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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45606142 No.45606142 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for making me upset even today.

>> No.45606155


>> No.45606197

Get online

>> No.45607004

Happy holidays, you dick.

>> No.45607120
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>> No.45607187
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>> No.45607998

this sounds like the kind of annoying shit a woman would say
if you're a woman send nudes and fuck off
if you're a guy merry christmas and i hope things get better

>> No.45611305

Be nice, anon. Women are lonely on Christmas too.

>> No.45612422

i suppose some of them might be, too

>> No.45612440

Why don't lonely /jp/ anons meet up for sex on Christmas, then? It's a Japanese tradition, it should be culture

>> No.45612457

that should be a Christmas tradition

>> No.45612477

I don't care.

>> No.45612926

If you’re browsing /jp/ on Christmas you’re lonely, regardless of your sex.
Every anon on here is too autistic to meet with people irl.
Well I don’t care either. You’re alone too, anon.

>> No.45612975

I'd meet up with a /jp/ anon near me tonight. It's the rest of you who are too autistic to take me up on it.

>> No.45612974

I went on holidays over Christmas, so I'm not really alone or as miserable as you seem to think. Spending that time with my family was another option which I have done every year up until now.

>> No.45612985

Who hurt you, sweetie? Link their post so I can epic pwn them.

>> No.45613031

You seem to hate people (especially women) in a worse circumstance than you anon.
A man or woman anon?

>> No.45613037

Are you near Arizona?

>> No.45613062

wrong question buddy
this one gets it

>> No.45613136

I'd meet /jp/ anons but I live in the middle of nowhere, Australia, and there's already like three of us across the continent.

>> No.45613287

you're making this fucking bizzare assumption that all /jp/ anons live within driving distance of each other and that each and every one of us can just go and decide to go meet with one if we wanted to
I'm fairly confident that I'm the only /jp/fag in my country but I somehow doubt that even americafags have this huge underground /jp/ anon network where they all live near each other
seriously what the fuck do you think the density of us is?

>> No.45613308

me when I try to access /jp/ on christmas after spending time with my friends but the lonely anon magic barrier stops me from entering

>> No.45613318

>but I somehow doubt that even americafags have this huge underground /jp/ anon network where they all live near each other
What would Euro /jp/ anons and American /jp/ anons to/with each other if they do meet up?

>> No.45613320

war crimes

>> No.45613324

I'm fairly certain one group would try and rape the other, not sure which to which tho

>> No.45613340

I do not have friends and I am the elusive lonely /jp/ woman that i brought up before.

>> No.45613341

The inherent loneliness and shame of being a euroanon gives immense strength whenever sex is finally available.

>> No.45613353

There was some woman on the fumo thread with a husband and 4(?) year old child using fumos as clout. Are you that same bitch?

>> No.45613361

would bet my welcome hell shirt that there are plenty of southern California anons on the jay
probably not if you live in Latvia or something, though

>> No.45613364

No I am a virgin and afraid of relationships.

>> No.45613373

Sure you are. That's what they all say. "Oh look at me, I'm not like the other girls. I'm just a shy girl with autism who likes 2hu and anime and visual novels just like you guys"

Yeah right, get out of here, you damn poser. Off to Instagram you go.

>> No.45613407

I don’t use Instagram and I also hate visual novels cause they’re boring. Send more hate my way but later, I’m getting drunk and watching Home Alone right now.

>> No.45613408

well it's a good thing we all live in socal then, isn't it?
all I'm saying is it's retarded to blame me for not meeting up with /jp/ anons when non live near me

>> No.45613416

Where are you right now?

>> No.45613419

i am also super lonely and have no friends, but i know plenty of annoying faggots who visit this bored who are also very social

>> No.45613430

some shithole in the middle of central america, why do you ask?

>> No.45613453

thank you for giving me hope

>> No.45613568

Hope of what?

>> No.45613572

finding a virgin woman

>> No.45613594

Thanks for believing me at least anon. Better then the one who accused me of being a normie. Just know we usually have huge mental issues.

>> No.45613608

I understand the mental issues and loneliness of women, I really do
I just despise how they treat lonely men as a response

>> No.45614288 [DELETED] 

Yeah it’s fair to think that. No offense but a lot of men do suck. They’re just cruel :(. Anyway, from one anon to another, merry Christmas.

>> No.45614591

It's only natural to hate women when you actually interact with them.

>> No.45615210

No, thank YOU for nothing.

>> No.45615261

Yes you dumbass, I am expecting you for tomorrow.

>> No.45615268 [DELETED] 

Gte up you ass, and read what I left.

>> No.45615289

Stop sleeping and get up

>> No.45615299
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Any Texas or Oklahoma anons on /jp/ ? I'm not particularly autistic or impaired , but bpd keeps me from interacting with people properly so I do better with neurodivergents.

>> No.45615300

I'm Californian, so I imagine you guys don't like people like me very much

>> No.45615301

No need to thank me for being in a shitty mood when it was your fault to being with

>> No.45615305

Anon always rember happy day!!!
Hey I am Phoenix AZ?
This has to be the second occurrence I hear this week of someone on 4chan being in the Sunny state. Kinda cool.

>> No.45615345
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What the fuck would two random dudes from here even do if they meet up? Talk about 2hu for an hour?

>> No.45615377

I would pick his brain for ideas to write smutty Touhou fanfiction and then never credit him for anything I used. I'm such a villain.

>> No.45615422

Bowling? Hiking?
Challenging each other in 2hu games.
brainstorming random shit.

>> No.45615424

Something to understand here mate is that a lot of people in /jp/ are gay and when they talk about meeting up they mean to have sex.

>> No.45615431
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I'll stay here and I'll expect you during both morning and afteroon, you fucking bumabss. Try to show up only at night and see what happens.

>> No.45615447


>> No.45615521


>> No.45615784

this is actually so true lol

>> No.45615793

Do you have the faintest idea of how humans interact with each other?

>> No.45615934
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Eh, there's no shortage of septum piercing blue haired people if that's what you're saying. My passion is art so naturally I get along with them better than the backwards country chucks. They and the sports fans like a different species of human.
If I had the pleasure I'd probably meet them at a bookstore or park to see if they are domesticated and have good enough motor skills to actually be seen in regular public with. Then we would go hit the bar and find sweaty weeb women dragged along by their stacy friend. Then we go graffiti at an industrial center or find cocaine or something.
As luck would have it I actually do write fanfiction. I have a nasty habit of shipping my friends with local people we know like our mutual mechanic and send the headcanon smut to them for the shock value.
Theres no hiking here because everything is flat like a cutting board but I still love going to the woods. We could have a nuggetfest type of get together but with Fumo trading and research chemicals in the forest or something.
Not gay, or a murderer or anything, just bored and always was envious of the nuggetfest and meetup types of situations back when they were a thing and gotta make memories anyway I can.

>> No.45615953

>Not gay, or a murderer or anything, just bored and always was envious of the nuggetfest and meetup types of situations back when they were a thing and gotta make memories anyway I can.
same man

>> No.45615965

>Not gay, or a murderer or anything
Exactly what a gay murderer would say.

>> No.45616232
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Enacting /jp/ traditions of course

>> No.45616738

I met another /jp/ bro at the pub once. We got drunk and loudly argued over which of us the hags would love more. In the end, I got Yuyuko and Yukari and he got all the other ones. We still go out drinking occasionally. Hi Ngo, you're a cool dude.

>> No.45619111

Absolutely beautiful. However, yuuka and kanako are clearly mommy material and thus pull double duty as best girls

>> No.45621409

>Theres no hiking here because everything is flat like a cutting board but I still love going to the woods. We could have a nuggetfest type of get together but with Fumo trading and research chemicals in the forest or something.
RIP well I live in Arizona Phoenix Arizona,
Usually too damn hot to go outside. Can probably save to go drive out and go to a meetup or something.

>> No.45623363

A joke is when both parties laugh. I don't laugh when you criticize me.

>> No.45623435
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Not gonna stop anytime soon because I have a lot of stuff to celebrate.
btw, it's all thanks to you for making me feel upset.

>> No.45624894

I expect to see you in the morning, again.

>> No.45629071

You are welcome?

>> No.45629094

The backwards country chucks (mostly republicans) would want /jp/ anons dead for being worthless unemployed NEETs.

>> No.45629160

I'm not unemployed or a NEET.

>> No.45629319
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>country chucks (mostly republicans)
Nyo my precious /jp/ysie frens are for friending and self improvement!

>> No.45629623

Okay, so? You don't represent /jp/.

>> No.45633846


>> No.45639913

That's wasn't an issue, if you thought it was about ga(y)ming btw

>> No.45640164

Why don't you get together with the faggot "i like 2hu spammer" and rp about sucking each other off you fucking loser?

>> No.45640180

Why don't you get together with me and rp about sucking each other off you fucking loser

>> No.45640201
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So do you attention begging e-whores want to hop on this otaku NEET micropenis or are you going to keep being little lonely BITCHES? HUH????

>> No.45640208

aight come here nigga imma becahball you


pulls out tanto

sticks it in each of your lungs
POP---sssshhhhhsssss just like a beachball going flat

it over nigga
you dead nigga
i rides dolo

>> No.45640215

imma tie you up and go to work on your fingers and toes with the boltcutters

>> No.45640234

TFW pretty sure I'm the only chicagonon on the /jp/, and it feels bad.

>> No.45640238

Reminder that /bant/ retard still hasn't posted his penis yet. He's at least one month due.

>> No.45640273

Post your penis

>> No.45640390

I'm 30 minutes north of Chicago if that counts.

>> No.45640391

30 minutes away from intense PoFV sessions

>> No.45640395

ok come over so I can shit on your head my man.

>> No.45648622


>> No.45648648

All these femanons ITT and in the cosplay thread and yet they never post 2hu cosplays or pantsu. I hate them.

>> No.45648656

It's correct and you know it. If you're unemployed you are worthless.

>> No.45648663

Go fill my fridge wageslave and thanks for the free NEETbucks.

>> No.45648665

sorry, they're too busy sending all the pictures of their sweaty nasty lanky NEET bodies to me

>> No.45648708

Please share the nudes (biologically female)

>> No.45658446

Your low effort is showing, dude

>> No.45658503
File: 173 KB, 935x935, bun_defeated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the strangest thread on /jp/

>> No.45658514

He needs to post his penis
