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45643954 No.45643954 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe I'm just missing something or don't get her character, but why do people seem to like Sanae so much?

>> No.45644105
File: 2.50 MB, 1427x1968, bbd60e6586bc87cfd69430f290de35f4942d7318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy booba ooga booga awooga

>> No.45644131
File: 1.63 MB, 1447x2046, 3738777571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tits, slut, miko were prostitutes, shota huntress, cute and green.

>> No.45644534

because i main sanae you fucking faggot

>> No.45644566
File: 472 KB, 2000x2000, kochiya sanae (touhou) drawn by here_(hr_rz_ggg) - c2233fa1a6fb336c0a96abb20203b950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lovely friendly, decided personality contrasting a touch of melancholy due to her being related to the themes of Faith and leaving her original world. There's something deeply beautiful to her whole attitude, and her theme reflects just that. The miracle of 'belief' and what it represents for a being in touch with the gods but in the boundary of being human. Belief is something that can lead to both despair and hope, and someone as kind and her, doing all she can, trying her best but also believing in something else that is untangible generates an entangled emotion born from that miracle

>> No.45644604

She is a high schooler who is a super nerd who loves otaku shit.
You should know this kind of character would be popular.

>> No.45644625

perhaps i just like tomboy witches too much

>> No.45644634

good taste

>> No.45644658

i hate piss word

>> No.45644663

Nerd, somehow like science, can be a buttmonkey sometime, friendly, caring, also somehow dependable

>> No.45648818

now do you prefer yours with or without a big booty

>> No.45649661

because shes just like me.

>> No.45651970

>a touch of melancholy due to her being related to the themes of Faith and leaving her original world
This never comes up in anything.
In fact, it's really weird how little she cares about her situation. It's almost like she doesn't really get what Gensokyo's all about. You'd think that as someone with modern morals she'd care about the fate of other outsiders more, but no, this never comes up.

>> No.45652420

Girls who got/are getting bullied in highschool self insert as Sanny. They want to be taken to Gensokyo where they will become this friendly and attractive girl who's loved by everyone.

>> No.45652488

That's sumireko

>> No.45652493

green reimu

>> No.45652498

Sumireko still gets bullied when she's awake.

>> No.45652564

Sumireko doesn't care about the ordinary, and doesn't want friends. She is a miserable person by choice.
Sanae is one of those weirdoes who doesn't talk about her past, because ZUN wants fandom to have fun doing their own thing with her.
She could have been bullied, she could have been popular, she could have dropped everything because of her loyalty, or she was a little deranged when deciding to figuratively die in the outside world.

>> No.45662457 [DELETED] 


>> No.45671630

I don't get it either. I find her really boring. Best way I can describe her is she's what people who don't know shit about Touhou assume Reimu's personality is like.

Both the gods of her shrine are both much more interesting characters and have much better designs in general as well.

>> No.45673726

rude breasts

>> No.45685588

She'll never escape that nickname

>> No.45695513


>> No.45699413

She is a high schooler who is a super nerd who loves otaku shit.

>> No.45699613
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maybe it's the fanon on the brain but wasn't sanae very socially isolated on the outside due to her being able to see kanako and suwako, with then basically raising her?

i'd think she wouldn't really care all too much about yukari's wanton murder of outsiders, or rather she'd be willfully ignorant about it. the entire plot of MoF is her and kanako trying to usurp the status quo partially because kanako's a prideful cunt but mainly because of how faith starved the three of them were. sanae is kind of new to the whole being acknowledged thing, and combine that with kanako basically being her mum you get the many moriya shrine conspiracies

>> No.45699741

>wasn't sanae very socially isolated on the outside due to her being able to see kanako and suwako, with then basically raising her?
This wasn't mentioned anywhere as far as I know, so yeah, it's likely to be fanon.
Also I don't get what you are trying to say with this retelling of MoF.

>> No.45699881


upon reading her wiki article there's not much of substance. i guess one too many fanfics made me adopt it as a headcanon

apparently she's just sumireko with less substance

>> No.45700154

Sucks to know how shallow some parts of Touhou are, doesn't it? No wonder many fans that do know canon still cling to fanon, no matter how nonsensical or contradictory.

>> No.45700186

it doesn't suck, if anything it just makes me like the fanworks that build her a character that's actually interesting all the more

>> No.45700212

Good attitude to have. Frankly I think that fans do way more heavy lifting than ZUN ever does to make 2hu compelling.
Not the guy you replied to.

>> No.45700257

While I agree that it's good, and I quite enjoy the different fanworks, I still think it's a shame. Because I went the usual Touhou fan way of reading fanworks before the official stuff, canon's been either disappointing because of odd jumps in quality, or disappointing because it's too different from the fanworks. Now, I don't know how true this is, but from what I gather I think that most Touhou fans don't like canon all that much, because otherwise most fanworks would be closer to canon, at least in tone.

>> No.45700308

I did the opposite. Canon material -> fanworks. I don't think it's a matter of disliking Touhou's "canon" tone. I think it's a matter of liking one kind of tone over another. ZUN is a perennial vagueposter who hates giving his setting depth, and has published a bunch of canon works with different tones. Someone who's a big fan of, say, WaHH and the fairy mangas will come into Touhou with a different take to someone who loves FS, and a different take to someone who loves the pre-FS Touhou, and someone who loves the PC-98 games. Now I've personally done fics over the tone scale, from youkai being basically harmless to youkai being the kind of man-eating monsters other 2hu lore suggests, so I don't really have much of a dog in the fight here in terms of what kind of tone you like or don't like. If there's one thing I strongly suspect, it's that this is done intentionally for some reason, leaving hints to appeal to people who like the different ideas of what Gensokyo is.

>> No.45700340

ehh to me canon isn't disappointing per se, it's just a tad limiting as far as creativity goes - that's the whole point, you're making a fanwork, not something overseen by ZUN. touhou as a doujin project readily encourages that sort of thing after all

i like to think of touhou as an interesting escape to read about and interact with its community through whatever means rather than something concrete with a series bible. i still eat up every piece of canon material that gets put out if i hear about it, be that the LNs or the music or the manga/games, but a fic or two expanding how i see a certain character is nice to see too. i'm not really a lore fanatic though, i just like gensokyo because it's basically a template of a world with hundreds of characters and a super interesting lore that you can do whatever the fuck you want with

>> No.45704797
File: 207 KB, 619x806, Reimu hands you a broom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in with WaHH and fairy manga then expanded out with the prints and what i could gleam from the variety of threads here before now, where i'm grinding through the games. Its very fun to me to enjoy and get into the threadbare lore of the setting like an easter egg hunt.

Hell theres so many little tidbits like even recently I was playing the narratograph ttrpg with a replay that featured ZUN as one of the players. Even there he talked a bit about the organization of the Tengu and how Megumu wasn't even really Aya's boss in any real sense. It was more like Megumu was upper management and Aya herself was just a mook way lower on the totem. Or how he played Reimu, his PC in the TTRPG, and how violent she was. He really played his Reimu living up to the crimson slasher meme.

>> No.45705884
File: 147 KB, 768x768, fridgefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great theme song, great design and if I remember correctly shes the only other confirmed shrine maiden

>> No.45716382

Cute slut

>> No.45716468

She is a good girl.

>> No.45717348

The only backstory we know from Sanae is that she's a big nerd, from giant robot to capsule monster

>> No.45717938

I do like it when the fanworks acknowledge the little details in canon that nobody remembers and expands on it. Like the Rabbit Horn League.

>> No.45733093

Enough to be endearing.

>> No.45740724

Made to be impregnated

>> No.45753590

reimu verde
