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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45152375 No.45152375 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465
v20.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1715655

Previous: >>45011770

>> No.45153988

I want to FUCK Isis.

>> No.45154074

just read Villain Wants to Live and it's pretty good. is there anymore like that?

>> No.45154195

The Novel’s Extra by the same author

>> No.45160458

anyone want to share their 誰が勇者を殺したか epub?

>> No.45163782

>WNs I eagerly await updates for die or go on hiatus not long after I start following them
>WNs I offhandedly follow as a form of bookmarking for reading later (never) get updated every day
What a pain

>> No.45163983

>character has "mixed blood"
>the mother is always the white one
why is this?

>> No.45164011

pretty sure that's just the normal curve for any WN, keeping up with daily updates forever is not something everyone can do and most die in less than 100 chapters anyway

>> No.45164065

because it's escapist fiction

>> No.45164083

>nobody asks
>EOP starts with the /pol/shit out of nowhere
why is this?

>> No.45164135

dude calm down I asked a question. Been reading a lot of LNs lately and every time this came up I noticed it's almost always the mom that's the gaijin and wanted to know if there was a reason for it.

>> No.45164305

bro getting hysterical over an offhanded observation lol

>> No.45164330

/pol/ lives in your head rent free.

>> No.45164342

You could've very easily ignored him but now you've triggered 3+1 meaningless posts for zero gain

>> No.45164378

because you don't share >>45160458 epub

>> No.45164379
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for matching set oyakodon

>> No.45164404

To be fair, "Just ignore the problem bro" is exactly why big boards went to shit, to stop colonization efforts you have to actively fight it back and calling it out is the bare minimum.
It's not like it's some covert secret conspiracy either, glowies and similar bad actors infiltrating groups like that is well documented to the point of comedy.

>> No.45164429

you can't do anything to stop them.

>> No.45164443

>Just let it happen bro.
You're part of the problem.

>> No.45164485


>> No.45164502

4chan is compromised, if the mods don't care and let the invaders go unpunished there isn't really anything the users can do. also, the fact that you greentext on /jp/ shows you are an immigrant yourself, so you know what they say about glass houses

>> No.45164512

>so you know what they say about glass houses
They're easily infiltrated?

>> No.45164519

>just let it happen bro, please stop resisting, there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.45164547

stop samefagging and share epub please

>> No.45164564

Fuck off troon

>> No.45164575

i will if you share your epub collection

>> No.45164581

it's not on zlib?

>> No.45164586

wouldn't ask here if it's on the usual place

>> No.45164587

pretty sure it's up on the discord

>> No.45164625

>the meme way

>> No.45164626

Any alternatives for people who don't take hormones?

>> No.45164705

working in the fields right now, and cellular provider here blocked discord but not 4chan for some reason

>> No.45165011


>> No.45165356


Now give realtime updates and save this thread, 勇者

>> No.45165550

would you a light novel reader?
there is nothing more i want in life

>> No.45169070

women don't read and I'm not gay so no

>> No.45169346

Mothers in anime/manga/LN are just big boobs version their daughters. So if the daughter is a blonde hair blue eyes mixed blood, the mother should be blond hair blue eyes pure blood

>> No.45170249

It's really cool to read the story unfold like a documentary. It show the "hero" in lots of different ways, like from different viewpoints. But as the story goes on, we start to learn what the hero really looked like and how he died. The mystery was interesting, but what I loved the most were the characters The grandpa's story, the one they called the hero of the borderlands is my favorite

>> No.45170284

Sounds interesting, going on my backlog

>> No.45170351

because i fuck them all with my BDC

>> No.45170376

If you like Frieren, you definitely like this LN

>> No.45170754

Are there any better resources than what's in the OP? Specific JP ebooks are almost never on any of them.

>> No.45171205

Dlraw, Z-lib, Memeway discord

>> No.45172769

adding anna's archive to the list which is just a z-lib-like aggregator

>> No.45174903
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I want to spin Chela's drills

>> No.45175146

>Sorry I got ADHD so I forgot to contact the author

>> No.45175294

Don't bother going to the discord, just bookmark these:

>> No.45175379

Are these the same thing that on nyaa?

>> No.45175392

I don't know what you're referring to but unlike a single nyaa torrent you can search these and download books individually

>> No.45175396

Just finished Dendro 12. Author did it again, and it's not just an extra chapter this time. A whole volume to poke fun at the british taste

>> No.45175492

from a quick look at it, no
the nyaa links on the OP are for the EOP versions, these look like raws

>> No.45175515

I meant these :

>> No.45175936

Unless I'm seeing wrong, they aren't updated since March, for the most recent one

>> No.45176242

anyone have epub for roshidere vol 7?

>> No.45176288


>> No.45176572

Any series where the MC is a slave and stays a slave/support role that doesn't become OP?
奴隷転生 seems to be just regular power fantasy from the summary.

>> No.45176834


>> No.45177041


>> No.45178125

thanks, added to my list

>> No.45183720


>> No.45185120

nanatsu no maken volume 13 for december

>> No.45185340

anyone ever tried the Lucky Star LNs?

>> No.45187126

How do you format your shit for an e-reader? Most of the books I have seem to default to having way too much of a margin, which I just thought was Amazon being shit, but there's the odd book with no shitty margins at all, at least left and right. Do you really have to go through and add negative margins to everything you want to read?

>> No.45187259

Gonna need more info than that, chief.
What device/software are you reading on?
Did you convert the file at any point?
I exclusively read Calibre converted books on my Paperwhite and it just werks

>> No.45187330

Oasis. I have to convert through Calibre to azw3 because for some reason the default mobi fucks up vertical formatting and made something horizontal once so I never used it again.

It "werks", but on books that are properly formatted, I get an extra 3-4 lines a page thanks to the lack of margins. The other 99% of the time? It's just blank space, wasting my time and forcing an extra 30 odd page turns a book.

>> No.45187660

Yeah, that is an issue with converted azw files. I think there's an option somewhere to add an overwriting css rule while converting. Either do that, or convert to kfx instead. This too wastes a little bit of space in margins but I personally find it satisfying

>> No.45187694

I mean, it works on some epub>azw converts, and I don't know why, I can't see any negative margins. I don't think the file type is the issue, just how the book was originally formatted.

>> No.45187862

are you using windows
download kindlegen.exe
drag your epub on kindlegen.exe
it should produce a mobi with good margins
if you like to tinker look at this https://github.com/kevinhendricks/KindleUnpack
you can use it to create azw3 instead

>> No.45187869

What's your output profile set to? That might be messing with the layout

>> No.45187906

calibre is a bloated piece of shit that can't deal with a lot of vertically formatted books
if you absolutely have to use it because kindlegen doesn't work standalone, here is the extra css you have to add during conversion

body {
writing-mode: vertical-rl;
-epub-writing-mode: vertical-rl;
-webkit-writing-mode: vertical-rl;
line-break: normal;
-epub-line-break: normal;
-webkit-line-break: normal;

for some books this still won't be enough, in which case you have to edit the azw3 file. go to metadata and add this line

metadata xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf">
<meta name="primary-writing-mode" content="vertical-rl"/>

save the book and it will finally look good
you can test it with kindlepreviewer

>> No.45187974

I thought kindlepreviewer would help, but when I put in a book I know has good margins as an azw3 as the original epub, it gives me the dogshit default margins. Either the azw3 fixed the margins, or the preview tool is shit. Either way, I can't use it, because it only takes epubs.

>> No.45187988

>Either way, I can't use it, because it only takes epubs.
download version 3.48 which can take azw3

>> No.45189616

Finished listening to vol. 19 of Honzuki, my first audiobook series, might need subscribe to audible to get vol 20 since no one uploaded it yet. I really liked having anime Main as the narrator and the acting was surprisingly good not only for Main but also for the supporting characters.
Can I expect this level of narration/acting for other audiobooks? Any recommendations?

>> No.45189979

Can you upload the audiobooks anon? first time I heard the main seiyuu is doing the narration for more than 3 volumes, so I'm interested

>> No.45190092

tensura audibook also has the main va

>> No.45190224

I enjoyed the anime so that is good to know, thanks.
look for "audiobook collection" on nyaa

>> No.45190420

Thanks, will listen to this while driving and stuff
>captcha ASMR

>> No.45193512

Anyone have Evil Lord spin off epub?

>> No.45193606

KOReader has an option to ignore publisher css so any formatting, including margins, can be standardized on any file. You won't have to cenvert or edit the files permanently. Works on Kindle Oasis and azw/3 files

>> No.45193663

Yeah, I've been considering koreader too. There's a new JB that finally supports my FW so I might try it out.

>> No.45195014

>oral history song in tearmoon vol 10
This author is a fucking hack, lol. Adding -ん to the end of every sentence doesn't make it a ballad just like adding -わ doesn't make it ojousama slang. It's vexing seeing the nice premise and the emotional contrasts with flashbacks getting wasted by the author's half-assedness

>> No.45195195

Any idiot-proof tutorial to remove kindle DRM and keep the high res image?

>> No.45195313

If you use calibre, install dedrm and azwimagemerge(to merge the hd images) extensions. Drag and drop the azw file from the kindle downloads folder and you are set. Reconvert the azw file to remove any remaining ownership data.

>> No.45196193

Tried out KOreader, seems far better than Kindle stock for margin options, but it defaults to horizontal text for some reason and I can't find a way to make it vertical.

>> No.45196279

>oral history
Tearmoon is lewd? maybe I should read it

>> No.45196325

>just like adding -わ doesn't make it ojousama slang

>> No.45196680

I feel like I watched or read a character very similar to fujiwara hinata from arifureta after but can't remember where. Any anon have a clue? She is a kimono wearing, himecut onmyouji ojousama loli for reference


>> No.45196952

にににににせ? あ-あなた、本当に失礼だ。 わたくし、本物だわ。
I love ojous so much, ojous recommendations please

>> No.45197009

seconding this, Anybody willing to share their あたしは星間国家の英雄騎士 ebook?

>> No.45197075

is there any group translating Nihon e Youkoso Elf San?

>> No.45197091

>Nihon e Youkoso Elf San?
it's licensed

>> No.45197346

I will buy them when the next 50% off campaign comes around on bookwalker, which is probably in december. I can share them if you wait until then

>> No.45197390

Well beggars can't be choosers
You can remove bookwalker drm?

>> No.45197556

There's some algorithm/software that gets passed around once in a while but they keep it on the down low because BW changes up their encryption as soon as they see it's been cracked

>> No.45198030

fuck sake

>> No.45198048

are you living under rocks? well at least it's JNC

>> No.45198061
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Just read through COTE Y2V9.5 to Y2V10 in two days, and now feel depressed because I have to wait so long for new Ayanokino...
LNs for this feel?
I love COTE so much, bros...

>> No.45198087

And we will have to wait more for the next vols because apparently, kinugusa's health is deteriorating. I hope year 2 gets finished in 2024

>> No.45199611

>kinugusa's health is deteriorating
Yeah that afterword was BRVTAL. What the hell is wrong with these Nips that their health is Swarovski fragile... It feels like a simple cold would kill half their population kek

>> No.45199664

He got raped in the ass so his immune system is compromised. It's a unique case to him, so not sure why you're acting like other Japs faced the same tragedy as him.

>> No.45199687

>/pol/shit again

>> No.45199781

>He got raped in the ass so his immune system is compromised
I'm sorry..... what?

>> No.45199884

that's what he gets for shitting on Kei

>> No.45199930

>so not sure why you're acting like other Japs faced the same tragedy as him
I guess I was alluding to the anime meme of people being KO'd by a common cold
It's just a joke, brah, I don't browse that board
Keisisters in shambles again after V10, HorikitaChads on the rise though

>> No.45199933


>> No.45200450

I wish I was tech savvy enough to convert audiobook narration into whatever seiyuu voice I wanted. I'm pretty sure that should be possible with AI right now, even if costly.

>> No.45200585

if you run the AI model locally or through your own cloud hosting you can do it with no upkeep cost
setting up the AI voice cloning is just a pain in the ass and only really works out of the box with the filthy gaijin language, you will have to do some severe wrangling to get it working with japanese and have it flow well

>> No.45200639

How often is the transition from webnovel to light novel harmful to a series? I know Rebuild World is still popular, but I feel like the pacing and the way it sets up Akira in the LN is so much more generic and less interesting than the WN. I worry that it'll make people who start the series with the anime think the whole franchise is overrated next year, like how the Tower of God anime ended up.

>> No.45201530
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Does anyone have loli to JK range romance/SoL LN recommendations? I'm reading 1LDK 2 JK right now and it's okay.

>> No.45201554

does otonari tenshi count?

>> No.45201570

Forgot to mention, ideally I'd like the MC to be an older male in the relationship, same-age isn't as interesting. I have watched the anime version of that and I thought it was meh, I might try the LN later.

>> No.45201929

There's that one fantasy one where the guy pics up the kid(demon race) and raised her but turns into an usagi drop situation. The kid also grew up though.

>> No.45201945

Sounds interesting, name? I'm slowly getting into LNs and liking them but am pretty shocked at how little age gap loli, JC or JK romance exists compared to VNs, though I guess VN ones are mostly porn

>> No.45201946

Found it Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai.

>> No.45201964

Found it Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. Huh is something wrong with 4chan? It ate my post.

>> No.45202070
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if you like the protagonist living together with a JK because of circumstances try kanojo no imouto to kissu wo shita, it's a 4 volume masterpiece.

>> No.45202077

Looks good and I know I've seen this on nyaa while browsing, I'll give it a DL.

Also noted, thanks.

>> No.45202868

I started 境界線上のホライゾン and I feel kind of lot with all the namedrop and explanation right from the start, does it get any better?

>> No.45202888

Try 公女殿下の家庭教師

>> No.45202965

kind of lost*

>> No.45204600
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>> No.45204608

Forgot link https://twitter.com/HarunohiBiyori/status/1722909455099330848?t=ME4tx6KfgRUumCfqWw4tXw&s=19

>> No.45204617

Pretty sure that's just the usual senki autism.
Don't bother to remember it from the get go, it's just in there for muh realism autists, anything relevant will be brought up as you read.

>> No.45204671

Are there scans of Faust magazine anywhere? Sounds like there's a lot of good stuff there.

>> No.45209273

Is there any reason not to delete downloaded epubs after importing to calibre? I read something about calibre saving junk in the epub files so for now I'm not deleting anything

>> No.45209393

>Is there any reason not to delete downloaded epubs after importing to calibre
None. I am hearing it first time as for the junk data but calibre doesn't modify the file itself while importing so that shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.45209505

Anyone got tearmoon vol 12-14?

>> No.45209925

>Akira in the LN is so much more generic and less interesting than the WN
Every time i hear this complaint, it almost always boils down to "he doesn't stay a full blown schizo murderhobo willing to drop anyone at the drop of a hat"

>> No.45209996

I looked before to no avail.

>> No.45210056
File: 30 KB, 696x323, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched and the problem apparently isn't with calibre imports but rather with the calibre reader because of this option that is on by default, I never used calibre to read anyway and turned the setting off now so it's ok. I guess I'll stop keeping duplicates.

>> No.45210236

Which funnily enough always seems to come from newfags that don't read much because murderhobos being so common in the early 10s made me think of that as generic and the LN version as having actual depth.

>> No.45212139

That's a shame, I'll probably just get them from Buyee or something.

>> No.45218424

what is this calibre junk files meme

>> No.45218479

calibre reader saves bookmarks into the epub by default, you can just turn it off and it doesn't matter if you use calibre just to organize and convert your books.

>> No.45220020
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Nah, not that anon but Akira(and Katsuya)'s portrayal did got fucked in the LN. Sure Akira's a murderhobo in the web, but the narrative doesn't really portray him in a good light nor was he justified in his acts of violence, since he's still developing his cognitive and mental faculties. Katsuya on the other hand got dumbed down way too hard, he's much more ignorant and provocative when compared to his WN counterpart. The narrative in the LN also overplays Akira and Katsuya's "rivalry" heavily, with Akira basically one-upping whatever Katsuya brags about everytime.
Not to say the LN is an unsalvageable trash however, since some changes and developments (mainly Yumina's mini-arc) were great for the story. Still doesn't justify Rebuild World getting into KonoRano ranking more than once though.
Like most things, it depends. Most adapted series is an exact 1:1 copy of its original counterpart (at least for the first ~5 volumes, because they're dead after that), but there are some rare ones that's basically a different series altogether in the get go. Realistically speaking, the most harm that can be done due to an adaptation occurring would probably be the original being canned (Faraway Paladin, Log Horizon, Rebuild World), though narrative/story-wise it may range from a simple retcon (Sevens, Danmachi, MT) to an outright severe character assassination (LDM, RW, Overlord (both figuratively and literally in this case)).
>With the anime
Secondaries' "opinions" doesn't matter, no matter what others say. You can only trust the primary work's consumer, biased it may be when talking to them fags and shitposters. Muramasa will always be a Kamige no matter what, Horizon will always be autistic no matter what, and Moyashimon will always need a college degree (to read) no matter what.
>Tower of God
Go back to your containment thread with the other gooks and chinks would ya?
Oh, were you the anon that got baited to reading Dendro some threads ago? How's it so far?
>Dendro 12
You've finished 11 too then? Did you rike it? Personally it's one of the best volume that's been published, though I guess no Episode Superior have let me down before. Also, just a heads up, Shu lost the bet.
>A whole volume to poke fun at Brits
But anon, that's not the Not!Brexit arc of Not!England. Gosh, the existence of Legendaria itself is an affront to UK.

>> No.45221956

>new trpg chapter
In which system can a level 5 fighter one turn kill an incarnation, lol

>> No.45226428

katsuya was always trash. the wn version is better simply because he appears less, and even in the pickpocket arc he was still a little shit. yumina punching him in the ln was an outright improvement.
The LN doesn’t portray akira in a positive light until he is allowed to come to terms with his trauma, something the wn never manages to pull off in a believable way.
calling the ln version of akira character assassination makes me lean towards >>45210236 ‘s assessment

>> No.45227308
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so... when's arifureta after?

>> No.45228319

if i had to guess the author is going to take a vacation after the WN ends, then it will be a possibility
don't expect it any sooner than that

>> No.45228609

well he declared himself a level 1 several years after soloing the emperor, dude's been roleplaying as weak forever

>> No.45228947

Martin was sandbagging the whole time and 1HKOed Erich the moment he figured that his life was in danger.

>> No.45229359
File: 245 KB, 1021x1500, sobin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can share ブレイド&バスタード? Why can't I find it anywhere, does no one like Kagyo and so bin?

>> No.45229487

I've got a signed physical copy of it, that I bough in a store in Japan. Was interesting to see them have signed copies lined up and wrapped in the store, for no extra cost.

Can't help you with the finding it though.

>> No.45229651

so bin got burned by proxy due to overlord going to shit
i don't think anyone really cares about what the goblin slayer author writes after so many volumes of nothing
then there's somehow a third red flag with the wizardry logo on it, and a fourth one in it being so pointlessly edgy at first glance it would make even teens in the 00s think it's going too far and thus there's no point
not to say everyone thinks this, but more like i wouldn't be surprised if the reason the usual uploaders don't care about this one if one of those reasons

>> No.45230522

>Realistically speaking, the most harm that can be done due to an adaptation occurring would probably be the original being canned
>Faraway Paladin
The WN for that got canned?

>> No.45235352


>> No.45235710

It's been over an year since the main series ended and there isn't even a squeak about after's publication, so probably never

>> No.45236089

Konosuba might not be very well written but there is something comforting about it. I often find myself rereading random volumes. It's easy to get back in because of the funny characters dynamic.

>> No.45237990

>Konosuba might not be very well written
Can you elaborate on this? In my eyes, Konosuba achieved exactly what it set out to do; I can't quite see how it'd be not well written unless you intentionally constrain your definition of well written to be something that Konosuba isn't.

>> No.45239192

nta but even in a vacuum of it doing what it's setting out to do it still relies on repeating the exact same 1-2 jokes for each character into perpetuity, and the story itself tries to have a sitcom-esque status quo which doesn't really work in a novel that long

>> No.45239272

>what is rokujouma no shinryakusha

>> No.45239311

Series that I lost interest because it still continues despite it already reached the true end

>> No.45239344

>MC about to fuck beautiful virgin
>author starts releasing the weekly chapters from other perspectives
Although knowing this author it'll either get interrupted or just a quick 朝チュン..

>> No.45239740

Does anyone know where I can download ブラザーズ コンフリクト? I tried the links in the OP but I couldn't find anything

>> No.45240373

Can someone explain rokujouma to me? From the content I watched in the anime I don't get how the LN could last so long and I don't even see any characters I know in the later volume covers.
I'm not closed to the idea of reading it but I want to know if it's the same series all the way throughout or if the later volumes are too detached from the early volumes.

>> No.45242454

>how the LN could last so long
9 harem members each got multiple volumes for themselves. Then 9 of them fusion into one goddess then split again, and said goddess became separate harem member. Then I stopped reading at volume 30 something

>> No.45242510

Reading youjo senki in japanese for the first time from vol 13 and I feel like the prose itself isn't as difficult as some people make it out to be. But there are a shitton of references I have no clue about which wasn't the case for the tled vols. They haven't straight up deleted unknown or difficult references, did they?

>> No.45242570

just listened to 15 min of Adachi going mental on a phone with Shimamura

>> No.45242598

If you don't know your military vocabulary, that series will wreck you. That's probably where most people get lost. That and being historically illiterate.

>They haven't straight up deleted unknown or difficult references
Wouldn't surprise me honestly.

>> No.45243173 [DELETED] 


>> No.45243189

oops https://files.catbox.moe/78vih9.mp3

>> No.45244904
File: 201 KB, 750x1064, ロクでなし魔術講師と禁忌教典 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

Sランク冒険者である俺の娘たちは重度のファザコンでした 6
魔王と勇者の戦いの裏で 4
俺にトラウマを与えた女子達がチラチラ見てくるけど、残念ですが手遅れです 4
バズれアリス 2 
弱小国家の英雄王子 1
最強の剣聖、美少女メイドに転生し箒で無双する 1
煽り系ゲーム配信者(20歳)、配信の切り忘れによりいい人バレする。 1

芋くさ令嬢ですが悪役令息を助けたら気に入られました 6
サモナーさんが行く 8
豚貴族は未来を切り開くようです 2
お前は強過ぎたと仲間に裏切られた「元Sランク冒険者」は、田舎でスローライフを送りたい 2
えむえむおー! 1
完璧すぎて可愛げがないと婚約破棄された聖女は隣国に売られる 5

転生したらスライムだった件 10th ANNIVERSARY BOOK 転スラX
捨てられた転生賢者~魔物の森で最強の大魔帝国を作り上げる~ 5
出遅れテイマーのその日暮らし 11
村人ですが、なにか? 2
霜月さんはモブが好き 5

クラスのぼっちギャルをお持ち帰りして清楚系美人にしてやった話 6
不死探偵・冷堂紅葉 02.君に遺す『希望』
きのした魔法工務店 異世界工法で最強の家づくりを
スライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました 24
有名VTuberの兄だけど、何故か俺が有名になっていた #1 妹が配信を切り忘れた

これが魔法使いの切り札 1.黎明の剣士
あなたの事が好きなわたしを推してくれますか? 2
放課後はケンカ最強のギャルに連れこまれる生活2 彼女たちに好かれて、僕も最強に!?
かまって新卒ちゃんが毎回誘ってくる その3 ねえ先輩、これからもずっと一緒にいちゃダメですか?
じつは義妹でした。6 ~最近できた義理の弟の距離感がやたら近いわけ~
VTuberなんだが配信切り忘れたら伝説になってた 8
スパイ教室11 《付焼刃》のモニカ
ロクでなし魔術講師と禁忌教典 24

ソードアート・オンライン オルタナティブ グルメ・シーカーズ

万能魔力の愛され令嬢は、魔法石細工を極めたいっ! 1
一撃の勇者 2
マギカテクニカ ~現代最強剣士が征くVRMMO戦刀録~ 9
神達に拾われた男 14

>> No.45244923
File: 46 KB, 352x500, ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 2年生編10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 2年生編10
男子禁制ゲーム世界で俺がやるべき唯一のこと3 百合の間に挟まる男として転生してしまいました
ベノム4 求愛性少女症候群
陰キャぼっちは決めつけたい これは絶対陽キャのしわざ!
ライアー・ライアー Art Works
Lie:verse Liars 俺たちが幸せになるバッドエンドの始め方3
ライアー・ライアー 15
マスカレード・コンフィデンス 詐欺師は少女と仮面仕掛けの旅をする

死神と聖女 最強の魔術師は生贄の聖女の騎士となる
少女事案 炎上して敏感になる京野月子と死の未来を猫として回避する雪見文香
衛くんと愛が重たい少女たち 3

回復職の悪役令嬢 エピソード4
強制的にスローライフ!? 2
ただの村人の僕が、三百年前の暴君皇子に転生してしまいました 1
転生少女はまず一歩からはじめたい 7
人間不信の冒険者たちが世界を救うようです 6
辺境の魔法薬師 ~自由気ままな異世界ものづくり日記~2
無能と言われた錬金術師 ~家を追い出されましたが、凄腕だとバレて侯爵様に拾われました~1

悪喰の最強魔獣使い ~兄のせいで『加護なしの無能は出て行け!』と実家を追放されたけど、最強の力が覚醒したので無双する~
わたしが恋人になれるわけないじゃん、ムリムリ!(※ムリじゃなかった!?) 6

煽り煽られしてたネトゲ仲間が品行方正な美人先輩だった話 1
現代陰陽師は転生リードで無双する 参 3
千年戦争アイギス 10th Anniversary stories 1

俺は全てを【パリイ】する 逆勘違いの世界最強は冒険者になりたい 7
偽典・演義 とある策士の三國志 6
化け物になろうオンライン~本日のメインディッシュは勇者一行です~ 1
万魔の主の魔物図鑑-最高の仲間モンスターと異世界探索- 3


勇者パーティーを追放されたので、魔王を取り返しがつかないほど強く育ててみた : 3

S級騎士の俺が精鋭部隊の隊長に任命されたが、部下がみんな年上のS級女騎士だった 1
お助けキャラに転生したので、ゲーム知識で無双する 運命をねじ伏せて、最強を目指そうと思います 2

淡海乃海 水面が揺れる時 三英傑に嫌われた不運な男、朽木基綱の逆襲 十五
顔が見分けられない伯爵令嬢ですが、悪人公爵様に溺愛されています 2
ゲーム世界転生〈ダン活〉~ゲーマーは【ダンジョン就活のススメ】を〈はじめから〉プレイする~ Lv.07
転生したら皇帝でした~生まれながらの皇帝はこの先生き残れるか~ 6

神竜帝国のドラゴンテイマー 2
ダンジョンシーカーズ スマホアプリからはじまる現代ダンジョン制圧録 02
底辺ハンターが【リターン】スキルで現代最強 前世の知識と死に戻りを駆使して、人類最速レベルアップ 1
ど底辺令嬢に憑依した800年前の悪女はひっそり青春を楽しんでいる。 1
滅びの王国の錬金術令嬢 三百年後の新しい人生は引きこもって過ごしたい! 2
元魔王様の南国スローライフ 部下に裏切られたので、モフモフ達と楽しくスローライフするのじゃ 1

>> No.45245951

>スライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました 24
what do they even do at this point

>> No.45246604

if they didn't recognise them how would they know to delete them?

>> No.45246613

They don't need to recognize it themselves for their MTL solution to delete it for them.

>> No.45248096
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>I'm gonna get my revenge on all of you fucker and after that we all peace, also if there's any trouble before my goal is achieved I can be there to help you guys
Man this guy is such a tsundere.

>> No.45248106

it's a very kino dynamic

>> No.45251967

>2 new chapters this month in hannerole's 5th year

>> No.45253344
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Alright who's hand is this with Monika

>> No.45254911


>> No.45255241
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listened to vol.1 and quite liked it
had a bit of a ggo vibe which is my favorite sao arc

>> No.45256086

I heard that the manga, WN, and light novel all has different story approach, is that true?

>> No.45256100

Manga and LN make you attached to a character then unceremoniously killed her

>> No.45256146
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Any opinions on Kagejitsu Vol. 6?
I think I liked it better than 5, felt like a lot more of the jokes landed. Kanade best girl and I'm glad the Akane sideplot is finally being picked up again.

>> No.45256233

I liked it, my only complaint was the usual shit of 5 and 6 were a single volume split up, but the expanded stuff lessens the blow, but doesn't justify the long wait.
Between this and the gacha expanded lore it feels like the status quo is over and the story is leaving it's prelude stage, which gives me high expectations for vol 7 which will just make the wait a pain again.
Especially because it feels the author is finally actually using the characters he already set up without it getting stale by adding just enough new characters, Christina was based, Kanade was cute, glad the Akane subplot wasn't abandoned like half the other subplots in the story (like Yukime and to an extent Rose), mixed feelings about the volume not ending with an atomic but after volume 4 shoehorning it in maybe that's for the best.
This will probably be controversial but I do like half the girls being sociopaths or at least off in the head in some way, there's no other way to add more characters to the dynamic Cid has when all the softy doormat seats were already taken by Gamma, Epsilon, Rose, etc, and Alexia already took the pissy tsundere seat.
Another complaint will be the story has been in Midgar for far too long and the place is just not that interesting, if there's yet another volume in Midgar without it being the civil war in full it will actually feel stale.

>> No.45256447

christina sex

>> No.45258563

it has 5 full stars on amazon more than any other volume so i guess people enjoyed it

>> No.45258681

that's actually impressive, especially after the wait would make judgement on it harsher

>> No.45258802

It was alright. I didn't enjoy the general setup, Cid running around killing a bunch of mooks wasn't interesting and the pay-off wasn't worth it. Ultimately, I liked 5 more even though it missed the mark too, the Christina/Suzuki dynamic was generic but fun. I think the main problem is that JTR didn't really interact with anyone, he's just a creepy killer from start to finish and Christina just takes up his mantle of her own accord. All the other alternate Cids were seemingly weak at first, tying into the fantasy and the comedy.

>> No.45258846

Not bad but probably the worst in the series. Kagejitsu is incompatible with vol long breathers imo

>> No.45259045

i don't really blame him, it's difficult and boring to dedicate your life to pissing off people who wronged you

>> No.45259184

>Shu lost the bet.
Remind me what this is, I'm currently on 17

>> No.45259205

>マスカレード・コンフィデンス 詐欺師は少女と仮面仕掛けの旅をする
>死神と聖女: ~最強の魔術師は生贄の聖女の騎士となる~
Will try those, feels like I will land a mine for each one but tho
I liked it better than 5, mostly for the kaede dynamic, but as an anon said, kagejitsu isn't compatible with long volume plot, I liked it much more when it was 2 arcs/1 vol, kind of feels like the author is padding to get a full volume worth of content, and I do guess, him being out of ideas is what's causing the long delay between each vol after vol3, which followed the wn at that time

>> No.45260288

My enjoyment of it was diminished by the wait, having said that I did like it, after 6 I feared the gimmick would get stale but looks like the author knows what he's doing.

>> No.45260451

Any LN where the oyakodon is the main romance?

Or at least where the main girl is a milf.

>> No.45261686

i liked it
looking forward to volume 7 in 2025

>> No.45263378

>Not bad but probably the worst in the series.
Funny, I thought it was the best in the series.

>> No.45264247

Not relevant but don't know where else to ask: I'm want a tablet for LNs but also that's the right size/resolution for manga so I don't have to zoom and there's little to no whitespace on any of the margins, got any recs?

>> No.45264437

i'm still using my ipad air2 for manga
shit's kino

>> No.45264709

I'm so averse to getting yet another Apple product but everyone says the same thing so maybe I will, thanks

>> No.45265143

How do you read manga on iOS?

>> No.45265276

i use the amazon fire 10, readera for LNs and tachiyomi for manga. it was like 70 dollars I think and I have no complaints.

>> No.45265541

Any tablet that's 10 inches has 2k resolution and preferably 6 to 8 gig ram would work. Although the only reputable cheap tablet I can think of is the redmipad se, which should be around 200 to 250 usd. I bought a cheap one and had to refund it because the digitizer broke down. The color is shit too, which is why I wanted to buy the redmipad one since at least that brand pass the minimun quality compared to a cheap chink tablet. There's also the regular redmipad but that's a mediatek cpu compared to the qualcomm one im the SE but much cheaper.

>> No.45266837

app is called panels

>> No.45267450

I use a Samsung Fold 2 (there are newer ones now). I find it great that I always have it with me as a phone but can easily read on it on the go. It's a bit smaller than a standard e-reader but it's big enough for me.

>> No.45267654

Best tablets for manga and LNs are by default apple's one because they are the only one with A4 paper size screen ratio

>> No.45267662

Can someone please reupload Kagejitsu 6 epub? The link from the previous thread expired and it's still not on nyaa yet.

>> No.45268736

Found the manga on my periodical r18 binges and went on to read the WN. It's a solid 成り上がり with lots of macho and sex. Please give it a try if you are looking for something like this. The manga adaptation is great too.

>> No.45270151

Was gonna upload it to nyaa but anonymous uploads are disabled. Here's the catbox

>> No.45270828


>> No.45274361
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>reading fantastic story
>notice that there are 5 chapters left
>subconsciously attempt to stop reading because you don't want it to end
>finally finish it
>feel an emptiness in your routine that used to be dedicated to reading
>realize that you will never see those characters again

>> No.45275011

I got scammed into reading LV999の村人. Why does the web novel have a メイド tag if there is no maid character in it?

>> No.45275972

what are your favorite maid characters bro

>> No.45277327

It was, as the kids these days say, "kino".
I liked it, I can relate to Cid's paradoxical loner autism of knowing people but not really connecting with them in any meaningful way.

>> No.45280863

Anyone have マジエックス volume 9?

>> No.45282924
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>> No.45284524

>cant even buy epubs of index OT
alright fine i'll read the scans what the fuck man
i mean bookwalker probably has it but the tools to rip shit aren't public

>> No.45284675

I can rip them for you if you trust an anon enough to gift the books to their account

>> No.45289856

who dis

>> No.45291180

Just finished volume 14 of Youjo Senki. It's nice to have Tanya and Zettour back in action again after all of these years and the plan this time was pretty wild. And let's face it, Tanya blowing up communists never gets old. Anyway, I really feel like the series is going to end soon with the direction it seems to be headed.

>> No.45291419
File: 285 KB, 702x989, 【栗栖ティナ】僕とお嬢さまの性教育 (二次元ドリーム文庫) 挿絵:ねこうめ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just an old book I'm reading

>> No.45293516

I felt like it was going to end "soon tm" by volume 12 so you never know.

>> No.45294244
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Is "The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt" Light Novel on hiatus?
The last JP volume (V12) came out in September of 2022, but the last officially translated volume is V11 and that comes out tomorrow.

Is it normal for this series for volumes to come out so slowly? Have there been any news? Is anyone following it?

I got really interested in the story after watching the anime.

>> No.45294288

It was my first LN series, I read the whole thing straight and loved it

>> No.45294317

LITERALLY me. When I really enjoy a series I procrastinate reading it because I don't want it to end and end up ruining the feeling of reading something awesome...

>> No.45296953

>was planning to listen to 異世界でチート能力を手にした俺は、現実世界をも無双する audiobooks
>all the girls are voiced by the male narrator
yeah we're not doing this

>> No.45296979

>all the girls are voiced by the male narrator
for what in the absolute fuck's purpose reason

>> No.45296998

who knows, maybe they didn't want to bother with multiple actors
but death march, tate no yuusha, fairy tail chronicle and countless others solved this "problem" by just using a female narrator voicing everything, which is way easier to stomach than the other way round especially for a fucking harem with a million different girls lol

>> No.45297039

What are some red flags that keep you from picking up a story?
>highschool setting

>> No.45297049

There must not be much left for you to read.

>> No.45297058

It's always funny to see an ironic weeb thinking he's in good company.

>> No.45297241

Yep. I'm very specific with what I want.
You don't know what that word means.

>> No.45297363

the way they are shilled, same as for any other medium
>it's deep
>it's mature
>it doesn't have le tropes
>the MC isn't a betacuck like all other anime
>"moeshit", "based" or any other newfag phrases
hasn't failed me once

>> No.45297500

Yeah true. This time though a lot lines were dropped about ending the war and such. I could totally see the next arc being the last one. Of course, the author could stretch it out some more anyway.

>> No.45297650

female MC
no loli heroine
lack of bro characters

>> No.45297681

>female MC
What's wrong with that?

>> No.45297714

NTA but it almost always results in one of two things.
It will either be by the JP equivalent of an ironic weeb, someone so spineless and cucked he can't imagine his ideal waifu getting dicked by "basically me" and will spend 5+ volumes meandering with "haha a girl's body amirite?" before simply forgetting the MC is supposed to be female.
Or it will be yas queen femoid writing like sexiled.

>> No.45297747

I honestly can't think of any, though one of the things that makes me consider dropping a story is slavefaggotry. I can't for the life of me understand why 90% of light novel fantasy settings need to include the institution of slavery and portray it in a positive light, when it seems like such a niche kink. The only exception to this is Mushoku Tensei, but only because I really like the rest of the novel and slaveshit is a small part of it. For anyone with a distaste for slavery in light novels, check out His Soul Marches on - the John Brown Isekai on royalroad

>> No.45298120

I can somewhat relate. Dropped meikyuu harem early because the MC becoming a bounty hunter and killing people just to get a sex slave was a bit too much for me, him immediately having sex with her and she enjoying it was the last straw.

>> No.45298497

Food focused

VRMMO in particular is nearly impossible for me to enjoy.

>> No.45298530


>> No.45299148

I'm not as strongly against them, but I often find that VRMMO plots don't manage to make you feel like there's any stake to them. It's just an inferior version of an isekai setting unless you're doing something interesting with it

>> No.45299329

100% agree
i liked the bofuri anime as an sol but i couldn't get myself to pick up the ln
it's also the reason why i haven't started destiny unchain online yet

>> No.45299532

I'm reading Fate/Strange Fake. Currently on volume 5. It's been pretty good. I can't wait for it to conclude in 10 years.

>> No.45299582
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異世界はスマートフォンとともに。 is the best kingdom builder/power fantasy/harem/mecha/crafting/sol story out there

>> No.45300385

Got any isekai slow life recs that are actually slow life and don't involve getting wrapped up in royal conspiracies or world threatening events after the first volume?

>> No.45300400

isekaislop and harem, immediately goes in the trash

>> No.45300405

read that as meme crafting and it gave me a chuckle

>> No.45301745

picked up

>> No.45302755

is there a novel you guys want translated?
I've been on hiatus for quite long and was thinking of getting back into the scene.

>> No.45302942


>> No.45303032

what an original opinion lmao

>> No.45303650

good morning i hate cuckold explorer

>> No.45304152

I already forgot it existed, it feels like something isekai would make up as a joke

>> No.45304350

It really does feel like a glorified shitpost that the author ended up getting emotionally invested in.

>> No.45306317

It's getting an anime adaption, you know.

>> No.45306376

everything but dendro gets an anime adaptation so it's not exactly a measurement of quality

>> No.45307625
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How good is the comedy in this? Answer with: 1. Funny 2. Relative 3. Not funny

>> No.45307952

Currently in the middle of Dendro 19 and paused just to say what the HELL is Ainz doing in Dendro?

>> No.45309345

I don't want to be rude or anything but it feels like the era of (fan) translations has long passed.
Over the past year or so pretty much everyone either learned japanese by now or started to do so, with the few exceptions remaining being f/a/gs that are here for the seasonal FOTM like kagejitsu for example.
The next step after this is probably just raws sharing more than TLs.

>> No.45309932

Has there ever been an isekai with an inverted premise? A fantasy/historic character reincarnated as an average guy, losing access to special powers?

>> No.45310015

Reincarnation specifically? I can think of a few transported, but I personally don't know if there's any that specifically use reincarnation. They're bound to exist, I just don't know any.

>> No.45310206

What are these transported ones?

>> No.45310525

aah, that's saddening.
I really enjoyed doing TLing while I did it. But I too have noticed the uptick in people learning japanese.
I suppose only korean and chinese novels have some sort of future left since those aren't really appealing languages.

>> No.45311194

It's only really in this thread, in other place, most don't know japanese and will never bother to learn. Even if it's more than before, I doubt it's more than 1 anon out of 10 or something in my opinion
If you want to translate something, try with either something really new (since no one would pick it up) knowing it might be licensed down the line, something which was complete a while ago, and past his peak, or a webnovel

>> No.45313039

>I suppose only korean and chinese novels have some sort of future left since those aren't really appealing languages.
this is what i will never understand about KR/CN shills, none of them give a fuck about actually learning the language to read it as the author intended, they just mindlessly consoom
why even bother at that point? just go play grindy vidya instead

>> No.45313075

剣よ, かく語りき

>> No.45313967

interesting. I'll give it a read first.

>> No.45313976

i'm convinced they have dedicated shills on NU based on the ratings they get.
There's no way stock plot harem edgy cultivator#3014 gets a 4.2 star average. Even if the prose in Japanese novel is bad, at least they try to make it original in their own sense.

>> No.45314348

Shilling that sort of slop has been part of the anti-japan agenda since at least the mid 10s.
There's a reason relatively known JP LNs in NU never get updates, because all updates get removed under the guise of "no sniping" after the first TLer got DMCA'd, while even literal who korean novels get daily updates and bots giving 5 star reviews.

>> No.45314747

wonder if NU is still constantly deleting entries for "known-but-not-mainstream" novels like dendro or if going that far with the psyop was too obvious

>> No.45317031

>seasonal FOTM like kagejitsu for example.
Even jp isn't immune to the contrarion revisionist scurge. Pathetic

>> No.45318071
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Based quof (Honzuki no Gekokujou) dropping the MTL truth nukes

>> No.45318098
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>> No.45318217

>Quof is probably right on the whole--that MTL has come and will keep coming for translators' lunch money--but my hope is that the torch of human translation will be carried on by a small, niche audience of enthusiasts willing to pay extra money for good prose.
People who actually care about the prose/quality would just learn the language itself lmao

>> No.45318282

i get up at 5.30, leave the house by 6, work like a dog all day, get home at 7, I have 3 hours to myself before I have to go to bed and do it all again the next day, most of that has to go to studying for professional exams, if i have to choose between using my miniscule true free time studying japanese or reading translations I'll read the translations.

>> No.45318306

nice blog bro, but people have learned the language with less than 3 hours a day

>> No.45318314

You can study and read Japanese at the same time...
Just one or two hour a day is probably good enough

>> No.45318329

>if i have to choose between using my miniscule true free time studying japanese or reading fanfics I'll read the fanfics

>> No.45318352

i'm using my brain engaged time to get professional qualifications to earn high six figures, i don't want to think hard during my brain off time too

>> No.45318362

Do honzukifags really?

>> No.45318376

was it worth it spending one of those three hours defending yourself on 4chan?

>> No.45318379

No one needs to learn Japanese and reading translations is fine if you're enjoying it. But if you're one of the types that keeps coming to 4chan to complain about localizations then yes learning Japanese would be a better use of your time

>> No.45318409

DESU fully ChatGPT generated original fics will probably be a threat long before MTL.

>> No.45318429

It loves to skip sentences/paragraph and refuse to translate anything violent/sexual.

>> No.45318457

Given the absurdly low quality of the average translation it's not surprising chatgpt powered MTL is a legitimate threat to their positions.
He also says they were "sneakily" using MTL already yet it's anything but, translations in the last 5-8 years have been full of errors only MTL would do like calling multiple types of entities "demons" and the likes.

>> No.45318469

to be fair the skipping already happens with deeptl and the solution is also to copypaste line by line instead of full slabs of text
translators already cut out anything violent/sexual if they can get away with it so it would just be automatic their job even further

>> No.45318474

Your comment was probably also GPT generated seeing as how you completely missed what I was saying and replied with a non sequitur.

>> No.45318485

nta but thought the joke was calling translations fanfics as usual

>> No.45318575

I said original fics bro

>> No.45319019

There's absolutely zero irony to be found in the fact that a poster in the "novel" thread has no reading comprehension whatsoever.
The anon you responded to said
>People who actually care about the prose/quality would just learn the language itself lmao
And a few posts later you agreed to being OK with "reading fanfics" meaning you don't care about the prose/quality and therefore had no reason to get all defensive and reply to that post.
Good luck with your six figures by the way, I'd be surprised if you can make five figures after tax

>> No.45319045

The irony compounds on it being a honzukifag of all things to be the one to do that.

>> No.45319094

>people still lying about this.
Gpt4/gpt4all really has you spooks shaking huh

>> No.45319103

I use chatgpt myself when reading trashy webnovel anon. I know what I'm talking about

>> No.45319125

you sure do ironic weeb

>> No.45319136

the fact that you mention gpt4all showed that you don't know about this topic at all

>> No.45319150

They know the quality of what the put out is so low that literal AI easily obsoletes them.
It doesn't help people on JP chans seethed about gaijins butchering novels on the translations and this is starting to actually reach kadokawa from the looks of it.

>> No.45319151

3.5 is not the same a 4 also,
this. 2 pages at a time with double checking makes this a non issue. any input it refuses means you gotta go the gpt4all route

>> No.45319161

>not the same a 4
>paying for mtl

>> No.45319167

And you said other anons dont know where they're talking about. step your html game up shrimp

>> No.45319202

If you gonna pay up, at least use claude you dumbass. It has longer context size compared measily 32k tokens for gpt4

>> No.45319210

because there are no absolutes. i care about quality and prefer good translations over mtl but on balance will opt for reading translation even if it's not perfect over learning japanese in my current life circumstance
>reading fanfics
because all translations are fanfics anyway so why argue the point
and yes the specialty i'm going into can easily keep six figures in take home pay too, thanks

>> No.45319309

Hey guys, I'll start reading LNs. What are the best recommendations of already finished series? I have no problem with jp by the way

>> No.45319340

date a live just finished recently iirc

>> No.45319462

I can safely recommend Zero no Tsukaima and Toradora.

>> No.45319552

Haven't read much, but my favorites are: Goumon Hime and Arifureta. If continuing series then: TRPGプレイヤー, and Kage no jitsuryokusha.
Also looking for recs, let me know if there's stuff like these. Would like some more mentally ill, Yandere heroines.

>> No.45319563

arifureta isn't over yet, there's still the afterstory left to adapt
trust the plan

>> No.45319916
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Just started Rokujouma, this is foreboding

>> No.45319961

This bitch got the chimp arms.

>> No.45320082

just finished it. Was awesome. I went back and rewatched the anime for a 3rd time and skimmed books 3-5 before starting to read it. Feels like I might have amnesia or some shit because I forgot a lot (and am a bit worried I might've missed some stuff during the skim-through). Might have to do a re-read of everything when Vol 7 comes out. Have a few questions about the books:
How does Shadow get through the barrier (when he was Jack.)? Did he get vampire powers at some point? Also, who has vampire powers- just some named members or all of shadow garden? (sorry I forgot this)
Was checking the wiki and noticed deeper info about Kai and Omega's background lore-- where is that info coming from? The web novels or the mobile game or something? Is ten thousand enough for Delta and Pai's plan? Surely Shadow (me) will have more offspring, right?

>> No.45320159

listen to the audiobooks man they're great

>> No.45320558

>How does Shadow get through the barrier (when he was Jack.)? Did he get vampire powers at some point?
He already learned it off Zeta in volume 5 and even went one step further and learned to only partially use mist form during combat by the fight with Fenrir.
>Also, who has vampire powers- just some named members or all of shadow garden?
So far only Alpha and Zeta have been shown to use them but the novel also all but says Beta also can now, other than that it's hard to say.
>Was checking the wiki and noticed deeper info about Kai and Omega's background lore-- where is that info coming from?
Most likely the gacha game which greatly expands on the lore, but fair warning I wouldn't trust the wiki due to being maintained by the EOP side of the fanbase and they aren't known for their reading comprehension.

>> No.45322990

dungeon dive is basically a yandere harem isekai

>> No.45325092

thanks for the advice. tried listening to a sample, but the voice felt a bit monotone- made me feel a bit sleepy. Is the manga good? About to start the しゃどーがいでんseries, but might pick up the main manga.
thanks for the responses! makes sense. You think the gacha story will be picked up in the novels (or some anime fillers) or do I have to go and play it. Felt like the gacha was a bit too greedy for my wallet.
Thought I read somewhere that there was only one "winning heroine" and the rest lose. If you tell me he bangs the heroines and builds a family I'll order it rn

>> No.45325119

The spinoff is fine as a rando thing, but manga adaptations haven't been good in years and sadly this one isn't an exception, it feels like an abridged parody at times.

>> No.45325689
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which song is being referenced

>> No.45326208

my blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold

>> No.45326365

Which WW2 veteran wrote this?

>> No.45327337
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Dendro AE updated. Gate of Six is now online, it's time to place your bets on who will fight them. Mine's on Fatoum.
Excuse me? Did you mean the Overlord thingy in the EnTL? That was supposed to be Demon Lord/Maou in JP, probably got the same TL fuckery issue like Rance's whole Archfiend line but is not wrong in context since it's supposed to be read more as "Absolute Ruler of (X)" than an actual "Ruler of Demons." Now, why is that you asked? Because even Dendro has its own Satan, and I'm not talking about Theresia.
Chill anon, the character assassination part was always meant for Katsuya to be specific, him being a lil shit notwithstanding, though I suppose my statement should've been more clear about it. As for whether Akira's changes are good or not, let's just agree to disagree, it's not like our views/interpretations aren't laced with prejudice anyway. I'm a purist, so I would hate to see any changes made in a media I consume if it all leads to the same conclusion, feels like a waste of time if I may say so.
Ah, hell naw man. I've got enough of my share of 呼び出された殺戮者, 二度目の勇者, Gang of Yuusha, and Dungeon Seeker. Besides, although series with murderhobos/Coldsteel the Edgehog already exists from the get go, it's not like they have an actual story to tell. If they did, Goblin Slayer, Overlord (the general tone, not Ainz himself), and RW won't be able to get in the KonoRano rank due to the sheer amount of contender.
I really should stop using KonoRano as an excuse, it's getting repetitive.
It got the Log Horizon treatment to be exact. Derivative works (anime/manga/spinoffs/supplementary materials) are ongoing/to be released, everyone knows the author is alive and well through whatever platform they use, but the mainline story is pretty much dead even if fans would love to see its continuation. Not the first, won't be the last, but still hurts whenever it happens. IIRC the latest arc for Faraway Paladin was about Will getting comfy with a prostitute and turning into a dragon due to being "forged" in Not!Smaug's blood/dragonfire/pummeling, been a while so I could be wrong.
Not a bet per se, but Shu's statement of there won't be anyone going Superior due to Gloria. That went horribly wrong and he's probably gonna end up in the "destroy Ayyyyyyyssss" camp alongside the edgy prison shota.

>> No.45327375
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>> No.45327670


>> No.45327724

thought it was kurt cobain until he mentioned 紫の霧

>> No.45327727


>> No.45328384

Can anyone post an updated guide on how to buy digital stuff off of amazon.jp?
I'm trying to buy some nintendo eshop cards and some LNs, but the payment just doesn't get thru, no explanation given, and my bank says they haven't even received a transaction request so they can't do jack shit...

>> No.45328450

At which point does it happen?
I know only two way to deal with that, try with a vpn (bought) set in Japan, and use a local Japanese adress as your delivery place, even if you won't actually ever use it

>> No.45328491
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I did use a random JP address for delivery, no vpn tho.
I do the order, everything seems okay, and then nothing happens.
On the order page it basically just tells me to check my payment info

>> No.45329054

It's written by Yomi Hirasaka so it must be good (huge of of A Sisters All You Need here)

>> No.45329085

Could be a problem with your credit card itself then, did you ever try to buy something with it on other jp website, like fantia, dmm or anything like that? if it doesn't work on those, the problem is your card

>> No.45329114

>Dendro AE updated. Gate of Six is now online, it's time to place your bets on who will fight them. Mine's on Fatoum.
Considering the SUBM's looks plus location and timing of its appearance, I think there's no way Sechs won't be involved. His group were going to Tenchi through the south of the continent, and if this takes place after the war, it would make chronological sense for the little dice to bump into the big dice.
I think it won't go unnoticed, either, and it's how people will find out that they well and truly broke out.

>> No.45329733

I had never tried before no.
But I finally managed to reach someone that wasn't a retard on the phone about my credit card, and turns out all those kinds of transactions are automatically blacklisted.
Every time I need to make this kind of purchase I need to call them to whitelist them for 24H, after which they'll be blocked again...
What a fucking pain

>> No.45330593

You using AmEx or something? I've done VISA, MC, and Discover on Amazon, CDJapan, DLsite, etc. and have never gotten it rejected. From what I've tried only Rakuten declines Discover if I remember correctly.

>> No.45332597

is this from the smartphone isekai?

>> No.45332739

>Kei dropped from top 2 to 21st place in konorano
how the mighty have fallen...

>> No.45333030

Did someone else from cote rank any better? Doesn't really mean much if she is still the 1st cote girl ranked

>> No.45333132


>> No.45335933

>That was supposed to be Demon Lord/Maou in JP
I see. That would have made Saint Sechs chapter-ending line more dramatic. Damn you JNC!
