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4548069 No.4548069 [Reply] [Original]

247 games. Still can't beat her. Specficially, still can't beat her without wasting 5-6 lives. She is always a game ender, even if I survive to Yuyuko after her I have zero or one life.

Her spellcards are impossible. The game has been playing fair up to this point, and even Yuyuko has patterns, I recognize that. However Youmu has zero patterns I can find. I have fought her so many times, and I can find none. Surviving is a dice roll, every single one of her spellcards, especially her last. I tried replays, but none of them helped. They were all skill runs or "let's bomb all of youmu", neither of which help me. She is single handedly the only thing standing in my way of a 1cc. The only fucking thing.

Please /jp/, if you could point me to a replay or something that shows me how to fucking beat her, I would really appreciate it. I have looked and found nought.

>> No.4548073

Which difficulty?

>> No.4548071

You are pathetic.

>> No.4548083

I'm in the same situation too, with that fucking Youmu.

>> No.4548078
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Go elsewhere, you elitist. I care not for your insults, they fly right past me and do nothing but waste space in my thread.

>> No.4548088
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Your reaction tells me you do care.

>> No.4548092

First off, OP, you're awful, pathetic, kill yourself, easy modo, etc

Second, what exactly are you having an issue with? If you've gotten to yuyuko once at least, you have practice mode open to you. You should be able to get through her entire stage with 0-1 lives lost and then have 8 lives to dedicate to mastering her cards. It's been so long since I played PCB, but I'm pretty bad at touhou (can only 1cc like 3 of them) and I still clear youmu with only 2-3 lives lost usually, best being only 1.

Her gimmick is just the time slowdown, if you can't grasp that you'll forever have issues with it. I never had problems with her or sakuya, so maybe it's just naturally easy for me to understand how the time manipulation works.

>> No.4548096

Search harder, it didn't take me more than fifteen minutes to find a replay with solutions for all the patterns.

>> No.4548117


There's solutions for random bullet barrages?

>> No.4548126
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As long as we're asking for advice, what should I do in 9-1 of StB?

I don't really want to look at replays, since I don't want to end up exactly copying whatever they're doing, so a few hints and tips would be helpful

>> No.4548130

Random bullets is just something you work on.

There's no trick.

>> No.4548132

Most of them aren't random.

>> No.4548165

>>4548092 here.

I just reran stage 5 for the hell of it, and cleared the stage with 2 deaths, one being on the stage itself. The only death I had on youmu was a stupid jerky movement I didn't mean to do. Basically the only difficult part of her is the slowdown, and if you're using them to your advantage (dodging bullets is a lot easier in slow motion) she's cake. You just have to learn the timing of the slowdown, when it will start and when it will end, and then make it work for you. As for her random bullets, I can't really help you, I've never died on any of her patterns that could be called "random" sorry...

>> No.4548175


OP here, problematic example..

....Her first spellcard. It has like 3 waves that repeat if I remember right. The first wave is easy, the second is tricky, and the third seems impossible to me. Bullets are covering the entire screen in the third wave and the slowdown doesn't start quick enough for me to ever evade it.

>> No.4548233

For that card, I use the slowdown (start going up before you know it's coming and use it to get through the red bullet wave) to get through the waves easily. The first and second are cake, the third and later ones are really the only ones you need to get through or die on. Maybe it helps if you use SakuyaA like me, you can focus on dodging in the middle of the screen and have your knives on her no matter where she is.

But mainly, if you know you're having an issue at one point of a boss like this, all you need to do is pre-bomb it rather than risk dying. You can easily cheese through Youmu with 4-5 bombs, which only means one death. You need to beat them game once before you can care that much about number of cards captured or your score.

>> No.4548262

The thing that has always confused me about touhou games is why they give you so many extends.

Anyway op are you that same fag who has been bitching about youmu for weeks? Take a hint dude.

>> No.4548279

Hey, Mr. O.P., you are probably using focus too much.

Stop using focus and you will get better.

>> No.4548287


I'm not so sure how Sakuya bombs or plays since I've never used her. I use ReimuB. The thought of bombing away Youmu's most problematic spellcards did arise once, but it's kind of difficult to pull off since I have to be right next to her when she's not in invincibility frames and..yeah.

>Anyway op are you that same fag who has been bitching about youmu for weeks? Take a hint dude.

This is my second topic. This is hardly bitching. I'm asking for help.

>> No.4548297

see your own post
>"let's bomb all of youmu"
Now do this and fuck off until you've beaten the game.

>> No.4548305


But I have beaten it, sir. I haven't 1CC'd it.

>> No.4548308

No trick at all besides knowing when to take defensive shots when you're trapped. This is the only card in the game which forces you to use zoom shots. Though somehow Omnigamer managed to do the scene without them in what could only be a display of Japanese skill. If you charge fast enough and immediately dash up to Eirin you can take one full sized picture before her bullets force you to the bottom of the screen. You then have to slowly edge your way up a bit until you're close enough to shoot a zoom shot of her. Finding a route that gets close enough is hard and pay attention to the bullets slightly more than usual because there is an increased chance of them hitting you while you're taking a photo since using zoom takes more time even if it is slowdowned. Take defensive shots if you feel like you're going to be trapped. Nothing wrong with taking defensive shots.

>> No.4548322

>But I have beaten it, sir. I haven't 1CC'd it.
Beating = 1cc.
Just because you've reached "game over" doesn't mean you've beaten the game.

>> No.4548326

This. Even with Marisa, that's 10 bombs. That's enough to bomb once for every card, and every non card, and still have some left over.

Bomb more dude.

>> No.4548331

OP, you simply need to up your reading abilities a bit. It sounds like you're not taking advantage of the slowdowned time at all. Simply read the bullets when time is slowed down. Even go through the gaps in between them if you can. In fact if you can go through a gap even better as being past the bullets when they've regained their speed is highly favorable. From a person who doesn't play PCB much the only card that consistently gives me trouble after I play Youmu a few times is the one that's her bomb in IN.

Also have you considered using a different shottype at all? Maybe ReimuB isn't the shottype for you.

>> No.4548351

Her spell cards don't even kill me.

I can capture them all. I lose 4 lives against her non-spells.

>> No.4548363

Yeah I have that problem too. It seems to be a result of the end of her first wave and the beginning of her second wave overlapping. However learning to misdirect the first wave behind her works pretty well when you get it down.

>> No.4548366

What part of the complex stratagems of "Go behind her", "Go behind her again" and "Tap left when you see feathers" baffles you?

>> No.4548371


>> No.4548374

Homing feather lines in her last noncard. Notorious for having the most retarded hitbox in the game, a title shared by knives.

>> No.4548382
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Looks like knives to me.

>> No.4548383


Fair enough dude, I'm not one to complain when people want to talk about the game and I'll talk about it then. I even replayed stage 5 just for you to refresh my memory.

I seriously cannot think what is so exceptionally hard about youmu for you. Is your finger glued to the focus key and you're not taking advantage of the slowdown? Even with focus on I can get through the gaps during the slowdown or at least position myself away from the path of the bullets.

Really maybe you're just frustrated. Being able to 1cc a shmup isn't something that you can do when someone tells you the right magical combination of words if you can only get up to stage 5 then that's your skill level.

>> No.4548393

Oh, maybe you're hugging the bottom of the screen?

>> No.4548404

You should post a replay so we can see what you're doing wrong OP.

>> No.4548460


Yeah this, after another play there are little things with some of the cards that you may not be doing but they're just general skills with shmups like knowing how to control your movement and create gaps and nothing unique to the cards.

>> No.4548477


Well, I've never played any shmups besides touhou, and no bullet hells either.

>> No.4548542

Here's my shitty replay, OP. I messed up a few minor things and pretty much stopped paying attention in the last card, my apologies. I had to play windowed because I'm doing other things at the moment, normally I can make it through stage 5 without losing a life and only bombing one card.


If anyone else wants to make fun of me feel free, I'm pretty bad at touhou in general.

>> No.4548779

OP here, here's my replay


Don't rip me into me too bad, anonymous and tripfriends, I know I am terrible.

>> No.4548815

Seriously. Beating the game without 1ccing totally doesn't count, it's no challenge at all.

>> No.4548822

haha i just played pcb lunatic after a whole year of not playing and Alice kicked my ass

>> No.4548890
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as some other anon said: dont focus that much, bro. reimuB non focus is very good, and you also get cherry points way faster

>> No.4548952


Only had a quick look and I'll comment on more cards but one big thing I noticed straight away:

On second last card (Delusion of Enlightenment) you slowly shuffle across the screen. This is good, but you don't create a gap towards the end and trap yourself. You can do this by moving quickly to the side of the screen when you're almost out of room, creating a large space and giving the previous shots enough time to spread out and create large gaps.

I don't know the fancy term for this but I just call it jerking and it's something that you do often in a lot of maniac shmups, I remember mushihimesama being pretty heavy on it.

>> No.4548996

Dunno, if it helps, but stay closer to the boss and not at the bottom of the screen, you'll do more damage.

>> No.4549004

Few more comments.

The times that you do well seem to be the times where you're able to avoid enemy patterns entirely. Try not hiding behind youmu or avoiding patterns entirely so you can practice moving through smaller gaps.

On her 3rd card if you position yourself right you barely have to move at all. When it slows down move next to one of the diagonal walls of bullets and you notice that they tend to go either side of you.

Last card you just seemed to not be able to predict where the bullets go after the slowdown. Nothing but experience can help that. You can try and be more aggressive, move through as much of it as possible while the slowdown is in effect.

>> No.4549014

You sound like a pretty honest and helpful guy, would you like to laugh at my replay at >>4548542 ?

Feel free to ignore the last card, I zoned out and started reading IRC while playing because I'm a retarded and had it windowed. I don't normally have many problems at all on the stage, but I was curious what you could tell about how I play and if I'm doing simple things wrong.

>> No.4549024

You are talking about streaming. Also:

The first time you play Touhou, you play it like Space Invaders. You move back and forth frantically. You die a lot.

Then you realize that you can move up and down, too. You complete EASY MODO.

Then you come to understand streaming. If the bullets are aimed at you, you don't move frantically; you move slowly to one side in a very cautious, streamlined manner. You complete NORMAL MODO.

Then one day you realize that you can see the spaces between the bullets instead of the bullets themselves. You feel like Neo as he saw the truth behind the Matrix. You complete HARD MODO.

Finally, you realize that Touhou is not a two-dimensional game; it has a third dimension: time. As your mind thinks in all three dimensions at once, transferring the Z axis of normal experience to a Z axis of time, you finally realize how to be in the right place at the right time to beat the hardest of spell cards. You complete LUNATIC MODO. You have reached Touhou Zen.

>> No.4549080


Yeah streaming, being able to master creating gaps in really heavy streams takes a damn lot of practice though, I've been running maniac a lot in futari lately and I get really proud when I can do it consistantly without bombing.

Basically a lot of bullets move in relation to you, so the most ideal thing to do is move as little as possible and it doesn't seem so random.


Actually this thread got me playing PCB again so I am busy. I am not that good so I doubt I can be that helpful anyway.

>> No.4549297

Should I be shooting unfocused..all the time?

I admittedly shoot focused whenever possible since I believe it does more damage being a concentrated shot.

>> No.4549657

In some games, shooting while unfocused is better. Like in IN, you probably want to stay in human (nonfocused) mode as much as possible for the best scoring potential.

>> No.4549800

It really depends on the game.

Also, (without having seen any replays) the only advice I can give is, don't hit the arrow keys like a monkey. Depending on the sensitivity of your keyboard sometimes all it takes to die is moving for too long.

If you think you are bad at dodging random bullets, go on Spell Practice on IN and practice Everlasting "Phoenix's Tail" until you can capture it at least five or so times(so you can make sure it isn't out of luck). Last time I did this, I cleared both EoSD and PCB on Hard afterwards.

>> No.4549961 [SPOILER] 
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The simple truth is that there's no beating Youmu. Why? Because her power is maximum.

>> No.4549986
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>end of her first wave and the beginning of her second wave overlapping

If you're dodging the first wave the same way everytime then Youmu should be firing the second wave at a similar angle. After that you can work out a second set of movements to handle the potential walls of bullets.

>> No.4550014

>Everlasting "Phoenix's Tail"

More like Froggy Braves the Elements: Every bullet has 1 pixel hitbox edition

>> No.4550064

If you're using ReimuB and you don't care about capturing (which you shouldn't at this point), dropping a focused bomb on Youmu's face will pretty much clear a card on its own unless you do it during armor.

>> No.4550090

One tip I always remember with Youmu, her regular bullet pattern (the very first she uses when you fight her) is directed at you. So you can throw it off course by sitting at the very top of the screen then moving down as it fires, this will only work once but it's a small grace period.

>> No.4550169


This guy has some good points.

Don't hug the bottom of the screen, you effectively deny yourself one direction in which to move for evasion purposes. Moving towards a clump of bullets then slowly pulling back until you see an opening is the basics.

Don't dart about unless you have to, often what looks like a field of death is in fact filled with the narrowest of gaps but are still totally safe. Bullets are only a kill when they overlap your hit box, this is the very basis of grazing.

Touhou is like a real time puzzle maze when thought of in a certain way, with the right frame of mind you can see the path through the walls of death.

>> No.4550177
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>> No.4550215
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