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File: 2.90 MB, 4680x3149, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4544170 No.4544170 [Reply] [Original]

Tier list where?

>> No.4544188

Shiki can kill servants.

>> No.4544179

Is it really fun making a thread about a game that doesn't exist?

>> No.4544213

Shiki is mid tier at best.

Aoko on the other hand is sitting sugoi right at the top.

>> No.4544221

He has the eyes. He can cut even god himself up.

>> No.4544227

But can he kill Shit Man?

>> No.4544241

No he can't. Especially not in Nitro-Moon Battle Royale.

>> No.4544251

Shiki can kill the concept of killing servants.

>> No.4544259

Nasu is god tier

>> No.4544263

Shiki can kill the concept of the killing of servants concept.
He can make it so that no servant was ever killed.

>> No.4544282

Top tier:
Archetype Earth, Lancelot, Aoko, Cal, West/Elsa, Ignis

Some people might consider Taiga/Ilya top tier, but I don't think so.

>> No.4544301

God Tier: Kohaku.

Not because of power levels or anything, but because she'd manipulate things so everyone else ended up dead and/or under her control.

>> No.4544307

Lancelot is broken as fuck. He has a couple 9-1 match ups and is easily 8-2 7-3 with most of the other cast.

>> No.4544310

>People puting chars in tiers depending on their story and not on Frames, combos, Juggles an other stuff.

>> No.4544334

You mean Magical Amber? She's ok, but I wouldn't put her any higher than high tier.

>> No.4544345

Shitman rapes the fuck out of him though as do several others. There's also the issue (bug?) of Shitman's revive being around ~75% when fighting Lancelot.

>> No.4544344

Kohaku cosplaying as Magical Amber.

>> No.4544373

Who else teared up a little when Kiritsugu said that Ein reminds him of "a girl he used to know"?

>> No.4544408

Who are these "several others"? Aoko?

>> No.4544434

Essentially anyone with a non grabbable projectile. And perhaps "rape" was a bit too strong of a word for the non Shitman characters.

>> No.4544461

Archetype Earth is one of the last bosses, she is automatically broken tier

>> No.4544466

I'd say Cal rapes him. That machinegun loop kicks everyone's ass.

>> No.4544483

And I mean a useful, non-special projectile, as sure Archer and Shirou both have some, but they're some of his best matches, and lo and behold their only non grabbable projectile is from specials.

>> No.4544557

What's the point of having both Sakura AND Dark Sakura? Seems like a waste of a character slot if you ask me.

>> No.4544570

Seems like a waste of two character slots if you ask me.

>> No.4544589

Nah, Dark Sakura is pretty good.

>> No.4544601


Dark Sakura is fucking broken, what are you saying

>> No.4544612

Not really, no.

>> No.4544613

She's not broken. You can easily take her down as long as you don't get too close to her.

>> No.4544625

Dark Sakura is basically just a slightly slower and more powerful version of Saya.

>> No.4544646

And Saya is low tier as it is.

>> No.4544658

While I love D.Saks setups, couldn't they have just made her the equivalent a powered up form and use the slot for Nvrnsqr? They'd play much the same, though just different enough to add a spot more of diversity.

>> No.4544681

They wanted as few MB characters as possible, so they only included the main Tsukihime cast.

>> No.4544696

Not games but anime:
-Ghost Slide

It can be plenty fun.

>> No.4544833

The only reason to play this game is because all the girls have at least one H-scene.

>> No.4545967

Wow this game looks awesome. Source?

>> No.4546337

God. Dammit.

>> No.4546359

I wanna know the source of this image and I want someone to have their fist make love to its creator's groin.

>> No.4546473
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1152, ev165_最終正宗_al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb, upholding JUSTICE.

>> No.4546610

Saya and Ilya = Best friends forever

>> No.4548777

Dang, no Fuminori there ;_;

>> No.4548791

Because he'd really be able to stand a chance against any of those characters.

>> No.4548818
File: 1.65 MB, 3448x2440, 1 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the NitroPlus girl in the middle wielding the katana from?.

>> No.4548828

Fuck off. Saya and Kurame are BFF, Illya is some hussy.

>> No.4548829

Kaigen from Hanachirasu

>> No.4548832


>> No.4548875

>Illya is some hussy.

And you are some faggot.

>> No.4548894

It's only natural for you to be curious of the most superior female.

>> No.4548912

The real question is, who are the biggest sluts?

>> No.4548919 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 602x904, f4a48a06470dd7d5080545444148c227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of games have alternate versions of characters (The "Marvel vs" series, JoJo, KoF, Samurai Shodown, The Last Blade) that are actually different from the original so I can't see what's wrong with that.

>> No.4548923

The only think I know is Ilya is the less slutty.

>> No.4548931

Django protagonist probably. She'll fuck anything that lives.

>> No.4548937

Who from what?

>> No.4548967
File: 1.42 MB, 1600x1200, innocent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4548985

OK once and for all, is this nitro+ royale heroines duel?

>> No.4548993

And then lots of times she had sex when it wasn't rape.
Zoku Satsuriku no Django.

>> No.4549003

It was always rape. Don't degrade the poor girl to Sakura status.

>> No.4549016

You're saying that like being a slut is bad thing! I think you're the one degrading the girls here!

>> No.4549037

Ah shit, here we go again...

>> No.4549045
File: 188 KB, 474x729, waifumaterial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots got a death wish or something?

>> No.4549069

What is this game even?

>> No.4549088

It's the best damn game ever, that's what it is.

>> No.4549095


The name?

>> No.4549099


Is this from the game or a doujin?

>> No.4549101

Nitroplus Vs. Type Moon 2010

>> No.4549109

From a Django art book.

>> No.4549144

Anyone got rapidshare or torrent for this game?

>> No.4549178



It has instructions and a torrent link.

>> No.4549186

Oh you.

>> No.4549189


Did you watch it?

>> No.4549230

Which game?

>> No.4549237

You just lost it

>> No.4549250

You mean there's a girl sluttier than Sakura? And she's a protagonist?

>> No.4549256

Sakura gets sexings from Shinji and has sex like 5 times with Shirou.
Barely mid-tier slut.

>> No.4549262

How does she compare to that other girl?

>> No.4549291

No comparison.

>> No.4549299

For comparison, one of the characters in Django fucks an army dead. The protagonist is even sluttier than that.

>> No.4549303
File: 172 KB, 1200x900, jango_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good girl.

>> No.4549319

Nero is basically Rance as a woman.
She fucks when she wants to fuck, kills when she wants to kills, steal when she wants something.

>> No.4549345

She sounds so awesome. Can't wait for JAST USA'S OFFICIAL TRANSLATION

>> No.4549361

She picks large men because they make better shields when bounty hunters bust in with guns blazing, which happens right after that.

>> No.4549363

Well, Makoto is planning to translate it anyway.

>> No.4549380

Fuck yes, you are the best female protagonist ever.

>> No.4549381

I like those little scars on her leg.

>> No.4549388

There I was, thinking it were a real game. ;_;

>> No.4549392

That's bad. It's ok when Rance does it, but females shouldn't be like that.

>> No.4549403

What kind of faggot are you?

>> No.4549441

One who likes pure females.

>> No.4549451
File: 295 KB, 1200x990, jango_109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Waifu.

>> No.4549460


Who is the protagonist in this game?

>> No.4549468

Yeah, the girl to the right is pretty cute.

>> No.4549470

Franco and Blondie. Also Lily, though less so. Julian (that guy on the right) is the heroine.

>> No.4549518

Some heroine, you can't even fuck him.

>> No.4549590

>girl on the right
Silly anonymous, that's just a faggot.

>> No.4549623

the fuck?

>> No.4549954


>> No.4550397

It's a calendar.

Perhaps one day it will be a real game, but for now it's just a calendar.
