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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45054620 No.45054620 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.45054623
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>> No.45055548

I'll take top hat.

>> No.45056004

Looks BL.

>> No.45056778


>> No.45058936

We won't get anything good.

>> No.45059141

because samefaces

>> No.45060240

I really like this art

>> No.45060595

How’s the japanese difficulty in cage? Vndb and screenshots posted by anons last thread looked pretty ez but is there a bunch of battle/fighting vocab?

>> No.45060975

I haven't had much time to play yet so I can't speak of anything past the prologue yet, but so far it had been pretty ez. There had been like two occasions when the narration used hyougaiji version of a common word for no discernible reason, but other than that the only thing that stood out to me is that the game likes to use 浮かぶ a lot. Like a whole lot more than you'd reasonably expect.

>> No.45061329

Cool, I’ll try it then. Thanks anon

>> No.45061867

Have fun. I don't want to jinx it but so far I really like it.

>> No.45063312

Now I think about it, MCs with glasses are pretty rare.

>> No.45063499

She'll probably take it off at some point in the story

>> No.45063547

The PV implied she was only disguising herself as a maid (probably as a human in general?) so I fully expect that to happen.

>> No.45064166

nihongo is too muzukashii friends

>> No.45064178

Just keep reading and eventually it'll be second nature.

>> No.45067006
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>> No.45067012
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>> No.45069551
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>> No.45069911

Isn't this mobile shit?

>> No.45070249

Anyone have any games that evoke a comfy feel of escapism? Not sure how to describe it but the last game I played that felt like that was Degrees of Lewdity. When I started playing it I became really immersed it in and obsessed with it and easily played it for 7 hours straight. I got super into some of the characters and it was really comforting in a way.

>> No.45070398

eroge evolution

>> No.45070439

I dress like that.

>> No.45070702

The guy in the front gives me a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cFnfD4iZzM vibe

>> No.45071325

Is this gacha?

>> No.45073194

Don't know yet.

>> No.45073235
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Oh. I had hoped to kick this off with tentative yakuza curbstomp, but I guess not/yet. So it comes down to Rejected Recycled MC Design No.2, Megane, or Blond Kaworu. Hmm.

>> No.45073701

I recommend 1 or 3.
No I don't care if you think his clipped hair looks stupid.

>> No.45073971
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>> No.45075830

The Twist killer.

>> No.45075937

Before sex.

>> No.45076003

I haven't ruled out 3 entirely, only from the first route considerations. If the rest of the game doesn't disappoint I will probably 100% this in the end. Anyway went with 1, let's see how this goes.

>> No.45076773

Is there a way to hook the Steam version of Club Suicide, or should i just kill myself?

>> No.45076887

Regex filter doesn't work?

>> No.45080048

It'a a gacha.
>Pre-reg for free blah blah blah

>> No.45081174
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Into the trash it goes.

>> No.45084342

New future.

>> No.45085184

It will die in a year anyway.

>> No.45087387

What's the point of these type of gacha? Not otome nor bl. I get the popularity of gacha if it's otome/bl with porn or not see nucarnival but I really don't get these. Waste of money but mostly waste of time.

>> No.45087470

They figured out you don't need to actually include any porn or even romance in your series, the fans will make it for you in the form of doujins and fanfics.
The audience for these don't expect that sort of content from the games and are happy enough with just seeing their faves and getting some bait occasionally. The majority of them, I expect, don't play full length console/PC VNs and don't know what they're missing. And it's not like everyone wants the same thing either, a gacha with no romance can appeal to both fujos and yumes. Much safer this way because you won't piss anyone off. This kind of game ends up making piles more money even if the experience is obviously worse.

>> No.45087594

I don't know how zoomzooms can live like this. Content that is designed to appeal to everyone is not only the blandest, it's also insulting. That it is a gacha just makes it worse.

>> No.45087900

I get the feeling gacha is one of those things people often get into because they just like the feeling of being in a fandom. Originally fandoms like this were organic and just sprang up around something with characters people found appealing, even if husbando or waifufags were not necessarily the intended audience at first. For fujos and yumes shounen manga/anime, particularly sports focused series used to be popular in this way. The actual story didn't really matter to the (fujo/yume) fans, just that it was a toybox of attractive characters to contort into the shapes you wanted in fan works.
When gacha games started becoming a thing I think devs saw this kind of fandom and tried to reverse engineer it artificially to draw out the biggest fanbase (and the most money) from the least amount of content as possible.

>> No.45087946

Yeah you can see it with Genshin, as soon a character is announced they immediately start a ship before the character is even in the game, you can see it with the two latest characters announced.

I'm not sure how to explain it, part it feels like it's because the shift in "headcanon" in the west and the amount of people that consumes videogames via fanart.

>> No.45088581

>The majority of them, I expect, don't play full length console/PC VNs and don't know what they're missing
Can confirm. I was like this. I played gacha for years before I played my first VN and once I experienced actually seeing canon sex/kissing I can't go back. Now I feel almost insulted or disgusted that they keep releasing these games that pander to no one specifically. At least in gacha games for straight guys the waifus have canon crushes on (you) or each other (if you prefer yuri) but even in joseimuke games they always keep it way TOO ambiguous

>> No.45089078

Eh, even straight gacha are boring to me. Everyone has a crush on the boring self insert and there are no characters relationship. Purity culture coupled with self insert is the death of narrative.

>> No.45089299

A thing I like about gacha is the gameplay. Not necessarily battles like nucani and whb has but more like the stat raising kinda system, that tokimeki and angelique have. Most of these games though are stuck on ps2 or ds platforms. Can be fun.

>> No.45089798

You are insane, just go play some clicker/idle game if you want to tediously watch stats go up.

>> No.45089898

>Most of these games though are stuck on ps2 or ds platforms.
I mean, you can emulate a lot of those games on the phone without any trouble nowadays. Stat builders are fairly standard with JRPGs in a way, too.
I think the only gacha game I did enjoyed gameplay-wise was Genshin but that quickly falls apart by the terrible unskippable writing and FOMO everywhere as usual with freemium shit.

>> No.45090082

It can be really fun, slowly warming up and harassing them with your stylus! I even found some old ass blvns that had stat raising. But understandable if you just want to read the story and relax than be on edge to meet up the stats kek. I don't dare to try anything without a guide.

Yeah, most are indeed emulatable thankfully! Having a vita really did solve this issue. I just wish they do make a playable android ps2 emulator bc it's such a hassle on the real console. Having to buy memory cards burn the cds. True Fortune looks cute, mamoru miyano is there too.

Btw koei anons, how is the gameplay in corda and harukanaru series? Jeanne jack too.

>> No.45090318

i like corda. the game is easier in corda 2 but i liked running around the school campus hunting for fairies and performing ensembles with random students. harukanaru is the typical turn based rpg but with actual romance unlike the weak shit fire emblem does

>> No.45090356

I can understand why N+C would censor TnC and go after that sweet PS2 money. But a literal who friendship route? For whatever purpose?

>> No.45090393

Kamiya voiced him

>> No.45090428

So they got a popular voice actor, but why friendship route?

>> No.45090492

I feel like all Otome games are just targetting a really young immature youtube/tiktok audience now. I'm too old for this shit

>> No.45090925

I miss the otome shitpost threads on /a/. Was fun to see sisters getting male anons into diabolik lovers. Most of them ended up liking Subaru but their favorite was Laito. Another anon was sad that Kanan in olympia soiree didn't get a route.

>> No.45091016


Worst boy

>> No.45091038

How do you know they were male?

>> No.45091063

What men enjoy about otomes is very different from what women enjoy

>> No.45091073

But men and women alike love seeing women getting the shit beaten out of them

>> No.45091100

That's weak and also boring. Where are the women who love seeing men getting beat up instead?

>> No.45091122

The biggest playerbase is millennials with jobs and children taking up their time
Zoomers are on Roblox and Vtuber channels
Phone games stupid and are accessible for people with no lives and inherent addict personalities since they are free
/blog/ games are stupid and cost money

>> No.45091186

From what I can remember

>they liked Cordelia
>they liked Yui
>found Kanato annoying (i think erens seiyuu was also the reason behind it)
>liked Ayatos takoyaki autism
>liked Laito the most because he was a proud cuck and a masochist
And then there was an infighting some anons were calling shounen protagonists cucks and wishing they were like otome heroines and escalated to there. Sadly most were eops so they couldn't get past the first game. They shared the eng vita patch too. Someone wanted to try the cds too but the link was removed. A Laitofag was also sperging about Laito ending up 4th in the poll and shitting on Subaru being worst boy. >>45091016

>> No.45091319
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Someone recommended 十三支演義 on エロゲスレ and I have been reading it. It's funny how absolutely everything gives me kami vibes except this absolute retard pic related. I have high expectations

>> No.45091425

Right here.

>> No.45091593

>Ishida Akira
>white haired LI
He either yandere, gay, dead or all three

>> No.45092226

I'm currently on and off playing haruka7 right now and combat in it is quite lackluster. There's not really anything to do in terms of manual controls so it's rather annoying to have to sit through them if anything. But I read that the combat system varies between haruka titles so maybe other one's are more interactive and fun.

>> No.45092298
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>Another anon was sad that Kanan in olympia soiree didn't get a route.
Literally me
Him having a route would make no sense in-universe, but I wouldn't turn it down either. He leaves an impression, moreso than the LIs.
Those threads were fun, mix of curious passersby and DL/otomefags. They even had their own schizo.

>> No.45092491

this ishida akira brat is a large part of the reason why i do my daily reps, i WILL play his game

>> No.45092494

Honestly I assume since it had no porn it woulnd't matter. Like that weird era where they kept adapting BL in anime and took out the BL

>> No.45094031

Most otome have always been written for young people. Or at least shallow and dumb enough for young people to grasp.

>> No.45096745
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AkaAka remaster got a cheeky release date.

>> No.45098803

I only come to /blog/ for male on male violence.

>> No.45099541
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I played through the whole first game but after one route of the second otomate alice game I'm going to have to bounce.
I mostly tried it out it to satisfy the part of myself that read a lot of fan theories about the setting and lore years back but it's clear at this point there's no real additions on that front, it's just a watered down version made to be newcomer friendly. None of the routes I played were offensively bad, but none were good either, they just don't have what made the original entertaining to me. It's just boring.
I wasn't expecting a lot but I at least wanted to finish it. Never mind.

>> No.45100412
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Sorry for my late replies Majimasis, these last months have been pure hell. Always enjoying your replies! Adorable Warlockjima sketch sis, can't wait to see more of your cute Halloween gremlino designs! Furby! A furby majima would be so adorable. Not related but I have childhood trauma with furbies. Was so desperate for one but in my third world back then, fanatic christiancucks (still are lel) said the devil resides inside furbies so many parents didn't get them for their children, including mine. I really wanted a furby! Maybe I should make a majima plushie in a furby costume and record lines from the game so he can cure my trauma. Ironically, Majima does believe that he is a devil's spawn.

I've been digging up info about their upcoming game, a kind anon posted coolb's issue some threads ago. While the novel focuses on oniichan, aromarie will include more LIs and routes. Oniichan isn't BR but he is a good gremlino descendant. Maybe they'll add a sekrid one, who knows, Marukis signature is at least two incest routes KEK. They need to hire Maruki. Be it BL, be it otome or a coomfest vn. I don't care I'm so desperate I'm shitting myself.

Fujitas VA is as sasuga, a great M. It's not a bad gacha, quite entertaining but need to have a lot of patience with gameplay. I'll probably replay pilslash's masquerade once it's out in eng just for his VA. Would be fun if anons here joined and we all played along! Anons don't seem to be much into Rejet much or maybe they are but are tsuns, or just busyfucks like me.

>chuuni iraes
Sasuga sis,based taste! I think so, yeah haha, I mostly lurk desu but once I see incest discussions I do join in can't just stay still when my people are calling! Muramasa is on my list too, Kageaki looks adorable and goblino tier! Definitely going to try both. I think I'll skip the Japanese version though, the kanji in Muramasa seem a pain in the ass. I hope Jast did a good job for once. Else I'll just crawl back to Anki reps and text hooking. Kara no Shoujos Reiji is very cute. Unlike our goblino he is indeed a miserable poor guy. Tomoyuki was cute too in the sequel and he is very similar to goblino in sooo many ways. Ofc coomers didn't like him, too based for cucks, he is a good boy and looks like our goblino. Then there is the Sayooshi one…that one is…a special case. If only they made an otome with a LI like him. Talking about Sayooshi can't wait for craftworks new game. Hope it won't get delayed again.

He really based and can voice many types. The flirty, the dumbass, the perverted one. He did a great job as Shuu. He starts as an apathetic lazy pervert but once Reiji takes his bullying too far, the voice cracks his desperation to save Yui is too real. In the cds especially he is ready to off himself for Yui. Also LIs who love cats are insta favorites of mine. He did a great jobs with goblinos VA. Definitely going to try both Iraes and Muramasa in the coming new year sis! Thanks a lot for the recs!

Ah he looks as deranged as he should be. Tamiyama is more fit for such nutjobs! Need to give him all the chuunis and tsuns roles.
>voices yet another priest
Maybe I should start it now haha. Goblino's VA, Narita, Midorikawa, Tachibana and Ishida Akira are insta playlist haha.
His glasses are cute.

Same sis, I rarely self-insert to otome (I did self insert the fuck out of pilvamp based heroines). The heroine is very important for a game. Being passive all the time without any charadevelopment can get really monotonous and annoying. I wish the writers just spent time writing a heroine. Their designs are so adorable it's a shame. I forgive it in historical ones or older vns but seeing that in 2020s vns gets annoying. Bring the 00s romance back and give my girls personalities. Yumes need to learn to self insert to anything kek. Henri cute.

Np sis, free to ask me about anything! And same I'll definitely talk about any game I play. Moshikami is really good. Aside from the shitposting, horror otome are rarer than r18. Midorin never disappoints with oniichan roles!
Pilvamp has great games too! Mashou megane was hilarious. I want to get back to Aizou because I heard it has many similarities with Chou no doku. New pil and aromarie game when.

Matsuda is top kek. I really enjoyed Paradise. Matsuda is an abusive haraguro cunt and gets off beating others basically. He then breaks down and has his pathetic goblino tier moments and tries to control himself for Azumas sake but Azuma wants to get beaten this time . Azuma is very cute and very loved here and there are many Matsuda anons who lurk here. If you play it better in Japanese sis. Don't trust Jast with BL tls. A combo of poggers zoomerspeak with 2010s tumblrina memes.

>harvest moon
The cows look sooo cute. Yeah very good to disassociate a bit. Thanks sis!

Really hope that the eng market will support them and maybe reconsider!

>> No.45100430
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The original

>> No.45102553

I'm just curious. What did you like about the original series? How it's different from otomate alice?

>> No.45103413

That mf is literally making me ASMR right now tfw I wasn't blessed with イケボ

>> No.45104061

I have no idea what Majima anons are on but I'm happy for them. Wish I had someone to talk about obscure JP Vn and my favorite characters.

>> No.45107631

A few characters were cut out or reduced to cameos for some reason, voice actors were recast, and the main appeal was probably seeing an abrasive tsundere MC clash against the LIs but this one has an amnesia gimmick so she’s not really like that and comes off more polite and reserved. It also has the romance develop slowly over the course of the route which wasn’t always the case before, often Alice would get together with the LI earlier on and there’d be more actual date events. It’s not a very plot heavy series so without the romance focus it’s just kind of boring.
It’s not entirely otomate’s fault since the current writer worked on some other old games as well. I didn’t like those much either for a lot of the same reasons.
Though my attachment to the series is entirely nostalgia sperging so take what I say with a grain of salt. It’s very possible it was always shit and I just didn’t notice.

>> No.45107873

Sasuga otomate. Allergic to a heroine having a tiny bit of personality and self worth. That was what was fun about quinrose games. The cheeky funny heroines. Again with the submissive onnahole kitchen emulator chans or yumes will go apeshit v.100. Can't they hire a writer that younger than 45.

>> No.45107998

>Make MC dull
>Drag out the pre-romance
Yep it's an otome game
Why do they do this

>> No.45110671

Playing anything for Halloween?

>> No.45111177

I tried reading Hanamachi monogatari in japanese and it destroyed every iota of confidence I had

>> No.45111209
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For Halloween? Not specifically, but I'm still crawling through Teppei's spoopy nightly amusement park misadventures at the pace of California sinking. Boy, does he have a strong flight response. I'll have to find the road to break that down, eventually. Can't wait to see him fight back with the desperation of a cornered rat.

>> No.45111868

On your filename, CAGE's music is actually all royalty free stuff, which surprised me when I found out because it fit the game so well. The devs must have thought so too because they got the original composer (it was IIRC all from one site) to make remixes of the tracks used in the game for the remake version.

>> No.45111933

I sorta did begin to suspect that this was the case when Auld Lang Syne began to play. That, combined with the game pretty obviously being made on a shoestring budget. Nothing wrong with royalty free stuff as long as they choose well though, and they did.
>they got the original composer to make remixes of the tracks used in the game for the remake version
That's pretty cool. And pretty ballsy to approach some random composer to work for this kind of game.

>> No.45112055

The composer/s (Sentive) also made OSTs for eroge and BL in the first place so it wasn't like it was something crazy, looking it up they had already done music for Paradise which was a commercial game with the same writers before they made the remixes.

>> No.45112985
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Do you mean that one? Kek, katagiri comes up with some kino shit when she wants to. Robbed, he'd make a funny LI even dickless

>> No.45113018
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He was discussed on /a/ but not here?
Otomesisters, come on!

>> No.45113067

I just started learning nip, doing core deck now, how long would you guys rec until I dive into my first /blog/ game? I'd ask djt but I'm probably more likely to get a real answer here
Also any specific beginner friendly ones? Both BL and otome fine

>> No.45113075

Despite not actually liking most of the games of hers I've played that much I'm weirdly anticipating the next Katagiri game. Unlike most otomate writers she at least has distinctive quirks.

>> No.45113153

*if there is one, that is.

>> No.45113162

Late N3 - early N2 if you want to augment your studies even at the cost of a slow and grueling reading experience, post-N2 for a smoother ride.

>> No.45113222

Ok thanks, guess I have a long while to go

>> No.45113233

For me it's only Yoshimura Ririka who manages to not write consistently overly bland shit for Otomate. I really don't like Katagiri's work. Olympia Soiree was just all around boring and repetitive. That game didn't need to repeat that many flashbacks.

>> No.45113262
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Agreed. I'm amazed by the rejet shitposting on /a/. Diabolik lovers justified because of the anime adaptations. But tiny x machine-gun? Moshikami? Definitely blog refuges. Katagiri anons seem to have been lurking there as well. I keep forgetting that admirari has an anime lmao.

>> No.45113303

Yeah. You won't get anything out of trying it while you are still in the N5-low N3 range. Everything taught at those levels is easy to master through example sentences. It's only after you start encountering grammar and vocab with very niche uses or that have overlaps in meaning or are just in general fuzzy.and hard to grasp that you'll need to start looking at how they are used by natives nips to clear that ambiguity up.

>> No.45113668

Only do-M mesubutas like Katagiri writing. At least she knows how to give her men a sexual drive I guess

>> No.45113737

Try one with a modern age/everyday life setting for easier moonrunes. IIRC, something like hatsukare renai debut sengen or brothers conflict was on the easier side. Games with similar vibes will most likely be the same way too.
Or alternatively, if your listening is better, try something that barely has any unvoiced text like amnesia or arcana famiglia.
Most BL games I've come across are on the more difficult side unfortunately.

>> No.45116109

Most BL games are sadly pretty hard. I think the easiest one I played is Nie no Machi, it doesn't have much descriptive text but you will still have to grind 1b of jukugo you don't see in manga I'm afraid. Kintouka on other hand was on the hard side (not to mention the typos)

>> No.45116337

I would say start right now (after basic grammar) if your goal in learning is untranslated media because there's always going to be a huge gap between actual media and isolated studying that you can't bridge except by immersing yourself in media. It's going to be slow and painful at first, but much more interesting than just studying for several months. That said, I don't know of any blog recs that are very simple. Just try something you're interested in and see how much sense you can make out of it (with a texthook + dictionary) and you'll know if you're ready or not.

>> No.45116363

Learn nip ez by playing Tokimeki Memorial

>> No.45116668

This is the correct answer without any bullshit. Don't make the mistake by studying in isolation for years. It'll be painful no matter what at the beginning and you WILL feel like a retard.

>> No.45117196

I don't think anyone here is vouching for complete isolation, but sites like NHK Easy and Satori Reader exist for a reason. If you don't set reasonable goals you will burn out before long.

>> No.45117257

Learning JP now is easier than ever, a lot of study sites on discord or reddit or whatever where you can ask stupid shit

>> No.45117460

I just wanna download into my brain.

>> No.45117802 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have the Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 version of GUN-KATANA? I can't find it anywhere and the older version has issues with crashing on 10.

>> No.45120629

The anons saying to start reading now are right. Ive played 2 games and read under a dozen manga and ln since I started at the end of september. All I knew before starting was a few hundred words from core 2k and basic grammar
First 40 hours were the hardest for me but now I think I can read any school life vn/ln without that many problems. Historical stuff or stuff with flowery language like Hanamachi monogatari fuck me up but I’ll get there

>> No.45122082

What manga have you been reading? I only hear yotsuba get recc'd to newbies
I'm thinking of trying out something from a younger shoujo magazine

>> No.45122432

I read Devilman but I found that kindof hard, harder than the stuff i read before because theres a lot of info dumps and weird slang. It got a lot easier by the 5th volume though
The first thing I read was this https://bookmeter.com/books/444566
It was omega hard and it took me like 30 hours to read it but after stuff felt way more manageable
If you want my opinion i think you should try to read something you’re interested in instead of whatever gets recommended for beginners. Reading is going to be hard no matter what but after you’ve read the same thing for a while it gets easier. And then it gets kindof hard again when you start reading something new. So you should just read stuff that’s interesting instead of “easy” because nothing will be easy at first

>> No.45123243

Most people start with yotsubato and other famous shit. Furigana + easy to google grammar answers. If you are serious I recommend looking for some study group online

>> No.45123304

NTA but Ai Yazawas works are easy to read if you like more mature shoujo/josei manga. Nana is quite easy to read, has furigana to kanji. In general shoujo works aren't that difficult to read. Baraou no Souretsu isn't that beginner friendly.
Now for BL, Ogeretsu Tanakas works are fine. You can read Yarichin bitch club for free on her pixiv. Harada works are okay too, but there's slang and inside jokes so might not be that beginner friendly too.

>> No.45124847
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Thank you guys for the varied tips/advice. I'll see what works for me out of everything and hopefully I can join you all in discussing new nip releases in a few years

>> No.45127565

You're welcome.

>> No.45127611

Good luck, and don't give up.

>> No.45132341

Boku no pico academia

>> No.45132665

Shit got so real in the third daydream. Hahaha. So. Good.

>> No.45135870

And tons of media besides mangs, anime and games avaliable for free.

>> No.45137396

It’s a little early, but any good winter themed games? Otome or BL, untranslated is fine.

>> No.45138283

For otomes: Haitaka is nice (pseudo 19th century winter town, lots of snowy scenes and good MC...I cried a lot)
Code Realize second fandisk is Christmas themed (in my winter backlog too)
There's also Noise voice of snow but I read it years ago and barely remember if it was good or not
Snow bound land is mid Snow Queen's adaptation in psp jail but I liked yandere softie oniichan Tachibana Shinnosuke there.

As for BL, I'm not as well versed in it as otomes but Messiah is super wintery and atmospheric. Also fantastic Tachibana MC.
Fanatica/Gin no Eclipse from the same author also has half of the setting in winter, but the other part is about the cruise ship.

A special mention is Christmas Tina, which is not an otome or bl but just a very nicely written winter game with high production value about 80s Tokyo. Dude has a face and voiced as well. Not about romance though.

Hope that something catches your eye, anon!

>> No.45138588

I've started reading SD today, there have been 2 instances where Rei is the speaker and the screen flashes red/black? very quickly, is this part of the game or is something glitching?

>> No.45138799
File: 430 KB, 1000x1524, Voltage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based voltage. Started as gacha, now they started porting them to pc and switch and now making switch games. Even if tempest was pretty good. Also reasonable prices. Happy for them!

>> No.45138953

Been that way since release.

>> No.45139300

Going from gacha slop to console games is a good upgrade, I hope their new games are good too. So far I'm liking the art style on them all

>> No.45139615

>cyberpunk mafia
>vampire hunters
Could be fun.

>> No.45139879

These are plot relevant flashes

>> No.45140541
File: 395 KB, 840x659, what is this vanilla doing in my hyperviolence game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ready for anything. Except this, apparently.
...bracing for the wildest of mood whiplashes.

>> No.45140577

That's really great!

>> No.45142123

I thought it was related to a certain mood or type of phrase but they didn't match up and seemed to be random. I noticed a pattern with latest instance, the trigger appears to be 大丈夫 though I haven't confirmed it.

>> No.45142565

You're a smart anon, I didn't notice until someone pointed it out in their review

>> No.45143635

He seems so innocent and harmless in an autistic sort of way, doesn't he.

Incidentally every guy's route in Cage has roughly two sides with a bunch of endings on each end, the love route where things stay mostly fine in the relationship (for a given definition of "fine", this author is absolutely fucked up in the head and some characters are irredeemable) and the destroy route where things go really wrong and there's conflict between Teppei and the LI.
Following that fork, each side has relatively good and very bad endings but the branch you chose sets the tone of their relationship. It's fine to start with either I think.

Why am I telling you this? Because Nitta can be an absolute toxic cunt.

>> No.45145109

>He seems so innocent and harmless in an autistic sort of way, doesn't he.
The autism was there from the start, but it's off the charts now. I was seriously blindsided by the innocent and nice part, since that absolutely wasn't the mood the game set for his scenes on Days 2-3.

I wasn't sure about this game's structure until now, but trying for a good route is usually a good measure of the type of VN writing we are dealing with. Here though, especially when contrasting with Day 3's raw escalation kino it feels like the game is actively mocking me for picking good options
>and nothing of importance happened that day
>the power of friendship lmao
Not a /blog/ example but I'm getting Rondo of Swords flashbacks here.

>this author is absolutely fucked up in the head
Dog bless her for that, even though she is blueballing me right now. Most of the time I don't get any kicks out of BLVNs because they never give me that thrill I crave, so I have to turn to general stuff like Fukumoto to get my dose. I will get Teppei that good end this time, but then it will be time to pull out all the stops and embrace the dark side of Cage, and may she give me a good time.

>> No.45148237

>the power of friendship
Oh you're going to see the power of friendship in Nitta's route alright lmao.
I actually forgot if it's the good or bad side but Teppei gets gangraped by Nitta's old pals and tries to cover up for them so Nitta can get along with them. It only gets crazier from there. And Segawa is an absolute troll.
The other side is about Nitta's ex who looks just like Teppei but is a total sociopathic asshole. I guess he's pretty important in both routes though.

Incidentally Cage has sort of a quantum timeline, for example who holds the coin at game start varies. In one route a character might be dead while in another he's definitely alive. In Saiki's route I'm pretty sure Jun is a real twin in one path and just a split personality in another, and so on. So don't get too surprised if the setting changes.

>> No.45150347

NTA but thanks a lot for the recs anon! I really wanted to try snow bound land and the spoiler + my fav seiyuu hit right in! He is also in messiah voicing the mc!

I'd like to add Gekka Ryouran Romance since the endings take place on Christmas Day! And the tokimemo ones have different seasons and events, Christmas included.

>> No.45150882

Sisters, question.
Is Reject the commercial dev that makes otoges with the most dark content?

>> No.45151781

For all ages stuff, yes. They went hard on Moshikami and BWS for example. For nsfw there is pilvamp.

>> No.45153267

>been six years of posting here
>still don't know hiragana
i'm a failure

>> No.45153328

Start now. Imagine how many kamiges are waiting for you in Japanese!

>> No.45153395

As someone else who was an otaku for almost a decade before finally learning nip I can tell you that its a lot more fun than you would expect. Especially if you're looking at nip content regularly for your hobbies

>> No.45153495

Rejet doesn't make games anymore, do they? They don't seem to be releasing CDs either

>> No.45153805

They're broke and trying to make money by selling their souls to china

>> No.45154390
File: 646 KB, 400x300, Ango-dono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Lkyt. Ango's last scene was unintentionally funny.

>> No.45155791

Please elaborate and spoil anon wtf...just.. happened here.

>> No.45156259

You can literally learn it in two days by grinding some game app quiz thing. You don't have to learn to write it or anything.

>> No.45159877
File: 294 KB, 915x782, Lkyt 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, Ango always betrays the MC and his love interest at the end of every route. In Ango's route, it shows him being tortured. He gets his ear and leg cut, his skin ripped, his intestines pulled out and seasoned with sea salt, and his balls nailed to a cross and squeezed with a plier. It shouldn't be funny, but it really is.

>> No.45162250

Is the Hana Awase switch port fully voiced or is it major characters only like the original?

>> No.45162654

Why wouldn’t you spoiler this image anon….

>> No.45166552

Gacha killed everything.

>> No.45168451

I dont think gacha is the root of rejet’s problems

>> No.45170051
File: 299 KB, 721x644, 😈🔥.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, Majimasis! Take as much time as you need and don't be pressured to answer everything or at all! Healthy mind first - hope you're doing fine. I'm also busy myself and wasn't so sure how to pull off another game for the Rejet play along when I'm already occupied with one too many things atm. That's the price to pay once you aren't a NEET unfortunately. Fortunately the holidays are coming up so that gives a lot more free time. Glad you like the sketch btw and it's always fun seeing your memes! I have so many ideas for Majima but sometimes it's tough finding the time and motivation to actually finish things.
Oh and Furbies also haunted my childhood but for some reason I really wanted one. So freaky and but it was immensely popular back then.
>majima plushie in a furby costume and record lines from the game
Go for it sis! That sounds like a great idea to put Majima in furby costume with his lines playing kek. Him being one fits and so is whatever he wants to be. Little schizo BPD munchkin will always be a lovable multi identity goblin.

Same! I hope there are multiple incest routes. Ever since I sunk deeper into reading untranslated VNs, I became so corrupted for sibling love and menheras. I'm also desperate myself for more of Maruki's work. Really hope everything is true and we get something as great as Choudoku.

>Fujita's VA
Truly is something else. Tbh I would totally kill for another good otome with Fujita's VA as an M. Feels close to nonexistent but Gayoushi did write a Majo no Shokeibi side story game with the ultra fucked up haraguro LI as a masochist. Thought it was beyond hilarious. especially when Zaijouin (the LI) was constantly denying he wasn't getting turned on from being spanked. The way the protagonist was pushing all his buttons was great. Couldn't help but chuckle every time she had to comment on his fat ass and how pathetically two faced he is. Fucker needs more bullying
Thought to myself it's kinda a shame Gayoushi's works aren't voiced besides one (?) game. Fujita's VA would be great voicing Zaijouin or any of her schizo ossans in general imo. He definitely has that false appearance of "refined" matureness and cowardice. Would make it even better with actual VA work whenever he breaks down to pure depravity and/or his mental illness episodes from his dependency to the protagonist

Kageaki is so awesome. Love that autist. Just like in DI, there are many other great guys in that one, too! Really made me appreciate characters beyond their appearance in VNs
From my experience, I felt Muramasa's TL was quite decent for what it is. No memes, English was fluent/tastefully eloquent and captured the storyline's general intention. All those points are the most important to a translation for me since I'm well aware it'll will never be perfect. Though, from I recall, it's very reliant on TL notes and did remove/downplay certain things in story. Iirc according to what I heard Kageaki's "incestual" relationship to a certain character was purposely watered down in the TL
But yes, the Japanese in Muramasa is difficult. I only read the English version years ago at its entirety. Tried rereading it in JP earlier this year but got filtered so hard - the FD wasn't too bad in comparison. I love Muramasa and all but one day I'll read it untranslated. Gotta read more chuunige (shorter) to acclimate myself first. Np as always sis - definitely give DI a shot and play it a bit to see if it's worthwhile! VA work, music, chuuni autism is all peak.

>Kara no Shoujo
I absolutely KnS 1/2. Based taste, sis. Really glad you played them! The 2nd one is definitely at the top of my favorites because of the utsuge/murder mystery + heavy incest. Renji is great but Tomoyuki is the cutest one imo. Dunno what it is, but I was instantly attracted by him. When I think about it more, he really does resemble Majima in many ways kek... Don't know why people seethe about him. totally understood why his sister in the game went crazy for him. I headcanon Ohina as alt universe Choudoku Yuriko but yandere who got the short end of the stick I still need to read Sayooshi and get into Craftworks myself.

>Horror otome/Rejet
Those are truly rare for sure. Kinda Rejet's trademark for several of their games in a way isn't it? Hopefully I'll be able to dig up my old Vita and be able to play Moshikami one day. It's been collecting so much dust over the years...
Going more on horror otome - I know I'm sperging about Gayoushi once again but I really love how she implements that incredible sense of mortification in her work. Along with all of the ultra fucked up shit she writes about, Majo's chase scene was really something else I read plenty of shock value/"horror" VNs like the ones from CLOCKUP but Gayoushi legitimately made my skin crawl while the former never really did. Truly 気持ち悪い

>> No.45170067 [DELETED] 
File: 681 KB, 800x600, poisonchain_fU3NqFVHBc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pilvamp/otome protagonists
Yes! I self inserted with Karen in Mashou Megane desu. Like you mentioned, the passiveness/zero character development with many otome protagonists is just so monotonous and annoying - no real way to relate at all. On the contrary, I felt Karen was one of the few who manages to pull it off decently from what I've seen so far. A qt and I thought she was relatable when it came down to her own personal issues. Really liked the whole split personality thing and all the depravity - there's nothing else quite like it. Gotta get back to it since I only finished Cidre's route. He's a sweetie. Pil needs to make more BL/otomes indeed.

Yeah, I recall JAST BL translations aren't very popular here, especially SD's. Tbh ad libbing and forcing in the current era memes was always a thing for localized weeb media since the 90s. Ted Woolsey and Working Designs were some of the biggest culprits. It's bad cuz none of that ages well but localization efforts still continues to allow it anyway. Can only imagine Paradise's TL will likely have similar "adjustments".

Btw I actually started Paradise not too long ago. Azuma is really cute. I immediately liked everything about him when I first saw him. I might have a thing for seemingly average brown haired ikemen with mental problems at this point lmao. Looking forward to Masada's haraguro trashiness too. I live for that stuff in my powerpoints

I'm really glad Voltage is improving themselves nowadays. Hoping they'll de-mobage their Doubt series one day and port them. Those were fun.

Reading immediately what you like is the best way to learn imo. Not only is it more memorable but also gives you better idea of the bigger picture, which is way more important for a context heavy language like Japanese. This is why I think immersion is so important. Unlike English, Japanese is not always clear to understand through isolated sentences and words but when all of this is working together with its surroundings, understanding becomes far less of a headache.
My personal recommendation is reading an untranslated VN you already read and liked prior. Anything that you already have some idea of the plot and characters, really. Shorter VNs are also very good for learning. You will feel far more motivated after finishing your first one as a milestone and it's easier to do a repeated reading after. Burnout time to time is natural so it's extremely critical to keep yourself consistent by reading things you genuinely are interested daily and maintain this consciousness to understand everything thrown at you the best you can - even during times when you feel bad. It's a marathon and you're only losing out if you stop. IMO I highly recommend asking natives if you have specific questions while studying. My experience with Hinative wasn't bad at all.

>> No.45170089

>Pilvamp/otome protagonists
Yes! I self inserted with Karen in Mashou Megane desu. Like you mentioned, the passiveness/zero character development with many otome protagonists is just so monotonous and annoying - no real way to relate at all. On the contrary, I felt Karen was one of the few who manages to pull it off decently from what I've seen so far. A qt and I thought she was relatable when it came down to her own personal issues. Really liked the whole split personality thing and all the depravity - there's nothing else quite like it. Gotta get back to it since I only finished Cidre's route. He's a sweetie. Pil needs to make more BL/otomes indeed.

Yeah, I recall JAST BL translations aren't very popular here, especially SD's. Tbh ad libbing and forcing in the current era memes was always a thing for localized weeb media since the 90s. Ted Woolsey and Working Designs were some of the biggest culprits. It's bad cuz none of that ages well but localization efforts still continues to allow it anyway. Can only imagine Paradise's TL will likely have similar "adjustments".

Btw I actually started Paradise not too long ago. Azuma is really cute. I immediately liked everything about him when I first saw him. I might have a thing for seemingly average brown haired ikemen with mental problems at this point lmao. Looking forward to Matsuda's haraguro trashiness too. I live for that stuff in my powerpoints

I'm really glad Voltage is improving themselves nowadays. Hoping they'll de-mobage their Doubt series one day and port them. Those were fun.

Reading immediately what you like is the best way to learn imo. Not only is it more memorable but also gives you better idea of the bigger picture, which is way more important for a context heavy language like Japanese. This is why I think immersion is so important. Unlike English, Japanese is not always clear to understand through isolated sentences and words but when all of this is working together with its surroundings, understanding becomes far less of a headache.
My personal recommendation is reading an untranslated VN you already read and liked prior. Anything that you already have some idea of the plot and characters, really. Shorter VNs are also very good for learning. You will feel far more motivated after finishing your first one as a milestone and it's easier to do a repeated reading after. Burnout time to time is natural so it's extremely critical to keep yourself consistent by reading things you genuinely are interested daily and maintain this consciousness to understand everything thrown at you the best you can - even during times when you feel bad. It's a marathon and you're only losing out if you stop. IMO I highly recommend asking natives if you have specific questions while studying. My experience with Hinative wasn't bad at all.

>> No.45170118

Agree with >>45168451 anon. That's not their main problem. While China does have a big market and localizing their games to Chinese does help with their sales, I do think that they should have done it sooner. DL is still popular but back when the anime was airing, it was HUGE. They should have just done it much earlier, release DL and their other games in both Chinese and English.
What can save them atm is moving all their games to steam and android/ios and add translations. Their upcoming game can't save them entirely.

>> No.45170820
File: 1.56 MB, 750x1003, chou_top_img_re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it dead?

>> No.45170849

Obviously. Don’t get the delusional anons who still think that this/Dorico/Dolche Vita still have a chance.

>> No.45170875

I have my doubts if it's alive at all but there's still no official announcement it is dead. Wish anon would provide direct sources but it is what it is at this point.

>> No.45171060

In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if there is literally never another commercial R18 otome release again.
The last was Himetai in 2018. 5 years ago. It’s over.

>> No.45171170

It's boring to feel bad all the time about R18 otome's dead state so I'd rather be schizo about it instead until proven otherwise. I already have something dedicated which I create my own content to coom to.

>> No.45171313

Probably still alive. Not like Maruki bunge is working on anything else right now

>> No.45171512

Its funny since they've now completely succumbed to chinese money but if they hadn't been so stubborn during the peak of their fame they'd be much better off right now. I'm just salty since I genuinely love their works and find their current state just sad to witness.

>> No.45171602

She writes smut novels, same as she always did.
On that note apparently there’s a Gikei audiobook on audible if anyone has a subscription, probably easier than hunting down a physical copy for anons curious about the story.

>> No.45172412
File: 847 KB, 600x888, EhNRUeIUwAAE62Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks this game has no threesome with any of the brothers. Closest you get is that ending where it's implied it's fucking the whole house.

>> No.45175807

I didn’t realise https://vndb.org/v28405 had a release date.
Looks generic, I’ll only play it if they reveal the white haired guy is MC’s real brother (the oniichan character has NBR written all over him so I won’t even hope).

>> No.45176796

HnA is apparently dying by the end of the year, make sure to grab what you need from there.

>> No.45178164

The fuck? Why? They had so much shit

>> No.45178212

Abbreviation rings a bell but I can’t remember what it was short for

>> No.45178470

>777 pages, earliest is 2014
I don't even know what I should get, might start with utapri and tsukipro stuff...

Think of anime music.

>> No.45178835


>> No.45179849

What the fuck? Did they give a reason?
Is anyone trying to archiving it?

>> No.45180150

goddamn what the fuck, why

>> No.45180216

Is there a reason why I should give a shit about this place when AB and AS are around?

>> No.45180578

Owner had some sort of mental breakdown and decided to pull the plug, but no one's coming forward with the actual reason.
Honestly it's not impossible it's just theatrics and it will get walked back but y'know, the current announcement is that the site will be gone in december.

Hard to say. It was the best place for idolshit and joseimuke anison certainly, and a lot of stuff was purchased directly.

>> No.45181998

I don't know what you are talking about but come on anons if that sekrid den is dying share it with the rest of us before it dies.

>> No.45182253

Did a google search and assumed it's probably this:
Honestly annoying how some people are purposely vague and unhelpful whenever they talk about things. The other thread is a lot more straightforward and open to discussions.

>> No.45182330

Other thread?

>> No.45182341

sometimes otome/BL gets discussed there

>> No.45182350

That site is always "dying" desu who cares

>> No.45182447

I remember asking for something there because couldn't find it anywhere and they uploaded it really fast

>> No.45184013

I quit browsing when all the good stuff went discord only.

>> No.45185283
File: 27 KB, 640x360, 1699432857988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there really so few r18 otomege, or are they just in translation hell?
I've been trying to find a more recent one to dig into and all I come up with are all OEL titles...

>> No.45185334

They were never that common and are extremely rare now. In the past few years there have only been doujin releases. and a couple of the more prolific creators have announced they’re quitting so there’ll be even less.
Drama CDs (/doujin audios) more or less replaced the market for them, I think.

>> No.45185345

There's been a shit load of otome ero-ASMR too, come to think of it.

>> No.45186081
File: 950 KB, 800x602, IMG_3467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t know if anyone is still looking for games with a winter theme but 施薬僧のレタ is a decent one.

>> No.45186633

Thanks for the rec. Looks like RPG maker?

>> No.45188579
File: 674 KB, 840x659, no homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that upbeat music and description of shadows moving around as Nitta is choking the living shit out of Teppei
HOLY KINO this was absolutely intense in a visceral way. Some things are worth waiting for.
Because gotta say, this route subverted my expectations twice. I really didn't expect the story to keep going on and on after the Game ended, but also, and yeah this was the good route, but given the themes and premise of this game, daaaaaaamn it took 11 days and 12 nights (technically only 10 since Days 10 and 11 didn't really have night sections, not like I'm counting) for anything sexual to happen. That's, I mean, wow.

>first spoiler
Lel, that's going to be the destroy fork then. The love one was, like you said, all about the romcom misunderstanding of Teppei (not) murdering Nitta's ex.
>Segawa is an absolute troll
He ended up not appearing all that much on this fork, but his car scene was hilarious. Props to him for being the first person on this extremely virginal route to utter the word "sex". Though again, if we want to be technical Teppei and Nitta were buying hentai a few days before that, and there was also that one Kiba cracking some scat jokes.
Also loved the part where the blond chuuni stopped by at the very end to *title drop* and *sequel bait*. Hilarious.

Good to know about the quantum timeline thing, that could have been confusing. Guess ending every route with rigging the Game out of necessity would be pretty anti-climactic after the first couple of times, so changing things around is understandable.
But anyway. Fuck, those shadows. And the music. And everything that followed. Kino.

>> No.45188903
File: 459 KB, 840x659, this revelation still pales to the extras menu finally telling me how to read the main character's names.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. Guess I'll be playing this for a while, huh?

>> No.45189387

Thanks anon godsend, appreciate anons like you. Sucks that many piracy is bad hurts market autists lurk here and don't share shit. As if a third worlder would be so desperate to face eviction in order to buy a game. Despicable richfags. Based /blog/ 2010s anons who shared probably and hopefully have jobs/families by now. Indebted to them.

Same. The moment I refreshed anon had already sent the link, kek. If only they were more into bl and otome.

>> No.45189763

I'm pretty much convinced at this point the BL/otomefags here don't care enough to help each other and have the inability to lead more constructive discussions besides "I hate x". It's mostly the ones who also appreciate eroge that does still care nowadays. Recent game shares in this general were people from that thread.

>> No.45189815

Yeah the early game is kind of a slog. Thankfully it's much faster on your second and third route since you restart from the save point/skip forward. After the Love/Destroy split most of the branching happens in the last hour roughly, so it's not as long as it looks.
And yeah I'm afraid it's one of those games where the sex scenes are rare and sometimes seem almost like an afterthought. Of course some characters are more promiscuous than others. I think Maki's route might be the lewdest because not only does he make moves on Teppei extremely quickly but the entire destroy endgame is about Teppei turning into a whore.
Also the destroy routes are just more likely to see Teppei raped in general.

>> No.45189838

I remember Close having more H in general, might be misremembering though.

>> No.45189844

I think that's probably true, Saiki's route aside.

>> No.45189951

I started Tempest because I was feeling something plot heavy and the new Voltage announcements reminded me it existed. It’s not bad so far but I really wish it had more breathing room. It doesn’t have to even be romance necessarily but like, a couple more SOL moments would do wonders I feel.
I went in without much knowledge on what the game was like so didn’t expect to be a straight up detective/courtroom game (if a pretty simple one). Those types games seem to have a lot of female fans so it’s surprising this genre mix isn’t more common.
Also I’m not sure how many people have played both games but the prologue kind of reminded me of Majo no Shokeibi. Innocent protagonist is put through a misery conga including an arranged marriage to a seemingly nice guy who turns out to be a psychopath, the killing of her allies and then accusation of being a witch before barely evading death thanks to the powers of a mysterious male witch and coming back as a tough talking action girl out for revenge after a timeskip? Unfortunately it doesn’t hit like majo but then again more or less nothing else does.

>> No.45190154

I wanted to try out that game years ago because of Furukawa Makoto but emulation for it was broken. Probably worth a buy since Voltage deserves more respect these days, though.
>Unfortunately it doesn’t hit like majo but then again more or less nothing else does.
Everything Gayoushi does is a gift.
I think the only thing that kinda comes close to Majo for me is Berserk - particularly the Golden Age arc and its build up/conclusion.

>> No.45193065

People play games for the plot.

>> No.45193131

>detective/courtroom game
weird I never would've expected this either

>> No.45193426

Um sisters turns out hanmura was inncoent all along and satoru yuga was crazy


>> No.45194427

she's still a bitch either way

>> No.45194957

Anyone with a working pair of eyes knows this is bullshit

>> No.45195811

tl;dr on this drama?

>> No.45196115


>> No.45196165
File: 1.41 MB, 500x281, ハックだれだ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone give the heads up please.

So that I know whose game I'm going to pirate w/o any hard feelings.

>> No.45197218

in my crude opinion yuiga shouldn't have taken legal action. law/court is not your friend especially if you're fighting someone bigger about an already ambiguous topic like chimera tracing.
and of course out of all the examples to show the public, hackamura chose one that shows rough sketches with minor imperfections.
what ever the court documents say I still can't get behind hackamura's attitude, so that is that.

>> No.45197385

They’re both shitty artists, if I was going to trace someone it would definitely be someone better than Yuga.

>> No.45197476

Japan takes plagiarism very seriously
Yuga is just mentally ill

>> No.45197815

Yuiga is clearly schizo because all the examples of tracing in these blog posts are weak af. She didn’t invent anime face proportions or front facing/three quarters view. You can make almost any anime face look like a trace if the perspective and proportions are similar enough with layer opacity and resizing tricks.

>> No.45197898

At the end, they're all crazy so who gives a fuck anymore about this boring subject. They should shut up and work harder for my games.

>> No.45197932

I feel bad for Yuiga-san. The tracing is really obvious...

>> No.45197950

that time she tried proving that she doesn't trace by drawing a really mediocre illustration of mineo is still funny

>> No.45197982

Do we have sisters here who are illustrators or do they just love to hate?

>> No.45197993

It's just the latter. This general always bitches about stupid shit.

>> No.45198029

I'd only trace yomis art and use them on yurige.

>> No.45198069

Are you blind?

>> No.45198112

Yes, in fact I'm not allowed to drive.

>> No.45198526

it's funny that pako replied to the post for damage control too

>> No.45198614

Cope yuga cuck

>> No.45198672

I'm pretty sure none of you useless retards could even trace as much you shit on these people lmao

>> No.45198689

Hanamura is shameless. Yuiga mentally ill and stupid enough to go to court knowing Hanamura is bigger and had more chances to win. None is even working on otome games anymore so who cares about this drama at this point.

>> No.45198692

No need AI does it now

>> No.45198733

Pretty much everything is gonna be taken over by AI so it's better to kill yourself before it's too late.

>> No.45198741

Hanamura found /blog/

>> No.45198744
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bl yomi shotacon game when

>> No.45198766


>> No.45198854
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Didn't know that we had a hanamura cuck here? Of all the things expected here that was the least expected one kek. Did she come here from plebbit or something?

>> No.45198998

no leddcit loves yuga evne though her art is worse
kys like you mentally ill artist

>> No.45199006

does everyone here pirate otome games on there switch?

>> No.45199040
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>infighting and derailing
You forgot to take your x3 3mg Prozac medication cister.

>> No.45199063

Yes. I'm waiting for the virche leak.

>> No.45199100

I wanted a 3rd psychedelica entry. Thanks to that hanamura whore we will never get one
No I pay for all my games to support this dead hobby

>> No.45199131

a bunch of people there are glad hanamura is innocent

>> No.45199151

Back when I had a toaster I’d buy everything, though I was pickier then. I’d spend 4 hours on a bus every day for my commute back then so it was useful to have everything in handheld form. I guess I could have jailbroken my switch but I didn’t want to fuck it up.
These days I have a better PC so I tend to pirate and emulate stuff I’m not sure I’ll like.

>> No.45199236

I play them on yuzu emulator for android devices. Not all of them run, but most do. Even though I'm working, I can't afford them with my currency. Dlsite sales and steam regional pricing help me support some.

>> No.45199281

I used to buy all the shit localized when I was an EOP but stopped entirely. It's only doujin works I support nowadays. Even for Americans like me, Switch games usually aren't reasonably priced for what they are.

>> No.45199373

No it's thanks to your mentally ill artist. Cornering someone physically and forcing them to do stuff will get you fired

>> No.45199380

So it's expensive for dollar too. I have pesos so an otome game can costs from a rent to a monthly salary.

Thanks to everyone who shares. Keeps me going.

>> No.45199460

Sometimes but mostly to try them out as demos. I bought a hackable switch for it but all that did was fill up my hard drive with otome games I'll never play.
The times I do buy though, I mostly buy used copies so that sure isn't helping the industry kek

>> No.45199466

DLsite got blocked in Germany. Some people have no choice but to pirate.

>> No.45199597

How’s vita emulation these days, anyway? I remember a few years ago I could barely get anything to start, gave up on vita emulation ever improving and bought and hacked one, but it seems like at least some things are actually playable now.

>> No.45199599

Wait, really? why? is it only there or is eu in general shit with the imposition of new legislation?

>> No.45199609

It's super easy. I think you don't even need to remove your sd card now and just download from a site using the vita

>> No.45199617

Germany wanted their own age verification system, so now they get geoblocked.

>> No.45199620

Oh no, I’m familiar with vita piracy, I mean using an emulator to play vita games.

>> No.45199671

>thread is nothing but piratefaggots
No wonder this hobby is dead

>> No.45199695

only JP/CH sales matter anyway

>> No.45200089

Most run you can check on the official emulator site. I think only koei ones don't boot. Rejet ones are a little buggy but run.

>> No.45200116

That’s neat. Doesn’t matter to me now since I have a vita with pretty much everything I want installed already but emulation seemed completely hopeless only a few years ago.

>> No.45200474

I have a handful of otomege on my shelf. Some are Western made.

>> No.45201527

This is cheap bait but paying a premium for switchslop is dumb no matter much you want to insincerely virtue signal "le piratefags kill everything" especially if those games are translated to English.

>> No.45201613

Important reminder that it is morally right to pirate nintendo games

>> No.45201928

I make 6 figures and I pirate 99% of games/movies/tv and that anon can’t stop me.

>> No.45202004

i should have dumped virche evermore early and maybe I would have gotten access to the jits stash

>> No.45203215

I buy new releases but fuck you if you expect me to hunt down used psp games or whatever if I want to play old shit.

>> No.45203692

Now imagine if every pirate stopped using this cope and just paid for games. Maybe BL and otomeshit wouldnt be dead beyond the grave.

>> No.45203718

I've downloaded 2 otomate games and literally killed the company with my own hands. Choosing my next target, please look forward to it.

>> No.45203769

If something is good it'll sell regardless. They need to drop their prices with such economy and localize their shit if they want money. Hate gacha with a passion but there's a reason people prefer them and that is accessibility and also f2p.

>> No.45203858
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Funny how it's always the west that is getting blamed for the piracy or shitty sales. Don't forget that Chinese are the biggest pirates and hacks, putting Hanamura to shame. Otomedream and Baidu has been fucking up their businesses since the early 00s. The main reason behind Rejets downfall was a Chinese company who stole their games idea, their designs and had to call it quits. Vita died while they were preparing to release another game. But blamed the eops who made fanpatches or yt videos. Check in a-s most uploaders and beggars there are nips.

>> No.45205236

It's obviously absurd when you think about it, who the fuck is going to pirate untranslated novel games? People who can fucking read them, and the overwhelming majority of westerners are handicapped in that regard.

>> No.45205308

Buy double copies to even out the numbers for me then, EOP slave.

>> No.45205311

For every chink pirate there are 3 million buyers

>> No.45205360

I have to wonder what the size of the population of westerners (or non-East Asians in general) reading untranslated BL/otome actually is. Even counting those who use MTL I feel like it can’t be more than a couple hundred people at most. I haven’t really thought about it before so maybe I’m wildly off though.

>> No.45205383

>u-um akshully i have to pirate everything b-because uh… I JUST DO OKAY?!
>begging for links and rips
The absolute state of leftover /blog/

>> No.45205426

They're really popular in SEA and Eastern Europe, especially Russia. Lots of BL/otome translations are in Russian for some reason.

>> No.45205450

Yeah, and you don't share or help either. I know because I'm the one sharing links here. Kill yourself, you leech.

>> No.45205763

It’s not the case so much now but like 10 years ago when otome was at its peak you basically had to pirate unless you wanted to fuck around with shipping and such. Digital downloads were rare, let alone official international releases.
My theory is that second and third worlders who were more used to pirating games were less put off by this barrier, which is why they formed proportionally larger communities at the outset which remain to this day.

>> No.45206044

Even if the industry literally died today I have enough otome and bl in my backlog to last me years.

>> No.45206263

This place is just a bunch of hypocrites. Mourning the loss of morpath and then turning around to beg for rips of games.

>> No.45206488

Are you a newfag, retarded or both? If you check FAQ/resources it's full of links with otome and bl downloads. Unlike now, /blog/ used to rip and share every single otome and bl game, including the tokuten. Shared otome mostly since aarin was the place for bl. Magazines too. If it wasn't for the anons here there wouldn't be a full psp and psvita otome library. Same with aarin that's why people still pay for it to stay alive. Most of the stuff there are lost media. The only "rule" was no sharing officially translated games. Not to mention that a lot of translators are anons who used to lurk here or the other vn threads, see Goodharo.
Even otome plebbits were pirating back then, made a co-funding psvita group where they bought every single psvita otome game and shared with everyone. This "piracy is evil" is a new privileged zoomer Z motto and trend. A trip to the older /vg/ threads can show you if you don't believe me.

>> No.45206530

Morpath died because the creator is a severely mentally ill schizo. Money was never her problem. Doujin circles tend to delete everything one random day and disappear because unlike big companies they are amateur groups or individuals with normal jobs and making games is their hobby. They don't expect money thus why most doujin games are free or dirt cheap.

>> No.45206559

Nta but why would someone who hates pirating share their stuff? unless i'm misunderstanding their original post

>> No.45207047

Little brothers or big brothers?
For me it’s big brothers

>> No.45207062

Since I only play BL I always get both.

>> No.45207110

nii-chans are good but otouto is forever

>> No.45207114
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I spent a grand on /blog/ games but the companies went ded anyway
Now I spend 5bux a year on Genshin Impact

>> No.45207314
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They both have their charms.
Otoutos are rarer so at times I appreciate their presence more though. Plus if it's an old game before they tended to do voiced default names he can just call you nee-san and you don't have to deal with the blank space in the VA.

>> No.45207393

You all be hating otome reddit but it was a redditor from there who shared the diabolik lovers fanpatch kek.

>> No.45207452

Some redditors are indeed based. The eop vita patchfags and the ones porting switch games to vita are indeed admirable.

For those unaware
>people be porting many pc/switch etc vns to vita, including piofiore and variable barricade and vns like saya no uta etc to psp (can play on vita too)
>eop patches for diabolik lovers, black wolves saga (nightmare), brothers conflict and 2 amnesia fandisks

>> No.45207667

Any virche evermore leaks?

>> No.45207689

Buy it

>> No.45207694

it tracks, diabolik lovers and all 50 shades adjacent are incredibly reddit

>> No.45207725

This place has been nothing but garbage besides a few obvious anons. Redditors has done more than the depressed tards here who never talk about the games they play.

>> No.45207749

The answer is to make our own otome games. Who's with me, sisters? What kind of skills do we have? My background is in music and sound design...

>> No.45207809

Everyone says this but ultimately they don't really want to play OEL unvoiced indie games.

>> No.45207831

I'm working on multiple solo projects myself including a game and some modding for 3D eroge. I think if you're gonna coordinate something, it'll have to be something already solidified for people to join in.

>> No.45207847

At this point just ask ChatGPT to write you something, the quality will be better.

>> No.45207920

That's a great idea...
Yeah you're right, starting with zero concept isn't really a thing. And awesome! I hope your projects see the light of day. All too often things fail to make it there...
I guess that makes me a weirdo, having bought and liked physical copies of western otoge (think Hanako Games)...

>> No.45208208

>physical copies of western otoge
I have to say I never knew physical releases even existed for oelvns

>> No.45208297

some stuff of my stuff is already out there. No games, just mods.
Thanks for the encouragement, sis. I appreciate those who try to be positive here. Starting from zero is always the hardest. Ganbatte to you too!

>> No.45208320

So true being called nee-san does have a certain je ne sais quoi
I should play one of those once I'm done with Ayakashi gohan

>> No.45208541


>> No.45208562

I thought you were asking what the users were.

>> No.45208566

I’m also working on my own project, but if someone, whenever, is serious about making something, I would love to help. I mainly illustrate, although it’s a very particular style. I want otome to survive!

I’ve played a bunch. There are some gems out there, even without the bucks behind them.

>> No.45208567

This and the endless amount of eroge and LNs. I still can't understand why people cry so much here when it's a just mindset problem. Unless you're an EOP, there are so many things to try out.

>> No.45208580

For otome it-s fine, but I feel like for BL the industry didn't really find their foot until around 2010.

>> No.45208589

Voiced shit is overrated. As much as OELVNs are mostly ass, there are few out there which aren't bad.

>> No.45208672


I remember seeing stuff about how the switch port of hana awase might get toned down to some degree and seems like that was kind of true.

>> No.45208721

>eop begging

>> No.45208746

Hearing nee-chan is like a shot of adrenaline pumped into me

>> No.45208762

I'll upload it tomorrow or Sunday.

>> No.45208811
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blog's state summarized

>> No.45208817

I played one route ages ago and was thinking of playing it on switch instead but I guess I'll just go back to the PC version whenever I get to it.
I'm not surprised it was toned down though, it was very racy for all ages (from the part I played at least).

>> No.45208854

You wouldn't download a Majima

>> No.45208884


>> No.45208886

I would download his penis into my

>> No.45208922
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Big brother Majima!!!
Time to make a pirate Majima
I made my Majima

>> No.45208928

80 dollars for virche wtf??????

>> No.45208937

pay up bitch

>> No.45208963

drops in the bucket don't mean anything kek western market has never been profitable for ANY japanese media and the #'s of people willing to read a fifty hour visual novel are very small

>> No.45208967

what backwater 3rd world shithole do you live in?

>> No.45208974


>> No.45208977


>> No.45209065
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I have sex with him all the time. Up your powerlevel and schizophrenia, senpai

>> No.45209117

Now Otomate is the one that should have died already, I blame that rap series

>> No.45209396
File: 113 KB, 465x465, Would.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always so nice seeing your replies majimasis! Stay healthy and safe! <3
For some reason I always seem to come upon blogs most autistic moments kek. Blog looks great again with goblino posts!! They should just hire our queen Amano Chigiri. I don't expect much from otomate illustrator tracehacks kek. I wish I could go back to my NEET days but I need money in order to build a gremlino shrine! And what an adorable chibi majima you've made sis! Kek the lil fire. Our cute gremlino arsonist. This piracy discussion made me imagine Majima and Shiba in a pirate ship hunting a mermaid Yuriko but warming up each other at night.
I was looking up for some used furbies ngl kek. Thank you so much sis I'll definitely make something. Aromarie should consider making some plushies tho or restock the dakis.

I still believe in aromarie and our goddess maruki. Gikei isn't dead! I won't give up. I'm not giving up on a goblino spin off game too! If it's possible for hakuoki to keep releasing games, it's possible for chou no doku too!!

I really need to play gayoushis games. I love pathetic deranged old men, her games seem to be so my cup of tea. I'd like to see fujitas va in more otome too! He does gachashit now, but it's a good sign that he is still active and moaning!!
If gayoushi went more commercial she could add voice yeah her ojisans would look great voiced by fujitas va.

I should just move to eroge at this point sis. It's pointless to wait for more r18 content. Kankinkon was the last commercial one and the only active doujin one succulent will cease after they release their hime game. Thank you for your heads up sis, I wish jast took their bl translations as seriously as their eroge ones.
>but removed the best part
Can't have everything for sure, but did they do the same shit in goblinos case. Well in the r17 version but still. I can't get zoomies, back in my day everyone watched and watched yosuga no sora and nobody complained weak zoomies. Another one to replay.
I love oniichans and otoutos so much. You got this sis will definitely read it in jp one day! I hope I can 100% do goblinos game too without any kanji helper! Taishou era doesn't help too.

I'm glad you like it too it was so good. Same sis tomoyuki is adorable it's the majima haircut I believe and also this patheticness that they share. True this would make such a kino AU! It's not that maruki can't do it, she did make Yuriko go nuts in some endings after all. A Yuriko ala sts Sayo would be great too kek.

I need complete my rejet list. I don't have many games left mostly their first ones and the idol shit ones and Ken ga kimi. I have this toxic trait of playing my fav boys and abandon the others and pick another game kek. Anons discussions made me want to go back to them. Moshikami is a wild ride sis good luck with your vita and if you ever start say hi to Masato oniichan from me kek. I'll move majou much higher on my list!

Yes I loved Karen for that so much. Relatable and pulled the schizo and depravity very well! Cidre was best boy! Doutei is a qt too he is an adorable cute autist but I'd rec to play peach first bc they didn't try much with him. He is a good boy tho! They should really make more games, they go all the way and pamper to many fetishes which is very cool.

>Yeah I just gave up with localizations desu, if game isn't as hard as muramasa to read because I really don't want to miss out anything. Have a lot of fun sis, Azuma is adorable and so is his seiyuu! Same sis, I love the plain looking cutie ones the most all that matters is personality and unhingeness and patheticness! Matsuda is lmao you're going to love him I believe. Haraguros are just the best. Have a lot of fun with it sis!

I'm very happy about voltage too! I hope they have at least one oniichan in though we've starved for a while. I might play virche too, just for the pathetic boys. I hope voltage ports rose in the embers I'm such a slut for taishou era. There's one LI that looks like goblino too.

>> No.45209626

i wish majima was my otouto...

>> No.45210269
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fuck nintendo. Dumping in 10 minutes

>> No.45210274
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Older brother having sex with the younger brothers.

>> No.45210404


here you go

>> No.45210482

Thanks anon.

>> No.45210569

I'm not interested in this game but thank you for your efforts.

>> No.45211126

thank you <3

>> No.45211620

What BL game do you think has the most well drawn penises?

>> No.45211647

Can't see from.the mosics.

>> No.45212208


>> No.45212730

Thank you, I'll dl it just to make that retard from before cry.

>> No.45213353

togo mito games

>> No.45215143

Absolutely based sisters I kneel, let the otome antipiracy plebbitors seethe.

>> No.45215426

Good slave, make sure to upload Sympathy Kiss for me in a few months too

>> No.45215977

I love you /blog/

>> No.45216084

>EOP westoids celebrating
Yeah, no wonder why you fags are insufferable.

>> No.45216413

Come on now, some of them are for sure SEA, russian or latam.

>> No.45216559

This shithole is EOP infested nowadays sadly

>> No.45216581
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Btw anons I tested the game on Android emulator and it runs perfectly, you can find the tokuten cds on bilibili and the osts are there as well, and on YouTube. The osts are good I don't know about the game yet.

>> No.45217356

I don't get it. If you guys hate eops so much why don't you just go to 2ch

>> No.45217375

The joseimuke board is also mostly dead

>> No.45217421

EOPs are subhuman

>> No.45217426

They think using mtl doesn't count as being an eop. Nips hate westerns too.

>> No.45217513

They never talk about the games they pirated either and instead use it as a way to complain about everything. I don't get them.

>> No.45217582

Just remember everytime you pirate an otome game an developer gets shot in the head

>> No.45217590

Nah I hate the heroine with no face thing. Makes the game feel cheap

>> No.45217662

Probably too embarrassed about being an EOP

>> No.45217687

Pathetic. Retards here virtue signal piracy is evil/good here and yet does nothing to shill those games they "protect" which is way more important for the genre's success.

>> No.45217748

If all the JOPs went there, you can bet nothing here will be on topic and about games anymore.

>> No.45217785

They ban gaijin IPs from posting.

>> No.45217926


>> No.45218272

Thanks anon for sharing virche!
Too tired to play much today. But I did the prologue.
>depressed heroine
>kills herself 2 minutes in the game
> repeated flashbacks of children burning to death
It did start pretty wild huh. The prologue does remind me of code realize's cardia "i'm a kedamono", but i hope it won't be as bad as code realize.
The art is top notch. Nice osts. I'll continue tomorrow, again thanks for sharing.

Another one that I started is a rejet game gekka romance. I can't run alice alice for some reason so I got this instead. Did the prologue in that one too. The font is terrible. Plot reminds me of cruel intentions and these 90s-00s movies that had twists and drama. I'll do the yuri route first because I'm a yurifag. I like it. And it's Christmas themed so good timing. You can find the game and many old otome games on a site called cdromance. No registration needed. Also has English patched games.

>> No.45218276

oh no, no more whining about eops and fucking majima

>> No.45218282

speaking of pathced games a group is translating girls side tgsm4 into english

>> No.45218293

lol cope useless eop with your fanfic tls

>> No.45218295

TMGS4 didn't have koakuma mode, it was shit.

>> No.45218314

alright i will thanks

>> No.45218335

Yes I'm in their discord and they are looking for translators. They have a lot of help though but do need translators.

>> No.45218408

Thanks for posting about the game, looking forward to seeing more impressions. Apparently you can texthook the JP version with Agent. No idea if the script still works though.

>> No.45218509

The translation isn't bad so far desu! I think they listened to the complaints and redo/corrected things. It doesn't seem to be mtl too.
I did try to hook vns with agent before but it doesn't work for me at all for some reason so I just gave up. I tried to hook nil admirari and kamiaso that do have patches but nothing. Kamiaso in the end was easy to read in Japanese and there's the psp version where you can hook with textractor if there's a problem, but nil admirari isn't that easy to read thanks to the kanji and some vocabulary so I used kanjitomo.
