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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45354964 No.45354964 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.45355329
File: 945 KB, 900x810, 1593944226829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

我妻 (Azuma)

>> No.45355841

That rec chart and resources are outdated

>> No.45357738
File: 212 KB, 683x497, 20651719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shining Live dead
>Dolce Vita MIA
>Heavens still existing all this time even though they don't even have their own series
>No new Music game in years even though new CDs have been released since then

>> No.45357957
File: 23 KB, 638x358, 0460dcda50cb812e270a811350fbd8c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why agematsu hates us so much sisters? Aren't utafags dedicated fans? The sales are good. Even sluthisas side piece rushed to utapri store to get ranmaru cds right after fucking his voice actor. IT'S NOT FAIR TO GET KEKED LIKE THAT FUCK AGEMATSU FUCK AGEMATSU FUCK HIM REEEE.

>> No.45358026
File: 225 KB, 1400x1000, __byleth_byleth_lysithea_von_ordelia_hilda_valentine_goneril_marianne_von_edmund_and_3_more_fire_emblem_and_1_more_drawn_by_shishima_eichi__f5ee9735e7b01bb8c86f3b8dfc4ea8ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

みんなの雄豚 (我々の嫁)
That's one of my reasons for playing Paradise. He does not disappoint at all.
Matsuda sounds exactly like his work with Sylvain from Fire Emblem so I cannot unsee that massive slut's face kek

>> No.45358162
File: 1.30 MB, 476x498, eiden-nu-carnival.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can hear azumas turbo slutty moans from that picture alone

>> No.45358266

maybe I should play kiwame on Christmas

>> No.45358293
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>Akira drawn by Yamada
Ew. Ewwwww.

>> No.45358543
File: 459 KB, 1920x950, geminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our new husband

>> No.45359828

Hate his design and not otome so no.

>> No.45359951
File: 2.21 MB, 1553x1440, cRm4TugAIg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will add him to my slut collection. Majima is the only one for me.

>> No.45360336 [SPOILER] 
File: 578 KB, 840x659, when the title popped up for a second I thought I was getting a big pharma joke twist end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshimoto, ABDUCTION route
Can't believe I made it through this one without stepping on any early bad end mines.

No big twists this time, but that's just as well. Maybe I'd say it started a bit slow, what with Yoshimoto barely showing up on his own route until the latter half of Day 5, but then it really picks up. Day 6 especially was a thing of beauty, but it's jarring that the CGs don't even try to reflect the main characters' state. Sprites I can forgive, but when the text goes into great detail about Teppei's face being horribly swollen, and his whole body being covered in bruises, and him vomiting so much that he should be dead from dehydration, but then the CG shows him with glowing silky smooth skin, that's just weird, you know? And he sure is pretty hairless for a guy who was already twice described having to shave in the morning. Anyway, I get why this was done. It's a tiny letdown, and the writing makes up for it, so whatever.

Also this route marks the first time the game explicitly showed the winner receiving the prize money. And they even clapped! I hope they gave I CRYING Teppei the standing ovation he deserved. Anyway I love the Kiba, those buggers deserve more screentime

I think Teppei might have a genetic predisposition to Stockholm Syndrome, because damn, that guy is insane to a suicidal degree. Getting dicked by literally anyone has such an immediate, drastic effect on him even though during the act he is all dry "Fuck, I am getting gay raped. In the ass. I am getting the Real Homosex Experience™. This must be the real reason why he was nominated in the first place.

Overall I am very happy with this route. I'm a bit ashamed that I missed the exact moment Yoshimoto changed from 己 to お前. I think he alternated between the two for a bit, but I just can't recall what exactly made him change it for good. And Miyase, that useless faggot, even he managed to justify his existence by the end, however barely. He still had too much screentime for the little role played. But he still has the other route to prove himself worthy of it.

Alright, now to see what hell awaits Teppei on the other path! Very excited.

>> No.45360440

Is Broccoli still trying to make BackPri a thing?

>> No.45362134

Any otome with an evil mc?

>> No.45362303

thats what you get for going form an otome to joseimuke, I hope the waifu game succeeds and it goes full waifu man pandering

>> No.45362314

piofiore. Supports her unhgined chines boyfreinds sex traffiking

>> No.45362332
File: 1.50 MB, 1311x845, investormoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope the waifu game succeeds

>> No.45362470
File: 33 KB, 210x300, 136673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my husband is stuck in a voltage mobile game...

>> No.45364982
File: 35 KB, 400x400, tsukikana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there interest in a Baraki translation? I've fallen quite in love with it, so I've been working on one in my spare time. I sort of hope jast doesn't pick it up, it would be depressing to have to toss my work (even though I know it's a risk with fanTL stuff)

>> No.45365482

>the CG shows him with glowing silky smooth skin
Hah, true. Very few games bother showing filth in CGs. Main one that stands out in memory was Enzai where every prisoner always had some stain or grime on them, although it looked very cosmetic still.

I wish I actually remembered the character development details, but Nitta and Yoshimoto were the very first routes I played years ago and it's all so hazy. It doesn't help that the game doesn't seem to care much if you GET the characters, there's so much uncommented subtext.

also reposting my Yoshimoto route 感想 although that thread is about to fall off the archive:

>> No.45365516

A lot of people can read nip here so I dunno, and outside of this thread I don't think it's very famous among EOPs.
I think there's a minimal chance of it being picked up by a company at least... then again I never expected Masquerade translation to get announced in 2023

>> No.45365815

kek deserved

>> No.45367428

There are a good number of people who don't know Japanese here or just MTLs from what I've seen. Seems like those are otomefags, though. Even so, you can always set up a blog for your TLs. If the game does become localized one day, the probability where it isn't translated properly is pretty high, especially knowing JAST's history.

>> No.45368557
File: 965 KB, 840x659, fire him FIRE HIM fucking hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bad end
Miyase! Why are you so fucking useless?! Why do you exist??!! You had ONE job! MIYASE!

Now there's a game I haven't thought about in a long time. But yeah, it's basically a staple. The text is free to portray just about any horror, but the CGs have to be at least somewhat appealing. I just thought that the gore filter might give this game's art more creative freedom. Instead we have this strange middle of the road approach where we have gore CGs (mostly side characters) and porn CGs (mostly main characters) and the latter mostly limits itself to blood but otherwise plays it fairly safe. Would be interesting if they changed this in the remake, if it ever comes out.

>the game doesn't seem to care much if you GET the characters
Oh man, absolutely. It will sometimes take pity on you and explain the story like to a retard, but the characters are left intentionally ambiguous. Makes sense, Teppei struggling (and failing) to understand them had been a running theme on all routes so far. But it makes talking about them so fucking difficult, if it's been years since you played it no wonder if it all feels hazy.

>also reposting my Yoshimoto route 感想
Don't worry, I've been keeping that tab open for safekeeping. Worst case, I'll find it in the archive. Won't be reading it until I'm done with the other half too, though. I like surprises.

>> No.45368867

I don't think that they can afford it anon, morikawa toshiyuki is in and he's quite expensive. They couldn't afford him in lamento. But again if they do, the translation is going to be trash anyway. Dystopia no ou has more chances and paradise has 2 fandisks so go for it. Good luck. Better post it in a blog or release it partially route by route. Or if visual novel reader is working and hooks the game you can just add the translation there. I did tl some vns in my language there when it was at it's peak but it's been years

>> No.45370054

RIP in piss

>> No.45370405

ensemble stars killed every idol male franchise

>> No.45370907

hypmic/paralive is doing alright thoughever.

>> No.45371002

sorry to ask, but does anyone know where I can find the original pc version of chounodoku hananokusari (japanese)

>> No.45371027

Someone already linked a torrent to it in the eroge thread.

>> No.45373212 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, hugo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seethed so hard over his husbando he fucking died

Kinda funny honestly.

>> No.45373250
File: 112 KB, 427x552, Screenshot (282).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the bakarina otome game in english if anyone wants it


honestly I'm not sure how I feel about these villaness otome games becoming real otomes. They seem to want to have there cake and eat It too.

Bakrina is tolerable because it doesn't go too into the "all women who play otomes like to play as homewrecking commoner whores"

>> No.45373297

Rather have a side female character lesbo rape me with a 14 inch strap on, then any of this gay shit.

>> No.45373669

>all women who play otomes like to play as homewrecking commoner whores
Is this what the average villainess otome work leans into? Also, thank you for sharing.

>> No.45373698

nta but I don't think so? Most of the time villainess stuff has the MC being homewrecked by some other cunt. The whole trope of the original love interest like the prince or whatever going "I'M ANNULING MY ENGAGMENT TO YOU AND MARRYING THIS GIRL INSTEAD BECAUSE YOU BULLIED HER OR WERE OTHERWISE EVIL" is so overdone that even joke entries lamp-shading the trope are overdone too.

>> No.45373807

Why do nips keep consuming this shit when it's all pretty much the same

>> No.45373821

Eh, different shades of escapism/romantic fantasies. Same reason why so many women eat up trashy romance novels, even when they have many of the same story beats/tropes every time.

>> No.45374117

>bakarina otome game
It feels a bit weird not to have a yuri route in an adaptation of a series in which "the MC doesn't realize she made everybody, both boys and girls, in love with her" is one of its main selling points/

>> No.45374169

RIP Hikari no Akari. I didn't even grab as much as I wanted because I figured there were a few days left, oh well.

>> No.45374295

That's what the other anon meant. The otome MCs (as in, the fictional game's main character) in villainess otome manga are all homewreckers who get in the way of an arranged marriage, whereas the actual manga's main character is the one getting cucked.

>> No.45374962

>play as homewrecking commoner whore
is there an otome game that's like that? a manipulative bitch for an mc would be pretty interesting, if not at least amusing

>> No.45375055

speaking of otome isekai (is that the term?), still wishing for one where it's about the bff chara or something, trying to stop the flowers-for-brains mc from getting herself killed/raped in a bad end, the true otome experience

>> No.45375500

I’ve yet to come across an otome isekai written by someone who seemed like they’ve actually played one. You could probably do something fresh with it if you were playing with real otomege tropes.
Though I did read a doujin TL manga the other day that made me pretty disappointed that I was reading the retarded isekai version and not the fake in universe otome game which seemed much cooler than any real otome would be.

>> No.45375871

>doujin TL manga
care to share the link? if you don't mind

>> No.45375983

The roid monster LI grossed me out so I ended up not liking it that much.

>> No.45376475

This could have been good if the roid monster LI was raped instead.

>> No.45376784
File: 114 KB, 600x842, e15rbcitsqf91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like this too isekai smut with yandere LI.

>> No.45377745

Thank god it didnt have any yuri trash. It was the worst part about the anime, the boys barely got any screentime

>> No.45377910
File: 25 KB, 480x272, daria-purehard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the yuri content in bl ain't like that i don't need it.

>> No.45377918

I don't think I've come upon a bl with yuri in tho.

>> No.45378051

Wabisuke niisama and slut sensei best boys. Daria wasn't bad desu.

>> No.45378374
File: 57 KB, 256x341, 72088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else play the Mamiya finale? I thought it was okay until rock falls and everyone dies. Then the universe is destroyed for good measure. I'm tired of stories ruining characters at the last second for the sake of explaining lore that no one asked for.

>> No.45378800

If there's no gay shit in it im not interested

>> No.45378826

yves and lucas designs are perfect for lesbians wdym

>> No.45379319

It's also on aarin if you want a ddl.

>> No.45379424

A-s one isn't working? They had the tokuten games too iirc.

>> No.45381559

eh i don't mind the yuri stuff. And gerodo is so obviously endgame. I love maria. But its the fucking straight male yurifags who started seething at any males and deluded themselves into thinking it would go the true yuri route

I wouldn't have minded yuri routes that unlocked after playing the het routes. Im never gonna say no to more content

>> No.45381741

Desperadrops looks ugly but I almost want to play it because I'm curious to know what the deal with the pink haired character is. I assumed they'd be a typical male voiced acted trap like you sometimes get in otome. But the VA is female and it's totally thrown me off.
Why does this character who by all logic should be a side character get a main cast slot with the other guys?

>> No.45381783

The character designs are so damn ugly

>> No.45385968
File: 129 KB, 800x600, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should've released this years ago

>> No.45386888
File: 93 KB, 500x302, 3b482eb899beff0630146a37b9406df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dark eye shadows face doesn't really look as creepy/comical as it should.

Also really? Just a picture of the cage? At least give us a mini version, or, hell, even a card cut-out page to make a 3D one ourselves would be better than that.

>> No.45387410

How cheap no real cage

>> No.45388999
File: 93 KB, 736x1137, dd91c6ee7d5b1936a3590a4b659a5a1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know D3P and Red are broke but it's amazing how they can have Kozaki in charge of designs yet still look worse than a single person's passion project doujin. At least it has a voiced protagonist I guess.

>> No.45389045

Kozaki was always mediocre outside his work with NMH. Fire Emblem Kozaki is even worse than Desperadrops, especially those fucking toilet knights drew. I wonder if it's because Suda51 is the one overseeing NMH because all his other games look great too.

>> No.45390016

Get a hamsters cage.

>> No.45390630

Yeah, I like Kozaki’s style generally, so DesperaDrops is super disappointing.

Kozaki didn’t come up with the armour designs in Awakening, the art director did.

>> No.45391078

Why did you sisters lie to me and say NO,THANK YOU!!! is good. The plot sucks and Haru is one of the worst mcs.

>> No.45392629

>Denpa freeware otomege. You probably have these. The dev nuked out every single one of them. I'll ask blog if you don't have them.
Curious about these, anyone have them?

>> No.45392845

Any anons here played the game Solipsis Reigns? Was looking for an otome game with yanderes and a lot of people seemed to recommend that one.

>> No.45393413

I like it when really smart men, with 10 masters and 3 phds and ceo of 6 companies have their smarty farty minds go completely blank and stupid from dick up theyre bum, any recs like this?

>> No.45393886

I haven't played any because I don't care for 'rymen but isn't that Kichiku Megane's shtick? I'd say Tokyo 24-kun since it's all prim and proper national-level politician and their staff but protag only bottoms I think.
In fact that's going to be the biggest problem, finding a game where protagonist tops or else isn't some dumb pleb.
Minagawa in Kanja S is also the arrogant elite yuppie type at least

>> No.45395362

Can you get them? I think I miss some in the end ;-;
We should make our own mega with doujinge and preserve them desu! Who has free mega space and can take up managing and uploading?

Also cage and blsisters do you have all of LOVE&DESTROY's games?

>> No.45396366
File: 652 KB, 800x600, 17. typinggame2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog's opinion about kichiku megane? I miss mido.

>> No.45396583

I think the doujin anon at the eroge thread is also interested managing some /blog/ related stuff and probably browses here sometimes. Saw some agony, winter sister and succulent stuff being collected.
I shared a few things already over there which he archived but we can just post links to anything /blog/ related here if anyone simply wants their stuff searchable for now.

>> No.45396708

Based, not all heroes wear capes. I think the love & destroy stuff deserve a spot there too, but we need to collect them all first, some are lost media.

>> No.45396710

Tropey but decent fun, Midou was good, some bad endings are fun too

>> No.45396992

No, the download links are all dead/not archived. We should preserve freege at least, since you never know when they'll disappear.

>> No.45397140
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, GAQFa-2awAAkCqH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooyari Ashito (the littlewitch illustrator) is doing an upcoming joseimuke game. Or it seems more like a half joseimuke game, since it has two versions, one where every character is female and one where they're all male. It's based on a play that also has two versions, and it does seem like it's the exact same set of characters in both except gender flipped, with the same synopsis. Kind of a weird gimmick.

>> No.45397221

Holy based! I love his art so much. Quartett is really cute and perfect for Christmas. Eop patch included btw.

Ok sisters, for starters we need these lost media.
We are looking for:
>https://vndb.org/p3789 circle's freewarege, she nuked every single one of them, webarchive doesn't open them either
Priority the denpa
>Meimou Halloween
>love & destroy blge ones same situation, cage open main games close lurk around though, we need the freege ones https://vndb.org/p2892

>> No.45397245

And if any rich sister here payed 11k yen to fuck her dad in this game, please share and don't gatekeep.

>> No.45397331

>love & destroy blge ones same situation, cage open main games close lurk around though, we need the freege ones https://vndb.org/p2892
First one seems to be here: https://www.vector.co.jp/soft/win95/game/se482928.html
I don't see the second one though.

>> No.45397513

The 5ch thread has some working links for some Ankrache games, but they're not listed on vndb so I have no idea how many there are in total. When I get time later I'm going to download everything I can from those threads. Also if anyone can post there, someone might have the others. Someone just requested Meimou Halloween recently, actually.

>> No.45397592

Here sisters, my time to pay back in a smaller way, all those who upload and share their goodies. My mega is full so feel free the re-upload somewhere better.
>ograidet valentine
>delusional halloween
>>45397513 I'd really appreciate that I've been looking for the rest like crazy, I had them all in my old pc that formated ;-; thanks in advance anon.
>rakka ten 1&2
I'll check on the usual places which love and destroy games aren't available.

>> No.45397704

I have also been searching through that thread and I've managed to find quite a few (some are just in the freegame mega linked at the top). I'll keep searching for a little while then upload what I've got if no one else has by then. I don't know why but they have an addiction to using the shittiest filesharing websites possible with links that expire in days over there, but there were a couple of older links working.
The games listed on vndb/EGS/the archived site I haven't been able to find are:

>> No.45397736

It's on Freem
I found working links there for these two. Will continue looking later and upload if you can't find them.
Thanks sis!

>> No.45397786

>close (pre-order bonus link works not included on torrent)
On yaoi museum, usual place (on torrent).
Another here
Think we're ok now with love and destroy.

>> No.45398047

OK, I'm(>>45397704) back.
Here's everything I've found in a mega folder.
https://mega nz/folder/yi5B1SCK#C_57oRUFZnqHo69rfcQ4vQ
There's a text document with what's missing inside as well.
Some of them were collected from that 5ch thread which is a huge pain to parse through. If you're looking for other things there: Numbers after the character 斧 means it's a code for the website axfc.net. Plug the numbers after www.axfc.net/u/ to get the link (this is probably obvious since there are full links for the site in the same thread but anyway). There's usually a password listed next to it.
However I found that a lot of the passwords don't work even if there's no time limit stated. A lot of them have the password listed as 愛, I haven't got any of these to work and I've tried other variations like writing 'love' or 'ai' in english letters. It may just be the case that it's the same person not stating that their time limits.
The non ax links were generally all dead from what I've seen.
I actually haven't played a single game from this circle but they looked mildly interesting and the prospect of remembering them again a year down the line only to find that the links have rotted is something I just couldn't live with, so, there goes my friday evening.

>> No.45398268

>password listed as 愛
This means the password is the ID of the person requesting it, which is stupidly confusing.

>> No.45398322

Here are corral girl and 車輪の森の調教師に捧げるは、
Thanks for putting this together! Now we just need cambiatonement and quack girl.

>> No.45398335

Thanks. Now all that's missing is quack girl and cambiatonement (possibly. It may just be another name for 140114).

>> No.45398359

I kneel jop 5ch sis thank you sm for your service. I'll look for the rest around maybe it works on some sketchy Chinese site. I read a review on an otome blog and it really caught my attention. I used to save everything on my pc. Always save up your stuff on external disks or ssds or drives sisters. One wrong move and everything is gone.

Browsing for more interesting candidates, I found this circle. Apparently they shared their games for free for one day only. https://vndb.org/p3185
I don't think that they're available on dlsite anymore.

>> No.45398471

>voice & voice be quiet in the dark
And some of her older ones don't seem to work but she's still active and has some if her older ones for free on her booth. Has an r18 bl game too. Melancholic dreamtower looks good. https://senca.booth.pm
I suspect disbanded circle that's why most were nuked.

>> No.45398498

Melancholic Dreamtower and it's sequel are in the aarin BL torrent.

>> No.45398583
File: 189 KB, 1000x563, cg11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New sample CGs seem to make clear that Matsurika's Cero D is for sexual content after all. It all looks a bit Daenerys and Khal Drogo.
Otomate has gone a while without a good rape simulator, I was almost getting worried there.

>> No.45398629 [SPOILER] 
File: 701 KB, 840x659, omedetou on your first kill Teppei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighto. Yoshimoto, CROP CIRCLE
...I haven't learned anything new this time lmao. But I still have two, I think, endings left to collect?
Depending on how long those will be, I get the feeling that Yoshimoto's routes combined will come out much shorter than Nitta's.

And speaking of Nitta, his wingman game is spectacular.
>Let me tell you about Yoshimoto.
>What kind of person is he?
>Killed his best friend with a kitchen knife when he was in elementary school. Well, good luck and don't give up.
And then
>Nitta walks by
>looks at Yoshimoto, covered from head to toe in every kind of body fluid, little chunks of human flesh stuck in his teeth
>looks at Teppei, bruised all over, tattered rags drenched in blood and vomit, Yoshimoto's cum dripping from his ass
>*thumbs up*
This fucking guy, I swear.

I laughed when the game accidentally called Yoshimoto Segawa during the sleep rape. I miss him too, authors. I miss him too. And this brings me once again to Miyase, who this time spent most of the route being a no show until the very end.
>dicks around until Yoshimoto is done sleep raping Teppei
>Pull his dick out of your ass Konno, I am bolice! :DDDD
I just, I can't. What the fuck is this guy's problem. Seriously. Why is it that Yoshimoto can rape, and kill, and eat Teppei alive right in front of this cocksucker, and he will do fuck all to help, the sick fuck. He ended up being totally useless on this route too, by the way. Zero contribution. Zero.

>> No.45398773

Well, it's the same writer who wrote Jakou no Lyla which did get a PC port with R17 content. Never played it but I heard the fan service is good.

>> No.45399800

I still have no idea what the fuck Miyase's deal is either. He's... fatherly, I guess? The kind of really shitty father who gave up on reforming his son ages ago but still hopes he will somehow avoid ending up in jail? The kind who's happy when his deadbeat thug son brings in a decent girlfriend, and tells her "I know he's a handful but maybe YOU can fix him" instead of chasing her away for her own good? Then when he finds the poor girl covered in bruises and surrounded by used needles and broken teeth he's all "sigh, how tragic" ? I guess that's what the author was going for.

>> No.45399827


>> No.45401975

I did not. The designs are ugly

>> No.45402004

I really like Shigeo's work but her males aren't attractive at all. I dropped it because I only found Hiroyuki attractive, which was more than enough to enjoy the game as is.

>> No.45402893

>the plot sucks
that's true
>Haru is one of the worst mcs.
you're tripping

>> No.45403803

>NO,THANK YOU!!! is good
? I say more hate for NTY than anything. In fact I remember people being disappointed because good haro hype but in the end it was mediocre as fuck.

>> No.45405527 [SPOILER] 
File: 405 KB, 840x659, it took me until Cattle Mutilation to notice the ayyy theme and I'm positively ashamed of it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshimoto, still CROP CIRCLE.
Grays might me my absolute favorite out of his endings. There were many crazy and impactful moments on his routes, and this wins at arguably neither, but the sudden speech style change was extremely kino. The rest of the ending also reminded me of the tone of The Hollow. No shock value, no high octane violence, only oppressive, suffocating, tranquil 気持ち悪い. I truly love them.

Teppei spent half of 悲しみと出会ったら calling Miyase out on being useless. I feel vindicated. And he doesn't even know half of it.
Is ED. 23 Yoshimoto's? If everyone gets 7 endings each then it should be. I'm also still missing one CG, but since it's the last one in the gallery that could be just placeholder for the 100%.

>man I can't place Yoshimoto's speech pattern at all
>he's sort of talking like an old man but mixed with thug slang
>is it a regional dialect? i don't know.
I kept wondering the same thing, but I couldn't pin him down for any specific dialect. Not that I'm an expert in this area. He had traces of western dialects, some yakuza vocab, but not clearly Hiroshima-ben, and also those outdated speech patterns. Yeah, I have no idea. Probably idiosyncratic. Miyase very clearly speaks Kantou, Nitta ditto when he isn't speaking autist, and they are all supposedly from the same region. So this might be just Yoshimoto's idea of how a thug should sound like.

>all that dindu stockholm syndrome gibberish
Ahhhh these routes were such a wild ride. Even in the one route where he goes "fuck this shit" he couldn't escape this retardation. "Yeah, he was a mass murder, yeah, he got off on violating corpses, yeah, he even ate them, and I'm much better off staying away... but fuck I'm now so bored." I love Teppei. He is a perfect mix of retarded and batshit fucking insane. It MUST have something to do with his blue-collar background and family who all look like inbred neurotic cultists, I just don't yet know what.

>I guess that's what the author was going for.
Sounds plausible, trailing someone for 10 years sure is a long time. Long enough to got to that point.. I also like Teppei's speculation in 悲しみ, that Miyase might have also grown addicted to Yoshimoto's carnage. That certainly explains why he is so completely unfazed by the whole murder game, or why he didn't bother to pull out his gun (he had a gun all along, that motherfucker!) until Yoshimoto directly attacked him.

So then. Yagasaki if even, Kujo if odd.
No matter who comes first, this is bound to be interesting. Both had plenty of screentime on both Nitta's and Yoshimoto's routes, and they... they seemed like nice people. No red flags whatsoever. Which I suppose is the biggest red flag of them all.

>> No.45406928
File: 391 KB, 652x380, 1680085031167076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who even asked for these two

>> No.45407078

While I disagree that haru was the worst mc, I didn't like the game much too. I do prefer when there's romance it wasn't the lack of it that bothered me though, my fav boy hiroyuki had most romance in anyway, I think my problem was that it felt forced all the BL content. I needed better explanation too, I mean by playing clocks up games the stories do align The rich yakuza into hardcore fetishes, the slave/assasin trainings etc. At least their doing different ones these times. The art i don't think that it's bad personally but I prefer the twinky ikemen designs better.
A 6-7 is ok for it.

Btw how's room n9 amd LKYT?

>> No.45407083

>Tachibana shinnosuke

>> No.45407084
File: 119 KB, 460x1160, Ash.Meyer.full.3986416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weeby and probably delusional environmentalist
>Cute yuri (???) hacker
Don't tell me you prefer Mr. Generic over them.

>> No.45407158

Damn they really wasted tacchin on such an uggo

>> No.45407211

It looks like Sally is the true route so my guess is 'she' is the main villain/mastermind, and that the route has little or possibly no romance.

>> No.45407392

Do you have the new version of bara ni ki and willing to share?

>> No.45407848

Was on dlsite but now removed. No uploads around.

>> No.45407899

This sounds really good, I hope someone has it.

>> No.45409784

Just heard an audio sample on dlsite that used a loud bleep censor, disgusting.

>> No.45410877

>Those booth with that open shirt
Hot.Would be better with black hair though

>> No.45410885

So is pink confirmed a girl?

>> No.45412746
File: 42 KB, 600x341, 604947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a replay as per tradition.

>> No.45414957

After all those horrible toxic jerks Kujo is going to feel extremely vanilla, in a way. Teppei is the jerk in that route really, although he tries to be a proper boyfriend eventually.

>> No.45415135

oh also I'm pretty sure ED23 is Kujo's crack ending. a total shitpost, think of the dog ending in silent hill 2.
You haven't missed anything so far i think.

>only oppressive, suffocating, tranquil 気持ち悪い
you should really play Paradise if you want more of that vibe later. Maybe even Pigeon Blood although the plot kinda sucked. Both have such a slasher movie premise, yet besides the short bursts of horror and tension they're 50 hours of slow burn unease and awkwardness. SoL except the characters kinda despise each other and can't just leave. The characters are also all proper(?) adults (except Pigeon Blood's MC who was deliberately infantilized but still)

>> No.45417429


>> No.45417596

Post her dick or you're bullshitting.

>> No.45417917

No idea but the completely flat chest loli design makes me think so. Actual yuri routes in otome are usually with a prince archetype girl or a milfy older woman.

>> No.45421913
File: 563 KB, 802x649, Screenshot 2023-12-04 215909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resorting to free games for my otouto fix

>> No.45421942

What are you playing /blog?

>> No.45422793

It's not even /blog/-related besides the fact that it's directly inspired by era games, but currently I'm playing Corrupted Saviors.
Don't let the defaults fool you, you can turn your magical girls into magical boys in the options and the flavor text will reflect that just fine (although they have a tendency to crossdress.) The portraits don't really fit but they're kinda crap anyway so I just play the no images version
Anyway, once you get the hang of the system it's immensely fun bullying and defiling them and watching them huddle and despair together and fight and fuck each others, not to mention that once they're corrupted and successfully captured they're added to a roster/magical boy stable where you can further play around with them or directly use them to capture others, I recommend giving it a try.
release links on the right:

>> No.45423481

I can't play nsp files on Andriod...

>> No.45424886

Twist, just started yesterday.

>> No.45425214

You can just install yuzu emulator apk (as long as you have 6+ ram and above).
I can run everything, minus even if tempest.

>> No.45425886

Dies Irae, so not exactly /blog/. I’m not very far in.
Thought it was funny how much a love triangle (?) between the villain with long black hair, the blonde girl and the MC seemed to be emphasised in the OP movie though. I’m playing the all ages version so it almost makes me suspect it was added to further lure in the otome audience who might have been interested for the voice actors. For all I know it was always like that though.

>> No.45427360

Since Star Orchestra is officially dead and Corda 2 Encore still hasn't left the PSP I think I'll start that...

>> No.45427639

Fuck don't tell me the app already died...do they plan to port it to switch or-

>> No.45428520

I'll play Shingakkou for real this winter

>> No.45428962 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1480x627, I2heXrIgkp-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been juggling a lot of different things but I've been more focused on reading Paradise over the past week. I read slow as hell and prefer finishing everything before making genuine commentary but I'm enjoying myself so far.
Btw if you guys can run it, I really suggest using Magpie to upscale games. Absolute game changer for reading small text and just making a lot of things look better in general.
Yeah, Dies Irae has really big name VAs and some BL/otome-like elements, especially with the side characters. Would say it's something where the villains are far more likeable than the protagonist and his love interests imo. A shame best girl Rusalka gets the short end of the end
While Ren wasn't that interesting as a MC to me, he does have his moments. I really enjoyed his interactions with Kei in particular. For me, DI doesn't really peak until you get to Kei's route which is the next route after Kasumi's. Kinda wished otome had better tsun/tsun relationships on that regard. Those are fun.

>> No.45429035
File: 1.15 MB, 1480x627, I2heXrIgkp-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been juggling a lot of different things but I've been more focused on reading Paradise over the past week. I read slow as hell and prefer finishing everything before making genuine commentary but I'm enjoying myself so far.
Btw if you guys can run it, I really suggest using Magpie to upscale games. Absolute game changer for reading small text and just making a lot of things look better in general.
Yeah, Dies Irae has really big name VAs and some BL/otome-like elements, especially with the side characters. Would say it's something where the villains are far more likeable than the protagonist and his love interests imo. A shame best girl Rusalka gets the short end of the stick
While Ren wasn't that interesting as a MC to me, he does have his moments. I really enjoyed his interactions with Kei in particular. For me, DI doesn't really peak until you get to Kei's route which is the next route after Kasumi's. Kinda wished otome had better tsun/tsun relationships on that regard. Those are fun.

>> No.45429487

Nothing at the moment. Waiting for the BL VN I'm interested to be released. I should go back and finish Nie no Machi thought I guess.

>> No.45430016

Shutting down at the end of March, offline version will be available for a while after

>> No.45431211

>6+ ram and above

Fuck my 4 ram ...

>> No.45431491


>> No.45431915
File: 109 KB, 786x1000, 32423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played Walpurgis no Uta on vita?
I can't tell if it's a bug or just my hands triggering the sensitive variety of touch/analog/etc control options, but the text box is frequently hiding- sometimes to the point I have to reboot the game because I can't get it to appear again. At a glance I haven't found complaints from others about this happening though, in fact some praised the programing.
It's a bit of an annoyance enough that I'm probably just going to download the PC version and play that instead.

>> No.45432056

It would be tragically ironic if the flood of ""otome game villainess"" stories in light novels and manga were to actually spread into otome games and become a common occurrence.
I play otome for cute flustered boys and slow burn mutual pining romance. If the relationship is written to accommodate the love interest switching girls at the drop of a hat I would be turned off so fast.

>> No.45432383

majority of villainess stories are even more formulaic than otomate games, so i really hope not
the only memorable ones i've read that are roughly in the same genre are korean-made

>> No.45436669

I can’t stand any sort of isekai shit and the lazy settings that come along with it. One thing (actual) otome games have going for them is that for the most part they have their own original settings rather than pseudo-Dragon Quest and its bastard daughter, the stock ‘otome game’ setting which is usually the exact same thing but with more focus on fake European nobility.
Luckily it hasn’t infected otome too bad so far. The only commercial games are based on already popular series (the hamefura game and an upcoming one), and I guess that primula game with the cat people but that doesn’t really count.
You see it all the time in doujin drama CDs and TL manga though, and to some extent in free doujin games.

>> No.45436862

To be fair, I do enjoy some isekai/villainess stories I've checked out, as long as I ignore the "in the story this guy falls in love with the heroine and they belong together, but then I get isekaied in and suddenly he falls for me instead" aspect.
It's just wild how "otome game villainess" stories are so overwhelmingly common that it'd have you think villainess tropes actually exist that much in otome games.

>> No.45436942

You and me anon. I'll hold your hand

>> No.45437741
File: 3.26 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (1759).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hira Hira Hihiru. It has surprise boy feet, but mostly is Medical Ethics and Debate Simulator. Has a very literary vibe. I get lulled into a nice zen state when reading through it, and play about a chapter each day. Enjoying it a lot so far; and has a polished translation. Finally a Setoguchi game that didn't jump down too far in quality in EN (like Kira;Kira/Musicus/Swan Song).

>> No.45437830

Just wait until you learn about the manga 'Trapped in a dating sim: otome game world is tough for mobs' that shit makes every other otome isekai series look like masterpieces in comparision.

>> No.45439266

Try it tho might work.
Fuck them. Hope someone records it. I wanted to do cripple kuns route.

>> No.45439283

Hirarin oniichan was fun.

>> No.45439690

While I haven't really had a good track record with Hirarin characters, maybe a self-proclaimed siscon will be enough to break the curse.
And the wolf boys seem pretty cute so far.

>> No.45443250


>> No.45444502

Isn’t he really MC’s uncle or something? That’s such a weird twist, it feels hardly more acceptable than full on sibling incest, unlike cousin reveals which you see fairly often.

>> No.45447200

Yeah haha right? Blvn Uuultra C had a similar revelation where one of the main characters ended up fucking his adopted brother, who was a part of him and his blood uncle alien from his mother's side lmao. I love such demented shit.

>> No.45447267
File: 632 KB, 960x720, KazumaChristmasPS2_(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through some shit lately and I started playing tokimeki. Lights up my mood and keeps me occupied from having bad thoughts. I hate gameplay-related stuff in visual novels no matter how simple they are, but surprisingly i enjoy tokimeki's gameplay. This is the 3rd otome game that I play. I play other genres mostly. I'm almost finished with 1 and have 2 and 3 left. I don't think I can play 4 because I don't own a switch console. Can you tell me more otome games with gameplay? No matter how old they're and I'm totally ok with Japanese!


>> No.45447643

Corda, love revo

>> No.45448467

sisters how do we keep men authors way from our genres?

>> No.45448484

otome villainess shit is basically Wattpad stories

>> No.45448534

Found myself re-downloading Jooubachi. I missed some of the characters and never even played Menou-hen in the first place. But I liked Ruby based on his drama CD so I'll probably play it this time.
Probably a bad idea since I will just be reminded that it isn't nearly as cool and interesting as the promo material made it look. But I feel like I did it a disservice the first time I played, skipping to the second game, abusing the skip button even beyond that, and hardly understanding the scenes I did actually read becuase my Japanese was piss poor at the time.

>> No.45448537

The retard who wrote the webnovel hasn't even seen an otome game (and his story is objectively shit, even manga's decent art couldn't salvage it).

>> No.45448692

its so fucking stupid. The author wrote the world as a matriarchy yet the leader of the country is a dude and so are a a lot of nobles. I feel as if the dumbfuck wanted to show "wahhhh look how oppressed men are muh females reeee" without actually knowing what a matriarchy would entail

the only bearable character is his sister and her power ranger harem ironically enough. The spin off without the harem shit and him ending up with the sis is also a thousand times better then the og novel. But I feel as if the author is gonna shove haremshit into it too to appeal to the low IQ coomers

>> No.45449539

I hate the idea of My Next Life as a Villainess as an actual otome game. Playing as an existing isekai protagonist doesn't really appeal to me, but I've seen sisters shilling it left and right, so I've been considering picking it up. Is it really any good?

>> No.45449736

If you've seen the anime then its just more of that in game format

>> No.45450667

its the only otome isekai game id play because it doesn't seem to shit on otome games like others do

>> No.45452532

It felt like the writer might have actually played one before unlike the typical villainess story which tends to be written by people who’s only familiarity with the genre is other villainess novels.
The otome game itself resembles Wand of Fortune a little with the name and magic school setting, and there are multiple rival girls like in Tokimemo which is one of the only games to actually have them.

>> No.45456733

anyone that happens to have 100% complete saves for tmgs 1 and 2?

>> No.45459865

Does anyone know where I can get CGs online? I'd love to get Radiant Tale CGs because I love the artist but don't like the game.

>> No.45463883

Just extract them from the game rom yourself

>> No.45464323

otomeconstellation on vk

>> No.45465601

Scien's route is so bad.

>> No.45465948

Virche's so bad.

>> No.45465951

You need a high IQ to appreciate Virche and Code Realize, sorry.

>> No.45469628
File: 84 KB, 174x174, time to start hoarding CGs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.45471802

*low IQ sorry typo

>> No.45472190

Sorry sis for your mental disability.

>> No.45473655

One of the most popular character btw. I genuinely don’t get how he’s so popular. It doesn’t help the romance in his route was so shit and forced too

>> No.45473845

Shingakkou play along?

>> No.45474562
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so boring.

>> No.45474988

His type is usually popular so they don't care if his route's shit

>> No.45475035

Damn, he sounds based.
>Scien Brofist

>> No.45475407 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 720x720, 1680676391258921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some expectations because I love Hosoya and Scien looked like a sexy slut but man... it didn't deliver on the romance, plot, or his character. The entire country immediately turning on the guy who made perfectly fine Reliver bodies for decades was so dumb, especially when the main antagonist of the route are these comically eebil faceless royals, how am I supposed to take this seriously. His god complex wasn't even interesting. The only redeeming part was how cute Dahut was.

Now I'm on the early chapters of Mathis' route and its already better. I want Ceres to give him a boob pillow.
>ceres' reaction to this being "he promoted me from maid to sandwich dispenser!"
lol lmao

>> No.45477613
File: 588 KB, 960x3218, k2VRcRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys like anything????

>> No.45477684

When would be the best time to start anyways

>> No.45477762

At least this makes you laugh. Don't get the sisters here who enjoy otomate crap or self inserting as subway employees.

>> No.45477782

You need a high IQ to find joy in even the biggest piece of trash so no one here.

>> No.45477901

>subway employee self-insert
kek anon my sides

>> No.45477905
File: 44 KB, 383x503, subway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's isekai

>> No.45478055

i like otomate games. wouldn't recommend them to others as masterpieces but i like them. i can forgive a lot if the art is pretty is enough

>> No.45478795

I like Virche, I just find Scien and his route boring.

>> No.45481395

Complaining about a route doesnt reflect my feelings on the whole game

>> No.45481733

I'll read it sometime this winter.

>> No.45482417
File: 488 KB, 1280x1440, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathis' route was the best story-wise among the first three guys. Scien's route was just pure shit it's even worse in the fandisk AU story where Ceres goes "uwu he treats me like his precious lab rat" and blushes like a retard. I'm not shitting you when I say they fell in love with each other for 2 days and the entire time Scien was treating her like his personal maid. I hate how the story wanks him as the best thing ever and how most of the problems could've been literally solved if he wasn't so obsessed with his MUH GOD COMPLEX. He unironically has more character development in Yves' route than his own. What a shit character

>> No.45482444
File: 688 KB, 697x555, neil merry christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played and replayed it but have fun, I'll definitely read your reactions to it

>> No.45482480

I tend to mock and bitch about every single game I play or watch, but the truth is I immensely enjoy all these kusoge.

>> No.45483167 [SPOILER] 
File: 721 KB, 840x659, what is my working class boy doing in university fuck you Kujo stop ruining him REEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I expected this route to be more on the psychological side, turns out I was totally wrong. In fact I was so not in sync with this route I hit two bad ends before reaching the good, and the only reason it wasn't three is because the last one was so retard-proof it was basically a reading comprehension check. ED. 19 ハンマーヘッド is notable for finally showing Teppei as he should have been on Yoshimoto's route, minus the gore and the vomit, but it's a start.
Also oh hey, this is the first time a route name matches an ED title. How strange.

>Kujo is going to feel extremely vanilla
Extremely, extremely vanilla. Sickeningly so. Granted good route Kujo would still rank lower on a decent person scale than good route Nitta, but it's hard to feel it when it's directed at randos and not Teppei. And Momoya was a such a shit route-exclusive supporting character based Saiki had to step in and salvage the plot from becoming an utter borefest, because Momoya sure as fuck couldn't carry it. But like
>beeline to the only blind spot in the park
>shocked when within minutes guard swarm the perimeter
what the fuck was the plan here, now seriously. Kujo had days to plan this, and this is what he came up with? Bro, dude, wtf.

>proper boyfriend
*angry nonke noises*

>ED23 is Kujo's crack ending. a total shitpost
Sweet fucking hell, even more of a shitpost than Disneyland? The part that turns the last day into SOL and XXX parody jokes? The part where Teppei stares at the smiling Disney princesses on the rug while getting lubed up, and just when he resigns himself to lay back and think of England Kujo gets blueballed by the parade? Even more of a shitpost than this fever dream of an ending? Oh wow. I'm going to need something really strong I think.

>you should really play Paradise if you want more of that vibe later.
I will, definitely. But I'm probably taking a break after Cage. I still have one and a half routes left in Open and three (?) more in Close, I don't think I'd be able to play Paradise and not end up unfairly compairing to Cage at every turn after spending so long on this game. I'll probably play Rakka Ten though if the link posted earlier is legit.
>Maybe even Pigeon Blood
Huh, going by the /blog/ consensus I wouldn't have considered that one. But ey, what the fuck. Might as well.

>> No.45483439

Yeah, when I embarked on noodlehair mommy's route the very last thing I expected was a hollywood action flick (+sodomy)
but hey, Teppei looked kind of cool.

ED23/Let's Carnival is more a meta-level omake shitpost. I think the writer was going "man, I've got all these stupid ideas, these fever dreams that keep popping into my head but it's a mess, not sure where to put them... wait, I've got it"

yeah totally fair to leave it for later. it's more that there's few such games so I wanted to make sure it's on your backlog if you feel the itch

>Pigeon Blood
/blog/ is quite right in that the game (plot especially) is kinda shit, but if you've got the right mindset it's strangely entertaining I think. It's quite unique if nothing else.

>> No.45483618

>but hey, Teppei looked kind of cool.
All he wanted was to have a mutually supportive relationship, glad he got it in the end. Funny how his power level fluctuates with what the plot needs though. He could hold his own against multiple armed opponents on Nitta's route and even kill Segawa when he snapped, even noting that he is not in shape he could fend off Yoshimoto for a while while he still wasn't in full on animalistic kill-breed-kill mode, but come Kujo's route and he can't fight for shit or even sprint for 5 minutes.

>ED23/Let's Carnival
Does unlocking this joke end have anything to do with the fucky choices at the start of Kujo's route? Those choices were the reason I was sure we were heading straight to mindfuck land.

>it's more that there's few such games
No kidding. This has been such an incredibly pleasant surprise I really can't thank you anons enough for the rec. I'll add both of those to my backlog.

>> No.45484618
File: 752 KB, 840x659, if Kujo's route was meant to be a sales pitch for Saiki's then consider me sold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ED. 21
Daaaaaaamn Saiki delivered. Oh god oh fuck this was easily the most brutal death end so far, and I doubt it will get toppled any time soon I mean getting filmed in a torture snuff video is pretty much the absolute worst that can realistically happen. And it just kept going on and on and on damn.

>> No.45486826

Does anyone here still like DV/ryona? Looking for recommendations if anyone of you are still around.

>> No.45487327

I only like it in BL so I can only suggest Paradise.

>> No.45487438

As much i want to shit on otomate, I can't. I grew up with their games and derpy anime adaptations and otomates pretty much the reason I came to like this genre. While I do understand the sisters here shitting, since their games have many repetitive elements and from back then, some writers were notorious for shitty writing. I do urge you tho to try out some of their older games depending on what you like. By checking old blog threads you can find some discussions. Glass heart princess was a favorite from romcoms.

>> No.45487447

Kankinkon if you don't mind yandere and high rape amount.

>> No.45487931

>Does anyone here still like DV/ryona?
nigga look at the first reply to this thread, and then the post immediately above yours.

>> No.45488344

That's never going to stop being a common favorite among JOPs here, though. For otome recs, check out Gayoushi's stuff. 魔女の処刑日 is the most popular one nowadays.

>> No.45488831

genuinely curious but why are jap women so into gay vn's? is it just because there is two guys? i mean there's some women that get really into it

>> No.45489100

At least from what I've seen, gay VN's often go into darker/more interesting plotlines and have more varied/interesting characters on average, also, women love good male VA's so the more males doing voice work in a VN the better.

>> No.45490195 [DELETED] 

does ai uehara still make vids, didn't she retire? last i saw of her she lost a bunch of weight for some reason, not sure if she ever said why since her chubby look was her appeal

>> No.45490748

I completely forgot about this until you brought it up and now I don't understand how the fuck I managed to forget it.

>power level fluctuates
it's pure headcanon but I think it's largely determined by his mental state, especially how much hostility he feels. In Kujo's routes he was coddled and carried all along so he's weaker.

>fucky choices
correct. IIRC they don't even appear until you've gotten one of his proper endings

>> No.45490780

>shitoku no gyokuza not mentioned yet
Shitoku no Gyokuza. It's an abusefag's wet dream

>> No.45491608
File: 47 KB, 664x416, 1684535530322591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon discovers fujos in nearly 2024

>> No.45493424

Same reason why men are into yuri I guess

>> No.45493575

Can't really blame women for not wanting to self-insert into >>45477901 or a helpless retard who constantly gets belittled by the LIs. The way straight romance is written tends to suck, because automatically the girl is written to be the lesser of the two. With BL you don't have to be subjected to the typical shitty dynamics and gender roles between men and women.

>> No.45493693

Women just want attractive men in the media they consume and not be bored. I don't find men fucking each other hot at all but I can admit BL plot and characterization is often more interesting and developed compared to the usual otome. I actually prefer male oriented eroge for straight romance if I'm being honest. Otome is nice for everything but the writing.

>> No.45496105
File: 359 KB, 1200x849, feeding the fat slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to make his ass fatter sisters.

>> No.45496629

>Women don't want boredom they want interesting stories
Then explain gacha

>> No.45496765
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, dne2h12zezva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone in this thread except me is a male larping as a women

>> No.45496806
File: 78 KB, 960x796, anypk5km5mm81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


speaking of gacha i took a look at fgo again after I stopped playing it a few years ago and holy fuck just make it a full male pandering gacha at this point

Almost every female servant is a full on clone with the same "oh generic cardboard of a master I've fallen in love with you". The if you go on the fgog thread, all newly released female servants have 60 self insert fags asking "does she slobber over self insert kuns dick" so they can roll for her. In story mode the female servants are interesting but the moment you finish the chapter and they are summonable they lose all personality

And then we've had no male servant swimsuits ever while alter saber mhx santa gets her 5th swimsuit alter

Honestly, I wish we got a demo of Prototype where the MC was supposed to be a girl and king arthur a male like nasu originally attended

>> No.45496828

forgot to mention but the only character who called this shit out was erice. Who thought gudaoshit was mind controlling there servants to love them. Because otherwise why would heroes of history who've fuked gods, demigods, dragons and chads fall for a limp dicked Japanese 17 year old

Of course in the end she loses that and becomes another haremslop character. It would be horror if this was another genre

I know this is not otome sister but why do every omni-pandering games wall into full wiafu faggotry while ignoring the female playerbase?

>> No.45497910

Interestingly enough Japanese yumes see that as the MC being so mentally strong that she isn't affected by being belittled.

>> No.45497953

And if all that wasn't enough, the hottest guys are either married or in love with women that never actually show up on screen and outright reject the player character. So it's not like it's pandering slop in equal measure, it's just for the male player base.

>> No.45498147
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It sounds more like obliviousness than mental strength, but whatever makes them feel better.

>> No.45501027

2 guys are better than 1.

>> No.45502307

Hello anons. If you are a minimum jlpt n3 and above or know someone willing to help the ken ga kimi patch sisters contact them here.

We have an excel document pinned, you can make a translation category and add your projects there. I'm working on something myself too, but before I announce it I want to make sure I'll do it till the end.

>> No.45502475

Which rejet games has blog played and how do you rate them? I don't know from which one to start.

>> No.45503824

BWS was the best for me. Angsty, good story and voices, crazy yanderes and such. Medieval setting was nice too.

>> No.45504083

I only really liked Black Wolves Saga. Can't stand Diabolik Lovers and thought Bad Medicine was pretty meh from the few routes I read. Since I know decent Japanese now, I might change my mind once I read more of their stuff.

>> No.45504753

>at this point
C'mon sis, it was always like that. I agree with everything you've said, but what can you do? We can only hope that someday someone makes Fate Prototype real, cause I've pretty much given up on FGO at this point. The devs are absolutely incompetent, they take MONTHS to make a single servant and you expect them to release male swimsuits?
Oh, and don't ever go to /fgog/, there's basically only schizo incels left.

>> No.45505458

Bad Medicine was okay, some of the routes were decent
Alice=alice is more entertaining but I haven’t finished it yet
Stalled Dot kareshi cuz it was so boring, might play it again later

>> No.45510659

I need Ooe NOW

>> No.45511057
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Release date will be revealed on 24th, I'm gonna bet it'll come out in Feb-Mar 2024

>> No.45511273

I hope so. It’s been a while since a new BL game, there hasn’t really been anything new this year except for the full version of friendly lab.

>> No.45512692

i'm a forever eop and i'd appreciate it

>> No.45512891

Idk if this has been asked before but does anyone here know why kiss CGs in some commercial otomes are so wonky? In most of these it doesn't even look like they're kissing but rather some weird thing.

>> No.45513244

Because only the most degenerate doujin authors know how to draw kissing.

>> No.45513385

something something kagemusha
but that aside, a lot of otome artists know how to make characters look pretty and color them in nicely, but aren't necessarily good at art (e.g., hackamura)

>> No.45513437
File: 1.07 MB, 992x567, lol1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen games reuse kissing poses so probably a combo of the games being low budget and the artists themselves not being very good

>> No.45513442
File: 1.13 MB, 1010x572, lol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad medicine reused the MC kissing poses for example

>> No.45513485

I'm cracking up these look so awkward

>> No.45516065
File: 1.11 MB, 1017x566, pinocchio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some of the CGs are a bit...unfortunate. All of the budget went into the VA and you can tell

>> No.45518897

Check out anything by QuinRose for some of the most egregious examples of that kind of thing. Weird thing is they’d often do remakes of the worst looking ones, but half the time the new art was just as poorly drawn.

>> No.45523050
File: 270 KB, 726x640, 20231211_051000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the moment the anniversary art looks way better
Glasses suit him.

>> No.45523758

Ikemen with fluffy red/orange hair with glasses is such a winning combination.

>> No.45524450

It's not quite the end of the year, but what was the best thing you played this year, and what was the worst?

>> No.45524877

/blog/'s favorite game is getting a fandisk

>> No.45524899

I know people hate Steam Prison here but I'm actually looking forward to this. It had an interesting setting so I'm glad they're not doing a fucking drama CD or gacha out of it.

>> No.45525079

Wish my favorite JP Vn got a fandisk

>> No.45526262
File: 48 KB, 793x593, it is glad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I played this and I regret it

>> No.45530198 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.45530688 [SPOILER] 

I can't seem to find my way through Kujo's routes without hitting almost every dead end, this time ED.16 Peach Bitch.
>even ultimate fuckboy Momoya gets to top
This is why your gf dumped you, Teppei.

Anyway. This route was much more orthodox than ADORE YOU. I wasn't expecting the alternating PoV structure but it was a really nice surprise. That rapid switching on the last day culminating in
Fuck, so good. Yoshimoto's route also had some small bits from his PoV but nothing this extensive. Turns out Yoshimoto and Kujo have much more in common than I have ever thought. Well. It's a curated game after all. Also showing the dying thoughts of both, but not Nitta's was once again a really good decision.

Overall. Kujo was badass as fuck, but just as insane. Saiki continues to be almost as essential to these routes' quality as Segawa was to Nitta's. This route seems to be continuing the trend that all Teppei death ends are strictly for the good routes only. And Kujo became the first to not score on one of his routes. That was kind of the point though.

That ending is such a cool character establishing moment for Saiki. It was almost excessively gruesome, but it drives home a point that, especially on a route like ADORE YOU, really had to be driven home.

>IIRC they don't even appear until you've gotten one of his proper endings
Yep. For the first three choices you are only given a single option. Actually you are already on ADORE YOU by the time you get to make your first real choice. Very funky. But the funniest detail is that at the time the missing options all feel reasonably predictable. And then they get unlocked and it's all, like you said, just straight up shitpost.
Alright then!
But before we carnival there's still one more branch I have to finish.

>> No.45531448 [SPOILER] 
File: 502 KB, 840x659, rehashing an earlier CG for this ending is somewhat lazy though.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright ED.17 was just a minor bad (good?) end, so now I'm really finished with the FROGS SONG branch and there is just that enigmatic ED.23 left. Teppei still isn't dying on bad routes, and Kujo still didn't manage to score in any way, shape, or form on FROGS SONG. But I guess on this branch at least he still might. I mean Teppei already decided that getting homosex'd was preferable to getting killed.

>> No.45531660

Art looks nice, what is it about?

>> No.45532715
File: 692 KB, 800x450, trial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new daisy2 game has a trial now

>> No.45536613
File: 278 KB, 569x531, calm down boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That scene in Pigeon Blood when useless wimp MC channeling demonic influence feels like hot shit after cockteasing the servants and killing a literal squirrel and then Yuuya rains on his parade all like "calm down you chuuni brat" was a masterpiece, one of my favorite moments.

>> No.45536617
File: 272 KB, 561x533, calm down boy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45540325

I'll only play it if the white haired guy is MC's real brother.

>> No.45540710

How is new Mamiya?

>> No.45542813
File: 1.34 MB, 1064x600, Screenshot 2023-12-18 015032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Hana Awase. Though I actually played Mizuchi's first game route a long time ago and found it pretty enjoyable despite a lot of the route hinging on an unironic evil rich girl rival.
It's a shame that the last game is apparently a let down though. I won't keep my expectations too high.

>> No.45542816

I hate that you can't date the twins

>> No.45543722

Given I thought the company died before releasing the last volume just for them to come back YEARS later and release it the final volumen is not that bad. Problem is that it comes after Utsutsu's chapter which is pretty damn hard to beat.

Mizuchi is my favorite boy. Hope you enjoy fuckloads of suffering for the entire series if you like him.

>> No.45548799

Shotajijis always seem to get the short end of the stick.

>> No.45549834

spoiler if you plan to read all the hana awase volumes if memory doesn't fail me they are Mikoto's grandpas or at least related.

>> No.45550016
File: 739 KB, 1447x2128, kamomemw-1656225330716364802-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

news on the 25th!!
will it be the long awaited 1.2.3 switch ports or will it be a let down

>> No.45553874

I bet it’s an another GS4 DLC or seiyuu event

>> No.45556410



>> No.45558065
File: 917 KB, 1500x1125, 12883683_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Konami I'm begging you

>> No.45558188

I finished Ultrac and it actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I thought it was going to be horrible based on the comparisons people kept making with Hashihime, but while it never reaches the highs of Hashihime neither did it reach the lows. Hashihime has some really fucking abysmal writing for some routes. The last 1/3rd of chapter 1 is the low point, but most of that confusing mess got fixed in chapter 3 anyway.

>> No.45559022
File: 544 KB, 1486x1754, towa_devil_blonde_slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extreme gacha aversion
>koreans and chinese are hiring all the japanese seiyuu for their gachashit
>4 out of my fav seiyuu are voicing the main characters in a koreano obey me 2.0, but with porn *r17 laughs*
>after failing miserably for the past 2 months and with mass quittings and complains, the koreano company decided to slut out everyone, especially the angels
>the angels are bound with cockrings and tail buttplugs shoved in
>horsedick jokes
Why are we getting so cucked r18 otome sisters? Is this r18 fate nowadays? Gachashit?

>> No.45559134
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, 2023-09-06 03_37_49-Greenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought it was going to be horrible based on the comparisons people kept making with Hashihime
Huh, the most negative thing I've seen in nip and eng reviews is that it's hard to keep up with chapter 1.
Shirou's chapter is my favorite, still can't get over that his superpower is "having to shit real bad when a kaiju is nearby".
W-why is the horse looking at him like that?

>> No.45559540

R18 otome games just don't sell. If a company or circle who makes them decides to make something in a different medium like a drama CD or comic, even if it was intended to be a one off, they will almost certainly get several times the sales numbers (for much less work, too) and be too tempted by those numbers to go back to R18 otome games.

>> No.45561792

I'm talking about this place back when the game just came out. Maybe my memory is off, but I remember people saying it's a lot worse than Hashihime when it just isn't imo.

>> No.45563483 [SPOILER] 
File: 484 KB, 840x659, helicopter was best CG A+ effort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was certainly a route. Anon's
>"man, I've got all these stupid ideas, these fever dreams that keep popping into my head but it's a mess, not sure where to put them... wait, I've got it"
was spot on. After some deliberation I bought myself a bottle of Kwai Feh for this route. It was good.
This was the route where I finally officially learned the chuuni's name. Also the first time I saw Maki since the prologue.
And here comes a dilemma. Because playing this route before Yagasaki's was a mistake. How am I going to take this seriously after this. I can't. I can't...

Yagasaki if even, uninstalling Cage if odd.

>> No.45563496

My God, he lost for the third time. I can't believe this. What a loser.

>> No.45564224

Oh it was just one schizo bitching about a het sex scene.

>> No.45565928
File: 1.29 MB, 1066x598, Screenshot 2023-12-20 220747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every girl in this school that doesn't want to kill MC for stealing her man wants to fuck her

>> No.45566260

Gayoushi and Yamano...

>> No.45566312

The fact Gayoushi's manga sells more than any of the VNs she wrote makes me a little sad.

>> No.45566501

I hate nips so much

>> No.45566618

It's a crime that kami mekutoki hasn't even broke 100 copies.
I've never read any but I get the feeling that they just won't capture what I enjoyed about her VNs.

IMO the explosion of TL manga (to a lesser extent drama CDs as well, though I felt as if they coexisted with games alright for a while) has made it worse for doujin games, not just because creators are switching or new creators would rather do manga, but because they totally drown out games on girls maniax. A new game has essentially no chance of being featured on the front page any more. I'm sure when I visited pre-2020 you would see them advertised, but you have to go to the menu on the side to see them now, you would hardly even know they sold them at a glance.
I've noticed a huge drop in sales numbers for anything released this year in particular. It's honestly bizarre something like https://vndb.org/v46444, which is relatively high effort, has nice art and full voice acting has only sold 17 copies in the several months it's been out.

>> No.45568030

Seems like people are just horny and want something that doesn't also have hours of regular story. Which is weird because danseimuke nukige and other media can exist alongside regular R18 VNs but for some reason when it's otome the VNs get drowned out. Or is it just that Japanese women don't have computers anymore? On the other hand, I'm impressed by how many otome freege are voiced and high effort, though they're usually all ages.

>> No.45568247

I also played Kujo's route before Yagasaki and it took me years to get around to doing Yagasaki afterward, maybe it's his curse. Or maybe it's just because I don't like megane

>> No.45570546

>only sold 17 copies
hory shet, poor devs

>> No.45572820

Yeah, I noticed how DLsite disfavors the entirety of joseimuke doujinge - literally no visibility whatsoever. Gayoushi's stuff is actually some of the better selling ones. Really seems like the audience, especially VN R18 otome, just isn't there anymore either. It's as if they all "grew out of it" where it's replaced with people only interested with things easily accessible through mobile now.

>> No.45573100

Playing My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - Pirates of the Disturbance, so I thought I'd pop into the thread. There's so much released that I had no idea about.

>> No.45573732

How is the priest in shingakko? Not that interested in the others.

>> No.45573758

Neil is the best. The discipline committee chuuni autist is as cute. And so is his bff. Best chuuni though, is the protagonist. Good boy. The priest is fun but the outcome of his route might disappoint you if you don't like tragedy endings .

>> No.45573767

azuma or kyouichirou for /blogs/ male wife

>> No.45573783

>male wife

>> No.45573784

Is Cecil Leonid Neil ok in terms of order or should I do something else?

>> No.45573823

Cecil or leonid, doesn't really matter. I did cecil first to get over the osananajimi trope that i despise. I don't like his seiyuu too. He wasn't that bad in the end. Leonid was more fun, i liked the two of them being chuunis and autistic to each other. But yeah, better do Neil third in terms of both enjoyment and "spoilers". The priest will unlock once you do all three and after the priest his twins route unlocks.

>> No.45573845
File: 42 KB, 256x256, 107046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male wife is a retarded term sis, but other than that, I'm surprised that Kiriku isn't from blog's favorites yet.

>> No.45573850

He looks like one of those parodies of ikemen

>> No.45573940

i feel i've read or checked out most translated /blog/ games, can anyone recommend me good shit? i've already 07th stuff, subahibi, i'm currently reading sayonara o oshiete (and enjoying it).

>> No.45574132

>I'm surprised that Kiriku isn't from blog's favorites yet.
probably because Tateishi Ryou's art is pretty damn yuck desu

>> No.45576525

Has /blog/ played Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi Tsuzuri?
Worth getting?

>> No.45576843
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Desperadrops, it isn’t bad
Only got annoyed by how moralistic Mika is (the mc) everyone is trying to survive and run away then she’s:
“Let’s go to police instead of running away” and “Hey we can’t eat food in this house!” and “we have to pay back, will we??”
will it continue for the rest of the game, these criminals should brainwash her asap

>> No.45577934

I read a review that mentioned that issue and it immediately dropped it several places down my backlog.

>> No.45578179

AkaAka is one of my favorite VNs of all time, 100% rec if you like small town yokai/shinto mystery stuff. There's no explicit romance though, just faint BL vibes. Remaster also has voices from the old console port, the cast is stacked. Don't know if there's any extra story content though, waiting for the steam version to drop in Feb.

>> No.45578919

I had only gotten two endings when the new version got announced, and opted to wait for it instead of continuing, so keep in mind that I haven't played the vast majority of the game.
I loved it. Setting is good, atmosphere is tense and suspenseful, majority of the characters are great, and the art and OST have fantastic flavour. The characters are close enough that I can easily bridge the gap and pretend it's BL.

>> No.45579209

Funny as it would be, I spent many lunch breaks these past weeks working my way through this shit:
So unfortunately I invested way too much into Yagasaki to drop him now. Even if he IS a loser.

>Or maybe it's just because I don't like megane
Totally understandable, I'm not a fan either. But for me? It was Kujo. I hated that guy from the moment he showed up. Ultimately though if the route entertains, who does the deed isn't so important.

>> No.45579312
File: 16 KB, 256x245, 156173 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tachibana shinnosuke sisters, our boy is on roll call.

>> No.45579369

been a while since his last blvn role

>> No.45579391

Do you have a fav role? Henry was magnificent.

>> No.45579454

I think meganes are cute but the fact most seem to be written as predictable insufferable shits in a lot of games makes them annoying. TMGS at least got some of them right without falling into the same tropes.

>> No.45579648

I'm playing Gemminism and really like him as Tsukishiro! His messiah role is a classic but I like him the best in otome desu and situations cds. Henri was the reason I kept on with piofiorezzzz and he wasn't half bad in benibana, his design was atrocious though. But from my favourites
>alice = alice usagi
>akayano yue
>saarliya from garnet cradle (my first otome crush and his song is dope)
>laughter lands loddy ;___;
and of course
>bestboi tokimemo shitara my chuuni pianofag <3
Tokyo renkas yakumo was cute too, but I liked the other boys better.
Overall glad he's getting into more roles, I really like him.
Rinko invested a lot in VAs this time huh. I liked the cast in both hashihime and uuultraC too.

>> No.45579701

all I care about
>can we fuck the shota in ooe

>> No.45579756

There'll be a timeskip, if he had a sex scene as a shota he wouldn't have a canon age.

>> No.45579871

I like bitchy meganes, eternally seething meganes, miserable meganes. You can just slap off their glasses and they're helpless.

>> No.45580273
File: 1.24 MB, 1267x1800, Pace.full.1656520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meganes who are not cranky OCDs are nice

>> No.45581531

I generally hate meganes for your reason and because I don’t like the way glasses look. Characters almost always look better without them. A character that occasionally wears them is fine but if it’s all the time it’s just yuck.

>> No.45581549
File: 354 KB, 1790x2048, F_8qLKhaAAAMrmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyou supremacy.

>> No.45581554

damn that's really cool

>> No.45581833

>Said the site will have new CG by the end of November
>End of December
>Only news is physical release cover
>Still no significant update
What the heck is going on wit this?

>> No.45581896

devs have had to apologize for giving zero signs of activity for months on end more than once, seems pretty standard for what we've seen of the development cycle thus far

>> No.45581916

How does it even happen? They clearly have the CG since they put them on the backcover, while wouldn't you take the time to market your game on social media?

>> No.45581969

i'm guessing it's a pretty small dev team and they don't have a specific hire working on keeping the site and social media up to date. awful move either way, they build up no hype and those interested forget about the project due to lack of updates.

>> No.45583011

Do you guys finish games with good boys trapped in boring stories? I don't want to quit for them but its just not exciting to play

>> No.45583992

I'll finish Kamigami eventually

>> No.45586913

If good boys can't save boring stories, then the boys weren't good to begin with.

>> No.45589337

>looking for an oldass pc otome game
>desperate all links dead in usual forums
>aarinfantasy has it
>2008 links still alive, split in 40 100mb parts
We have to keep them alive anons.

>> No.45589359

What was the game?

>> No.45589687

Karins Danzai Maria! Finished playing their BLs and really enjoyed that darkish sense of humor and autistic chuuni moe LIs so I said to try their otome next. I played princess nightmare first who shares some characters with animamundi and omega vampire and it was very amusing. So said to try zettai meikyuu and danzai next but all the pc links are dead but aarinfantasy came to my rescue.
Also noticed that their gacha otome died and that a switch

>> No.45589700

*that they are preparing a " boys friendship" switch game with otomate (why)

>> No.45589722

A-s used to be so active and often re-uploaded links, what went wrong really. All the links are dead. I don't care about the switch or the dlsite games, these are easy to buy. I'm talking about the pc ones that can't be purchased anywhere anymore.

>> No.45589752

Some Quinrose and honeybee games are unfortunately lost media at this point, for those who have no access to otomedream at least. But agreed, I have no trouble with psp or psvita games, it's always the pc games that I have trouble finding. I only pirate old stuff to be honest because I don't want to pay for a 2nd-3rd hand filthy smelly copy that's x5 the original price and most times my pc can't even run it so I end up pirating it anyway.

>> No.45589785

Time to update the FAQ & Resources then and take an example from the other vn threads who collect their stuff. Forums are dying and sites like ryuugu and igg are thriving instead.

>> No.45589922

I have every PC Quinrose game aside from the original version of Heart no Kuni no Alice, but some are sitting in the hard drive of a laptop I need a replacement charger for (it only died about two weeks ago, bad timing), so I can't upload either version of Mahoutsukai to Goshujinsama or Arabians Lost right now if anyone was looking for them.
The russian site otomegames-anri.at.ua has a decent amount of PC otome. All the mega links are unfortunately dead, but there's a lot of older stuff uploaded to a russian host that's still there and working.

>> No.45590306

Didn't know that yusa kouji could make such a seductive slutty voice?

>> No.45590313


>> No.45590355
File: 74 KB, 407x600, Mido.Takanori.600.661970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kichiku megane! Mido is magnificent, holy shit. Did Mido raping Katsuya route first and now I'm doing Katsuya raping Mido. Hirakawa should just drop otome and focus on bl instead. h
He sounds really good here. Actually just drop the super mellow-sweet barfing voice and stick to the rapey one, it's pretty hot holy fuck. But yeah didn't know yusa could moan that well lmao he was ok in luckydog but here pretty sex desu.

>> No.45590382

What a bummer that kichiku megane eng fanpatch never made it. And yet, it is still pretty popular amongst eops.
