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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45386879 No.45386879 [Reply] [Original]

whalehu reloaded

>> No.45386918
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the aunn cameos in this manga are better than the entire rest of the story

>> No.45386971
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Marisa's bloomers.

>> No.45386983

I can't wait for it to be revealed that it's just Cirno selling ice cream or something.

>> No.45387020
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>> No.45387112

>wantsome water
Why. Why not just call it yarokamizu.

>> No.45387117

this artist really loves Raymoo's butt

>> No.45387150
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>> No.45387159

Who? I'm only here for the cute ojiisans.

>> No.45387168

What an absolute waste of 19 pages. Incredible.

ZUN man does it again. At least I got to chuckle at the subhuman villagers being scared by the simplest of shit.

>> No.45387169

It should be bigger.

>> No.45387190

You wanna complain about wasting pages, post in the detective thread.
Made for childbirth.

>> No.45387234
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kek, dumb whale

>> No.45387296

That doesn't explain the why. It'd be like calling the satori species "consciousness youkai" because it's the translation of 覚.

>> No.45387322

This is even worse than CDS, because at least there we get some cool rare panels of characters fighting each other.. here, though?

I wish he'd stop wasting chapter space on Reimu and Marisa and just made a manga from the youkai's perspective.. would be way more interesting, but that would require actual effort on his part as a storyteller, so no can do.

>> No.45387341

At this point even ZUN! letting Zounose become his ghostwriter would be a massive improvement, Zounose has a better grasp on the worldbuilding.

>> No.45387360

These old guys really have some pretty big balls to do what they do. Climbing up a ravine to hear a monster that could drown you while drunk is pretty crazy.
It's actually funny how they are the ones who initiate things and take action, while Miyoi just stays being the town NPC giving out info.

>> No.45387386

Human Villagers have always been a bit crazy. PMiSS has a bunch of them talking about walking wherever they damn well please

>> No.45387404

There's that guy who disguised himself as a youkai to play with the tengu

>> No.45387437

They spend their entire life in a depressive suicidal haze, so it's to be expected.

>> No.45387451

You already did this in the CDS thread, knucklehead.

>> No.45387452

>This is even worse than CDS
Stopped reading there.

>> No.45387475

zounose doesn't even have a grasp on the worldbuilding, he just makes up whatever he needs to justify his gorewank (see yamabiko)

>> No.45387505

did mangadex stop working for anyone else?

>> No.45387560


>> No.45387616
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Miyoi? You mean discount Anaberal.

>> No.45387894

Stop trying to make Reimu hot. She's a uggo.

>> No.45387915

It is funny how they are both scared of everything and, like the other anon said, seemingly in a suicidal depressed haze for most of their lives. They want to die, but are too afraid to actually go through with it.

>> No.45387925

I wish I was hired as a ghostwriter.

I wouldn't even go full edge or Grimsokyo. Mostly just write random adventures in the human village that go into how that place works.

>> No.45387932
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i refuse

>> No.45388430

She's only ugly when the tubes come off.

>> No.45389096

Are 2hu discussion threads on /jp/ always this bad? I thought you people claimed they were better than the ones on /v/?

>> No.45389116

No, it's just that nothing ever happens in this manga so there is nothing to talk about.
CDS thread was full of grimniggers the last time I saw as well.
Honestly, the board's kind of in a lull right now, too many shitposters.

Oh yeah, something something get out of /jp/ something something back to /v/eddit with you, gotta get the formalities out the way.

>> No.45389202
File: 462 KB, 805x606, Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei - Ch.47 - Chapter 47 - Alcohol Seeks Its Own Level (Part 1) - 6_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gray haired oji-san asks you on a date!
what do you answer? reminder he "fought" with mamizou and survived, and he beats youkai and tengu on a daily basis. the onlybthing he is afraid of is reimu.

>> No.45389284
File: 369 KB, 2048x1502, Matumatu_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be hard pressed to say that reimu's ever been ugly

>> No.45389301

Lonely faggots writing walls of text to each other when someone mentions grimsokyo is pretty much a /jp/ staple at this point.

>> No.45389770

Lore threads are just an excuse to write out revenge fantasies, rant about wanting to commit genocide, and how x character is evilist.
Besides there isn't much to talk about regarding the current printworks, CDS doesn't inspire anything but contempt on this board and LE is boring, worsened by the fact that people go to those threads just to troll and collect as many (you)s as possible.
It's still better than /v/ by virtue of actually being about Touhou, but these threads somehow still manage to be worse than the write fag threads and threads which just consist of posting pictures of a 2hu.

>> No.45389897

You are sadly right when it comes to lorethreads. A shame since occasionally I've gotten fun discussions in the past.

I kind of wish we got a big status quo shakeup. Like going from PoFV to MoF or from PMISS to Synopsium.

Her art disagrees.

As does her personality.

>> No.45389925

> grimnigger

Why don’t you just learn to take a L, cutie?

>> No.45389947

I would just ask him why he doesn't have a wife yet.

>> No.45389970

I really liked SSiB and CiLR as well, I think they delivered an interesting narrative and the lunarians tend to be a pretty interesting faction due to them actually being in active conflict.
But the Lunarian stuff tends to be towards the higher end of the touhou, both power and story scope wise, so it's hard for ZUN to write the small scale stories he wants to with them.
I do think the current animal realm stories do actually make for a pretty interesting narrative, harmed by the fact UDoALG doesn't hold up when compared to the other Phantasmagoria games, and I think the stories of the games have been more interconnected than less lately.

>> No.45389972

Armpits don't look like that

>> No.45389983

all I wanted was an episodic story where each chapter is a different small cast of characters
you can even frame it as reimu doing patrols and getting caught up in stupid shit if you NEED her to be present

>> No.45389984

>LE is... le boring, nothing ever happens
This could be said for every printwork since the first CoLA chapter that got released 20 years ago with that SoL formula.
The truth is that you people never liked these printworks and come here only to shitposts.

>big status quo shakeup, like going from PoFV to MoF or from PMISS to Synopsium

>> No.45389997

Cutesokyofags are a disgrace. Imagine wanting to suck up things that make Touhou unique, instead preferring it be more like soulless gacha writing.
They probably enjoy the shit out of Lost Word. 2hus in that game acted fucking surreal.

>> No.45390003

No wonder, guy regularly thigh-fucks incognito Aya for scoops.

>> No.45390004
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>> No.45390009

it's starting
the CDS thread is dying so anon and his boyfriend are coming here to continue

>> No.45390030

Sorry, 2hus not acting like a SSR gacha girl enough for ya buddy? I feel ya. I, too, love gachas.

>> No.45390062

He's been holding out for Aya too make a first move, but the lewd tengu is too shy to approach him.
If only he had the balls he could bag Aya, she may talk bad about humans but her entire lifestyle is built around emulating and interacting them, she's a tsundere humanophile.
Truly the best bird wife if you're willing to put up with her act.

>> No.45390066

>UDoALG doesn't hold up when compared to the other Phantasmagoria games
You know what else doesn't hold up? Having to rape the Z key just to shoot

Hi, Reavski

>> No.45390069

if he keeps trying to climb mountains like that, he'll end up being Megumu's new lover

>> No.45390082

He has a husband.

>> No.45390086

Cityboy twinks seem to surround /jp/. Don't headcanon it to be depression. Ever lived in an extremely rural province before? Shits over there are curious fucks, they would do insane shit that could cause them their lives just because it seems kinda fun. There's nothing else to do.

>> No.45390089

>she's a tsundere humanophile
To be fair, that's literally all Youkai everywhere.

Stories have actually been pretty fun. I can tell Zun would rather write about the animal realm than most of what goes on in Gensokyo.

>> No.45390151

I think ZUN does do a pretty good job of tying in the animal realm using Sunken Fossil World, and then tying the events of 18 and 18.5 into the animal realm story line by having the gangs try to take advantage of the fallout out of those two games in preparation for the next incident.
And tying Ran into being originally from the Animal Realm, based off of a throw away line of dialogue from PCB is funny for what it's worth, and I'm hoping ZUN doesn't drop the ball with the Animal Realm storyline and that it's not finished with TH19.
Or hopefully we can at least see more of Ran's story since she was the only "main character" from TH19 that had a significant personal shakeup.

>> No.45390155

I guess it's fair to say it might not be depression. I don't know, most rural people I met never seemed like that. Then again, they were mostly Indonesian and Dutch. Rural Japan is supposed to be incredibly boring.

>> No.45390161

I wouldn't mind seeing more Ran. If only so we can finally deduce how much of Ran is the Shikigami and how much the fox.

I also kind of want to see more about Marisa's sad backstory.

>> No.45390171

I only care about whaletits

>> No.45390227

Any to report this chapter?

>> No.45390246

The thing I want to know about most is her mother, unlike her father she goes completely unmentioned, but I think ZUN is a bit too conservative with what he writes about in Reimu's and Marisa's backstory some time.
Even if it meant firmly removing Mima or the events of PC-98 from canon I'd be fine from it, but all we have now is that Marisa has daddy issues and Reimu might've been an orphan.
Yes I know Genji is in the pond, but we never see him.

>> No.45390247
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>> No.45390272

I mean, Marisa going to the woods to cry is literally more backstory than we ever got for Reimu.

With that said, I am 100% willing to bet Marisa's mom is dead.

>> No.45390280
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the whaletits crowd have never stopped winning

>> No.45390293


>> No.45390298

This needs made already so I can laugh at more gay pornography.

>> No.45390301

i love moby dick

>> No.45390310

Careful, if you laugh too hard you might get a stiffy.

>> No.45390324

She's remarkably perceptive.

>> No.45390341

marisa's mom is zanmu

>> No.45390362

>a woman with such a flat body is considered in many parts of this world
I hate this shithole planet so much.

>> No.45390378

ZUN needs to answer just how this big tittied whale is in any way a creepy little house spirit that are supposed to look like kindergartners.

>> No.45390628

Same way kappa are cute or tengu don't have long noses or kitsune women have giant girl penises.

>> No.45391823

Miyoi is a suima, she lives in the ibuki gourd of suika, not an actual house like the loli ghosts

>> No.45392501

I think Fuuzasa generally captures the tone and feel of Gensokyo better, but Zounose can make interesting and interconnected doujins like his Yuuka series.
That is when he manages to keep his grimboner down.

>> No.45393630

The funny thing is kitsune's could totally have giant cocks by virtue of being shapeshifting seductresses at times.

>> No.45393806

Did the gourd give her big tits?

>> No.45393884

ZUN will reveal that Marisa's mom is half-fairy at the same time he'll explain Maribel's deal.

>> No.45394551
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>Cityboy twinks seem to surround /jp/. Don't headcanon it to be depression.
Dont bother reasoning with the Grimsokyo twinks. They'll tell you that all the villagers are starving depressed suicidal sad sacks without giving any proof whatsoever. Picrel doesn't exactly give me any sense that people there are depressed.

>> No.45394669

It also doesn't make sense because the traditional Japanese cuisine and even "sweets" are low on actual sugar due to difficulties in its production. Gensokyo would have no access to the ingredients necessary in preparing the kind of dessert depicted there.

In other words, it's a non-canon extra page gag and irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.45394717

>This could be said for every printwork since the first CoLA chapter that got released 20 years ago with that SoL formula.
>The truth is that you people never liked these printworks and come here only to shitposts.
Nah, LE is noticeably worse than any of the others by overusing the "look at this mysterious happening going on, actually it's fucking nothing" structure.
The other manga leaned into the slice-of-life aspects much more comfortably, such as the fairies going on their silly adventures, Kasen trying to keep Reimu out of trouble, or Kosuzu doing something dumb and getting herself into trouble. It's a big difference in structure and LE just doesn't pull it off.

Miyoi is also just kind of shit as a protagonist and can't carry a manga. She's practically a background character in her own story, where she just stands around while everyone else does stuff. Maybe she would've worked if she was a mysterious and quiet bartender listening to the various patrons of the bar as they talk about their issues, but she's simultaneously too defined as a character to play that particular role (the nameless old guys are unironically doing more to tie the stories together), too passive to lead a story herself, and at the same time, the story refuses to actually explain anything about her and develop her character.

And on top of that, it relies far too much on the same overused cast. If Miyoi was replaced with a faceless bartender, and the stories all started with the two guys serving as a framing device, talking about the current goings-on before the story moves to the current focal character getting caught up in it, it would probably be a much better manga.
Just have Geidontei serve as the connecting thread and make the manga a true ensemble piece where anyone could get the spotlight for a day, instead of the manga with a smaller, more focused cast, and it would really have something going for it.

>> No.45394779
File: 802 KB, 3500x2500, __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_kashiwara_mana__55b632e7e2e91ff12b59c3d377c9f541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hung kitsune cucking a husband and impregnating his wife but also cucking the wife by shapeshifting the peen away and milking the guy dry with tight fox pussy. This is how yokai takeover.

>> No.45394815
File: 36 KB, 600x524, b7f6tw1br8q11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to ruin your ''um ackshually'' moment but the stuff were so sweet that it killed an immortal's sense of taste. This is stated by the narration itself. Your autistic appeal to realism doesn't validate that. I'm sorry, autism-kun. I really am.

>> No.45394838

Fuuzasa is pretty good, even if he does sometimes write Touhou's out of character.

With that said though, I think either one COULD do a good job. Both probably need ZUN to slap their hand every now and then to keep consistent. Which, I know ZUN himself isn't exactly great at that but he does at least tend to get his characters down pretty well.

>> No.45394841

We do know they probably import their sugar, considering it's widespread use has been recent, with the first mention being Reisen and Eirin putting it in the Dango the Inaba make.

>> No.45394849

Cute village girl.

Would protect.

>> No.45394986

I mean, we literally have a salt merchant in FS.

Most likely villager traders are basically just trading with Youkai for products they can't get otherwise. The money obtained by doing so would allow them to dominate village society while also having their livelihood tied to appeasing Youkai.

>> No.45395133

I agree with the second statement, but I don't think the youkai have much salt, if they did the Kappa wouldn't need to eat ass balls, testicles, or drink human blood in order to maintain their salt levels.

>> No.45395255

>I mean, we literally have a salt merchant in FS.
And it makes NO GOD DAMN SENSE.

>> No.45395314

Trying to make sense of Gensokyo's economy is a fool's errand. The booze issue alone is impossible, let alone everything else on top of it.
Plus, most youkai either do nothing productive whatsoever, or spend all their time on worthless endeavours that only satisfy their own desires, while still eagerly drinking and eating.
You basically have to answer everything with "Yukari supplies it", which will never be a satisfying answer to the question of how Gensokyo sustains itself despite being so isolated.

>> No.45395418

The Kappa, eating assballs, blood, and testicles alongside the salt merchant and them being able to provide a salt water pool for the seal is one of the more egregious examples.
The kappa eating those things due to being kappa is fine.
But having hem only eat them for economic reasons while the salt merchant exists and they can afford the salt for the seals' enclosure is just ZUN not thinking things through.
In the second scenario it makes more sense for the Kappa to just buy or trade for the salt they need and not eat humans at all.

The same can be said for the printing industry, we know the Tengu do some printing, but the village only has wood block prints so they couldn't be expected to print much.
However Reimu can somehow afford flyers for all of her banquets and parties despite being dirt poor and the Tengu don't seem to have any logging operations to provide the materiel for the printing and paper production.

>> No.45395556

Paper alone would be a hassle to get in general, not to mention the massive amount of ink and the like.
But that is the problem with fantasy settings in general. They tend to keep technology to a low level as to not take away from the magical side, but can't work around the issue of the production of everyday items that would be super rare, but still needed to move the plot forward.

>> No.45395598

I think having more outside world trade could solve the paper issue, but it'd only make the Kappa worse.
Mentioning they eat ass balls made sense when it was first brought up, but then ZUN added more to the situation and made it make less sense.
If I had to recton something out it'd be that, or I's just say the Kappa's made a salt mine or something, then they'd be able to construct a new underwater base which would be a controlled saltwater enviroment.

>> No.45396543

Technically, the Kappa issue was answered.
They are so uninformed, they didn't realize the ocean had salt water, and it never got in their head to put the stuff in fresh water until after the fact was brought up.

>> No.45397350 [DELETED] 

I feel like the biggest thing to consider when talking about Gensokyo's produce is that, to be frank, it literally does not make sense on any realistic level whatsoever. I brought it up in another manga thread a couple months back on how its literally impossible for there to be enough even semi-safe farmland in the Human Village to supposed it when it has at least 2 miles of walls on all sides. But I've just accepted the answer anon gave me, which was roughly something like
>lands blessed, don't think about it too much
and definitely seems to be the case. And that's fine, since ZUN doesn't want to write a story where every single person in the Human Village is in poverty.

>> No.45397377
File: 238 KB, 922x396, VFiS_Human_Village.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the biggest thing to consider when talking about Gensokyo's produce is that, to be frank, it doesn't make sense on any realistic level whatsoever. I brought it up in another manga thread a couple months back on how its literally impossible for there to be enough even semi-safe space farmland in the Human Village to support it when, it has (only possibly given one of the two sky-shots we have of it so I'm just spitballing here) at least 2 miles of walls on all sides. But I've just accepted the answer anon gave me, which was roughly something like
>lands blessed, don't think about it too much
and definitely seems to be the case. And that's fine, since ZUN doesn't want to write a story where every single person in the Human Village is in poverty.

>> No.45397412

We do see farmland, it's actually quite a lot too, but it being able to maintain a settlement whose size is never pinned down is hard to believe.
I think the "village" was described as something more like a burgeoning city that is expanding, making it seem like the human population in Gensokyo outnumbers the youkai by quite a bit.

>> No.45397444

To be fair, I think the land is insanely fertile due to gods isn't a crazy stupid explanation. Either that or make the population of the Human village slightly below "Incest would wipe them out" levels.

>And that's fine, since ZUN doesn't want to write a story where every single person in the Human Village is in poverty.
To a certain extent, I agree. To it is kind of weird they aren't a total subsidence economy.

>> No.45397459

Also don't forget about the "merchants" who do trade with the village. You can't just assume that the humans are entirely self sufficient.

>> No.45397472

It's mostly pointless because the human village is written as a plot device first and a actual place second. I'm a autistic nerd and I totally would spend my days thinking about how the human village works. But ZUN has had sex at least once, therefore he can no longer do that.

It's weird. I kind of get not wanting to just make the Kappa evil. But giving them a salt deficiency in a universe with a salt merchant is baffling. It's like if Remilia was written to complain about having to drink blood despite it being canonically said she can drink blood without killing somebody.

Somehow that is worse, though at least vaguely funny.

>> No.45397498

The human village is way too big. I get that if it was actually a tiny hamlet there would be questions of incest. But it seems to basically be a small city in most art. If it had about 500 people I would say it's mostly plausible.

>You can't just assume that the humans are entirely self sufficient.
The issue there is they would need to trade for something. Logically, the only real thing the humans can provide that Youkai themselves would be unable to get is food. Which means that the economy would be almost entirely funded by the agricultural section.

>> No.45397509

It's less that the land being insanely fertile isn't a crazy explanation either, it's just by fact of divinity and magic existing that means you basically HAVE to suspend all disbelief and it makes logic completely inapplicable. To be frank, the answer of "how does the Human Village/youkai get so much salt/sugar/miso/any other commodity?" can be answered by forbidden templates just as easily as anything else unexplained.

>> No.45397523

The kappa just being dumb is probably the cannon explanation, despite finding it gross due to their nature as youkai they never questioned their customs even if they disliked them.
Although this would imply that Kappa eventually just made a salt mine or started trading for salt during the events of WaHH, although this would make them not man eaters, and I'm 100% sure ZUN will slip up or has already slipped up and mentioned them being man eaters after that point.

>> No.45397533

True. But the human village doesn't really seem to be a particularly magically adept society. I generally assume most people lead relatively ordinary pre industrial lives.

The easiest explanation is frankly just that the Kappa are little shits and will invent a excuse one minute, claim to be a friend of humans the next, and still murder any outsiders regardless.

>> No.45397563

I'm not talking about them murdering outsiders, I'm talking about them eating ass balls. We know they find eating ass balls gross for whatever reason they have, and having a stable means of getting salt without eating something they consider gross is probably something they'd want.
And as you say they can just invent whatever excuse they want to kill someone, although in cannon they only really seem to be testy when people poke around their village/base.

>> No.45397568

>I'm talking about them eating ass balls.
Where do you think they get them from if not outsiders?

>We know they find eating ass balls gross for whatever reason they have
Honestly, that's not that hard to imagine.

>> No.45397586

>Where do you think they get them from if not outsiders?
Outsiders, but my point isn't that I want them to be less evil, it's that them eating assballs combined with things like the salt mansion and them being able to readily provide salt for their seal pet is inconsistent, which I don't like.

>> No.45397594

It is pretty inconsistent. It would be one thing if they liked eating them but wanted to seem like the good guys. But, clearly, they do not. Meaning they are apparently just unaware a salt merchant exists.

Well, existed.

>> No.45397596

I think you're both slipping away from the discussion.

>> No.45397615

Yes, we are.

Though I do think it makes a clear point: Human village economy be inconsistent. Mostly because ZUN doesn't care much. Which, hey, fair enough.

>> No.45397716

Even worse, a salt merchant implies the existence of a semi-reliable source of salt somewhere.

>> No.45398029

Actually no, the ass balls are not from humans anymore. I believe there was something about the Kappa having been able to make them themleves now.
Still taste like utter shit.

>> No.45398060

Agricultural fields aren't within walled cities, have you ever had any history lessons about the medieval times or are you american?
If this is about protection, humans from the village are protected overall, they're just likely to be attacked outside the village (not killed, see CiLR chapter 5) but the fields could be considered as part of the village.

>> No.45398077

There's a joke here about Kappa and Onions.

>> No.45398116

They are.
Kanako saved a large share of the crops when that typhon arc happened in FS. She had help from the Kappa, but that is what you call a business partnership.

>> No.45398593
File: 69 KB, 626x306, fields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But here they are looking for Kousuzu in agricultural fields without a wall in sight. I guess the dialogue also means it's not considered part of the human village, unless they specifically mean, well the village "area".

>> No.45398676

I wasn't trying to say the cities are within the cities, I'm saying that there is not enough untapped farmable land in Gensokyo as we know it for farmers to farm on. Doubly so since they're using farming techniques from like 150 years ago and I'm pretty sure locusts have been mentioned before so it's logic to assume they and many others crop-destroyers exist. Even if we assume that 1 acre is 1 person for a year and that Gensokyo has zero crop failures in its entire history due to the blessing of the various gods, that still requires thousands of acres in what is a region that's got a majority of its landscape taken up by bamboo, forests, mountains and other mystical things like Muenzuka. To say nothing of the areas that're inhabited by Youkai. Regardless of if you want to argue grim or cute or anythingsokyo with any given autist in this thread, the average farmer isn't going to push his field out to the fucking Youkai Road or anywhere even close. And that's to say nothing of how uncertain the size of the Human Village is; it's certainly bigger than any given dying town in the outskirts of Japan but by how much is a huge contender. Could it be 5000 people, or 20000? The only thing we can say definitely about it is that "it's big" and "it's somewhere in the middle of Gensokyo" and "The Hakurei Shrine is a walk just far enough to not be totally safe but not be dangerous, and the Moriya Shrine needs a ropeway (obviously)".

Again, it basically just makes no sense. I don't expect it to, and it's not supposed to.

>> No.45398680

>I wasn't trying to say the cities are within the cities,
The farms within the cities*
What a horrible mistake to make at the start of my post.

>> No.45398997

I mostly agree. Though, would 5000 really be that impossible to feed? I can't do the math on this, but it shouldn't be THAT hard even considering edo era technology.

>> No.45399128

Preindustrially, the ideal plot of land (ignoring variations in elevation, rainfall, soil fertility) for a peasant farmer was about 1.1 hectare for a whole peasant family to sustain themselves and produce a substantial surplus that could be taxed or traded (this was the basis of the equal field system over in China that got imported to Japan and stayed fairly stable for a while before the growth of large landholders undermined the power of the central government to regularly seize and reassign land, incidentally Prince Shotoku aka Miko was essential in applying this reform). Now you can get as low as about half an acre and still sustain a family in poverty (rice is amazingly productive per unit of land, not so much per man-hour), but I'd err on the side of 1.1 acres for a reasonably prosperous small family who can produce enough to trade, especially because that surplus will be going to feed the villagers who aren't farmers too.

>> No.45399158

>it's somewhere in the middle of Gensokyo
Wasn't it supposed to be closer to the eastern most edge of Gensokyo? I could've sworn the village was said to be more, "tucked away in a small corner of Gensokyo".

>> No.45399547

Knowing ZUN there's a non-zero chance there's conflicting statements, but i'm pretty sure WaHH said it's roughly the center of Gensokyo.

>> No.45399678

>"Yukari supplies it"
I think that the nature of the barrier itself is what brings things to Gensokyo from the outside world.
Like the crested ibises and the paper surplus in CoLA.
Things seem to drift into Gensokyo when "forgotten" or "deemed as ilusionary".
The question is to which degree this works, but a lot of paper seemed to end on Gensokyo and there's definitively still paper in the outside world. So maybe it comes to specific stacks of paper getting forgotten.
It's kind of a fix to have modern stuff in a fantasy world but I guess ZUN made this at the beginning of the series and though "Yup now I can have some edo style world with a whatever modern stuff I want to put in".
>But that is the problem with fantasy settings in general.
You cannot tell people that ropes aren't meant to be cut all the time nor that things like swords break!

>> No.45399702

it's definitely not a group of things being forgotten and it refers to specific items being forgotten for them to end up in Gensokyo, which is why Rinnosuke can have found an ipad in Muenzuka when they're definitely not forgotten in the outside world

>> No.45400026

Yukari is like cement, she's good at filling plot holes.
And getting filled herself.

>> No.45400305

Yukari is like cement, because she's old, full of cracks, and never gets replaced or filled.

>> No.45402203


I have located the wantsome water youkai.

>> No.45402495

Human villagers probably just dream up cow and deer youkai and slaughter them when they are hungry.

>> No.45402604
File: 122 KB, 335x283, chiyaris_year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her month!

>> No.45404181

Yuuma chillin

>> No.45404778

>It's kind of a fix to have modern stuff in a fantasy world but I guess ZUN made this at the beginning of the series and though "Yup now I can have some edo style world with a whatever modern stuff I want to put in".
Why would the human village even be pre modern then? I guess people aren't liable to forget factories or the like, but they should all be using generators and fucking flooded with lost smartphones.

>> No.45405060

>Why would the human village even be pre modern then?
Maybe it's not. It's just an assumption since it's been cut off for nearly 200 years. People still come from the outside and they have somewhat of a concept of what goes on occasionally. The youkai have modern technology, particularly the mountain ones, and probably indirectly apply some to the village. Even their clothing isn't actually old fashioned, at least the females.

>> No.45409180

Muenzuka is where most of the things seem to end of the outside world so for starters it's way more accessible for youkai or people that aren't threatened by youkai like Rinnosuke or Marisa when they go grave robb- erm mourning I mean.
So I assume that most things don't end up to the village. Aside from some clothing, like >>45405060 points out, which is the typical thing writers go full anachronism.
As for the smartphones and generators, I think that non electronic stuff would be more likely to end up there, even if some people buy a new phone every year it still would be less likely to be forgotten than clothing or food which is bought way more frequently and more likely to be forgotten.
And without electricity nor fuel, most of those things can't be used properly or only work for a short time.
I also guess that forgotten complex instruments would be more likely to end up broken before being forgotten, but I guess Kappas could just scrap those things.

>> No.45413212
File: 241 KB, 873x1200, BigtitGoddessKanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than likely, yeah. Autists are picking a part every minute aspect of the story. Talking about farm land, how much you can grow per acre, technology or whats possible and what isn't mean while mr villager wants milk and eggs for his family so he prays really hard to Kanako and her big tits. The next morning he has chickens and a cow. His donations and devotion went a long way. Mountains of faith > farming logistics.

>> No.45415576

I always thought that farmland was outside of the village and that it was safe to work there in daytime since youkai seem to be pretty nocturnal in both Touhou and also mostly in myths.
I don't think that everything attacks a villager the second they step outside the village like in an rpg, villagers seem to be fine going out of it all the time. But mostly in daytime.
I guess that's what made Patche think she was Earth.
But it looks like it's more like the barriers doing, if not she wouldn't have to take the gameboy from Rinnosuke but would have gotten it herself.
Things just seem to wash up into Gensokyo
Kek, I don't remember the ideas of the villagers having such direct influence tho.

>> No.45417580

>Maybe it's not.
Manga seems to mostly disagree.

> Even their clothing isn't actually old fashioned, at least the females.
Don't all the mobs in the fighting game dress pretty old fashioned.

>> No.45418159

Anon, people can pray. Its a thing a lot of people do and something people in 2hu do as well. Kanako may or may not answer it.

>> No.45427677

manga isn't canon

>> No.45428981

You aren't canon

>> No.45429935
File: 56 KB, 1673x205, meiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's multiple sources saying human village is stuck at around meiji era technology and fashion, but have some boosts like kappa tools (humans are allowed to go buy stuff) and a few inventions I imagine thanks to Kanako and the like.

>> No.45430695

The human village is aesthetically Meji era.
Meija era villages did not having running water and modern sinks.

>> No.45430743

Yes, so like I said around Meiji era technology with some boosts.

>> No.45433467

That's my takeaway. It's Meiji japan in appearance but not in practicality and that's all that matters. ZUN could start introducing bananas or whatever isn't a native crop as native crops and I wouldn't really blink an eye.

>> No.45436223

The village is getting melons, blueberries, and other assorted tropical fruit from somewhere to make their desserts. Not to mention the sugar which should be super rare like salt.
I wonder if the village is going through a big dental issue. Sugars being in that much quantity, while not having modern dental care, must mean a lot of cavities.

>> No.45436238

I think he actually does pay a bit of attention to that since there was a WaHH chapter where Kasen accidentally brought western dandelions into gensokyo and they began popping up everywhere and threatening the native stuff so yukari had to spread a rumour that they were a delicacy to get people to eat them and keep the population down

>> No.45436251

Eririn is the one bringing in the sugar, Miko is quite concerned about it but most others seem not to care.
Others could also be bringing it in like the SDM, Mamizou and Nue, or Yukari through their outside world contacts.
Hopefully Eirin will also set up a dentistry.

>> No.45437691

Human Village isn't just "Meiji era village", and it isn't just "Meiji era village+" either. It has the support of literal gods. It's mythology become true. Their way of detecting weather is about as advanced as ours, for example.
Everything is depicted as they were before knowledge of certain things, especially in relation to science, came to light. Except that knowledge is turned on its head, turned from myth to reality. Echoes come from yamabiko. Abandoned, uncared for objects can become vengeful. The human village is governed by incredibly powerful magic, it just doesn't seem like it because said magic isn't controlled by humans.
Humans pray for food and more than likely, it comes. Whether it's from youkai or gods.

>> No.45438015

I think you're reading far too much into the posts. It's not that "it's Meiji era with commodities the Meiji era wouldn't have", it's "it's magic, ZUN ain't gotta explain shit".

>> No.45438347

Too many people asking where did the village get parfait materials from and not enough asking how possessed Mokou payed for it.

>> No.45438940

With her body.

>> No.45440245

She's a well-known acquaintance to Keine. So when the employee asked if she wants to put it on her tab, Mizuchi immediately jumped on it.

>> No.45440264

You gonna tell the lady who can give your scrote 3rd degree burns she has to pay for her food? Not like anyone would suspect it's not Mokou.

>> No.45440498

If I knew she could burn me then I probably also know she cannot die, so I would not only tell her, I would threaten her knowing I would receive no repercussion for her temporary death. On the other hand she's not allowed to do shit to humans either, even if she's not a youkai, so she can pay or get the knife a second time.

>> No.45441011

She got it because she's so dang cute!

>> No.45441026

the waitress is from the ancient touhou fanon where half the characters had a crush on mokou

>> No.45441795

Mokou probably has some money even if it's just from villagers as a thanks for safely guiding people through the bamboo forest.
She probably hasn't got much though so Mizuchi just spend her savings on some dessert she didn't even get to taste... poor Mokohobo
The fairies also got coffee iirc, whenever it's just from random bags of abandoned coffee falling into Gensokyo or actually locally grown coffee via magic or something we'll probably never know though.

>> No.45443615

She had hot lesbian sex with that adorable waitress who served her. That was her payment.

>> No.45447749

>She's not allowed to do shit to humans
>She's also immortal
Yeah that technicality isn't gonna save your burnt ass. She won't care at all.

>> No.45449566

Then I hope she enjoys life in the outside world when the collective youkai of Gensokyo throw her out for reducing their supply of humans to terrorize.

>> No.45452009

>It has the support of literal gods. It's mythology become true.
Most of that is a negative though and would most likely negatively impact their living standards.

>> No.45452023

>Then I hope she enjoys life in the outside world
She would, honestly.

>> No.45452231

Because the Aki sisters are such meances, defacing trees and damaging public property by painting it all in autumn colors.
And dear god their sweet potatos, they're to die for.
