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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45496123 No.45496123 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45463428

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45496163

I'm incredibly torn on starting Baldr Sky. if I go in with the mindset of it being fun but nothing special with good gameplay and take a long break between 1 and 2 will I be good?

>> No.45496227
File: 537 KB, 1920x1162, deepone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if anyone care about this, but the Switch port for Deep One have the prologue for 領界侵犯, so it's not vaporware

>> No.45496233

This is the funnies pov in egs

>> No.45496236


>> No.45496276
File: 1.04 MB, 892x623, 1692509394368105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45496279

Nice, PC prologue when

>> No.45496289

Yuzuge are read by ghouls?

>> No.45496296

Bro literally on the verge of death still reading eroge

>> No.45496305

How is he consuming on iOS?!

>> No.45496338

Might as well stream it from your own PC
It's not like latency matters for mongolian slide show anyway

>> No.45496361

Do zoomer newfags really...read vns on phone? lol

>> No.45496376

>playing VNs on phone
average poor seamong who can't build their own PC

>> No.45496387

It seems absurd to me honestly. I don't know about you guys but I like very loud and detailed sound in my games. I want to hear the seiyuu's every single breath so it's at home on my setup or nothing.

>> No.45496395

Half of the people are skipping all the voices here anyway what are you on about

>> No.45496464

I know the stats do suggest that people do actually that, but I genuinely cannot comprehend that mentality. I suppose it's some obsession with consuming as fast as possible, but are you really consuming the product if you're skipping voices? I mean why even play a moege if you aren't hearing the cute voices of the heroines?

>> No.45496566

At the very least they are reading, that put them above the rest.

>> No.45496581

I think even tiktok features reading these days? Like how they subtitle every word the influencer says.

>> No.45496593

They literally are forced to have a minecraft parkour video on a side because zoomers are just unable to concentrate on that text otherwise

>> No.45496621

There is a difference between reading garbage on twitter and reading a book

>> No.45496654
File: 588 KB, 1200x900, 1692542754370028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so inspired by your post in the previous thread that I decided to turn my old iphone into my new portable erogemachine.
This is a demonstration of my bravery.
>He doesn't know

>> No.45496656

How are you consuming?!!? It's iOS!

>> No.45496663

>he "consumes"
>he doesn't read, study, and reflect and analyse

>> No.45496671

I listen to the voices in moege but for other stuff I'm too impatient since I want to move on with the story.

>> No.45496676

I study Japanese. That counts right....??

>> No.45496683

Nope. A mindless drone can study, but only the 武士 reflects on art.

>> No.45496724

About how long are the routes in musicus?

>> No.45496899

You won't want to take a break between games but that's the right mindset to have. I think it's special in how much it gets SF sloppiness right.
Make sure to play on Hard.

>> No.45496975

TinkleBell updated their twitter description to say
>最新作【輪舞曲Duo -夜明けのフォルテシモ-】を越えるスケールで、現在【太陽のオルゴオル】を鋭意製作中…!
Could it perhaps come out in the next 5 years?

>> No.45496991

You mean very hard

>> No.45497018

I did mean very hard. Thanks.

>> No.45497155

Do you correct the MC if he says some nonsense you disagree with? Like you speak from his perspective to the characters and take the words back, and state a more based opinion?

>> No.45497156 [SPOILER] 
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, remi 完全体100%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weathered through the sex marathon and suspense returned. I don't know why but the Oneesan finger scene with Remi talking had really dumb writing? I did the Bad End first. Tako brigade calls forth another storm like in Maruri Bad. Kyouhei gets his head bitten off. Really? I don't know the truth yet but the real death/tako memory manip/disappearance thing is inconsistent right now. Good End leads to the bloody entryway scene. My memory must've been fucked with too because I remember anons posting that CG from the trial. That can't be right. So now Maruri is the childhood friend, PC is still kaput, again no siren on Monday morning. I don't get how some of this works. How did Amane remember loop stuff when she was't much in the route? Who and how was a map created and put inside the bloody shoe, and without getting drenched into unreadability? There's so much I don't know yet and hope the writer explains it without retarded magic or BS like everything was so flawed BECAUSE Sharkness Life is a B-movie itself. Thus no answers and no logic. B-movie = naturally shit, so B-eroge is the same haha clap. Well I want this route to finish soon. I like Remi when she's a side character but can't stand her as a heroine or route invader.

>> No.45497170

No. I just pretend I'm another character (not him) and call him a ホモ

>> No.45497173

Always. If he uses 「僕」, I make it a rule to restate the line with 「俺」.

>> No.45497178

Just try to look at yourself from the side, sitting in front of the screen and arguing with 2d characters
Looks kinda schizo to me

>> No.45497214

I modify the game script to make sure he only says correct things

>> No.45497222

*insert "gigachad" picture here*

>> No.45497241
File: 471 KB, 1920x1080, 1685274350461573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just started this, but having background characters in CGs is always nice.

>> No.45497251

Maturing is realizing that a man should use 僕

>> No.45497255

How so? Perhaps there is credibility to this idea since based Kageaki used it iirc.

>> No.45497270

How about in monologue he use 僕 and when he talk he use 私?

>> No.45497285

Actually one of the things that struck me the most about Kageaki is that he was autistically polite and always spoke appropriately depending on the situation. I'm used to MCs, especially in chuuni games, being rude assholes all the time.

>> No.45497286

Maturing is overrated, i just stick to the 拙者 from the start

>> No.45497287

Thought he used 自分

>> No.45497291

A true samurai. Unconcerned with trifles such as vain pride. I realise that when he dogeza'd to the yakuza.

>> No.45497318

What is your guys' daily routine to emulate 景明?

>> No.45497320 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 1440x810, 1642169600907276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the Funabori counting thing in this route the most. It was sinister as fuck, especially since I did Remi first.

>> No.45497332

MCs who say they like big boobs induce a lot of rage in me because I like only flat chests. That always breaks immersion.

>> No.45497440

Chisato is annoyingly cute.

>> No.45497537
File: 371 KB, 1480x2081, background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish lively background is more common

>> No.45497573
File: 42 KB, 332x466, ギャラクシーエンジェル完全攻略ガイド (KadokawaGameCollection).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm asking the impossible, but does anyone know if there's an online copy of this guide? Not that I need it, there are a thousand more guides on the interwebs, but it seems to have some cool special artwork.
They are reselling it on amazon but the shipping alone would cost me an arm and a leg.

>> No.45497582

retards care more about virginity and amount of hscenes nowaday, so don't bother lol

>> No.45497613

Yuzusoft always manages to sneek in heroines of previous games in their backgrounds.

>> No.45497633

sneaking heroine vs making bg feel alive with actual people and actual faces in it is a different matter
yuzusoft is soulless spawn of capitalism

>> No.45497723

You can have both soul backgrounds and pure heroines.

>> No.45497727


>> No.45497747

any VN to teach me to live in society?

>> No.45497772
File: 231 KB, 1024x576, auhiec2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might be reading ranobe.

>> No.45497787


>> No.45497808

Why haven't we gotten AI powered eroge yet?

>> No.45497824

Samurai speak is basically old man talk.

>> No.45497829

Because AI is much less powerful than you think and Japan has fallen far behind the modern IT curve anyway.

>> No.45497837

How does caring about their past works "soulless?"

>> No.45497844

Why would you want them to "keep up?" The latest 16Bit episode showed that it ruined the otaku scene in Japan.

>> No.45497846

Funny because the images in the post you're replying to is from a 100% virgin oil product

>> No.45497950

not every aokana girl is a virgin

>> No.45497968

>Only Virgin Heroines

>> No.45497987

>vndb tags

>> No.45498135

All the heroines have defloration CG

>> No.45498150

>fake blood

>> No.45498157

If the main heroine isnt the town bike im not fucking her.

>> No.45498160

it's way more convenient ive played multiple yuzuges on mine
can read on the bus, plane, work, etc

>> No.45498163

fake blood, menstrual blood, not mentioned in narration

>> No.45498222

>that 気持ち when Geminism isn't working
I hereby declare war against Unity and against all who use it.

>> No.45498232

I call on the ayatollah to issue a fatwa against Unity.
We must have Unreal for 3d, KiriKiri for 2D eroge.

>> No.45498237

I don't get why devs are moving to it, the usual engines work just fine than that piece of shit
It's not like they need all the fancy features in Unity for a mere slide show

>> No.45498242
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, シルヴァリオ_トリニティmalie (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Silverio Vendetta (except for wrapping up the last couple appends and side stories).

Fantastic chuunige, and probably one of my favorite VNs ever. I don't think any of the heroines are as good as Chitose or Vendetta, but it's way better than the first in pretty much every other respect. Crow and Helios are the coolest guys. I'd highly, highly recommend it, although obviously read the first VN in the series first. I have absolutely no idea what's even left to do for Ragnarok, considering they rescued Zephyr (and presumably also Vendetta herself? - I do wish she'd played a bit more of a role or at least gotten a line) from the other dimension, but I'll read it after a cooldown period.

>> No.45498255

>My memory must've been fucked with too because I remember anons posting that CG from the trial
Isn't that CG in the OP for like a fraction of a second, which was in the trial?
>There's so much I don't know yet and hope the writer explains it without retarded magic or BS
There is an explanation, which I liked personally, but your mileage may vary. But yeah, it's basically that the villain behind everything and manipulating everything actually isn't that smart or good at plot structure, and this is a point the characters discuss in detail and take advantage of to win. It's like if Alan Wake was a shit writer.
Funabori Onee-san counting is great, I just wished they had actually bothered to draw a second hand instead of having her count up then count down on one hand.

>> No.45498259

Yuzuges are way too important to enjoy them that way.
They are not meant to be played around people.
They should be enjoyed in a dark room on a big screen.

>> No.45498261

Ragnarok doesn't have direct involvement with the other characters and they're only mentioned indirectly. One of the Trinity side stories introduces a bit of its plot

>> No.45498264
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, シルヴァリオ_トリニティmalie (37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silverio Vendetta
Fuck, I meant trinity, goddammit, how embarrassing.

>> No.45498269
File: 93 KB, 300x688, 1671934546049825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like they need all the fancy features in Unity for a mere slide show
Bro, you don't understand. Unity has the best smoke particles on the market.

>> No.45498276

I imagine the unity installation fee debacle will kill any chance VN companies ever use the program going forward. VN companies are too small to just eat those fees.

>> No.45498284

Eroge with real time liquid simulation squirt and piss when

>> No.45498285

You should go to a mental hospital with that shizo shit and go through with explaining to a psychiatrist that you don't think all heroines in such a clear pure love game as Aokana are virgins. They should know how to deal with this.

>> No.45498288

Too bad Unity backpedaled and the CEO who initiated it left the company so they seem to be gained devs trust again

>> No.45498294

Congrats anon, you just entertained the troll

>> No.45498299

They backpedaled on applying it retroactively to anyone using unity. It still applies to new versions of unity going forward. So if a company already has a license and existing version they're fine (besides a lack of updates and support, which VNs probably don't need), but a new company would have to be insane to pick it up.

>> No.45498303

Didn't Role Player already do that?

>> No.45498304

I entertained myself too. Just a bit though.

>> No.45498316

Not really? The animations were pretty lengthy and elaborate, but it wasn't like realistic fluid simulations or anything.
I don't think you'd want realistic fluid simulations, I doubt anybody's made a cum plugin.

>> No.45498349

So Unity has finally managed to make developers literally pay for piracy?

>> No.45498366

It's the best we got with the tech available.

>> No.45498528

just called my gender psychiatrist and they told me virgin obsession is toxic and unhealthy

>> No.45498537
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x750, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I guess I'll give this kusoge a shot until Yuzuriha's delay is confirmed. I genuinely don't know anything about it, are there even routes? Is there a recommended reading order? I'd look it up but I'm worried I'd get spoiled accidentally.

>> No.45498562

You should've called evolutionary psychiatrist who would've told you that virgin obsession is healthy and evolutionary advantageous.

>> No.45498565

I was going to, but my 4chan psychiatrist told me it wasn't a good idea.

>> No.45498587

>are there even routes? Is there a recommended reading order?
Yes, it has routes. I think the order is mostly enforced thoughvso don't worry too much about it.

>> No.45498598

Any VN with the subahibi vibe but that is life affirming and not cringe?

>> No.45498615


>> No.45498620

you missed the point clearly

>> No.45498622

>just make up your own meaning breh
It's not life affirming but delusion affirming. At the ulimate end of such thinking is jisatsu, not life.

>> No.45498625

let me correct myself sorry
you really really missed the point clearly

>> No.45498627

>bruh... like.... if you mon panache enough then its the truth! don't think too much!

>> No.45498631

Yo, this nigga is actually depressed.

>> No.45498636

On the contrary. I'm just one who doesn't like to "just like... stop thinking brah and smoke weed!" but like to follow ideas to their conclusion. The subahibi ideal is what ultimately would lead one to depression and destruction.

>> No.45498650

Being pretentious isn't healthy.

>> No.45498653

This, which is why subahibi pretending to give any kind of meaningful answer to the questions it posed isn't healthy and believing in it isn't healthy.

>> No.45498721


>> No.45498785

Snobbing your nose up at Subahibi is even more pretentious.

>> No.45498823

>hehe, that stupid anon is actually falling for my bait about subahibi - both of them

>> No.45498863

Looks like the trial for Hakkenden will be available in three days
No more delay I guess, nice

>> No.45498877

If you write a philosophical work of poor quality that hand waves away issues it purports to deal with, then you will get what you deserve. It WILL get refuted on 4chan.

>> No.45498881

Subahibi might itself be bait of poor quality. That is what I thought until I discovered SCA-JI's twitter page.

>> No.45498888

Me when I read おっぱい戦争 -巨乳VS貧乳-
and write an essay explaining why big breasts are better.

>> No.45498914

>It WILL get refuted on 4chan.
How many times has this happened that resulted in actual change? Betting on zero.

>> No.45498916

>big breasts are better
No such thing.

>> No.45498922

Appeal to majority is a logical fallacy. Just an fyi.

>> No.45498923

I know for a fact sca-di has read all of my posts and takes my criticism to heart.

>> No.45498925

Screenshot me the exact retweets.

>> No.45498927

>actual change
You can't mon panache change into existence. SCA-JI will have to think deeply about this if he wants to change the situation.

>> No.45498928

He didn't tweet them, he replied to me in the thread anonymously but I knew it was him.

>> No.45498930

Proof. I need it.

>> No.45498932

He's set in his ways. He'll need a powerful enough external influence to change his views.

>> No.45498959

Doesn't really mean it will be in three days, she streamed some trials before, and it took weeks for them to be released.
But yeah, no more delay it seems

>> No.45498987

I was also like him before. IIf a VN changed my views then I'm sure there can be something for SCA-JI-san as well.

>> No.45498998

Is the japanese version of shiny days also censored and bugged like the english? I choose otakaramono one time loaded and when I came back it changed into kanojo

>> No.45499011
File: 2.80 MB, 3737x1848, GPD Win 3 AOKZOE A1 Steam Deck LCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also need my moege fix everywhere I go

>> No.45499016

Based consumers.

>> No.45499024

maybe next year we'll get some good kunoichi heroine

>> No.45499030 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, 1680820695589438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's way better than the first in pretty much every other respect
Agreed but the sphere razer scene in Vendetta is still my favorite part. I've reread it a few times because it was so cool.

>> No.45499114

Dangerously based

>> No.45499160

Final route is the main reason why I prefer Vendetta over Trinity. Not only that SPOILER moment but in general and the common route was more enjoyable too thanks to Vendetta herself. Zephyr is also cooler than Ashley.

>> No.45499366

How's the Steam Deck for eroge, seems like Linux would cause a lot of compatibility issues? Can you run VirtualBox on it to fix that?

>> No.45499394

>need to consume!
>one screen is inneficient, need to consume 3x faster.

>> No.45499446

I installed Windows 11 on it, and you can dual boot on it if you want. The top end Steam Deck Oled has 1TB storage if the regular 512GB one isnt enough and you dont want to replace the stock with a 2TB one.

I have 3 32inch monitors (4k and 2 1440p), maybe I should replay all their routes at once one day

>> No.45499610

>steam deck
Literally why? Tablet is more comfy

>> No.45499656

I also have an 11.6 inch chinese tablet with a Pentium N5000 which is crap for modern eroge

>> No.45500653

A VN has to be massively profound to change the average jaded and pigheaded autistic anon.

>> No.45500693

Would a Surface Pro count? It's a laptop/tablet hybrid.

>> No.45500702

Yeah, it was うみねこ.

>> No.45500836


>> No.45501004

I will never read that shit because how mentally ill its fanbase is

>> No.45501067

I wasn’t even underage when it read it ですよ
I prefer to not even know the various fanbases. I think reading a VN is too much of a personal dialogue with the writer to be polluted by redditry

>> No.45501085

>good gameplay
The gameplay is not good. Maybe once you beat everything, do the optional arena thingy far enough and unlock higher speed it's serviceable. But even then it's not good.

>> No.45501132

you learn languages faster when underage? can someone confirm?

>> No.45501409

A mature mind wouldn't have Umineko transform their thinking.

>> No.45501415

In the old djt discord server there was that moldovian 15yo dude who passed the hardest kanken quiz that was there in like half year of reading vns

>> No.45501499

>In discord

>> No.45501513

One can have an immature mind while being of age, anon. Just look at VN writers who spout mon panache.

>> No.45501557

At that time it was unironically good with many interesting people, i remember that one like 35yo Japanese ojisan with perfect English who was chilling in the voice chat and telling different stories, good times

>> No.45501568


>> No.45501581

You have to go back.

>> No.45501590

Sadly there is nowhere to go anymore

>> No.45501596

Is it my problem? No.

>> No.45501606

the discord still exists

>> No.45501635

How would a purebred 4channeler know? You have to go back.

>> No.45501729

Now i want a chuunige with writing like this

>> No.45502149

anyone got this game?

>> No.45502260

pixeldrain com /u/LcyRNC2d

>> No.45502273


>> No.45502326

You would know for spamming that gay Frog word.

>> No.45502444

Windows tablets are either cheap and can't run anything because they suck dick, or they run decently and cost an arm and leg to buy.

>> No.45502604

I use a Surface Go for eroge and it works pretty well. Some games don't work very well with the touchscreen, but there are workarounds.

>> No.45502617

Isn't that Android? I've yet to encounter a low cost modern Windows tablet.

>> No.45502639

I bought a $80 Chinese Windows tablet a few years ago. It runs just about as well as you'd expect, struggles to even render 800x600 VNs from the 00's, I'd tap on the screen and it'd take a few seconds to load the next line.

>> No.45502669
File: 1.96 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_13-12-2023 17-49-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowed his troops to rape a bunch of kids
>makes an excuse that he was just 毒見ing them for Rance
Surely Rance isn't an angel either but i really can't resist the urge to execute this piece of scum, too bad that he is a pretty useful unit

>> No.45502690

NTA, but do you think henpri can run on something like a Surface Pro 5?

>> No.45502717

Oh yeah, easily. I played henpri on my surface go and it's considerably lower specs than the "pro" models. It'll be fine.

>> No.45503055

Figures I've never heard of it. They have their own walled garden of hardware.

>> No.45503076

Hell, the very first Surface should be able to handle it.

>> No.45503107

How hard is Senmomo? Never really read anything historical before so I'm looking up almost everything during the prologue. Can I expect that to remain constant throughout?

>> No.45503136

>I liked the Funabori counting thing in this route the most.
It wasn't in the 3 other routes so to me it was new the first 2 times. But something about the direction is off. Kyouhei replies and Funabori raises the count sometimes randomly. Then in the scene with Remi, Remi blabs incoherently and the count is raised for Kyouhei? Not like he had anything to do with it or could've prevented Remi from talking. And what felt off is that Remi goes on and on while Kyouhei panics and Funabori acts all creepy.

>Isn't that CG in the OP for like a fraction of a second, which was in the trial?
I don't remember the OP and didn't read the trial. All I know is there were anons posting the CG saying how shocking this scene is and it not being a pure moege. I think they also said the trial ends with that scene.
>There is an explanation, which I liked personally, but your mileage may vary.
I am now past the cave and stopped at Maruri sobbing in fetal position on the couch. That was a lot of reading with many reveals, explanations and new questions. Remi's last 2 H-scenes are nowhere in sight so this could take another 3 hours.

As for the reveals, not a fan. A military base for submarines. Slave trading in the past. Kyouhei, Amane and totally not Kuuko working together as agents or something for a dying spriteless ancestor. Old guns, torpedos and other shit. This is really out there and changes the story direction. There are too many plot points that don't fit smashed together. It's really like a cheap B-movie.

As much as I want to like Samenana there's too much bullshit, repetitive padding and heroine bloat. I understand now why some advise to read Remi first or last. It's much longer, reveals more things than others do, spoils some reveals from other routes too, and with all the events happening feels like the main route to finish things off. To quote an anon "It feels the most complete." I think that's why it shouldn't be read first unless you only want to read 1 route and want to stop there. From my experience Maruri was also a bad first route that soured my view of the VN. Amane and Touka are good starts.

Lastly, fuck hat hypocritical BITCH Remi! Kyouhei falls in love with Maruri? Remi confesses, kisses him and does everything to steal him from Maruri up to starting a threeway relationship. In Remi's route after the reunion in the cave when she hears that Maruri now plays the childhood friend role? Remi seriously accused Kyouhei of cheating and was jealous. Fuck you. YOU of all people don't get to claim dibs and monogamy after what you did. She should get cheated on. Kyouhei should comfort Maruri next and then all others can have a go while Remi rots int the cave. Then she can become the 5th wheel and eat sloppy seconds. Route invaders and forced harem shit make me anry.

>> No.45503153
File: 1.86 MB, 2145x1342, Kichikuou_13-12-2023 18-42-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a faggot, can't wait to ntr her from him

>> No.45503187

Pretty difficult to stand the ugly faces

>> No.45503216

>passed the hardest kanken quiz that was there in like half year of reading vns
If you had said that he passed the N1 in that amount of time just by reading vns, it would have been believable, but you have to go out of your way to learn how to write kanji. Just reading won't teach you to write them, especially in such a short period of time. Sorry but I call bullshit on that.

>> No.45503260

I was talking about the quiz on Discord, it had all kinds of yoji and rare words from the higher Kanken levels

>> No.45503284

No. That's cope by retards. I've seen endless zoomers fail learning Japanese while plenty of older people have succeeded without any problems. In fact, language learning is better suited for the later generations and is an oldfag hobby. Some of the best known polyglots are old and have started late.

>> No.45503285

I see, that makes more sense

>> No.45503301

>kanken quiz on discord
>Doesn't test writing
What exactly does this "kanken" test?

>> No.45503361

it test your kan?

>> No.45503364

Yours sounds like cope from oldfags who still can't make a coherent statement but have sunk too much cost into learning a skill they're just not built for.

>> No.45503402

Tests your autism levels, the title for passing was called 大王 or something and there were barely a few people on the server who actually made it
You could try it yourself in the Kotoba bot if you want

>> No.45503406

You sound upset. Don't lose too much of your hair, son. You're too young to mald this much.

>> No.45503455

Who needs hair when I have several decades left to git gud unlike you?

>> No.45503494

>been doing duolingo and listening practice on youtube for approx 3 years
>read tae kim complete and grammar guide
Would I be able to read Fate/Stay Night as my first visual novel?

>> No.45503498

can you retards all go back to /djt/

>> No.45503519

>already looking like a 40+ prune with no hair
Might as well call yourself ojisan even if you're still in your teens

>> No.45503606

My skin is good. Can't say the same for your brain.

>> No.45503630

You're perfectly smooth just like your brain and bald head, honey

>> No.45503699

You were just ready to say that with all what's left of that gray matter of yours, crusty.

>> No.45503723

You're aging at an alarming rate even at your zoomer age, bald-kun. Losing the genetic lottery is tough I know.

>> No.45503782

We are getting more doomed with each passing day...

>> No.45503838

You keep fixated on baldness because there's nothing left in that brain to focus on. Alzheimer's a bitch.

>> No.45503872

If you're autistic enough to read VNs on the go with your phone why not just become a NEET and read VNs all day long at home?

>> No.45503889

Give me money and I will

>> No.45503893

At least something good has to come out of AI, right? I mean, I imagine things like this help tremendously all the japs who are creating their dream VNs on their own.

>> No.45503894

There's literally no point bragging you're a zoomer if you're some dried up goblin. That's it dude lol. The Japanese hate ugly people.

>> No.45503913

Yeah, I'm optimistic that at some point when all the pieces come together it will help fuel those passion-driven solo projects. But we'll have to wade through a long period of cost-cutting profit-driven shit before we get to that point.

>> No.45503914

The future is going to be so cookie cutter it hurts.

>> No.45503955

>something good has to come out of AI
When voiced AI chatbots that perfectly replicate any heroine you want are made.

>> No.45503972

I will never be able to escape from the fact that it is just a fake illusion

>> No.45504026

You going off the rails again, old man. We're not talking about Japs, only their language.

>> No.45504381

Don't forget to watch this week's 16Bit Sensation.

>> No.45504388

Same. Maybe once there are holograms or convincing robots you could put them into, but if it's just a voice that's not enough

>> No.45504438

There will be more low quality garbage than it has ever been in history
Grim future

>> No.45504443

So I started playing Dies Irae (AA) and finished chapter one. Got the message saying 'a side story has been unlocked'. I start it and think it's pretty weird that a side story set in the past has a picture of MC and one of the heroines in what seems like the present day timeline as a cover. But I keep reading and then it's back in the present. I think, 'I guess this is longer than I thought it would be' and expect it to end at the end of the scene. But then it keeps going and going and it doesn't feel like a side story at all, just a continuation of the first chapter. What is this structure? Is this something to do with it being frankensteined out of multiple versions?

>> No.45504500

Look at them as an additional context to certain events that were omitted in the original
The first one tells you about Shirou, the second one tells you about LOD formation, etc
Each of them is extremely important to understand the story so read them whenever they get opened

>> No.45504526

>モダーン アニメ

>> No.45504592
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New Prima doll
Same staff as the first one

>> No.45504637

tenshi souzou was trash so I think he'll be fine

>> No.45504683

>uses dinosaur kanji.

>> No.45504783

B-but Chinks, gachashit, etc

>> No.45504895
File: 1.94 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_13-12-2023 22-06-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you mind being called kawaii?

>> No.45504954

Depends. If a woman said that to me during intercourse I'd perform seppuku right then and there

>> No.45505019

You know how over it is when you are actually cheering for china

>> No.45505036

Wtf I love keyaids now

>> No.45505180

women call me cute and beautiful and I don't mind that. comes with the territory of being a handsome motherfucker.

>> No.45505205

Dicks aren't kawaii when they are limp...

>> No.45505902
File: 2.04 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_14-12-2023 00-23-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this Miki nuke is surely the worst mechanic in the game
It never procs when you actually need it and it's literally required for so many parts, had to do 20+ loads for this one...

>> No.45506271

i was never able to relate to the people who say yuzu's sub-heroines/routes are better than their main routes, until Tenshi Souzou. Orie and Fumika were incredibly cute, and the main routes were really a let-down compared to the previous few Yuzu games ( though the characters themselves were great)

>> No.45506318

Yuzusoft is just way too sterile for me, it makes me feel like I don't belong to their universe for some reason

>> No.45506402

There's an unrealistically high proportion of patient, forgiving, and generous people in their worlds. I like it though

>> No.45506449

That's japan..

>> No.45506463


>> No.45506467

You should go to Japan.

>> No.45506504

Your experiences as gaijin don't count, they don't want you there.

>> No.45506708
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wtf my entire life is a lie

>> No.45506741

this is actually a really well done choice thematically. you can kill him for moralistic reasons, but for what? youre just losing an army commander, this game wont reward you with some other gameplay bonus for being a good boy, unlike other game that has such choices. youll just have to bite the bullet and look away, like military commanders have always been doing when their troops act out of place

>> No.45506951

Well in this context letting him go would lead to others repeating it eventually which goes against Rance's main principle that every cute girl in the world belongs to him, and he doesn't care about his units either way so there is no way he would allow a dude to go after breaking his rules
But it's definitely a tough choice for the player side since you only lose and gain nothing so you have to decide whether you go with the immersion or the efficiency route
Or just be a savescumer like me and don't bring him to the fights in the first place

>> No.45507126

Why is Ikusa Megami so slept on here? It honestly can go toe to toe with Rance.

>> No.45507133

If you are
Then they'll welcome you with open arms.

>> No.45507139

Probably because it's a long series with confusing play order and doesn't have the benefit of one of the most popular entries having been translated ages ago.

>> No.45507141


>> No.45507149

I just finished Geminism, great ending and amazing vn.
What were the other important vns coming out this year/soon? Mostly asking to see if I should pick up a short vn to read for now

>> No.45507154

>Personality: Altruistic, Brave, Honest, Kind, Naive, Ore, Protective, Serious
Yea it goes toe to toe as the exact opposite i guess

>> No.45507167

Hakkenden in January

>> No.45507188

For me it's only 八剱伝 for the next whole year
Just scrolled through all the upcoming releases and there isn't a single other game i'm going to read up until the next Key game i guess, what an amazing year it is going to be

>> No.45507194

>coming out this year/soon?
Like super important? not a single one
Dead medium

>> No.45507252

This thread didn't even care about Geminism until it was out.

>> No.45507277

Plenty of popular Chuuni that have those traits.

>> No.45507300

What does that have to do with Rance?

>> No.45507325

So you answered it yourself, there are plenty of similar popular rpgs with a premise like that, surely it must be pretty good but from the first glance there is no reason why you should choose it over literally anything else
Meanwhile Rance allows you to play for an actual antihero for once which makes it already stand out on its own, the games being actually really good goes only on top of that

>> No.45507343 [DELETED] 

Anon, being of the same race won't exclude you from the famous Japanese bullying. There's an incident recently where a JC committed suicide (she actually died) because she was sexually abused by her upperclassmen and they shares her lewd vids with the whole school. When the mother contacted the school here is literally what the vice principal told her


>> No.45507361 [DELETED] 

>JC committed suicide (she actually died)
As opposed to committing suicide and not dying?

>> No.45507363 [DELETED] 

Pretty hot. Whens it getting a VN adaption?

>> No.45507374

That's because is not important, the only thing that could be considered important that is coming is the yuki onna biman that is coming out considering the "prestige" biman has, yet i don't think many anons here will want to read 2 hour long sex scenes, at least i wont.

>> No.45507384

I'll just use the animated h-scenes.

>> No.45507394 [DELETED] 

I thought that shit only happened in eroge

>> No.45507411

All that says to me that most of you are a bunch of fickle book cover judgers.

>> No.45507431 [DELETED] 

That principal should share the same cell with those 10 for life.
Mother should've gone to the police.

>> No.45507440
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Goddamn brainlet MCs

>> No.45507445

Some random chink nukige releasing with Kanako VA

>> No.45507458 [DELETED] 

Dangerously based, kids shouldn't pay for the mistakes of their parents, if anyone has fault is the parents for raising a little shit, same with the teacher allowing that to happen.

>> No.45507465

Hm, bar rock? Must be rock music they play in bars.

>> No.45507486

How did you force yourself to read in Japanese in the beginning?
I know the obvious answer is "read something enjoyable" but that doesn't really work for beginners because no matter how thrilling the VN is, if you're reading it 10x slower than usual because you have to look up every other word, grammar, etc., and piece it together to figure out what the sentence is saying you will be bored all the same.
Maybe I just don't have the resolve and/or discipline; I only ever managed to get halfway through half a dozen moege without even finishing a single one.

>> No.45507493

Play Pokemon then work your way up from there.

>> No.45507508

>no matter how thrilling the VN is, if you're reading it 10x slower than usual because you have to look up every other word, grammar, etc., and piece it together to figure out what the sentence is saying you will be bored all the same.
Worked for me because piecing together what sentences meant was fun.

>> No.45507509

>I only ever managed to get halfway through half a dozen moege without even finishing a single one
sounds like the problem is that you don't like moege

>> No.45507524

I weaponized my hate towards americans and translators and used it as combustible to fuel my japanese learning

>> No.45507539 [DELETED] 

The jap parents are just way too weepers, if he said shit like that to my mom he would already be in the wheelchair

>> No.45507544


>> No.45507555 [DELETED] 

It's the parent's parents fault for raising them that way

>> No.45507578

You need to be extremely racist. My Japanese skills rose immensely when I became obsessive for 2D and started to hate the westoids around me. If you know or talk to any EOP scum into this hobby, ghost them immediately.

>> No.45507591 [DELETED] 

Blaming parents won't solve anything, there always will be some percentage of bad parents no matter where you go
The main blame should be on the school that can't be bothered to deal with those issues

>> No.45507605 [DELETED] 

It's the fault of the JC for being cute.

>> No.45507606 [DELETED] 

It's funny because if this entire thing happened to a black kid in US, it'll be a fucking chimpout.

>> No.45507607 [DELETED] 

still seems not as bad as having to constantly worry about your kid getting caught up in a school shooting

>> No.45507609 [DELETED] 

Schools aren't psyche wards. They're not obligated to play psychiatrist to every weak pansy in its school rolls.

>> No.45507631 [DELETED] 

This happens a lot. I don't mean gang rape in schools, but authorities telling victims to drop it/go for an "alternative dispute resolution", i.e. consolation money. One of the reasons why Japan has such ultra low crime rates. There's a reason why the yakuza flourished so much. They would settle shit like that.

>> No.45507661 [DELETED] 

>Follow western ideals because you want to be like the west
>Force women to work because we gotta cautch up in pbi
>Kids now have no maternal figure to loop up to in the house
>Kid comes fucked up
>Blaming parents won't solve anything

>> No.45507672

>You need to be extremely racist.

>> No.45507682 [DELETED] 

how would they settle this particular issue or ones like it?

>> No.45507687 [DELETED] 

We should give 銃 to kids as well.

>> No.45507699 [DELETED] 

Schools are supposed to have a child psychiatrist but they do literally nothing in practice, the actual ward would be definitely a good addiction

>> No.45507700 [DELETED] 

It goes both ways. If you sincerely think it's not the parents' fault, you clearly don't understood how it is to be in that position.

>> No.45507708 [DELETED] 

My guess is terrorizing the perpetrator's families for exorbitant amounts of compensation money.

>> No.45507713

He means you need to love only Japanese women and work on your Japanese skills in order to one day have a Japanese wife

>> No.45507722

Not into NTR.

>> No.45507733

>3d bad
I refuse to believe there are unironically people like this. I understand hating disgusting Western "females," but Japanese women are basically all anime girls so

>> No.45507732 [DELETED] 

Sure it is primarily a parents' fault and what now? There is literally nothing you can do with parents like that, but there is a lot of what you can do for that child

>> No.45507749

meidotachi doing work

>> No.45507753

If you care about learning Japanese at its entirety, you'll need to throw out whatever surrounds you and read everything in Japanese every chance you get, especially if you're from a Western society like the US. Consuming anything in English and breathing in the same air as those lower than you (westoid mongrels) delays your learning.

>> No.45507760

How to become truly Japanese? So that I am not limited by the westoid ethos.

>> No.45507784

are we larping as early 00's weeaboos now

>> No.45507788
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>> No.45507797
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>> No.45507801

He has ascended. Bros...
I will start my kendo lessons immediately in preparation. To fight 西.

>> No.45507804 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45507805

Make sure you take lessons directly from Narahara.

>> No.45507806
File: 616 KB, 1024x768, Aozora.Stripe.full.1591122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know despite the all-time low birthrates record japan is experiencing right now there is also an all-time record of diagnosed STDs in the history of japan? Really funny it isn't?
Stick to eroge girls

>> No.45507807

you can't. not even chinks or gooks can achieve that

>> No.45507814

>I am [Latin letters]

>> No.45507819

Any VNs where the protagonist intentionally spreads his STDs to as many people as possible?

>> No.45507823

Where can I contact the fabled 先生?

>> No.45507834 [DELETED] 


>> No.45507847

>Russian girls look the most anime. >Japanese girls act the most anime.
Time to work your magic, Mengele.

>> No.45507854

Have you guys ever actually met Japanese women? Santa isn't real, kids.

>> No.45507860

>all-time record of diagnosed STDs
how? westoid import?

>> No.45507865

They literally speak like anime though?

>> No.45507895

They don't read VN so they can't embrace and take in the culture like we can.

>> No.45507899

When I say "Japanese woman," I'm referring to 大和撫子. I know most zoomers in Japan are anglicized now but I don't consider those to be real Japanese women

>> No.45507912
File: 440 KB, 820x752, uwaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck finding one. It's all an act anyway.

>> No.45507920

Watch your mouth, boss. That's GAMBS-sama to you

>> No.45507929

>When I say "Japanese woman," I'm referring to 大和撫子

>> No.45507971
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3dpd women are whores and they end up becoming worse every year that goes by, which funnily enough also make anime girls more precious every year that goes by.
That's why you should stick with the ones from the anime world.

>> No.45508015

Does this have unofficial pc port uploaded Somewhere? too lazy to look up ps2 emulator

>> No.45508023

Getting an "unofficial PC port" (which afaik doesn't exist) to run would take more effort than downloading an emulator.

>> No.45508054 [SPOILER] 
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I wasn't sure about jeweha at first, but it's definitely hooked me now.

>> No.45508077

You saw that one viral Tiktok video and think that's "Real Japan." How precious.

>> No.45508101

Sorry, but I don't consume your zoomer brainrot. What's really precious is people here thinking anime is real.

>> No.45508112

Surely you don't believe this is true. It was probably a survey by some magazine for sluts of 100 women and 84 said they were okay with cheating, which became "84% of Japanese women cheat." That's usually how these things go

>> No.45508116

I read something short. My first Jap VN took like 2 weeks. I reread it several years later and it took 2 hours.
That feeling when I realized I can actually complete a VN was a good motivation to move forward.

>> No.45508122

What do you achieve from destroying other people's delusions?

>> No.45508124

But most games aren't even announced until closer to release.
Prostitution, a lot by kids running away from home during covid lockdown since they didn't want to stay with their families. Also college girls trying to pay off student loans.
Yeah, I think that was where it started getting interesting. It does drag a bit later though.

>> No.45508127

Also rereading right after finishing is quite good way to learn more and be able to read faster.

>> No.45508161

Numbers can be twisted, but there's enough evidence of cheating being a very normal thing in Japan. It's not even a new thing. I remember reading about foreigners in Edo-Japan and how they were praised for actually honoring fidelity in marriages.
All delusions are harmful.

>> No.45508179

>All delusions are harmful.
Then why are you engaged in the most delusional medium of all?

>> No.45508182

If you want to talk about Japan, you can do it somewhere else other than here.

>> No.45508192

Escaping shitty reality doesn't mean convincing yourself that reality is actually fine.

>> No.45508193

Silly question. Enjoying fiction doesn't equal believing in it.

>> No.45508227
File: 119 KB, 716x490, bWVkaWEvR0F6NkI2OWJVQUFaVmNhLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New smee

>> No.45508258

Hope they got a new artist

>> No.45508272

What VN? Planetarian?

>> No.45508292

Is it me or does it look like an idol game?
That would be awesome.

>> No.45508320

How do you enjoy when the sense of cynical dread loom over your head?

>> No.45508327

i don't think about other things while reading eroge

>> No.45508345

You stop having irrelevant boogeymen living rent free in your head and just accept things how they are. If you're content in life, it becomes easier to cope.

>> No.45508395

planetarian would be too difficult for a beginner

>> No.45508405
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>just accept things how they are

>> No.45508418


>> No.45508419

>If you're content in life
Anathema to 4chinner's philosophy.

>> No.45508459


>> No.45508514

Why? I read Tsui no Stella and it was pretty easy

>> No.45508728

Could be good I hope. They've had some misses recently but they're good when they try.

>> No.45509028

You clearly discovered this thread 3 weeks ago

>> No.45509473

Do you guys read two vn at the same time?

>> No.45509484

As in literally at the exact same moment or do you mean pick up a new vn before finishing an old one?

>> No.45509488

Concurrent VN of different character, exact same moment would be too autistic I think.

>> No.45509551

It goes from 5 to 10 at the same time, which one I want to read depends on my mood at the time

>> No.45509563

Based adhdくん

>> No.45509571

>sense of cynical dread loom over your head
It doesn't, because I have gone beyond the philosophy of すば日々 and accepted Christ.

>> No.45509654

Just started White Album 2 on my PsVita, huge regret cause I’ll miss the H scenes which seems add a lot to the experience but fuck it, it’s long and my time actually reading eroge on pc for hours is nonexistent
This is my first eroge to console experience and enjoying the prologue so far

>> No.45509700

> I have gone beyond the philosophy of すば日々 and accepted Christ
You’re probably trolling but I’ve noticed people actually going beyond what Scaji portrayed in Subahibi/Sakuuta and keep obsessing over the same idea for their whole life are really rare which is so strange to me
Maybe Kastel the only one who’ve done it

>> No.45509796


>> No.45510014 [DELETED] 


>> No.45510219
File: 469 KB, 1920x1080, 09873472834234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loopers plus https://key.visualarts.gr.jp/kinetic/loopersplus/
Expanded scenarios, after stories and new music/art

>> No.45510285

I'm not trolling, by beyond I meant rejecting and refuting the philosophy, not trying to find an even more hardcore version of it. Subahibi to me is nihilism-lite.
You mean most people don't follow it but treat it as just a piece of consumer media? I didn't fully get your point.

>> No.45510368

Hopefully they can recapture what made making lovers fun.

>> No.45510383

>You mean most people don't follow it but treat it as just a piece of consumer media?
This and not much try to go beyond “ limit of my language is the limit of my world” or “ live happily! “
There’s too much to explore in Wittgenstein later life too
Rejecting the philosophy altogether and choosing the religious route is another way too
My point is that everyone seems too obsessed with what Scaji thought of almost 14 years ago and they don’t try to update their own view on it

>> No.45510402

When you put it that way it's weird indeed. I haven't read his other works but surely even his own views have gotten more 'sophisticated' or developed. Does Sakuuta have a 'catchphrase' that explains its philosophy?

>> No.45510438

Cough cough... b-but i thought china was suppose to kill key with mobage and gacha...

>> No.45510478

Sakuuta is a bit more extension, adding Wittgenstein view on art, mainly “ The work of art is the object seen sub specie aeternitatis; and the good life is the world seen sub specie aeternitatis. This is the connexion between art and ethics. “
It’s more extension of the same themes seen in Subahibi
His latest SakuToki is what been advertised as “ what lies beyond happiness “ and give grand conclusion t to the themes seen in Scaji past works
And I haven’t touched that so we will see

>> No.45510644

>and give grand conclusion t to the themes seen in Scaji past works
Now i call it bullshit, the 5 chapter goes literally against all the themes that he was building so hard in Sakuuta
People who keep praising that garbage seem to really have no idea what Sakuuta was about and just keep throwing random quotes and cool words to look smart

>> No.45510788

>Making Lovers
/a/ ruined it for me by spamming that green haired bitch.

>> No.45511376

It's school dormitory setting with adult MC having romance with JKs(there is BR imouto and loli JK). Only one heroine is older overworked stressed woman.

>> No.45511799
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>> No.45511803

>read 10 moeges
Hmmm, which one should I read today?

>> No.45511815

Weren't they supposed to be the hag company? And they celebrate their 15 year anniversary with high school girls.
At least it's a new artist

>> No.45511831

is this AI art?

>> No.45511858

It's 99.9% a fake flat on the left

>> No.45512137

lord give me the strength to finish the final chusingura chapter

>> No.45512204
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>Back to highschool shit
I don't understand, their higuest rated game took place in adult life, why don't stick with the setting they are strong at instead of doing this.

>> No.45512211

Highschool is the best moege setting.

>> No.45512217

Shit art anyways. It also didn't help Making Lovers, that a school girl was literally best girl.

>> No.45512235

They're not doing school setting, it's girls dormitory. MC is a working adult and all heroines(except token hag) are younger than him.

>> No.45512278
File: 2.92 MB, 2120x1329, Kichikuou_14-12-2023 17-08-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Geminism was just a Rance reference all this time...

>> No.45512370

>except token hag
All of them look like JKs

>> No.45512415

Top left blue haired girl is a hag.
She's older than MC and is overworked stressed oneesan type, as director said on today's Smee stream

>> No.45512578 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1044x150, 1702304822258980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, that scene was so good that they decided to make an entire game based on it

>> No.45512660

Do you know what sakuuta was about?

>> No.45512733
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Emoshichi has your back, bro, don't worry.
Plus the last chapter is hype as fuck

>> No.45512825

>overworked stressed oneesan type
Now we're talking.

>> No.45513033
File: 1.78 MB, 2303x1440, Kichikuou_14-12-2023 18-53-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the old fag got the drip

>> No.45513747

Hopefully is for the "I CAN FIX HER" crowd, i realized i tend to like heroines more when the MC helps them overcome some big problem in their life.

>> No.45513775

Heroines that fix MC are the best.

>> No.45513805

>nothing but bottom of the barrel nukige for us "i want to make her worse" chads

>> No.45513835

I need more eroge where the menhera bullies the MC

>> No.45514146

Pure Gyaru bros... where are our games...

>> No.45514153

I like how it's done in Sousaku Kanojo, where all the heroines help fix the MC

>> No.45514189

bro? your yubisaki connection?

>> No.45514411

based UMPC fan. I will get the GPD win 4 to live out my childhood fanatasy of having a PSP sized computer and then play all my eroge on my desktop anyways

>> No.45514737

geminism started well, but quickly lost momentum. by the 第三局, i feel like i've experienced everything the story had to offer, and everything became dull to read. the interactions between 月白 and 淡墨 are fun, but everything else is disappointing to say the least. so uh, how close am i to the ending considering i've just started what is supposed to be 桔梗 最終局 ? i don't think i have enough steam to handle any of that shit anymore unless the story start to get magically kino

>> No.45514849

Shinku side is mostly just sol scenes because most of the fight text is repeated that you can skip, then there will be flashback sections and a cool ending sequence but i doubt it will impress you much if you didn't like the heroines
If you liked the dudes interactions then you are probably going to love the epilogue at least

>> No.45514893

If you didn't like the SoL scenes then you should just drop it. The VN is literally girls doing cute things with a slightly somber feel and a bit of mystery here and there.
>how close am i to the ending
You are halfway done, but as the other anon said, you can skip the repeated text in Shinku's route.

>> No.45515663
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x800, 僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already use the custom chat feature some VNs have to talk to my favorite heroines more. If I had access to a perfect copy of their seiyuu's voices I'd write whole extra scenes.

>> No.45515695
File: 66 KB, 1601x750, 1658265403029182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put Dekinai-tan's picture on my desktop, opened it every time I started my computer, and didn't allow myself to close or minimize it until I'd studied that day.
Procrastination was impossible while she was giving me that smug knowing stare.

In your case I would recommend reading something like ウルトラ魔法少女まなな which is ludicrously fast paced with a new plot twist every twenty lines.

>> No.45515762

Do Whirlpool have any good games I should play? Or should I just read the new one when it comes out?

>> No.45515858

If the VN doesn't have any options to customize the font and text window, I instantly drop it and delete it from my computer.

It's literally that simple.

>> No.45515888

You can change the font in most of the games with ddls from here

>> No.45515915

>Giving a more technical solution to someone deterred by literally the slightest inconvenience

>> No.45516343

We need a new thread.

>> No.45516349

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.45516467

The sad truth is this is the best it'll ever look. The inbred faces post-reveal will destroy any value it has now.

>> No.45516489

That's it? The blonde is perfect, the rest suck. Purple is derpy as fuck.

>> No.45516503

You have Nillhana, the protagonist is one of you.

>> No.45516522

The blonde is the worst

>> No.45516539

The oldest Whirlpoolge have SOUL but are mediocre. Then comes a good moenukige era, but ignore G.I.B. Their multi part Nekonin, Drapri and the other series are pure garbage, ignore. The pieces games are good and Unless Terminalia was too.

>> No.45516555

You're just gay.

>> No.45516554

I'll probably read the new Whirlpool eventually, but mostly because I love how their artist draws nipples.

>> No.45516569

This. Braid is multicolored so therefore trash.

>> No.45516656

Show the designs already.

>> No.45517012
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 1698424922686918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I thought MC was just mean and prejudiced at first, but I apologize. He was right. Fuck this dumb bitch, I wanted to go on a date with Yuki.

>> No.45517530
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, 【プロローグ5 夜舟初穂】ハジラブ (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurokami long looks cute, she looks like she needs correction.

>> No.45518191

new pinpoint gyaruge

>> No.45518210

Am I allowed to start a new VN if I am already reading another VN or is that disrespectful to the author/characters? Maybe finish the route and then intersperse the two VN?

>> No.45518224

anti-autism meds

>> No.45518231

You have one nukige and one normalge going at the same time, and no more

>> No.45518236

Never do this, you're setting up yourself to a never ending circle of dissapoitment and guilt.

>> No.45518241

But I am not a consumer. I am I at least allowed one chuuni/plotge and one moege/slice-of-life-ge?

>> No.45518245

Only if they don't overlap. Currently I am playing a gamege, a moege and a plotge.

>> No.45518248

that's the way

>> No.45518252

>mobile poster

>> No.45518256

I posted this from my laptop, but didn't edit properly.

>> No.45518287

The fuck?

>> No.45518293

It's a visual novel that focuses on gameplay and doesn't have much story, like call of duty. There's also moviege and bookge.

>> No.45518298

Gameplay focused title, in this case Rance 01.

>> No.45518300

What retarded labeling.

>> No.45518303

There's also fightge like Blazblue.

>> No.45518308

Sorry, I've never played any labelge.

>> No.45518309

That's still a gamege

>> No.45518318

New thread:

