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45485377 No.45485377 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually like this character?

>> No.45485382

I like the design but I don't recall ever seeing her.

>> No.45485386
File: 1.50 MB, 1021x1442, 105151912_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me. I think it's endearing how set she is on the whole revenge thing despite the way all her plans seem to only succeed through dumb luck because she has to pretend to be someone else with no idea what that person is actually like
plus everyone else acts so retarded and the other side has the worst interpretation of flandre so I'm rooting for mizuchi to win
I also have a thing for really big ponytails

>> No.45485410
File: 383 KB, 1191x1684, 反獄王.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her, wish she get more fanworks

>> No.45485423
File: 152 KB, 850x1206, m86b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of impossible to like her when you don't know anything about her but I like the design

>> No.45485439

When will the next chapter be?

>> No.45485445


>> No.45485456

I really like MiMi and I hope she reveals her collaboration with her master Mima soon

>> No.45485510
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I think part of the reason I don't like her is because of how stupid everyone else acts to allow her to succeed, but that's not really fair to her I guess. It's more an issue with the writing. That and I just don't like her possession abilities.
At least her design is nice.

>> No.45485522
File: 1.38 MB, 1077x1185, 1648607760131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish we got see more things from her side

>> No.45485535 [DELETED] 

the next chapter promises this, since she was arrested in ancient hell we hope more of her is shown

>> No.45485550

the next chapter promises this, since she was arrested in ancient hell we hope more of her is shown

>> No.45485578

she's not really been arrested, just trapped in former hell, so she's still free to possess yuugi or someone before anyone even gets down there. Don't get your hopes up anymore, anon. I got my hopes up for the chapter just gone only for half of it to be explaining the plan and then mizuchi getting away afterward with at least five characters just completely absent from the plot with no explanation. (nazrin, ichirin, kogasa, marisa, and yukari)

>> No.45485592
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x3200, On the Wanted list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45485602

i dont know how to read

>> No.45485615

I would simply tear Mizuchi out of Marisa.

>> No.45485621

Since no one knows about her, and she doesn't talk to anyone too it's kinda hard to draw her interacting with others. Especially since she's a vengeful spirit. Maybe she will get the Kasen treatment or become a normal spirit

>> No.45485671

My personal guess is that we will learn that she got manipulated by someone helping/using her and that will serve as a means to soften her personality.

>> No.45485688
File: 274 KB, 491x481, ratbrella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nazrin, kogasa
They're scared leave them alone! Idk why ichirin suddenly disappeared tho

>> No.45485694


>> No.45485697

I expect nothing because I don't think ZUN even really thinks of her as much of a character. She's just a plot device to take the story to each location and the hatred of reimu only seems to serve as a justification for the order of places, since she didn't seem to care all that much when she was actually face to face with reimu. She'll probably possess someone in former hell (orin or yuugi are the most likely candidates) and then they'll do the whole run around again, then she'll be found, do a spooky face, and somehow escape again.
I want ZUN to prove me wrong, but I'm not even convinced that he's actually writing this instead of just handing it off to the artist to write considering how the plot reset once the new artist took over

>> No.45485714

Maybe ZUN doesn't like touhou anymore and just does it out of obligation?.....

>> No.45485787

I don't think about her at all. *exits elevator*

>> No.45485804

>I'm not even convinced that he's actually writing this instead of just handing it off to the artist to write considering how the plot reset once the new artist took over
Stop licking ZUN'S balls, he's a hack and we all know it

>> No.45485811

I'm actually saying they're both hacks, anon

>> No.45485904

possession is hot and she's a little naughty
good doujinshi bait

>> No.45485913
File: 684 KB, 1655x2048, d6d608b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste anon

>> No.45485936

wtf when this happened

>> No.45485953

>good doujinshi bait
maybe if this was about 13 years ago
she's got a grand total of two doujins and only one of them is possession (and it's not very good)

>> No.45485957

I think that is a porn doujin.

>> No.45485966

art commission from the artist

>> No.45485996

I wish she was actually monochrome instead of the blue/gold stuff

>> No.45486004

it would've been a fantastic payoff

>> No.45486041
File: 49 KB, 495x750, 54efc8df6da811177cd8fa88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of the blue/gold stuff
Real talk, is her clothing design based off this pic?

>> No.45486054


>> No.45486057
File: 3.86 MB, 1586x2220, 3d0b6da0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to watch her cause more mischief

>> No.45486059
File: 136 KB, 500x500, mizuchi by plutoknights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no? it's pretty clearly based on the typical convict uniform with the stripes. It's not even blue and black or white and gold, it's white and red

>> No.45486081

I don't mind her. What I do hate is how much of a pussy Reimu has been in this book.

>> No.45486084

White and... red?

Where have I heard that before...?

>> No.45486095

>I want ZUN to prove me wrong,
Same, I really wish for ZUN to do something unexpected, especially if it's something like some crazy like using some old ass plot and make her the 13th Hakurei miko and/or pc98'mu.
But I don't expect to much.
Would be fitting for a ghost imo to be completely monochrome and just look like literally the same as in the manga.
The gangsta shackles

>> No.45486108

I think mizuchi was a previous shrine maiden. She wears hair tubes, her clothes are red and white and according to the wiki her last name means "exit" "shrine"

>> No.45486122
File: 670 KB, 1099x1440, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't necessarily mind 'Reimu's on the back foot and not really sure how to proceed' but she's SO PASSIVE
she does nothing, just stands there while other character do something retarded because if they behaved the way they should do, the manga would have been over by now
god I miss FS and SSiB Reimu, those two got shit done and actually felt strong
I'm still pretty convinced that Reimu in this scene would have actually killed Mamizou if she'd had a good enough reason, while I can't even imagine current Reimu killing anyone at all

>> No.45486159

The supporting cast can't outstage the detective in a detective novel. Too bad Satori is not a good MC either, and is as big of a pussy as everyone else not named Flandre.

>> No.45486215

But can she conceive

>> No.45487981

>What I do hate is how much of a pussy Reimu has been in this book.
I love it, shows you how things were before muh spell card rules and how pathetic humans like Reimu and Marisa wouldn't last 10 seconds in a serious fight.

>> No.45488019

Anon, Reimu made the spell cards because aside from her no one stood a chance against powerful youkai

>> No.45494954
File: 502 KB, 1280x908, 1654535446290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like her. Too bad we don't know much about her and her manga kind of suck.

>> No.45494963
File: 133 KB, 506x613, mizuchi is a dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45498873
File: 120 KB, 220x398, bwuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cool design and neat we have a Vengeful Spirit character, but a shame everyone is a retard in CDS. How does Yukari somehow get herself completely taken over, issue red herring orders to Ran and Chen, and nobody including her own Shikigami notice this until after it already moved on? At least we got a nice Reimu reaction.
You could also argue Marisa since she made it to where she was in a time without spellcard rules.

>> No.45499117

>Yukari somehow get herself completely taken over
Reimu said that she probably let herself get possessed on purpose but i don't remember why tho

>> No.45500162

>and nobody including her own Shikigami notice this until after it already moved on?
This is more insulting than it sounds

>> No.45503668

I can't feel any attachment to this character because CDS is so poorly written and filled with scuff.

>> No.45505158

CDS sucks because there's no consequences to anything. Mizuchi possessed Yukari and Yuyuko, who are two of the most powerful characters in Gensokyo.... and then nothing came out of it except making them sleepier than usual. Riveting writing, Zuntata.

>> No.45505182

the real existential horror is when they get possessed, they get written out of the plot
I still can't get over how mokou got a bunch of focus, showing her being pissed because mizuchi knocked out kaguya, then satori and reimu taking her to the shrine and waiting for her to wake up like she's going to join the team chasing mizuchi...and then she just disappears, and it's not even implied that they actually got any information from her either
what was the point, then? hina just got left on a shore somewhere. For all we know, suwako and kanako are still lying unconscious in the moriya shrine courtyard and sanae (is she supposed to count as human or youkai in this, anyway? mokou's supposedly human but was able to be possessed like a youkai) is completely awol

>> No.45505190

I originally didn't like SSiB, but grew to appreciate it. Same thing for the first fairy manga.
I really can't say that CDS is going to be the same for me in the future.
