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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1680571092349831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45552781 No.45552781 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45518312

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45552799

Over/under another Yuzuriha delay?

>> No.45552808

Forgot to add the appropriate music to the op image:

>> No.45552840
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>> No.45552849
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>> No.45552853

Imagine Muragaki & Suzakuin bloodline combined

>> No.45552873

Hakkenden looks like it has some cute girls making fun reaction faces (which is 80% of why I read VNs), but how's the demo besides that?

>> No.45552886

Fun. I like it. All the protagonists are good and both their individual subplots and the overall plot seems interesting so far.

>> No.45552892
File: 214 KB, 351x351, 1681108545063088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can watch it combine in real time

>> No.45552922

Oh yeah, character interaction and world building is the best part of it for me. The "slices of life" is a big part of the story so see if you like it. About the length, I think it's in the 35-40 hours range if you use the old vndb rating.

>> No.45552927
File: 1023 KB, 1000x750, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Crys's belly button, that's a major appeal.

>> No.45552932


>> No.45553035
File: 3.92 MB, 2878x1080, 鬼太郎.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45553330

Translators need to have fun too.

>> No.45553431

I was really liking white album 2, but I lost all motivation to play when it forces Haruki to be with Setsuna after the concert.

>> No.45553451

In IC? Keep reading and things will evolve.

>> No.45553480


>> No.45553598

Maybe try konnyaku, it's also by Maruto and has similar themes but the MC is an absolute chad there. He is basically Haruki but also good at sports and can play multiple instruments.

>> No.45553918
File: 1.51 MB, 1282x752, genpei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a H-code for https://vndb.org/v25003?

>> No.45554495

Any right wing VN authors?

>> No.45554520


>> No.45554586
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>> No.45554629


>> No.45554715

>zoomie showing revulsion to a time tested tradition.
You're not impressing anyone here like your socials.

>> No.45554742

From when did a mental illness become a tradition?

>> No.45554822

Buddy if you are reading eroge there is something wrong already.

>> No.45555495

off topic

>> No.45555981
File: 472 KB, 800x450, 1675785203679603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New sister position

>> No.45556213
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to give to to Maruto, he sure knows how to write cute girls.

>> No.45556784
File: 3.38 MB, 2112x1328, Kichikuou_19-12-2023 19-14-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance is so cute when it comes to kids
This is the best phrase to say to the preg woman i have ever seen

>> No.45557310
File: 680 KB, 1371x3208, IMG_0626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It arrived

>> No.45557421
File: 426 KB, 401x496, 1700496088153472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are Clochette doing these days? Are they dead?

>> No.45557647
File: 1.98 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_19-12-2023 20-58-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf this is way too cute...

>> No.45557887
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x1240, F9WBfYNbAAAwGtF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GINKA is kino and will not pretend otherwise even if contrarian seether cries about it.

>> No.45557899

all ages shit cant be kino

>> No.45557937

Funny how being all-ages was not an issue for unpopular flops like black sheep town and
hira hira hihiru

>> No.45557942
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crossdressing protagonist
>only has sex with women

>> No.45557954


>> No.45558281

>crossdressing protagonist is best girl
every single time

>> No.45558403

What happened to these guys? They put out two bangers and just disappear? Did they flop?

>> No.45558452

didn't they go gacha? That's the content the WWX edition adds to gold

>> No.45558468

Far from it, they're working on an offline edition which essentially turns WWX --the then gacha-- into a proper game, altogether remodeled with an art more lustrous and seriously appealing. Tenco is the future of gamege.
Why this is taking so long, you might ask, owes to the fact that it's only 1 man doing this: the porting.
So, the logistics of the current operation are speculated to be this:
>80+ artists working on the game [ repolishing art ]
>100 VAs [ there's seriously a ton of characters ]
>1 programmer sticking everything together.
>10-20 people in the game design crew [ they'll probably be some changes ]
I personally hope for them to take the gamge industry by the reigns seeing as how they made something seriously special.
Fuck the shitters and nostalgia bastards who can't get their dick out of Rance. Sengoku is great but if you're looking for gameplay, this is the place to go.
In Tenco we believe.
>Tenco shill.

>> No.45558484

Sengoku has the worst Rance gameplay though. The best ones are IV, 5D, IX and X

>> No.45558502

Are you talking about what was modded into it?
Outside of H-scenes, why even bother since the gameplay portion isn't included.
There's no Eiyuu Senki without an introductory SAED bgm in the background and a fittingly introductory battle, as you're being cheered.

Any how, to anyone encouraged to play this, I DISCOURAGE you from getting into it unless you're prepared to burn around 100-80 hours in a 900-800 turn experience, 85% of which are interactions about what food is most delicious, 5% historical facts, 5% some okay battles and the remaining 5% some seriously tricky stuff.
Naturally, 'seriously' tricky is for players who play on the hardest difficulty and want to ride into the flames of SHAMBALA.

>> No.45558513

I don't disagree. Just thought I'd use sengoku in particular since that's seemingly the only experience with Rance most people have.
Kichikuouanon above is quite the exception.

>> No.45558529

>The best ones are [...] 5D
i have to say, that is not an opinion i come across often

>> No.45558543

>The best ones are IV, 5D
This thread is always fun since you get to see this kind of fucking weird opinion

>> No.45558546

Eiyuu Senki is one of the worst gameplayge and Oyari hit-or-miss designs plus most characters having only one scene dont help either

>> No.45558549

There's more to gamege than just gameplay, because if you only care about that you would just play some hardcore autism strategy game. Rance is beloved not just for the gameplay but also because of world building, story, art, music, etc. It's a sprawling world that exists as a result of 30 years of Alicesoft constantly expanding it and honing their craft. There won't be another series like Rance.

>> No.45558551
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Which of these should I read now, anons?

>> No.45558558

the oldest one

>> No.45558587

First one from the left is ladder structure bullshit and makes you read all the routes before unlocking the final route

>> No.45558588
File: 2.17 MB, 2720x1246, 1703016724484101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these should I read now, anons?

>> No.45558589

Is https://vndb.org/v1395 required to fully experience the https://vndb.org/v1111

>> No.45558593

>never ever ever
>lupercalia got that fan tl just a few weeks ago
for wasting my time with this image i hereby subject you to tomefure

>> No.45558598

Damekoi is the best there
Omega no shikai is mediocre, it tries to bait you with these small scenes showing a deeper setting and plot but it does nothing with it
Desire is pure shit, it's half a proto version of yu-no (which may sound good since yu-no is great but believe me it isn't) and half a ntr game with the most infuriating couple ever made
Caucasus is Innocent Grey most boring game, the mystery is so obvious and bland you'll just feel like you wasted your time reading it
Can't say anything about Polyphonica

>> No.45558625

That's why you play Gold, integrated with WWX in which every character -and then some- gets several moments. I think a gallery of more than 900~ scenes and 2k+ CGs is nice with every character individually getting 5-7-4 scenes no?
Also, to repeat, you cannot tell me the gameplay sucks if you've gone through Shambhala layer 6 at the highest difficulty.
The designs will be improved next game so that's an A-okay done deal.

I'll be honest, when it comes to gamege, I just mostly care about the gameplay unless its an RPGM game and even then, the gameplay still tickles my fancy more than anything else. To take a typical example, BS is famed for its story. I agree but all the same, the gameplay -those stupidly fucking difficult battles- against bosses is what earned most my interest.
This is a mindset I came to develop after reading LNs in which the fulfillment of my urge for a story -but not a challenge- came to be.
Non-gamege's are differentiated purely on account of their explication only toward stories. In that sense, mysteryge stand out as the best things to me because of a natural synthos in these ostensibly polarizing elements.

Well, that is to say at the end, you're right. I liked Eiyuu Senki because the very end of it is nothing but trials of strategic bullshit.

Very fun being here after sometime but I need sleep, so goodnight.

>> No.45558627

I think you're mistaking that 1 random dude porting and translating WWX content (H only no gameplay) to GOLD for someone from Tenco. Tenco are dead and not the future of gameplayge.

>> No.45558634

>The boundary is getting crushed
This is by design.

>> No.45558643

Anon they will laugh about you when they read that garbage and realize how bad it is.

>> No.45558649

No, that was a while back and something else.
This is something different altogether in which Tenco themselves are creating an official PC version for WWX with a little bit of extra stuff, so to speak.
Said 'stuff' are essentially the things I've mentioned.

>> No.45558662

got a date to look forward to it coming out, or is this still too far away for that?

>> No.45558663

Okay I totally believe you.

>> No.45558689


Too early to tell but I'd say it'll be out by next year and never a moment later.

>> No.45558705

i've been dying for a good gamege lately so i choose to believe
tell your employers you have earned your 0.05$

>> No.45558714
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That's all I needed to hear. Thanks!

>First one from the left is ladder structure bullshit and makes you read all the routes before unlocking the final route
Even if I end up hating myself in the end I always 100% my eroges. So this shouldn't be a problem I think.

>> No.45558734

Art is still as ugly as ever

>> No.45558793

Does Hakkenden have any gameplay like their previous game?

>> No.45558801


>> No.45558861

They're still selling merch every Comiket lmao
Fuck the faggots who enable them doing this

>> No.45558878

Low T

>> No.45558909
File: 38 KB, 224x300, 118432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to pick it up but I guess I will wait for proper integration
I need this cutie

>> No.45558916


>> No.45558937
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, media_F9rW5ewbAAAQ_8D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a good one in that pile of shit.

>> No.45558953

holy torso

>> No.45558960

Too flat

>> No.45558975

lol at people thinking that they can criticize Oyari's art.

The man has had art exhibitions, something I don't think any other eroge genga can say. He's probably the best artist working in eroge and you should all be so fucking glad he doesn't decide to go off to do something that pays more since his art is seriously wonderful.

Also lol at saying his art "improved." His style has changed over the years but his art in Quartett and Shirotsume Souwa is incredibly brilliant as well and anyone who disagrees should probably fucking kill themselves. Absolutely gorgeous watercolor style that no other eroge artist is even capable of.

>> No.45558981
File: 206 KB, 1777x1000, 4d4604538f6dba2304efe069319fb6f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good one, sadly many have hair that doesnt hide Oyari 5heads and many are ugly hags

>> No.45558999

yeah whatever your dad's art still sucks

>> No.45559044


>> No.45559115

She doesn't need something that disgusting

>> No.45559140

Wish he spent that time into learning how to draw a human face instead of those abominations
The dude literally copypasting the same shit for 20 years in a row because people with no taste like you keep sucking his watercolored dick

>> No.45559265

holy newfag. pretty much every artist does sameface. ooyari's at least is stylish

>> No.45559307

Show me anyone else who still has the same art style as the one they started with in 00s

>> No.45559319

Sameface is fine if the faces are good in the first place. Doesn't apply for the fag you're shilling.

>> No.45559330

Coffee Kizoku

>> No.45559447
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>> No.45559462
File: 1.94 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_20-12-2023 01-13-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this dude is literally me talking to japs irl

>> No.45559467

this is one of those that i wish had never attempted to change...

>> No.45559492

that is deeply unsettling to look at

>> No.45559508

Dunno why, but I find Itaru-chan's designs extremely fappable. Those uguuu girls just need it so fucking hard.

>> No.45559613
File: 297 KB, 3172x299, hinoue itaru change v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She clearly did change, for the worse.

Yeah. Pre-Clannad and then Rewrite were her best. Post-Rewrite is nightmare fuel.

>> No.45559654

why did he start drawing them fat

>> No.45559676

Her best always were the dudes unsurprisingly

>> No.45559748


>> No.45559753

I'd still fuck them all. uguu is life

>> No.45559768
File: 59 KB, 640x480, Amoerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45559775

Peaked at Rewrite

>> No.45559790

For me it's honestly a pretty mixed bag here.

>> No.45559812

Jesus Christ, it's probably been like 15 years since I saw this.

>> No.45560681

you're in the wrong thread go back to wherever you hail from

>> No.45560716
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, LOVE N PEESU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this and the music is soooo good already.

>> No.45560742

Cute slime on the right. I jerked off to her CGs where she gets clouded after you cum inside her, which is insanely hot.

>> No.45560832
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, eleanor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slime girls are the best. The spider maid's voice is soothing but I'm aiming for Eleanor-sama.

>> No.45560897

okay, dark slash combo made me laugh out loud

>> No.45561044
File: 214 KB, 1280x1440, 選ばれし童貞.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the ultimate literally me MC!

This append-H patch exists and wasn't part of the download I had.

>> No.45561072
File: 1.63 MB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ensemble built an entire company on it.

>> No.45561082
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chusingura and Miburo but no Gikei
Totally fair, I liked the VN in the end but it's a massive amount of wasted potential and great characters who don't get to do anything.

>> No.45561099
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, corona wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to be mad at you for not going with Corona's game, but you made me check, and I found this page for Oshioki with some wallpapers of her and some voice dramas. So I guess I forgive you

>> No.45561126

does anyone have any experience buying games through fanza recently? is it too much of a hassle to bypass the region block and go through the drm?

>> No.45561128

I seriously doubt that the fool who made that shitpost even knows that Gikei is a thing

>> No.45561149

I know it's a shitpost and bait, and the guy who made the list clearly has not read any of those VNs, but I'm still trying to figure out how he put the list together. It has a weird mixture of plotge, moege, and nukige, and also seems to include some sequels and ignore others.

>> No.45561170

i'm also baffled by many of those choices
tempted to say it's just shit people have mentioned in these threads, plus a few of the usual suspects

>> No.45561177

No rational mind would ever put fraternite or magatsu barai on a list of never evers.

>> No.45561181

The person who made it lurks this thread. Most of the VNs in there are the ones we discussed at the time when that image was made. That's why it looks like a strange mix, and it's the main reason why Chushingura and Miburo are even on the list.

>> No.45561231

I dunno, man. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone mention or discuss Hello World, Gothderi or Hanachirutani here.

>> No.45561270

What's the point? If people want to self-insert as a crossdresser, wouldn't they rather have sex with men than women?

>> No.45561271

Hanachirutani is only there because Mareni wrote it, and I remember multiple posts saying how impressive the CG were in Hello, World and Demonbane back then

>> No.45561279
File: 1.17 MB, 1440x810, 華は短し、踊れよ乙女AdvHD (36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy has to infiltrate an all-girls ojou-sama school crossdressing as a girl is a classic, and it's a classic for a reason. Again, Ensemble has made like 30 games with this setting and they're all at worst a B-.
Games where the MC is a trap and has sex with men are extremely rare, I can only think of a few. Most trap games are either trap protagonist has sex with women or average joe man has sex with trap heroines (male). Don't ask me to explain why.

>> No.45561797

Good interesting but easy VN to get back into reading nip?

>> No.45561807

monster park 2

>> No.45561846

good fucking luck getting anything but mojibake on a modern os

>> No.45561983

>7.77 average
nah it's pretty good

>> No.45562010
File: 838 KB, 2250x1080, amakasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


VNs likes Senshinkan?

>> No.45562016

Senshinkan part 2
Dies Irae

>> No.45562097

>vndb scores
dont make post the THAT pic

>> No.45562134
File: 12 KB, 308x483, 40fef23a5e55d3cbf6e4f259e2d93d87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called rods from God

>> No.45562151

>VNs likes Senshinkan?
Nothing like masada masterpieces. Some worth reading, but nothing is going to give you same feeling

>> No.45562164

Holy fuck, thanks for the correction. Fucked up the post unfortunately.

>> No.45562174

which one?

>> No.45562474
File: 1.41 MB, 645x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregarding all the gender-bent characters, how historically accurate is Sengoku Koihime? Is there even another notable VN in the Sengoku period?

>> No.45562548

There's the 戦極姫 series

>> No.45562662

any VN that has akabane kyouko cannot be bad by default

>> No.45562833

RE:D Cherish! since it's pretty decent and fairy decent so you've got something to talk about with us

>> No.45562985

agree honestly we need more, tired of these hetero traps

subahibi's defining moment was the male on male sex

>> No.45563003

There wasn't even sex...

>> No.45563144
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_28150457680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hetero more like yuri

>> No.45563296


>> No.45563415

>it's pretty decent and fairy decent
This is your brain on moege

>> No.45563443

This just looks like a typo of recent

>> No.45563474

oral sex is sex

>> No.45563489

Making someone suck your dick is not gay because both genders have the same mouth

>> No.45563550

ok and what about from the perspective of the fellator

>> No.45563557

Sucks being him

>> No.45563564

well subahibi is from his perspective

>> No.45563717

Why don’t you go back to blog if you want to talk about male on male sex so badly. Are you that obsessed with us?

>> No.45563850

So anal isn't gay either?

>> No.45563871

Any recommendation of eroge with horny kuudere?

>> No.45563878

/blog/ is infested with social media addicted ESL MTLers/EOPs who don't read VNs so unfortunately you guys just have to cope with on topic faggotry every now and then.

>> No.45563892

Whenever I ask something on topic it's ignored but faggotry spawns 20+ posts
What has this general come to

>> No.45564073

Have you ever considered the possibility of no one knowing the answer to your question

>> No.45564077

Since you like that period genre did you also read Sengoku Koihime?

>> No.45564096

Enjoying crossdressing =/= wanting a dick in your ass or sucking one

I for one like that trap protags are voiced by women, have girl sprites, act like girls but still get to fuck other girls without having to use strap-ons or toys. Straight trap MC = yurige with actual sex.

>> No.45564115

There should be more futa MCs

>> No.45564121

>You share the thread with femoids

>> No.45564123

women don't exist

>> No.45564137

It's okay as long as they're cute.

>> No.45564161
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, 1640899572953649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be more futa in general, underappreciated kink

>> No.45564166

Only high IQ writers like Watanabe and SCA-Ji can appreciate them

>> No.45564171

The past 50 posts in blog right now are on topic, which is a better track record than this general, so it sounds like the problem is you.
Just because something is technically on topic doesn’t mean people actually want to discuss it, which is the case of yaoi. No one actually discusses yaoi here yet you and other blog tourists insist on bringing it up whenever you can, which suggests you’re either obsessed with us or desperate for our attention. Sad, honestly. And yes, pathetically lurking this thread for years but never actually participating in danseimuke vn discussion still makes you a tourist.

This is the correct answer. Only trapge for women and homos involve having sex with other men.

>> No.45564185

No issues for me but I don't have a region block (US). You can remove DRM the usual way as long as it's not one of those games exclusive to the launcher.

>> No.45564189


>> No.45564193

i have no problems with a VPN so theres no hassle

>> No.45564349

I'm not one of those people who even talks about gay shit or brings up non-danseimuke shit out of nowhere. You're just upset seeing something on topic that you personally don't like and project all those ""tourists"" are somehow obsessed with attention seeking when the topic itself actually doesn't happen constantly. Maybe stop being perpetually here and being bothered by everything that doesn't concern you. Sorry but that's the definition of patheticness in reality.

>> No.45564370
File: 288 KB, 1599x901, 1680583365927044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some other good eroge with a strong but autistic female samurai getting soft for the weaker mc like Meiya and Yasubei

>> No.45564372

back to /blog/, hole

>> No.45564379

I like girls, sorry.

>> No.45564426
File: 2.02 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_20-12-2023 19-05-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to check the fuck conditions but couldn't find a single mention of "her" in the wiki
Well i should have expected this...

>> No.45564549

Can I play kichikouou as my first rance game? Those designs are sick but I don’t know if i want to play 50 hours of game first to get there

>> No.45564556

anyone know a nocd crack/hexedit for BALDRFIST?

>> No.45564590

At least play 3 and look up summaries for 1 2 and 4

>> No.45564593

Rance 01, 02, and IV all together are probably like 25 hours or something, they're pretty short. The real time consumer will be Rance 03, which I think took me like 40 or 50 hours to beat. If you feel like playing the original, it's probably only like 8-10 hours max though. If nothing else, I'd recommend playing Rance 01 first since it's not that long and pretty funny.

>> No.45564594

It heavily relies on the context of previous games because the characters' events are pretty short and you won't get the point of half of them without a backstory
You should at least read the digest versions on the first 2 and then play the 3 normally since it's pretty short, for 4 you can speedrun it with cheats to skip 50 hours of grinding

>> No.45564619

If you really think it's a pain in the ass, just cheat through all the earlier games and read for the plot only. The first game is god awful enough.

>> No.45564957

Gikei was not included because shit fucking sucks and is Inre black sheep

>> No.45564995

People here keep shitting on it but egsers seems to like it on the same level as miburo

>> No.45565022

judging by several other examples in that image, i don't think its creator was trying very hard not to include shit that fucking sucks

>> No.45565025

> hello can i skip rance to play more rance
kys idiot

>> No.45565136

wait madosoft routes and heroines are just like yuzusoft ones

>> No.45565157 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, Hakkendench2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I thought it was going to be le funny pairing, so I sure didn't expect this to happen, and so out of nowhere

>> No.45565244

all moege is the same surprise surprise
you guys jump around when moege introduces something taboo like sex in the common route, oyakodon, anal etc

>> No.45565506

Yeah didn't expect something like that so fast into the story. shame i liked her

>> No.45565741
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1676469543809828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know she's the one when she invites you to play Mario Kart

>> No.45565793

Dude that's a child! Pick Himeno then drop it.

>> No.45565845
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 1674182153197860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand, this was a different age and time, as you can see in this photographic evidence of them playing Mahjong on the DS

>> No.45565952

Still no upload of Namaiki Yume-chan's FD.

>> No.45565982

>this was a different age and time

>> No.45565992
File: 1.87 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_21-12-2023 00-17-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs surely have some weird games

>> No.45566038
File: 560 KB, 2048x1536, 2023_01_28_137_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crossdressing protagonist
>only has sex with women
sign me the fuck up

>> No.45566383
File: 666 KB, 1516x844, 534534534539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trial was shorter than I thought. Some Unity glitches, narration mixing up 'watashi' and 'ore,' and forced plot points with Dousetsu and Keno having the same person they want to kill. Shino had the big boss and her dad appearing right in front of her for no reason—just because? But it seems like it's a bit about destiny and stuff, so not surprising.
Keno > Genpachi > Daikaku > Shino for the pairing I liked the most with the little the trial showed.

>> No.45566468

go talk to chat gpt if you only wanna see posts about topics you like

>> No.45566536

Yeah, get the Masterpiece Collection version and the DRM free exe they released.

>> No.45566556
File: 80 KB, 259x377, 1312441171803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any games with good 3P development? Most games I've seen developed each girl separately, then during the 3P scenes/endings, they just got mushed together.
I'm looking for something that has like an actual proper 3P route.

>> No.45566602
File: 15 KB, 256x255, 1688683842262472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has sumika's dumb and irritating voice so I couldn't stand her

>> No.45566612

I find it impressive that the chick that voiced sumika still does roles today

>> No.45566626

I got the one from hsuki which should've been that. btw how come the Masterpiece Collection isn't on sukebei? I'll try the one from A-S.

>> No.45566642

>Taguchi Hiroko
>dumb and irritating voice
kys Sumika hater

>> No.45566644

>weird game
Bro, I know people who live for that shit

>> No.45566648

It's crazy how all of her roles i've played so far sound extremely unique and i would have never ever guessed that it's the same seiyu as Sumika
Like https://vndb.org/c11020 voice has a completely different pitch and sounds like a pure ojousama, i still refuse to believe they are the same person

>> No.45566673

If you check the google images you can find a ton of photos of people doing it to the kids which was some next-level culture shock moment for me, if you would do something like this where i live you would never be allowed to get close to the kids anymore

>> No.45566685

Cucking your future father-in-law is not moe, neither is cucking your girlfriend

>> No.45566688

Both of these are moe

>> No.45566725

It's just a retarded thing that kids like to do for some reason, like カンチョー for example. Adults don't do it, at least not to kids, and if they do it most cases it's a sexual thing with another horny adult or a dumb friend.
>people doing it to the kids
If it's not a woman doing cosplay or something your ass is going 100% to prison if you try to do anything remotely similar to that with a kid

>> No.45566750

Idk man this shit doesn't look like some stupid kids' game to me
And the more i scroll the weirder it gets...

>> No.45566771
File: 100 KB, 1014x350, 1696236345202452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikipedia says otherwise, now stop posting this shit.

>> No.45566817

The fuck wikipedia have to do with it? I literally pointing out to you where it's clearly not the 学齢期の少年の間 doing this and they keep posting it on social media like it's the most normal thing ever

>> No.45566845

at least it's better than space monkey

>> No.45566930

It's just a dumb prank "game" they play for the www. Some take it further as fetish fuel. One of the google results goes to a fantia to pay 1,000円 per video of 2 girls doing it. Most other images you can find are innocent prank shit.

>> No.45566949

You are not allowed to take a bath with your kids in the west without the authorities wanting to send you to jail so that's not surprised.

>> No.45566969

I'm not even from the west but from a 3rd world hole and still no one outside of mother would ever think about taking a bath with kids for some weird reason

>> No.45567053

Fuck I forgot shit comes out early in december. I need to finish my current VN soon.

>> No.45567075

I wonder if i can make it through Ouka Sabaki before it

>> No.45567229

What December releases are we playing?

>> No.45567238

Still torn between playing Yuzuriha or Imouto to Kanojo first.

>> No.45567242
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, でありんす.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist draws really sexy tummies. The one on Elea's nude sprite is the best.

>> No.45567255
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, 188212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking close bros...

>> No.45567275

>visiting family for holidays
>have to put off imokanokino for at least a week and a bit
go on without me lads

>> No.45567289

lol i'm in the same boat. i played the trial because i couldn't wait but it feels even worse because the trial just made me want to keep reading more.

>> No.45567293

Will Imokano be the greatest eroge ever written in the history of the human race?

>> No.45567300

Not specifically that game, but yes I also will be stalling on my reading because of family kek

>> No.45567308

nah, definitely third best

>> No.45567373

Imouto to Kanojo?
But your imouto should be your kanojo.

>> No.45567386

Ryuugames insider here, this one is gonna be behind paywall. Ryuu doesn't like how you guys behaved the other day.

>> No.45567389

yes, they're borrowing the english "to" as in, the process of the former becoming the latter
it's quite a complex multilingual pun, it's no surprise some won't get it

>> No.45567393

Not a problem, we buy good VNs here to support the industry.

>> No.45567403

Sounds good then.

>> No.45567404

>cuck gets cucked out of his cuckge by his family
heh. you aren't missing out. imouto and kanajo trade places. imouto gets fucked by other men. kanojo falls in love with mc. mc wants imouto, gets even more depressed. sudoku. kanojo becomes a normal person. imouto becomes prostitute. at the end both meet a new guy. he looks like mc. they start dating and find out they're both dating him. 3P ending with mc clone.

>> No.45567407

Kino, can't wait to see Kanajo!

>> No.45567408

Good. Glad trolling you fags during the Geminism shitfest paid off.

>> No.45567411

girlcelly will save us

>> No.45567413

No one is looking forward to that garbage

>> No.45567416

that would probably be entertainingly retarded enough to be worth reading

>> No.45567421

Wtf anon told me it'll be BR kino with ultra deep plot. he lied??????

>> No.45567426

I'm sorry you guys feel this way(not really), but you can just buy vvip, still cheaper than buying game.

>> No.45567436

The games I want to read dont get paywalled tho, naturally didnt care for geMIDnism or mid border, the third mid last month

>> No.45567445

>paying to pirate
couldn't be me

>> No.45567456

>Ryuu doesn't like how you guys behaved the other day.
>Geminism shitfest
QRD? I don't remember anything happening.

>> No.45567462

some schizo kept spamming the thread shitting on ryuugames and begging for geminism to get uploaded

>> No.45567472

The spamming got so bad, the threads were literally /vg/ tier. That's why retards like >>45564171 is still crying from the sodomy.

>> No.45567480
File: 10 KB, 540x88, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just schizo, worse. Mentally ill discordfag is to blame https://vndb.org/u191203

>> No.45567488

Surprisingly enough spamming stopped once I posted this screenshot...

>> No.45567491

all that to give geminism a 7?

>> No.45567497

what are you talking about, thanks to his sacrifice we got geminism

>> No.45567511

Judging from the pfp he has good anime taste so he can't be a bad person.

>> No.45567520

>DDLC is 7
>Geminism is 7

>> No.45567532

i'm already calling it, imouto to kanojo will end on a double suicide. it's pretty much the farthest place you can go if you want to make a depressing game about incest.

>> No.45567535

sure, but it's the imouto and the kanojo that kill themselves and mc is left alone

>> No.45567543

Funny how you say you hate discord yet you are on every server known to man....

>> No.45567587

Hm? I don't hate discord.

>> No.45567596


>> No.45567604

>それに, 昨日まで童貞だった貴方が, 処女だった私をいきなりイカせられると, 本気で考えていたのかしら?このエロゲ脳
The maou ladies are ruthless lol.

>> No.45567608

What discord is this?

>> No.45567609

where is the blog discord

>> No.45567613

It doesn't work like that wtf eroge lied to me

>> No.45567618

ex-/r/visualnovels discord, dunno if you can find link in the open now

>> No.45567693

The IP counter has barely moved but the Geminism situation is happening once again. The ones shitting up the thread are the ones who use it the most, not some random discordfag, surprise surprise

>> No.45567715

you should blame that anon who brought up ryuugames for literally no reason

>> No.45567716

you should shut the fuck up and read more, faggot

>> No.45567733

should I grab ryuu games VIP now so I can get 妹と彼女 asap? Don't wanna miss out like I did on Geminism

>> No.45567750

miss out on what? just finish something else. new releases don't run away. really some of you are the no different from /a/dditors and /v/ermin fotm chasers

>> No.45567758

AnyONE planning on reading the ONE. remake

>> No.45567782

I'm not a fan of three kingdoms and was filtered by the awful rps gameplay.

>> No.45567798


>> No.45567800
File: 747 KB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot more complicated than just "Gikei sucks", I can understand why people would love it, it does all the historical autism fans of inre love.
My problems with it are complicated and mostly come down to it making some very poor decisions story-wise, having great characters that just don't get to do anything, and certain horrifically rushed parts (including the true ending) which I suspect were the result of some kind of deadlines or budget issues forcing them to release something. Basically, you know how Chusingura has a bunch of problems but they don't stop it form being great? Miburo has those problems a little bit more, and Gikei has them seriously ramped up.

>> No.45567817

>Caucasus is Innocent Grey most boring game, the mystery is so obvious and bland you'll just feel like you wasted your time reading it
Compared to Cartagra is it worse? In all the innocent gray games the mystery has left a lot to be desired but I feel that the atmosphere of these is the one aspect that makes these games shine.

>> No.45567834

I hope you watched this week's 16Bit Sensation.

>> No.45567849

I'm just not interested in the show, besides being able to go "whoa those are real eroge I've played! I recognize them!" it didn't seem to be doing anything interesting.

>> No.45567851

I read that Sengoku Koihime has no gameplay and doesn't require knowledge of the 3 kingdoms Koihime series. It's over 100h long and like Chusingura has FDs and sequels.

>> No.45567861

>I read that Sengoku Koihime has no gameplay and doesn't require knowledge of the 3 kingdoms Koihime series
Oh, I thought it was like a spinoff of the other koihime series with the same gameplay. I realize now that I think about it I had zero basis for this assumption. I'll check it out.

>> No.45567866

Make an 8Bit Sensation and I might watch that.

>> No.45567870

Where do you start the series? The 18+ remake of Sengoku Koihime?

>> No.45567876

>Sengoku Koihime has no gameplay
>doesn't require knowledge of the 3 kingdoms Koihime series
Big if true, I also had the same assumptions as the other anon for some reason.

>> No.45567884

me three, I might actually check it out now

>> No.45567892
File: 25 KB, 445x153, different stories except for those 90% story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a spinoff and seems to have minor references but not mandatory. They seem to have gotten rid of all gameplay. Sengoku has 2 versions. A vndb review goes into detail about differences but I'd skip the R15 version.

>> No.45567896

Oh goddammit, why can't it ever be easy to start a new series?
I'll read the 18+ version then read the summary fo the differences, I'm not reading a VN that's 90% identical twice, I learned my lesson from Baldr Sky.

>> No.45567996

I wonder how many endings/routes it'll have and if it's going to be basically linear like HnK. Looking forward to all the suffering.

>> No.45568050

>imouto to kanojo
isn't this just a generic nukige? why are people hyped?

>> No.45568056

People liked their previous NTRge so they're excited to get cucked by their imouto

>> No.45568123

short nukige = bad
long nukige = good
this one is long

>> No.45568165

Long eroge are SOVL. You wouldn't create something you dislike for too long even if you were offered the lottery.

>> No.45568188

if anyone has どうして、そんなに黒い髪が好きなの? (the one on nyaa) i would massively appreciate a seed. if you do i will seed it forever after I leech it.

>> No.45568979

>Modern anime
I hope you guys don't

>> No.45568995

A poor decision. About everyone with an anime pfp chooses one purely without any real basis besides: 'it looks good'. You're better off trusting a guy with a Himmler pfp to have good taste and better taste.

>> No.45569269
File: 112 KB, 250x375, xdadsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this guy one of the best sidekicks in any VN

>> No.45569462

Or you can just get burnt out by the end and finish it just for the sake of finishing, just look at ryuukisi

>> No.45569573

Im proud to say i have never and will never play any westoid "VN"

>> No.45569925

DDLC being 7 is actually a fair rating

>> No.45569949

Sakuuta is a 7. DDLC is more like a 3

>> No.45570090

The trial was fun
It's a dramage, not an NTRge.

>> No.45570091

Imagine having played DDLC at all. I just have all non-JP games filtered out by default on vndb.

>> No.45570138
File: 164 KB, 900x600, selectoblige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New moege brand: kuwa games
and new title, select oblige

>> No.45570152

nevermind, it's a new madosoft https://twitter.com/madostaff/status/1737806221686808891

>> No.45570165

Where did you even get kuwa games from?

>> No.45570409

from kevinngw808

>> No.45570420


>> No.45570671

Best VN with easy JP?

>> No.45570673


>> No.45570700

It's not, it has long H-scenes that have a lot of effort put in them but the majority of the trial was non-H with the MC agonizing mentally over how he loves his imouto but could never be with her without doing something that would make her sad. Seems like a philosophyge too since MC is /lit/. They've clearly put in a lot of effort into the drama.

>> No.45570816

I hate long h-scenes because I'm a fast shooter, it can take me days to finish one scene

>> No.45570892

any slice of life stuff

>> No.45570902

any vn

>> No.45570936

Just learn how to go 20 times in one session like the MC.

>> No.45571029

Imagine making one of the best BR heroines of all time and the following it up with an NBR heroine. Only saving grace would be surprise twins since her birthday is listed as unknown.

>> No.45571050


>> No.45571120 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.26 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay how the hell is this gonna turn into Sugiura Koharu route?

>> No.45571229
File: 1011 KB, 2108x1328, Kichikuou_21-12-2023 17-16-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being eroge dev seems to be a lot of fun back then

>> No.45571248

What are you talking about?

>> No.45571278

If you just want a starter VN for practicing Japanese then read Hanahira like everyone else

>> No.45571290
File: 751 KB, 1462x926, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45571299

honestly pick whatever interests you (as long as it's not hardcore chuuni), but if you really have no title in mind then h2o is a great starter vinnie
it has very easy writing and a lot of repetitions

>> No.45571304

>164k views in less than 4 hours
Is Elon playing with me or eroge isn't so dead anymore?

>> No.45571305


>> No.45571329

Unravel trigger op https://youtu.be/-shJw3ISK3M

>> No.45571332

probably ad
3.7k likes is still quite high tho

>> No.45571349


>> No.45571363

What the fuck why animations in 10 fps

>> No.45571376

Unity and its consequences have been a disaster for the eroge industry

>> No.45571416

I knew that all of you faggots who were laughing last time going to be seething now when it happens to something you are waiting for
I guess it's going to be the monthly seething thread time from now on because they won't stop doing this

>> No.45571428

>minimum 6 month VIP
I saw 12 months on another VN. Does anyone even pay for that when the list of unreleased VIP games always only has trash or things I can get quicker elsewhere? Paying for piracy is already dumb but at least make it worth it. Since he posted those "We need your help" things the site loading has gone to shit too. Images can take a minute to fetch most of the day. That's not a matter of VIP vs pleb user lol. Fix your shit ryuu. And thanks for the fReE games. Please keep Imokano VIP locked. The cucks will love you.

>> No.45571430

that dude is baiting though, imouto to kanojo will probably be paywalled but it has not been uploaded yet

>> No.45571438

Being enseble I got confused for a second and thought the blonde girl was a boy

>> No.45571506

May as well be

>> No.45571561
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, 1686316327080667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45571584

Still kind of disappointed that they didn't make the imouto a delicious brown girl.

>> No.45571627

it's already out though lmao

>> No.45571708


>> No.45571750


>> No.45571760

fuck you

>> No.45571793
File: 19 KB, 860x427, Screenshot_1997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45571840

Have you got a chink phone number or there is a new way to get acc there?

>> No.45571865

Reupload it if real.

>> No.45571950

It's getting uploaded to Onedrive too so might as well wait for that.

>> No.45571990

So that's why it does feel a bit different from usual Madosoft. Do they have a new development team or something?

>> No.45572014

So obsessed that you have to make fake images. Ryuu haven't uploaded anything except for the ONE remake yet.

>> No.45572038


>> No.45572047

nvm it's up just as i typed that

>> No.45572051


>> No.45572058

Anyone got hook code?

>> No.45572069

Is it just me who gets 500 Internal Server Error on every single link?

>> No.45572084

Just F5 until it works.

>> No.45572130

9 gigs for WAFFLE NTR, 9 gigs for Sengoku Koihime, 9 gigs for Chusingura or 9 gigs for 9 small VNs. Decisions decisions.

>> No.45572142

Is the game even NTR? The description doesn't read like it.

>> No.45572147

It's not, but moege fans will probably not like it since one of the heroines admits to having slept with other guys before.

>> No.45572178

to be honest my fampaitachi, whether it happens in this or not, your kanojo being ntr'd by your imouto is a genre i feel could stand to be tapped a little harder

>> No.45572188
File: 405 KB, 3360x1080, ONE soul ONE soulless 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand this modern colouring, lighting and shading.

>> No.45572202

>one of the heroines admits to having slept with other guys before.
>It's not (NTR)
Anon I...

>> No.45572224

Healing used goods can be good as long as it's done by a competent writer.

>> No.45572321

That's unpacked.

>> No.45572435

yeah that new one looks horrible

>> No.45572501

The coloring is fine. It's mostly because the eyes on the right look off. Like a bunch of kiwis for uguu eyes.

>> No.45572546

There's no way its actually NTR right? Seems like it'd be kino but I'm uninstalling the second there's any NTR

>> No.45572552

>That UI
VNs are fucking dead

>> No.45572559

Honestly I think this is fine. It would look better without all the filters or whatever they use nowadays.

>> No.45572565

I hope it has NTR and the mentally ill MC gets screwed in every single ending.

>> No.45572569

What's wrong with it?

>> No.45572603

The biggest problem is how in the old one Itaru actually tried to draw side profile while she just completely disregards how human body works in the new one

>> No.45572605

NTA but the menu bar looks like ass when the options are spaced out like that and the fact that it's positioned horizontally across the screen by the top. Why couldn't they just add a a sidebar by the right side or something?

>> No.45572607

Why is the thread so dead when ryuugames has blessed us with two new vns?

>> No.45572614

In addition to being a more complex angle, the original is much more pleasant to look at. In the remake it seems to be a requirement to wear sunglasses to read it.

>> No.45572620

Uhhhhhhhh people are reading and probably want to make evaluations after they're done unlike you..???

>> No.45572637

You're supposed to post a screenshot every 10 lines you read.

>> No.45572657

Remakes are a thing in videogames because zoomers are retarded and refuse to play anything old because "muh graphics", same with anime where they dont watch anything before 2010 because "it looks outdated"
I thought this medium filtered zoomers, why the fuck they need to "remake" something old when the old was already fine?

>> No.45572659
File: 317 KB, 1026x795, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strolls up to your Best Couple competition with a twin on each arm
>refuses to elaborate
absolute madchad

>> No.45572675
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, すみません.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexing female maous and their otherworldly meidos has priority. And I don't care about the new releases, at all.

>> No.45572716

Bro you clearly haven't read the original one because the text was literally dogshit garbage tier, hope now they made it at least readable

>> No.45572734
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, 1671972231628058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even realize a new Cuff's game was coming out today. It says it's made by their ASMR imprint company, but it doesn't seem to be an ASMRge.

>> No.45572735

I don't understand remakes either, great art never ages.
If they really want to resell the game, just add new voices for characters who didn't have them, add a couple of new routes, compatibility with new systems, and maybe widescreen. And all of it added to the original game.
More than a remake, it would be an update

>> No.45572794

The voice samples had some in binaural audio and it comes with a binaural audio drama.

>> No.45572802

Show me the flattest maou

>> No.45572811

You are retarded and obsessed with zoomers.

>> No.45572812

I'm totally fine with remakes if the original has some unbearable RNG mechanic or something

>> No.45572848

Did the Tenshi Souzou artists work on that or why does it look like it?

>> No.45572878


>> No.45572913

uhhh based?

>> No.45572921

I hate zoomers myself but it's beyond stupid to think they're entirely at fault. If you actually read any oldge or played any retro games in general, you'll see a lot of them are actually totally fucked from massive QoL issues that would turn off even millennials and gen Xers. It's all shit that doesn't matter if you lived back then, just like how cavemen used to wipe their arses on the ground instead of using toilet paper.

>> No.45572928

thanks, I believe I can work with this

>> No.45572932

How the fuck are you supposed to "add a couple of new routes" without creating new art for it lol

>> No.45572946

I never said they shouldn't make new art.
Just one that is faithful to the original game would be more than enough.

>> No.45572958

pretty sure there's oyakodon too but it's been ages since i played so i'm not 100%
poor "main" girl gets outclassed so hard by her mom it's not even fair

>> No.45572964

Bro that literally doesn't work like that, the artist can't just suddenly revert the time and go back to his old shitty style even if you ask him very hard
It will inevitably look completely different and you will have to rework all of the old ones to fit it at which point you may as well make a complete remake

>> No.45572970

Palette didn't care for those things with Sana

>> No.45572989

NTA. I think UI/system QoL is the only thing worth remaking. Everything else should stay the same.

For example if Clannad or Little Busters got a refresher I'd add choice indicators, a flowchart mode/scenario recollection because there's too much optional shit.
Or to gameplayge I'd add skip gameplay buttons. Also a setting that when skipping to the next choice it can automatically skip over gameplay.

>> No.45572994

They got lucky that the artist was drawing basically the same thing for over 10 years so they didn't have to adjust much

>> No.45572995

>and go back to his old shitty style even if you ask him very hard
How retarded are modern "artists"?

>> No.45573013

I was obviously referring to the new CG on the new routes, not all the art in the game. I also don't see the problem if a couple of new optional CGs look a bit different, as long as they stay faithful to the art in the original.

>> No.45573043

The only game i want a remake for is Kishin Hishou with proper full-scale 3d fights

>> No.45573054

You say that but some companies still hire the same artist to do new CGs while also keeping the old content. The differences in the art are there but it doesn't really matter. They could have requested Itaru to keep her own style for the new stuff and do QoL improvements but they didn't.

>> No.45573063

>as long as they stay faithful to the art in the original
i'm no artist but asking one to "just draw like you did 10 years ago" seems like asking a tennis player to "just play like you did 10 years ago"
the moment is gone, you can't go back. it's going to stick out noticeably, and if it is going to be different you might as well overhaul the rest while you're in there

>> No.45573071

How long will Avesta be enki'd for?

>> No.45573073

Looks too modern, like it belongs to a tablet with minimalist UI shit
It also feels like it would be the default option in a "VN maker" as one of the preset styles.

>> No.45573084

i thought madosoft as soon as i saw the image

>> No.45573157

I did too. The character design is different but something just screamed Madonipples at me.

>> No.45573168

Are you saying she can't at least try to look at the thousands of references that she drew herself in the past and try to make an attempt to create new art from them? Art that doesn't necessarily have to be perfectly identical to the original but at least somewhat familiar?

>> No.45573170

Only 1.1GB. Perfect.

>> No.45573184

same, like cumming 5 times to one scene coming back to it over the course of a few days it's brutal, makes it take forever
i can go twice in one session, but even then...

>> No.45573195

I bought https://store.steampowered.com/app/2453310/Kons_Lesson/ and it was shit so hopefully this is a better Kanako nukige
Do Cuff's games do uncensored audio with dirty talk?

>> No.45573208

It's more like most artists cringe at their old art and style and physically can't get themselves to draw the same way again. Also she didn't improve much in skill but you can't unlearn skill either.

>> No.45573218

I can never get off to a single short h scene, it just ends and i get distracted with the plot and its just never-ending cycle
I could only ever get to some hour-long h scenes with like 3-4 cums in it minimum

>> No.45573230

i would imagine she drew what she thought looked good (at the time), and spent time polishing it until it felt just right to her (at the time)
i would also imagine in the intervening years that what she thinks looks good and feels just right to her has changed considerably, and trying to recreate the older stuff would be like deliberately making it worse or doing it wrong. and it's pretty hard to deliberately do something that feels wrong if it's a thing you've been doing a lot over a long period of time, you'd be going against all the instincts and habits you built up of what looks right to you

i'm not saying it's impossible but i can't imagine it would be easy or enjoyable

>> No.45573365

if you're uncomfortable with NTR you probably shouldn't be playing the game dude, it's the successor to hajimete no kanojo

>> No.45573379

What!? Hajimete no Kanojo is a cuckge???

>> No.45573385


>> No.45573395
File: 30 KB, 571x279, don't think too hard about it bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we tell him?

>> No.45573396

>Genre Shift 3.0

>> No.45573466
File: 54 KB, 1121x535, obsessed cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does vndb allow this?

>> No.45573472


>> No.45573485

Iirc there was some filter that doesn't count votes from those bot accounts

>> No.45573491

>9 average
in your fucking face nasu

>> No.45573495

Us NTRfriends don't have to fight...

>> No.45573545

Can someone skip through and report back on if it's ntr so I can know whether to read it

>> No.45573546

That would be a great title for a cuck VN

>> No.45573548

why are you doxxing me bro?

>> No.45573549

not really. when a vn isn't out yet but has a trial the votes count. since imouto to kanojo had a trial and is out now it counts. what's fucked is he voted on the day it came out not the trial but on the same day asks for a hook. vndb is a joke. they could at least implement a 1 week buffer after a release to accept votes.

>> No.45573557

you retard don't even know what a doxx is. there's no real name, address, phone number, birthdate or any other personal data. kys and go back to school hookfag.

>> No.45573566

Yuzuriha when?

>> No.45573569

Check the ryuu discord

>> No.45573589

there probably wont be since you typically have to advertise if a game has NTR beforehand if you don't want broken discs.

>> No.45573611

Don't normally read vns on release, good to know.

>> No.45573661
File: 531 KB, 1920x1080, 1678002192169836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45573693

Kinda funny how buying eroge is easier than ever and piracy got shittier than ever
I remember when Share uploaders released disc rips first day and that dude on PD who always leaked alicesoft and eushully few days before official release

>> No.45573695

ummm rude much?

>> No.45573733

There were so many フラゲ uploads back then, funny how that apparently didn't stop sales from being way higher back then than now. People keep blaming piracy for why eroge are dying but piracy used to be way more active.

>> No.45573781

i like the new one a lot. might play it just for the art. no, i'm not a zoomer, i'm an ojisan

>> No.45573802

>People keep blaming piracy for why eroge are dying
You mean producers who want more money, no one actually believes that garbage, the reason why eroge and visual novels in general are less popular than ever is the rampant ADHD zoomers have, they won't spend 30 hours reading a single story with heavy text with virtually no discussion whatsoever when is easier to read or watch 20min weekly shit that never ends and proceed to fry their brain on social media "discussing" it.

>> No.45573915

Who gives a shit about zoomers when eroge had already solidified fanbase through the years
Fgo and all of its consequences was the most absolutely devastating thing that happened not only to shit medium but to the ton of others like nettoge and there is no possible way to recover from that damage anymore

>> No.45573929

Wow can't believe the autocorrect-kun has deliberately changed this to shit, that was a rough one

>> No.45573941

Eroge is dying because the audience just doesn't exist anymore and was mostly replaced by mobiletards. If zoomers bothered to pirate and talk about the games they played, eroge dying wouldn't be the case. Piracy = bad was always fiction braindead retards would drop when word of mouth mattered more to something's success.

>> No.45573974

>had already solidified fanbase through the years
Have you ever considered that many of them moved on?

>> No.45574010

This doesn't happen.

>> No.45574096

The peak of eroge lasted from the mid 90s until the late 00s. That was 20-30 years ago. Any nips that were in their late teens or twenties then are 40-50 today. If they didn't become wageslaves with families they're dead NEETs. And the 30-40yo ronerey salarymen from then could be up to 70 now. Do you think they still play eroge or waste their money and time uploading games? Zoomers play gacha, not eroge. Or worse, they simp for vtumors.

The 'solidified fanbase' has mostly eroded and the only newcomers are normalfags and casuals. All piracy uploaders are chinks and SEAfags. Dead medium.

>> No.45574107

Most 70 year olds in Japan play eroge because they have nothing else to do. Zoomers don't play gacha or eroge, they just talk to their tulpas.

>> No.45574207

Looking at the CGs for Imouto no Kanojo seems like Kanojo has 2 h-scenes with someone else

>> No.45574223

I was out the moment they decided to make an imoutoge but the imouto isn't a loli.

>> No.45574270

>massive boobs
What's the point?

>> No.45574297

>massive boobs
What's the point?

>> No.45574301
File: 1.96 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_22-12-2023 02-09-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros what name do i choose for the kid...

>> No.45574306

Choose the last one

>> No.45574338

I can't believe some faggot was shilling that shit here for so long

>> No.45574347

Why her face look so uguu

>> No.45574353

So it was NTR after all. GG lads, uninstalled.

>> No.45574355


>> No.45574357

>fat tits
of course it was NTR. not real BR. scammed!

>> No.45574360

This looks disgusting, I spit on the anon that shilled this shit

>> No.45574367
File: 1.80 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_22-12-2023 02-15-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45574372

>jerking off furiously
>see this guy's face before you cum
imagine. westoid porn tier

>> No.45574384


>> No.45574388

NTR and lesbian shit. Absolute cuckge

>> No.45574390

Even without ntr that art looks extremely fat and deformed, can't imagine anyone unironically getting hard to something like this

>> No.45574392

Glad I didn't fall for this meme

>> No.45574404

wish ryuu-sama paywalled it for days like he did for geminism

>> No.45574409

True, so it has nothing going for it. Anons were shilling the drama but apparently drama is code word for cuckold fetish

>> No.45574412

>Not loli
>Not futa
So close to being high IQ kamige.

>> No.45574415

>H code?
>Replies : 0
>Vote 10
Sums up the audience of this game

>> No.45574416

Is that a bad end only thing or what?

>> No.45574430

It's the true end.

>> No.45574445

Looks like a flashback or something, the other one looks like a bad end.

>> No.45574466

>ONE won by default

>> No.45574473

kusoge awards? yeah

>> No.45574477

You do know that ONE has NTR as well?

>> No.45574484

Surely propeller going to be a chuuni kamige

>> No.45574500

Criminal Border 3 is still VNOTY

>> No.45574502

NTR is good.

>> No.45574503

That's a nasty scar/burn on her back. Is it even the imouto? Can't tell they all look the same.

>> No.45574518

Not the imouto.

>> No.45574524

then nothing of value was lost

>> No.45574526

I also liked it but for me it's Geminism, although I still haven't read Hirahira Hihiru. Gonna read that after I finish my current vn

>> No.45574572
File: 1.40 MB, 1114x855, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get why it got a sequel but it was alright, at least scenes werent same as 1.

Lets see what VN i get next>
Even: Baka Dakedo Chinchin
Odds: Aikagi 2
0: Koiyasumi ~Yuudachi ni Nureta Osananajimi~

>> No.45574576
File: 44 KB, 623x142, 1673589881049724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this price

>> No.45574599

Enjoy Chii-chan. Be prepared for a lot of Misonoo Mei blowjob sounds.

>> No.45574603
File: 1.92 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_22-12-2023 01-06-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this りる part so much, this is exactly what most of the cat speeches are lacking

>> No.45574661

You mean Misonoo moans over some random ossan's blowjob sounds.

>> No.45574731


>> No.45574739

I will never buy ONE for more than $1.

>> No.45574743

Should be ONE dollar instead

>> No.45574752

ive got some experience, she was the blonde from okusama was moto yariman

>> No.45574765

Oh, also make sure to download the version with the 後日談パッチ

>> No.45574770

Enjoyed the anal in your moege?

>> No.45574775

has this ever been a bad thing

>> No.45574776

What's wrong with anal in moege

>> No.45574784

Anal isn't moe

>> No.45574790

Where is the line drawn for what sexual content is moe? Are footjobs moe?

>> No.45574795

Any VNs with an older (25+) protagonist and JK love interests where he is actually cool and not lame like how it usually is
Plotge, moege, doesn't matter. The only examples I can think of is Kara no Shoujo

>> No.45574797

It's gay because you get poop on dick and faggots do it all the time
anal sex with flattie = yaoi

>> No.45574798

Does muramasa count

>> No.45574800

Does nukige count

>> No.45574801

Any copulation is gross and not moe
Moe is headpatting and handholding

>> No.45574803

got it thanks

yeah i dont mind, after reading starless everything seems tame

>> No.45574804

Maybe give something other than a nukige a try?

>> No.45574805


>> No.45574810

osamubros they are making fun of us again...

>> No.45574815

2d girl don't poop...

>> No.45574816

List of moe things:
anal sex
anal sex as the girl's first sexual experience
oyakodon, shimaidon etc.
flat girl
various combinations of the above

>> No.45574822

Depends what you mean by cool. Cause 99% of vn protagonists are pathetic

>> No.45574823

>anal sex as the girl's first sexual experience
not moe
>oyakodon, shimaidon etc.
not moe

the rest is fine

>> No.45574833

>anal sex
not moe
rest is fine

>> No.45574842

Rance got me into anal in vns, thought it was disgusting before #blogpost

>> No.45574843

all moe
don't argue

>anal sex as the girl's first sexual experience
is especially ultra moe

>> No.45574845

He doesn't do anal though? Or did they change it in X or something

>> No.45574847
File: 52 KB, 400x227, o0400022711771052075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon my nihongo is baby tier still and im really fucking bad at remembering kanji, maybe in a couple of years i will be able to read kamige
Right now my hatred for the west and its trannylations is the only thing that fuels me

>> No.45574857

it's easier to go from hated to love than it is if you're starting from indifference, which is where I've always been with anal. For years I didn't even notice that buttholes sometimes uncensored because I care so little for them.

>> No.45574863

Anon... Rance VI is the first with anal, don't remember which others have it but I know at least one other does. It's With Rizna, the sex trainer guy says she's probably experienced in it and he should try it with her.

>> No.45574867


>> No.45574869
File: 960 KB, 1198x509, 1684142517812736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45574873

I guess? I didn't know there was a JK heroine there
Probably not, unless there's a real connection and not just sex
>99% of vn protagonists are pathetic
Yes, that's exactly why I asked. I'm not sure how to describe it, but if you realize that most VN (or just Japanese) protagonists are lame, then you also probably know a cool one when you see him because he'll leave an impression

>> No.45574883

Ichijou and Chachamaru give JK vibes to me but I don't remember what their ages were supposed to be exactly.

>> No.45574887

For me the image of loli sitting on the knees doing anal while playing with her manko at the same time is the hottest thing ever.

>> No.45574889

Your nihongo is going to be forever terrible if you don't get out of your comfort zone more often. Just take a look at all the other braindead retards in this thread who only read piss easy nukige and moege, you don't want to end up being like them....

>> No.45574894
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, 1674937142526900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yureaka, well, the 主人公 might be a little younger than 25, year or two tops

>> No.45574895

I agree Muramasa is a good suggestion. I didn't finish RE:D Cherish but maybe other anons would recommend that? Then again not sure of the protagonist's age, somewhere in his 20s I assume at least.

>> No.45574897


>> No.45574899

I was never sure if Yukimitsu was supposed to be early 20s or late 20s but it's reasonably close to what anon is asking for. I thought he was cool at least.

>> No.45574912

>suddenly dozens of new posts
>it's about anal moe
go back to /blog/

>> No.45574916

I didn't read it but probably https://vndb.org/c9702 is fitting?
Also https://vndb.org/c3576

>> No.45574930

At this point, you should just confess you want to fuck the /blog/ anon here, you fucking faggot.

>> No.45574931

>Role Not a VirginS, Not an Anal VirginS
Doesn't sound very cool

>> No.45574946

Notice how nobody is talking about that NTR shit anymore? Guess it was dogshit as expected

>> No.45574951

aozora stripe MC is 24, does that make the cut
he's full on ikemen and a decently accomplished chef and makes all the girls/ladies swoon
kind of donkan but he's just work focused

this guy knows what's good

>> No.45574965

anal sex
first anal experience
>homosexual's first time
flat girl
>various combinations of the above
full blown homo

>> No.45574972

Don't forget incest is homo, both are acts which won't result in healthy children (Fact).

>> No.45574978

Incest actually results in healthier children than reproduction with non-family members.

>> No.45575003

I also like adult protagonists but only if they've got their shit together at least a little bit, if that's what you mean. For romances, I learned to stay the fuck away from games where the MC is a salary man or whatever that's "looking for love", because usually they've got nothing going for them, an example being https://vndb.org/v18353
I've had more luck with single heroine games like https://vndb.org/v22026 or https://vndb.org/v26537
This one is good too >>45574894

>> No.45575020

i eventually want to read other things and im not in a rush, i just want to have a nice experience with each VN

>> No.45575021

There are too many imouto games this year
Next year will be the year of ane

>> No.45575028

This seems more common in otome, honestly. I enjoy porori's stuff and he's done a lot of age gap stories but I'm not sure if the protagonists count as cool. They're not typical, at least.

>> No.45575041

I don't and I wasn't only talking about 1 anon. This looks more like a faggotcord raid.

>> No.45575049

finally graduated from anal moe. which BL should I read

>> No.45575066

slow damage

>> No.45575087

Seconding your recommendation for https://vndb.org/v22026.. I'd hesitate to call the protagonist cool, but he's not a loser at least.

>> No.45575161

New Madosoft obviously. There's an "imouto" character who grew up in the same orphanage or something.

>> No.45575196

I hate NBR so much it's unreal

>> No.45575225

NBR is whatever, but surprise NBR is unforgiveable.

>> No.45575227

Was reading a manga a while back where the major plot twist in the incest romance was WOW they're actually NBR isn't that amazing???

>> No.45575234

The fact that you expected anything else from Manga is the real surprise.

>> No.45575288

What's the point in a Madosoft game without the artist that draws big fat nipples?

>> No.45575291

There are many weirdoes who want NBR.I just read a review for an imoutoge -with Imouto in the title- and the reviewer called it sweet except for the incest part. I kid you not there are retards who play "Something Imouto" and complain about it having incest.

>> No.45575310

I don't think it's really artist-specific. Yakimochi Stream and Wagahigh had different artists, but both had the same meaty nipple style. It's possible that the new artist will do it, too.

>> No.45575329

I want surprise BR but it'd be a spoiler to actually look for that.

>> No.45575334

I can think of exactly one example and it was the reason why the girl didn't have a route kek. Fuck you kouki

>> No.45575341

Don't kid yourselves plotfags, we all know もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園! HDリマスター+ is the best release this month

>> No.45575354

Yeah, nah
Wake me up when Milk Factory makes the motto version of the idol one they made as Squeez

>> No.45575364

Amairo Islenauts.

>> No.45575368

>why does vndb allow this?
Go look up how many unreleased EVNs have multiple 10/10s from accounts that have never voted on anything else.

>> No.45575384

>もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園! HDリマスター
What the fuck why didn't you tell me kamige was releasing?

>> No.45575430

developers are encouraged to vote on their own vn. in this case the vn had multiple devs so multiple votes. - a (e)vndb mod busy merging episodic vns probably

>> No.45575437

>that most VN (or just Japanese) protagonists are lame,
This always strikes me as weird criticism. Do the shitters here just want Fabio suave woman pleasers? Go to Otomege for those because male oriented eroge isn't well designed for that archetype. Also, why single out Japanese? Does changing race suddenly up their desirability?

>> No.45575462

Those people are insane. I don't play vns with NTR in the title and then get upset they have NTR.

>> No.45575485

Yes. The darker skin the race, the higher the desirability. More moege should follow Crystalia and give us chad, DARK protagonists instead of pussy light japs.

>> No.45575486

You may not, but you would be shocked how many people do.

>> No.45575490 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, RE:D_Cherish!_-Eternity_Blood-red_cherish_eb (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, Yukimitsu's Japanese and he's about as dark as anyone could get.

>> No.45575494

Settle down, mutt.

>> No.45575524

Do I need to play Yuunagi 1 to play Yuunagi 2.

>> No.45575526

Meant for>>45575485

>> No.45575601

>The darker skin the race, the higher the desirability.
American w*hites should fuck off from my general.

>> No.45575610

What the fuck happened to this website? Why are people falling for such obvious bait?

>> No.45575619

how about you shut the fuck up

>> No.45575632

everyone these days is so frothing at the mouth with hatred for [insert group here, real or imaginary] they don't want to take the chance it might be a troll and miss the opportunity to take out their rage

>> No.45575650

Who the fuck gives a rat's ass what skin color the MC is? We need more brown (loli or tallflat) heroines!

>> No.45575669

Brown heroines give me the ick

>> No.45575687
File: 324 KB, 1605x905, ChuSingura46+1_-忠臣蔵46+1-ChuSingura46+1 (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some great brown routelets out there.
Very few main herones, unfortunately.

>> No.45575689

it's just tanlines that go all the way

>> No.45575961
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1698669199685119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OL heroines are the most loyal of them all

>> No.45576004

>the one occupation which has husband hunting as a job description.

>> No.45576020

The job description is office. They do office things that are nondescript because the author hasn't worked in an office and d終えsんt know what they do.

>> No.45576055

Looks like (You) need to go back to work.

>> No.45576061

manager-san...it's the friday before christmas...please let me leave early to read my moege...

>> No.45576069

Okay, sit there while I leave the door open and call in the new girl recruit for "tea"

>> No.45576115

Are you really so afraid to enter society that you have to invent these fake fantasies? The OL you desire will never come to you if you don't take the first step anon....

>> No.45576229

Bold of you to ask this question in an eroge thread.

>> No.45576414

Based and okinawan-pilled

>> No.45576551

This got me thinking. If I ever have children, do you think it would be a bad idea to name him or her after an eroge character in mind even if it is a normal name?

>> No.45576561

Nothing wrong with naming your kid Kageaki Muramasaman

>> No.45576581

calling my chilld akane

>> No.45576589

>Yes hello, my name is John Smith, and this is my wife Jane Smith, we're here to apply to preshool for our daughter Akane Smith?

>> No.45576760

It's not the character but the author. Japanese writers always make the most insufferable main character, for whatever reason

>> No.45576812

It's a new cast, so no

>> No.45576813

If you want them to change their characters, then you're going to have to kill their customers because that's what the majority want.

>> No.45576815

neat, time for me to read a game with big tits

>> No.45576817

Can anyone upload jp version of One remake? Torrent edition comes with cn + en, jp build needs to be downloaded separately through steam language settings

>> No.45576826
File: 1.73 MB, 4068x1636, chuunige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New clockup next year

>> No.45576834

Great, I thought they were dead.
Could be interesting. Clockup is a weird company, they have a bunch of hits but also a bunch of absolute garbage, but nobody esle makes weird dark horror-nuki-plot-chuuni-ge like they do.

>> No.45576836

What are the hits?

>> No.45576850
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, Erewhon_ver.101erewhon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking purely in terms of their plotnukige and not their standard nukige (i.e. stuff like sacrifice villains, kenzen, etc), VNs I have read and particularly liked are
>Maggot Baits
>Dead Days

I haven't tried love & cutthroat and I've heard mixed reviews.

>> No.45576892

>love & cutthroat
It's good. You should read natsu no kusari too.

>> No.45576955

Looks like a plotge with adult characters, which I'm up for.
I was about to complain about Ori again but at least they said they're still working on it.

>> No.45576964

It's even more sad because Saburo's art was amazing in zombie afureta, so I don't know what changed
I will never forgive waffle for this, I hope this kusoge flops

>> No.45577010

protagonist A looks cool

>> No.45577119

What if cool grandma protag surrounded by young guys? That's not a common thing.

>> No.45577431


>> No.45577509
File: 166 KB, 1600x880, azarameido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New meido

>> No.45577519

Please no NTR...

>> No.45577520

>love & cutthroat
Quite good, specially how the Shinjuku setting gets portrayed by Kurashiki's purple prose. If anything, it felt too short, and characters like Mirei could have been developed further. But I didn't read the Gaiden yet.

>> No.45577538

WTF is that face LMAO

>> No.45577550

cute maid, design remind me a bit too much of azur lane but wathever i'm not gonna spit on more maidge.

>> No.45577672


>> No.45577813

3rd Hakkenden op https://youtu.be/nEX7I6B5-II

>> No.45577967

Gays are also sucking dicks all the time so blowjob is gay by this logic

>> No.45578022

Will we reach Fortissimo amount of OPs?

>> No.45578108
File: 26 KB, 259x234, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this the hyped game, the one /jp/ won't shut up about the last few months

>> No.45578123

Chie my beloved...

>> No.45578470

No DL版 for Yuzuriha, so it might take a while

>> No.45578578

started my journey with the rance saga and finished 01
it's alright i guess

>> No.45578657

Kill yourself you fucking kike police, I didn't spam shit. The quoted message was hilarious in the thread so I copy pasted.

>> No.45578961

It's up https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4024407

>> No.45579003
File: 3.80 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_22-12-2023 16-59-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you could actually send the hanny king to the dungeons all this time? How come not a single guide has mentioned it, it's literally broken
All that time wasted on leveling the dungeon units who still insta die anyway

>> No.45579051

amakano or study steady for this winter?

>> No.45579057

Both are borderline nukige. Study Steady has better porn, Amakano 1 has better girls.

>> No.45579107

Is it normal for eroge companies to release so much just before Christmas? Is it because they'll be on break for pretty much until the end of Jan. 1st?

>> No.45579274

Winter holidays in Japan start after Christmas. They celebrate the new year moreso than christmas.

>> No.45579282

It's normal for all sorts of media to dump a bunch of shit right around Christmas.

>> No.45579325
File: 3.58 MB, 1600x900, 1677940641626739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

二年参り... home...

>> No.45579451

Retard face lol. Tits have bad anatomy too.

>> No.45579468

More like AI generated tier face

>> No.45579470

Embarrassing, kiddo. KYS

>> No.45579481

AI can generate much better faces than that

>> No.45579487

>Is it normal for eroge companies to release so much just before Christmas?
It's no more or less than any other release week. What do you want people to do, just drop all work for a month because of imaginary Godchild celebration?

>> No.45579488

>WOW look at this retard
>acts like a tard himself and makes shittalking his hobby
Typical unaware discord shitter. No wonder no one likes you lol

>> No.45579494

People keep calling every bad art ai when in reality it's hard to make bad ai art in practice with how good it got

>> No.45579497
File: 129 KB, 800x560, Yuzuriha-no-Uta-Inouryoku-Soshiki-Hanzai-Taisaku-Bu-Tokushu-Kidoutai-Dai-Ni-Ka-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it actually came out.
If it doesn't change my life and/or drain my balls I'm going to be really disappointed.

>> No.45579534

The guy you are responding to is retarded but 99% of AI art looks like garbage and all of it looks like it was drawn by the same guy.

>> No.45579535

The heroines could not look less appealing. I'd rather suffer through 蒼撃のイェーガー.

>> No.45579545
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a weak fucking faggot and not reading this

>> No.45579558

Chuunigger detected.

>> No.45579564

Art is hideous, dude. If you look closely at the CG posted here
>>45574338 the girl could almost pass as a dude. Literally yaoi

>> No.45579582

>a cuck who gets aroused by other dude calling anyone a faggot

>> No.45579585

Closet faggot see women as men, just do yourself a favor and fuck a tranny

>> No.45579602

Right is a man with boobs

>> No.45579606

You are clearly outdated and unaware of all of the new ai generators that keep getting better every day
Like this one for example one of my favorites https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3193461
Surely it's still not perfect as there are 6 fingers here and there but I would easily take it over the majority of modern eroge artists

>> No.45579632

Time to delete my browsing data

>> No.45579639

I'm not the one fapping to ultrashit art that could pass off in some cheap gayge. NTRmonkeys like you pretend to be not gay but seeing some dude with his face shown on screen somehow gets you off.

>> No.45579670
File: 947 KB, 1920x1080, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah illiterate closet faggot, go suck a cock or whatever you people do. I will proceed to continue reading

>> No.45579684

Ok homo have fun seeing men while fapping with your fake cowtits BR

>> No.45579712

Is the mc crying because she was getting drilled by a random man?
holy fucking shit i can't believe you retards were shilling this shit so hard for months.

>> No.45579729

>Calling others faggot while posting a scene with MC crying like a little faggot

>> No.45579730

Meds? Take them.

>> No.45579731

They're both good, but i think Amakano is comfier for the season.
You could also try Hasshaku, it's not a winterge but it's a good read.

>> No.45579755

picked up

>> No.45579767

Real men cry bro, little faggots like you have an anxiety attack when someone calls you incel

>> No.45579785


>> No.45579788


>> No.45579796

All you guys need to go back to /blog/ for having such homo preferences

>> No.45579826
File: 3.29 MB, 1914x1080, 156316384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes let's talk about cute moms instead that's a real hetero topic

>> No.45579834

>best design
>best voice
>best mom
why was her route so shit?

>> No.45579835

Feels good to be bi

>> No.45579858

>Heroine with sexual experience 3.0
You are not any better

>> No.45579878

>another guy already dropped a good one inside
>putting it in after that

>> No.45579879

Amanatsu, it's better to play games of the opposite season.

>> No.45579883
File: 2.44 MB, 1857x1060, 1264648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kunoichi is cute and pure.

>> No.45579901

>wanting to put your pp into such dirty place
You guys need to learn hygiene

>> No.45579907

What's so bad about it? i'm focusing on Akane's route right now.

>> No.45579909
File: 285 KB, 1600x938, malie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when did this thread become moebuta general?

>> No.45579930

I'll read this vampirege next

>> No.45579940

This and the new Seed Freedom movie. I guess we're moving from remakes to dusting off production hell projects.

>> No.45579946

Moebutas chuunifags /blog/ and pseudo-intellectuals have been sharing the same one thread for years, peace has even been an option.

>> No.45579959

Hey at least they are on-topic, this thread has the particularity of only being fast when talking about anything but eroge

>> No.45579971
File: 1.04 MB, 858x2160, 1678872960650391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45579987

What's with all these regressing artists
This year in particular I see so many of them regressed

>> No.45580003

Who going to tryhard for pennies when you can make a fortune just by copypasting the gacha characters?

>> No.45580050
File: 210 KB, 838x1512, owari da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since moege outperformed plotge.

>> No.45580060

I hate moebutas because they are basically just coomers. I'm not going to act like I don't play moeges from time to time but I can't explain how these "people" don't get tired of reading the same shit over and over again. Not to mention that their jp must be so shitty for that very reason.

>> No.45580063

Yuzuhira is not out yet

>> No.45580068

Boomer artists are all trying to modernize their styles to the current art style trend while doing a bad job at it ex. Itaru. Even if they are regressing, the designs themselves are at least not multicolored vomit or borderline gay like the average gacha trash.

>> No.45580069

>データ数 1

>> No.45580081

Anon your nyaafuu reps? It's been 3 hours.

>> No.45580094

why is the yuzuspammer like this?

>> No.45580098

Is Yuzuriha even a real game?
The designs look like they're straight out of Miel game or some shit
WTF is propeller smoking

>> No.45580114

>multicolored vomit or borderline gay like the average gacha trash.
Gacha designs are far better than most VNs though?

>> No.45580132

In bizarro world.

>> No.45580137

Besides its first year, Genshin have some of the worst designs to exist in history.

>> No.45580138

I'm more interested in what they were smoking when making the Jaeger, like who the fuck thought a game with 9 writers could possibly be successful? There was no coming back after that anyone

>> No.45580190
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45580269
File: 676 KB, 2896x4096, 1680750247492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even fair how they are sexier than any nukige women

>> No.45580280

I only like Cygays designs. At least they go still keep the Japanese SOVL in them.

>> No.45580284

the fox is cute

>> No.45580298
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imouto to Kanojo is broking my dick....

>> No.45580321


>> No.45580329

Your mind got broken too gaylord

>> No.45580339

Broking your dick!?

>> No.45580340

>posting korean garbage here
This board has fallen

>> No.45580344

imagine being a cuck lmao

>> No.45580351

Meant for >>45580298

>> No.45580369

but enough about your dad

>> No.45580384
File: 119 KB, 1790x253, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Hajimete no Kanojo
>become an hero
>Imouto to Kanojo
>same writer
yep, no thanks

>> No.45580398

Sorry for the replies bro, I left all the faggots in this thread seething

>> No.45580401

>obliterate your sex drive
Further proof NTR in fact makes you gay

>> No.45580413

Stop broking this thread dude

>> No.45580444

Do zoomers really can get into depression over fucking eroge?

>> No.45580446

The imouto is pure. It's not NTR if you only consider the slut as onahole.

>> No.45580464
File: 1.31 MB, 480x270, 7lfh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45580475

It's broking. Makes sense anti-NTR idiots are ESL lol

>> No.45580490

You say that, but the kanojo and the imouto have sex with each other

>> No.45580496

rude... you're broking my heart

>> No.45580499

The eyes bug me. They look empty and unfocused in every screenshot I see. Hajikano had the same issue. I know it's not Saburou's fault since his previous art was fine. His art and Waffle's coloring don't fit together.

>> No.45580517

I showed up just to do this thread a favor so you can read something interesting. Too bad this thread is now full of insufferable faggots. Real eroge bros, go read imouto to kanojo

>> No.45580518

>NTR addicted Koreans who are literally breaking their minds ITT

>> No.45580523
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Further proof NTR in fact makes you gay
Imagine being a moefag LOL

>> No.45580547

I'm not the biggest NTR fan, but Takeda Hiromitsu works get a pass.

>> No.45580578

>8 hours
That's barely even 1/4 of the first route.

>> No.45580579

>ugly RPGmakerslop
At least read a good NTRge

>> No.45580592
File: 27 KB, 1343x495, dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuzuriha bros, it's over....

>> No.45580593

>At least read a good NTRge

>> No.45580604

Definitely not this for one

>> No.45580612

>vndb votes
get real now

>> No.45580616

Yeah, that guy looks trustworthy

>> No.45580619

vndb matters more than your opinion

>> No.45580622

Blue Archive is an honorary eroge, even Sca-ji said so.

>> No.45580629

Scat it hates actually

>> No.45580633 [DELETED] 
File: 3.77 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine reading vns made by jp(cucks) lol

>> No.45580650
File: 694 KB, 1298x789, 54gfgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the 3 should have been a plank, just for varietys sake

>> No.45580660

Vn writers are virgins so they are pure

>> No.45580664

>700 posts
>102 IPs
So what the fuck happened this time

>> No.45580666

So we are getting raided, again, great.

>> No.45580676

One thing really I hate about RPGMaker trash is that they almost always use the awful default sprites template, they look like shit
Does not work with the title anon

>> No.45580678

Yes getting raided by one local cuckold who can't shut one for a second with shilling his slop

>> No.45580680

Ok the high amount of NTR with mental illness proportions on the girls in the art cant be a coincidence right? I understand there are some NTR artists who draw really pretty normal shaped girls but this has to mean something lol

>> No.45580684

>Vn writers are virgins so they are pure
>they are pure

>> No.45580686

Cuck game came out, as always.

>> No.45580692

That discord monkey from his reddit discord invited his buttbuddies in again

>> No.45580695

I miss the good old days of geminism

>> No.45580696

>good NTRge
I kant

>> No.45580701


>> No.45580711

My theory is that people who enjoy ntr are fucked up of the head, just like americans, so that's why "NTR bodytype" is an actual term now since they always draw them like plastic surgery monsters.

>> No.45580751

This is the only NTR I've seen with a really cute girl and it's the only time this artist touched the genre

>> No.45580763
File: 30 KB, 556x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45580788

See, they look like shit
Look at those frames on the girls LMAO
I wish they put as much effort for the gameplay sprites as the tachie and CG

>> No.45580829
File: 63 KB, 1078x1200, venus-of-willendorf-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Venus figurine body type
Universally worshipped in miserable cultures where instead of communities being split into lots of individual more-or-less patriarchal families with a father and mother, communities huddle together in large chaotic domiciles. The rise of NTR coincides with modern culture moving away from having an extremely high marriage rate where average people can afford a house to the roommate society it is today

>> No.45580897

NTR enthusiasts nowadays all act similar to westoids who also enjoy such proportions. I can only imagine they're the closest to them in terms of brain damage with consuming porn where it's totally fine to see man's face while the woman screams profanities. It's just another form of depravity which no mentally stable true straight man wants in his life.

>> No.45580909

That's an insult to the Venus, which although disgusting, at least the body proportions work together to make a fat woman.

The "NTR body type" always looks like draw the body first, then paste a small head on top and slap blubber tits on. Rarely the tits look like a natural part of the body.

>> No.45580932

in communitarian societies a person would get more deep social interaction in a day than the lonely eroge player gets in a year in the present atomized society. implying there's any similarity here is ridiculous

>> No.45580947

good for them

>> No.45581204

sounds terrible

>> No.45581584

Some of y'all need to have sex

>> No.45581587

Have another (You), and thanks for your greatly appreciated artistic opinion. Keep hating eroge and shitting the thread, so normies will go somewhere else. Meanwhile, I'll continue reading it.

>> No.45581590
File: 1.91 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_22-12-2023 22-57-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you can take Barres to the yuuenchi is the peak of the sovl

>> No.45581599

Yeah, because every eroge is a cuckge right? Take your medication and stay in the shed.

>> No.45581611

Why do you care if you only fap to the gallery. Remember to do your Anki reps, anon.

>> No.45581619

New thread kanojo bros, get in here

>> No.45581627

Because pure love is so popular with westoids, right? For Japs and Japanese knowers, it's cuckshit or nothing for sure.
Meds and stay in the shed.

>> No.45581631

Bro, you became so homo from the NTR, you should literally should go to blog and stay there. Otome has tons of NTR so you'll fit right in with the rest of the homos.

>> No.45581632

>NTR Edition
Is this a real thread?

>> No.45581656

Of course
