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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45580565 No.45580565 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45552781

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45580811

Now that imokano is confirmed shit, whats next?

>> No.45580840

Why the fuck do we currently have not more hardcore shit? When she got stepped on by that tugh I nutted. I just with more vn are hardcorre

>> No.45580865
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, 12564678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want for Christmas?
for me it's gotta be more kunoichi heroines

>> No.45580885

Criminal Border Life Sentence

>> No.45581012

You say this but you're not playing the newest Chaos-R game that just came out yesterday

>> No.45581038
File: 2.00 MB, 1282x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that can help with an H code for this new game?

>> No.45581175
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>> No.45581198

Just wait for your translation by the soon to be famed
>Knights of the Kamige table
according to VNTS

See you in 10 years.

>> No.45581238

Confirmed by whom? none of my eroge bros have finished it yet

>> No.45581436

Confirmed by the fact that kanojo's a slut
No one cares about your eroge bros faggot

>> No.45581480

>Confirmed by the fact that kanojo's a slut
Ok but how does it feel that you will never be loved

>> No.45581490

>kanojo's a slut

>> No.45581576

Sure thing fag, I'm not the one reading shitty cuck games and pretending they are some godsend literature to feel better about my life lmao

>> No.45581595

Only a complete virgin would care that the kanojo is a slut. Respect her life choices

>> No.45581604

Ok bros I'm out for the day, it was fun to see so many faggots seething in the previous thread and this faggot >>45581576 here now

>> No.45581633

That game wasn't even on my radar before but now I want to play it to see why that anon's jimmies are so rustled

>> No.45581647
File: 1.96 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_22-12-2023 23-07-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no not more life-deciding choices again...

>> No.45581652


>> No.45581654

why is she a "slut"?

>> No.45581664

Why can't we never catch a break with the shitposting... do people from discord have nothing better to do than raid a thread dedicated to reading japanese powerpoints in japanese?

>> No.45581676

Ok bro! Have fun and enjoy your cuckge!
I know you're shitposting but my honest opinion about it is that I don't give a fuck when a heroine is a slut, but what I do care about is when she's a slut, and then the writer gives a shitty sob story to excuse or try to justify that behavior, making her some victim that deserved better.
I have more respect for those cheap nukige sluts like pakopako soft who are just unhinged and fuck ojiisans because they are sluts who love sex.

>> No.45581679
File: 433 KB, 1920x1080, 1680086501881566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45581681

What discord that guy has been shilling that shit here for weeks and now when people call him out because it turned out to be ntr garbo he keeps picking up fights with literally everyone and shitposts for no reason

>> No.45581687
File: 497 KB, 759x568, 1682920699313454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a moebuta and reading Hajimekano, or Imokano thinking this was a pure love story. LMAO. This board would be boring without these clowns.

>> No.45581699

Better a clown than a cuck

>> No.45581705

Where's that discord so I can take a dump in it to get back to them

>> No.45581709

These guys don't know about eroge. If they had understood what "hajimete no kanojo spiritual successor" means, they probably wouldn't be seething so hard right now

>> No.45581736
File: 3.31 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_22-12-2023 23-14-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao i can't believe he actually said this even as a joke

>> No.45581756

It was a different time...

>> No.45581763

I know right. If they truly loved their BR sister, they wouldn't fucking CHEAT on her and fap to another one, especially some fake titcow. Cheating butas deserve getting scammed.

>> No.45581768

Yeah, because in the real world, all people in the sex industry do it because they like sex and not because of a myriad of circumstances that force them to have to sell their dignity. It's unfortunate how much the level of discussion has declined in this shit

>> No.45581781

Eroge isn't the real world...

>> No.45581782

Why would you even be here if you care about the shit world?

>> No.45581793

Still not reading tenshit redditboot

>> No.45581795

Moebutabros... did we just get BTFO...?

>> No.45581804

True, but a lot of readers into this medium doesn't give a shit to empathize with a fictional character's plight. Reminds them too much of real life, especially if they're miserable themselves.

>> No.45581808

Finished Koharu route in WA2 CC.
For a non-main route, it was really good. Happier ending than expected. It was kinda jumping between getting dark and back. Though Setsuna ending with "you can't heal me" to Haruki was pretty dark. Also a really good after credits scene.

>> No.45581810

If you wanted to have sex with sluts/prostitutes why would you not just do it in real life

>> No.45581817

Because real women are gross

>> No.45581826

And yet you want 2d girls to be gross too for some reason

>> No.45581830

The prostitution/slut part isn't what's gross thoughever

>> No.45581832

They are people that literally like smelling farts and eating shit, so yes, many people like sex, why are you guys so retarded?

>> No.45581838

>Reminds them too much of real life, especially if they're miserable themselves.
Yeah, you're right about that. Personally enjoy the stories for the emotional impact and the way they explore real issues, not as a means of escapism. Feels good to have a happy life I guess

>> No.45581841

you haven't even played the game
and I'm pretty sure you don't know japanese by the fact you wrote ojiisans so feel free to go back to your thread

>> No.45581845

It definitely is. If you like those things, congrats! Real life is your dream come true!

>> No.45581848

>23 IPs
This thread's even worse than the last one. kiss your sister not the imokano slut.

>> No.45581851

Stop replying to the /vn/ moebuta

>> No.45581864

thank you anon, the scales have fallen from my eyes. I'm gonna go find a craigslist prostitute this very second

>> No.45581966

>kiss your sister
I don't have one though

>> No.45581995

I kissed my bro. That's ok right

>> No.45582031

>and not because of a myriad of circumstances that force them to have to sell their dignity
And now you're trying to sell the same exact propaganda that the writer is going for, maybe they would employ you for their next game if you ask them kindly anon.
Also, if you really wanna compare these kusoge to the real world, I'll tell you that in the real world, the hajimete no kanojo girl or any of these crying sluts could have just as easily gotten some run of the mill waitress job or been a tiktok retard making a living that way, because that's what pretty girls do nowadays.
You trying to make these shitty excuses for these sluts just makes you sound like a fucking terminally online boomer that thinks the world nowadays works the same way it did 20+ years ago.

>> No.45582041

We had a couple of slow comfy threads before this but it seems like every release day is going to be like this one from now on.
In situations like this I kinda wish I knew which anons are worth replying to beforehand but I guess that would break the purpose of the site.

>> No.45582059
File: 2.96 MB, 2129x1329, Kichikuou_23-12-2023 00-10-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when they do it

>> No.45582069


>> No.45582083
File: 292 KB, 295x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

megane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

the lovey dovey sex/route was so fucking GOOD

>> No.45582098

This post is so reductionist and full of naive realism that I felt an extreme need to at least leave this: hahaha

>> No.45582102

Only good at being insufferable and putting me to sleep.

>> No.45582127
File: 314 KB, 1024x768, 47074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last vn


Wakoto best waifu

>> No.45582140

Bro, just stop.
He just likes suffering porn and thinks every sad and dark story is inherently realistic. Just let him enjoy overdramatic utsuge. It's same type of people who cream their pants reading Russian literature.

>> No.45582182

>and thinks every sad and dark story is inherently realistic
Yeah, there's no merit in staying here. Impressive lack of reading comprehension in a medium where you literally have to read

>> No.45582200

Fuck off to your discord then, you mentally ill tranny.

>> No.45582207

That's what I'm going to do. You have to know japanese to get in, so I'm glad I won't see you there

>> No.45582257

I think I remembered something about FDs for コイバナ恋愛 being confirmed? Has there been any news?

>> No.45582298

I hope they are working on something big and not a shortge. Their twitter isn't dead yet, hopefully we get something next year.

>> No.45582355

We'll probably hear something next month

>> No.45582386

>the hajimete no kanojo girl or any of these crying sluts could have just as easily gotten some run of the mill waitress job
She did but it didn't pay enough for her debt...

>> No.45582396
File: 14 KB, 451x156, 1672330463374647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they are then it won't have Iizuki's art.

>> No.45582455

Sounds like she's lazy. Maybe she should work harder and get a real job

>> No.45582490

shouldn't of had any debt lol

>> No.45582502

Anyone got Yuzuriha hook code?

>> No.45582503
File: 15 KB, 1028x117, firefox_23-12-2023 00-58-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit no fucking way, so i only now found out that you could easily eliminate the biggest rng bullshit of the game all this time
If anyone ever going to play this game just remember to pick those goddamn kaiju items in the warship dungeon (you have only 1 chance), it allows you to guarantee miki nuke and you won't need to reload 20 times trying to roll it...
Like for real shit like this should be on the first page of the guides, why do i need to find it in some random 小ネタ tab
I really feel like writing my own guide now because of how much misinformation the existing ones have..

>> No.45582504


>> No.45582538

It's up https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/memo.php?game=34218&uid=asteryukari

>> No.45582549
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>> No.45582557

this is why I don't do gameplay

>> No.45582578

Man just knowing this one fact would make the whole gameplay x10 enjoyable for me, because outside of having to savescum it has almost no downsides

>> No.45582588

all good I found it

>> No.45582598


>> No.45582604

i got stuck on japan and gave up when i tried following the guide and the nuke wouldnt proc kek

>> No.45582623

Well you usually want to take out japan before helman so you would still need to keep reloading for nobunaga, but that is nothing compared to the majin phase where you have to reroll for nuke every damn turn to eliminate those 5000 shields

>> No.45582642
File: 30 KB, 1063x410, yuzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile imouto NTR is at 8.20....

>> No.45582780

care to share it, MTLbro?

>> No.45582784


>> No.45582805

I can't believe 4chan gold is now required to see h-codes.
MTLCHADs really are the most oppressed minority.

>> No.45582815
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, cg_315_002_000_000_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear japanese artists, if you have never had sex with a man, you should stick to drawing yurige. You attempts at getting male anatomy right are embarrassing to look at.

>> No.45582821

the art in this looks shit in general

>> No.45582830

I don't see the issue.

>> No.45582831

For fuck sakes the scene is not even sexual couldn't they give him some eyes instead of that creepy shit?

>> No.45582840

That's not how you rest your head on your husband, you dingus. The blood flow in both of his upper arms is fucked.

>> No.45582858
File: 2.94 MB, 2113x1325, Kichikuou_23-12-2023 02-17-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i don't get it, it's supposed to be some oyaji joke on the level of お布団が吹っ飛んだ but this one is beyond me

>> No.45582860

Oh really? How do you rest your head on YOUR husband, faggot?

>> No.45582872

>anon realizes we have actual femoids posting here after they leaked from /blog/

>> No.45582891

His anatomy looks normal thoughever?

>> No.45582907

>actual femoids
it's a gay men general. don't tell me you also think /u/ is full of lesbians lol

>> No.45582909 [SPOILER] 
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, r51A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did not understand a single shit about geminism ending. what was the point of establishing parallels between shinku/kikyou's mom, the pedo rapist and the boys? the epilogue gave some answers about tsukishiro and awasumi but nothing about the girls. in the first place what the fuck is shinku and kikyou? their mom got raped by her own brother, and she gave birth to siamese twins. OK, but why did they "stopped" aging?

>> No.45582920
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 8937489273423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like they gave up trying with the way it handles Kanade and Shinobu's affection for Ayato, it was a simple handshake for the first one, and the second is just "yeah, thanks for helping me that one time" without any details, and done, both right before the route's choice, they really didn't care much to justify the romance, did they

>> No.45582933

Propeller is dead when they made Tokyo Babel

>> No.45582973

Oh boohoo, as if people don't find themselves in this situation on the daily.
Now imagine if she was some ugly that they wouldn't employ as a prostitute. Or hell, just imagine being some random dude that got into deep shit with the mafia. Do you wanna tell me his only option is to become a gigolo?
I simply can't fathom how delusional you have to be to think that prostitution is ever your only way out of a shitty debt situation.

>> No.45582978

damn, anon actually put the image in spoiler and spoil everything else

>> No.45582988

Bros, talk about eroges, not about how the world works, it's really cringe to read that from a bunch of hikkis

>> No.45582994 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.03 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_30-11-2023 00-11-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but why did they "stopped" aging?
They mentioned something about the lack of sunlight
Overall i agree that the girls' story was pretty lacking, but i get the intent behind it
They wanted to show that for brosers all this was nothing but a 暇つぶし and having fun with girls was like a cherry on top. They don't particularly care about the girl's fate from now on, but they still managed to wake up some emotions in them to the point they even wanted to take care of the pets. I think the pic line says it all

>> No.45583005

Truth. NTR fags hate this

>> No.45583008
File: 816 KB, 1920x1080, 4534634691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From coworkers to lovers, only 1 minute after I had to pick someone, that was damn fast

>> No.45583012

That art looks like nukige to me.

>> No.45583013

Bros... Kanojo NTR flopped... Yuzuriha flopped... ONE. flopped... is there any hope left?

>> No.45583016
File: 300 KB, 880x670, 1679800481584997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why all the hajimekano hate? i remember 24328765 when everyone loved it

>> No.45583018

It's not like anyone ACTUALLY thought yuzuriha would be good... right?

>> No.45583020

When you have problems with "mafias" in some countries they usually use you as a mule to cross the border (they fill your stomach with bags of cocaine). I guess you can imagine what happens if one explodes

>> No.45583025

At least the h-scenes are hot

>> No.45583031

There is one thing that never flops: https://vndb.org/v47188
Definitelly expecting it be be my EOY.

>> No.45583058
File: 27 KB, 1144x66, 1697376831609663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you take the moegepill and become a moebuta

>> No.45583079

>but why did they"stopped" aging?
They didn't get much sunlight where they were, so they didn't grow as much as they should have. But it's not that they haven't grown.
Another thing is that the twins don't know their age because no one has told them the day they were born, but it's said that they stopped being children a while ago

>what was the point of establishing parallels between shinku/kikyou's mom, the pedo rapist and the boys?
The relationship between twin siblings was the main focus of this VN. Tsukishiro and Awasumi were also born connected, and the parents of the twins were fraternal twins themselves

>> No.45583085

I've never liked official NTR works in my life
I love junai and moe, but then I love reading NTR amateur fics, be they nijisousakubutsu or original
I think it's cause NTR is hot but all the artists who like it have kind of gross styles, so with text works I can imagine whatever style I like

>> No.45583096

thanks for the clarification. it's pretty hilarious how the story imply that the whole village got wiped by fucking covid kek

>> No.45583098

Don't try to explain here how cartels, mafias, yakuzas, triads, etc work, it's a waste of time

>> No.45583100

What is hot about it?

>> No.45583104

nta. I'm fine with reading moege once or twice a year. More than that, it feels like a chore, and it's so boring.

>> No.45583130

Was it covid? I don't remember very well, but I thought it was another fictitious epidemic that they didn't name

>> No.45583153

I didnt really notice until you asked but honestly just the otosareru (maybe that's why tentacle rape was hot even before NTR was conceivable to me) part, thats why I like 寝とり返し, especially when the experience overall just reaffirms for her that he's her favorite

>> No.45583170

you are right. it's just referred as 流行り病 but since the setting of the story is shortly post covid, i implied as such

>> No.45583201

I don't think ONE flopped but I'm shocked not 1 anon is blogging it. How will I ever find out what they changed with the NTR and if Mayu is still a retard.

>> No.45583205

I remember reading a news about a baby that was stolen. later he was found dead and all his organs had been removed to fill him with drugs. fiction portrays organized crime in a much softer way

>> No.45583206

spoiler is still in

>> No.45583213

Yay. I love all-ages NTR.

>> No.45583218
File: 1.87 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_23-12-2023 03-24-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asked to show him his biggest nightmare
Aaaaaaa should have fucking expected this

>> No.45583272

Anyone gonna explain how imouto is a slut so I can enjoy the drama? She's not a virgin or what?

>> No.45583285

Isn't it the kanojo? They've swapped places but imouto is too shy to be doing anything slutty so far.

>> No.45583286


>> No.45583324

>duckface rimjob from a snake woman
I didn't need that.

>> No.45583422

If the lesbian shit is avoidable and the imouto doesn't NTR maybe I'll try it

>> No.45583457

"Avoidable" is a meme. If it was written and put in the game it happens and can't be avoided. A heroine who cucks you in a bad end still has the NTR DNA in the good end. One who turns yandere and stabs you in a bad end still has that psycho killer instinct in her in a happy end.

>> No.45583539

You have a point, but what if she didn't want to do it? Then she doesn't have NTR dna surely

>> No.45583541

So does every mc have uwaki genes since he is bound to sleep with every girl

>> No.45583545

That isn't a problem though.

>> No.45583558

No unless there's a harem route. Good games don't have one of those.

>> No.45583566

I want to believe all the Yuzuriha delays were because propeller wanted to make it unhookable.

>> No.45583567

You are still betraying every other girl that loves you by choosing one and making them suffer

>> No.45583622

What if all humans have these instincts, just with different intensities and their environment never forced people to act on them?

>> No.45583629

Good thing 2D is above humanshits.

>> No.45583637

I've already seen this video kek

>> No.45583654


>> No.45583665

Humanshits made 2D.
in fact, you never made your own 2D do not steel OC to call your own so you're a dumb leeching faggot who's also part of the problem lol

>> No.45583707

A normal MC only chooses 1 girl because he loves her. It doesn't matter who else loves him or may come to love him. In that universe he picked someone else and she will pick someone else. Natural process of love unlike cheating.

If the writer never showed it we assume the heroines don't have those instincts. It only matters because it was shown to happen in the scenario. For example one heroine had a joke bad end where she won the lottery thanks to MC. The next day she was gone and didn't answer his calls for more than a week. Then she said she was living with her dad in another city. Long distance "relationship" end. What this ending taught me was that she's secretly a golddigging bitch who doesn't love MC. I could not like her in ther other endings because this shit is in her nature.

>> No.45583733

I did not see the big twist in Jeweha coming.

>> No.45583758

There is nothing unhookable, all the popular engines are compatible now. Besides, why would they care? propeller will go under after Yuzuriha flops anyway.

>> No.45583827
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, こあくまちゃんの誘惑っ!_ (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same noises as Kuuko
>same VA
I'm only 5 minutes in but if you want more Kuuko noises I do recommend it.

>> No.45583833

Is the binaural good?

>> No.45583858

>same VA
it is always nice to be able to enjoy more of her work

>> No.45583886

Too early to tell but I'm using a 2.1 sound system anyway. I don't like binaural ASMR stuff. The first binaural VN from that woman who directed and voiced a heroine was too much for me. The ASMR in H-scenes made me sick.

>> No.45583889

>The first binaural VN from that woman who directed and voiced a heroine was too much for me
What VN are you talking about?

>> No.45583909

In most games only 1 girl at most if any falls for the MC prior to entering her own route

>> No.45583968
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, こあくまちゃんの誘惑っ!_ (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MC is unbearable. It started with him monologueing how he hates the sound of his shoes in the empty school because he likes being around people. The playful teasing with Mei was good. She confessed and kissed him. He spends a restless night. The next morning she makes him breakfast and they talk. He shoots her confession down because young people don't need love and relationships. Then he goes on about wanting stability and how other kids who started dating a year ago almost all broke up. He doesn't want that and the status quo he has with Mei now is stability he doesn't want changing. Then she swore to convince him that love is nice. He's a real faggot and clearly in denial after a sleepless night. If he doesn't improve I want him to get cucked. Want to see what he then says about stability. Is this the legendary gen alpha protagonist to expect in future eroge? I don't want these herbivore cucks.

>> No.45583995


>> No.45584008


>> No.45584125

I am convinced there is a saboteur here who lets his Discord buddies in once something big gets released.

>> No.45584168
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, こあくまちゃんの誘惑っ!_ (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That didn't take long. Binaural voice on H-scene sounds good. I like how they zoomed in on the CG to have her on the left while her voice comes out on the left speaker.

MC is still a fag and they watched a movie on their smartphone. There's also a female classmate with a sprite and she's unvoiced. Maybe voicing her would be seen as commitment to another game with her. But if they didn't want that why give her a sprite. Now it looks cheap.

>> No.45584181

No voice bleep on おちんちん.

>> No.45584195

>Is this the legendary gen alpha protagonist to expect in future eroge? I don't want these herbivore cucks.
This has been the type of MC since the 80's. Just give up on eroge if it bothers you this much.

>> No.45584206

Suuuuure. Say that again after finding out that MC just ran away mid handjob. That's really typical behavior in eroge.

>> No.45584207

what a chad picked up

>> No.45584211

I wanna play this so bad. But trying to finish IV is such a drag

>> No.45584212

Just cheat.

>> No.45584230

All the Dai games > Kichikuoh

>> No.45584258
File: 91 KB, 697x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new ensemble game still not out

>> No.45584319

I've never read ensemblege. How was that one? I tried watching yt videos but they all had MC muted and it was boring. Worth it for purple imouto, MC and maybe the red?

>> No.45584327
File: 332 KB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're almost all pretty similar. If you want some wacky crossdressing shenanigans and some cute girls, give them a shot. They're like a fast food chain, you get pretty much the same thing every time, but like a good fast food chain where it's great quality and you don't mind.

>> No.45584337

I will never understand this mentality that a company has to keep being experimental to be considered good. Too many incidents of this not working out.

>> No.45584417

>company is too experimental: oldfags hate them and leave, newfags might get interested
>company always makes the same: oldfags get tired of them, newfags stay away
can't win

>> No.45584428
File: 345 KB, 810x1440, もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界おっぱいメイド学園!hmaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't criticizing ensemble for making the same VN over and over, it's a good VN, and they're hardly saturating the market with a couple releases a year at most.
I read milk factory games, I don't care if a company releases the same VN again and again if it's a good VN.

>> No.45584448

>company is too experimental: oldfags hate them and leave, newfags might get interested
Which ones are like this?

>> No.45584456


>> No.45584665

You mean the one coming out next month?

>> No.45584674

Dammit, I thought it was coming out this month for some reason.

>> No.45585172

Yeah that was some insane stuff. It's a pity Jeweha had budget issues because it could have been something truly great.

>> No.45585190

that just means she needs to put more effort into the handjob. Gen alpha whores can't do anything right

>> No.45585228
File: 259 KB, 2000x1140, makeitstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D hands in the OP
I hate it so much but it keeps happening.

>> No.45585387

What, you want them to pay an artist to draw hands performing an action and animate it in the OP? That shit's expensive.

>> No.45585668
File: 485 KB, 2000x1731, 2Dkino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually.

>> No.45585778

i look like this

>> No.45585850

he thick!

>> No.45585866

hmm what vn?

>> No.45586117


>> No.45586131

good looking protagonist?

>> No.45586159

Use Locale Emulator to get rid of that bug with name cutting. It's annoying.

>> No.45586188

Most kaguya's protags are good looking,

>> No.45586193

I slept on CC most of the time but sometimes the team release a good one like Fuwatoro
The heroine line up seems nice this time

>> No.45586350

Boobs too big

>> No.45586765

>no inverted nips

>> No.45586850

There's something about Aiue Oka's art that just doesn't work in VNs

>> No.45586862

>good one like Fuwatoro

>> No.45586994


>> No.45587042

I wonder if those mtlscum are here

>> No.45587100

yes I'm here

>> No.45587135

Well, at least you recognize yourself as scum, that's the first step to rehabilitation

>> No.45587172

lol... are we back to 00s?

>> No.45587221

They should've used Unity (MTLers are still cucked out of Geminism apparently) or even "better", or any Javascript-based cancer, Tyranoshit in particular. These are purposefully made difficult to exploit/hack, which incidentally includes text hooking.
Or could've simply used the ShiinaRio approach and check if the program code was modified (by injected hook) every time the game window loses and regains focus.


>> No.45587238

Memes aside, it's sad to see the downfall of companies that released such great stuff in the past

>> No.45587276
File: 10 KB, 1229x45, 1673740605713580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45587290

Can you even call it the same company anymore?
https://vndb.org/s24113 is literally who, other writers haven't done anything but noname nukige, even artists are completely noname too which is funny

>> No.45587328
File: 1.05 MB, 1668x971, jopcucksnotgonnalikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MTLers are still cucked out of Geminism apparently
tech illiterate kun, what are you even on?
>ShiinaRio approach
nukitashi can be hooked without any issue, what kind of copium you've been inhaling?

>> No.45587340

I always find hookcuck's need to tell the world "hey, we exist!" fascinating kek

>> No.45587363

Wish eroge devs just made the text in backlog selectable so you can just copy it lol how hard can it possibly be to code

>> No.45587365

nah it's pretty easy to inject a bit of your own javascript into the javascript-based ones. the code files aren't compiled into machine code so it's almost like you have the original game code you can modify however you want. I haven't looked into tyrano yet, but with rpgmaker mv/mz it's very easy.

>> No.45587388

I'm trans and vegan too, not just hookcuck. Nothing wrong with pointing out your mistakes, just try to educate yourself better from now on. You're so mad we're exists lol. Accept it, we aren't going anywhere.

>> No.45587430

I'm not mad, I just find it funny. Also, that's precisely why I don't discuss eroges here, it disgusts me to talk to you people

>> No.45587453

Sure bro, I'm sure you discuss eroge on 5ch instead because you can, right?

>> No.45587461

I'm just checking out what the wildlife is doing on Textractor's github and VNDB, tell your kin that they can finally enjoy eating shit.

As for ShiinaRio, the difference is that the hookers can't hook the program code (.exe), only the external DLLs. If you program your engine to render text entirely from the .exe and do a simple integrity check on it every now and then, text hookers will not be able to modify your program by injecting a hook, and will be cheaply and effectively cucked out. ShiinRio devs didn't specifically target MTLscum either btw, just hackers in general.

That isn't a hook, that's a mod, and quite bothersome for an average consumer of MTL to use at that. Three digit IQ is necessary.

>> No.45587471

Yeah and in some servers that split from darakuen as well

>> No.45587490

ShiinaRio can be hooked with ease now.

>> No.45587496

most of these solved by dll update.
>As for ShiinaRio, the difference is that the hookers can't hook the program code (.exe), only the external DLLs
does it matter if textractor still works with every shiinario vn so far?
oh yeah I'm in couple of those too, no one knows I use mtl, we probably even talked about eroge with you lol

>> No.45587533

That's how it was in v2.50 and I'm pretty sure the engine is dead by now, with no new versions to be released ever. They are hooking system DLLs external to the engine. If the devs wanted to prevent the hooking, they'd process the text internally instead.
Point is, the japs don't give a shit about text hooking.

>> No.45587544

>we probably even talked about eroge with you lol
Nice try mtlscum, but they are private servers kek

>> No.45587566

so? not hard to get into one if you have connections, just don't tell anyone you mtl like some clowns do

>> No.45587589

absolute shit threads lately

>> No.45587592

This shows that you are definitely not in either as you don't know how they work kek
Well, bye mtlscum, talking to me is probably the best christmas present you will receive this year

>> No.45587623


>> No.45587653

>geminism hookable
oh well, thanks to geminism i finally read a vn without hooking and dictionary. can i consider myself a jop now?

>> No.45587697

Yeah, welcome to the family

>> No.45587719

My theory has always been they want to laugh at people who dont know the words

>> No.45587734

Should we blame the 16bit anime and the faggot sharing all those doujins for the cancer that assaulted this thread these last 3 months?

>> No.45587799

I think all the people who share shit here have the best of intentions, it's been that way for years, but unfortunately a lot of subhumans arrived lately for easy downloads

>> No.45587989

>That isn't a hook, that's a mod
well technically it's still a hook, just by a different method. for example, the js rpg maker mod literally replaces a function called "Bitmap.prototype.drawText" with a custom one that captures the text to be drawn and then calls the original. that's textbook hooking even if it's done before the program is started
>and quite bothersome for an average consumer of MTL to use at that
hooking is not just for MTL, and while it may be a bit bothersome right now, but it isn't inherently. you just need one person to make a noob friendly tool that will extract the game files if needed and then add the js code. at least for rpg maker this is so easy that you may not even need three digit iq to program it. and then every retard will be able to use it.
but none of this will matter for long anyway, because in 2-3 years there will be a good enough universal ocr solution and you won't need to hook shit. the technology is already here, someone just needs to put it together properly

>> No.45588058

that you checker?

>> No.45588115

>the technology is already here,
Where? I wanted to ocr my eroge screenshots to make them textually searchable and no matter which ocr tool or settings I try there are just too many mistakes, hallucinations, and fuckups in every single tool I tried.

>> No.45588123

What have you personally done to make these threads better outside of endless shitposting?

>> No.45588126
File: 240 KB, 2560x1077, 1691882248747430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because in 2-3 years there will be a good enough universal ocr solution
And it will still shit the bed with 書道

>> No.45588205

You endlessly complain about contributors and "tourists" and yet you never once did anything useful or constructive to help the threads be better. I spit unaware retards like you.

>> No.45588276
File: 71 KB, 1300x333, Clipboard_12-23-2023_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but it really is (MTL)newfags, tourists and /vng/ schizos. The retard on my image is one of them shitting up エロゲスレ. Yeah yeah, fuck off back to plebbit, I know. Anyway, we need to gatekeep better. Don't reply to cuckschizos and hookfags. They seek attention, don't give it to them and the thread will be quiet.

>> No.45588280

Why does trap-kun have oppai?

>> No.45588301
File: 301 KB, 822x499, 1691597665474911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45588308

JOPbros... we got too cocky...

>> No.45588317

i don't know if it's just a coincidence, but after I mentioned that I wanted someone to seed どうして、そんなに黒い髪が好きなの? it started getting seeded and it finally finished downloading recently. I don't nkow if you're here, but if you are, thank you. I will seed it forever now. This also happened when I requested a seed for 厨二姫帝国 and I'm still seeding that too

>> No.45588320

Bro they will just continue talking with each other here like they do it now regardless if you reply to them, sometimes I'm just amazed by the unawareness and nativity of the people here

>> No.45588327

I'm saying the technology is there, not that it's implemented in any tool that could be mass adopted right now. do you know if, for example, the google cloud vision api makes those mistakes too? and even if does, then this is very likely already fixable simply by training a dedicated model for japanese games instead of using a universal one. obviously people don't have access to google's models and training infrastructure, but it's not like google is in possession of some arcane knowledge
manga_ocr got the top row on first try for me and it's a small 2 year old model made by some random dude for another purpose. also we're talking about game text so idk if decorative logos are very relevant. I'm not claiming that the tool will be all-powerful, just that it will be on par with the current texthooking tools, except it won't need any hooking

>> No.45588352

You're beyond help. Do yourself a favor and commit suicide with the other anon. No one would miss you guys

>> No.45588371

This is the google OCR right?, my dad tried it with the infodumps at the middle of eps of shingeki no kyojin(since the absolute state of official subs dont even bother translating those) and it managed to decipher shitty kanji font that were blurry on top of that, seems like they pull the OCR from a huge datebase of similar images they already have info on instead

>> No.45588437

This is the actual problem, if you ignore them they will think no one have problem with them and will continue to shit up the place while new tourists like them will join and think they are in company, effectively overwhelming the old users and eventually claiming the place for themselves, so ignoring it won't work, take a look at DJT

>> No.45588456

what are you even saying, the entire point of DJT is to constantly rotate noobs out for new noobs. why would you go to DJT anymore if you've already been consuming japanese content for close to a year. they have nothing to teach you once you actually get started.

>> No.45588457

I managed to download the girlcelly version of that with no problems a month ago.

>> No.45588466


>> No.45588489

No one responded to my post...

>> No.45588522

Generally speaking, people tend to seed more on the weekends. Myself included.
If the seeder had uTorrent 2.2.1, that was me and you're welcome. I'd have posted the 800 MB black hair patch while I'm at it, but I only saved the link and it's dead now.
Maybe someone else here has it.

Wasn't me.

>> No.45588554
File: 4 KB, 727x38, qbittorrent_23-12-2023 18-29-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several months later, still waiting for that one hero to come back..

>> No.45588604
File: 406 KB, 600x440, BvZZLDKCAAEXdOE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh damn, that does look nice. I'll just have to live without it though

>> No.45588634


-> >>45533425

>> No.45588642

It's only for sprites, mind you.

>> No.45588671

wow thank you. I suppose I'l read a bit with and without the patch at first to see what I prefer

>> No.45588676
File: 3.87 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romancing older, overworked women. Should more VNs feature it?

>> No.45588682
File: 2.00 MB, 1200x1600, bf9fe3a759429c58a6123288e7d06933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45588689

Yes and netori too

>> No.45588704
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, 1682376867504950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love workaholic, alcoholic OLs here.

>> No.45588723
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, cSoYKoZJ8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45588735

Y'all really like used goods, huh

>> No.45588741

Thank you very much kind sir.
Also I'd like to defend myself by saying that I dont MTL (already read too much CN web novels MTLd...) I just want to be able to quickly look up the few words I don't know.

>> No.45588783

How's the kistune in Yuzuhira?

>> No.45588790

OLs in moege tend to be 処女

>> No.45588818

Anyone played 七つのふしぎの終わるとき and care to share some impressions? I find the art oddly charming.

>> No.45588891

Don't tell me... when that 10/10 OL in her late 20's early 30's told you she never was in a relationship... you actually believed her?

>> No.45588927

No reason not to believe 2D.

>> No.45588995

I mean, they're usually Christmas Cakes, so yeah.

>> No.45588999
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>> No.45589001

Yeah i also hate that shit since it completely breaks the immersion

>> No.45589005


>> No.45589007

More VNs need to have older, overworked women do their best to romance US!!!

>> No.45589014

Stick to NTRge then?

>> No.45589029 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, 188210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haremmmmmmmmmm ending
slut sister - lovey dovey sex all day aka become pure and pregg
pure kanojo - rought sex all day, become a slut and preggox2
both become nizumadorei

CAN we all agree that ImoutoxKanojo is the VNOTY and VNOTD

>> No.45589046
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, 1703352603088318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haremmmmmmmmmm ending

slut sister - lovey dovey sex all day aka become pure and pregg

pure kanojo - rought sex all day, become a slut and preggox2

both become nizumadorei

CAN we all agree that ImoutoxKanojo is the VNOTY and VNOTD

>> No.45589053

I always said it but this thread is full of weak faggots

>> No.45589067

would you recommend this game?

>> No.45589104

Disdain for NTR = weak apparently

>> No.45589113

You don't like watching scenes where other men fuck the heroine in every hole while the MC sits at home brooding? Fucking weak pussy.

>> No.45589119

If you can't stand reading anything, for whatever reason, you're weak. Yes.

>> No.45589146

Imagine being so insecure that you feel threatened by a 2d guy. It couldn't be me

>> No.45589172

No one asked, NTRchimp. BR with cowtits is shit and fake

>> No.45589177

If you don't like brazillian cowtits NTR you don't like eroge

>> No.45589209
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 1673624488014979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for a good romance with an older MC, a hetare with the worst luck in the world, but who attracts women precisely because of this, living in a terrace house with peculiar neighbors who enjoy his misfortune, all while struggling to find a job with the main goal of protecting and providing for his new 大家, then yes, I absolutely recommend it. It's a bit like Maison Ikkoku if you've seen that。

>> No.45589564

>can't play Geminism
I hate UNITY!

>> No.45589593

Wonder if this will actually bankrupt propeller

>> No.45589603

>It's a bit like Maison Ikkoku if you've seen that。
Not him, but I'm sold.

>> No.45589693

Any nukige with better art and without the pretentious circlejerk is better, so no.

>> No.45589716


>> No.45589742

yep I just checked a Tyrano game that uses Electron and you only need to add a single line to a single js file to make it copy text to clipboard

>> No.45589754
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x960, 1683820933176032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to reading Subahibi. It was my first time reading denpa stuff, and I really liked the first half, especially Takuji's chapter and Kimika's first route. The way later chapters recontextualize earlier ones through the perspective of other relatively saner characters was great, same with Tomosane's identity crisis and his conflict with Takuji.

Wasn't that big of a fan of Kimura's role in the story, everyone else has close ties to the main incident, but he's the one that infodumps or nonchalantly drops some of the biggest reveals. I also didn't like how at the end the possibility of supernatural stuff going on is brought back and emphasized, deliberately leaving it up to the reader's interpretation whether it's ghosts or just mental illness again, even if the message seems to be that it doesn't really matter either way.

The philosophy talks were hard to grasp at first, and a lot of it still goes over my head, but I enjoyed reading up on some of the literature and authors the game introduced. After getting a better understanding of the intended meaning of certain terms that are often used and the overall theme, I came to appreciate how Subahibi conveys its message. Though I think that when you try to apply said message to some of the characters in the story itself, it doesn't quite work, because of all the awful shit they went through.

For example, telling Zakuro that "hey, shit happens, but the world is beautiful!" won't magically heal her trauma. The characters' way of coping usually involves going crazy and/or killing themselves, and I wouldn't call that dealing with your problems in a healthy manner. If the game wanted to address issues like bullying and the school covering it up, Zakuro's parents would not have been non-existent, for starters. As it stands, the takeaway seems to be "just don't be retarded and you won't get bullied in the first place", which I mean, I guess is true. But maybe you're not supposed to apply the message to the characters, I don't know. In Kimika's second route they do kinda try to mon panache their problems away, which made me look forward to some revenge porn against the bullies, but they fuck up and end up being saved by luck, and then don't even fully commit to the revenge.

Overall, really great food for thought. Made me into even more of a pretentious asshole.

>> No.45589776

Subahibi is way too pretentious for me, couldn't get into it.

>> No.45589797

Just admit that you have a smooth brain

>> No.45589814

>Subahibi is way too pretentious

>> No.45589924

subahibi isnt pretentious you're either out of your mind or esl

>> No.45589926

Subahibi was one of the first VNs I read in jp, and at the time I was blessed with the gift of ignorance so I didn't know about anything about the denpa shenanigans it had, so it was more impactful to me. I don't think I even knew what the term meant back then.
I definitely have to reread it again some day because I'm sure a lot of the philosophy talks flew over my head as well.

>> No.45590011

Go for TsuiRe now, it answers quite a few of the questions that were left behind in sbhb

>> No.45590032

Anyone read enough of Yuzuriha to tell if it's any good?

>> No.45590046

Same i didn't know anything about it and didn't have much of the reading experience in the first place so even a lot of even obvious reveals felt so mind-blowing to me, going into takuji chapter in the middle of the night is surely an experience i will never forget

>> No.45590104

Same and I read it on release just because I was curious what was going on with the twins and was pleasantly surprised by the whole thing.

>> No.45590106
File: 45 KB, 498x278, hard-on-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.45590112

I read the tag in vndb so I had an idea of what it was, but even then, Takuji's mental gymnastics were fascinating, and those 奈落 parts had me in a trance

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. I'll do it after I read something lighter first. Seems like it deals mostly with denpa stuff, right? Does it talk about philosophy as well?

>> No.45590126

You read eroge for "emotional impact and exploring real issues"? You delusional and retarded piece of shit. Hope you get your wish and experience something straight out of a NTR nukige in real life.

>> No.45590144

It's a lot lighter on denpa than subahibi, mostly just recycled takuji staff but with less impact
It mostly focuses on the ayana stuff and a more fresh view on some of the philosophical questions since now scaji got inspired by spinoza instead

>> No.45590155

I already experienced love disappointments (I was disappointed and disappointed other people) like any normal, functioning human being and here I am, living happily like any mentally healthy person who does not run away from reality. I hope you can find peace sometime in your life, anon

>> No.45590157

If you're not a happy, mentally healthy person that reads NTRge, you don't actually enjoy eroge.

>> No.45590164

Personally I read moeges, ntrges, chuuniges... literally everything

>> No.45590172
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, 126482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

netori >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moe/netorare/netorase

>> No.45590174

Bro you are insane, seek help...

>> No.45590188

I just like reading about things that are out of the ordinary (whether happy fantasies or messed up utsuge) since I have a normal, boring life. I wouldn't want drama in real life but it's fun to read about since it's not real.

>> No.45590191

Oh, he was this guy

>> No.45590247

Damn, that sounds pretty nice, actually. I liked Ayana (after hating her at first for not understanding what the fuck she was talking about) and came up with an interpretation on who she was, but still had a lot of questions.
Does it answer who she is or what she represents? Is she the personification of sub specie aeternitatis, or timelessness?

>> No.45590249

netori is the worst

>> No.45590262

All the new eroge was so bad we've been overtaken by Sca-ji shills....

>> No.45590268

>netori is the worst

>> No.45590275

It answers that for the most part, she goes really wild here

>> No.45590276 [DELETED] 
File: 961 KB, 2903x4096, GAbcXc1aEAAQ_YQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45590282

I'm sorry but liking NTR is literally being westoid. It's all Jewish shit used to brainwash Americans.

>> No.45590286


>> No.45590329
File: 493 KB, 640x891, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTR is literally being westoid
newfag lol

>> No.45590350 [DELETED] 
File: 753 KB, 1359x1920, F1EQJ_paQAAf37O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't VN use black bars? or pixel 100x100

>> No.45590351

Anon most people here(i hope) can actually understand japanese and know about japanese culture, your bait to bait gaijin who knows nothing about japan don't work here which is why you always get ignored when you post that, shouldn't you be trying to raid other places instead of this one then?

>> No.45590361

What's with jap obsession with love hotels? At least in vns.

>> No.45590365

>love hotels?
thin walls

>> No.45590366

They have them on every corner so it's a part of their common sense

>> No.45590373

Ahhh, that makes a lot of sense

>> No.45590410

I need new S tier BR imouto... Yuzusoft please make fandisc aaaaa

>> No.45590414

That's where you can get love for 298 yen

>> No.45590421

Many VNs have very subtle censor already

>> No.45590433

easy place to cheat on their significant others

>> No.45590544
File: 1.73 MB, 1438x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45590581

Women are evil creatures, lets stick to eroge bros

>> No.45590601

>know about japanese culture,
>What's with jap obsession with love hotels? At least in vns.


>> No.45590611

>Women are evil creatures
that's the one thing I like about them though

>> No.45590617

Men are also evil creatures. Those are the Jews making your life harder, bro

>> No.45590642

Every evil man in history has a backstory of being backstabbed by a woman

>> No.45590650
File: 525 KB, 1280x1807, i_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are evil creatures
>that's the one thing I like about them though

>> No.45590721 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1366x2048, 1703330894616959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45590791

tfw not being sexually blackmailed by a cute nympho

>> No.45590934

>haha dog rapes girl. haha lesbian Lucky Star twins. haha le group suicide. haha sex with desk of dead girl. haha school bullies being bullies. haha I AM LITERALLY MAMIYA TAKUJI. haha magical girl. haha kigurumi imouto sex. haha KANT. haha trannies and okama. haha I AM GOD. haha Yuki best girl, Yuki is literally ME. haha Sakuuta is even better.
In the time it takes to read that pretentious garbage you could watch all of Lucky Star, Evangelion, read Sayooshi, Jisatsu101 and the Tractatus, and have a better time.

>> No.45590971

I did all that too but did not have a better time

>> No.45590973

That doesn't sound pretentious. Whatever you're describing seems more like shock value slop for teenaged girls, which sounds about right with the current audience for it.

>> No.45590988

Anon just wanted to use the word pretentious, please understand

>> No.45591012

>8 - Mahoutsukai no Yoru - Best visual novel in terms of arts and production, the story is fine, close to the end it becomes better Finished first playthrough in japanese from 08:04:2023 to 10:06:2023. Finished second playthrough in japanese from 10:26:2023 to 11.01.2023 (Only main story) The beginning of the third playthrough from 11:22:2023 to 11:26:2023 (Main story) -15
How can someone reread the same shit 3 (THREE) times in one year? And all 3 times he only read the main story, never the side stuff.

>> No.45591021

It's easy to do when you don't know Japanese, you can come up with a new fanfic in your head every time

>> No.45591030

This guy seems like he learned English from MTL as well

>> No.45591043

He could also do that with different VNs.

>> No.45591061

What if he buys all his games so this way he can save some buck

>> No.45591072

My bro there felt the need to make it clear that there is no sexual content in symphonic rain in his review, don't try to understand him

>> No.45591231

Who cares? He's a third worlder, he can get everything for free like normal people.

>> No.45591368

I can't recall ever replaying a vn, there's too many
I have backlogged to read. Only way I'd ever reread is if >>45591061 was the case but I'd just pick up a different hobby at that point.

>> No.45591449

Did your first time reading a vn meant nothing to you? I bet you were only interested in her art, you shallow man....

>> No.45591472

I wish sex were real

>> No.45591524

I only ever give anything higher than 9 to the games when i reread them and still had the same emotions as when i read them the first time
My opinion is that you can only truly experience the thing after rereading it, the first time your understanding always ends up being too swallow

>> No.45591553

I don't even remember which was my first... I'm a bad man

That's rough... I value not knowing what will happen extremely highly so if I read something again it loses value to the point I'll just get bored. Maybe after a long time has passed I'll try some again.

>> No.45591589

Remember to reread in japanese your first vn in your eop days. It feels really good

>> No.45591658

I'm literally planing to re-read a couple of VNs next year.

>> No.45591672

What i do is that sometimes i open old vns and reread parts that i liked it

>> No.45591678

I reread Htsuyuki sakura like 5 times at this point and it still never gets boring to me even if i know everything that is going to happen
There is something so magical about that atmosphere that just will never let me go and there is still nothing that ever came close to it for me

>> No.45591716

Hatsuyuki Sakura looks decent, what do you like about it? Might pick it up

>> No.45591783

you're implying a lot there

>> No.45591821

The atmosphere and the music are just out of this world, if you appreciate those things in your games then you won't be disappointed
The interactions between the dick tsundere mc and the girls are very genuine, the roaming around that winter city makes me recall some of the best memories i had in my life
The whole 卒業 theme resonates with me extremely deeply
The plot itself is on the weaker side so it's definitely not for you if you want something logical that always makes sense, you need to feel it out here (unironically)

>> No.45591857

Sounds decent, I'll give it a shot. Definitely value music and atmosphere

>> No.45591889

I mean, I am esl but there were not many vns translated in my first language at that time, so I was EOP by default

>> No.45591896
File: 22 KB, 474x137, hook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45591904

>dick tsundere mc
thanks picked up

>> No.45591913

i dont remember my first vn

>> No.45591917

I really do not want to read Katawa Shoujo with JP translation or reread Clannad a third time. Rereading anything other than H-scenes, confession and handholding scenes is dumb and a waste of time.

>> No.45591929

>The atmosphere and the music are just out of this world
i'm reading it for the first time right now and i can confirm

>> No.45591932

I'm going to play it this winter, I love stuff with a magical atmosphere. These days I find atmosphere to be the biggest factor in my enjoyment of a VN.

>> No.45591933

explain to me why you read clannad 2 times and didn't just watch the anime

>> No.45591956
File: 852 KB, 1920x1080, 1687355196247178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds great actually, i love cozy winter atmospheres
Tell your boss at the 本部 that you earnt your 100円 from your blatant shilling

>> No.45591988

NTA but the MC of Hatsuyuki Sakura is definitely a character. He adds a lot to the game.

>> No.45592003 [SPOILER] 
File: 965 KB, 1280x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not exactly cozy (more on the depressing side most of the time) but the udon time with Sakura is the peak of eroge for me, can't beat that vibe

>> No.45592038

I read it the first time with the fantranslation and no voices. Then years laters I reread it with the official translation and voices, a mistake I regretted. I also watched the anime which was the worst Clannad experience. The movie was okay. I still have fond memories of my first read but everything after was unpleasant. The only way I'll ever revisit Clannad is if they made an R18 release, voiced or unvoiced I don't care, with Itaru's original style which will never happen.

>> No.45592332

Anyone else get partway through a vn before you realized you accidentally downloaded the all ages version? All ages is tragic. Who is this magic target market of eroge enjoyers who don't like ero

>> No.45592373

Where are you getting your VNs from that you accidently download all-ages versions?

>> No.45592399

The usual places, though in this case it was ryuugames. Didn't pay attention, they only had the all ages version

>> No.45592468

I see all ages shit in sukebei i report it

>> No.45592561

All the games I play tend to have sex scenes after the first or second hour desu

>> No.45592582

Anything we're hoping to get announced at Winter Comiket?
No idea if Harukaze still attend but I'd like some news on Noratoto 3 if they're still alive.

>> No.45592599

Sanoba and Date A Live I wish. The Nene table rape scene was still present in all-ages but zoomed-in to her face. ngl it was more ero.

>> No.45592615


>> No.45592629
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Many such cases.

>> No.45592661

Still shocked they had NTR in that

>> No.45592760

No and not that one.

>> No.45592820


>> No.45592824
File: 83 KB, 1000x563, 71oTfN10wCL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unravel trigger looks good, very interested in the catgirl heroine. 2024 starting strong with the new Crystalia and Ut one month later. Medium status: alive.

>> No.45592831

Have you ever read a VN with a perfect heroine that ruined all subsequent heroines of that archetype for you because they couldn't compare?

>> No.45592845

Kuro in sakura moyu.

>> No.45592850

Yeah interested in her too, perfectly my type.
Most of the writers worked on the Silverio games too so looking forward to it.

>> No.45592855

Hakkenden too. Also the new Whirlpool looks pretty good heroine wise.
Might check out the Yakin Byoutou Remake as well after looking at some reviews.

>> No.45592883

If the new Project Katana wasn't also that month, I'd probably read the new whirlpool first.

>> No.45593391

Why does this sound kind of like Ryuusei World Actor?

>> No.45593642
File: 1.47 MB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wears an outfit with magic fake titties that also hides his dick, just roll with it.

>> No.45593661

Hey guys, anyone have a yuzuriha h-code?
Edit: nvm fixed it
just trying to fuck with anyone who googles it

>> No.45593741

You should post some spoilers in the open instead, if you're trying to fuck mtlecucks up.

>> No.45593746

I'm not going to hurt innocent anons in the crossfire, there could be people who haven't finished it yet.

>> No.45593754

>I'm not going to hurt innocent anons in the crossfire

>> No.45593778

I agree with requiring a long time before a re-read. For me, this is typically at least 6 years since the passage of time is rather slow. I sometimes feel like I've read some stories, which I visited almost an entire decade ago, just yesterday and that's because my life, unlike (you) who has a job and encounters with people, is extremely recurrent, down to eating the same food everyday for almost 20 years now.
Why revisit a series when your memory of it, down to the most trivial character interactions, is still retained? Doesn't make sense.

>> No.45594247

>Why revisit a series when your memory of it, down to the most trivial character interactions, is still retained?
Because you enjoyed it beyond just the novelty and want to experience it again? Why do you eat the same food everyday instead of waiting a long time before eating it again?

>> No.45594276

Only retarded eops use food analogies.

>> No.45594290

>Ryuusei World Actor?
we're not getting a new vn since the gacha died in less than a year huh
a shame because it had a great atmosphere

>> No.45594415

I thought it was in development

>> No.45594519
File: 846 KB, 1008x746, 1693478998971445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.45594524
File: 2.41 MB, 1680x945, 青春フラジャイル【DL版】 -_リズ12_-cmvs32_(seishun_fragile).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45594571

we're forgotten...

>> No.45594608

You'd think with how popular Joan of Arc is in Japan people there would know about that one.

>> No.45594626

WA2 Reunion 2023
pxdrn /u/E17Lotfk
Merry Christmas, bros

>> No.45594632

wait really?
holy shit

>> No.45594660

The art school head who rejected Hitler was a woman?

>> No.45594704

Not sure if Commie or just French

>> No.45594710

Japan uyoku, who make up a good chunk of eroge readers, have an American hateboner.

>> No.45594730

why? what has america ever done to them?

>> No.45594747

That was a joke. Assuming the actual context is 英語ムズイ or something

>> No.45594770

What have Koreans done to them? Same mode of questioning.

>> No.45594771

She studies French so you are half right.

>> No.45594789

Well, I can think of at least two things.

>> No.45594836
File: 1.33 MB, 640x478, 1701387965653113.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to fix eroge

>> No.45594847

>Forgets Alaska

>> No.45594861

Really? I'd suck your dick if I could, merry christmas bro

>> No.45594887

>sousaku's director
this is going to be a moege and not a plotge, isn't it

>> No.45594906

>plot sounds like jeweha ripoff

>> No.45594930

FuyoUso and Silverio writers so plotkino with a bit of moe

>> No.45595176
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>> No.45595432

Don't know if it really means much, iirc Kudo said he wrote the whole plot, so I guess he did at least the true route and gave his draft to the other writers.

>> No.45596248 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.68 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Mari route in WA2. Really good.
Skipped through IC for the third time for new extra scenes. And now I'm reading Chiaki true route.

>> No.45596850
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>> No.45596942 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is shaping up to be a dramatic route again.

>> No.45596994

Someone explain what is this..

>> No.45597110
File: 43 KB, 758x324, 1693700874284253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45597149

Oh it's just a live event, thought that was some update for the game

>> No.45597172

Jesus Christ, what did Chiaki mean by being like that? At this point I hope she and Haruki don't get together.

>> No.45597532

those girls are quite lewd...

>> No.45597876
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>> No.45597895

Why his faces keep getting more deformed

>> No.45597911


>> No.45598053
File: 874 KB, 2439x3162, 1699249832433273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Christmas closer...

>> No.45598130

Coloring and tone mapping looks like AI
Eroge will soon enter the low quality mass produced garbage soon(this time for real)

>> No.45598146

No, that's just our girl Sushimekabu's (previously Kiriha's) style.

>> No.45598414
File: 447 KB, 1280x1810, media_GByYUEsaoAAzM5Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45598486

They've fooled me twice already. Not again.

>> No.45598538

Looking forward to its OP song

>> No.45598598

That's a thick box, that I wouldn't want anywhere in my house.

>> No.45598991

After finishing a VN on Christmas, I'll kill myself. Wish me luck.

>> No.45599029

Don't do it, anon. Think of your backlog.

>> No.45599061

Think of all the new releases....

>> No.45599098

not sure if serious

>> No.45599436


>> No.45599563
File: 933 KB, 2116x1080, Screenshot_20231224_091113_Kirikiroid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45599586

Kanna my beloved...

>> No.45599596

What the point of circle

>> No.45599651
File: 843 KB, 540x8280, 1701581469867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45599679

>everything is an icon
>5 back and 4 forward buttons
this is too much and ugly

>> No.45599699

True i insta drop any games that don't have the hide interface option.

>> No.45599723

NTA but what does that mean? IDGAF about gookshit. What's controversial or misandrist about hands?

>> No.45599737

Small penis.

>> No.45599746

The hand movement in question is a 'precision grip' gesture whereby the thumb and index finger are pursed together to represent holding a small object. This gesture was perceived by some as mocking men for the size of their genitals, and became a controversial emblem associated with misandry (i.e., man hating).

>> No.45599762

zako zako

>> No.45599998

Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like the same nothingburger as the okay hand signal. It's just a hand but people want to see what they want to see, some made up sekrit messaging.

>> No.45600013

Why anon? Surely, it's not femoids because if you're here you know they're not worth to kill yourself over. If you're in debt you can just start over by illegally crossing to US or Europe border. Think about future cute imouto routes you will never experience if you kill yourself now.

>> No.45600585


>> No.45600607
File: 542 KB, 1070x639, 1677447082400617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captions were on by default and I got hit with some hard cringe.

>> No.45600705

Man. Will that Biman even come out? I was looking forward to some rare yuki onna content this winter.

>> No.45600737

I wonder if I am a M... I know that reading eroges with broken heroines destroys my soul, but I keep reading them

>> No.45600810

how to know you're an M
>if you're not an M you're an S
>are you an S? no
>so you're an M

>> No.45600825

What if both thoughever

>> No.45600856
File: 9 KB, 600x400, RPG030『雪道』.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that, but it's certain that "crude but charming doujin graphics" stocks have never been higher.

>> No.45600900
File: 768 KB, 2016x1351, yuzurihanouta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone reading this? was it worth the wait and the delays? did propeller save VNs? did this save propeller from bankruptcy?

>> No.45600923

no, no, no and no

>> No.45601051

Why is this board so fast nowadays?

>> No.45601249


>> No.45601702

I only S when it comes to bullying the cowtits monsters, when i see a loli feet i can't resist my M instincts

>> No.45601820


>> No.45601825


>> No.45602107

>get almost all the way to ending of the common route
>get boring and drop the game
and this literally happens every time

>> No.45602553

It happens to me when I reach the first or second h scene, then I lose the will to continue bc I won the girl and there is no more "thrill of the hunt"

>> No.45602620

Same. It's rough, the vn has to REALLY get me to get past that. Pacing is incredibly important and I feel like most vns don't do it well.

>> No.45602626

literally me reading moege

>> No.45602834

I'm pretty sure you can customize what icons are shown
