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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 151 KB, 1440x810, Yoshinoya (吉野家).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45491472 No.45491472 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
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Previous thread: >>45476405

>> No.45491487

can the term 中出し also be used in reference to the mouth? or is it reserved for the マンコ

>> No.45491498



>> No.45491508
File: 573 KB, 220x220, icegif-340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45491514

what did he mean by this?

>> No.45491547
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>> No.45491555
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vtubers in a nutshell

>> No.45491557
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/djt/ grammar guide

>> No.45491609

i don't get it

>> No.45491640

So what are we gonna spend all day arguing about today?

>> No.45491645

dno but jamal won

>> No.45491647

dunno what are you feeling like uppercaser

>> No.45491659

won jack shit

>> No.45491666

whats your favorite anime this season?

>> No.45491672

maomao's anime

>> No.45491879

i dont want to fuck koinekos
i want to mine shit
but i keep fucking them holy shit make it stop

>> No.45491952

watching sousou no frieren makes me want to kill myself (not because its bad, but because it makes me depressed that i will never have an elven gf)

>> No.45492048

bros will quiz ever return?

>> No.45492058

when he gets sick of getting destroyed on twitter perhaps

>> No.45492062

frieren is a freakin' babe

>> No.45492070

more like rizzmaster

>> No.45492078

more like quitler

>> No.45492088

djt doesnt need another deadbeat dad

>> No.45492109

wifey left pissler
now she sticks her gyatt out for a rizzler

>> No.45492112
File: 34 KB, 1057x459, 1680166795474767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*vine boom*

>> No.45492141

i need a girlfriend whos willing to wear a white wig and fake elf ears

>> No.45492145

why do people care about the fucking ears

>> No.45492147

>i need a bpd tiktok whore

>> No.45492160

cause they care about fucking the ears

>> No.45492165

why not just fuck the vagene sir

>> No.45492185

need to get a gf who will dress up like toosaka rin for me especially after fsn changed my outlook on life and greatly influenced my personal philosophy

>> No.45492187

this new generation isn't into reproductive sex

>> No.45492190

more like toesucka rin haha

>> No.45492195

ok first of all why does your mind immediately jump to tiktok, its very telling, normal people dont think about tiktok all day. second nothing wrong with having bpd i have it myself

>> No.45492200

imagine what it takes to gain the respect of a man like gilgamesh

>> No.45492210

yeah because "this new generation" doesn't get adequate nutrition from animal-based products and poisons itself through junk food
not to mention that women destroy their bodies through exercise, which is proven to sterilize people
you are obsessed with normal people like a brainwashed cow

>> No.45492213

hey akira hows it going

>> No.45492219

please leave this thread. i cant stand reading your idiotic drivel

>> No.45492224

i like normal people

>> No.45492225

sorry im so fucking retarded meant for >>45492210

>> No.45492229

if youre trying to make it look like im samefagging you should have waited for the 60 second cooldown to be over

>> No.45492233

yeah bro thats how much i care

>> No.45492235

>women destroy their bodies through exercise
yeah considering the average american woman weighs 180 i don't think that's it

>> No.45492236

>60 second cooldown
only if youre a poorfag

>> No.45492241

if you don't have a pass don't even talk to me

>> No.45492243

yeah bro im poor now what

>> No.45492244

or have minimal self-respect

>> No.45492246

true true

>> No.45492255

now you suck on deez

>> No.45492263

people who have self respect dont waste their time solving captchas like cucks

>> No.45492269

lil bro, theres fat people and normal sized people
fat people eat like shit
normal sized people exercise, which destroys their body's hormonal makeup

>> No.45492270

true true imagine all the hours of captchas you solve if you post 16 hours a day for a year

>> No.45492272

you don't understand bro when women exercise sufficiently they get a slight increase of testorene, it's akin to trooning out

>> No.45492280

have you ever looked at female athletes past their prime? they look like they age twice as fast as normal humans

>> No.45492285

yeah kids ranqe was right

>> No.45492289

this but unironically

>> No.45492291

it likely has more to do with the sun than with anything you're mentioning, if not bullshit anyways

>> No.45492293

spending that much of ur life outside and scantily clad does that to you especially if they arent perma putting suncream on

>> No.45492301

it takes 2 seconds if you aren't low iq

>> No.45492304

sunscreen kills

>> No.45492306

captchas back in the day were kino. they were used to train the ocr algorithms, so it gave you two pictures: one where it already knew the word and one where it didnt. so a common source of enjoyment for anons back then was writing the n word for the second picture.
im telling you this because i assume youre all newfags but this is how it was back then

>> No.45492308

true true asians stay looking young because they walk a lot dont eat as much industrialized slop and dont have westoid gym culture

>> No.45492310

i tried jogging on pavement while severely obese and my knees started to hurt a little bit and had a weird numb/tingling sensation and in order to get alleviate the sensation i would have to stomp something.

>> No.45492323

>sun makes you age!
imagine being so brainwashed you think humans are meant to be cave dwellers when we literally evolved from one of the hottest climates on earth

>> No.45492335

yeah if youre black.
if youre white you evolved in an area where its dark half the year and you have to take shelter from the harsh cold

>> No.45492338

lil bro science

>> No.45492340
File: 2 KB, 245x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have computer, why would i solve captchas manually?

>> No.45492342

if you live in the area where you evolved your skin from, you won't have much issues with sun anyway
that probably explains why americans are so sickly

>> No.45492352

Imagine being so dumb you think paying to post more often is a good idea
There's a reason half of Americans don't have more than $1000 saved up

>> No.45492361

Try walking. Jogging is very overrated and not sustainable for fat people.
You can walk much longer distances while walking, and you won't burn out as easily.

>> No.45492367

you're brazilian so you don't understand. 20 isn't that much in america for a whole year worth of captchas.

>> No.45492366

its a good mental exercise

>> No.45492373

20 what

>> No.45492378


>> No.45492382

so now the jannoid is trying to psyop the thread into paying to post lmfao
you hate to see it

>> No.45492392

i'm happy to support the best website ever 4channel

>> No.45492393

ok but which poster is jamal

>> No.45492394 [DELETED] 

20 is nothing. especially if you're ciaran and make six figures coding.

although six figures aint what it used to be due to inflation. six figures in 2000 would be almost 200k today. but ciaran might be making 150k+ by now since he probably does remote work for US companies (he's smart so he'd definitely do this).

>There's a reason half of Americans don't have more than $1000 saved up
about 40% of americans are a knuckle dragging race.

>> No.45492396

I don't speak hue and I don't waste my savings on stupid shit. If you actually think paying for 4chan is worthwhile you have an addiction and need to get a hobby other than shitposting

>> No.45492407

feeling despair at the fact i realized at the age of 30 i've probably had adhd my whole life and had it been medicated i'd have a good life instead of the garbage one i have now

>> No.45492408

back in my day there were no captchas and 4chan gold was a such a meme that people would've died of laughter if you had told them that it will be a real thing in the future and that people will buy it unironically and won't be laughed out of the website for doing it

>> No.45492409

what's crazy is that wages have not caught up to inflation at all so you're making the same 50k a year as in 2000 except your money is worthless

>> No.45492412

adhd isnt real bwo

>> No.45492419

no one cares cringe ahh boomer

>> No.45492420

That's by design. Ciaran can tell you all about late stage capitalism

>> No.45492422

doesn't matter if it's "real". point is i've been sufficiently lazy and stupid such that medication would have allowed me to have a better life than i currently do. that's what matters.

>> No.45492425

i just got my copy of das kapital in the mail

>> No.45492427

yeah thats how inflation works dingus

>> No.45492431

shut up dgger moron, communism will cure you of adhd

>> No.45492433

>have not caught up to inflation at all s
i wouldnt say "at all" theres some baby steps eg im getting a 3% salary increase in january, but yeah compared to 10% inflation thats nothing

>> No.45492435

24 and same here
really bad case, too
i was able to hustle myself to university and realized that my attention shifted every 10 seconds, only to crash miserably
luckily university is free here and i can just live on welfare

still, its a shame i never got diagnosed

>> No.45492436

wages are supposed to increase

>> No.45492440


>> No.45492441

communists are so fucking stupid i want them to hop on a spacex rocket to jupiter. fuck i hate them so much. and it's not even necessarily their ideology but their genetics are so bad. they're always mentally ill antisocial weirdos who want to hurt superior people.

>> No.45492449

i'm one of the few people that adhd genuinely describes though. i fit a ton of the symptoms and have a sibling that was diagnosed.

>> No.45492453

i would agree with you but im also a mentally ill antisocial weirdo, though in the wild i would have probably been the sigma male convincing all the alpha bitches to fuck me behind their mates' backs using my superior intellect

>> No.45492454

>my life woulda turned out so much better if dr goldstein had me on drugs

>> No.45492455

isn't that what the right wingers do when they wanna overthrow the jews for subverting white values

>> No.45492459

no, it sounds like your sibling is "one of the few people that adhd genuinely describes", considering they were diagnosed and all and you werent

>> No.45492464

true true my brother suffered from adhd and didnt get medicated either

>> No.45492467

have you tried reading up on it, like at all?

>> No.45492470

i made none the posts in this thread except this one

>> No.45492477

and just like that the thread is ruined

>> No.45492485

*vine boom*

>> No.45492486

says who
>their genetics are so bad. they're always mentally ill antisocial weirdos
turn on you monitor

>> No.45492487

good get rekt losers lmao

>> No.45492491

that's misleading. my doctor said he suspected i had it too but my mom didn't want to medicate me because my symptoms weren't as severe as my sibling's and she's paranoid about medicine. i should add that both my parents have obvious problems with executive function. i AM one of the few people who was wrongfully undiagnosed (as least formally) and suffered for it.

>> No.45492503

aw boohoo honey buns

>> No.45492505


>> No.45492506

way to be mean for no reason.

>> No.45492513

stay strong lil bro

>> No.45492516

*shoves you into a locker*

>> No.45492520

i'm weak as fuck because i didn't get the help i needed

if i had ritalin i'd be able to outsmart and outspeed you

>> No.45492526

i hope all my djters keep on keepin on the best they can
every day is a new day


>> No.45492528

dame remember when moot left 4chan to work on google's failed social media platform

>> No.45492539

>remember when moot did [terrible thing]
yeah but dont tell me to count them because they dont make numbers that high where i come from

>> No.45492541


>> No.45492544

remember when he gave a ted talk where he was acting like an extreme homosexual and then he coped that he was just nervous

>> No.45492547

yea wasn't it some drawing thing

>> No.45492562

nwahs poppin ritalin like senzu beans

>> No.45492566

poppin a rit like a senzu
poppin a rit like a senzu

>> No.45492577

i remember when i thought 4chan was a scary bad boring place and i avoided it while i posted on gaya but now i think everyone here is a gay retard heh

>> No.45492585

heh *leans back*

>> No.45492610


>> No.45492627

face it, all the smart people are on r**dit

>> No.45492654

i psychologically dominated a redditor into deleting his account

>> No.45492655
File: 151 KB, 640x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>face it, all the smart people are on r**dit

>> No.45492668
File: 899 KB, 828x828, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my permashifting plan: i will be shifting to a reality where i know japanese and have a 20 year old japanese wife

>> No.45492673

that one guy looks like markiplier

>> No.45492675

u know i grew my hair back out and im thinkin of doin the bandana and leather jacket like yung show wesugi


>> No.45492679


>> No.45492710

>u know
no i dont and i dont want to either

>> No.45492718

u sound mad bro

>> No.45492730

Do you feel like your native language helps you with learning Japanese in unique ways compared to English-speakers?

>> No.45492750

i wish theyd build a giant rocket like in saikano to fit most of humanity on but id fill it with all the esls and launch it straight into the sun

>> No.45492764

there will always be some concepts in your native language that reflect certain japanese concepts better than any english concept does. but it's not going to make a significant difference

>> No.45492766

alright thank you for your wisdom but can anyone answer my question?

>> No.45492776

this but with chibbas

>> No.45492778

here in djt questions arent answered for free you must pay the toll which is in denominations of dicksucks

>> No.45492798

only if it's uncircumcised because honestly i feel sad everytime i see a dried mutilated pp

>> No.45492804

pay the toll and proceed to barrel down the highway to dekinai hell

>> No.45492811

*looks over shoulder*
someone lost a barrel

>> No.45492851
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yooo she made it in

>> No.45492864

imagine losing the chance to go to japanese heaven and white heaven at the same time

>> No.45492885

almost feel bad that vtumors can only go to hell

>> No.45492893

What's the best OCR for Windows?

>> No.45492907

idk i use google's ocr

>> No.45492916

ocr is for babies real men look up by rad

>> No.45492929


>> No.45492953

smart men use ocr for the first 1k hours and then drop it once they no longer need frequent look ups

>> No.45492966


>> No.45492969

bunsuke didnt use ocr

>> No.45492976

smart men use yomichan until they don't need it anymore and skip ocr

>> No.45492982

jamal says yomichan is gomichan

>> No.45492985

bunsuke also didnt use yomichan

>> No.45492987

even as a teen i was always fascinated by foreign languages.
but i always knew i didnt have what it takes to be an interpreter.
interpreters are insane, they need excellent memory, concentration, communication skills, they need to be fast thinkers and fast learners.

>> No.45492990

never used ocr
never used text hookers
just read and looked things up simple as

>> No.45492996

i said smart men

>> No.45493001

so whos smarter? the guy whos better at japanese or the guy who does some dumb nerd shit and never becomes epic at japanese

>> No.45493002

*sigh* this vinnie any good?

>> No.45493004

ocr and text hookers are for looking things up while you read

>> No.45493010


>> No.45493014

if u need someones opinion in order to do something u are doomed my tomodachi

>> No.45493018

the guy who never becomes epic at japanese is smarter, how is that even a question

>> No.45493021

yea i'm not sure why people skip rtk. it gives you a strong foundation:

>> No.45493022

is that who you wanna be?

>> No.45493024
File: 697 KB, 2126x2837, GBJCoOIaIAATp2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you ocring Japanese?

>> No.45493033

iq guy doesn't know japanese and he's 170

>> No.45493034

nice bolt on titty

>> No.45493035

hot steamy lesbian twin incest sex

>> No.45493043

now make it japanese and i might start watching vtubers

>> No.45493052

i think you fundamentally misunderstand rtk and also how language in general works
when you see 木 you're not supposed to think of the word tree youre supposed to visualize a tree in your head.

>> No.45493058

plenty of vtubers playing vinnies

>> No.45493059

>i claim to have the vocab of a newborn
i mean hes not wrong is he lmao

>> No.45493066

Spanish works similar to Japanese in some aspects so I'd say yes and wherever latin is used I get to draw from that pool of words too, although English alone should suffice for this

>> No.45493077

it was tree niggas (森) treeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.45493089

spanish speakers are the most obnoxious people on the planet
i dont even care if its your native language or not
if you know spanish youre obnoxious

>> No.45493103

tghat weather bitch on telemundo hot af tho

>> No.45493111


>> No.45493120

how do you visualize the tree without knowing it's a fucking tree dumbass. the intermediary step of rtk words is crucial.

>> No.45493126

knowing kanji is a prerequisite to knowing jack shit

>> No.45493133

djters fusing inside jokes like the japanese fuse words to make yojijukugo

>> No.45493140

mostly just me

>> No.45493153

less of an inside joke and more an esl fail comp

>> No.45493156

someone got the updated djt deck?

>> No.45493157

true djt is going to die without that guy

>> No.45493173

>how do you visualize the tree without knowing it's a fucking tree
imagine actually being this retarded
i knew what a tree was before i ever knew the word tree

>> No.45493179

he probably has aphantasia

>> No.45493182

matt says words are thoughts put to sounds so you actually knew the word tree from a very early age

>> No.45493186

matt also gets his asshole ravaged by ken every night

>> No.45493187


>> No.45493234

ciaran how good is your classical japanese

>> No.45493247

beyond native

>> No.45493261


>> No.45493263

he's too busy writing classical c

>> No.45493269

he's too busy sucking classical c

>> No.45493281
File: 947 KB, 1920x1080, [Ohys-Raws] Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai - 12 END (WEB 1920x1080 x264 AAC)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45493287

sekkusu sekkusu sekkusu!!

>> No.45493306


>> No.45493324

typical F-tier vtumor LOOOL

>> No.45493335


>> No.45493337


>> No.45493351

more like 下痢ラ

>> No.45493357


>> No.45493510


>> No.45493520


>> No.45493550

one day I'll rule djt with my new grown n0 powers

>> No.45493630
File: 629 KB, 2048x1150, FBQmPmIVEAEy7KZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your 72 virgins bro

>> No.45493648

they all have the same face and most likely the same puss

>> No.45493664

and I'd do unspeakable acts that makes nanking look like a picnic if It meant I could get to sniff just one of them

>> No.45493678

bro theyre a cartoon relax

>> No.45493743

you're a cartoon

>> No.45493761
File: 38 KB, 1226x172, Screenshot 2023-12-12 111427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder where quiz went...

>> No.45493780

probably to get a job to pay child support

>> No.45493807

why would you support another man's child?

>> No.45493810

he got doublecucked

>> No.45493813

what do you think your taxes do anon?

>> No.45493832


>> No.45493879

hm it seems there's a consensus on this board

>> No.45494008

would you a japanese girl

>> No.45494010

already did

>> No.45494020

you dont want me to answer that

>> No.45494036

>with fmab a woman tried to write a seinen and failed. with hxh togashi tried to write a shonen but accidentally wrote a seinen.

>> No.45494047

hxh is its own demographic: pseudnen

>> No.45494049

they help low IQ people breed

>> No.45494063

any good soft pseudnen native isekai airing next season

>> No.45494072

even normies think hxh is the best shit ever though. my ex gf was as normie as it comes, aside from being a bit of a slut, but she was really into hxh

>> No.45494080

normies are also pseuds she probably had a 110 iq

>> No.45494085

you dont understand im 110 iq 110 is above average

>> No.45494093

so youre gatekeeping 110 is what youre saying? got it

>> No.45494112

tfw no bit of a slut gf into hxh

>> No.45494114

its a very surreal feeling when a manga that doesnt generally use furigana and your struggling with bits of, has furigana for a word, and you already knew it from mining, i really dont get the choices for furigana sometimes

>> No.45494121

youve done dumb things with flashcards that japanese people dont do

>> No.45494161

sometimes they put furigana on common words that use 表外漢字 such as 嘘 or 馴染む and sometimes they don't put furigana on uncommon words that use 常用漢字

>> No.45494163

yeah a child would know what a velcro strap is while an adult might consider that obscure vocabulary because it doesnt show up in vinnies or anime

>> No.45494171

stop talking about children

>> No.45494177

we all hisoka here

>> No.45494181

if you read hxh you know what he means

>> No.45494189


>> No.45494190

its weird girls like hxh when it has one of the weirdest creepiest pedo characters in anime history in it really makes you think

>> No.45494198

>disliking pedo characters

>> No.45494207

thats what i mean

>> No.45494211

yeah but they dont
hisoka has a handsome face and slim physique

girls arent attracted to pedos because pedos are stereotypically ugly and fat

>> No.45494212
File: 76 KB, 237x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anki takes like 20mins for a warm up before reading while eating breakfast man its not a big deal at all, and I just read manga in bed before i sleep for some extra practice and no temptation to look things up
i get that, but it just felt weird thats all

>> No.45494231

so in other words if the pedo is good looking then diddle away, in a womans eyes?

>> No.45494238

keep in mind hisoka is a bad guy, so youre not supposed to like him

>> No.45494249

yeah because he wants to diddle gon and hes a weird creep innit

>> No.45494254

if you're attractive anyway being a heinous criminal makes you that much more attractive

>> No.45494255

when i was a kid i had a crush on an adult
pretty sure its the same for girls, so femoids just view hisoka as that adult they had a crush on

>> No.45494263

but hes not a regular adult, hes a diddler, a sex offender who should be locked up

>> No.45494270

>t. ugly pedo jealous of handsome pedos

>> No.45494294

they cant lock up hisoka

>> No.45494301

exactly there is no evidence

>> No.45494318
File: 69 KB, 930x777, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? The way the sentence is structured here sounds weird to me.

Don't worry about it.

>> No.45494324

what did jamal mean by swat meet?

>> No.45494341

i <3 eceleb drama in my japanese learning thread

>> No.45494360

In the same amount of time, is it better to read 5 really easy books, or 1 difficult book?

>> No.45494377

i'm an extreme lolicon. japan has fully rotted my brain

>> No.45494389

i dont think hisoka's an eceleb

>> No.45494393

and here you are!

>> No.45494398

hello fellow anonymous users

>> No.45494400


>> No.45494411


>> No.45494420

since i hard carried the last thread i expect you guys to post something good today. i cba carrying every day.

>> No.45494423

fuck off faggot

>> No.45494428

taking the thread off because of you @0

>> No.45494447
File: 595 KB, 1920x1080, 解雇された暗黒兵士(30代)のスローなセカンドライフ S01E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45494455

is there a discord server like qm's server but without all the underage third worlders spamming 4chan memes at each other?

>> No.45494460

finally learned how to boil eggs
the secret is to puncture them on the bottom before throwing them into boiling water
why do no one fucking tell me about this

>> No.45494463
File: 17 KB, 454x520, 1672274786818536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow anime tiddies i must consume

>> No.45494466
File: 98 KB, 498x300, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45494471

there is no discord

>> No.45494481

invite only sorry

>> No.45494485

why did it not work out between you two

>> No.45494491


>> No.45494496
File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, 解雇された暗黒兵士(30代)のスローなセカンドライフ S01E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45494499

they like the "cute" character moments like when gon says he wants killua to stay with him and travel the world together

>> No.45494505
File: 71 KB, 225x225, 1682225702481021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45494509
File: 216 KB, 750x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45494516


>> No.45494523

if the discord is centered around japanese language it is 100% unusable

>> No.45494529

What the actual fuck is wrong with the thread right now? I just opened it and see the /qa/ level of spam.

>> No.45494537

self own

>> No.45494539

tha fuck timmy gon do nigga

>> No.45494542

we both cheated on each other

>> No.45494550

dang you call her a bit of a slut but youre sluttin around too? fucked up hope you can make a healthy connection with someone someday

>> No.45494562


>> No.45494589

>hope you can make a healthy connection with someone someday
i moved on from that

>> No.45494593

yeah the worlds pretty insane now its pretty rough

>> No.45494621

stop being pessimistic

>> No.45494636

im not a pessimist i still see good out there its just increasingly obscured by dark clouds and i think a lot of it is mental fatigue

>> No.45494641

oof must have adhd

>> No.45494648

its possible

>> No.45494732

grampa here i said swap meet my esl friend
a thing that old people go to on the weekends

>> No.45494750

is that like a swingers club

>> No.45494759

its where other old ppl go to buy/sell/trade 2nd hand goods with each other

>> No.45494794

yeah i thought it was either swat meet or swap meet but i didnt know what either one is because im esl thanks for explaining tho

>> No.45494826 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 680x629, 1702412848412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45494829

i thought nintendo was run by those

>> No.45494835

I'll reply to myself just in case anyone else that is actually interested in learning rather than retarded shitposting is lurking the thread.

I've been trying several tools and in the end I found PowerToys' Text Extractor utility the easiest to use and most accurate. Just install PowerToys, enable it and configure your preferred shortcut. It seems to work pretty well even with non-standard fonts, unlike manga-ocr.

>> No.45494839

self own

>> No.45494840

didnt realize ocr had anything to do with learning japanese
then again japanese "leaners" deal with every retarded thing under the sun other than japanese lmao

>> No.45494848

japanese leaners actually sounds kinda cool lmao
like the japanese version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fpta-CXnhs

>> No.45494858
File: 442 KB, 1024x576, 神採りアルケミーマイスター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45494870

yo forest of the wind. we will become the strength of steel (iron?) and crush evil intent?

>> No.45494871

kinzoku? kanezoku?

>> No.45494881

ill show you some 森の風 *farts in your fucken face*

>> No.45494883

How much do you have to read before you're totally fluent?

>> No.45494892

10k hours of visual novellas

>> No.45494893

wish VNs were written by high iq mangaka

>> No.45494894

you can quite literally never read a single time in your life and be fluent in japanese

>> No.45494928


>> No.45494940


>> No.45494949

damn rip to the e3 video game thing. video games are now unequivocally undisputedly dead. *pours out monster*

>> No.45494974

oof lil bro you were close..

>> No.45494990

Pretty sure Aussieman was doing like 5 hours of Anki per day, if you include the times he was making sentence cards

>> No.45494994


>> No.45495000

there are also otaku video games

>> No.45495009

yeah but you dont have to do any of that to be fluent in japanese
there are blind from birth people RIGHT NOW speaking japanese

>> No.45495019

they read and write in braille

>> No.45495030

wind of the forest, lend your powers to the tip of my arrow and extinguish the lifeless forces of evil

>> No.45495038

you dont need to read or write to be fluent in a language

>> No.45495040
File: 811 KB, 1222x1920, hh_161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what jlpt level is this?

>> No.45495041

more like tip of my cock

>> No.45495062

i'd say that's 4th year college level.

so n0

>> No.45495077

nukemarine could read this, so n5

>> No.45495080

in third world countries yes but in japan both the school enrollment rate for mandatory education and the literacy rate are close to 100%
so if you hold native speakers as a standard for fluency then yes that involves being able to read and write

>> No.45495089

the standard of fluency is literally speaking the language
literacy is the rest
common esl trap

>> No.45495096

self own

>> No.45495102

hardest part of this screenshot is her name

>> No.45495110

yeah and speaking to whom

>> No.45495154

while learning a language you typically encounter words you don't understand and what to see what they mean using a dictionary

>> No.45495174

normally, your family, friends, neighbors, fellow students, teachers, colleagues, bosses, etc.
but since you dont live in japan none of that matters really

>> No.45495195

you mean native speakers

>> No.45495275

why you calling native speakers mean bro

>> No.45495294

im surprised nobody has cloned jamal's voice yet
id do it myself but my computer is a potato
need to upgrade before i

>> No.45495299

damn jamal killed him mid-sentence

>> No.45495305

cloning is unethical bro

>> No.45495315

the reason is simple. i don't know who that is. and the fact that he has a bunch of bitch boys like you talking about him all the time? not a good look. so why would i care

>> No.45495334

not a good look bro

>> No.45495344
File: 99 KB, 753x378, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's get this thread back on track

>> No.45495368

red headed fish being eaten by the cat. everything else you have to reach for

>> No.45495376

reaching is not a problem unless you're a manlet

>> No.45495392

none of them are well phrased. i demonstrated this in the last thread. djt gracefully ignored the post - as usual when someone is correct and they feel intimidated by it.

>> No.45495424

i got something else to demonstrate *unzips*

>> No.45495429

i was under the assumption that how you interpret a sentence can change, but the sentence itself is concrete because of the grammar rules.

>> No.45495433

how small your penis is? we can tell. you can zip up

>> No.45495442

*zips up*

>> No.45495483

there's no way this is real. link to vid?

>> No.45495493

if you know english you understand matt probably took the video down

>> No.45495528

hey man, if you can't link the video, there's no proof matt ever said that then.

>> No.45495542


>> No.45495543

again, it's not a well phrased sentence to convey the ideas behind any of those drawings. it is a sentence that - if you reach for it - could potentially mean different things. that's why whoever made that pic, phrased it like that and at the same time what makes it sound stilted and a poor fit for any of those meanings.

there are many sentences in japanese that can be interpreted in more than one way. in english too. see >>45495195 and the reply >>45495195

for example - this sentence is ambiguous and has 2 meanings:
a. it is true that tanaka told me (the fact that it happened)
b. what tanaka told me is true (the contents of the exchange)

if you say
then it can only mean a.

>> No.45495558

is there a japanese word to describe the feeling of pooping and then taking a shower only to realize right after that you have to poop again?


>> No.45495565

I'm thinking about getting rid of my bed and sleeping in a futon. Is that weird?

>> No.45495569

>in english too. see >>45495195 and the reply >>45495195
fucked up
>>45495195 and >>45495275

>> No.45495570
File: 17 KB, 519x526, 1701950087527407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45495573

only if you do it because you're a weeb

>> No.45495580

i think ud want 最悪 there br0
watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime to acquire this word and many more!

>> No.45495581

sorry that sentence was ambiguous

>> No.45495582

getting a lot of mileage out of those 18 kb. good stuff

>> No.45495590

no because in civilized countries people use bidets

>> No.45495591

Does anyone here use the SRS of jpdb?
If so why over Anki?

>> No.45495596

i always have shit all over the tp even after using a bidet

>> No.45495598


>> No.45495600

jpdb is unreliable and full of misinformation, don't use it

>> No.45495612

bro im literally begging you to use cucumber scented wet wipes

>> No.45495648

Oh really?
Will stick to Anki then.

>> No.45495652

さいてい seems a little extreem, let's say 最適以下. gotta stay optimistic about the possibility of your day getting worse later and account for that. keep your options open

>> No.45495671

you know, it started out as just a typo but i'm gonna stick to the spelling 'extreem' from now on i think

>> No.45495674

I just clean my butthole in the shower like a normal person

>> No.45495682

crazy how humans evolved cuz they clean their asses

>> No.45495684
File: 973 B, 65x34, 1672845932676679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to always force hiragana mode in microsoft (or google) IME? Or at least a customizable keyboard shortcut

>> No.45495686

Do you guys think making sentence cards for lines in songs would be a good idea?

>> No.45495690


>> No.45495734

wtf i love 3d now?

>> No.45495773

3 grand and still no ass

>> No.45495775

it's no fun if it doesn't flinch when slap a tit

>> No.45495782

yeah dollfuckers are pretty sad tbqh i dont know how youd even get a boner to that soulless lifeless thing

>> No.45495786

you can pay 70$ extra for the nonexistent ass to be softer though

>> No.45495787

just learned that most japanese people eat söy based products on a daily basis. i hate japan now

>> No.45495791

thats why they are cucked out of literally existing and their country will be taken over by superior men

>> No.45495806

you mean the nigerians in kabukicho?

>> No.45495820

a mainly onions based diet is actually bad for your health unless it's heavily fermented or something like that as onions lowers the levels of several trace minerals in the human body. this is a widely known fact but i have no idea if this is at the root of the basedboy memes. but it really is a 3rd world crop and one shouldn't eat too much of it.

>> No.45495824

that's why the women stay so young there, the fake estrogen in the söy binds with the reactors and prevents the real one from binding

>> No.45495827

nigerians have been like a roach infestation for a while and japans had well over 20 years to do something about it and they havent
but also kurds, indians, whites, basically everyone that wants to go to japan now because its mainstream like netflix

>> No.45495831

lol onions filters to onions? huh. ok

>> No.45495846

ok now i'm mad

>> No.45495853

just type sðy nublets

>> No.45495861

a bird pooped on your o dude

>> No.45495868
File: 76 KB, 642x900, GBKIayQbYAAjH-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that is a good localization

>> No.45495869

shitted on some sðy then alls well with the world

>> No.45495874


>> No.45495877

cant read scanlations anymore demoralization too strong

>> No.45495879

lemme guess it was 裏垢

>> No.45495896

bruv just looked through the rest of the site lmao the 1800 dollar ones actually have ass
that asian shit is a ripoff designed to fleece yellow fevoids

>> No.45495907

its good because its this obvious

>> No.45495909

why are teens so selfish? everything has to be about them.
does she even consider that her mom's onlyfans is paying for everything she owns? this spoilt brat probably has the latest iphone and macbook but now that she is experiencing slight inconvenience she suddenly complains

>> No.45495911
File: 1.55 MB, 1680x944, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45495914

imagine being too weak to clap those little shits together

>> No.45495918

crazy how if you're a jap born with chad genetics you can make an 裏垢 and women will reach out to you asking you to fuck them, film it and post it on twitter attracting more women

>> No.45495925

does anyone else's brain feel sore when they immerse too much?

>> No.45495931
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, 鬼滅の刃 S01E24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45495936

i dont immerse

>> No.45495940

i wonder if there is a mother daughter onlyfans? there has to be at least one

>> No.45495943

love jerking off to those vids

>> No.45495956 [DELETED] 

idk about that but there is an onlyfans of twin sisters https://onlyfans.com/notyouraveragesisterz

>> No.45495969 [DELETED] 

or maybe they werent twins
sorry for getting you excited

>> No.45495974

man, i really know how to pick em
do yourself a favor and don't look up 黒子
what a clusterfuck

>> No.45495984

you mean the one from railgun? what about her?

>> No.45496015


>> No.45496030

what? no. i mean the 普通名詞 黒子

>> No.45496032

it's really hot what can i do

>> No.45496038

post some of them for the bros

>> No.45496043

you can't learn japanese!

>> No.45496059

i'm not sure i'm following but i'm pretty sure i don't want to either

>> No.45496069

wanna eat og ass so bad bros

>> No.45496090
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45496113

og's soap cleaned ass

>> No.45496118

found bunko in the jav thread >>45496036

>> No.45496136

imagine actually being in the japanese porn thread

>> No.45496210

anki toil approaches

>> No.45496230
File: 212 KB, 1160x585, ajatt kills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45496250

ajatt was the worst thing to have happened to me, japanese language ability-wise. Wish I had just followed the Itazuraneko site to begin with. I had it bookmarked, but I ignored it because of the nama-sensei link right at the top

>> No.45496263

just don't cover your ears or plug them
t. tinnitus survivor

>> No.45496266

we tried to warn you lil bro

>> No.45496290

i didn't try to warn you

>> No.45496307

why do you need a guide to learn japanese?
i think a lot of people who learn japanese are nerds (i dont mean this in an insulting way), who have this mentality that there needs to be an optimal way to do something, or else they wont bother doing it.
so they spend 5 years learning japanese and out of those 5 years, all 5 years are spent researching guides and watching e-celebs and browsing subreddits and posting on discord servers.
while a non-nerd person spends 5 years learning japanese just learning japanese however they see fit, maybe thats by watching anime or by taking a language class or by moving to japan, but theyre making actual progress because they dont waste time

>> No.45496316
File: 11 KB, 876x106, image (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 197: My headset malfunction so can't really focus on doing the deck but might as well using the built in speaker on the pc for anki. The grind must continue.

>> No.45496315

yeah bro i need no guide, duolingo is doing just fine for me

>> No.45496318
File: 1.20 MB, 498x387, 1702423639269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45496337

is there a concrete legal difference between crimes that are either labeled ~罪 or ~犯?

>> No.45496349

bro thats not even an argument. you have the duolingo retards in every language.
i learned english at school and im perfectly fluent, but sometimes i see older adults trying to learn english from duolingo and yeah thats never going to work.
there are known proven methods that work, you dont need a guide for this shit, just dont be a retard and just use common sense

>> No.45496353

newfaggot retard

>> No.45496357

>don't use a guide
>but make sure you only use proven methods.
>Yes, you're supposed to magically know what they are

>> No.45496363

how many people admit to washing out their ass with the shower? because in my late teens/early 20s i realized it was a no brainer and the vastly superior choice to using toilet paper. but it seemed to be one of those private things that low status nerds aren't allowed to talk about.

>> No.45496364
File: 183 KB, 695x423, 4e5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45496369

youre essentially describing a bidet

>> No.45496370

ngl i'm pretty mad og

>> No.45496379

yes this is 100% correct
no idea if its only japanese or all languages tho

>> No.45496388

i'm 99% confident that it's still the nerds that are overwhelmingly successful in learning japanese. you're just picking on the lazier low IQ wannabe nerds.

>> No.45496396

no one because that's disgusting and unhygienic as fuck unless you clean the shower afterwards every time.

>> No.45496397

I'm not saying that you need a guide but you definitely need information and guides are what end up providing it, wherever right or wrong
It's naive to expect someone to know the right methods when the wrong methods dominate the field too

>> No.45496401

the water rinses the poop particles. it's not a big deal.

>> No.45496409
File: 1.43 MB, 1366x768, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45496412

i'll give you a hint. don't admit to this to anyone irl. that is revolting. you are gross and you have poopy feet

>> No.45496423

just know how to learn languages

>> No.45496427

it's not revolting or gross. it's just light poop particles. it makes me sad that my enlightenment keeps me so distant from normalfags.

>> No.45496432

you would instantly get a uti from that surface with that practice

>> No.45496441

but fret not, there's a solution. just get yourself a gf who's into scat and all is well.

>> No.45496445


>> No.45496446

scat gf sounds worse tho

>> No.45496458

what if your gf is into scat but youre not?
imagine how sexually frustrated she would by not being able to live out her fetish.
she would eventually NTR you with a guy who is into scat

>> No.45496470

Wait, so you don't wipe after pooping, you just walk around with shit stuck between your anus until your next shower? And when you DO shower, you just use water? No soap?

FUCK you're gross

>> No.45496479

no i think he poops and then goes immediately into the shower to wash off his ass instead of wiping. that's how i understood it.

>> No.45496483

i instantly hop in the shower after every poop. i don't wait.

and yea i just use water, no soap. and i also use my finger to fish out stubborn turds/residue. but i wish my hands afterwards obviously.

>> No.45496499

take a good look. these are the people you talk to about topics like iq all day

>> No.45496509

my asshole would be gone if i still used toilet paper and hadn't switched to the shower like 10 years ago

>> No.45496513 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 718x648, 1702425451076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45496517

why? do you have crohn's?

>> No.45496522

cheap shitty storytelling.

>> No.45496543

i dont even remember this. must have been a filler

>> No.45496544

>all 5 years are spent researching guides
nobody does that for 5 years. and the only people who do something similar to it are actually those that didn't research the guides and instead constantly jump between language schools, geographical locations and apps and services because nothing seems to give them progress.
i agree that there's a small minority capable of doing the right thing immediately without any guidance, but those aren't non-nerds, those are people who non-nerds perceive as ultimate nerds capable of jumping right into white noising 2k hours of anime before they get to good comprehension, while the non-nerds think it's too confusing when they see the concepts of "stomach" and "getting emptied" used to express the idea of hunger without further explanation.
>watching e-celebs and browsing subreddits and posting on discord servers
basically everyone who isn't extremely autistic does some form of this whether they're learning a language or not and whether they're your nerd or not. it's just entertainment. for some people it may even be more entertaining than learning so they don't do a lot of learning, but that can happen to nerds and to non-nerds.
i will grant that nerds are more prone to non-learn through reading about tools and methods, but for one of those you'll find 10 non-nerds who non-learn through watching youtube channels about japan or making tourist trips there

>> No.45496546

turn on your monitor

>> No.45496550

yeah not reading all that

>> No.45496559

use soap. my anus smells like lavender. yours could too

>> No.45496563

soap would burn my asshole wtf

>> No.45496574
File: 495 KB, 721x765, 1702426001312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I'm learning Jaoanese

>> No.45496594
File: 249 KB, 933x1200, 3453061540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.45496597
File: 108 KB, 627x960, 1702426319477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over bros japan is done for

>> No.45496598


>> No.45496624

it only stings the first day

>> No.45496631

gorillas have small weewees so she better not imply otherwise

>> No.45496750

is there a site like vndb/exhentai but for h anime to search by tags

>> No.45496774


>> No.45496819

so -1n?

>> No.45496825

it would be n(-1) then but nice try

>> No.45496907

i hate to tell you this but you might be severly retarded

>> No.45496913

that being said, i -1n was stupid of me too. it's just -n - the 1 is superfluous ofc

>> No.45496951

you tried to nerd out but got reverse owned because you don't have precision which is because you don't have the required iq. cry harder

>> No.45496972

remembering the good old days

>> No.45496980

knowing japanese puts you on the zoomettes ick list

>> No.45496999

the answer is big white individualist brains

>> No.45497012

asians are incapable of understanding the faustian spirit

>> No.45497094

that's ok bc you're incapable of understanding japanese

>> No.45497097

stfu jibba

>> No.45497122

crazy how despite being a grim person being a pretty boy lets you get hyakuman for banging some busu on the other side of the world
what having fit mum does to a lad crazy huh

>> No.45497125

sometimes i find all reddit comments that have something like "edit: don't know why i'm being downvoted" in them and i downvote them without reading

>> No.45497137

sometimes i wish you would stfu and keep this things to yourself

>> No.45497138

>this things
yep downvoting you

>> No.45497139

bro nobody asked

>> No.45497140


>> No.45497142

uk版 jamal is my least favourite poster

>> No.45497145

fake jamal?

>> No.45497147

everyone just glosses over the fact that he admitted to using reddit. yeah i'm out of here. faggots

>> No.45497148

nice signature schizo lmao

>> No.45497152

are you leaving for reddit

>> No.45497159

he doesn't have to be a schizo, he may just have a gay tulpa

>> No.45497202
File: 3.42 MB, 204x314, 1702433798019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45497220

strangely enough thats funny
i just learned the word for trash

>> No.45497245

i browse reddit constantly

>> No.45497259


>> No.45497289

hey i just realized if i i dont like anime and manga anymore than i can skip the whole immersion thing and just stay monolingual

>> No.45497315


>> No.45497385

hell yea brother welcome to the club. and what's great is you can still post here

>> No.45497387




>> No.45497482

The love of my life is Japanese. that's why i can never give up this language.

>> No.45497520

ayoo moe we droppin at tilted towers bro

>> No.45497555

oh i see what dropping is now

>> No.45497563

i played fortnite so long ago they didn't even have the paid skins yet

>> No.45497570

yeah such sinsikoui as the opium wars lol we were only allowed to be such gentlemen bc of the burikasu shit we did abroad (which is based)

>> No.45497592


>> No.45497624


>> No.45497626



>> No.45497637


>> No.45497638

I won't say the j word

>> No.45497677

べろべろしてあげちゃうかも( ´•౪•`)

>> No.45497690


>> No.45497717





>> No.45497728

immersing in djt taught me 童貞

>> No.45497732

losing ur v to a hooker is way worse than staying doutei forever

>> No.45497740

so true

>> No.45497760

my friend shamefully confided in me he visited a hooker and i told him it wasn't that big of a deal but i think he's now slaying puss on tinder while i'm here talking with other fat virgins.

>> No.45497784

yea ive been saying that

>> No.45497792

the point of losing virginity is to become an adult and get married not to live ur gay degen life with aids

>> No.45497802

being unattractive to women is a huge insecurity of mine so although i normally wouldn't care that much about sleeping around, i crave it for the validation.

this is why i want to move to japan because japanese women are easy.

>> No.45497805
File: 53 KB, 897x512, 543243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way in order to not lose ur honor when u fuck a hooker is to be jacked af to the point where she lubricates her manko just by looking at you

>> No.45497815
File: 84 KB, 482x427, EcDLUZ0XgAAMqOc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N5 973 cards (mature 251, young 659, unseen 63)
>N4 1132 cards (unseen)
>N3 2565 cards (unseen)
>N2 3067 cards (unseen)
>N1 5335 cards (unseen)
26 days in and only 2% progress, do i really need all this?

>> No.45497834

its a marathon not a sprint

>> No.45497839

that's a lot of nword cards

>> No.45497843

all u need is anime and linnies

>> No.45497868

No, of course not. you need a lot more lol

>> No.45497904

drop anki
download vinnies
pass n1 in 1 year :)

>> No.45497930

can u guys imagine a westaboo grinding english anki trying to memorize words like 'established' without consuming media

>> No.45497931

Nigger 1
Nigger 2
Nigger 3
Nigger 4
Nigger 5
What's your N level?

>> No.45497933


>> No.45497944

Nigger prime

>> No.45497946

>drop anki
major dekinai vibes

>> No.45497947


>> No.45497949

japanese people don't like racist fucks so stfu

>> No.45497956

What's the best anki deck for those who don't like mining?
I've done core2.3k and read 10k characters while immersing, but sentence mining slows down my reading.

>> No.45497958
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>> No.45497962

>sentence mining slows down my reading.
Yeah, obviously. The point is you're memorizing what you're reading.

>> No.45497995

core 10k

>> No.45497996

core 30k

>> No.45498004

I will nigero if I see this many niggers

>> No.45498015

i experienced racism everyday
from a first person perspective

>> No.45498031

What happened?

>> No.45498032

yeah you know how bad it hurts to be on the receiving end
rest in power bro

>> No.45498043

tell me about it. in the US there's institutionalized racism against white people.

>> No.45498063

if you want to make any decent progress with prebuilt decks, you have to do at least 50 new cards a day
it's piss easy, even a retard like me was able to get through core 2k in 40 days with 87% retention

>> No.45498068

the 4bc way

>> No.45498073

but what if you're 55 years old and your brain is all crystalized and stuff

>> No.45498077

"it's piss easy to do this highly tedious task that few would want to do"

sigh the humblebragging has got to fucking stop on this general

>> No.45498081

anki actually changes your brain. If you're not careful and you do too much anki, you could receive brain damage.

>> No.45498083

why are vtubers so much more soulless than normal anime babes

>> No.45498085

Racists are different from racial trolls, a racist will find you disgusting and try their best to make you feel bad, while racial trolling just making fun of race, not to say the latter is good, but at least they don't actually hate you
Once you notice the difference you will become less sensitive

>> No.45498088

is that better or worse than playing video games

>> No.45498089

anki should never be tedious, my longest anki sessions were 35 minutes

>> No.45498092

I dropped from 50 to 30 because I kept forgetting

>> No.45498095

normalfags don't make the distinction if you make racial jokes you're basically kkk

>> No.45498101

dunno how to help the elderly, sorry
maybe try fish oil?

>> No.45498105
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wanna a uma musume seiyuu gf so bad bros

>> No.45498139

You are shallow. I want a woman with real depth and beauty

>> No.45498229

As you age the brain gradually moves from high plasticity to high stability. While a young brain soaks in patterns like a sponge and forgets just as fast, an old brain has a great deal of applicable knowledge of high stability. This stability has a side effect: old brains do not easily accept new models of reality. They tend to stick with models that have been stabilized with decades of pragmatic use.
Nonetheless when you stop learning new things, you stop reframing your understanding of the world, and the stabilization process may progress faster. Fast stabilization can deprive the brain of the chance to change with the times. In other words, throughout your entire life you need to keep learning to avoid building a brain that stabilizes too quickly and becomes rigid from disuse.

>> No.45498230

im very unstable

>> No.45498234

The brain is a ball of clay and needs to keep being reworked or it gets hard

>> No.45498250

she looks like she has a nice dick

>> No.45498274

that would be 150 new cards a day

>> No.45498309

Serious talk, why do some people tell you to minimize anki?

Like, what's the difference between 2 hr anki + 2 hr reading vs just 4 hours of reading? Are they the same? Is one better than the other? Isn't anki just another form of comprehensible input?

>> No.45498317

dunno remember him telling og to do 50

>> No.45498331

yeah but that's not what he did, he got through core 6k in 40 days

>> No.45498352

Anki's another way of saying remember the words you read (a.k.a. the most important part)

>> No.45498367

only cuz he considered og dumb despite her somehow knowing more japanese than him

>> No.45498372

Output girl only outputted, so that's impossible.

>> No.45498373

in the end even 1/3 of 4bc's pace was too much for og

>> No.45498376

still choose to head cannon that they’re happily married with children now

>> No.45498384
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>> No.45498400
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I want to start with VN instead of mangas or animes has first japanese reading medium. Why VN is not recommended for beginner?

>> No.45498401

Because VNs are pretty bad and most are inappropriate

>> No.45498412

i still don't know what he meant

>> No.45498413

Reading only LNs vs reading only VNs

which is better for your japanese?

>> No.45498416


>> No.45498432

good night & good morning

>> No.45498446

he knew the truth about iq

>> No.45498450

Not a very good song

>> No.45498455

by how wide of a margin are LNs better?

>> No.45498469

like 2

>> No.45498477

Not that much.

>> No.45498503

vns and lns are the same trash to me

>> No.45498513

Agreed. Only manchildren read that slop

>> No.45498520

nobody got my racism joke
doesn’t matter going to sleep

>> No.45498530

You didn't make any racism joke. Also, goodnight.

>> No.45498541

if you are racist u know what hes talking about

>> No.45498544
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tsug chan keeps me going

>> No.45498555

there was no discrimination. there was no prejudice

>> No.45498560

think im racist towards uppercasers

>> No.45498566

Uppercasers are NOT a race of people.

>> No.45498569

Same but lowercasers. I find them all to be really stupid and possibly ESL. Every time I read a dumb opinion on here, it's always a lowercaser.

>> No.45498671

>being proud of being EOP
total angloid death cant come soon enough lel

>> No.45498715

toot bro you here

>> No.45498722

I don't want to come off as a keto-lard, but I just ate a stick of butter for breakfast and I feel so focused rn.
Can only recommend.

>> No.45498723


>> No.45498750

>!!4bc0GDM1jKW Sun 01 Nov 2020 19:04:16 No.28598703

>hi /djt/

>i joined this thread 3 months ago and started my japanese journey here

he was doomed from the very beginning

>> No.45498816
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today was fun

>> No.45498868

aiobahn peaked here

>> No.45499013


>> No.45499026

His music keeps getting worse wow

>> No.45499056

i always read her name as aoibhinn

>> No.45499058


>> No.45499060


>> No.45499067


>> No.45499080

just the thought of too much butter on bread disgusts me

>> No.45499094

i love butter

>> No.45499096


>> No.45499101

little children love butter so much because its mostly fat and all children (and adults to an extend) crave saturated fats because its natural and really important for brain development

eating large quantities of butter has helped me a lot in regards to focus

>> No.45499122

yea haha *pats paunch*

>> No.45499124

its undeniably proven that carbs make you fat, but go off king

>> No.45499129

i said i love butter doe

>> No.45499135

apologies then, i ate margarine earlier today on accident so i couldnt focus
they should really stop using the word "butter" on plant-based products jfc

>> No.45499142

>i couldn't focus because of food i ate
what is this cope

>> No.45499143

>diet doesnt affect mental capabilities

>> No.45499152

yeah nah that's a massive cope

>> No.45499163

dont listen to the retard above, im very strongly convinced that diet is a very important part of cognitive function and even if researchers disagree on whats the best diet, even researchers agree that it is

>> No.45499171

>dont listen to the retard above
*hides 52* heh get owned

>> No.45499175
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lilbro is still there

>> No.45499177

warming up my jug of lard for optimal cognitive gains

>> No.45499179

looks like you stubbed your toe there

>> No.45499182

can you repeat that but without the flowery language

>> No.45499183

there’s no point unless you hide stubs

>> No.45499187


>> No.45499191

to the hospital

>> No.45499194
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>> No.45499199

>some studies

>> No.45499206

found a study linking cheetos to 0g trans fat tiime to snack

>> No.45499209

you have to warm up the lard and drink it directly from the jug
eating it at room temperature with a spoon is a strenuous task and you end up burning more calories than you gain

>> No.45499214

big if true

>> No.45499271
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>> No.45499324

Its translation would be cat food or cat rice. Alternatively, you can keep it neko manma, since it’s a dish name.
Why were you having trouble with this?

>> No.45499374

how do I say
"I have enough available balance on my credit card to make sure I don't starve until my next paycheck"
in japanese

>> No.45499395


>> No.45499409


rice at room temperature bukkake something at room temperature

>> No.45499470

I'm not following.

>> No.45499493

debating whether to give friedrich a follow on x

>> No.45499512

on what

>> No.45499527

On X, the social media platform. I was actually thinking about RPing a few of his posts myself.

>> No.45499589

Peano axioms bro
0 is a natural number.
For every natural number x, x = x. That is, equality is reflexive.
For all natural numbers x and y, if x = y, then y = x. That is, equality is symmetric.
For all natural numbers x, y and z, if x = y and y = z, then x = z. That is, equality is transitive.
For all a and b, if b is a natural number and a = b, then a is also a natural number. That is, the natural numbers are closed under equality.
For every natural number n, S(n) is a natural number. That is, the natural numbers are closed under S.
For all natural numbers m and n, if S(m) = S(n), then m = n. That is, S is an injection.
For every natural number n, S(n) = 0 is false. That is, there is no natural number whose successor is 0.
If K is a set such that:

0 is in K, and
for every natural number n, n being in K implies that S(n) is in K,

then K contains every natural number.

That's just the natural numbers but other numbers can be derived from the natural numbers

>> No.45499620
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>> No.45499663

You understand that the あたし pronoun is feminine, right?

>> No.45499701

love seeing krugercasers suicide on imoto posts

>> No.45499705
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You've hated him when you first encounterd him.
But the more Japanese you learnt, the more you've started to love him.

>> No.45499712

No, it's probably the most straightforward kanji there is, idioms aside.

>> No.45499724

You think I haven't been reading his schizophrenic ramblings about food for years now?

>> No.45499731

do you guys sometimes write a different word from what you want just so can get a specific kanji in one click?

>> No.45499771

what's an imoto

>> No.45499774

then why are you trying to break his schizo rp, in english no less

>> No.45499778

do japs unironically eat this slop?

>> No.45499780

ya YEET outta here BOOOOOI

>> No.45499817

Because I want to know why he does it. What's his end game?
Frufi makes sense to me. He just wants to win yayly against the evil antifairi goverment and bring peace to the ypony^ or something, but this guy... I don't get this guy.

>> No.45499847

you ever watch a slice of life anime? it's just like that but on a message board

>> No.45500047

That's so sad, even for this place.

>> No.45500062

are those baby snakes?

>> No.45500366

goofy ahh nips with their goofy ahh tendencies :skull:

>> No.45500402

just had the slimiest shit spent 5 mins wiping
that's it im eating a raw liver

>> No.45500403

yooo tmw discord has an advanced channel now? lets fucking goooooooo

>> No.45500471

havent taken my morning shit yet but im prepared, gonna bring a shower to work with me

>> No.45500538

is taking a shit in the morning a wagie thing i never did that

>> No.45500557

if u dont take a shit before u leavei n the morning u might as well stay home

>> No.45500585

nice nice what'd u do

>> No.45500629

Plot twist: it’s just link back here

>> No.45500655
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Is it good as a beginner vinnie?

>> No.45500754

nah not a wagie thing i just happen to take shits in the morning
did it when i was neet too

>> No.45500771

the day doesnt start until ive had my coffee and my morning shit
simple as

>> No.45500780

bro you gotta play nekopara in release order

>> No.45500798

So we start from 0 right, nothing comes before 0

>> No.45500811

0 is a prequel

>> No.45500821


>> No.45500864

humans struggle with this concept because we can only perceive time in one dimension

>> No.45500927

yeah like retards who pick up the series starting with 0 which came years after the original game

>> No.45500972

starting with a n0 deck rn

>> No.45500974

whats da first word in it

>> No.45500979

Beginners need to be challenged. Things like Cat Paradise need to be avoided in favor of real video games.

>> No.45500986

he said infinity isnt a number lil bro not infinity isnt a natural number
so whats a number bro

>> No.45500997

a nerd thing

>> No.45501017

It’s a mathematical object you see. We use them to count things.

>> No.45501032

i'm certain nekopara must be challenging enough for a beginner

>> No.45501035

men and women perceive numbers differently


>> No.45501036

so why is infinity not that

>> No.45501054

Beginners should be at a level capable of playing modern game like the Final Fantasy VII remake. Anything less and we’re back into Genki I territory.

>> No.45501072

i'm disconnecting my internet access to djt

>> No.45501095


>> No.45501139

That’s a good question. In calculus, there’s a good argument that it’s a mathematical object when viewed as infinite sets and infinite numbers. So it in a limited, non-classical view, it is a number.

>> No.45501179

in no mathematical context is it not a mathematical object lil bro so why cant it be used to count things

>> No.45501197

good thing maths dont matter

>> No.45501202

How do you know it isn’t a magnitude, lil bro?

>> No.45501221


>> No.45501223

thats what im asking you big boy

>> No.45501235
File: 27 KB, 500x257, 500px-Woz_Pol-Eng_word_pairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he's called piotr wozniak and he invented language learning

>> No.45501240

No, you just said it’s always a mathematical object, friend.

>> No.45501276

yeah and then i asked you something and you repeated my question back to me using different words lil turtle there is no no

>> No.45501295

virgins plz

>> No.45501300

No, I answered your question, but then you contradicted my answer by claiming it’s always a mathematical object, so I asked you how you’re sure of that, lil j.

>> No.45501342

because they're a bit too hard
vns because they're voiced

>> No.45501349

no you didnt answer
>so why cant it be used to count things

>you contradicted my answer by claiming it’s always a mathematical object
your "answer" >>45501139 is not in contradiction with >>45501179
including the part where i assert
>in no mathematical context is it not a mathematical object
now why dont you answer my question lil bro or ask an llm again like youve been doing

>> No.45501375

It absolutely contradicts. I never claimed in all mathematical fields infinity was a mathematical object. I specifically said the ways it could be viewed as one, but then you said there is no field in which it isn’t. I know logic isn’t your strong suit, but surely you can see your error.

>> No.45501387


>> No.45501393

*pushes glasses up*

>> No.45501410

out of all the retarded discussions ive seen on djt this is the worst

>> No.45501412

I wish you acted this offended when unko starts posting fat women or when holotards spam their streamables and streams

>> No.45501431

>I never claimed in all mathematical fields infinity was a mathematical object
so you didnt make the claim i asserted the negation of and there is no contradiction just like i said earlier
>I specifically said the ways it could be viewed as one, but then you said there is no field in which it isn’t
and thats not a contradiction now is it lil gpt tardo
more importantly where is the answer to my question

>> No.45501440

make no mistake i wish thoroughly that every holoshitter had their fingernails all ripped off one at a time and then their hands dunked in a jug of orange juice
unkos posting nsfw fat bitches is gross and nauseating for sure but thats life

>> No.45501446

he gets b& and switches ips ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.45501479


>> No.45501503

lil bros think they're garbage posting is higher quality than something

>> No.45501506

Did you just accuse me of using ChatGPT? kek
>so you didnt make the claim i asserted the negation of and there is no contradiction just like i said earlier
What does this even mean? You talk like Jamal

>> No.45501525

esls cant understand articulate english what a shocker lmao

>> No.45501543

it means what it says lil ass licking bitch
there is a contradiction only when something is declared to be both true and false but that didnt happen

>> No.45501552

see where he and i differ is i would never give u a free english lesson and i would just rub my nuts in ur face all day

>> No.45501574

You should look up the definition of a word before you use it, Jamal. You contradicted my claim it only being considered a mathematical object in a limited way. When I asked how you’re certain of that fact, you then claimed there was no contradiction.

>> No.45501579

damn og you sound unhinged today

>> No.45501609

>my claim it only being
no that wasnt your claim
>So it in a limited, non-classical view, it is a number.
you didnt say it is a number in that limited view only so if my claim is true then so is yours because i strengthened it

>> No.45501619

buck broken
holochads stay winning

>> No.45501620


>> No.45501656

its true your virgin streak may never be broken

>> No.45501660

Yes, yes I did. When someone says, “it, in a limited view, is a number” they mean it’s not always considered a number. You then said it was, so I asked how you knew it wasn’t a mathematical magnitude, but then you started having a conniption fit about me “not answering your question.”

>> No.45501730

no when something is said to be true in a limited sense it means it is true for - wait for it - the cases you have limited your attention to and unless specified to be only true in the limited sense says nothing of the scenarios you left unconsidered lil bitch boy and as for your non sequitur
>how you knew it wasn’t a mathematical magnitude
you defeat your own question by the phrasing

>> No.45501743

just take the L lil bro this aint a good look

>> No.45501774

man this is the least interesting autism fight since the great guide wars between analcringe and miniyoga (rest his soul)

>> No.45501787

Uh, no, by saying that this concept is true in a limited sense, I’m excluding other senses from it being true. I didn’t say it might be so only in a limited sense, but rather that it was so in a limited sense. On top of writing English like a caveman, I think you might be actually stupid. Wait, let me rephrase that so you don’t get confused. You are absolutely stupid lol

>> No.45501855

57% card accuracy this morning
it's over

>> No.45501857

>you defeat your own question by the phrasing
dang i think big j’s finally taking the L on this one right there

>> No.45501914

>by saying that this concept is true in a limited sense, I’m excluding other senses from it being true
no youre not and even if i let you rewrite your claim it is still wrong on top of your claimed counterexample being demonstrably not a counterexample
>but rather that it was so in a limited sense
and if it is so in a universal sense it is certainly true in a restricted sense and your post as written *does not* say it is false in the senses not restricted and anyways it isnt but i will let you be wrong in an even worse way if you want to

>> No.45501951

i'm preparing for my first fast, and it will be an extended one, in the next month or two. slowly waning off the diet soda i like so i don't have caffeine withdrawals. also stocking up on electrolytes.

>> No.45501952

Jamal, I mean this sincerely when I say that you are one of the worst arguers on the DJT. You’re like OG and QM if they had a baby.
I think I finally understand why everyone on here makes fun of you so much

>> No.45501953

finna make popcorn for todays debate

>> No.45501965

38008 more than me

>> No.45501986

It's nice having the best lolcow back, if only the other lolcows could return

>> No.45501990

im not here to read your schizo copes and tantrums after you get owned
getting back to the point youve tried your hardest to move away from why cant infinity be used to count things

>> No.45502020

I never said it couldn’t, but it depends on your interpretation of infinity. Now answer my question. How do you know it isn’t a magnitude?

>> No.45502021
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jamal owns you

>> No.45502034

i'm an expert in mathematics, so i'm not going to read any of this discussion

>> No.45502039

>how you knew it wasn’t a mathematical magnitude
a mathematical magnitude is by definition a mathematical object so your counterexample isnt a counterexample qed now wheres my answer

>> No.45502040

dude looks like he hasn't seen sunlight in 3 fucking years lmao

>> No.45502070

>a mathematical magnitude is by definition a mathematical object
Ah, and there it is ladies and gentlemen. The retard outs himself. Thanks for playing Jamal. Glad to see you don’t know anything about math. Feel free to give me your final cope now.
I accept your concession. Let me know how dumb you feel once you look up what a magnitude is.

>> No.45502094

we live in a continuous universe, not a discreet one

>> No.45502102

We live in a universe where Jamal doesn’t know what he’s talking about at all times

>> No.45502115
File: 80 KB, 237x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing as suffering as having a ginger beard like how do you pull it off without waiting for it to go white

>> No.45502125

>Ah, and there it is ladies and gentlemen.
leaving out your kind?
a mathematical *whatever* is a mathematical object by definition yes not sure why its so hard for you to wrap your tiny empty head around that
and dont go around saying
>you don’t know anything about math
after posting this embarrassing garbage which i graciously ignored the particulars of >>45499589

>> No.45502144
File: 80 KB, 640x853, 232334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this really jamal or is it some celebrity??? handsome either way.

>> No.45502164

my blud doesnt know about reverse image search

>> No.45502173
File: 123 KB, 1794x601, 1574728703860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is impossible. i give up.

>> No.45502179

>a mathematical *whatever* is a mathematical object by definition
lmao he continues to dig his hole
I honestly didn’t take you for being this dumb when I started talking to you, but you really have no idea what a mathematical object is vs. a magnitude. That’s amazing

>> No.45502186

yandex failed me wtf

>> No.45502248

you have one last post to answer my question or it is established that infinity is both a mathematical object and can be used to count things thereby satisfying all the defining criteria you yourself posted for something to be a "number" >>45501017 proving that the guy who said infinity isnt a number is wrong by your own standards

>> No.45502251

stop debating jamal. he owns you little bitch

>> No.45502256

if u know japanese then you probably know that all this %comprehension is bullshit
also if u read books for 2 hoursish day ull be fine after a couple of years, less if u also do lots of listening

>> No.45502269

oh i remember this guy he was pals with nukemarine. wonder what happened to him.


oh shit he drop kicked nuke's methods to the curb and switched to migaku.

>> No.45502290

im not involved in any of that lol

>> No.45502300

It's the opposite when you need to know so little to comprehend most things

>> No.45502304

he gave up and didnt make it, like all the rest and now just enjoys watching the one piece live action on netflix like the proper npc he is

>> No.45502312

djt got some insane beards

>> No.45502314
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>> No.45502319

oh shit thats actualyl me lmao did i actaully post that? shiet ahaha

>> No.45502337
File: 87 KB, 578x978, malodorous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i just deleted it cuz i'm clearing out my djt/japanese folder

>> No.45502339

whats up with those cumstains on his beard

>> No.45502344

bro has no lips lmao that's a 9 in america

>> No.45502349

no it isnt

>> No.45502351
File: 64 KB, 690x420, just good vibes all day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the purgerino bro
heres a bonus from the depths of mine if uve been around long enough

>> No.45502398

time is up >>45502248 thanks for playing and losing

>> No.45502408
File: 57 KB, 645x588, 1702481491264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time is up

>> No.45502438

i think we have seen enough selfies you guys can stop

>> No.45502483
File: 61 KB, 261x240, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45502506
File: 2.14 MB, 1500x2175, on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45502668

can the term 外出し also be used in reference to outside the mouth? or is it reserved for outside the マンコ

>> No.45502763

what is this body type called?

>> No.45502784
File: 99 KB, 1198x426, 1591861364083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45502799

male child

>> No.45502809

I can see her kitty though

>> No.45502844

can bodytype

>> No.45502891

White tiny anchovies are disgusting, I prefer the brown ones they are crispy and taste better.

>> No.45502917
File: 24 KB, 227x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my daily Anki time again...wish me luck...

>> No.45502944

vomited today
not very happy :(

>> No.45502971
File: 78 KB, 980x513, final fantasy 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for your flashcards babe

>> No.45503135

if i'm allowed to cope for a moment. i haven't gotten some thyme

>> No.45503335


>> No.45503417

ate 50 grams of butter today
time to blitz through my anki reviews

>> No.45503545

how did she get away with this

>> No.45503572


>> No.45503574
File: 108 KB, 588x944, krashen vs master yoga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when yoga was in the matt cult

>> No.45503599


>> No.45503609

a 19 minute long video that can be summed up with "it's psychological"

>> No.45503620

New >>45503613
New >>45503613
New >>45503613

>> No.45504325

shits fucking dead in here

>> No.45504434

shut the fuck up

>> No.45504980

but then shit will be even more dead in here
