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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 288 KB, 1280x720, 26814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45687137 No.45687137 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45649944

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45687181

This is the thread, imokano a shit

>> No.45687187

anyone played the game amelie talked about in her newest video? seems interesting

>> No.45687203


>> No.45687210

Was there anything noteworthy about that safedisc version other than nanomites and obfuscated imports?

>> No.45687241

I didn't even notice that there was another thread. It's not mentioned in the last thread and it doesn't even have a thread title. I don't know how OP of that thread expected anyone to find it.

>> No.45687304

nta, but yeah, OP fucked up. at least you did this one quickly

>> No.45687334

This will be the year of yuzusoft

>> No.45687349

It seems unlikely they will release something new this year. Maybe next year if we're lucky.

>> No.45687448

my bad imokano bros. we'll get those moebutas next time.

>> No.45687479
File: 46 KB, 372x315, dl-img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk factory remaster not uploaded
Sad. Do I have to wait for the DL version?

>> No.45687557

Damn, makes me realize that I need to finish this garbage dump of an overrated eroge. Dropped it midway of the Graduation route. People said it is peak... But it's even worse. I want to say that Hatsuyuki Sakura peaked at the end of the prologue but even that was mid at best. What a disappointment. Doesn't help that the MC is insufferable from start to finish. At least the Shirokuma loli masturbation h-scene was halfway fappable. 3/10

No idea if I want to pick this one up again to find closure.

>> No.45687575

Just started reading Monkeys. While I certainly wouldn't say it's bad, the humor feels pretty forced. I still enjoy it, but it feels like I'm reading something trying to be funny more than something actually funny.

>> No.45687597

Felt the same and ended up dropping it because of that

>> No.45687640

It's on ryuu

>> No.45687661

Isn't a free patch you can apply to the original?

>> No.45687681

Not certain I'll stick with it. Depends whether romance will actually be any good or if it's just the same comedy through and through. Doesn't help that the protagonist's va doesn't sound male at all, nor does the protagonist look manly at all so it feels more like he's a reverse trap than a trap...

>> No.45687928

Love my ghost. Kudos to that anon a few threads ago.

>> No.45687935

Which one did you get? I was thinking about setting it up too

>> No.45687970
File: 110 KB, 329x445, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one, it's pretty cute. Think the other anon recommended it as well: https://cherry.narnaloader.ukagaka.net/ghost.php?ghost=tntn

>> No.45687994

There s a full HD remaster and there's a dlc patch for the old version, the dlc does NOT turn the game into HD remaster, it just add scenarios, which are already included in the HD remaster.
full HD remaster is nowherever to be seens.

>> No.45688161

That anon also got me hooked on these ghosts kek. That same day I found a thread where the jap discuss the most popular ghosts:
So far I have only tried [Peace Maker] and 人体視願/ヴィイ and both have an extremely detailed lore, it's insane.

>> No.45688176

>it's like Mr. Clippy, but a cute girl with autistically detailed lore
only the Japanese

>> No.45688237

Yeah, that would basically sum it up

>> No.45688238

It would be wasted on your dogshit taste so don't bother

>> No.45688299
File: 3.68 MB, 5200x2168, jop_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated version of the jopge chart

>> No.45688301
File: 28 KB, 665x444, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>45687994 said

>> No.45688327

Thanks for the recs since I was getting kind of hopeless. Now I'll just read everything here.
2024's looking good.

>> No.45688340

It's on my list along with Tosatsu no Sono. The rest of what that writer did looks like generic nukige so I wonder if any of those are actually meta too or just regular nukige.

>> No.45688353

Most of those are decent/good but at least a few are mediocre/bad. Good starting point though.

>> No.45688371

I could count at least 7 that were shit, but I got tired of looking anymore

>> No.45688406
File: 835 KB, 814x943, 青春フラジャイル【DL版】 -_リズ6_-cmvs32_(seishun_fragile).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Riz, don't get me wrong, she's an excellent girl.
But I wouldn't recommend Seishun Fragile to anybody.

>> No.45688425

I'm pretty sure it's just a person taking a bunch of untranslated games from companies that people talk about here a bunch that the person making the chart has not read, there's too many genuinely good picks for it to be 100% shitposting, but there's also some awful games and some just alright ones.

>> No.45688427

>making lovers 2
Bro they will laugh at you when they realize that shit is worse than the one that is translated

>> No.45688429

That chart is full of garbage. The creator probably hasn't even read any of them.

>> No.45688443

It's a pretty good bait chart. I'll give them that.

>> No.45688446
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, 【夜舟初穂 恋人7】ハジラブ (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I quite liked it, one of Smee's better games.

>> No.45688453

i just noticed it has yuzuriha and i actually laughed out loud

>> No.45688463


>> No.45688481
File: 1.90 MB, 1472x828, ユズリハの詩AdvHD (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to reply 'aw c'mon, it's not that bad', then I realized it actually was.

>> No.45688494

whoever made that shit is a fucking genius

>> No.45688505

I hope Tincle Twincle festival isn't one of the shitpost recs, that game's stupid as hell but a lot of fun.

>> No.45688540

I completed that recently, actually. Pretty nice stuff.
The recs aren't actually all that shitty and like
says, there's some decent stuff in it.

>> No.45688543
File: 16 KB, 550x400, 1683045026791151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anal in moege

>> No.45688555
File: 286 KB, 562x584, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz (7) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get with the times, Reiwa heroines do anal.
If even Yuzusoft, the poster company for playing it safe moege, is doing BR and anal, then the fetishes are now basically vanilla.

>> No.45688572

Moebutas in the mud for years

>> No.45688575

Didnt like tincle twinkle, lost interest before finishing the blue girl with piss fetish route. Also the ugly senpai was shilled way too hard in the common route.

>> No.45688577

Kin'iro loveriche is not a moege.

>> No.45688599

That shit features 3P that is not a moege

>> No.45688611
File: 217 KB, 368x393, W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45688615

Why is this general so lively, getting its own 'charts' and whatever unlike all the rest of us D:

>> No.45688658

Those charts aren't made by people from this thread.

>> No.45688694

Why the fuck the fujos haven't left the thread yet?

>> No.45688714

Nobody was even discussing bl or otomege.
We can if you want though?

>> No.45688731

They usually release something every 18 months or so. COVID fucked Tenshi Re-boots release but if they go back to their usual schedule we'll probably get something Q4 this year, although it may just be announced this year for 2025 release.

>> No.45688747

I'm tryin to download this patch for もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界おっぱいメイド学園 append.
but the file always ended up downloading corrupted. Is it just me or what?

>> No.45688797

downloaded fine for me

>> No.45688811

try opening it

>> No.45688820

It also opened fine for me

>> No.45688822

okay, nevermind finally got this link to work

>> No.45688823

is it your antivirus freaking out?
happens to me a lot

>> No.45688830

changed link to storage2. and it worked

>> No.45688844

Which otome/BL are you reading, bro

>> No.45688858

how can anyone still look forward to a next yuzuge after how bad they've been since riddle joker

but I'm game, what could the theme be next time? what haven't they done already? I want a robot heroine, not AI shit but hard metal robo girl. so maybe a space station/colony setting. mc is called Elliot Ripley and he's hunted by bishoujo aliens and surrounded by mercenary bishoujos and cyborg bishoujos

>> No.45688870

I thought vanilla = consensual sex with protagonist only, regardless of the play and number of girls
People really freaked out about 3P and anal? LMFAO

>> No.45688871

never read yuzuslop.
never will.
simple as.

>> No.45688889

I'll read every single VN release
every genre
simple as

>> No.45688893
File: 93 KB, 730x692, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Tenshi Re-boot, it was a lot of fun.
>but I'm game, what could the theme be next time? what haven't they done already?
It will be a Japanese high school with some kind of fantasy/sci-fi skin. They could do aliens and robots, but the alien will be a completely normal human girl except for a cute antenna or horn or something and the robot will be a completely normal human girl except for a cute metal head ornament and then half the routes will ignore the fantasy/sci-fi skin anyways. It's yuzusoft, they don't take risks.
Even kusoge?

>> No.45688929
File: 341 KB, 1280x720, 1701129638393072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the robot will be a completely normal human girl except for a cute metal head ornament
I never understood the point of this. If you are going to make a robot girl, you should commit to the bit. Komorebi spoiled me on most robot girls.

>> No.45688954
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1682794314918659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was disappointed by reboot's wasted potential
Most of the VN should've taken place in the other world instead of modern Japan and the heroines all should've been their past selves instead of their reincarnation.

>> No.45688958

>What are you looking forward to?
But some of them are translated
>New Yuzusoft and Amakano 3 the same year again
The eternal rivals...

>> No.45688970

Rivals for the bottom of the barrel kek. SMEE and ASa beat them without trying.

>> No.45688982

Moebutas are an endless source of estrogen, they are threatened by the presence of other girls as well

>> No.45689050

Just go full anime cancer and make an isekai, a REAL isekai this time
>transported to a medieval fantasy world
>It may or may not have rpg elements
>MC is OP because uhhhh reasons
>all the girls fall in love with the mc for no reason

>> No.45689057

How many years left until rape becomes moe

>> No.45689072

Your idea sounds way better than what they actually did. So disappointing...

>> No.45689081

Negatives years from Rance release dates

>> No.45689104

Yuzuge are going to be shit as long as they're being written by a w*man.

>> No.45689129

>written by a woman
What? Were you thinking of ASa Project?

>> No.45689146

geminism is written by a woman and is better written than yuzuge

>> No.45689153

yuzuge are drawn by women, not written

>> No.45689162

Rance was written by a woman

>> No.45689163

The shit ones.

>> No.45689171

didn't we just have this discussion like 2-3 threads ago

>> No.45689178

there's nothing else to discuss unless you want to go back to ntr shitposting

>> No.45689183

Wasn't https://vndb.org/s2883 the lead writer for every yuzuge? Or is that actually a guy?

>> No.45689243

people who won't play a game just because a translation exists are pretty pathetic 2bh

>> No.45689258

if it's not being gatekept it's probably not good

>> No.45689261

I'd like to read that. I've avoided anything isekai-related media. Maybe a vinnie could change my mind about that genre.

>> No.45689271

You pretty much described Clarias. It was OK but I didn't even bother to play the DLC patch thing they added later.

>> No.45689381

I watched this video today to see what F was like. Seeing purple axe girl wrecking shit reminded me how much fun her slow ass was in the trial's arena mode. I never played the full game but it looks like a lot of features are unlocked during the story. In the trial I sucked with MC's fists and sword girl wasn't my type, but axe and katana were fun. I couldn't figure out the gun girl.

>> No.45689425
File: 7 KB, 317x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to get back into reading vns regularly again after a long while, tried to open kakurenbo and was greeted with this message stating the game isn't installed correctly which I figured would happen since I'm on a different desktop from the one I originally installed it on. Is there any way to bypass this? like a registry entry I need to make or something? failing that, where would I find my save files for the vn?

>> No.45689433

I was not that great at the game, but I accidentally figured out a way you can infinite combo the last boss with MC's fists. It was how I got through it on the hardest difficulty. I also remember wasting a bunch of time trying to see if that one guy's first boss battle was beatable (it's not). I forgot his name, Wufie or something.

>> No.45689436

So, Rance games

>> No.45689440

>where would I find my save files for the vn?
Download a 100% from sagaoz or seiya and read the readme file

>> No.45689450

Iirc it's in your documents

>> No.45689508

Anyone have 操心術3 from Studio Jaren? https://vndb.org/v2343.. Or even better, a Studio Jaren collection.

>> No.45689687
File: 8 KB, 251x211, 1289946770483s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my
i must explain again is their shame eternal

>> No.45689718
File: 51 KB, 1280x677, kakurenbo reg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have what's in pic but reinstalling should be better.

>> No.45689815


>> No.45689952
File: 5 KB, 351x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind showing me the full registry path? also turns out past me was kind enough to backup the saves to the disk that has all the vns installed on it

>> No.45689955

>>45689952 (me)
never mind I just saw the path on the bottom of the screen

>> No.45690015
File: 656 KB, 1282x747, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it working. thanks anon

>> No.45690139

Do you tab out a lot? I did that in Tsushinbo and had 9 hours in the common route. It annoyed me enough to stop reading. I couldn't find a way to edit the time.

>> No.45690149

>It annoyed me enough to stop reading.
Pure autism.

>> No.45690164

yeah I tab out a bit. I especially remember one time where I minimized the vn after reading a scene and promptly forgot about it for the rest of the day. so that playtime counter is definitely not accurate. it doesn't bother me though

>> No.45690171
File: 173 KB, 566x800, image-800 whisp daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish cura went back to drawing eroge in a different company. FUCK lose/whisp betrayers.

>> No.45690231

I've been meaning to check out his stuff, which game should I start with?

>> No.45690251

Of his works, I've only read komorebi and semiramis. Maybe someone else can chime in? Of those two, it depends what you're looking for. Komorebi is more upbeat, while semiramis is a much more severe story; a story where there are consequences for your failure.

>> No.45690295
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, GC4uBeAaEAAFFog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New metalogiq (DeadΩAegis) project teaser

>> No.45690345


>> No.45690351

no fucking wayyyyy, it's going to be a good year

>> No.45690374

Koreans and Chinese are even more autistic.

>> No.45690395

Is Nyaa really no longer a viable option to get eroge?

>> No.45690397

Nice. I should actually read some Black Cyc games this year while I'm at it.

>> No.45690421

We all get our stuff from AB these days.

>> No.45690474

Still works for me. Unlike old anime nyaatorrents eroge torrents almost always have seeders. One day the seeders will be gone and then it's only DDLs until they're shut down. Sucks that xdcc bots never caught on with eroge.

>> No.45690477

no ((( we ))) don't

>> No.45690486

There's always going to be a torrent index that everyone will flock to. Remember when OG Nyaa was kill?

>> No.45690553

Except OG Nyaa got scraped and a lot was reuploaded. Those are just the torrents itself. The problem is a lack of seeders. I'd bet many of the less seeded eroge torrents are only seeded by oldfags and OG torrent uploaders like girlcelly and 2DGF. They won't be around forever and then you have to get lucky a stray seeder pops in. You reach 99%, lose your connection for a second and the seeder is gone and you wait for years.

>> No.45690613

So? Media on the internet is not forever lost. Someone somewhere will have the file and will be shared one way or another.

>> No.45690635

kfmax is great if you can get past their point system and chinese UI.

>> No.45690777

its been a bit since ive done it, but it was everything in this http://blog.w4kfu.com/post/Unpackme_I_am_Famous and this https://web.archive.org/web/20230601123436/https://www.reversing.be/article.php?story=20061030193245121 which i used as reference, but still there are too many details that you have to figure out yourself
+ the dynamically resolved calls seemingly started to get resolved to the wrong address if you hit the wrong ones too many times, so i fixed all 1k+ calls by hand with a gorillion vm state reloads like an idiot

>> No.45690805

What are the other options now besides Ryuu and trying to kill yourself with A-S DDLs? AB requires discordfaggotry dicksucking to get in. Is convincing chinks you're one of them the only other way? That's sad.

>> No.45690821
File: 246 KB, 1822x709, loli(con) alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sound mixing in Campanella Plus Stories is beyond retarded. I had to lower the BGM volume to 35% to not drown out the voices at 100%.

>> No.45690848

There's always the good Samaritans in these threads. I swear I've gotten more obscurege here than all those places combined.

>> No.45690886

That is true. When I went through an archive search, plenty of obscure stuff did show up which surprises me sometimes since several of those games aren't even sold anymore. Really grateful for those anons.

>> No.45691132

What games should I play in order to denpamaxx?

>> No.45691136

You could just consume hard drugs if you want to go insane.

>> No.45691153

Cross Channel GHS translation + manifesto? after doing hard drugs and hitting your head against the wall 1000 times

>> No.45691171

it would be nice if someone could save these if someone comes asking for them in the future, since ive had quite a bit of trouble looking for them
https://vndb.org/v33222 / ひまわりのチャペルできみと外伝 女教師・仁時一紗香(旧姓) which i found on a chinese collection site i use, dont think its been uploaded anywhere else: https://files.catbox.moe/8j80o0.rar
also a tech gian bonus for https://vndb.org/v633 / https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=9702 that an anon thankfully uploaded, but the link is down now: https://up2sha.re/file?f=Sj0OLL&token=qQek2OvvFK1viwq8EGmgglNVSjfUNRDx

>> No.45691204

what happened to that new bishoujo mangekyou game? delayed again?

>> No.45691317

it was all a dream

>> No.45691337

my life is a nightmare

>> No.45691339

Moege and nukige are two sides of the same coin

>> No.45691384

Tell me about the Hyper Highspeed Genius. All I know is it has Nanjo Yoshino in it.

>> No.45691524

Anyone else read an entire nukige and never fap at all

>> No.45691645


>> No.45691662

do you suffer from erectile dysfunction

>> No.45691677

As long as there is something besides hscenes, like clockup plotnukiges, yes. Don't really read nukige normally, but destroyed my dick when I read biman tho.

>> No.45691700
File: 221 KB, 1213x720, 1241254575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you vil read ze semiramis

>> No.45691826

I'm sick of all these boring slender heroines
Where are the chubs at

>> No.45691847

Looking for eroge with fun gameplay elements, any recommendations? Could be in any direction like managing a facility, doing things for characters, running your shop.. as long as its not superficial.

>> No.45691896

In NTR, rape and other disgusting shit like orcsoft games

>> No.45692456

Orcsoft games aren't all that bad.
We all like it here, as I'm sure the archives can demonstrate.

>> No.45692531

If you are interested in the otoboku games, I thought the second one was quite good. The first feels very experimental and the third wasn't particularly memorable. Of his other games I have done Alicematic (recommended if you want chuuni action) and Komorebi (fun sci-fi game without getting too over the top). I haven't yet played Semiramis or Last Cavalier. His style is pretty distinctive so if you just find something that looks interesting you should be able to form an opinion pretty quickly.

>> No.45692640

So I know blacks like anime, but do they also read eroge?

>> No.45692646

Did you try out the usual gameplay brands like Alicesoft, Eshully and Giga? Outside of them I can think of a few doujin games I enjoyed like 妹!せいかつ~ファンタジー~, 満車率300 and あまえんぼ. Kinda want to try 冒険者の宿へようこそ!2. Also I just found this meme Loveplus parody the other day lol

>> No.45693523

>2/4 silver hair in Otoseka
>Not even a single black hair or blonde in the line up

>> No.45693575
File: 166 KB, 1600x880, 1703244151326648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i'm thinking this year is the year!

>> No.45693711


>> No.45693968

If I ever read Hasshaku probably. Still waiting for anon's video essay.

>> No.45694032

Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2. And yes I read the translated version because it's better.

>> No.45694057

its on ab

>> No.45694097

He already switched targets to spam the bocchi anime

>> No.45694406

Played a few from alice soft, eiyuu senki and dohna and enjoyed both.
Thanks for the recommendations, ill try some out.

>> No.45694445
File: 821 KB, 3802x2138, TkouAQ9n56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't drag Setsuka into this faggotry

>> No.45694479

I know that fixing nanomites by calling them is easier, but it really makes me wonder if anyone ever tried to deobfuscate the debugger stuff, there must be some lookup table involved where all these instructions and their offsets are stored. Or try to recreate the driver in usermode somehow, that would be killer universal solution.
Anyway, good job. Safedisc can still be annoying even after all these years.

>> No.45694715

I never fap when I'm reading a VN properly. Only after I've finished reading an H-scene do I allow myself to come back to it for a fap. That is if the scene is good enough. I've 100%ed many nukige I never went back to fap to. Moege H-scenes are better.

>> No.45694727

i think its just more trouble than its worth for the people skilled enough to bother (+ they are probably busy battling the one cracker on side of denuvo already), since most of the western games got rereleases with it removed and i think only like 3 japanese games ive seen had it properly implemented with the main executables being wrapped and not just a launcher to them being safedisc

>> No.45694737

That's not me....

>> No.45694868

I can't fap to anything at all unless it fulfills my standards exactly which I can count on one hand desu

>> No.45694910


>> No.45694940

what are your standards?

>> No.45694939

Tons of black girls like BL/otome and eroge. Black guys prefer chuunige and NTR irl

>> No.45695051

>Black guys prefer chuunige and NTR irl

>> No.45695061

they insert as the bull.

>> No.45695084

They can't learn Japanese though.

>> No.45695086

Judge /a/'s taste regarding eroge.

>> No.45695095


>> No.45695096

Same hole heroine DP with both MC and her
shota brother

>> No.45695158

haraguro, possessive teacher/home tutor slowly corrupts his stuck up student into a slave for cock. the girl must be a flatty who thinks she's too good for sex and has zero common sense outside academics

>> No.45695187

Can I have the name of that game pls?

>> No.45695247

dunno, I'm still looking.
Closest is Hitoriga though. It's not an eroge sadly

>> No.45695435

that's hot but doesn't exist

must be gambs

>> No.45695460

Yes I do.

>> No.45695538


>> No.45695592

So far this year, I have already dropped 5 eroges. I guess it's over for me

>> No.45695602


>> No.45695643

Same and they were all within 20 minutes of starting.

>> No.45695650

Start something posted ITT.

>> No.45695651

We're like 3 days into the year

>> No.45695707

And I just dropped another.

>> No.45695717

Have dropped a few as well. Can't get into anything but nukige lately, I think brainrot is setting in.

>> No.45695718 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x720, imokano_worm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still love your imouto if she were a worm?

>> No.45695737

bad art

>> No.45695752

Horrible, actually

>> No.45695754 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, imokano_fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to their faces

>> No.45695758


>> No.45695762

Holy fuck.

>> No.45695768

>plush doll head as the girl's face

>> No.45695779

ain't opening that

>> No.45695791

ain't reading this

>> No.45695840

Post examples of good art.

>> No.45695858

I want to call you faggots names for dropping shit left and right, but I'm not any better. I went into the new year with plans what to finish and what to start. The first 3 days I didn't read anything and I wasted hours replacing my old anime collection with smaller encodes that freed up 80GB that I immediately went to fill up with eroge. This demotivated me enough not to want to read anything from my carefully planned out list.

>> No.45695899
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>> No.45695972
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>> No.45696017
File: 689 KB, 800x600, OT_PREDE_tz1IYyEZ8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45696136

having weird Stockholm syndrome for VNs you don't like is worse than dropping too many, time is precious

>> No.45696319

>time is precious

>> No.45696617

i wonder what happened with imokano. hajimekano wasn't amazing art either but it's leagues above imoakno despite saburo doing both.

>> No.45696624

Doesn't imokano have a lot more scenes?

>> No.45696681

I make $30 an hour. If a game wastes 5 hours of my time, I suffered an $150 loss.

>> No.45696777

I guess it wasn't the first case of incest in the family huh

>> No.45696813

Modern artists get worse over time now, expect it to be more once they also start using AI more and more

>> No.45696857

yea there's a lot more scenes. the writer even said that imokano's scenario is at least 2x length of hajimekano. there's a lot of CG recycling between routes though.

>> No.45697002

God, I wish there was a function on vndb to block other users like on egs

>> No.45697121

it's really simple when you look at saburou's vns. they hid much of hajikano's bad art behind waffle's glossy shine and oldskool disco porn filters. the zombie series doesn't have those filters but looks miles better than imokano because imokano focuses too much on males during h, has really weird anatomy, flat faces or 2.5D fish faces and their use of shitty blur filtering.

saburou's best looking vn is https://exhentai.org/g/1525208/c48a9506eb/
it has more generic anime/vn coloring than the other 3 I mentioned but it just works with saburou's art. best example is https://exhentai.org/s/157bc841cc/1525208-36 she has the same weird 2.5D fish face but it doesn't look as distracting because the eyes have better focus and clarity. waffle and seacoxxx colorists made the eyes too dead or shiny like doll eyes. the guy's hands are detailed and textured. her body has nice colors. the cg looks normal and pleasant, doesn't make you wonder why everything looks oiled up or dead inside. even the actual "oiled" up girl in https://exhentai.org/s/a7cff40f09/1525208-129 looks better than hajikano's always oily look. imokano doesn't even have that to hide behind and looks too raw and ugly.

>> No.45697123

who would you block?

>> No.45697162

Wish I could block everyone who rated Muramasa a 10, yeah

>> No.45697167

Even the shittiest ai would do x10 better than imokano so i would expect it to get better in practice

>> No.45697172

retards, dekinais and anyone with a post-2020 account

>> No.45697190

What are you even doing with the vndb users in the first place...

>> No.45697224

I only use it to see what people I know voted for, but I'm retard and sometimes I read some reviews or posts and feel an overwhelming desire to block them

>> No.45697250

Imagine using vndb

>> No.45697266

Imagine caring about random reviews/posts on vndb

>> No.45697277

| need a way to keep track of my hoard.

>> No.45697438
File: 516 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_04-01-2024 01-46-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 min in and i like mc already

>> No.45697507

Symptom of too much time on retarded normalfaggot social media where that's a feature.

>> No.45697655
File: 638 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_04-01-2024 02-09-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy is it the first canadian heroine in eroge?

>> No.45697694
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1663718354767745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Gin'iro, Haruka beat them to the punch, but only by a few months.

>> No.45697710

what the fuck kind of name is Bethly anyways

>> No.45697743

i love egs, my favorite riajuu site

>> No.45697767

>anyone with a u100000+ account

>> No.45697786

Damn, there were already a lot of accounts in that year

>> No.45697912

People who say katakana is useless are out of their mind i read that desu with a thick gaijin accent on the first try.

>> No.45698017

No one unironically says that.

>> No.45698033


>> No.45698445


>> No.45698474

it's so fuckin' over

>> No.45698512
File: 267 KB, 640x335, snscard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White hair girl had no HCG samples so I bet the writer was going to pull some ebin twist about her not being a proper heroine, tldr nothing of value was lost. /ourguys/ Archive, Irodori and Crystalia will carry 2024

>> No.45698629


>> No.45698840

I came. I saw. I conquered.

>> No.45698904
File: 1.64 MB, 1200x900, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45698967

What are the best games to learn Japanese with?

>> No.45698971
File: 49 KB, 256x342, cover01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read "Genjitsu ga Mietekita node Lolicon Yamemashita." and found a solution for the sound bug after Aoi's first real h-scene? There is no fucking music anymore. Or will it come back later on?

>> No.45698974

don't use eroge to learn Japanese, read some easy shonen manga like one piece, conan, ippo, etc.
If you can solve a conan kanji puzzle you're set.

>> No.45698978


>> No.45698979
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>> No.45698984


>> No.45699022

would you say ritterorden lives up to the hype certain people gave it?

do you have patch 1.02 installed?

>> No.45699027

Unfortunately I have not mondblut

He's on 1.01

>> No.45699028

The ones you want to play

>> No.45699031
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x750, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (63).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really, really good, but it's budget as fuck. If you can tolerate that I'd absolutely give it a try, it's really different than most other VNs and is clearly trying to emulate a western fantasy epic more than anything.

>> No.45699035
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>> No.45699047

>do you have patch 1.02 installed?

Any idea where to get it? I'm on 1.01

>> No.45699049

100% what this anon said >>45699028. Way easier to get motivated to learn with stuff you actually want to read. I tried learning with moeslop but ended wanting to rope until I switched.

>> No.45699054
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1146, 1691102399463437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with something easy like one of pic related.

>> No.45699053

reverse image search gives me nothing, what vn? I'll give it a shot.

>> No.45699069

I think they should have just put the sword in that guy's hands there.

>> No.45699076

do your anki until you're fluent

>> No.45699077


>> No.45699083

It's an actual plot point, MC notes that he's fighting 25 v 1 and winning despite not even bothering to draw his sword because he's not trying to kill his opponents, just knock them out. Also it's later revealed he has super strength and so weapons typically snap when he uses them so he mostly relies on his fists.

>> No.45699096

Ah my bad. Out of context that sprite literally looks like a mistake.

>> No.45699110

Never mind, found 1.02...

Still doesn't have sound or rather music. Damn.

>> No.45699137


>> No.45699171

>start vn you're really interested in
>be disheartened at how hard the japanese is
>quit and do some anki reps
>go back to same vn
>japanese feels way easier now
>increased motivation to keep going

>> No.45699287

But I want to learn Japanese to read eroge...

>> No.45699321

Nobody falls for this right?

>> No.45699330

What's wrong with it? I used it when I started out and it worked out good for me.

>> No.45699333

NTA but I started with quick and easy eroge that aren't too good to regret not understanding fully but still good enough to read. After finishing each one, I took a break to clear accumulated anki cards. Once you are confident enough, you can switch to longer and more difficult titles.

>> No.45699353

If you're at 0 forget reading untranslated eroge.
If you have some knowledge try simple moege from 2000-2010.
If you can read those without problems try plotge from 2010-now.
If you can read those without problems try plotge from 1995-2010.
Only once you can read those you shall touch nukige and lolige.

>> No.45699381
File: 155 KB, 241x334, 2024-01-03_11-38-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through Rance 5D. Every mechanic being made of randomness and every attack being assigned a number between 1-6 on a dice roll was fun at first. But holy shit I thought I was going to have a stroke at the mid boss in chapter 3 where he has the same attack on 1-3 and a different attack on 4-6 and both of them are "fuck you eat shit." I liked the art, the music, and the idea, I guess. The story was whatever, but the dialogue and Rance acting like an asshole was great, as always. I will never play it again, but on the other hand I guess now I know how to avoid the chapter 3 pitfalls and it's only like 9 hours long with resetting. Not too bad.

>> No.45699460

don't worry about specific content when it comes to difficulty, creators don't think about the difficulty of their writing for language learners, they just write the prose and diaogue they want to write for other natives
the only thing is when you're first starting anything with narration to explain what's going on instead of imagery like manga/anime is wayyy harder than something with just dialogue. the 2 reasons being
1. when you can't really understand the language yet, you will struggle to follow what's happening with just language
2. there's a lot of vocab that's rare in dialogue but totally common in narration, so there's a big difficulty spike even just in the raw language between dialogue-only mediums and novels.
VNs have some visual assistance but not much more than a normal novel. however like anons said if there's something you REALLY want to read that's the most important thing.

>> No.45699464


>> No.45699474


>> No.45699502

I'd rather have djtards than mtltards and javtards. they should all kys together

>> No.45699514

Isn't there some chart or some shit to send directly to anyone who asks how to learn japanese with eroges? This one is pretty good >>45699054 but still

>> No.45699615
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>> No.45699625

Holy shit I busted out laughing

>> No.45699627

>inre sideface

>> No.45699860
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>> No.45699950
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>> No.45699971
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>> No.45699994

pls elaborate why Sosaara got the biggest pic

>> No.45700539

Goddamn that guy is yellow

>> No.45700830


>> No.45701021
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>> No.45701026
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>> No.45701387

Is Criminal Offense worth reading? I want something darker to contrast the moege I just finished.

>> No.45701400

Yeah it's pretty good. The final episode should be getting a release date at the end of thins month too.

>> No.45701412

Wait for the last chapter and read it all together

>> No.45701455

I read that one heroine is into papakatsu and also happens to be a virgin
Imagine reading that

>> No.45701462

That's cool. I read the VN.

>> No.45701603

Sounds good.
>Comes out next month
Seems like I can start it now and catch up by then.

>> No.45701632

It'll probably come out in march/april, not next month.

>> No.45701637

we can see through your samefagging, borderslop shill.

>> No.45701660


>> No.45701687
File: 11 KB, 865x131, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really hoping for a fucking 85 in the last episode

>> No.45701696

Have no other place to ask, can I use magpie with amd gpu just fine? Planning to upgrade and probably gonna replace my nvidia card with amd gpu.

>> No.45701715

Just lean in to your monitor, retard.

>> No.45701722

Why do you care?

>> No.45701728


>> No.45701734

Because I'm going to read them all when the last one comes out and hope it has a good conclusion

>> No.45701753

Most of the time I use magpie while reading eroge on my tv, so fuck off.

>> No.45701813

What the fuck is the title to the left of 和香様の座する世界? Its fucking hard to read.

>> No.45701869


>> No.45701874
File: 486 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_04-01-2024 15-59-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45701903
File: 3.71 MB, 2830x4016, 9846161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon.

>> No.45702068
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>> No.45702092


>> No.45702263
File: 54 KB, 276x256, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Yomichan is sending the text of the nukige I read to the CIA?

>> No.45702296
File: 373 KB, 640x360, visual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shoujo Ramune worth the read for story/character development reasons or is it just a generic lolige nukige without any depth or drama? I've only watched the OVAs.

>> No.45702307

If you like lolis, no. If you want to treat lolis like shit, yes.

>> No.45702312

Loliges with a good story literally don't exist so what do you expect?

>> No.45702337

Maitetsu, Monobeno come to mind...

Also I'm currently reading Genjitsu ga Mietekita node Lolicon Yamemashita. which is pretty peak and all I wanted DameKoi to be.

>> No.45702351

>which is pretty peak
Kill yourself, zoomie.

>> No.45702353

They all are half hagge though

>> No.45702364

Well, I fapped a lot to the OVAs over the years. So much that I know the dialogue by heart. So I'm fine with it. But it would be nice if the eroge offered more depth than the adaptations.

>> No.45702372

>But it would be nice if the eroge offered more depth than the adaptations.
That's literally the case with every source material that gets adapted, so I don't see why it wouldn't be the case for Shoujo Ramune.

>> No.45702497

Have been playing 妹!せいかつ for now and it‘s really fun! Thanks, was more or less what I had been looking for.

>> No.45702544

How grindy is it? The previous game was too much for me.

>> No.45702567

Ive been playing through a longish VN and getting pretty fed up with the story when it goes back to just SoL stuff for awhile, what VNs are worth looking into that have gameplay to break up some of the monotony, I feel like i could read more and for longer with some gameplay to look forward too, i have evenicle, rance would be cool but i prefer to have things voiced

>> No.45702832

Little busters

>> No.45702838

Glad that you like it. I'm still waiting for the DLC. You can find some pretty interesting games on the doujin game section of dlsite.
The core gameplay with the imouto is the same but they added a lot more content for you to do like battles, random events, side characters and a story.
I think most Eshully games have voice and gameplay. Maybe try Soukoku no Arterial?

>> No.45702850
File: 533 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_04-01-2024 18-23-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why but i like that vibe when mc puts !! in everything he says

>> No.45702875

bro that girl is Char (6) from that shogi anime

>> No.45702892

I've been reading with that jl software that goes on top of the game. It really makes the experience so much better because now I can fullscreen the game instead of half the screen just being the browser. I don't know if it's because I'm running it through wine, but it sucks not being able to scroll down in word entries.

>> No.45702895

>scroll down in word entries.
works on my machine

>> No.45702910

is she "ai" generated?

>> No.45702918

>sucks not being able to scroll down in word entries.
you need to press mining key to be able to scroll

>> No.45702920

Speaking of lolige with story, did anyone play this https://vndb.org/v21145

>> No.45702930

Yes she is 愛 generated

>> No.45702931

Oh, that worked. Thanks.

>> No.45702967

>half the screen just being the browser
absolute state of hookoids.

>> No.45703007

I mean it isn't that bad. Sure beats going to your phone or alt tabbing. Think a lot of people play visual novels in windowed mode anyway. And it's more like 2/5 of the screen for me, not literally half. If you're playing on a desktop and have multiple monitors it's not even an impediment. My Japanese vocabulary is still lacking. Will probably take another 3-4 years till I can play without. Learning vocabulary is so slow. Lots of words, especially if it isn't just a generic moege.

>> No.45703019

Your second monitor?

>> No.45703035

Do your anki reps bro if you still need hooker after a year of reading you are clearly doing smth wrong

>> No.45703069

>which is pretty peak and all I wanted DameKoi to be.
I just finished Aoi's and Kotori's routes. It was decent overall, but the endings are too rushed. I wish it had things like pillow talk scene and more everyday interactions at the end of each route instead of frequent time skips leading to sex scenes.

>> No.45703095

I don't know if this is accurate. This is what people here always like to say, but I don't know. Hasn't been my experience. Though, granted, I spend like 2 or 3 hours a day on this stuff, so maybe if you could devote all your time to it maybe it's doable.

>> No.45703097

>he still doesn't have a second monitor

>> No.45703102

nta but i have 0 space on my table

>> No.45703109

Maki route was the peak of that game but then Mai route has completely ruined it for me, such a waste of potential

>> No.45703124

If you spend 2 to 3 hours a day reading for a full year, you should be smooth sailing for like 90+% of anything.

>> No.45703129

You can also use the middle mouse button.

>> No.45703130

I had a second monitor, used it for a week and then sold it. One monitor is so much more comfortable.

>> No.45703147

Reading without a hook is like reading any english literature, once you get used, whatever word you dont know gets automatiaclly filtered by your brain and you more or less get what it means by context

>> No.45703186

Well maybe you guys are just smarter than me, studied more efficiently, etc. Who knows. All I know is where I'm at. And I can do that to an extent, but there's too many weird readings where often times I can recall the meaning of the word but not its reading.

>> No.45703219

Do you guys read in windowed mode? Unless it's some old shit breaking my desktop like 家族計画, it's always fullscreen. Thought it was the norm

>> No.45703233

It's doable if you just read without getting too particular with the vocabulary readings and become more reliable on the context. After a year for me, I could understand a lot of things by intuition alone but knowing the readings 100% accurately is another story.

>> No.45703249

Playing VNs without a text hooker isn't realistic even for most people that do know Japanese, lol. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should... particularly if you don't want to take twice as much time at it. Trying to convince a newbie to do without at least using jparser is cruel, to say the least. It's like cutting someone open then staking them over an anthill.

>> No.45703255

That's where you can benefit from manual lookups instead of hooking, trying to recall all the different words that contain the kanji you can't read helps a lot with retention
You can also do the Kotoba quiz in your free time, for some people it seems to boost their progress quite a lot especially since you can do it on your phone anytime

>> No.45703262

>Maki route was the peak of that game
I'm almost done with Maki route, and it's such a dumpster fire, honestly. All this drama was completely unnecessary. I like Aoi the most but the peak route was Kotori - such a beautiful ending. Not going to bother with Mai route. Hopefully harem ending will be decent.

>> No.45703271
File: 78 KB, 1024x600, 9786167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a handfull of scenes just like her sister.

>> No.45703276

I always read them in fullscreen. I use Magpie if the resolution of VN is less than 1080p.

>> No.45703289

I just Magpie everything.

>> No.45703303

I only read in the window when I'm reading something boring and doing other stuff on the side, but i still use the lossless scaling to increase the size and remove borders
I simply can't stand the fucking borders they are so distracting

>> No.45703375

anything below 1080p is windowmode

>> No.45703405

Is the Mai route skippable, or is the some good degenerate content in it worth the read? Like the MC I sadly don't get hard with her. But I heard there is a 4some with her and her two daughters at the end of it? Now that would be erotic beyond belief if true.

>> No.45703416

Reading 呪われし伝説の少女 and I keep having to look kanji up every other page after the intro...
I thought I was past this...
>jpdb 5/10
Absolute bullshit

ヴァンパイアの微笑み good BGM.

>> No.45703420

Fullscreen feels weird since I've used windowed for so long. Anytime I try using magpie something seems off anyways so whatever.

>> No.45703440

I seem to remember the writing on that was pretty good? or was it just my dekinai past not being able to tell the difference between good shit and bad shit?

>> No.45703444

magpie in universal tuning utility? what does that function do? it puts my games into full screen but then i can't click anything.

>> No.45703478

>Like the MC I sadly don't get hard with her
That's where the main issue with her route begins
After all his efforts to get hard in the Maki route and still failing anyway, in Mai route he just suddenly gets hard on the first try just because without any explanations which literally makes zero sense
It has a short 4some scene at the end but it's pretty mediocre

>> No.45703490

That post didn't say it was bad, just that it was too hard for him to read.

>> No.45703545

? I just remembered that when I read it a few years ago I liked the writing, but now I'm not sure if it was really good or just average

>> No.45703630

Does the route offer anything of value to the story? Like: is the true ending that he ends up in a family harem or not?

>> No.45703645

How your eyes not hurt looking at such a small window? Even in fullscreen, when the game has a small ass font it makes my eyes cry, idk how can one see something in an even smaller window (and i say it as someone with 100% eyesight in the glasses)

>> No.45703650

The harem ending is just a bonus filler afterstory it doesn't really give any feels

>> No.45703660

I read everything on a 720p monitor.

>> No.45703764

The prose is great. It really feels like you are in the head of an actual character. I’m only a couple of hours in mind you.

>> No.45703772

NTA but I use a windows tablet for eroge, so even 1280x720 takes up more than half the screen in windowed mode. Plus, it's right up by my face since I lay down on the couch in eroge reading mode.

>> No.45703843

>I wish it had things like pillow talk scene and more everyday interactions at the end of each route instead of frequent time skips leading to sex scenes.
You won't find that in any of their games. Tanuki/Kaeru Soft made nukige, What you want is moege from Galette/Tinkle Position.

>> No.45703864

Nice, should probably read the others this year

>> No.45703914

>muh le prose meme
not this shit again. go back to discord.

>> No.45703923

le Jackson prose

>> No.45703938

t. never heard the word prose before outside of discord memes

>> No.45703942
File: 478 KB, 1080x715, 1699678021415803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45703954
File: 365 KB, 642x507, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is challenging me a lot

>> No.45703959

le Romeo's prose

>> No.45704011

I love prose so much. I love seeing so many faggots here who have never touched a book (that's why they don't know the word prose) cry so much

>> No.45704032
File: 406 KB, 424x577, 1701463875745991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45704038

That is just that one zoomer who keeps spamming the same meme all the time, no one unironically would get triggered by a word prose

>> No.45704049

>What you want is moege from Galette/Tinkle Position
I had them in mind, specifically Onikin, but they fall short in terms of realism, such as MC having zero qualms about banging his sisters. Also, I was talking specifically about lolige with significant age gap that is taken seriously as well as decent plot/pacing. It seems it's too much to ask.

>> No.45704054

>a strict prose diet turns (you) into a real girl
do I start with Prelude or directly with Oretsuba? or skip to 男の娘ソフト and ensemble kamiprose? where do I fit in SCA-自?

>> No.45704061

I know at least two faggots who frequent this thread who immediately suffer anxiety attacks whenever there is any reference to the unmentionables kek

>> No.45704070

>wants realism
>In lolige
Fuck anon you are hard to please.

>> No.45704094

Go read Kodomo no jikan if you want realism, though there is a side effect that you won't be able to take any loli eroge seriously after that

>> No.45704102

sorry that no one is impressed by your high school english class tier analyses. we just find it cringe and tryhard. especially since it's clear you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.45704107


>> No.45704109

go back to your cartel

>> No.45704113

What would a realistic lolige even be...

>> No.45704118

People who do not appreciate prose:

>> No.45704135

back to darakuen, trannoid.

>> No.45704159

>said the guy who uses the pronoun we to himself

>> No.45704171

There are literal groomers in that shit, that's why I'm not active anymore, I'd rather keep shitting on faggots who will never learn japanese

>> No.45704191
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, 2023_02_14_179__v1.0.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolige about playing a Pakistani soldier/officer raping Bengali little girls in 1971

>> No.45704219

Que tiene de rara La Niña?
La veo normal

>> No.45704222

So to recap what you're looking for
>age gap romance
>realistic incest drama
>icha icha moe
>not just a nukige
You are asking for too much. If you want age gap and lolis the nukige by Tanuki Soft and Sol-fa-soft are your best shot. If you want lolis, imoutos and icha icha then go with Galette. If you want lolis, age gap and realism it's Yoru no Hitsuji.

Marble Candy Soft's three lolige are probably the closest to what you want since you've already read Maitetsu.

>> No.45704245

Himawari technically has all of those but across multiple characters

>> No.45704260

I unironically read eroge for plot. Brother/sister VNs have the same issue - most of the times heroines just don't feel like sisters at all. There are some good titles though.
Thanks, I'll check them out. Incest isn't necessary - just lolige + age gap + moe + at least some realistic drama. Genjitsu ga Mietekita node Lolicon Yamemashita was good, I just wish the pacing was slower at the end.
>since you've already read Maitetsu
I actually haven't. Is it worth it? Detached sexual content kinda makes me not want to read it.

>> No.45704270

Only if you read the original Himawari. The story is still cuckshit.

>> No.45704288

Monobeno is better since it has actual in-story h scenes, still 90% of them are fillers though but the story is very high quality

>> No.45704298

Yep. Thanks random anon who I know lurks this thread --and is probably harvesting the consensual data of what every anon thinks is good-- I will spear towards all of 2024 with this. That's my late New Year Plan.

Incidentally, a couple of groups decided to use this a pointer in determining what 'ge should be translated next.
There's an intent behind this list and it's quite obvious.

>> No.45704313

kill yourself ryu/unlikeanon

>> No.45704315

Do you love trains and local politics? Then read Maitetsu Last Run. Its MC is a block of wood though. It's a miracle he isn't both asexual and has erectile dysfunction. One way to handle Maitetsu is reading the common route, then unlocking the H-scenes and only read those. They don't jump right into it and have some story lead-ins. That way you could skip the train and politics stuff.

>> No.45704326


>> No.45704340

>Incidentally, a couple of groups decided to use this a pointer in determining what 'ge should be translated next
That means EOPs continue to eat shit. Whoever made the chart trolled them hard.

>> No.45704350


>> No.45704356 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45704401

Seriously considering shill really bad shit to get others interested in it

>> No.45704417

Do it, make trannilators waste hundreds of hours translating kusoge

>> No.45704425

Really can't wait for the sakuuta tl to see all those hundreds of vndbers seething to death

>> No.45704427

Everything I post here are mediocre to bad VNs. I keep the good stuff to myself. Wouldn't want others to read them or have someone translate/license them.

>> No.45704436

>There are some good titles though.
Which ones?

>> No.45704471

It is honestly kind of fucked up to try to hide the good games, considering how many there are + how long it takes to decide whether an eroge is worth half a shit or not.

>> No.45704481

When you least expect it, you will see me sabotaging a lot of vns related communities

>> No.45704496

All the good games are all widely known already, most of the games i tried that people claim to be their hidden gems ended up being hot garbo

>> No.45704550

My greatest joy? reading shit that in vndb is not well received by the translation and realizing that it is unexpectedly good

>> No.45704569

Assuming you read everything translated long time ago, try Aikotoba. Other than that, I haven't read other untranslated ones because my Japanese wasn't good enough until recently, and I didn't want to fuck up good titles with poor understanding. Real Imouto also looks promising. I hope it will be good, it must be.

>> No.45704571

>Incidentally, a couple of groups decided to use this a pointer in determining what 'ge should be translated next

>> No.45704592

Retards. The best stuff is never really privy to anyone but people like >>45704427
and the reason for that is simple: the greatest things elicit a tendency of gate keeping purely on account of how good they are, letting you instinctively know you shouldn't ever consider casting pearls before swine(you)
It's safe to say anything ever publicized as 'good', given this, is just that; good. Can't be great. Can't be 'kino'. Can't be 'kamige'. Can't be 'untranslatable'.
Once ever few decades, a merciful anon or someone else somewhere will come out and say
>Hey, ever heard of this?
And then we start understanding what's what.

>> No.45704593

there's a new group called knights of the Kamige table but at the present not much is known about them, I don't know if they have a site or discord yet

>> No.45704605

>not knights of kamige calculus
one job

>> No.45704619

>amd gpu
why would you do this to yourself? amd cant even run stable diffusion properly

>> No.45704630

so whats up with this samefaggot spamming/pushing an unfunny joke about kamige and translations, starting with the chart?

>> No.45704639

I seriously hope you're not kidding here. That'd be extremely based for some reason. Just imagine them killing all existing <official> businesses as everyone literally focuses only on their releases as they'd all be, to name: KAMIGE.
Knights of the Kamige table.
Absolutely hilarious . Absolutely based.

>> No.45704677

her route is way too funny, and I've never seen muttsuri done as cleverly as her. plus the afterstory where she finally becomes a sunao onaho is insanely hot

>> No.45704706

So what would be an example of such a game?
All of you elitistic faggots keep claiming about some imaginary kamige but whenever you get asked actual examples all you can do is come up with some bland excuses about gatekeeping because you know that no one else will like your shit

>> No.45704725

Typical clout chasing. You can't have clout unless you establish exclusivity and hierarchy. Who the fuck cares if someone else reads an eroge?

>> No.45704729

sex 2

>> No.45704736

more like (You) chasing. Filtering all that shit anyway

>> No.45704742

sex too

>> No.45704749

Shitposting, retards here are too dumb to ignore easy bait

>> No.45704780

Yeah, the first Aikotoba is very good. Shame about the second one being NBR trash, but despite that it also manages to be good.

>> No.45704790

>but despite that it also manages to be good
Agreed. I was put off by the third-person narration in H-scenes, but after a while it grew on me. A lot of little details that are difficult to make read well in first-person narration were easy to do with third-person.

>> No.45704793

I haven't finished aikotoba, I stopped reading it because I got tired of the part where they larp as their online personas irl Does it get better after that and please tell me they stop doing that.

>> No.45704809
File: 735 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_07_20_465_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try perseus, I love how assertive the sister is

>> No.45704813

Nice try eop

>> No.45704826

>fake cowtits slut

>> No.45704900

You can always find EOPs begging for Sakuuta, Albatross or KKK but you never see them begging for https://vndb.org/v6270.. It's not even an unknown game yet it's underrated and also ignored by JOP scenariofags. Read it and love it.

>> No.45704923

bro that's hadlerge, it's not unknown, also it doesn't have good art and music like those games you mentioned

>> No.45704928

>no sexual content
Garbage, get your trash away from me.

>> No.45704941

can only imagine how much effort went into writing oretsuba
juggling between at least a dozen different types of accents and enunciations seems like a pure headache.

>> No.45704945


>> No.45704974
File: 6 KB, 1671x45, 1676017145984187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learn spanish lol

>> No.45704980


>> No.45704982

>107 egs votes
Yea it's very far from being unknown, i have seen it being brought up in this thread for years
Ritterorden is much more fitting in being "hidden" since it has only 6 votes so it's basically discovered by jops efforts
If you want an actual example of a hidden gem that has been extremely popular in Japanese twitter but the jops seems to be completely unaware of: https://vndb.org/v31205

>> No.45705016

If we're pitching our actually good stuff for a change, to make the thread less shittier, then I propose this: https://vndb.org/v35183
I still laugh thinking about it 2 years later.

>> No.45705028

You sure you didn't mistake a thread if you keep thinking about the homo game for 2 years?

>> No.45705062

I have morbid curiosity about the quality of the spanish translation, but I haven't read the original yet.

>> No.45705076

Damn I'm playing this next
Riddle Joker/Cafe Stella is Yuzu's best era for me, I don't get the hate. But I enjoy their other stuff and I understand why many prefer Sanoba/Senren Banka and Dracu-riot/Tenshi Ranman
Seems like you haven't actually read much isekai, Usually the writer does an adequate job contriving 100% believable/understandable reasons/circumstances for the MC being OP (if he is) and the girls all falling in love with him (if they do), at least as well as if not better than your average gyaruge does.

>> No.45705104

Butterlfy seeker was pretty meh tho, I dont get this chart, there's plenty of better games that are worth learning JP for.
Also I've done Satsuki's route in Electro Arms and I really enjoyed the chunni vibe of everything but it felt like it kept building to something cool and then... just went nowhere Final fight felt neat, with the CEO going "oh dont worry this fight wont result in physical pain or death, there's no point in a game if its not fun" really hoping that Leona's or Shinobu's routes pay off more. Having a hard time deciding on who's route to do next. I'm really grateful Cheshire Stripe got a scene, would have been a massive waste otherwise

>> No.45705164

Any good idol focused eroge? Does such a thing exist.

>> No.45705179

wonder if new clockup will be edgy stuff or regular nukige slop
ORI fucking where?

>> No.45705190


>> No.45705212

Hooded jacket is the best

>> No.45705248
File: 540 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_04-01-2024 23-52-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you answer?

>> No.45705252

that she's a fucking leaf

>> No.45705270

Implying that I'm going to feel affection for someone shares a border with fucking burgers

>> No.45705284

Further research leads me to believe you are correct

>> No.45705303

Life is very sad. I have a soft spot for the design of moege heroines, but I find it impossible to read them

>> No.45705311
File: 430 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_05-01-2024 00-00-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45705318

like which ones

>> No.45705322
File: 702 KB, 745x622, 1636481409873745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always appreciate when the seiyuu can land the English cursing without it being too Engrish-y.

>> No.45705328

Racemixing bad

>> No.45705334

She's already hafu though

>> No.45705379

Wonder if growing up with blonde hair blue eyes in japan would save you from becoming a bug person

>> No.45705382

only bugs have blonde hair and blue eyes, so clearly not

>> No.45705390
File: 102 KB, 1000x1645, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She for example. Literally perfect girl design, but I can't read moeges

>> No.45705396
File: 251 KB, 1024x768, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racemixing good
t. obaachan

>> No.45705406

It would guarantee you to be bullied so much that you wouldn't have any self-esteem left for it

>> No.45705408

>Kurashiki Tatsuya
>Hamashima Shigeo
Edgy stuff 100%

>> No.45705420
File: 20 KB, 200x151, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45705438

100% sure you're just a footfag. what else about her is perfect.

>> No.45705450

You might want to try Shinymas.

>> No.45705453

oh that's too bad, loved the game and her route.
what isn't?

>> No.45705459
File: 653 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_12_14_557_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me an idolfag

>> No.45705461

>what isn't?
chest size

>> No.45705463

Welp if you put it like that then i guess her bloodline must return to japan

>> No.45705465

That's more than perfect.

>> No.45705473

Huh? That foot is ugly.

>> No.45705474

Yeah this is peak fun. Sakura's route literally starts with a gun fight at comicket as she can't get the doujin she needs. Nouko deserves someone better

>> No.45705481

can't even tell if you think it's too big or too small. i'm the type who loves all the sizes from flat to huge and finds hers perfect anyway so I'm fine I guess lol

>> No.45705484
File: 39 KB, 452x640, EeBQkIiU0AUc-_J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look that bro

>> No.45705490

ass too fat

>> No.45705493

https://vndb.org/v20148 if you consider idol seiyuu idols

>> No.45705497

Sorry bro, we can't talk anymore, I'm homophobic

>> No.45705498

No such thing.

>> No.45705501

as a natsume lover i will say she has shockingly 安産型 body that doesn't get revealed until you get her naked. but i have a very wide palette so it didn't bother me.

>> No.45705525

The gacha? Not sure it'd be my thing but thanks anyways.
Think I've seen that posted before, not into lolis
Thanks for the recommendation, this looks pretty good

>> No.45705550


>> No.45705565

I'm using Magpie on Ryzen APU. You will be fine with modern AMD GPU.

>> No.45705582

The only correct answer, everyone else is a faggot

>> No.45705594

Should be nice to live on ez mode

>> No.45705622

Female human chest is simply too beautiful, I can't help it

>> No.45705623

if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for everything

>> No.45705631

>need adobe air to even launch
yea, i'm not reading that shit

>> No.45705645

okubukai, anon

>> No.45705708


>> No.45705730

Never played it but it's been on my backlog for a while now.

>> No.45705816

what is the 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン(1995) of eroge?

>> No.45705856


>> No.45705875


>> No.45705922

maybe that's the shingeki no kyojin of eroge since isayama loves it

>> No.45705949

He basically just blandly copied the whole concept from it

>> No.45705950

I can see the inspiration, he liked it so much he even gave it a shitty ending

>> No.45705971

It was really good for what it was though, that extra opening track during the ending made me cry for a while

>> No.45706048

Call me a plebeian, but I found the "everyone is a titan lol" reveal to be extremely lame and dropped it. I just wanted gritty "human vs monsters" and not all that other bullshit.

>> No.45706065

nta and this is off topic af, but yeah, that's when the whole feeling of desperation in that shit ended

>> No.45706071
File: 564 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_05-01-2024 01-51-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually good advice, wish someone said it to me back in the days

>> No.45706107

Just don't have creative/artsy talent so you don't have to consider working in those fields in the first place, easy dodge on that nayamigoto
I also really loved that feeling of every fight being humanity's last chance in the first 2 thirds or so of the series. That being said, in hindsight it's obvious it was all planned that way from the beginning. The part where Eren admits he was extremely disappointed to learn that humanity had been alive outside of the walls the whole time is literally us.

>> No.45706240

Would a SnK eroge work out?

>> No.45706260

I could fuck the shit out of mikasa, so automatically kamige

>> No.45706262
File: 482 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_05-01-2024 02-33-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor imouto, i can literally feel that pain

>> No.45706289


>> No.45706343

You wouldn't fuck a man would you?

>> No.45706358

>I could fuck the shit out of mikasa, so automatically kamige
Here you go https://vndb.org/v13902

>> No.45706369

2013 it must be really innocent

>> No.45706550

You wouldn't, you'd watch another man do it.

>> No.45706567

Before the story revealed Levi was an Ackerman, I always headcanoned him and Mikasa were long lost BR relatives or some shit. Always thought those NTR doujins with them fucking and cucking Eren were funny on that note

>> No.45706623

I know this isn't DJT, and it doesn't really matter, but is there some kind of meaning I'm missing with the word 嘯く? In lines like, 「最初から、こうしたって良かったんだがな」と怪物は嘯いた I always wonder what the hell it's there for if they're saying something normal instead of bragging or whatever. Maybe I need to just try to stop thinking about it.

>> No.45706636
File: 1 KB, 234x30, 1690282781463018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just google it.

>> No.45706659
File: 714 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_05-01-2024 02-45-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was surprisingly good moege for being so short and low-budget
It has a lot of moments being literally cut off and left behind the screen which felt pretty weird but at least there were almost no fillers so it wasn't that boring
The drama part was surprisingly serious and actually made sense
The mc wasn't bland and was baka donkan in a good sense, the way he solved drama with the proposal really got me
The h scenes were the best part for sure, it's been a while since i actually read all the scenes and not just scrolled through them
Generally art felt pretty cheap, but in h scenes it was surprisingly very high quality, that shading feels really damn nice
Even the music for the h scenes had really nice charm to it even though it was pretty bland overall, they really went all in into them
The message of the game about hobby vs passion was really well connected with the whole story
Overall it was exactly what i needed right now, never thought i would write a wall of text about a damn moege but here i am
Maybe i will go back to the imouto route someday, but now back to looking for more flat kinpatsuge..

>> No.45706663
File: 15 KB, 472x313, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I guess that's what I get for just googling 意味 and not looking any further than this. Thank you, that makes much more sense and I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.45706670

What you need to do is stop using shitty J-E dictionaries and refer to a proper 国語辞典 when you don't know what a word means.

>> No.45706684

I read that the MC 'loans' the girls to other guys in the vn. my repulsion was so strong that I swore to never touch the vn and immediately removed it from my backlog. If you value lolis I suggest you do the same

>> No.45706712

I use hooks but I find that I hardly ever have to look at my second monitor these days--even after going months without doing any real reading. still nice to have when I do inevitably come across a new word or a word I don't remember

>> No.45706784
File: 12 KB, 617x267, usobuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't encountered it very much yet but
the first meaning on weblio aligns with the way i've seen it used, which is also the second meaning on>>45706663, whose first meaning and the J-E meaning here >>45706636 i don't feel I've encountered very much just yet
Interestingly though, I have an example sentence from 皇女殿下の家庭教師 where the use of the 嘯く seems to overlap these two meanings

>> No.45706799

Nice. Didn't you read yuka route? I like her design

>> No.45706815

Good stuff.

>> No.45706819

https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/memo.php?game=23952&uid=plantagenet This review made me kinda interested in her so maybe i will actually do it, the way he writes about imouto route is really intriguing though
I didn't read it all to avoid direct spoilers but by glancing through it seems to be a kind of jirai

>> No.45706820

Her expression is fucking perfection

>> No.45706826

Why would it taste like cheese?

>> No.45706838

Have you tried it out though? I only heard about fish comparisons before I wouldn't know myself...

>> No.45706842

Actually, they taste like battery

>> No.45706862

He only does it to Tenka who is my favorite so it sucks. The other guys don't penetrate her but it's still disgusting. Komako is also good but also not very feel good. Shoujo Ramune might be the most famous and popular Tanuki Soft title but I think it's their worst.

>> No.45706881

Do you have a favorite? The cover art for all their titles is pretty compelling...

>> No.45707029

That semi transparent liquid is not semen... right?

>> No.45707039

Of course it is, why else would you do that to a girl otherwise?

>> No.45707078

Hm I value them all equally. Onii-chan Daisuki's Yuuna is special to me, her voice is just so good, main complaint is the way the eyes of all 3 look. Puu-san has 3/3 heroines. Mei Shoujo is old but something about it is really unique and makes rereading the H-scenes worth it. I mentally compare it to Noshoujo with 2 Kotori's and no adult women. Mebae had a slut heroine but I really liked her scenes and character development. Bishoujo is less remarkable but I love Kyouka too much. She's such a tease. Shoukoujo has a hot tsundere in Rin and the sister heroine is great. I also like Haruka but don't feel too happy about her scenes. Noshoujo I mainly like Aoi and reread her scenes too often but they needed a bit more variety, Kotori got the bulk of that.

Ranked I'd say maybe
>Puu-san > Onii-chan Daisuki = Shoukoujo > Mei Shoujo > Mebae > Noshoujo = Bishoujo > Shoujo Kyouiku = Nemunono > Shoujo Ramune

By the way last year someone uploaded a new digital version of Shoujo Kyouiku that includes ALL 5 DLCs. 1 of them had never been shared before.

>> No.45707137
File: 1.07 MB, 1269x739, 1673054413858538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enemies into allies and hatred into love is the best. Need more heroines like Ariya

>> No.45707170

>trespassers will be violated

>> No.45707217
File: 56 KB, 148x148, 1684315927689225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stark-san i don't feel so good...

>> No.45707235
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x938, malie_4Dgst7MMDj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl

>> No.45707263

Don't really care about stable diffusion, nvidia 4xxx series sucks and price difference between amd/nvida gpu with similar performance makes me consider amd.

>> No.45707270

>edgy stuff or regular nukige slop
>Kurashiki Tatsuya
What do you think?

>> No.45707302

so it's going to be edgeslop

>> No.45707345

Idk bro you say 4xxx sucks but my 4090 runs vns pretty gud

>> No.45707359

whole power connector melting situation and price, I am poorfag

>> No.45707395

>getting a house fire slopcard
I thought westoids aren't welcomed here

>> No.45707462

>96 IPs
>ctrl+F slop
>9 results
Great thread.

>> No.45707519

Just add it to your filters.

>> No.45707553

Thanks, the ones you ranked as your top 2 were actually the ones that most compelled me so I think I'll go ahead and try them

>> No.45707659

You can't really go wrong with any of them. They have a lot in common but are different enough that you'll prefer one over the other. I'd try all of them even the ones that may look bad to you. I almost skipped Bishoujo because of the art and I had very low expectations for Mei Shoujo but liked them a lot. Onii-chan Daisuki at first looked perfect but the girl I was interested in was only okay and the one I was mildly interested in became my favorite. And for Shoujo Ramune I had the highest expectations but I couldn't fap much to it. Even Nemunono finds more use and that's considered their worst game. Has its good points though.

>> No.45707741
File: 311 KB, 1605x905, ChuSingura46+1_-忠臣蔵46+1-ChuSingura46+1 (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inre's artist does some great stuff, the game has some fantastic CGs, but the man is not good at side profiles.

>> No.45707757

holy kek

>> No.45707969 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 449x507, 1702010838629002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of his art as too, but the man sure does creates silly CG from time to time. The one you posted is nice tho

>> No.45708013
File: 273 KB, 449x507, 1676055763990021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of his art too, but the man sure does create silly CG from time to time. The one you posted is nice tho

>> No.45708033
File: 1.14 MB, 1605x905, 幕末尽忠報国烈士伝 MIBUROMIBURO (33).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the artist's art, but yeah some CGs are not great.

>> No.45708035

You never have to see all the garbage from the immigrants if you do what >>45707519 said. I have a third of the thread filtered on a good day.
>Black guys prefer chuunige and NTR irl
Can confirm, guilty on both charges.

>> No.45708075 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 340x298, when you read the guide backwards by mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit happens

>> No.45708161
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 135941[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45708371

If it were me I'd pile up more money and buy nvidia, AMD sucks.

>> No.45708374

>censored version
lol https://files.catbox.moe/npd13w.png

>> No.45708481

I used amd gpu once and it was really fucking bad, but maybe it's different now...

>> No.45708619


>> No.45709383

how to remove buddy launcher drm frens

>> No.45709387

I got rx6700xt this year and it can run any games in existence in the best settings without any issues, literally can't get a better cost/performance deal than this
The only issue is that the encoder is a lot worse so i would go nvidia if you stream or make videos often, though i still was able to stream fine enough

>> No.45709495

>Don't really care about stable diffusion
weird, if it gets any better you'll be able to modify sprites or do w/e artstyle consistent edits like current NAI can. Imo kinda dumb to lose out on that.

>> No.45709682

No driver crashes? No games crashing out of nowhere?
Maybe, I can't really use it with my 1660 either, so I'm not really hooked on ai art yet.

>> No.45709686

神原英雄(かんばら ひでお)は妻と子供に囲まれ平凡な毎日を過ごしていた。

Sounds pretty interesting

>> No.45709823

Never had a crash so far, modern amd drivers are better optimized than some of nvidia ones
Soft is also miles better

>> No.45710192

This is fine though, there is a difference between kissing her after fellatio and just deliberately wanting to suck your own cum out her.

>> No.45710217

The result is still the same

>> No.45710325

At least it's not cum of other men. There are eroge like that too.

>> No.45710446

which HHG you are supposed to play first https://vndb.org/v5909 or https://vndb.org/v12795

>> No.45710575

What is this game?

>> No.45710595

release order

>> No.45710688

Use reverse image search, kid.

>> No.45710940

Arigatou gozaimasu.

>> No.45711418
File: 439 KB, 590x665, 1697251338953586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45711462

Moebutas... i kneel

>> No.45711523

common yuzuchad W

>> No.45711652
File: 2.08 MB, 720x1280, 1695653381286037.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nadeshiko spotted

>> No.45711672

i'm moderately hyped for kakehana

>> No.45711694

Imagine a remaster, an americanized remaster on top of that being top 3 instead of actual new stuff. It's fucking over

>> No.45711918

Anime desu! Sugoi!
Nippon is truly the place...

>> No.45711926

new スレ

>> No.45711932

>page 9
what the fuck are you doing, this thread has a half a day left still

>> No.45711950


>> No.45711965

why are imokano fags like this?

>> No.45712131

you fags are so fickle

>> No.45712152

Encouraging shitposting is bad because then people who think that's normal behavior start to join, see /djt/ if you want to see what it looks like once ir reach its final stage.

>> No.45712329

I love imokano, but fucking tourist faggot stop being so autistic about it. It is already certified kamige, there is no need to push it any further or make threads prematurely

>> No.45712381

>americanized remaster

>> No.45712415

What, I thought it sold less than previous Yuzusoft? Then why did he have less votes on EGS?

>> No.45712423

Most EGS users are pirates.

>> No.45712431

Not everyone uses a website to keep track of the shit they read

>> No.45712461

The majority of yuzu fanbase are normies who don't know anything else outside of yuzu

>> No.45712483

Maybe because the other yuzusoft games have been out for much longer?
Also EGS is dead

>> No.45712507

The characters in the remaster look thicker than they did before. It's barely perceptible and you need an image slider comparison tool to even notice the difference unless you're autistic. To a certain breed of shitposters, this is "americanizing" them.

>> No.45712510

tfw there are a lot of ch and jp migrating to vndb

>> No.45712515
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1440, Koigokoro_05-01-2024 19-26-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sovl... that voice is fucking masterpiece

>> No.45712588

dont make post vndb scores

>> No.45712608
File: 58 KB, 675x244, 1680503911880830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they do it?

>> No.45712610


>> No.45712621

They sped through SCAT-ji's diarrhea as god intended

>> No.45712637

speedchads i kneel

>> No.45712655
File: 484 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_12_05_540_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think someone would take more than 15 hours of that shit?

>> No.45712660

>2024-01-05 夕凪荘のS級の彼女たち 2 2h4m - r117431 100%, skimmed Ai's route & had frequent skips.
Hmm i wonder how
Judging by those comments it seems like they are thinking that the main goal of the eroge is to complete 100% cg gallery and not actually reading it

>> No.45712668 [DELETED] 

I for once welcome my new chink overlords

>> No.45712689 [DELETED] 

>ESLs bow to chinks

>> No.45712695
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>> No.45712703

bro, you can't just say that and then post a mere 72/100 ge

>> No.45712709 [DELETED] 

>seamen and slav(es) welcoming the chinese
nothing new though?

>> No.45712712

He gave it 9/10 though

>> No.45712722

this guy is reading approximately 90k characters per hour how the fuck is that possible?

>> No.45712729 [DELETED] 

Im pretty sure a lot of japs did too after they revived key

>> No.45712743

I thought everyone here reads at that speed?

>> No.45712750 [DELETED] 

what the fuck are you even doing in this thread if you're not slav, finn, or sea? you whitoids are not welcome here.

>> No.45712757 [DELETED] 

I'm Mongolian though.

>> No.45712764 [DELETED] 

Slavs are whiter than freedomland though

>> No.45712765 [DELETED] 

lower down your voice, peasant. My kin conquered your lands and made your ancestors into onaholes

>> No.45712767 [DELETED] 

ok, i forgot east asian. you can stay too.

>> No.45712792

I imagine it's less than that in Chinese.

>> No.45712899

arigatou meido-tachi

>> No.45712967

Maybe I should start doing that too with heroines I don't like.

>> No.45713013

I saw a Japanese review blog that said it took him 12 hours or so "but I read fast".

>> No.45713027

Who here is going to beat the record?

>> No.45713040

our guy clephas-sama

>> No.45713045

I don't skip voices no matter how fast I read.

>> No.45713048

I can beat the record right now back putting a rock on the skip button besides the h-scenes and read a summary about everything else

>> No.45713055

on the common route I almost always end up skipping the voices, but when I enter the routes usually let them finish. The impact there is much more and the voice work tends to have more importance

>> No.45713074

The truth is, more of my time is taken up by VA than actual reading... Reading is done the instant the text pops up on TA.

>> No.45713085

Is that quote verbatim or did you paraphrase it?

>> No.45713109

I can't imagine skipping voices for characters I like, even during common route. On the contrary, I sometimes end up going back and re-reading kino moments.

>> No.45713117

goddamn speedreaders, i hope you know half of the budget from eroge goes to voices

>> No.45713123

I hope people don't actually speedread the dialogue in normal novels. Reading at your natural speed through the prose is fine but you have to let the dialogue breathe in your theater of the mind to really appreciate the scenes and characters...
Also if you're one of those guys whose only JP learning is through reading then if anythign you should try to only read the dialogue when you failed to catch something they said, cause you need listening practice bad.

>> No.45713125

if you skip voices you didn't read the game. simple as.

>> No.45713161

Right, I'm retarded, I forgot to mention that also tend to do that with characters I really like

>> No.45713234

Common routes are the best part of any VN.

>> No.45713235

Does anybody have https://vndb.org/v5873? The links on h-suki and anime-sharing are dead. Thanks in advance!

>> No.45713241

I read about 20 times faster than most of the rest of you - with the exception of a few bibliophiles

>> No.45713256

I do listen to VAs... if they are good ones. Generally speaking, I skip the squeaky overly high-pitched ones. I used to be fine with them, but now they give me headaches (Kani from Tsuyokiss is one of those)

>> No.45713298

Did you check AB?

>> No.45713303

>The links on h-suki are dead
It's not though?

Speaking of Hsuki, what's up with the retarded change of logging me out every day? No I don't have the cookies deleted.

>> No.45713356

I don't have AB or VIP H-suki (the non-VIP link doesn't work). I guess I'll have to get the latter. Thanks.

>> No.45713385

>paying to pirate

>> No.45713406

Japanese people are way more autistic about speedreading, just google it. Lots of people saying you shouldn't subvocalize and that you need to speedread to read at a respectable rate.

>> No.45713427

Pretty sure it's just an autistic vocal minority, and the large majority doesn't put much thought into the act of reading because after doing it for decades it's become second nature.

>> No.45713461

>you shouldn't subvocalize
> subvocalize
What do you mean? Do people unironically do this?

>> No.45713477
File: 74 KB, 1016x835, bruh questionmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H-suki (the non-VIP link doesn't work)

>> No.45713478

you do it involuntarily. the vocal chords are active while you read silently. you can avoid it by skim-reading but yeah

>> No.45713479

You don't have an internal monologue?

>> No.45713487

Feels wrong to read without subvocalizing.

>> No.45713498

if it really doesnt work, and its not just some retarded reason like being too lazy to make an account and therefore wanting someone else to do the dirty work or something, then im sure someone would gladly reupload it for you, but it would be better if ur more specific in how u explain your problem so that ur able to download it by yourself in the future

are u logged in to hsuki and therefore able to see the free link
does the host (fischer) not load or does the download button not work

>> No.45713500

What, do Japanese seriously do this?
I speak to myself externally, but internal monologue I don't think.

>> No.45713511

Every normal human should by default.

>> No.45713514

i think everyone does it when scanning indexes, web pages, menus, wikis etc. for something you're looking for like key phrases, terms etc. but most normal people just let themselves read naturally when they're really reading.

>> No.45713544

tfw I can't stop subvocalizing
tfw I enter into an internal conflict with myself about the reading of some words

>> No.45713548

Me too.

>> No.45713557

If you get under 1000 cpm on the adult test, you're probably ruining every VN you read with your slow reading speed.

>> No.45713566

Only NPCs don't subvocalize

>> No.45713584

Because i started with VNs and subbed anime/youtube vids my vertical reading speed lagged behind after i got into LNs/manga for like several volumes until it caught up.

>> No.45713667

I literally subvocalize the characters' voices in my head when read LNs. could read faster, but I feel that along the way may miss the subtext/intent of some of the dialogue. I like to take my time to digest something I'm really enjoying (No, this is not a cope moment, fags kek)

>> No.45713679

I do too and probably so does nearly everyone. Not doing that sounds far more abnormal.

>> No.45713693

Oh, wait, I am retarded. I check those two checkboxes, assuming the download would be faster and then forgot about it. お陰をもちまして

>> No.45713703

I got 188 for 縦書き and 300 on 横書き in that order. To be fair, I'm not that used to 縦書き and I've already been reading something for 2 hours, but still. Reading it and actually paying attention to speed makes me realize that I do subvocalize and it does slow me down a bit, since my brain damage makes me wait until I finish "saying" each word before my eyes move to the next one.

>> No.45713720

anyone have H code for this test?

>> No.45713802
File: 13 KB, 426x279, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45713862

Even when I don't consciously do it and read quickly with just my eyes it still feels like I hear the sentence in my head, just instantly.

>> No.45714066

I can only do it in Japanese. When reading something I'm not really into, I just read the kanji and "make up" in my head whatever makes sense to connect the words.

>> No.45714083

>I just read the kanji and "make up" in my head whatever makes sense to connect the words.
We're reaching levels of based previously thought impossible.

>> No.45714087

This is how I "read" Chinese.

>> No.45714089

I subvocalize every post in this thread with a different internal voice.

>> No.45714094

average "reader" who calls other hookcuck

>> No.45714098

which post had the cutest voice

>> No.45714118


>> No.45714161

Lowercase ones getting read with a low pitch, uppercase ones with a high pitch, and the . ones sound like my math teacher who always preached with his rough angry voice

>> No.45714233

How do you do it? when i click on yokokaki or tatekaki it just refreshes the page and nothing happens

>> No.45714249

I have the impression that you are misreading the instructions....

>> No.45714268

My hook wasn't picking up the instructions, I got it now thanks.

>> No.45714271

This guy is really trying hard to be funny with his joke eh...

>> No.45714289

Oh i got it that transparent text was just not visible with my darkreader filter

>> No.45714463

>bad voice and delivery
>bad script
>bad HBGM
check check and check. one of the worst scenes I've seen. found this in a bugbug video preview. never watched those before. the audio in all of the previews sounds as if it was recorded with the mic in front of a tv, very tinny sound.

>> No.45714481

All three are excellent.

>> No.45714501

The way she monotonously says sukisukidaisuki is hot

>> No.45714506

the only one that caught my interest was Hoshi Furu Yoru no Farnese

sure are

>> No.45714572

oh god...

>> No.45714788

just imagine it's a girl who's terrible at acting and stuff and tryign to dirty talk then it's cute

>> No.45715074

Her name is Fatty?

>> No.45715485

>Fatishion Swallow
>Fatty swallows

>> No.45715634

2 blocks from the edge
New thread >>45715628
