a resistant colony. Rinsing and drying are more important. Antibacterial soap is very harsh for TPE and certainly not great for your urethra biome over time. The ideal would be a warm and wet perfect replica of a woman's healthy microbiome without the pathogen strains. That's not happening nor do I want to prototype. We should focus on cleanliness and practicality, I think.

There are other big problems here. Like secreting liquids into the onahole canal without using hard plastic tubes you can feel. Or figuring out internal repositories that can be maintained.

>> No.45750501

>anything with "loli" in its name
Dont they feed you to a dingo if you try that

>> No.45751635

I mean since it's advertised on the Australian Amazon it MUST be fine right?

>> No.45751696
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>> No.45752068
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>> No.45753064

True, so a system that injects soapy water and then rinses with plain water would be better, one could reuse the pneumatic system to aid in washing. Drying can maybe be done with a drying tampon and the heating system (if silicon is used you can turn up the heat a lot).

I do not think the use of plastic tubes would be a problem, if you place the tubing in strategic places (like where bone is in a real woman) you should not be able to feel much. For example, lube could be injected near the pubic are, having the user’s penis push the lube deeper.

>> No.45753830

Body looks great but head is so small. Good thing there are other head options.

>> No.45753852

Anyone have experience with Mesedolls? Trying to find reviews online and most of it seems to be just marketingspiel

>> No.45754011

I believe it's an off-brand made by or under Hanidoll. Very cheap, since it's sold by the manufacturer and probably not the highest quality. You get what you pay for, buy at your own risk.

>> No.45754161

Yeah idk what to say but I have their 128cm doll, so they are at least real, it was only $350 shipped which is unmatched poverty, and even has standing feet with screws. I'm not a good feedback source for many other things, is my first doll. Skeleton is really stiff. She is very small but heavy, like about one plate. Very comfortable to sleep with, better than daki.

>> No.45754310

Thanks guys, looking to get my first doll so wanted to dip my toe in the water a bit before dropping a lot of money.
Better than a daki sounds ideal though.

>> No.45754357

Does it have articulated fingers? I was planning on getting a Hanidoll and assuming they're effectively the same brand it would be safe to assume they all have the same features. Not a big deal if it's wire, just curious.

>> No.45754530

>articulated fingers
No, they are bending like there's just a wire inside. Toes have nothing in them at all.

>> No.45754577

I figured as much. Still, at those prices I'm surprised they do standing feet at all, let alone any of the other options they allegedly include by default. I haven't seen any confirmations, but supposedly they usually have gel breasts and shrugging shoulders.

>> No.45754820

The labia ofy DX Kiwami are a bit discolored. They look greenish. It's not mold. Anyone know what it could be? Maybe the fact I used a condom two or three times?

>> No.45754830

There's others yeah but generally the support is lower and most jp-only and more expensive in general. See https://ona-king.com/category/electric/
OSR2/other variant are more advanced versions of the handy with more customization.
There's also the Kiiro Keon but again, less support and people don't seem to like it as much. Outside of that I think nothing else is really worth considering currently.
I just started using the handy and honestly maybe it's a bit overhyped by people who probably never owned an ona and just jumped straight into the milking machine but it is still really good and I'd recommend it. I still gotta experiment a lot though.

>> No.45754952

Can you reuse tenga cups?

>> No.45754992

It's probably not that soft really. Look at sino's latest models to understand what truly soft breasts look like when they are that big. Hope sino fixes that one day and can keep their softness and the shape of those other ones.

>> No.45755005

How green

>> No.45755067

My Miki arrived from Tantaly and I gotta say, props to them, it's really well packaged, they even include a black bag where you can keep the doll inside the packaging which would probably cost like $20 and as a nice touch they also send a magazine with their catalogue which is pretty cool to see them try.
I never had a torso but I already enjoy it much more than the big hips I have, being able to spread the legs and making her sit on my lap is great and she's light and well distributed in terms of weight so it's easy to handle.
Overall, I wish I had the space to get the ones with gel breasts too.

>> No.45755075

>last video
That reminds me. Is it safe to wash a doll with bar soap? (Dial, Dove, Irish Spring etc.) Also, I've seen it mentioned that you should wash a doll when you first get it, is this just for the holes or full-body?

>> No.45755097

I never washed my onas and my dick is still around but for dolls, yeah, probably at least give it a sponge bath, avoid scrubbing it too hard if it has body makeup and such so you aren't ruining it right away, or if it's TPE doesn't use too much soap.

>> No.45755148

What I plan to get is full TPE. In that video, would that be too much soap for a TPE doll? I would imagine lathering with just my hands would be more appropriate than a washcloth or sponge since TPE is allegedly very susceptible to abrasion. I'm sure pat drying with a towel and drying sticks in the holes would be adequate for dryring after a shower and then comes a generous powdering. Would re-oiling be appropriate after an initial cleaning before re-powdering or can oiling wait a few months?

>> No.45755253

Sort of. Best to clean out the tube after use, so you'll need some lube. They're pretty flimsy though so you'll prob only get a few uses out of one.

>> No.45755268

We don't really know why the guy is washing the doll so it might be needed in some cases but I think it's a bit much. A sponge should be fine though, just get a soft one.
You shouldn't oil it just for the sake of it and you probably won't have to for a few months, I think it really depends on the brand too, but you should powder often.

>> No.45755293

I'm gonna dumpster it anyway because it's too small for me, I was just curious for future reference

>> No.45755319

Dx kiwami or Ereshkigal Cherry?

>> No.45755462

anymore pictures of this so i can nut more powerfully?

>> No.45755498


>> No.45755536

Why? 50 bucks don't matter.

>> No.45755634

nicer sculpt

>> No.45755687

How often would you recommend powdering then? once a week, every two weeks, or once a month? It's a cheap Hanidoll, so I magine it won't be the highest quality and thus will need more care than proper brands.

>> No.45755773

It comes down what you feel when touching it so you'll figure it out, it's not gonna be that much different from onas except you aren't doing a full body wash of the doll every time, you don't need to reapply powder that much comparatively but it can depend.

>> No.45755820

I don't currently own any onas, so I don't have that reference for feel, but I assume powdering should be done when the skin feels less like skin and more like rubber? I'll figure it out, I'm sure.

>> No.45755867

I haven't tried erishkigal but I can tell you the kiwami is fantastic
vaginal tunnel is not overly tight but very firm and the texture of the material is great, plastic skeleton makes it much easier to roll around in bed with compared to my NPG Extreme Pleasure Hip 3rd Gen
the EPH3 is also very fun, but I rank it slightly below kiwami because it's so floppy and the holes are somewhat loose. still great fun to rock back and forth in my lap but difficult to use in other positions.

>> No.45755966

You're jumping straight into the doll? But kinda, even for onas there's a lot of difference, some get sticky right away, I have hips that never got powdered and they are still fine because the TPE is different but they still bleed a lot of oil.
Depending on the doll it won't get as bad unless you let it go for a long time but you'll start of notice how it's not feeling as smooth anymore and you can find the point where you want to start powdering yourself, it's all mostly personal preference as it's not like the TPE will just fall apart by itself.

>> No.45756010

Decisions, decisions.
Isn't there some blog of jap coomer that tried both?

>> No.45756058

>You're jumping straight into the doll?
Yeah, I need an outlet for physical affection more than an enhanced masturbation experience. So my primary use is going to be hugging/cuddling and having something to hold at night to help me sleep. If anything trying sex with the doll will help me determine if I want to bother with an ona or not. Getting an ona first wouldn't give me any perspectuve on the things I want/need.

>> No.45756190

>Ereshkigal Cherry
No because it's not jp

>> No.45756831
File: 15 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.5439188468_cwm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chink legged dakimakura I ordered (I wanted a custom print) finally arrived, and holy shit, it's mind-blowing. It's like a dakimakura on steroids. I fucked it 4 times in a row as soon as I put on the cover. It feels really flexible, I can do just about any position I want and it's not as cumbersome as a TPE doll. Also, the legs really add to the cuddling experience, feels nice to be able to interlock legs with my waifu.

All this time I've been stuck between hips and dolls when a legged daki was what I needed all along.
>inb4 shill
Just wanted to gush about my new bed buddy and how she surprised me. And to recommend it to anyone who's thinking about a doll but doesn't want to deal with the responsibilities of owning one, since I sure wish someone had recommended it to me earlier. Plus, hugs are always nice, especially in such cold nights.
I did get a chink off-brand one so the official Futamata daki is probably even better. Might upgrade to that in the future.

>> No.45756858

Pro tip, get her a sleep mask if you're going to keep her in bed, waking up and seeing her staring at you can be a little jarring

>> No.45756867

people actually hump dakis?

nta but i already cuddle with a figure of my waifu
i look forward to seeing her every morning

>> No.45756895

That's the best part though. Making eye contact with your waifu first thing in the morning feels great.

>i already cuddle with a figure
What kind of figure? I can't imagine being brave enough to cuddle with a statue and a figure like a figma or a bjd would probably be too small.

>> No.45756905

>people actually hump dakis?
It comes with a slot in the crotch that you can put an ona in. Humping's a thing of the past.

>> No.45756937
File: 689 KB, 1967x2027, Alice on vacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they were usually just body sized pillows, the more you know

as109's Alice
I folded a blanket to make her a mini bed
even took her on vacation with me to the beach
got a seaview balcony room
full scale doll soon

>> No.45756967

That's incredibly sweet, Anon. You've inspired me to craft a minautre bed that the action figure of my waifu can sleep in on my nightstand. Thank you.

>> No.45756973

>having something to hold at night to help me sleep.
Just get a dakimakura, it's way more comfortable than hugging a doll without all the hassle of maintaining it.

>> No.45757000

May I also suggest a plush doll? Happinessdoll have some in the height range you're looking for while being a compromise between a boring daki and a stiff and needy doll.

>> No.45757048

I have a body pillow, it's not enough. Too soft, too light, not shaped like a person. If I had the time and money, I'd honestly just get a big dog, but I just don't have that kind of living situation. Inherited the body pillow from my late grandfather. He had it in the spot where my grandmother used to sleep next to him. I'm told that it was just there to fill the space, but who knows. Regardless it was pretty clean when I got it, so whatever.

>> No.45757106

The only problem with legged dakimakura is you need a cover that works with the legs and 99% of the non-chink covers that get released don't, but if you're fine with the chink offerings on aliexpress etc you're good.

>> No.45757140

Then the Anon with the legged daki might have a few wisdoms for you. Also keep in mind dolls don't give quite the realistic cuddling experience either. I've fallen asleep cuddling mine only about 3 or 4 times. Most nights I just cuddle her for a bit but then it starts getting in the way and I just place her aside to fall asleep normally. But I do admit it's nice having a full human shape next to you to hug if you wake up in the middle of the night.
Every man needs a bodypillow of his waifu. Based granpda ;-;

>> No.45757227

Has anyone bought a doll made by Everybodyloving from Hanidoll? How was it?
This is my first purchase and I'm heavily researching.

>> No.45757273

Dolls can be pretty uncomfortable to sleep next to, maybe if you don't move in your sleep at all it might be fine, but the skeleton is hard so the doll is basically in a stationary position and will not adjust to you like a real person. Unlike a body pillow that's light and you can adjust easily as you move around, the doll is heavy and you won't be able to move it easily in bed.

>> No.45757316

They use pictures from other companies for their promo pics which is a red flag
Buying from Hanidoll is a little tricky since they carry legit stuff and knock off stuff but as long as you stick to an established brand you should be good

>> No.45757339

Thanks, that's what I thought. Some googling did show that their Hanidoll and AIBEI brands are probably legit though. So I will look into those.
Most of those also have a video of the doll with perhaps questionable postprocessing applied.

>> No.45757467

Hanidoll and Aibei are their house brands and are legit, they also have some Irontechs, Autome, Qita, WM, JY, and Mozu dolls as far as other established brands go

>> No.45757492

>>45757000 Checked
I though about a plush doll, but it's the skin to "skin" contact that I need the most. The stiffness and maintainence no doubt will be a bother, but honestly It's a worthy trade-off for the flesh-like feel, gropability, and body weight. I've been doing research on this stuff, mostly in these threads, for over 2 months now. I appreciate the suggestions and tips though. At this point in life, with my autsim and such I know I won't be able to get a real wife, so I may as well buy a Dutch one.

>> No.45757748

How slow is is KanojoToys with shipping? Some stuff I was looking at I could only find there but the shipping cost is a bit steep.

>> No.45757800

Does Sino make them that big? I couldn't find a vid on their site, or anything that size to compare. The vid in the original link looks softer than the ones you posted (thank you btw), I wonder which one is more accurate. I think the photoshop for both these and Sino make the skin look way softer than it probably is, too

>> No.45757862

Thanks. I'm europoor so I'm looking at the EU stock only where Hani and Aibei are the prevelant budget options.
Guess its time to press the order button.

>> No.45757926

Don't listen to all these naysayers that probably don't even have dolls. Dolls are fantastic cuddle buddies, far superior to all those shitty suggestions. Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.45757982

There's a lot of videos for these dolls already:

Sino has definitely won the softness race in 2023 to the point where it's a bit too much as you can see on the last one. They somehow need to figure out a formula that makes gel lighter.

>> No.45758372

they look awful when pushed up

>> No.45758552

What's the best way to warm a toy without water getting inside the hole?
Would putting it inside a plastic bag and soaking it in water work well?

>> No.45758620

Which doll are you going to get?

>> No.45758769

Heat water>let water cool to safe temp for toy>put toy upright in hot water.

>> No.45758796

The only problems is if you put it in upright, it will settle on it's side and let water in
If you use a smaller container that could keep it upright, you'd be losing all that thermal energy

>> No.45758810

I was torn between https://www.hanidoll.com/products/h4152?
this one.

I wanted a milf, but I will go with the H4152 since she's lighter and I find her hotter for some reason.

>> No.45758890
File: 403 KB, 1869x3060, 20230623_232022~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my dolls is a H2756 which is pretty much the same doll
The tits and ass are great but make sure you get her a really good bra if that's the one you go with, her tits are really heavy and her torso is comparatively thin so you need to take a little extra care with her

>> No.45758898

Put it in a glass cup in the pot then.

>> No.45758933

Be aware that their listed weight may not be accurate. For example the weight listed for https://www.hanidoll.com/collections/all-products/products/h3582 is 35 lbs, but on their JP store https://hanidoll.jp/product/dark-devil-love-doll-aya/ it's 46 lbs.

>> No.45759018

Very nice. Do you maybe have a picture of her from behind? Only if it's no bother.

Thanks, this is very good info. I'll check the japan site.

>> No.45759112
File: 789 KB, 2167x3060, 20230623_232244~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture of her from behind

>> No.45759139
File: 345 KB, 978x519, Screenshot 2024-01-10 041613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the milf I was looking at before:

I guess picrel is boxed weight vs doll weight? Because in that case they overestimated the doll on the int site. The int site lists it as 40.5/48 kg. Or maybe they use a different packaging, idk, but that would mean an extra 16kg of packaging. So now I have no idea what's going on. Is the japan site the most trustworthy?

Thanks mate, you are a real one. Her ass looks much nicer than I expected.

>> No.45759170

Or maybe I'm a retard and they offer alternate skeletons to reduce weight or something?

>> No.45759342

I'm just going to assume it's bad translation or miscommunication internally. My recommendation is to just assume the heaviest weight they list between their stprefronts is the accurate weight. For reference, the doll I lonked earlier says 35 lbs on .com and 46 lbs on .jp, but the .com listing also lists package weight as 49.4 lbs. I'm more akin to believe that the box, packaging, and cheap ass extras weigh together at about 4 lbs rather than nearly 15 lbs. The .com store also has a disclaimer somewhere about listed weights possibly being inaccurate due to not updating with design changes like weight saving materials/processes. Ultimately it's a crapshoot just how heavy what you get actually will be. I guess you ought to start muscle training just in case.

>> No.45759407

Btw how is the a pussy? Is it realistic inside or is it some simplified thing?

>> No.45759523

The pussy is like an ona with various nubs and ridges inside, no cervical ring though
The ass is a little different, the first inch is kind of smooth like the inside of a real ass and then it becomes textured with nubs and ridges

>> No.45759560

Y'know those onaholes in doujins that girls get turned into? Translucent, have a head and face on top, small torso, etc. There are so few of those on the market. MRL seems to be the only one I can find, do you guys know of any more niche ones?

>> No.45759830

After payment confirmation my order was stuck on "collecting items" for a couple of days but when it was sent out it arrived incredibly fast.

>> No.45759903

True enough, that's why I went for a custom design. But even the Futamata has a wide selection of their own covers if you're not looking for a specific characters. It's not hard to get a hold of a good cover for it.

>> No.45759955

That sounds reasonable.
> I guess you ought to start muscle training just in case.
I should have started lifting a long ago for health reasons anyway.
I also live on the third floor so I hope the delivery guy wants to help me with the package. On the other hand I'm sure he wants to earn a few euros.

Anyway thanks for all the help alongside that other dude. I think I finally decided on which one to get.

>> No.45760091

Do you guys live alone? How do you explain the doll to friends and family?
If you get into a relationship then how do you explain the doll?

>> No.45760209

I live with my mom. I let her know straight away as soon as I ordered mine because I knew it'd be impossible to hide anyway. She was confused as to why I needed it in the first place but accepted it and conceded that it's not her business what I do with my money or in my own bedroom.
I haven't told my girlfriend yet though and have to put it away when she comes over.

>> No.45760254

>She was confused as to why I needed it in the first place
>I haven't told my girlfriend yet though
oh brother this guy STINKS

>> No.45760290

>Do you guys live alone?
>How do you explain the doll to friends and family?
they don't go in my room, I put a lock on the door just in case. Told them it's because by state law all firearms must be stored locked up. A locked room counts. No big deal.
>If you get into a relationship then how do you explain the doll?
Luckily a doll fetish so I'm not really interested in that.

>> No.45760306

You're fine with soaping up a doll man. It's not going to hurt it. About twice a year I'll wash a doll completely off, dry, apply mineral oil, and then powder. You want to powder often. Spot cleaning is the real way to go. Get a spray bottle and a microfiber cloth and do bits at a time as needed. Use a powder poof and a blush brush to apply and spread powder. Then when you've lost the battle no matter how hard you try she goes in the shower for a rinse off.

Bar soap is a little harsh. It'll work fine if that's what you need. You don't want anything with dye, no real color. Scented is great. Mostly important to make sure your doll's TPE is oiled up after stripping the top layer off with soap. Again this is at most twice a year. You'll get a good feel for all of this quickly as dolls are a bitch to lug around.

>> No.45760367

I live alone. I don't need to explain fuckall to anyone. If I get into a relationship I'll probably get rid of the doll until I was out of it and then get another. But I don't need to until I know I'm going to be serious about it.

I'm seriously considering getting a much bigger place including a large living area I can turn into a party lounge. And in there will be a big acrylic case with a sex doll in it. Probably anime. My friends are the cool kinds that like to party. I'd be just as worried about leaving that doll unattended with some of my female friends as the males.

I seriously don't get people's hang ups.

>> No.45760378

>I haven't told my girlfriend yet though
>having a doll
I won't be judgemental so please explain bro. This just does not compute for me, but I'm known to be retarded.

>> No.45760453

Might be the first doll I've ever seen that checks almost all of my boxes.
A little too expensive. I might consider it when I get the funds for it. Is it good when you're laying down or too bulky
How good is it if you have it? I've been considering making my own since I have a printer. I heard there's a community that creates custom attachments like for the Lovense Max 2 but I want to know the entire list before I get started.
>it's a bit overhyped by people who probably never owned an ona and just jumped straight into the milking machine
I had a feeling it was a bit overhyped, but have you had any issues with it? How good is it to use with onas?

>> No.45760461

She's the type to not really care about sex that much, even if we do do it when we're both in the mood. Also I'm too big for her so if I get rough or we do it in my preferred positions I end up hurting her. With the doll I can live out my fantasies and to the positions I want that I'm not able to do with my gf.
Sexual satisfaction is important for me but I also love my girlfriend with all my heart and wouldn't dump her over something so shallow. A sex doll fills in that spot where she otherwise can't

>> No.45760494

ngl bro if you are so sexually frustrated you wrote a check for a doll it is probably not gonna work out long term
girls only ever fuck you less over time not more especially if you start living together or have a kid or get married

>> No.45760522

Hope you have fun and enjoy her, Anon. I'm not a big fan of Tantaly because some of their dolls feel overpriced (Looking at you, Monroe) compared to Hanidoll and competitors, but I respect them for their packaging and their accessories (especially their UV Heating Rod). I wish more companies followed that lead and sold bags with their torsos.

>> No.45760532

I'm not counting on her libido getting stronger, I know what I got myself into when I commited to it. And as I said, I love her and would rather bin the doll and live out the rest if my life with her than dump her and find a slut that will fulfill all my sexual desires but can't stand to be around.

>> No.45760554

i think its important to talk to her about it
but make it clear that you're not "tired of her" or "want something new"
just make sure she realizes you're doing this because you love her, not sex

>> No.45760586

real human bean

>> No.45760824

>ngl bro if you are so sexually frustrated you wrote a check for a dildo it is probably not gonna work out long term

>> No.45760857

Should I use a warming rod to warm the lube, or lube it up and warm it directly in the hole? I know you can melt the hole with the latter but aren't there issues with warming lube then letting it cool like "spoiling" it?

>> No.45760966

Well yeah.
>No honey, your 3'' is fine! I just need this 10'' dragon dildo for the memes!

>> No.45760973

You should the hole with lube in it. If you just dunk the rod in your bottle of lube that's not gonna work out.

>> No.45761004

PxPxP does the Taimanin ones, but having a head sculpt on an ona is by definition a huge extra. The material needs to be hard enough to mold fine shapes, and it doesn't do anything for the hole's durability or usability.

>> No.45761034

Is a hole really that ruined from mold?
If you just turned it inside out, excavated the affected areas with small shears, then disinfected it with a bit of alcohol, would it be much of a problem?

>> No.45761051

First time buying a hip toy and it was around 5.2kg. I had a difficult time using it. Any tips?

I personally warm lube by letting the bottle sit in a bowl of warm water, beside my goon cave. I haven't tried using the warming rod with the warm lube but I feel like it will retain more heat.

>> No.45761065

>Any tips?
Exercise with dumbbells until you can one-hand it.

>> No.45761178

sybians don't count tho. give me a break.

>> No.45761278

yeah, this actually motivated me on going harder at the gym. Any more tips? I tried carrying while doing using it but it was difficult because the hip shifted around my grip.

>> No.45761298

>If you just dunk the rod in your bottle of lube that's not gonna work out.
You're right, it's definitely spotty when it comes to where it heats up. Currently back at college and want to find ways of warming the holes without causing issues for the lube or toy itself.
>I personally warm lube by letting the bottle sit in a bowl of warm water
I have tried this before but the lube I use doesn't retain the heat for that long so I usually use super hot water. Not a bad idea but I feel my execution needs more work.
>First time buying a hip toy and it was around 5.2kg. I had a difficult time using it. Any tips?
Only 11.4 lbs (5.2kg)? Are you using this with one hand?

>> No.45761319

How large is it? If it's a specific shape where it can be done you could tie a belt/rope loosely around it and sort of "pull it up" as you go at it.

>> No.45761457

if the bottle can take it, you could probably get away with using hot boiling water.
>Only 11.4 lbs (5.2kg)? Are you using this with one hand?
No, I used it with both hands..
on the site, the dimensions are 21*25*19cm

>> No.45761474 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 899 KB, 656x666, Caqwedqwwepture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add the pic

>> No.45761496

Wew, yeah that sounds like it'd be awkward to get a grip on. My advice is to just practice and get used to it or keep experimenting with how you hold it.

>> No.45761548

this, that guy should be fine if its on amazon itself
can anyone vouch for that?

>> No.45761734

Due to the nature of the material, I think turning it out would damage it beyond use. At the very least it would end up being very loose even if you managed to stuff it back in. Might depend on how tight a fit it was before though.

>> No.45762101

>want to order doll
>UK is apparently not in the EU
Goddamit. I knew brexit was going to bite me in the arse.

>> No.45762180

My advice is to practice some hands free positions. Why get a hip if you're not gonna plow it?

>> No.45762182

Alright, you caught my interest. Tell me why these are so great. What's the price range anyway?

>> No.45762521
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, 1631663447157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do dickbullies make you cum pretty much instantly? I'm looking for something small and tight that will drain my soul. Realism isn't a factor for me.

>> No.45763939

I put my onatsuyu on the radiator a few times and now my dick starts itching a little when I use it

>> No.45763953

Damn! Thanks for the spoonfeed, those do look nice. I don't think those are that much better than other gel ones though, at least 2x the price better anyway. 4k is a pretty penny

>> No.45764362

You shouldn't expose the lube to high temps. Simply put warm water (not too hot) into a bowl and submerge the lube bottle in it.
Radiators and similar heaters usually have high surface temps that can heat up the bottom of the lube bottle too much (thus heating the lube too much).

>> No.45764918

a doll is literally 50-100x more expensive than a dildo and is explicitly designed to do more than simple masturbation

>> No.45765522

Is Tomax having supply issues? A ton of their most popular holes have been out of stock for a while now.

>> No.45765705

Any good fellatio hole since the Mouth of Truth? I kinda miss that feeling. Wouldn't mind something that could accomodate a slightly bigger dick, since I ended up fucking up the corner of the mouth a little bit, but I guess it is what is is.
I also suppose the eletric fellatio hole are also not that great, sadly?

>> No.45765758 [SPOILER] 
File: 786 KB, 1868x3517, 20240110_151450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a month since I was last drained by my doll. How do you guys cope when you spend time away from them?

>> No.45766090
File: 1.84 MB, 2148x2775, IMG_2212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, what am I in for? Have you ever got burns? What drugs should I take?

>> No.45766157
File: 92 KB, 1224x1216, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, does anyone have any experience using electro ejaculators for bulls animals etc?

>> No.45766448

Maybe, but they had a huge discount on launch, built like half a year of backorders and they are working on a new version right now.

>> No.45766463

Magic Face 3. If you put in a little effort customizing it then it's amazing.

>> No.45766560

>I had a feeling it was a bit overhyped, but have you had any issues with it? How good is it to use with onas?
Haven't tried with onas yet, maybe in a couple weeks when I get used to it more. I tested the movement though and it seems to hold ok for 400g onas but I'd like to think about some casing for them (maybe consider https://fantia.jp/posts/1250391 but there's many other options out there). Either I gotta figure it out because the sleeves are too expensive, though people swear they are way better than the default and worth it, and I think the default is already pretty decent but it's still pricy, maybe with some heavy discounts.
My main problems are mostly my own fault/lack of setup, one is if you're using a slower video it's great build up but unless you're really synced with the video, if you cum during a slow part it can be pretty bad and you have 2 options, either let it go or you gotta pull it out and finish by hand (or have an ona next to you ready).
Cumming with it is also very different, with an ona I feel the pain and have to stop but I usually can keep going in a couple minutes, for the handy there's pain obviously because it doesn't stop but there's a numbness that sets in pretty quickly after finishing and which makes me not wanna continue because I literally don't feel anything for a longer period of time, postnut clarity also hits a lot less, again likely from not being able to go harder when finishing.
Then there's the holding/mounting, right now I have been holding it and at faster speeds it's pretty unruly where it feels like it's the entire thing moving around rather than just the arm, holding it against your stomach helps but I liked using it from the side more (wouldn't recommend using it below your dick). I think having a way to mount might add a lot to it because currently focusing on holding it does take away a bit.
Overall, comparatively to onas, it's definitely more fun to use overall because of the lack of agency you have with it, but a good ona melts me a lot harder if I just wanna cum my brains out.

>> No.45766586

A tight but soft and small ona is actually the best if you just wanna blast your dick off (like https://onahodouga.com/archives/55822676.html it has an harder version which might work too), but me a bigger ona/hip (like https://onahodouga.com/archives/55955207.html)) I can slap against makes me finish a lot faster.

>> No.45766592
File: 1.26 MB, 2124x2124, IMG_5433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What media should I watch watch? Hentai, furry, children, 3D/MMD/SFM?

>> No.45766597

5kg is still light. Even at 9 I don't feel it's that good to just go completely hand free (standing, with it on a table). But man is it good to throw it on the bed, put a couple pillows in front of you and you can just lay on the pillows and plow it, still the hardest orgasms I get.

>> No.45766608

Watch out for dark clothing anon.

>> No.45766619

One time I put the warmer in the hole without lube, for like 1 hour too, in hindsight it's a miracle I didn't burn or hurt myself, shit was so hot I came in a couple strokes and the hole was basically completely smooth at that point.

>> No.45767374

What is this? What are you doing? Not trying to sound rude, just want context with what I'm seeing

>> No.45767401

He's going to electro vibe himself while using an auto stroker

>> No.45767731
File: 121 KB, 1000x1499, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45767732

Should I get https://www.toydemon.com/masturbators/onaholes/student-president-s-secret-extracurricular-class or https://www.toydemon.com/masturbators/onaholes/my-erotic-maid-servant

Or a lolinco virgo for like the 4th time now. I would say lolinco virgo was my favorite ona, how do these compare to it?

>> No.45767843

I have student pres and a couple lolincos
>material feels good but a bit on the firm side
>both holes are nice but I like the anal one more
>relatively realistic texture in both holes
>no particularly pronounced texture features
>varying suction from dual tunnel semi-closed design
>compact but not too shallow
>no thin spots

>magic eyes material feels really good
>virgo premium hard is VERY hard, tore on my first use
>virgo premium soft is VERY soft and stretchy but still elastic, highly recommended if you haven't tried it
>extremely pronounced internal structure features, particularly the cervix ring
>not particularly durable, which seems to be a trend among my magic eyes toys

I have most of the mouth of truth variants as well and a couple have very thin spots, either due to wear or they just came like that originally, magic eyes quality control is not good

looks like there is a new lolinco variant though, i'll probably pick it up next time toydemon does a sale: https://www.toydemon.com/masturbators/onaholes/gokujyo-lolinco-final-onahole

>> No.45767874

my favorite ona buy far (out of ~15) has been this:
it's out of stock but ride japan has some other toys listed with similar designs and i'll be adding some of them to my next purchase as well

also I always feel compelled to post this:
this thing will rip your dick off
it's amazing

>> No.45767925

Good stuff, didn't even know lolinco had a premium version. I'll be getting that once it's in stock and that Gekihen also looks pretty nice, will give that a try too. Thanks friendo

>> No.45767987

whacking off in the shower is cheaper too you fucking cunt.

>> No.45768172

apples to oranges

>> No.45768367

Listen buddy I know this is ironic to say on a board like this but if you gotta resort to electrocuting yourself to get off maybe you need to take a break from jacking off for a while. I'm only saying this because when it gets to these extremes you'll likely head straight to higher highs which will get increasingly more fatal.

>> No.45768885

What doll is this? Pics?
Oh nice, I don't have doubts that it's good, but the only thing that makes me consider using it is if it can be used with onas/other toys and if it's better (Price, Features, Specs, Etc) compared to other auto masturbators. I might get it if it goes on sale.

>> No.45769040


>> No.45769514

how hard is it to get a doll into a sex swing

>> No.45769573
File: 976 KB, 1500x2000, 20240111_165352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to stop buying clothes for my doll

>> No.45769608

How do you deal with the oil sweating for TPE dolls? I leave my ona sitting on dark sheets for a while, I can already see the sheets color darker as if they are damp. Does this not just get 100 times worse with dolls?

>> No.45769670

Damn, I've seen a lot of videos of them, but seeing the office lady kospley outfit really shows how small the 90-100cm range is.
At least I should be able to store/hide it no problem.

>> No.45769701

>spent more on clothes for the doll than clothes for myself last year

>> No.45769756

Today I was using my hip. Only got like a one hour window until my mom returns home. I was reading a book and I misjudged the time. It happens she got home just by the time I was cleaning the shit. I had to quickly hide the packaging, everything and plugged the onahole full of cum with napkins.

Hours later I check back on it, the paper managed to dry and clog it well enough to not spill, but the inside is still full of cum and lube. Honestly I was expecting it to stink but it seemed fine. I cleaned everything with a shit ton of toilet paper, reminded me of pulling compresses with rotten blood out of postpartum women. Everything is well dried so I stored it back again. I didn't wash it with soap this time because water doesn't run at night. I hope fungi don't grow in it.

Anyways, it's almost a year old and the seams look like they're disintegrating and forming a bubble. This stuff looks like great material to practice sutures.

>> No.45769805
File: 1.68 MB, 2141x3807, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good TPE dolls don't exude much or don't at all. If you have an oily stinky one the protocol doesn't really change. Powder the hell out of it and keep her only on surfaces you intend her to be on. Really leaky TPE is obvious. It gets all over the cardboard she came in and quickly. They smell.

Really good TPE, like what Piperdoll or WM Doll sells, smells nice and doesn't leak at all.

Generally speaking, if you want to maintain your doll as close to factory as possible, you suck it up and don't do anything but deal with the smell. If you're like me and love fucking your doll in the shower and aren't afraid of the damage risk this is way easier.

Get a hot water bubble bath going with a hard soap soak to strip a few layers of factory oil out. This will strain the doll's skin and make her prone to abrasion. Be careful as abrasion damage is a sneaky bitch. A small microtear turns into a large one over time.

Take your soaked doll out, dry her very well. Replenish the oil with lavender baby oil. Really douse her in it. Let it set and if you can hold it in wait a half a day. Then you seal the doll with a lot of baby powder. You want to create a layer between the dolls dermis and the universe. Make sure you keep up on your powdering. If she still stinks maybe a month later, back in she goes.

If powder clumps the oil hasn't absorbed. Douse it in powder, let is sit for at least an hour if not a day, even it out with a blush brush. It is really important to keep the doll powdered and sealed. Using this much oil after soap and hot water is going to put strain on the elastomer. We want the porous material to relax and tense up again. The oil will diffuse in and then back out again. The powder will keep it internalized until it comes off.

>> No.45769847

>while I am at it
After this is a good time to plant her in a wheeled chair so you can do makeup, eyelashes, fingernails. You can only use powdered makeups with TPE. For nipples you want an even and "sealed" powder in place (this means you've left it on the doll to set in to the TPE for some hours). Then apply the makeup, and then use a poof to apply a layer of baby powder on top of the makeup. If it is still wet or you're just not prefect it will clump up, look redder than you expected, stuff like that. Look at Dollbanger's Piper Phoebe photoshoot (it's on sexdollcanada/usa and a lot of other sites) and you will see what I mean. He did a decent job but it was obviously freshly applied and the nipples have red blotches. I guarantee you it looked way better a week later and he was kinda miffed about that. It happens.

It will even out over time and look way better. This happens faster with touch.

>> No.45771577
File: 968 KB, 1536x2048, 1677964386237032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, is there any way for me to get an onahole that's not advertised as an onahole?
Like, how vibrators are sold as "electric massagers". If there's someone selling a "Soft silicone sleeve" that's just an onahole?

Note: Sextoys are illegal here, but you can still buy "electric massagers" from an major market.

>> No.45772553

>sex toys are illegal here
Move out of Israel.

>> No.45772564
File: 431 KB, 1392x2048, Fantasydreammaiden by hamcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is finally selling 'em i think my moon runes study is romanji level
can a man of culture and moon runes scholar confirm


>> No.45772693
File: 7 KB, 214x236, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets balls pinched in thigh joint.

>> No.45772979

>Google translated
About orders
October 8th to 15th , 2023 On this website

We are accepting orders for "Gensou Yume Otome".

If there are a large number of applicants, we may hold a lottery.

The amount shipped within the year and the amount shipped at the end of February of the following year will be allocated based on the total number of applications.

Scheduled to be exhibited, sold, and ordered at 202402WF

Notes regarding application
About application
Qualification requirements:

Those who have an X (formerly Twitter) account and follow Hamcat (@hamcat_mqq)

For those whose destination is within Japan
>This application is closed

>> No.45773516
File: 2.18 MB, 4000x3000, 20230824_171148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a 6YE 161J. A bit on the heavier side, but if you can manager her weight, then she's amazing.

>> No.45774058
File: 2.18 MB, 1267x1080, 1687691349556483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haul getto
Hopefully they're good

>> No.45774100

It's basically always 10% off the the faptap code or any other sponsor.
If you're EU they never did a sale except for sleeves so don't bother waiting.

>> No.45775210
File: 252 KB, 1637x2048, Frchs2XXgAE0Z9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son of a bitch why can't they just fucking sell the .STL files thats the entire point of 3dprinters
he should sell molded plastic if he's going to be a bitch about piracy

you could just get a double filament printer and print soft TPU/TPE the outer layer (1-2mm) an the internal layers on hard PLA

or even the entire girl on TPU with diferent hardness grades its all acording to your budget preferences/skill

>> No.45776274 [SPOILER] 
File: 280 KB, 904x900, 1705017167351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell if this is premium soft or premium hard based off of this picture alone?

>> No.45776287 [SPOILER] 
File: 640 KB, 1079x1078, 1705017240116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong pic.

>> No.45776326

that is the "big" lolinco virgo, which some quick searching on duckduckgo implies is a new version of the standard lolinco for the euro market, probably to hopefully avoid getting v&

>> No.45776565

It says soft on the image but I reckon it might just be the normal version? Can't really tell just visually.

>> No.45776799
File: 197 KB, 449x478, IMG_5267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things:
I bought a hole and uesd it for the first time yesterday. My drunk ass washed it thoroughly, but didn’t dry it and put it back in the box. Is it fucked? It doesn’t smell.
Is there a way to clean my hole without taking it to the bathroom? I have a roommate that’s always in the living room and the couch happens to be by my door.

>> No.45776868
File: 1.19 MB, 3852x2557, 1704556714870625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muppet fucker here
Tried putting on a latex mask to make her look more "real"
Holy shit I will stick with the muppet face till the end. Shit was nightmare worthy
I have a real gf now that helps but man Sandra here is an insanely good sleep aid. As a pillow she is 10/10 and since she has no core she is ez to clean

>> No.45776907

You're a true doll fag now

>> No.45776910

Pretty sure this is the Extra Virgin

And this is the new Gokujou

>> No.45776943

1 day wont hurt it that bad. just thoroughly rewash it and dry it properly. if you want to be extra sure, you could hit it with peroxide. but make sure it's dried.
you could get a wash basin and a couple gallon jugs of water to wash it in your room. but obviously it would raise even more questions walking an entire fucking wash kit to the bathroom to dump it out and refill the water jugs. just put a towel or some clothing over it, and walk like you own the place. no one will ask why you are bringing a towel or change of clothes into the bathroom, and if they do, it's easy enough to come up with an excuse.
welcome to the brotherhood

>> No.45777436

>even muppetfucker has a gf
It's so fucking over

>> No.45777563

bro, it's really not that hard to get a GF. the trick is tolerating your GF enough to warrant keeping her

>> No.45777689

Does your muppet have a skeleton, or is it just a big plush?

>> No.45777711

Basically a big plush so I can clean her easily and mod her but I did put in a pipe to keep her neck from flopping, gonna wire hangers for posabiity later.
Next thing to try is getting a silicone gell filled set of tits for her

>> No.45778083

hnnng. that thing is so bad ass. he's actually retailing it? any anon know how much? I don't want to play pinchball with it but it's be a cool display.

>> No.45778118

lol I totally don't get the muppet thing but I'd love to have a really high quality plush I could just pillow up with when chilling out. do they make something like that? like a more realistic sculpt but still pillowish.

>> No.45778138

They do sell realist faces but charge and arm and a leg for them. If Sandy breaks on me some how I plan on paying the pretty tax next time

>> No.45778459

where @? I got cash money n66a. about to get new furniture and a new doll. would be nice to roll around in luxury with a pretty plush.

>> No.45778502
File: 63 KB, 700x700, magic_face_3_custom_5_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Magic Face Custom?
I want a nice blowjob toy that will scratch that itch but is it worth it going with a full head over a regular mouth ona? The idea of pushing a head down on myself is enticing but I don't know if the huge price tag difference justifies it. And the other magic faces are too small and go into uncanny territory for me.

>> No.45778517

cheap torso doll imo

>> No.45778518

I used to have the Yukikaze one and its a pain to clean since it has that turn. It wouldnt fit in the bathroom sink so I had to clean it in the bathtub. It was nice to facefuck it but you had to find something to put it on that was an appropriate height to get the full effect

>> No.45778551

Am I retarded to want a fabric doll just for a pillow to flop around bed with? I have a few dolls. It just makes sense I would have a doll pillow.

Does anyone have a quality fabric doll? Is it a good pillow?

>> No.45778572

If it's just for cuddling then I'd recommend a daki.

>> No.45778639

I love my dakis but I'd love a pillow doll too. Have you tried both?

>> No.45778662

I haven't tried plush dolls but I do own a vanilla daki, a split leg daki and a TPE doll. So far the split-leg has been the most comfortable for cuddling and if you stuff it just right it feels the most realistic out of the three. The main reasons I recommend it over a plush doll is logistics and price, since you only need it for a hug-slut. But of course, it might be the most heavenly feeling imaginable and I wouldn't know, I just can't really picture it. I'm speaking as someone who once also wanted a fabric doll for the exact same reason but only ended up getting the two dakimakura and since then I haven't felt the need for a second doll.

>> No.45779930

Muppet annon had a valentina girl

>> No.45781877
File: 114 KB, 581x633, IMG_6696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve had to urinate more frequently and my lower abdomen feels uncomfortable when I do so. Did I give myself a UTI or something? If so are my holes salvageable if I disinfect them somehow or should I just throw them out?

>> No.45782254

if there's no discharge or pain, statistically you're probably eating too much sugar and are merely experiencing the standard american pre-diabetes symptoms.

>> No.45782432

how's your diet? probably a miniscule kidney stone, i get them whenever i drink lots of tea/energy drinks and not enough plain water
/ona/s fears about cleanliness and drying before storage are overblown imo. I share a house with family and often can't wash my toys right away, so i'll stash them in a drawer until I get some time to myself.
when I do clean them I rinse them thoroughly with hot water, fingerbang them with dish soap, then rinse again, then wrap my fingers in an old cotton undershirt and shove it in to suck up any excess water.

I did have a fleshlight get moldy once after I used it, forgot about it, and found it like months later, but I've never seen a spot of mold or discoloration on any of the ona's i've owned, though I have had to dispose of a few due to breaking down with age/use.

>> No.45782731
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幻想夢乙女 V2.0
ゴム引き関節版 299000円〜金属関節版
so around $ 2,000 to $2,400 usd, so around the same as a TPE/Silicon doll price it

It weights 5 kg made in pure plastic (6.5kg with steel reiforced joints) thats a good weight considering light weight silicon sexdolls still go around 20-25kg (depending on size/gel boobs)

but 1kg of filament is on the $30usd range
5 would make it $150, even if you need 10 for supports and shit it ends on $300, usually adding machining time it just goes double or triple on price so still on $600-900, that jap wants too fucking much for a doll, i would have paid $50 for the .STL files and make it myself, but with $100 i think i can comission one to my tastes, and save half the price

he's already doing printing on two materials PETG and PLA and uses a thin wall from 0.8 to 1.2 its practically nothing, he does some reinforcement with fiber glass

and TPU can be both flexible, soft, and keep and mantain a the shape

>> No.45783914

Mind linking the one you got?

>> No.45784011
File: 2.84 MB, 576x1024, it arrived.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tracking number received

>> No.45784269

i tried this a couple years ago. doesn't really work unless you have good tpe lying around
closest thing you can do is 3d print a form and pour silicone from the craft store. instead of a normal onahole shape make a textured sheet to wrap around your dick. the craft store silicone is too hard to stick your dick in normally

make sure your contact patches don't change size and you'll be fine. periodically check that your electrodes are still properly attached. do not remove electrodes while current is flowing.
i've stimmed for 5hrs straight on high power with no burns. but i have a jank diy stereostim thing going, not pulse-based so idk how that differs. your kit looks nice.
this will be boring compared to your 232, probably way more expensive as well. high power is a bit of a meme.

i have an sr6. i use it with a venus real. sr6 handles the weight fine, but osr2 might have some trouble idk.
it's a good experience but you have to make sure your mounting situation is rock solid. any sway outside of the script is lost motion. you can just 3d print your way to a perfect setup, which is nice, but time consuming.
of course, since nobody has an sr6, full 6 axis scripts are uncommon, but if you find a good one, they are pretty good. not mind-blowing compared to 1 or 2 axis, but obviously better. since the auxiliary axes will probably have small movements, you really need good mounting to be able to feel them.

estim isn't "extreme" other than the arcane setup required. normal people use similar technology all the time for medical reasons, we're just hooking up to our dicks and messing with the signal a bit.

>> No.45784353

>it might be the most heavenly feeling imaginable
Right. Hence the quest.
Good chance. Get to the doctor. You can also pick up cranberry juice, d-mannose, and over the counter UTI stuff from "AZO" while you wait.

As >>45782432 it could be a kidney stone. You feel those in your back as they slip in and out of your kidney. Then your abdomen, then your bladder, then relief when it finally pops out (you might not notice, this doesn't really hurt, it feels great because it's relieving).

You need to get to a doctor. Because whatever it is could also kill you if you don't.

>> No.45784373

Honestly if I was that guy I'd do the same thing and not give a single shit that you felt priced out because you want to print my hard work. I think his price is reasonable for the craftmanship, time, and effort. I think it's unreasonable if there's not the features I would like to see. Which really comes down to being durable enough to last with some ease of use for posing in my gaming lounge.

>> No.45785104

I was interested in sex dolls a few years ago and the prices I remembered were all in the 1.5k-2k range, but now I've noticed sex dolls showing up on amazon for only 500-800 dollars
anyone know if these are legit, and if so what's the reason for the price dropping so much over the last few years, aside from selling pre-built spares compared to custom jobs?

fuck me I never realized how long amazon links are

>> No.45785119

>fuck me I never realized how long amazon links are
That's because more than half that link is junk. Remove everything including ref= onwards.

>> No.45785124

dude amazon has short links. you need to figure that out. you might get a knock off from them. if you want to get a doll that you're ordering for cheap vs. a gamble like amazon check out hanidoll. they are generally the recommended cheap doll vendor here. amazon vendors can sell you what the fuck ever and disappear. same with ebay. better to go with a real vendor even for a cheap doll. even more betterer to get a custom doll made but if it's your first or you ain't got the cash check out hanidoll.

>> No.45785133

market got bigger
and you only need the /dp/xxxx part:

>> No.45785157

>$800 for a doll on amazon
yeah fuck no. go to hanidoll or shop around and bring it back here. we'll help you. doll shopping is fun. just make sure you take that edge off before you make a dumb decision.

>> No.45785957

Squid hip when?

>> No.45786189
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You'll have to make do with the octo ona

>> No.45786279

just buy a doll head

>> No.45786552

This but life-size and moving. When?

>> No.45786584
File: 434 KB, 1280x1616, IMG_5286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got an onahole, i’ve got a dakimakura. How could I combine the two without cutting holes?

>> No.45786607

squish the hole between the daki and a duvet

>> No.45787419

Alt. Get another pillow and a belt or two and squish it between them

>> No.45787578

Here is a playlist:


>> No.45789051

>i have an sr6. i use it with a venus real. sr6 handles the weight fine, but osr2 might have some trouble idk.
Would you mind describing the process on how you making your sr6 ona-ready? Did you have to get a custom mount?

>> No.45789087

there's a generic ona holder in the discord. i think it was specifically designed for boca but has worked with everything i threw at it
iirc it's modular as well so you can print the part that screws in to the machine, then print a separate part that's designed to fit your ona

>> No.45789213

Do you need to pay to keeping being in the discord? Like if you stopped paying, would you still have access to the server for support and stuff?

>> No.45789722

anyone know where I could get onatsuyu in canada? it used to be on amazon but I guess not anymore
I can't even find it on amazon.co.jp
anyone have experience maybe getting it off the US amazon with my context?

>> No.45790376

What's the go to place for getting drying sticks?
I just dropped mine on the floor and it fucking broke

>> No.45790417

Also how long am I supposed to keep the sticks inside? It seems like it doesn't clear out any remaining moisture that I couldn't reach with a microfiber cloth

>> No.45790592

Anywhere you buy your onas. They're typically generic and unassuming, so you should be able to get them almost anywhere.
I only keep the stick in for a few minutes at most. Just use it for the final drying stage once there isn't enough moisture to form a puddle in the hole. Just a couple thorough squeezes to make contact with all interior surfaces should pick up any residuals.

MagicEyes also sells a PVA drying stick, which I've been meaning to try out. I'm thinking it will be safer for when I end up dragging on the sides a bit while inserting/removing a standard diatom earth stick. Might also be more break-resistant if you're concerned about that.

>> No.45790598

I remember there used to be a 2 or 3 foot wide ass toy, but not the name
Anyone knowit?

>> No.45790895

Damn, didn't know my upstairs neighbor bought so many dolls.

>> No.45790908

Without image reviews? Nope.

>> No.45791894


>> No.45791987

The dolphin one is great out of the box, the uterus gimmick is nice and noticeable unless you're going high speed trusts, where it just sort of blends together, which may be a minus when you're a desperate ape reaching to finish, but overall very nice, easily passes the test
The venus real one, Im conflicted. This thing is extremely soft and wobbly, "Like fucking a slime" I read somewhere on the rich soft version, and it flipped the switch in my monkey brain since slime is my favorite tag. There's only a subtle feeling on the top and bottom and it melds together when you're going fast, so this thing is exclusively used for a slow burn kind of thing, slow and easy, let it cook over time, and it might be a me thing, but this has not enough salsa in it to take me over for a second consecutive round
I'm probably coping since I lean more towards harder, more intense and well defined toys and I've spend 80 bucks on the venus real, but I probably need to give it some more time to find the best setup to use it

>> No.45792010

That's it, thanks m8

>> No.45792270
File: 239 KB, 1000x1333, Elsa-Babe-165cm-Furry-Zana-Fox-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think about this bandicutie, but I just don't have the space/privacy to justify a 165cm, heavy as shit doll.

>> No.45792289

>doll i was looking at on ebay last week sent me a special offer for 50 dollars off just because
im weak

>> No.45792459
File: 338 KB, 1423x2048, IMG_5290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used venus onahole for second time
>already fucking has a cut/chip in it on the hole side
What the fuck did I do wrong???? Do i need to cut my pubes??? Trim my nails?

>> No.45792608

you don't need to be a patron to join. it just gives access to the channels with the official files.
there are separate channels with peoples homebrew
also the official files are available on archiver sites

>> No.45792650

Also, on another note, what’s all this shit about not using soap on an onahole and letting it air dry? All the shit that i’ve read regarding cleaning makes it seem as though using an onahole is more effort than it’s worth. Yes, i’ve read the link in the OP.

>> No.45792731

>Western man tries hole made for eastern "men"

>> No.45792739

Manly men with anime dolls.
Do you enjoy the contrast between you and your cute little anime girl?
How does it make you feel? What do you think of how you look when you're with her?

>> No.45792832

I'll let you know in about a week.

>> No.45792857

Unless it's super tight, I feel like there's a bit of a learning curve for softer toys. You also need to be able to get your lube consistency right, because too thick or thin can affect the sensation a great deal. Also if you have the means to warm it at least somewhat, I think that's what's really been driving it over the edge. All that said, certain hardness levels aren't for everyone.

Is it a split or is there an actual chunk out of it? Splits tend to be common depending on the material and how rough you are with it and how much lube you've used.
You can use soap on an onahole, just don't use anything that's too harsh like dish soap. A little hand soap is typically fine, but you generally don't need that much anyways.
As far as air drying, you want to absorb as much moisture as you can through direct contact. Drying sticks work best and tend to be the most gentle for the material. Cloths and towels can also do the trick, but risk leaving lint behind. Any moisture left in the hole becomes a mold risk, as mold loves growing in enclosed, dark, and humid spaces.
Some onas are more difficult to clean and dry properly because of the design of the tunnel, but Venus is by far one of the easiest to care for from my collection. It doesn't have any gimmicks and the tunnel is mostly straight.

>> No.45793365

It's just a tiny split with a flap hanging on. I almost want to glue it.

>> No.45793680

>still playing with dolls
Are you winning son?

>> No.45793734

>Do you enjoy the contrast between you and your cute little anime girl?
Yes. I wish a lot of clothes weren't so hard to put on, I'd love to get a bunch of poofy lolita dresses for my dolls.
Hell yeah I'm winning.

>> No.45794319

>Giji Chitsu Bumpy-Grooved Indecent Spiral Vagina Soft
just wanted to let you bros know this is one of the best holes I've used. uh maybe 3 dozen so far over the years. so worth trying out imo. no idea long term durability but the rings inside probably won't last super long

>> No.45794330
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>> No.45794459

I want to get an ona that's as close as possible to the stereotypical ones you see in h-mangas. So preferably clear or at least transparent and maybe open ended. Most of the ones I see are flesh colored and opaque. Any recommendations that are decent quality?

>> No.45794468

Dolls are the prize for winning.

>> No.45794527

lol my dad is jealous of me because he never got to try MDMA. he for SURE would be jealous of my $3k sex toy.

>> No.45794656

fuck that looks amazing
definitely buying one soon

>> No.45794696

That looks like a nightmare to clean
I'd be too paranoid

>> No.45794705


>> No.45794840

>ordered a torso from hanidoll on jan 2nd
>they shipped it 6 days later on 8th
>now it's the 14th and there been 0 updates on the tracking number, it still says it's pending and that there's no info about the package
oh boy, I'm in for a half a year wait, arent I

>> No.45794854

The houthis raided the ship your torso was on, free palestine

>> No.45795491

Is there such thing as an onahole that stays tight after use? Every time I get one after just like a week or two it becomes super loose.

>> No.45795937

This looks like it would feel fantastic, but I can't be bothered with checking all of those individual crevices.

Depends on the material, but they're either going to loosen or tear with use. Maybe if you have something that can pull a lot of vacuum, the natural tightness of the tunnel won't matter as much.

>> No.45796120
File: 1.00 MB, 920x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a smaller dick
use more lube
don't use oil\silicone based lube
use a toy with a rigid material and large opening (heaven's fall nine ex hard would be a good example)
what brands have you been using? in my experience magic eyes feels great but has poor durability, tomax is extremely durable but their toys are too small for me and their material texture is boring
i have one ride japan toy (gekihen slow revolution) and it's my favorite ona of all and has shown very little wear despite getting 95% of my usage since i got it 11 months ago

>> No.45796789

Looks amazing, but god imagine trying to clean and dry it

>> No.45796840

What you're looking for is a girlfriend.

>> No.45797095

what is that like
where did you try it

>> No.45797515

Is it me or does a maizena powdering last not very long at all? I'm used to the Kyo stuff from motsu and would like to switch, but it feels like after only two washes much of the corn starch is gone, and that's after dousing the toy in it.

>> No.45797567

Honestly the handy sleeves are what has come in the closest but they are very loose and low stimulation (and expensive).
I have a bunch of clear onas but they are too thick to see clearly.
Maybe the best next one is https://onahodouga.com/archives/55955207.html or its smaller version.

>> No.45797965

this roastie this her cunt walls are tight after taking several beatings

>> No.45798009

what do I search for to find drying sticks on Amazon or something? I don't want to get price gouged by toydemon

>> No.45798053

Just "toy drying stick" or something to that effect
You can get a pack of five for ten bucks

>> No.45798643

Fuck. I gotta start buying Onatsuyu from japan again, do I?

No fucking EU shop has it.

>> No.45798701
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I should start a business.

>> No.45798711

To be fair no EU shop has it either. Only place I found with some was JList but you gotta pay shipping and taxes.

>> No.45798826

Is there any reason to get extra synthetic wigs off a doll site other than convenience? Seems like there are plenty of options of amazon etc for half the cost

>> No.45798939

Haven't bought new onahole in ages.

Is one similar to R-20?

>> No.45798989

I think piper has their own wigs for example. You should check reviews from more experienced buyers and see what they think.

>> No.45799103
File: 97 KB, 938x774, 1644276392078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a Lust Gimmick Soft, wish me luck fellas.

>> No.45799200

what's better: double zipper or split leg dakimakura?
leaning towards split leg since it looks easier to keep clean during use. unfortunately it seems to have less covers available but that doesn't matter too much to me.
I plan to use a venus real, it's a bit bigger than most onas, will that impact things?

good choice, probably my second favorite ona. it lives up to its name and is fairly unique. but the gimmick stuff makes the hole more fragile than most. also the tunnel is a bit short (im 6in).
was too much to use everyday, but it was great as a secondary.

>> No.45799723

>Lust Gimmick Soft
looks weird, post impressions

>> No.45799870

Finally decided to dispose of my first ona. No actual holes in it, but there are two separate tear points that are micrometers away. TPE is surprisingly satisfying and easy to cut.

>> No.45799968

Is dachiwife.com safe to order online if you’re living in Japan? Or any anons here have sime other recommended site in Japan?

>> No.45800068

Well since I'm single now guess I"m getting back into jerkingoff. I used to have a mouth of truth but I felt a bit disgusted owning it so I chucked it. I kind of miss it, but I decided to order a basic ZXY to start out with. Honestly, I still kind of live with my mom, so I gotta figure out where I'm gonna put it.

The mouth of truth was incredible but man, it was a pain in the ass to clean. So that's also why i wanted to try a ZXY. I'd like to get some hips, but oh well

>> No.45800258
File: 364 KB, 1750x1196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current kanojo toys cart, thoughts?
>can't buy lolinco with paypal

>> No.45800270
File: 80 KB, 864x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a buncha lubes i haven't tried before

>> No.45800996

Does anybody has the h3171 (the elf) from hanidoll?

>> No.45801264

waves if euphoria, touching feels amazing, then you get a three day hangover and manic depression. I tried it at raves, in clubs, in houses, and in women.
literally none unless it is Piperdoll wigs. you should go out of your way to get a few of those they are fantastic wigs in general and then perfect for dolls. otherwise, wigs are cheap, and you should buy them from aliexpress when you have time or amazon when you want one quick. get a wig brush or two, wig cap to protect against staining the doll, and try not get leave any dyed fabric wigs on the doll longer than a fuck session. I thought it'd be fine to have stains on the top of the head from a wig that used black fabric. I was wrong, it got on the ears, forehead, etc. just don't.

>> No.45801316

oh and get fuzzy hair ties. they make great anklets/arm bracelets as well as pony tails. then get fuzzy ears to match. easiest and fastest lingerie for dolls is that combo.

>> No.45801432
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photos and reviews/impressions coming soon™

>> No.45801497
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>$185 shipping

>> No.45801537

Probably a dumb question, but a wig brush would work on implanted hair too, yeah?

>> No.45801585

Did you buy 2 of the same lube by mistake? And hope you compared this to amazon jp at least. Their shipping has gotten bad but it's still hard to top kanojotoys.

>> No.45801621

that was a mistake, thanks for noticing, emailed support to see if they can edit it
I wouldn't trust amazon jp to have discreet shipping

>> No.45801725

Well they might put in the shipping label that it's sexual stuff but no one cares, your delivery guy isn't gonna read that or care, unless it's a big item and it says on the page it'll come in the original box, it'll come in their standard packaging.

>> No.45801908

Does anyone here actually like the teeth on oral models? I just tried the La Bocca Della Verita for the first time and while the hole itself was really nice, the teeth were actually pretty painful and even caused a bit of damage to my dong.
I might just rip em out if I can

>> No.45801958

When I use my hands or have sex, I can last around 10 minutes or so. When I use an onahole, I last about 1 minute. Is something wrong with me?

>> No.45801995

You're just doing it wrong. When you can only last one second, something is wrong with you.

>> No.45802006

head of the penis is where most of the stimulation happens. onaholes are designed to get in, get off, get out

>> No.45802325

the teeth do chafe yes, but they're essential for mimicking a blowjob well, no other toy comes close in that regard for me
that said, the "perorin" version has the tongue sticking out and obscuring the bottom teeth, which helps somewhat, and there's a "soft" version which has teeth made of a softer flexible plastic that barely chafe at all (the toy itself is very soft too and feels like a more professional BJ compared to the standard/perorin)
perorin hard is also fun for mimmicking hard deepthroat fucking, but not good for extended sessions

>> No.45803552

I ended up removing the bottom set of teeth on mine. Having both sets of teeth were a bit too harsh and distracting on entry and thrust, but removing the bottom to be able to feel the tongue made a big difference for me even though it's mostly subtle on the standard version.

>> No.45803711

yeah i liked the authenticness and i like a little pain

>> No.45804156

could I make money on onlyfans by fucking an onahole?

>> No.45804174

I'm pretty sure that if you are a man then you have to make it gay oriented.
Figure out your limit then tier it like the most hardcore stuff is locked behind the most expensive tier.

>> No.45804184

will using a shota onahole get me arrested

>> No.45804272

I just got the Real Body Extreme Breast Infinity and I'm pretty disappointed. It feels nothing like a titfuck. Doesn't feel anything like real breasts to squeeze. The nipples are nice to play with actually. Doesn't feel like the real thing either but that part I like. Not sure what I should even do with it now.

>> No.45804596

I understand the appeal of tit toys, but never their practicality. Warmth, movement, and general experience doesn't seem able to be replicated in any convincing fashion.

>> No.45804624
File: 527 KB, 563x1000, 20a187a85a47e69ffa21f239b7ac0b4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys!
do you you know if a transparent or clear torso or hip exists?
couldnt find any...
pic related

>> No.45804668
File: 431 KB, 800x800, Inflatable-Transparent-Doll-Inflatable-Cannon-Rack-Sex-Health-Products-Adult-Toys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it look like this or worse?
Im considering getting a doll like in the image but aliexpress with transparent head are cheaper so I was considering getting a mask or buy a doll head and see a way to attach it to a doll and maybe some silicon breast too

>> No.45805164

I just had a totally random (and possibly dumb) question pop into my head.

If depicting genitals in pornography is banned in Japan, then how the hell do onahole/doll/sex toy manufacturers get away with uncensored depictions of genitals both in the form of their products and in the box art/advertisements? Is it because it's not technically pornography? Seems like it would be a legal grey area or something in Japan.

>> No.45805201

nah i seen some jp doll vids and male genitals were blurred while doll was in use

>> No.45805524

Anyone got one of those Mouldforged hips?
Any good?

>> No.45805594

It's alright.
It's mostly the visual aspect, I have a pone and an imp both. It's a softer silicone but it feels almost sticky in a way.
They're also not closed hole, which makes them not as good as jap onas. If you get one be sure to find something to plug the hole with.

>> No.45807201

>anon discovers dropshipping

>> No.45807740

>store onas and hips in a set of drawers
>line drawers with sheets/towels
>do laundry
>TPE oil residue all over the washer
any laundry detergent that will deal with this?
alternatively dish soap seems to break it down easily so i could hand wash stuff if needed
I assume this advice will help as well
how do you deal with washing toys/dolls once the powder seal layer is established? do you have to do it all over again every time or is just a light powdering once it's dry OK?

>> No.45807899

Just buy the cheap $1 towels from Wal*mart.

>> No.45807914

i'm already using cheap/old towels, and i'd still have to wash them occasionally
online search suggests vinegar or borax and dish soap for breaking down oil, we'll see how that goes

>> No.45808057

If you're going to handwash, get a wash basin and dump it outside. You don't want oil clogging your pipes.

>> No.45808302
File: 867 KB, 850x1385, sample_9417d9c8d0779de104c5cfc29970e89e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any doll manufacturers that actually uses doll joints?

>> No.45808944

None that are designed to be penetrated. It's an open market, ripe for the taking.

>> No.45808971

I don' know what exactly you mean by that, butt there's an actutal poseable doll you can fuck
I'd kill for an appropriately thicc Toriel version

>> No.45809031

Can't be that bad, I just keep mine in a mesh bag inside the drawer (many mesh bags, many drawers), has fucked up any drawer or anything.
I do have a hip that one time I left on top of my bed which stained it after 30 minutes but I keep it in a mesh bag inside a black bag and after years it has only had some slight color transfer and the bag has nothing.

>> No.45809164

>I do have a hip that one time I left on top of my bed which stained it after 30 minutes
I never realized how bad it is. 30 min is nothing.

>> No.45809326

Guava had a jointed full size doll, not sure how that's going.

>> No.45809400

This is probably a stupid idea but hear me out...
If you took a (preferably older) onahole and put it in the microwave, maybe on defrost, would that be a decent way of warming it up?

>> No.45809531

Yeah. I'd research further into how to care for implanted hair and talk to the vendor/manufacture about some advise. With implanted you really want to be careful not tangling. You can fix the hair but the scalp can't be repaired and any kind of brush will pull hair out. Some of this is inevitable but over the lifetime of the doll so who cares. Just be gentle when maintaining and when using your doll don't go batshit crazy flipping her around without taking care of the hair. Good styling or at least a pony tail will help.

>> No.45809546

I had this same experience with a "soft silicone" head from MLW. It was painful, felt like it might actually cut my dick. I tore the teeth out and what was left is still rough. I am going to go back later and try to smooth it out or just give up on oral for that head. They need to make them way softer and removable. Removable would be great because we could install custom teeth like vampire teeth or cute buckteeth.

They kind of feel like human teeth but not in that good way more like that she doesn't know how to suck dick and is raking your cock way.

>> No.45809555

It is very stupid. Get a bottle warmer or use your sink.

>> No.45809713

Yeah, it won't heat the tpe but the lube will be dangerously hot in a few seconds.

>> No.45809722

ordered this from ebay
wish me luck
455usd after taxes and shipping

>> No.45809775

IIRC Yes, but you have to watch the time carefully, and don't do it with lube applied, you have to heat the lube separately.

>> No.45809865

Do not microwave lube for the love of god.

>> No.45809910
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>> No.45809990
File: 1.17 MB, 2458x1614, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a low target temp and insulated container you should be able to achieve much higher capacities than the rating would suggest

>> No.45810131

is this just audio for anybody else?!?

>> No.45810224


>> No.45810914
File: 147 KB, 850x941, unlock achieved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sino has definitely won the softness race in 2023
They are catching up to other vendors. Which is great. I don't like their sculpts personally. But getting silicone manufacturers to step up their game to compete w/ TPE is very welcome. Imagine having a TPE doll that was durable and didn't leak. That was as detailed as silicone and textured. And you could blow your load inside and completely sterilize with alcohol anytime you'd like.

For sure this arms race is heating up.



Sino (sorry if duplicate)

Piperdoll OG Akira (this blend was considered industry softest) and the new Eiran blend


I have a few more softness tests. I'll share later. I got a lot of these from Kuma-Doll and some I can't share from there. The rest from Twitter.

>> No.45810920


>> No.45810948

2 min fix try different players. If that doesn't solve the issue look up the codec and go from there.

>> No.45811524

in fact I have decided to try this myself
will report results
