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File: 246 KB, 1280x720, Stack - Chupacable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45624634 No.45624634 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit Stack turned up the Stacky Stackness on this one up to 11 I fucking love it

>> No.45624656

stack should unironically not be allowed creative control anymore
maybe then someone will actually utilize her vocal skills rather than sing the same song 500 times

>> No.45624836

Rude. What do you mean?

>> No.45625169

is this even in japanese?

>> No.45625301

nearly every stack song follows the same progression and does very similar things like stack making weird noises with her mouth, putting bad engrish in, having a slow bit in the last quarter of the song, and generally just sounding very similar
maybe I'd be okay with that if the instrumentals were any good, but nearly all of them are just vague background noise because they don't actually function on their own. They exist, but stack's voice is carrying the song because the instrumental just isn't trying.
I think I went through her whole discography once and found less than ten songs to be particularly different, and her best performance (in my opinion) was before akatsuki records even existed and it hasn't been topped by them ever

>> No.45625403

She peaked at doki doki waku waku
Kurapi is good too

>> No.45625425

the animations were cute

>> No.45626520

all of this.
akarecords has been nothing but bland and samey for the past 5+ years at least. whenever zoomers shit their pants over a new upload, i just cannot for the life of me understand what they are seeing. i think part of it is also that their lyricist and pv artist have leaned in hard to making forced memes that can be spread around repeatedly by tertiaries on discord and tiktok.
stacks voice is good, but only in the single same situation that they keep using her in. the rare slow songs of akarecords sound awkward as fuck because she cant actually sing with range or different tones, so she is still putting power into vocals that are meant to be soft.
i think people who kiss the feet of stack just don't know that ranko exists and can do everything she does and more.

>> No.45626573

I honestly cannot fathom what you two are on about. She does soft songs where she doesn't bring out her wacky voice at all, and she did this one where she RAPS ie a departure from everything that came before it.
And objecting to an artist having a discernable style is an odd splitiing of hairs.

Frankly your criticism matches far far FAR more to someone like Kariki Bear and even there it's not particularly objectionable.

>> No.45626617
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how about you post five songs to prove how much better ranko is at everything?

>> No.45626642

stackbros getting real mad eh

>> No.45626682

we are saying, genius, that her singing style is weird but not necessarily terrible, it's just the rest of the songs that get samey in most of their discography because the weird vocals are all they focus on. other guy even mentioned that there are SOME songs that are different, so you dont need to bring up yours as if youre saying something we forgot. other guy is saying that the songs simply could be better if someone else had the reins and im saying their overblown popularity is partially due to memes and newer fans not knowing enough other good quality circles that match their style. neither of us are even necessarily condemning akarecords or saying they're complete trash.

>objecting to an artist having a discernable style is an odd splitting of hairs
nobody is allowed to be critical of anything ever again

>> No.45626722

hasn't really gotten better since they did this

>> No.45626727

This, none of you stupid fucks shouldn’t be allowed to discuss, criticize or even mention anything ever again, this is not a Japanese forum, its my safe space and we are all giant faggots

>> No.45626950

>nobody is allowed to be critical of anything ever again
Sure you can it just doesn't mean it ultimately holds any water.

>> No.45626956

I do not care for the opinion of cross-borders. Kill yourselves quickly and do not let this board suffer your taint

>> No.45626993
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It amuses me when in reaction to any counter-criticism some other goober comes along and pretends the very practice of criticism is being attacked.

>> No.45627023
File: 261 KB, 1000x1000, 1614245633560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because the weird vocals are all they focus on
She pivots to traditional singing for tons of songs, again what are you on about?

>> No.45627177

chu-pa-ca-bra-pa, uh-ha chu-pa-ca-blu-pa, tooya

>> No.45627197
File: 389 KB, 1400x1000, f5d7dacd266650a729f9d5a2fc367145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's「空論アウトロウ ~Welcome to Ghostly Field Detectibe Office. 」

>> No.45627230


not even the best ranko track just showing her range. ever wondered why Ranko have so many collab with non butaotome circle while stack barely have any. here's why

>> No.45627277

ranko doesn't do weird gremlin noises and doesn't rap though?

>> No.45627327

Ah the gremlin noises, nothin beats that!

>> No.45627334
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For me its

>> No.45627338

>weird sex* noises
That is my favorite part of the stack.

>> No.45627479
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She's no Stack but shes alright.

>> No.45627499

I didn’t know she actually sings that one clownpiece song with Werning. It was cute but getting used to her engrish was really hard to do until I give Necromantic a listen. (^^;;

>> No.45627885
File: 297 KB, 480x270, 1566104870866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stack fucking humor raps
She's so goddam talented it hurts.

>> No.45627912

That first one displays her range well the way she warbles her voice but Stack turns her fucking vocal chords upside down with the transformations she does to her voice. It's not even a contest.

>> No.45627931

my original point (I'm not the guy talking about ranko) is that stack's voice is incredibly capable but I just think she doesn't use it to its full potential when nearly all the songs on each album are her typical rock song instead of something else
her voice is excellent for ballads and we get like...one of these every few albums

>> No.45627996

Gremlin voice for every song on every album ever. Forever.
Frankly I welcome Stack's goober Rap arc

>> No.45628149
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>> No.45628171

Post face and nudes plox

>> No.45628234
File: 88 KB, 192x187, 1546129655421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever listened to you what she uploads to the youtube, I'm missing tons of hidden gems aren't I?

>> No.45628250

I don't care much for the usual rock stuff so I end up downloading the albums even when I don't care just in case there's finally a hidden gem
this one from the konngara album was good

>> No.45628252

You could at least listen to what others upload on youtube aswell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIQCzU5ITec

>> No.45628254

Dude I'd fucking kill for footage of her performance in studio for this one in particular
Imagine Stack doing those rapper funky hand motions.

>> No.45628266
File: 65 KB, 500x725, stack 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking dying to know what she looks like
she looks like she's got a crazy sharp jawline in this picture

>> No.45628271

Only one I have is that funky Irish one. That shit is great. Nyaa got her discog?

>> No.45628530

stack can't even be assed to show up to her own circle at events anymore

>> No.45628755

I would pay to see this live

>> No.45628843

The synthesis of opinions expressed would be having Stack do covers of whole sutras like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHnudlLg1F8

>> No.45628850
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>> No.45628874

Out of my presence quadruple nigger of shit taste

>> No.45628880

Holy shit that'd be badass

>> No.45635470

>rap, japan

>> No.45635713
File: 688 KB, 680x544, 1643756275655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her songs are nice, but I see the complaint about the "slow part" in the last third/quarter of songs. She overuses that and I think some would be better if it kept the high energy going until the end. I get letting off the gas to let it rest, but stopping the momentum feels off.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlV3VKnXDFM it's short and doesn't overstay its welcome.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz8sICtjD9w where it picks back up into the end is nice, but still the same sudden slowdown.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZdiH3TrbKU works in this one since it had time to slow down and lead up to it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RypOHapqCeQ worst offender, I like the song but it's damn near a full stop.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slVPS_VJqhs also works since the beat still keeps momentum going and feels smoother.

>> No.45635751

I like the slowdown in Tsukasa's song. It gives you a taste of the foxes trickery; how she can lull you into a world of illusions and lies just as easy as that.

>> No.45635763

>but I see the complaint about the "slow part" in the last third/quarter of songs. She overuses that
Now this I agree with. In this new song in particular I found myself wishing she did more rap and less of the alternative. Those were the entertaining parts.

>> No.45635836


>> No.45635842

I'd kill to see her face. I NEED to see how she looks like

>> No.45635951

There's nothing wrong with the artform and nothing wrong per se with a gleeful bombastic attitude.
The problem lies in the creatures typically attached to it.

>> No.45636131

My favorite stack song is still the highest viewed on her channel but Necromantic is gonna overtake it eventually. Feels bad.

>> No.45636537

yeah the real problem with the tsukasa song is the entirely out of place intro that has no reference to the actual song
and the only bit of the song I like is the desu yo bridge

>> No.45636579

I like the intro

>> No.45636687

"Chupa" means "To Suck" in spanish by the way.

>> No.45636974

The subtitles kind of implied that to me.

>> No.45638218

well i don't hate the song, something just feels slightly off, like it was building to a climax that never occurred, nor did it have a proper resolution i thought.

>> No.45638241

Interestingly, “Cabra” means “My Dick” in spanish as well.

>> No.45639452


>> No.45639561

to add to you Meramipop is good as well

>> No.45639789

>other good quality circles that match their style.
such as?

>> No.45640044
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>> No.45640093
File: 242 KB, 500x624, 1333775455445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly dislike her voice.
Bring be back to the good ol' days of nayuta, Ayakura Mei, mikicco, mican*, ayame, nomico, Kokucho and Chata.
Stack is zoomer kuso shit.

>> No.45640102

I love it it sounds like shes constantly cackling at you and life in general

>> No.45640127

Get the fuck out of my /jp/ and get some good taste.

>> No.45640148
File: 99 KB, 1200x400, 1662798009378619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow me Stack is life

>> No.45640155

Fucking newfag. I bet you never even played a single Touhou game.

>> No.45640278
File: 342 KB, 637x815, 1658454918032287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You luk like dis

>> No.45643130
File: 1.14 MB, 380x364, Koishi excited.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Stack, bros.

>> No.45643244
File: 51 KB, 610x395, 1647035662900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good life

>> No.45643313

I like stack
I don't like Stack Bros, put some effort into your instrumentals you lazy hacks

>> No.45643332

Stack is peak

Really wish all the Ranko fans wouldn't use every opportunity to say she's better than Stack whenever Akareco is even mentioned. She's not, they are both great, and they are both the greatest for their fans.

>> No.45643337

you're just jealous that stackBros gets to fuck his sister

>> No.45645221
File: 1.32 MB, 1440x810, ballin'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45646100

I miss 3L, after listening to juliana's touhou a few minutes ago

>> No.45646396

Not even the peak of Stacky Stackness bro.

>> No.45646430
File: 114 KB, 943x940, __matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_jill_07km__4553718e7aa11fe3ab8709b93fe5c49d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the best song in that album

>> No.45646437

Snowy Night is my favourite from that album by far

>> No.45646476

Very Christmasy

>> No.45646551

It's a testament to how I love this bitch when there is only one song of hers I actively don't just dislike but hate. I assume this is what Stack haters feel like all the time.
The opening of this one got me excited too. Pity.

>> No.45647762


>> No.45648193
File: 845 KB, 832x794, 1562824708060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45648332


>> No.45648598

Stack should stop making stack songs because.... WELL JUST BECAUSE OKAY!?

>> No.45649014

>like stack
>have not played touhou since 12 or 13
>dont get the new songs
>sounds like random sounds if you dont know the original

>> No.45649047

Banger. So good I wouldn't be able to tell it was chopped if I hadn't heard the original already.

>> No.45649947

>Like Stack
>Only played a few touhou games
>Dont get the new songs except for monke song because monke touhou funny so I wanted to know her theme
>Loving these new stack songs
>Still waiting for monke song

>> No.45650036

>sounds like random sounds if you dont know the original
I mean sometimes it really is just random sounds, so you're not wrong there.
KAPPAYAPPA and Hanipaganda comes to mind.

>> No.45651437

doki doki waku waku

>> No.45654796

Who are you fucks quoting?

>> No.45654811

bro its 2024
pls halt 2014 memes

>> No.45654831

I'm not your bro, "bro"

>> No.45656799
File: 132 KB, 1280x1280, 1697171381516780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit shit rap suits Stack so much its insane

>> No.45658335

Has Stack appeared in an Anime before? She'd do a killer mesugaki/villain character

>> No.45658767


>> No.45658942

That's a cool channel

>> No.45659133

I just found it today
Its pretty great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVtQwKep4do

>> No.45659256

wtf I like this BETTER than the original

>> No.45660761

Woah he just dropped a new one 20 seconds ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfkerZltSQk

>> No.45672994

Kanpai Stack bros

>> No.45677505

This guy must really love Akatsuki Records.
I should find more creative ways to appreciate the things I love, too.

>> No.45677519

this just confirms for me even more that one of my major problems with akatsuki records is that their instrumentals are fucking dogshit

>> No.45680355

i found the grape song more enjoyable
besides the chorus the chupacabra song is boring as hell

>> No.45683362


>> No.45683839

Other than nayuta, what have the others been doing these days?

>> No.45688509

Going undercover as Reimu to trick Remi into voodoo sex!!

>> No.45688815

Nothing. They got old so no one cares about them.
