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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45486896 No.45486896 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.45487112



>> No.45488091
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>> No.45489106


Botox queen and her twink fuck buddy.

>> No.45489580


>> No.45490924

Is it bad if I requested porn drawings of va?
I always prided myself of being better than all of you losers. But it's looks like one boner and minute of poor judgement was enough to slip up

>> No.45490981

Depends on whom va porn you asked.

>> No.45491007
File: 48 KB, 417x514, 1652742123761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as its not Tomoka-chan!

>> No.45491163

Okay, which of you people did this?

>> No.45491255

>he doesn't know

Confirm tourist. It's a /jp/ anti-spammer thing. Don't bring it here.

>> No.45491386

>It's a /jp/ anti-spammer thing
? a what?

>> No.45491414

>Don't bring it here

>> No.45491458

>3 confirmed mc roles for 2024

A WSJ MC and a movie MC, both Aniplex.

>> No.45491538
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seiyuu qt

>> No.45492341
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>> No.45494933

Must a Knight render duty?

>> No.45495810
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I would say it depends on who your oshi is.
When Aoi was asked by a fan at an event if he could draw a doujin about her she not only said she was fine with it but also to mail her a copy.(but that the rest of the people at her agency might get surprised by it)

>> No.45497346

Manlet Kamiyan

>> No.45498080
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>> No.45498319

I'M lost 3 active seiyuu. They have to go hard with their younger gen.

>> No.45498861

2023 FNS Song Festival 1st night got Nana and Miyano as performers, 2nd night got Hayami as VTR Narrator, this will be her 2nd year in a row as the narrator.

>> No.45499055

Based deviant midget

>> No.45499161
File: 294 KB, 1115x864, e22bc8fade27900be83e51509c54132265793da07c34e7_31279295_6b03864156ce526e5fb7be8122cfcf1ccb612140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai

Sakata Shogo as Shirosaki Jun
Nochimoto Moeha as Shinguji Rumi
Uchida Maaya as Shinguji Naori

>> No.45499172

>Sakata Shogo
his first mc role?

>> No.45499200


He was the MC for a fujo show. Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata is his other upcoming MC role in 2024.

>> No.45499241

Known ban evader shitposters. Just spam report it

>> No.45500136

>Nochimoto Moeha

>> No.45500942 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 1115x864, e22bc8fade27900be83e51509c54132265793da07c34e7_31279295_6b03864156ce526e5fb7be8122cfcf1ccb612140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45501050
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>> No.45501657
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marriage soon

>> No.45501678

I hope so...

>> No.45502622

The show's producer is their wingman.

>> No.45503452

Sugita is living his dream.

>> No.45503480

i recalled back then when everyone believed that yuki kaji was always destined with the elder uchida but she unexpectedly ended up with Ayachi instead

>> No.45504179
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She was pumped and dumped.

>> No.45505175

she does not have the necessary libido to marry that man

>> No.45507165
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>> No.45508463

She sounds just like she does in A Summer Day's Dream I'm so happy.

>> No.45509316

Not bad.

>> No.45509392

She's the most popular choice for Reimu for a very good reason.

Also Hikasa is voicing Yukari, Maaya is voicing Remilia, I have no idea who is voicing Sakuya.

>> No.45509578

Get Yukarin

>> No.45509584
File: 551 KB, 1920x1080, pooRah7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cutest

>> No.45509590

Who'd she voice?

>> No.45509601


>> No.45509642


>> No.45509706


>> No.45509804


Who's the guy on left?

>> No.45509834

No homo but i want Sugita to be happy.

>> No.45509964

soma saito

>> No.45510010


Kobayashi Daiki will replace Ikeda Junya in Ensemble Stars.

>> No.45510038

I'd love to see this ship sail. Which other ships haven't sunk? Whatever happened to Kayanon's?

>> No.45510676
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>> No.45510760

Update: Sakuya is Yuuki Kuwahara. Overall pretty decent. Hikasa's gonna be the worst one 2bh.

>> No.45511601

>Sakuya is Yuuki Kuwahara
Good choice.

>> No.45513358
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Shishio Makoto: Furukawa Makoto
Seta Soujirou: Yamashita Daiki
Makimachi Misao: Yamane Aya
Hiko Seijuurou: Nakamura Yuuichi

>> No.45515899

>Hiko Seijuurou: Nakamura Yuuichi
Interesting choice.

>> No.45516401

Overpowered character is like Nakamura typecasting

>> No.45517830
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Look how happy she is.

>> No.45517896
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Why does female seiyuu avoid getting all touchy with their male colleagues and yet going straight for a hug with baka gaijin who they probably meet only once in their lifetime?

>> No.45517999
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>> No.45518003
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>> No.45518008
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How did she grow all those boobs and ass out of nowhere?

>> No.45518095

From her fat.

>> No.45519132


Kai! Reiwa Otokojuku

Yasumoto Hiroki as Kenura Taro/Instructor Busujima
Akaishi Takashi as Matsushiri Sabao
Yamamoto Shota as Tabata Shinjiro
FROGMAN as Edajima Heihachi

>> No.45519453


Yukarin to appear at KING SUPER LIVE 2024.

>> No.45520007
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>> No.45520763

How did King bribe her or does she miss the spotlight?

>> No.45521716

I miss Yukarin

>> No.45522627
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>> No.45523655

jesus fuck soma got fat. I guess that's what happens when you got a wifey feeding you properly everyday.

>> No.45524295

you just answered your own question

>> No.45525097

So Tanezaki cancel her schedule to appear on Jump Festa tomorrow, is she pregnant?

Also remember today is Jump Festa

Blue Stage stream


To be announced Blue Box additional cast and Dandadan main cast

>> No.45525119

She got pregnant just by being hugged by Benny Cumby?

>> No.45525147

She just recently got married so I think she maybe take some rest for some reason, she also won't appear for SxF stage greetings.

>> No.45525155

Oh, sorry I misread Tanezaki as Taneda.

>> No.45525275

>Blue Box additional cast
Kito Akari

>> No.45525285

From trailer visual is good but both heroines are not so much Kito just using her usual low voice don't really fit with Hina and in general she is not good for romcom

>> No.45525611
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>> No.45525632
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Why is Yukarin in King Super Live, is she going back to King?

>> No.45525641

>not good for romcom
good, blue box isn't a romcom. It's a weird sports romance hybrid, believe or not it's not meant to appeal to otaku alone as it has a fair share of female readers that aren't fujos or yumejos

>> No.45525673

The interaction supposedly romcom tier not sport genre like Haikyuu right?

>> No.45525899
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>> No.45525910
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she's so cute AAAAAA

>> No.45526091 [DELETED] 

>Dandadan main cast
Wakayama Shion
Hanae Natsuki

>> No.45526102

>Dandadan main cast
Wakayama Shion
Hanae Natsuki
Tanaka Mayumi
Nakai Kazuya

>> No.45526113


>> No.45526120
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Ueshama's legs...

>> No.45526121

Anon is right with Hanae, so what is about the Murase leak?

>> No.45526211

Jump doesn't cater to me so I don't care about this.

>> No.45526275

I'm impressed by how ugly Kito is

>> No.45526278


What did she mean by this?

>> No.45526307

Is this the kind of fan meeting Anon goes to when he goes to Japan?

>> No.45526337
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>> No.45526369 [DELETED] 

My ochinchin giving their wombs a chuu every movement

>> No.45526395

what were those

>> No.45526405

Ramen Aka Neko

Bunzo - Tsuda Kenjirou

>> No.45526408

>Yume Miyamoto
>Shion Wakayama
>Chika Anzai
>Reina Ueda
Based star-making SSSS franchise.

>> No.45526424

Man the nips sure love Druk...

>> No.45526599
File: 3.26 MB, 3035x2930, GBcGCHaakAAWNUy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45526814

Uchida manlet

>> No.45526877

>uchiyama +2 roles from aniplex

Truly Aniplex's favorite male seiyuu.

>> No.45526925

so glad he still gets roles, faggot ass chiaki is stealing his roles

>> No.45526942
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>> No.45526953


>> No.45527023


>> No.45527058

Not sure yet, only know MBS is involved so far.

>> No.45527163
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>> No.45527245

>Makimachi Misao: Yamane Aya

Aoni is finally getting her into other stuff. She's in 2.5 Dimensional Seduction too.

>> No.45527356
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>> No.45527454

Fukyama Jesus

>> No.45527576
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>> No.45527687

Did someone smear Vaseline on the camera's lens?

>> No.45528107

It is already guarantee TBS slot

>> No.45528130

The yozakura anime is going to take the Shangri la spot when that finishes.

>> No.45528131
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>> No.45528177

Sasuga Lelouch

>> No.45528202

Aoi Yuuki voicing russian vampire in yuri anime.

>> No.45528209
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>> No.45528231

Something vatnik something

>> No.45528289

The ugly squad

>> No.45528344

Jesus nikumura, go for a jog or something.

>> No.45528345
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>> No.45528461


Nothing comes between him and vidya.

>> No.45528826

Shueisha really loves Hanae, Kobayashi and Nakamura right now

Hayamin still their Queen though

>> No.45529290
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>> No.45530053
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Aoi love.

>> No.45530080
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>> No.45530097

That dork did the wrong pose.

>> No.45530165

She belongs to her own gang.

>> No.45530299

Are the other girls just as short or is y.aoi overcompensating on heels/platform?

>> No.45530447

Why are those photos so blurry?

>> No.45530599
File: 419 KB, 1536x2048, GBeNGPQb0AA66Ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, didn't realise that her arm is that thin.

>> No.45530945

They're short but she's shorter.

>> No.45531325

I'd still

>> No.45531343

Is that Iguchi? lmao

>> No.45531402

I don’t trust any picture she posts.

>> No.45531581
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>> No.45531625

Sumipe, your eggs…

>> No.45531766

She's saving it for Shaman

>> No.45533167
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>> No.45533681

I thought she was saving them for Vlad

>> No.45534111
File: 316 KB, 1500x1000, GBe5L45akAAR62C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45534328

>gintama main cast just appeared the earliest for 30mins without anything to.present

They better be paid well.

>> No.45534377

They had some updates but yeah it didn't need a stage.

>> No.45534472

Kaiju No. 8 additional main cast

Fairouz Ai
Kawanish Kengo

>> No.45534563

She would be the cutest seiyuu if she stopped trying to look like an old lady.

>> No.45534574
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>> No.45534629

Faichan moving steadily. Kawanishi too

>> No.45534640
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>> No.45534654

They really go with no star at all, they will need Frieren level marketing maybe to air in same slot too

>> No.45534676

Opss from 3rd trailer it seems it will air on TV Tokyo, it will either hit or miss like Jigokuraku

>> No.45534689
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Frieren was mostly shilled on NTV. This is Shueisha/Jump so they will do their usual "dentsu style" marketing. S1 should do fine, it's the later parts that become shit.

>> No.45534846
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>> No.45535047

Stupid Sexy Sugita

>> No.45535153
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>> No.45535415

>they put kaji next to mamo so he can be bullied

Smart staff

>> No.45535454

based /fa/irouz

>> No.45535466
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>> No.45535539

>jap fashuns

>> No.45535579
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>> No.45535588

because jap women knows asian men in general are worthless

>> No.45535589


>> No.45535598
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>> No.45535599
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method acting

>> No.45535602

Who is the staff with the blurry camera??

>> No.45535685
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>> No.45535711
File: 211 KB, 1080x1350, Snapinsta.app_411294512_1257457152323248_6284105488179183197_n_1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom is happy again...

>> No.45535758

I thought that was VEG cosplay from the thumbnail.

>> No.45535780

>Jump Festa Jigokuraku views > Oshi no Ko views

>> No.45535786

More popular seiyuu?

>> No.45535846
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>> No.45535890

Oblivion Battery more cast

Aoi Todo (CV: Yohei Azakami)
Shunpei Chihaya (CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki)
Taro Yamada (CV: Yuki Kaji)

Kazuki Tsuchiya (CV: Yoshitaka Yamaya)
Eiichiro Kokuto (CV: Takeo Otsuka)
Makita Hironobu (CV: Mark Ishii)
Shuto Kirishima (CV: Kengo Kawanishi)

>> No.45536016

Is this supposed to be Pikachu?

>> No.45536024
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, GBh4AF3b0AIuPaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45536222

>Aoi Todo (CV: Yohei Azakami)
>Shunpei Chihaya (CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki)
>Taro Yamada (CV: Yuki Kaji)
>Eiichiro Kokuto (CV: Takeo Otsuka)
>Shuto Kirishima (CV: Kengo Kawanishi)

Just get the guys who are already at the event

>> No.45536236

CSM has many views despite everyone being nobody about 19k (JP+en), OnK only got 7k at most

>> No.45536245
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>> No.45536246

yumirin looks old

>> No.45536248

Beautiful Hayamin

>> No.45536252
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>> No.45536391

Vegapunk and his clones seiyuu

VP: Tadano Yohei
Shaka Sakaguchi Shuhei
Lilith: Hirano Aya
Edison: Shiraishi Ryoko
Phytagoras: Kawashima Tokuyoshi
Atlas: Hondo Kaede
York: Tamura Mutsumi

>> No.45536401

>Hirano Aya
no no no no this can't be happening

>> No.45536408
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>> No.45536435
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>> No.45536440

neru looking cute as usual

>> No.45536445
File: 495 KB, 2048x1536, GBiLfEvagAAChm-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45536456

>wan piss remake

New seiyuu or no?

>> No.45536460

>Ueshama showing that much legs
What the fuck?

>> No.45536463

Why's the guy on the right wearing a dress?

>> No.45536469

They should get new ones if they want to make the IP go on even longer.

>> No.45536471
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>> No.45536486

The original is still airing what is the point

>> No.45536490

Ayaneru known for her beautiful legs maybe wants Ayanerufags to notice her

>> No.45536492
File: 330 KB, 1211x908, GBh3u47aUAAZFpA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45536542

Why??? Is Netflix doing this because the LA did really well?

>> No.45536564
File: 334 KB, 500x500, 1686511873058590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will have to put up with more Tomori as Makima

>> No.45536628

>reboot before it even ends

What the fuck? Anyway Code Gayass new cast tomorrow.

>> No.45536636

I can't tell whether she's /fa/irouz or fatrouz because of those clothes. I miss belly-displaying Fai-chan.

>> No.45536640
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>> No.45536650


>> No.45536657

and that's a good thing

>> No.45536663

I'm glad to see(hear) her ruin the role again.

>> No.45536664

True cause we can continue to shit on her performance

>> No.45536685

Kaede Hondo is in One Piece now

>> No.45536700

As who?

>> No.45536714

And Hirano.


>> No.45536716

They keeps bringing I'm seiyuu thank you Saori Hayami again for saving the agency once again

>> No.45536717
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>> No.45536722

Still no Nakahara ;_;

>> No.45536727

Her time will come just hope Hondo and Tamura got praised for their performance

>> No.45536735

What with One Piece leaning toward I'm now do they running out seiyuu from Aoni?

>> No.45536741

Don't worry they'll recycle through all of them again for the remake.

>> No.45536744

>He doesn't know

>> No.45536745
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>> No.45536752
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>Mutsumi in Yozakura
>now One Piece
Fattybros we are winning

>> No.45536759


>> No.45536763

>t. Sony shill

>> No.45536765
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>> No.45536773

>not even a minute

>> No.45536779

Could say the same to you.

>> No.45536781
File: 2.61 MB, 612x460, the plot thickens.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would be cool if they casted a male VA for Luffy but that's the fanboy talking

>> No.45536789

dumb schizo

>> No.45536795

Mad Snoy knight

>> No.45536798

Its a universal fact at this point there is 0 need to try and counter it.

>> No.45536828

I thought the whole thing was an economic flop and everyone one hated it

>> No.45536840

It still is an economic flop. But I mean lets be real MAPPA shelving it was not going to happen (as hilarious as that would be). I wouldn't be surprised if they instead focused more on appealing to the Western audience because they are the ones who reacted postively to the anime, not the Japanese. But we all know the Western fanbase don't generate revenue for MAPPA.

>> No.45536944

Cute Otani

>> No.45536971

CSM New Production Committee

Image © Shueisha, Tatsuki Fujimoto, Anime Production Committee


>> No.45536995

Bandai what?

>> No.45537032
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it's bulking season anon

>> No.45537055

For Merch and goods usually

>> No.45537151

Naobou please stop posting cringe on tiktok

>> No.45537239

Why did they love the anime when Japan hated it?

>> No.45537249

westoids love T*mori

>> No.45537276

Because the West will consume anything that's Fujimotoslop. But if you wanna know why it failed in Japan:
>announced in 2020, waited until 2022 to air, well after CSM's peak in Japan
>asshole first-time Director deciding to not use animation to its advantage and instead opt for an animated live-action because Fujimoto likes movies
>extremely questionable casting choices outsides Fairouz as Power (because I predicted that) that reeks of Sony shilling and said asshole director telling them not to act and also opting for younger seiyuus (except Ise)
>instead of putting the budget towards the actual animation, MAPPA decided to use it to make 12 different EDs with different Sony artists, and hire one of Japan's best known singers to sing the OP, guaranteeing the OP at least was a massive success. But resulted in the anime looking utterly terrible and not like the manga.
>the director's behaviour on Twitter, where he blocked people who criticised his direction irked a lot of people, acted like he was the best and his vision was the correct vision
There are other things most likely, but these are the most common complaints about the anime.

If leakers are correct, then Nakayama has been dumped from the project, and the movie will have a different director who will likely take them to the end of the adaptation, for all 5 Japanese people still watching.

>> No.45537919

It is the cancerous Makima fags that ruined her

>> No.45537971

I mean if they produce a movie they're probably expecting to sell enough tickets in the west to get back their investment

>> No.45537979

In reality they don't care about her, but are afraid to criticize her role as Makima for some reason

>> No.45538010
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Yeah whatever. The next event with tons of seiyuu is Sonyplex's 20th anniversary next month. Maybe they would announce an anniversary anime original with their slaves and current seiyuu roster.

>> No.45538081

SONY?! >:((((((

>> No.45538114

Why does Kamiya Hiroshi have 2 representative series?They should put KLK for one slot.

>> No.45538149

he's been through a lot, man

>> No.45538179

it is truly remarkable

>> No.45538202

MKL's favorite will finally get another role!

>> No.45538221

Matsuoka is still living his best life as a loose unit. Kayano is drinking herself to death

>> No.45538404


Well they have many brunches and a committee is made up of a few investors.

>> No.45539544
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>> No.45539547

Nakamura also has 2 and both are wincest.

>> No.45539648

maybe she gets a side role in BB

>> No.45539744

I'd like to be ara ara'd by the one on the right

What unadapted manga series do you want Nakahara to star in?

>> No.45539931

holy soul

>> No.45540965

why is the shadow bigger than the arm

>> No.45541104

They haven't aged much

>> No.45541350
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>> No.45541351

But my favorite has and always has been Tomato. I'm just interested in Aikawa (and Igoma for that matter) because they're both newbies who immediately got big roles and I was using them as case studies on whether or not seiyuu who immediately get main roles as or shortly after their debuts do any better or worse than seiyuu with normal progressions.

>> No.45541433

Flat and unattractive

>> No.45543070
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Go back to school and ask your science teacher to reteach you basic physics.

>> No.45543504

based anon asking the real questions

>> No.45543749

She's Fat and Unattractive now.

>> No.45543899


>> No.45544070

Absolutely not happening.

>What unadapted manga series do you want Nakahara to star in?
Whatever is left. Still hoping she gets MahoAku and also comes back for Spice and Wolf.

>> No.45544223
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>> No.45544277

The MC's mom shows up from time to time, I'M package with Kito?

>> No.45544522

I mean Kito isn't with I'm. But I certaintly wouldn't be surprised if she shows up if Kito is involved.

>> No.45545689
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Code Geass: Z of the Recapture

Roze: Amasaki Kohei
Ash: Furukawa Makoto

>> No.45545854

What is this? Movie?

>> No.45545885

4 movies or OVAs and starts in May.

>> No.45546248

That is not how it works they can't package deal seiyuu from different agency if anything the staff that like working with Kito also like working with Nakahara, if it around Aniplex-Sony-Bandai- Kadokawa they are likely same staff

>> No.45546275
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she's still /fit/rouz

>> No.45546746


2024年01月以降-  テレビアニメ出演予定数 12月15日までに確認出来たもの
18作 上田麗奈
17作 早見沙織
16作 悠木碧
15作 内田真礼 鬼頭明里
14作 高橋李依
12作 久野美咲 ファイルーズあい 花守ゆみり
11作 日笠陽子
10作 佐倉綾音
09作 加隈亜衣 種﨑敦美 花澤香菜 東山奈央
08作 豊崎愛生 内山夕実 Lynn 雨宮天
__ 本渡楓 富田美憂
07作 釘宮理恵 M・A・O 瀬戸麻沙美 和氣あず未
__ 楠木ともり
06作 堀江由衣 高垣彩陽 上坂すみれ 小原好美
__ 古賀葵 白石晴香 千本木彩花 水瀬いのり
__ 田中美海 市ノ瀬加那 鈴代紗弓 石見舞菜香
__ 幸村恵理 高尾奏音
05作 佐藤利奈 沢城みゆき 小松未可子 石川由依
__ 潘めぐみ 竹達彩奈 安済知佳 小市眞琴
__ 日高里菜 岩田陽葵 小倉唯 黒沢ともよ
04作 大原さやか 田村ゆかり 水樹奈々 小清水亜美
__ 茅野愛衣 金元寿子 大西沙織 高田憂希
__ 大地葉 泊明日菜 西尾夕香 大橋彩香
__ 鈴木愛奈 前田佳織里 伊藤美来 宮本侑芽

>> No.45547392


>> No.45547807

She is exactly like this av actress tanaka nene lets gooo

>> No.45548100

>16作 悠木碧
Aoibros we are so back

>> No.45548406


>> No.45548956
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>> No.45549590

it's men season for wall-sama

>> No.45550150

The wall spares no one. Except maybe Nana.

>> No.45550571
File: 169 KB, 1280x1723, 13daa770fd64e05d987a62f257ba94fc_4083fe8a_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You HAVE made your tributes right?

>> No.45550593

Why didn't ruby's va show up? She ain't busy lmao.

>> No.45550975

Why doesn't Nakahara get more VN work

>> No.45551161

>>17作 早見沙織
Is she the only seiyuu who still gets a lot of roles despite being high rank?

>> No.45551193

Better question: where are her other roles? Other newbies are already getting their pushes despite being in flop shows.

Or Yui Horie.

>> No.45551210
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Based nanabro

>> No.45551267

Do you jack off to Nakahara's voice when she voices eroge or something?

>> No.45551557

He probably jacks off to Nakahara every day considering how obsessed he is with her.

>> No.45551692

We're eating good, Ueshamabros!

>> No.45551837

I thought gintama was bandai?

>> No.45552380

Beautiful babas

>> No.45552404

Has she voiced any eroge recently?

>> No.45552425

So whats new with kito and her healer bf

>> No.45552541

Sunrise (Bandai) is the anime studio

>> No.45552889

She doesn't do eroge you dolts.

>> No.45552937

the eggs...

>> No.45552959

I must impregnate all these babas

>> No.45552974

Someone already beat you on Nana

>> No.45553166

Hikasa is the oldest by looks followed by Kayano

>> No.45553253


>> No.45553516
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>> No.45553604
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>> No.45553628

I love this cast, they are going to be hard to replace.

>> No.45553670

Nana never ages a day.

>> No.45553686

>Engages in (Sexual): Masturbation
Well sure, but I was referring to this. I assume she makes moaning sounds for this scene that you fap to.

>No Sexual Content
Guess I was wrong, it doesn't actually count as an eroge.

>> No.45553693

By far the sexiest female seiyuu according to japs btw

>> No.45553701

Sauce on this garbage take?

>> No.45553705

whats the name of the one with big boobs

>> No.45553747

number of tributes :^)

>> No.45554066

Yeah those ones where its' been rereleased she does the all-ages version. Trust me I looked at this too.

>> No.45554650
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>> No.45555442

Hideous vatnik whore.

>> No.45555512

Say what you want, but I'd take her over some hideous Egyptian haafu any day

>> No.45555519

cute trad japanese wife

>> No.45556069
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>> No.45556383
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bros...please...her eggs...someone...MATING PRESS her already...

>> No.45556387
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>> No.45556398

There are no producer-sans here.

>> No.45556527
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>> No.45556556
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Is it Busupe time?

>> No.45556838


>> No.45556868
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>> No.45561989


>> No.45565771

Can someone here rate kaede hondo out of 10 She’s easily a 6-7 to me. I don’t really think she’s that pretty desu, but I have a huge crush on her

>> No.45565775

??? Rate her as you want.

>> No.45565800

seiyuu - 8/10
looks - 7/10

>> No.45566072
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>> No.45566225

Mamo got divorced. You just know he's moved on to some younger slut.
