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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 871 KB, 612x532, djt cave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45512929 No.45512929 [Reply] [Original]

There was no guide.

Previous: >>45503613

>> No.45512945

mahoro tyan..


anime will never be this good EVER again

>> No.45512948


>> No.45512950

why is jamel so short

>> No.45512967
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Imagine hiring an entire orchestra to record a soundtrack for a VN Hentai scene

>> No.45512970

Swap Jamal with djt and unko with og and it’s accurate

>> No.45512976

of course cave boys want to get out of the cave
but they never will

>> No.45512984

Plato’s allegory isn’t even about escaping the cave. It’s just supposed to be a metaphor for universals.

>> No.45512987

just like ur dick

>> No.45513000

dunno ne of those nerd words u used those r for cave ppl

>> No.45513020


>> No.45513027

look at your arm

>> No.45513043

bros i miss og

>> No.45513044
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>> No.45513084


>> No.45513106
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making steady progress

>> No.45513110

nice bro how are you liking it?

>> No.45513117

read enter as human and felt like shit for the rest of the day

>> No.45513138

im this is my second vn, so it's rough to read, but i do find it enjoyable. didn't know the whole story was basically torture porn, but im committed since im so far in

>> No.45513167

me tending the fire

>> No.45513183

yeah i think all clockup games are like that, how did you learn about that one? pretty crazy that you went into it with no idea what to expect

>> No.45513197

bros i miss hayai guy

>> No.45513209

too hayai for this world

>> No.45513210

we got toilet paper guy tho

>> No.45513214

as for me 超fast guy

>> No.45513223


i found it scrolling on jpdb. the vndb description is deceptive and the non spoiler tags didn't really hint at it either. i was 2/3rd finished reading this one vn called satsukoi and i was looking for another utsuge and synopsis fit the mark.

>> No.45513225

majinai ka? majinai ka?
majiru? majiru?
majinai ka?

>> No.45513229

mr majiru

>> No.45513239

ppl unironically calling vns games

>> No.45513242

they call them ゲーム in japan so thats what they are deal with it

>> No.45513245

i dont fuckin care what japs think

>> No.45513247

they made them bro stop forcing ur gaijin bullshit rn

>> No.45513248

you gotta care. they bless us with the content

>> No.45513256

just like the turds you make that you call posts but arent

>> No.45513258

thats because they are ur food

>> No.45513276

acquired 性器 and 女性器

>> No.45513278

me happily holding the bird stick going "yoo this shit is fire"

>> No.45513352

if vns are games does that make books the equivalent of board games?

>> No.45513360

low iq post

>> No.45513407

I'm doing anki because it's proven by Science (TM)

>> No.45513423 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45513425

uhmm, source??

>> No.45513454

life started from black people so it makes sense

>> No.45513467

u mean single celled organisms

>> No.45513621

>One-quarter of the time in a well-balanced course should be spent on deliberate learning. Some of this should involve individualised independent vocabulary learning using flashcards

>> No.45513626

its crazy that bunsuke is legit better than anyone in djt history including all the ecelebs and no one gives a shit

>> No.45513641

name's not Anonymous = don't care

>> No.45513646

I like bunsuke but hasn't he been learning for the longest?

>> No.45513654

time in the game is always going to win
this is why the sempai kohai thing exists in japan

>> No.45513665

what's there to give a shit about? yeah he's better, but he doesn't act like a smug retard or try to scam people so there's no way to make him into a lolcow unlike matt or the djt namefags

>> No.45513674

what happened to making a contribution to the japanese language community bro and helping people to achieve by promoting good practices

>> No.45513683

anki is toxic and caused billions to NGMI

>> No.45513693

true true
the most savage example of this that i’ve seen was between a hotshot young doctor and an old black doctor

>> No.45513701

this is literally the reason djt started shitting on people like matt
it was to show that all the flashcards in the world dont mean shit something something tip of the ice burge

somewhere along the way actual toxic shitters like this guy >>45513665 stayed here and didnt understand the reasons for shitting on ecelebs in the first place

it was because they do dumb shit, and have poor suckers follow them like calvin et al

>> No.45513704

Anki causing matto to become a cave goblin instead of living it with his japanese family and nakama was genuinely sad

>> No.45513720

bunsuke on the other hand is through and through a complete fucking success story that should be promoted to every yung nihongoer that u kind have to blaze ur own trail to acquire japanese but u dont have to reinvent the wheel or get pseud about language learning

u just gotta do what u wanna do and stay consistent and experience the issai gassai of japanese and then u can be epic like big bunsuke

>> No.45513729

how do you even contribute to the "japanese language community"
bunsuke himself just says do whatever and talks about which dictionary he likes the most

>> No.45513731

yes, because matto wouldve had a lot more friends if he played visual novels instead lol

>> No.45513732

how am i being toxic? looks like you're agreeing with me that if matt stayed humble and didn't view japanese as a competition or peddle snake oil to unsuspecting suckers we wouldn't shit on him

>> No.45513734

i mean thats basically it, every shitter looking for a guide should just watch bunsukes video and realize thats what its going to take to make it with no shortcuts

>> No.45513754

i mean we agree on that but the kiwifarms lingo is a bad look and even with the matto shit some of yall did some real cringe things like post personal shit about matt like how he has two dads

which is hilarious but that was the first time i realized djt was on a poisonous path

>> No.45513755

bunsuke is also white and probably tall unlike the 帽子族 goblin.

>> No.45513759

remember when that guy posted unkos moms photos and he had a meltdown lmao

>> No.45513760

why does matto have 2 dad's?

>> No.45513766

2 dad's what?

>> No.45513769

yeah that was bad too but wouldnt have happened if lil unk wasnt fuckin around
in the words of herb dean u must protect yourself at all times

>> No.45513786

that's publicly available info though, he wanted to make a career out of his patreon shit and put himself out there, and someone did some cursory snooping around. that's completely different from stalking and doxxing some random djt guy who wanted to stay anonymous

>> No.45513792

taking the effect for the cause

>> No.45513803

it doesnt matter if its public its still a bad look to go there because now its less about japanese and shitting on him for that and instead shitting on him because his multi father household

the unk thing is bad but he also posted rl stuff in the thread and some asshole decided to go there and snoop him out which is equally gay

>> No.45513815


>> No.45513823

whos the tranny

>> No.45513826

>18 years
>not even n0

>> No.45513827

turn on ur monitor and watch that based bunsuke vid bro

>> No.45513846

my monitor is on, that's why i was able to read the thumbnail

>> No.45513847

ultimately what sets bunsuke apart is that he had something he was passionate about, he viewed japanese as a means to engage with it on a deeper level, and he continues to enjoy it even after "making it"
if matt and qm weren't ironic weebs they could have made it to but alas it wasn't meant to be

>> No.45513849

any other great channels like bunsuke? I want to dive deep into the jp learning rabbithole

>> No.45513860

the tragic part is the "making it" concept is literally for people who arent going to
a guy like bunsuke doesnt lean back in his chair and go yeah man i made it
hes still going

>> No.45513862

true true

>> No.45513867

i never understood what constitutes as making it in the context of a language

>> No.45513872

making it is literally every day u spend time doing the shit
even day ones r making it
that guy cracking open a vn for the first time to painstakingly struggle? making it af

>> No.45513880

>sends you an example for you to read, if you can't read it without too many issues you're not worthy
>once you've proven yourself he walks you through the grammar, interpretation, vocabulary and kanji of literature of your choice, he double checks that your understanding is correct
>English or Japanese either is fine for him
>lessons are always one in one, no time gets wasted on dekinais

>> No.45513903

you should play https://vndb.org/v21620 by the same company if you like it, it's not 90% porn (still porn heavy) but the action scenes are cool. I'll get around to dead days eventually

>> No.45513916

meanwhile the gremlin admits that he expects 90% of the people paying him won't get anything out of his content

>> No.45513922

the difference between a scammer and a professional

>> No.45513972

looks cool, but im gonna wait until i get 5 or 10 more vns under my belt before reading that. feel like itll be wasted on me now

>> No.45513979

how many of you have passed jlpt n1 and how long did it take you?

>> No.45514002

3 years

>> No.45514007

how many hours per day did you study?

>> No.45514013

dunno after the first year i just watched anime and read while looking up words I didn't know

>> No.45514040

girl i'm talking to さり気なく put 好き! into a message but i'm going to nonchalantly ignore it

>> No.45514046

nice bro dont let that foid get too cocky

>> No.45514086

1800 hours should be enough

>> No.45514090

I can't believe anyone still uses "foid," I thought you losers all offed yourselves at least 5 years ago.

>> No.45514096


>> No.45514097

u seem mad bro

>> No.45514121
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why exactly do they hate him

>> No.45514125

how come noobs always say "omg japanese so tough because it has 3 alphabets" but no one ever says "omg english has 2 alphabets" (uppercase and lowercase)

>> No.45514144


>> No.45514148

english only has one alphabet here friend
and clearly u forgot about cursive i guess its been finally phased out for the yung asses

>> No.45514156

japanese also has romanji tho

>> No.45514177

just watched the latest 16 bit sensation
damn bros akihabara is dead.... feels bad man

>> No.45514202

the alphabets are smaller and in some cases the the casings are identical

>> No.45514337
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>> No.45514464
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>song not on spotify

>> No.45514600

can someone explain to me why this translates to "Having different tastes from someone else is nothing to be emberassed about" and not "being wrong about someone elses sensibilitys is not an embarassing thing"?

>> No.45514608

almost got baited by that reddit post

>> No.45514621


>> No.45514628

if your monitor is on you are currently on reddit

>> No.45514645

How does he know

>> No.45514668

pls explain i legit dont get it.
Is the english manga translation wrong here?

>> No.45514677

他人と感性が違うのは = 恥ずかしい事じゃないって

>> No.45514700

違う means "to differ"

>> No.45514709

いつもできない i still have so much to learn, its annoying how many different meanings a word can has in japanese, or rather how poorly alot of japanese words translate into english

>> No.45514715

different from TANIN
>感性が違う having CHIGAU KANSEI

>> No.45514738
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Well thats how it was written in the manga,
i think the って is used because she is retelling what someone else told her right?

>> No.45514824
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>> No.45514841

anime is fuckin dead but dame

>> No.45514859

nothing about that even makes me think about having a boner tbqh

>> No.45514867
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learning with a learning disability is HARD fuck me

>> No.45514870

uhmuhm low test

>> No.45514878

season after the next one looks insane

>> No.45514881

yeah i can't help you if the idea of tight chuugakusei doesn't give you a boner

>> No.45514916

uhhhh omawarisan kono hito desu

>> No.45514956
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>> No.45514960

now make it explain it with feels

>> No.45514981

what japanese town or city is most welcoming towards foreigners?

>> No.45515019

i should start using GPT, seems good for when details are a little unclear.

>> No.45515062


>> No.45515068


>> No.45515110
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>> No.45515232

been using it for several months, its like if you had a jap learner who is always more knowledgeable than you to ping things off of

>> No.45515243

self own

>> No.45515322

depressing to think アニソン will never be this soulful again

>> No.45515325

i will 娶る your mother

>> No.45515367

but its just a song with a still frame

>> No.45515472

i knew anime music was dead when i heard aimer

>> No.45515543
File: 150 KB, 540x467, tumblr_inline_pfc9w0Rnqt1vp31ym_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read 3.5 hours yoshi

>> No.45515575

who is this based fluid druid?

>> No.45515627


>> No.45515696


>> No.45515806

what should i do over winter break

>> No.45515856

Y RU learning jap?

>> No.45515859

>look, ma! I didn’t explain anything! that means I’m helping the new guy

>> No.45515862

fakkin whore

>> No.45515920

because i like TSCs and the process of making them

>> No.45515930

im not

>> No.45515936
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kek i nuked the 260 processes down to 80 on windows 11

>> No.45515940

you cant "learn" a language

>> No.45515949


>> No.45515952

you can learn to read, write, and speak wtf. semantics doesn't change that

>> No.45516013

lil bro...

>> No.45516029


>> No.45516068

>There was no guide.
official guide: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.45516075

when in your learn do you mfs start dedicating time to listening? im still in this phase struggling to watch subbed anime

>> No.45516078

It's been a year and I still can't find 朝潮ちゃん達にマイクロビキニ着てもらう本 in 日本語 or English... Should I just learn Chinese?

>> No.45516131


id assume the jp store would sell the jp version but youve been looking for this longer so idk

>> No.45516164

winblowsfriends in 10 years:
>kek i nuked the 890 processes down to 260 on windows 14

>> No.45516424

ripping major ass

>> No.45516437

whats the difference between shiteru and iteru

why is it 勉強してる but then 考えている

>> No.45516505

勉強 is a noun, so it's like saying "I'm doing cardio". 考える is a verb, so you don't need another verb ("doing") to express the activity

>> No.45516711

Anyone have any tutorials on how to make a website? I want to make a new guide because all the current ones suck

>> No.45516759

Just google it, Oh wait, googles new SEO sucks dick and you can't find useful information anymore

>> No.45516798

for a real simple solution you can try publishing a page on https://rentry.org/

>> No.45516838

wow mushoku tensei 2 is bad. Last time I give an isekai anime a chance

>> No.45516934

shed a tear when i got to the last (story) bit of mushoku
didnt read the bit after the end bc seemed dumb lol stories ended stop writing bro

>> No.45516935

yaku ni tati dess

>> No.45516993

yama ni tati

>> No.45517115

thanks anon

>> No.45517204
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woah this ESL channel just completely broke it down

>> No.45517218
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>> No.45517241

english has become the mutt language with something like 2 billion speakers, its crazy

>> No.45517254
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>They hate him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.45517263

ya the guy said the majority of english spoken is actually non-native to non-native, dunno if true but funny if so

>> No.45517476
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That's an obvious edit

>> No.45517477

djt is dying

>> No.45517495

We've run out of things to argue about.

>> No.45517513

i only post when jamel posts

>> No.45517521

we need new blood
there isnt any new drama or new namefags to laugh at

>> No.45517632

damn lads now all of a sudden im a top fragger at cs2
what the hell did just change in me

>> No.45517644

lil bro 覚醒d

>> No.45517741

he kakugayd

>> No.45517856


>> No.45517870

>sh*ui subreddit

>> No.45517893

whats your beef with shoui lil bro?

>> No.45517915

>tranny defense force out in full swing

>> No.45517949

>force out in full swing

>> No.45517956


>> No.45517976

yeah you are

>> No.45517998

swing of a rope after kicking out from their legs hopefully

>> No.45518078

I have a special mat for doing my JP reps. I always set it out since the floor is cold and I like to stand

>> No.45518137

esl bro…

>> No.45518139


>> No.45518152




>> No.45518193


>> No.45518208
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>> No.45518246

take abura-age and cut it in half to make one long slice
add thin slices of mozarella cheese
add a large bundle of leafy greens
roll it up and close it by using a skewer
pan fry it

>> No.45518262

abura-age no ooba chiizu maki

>> No.45518295

its "defense out in full force" dumb etl nwah "full swing" isn't used like that

>> No.45518310

mined 達磨 for yukidaruma aka snowman

>> No.45518314


>> No.45518350
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>> No.45518370
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>> No.45518377

stop living in the past

>> No.45518592


>> No.45518640

bro got the samurai cap and a katana on the wall

>> No.45518656

i love how you just outed yourself as an esl in a single sentence lmao

>> No.45518670

learn english before trying your hand at japanese, okay buddy?

>> No.45518673

man, you just keep digging yourself deeper

>> No.45518677

>the grammar police are out in full swing
this is correct english

>> No.45518676

its okay bro you dont have to feel ashamed

>> No.45518688

full swing is used for abstract things lil buddy, the correct phrase would be out in full force

>> No.45518690

hi mr. kruger

>> No.45518693 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45518698

you forgot to add etl to your signature buddy

>> No.45518701

>full swing is used for abstract things
holy kek just take the L, lil bro

>> No.45518711

> From dictionary.com: in full swing Also, in full cry. In full operation, at the highest level of activity. For example, After the strike it would be some time before production was in full swing, or His supporters were out in full cry. ... dating from the mid-1800s, alludes to the vigorous movement of a swinging body. [perhaps a bell, other sources]
nice try bro

>> No.45518720

imagine being this wrong, but thinking you're this right

>> No.45518725

as a native i am always correct now stfu

>> No.45518732

well then from one native to another, you just got btfo'd in your own language lol

>> No.45518738

using it with people is simply bad english that has been normalized because of people like you my etl friend, good english sources will only use it with activities or events

>> No.45518742

common esl L

>> No.45518745

holy cope
anon, you're just making it worse for yourself

>> No.45518749

i am well read and you obviously aren't lol

>> No.45518751

>it's only used cuz it's normalized
do you even understand what a language is bro lmao

>> No.45518752

lmao in your dreams maybe

>> No.45518756
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>> No.45518757

ah there it is, the etl cope
bad english is bad english my friend, sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.45518761

og vibez

>> No.45518762

etl defense force out in "full swing" lmao

>> No.45518763

>imagine being this wrong in djt of all places

>> No.45518769

fuck's an etl anyway

>> No.45518771

okay, you could also just be low iq
my condolences

>> No.45518777

etl = english as a thirdie language

>> No.45518789
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>> No.45518809

what did americans ever do to you lil bro

>> No.45518814

when are they adding appeal to ai in the list of fallacies

>> No.45518816

you are unironically retarded if you're a native and can't feel out how unnatural full swing sounds in that sentence, full force is THE choice in that context

>> No.45518817

strictly adhere yourself to the sidewalk out front an apartment building

>> No.45518829

everyone arguing for full swing is guaranteed low iq no two ways about it

>> No.45518840

i just throw logs in the fire

>> No.45518860

>i-i-i was pretending to be retarded!
hard to watch cope

>> No.45518869

what are you angry about

>> No.45518875

the proof is in the pudding

>> No.45518876

why would i be angry when you are the one living the etl life

>> No.45518891


>> No.45518895

crazy how a low iq can even nullify the first language armor

>> No.45518900

low iqs define the language while you midwits have no choice but to follow by repeating phrases like lil bro

>> No.45518907

yeah id say if a native is below one twenty five hes basically an esl

>> No.45518923

yh once again moe is right

>> No.45518936

moes too fat to be right

>> No.45518943

not surprising, if you are mentally disabled you won't notice many features of the situations in which you see the word and imprecisely internalize the vocabulary but to a higher iq every condition would be striking and essential

it makes sense that explaining vocabulary usage has the highest g loading

>> No.45518963

moe is fit

>> No.45518974

i remember when queef tried explaining a word in the pisscord muramasa streamable with matto boy was it embarrassing
made me think he probably doesnt know the meaning of core 2k japanese words either, he really only memorized the readings lmfao

>> No.45518993

im ngl this literally looks like the dream life i'd love this

>> No.45519009

hi mr. cuck lol

>> No.45519079

whoever trasnalated it just chose to do it less litterly

>> No.45519112

i still believe the dust will settle one day and queeran will post again...

>> No.45519123

nigga killing himself on a 12 hour old post

>> No.45519125

The translation is perfectly literal. The anon just didn’t understand that 違う means “to differ.”

>> No.45519137


>> No.45519404

Any good note taking app for Japanese?

>> No.45519415

stop dropping barrels

>> No.45519452


>> No.45519463


>> No.45519511

holy epiccorino

>> No.45519514

if im allow to cope for a second

>> No.45519536

just give it up bro
you lost

>> No.45519539


>> No.45519671


>> No.45519688

but how can it be theirs if they're dead

>> No.45519693




>> No.45519706

one ten post

>> No.45519736


>> No.45519757

She's overall unimpressive but listen to this one and try telling me it's bad

>> No.45519761

jasmol cant say oops right lol

>> No.45519765

I'm new, I just don't stand out I guess

>> No.45519771

manlet moment

>> No.45519774

big oof

>> No.45519784

i'm new but i'm only here to shitpost

>> No.45519787

which fuwamoco do you prefer? for me its the red one

>> No.45519798

no bro don't make me pick

>> No.45519805

i dont watch eng vtubers

>> No.45519812

whats eng mean

>> No.45519813

she rly tries to make it bad and it's working

>> No.45519814

complete aids wouldnt even wipe my ass with it if it was the last asswipe on earth

u forgot what real bangers sound like


>> No.45519816

eng = english

>> No.45519819

What texthooker do you guys use nowadays? I want to read sayonara wo oshiete but the ones I use don't work for it

>> No.45519825

Moco-chan definitely

>> No.45519828

wdym hooker, like program? textractor

>> No.45519834

how could it be the last asswipe on earth if youre still around

>> No.45519841

i couldnt wipe my ass with myself

if u know japanese u know what im talking about

>> No.45519863

lol n6mal thinks sirinugui is high level japanese

>> No.45519871

id be mad too if my ass got fucked so ur outbursts are understandable

>> No.45519877

sasuga fagmal

>> No.45519884


>> No.45519886

well fuck tried that one already
for some reason it doesn't work for that game

>> No.45519892

remembering your moms squeals?

>> No.45519894

no just yours

>> No.45519901

sorry i had your moms onlyfans on in the background

>> No.45519906

weird thing to have on while getting assfucked by me

>> No.45519908

it doesnt work with all games, its an engine issue most times. im sure alternatives exist but im not sure how good they are. if i were in ur shoes id just use an OCR program

>> No.45519926
File: 491 KB, 1463x2048, GBH4FUUaoAAUK2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you acquire japanese?

>> No.45519954

to one day be worthy of bunsukes tutelage

>> No.45519988

Sure could try that, do you have a specific program in mind that could work maybe?

>> No.45519991

i use sharex for my OCR

>> No.45519999


>> No.45520000
File: 242 KB, 1452x1240, GBYKgWBaEAA1gum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45520014

when my hooker stops working i just ring up jasmols mommy

>> No.45520019

wish i was in that van so i could rip the foulest most rotten egg smelling fart of my life

>> No.45520025

jamls getting destroyed today very unprompted

>> No.45520042

turn on your monitor

>> No.45520052
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, F-_NiW0WIAUJg5p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now what?

>> No.45520058

now we wait for his mom to turn on her webcam

>> No.45520067

ull be waiting a long time haha

>> No.45520084

死んだ邪魔Lの母 lol

>> No.45520090


the fact these are still popping up just proves the cope

>> No.45520093

yeah hes really mad still because the only time he ever got to have sex was when i fucked his ass lol

>> No.45520100

wrong @ but you can use atom.io or something

>> No.45520101

now i feel bad for lil j and his abusive mom

>> No.45520105

is that how your father spent time with you

>> No.45520125

bro ... he didn't

>> No.45520182


>> No.45520184

awww whos gonna nuguu lil js poopy siri now?

>> No.45520193

shrug my parents raised me looks like yours never finished raising u ahahahah

>> No.45520206

i finished in your mom lmao

>> No.45520207

more like u finished in ur moms house ahahahha

>> No.45520222

Alright, thanks

>> No.45520239

funny coming from a deadbeat loser

>> No.45520241

but enough about you aHAAHahaha

>> No.45520245

but i didnt lose a bet and refuse to pay

>> No.45520255


>> No.45520283

djt finally up and in full swing

>> No.45520317

born contrarian

>> No.45520319


>> No.45520323

lil j's shaking like gambs in that certificate vid and it's reflecting in how he types

>> No.45520335

poorfaggot jasmol went real quiet when the btc was brought up lmao what a spineless fucking loser, real trash

>> No.45520359

poor tokui is just one of several victims he has scammed

>> No.45520362

yeah still waiting for him to pay up on my 1 btc i rightfully earned from him

>> No.45520364

still no idea who tokui is

>> No.45520378

you earned a fist to the face and a foot to the ass you scummy lying piece of shit

>> No.45520382

that wasnt even me im just floating u to see how hard ull seethe for my entertainment haahaha

>> No.45520390

what being fatherless does to a mfer

>> No.45520394
File: 478 KB, 576x551, 1647889256127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like someone forgot djts #1 rule

>> No.45520410

he does owe me a bitcoin tho no cap

>> No.45520419

bro im just tryna get 1 btc from jamel, he fucking owes me too

>> No.45520431

jachibba couldnt afford a btc even if he sold everything

>> No.45520433

this poses a philosophical question
who really is the loser? the one with the bitcoin or the one without it, incessantly crying about it?

>> No.45520434

i stand with jamal *raises fist*

>> No.45520443

but jamal doesnt even have a bitcoin

>> No.45520445

jamal lost the bet and he doesn't have a bitcoin either so he's a loser on both counts

>> No.45520457
File: 178 KB, 1350x758, GBY7Z_ZawAAcCO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45520460

dno bros
thinking jamal won this one

>> No.45520466

stfu no one misses you

>> No.45520469

it doesn't matter what you think

>> No.45520470

thats you standing? awkward...

>> No.45520474

changed my mind, i do know bros
jamal definitely won this one

>> No.45520476
File: 774 KB, 1280x720, BabyZone - Venom Swallow MJ Scene - Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 2023 [7TA5aA2fV6g - 1280x720 - 1m45s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rate my N5 japanese

>> No.45520482

yeah jamels won a dishonorable discharge

>> No.45520490

all over ur face
not my best nut for sure

>> No.45520491

i literally miss every single anon who stops posting

>> No.45520508

notice how the loser didnt deny not having a coin

>> No.45520518

dont need to flex on kids that live with their moms tbqh

>> No.45520536

so how is the wagecucking going lol poorfaggot

>> No.45520559

no need to sign ur post we know thats why youre a loser at your parents house

>> No.45520585

this guy just keeps getting slapped around by jamal it's tough to watch

>> No.45520598

i know you already sold your dignity but i could buy everything you own with my weekly earnings

>> No.45520603

dick suckin factory gave u a raise huh

>> No.45520616

dont be disrespectful of ciarans career choice

>> No.45520635

but enough about ur mom

>> No.45520637

once the dust has come to a complete standstill, you'll be wishing you never said that

>> No.45520648

indeed its enough shes been the subject of 90% of your posts

>> No.45520666

why you gonna break your keyboard? shes not around to buy you a new one lol

>> No.45520667

nah man ciaran is my hero

>> No.45520690

guess he did break it lmfao

>> No.45520692
File: 380 KB, 511x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from my pov

u arent even a worthy opponent in your current state *reverts from ssj form*

>> No.45520693

you joke, but some people actually think he knows japanese

>> No.45520704

ciaran was better than all of u at japanese i do believe

>> No.45520715

from your pov my big balls are hanging in front your ugly manlet face

>> No.45520719

i think he's a little better than nuke, i'll give him that

>> No.45520721

not only was he better than everyone here, dude was a gay icon that took the fight directly to the capitalist pigs

>> No.45520726
File: 670 KB, 320x180, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn on ur monitor

>> No.45520733

based gay resistance fighter

>> No.45520734

they do call me a dragon so make your wish lol

>> No.45520755

never challenge the silver-tongued poet his eloquence jamal in warfare of word if you know whats good for you

>> No.45520761

except hes been getting brutally curbstomped everyday

>> No.45520769

i think its sweet of jamal to volunteer and spend time with the mentally handicapped like he does

>> No.45520791

if only your dad had been in your life you wouldnt need him to

>> No.45520845

Remember everyone, this is the Daily Japanese Thread. We come here to discuss Japanese and the methods of learning it.
Some of you knuckleheads think it's the Daily Jamal Thread, haha.

>> No.45520851

sus post

>> No.45520858

imagine wasting every waking moment of your life arguing semantics on a shitposting general
thats jamal right now, feel bad for him

>> No.45520868

*arguing semantics and losing

>> No.45520878

jamal wins every single time
that's why the sore losers won't shut up about him
it's the losers run their mouths about who beat them

>> No.45520881

Yeah, his gimmick gets old fast. He'll try to nitpick some small detail and won't let up until he feels he won (he never does).

>> No.45520893

jamal runs his mouth the most, so i guess that makes him the biggest loser lol

>> No.45520898

78 is also the iq of his followers

>> No.45520901

show one time jamal was ever wrong. you can't
you talk about him a lot more than he talks about you. we don't even know who you are.

>> No.45520904

cant show you anything because youre blind

>> No.45520908

concession accepted

>> No.45520911

Jamal? Is that you?

>> No.45520919

hello fellow jamals

>> No.45520924

yeah i just conceded that youre blind so

>> No.45520929

>yeah i just conceded
i know and it was accepted

>> No.45520934

bros even if you win your arguments you still lose at life

>> No.45520943

you couldnt learn japanese but heres to hoping you can manage braille lol

>> No.45520950

He's a really good lolcow though

>> No.45520955

>you talk about him a lot more than he talks about you. we don't even know who you are.
no you talk about him more more than he talks about you. i don't ever bring him up because i don't like talking about perma-dekinais

>> No.45520971

jamel jamel jamel jamel
jamel jamel jamel
jamel jamel

>> No.45520977

jamel jamel
jamel jamel jamel
jamel jamel jamel jamel

>> No.45520981

thats a lot of shit in one post

>> No.45520986

jamel jamel
jamel jamel jamel
jamel jamel jamel jamel
jamel jamel jamel jamel
jamel jamel jamel
jamel jamel

>> No.45520994

poor dude finally broke his keyboard

>> No.45520995

This loser pays to shitpost lmao

>> No.45520997

jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel jamel

>> No.45521001

We've won, Jamel bros. We finally changed the spelling for good.

>> No.45521004


>> No.45521006

so it's official. jamal won

>> No.45521017

i dunno who this guy is

>> No.45521020

ur so sad and pathetic i wonder what went wrong in ur life

>> No.45521030

we know what went wrong in yours. you didn't win and jamal did

>> No.45521031

This thread is so fucking dead bros, this is just discord group chat in disguise

>> No.45521033

stfu luzeru?

>> No.45521037

that's not me

>> No.45521052

daily toxic bullies thread

>> No.45521065

No, this is the DJT. I'm proud of who we are and what we've accomplished. We enable all anons, both small and great, to learn the rich and beautiful language that is Japanese. Through friendliness, perseverance, and many years of iteration, we forge a path forward, showing others how Japanese must be learned.
We are DJT, the Daily Japanese Thread.

>> No.45521077

邪魔L had to take a break from the thread to cry lmao

>> No.45521085
File: 1.26 MB, 800x238, jamal won.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45521097

i know its you lol youre so sad

>> No.45521103
File: 1.32 MB, 1366x768, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45521104

Hi, Jamal.

>> No.45521116

jamal here. did you guys know i won? crazy, huh? *slurps yogurt* that's life haha..

>> No.45521126

djt would be so much better if jasmols mom had taught him how to stfu and take the L

>> No.45521127

You guys think Jamal ever gets tired of losing? Uh, I mean winning, sorry.

>> No.45521136

yeah thinking jamal won this one bros

>> No.45521139

she was too busy taking the D

>> No.45521153

bro why are you so insecure?

>> No.45521162


>> No.45521169


>> No.45521181

turdmal has literally nothing to feel secure about

>> No.45521185

This thread has been completely and utterly buck broken by Jamal.

>> No.45521216

jamal is still crying about this even though we literally got the answer from multiple native speakers?

>> No.45521219

crazy how mouth throthingly mad some ppl get about jamal lol

>> No.45521220

I don't like being called samefag, it breaks my kokoro

>> No.45521223

jamal was literally right and multiple natives confirmed they all thought of it the same way

>> No.45521240

stfu annoying faggot unkos gf btfo him

>> No.45521241

maybe if you cant read japanese, jamal

>> No.45521249

his gf was btfoing anyone arguing that it could technically work the other way because it's a stupid thing to care about

>> No.45521259

jamel clearly said it only means one thing and she said it can mean either
now stfu

>> No.45521262

gf (grandma friend)

>> No.45521267

he said native japanese people would all only think of it one way, and they did
and then they offered the grammatical explanation as to why it can work the other way

>> No.45521275

no she said it can mean either gg no cope

>> No.45521280

So, what it all comes down to is Jamal won, right? That's all that really matters here.

>> No.45521293

not true. you're just saying what you want to feel better about jamal winning

>> No.45521328

you can find his post where he clearly says it only means one thing with none of that cope bullshit about what they would "first" think that he added later after getting blown the fuck out
now shut the fuck up n6 ass licker he lost and embarrassed himself like he always does

>> No.45521348

i'm looking at the posts right now. nowhere did jamal say one time that it could only mean one thing, only that japanese people would all see it the same way. and all the responses he got on the subject proved that, including unko's gf. he never said the other way was wrong or incorrect or grammatically impossible
in short, jamal won

>> No.45521353

you forgot to account for the fact that youre blind

>> No.45521357

the reason you aren't providing clear evidence to the contrary is because there is, in fact, none.
jamal literally won and you are having extreme difficulty coming to terms with this.

>> No.45521363

being blind must be nice you're immune to monitors

>> No.45521367

no he initially said it just means one thing and got destroyed then asked unko to ask his gf what she first thinks of it to save face

>> No.45521376

then provide the evidence. i'm looking at the posts right now and i already know that whichever of these posts you try to use will only display not only your lack of japanese ability, but english ability as well.

>> No.45521380

prove youre not low iq and i will

>> No.45521393

you're too afraid because you know what will happen if you do.

>> No.45521395

yeah thats what i thought lol

>> No.45521403

on jah

>> No.45521405

thus, jamal won. let it be known once again.

>> No.45521408

Oh boy, another full day of these two losers arguing semantics. Get a life guys

>> No.45521409

uhuhum uhuhum
uhuhum uhuhum
uhuhum uhuhum
uhuhum uhuhum

>> No.45521414

t. low iq

>> No.45521427

i'm just clearly informing this person who is easily baited that jamal won. i know japanese so i care not for the semantics.

>> No.45521429

i see the shitposters are out in full swing

>> No.45521436

im just informing you that you are low iq

>> No.45521442

bros got the retarded

>> No.45521452

i see you've switched to insulting my IQ because you've accepted that jamal's victory cannot be disputed.

>> No.45521454

If you spend all day arguing with a retard then I got bad news about your intelligence.

>> No.45521460

i see youve accepted youre retarded

>> No.45521462

i'm just a messenger. it's just taking several messages to get the message across to this particularly troubled lad.

>> No.45521471

youre just a retarded ass licking loser lil bro

>> No.45521483

agreeing with truth, facts, and logic is not being an "ass licking loser." if anything, such a designation would be appropriate for those acting in a manner such as yours.

>> No.45521497

>agreeing with truth, facts, and logic is not being an "ass licking loser."
is that in reference to your inferior quotient

>> No.45521507

>inferior quotient
i lost it lol

>> No.45521523

you're inferior to jamal. this is why you can be led to froth at the mouth for hours at the snap of your master's fingers.

>> No.45521525

bros how do I make cardboard water resistant? I need it to learn japanese

>> No.45521526


just read these posts retard

if you dont see how jamal is arguing that it can ONLY mean one thing here, you need to go back to learning english instead

>> No.45521542

wouldnt be a low quotient if you werent wrong all the time

>> No.45521546

jamal didn't make any of those posts. he started here >>45479808

>> No.45521569

>i-i only made the posts from where i started backtracking because i realized i was wrong and looked retarded
okay jamal

>> No.45521570

Bro you lost by assuming he would argue in good faith with you. Did you seriously think he would own up to being responsible for any posts that don't have his official tripcode?

>> No.45521582

*snaps fingers* time to lick jamals shit off the djt floor messenger bro

>> No.45521599

i was on the fence earlier but now im sure
jamal won

>> No.45521601

>y-youre losing by making him look like the retard he is
okay jamal

>> No.45521603
File: 484 KB, 488x496, 129832613784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nowhere in any book will you find an instance that has a 死んだ僕の彼女 like phrase and it doesn't just mean what everyone's saying it does. this 2 meaning bullshit is na university tier theory go fuck yourself. show me otherwise and i'll kneel

>> No.45521609

just went on a 60km bicycle trip yesterday and woke up to a strong asadachi since my wakamono times

>> No.45521612

I'm the most anti-Jamal poster here though. All you are hypocrites, using the lowercase style he popularized here.

>> No.45521617

why are you trying to fit the name of a band into a sentence in some book?

>> No.45521622

it doesn't matter because a native said it can mean either depending on the context and jamal said it doesn't. solid L

>> No.45521633

jamal didn't say that in any of his posts and >>45521526 and >>45521546 prove it

>> No.45521645

the poster lead the guy into saying that with his questioning

>> No.45521648

ok bros I don't care what jamel said or not

>> No.45521653

uh he literally did in one of the posts there, can't you read?

>> No.45521655

good. because he was right, and he won.

>> No.45521658

examples of this grammatical structure where the first verb only binds to 僕 and not a "relative clause" was in fact posted


>> No.45521669

a band title and a complete sentence are the same thing in DJT's eyes.
truly a beginner thread it has become once again.

>> No.45521677

keep sinking his brand lmao sasuga tardo

>> No.45521689

he. won. you. lost.

>> No.45521695

that was jamals post
how could it be?
he died in 2021 due c0void

>> No.45521715

yeah ive been making u say that to turn off the unironic fence sitters and uve been getting baited like the low iq u are gg

>> No.45521740

nice a few of my posts are in there lmao

>> No.45521743

imagine taking DJT this seriously. "lmao" as jamal (who won) would say.

>> No.45521748

weaponizing <130s is so easy

>> No.45521760

yeah just like me weaponizing my foot unto your ass

>> No.45521763

i. won. you. lost.

>> No.45521764

hope og is happy, shes the reason i came out of retirement

>> No.45521778

you won virgin of the year. congratulations. jamal still was right and you lost, however.

>> No.45521779

u sound mad bro

>> No.45521789

about what? i'm playing with my pet right now. he's very responsive.

>> No.45521797

u sound gay bro

>> No.45521805

it's only gay if you are. now roll over like a good boy and i'll give you doggie treat!

>> No.45521810

yeah hes mad

>> No.45521819

crazy how hard the vtumor fag is getting rolled this is brootal

>> No.45521825

dame get a hobby you retards this isn't healthy and it stopped being funny an hour ago

>> No.45521827

yeah i won

>> No.45521861

ye losing isnt healthy that's why I'm worried about jamel

>> No.45521871

its over bro you got worked

>> No.45521879

lil messenger mad

>> No.45521885

good boy

>> No.45521912

i just wanted to correct the record and prevent the spread of more disinformation. thats why i asked natives. im the only productive poster in these threads

>> No.45521924

lil cock sucker

>> No.45521926

gonna drop this thread for 2 days and hopes this retard shit disappears

>> No.45521941

hopes your esl gets better

>> No.45521966

huge win for jamel/mal

>> No.45521973

thus for me

>> No.45522000

can't believe how many of you i've tricked so far

>> No.45522005

we all know you're retarded lil bro...

>> No.45522006

he says, covered in shit

>> No.45522024

>However, there also was a great deal of new content that was allowed under the updated policy. Much of the content created has been met with community concern... effective today, we are rolling back the artistic nudity changes. Moving forward, depictions of real or fictional nudity won’t be allowed on Twitch, regardless of the medium.
it's already over, the snowflake incels have won

>> No.45522035

When are they gonna ban that boobie streamer?

>> No.45522041

incels will only have won when twitch no longer allows women

>> No.45522046

i don't think 非モテs are against nudity

>> No.45522121

they are but not the men

>> No.45522185

so now that the dust has settled

>> No.45522194

they're for it because they enjoy it but they're also against it because female creators are profiting from it. multiple streams with women artists drawing naked bodies after the policy change got raided by groups of dudes mass reporting them and spamming their chats with shit like "fuck off whore, get banned" etc. i don't this is something men who get laid are interested in doing with their time. it's pretty clearly hopeless frustrated incels trying to achieve some sense of justice and control in their lives.
true, they are losing the war, which is why they're so desperate to win those pathetic insignificant battles even if this means sacrificing some content. on the other hand, the 3d content is worthless for me too (i mean the twitch softcore porn specifically), i just enjoyed the 2d stuff somewhat. so maybe if they're not into 2d, then to them it doesn't even feel like they're sacrificing anything by going after it.

>> No.45522206

if youre doing anything with nudity on twitch its to farm cheap easy views so yeah twitch should continue banning it

>> No.45522221

if that's the logic then you should ban 95% of twitch and basically all porn

>> No.45522236

porn is banned on twitch and i agree that 95% of twitch should be banned
were talking about the twitch platform which has gotten increasingly trashy and less about gaming because trash generates them more money
its surprising they walked back this one to be honest but it's only a matter of time

>> No.45522240


>> No.45522257

>i agree that 95% of twitch should be banned
then you don't even qualify for the conversation because this is completely detached from reality
also 99% of gaming is literally the trashiest of trash, boring zombie shit for retarded zoomer normies

>> No.45522276

so go to a platform that isnt focused on gaming? twitch is almost there dont worry

>> No.45522289

only streams i care about are djt vinnie streams

>> No.45522314

it's not gaming exclusive so i will go to the dedicated non-gaming sections when i feel like it

>> No.45522335

>i hate twitch because gaming is 99% zombie shit!
>i will go to my tard containment section when i feel like it
as long as you understand and leave gamers alone

>> No.45522412

i just like looking at naked women

>> No.45522415

been lurking these threads for a while and i've decided that you all are the most boring people in the world. i can't imagine waking up every day to talk about the same handful of people who don't post here anymore

>> No.45522419

>the party starts at 9, but I'll be at the house alone for a few hours before then lets do something
uh does she want to fuck

>> No.45522424

>i hate twitch because gaming is 99% zombie shit!
i never said this. i didn't say i hate twitch, just that the vast majority of the gaming content there is trash. and this was only in response to a post that suggested otherwise. the platform itself isn't trash as long as there's some good content there
>i will go to my tard containment section when i feel like it
basically, except it's actually the anti-tard containment section. like accomplished game devs streaming game development or members of world famous bands streaming music production. or just people who can draw well drawing some shit. i'll watch stuff like that sometimes

>> No.45522432

whats the link for that one epub reader that isnt shit

>> No.45522440

nvm found it lo

>> No.45522448

I'm new but I'm a little confused by this thread, who is this Jam_l what he has to do with the Japanese language, and why was I warned by the auto-jannie when I tried to bring up his name?

>> No.45522482

In the year 2020, a historical event spanning multiple days that would change the fate of the DJT took place. The place was a thread known as the Daily Japanese Thread, a mildly-known thread in /jp/, a dead ass board on the popular website 4Channel, and the man was a legend named Quizmaster ザ・真実 カードカウンター: 20.9k !.quiz.MncY, better known by his alias “Stupid Fucking Retard” and "Adolf Quizler". In this thread, Quizler would go down in history by carelessly making some really stupid fucking posts.

Quizler had fronted well up to this point, but things had decidedly took a turn for the worse, when he ran into a group of local ruffians, named the "C.O.R.N". This mysterious group was aptly dubbed the "Coalition of Real Ninjas" and their skills in ninjatry were displayed in full effect, as the group had honed their real ninja abilities in this local thread. Things were looking tough for Quizler, as Japanese language cred was reportedly on the line. Out of options and looking to prove his worth, Quizler took a bold move. Quizler decided to post in Japanese, thinking that he would achieve victory in combat with elite C.O.R.N member Jamal a.k.a v^-^v !l08I6k8X8M, after days of exchanging posts in English. It was a risky wager, and a furious battle ensued over the Japanese language cred that was at stake. But in a shocking turn of events, Quizler was quickly and soundly defeated by Jamal, who had displayed his impressive prowess of true ninja skills in his short-lived match with him. The match ended so quickly and shockingly swift, that onlookers stood in complete awe, with many describing it as unprecedented in DJT history. Witnesses stated that Quizler had gotten his ass completely beat, and reportedly fucked.

>> No.45522485

it's some discord attention whores fighting each other, filter it and don't pay attention

>> No.45522504

I ain't reading all that
I'm happy for u though
Or sorry that happened

>> No.45522537
File: 158 KB, 1210x804, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lil j lost

>> No.45522538

how many words does a fluent japanese speaker need to know?

>> No.45522546

40-50k if IQ > 100
30k if IQ < 100

>> No.45522550

turns out its a pasta

>> No.45522556

bro i cant view that because i dont have an account
but you can :skull:

>> No.45522568
File: 35 KB, 954x267, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont have one either

>> No.45522572

ciaran is still my hero and i still think you should apologize for disrespecting his career choice

>> No.45522578

Bruh did you really open an incognito tab just to pretend you don't have a reddit account?

>> No.45522582

just clicked the link like regular

>> No.45522600

It tells me I have to use the app to view mature content
Yes I'm phoneposting, you would be too if you were in an office with nothing to do for 8 hours

>> No.45522603
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1663995133579611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you get fluent with only visual novels, or will I have to switch to other immersion materials sooner or later? (news, novels, college lectures, wikipedia, etc.)

>> No.45522607

so i can be the guy in the office browsing reddit on his phone? no thanks

>> No.45522623

it tells me that on my pc too
he sus

>> No.45522635

what does fluent mean? if you're really fluent, you can fluently talk around not knowing many words, so you could probably get around with less than half of what the average native knows
you can get to fluently reading visual novels. i don't think that buzzword is especially helpful

>> No.45522682

pandemic djt was like the wild west
very good arc

>> No.45522686

>what does fluent mean?
okay, let's say i wanted to live in japan and have an office job at a japanese company there.

>> No.45522691
File: 391 KB, 1280x871, (C102) [Fatalpulse (Asanagi)] Gareki 34 (Various) - Chapter - 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45522705

extremely based

>> No.45522746

there's so much baggage around the word fluency

>> No.45522762

yeah it has some nasty colonial ties

>> No.45522772

>know how to use most of the language
>know +90% of the most common words
>be able to speak if needed, doesn't matter if you've never done it or done it too little
you've now reached basic fluency

>> No.45522790

picked up

>> No.45522802

7.5k active and 15k passive. but you could get by with much less in certain circumstances. there was a professional soccer player who couldn't play soccer, he just faked injuries all the time and collected money

>> No.45522816 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 354x486, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont open

>> No.45522823

>there was a professional soccer player who couldn't play soccer, he just faked injuries all the time and collected money
kek but i dont want to be a faker

>> No.45522857

if you're only starting now, then it will take you like 3 years, and in 3 years there will already be crazy real-time business-focused translation tech

>> No.45522863

Good on you for doing at least 50 new cards a day

>> No.45522864

"translation tech" is useful for business meetings or tourism, but otherwise it's always better if you actually understand the language yourself.

>> No.45522871

theyre still using fax, bill

>> No.45522888

the question was about what's sufficient. if it were about what's better then i'd say something closer to 40k active vocab than 7.5k
it's not about what they use but about what you use

>> No.45522908

its about whether you can do business in japanese everyday and get paid for it

>> No.45522971
File: 11 KB, 978x185, 1702667131339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.45522984

damn this tripfag is autistic...

>> No.45522993

japanese learners are the most autistic language learners on the planet.
i'd rather converse with someone learning swahili

>> No.45522999

yet you chose japanese so it seems that 類は友を呼ぶ

>> No.45523002

id rather not converse with "learners"

>> No.45523006

get off the site then

>> No.45523009

as for me im a chugger

>> No.45523011

excuse you there are chill posters like moe in here

>> No.45523020

reminds me of 累が及ぶ

>> No.45523022

just scrolled through the thread
yeah, jamal won

>> No.45523026

moe is based
nerd losers are cringe

>> No.45523034

>4chan swallows my post into the void
sugoi, guess they didnt want Tanuki exposed

>> No.45523047

ur pathetic bro

>> No.45523055

nice signature

>> No.45523057

ez kachi for the moe派

>> No.45523058

good boy

>> No.45523059

namasensei said the same thing lol
bro couldnt even read 動画

>> No.45523078

i am a bro yup, just not your bro

>> No.45523083

gambs can't read 努める and he still has a prestigious jobs in japan. if misreading a word makes you unable to function professionally then you might be retarded

>> No.45523092

>prestigious jobs

>> No.45523103
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>> No.45523107

nice selfie

>> No.45523112

hes a machine learning researcher at the top university in japan. sit the fuck down bozo

>> No.45523114

nice self own gambs

>> No.45523120

he says, to his monitor that is not turned on

>> No.45523121

he's a nobody noob who doesn't know baby japanese

>> No.45523123
File: 89 KB, 650x1184, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45523129

dont bully akira hes rawdogged more japanese girls than all of you

>> No.45523135

nice fail im not at my desk

>> No.45523143

we know you are furniture no need to sign your post

>> No.45523149

>i take this as your concession
>*smacks with childrens yoghurt on his lips*
>don't sign your posts
how can one be this based

>> No.45523152

based umineko chad

>> No.45523157

stay mad and stay losing. i have money to make

>> No.45523159

what is his job?

>> No.45523162

the only believable story of akira's is the one with the super smelly fujo lmao

>> No.45523179 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 770 KB, 990x814, 1698701118103880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google his name (pic related)

>> No.45523190

dont google his name stop that shit leave akira alone go somewhere else with that toxic behaviour

>> No.45523200

lol stfu bitch

>> No.45523201

he's literally a djt regular and doxxed himself because he gives no fucks

>> No.45523211

him having doxxed himself once before doesn't give you the right to just doxx him again lmao what the fuck is up with your fucked up moral compass go outside my lil bro

>> No.45523219

bro don't blame chatgpt on your own poor language skills. it's spelled "nach dem Rechten sehen", not "rechten".
in the german language, capitalization can change the meaning of words or sentences, to those itt who don't know

>> No.45523231

how do you capitalize in speech

>> No.45523235


>> No.45523243

>japanese name

>> No.45523246

that's like asking how do you use kanji in speech
just dont even ask such a question bro

>> No.45523252

don't act like you never imagined your own japanese name too

>> No.45523256

it was a rhetorical question

>> No.45523272

i did but when i was like 15 bro

>> No.45523274

good cope 7/10

>> No.45523280

use katakana

>> No.45523283
File: 78 KB, 1325x789, vocablist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just not gonna use anki

>> No.45523284

omanko suru

>> No.45523291
File: 281 KB, 1215x852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just gonna use anki

>> No.45523292

self own

>> No.45523294

ah youre one of those people that uses excel for everything in his life

>> No.45523303

i started 2 months ago, and i have already memorized 1500 words without the need of a gay ass AI to tell me when to revise each word

>> No.45523309


>> No.45523318

anki is not ai
it's not even machine learning

>> No.45523319


>> No.45523325

no one cares nerd, you get my point. you're slave to your app.

>> No.45523335

npcs use anki all the time so it can be considered machine learning

>> No.45523341

nah when i don't feel like doing it that day i just press pass a couple times and close it lol

>> No.45523342

now say that in japanese

>> No.45523349

shut up im reading

>> No.45523363
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>> No.45523380

>when i don't want to go wageslave i pretend to press keys in front of my boss and call it a day
lmao literal slave mentality. you're slave to your little app. i'm free. i wake up, choose whichever difficulty level to revise, get my notebook and write words. if i don't feel like it, i take it the day off lmao.

>> No.45523388

why would need to know this?

>> No.45523395

seen it in an eroge so i had to mine it.

>> No.45523398

誰も気にしないぜ nerd, 俺の言ってる意味分かるだろ. お前はappの奴隷だ

>> No.45523401

>get my notebook and write words
oh nonononononoo

>> No.45523418
File: 1018 KB, 975x800, 121801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for me

>> No.45523434

jamal fucking won

>> No.45523436

i fucking love japanese

>> No.45523443

soulful shader

>> No.45523445


>> No.45523469

those crt filters are soulless by design

>> No.45523471

u know what blew my mind when playing the games in japanese
some of the yu gay oh cards that have a japanese name in the english version like raigeki
have an english name in the japanese original (for raigeki it's thunder bolt)

>> No.45523478


>> No.45523482

nah sharp pixels are cancer
crt filters are the next best thing if you can't play on a real crt

>> No.45523502


>> No.45523533
File: 2.14 MB, 1001x1150, kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh i don't need to write because japs don't perfectly remember a couple of obscure kanji
lmao, it's not like i'm doing fucking calligraphy. if you actually want to retain words, read faster, be able to produce words and have a sizeable active vocabulary, you NEED to put in the effort like me and test your vocabulary. staring at RTK and reading your schizoid faggy mnemonics won't help you on the long term.

>> No.45523536
File: 197 KB, 345x500, WaterOmotics-DL2-JP-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for me

>> No.45523549

lmfao this guy is just suiciding like crazy

>> No.45523560

whats funny about cards like these is, that parents get really offended by them, but children dont. like as a kid, i wouldnt have thought thats attractive or obscene or traumatizing or anything. its just another card. but parents flip out over it .

>> No.45523562

nice handwriting bro

>> No.45523568

THIS guy is gonna make it and the retard shitting on him, well weve already seen how much of a loser he is lmao

>> No.45523578

samefag harder dumbass lmふぁお

>> No.45523588

yea this has same fag energy to the max, it would be embarrassing if it turns out to be the same fig

>> No.45523590

>those capitalizations
be more subtle next time

>> No.45523595

the 3 little copelets

>> No.45523598

bro you should be able to learn at least 2000 words in 40 days

>> No.45523602


>> No.45523608

coplet would imply they lack in cope tho
you're saying they're secure about themselves bro

>> No.45523617

then whats a droplet? something that lacks in drop?

>> No.45523616

native english speaker
esl trash

howd i do

>> No.45523618

coplet is a man denied his right to cop a feel, totally different from copelet

>> No.45523623

remember the day this guy got so mentally worn down he wrote this post >>45523608

>> No.45523624

i love djt moments like these

>> No.45523627

effortkino. based + gmi

>> No.45523630

cop as in copper?

>> No.45523633

i have no japanese gf and i need to cope

>> No.45523648

you could have any girlfriend you want and arent tied down

>> No.45523651

does she think the same way

>> No.45523661

look at the divorce rates. you can have any woman even if they are "tied down"

>> No.45523712

a wise man told me to ask married women if they are happily married or just married
if theyre just married, it means they are willing to fuck around

>> No.45523740

is trying to read 10-20k a day good enough in the beginning?

>> No.45523742


>> No.45523774

read 250k today (just started last week)

>> No.45523868

read all of f/sn today
might read all of muv luv alternative tomorrow

>> No.45523869

and if they're happily married they're just fronting

>> No.45523878


>> No.45523884

reading for me rn is slow and grindy af, when does it get smoother bros. how many cards do i need before it gets ezpz im at like 1000 rn

>> No.45523889

>always read 4 as yon instead of し
fuck now I've got a bad habit よん
at least days and items are no problem for me now

>> No.45523890

you will get better with, and you won't believe me when i say this, time

>> No.45523954

so what is the most commonly used word for 'criticism' in japanese?

>> No.45523963

it's not about cards, but about how much you read

>> No.45523971


>> No.45523981

depends on context

>> No.45524009

how legit is that chatGPT translation & explanation? one of you guys had to expose it in some way, right?

>> No.45524018

yooo this vinnie chugger has no life

>> No.45524020

none of us speak german bro
quote the fucking post you are talking about
not doing so doesnt make you look cool

>> No.45524024

yea i know. i just remember somebody saying its also difficult because of all the look ups you have to do and it gets easier when you know enough words. i want to know that number of words

>> No.45524026

GPT4.0 is native level, so it still makes some mistakes

>> No.45524027

Lowercasing doesn't make you look cool either. Write properly.

>> No.45524030

where can we sample gpt 4 for free?

>> No.45524035
File: 2.87 MB, 1680x1050, hide wageslave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is he saying?

>> No.45524037

lol @ poorfags

>> No.45524043

wish i wasnt being forced to win 11 on my laptop. 10 is just more stable

>> No.45524045

Reminds me of when Magi aired and parents freaked out over pierced nipples on tv but if you interviewed any of the kids who watched it they wouldn't point it out as notable at all.

>> No.45524051

bros been stuck on this panel for 7 months now

>> No.45524054
File: 56 KB, 640x792, 1702676139008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr fr

>> No.45524062


>> No.45524081


>> No.45524083

phind.com if you make an account. you have 10 uses per day

>> No.45524109

imma troll pol with this one

>> No.45524111

>he looks up stuff while reading

>> No.45524124

only thing tokyo ghoul did right was have the best op in history
unravel was simply epic

>> No.45524130

link the thread lil bro

>> No.45524144

good post

>> No.45524180

overplayed to the point of me feelin jaded about it. nhk e youkoso or houseki no kuni op tho

>> No.45524291


>> No.45524314

very true

>> No.45524637


>> No.45524639
File: 235 KB, 1416x885, pEU7UbnUln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time boys

>> No.45524696

dang american visual novels have really stepped it up since the times of katawa shojo

>> No.45524823

Yeah that's hot

>> No.45524839

fact: it is impossible for english natives to learn japanese

>> No.45524850


>> No.45524853


>> No.45524871

true, ive only seen fluent europeans and asians

>> No.45524900

already watched my weekly frieren
kinda dont know how to spend the rest of the night now

>> No.45524904


>> No.45524910

gonna watch that angle beats show i remember jamal talking about it like 3 years ago

>> No.45524911

just realized jamal listened to japanese rap to intentionally lower his iq so he could communicate with inferior quotients

>> No.45524919

nah japanese rap goes hard

>> No.45524950
File: 225 KB, 1080x1536, 5e348d788b0491af153facbd4061089a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading translated manga
>"I can't speak to specifics since I don't know Japanese"
then how the fuck did he translate the manga

>> No.45524960

>reading translated manga

>> No.45524965

reminds me of when the nagatoro translator thought that paisen was they guys name

>> No.45524974

no seriously, do fan translators just use deepl for everything? they cant even understand japanese? and then they probably beg for money on patreon too

>> No.45524992
File: 8 KB, 678x90, image (39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 198: Back, been busy with my final so doesn't have time with studying but since it finish I finally have time.

>> No.45525002

974 yeah and eops eat it up cause they don't know better

>> No.45525024

you don't even know english

>> No.45525078

and on top of all that they hoard raws keeping them from people who can actually read japanese. it's ridiculous

>> No.45525089

>hoard raws
well to be fair you can always just buy the raw manga so that part isnt so bad

>> No.45525103

except for when they hoard stuff thats out of print and/or unavailable digitally

>> No.45525127

kek based

>> No.45525174

when i was young, i always thought most translation work is done in tourism or the entertainment industry and i thought it was a low paying job that isnt worth it, so i didnt get into that career.
i wish someone had told me that companies in the tech/industrial/manufacturing sectors also need translators for technical documents, and will pay quite well. my life could be very different right now

>> No.45525178

u still wouldnt know japanese tho

>> No.45525179
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>> No.45525195

i dont know, jamal, i think i would have been more motivated to actually learn japanese as a teen rather than pushing it off until now

>> No.45525201

Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

>> No.45525207

honestly smile when i see a goatfucker post nowadays

>> No.45525211

>AH kamisama
gets me evry taim

>> No.45525227

stallman is an extremist and he has to be for political reasons, i respect that, but i can decide for myself what software i install on my computer.

>> No.45525311
File: 148 KB, 1148x1148, 1655085157083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tatsumoto's back!

>> No.45525365

tatsumoto stopped posting in 2021. must be someone else.

>> No.45525368

you can decide to install malware (proprietary vns) on your computer or you can decide not to.

>> No.45525372

install this *shoves foot up ur arse*

>> No.45525433
File: 123 KB, 1280x1145, steps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45525441

anyone know an easy way to make a dictionary file for yomichan, I've been looking up words that are troublesome in a native kids dictionary and editting them onto my cards and its been really helpful, if im typing them up anyway i could atleast start adding them to a file and eventually release it

>> No.45525460

dunno why anyone would use that shit when u have real dictionaries not made by some pig gaijin who knows no nihongo and gets no bitches

>> No.45525465

you wouldnt use a japanese dictionary made by the japanese for japanese kids, just typed up for use in yomichan? im not translating it, just manually typing up the japanese

>> No.45525486
File: 418 KB, 521x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y japan

>> No.45525488

fairs seems like a load of wasted effort when stuff we already have baby dictionaries like oubunsya and sinmeikai if u cant understand those then ur probs not gonna get much out of going away from ja-en but thats my take

>> No.45525515

its not really that i cant, just some of them im still left wondering, it doesnt hurt to have another dictionary and in the future it might help people transition between e-j to j-j a little easier with some kids definitions
Its just a thought honestly, if theres an easy way to do it i can chip a way at it over time and then everyone gets another potential dictionary to use that hasnt been made digital yet

>> No.45525545

fairs you do what u want to do with ur time if u do finish it then maybe someone will find it useful

>> No.45525583

子供部屋おじさん 〜日本行ったら本気だす〜

>> No.45525639

I have a question for the people here living with their girlfriend/wife

Hi guys,

I recently started to live with my girlfriend, we are somehow happy but there is something that bother me:

Did you guys tell your waifu that you are playing VN? We're at home almost at the same time, we are always busy and even in my free time if I tried to play VN, she would see it or hear it because it's not that big at home. The only way for me to play would be at night because she knows I don't sleep that much, so I tried this sometime and one night she sneeked behind me because she thought I wanted to contact someone and cheat on her. (I was playing lol when it happened, guess I was lucky for once)

But I cant keep going like this, I feel like I have to give up on VN, I don't want to tell her I learned japanese because of those game, and then she see me as a pervert...

I wanted to know how guys did you do? Did you tell her? Do you keep it a secret? I would like the advice of people that have/had the same issue.

Thank you.

>> No.45525650

lol redditoids are something else

>> No.45525661


>> No.45525667


>> No.45525671

sounds like him trying to hide it is going to get him in more trouble than simply playing the game

>> No.45525738

what is the chigai between 上履き and ローファー

>> No.45525743

if his gf is curious she can just watch him play through the sex scenes and copy them in bed for him

>> No.45525823

option 1: switch to non eroge
option 2: eroge in private
option 3: drop vns and switch to lns and play games instead of eroge
option 4: tell her (bad ending)

>> No.45525836

the post is 5 years old lol clearly not a djt post

>> No.45525843

>I recently started to live with my girlfriend
mistake #1
>I tried to play VN
mistake #2

>> No.45525848

Loafers are a kind of outdoor shoe. Uwabaki are indoor slippers.

>> No.45525863
File: 24 KB, 1001x354, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

machine translation i kneel

>> No.45525866

oh, mb

>> No.45525869

*kabeons you kyuuni*

>> No.45525873

You didn't give it a complete sentence.

>> No.45525878

its smarter than you and assumed you typod the space in i fall because it makes more sense than saying if all

>> No.45525880

you mean kabedon?

>> No.45525919

your mama so fat she sat on me and i died

>> No.45526009

itiban tuyoi gaijin ni naritai kana¿ ww

>> No.45526019
File: 235 KB, 480x640, musclemat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45526048

why does he look like that

>> No.45526075
File: 1 KB, 301x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finna burn out at this rate lets gooo

>> No.45526125

he actually has good muscle insertions

>> No.45526129

what you reading lil bro?

>> No.45526138

soon you will reach 30k/hour

>> No.45526146

What's even the point in learning nihongo anyways, all that time spent and I can't even play a single videogame without checking a dictionary

>> No.45526176


>> No.45526199

u obviously havent learnt it yet then u should probably read more if u arent up to low iq japanese person vocab level yet (a good way to check is by reading along with a vtuber and seeing if u know as much/more than them)

>> No.45526239

does anyone have the image of the girl from new game and the あなたは あなたは あなたは translator redditor who saids something like u cant learn japanese without going to uni?

>> No.45526321

stfu anal loser

>> No.45526324


>> No.45526352

a nobody true true

>> No.45526359

this is an anonymous board sweaty

>> No.45526376

sorry to hear ur sweating

>> No.45526784

I can’t imagine anything more pathetic than listening to Japanese rap.

>> No.45526785

how long will that take?

>> No.45526802

About 30k hours

>> No.45526806


>> No.45526844


>> No.45526848

you don't have one?

>> No.45526955

Might wanna turn yours on

>> No.45527287

yo what's the most active djt discord?

>> No.45527294

your moms room

>> No.45527416

