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File: 37 KB, 639x359, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4568561 No.4568561 [Reply] [Original]

Silly Japanese. Why would an Australian give whale meat to the Ambassador.

>> No.4568596

That was nuts.

Protesters accusing the spokesperson of being rude because they provocatively offered him whale meat that is not accepted by the Australian government as a "fuck you", shoved it in his face and then claimed that his not accepting it (and walking with dignity away, making no further comment) was an act of ethnic discrimination and racism.

Later, these same people decrying racism shouted "we cannot guarantee the safety of Australian nationals (in Japan)".

The levels of insanity and hypocrisy are just incredible, and I don't even sympathise with the Sea Shepherds.

>> No.4568622


>> No.4568626

japan would be making whale porn if they were even remotely loli like

>> No.4568630

Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.4568638

Why is whale meat obtained for "scientific" purposes canned and available to non-scientists in the first place?

>> No.4568647

who cares about whales anyways? stupid whales.

>> No.4568652

Eh? Did we watch the same video?

He should have just accepted it and walked away but instead he had to go and provoke that. He shouldn't be involved in international diplomacy if he isn't willing to put aside his personal opinions for a second.

>> No.4568655


Social experiments.

>> No.4568664

Are you a moron?
He's representing the embasy, if he accepts it it would be seen as the embasy accepting it and the whole department would receive a tonne of shit from the government back home.

>> No.4568672

You are the ambassador. Reject the can without provoking an international incident.

>> No.4568680

He could have walked inside and put in the nearest trash can. No one would have known.

>> No.4568683

Wait, do you run experiments on Scientists to see how they react to products?

I don't think we have enough Scientists to do that.

>> No.4568708

Because it is delicious.
Also, the dead whale would go to waste otherwise.
It makes no more sense to let it rot than to be perfectly happy eating rabbits but making a fuss if someone makes a nice pair of gloves out of their fur.

>> No.4568711

Why doesn't Australia just put the whale wars guys in prison? Or do they actually support the retards?

>> No.4568725

They fund them.

>> No.4568726

Whaling is banned in Australia. For him to have walked into the Australian embassy carrying whale meat would have been very, very problematic. He couldn't accept it and did the most dignified thing he could, considering the circumstances. To have openly rejected the "gift" would have inspired an even worse reaction from the protesters, so he just kept quiet and walked away.

He did the right thing and showed immense restraint considering how that crowd was treating him.

I mean, c'mon, they shoved little tins of meat in his face and then started to shout "see! he doesn't like it!"
Well, of course he doesn't. He wouldn't like it if it were tinned beans or ham, you're shoving something in his face. Back the fuck off.

>> No.4568729

Japs resorting to psychological warfare to get their way, as usual I might add. What a bunch of slimy subhumans.

>> No.4568731


>> No.4568743


Yes they do.


>> No.4568750

They are rude koreans, not japanese.

>> No.4568754 [DELETED] 

The Australian government isn't going to take legal action or even get a bit cross about it all. They just want talk politely about it. And they're upset about that? Fucking Japs are out of the loop as always.

>> No.4568758

I love you.

>> No.4568786

thanks, it took me a while to think of a witty comment.

i'm also korean, do you still love me?

>> No.4568794

i wouldn't like it if somebody shoved an onahole in my face.

that doesn't mean i'm gay, though.

>> No.4568797

Of course. I love everyone as long as they don't try to murder me.

>> No.4568798


>> No.4568800
File: 17 KB, 254x254, UrdnotWrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4568805


That's my fetish

>> No.4568806

I mean, fuck. LOOK at this picture >>4568561.

Why wouldn't you be fucking annoyed?

>> No.4568812

Video where?

>> No.4568816

But whale meat is delicious why would you want to let it rot?

>> No.4568830

Japan confirmed for being a fundamentalist shithole like the Middle East.
Actually, scratch that. At least sandniggers throw shitfits because of religious and ethic values, Japs gets angry over a kind of meat nobody actually eats and that wasn't even part of the Japanese cuisine until after WW2.
Japs should stop treating whaling as if it were a centuries-old tradition and start regarding it as what it actually is: a recent addiction.

>> No.4568828
File: 347 KB, 800x905, tali-zorah-nar-rayya-mass-effect-2-screenshot-character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To make environmentalists happy

>> No.4568833


>> No.4568837

I share the belief of some scientists that it's too late to try to make a difference by now.

I say let the little guys eat their whales. We're going down, might as well do it on a full tummy.

>> No.4568848

Thanks, comrade.

>> No.4568852

Butthurt greenfag.

>> No.4568884

Why does non-white racism seem to surprise everyone?

>> No.4568897


Because only white devils are racist.

>> No.4568906

It doesn't.

>> No.4568945

It's surprising they can get away with it.

>> No.4568963

Why do people give a shit about whales or animals in general? Or even people for that matter?

Hypocrites everywhere.

>> No.4568978

It's not like Minke are endangered or anything.

>> No.4568984

yeh, why do people give a shit about anything?
What a bunch of fags XD

>> No.4568997


Whales cull krill that would otherwise threaten the existance of algae responsible for oxygen in the atmosphere

>> No.4569000


FUKK LYFE, NO FUTURE, etc, etc...

>> No.4569003

How typical of you 鬼佬

>> No.4569075

I probably go with Ausfags in this matter had I not known before hand how hardcore these bastards are in racism.

>> No.4569124

Personally, I don't see why a society that's perfectly capable of feeding its people using agriculture and aquaculture should have any reason to hunt at all.

>> No.4569152


Yeah, but whaling is the least of our problems. Mankind is fucked either way, why care about people eating whales?

>> No.4569160

So Japan trolls a worthless Ausfag diplomat(which makes him double worthless) and the weekend hippies here make a fuss about it.

>> No.4569169

kind of a wimpy looking protest

>> No.4569173

Mmm. Japanese nationalist extremism. What a beautiful phenomenon. They're not just in bed with the mob, they practically are a miniscule finger puppet of it. But then again, most of the diet is in bed with the mob, so emphasizing that might be just idle fiddle-farting. I suppose the yakuza are performing a valuable social function in being the repository for the problematic, straight-speaking portion of the most passive-agressive society on earth.

>> No.4569178

People can care about more than one thing at a time, bro

>> No.4569181

It is a proud tradition!
How dare you question our heritage!
You are a racist subhuman!

Translation: Never even hint that we should consider changing the direction of our country. You're a fucking foreigner.

Weaboo doesn't like realising that Japan isn't kawaii like in his animes.

>> No.4569208

>Society to Seek Restoration of Sovereignty
This is just a group of war hungry loons, there's no need to take them seriously.

>> No.4569225

If you've been shot in some vital organ and although you're in the hospital and you're about to receive an operation, there's a 99% chance you won't survive it... are you going to fidget with the wound with your finger, since you're going to die anyway?

>> No.4569274


Did someone crawl out of 2chan?

>> No.4569348

Lol fuck Japan, fucking subhumans.

>> No.4569366

trolling masters. 4chan could really learn something.

>> No.4569386

Looking at the comments, the ones in Japanese that are supporting the whalers all have lots of thumbs up.
Makes me sad.

>> No.4569421

What does Sea Shepard hope to accomplish anyway? I bet those guys are in for environmentalist pussy.

You want to stop whaling? Convince people to stop eating whale meat. As long as there's demand, some rich fuck with the means to create an industry will find loopholes in the regulations.

>> No.4569439

There has been barely any, even negative, demand growth for decades in Japan. The vast majority don't eat it, and don't like, and the sheer mercury poisoning levels alone dissuade many from trying it in the first place. The Japanese government has been giving whaling companies subsidies to keep them afloat for years.

Honestly, if they'd gone without this publicity stirring up xenophobic defiance in some sectors of the Japanese populace, whaling might have collapsed altogether as an industry within the next five to ten years.

>> No.4569444

Money. Nobody but teenagers and people who eat whale meat care about the whales. Everyone else is in it for the money.

>> No.4569528

I personally don't agree with the Sea Sheppards' methods, but it's extremely difficult to convince a large, anonymous group of people that what they're doing is bad/stupid. In comparison, it's much easier to make the costs for producing the supply greater than the potential income.
