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45283680 No.45283680 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Yukari related poetry, Sonnet, Couplet, Haikus etc here

>Useful links
Character Page : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Yukari_Yakumo
Poetry Guidelines: http://www.mnelsonhome.com/Poetry%20ex/15_forms_of_poetry.htm
Poetry Society of America: http://www.poetrysociety.org/psa/?
Recommended Literature:
>Diary of Murasaki Shikibu
>Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Lafcadio Hearn
>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Previous thread of this kind:

>> No.45283786

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I like Yukari
She is cool

>> No.45283798
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Roses are red
Sunset is gold
I hate yukari
Cuz she's too old

>> No.45284146

Ugly gap hag
Stupid old bag
Women like you are why there are fags

>> No.45286956
File: 294 KB, 850x1213, IMG_1957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat old bat

>> No.45287044

pin pin this thread
yu yu yukarin
doki doki seventeen
yukarin-sama ga
oka oba mama da

>> No.45288596
File: 97 KB, 850x567, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_uroam__sample-a7065528e60ae836faf70956a234e41a (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the realm where boundaries blur and colors blend,
Yakumo Yukari, a mystery to comprehend.
Be amethyst or gold ore, her eyes hold the wisdom of forevermore;
By her gentle hands, the land is hold,
And in Gensokyo's tapestry, a story unfolds.

Cherry blossoms whisper in the moonlit air,
As Yukari weaves threads with utmost care.
Gaps in reality, portals to the unknown
Her elegance and grace, beauty to make a man's sins atone

A youkai of boundaries, both near and far,
She dances through dimensions, like a shooting star.
In twilight's embrace, where dreams take flight,
Yukari's presence, a celestial delight.

Her laughter echoes through the bamboo grove,
A symphony of enchantment, pure and clove.
Across the thin walls, her lovely moans,
And by combined love, a seed sown.
To grow and make her belly heavy,
Yet to bless our souls, bring joy, and turn our lives that much less weary.

In the tapestry of Gensokyo's intricate scheme,
Yukari stands, like a vivid, elusive dream.
A love that transcends the boundaries of lore,
For Yukari, my heart, my duty, my fidelity, forevermore.

>> No.45288993

shit thread

>> No.45289088

great tread

>> No.45292840
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Didn't expect a legit entry. I like it

>> No.45292899

A thread for the hag
Who opens portals with a thread
Observing the anons in disagreement
Arguing as if they were mere mortals

Both unaware of the hag
Viewing them with her thread
Both will soon see
When the anons look back
She will force head

>> No.45292924





The sage with eyes of amethyst, in ethereal abode,
Jade visage, eyes bright, purple aura bestowed.
Nine heavens' fairy treads the path in skies,
Wandering the void, where the hidden sage lies.

Mystery and allure beyond the mortal thread,
Lost in illusions where seekers dare to tread.
In the glassy mirror, clouded shapes unfold,
Enigmatic, through myriad dreams untold.

Painter’s brush fails to capture her refined grace,
Worldly beauty pales before her celestial place.
A visitor from realms of divine lore,
For a millennium, amid the purple's lore.

Whose eyes catch the sight of her serene shade?
Drifting freely, in realms where dreams are made.
Where does the gentle breeze imply its way?
Only the purple-eyed sage in mortal stay.

>> No.45292940

fuckin Li Bai over here, get the fuck out

>> No.45292941
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>She will force head

>> No.45292954

i wish chinese poetry wasnt so prosaic. still kudos to you (if it''s yours).

>> No.45293017

There is a 90% chance an AI wrote this.

>> No.45295016

How is /jp/ so good at poetry? I thought we're all neets here

>> No.45295911
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1471, yukaripurpleeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her love is like stars;
It shiners bright and is larger than Mars;
Though, red signs waved proudly for years;
Yet these hands covered these ears;
And she burned and destroyed it as if a battlefield to ten thousand wars;
I offered my body, my soul, she took it all and twisted until all that remained were scars;
With her, I was king—now, I'm full of tears;
But that's coming to an end;
Holding the knife to my neck, I'll break her control, her routine—escape this prison;
A gap stops the suicide, her eyes are tsunamis and her grin easy as she holds me, hands akin to shears;
"Escape is impossible. You're mine forever, dear," she whispered, and where once stood love, there were only fears;
got inspired by the music 'Contrução', by Chico Buarque. Genius song.

>> No.45297621

it's actually the opposite. classical chinese poem is filled with broken speech that doesnt really work with english translation

>> No.45298666
File: 209 KB, 627x801, yukariglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A black line widens
No longer a thin thread
Her head pops out
Sees anons lurking in this thread
Nosy hag notices their replies
Shocked by posts
She thought "My, oh my"
Both furious, yet calm
They really do hate her
How to keep them in check
Without looking like a stranger
She looks at her palms
Capable of pleasure
And since everyone knows who she is
Would anyone dare to stop her?
Further out the thread but not fully through
Anons also click off the thread
Yukari still unsure what to do
Last moment she taps on their shoulders
They look back and see her head
It's the hag they despised!
With her tongue out and whispers "Want head?"
She then fully comes out of that thread
Has the anon surrounded
Nowhere to go
Fallen over and grounded
She reaches for her victims crotch
Then forces the pants down
Something always hidden away
In her line of sight which can only stay
Her mouth opens wide as she gets closer
It starts to enter, then deeper in
Forceful motion forwards and backwards
Couldn't hold it in, sludge comes outwards
She still doesn't stop and keeps going
For the next few hours it all goes accordingly
She is finally satisfied, even anon is happy
Will never hate the hag for now on
Yukari can finally leave

>> No.45298694

this one is a bit too lewd. and yukarin-sama doesnt engage in such promiscous activities!

>> No.45298708

nicely lewd, thanks!

>> No.45301591

Creepy. Cool song too

>> No.45304579

kuso thread

>> No.45314415

Yukari thread is cool
But I will be a fool
If I don't bump this
With the posting tool

>> No.45314423


>> No.45314658
File: 191 KB, 500x527, Yukari pops in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

