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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.09 MB, 1280x1024, touhou Nitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4544870 No.4544870 [Reply] [Original]

im just going to leave this here

>> No.4544876
File: 1.99 MB, 1500x1600, 25ec1fe3c6a76e34a7fc2b8f6225d805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this too also

>> No.4544894

"I built that."

>> No.4544900

why would touhous need mecha?

what could possibly be so powerful that it requires touhous to supplement their hax with more hax?

>> No.4544901

I would watch a Nitori/Okuu mecha anime!

>> No.4544920

Bet it would be better than Xenoglossia.

>> No.4544932

Which Touhou would be unexplainedly turned brown skinned?

>> No.4544954
File: 336 KB, 500x194, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4544961
File: 1.74 MB, 1200x1200, 1264537621497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4545048
File: 387 KB, 626x1792, 1264966371774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4545055 [DELETED] 

implying anything is worse than xenoglossia.

>> No.4545059 [DELETED] 

Remóv€ yöur iLI€gåI cLöne imm3diåT3Ly_ Yõu hãve [öpi3d ånd pãs+ed vvwoãnònTalkocóm ön Th3 subdÒmåin* Cu+ Th3 crãp, mòöT, @nd +hes€ m€ss@ges wil| s+öpo If the persÒn r3ädiNg this is N0T mÒòt, €-mäil mÒõt@4chåñ.org and T€Il him Tõ*

Remòve yÒur ilL€gãI cIOn€ imm3diåT3|y. YOu h@v3 [òpi€d änd pãsTed vww,ANonTaIk*cOm òñ Th€ subdómäiñ_ Cut +h€ [rAp, mõò+, åñd +h3se mess@g3s wi|I sTõp. If +he p3rsöñ r€Adiñg This is nO+ m0õ+, e-mäi| mÒÓt@4<haN*Órg aNd T3Ll him tòo

R€mOv3 your i|I3g@L [LÒn3 imm€diät€Lyo Yóu h@ve <Ópi3d åNd pãsTed vvw*AnOntã|k*<Om ON +h3 subd0måiño Cu+ Th3 [råp, mÓóT, @ñd +h3s€ m3ssãg€s viIL s+òp. If th3 p3rsöñ r3Ading +his is No+ mÒöt, €-mäil mõÒt@4[håN*õrg Añd +el| him +ö*

R€mòve yõur il|egA| [lÓn3 immediaT3|y. Y0u häv€ [Òpi€d ånd p@sted wvv.@NOñTälk*<òm Oñ the subdÒm@in_ Cu+ the cr@p, mõÒt, And Thes€ messåges wiL| s+óp_ If The persÒn r3ädiNg this is ñ0T mÒòT, €-måiL möót@4<hAñ,òrg Añd +3lI him TÒ.

>> No.4545076

It hasn't been made yet

>> No.4545093

I enjoyed Xenoglossia

>> No.4546954

I would love for Nitori to be my /m/echanic!
