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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 504x502, professions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4569245 No.4569245 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4569253

God tier: priest, pirate

>> No.4569250

NEET isn't a profession, so yeah.

>> No.4569256

Where does the glorious NEET lifestyle fit in?

>> No.4569259

god tier is full of corrupt jobs

>> No.4569271

HAHAHAHAHAHAH boring ass job, I am assuming that high tech includes IT type jobs?

>> No.4569273

Librarian is the best job ever.

>> No.4569276

NEET should wordfilter to unemployment.

>> No.4569278

It automatically makes you moe.

>> No.4569279

What about martial arts teacher w/own dojo and cool respect-filled students?

>> No.4569283

People don't know about the perks of Traveling all over the world on the companies.

>> No.4569285

11-year old detected.

>> No.4569293

only bullied people choose physics or chemistry
suck it loosers

>> No.4569292
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Maybe this whole Attorney thing was a bad idea after all~

>> No.4569289

Depends on gender/age of students and how much "harsh training" you can get away with.

>> No.4569288

Or you could, you know, do something you like instead of living a hell of a life just because you thought that being one of those means you are going to be rich.

>> No.4569301

NEET was here, normalfriends are losers.

>> No.4569302

Oh, and a race car driver, too! And a ninja!

>> No.4569303

Needed more surprise witnesses

>> No.4569304


Are you a quiet and well mannered loli?

>> No.4569306

I'm earning so much moeny in myb prefession after just two years that I don't even give a shit about this thread

>> No.4569309

Wait, what?
>High Tech
you lost me.

So Astronaut must either be High Tech or Shit Tier. Anything other than Physicist or Engineer is pretty much fail. Doctor had lost it's edge when medical knowledge had hit the internet. It killed itself with Doctors bickering like idiots on effective methods and sellouts pilfering products for the easy money.

>> No.4569311

unemployed stock trader> everything. Enjoy working on my behalf.

>> No.4569312

You mad, dumb-fag?

>> No.4569314

I wanna be a High Tech.

>> No.4569316

Sysadmin here
be a sysadmin is like being a neet, except that you are paid.

>> No.4569322


Library Science is a college-level program

There are no loli librarians

If a loli is graduating from college, it's because their parents are insane control freaks who gamed the system, so they're going to be going into one of the hard sciences or medicine

face it bro, there are no loli librarians, quiet and well mannered or not

>> No.4569331


I don't want to marry you anymore

>> No.4569337

Programming should be in god tier, OP is a faggot.

>> No.4569338
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>crossposted to every board with no modifications

>> No.4569341

Jewelcrafting and Enchanting are the only ones that should be up there, faggot.

>> No.4569342

well books are for fags, so see if I care, broseph

>> No.4569344
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>no politician

>> No.4569347

Why isn't mathematics there?

>> No.4569362

Shit tier: Banker

Reason: Because you're somewhere in between being an accountant for the mob and being a soul-crushing bureaucrat.

Remedy: Re-privatize and re-organize all banks as chartered non-profits, opportunistically dumping "toxic assets" and various/sundry unpayable developing-world debt in the process.

>> No.4569369


Did you mean:

Mining and Herbalism?

>> No.4569370

Oh please, most politicians are attorneys and lawyers and we all know how smart they are.

Physicist, chemist, and mathematicians are god tier. Everything else on your list is mid-tier. Reported.

>> No.4569374

God tier: Investment Banker and

>> No.4569381

Priest really would be the ideal job for the average /jp/er.

>> No.4569379

>Resource professions
Learn to play the auction house, faggot.

>> No.4569383

Automatically a good list

but you forgot priest.

>> No.4569395

So, this Japanese Buddhist monk has a Ferrari. How does this work....?

>> No.4569406

> >Biologist
I don't understand.

>> No.4569427
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Only if I get to molest the little girls

>> No.4569431

Only little boys ;_;

>> No.4569435

I am the King and Queen of cheese

>> No.4569437


Troll tier, right next to those pissed, angry sign-wavers who dress as the Statue of Liberty to get you to buy a loan.

>> No.4569442

gunsmithing, so good.

>> No.4569448

bounty hunting, so good.

>> No.4569454

I am a professional masturbator

>> No.4569460

loli whoring, so good.

>> No.4569455

God Tier: unemployed

>> No.4569458

Only in shitholes like America are lawyers respected. Money shouldn't be able to keep you out of prison.

>> No.4569469
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>> No.4569472

Screw it then. I have no interest in the male gender of the species.

>> No.4569474

>implying lawyers are respected in America

>> No.4569475

Surgeon is probably implied with Doctor, and your internets aren't going to perform a choledocholithotomy. Enjoy your stones.

>> No.4569465

Well, there's a shota librarian.

>In 1980, 10-year-old Jason Hardman petitioned Elsinore's mayor for permission to open a library. The library was initially set up in the basement of the town's public school (the historic town hall building), with 1,000 books. Hardman became the librarian, making him the youngest librarian in the United States. By 1982, the library had 10,000 volumes, which largely came from donations. By 1985, it had 17,000 volumes.

Also, there's this guy, who, while not a girl, is nonetheless awesome

>The surname "bronze-guts" came from his indefatigable industry: he was said to have written so many books that he was unable to recollect what he had written in earlier ones, and so often contradicted himself. (Athenaeus records that he wrote 3500 books; Seneca gives the figure of 4000.) As a result he acquired the additional nickname βιβλιολάθης "book-forgetter".

Librarian of the Alexandrian Library, plus clumsy scholar moe~

>> No.4569478 [SPOILER] 
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Forgot journalist.

>> No.4569487

> Only in shitholes like America are lawyers respected. Money shouldn't be able to keep you out of prison.
Did you mean: Only in shitholes like America are lawyers not respected. Otherwhere they are respected because they respect the legal system and their clients.

>> No.4569491

It's not a bad job

it's not like you have to do anything difficult

>> No.4569499

Talk to people.

>> No.4569518
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>> No.4569527

The confessions with a /jp/ priest must be awesome.

"Pastor, I have done a deed most heinous... You know my wife is dead, and my base urges got the better of me... I... I umm, I knew my little daughter carnally. "
"FUCK YE- I mean, seek forgiveness and you shall be forgiven, or something. Can I learn your daughter's name? "

>> No.4569552
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>Obvious spam
>58 posts and 6 image replies omitted
>58 posts and 6 image replies omitted
>58 posts and 6 image replies omitted

Reported everyone in this thread.

>> No.4569554


Sweet... I'm in God Tier.

>> No.4569562

>god tier
this is what accountants and bankers actually believe

>> No.4569563

No, but I'm shy-moe.

>> No.4569569

I forgot, we're in /jp/

>> No.4569587

>High Tech
oh god I wanna be a High Tech, man I wonder what they do it sounds so awesometobeahightechwowImgonnagochangemymajorightnow

>> No.4569590

Yeah, we're that bored.

>> No.4569615

>Jobs that are boring as shit on a rope
Pilot is ok,
/p/ was here Photographer is the highest of High!

>> No.4569633

[ ] Good money
[ ] Fun job
[ ] Good amount of free time

Choose one.

>> No.4569641

Get out normalfags.

>> No.4569655

>[x]Good Money
>[x]Good amount of free time


>> No.4569669


Oh god I lol'd. That guy was awesome. Shame I don't see him around anymore.

>> No.4569693

Good thing I have the three
I work at a press secretary, I have fun, just work half a day and it's quite well paid

>> No.4569703
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>Implying thats how jobs work.

>> No.4569705

underage detected

>> No.4569720

Theologist = God Tier

>> No.4569721

[x] Good money
[x] Fun job
[x] Good amount of free time

Senior sysadmin

>> No.4569736
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>> No.4569742

I'm the president of Luksemburg, is that a good profession?

>> No.4569752

>implying 50-60k is considered good money and not just slightly above average

>> No.4569756

God Tier: Stay at home Outsourcing Human Resources
[△] Good Money
[X] Good amount of free time
[ ] Actually do something while working
[X] Pleasure of firing a poor Indonesian because they're stupid

>> No.4569760
File: 40 KB, 279x277, tewi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is entitled middle class faggot in here.

>> No.4569777
File: 13 KB, 298x296, 1250206967414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad?

>> No.4569787

I don't believe I said how much I earned, especially if I'm one of the bosses, you know

>> No.4569790
File: 40 KB, 279x277, tewi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I look mad?

>> No.4569791
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>> No.4569794

I see what you're doing...

>> No.4569796
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Maybe a little frustrated then.

>> No.4569804
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>> No.4569813
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I'm on the internet, so apathetic/indifferent.

>> No.4569822

Fuck, I'd want to be one.
derp derp hurr spanish inquisition

>> No.4569826


I want a game where you play as Tomás de Torquemada and bring heathens and witches to the light of Christianity with your dick.

>> No.4569829
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