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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 777 KB, 2542x2011, you will never be a sony exec why even live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45134538 No.45134538 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.45134727

Sony's talentless idol seiyuu cum dumpsters go here >>45105871

>> No.45135696

rent free

>> No.45135723

>retarded op uses imas image
>r-rent free

But showing how walled that slut is now makes it funny.

>> No.45136119


>> No.45136225

Don:t underestimate Idol!

>> No.45136246

She's already old and busted. Her replacement is even less successful and her kohai makes MKL cry all day about no roles.

>> No.45136612
File: 430 KB, 932x1080, neru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting feet

>> No.45136730

>Her replacement is even less successful

>> No.45137558
File: 240 KB, 1280x853, sanrioiAGF1103_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45137921

How so? Pretty sure she looked always like that.

>> No.45137979
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>> No.45139148
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So elegant.

>> No.45141278

Her hands look like they're AI generated.

>> No.45141396

No, the WEP girl.

>> No.45141451

Who is the prettiest seiyuu of all time? Her or Sumipe?

>> No.45141750


>> No.45141805
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>> No.45141903
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My wives.

>> No.45142394


>> No.45142439

Sumipe is an ugly vatnik whore.

>> No.45143025

Then who is the kouhai?

>> No.45143304


>> No.45144344


>> No.45144567
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>> No.45144590


>> No.45144800
File: 179 KB, 960x1439, maaya-uchida-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the prettiest seiyuu is the sluttiest one

>> No.45144821


>> No.45144914
File: 217 KB, 800x1084, 1692910020512598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megumi Hayashibara

>> No.45144925

>japanese american
lmao nope

>> No.45144945

The 2nd sexiest.

>> No.45145836
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>> No.45145934

I wish I was Yuuma, bathing with her as a kid and getting to see her slot as well as her bush.

>> No.45145956

Oh right the ending is today. Ready shitpost one last time.

>> No.45146307
File: 2.09 MB, 1200x1800, 00888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Megumi

>> No.45146323

It's just two episodes?

>> No.45146344

I think so.

>> No.45146475
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>> No.45147568
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>> No.45148344

Kaji looks stressed compared to the ladies.

>> No.45148481

Inorin by a long shot according to nips

>> No.45148520
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>> No.45148541


>> No.45148542
File: 122 KB, 876x1200, MV5BZDcyYjdmNWEtZTFjOS00MGE4LTkwYTQtMTQ1ZmJkODFmYjg5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQxNjcxNQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even close anon

>> No.45148902
File: 735 KB, 1694x2048, kemonomimi_meido_inoue_kikuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s still got it

>> No.45149084
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>> No.45149219

According to this ranking she loses to Tenchan https://ranking.net/rankings/cutest-voice-actoresses

>> No.45149231

Hour long special

>> No.45149243

85 minutes, think of it as a movie

>> No.45149348
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>> No.45149355 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45149378

He knows what's coming.

>> No.45149550

I'd still Marina

>> No.45149670

Go back to FFXVI, Nakamura

>> No.45149843

Poor girl was send to SEA.

>> No.45150020
File: 180 KB, 1440x1800, 398442711_355821383561674_2694437222960827863_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see her staying healthy during holidays.

>> No.45150943
File: 163 KB, 1199x900, F9_6i_3asAA2LVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45150993

pre bulk 10
pre starved mocho
younger nansu

>> No.45151063
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>> No.45151559
File: 516 KB, 1440x1800, 394605646_1075205190173300_2695844244406054092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THICC Kokochan

>> No.45151579
File: 531 KB, 1440x1799, 394581564_856082566217618_7286480778669498925_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45152729

this shit is getting sad. someone fuck her already.

>> No.45152978

I'll take one for the team

>> No.45153311


>> No.45153432

nothing wrong with $CURRENT_YEAR Nansu

>> No.45153454

I agree but I kinda miss her old look

>> No.45153488

Nansu had her best look back when she was making silly videos on youtube during the pandemic.

>> No.45153538

I hope AI advances enough to ban any person that post pics without the name of the seiyuu

>> No.45153541

>first place


>> No.45153542

holy newfriend

>> No.45153556

uhhmmmm guys? i thought inorin and 10chan were supposed to be ugly?!?!

>> No.45153577

Anon, you do understand that massive conglomerates such King Records and Sony Music pay people online to artificially push their talents, right? Every Japanase person knew this.(in the case of Amamiya it was particularly infamous with how obvious and bad it was when she was new)

>> No.45153628

they do it for free

>> No.45153785
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>> No.45153837

I can confirm.

>> No.45154023
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>> No.45154344

>another season

Praise the harem gods!

>> No.45154562
File: 52 KB, 640x959, 407538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tourist here holy shit I am in love I will die for her

>> No.45154584

eromanga s2 .....

>> No.45155011
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>> No.45155654

Farewell.. the voice acting was good at least.

>> No.45155857

Talk about the seiyuu the anime was so big back then but why do I feel only Kamiya got advantage from it with his massive Fujo followers? Yui Ishikawa for example still pretty much just kind of there even though Mikasa was very popular back then, what I feel even back there there is not much talk and hype about the seiyuu even though the anime was very popular, even Kaji, I don't think he will miss if he doesn't voice Eren except for international appeal since Kaji already a well-known MC seiyuu even before that and had won seiyu award best male seiyu

>> No.45155941

Ishikawa got typecast soon after, she's doing good for someone who didn't chase koebuta. Now we'll see if Kaji can get another hyped MC role or is it too late for him now with so much competition.

>> No.45156266
File: 699 KB, 2048x1534, F-GEUJRbIAAhU5R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seiyuu still have some events.

>> No.45156289

He dresses like a lesbian..

>> No.45156679

>soon after
She only appealed in games in which most of time they don't give a fuck about the seiyuu, during that time she still barely can get to play female lead, it is not until Violet that Ishikawa make it in anime

>> No.45156754

>she gets work but has no koebuta appeal

Exactly what I said.

>> No.45157087
File: 1.65 MB, 4080x1920, りん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally enjoy her performances, plus she voiced my waifu and she’s cute too

>> No.45157391
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>> No.45157423
File: 59 KB, 768x576, 2307aoyama_001-768x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so pretty?

>> No.45157464

It's the smile. She has a first rate smile if I ever saw one.

>> No.45157764

Agree. She has a really nice smile in that picture. I really like that official picture of hers.

>> No.45158032
File: 333 KB, 1567x1046, F-K5qNEbUAAOXD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45158888

Pungent SEA

>> No.45160453
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>> No.45160698
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>> No.45160725
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>> No.45161101 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45161773


>> No.45162129

yui ishikawa doesn't care anymore after marriage

>> No.45162181

knight's mad

>> No.45162267

Would all three of them.

>> No.45162706

Do you think Mariya Ise likes em younger?

>> No.45163042

Her WUG days crooked chompers were way cuter.

>> No.45163048

Ugly mutt gorilla

>> No.45163871
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>> No.45164183
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>> No.45164382
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Just my opinion, not saying it’s undisputed or anything

>> No.45164881
File: 221 KB, 1440x900, 2091cb9ad8802ec69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of the nee-sans

>> No.45164969

But that's a baba.

>> No.45165140
File: 104 KB, 793x991, 398961564_209007365553196_3598239699455368431_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45165191

which waifu?

>> No.45165193
File: 60 KB, 680x510, F9p4QIEaAAAj8p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45165285

Naobros we're so fucking back??

>> No.45165574
File: 291 KB, 1479x1108, F-OEM6qakAALWgV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Akao just mogging the shit out of inorin. The wall spares no one.

>> No.45165684

No wonder she started adding live ballots into her latest CD to pad the sales. The realization is setting in.

>> No.45165791

Everybody mogs Inorin though? This has been the case since the start of her career.

>> No.45166265


True. But she's been looking especially rough recently.

>> No.45166558
File: 287 KB, 2048x906, F-KdhgAaQAA1wk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45166696

I jerk off whenever I see Marina Ioue

>> No.45166946

>live ballots
Not live ballots just radio event ballots, but capacity is 5000 so there is not that many koebuta fight actually, compare that to how desperate many other idol seiyuu with so many events with lottery and priority seats still can't sell 10k

>> No.45167104

Why does Kaji's face look bruised? Have you idiots been punching him in the face during sex? I'm reporting yall for domestic abuse.

>> No.45167537

He wanted to get into character.

>> No.45167871

So Marina punched him?

>> No.45167876

JKs look like that?!

>> No.45167910
File: 1.56 MB, 4096x2938, F-PVp3rWIAAOek4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's going to be some behind-the-scenes publicity special. Kaji loves playing up how he gets into the role.

>> No.45168167

Maybe she did. Like how Miyamura strangled Ogata for EOE.

>> No.45168187

From my observation and judging from Yomiya's video views like radio and such, she is already building koebuta fanbase as seiyuu and there is also Bang Dream, I think she will do decently if she makes solo debut

>> No.45168277
File: 2.05 MB, 1440x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45168516

To think this face was the last thing dozen, perhaps hundreds of innocent young shotas ever saw in this life…

>> No.45169088

>and that's anon's cock.

>> No.45169713
File: 682 KB, 1536x2048, F-QGRgea8AAG9rB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45169986

It's kinda funny that people keep shitting on her in this thread when she's one of the most, if not the most, sought after cumbrain target in Japan

>> No.45170123

why is Nakamura the one selling himself as bishounen but does not take care of his appearance.

>> No.45170138

I will never be a shota being molested in a packed Japenese train by Yuuki Aoi, why even keep this reality going.

>> No.45170149

But all he does is play vidya gaem.

>> No.45170181

Young Sumipe is unbeatable and full of natural beauty, but now she's a hag, and way too heavy on the makeup.
Right now I think Miku is the cutest

>> No.45170285

desu I just like some of her roles/performances, her being cute or ugly is not all that relevant to that

>> No.45170676

Has he ever sold himself as anything? He doesn't have some solo music career where he has to maintain his looks and a certain image for his fans.

>> No.45171813
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>> No.45172174

>she's one of the most, if not the most, sought after cumbrain target in Japan
For pedos when she still had that loli appeal. Now she's starting to haggify and it's all downhill from here.

>> No.45172796
File: 94 KB, 1080x607, o1080060715252115233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lived at a shared house with many people
> worked at 24hrs karaoke before covid

pretty much the same conditions like yaya after leaving home but got different treatment from the fans

>> No.45172860

> average 900yen budget for food for a week while at voice acting school
> bought 500yen box cereal (no milk) and live on that for a week
> worked at restaurant and take free rice (1kg) every time she was there
> finally stopped doing part-times jobs when she was being cast in Assault Lily

Rough life.

>> No.45172899

I was eating toilet paper back in the days baka

>> No.45172950
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>> No.45173041


>> No.45175247
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Based Nanjo appreciator.

>> No.45175350
File: 556 KB, 2048x1536, F-O-G-Mb0AASHKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabu and her dog.

>> No.45175674


>> No.45175834


>> No.45176136
File: 445 KB, 1152x2048, FyUnQz5aIAAIneH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More drawings. I prefer photos.

>> No.45176168

She is still cute and top talented Idol.

And she is an inspiration to the next generation of Sacra talents!

You are still underestimating Idol!

>> No.45176265

If there's anyone who is an inspiration there it's Lisa or Aimer. Also Sawano for composer otaku.

>> No.45176831
File: 271 KB, 2048x914, F-JYwrHaUAETenJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling himself as bishounen

>> No.45177451
File: 421 KB, 1920x1080, [ASW] Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki - 06 [1080p HEVC][76527417].mkv_00_20_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been enjoying Ueshama's performance in Toaru Ossan. For once she voiced an upbeat character again. It's really nice.

>> No.45178086


Hirakawa Daisuke has been discharged from the hospital.

>> No.45178352

Dear all,

This is Daisuke Hirakawa.

I would like to thank you very much for your kind words of sympathy and support during my recent hospitalization.

I am pleased to report that I was discharged from the hospital today.

I will continue to follow the guidance of my doctor and gradually resume working.

I would like to thank the doctors, nurses and medical staff for their great care and assistance during my hospitalization and treatment.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you.

Thank you so very much.

Once again, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience I have caused to all of you who have supported me and my colleagues.

I am also truly blessed and grateful for the concern, sympathy, and words of support I have received from so many people.

It has been a source of strength for me during my stay in the hospital.

From my heart, thank you so much for your kindness.

I will continue to take care of each and every role I've been given one step at a time so that I can repay everyone's kindness with my performances.

Thank you all for your continued support.”

>> No.45178898
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>> No.45179624
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>> No.45180574
File: 3.44 MB, 2000x1500, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45181076

All these female seiyuu want a taste of the SugiDick.

>> No.45181778

>the aikatsu teen girl is 30yo now
It's so fucking over

>> No.45183124

naobou and sugita look likes a sibling

>> No.45183499
File: 257 KB, 1939x1095, 093829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaji harem still alive and well.

>> No.45183769

梶裕貴の子ども『進撃の巨人』赤ちゃんの声で0歳・声優デビュー 理由は物語の継承から - ライブドアニュース

>> No.45183865

SugiDick is reserved only for nakamura

>> No.45185010

I wanna say future seiyuu but everything will be AI by the time the kid grows up.

>> No.45185080
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, 1699425675724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45185477


Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai

Hotaru (CV: Kana Hanazawa)
Hananoi-kun (CV: Chiaki Kobayashi)

>> No.45185494

Honestly Ichinose Kana from the vomic is good and she is cheaper I wonder if this is Pony Canyon again as like most Hanakana main roles lately but obviously Osawa is maybe the casting agency

>> No.45185590

Osawa package

>> No.45186391
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>> No.45187166
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Mima still pretends he gives a fuck about Kaji when he favors Hatanaka now and has new toyboys.

>> No.45187932

Literally nepo baby

>> No.45188625


>> No.45188979

This is funny, sometimes they only showed the seiyuu granting at the mics.

>> No.45189185

Hideous vatnik whore.

>> No.45190515
File: 221 KB, 1280x853, DSC_4556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45191148
File: 683 KB, 780x947, 1695233133937473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet 2 cocks can fit in that mouth lmao

>> No.45191160

How come most newbie seiyuu have unknown years of birth now but most older seiyuu have known years of birth? Are they really ashamed of being born after 2000 or something? If it's being young you'd think saying your year of birth is a good thing since it's old people who tend to be stigmatized.

>> No.45191387

Because if they are old they need to be as good as Fairouz or as beautiful as Kayano and Taneda, if they are not then there is no chance and those producers might prefer them young and beautiful

>> No.45191552

Too add many seiyuu don't make it as newbies so they need to rely on idol/gacha shit to survive, if the seiyuu is old it may hinder their opportunity to get cast in those franchise

>> No.45191553

I mean, if they were born post-2000, you'd think all the more they'd reveal their years of birth since them being young would be a selling point.

>> No.45191565

Actually it's mostly the newbies, as in those who just debuted over the last few years and thus are still young, who tend to have unknown ages these days. We don't know Igoma's age for example even though she was certainly born after 2000. That's the perplexing thing since you'd think it's the older seiyuu, not the younger ones, who'd be hiding their ages.

>> No.45191881

How do you know Igoma was born after 2000? From her interviews if she finished high school at 18 then enter training school right after she would 19 when she finished her training school in 2020 and it was only in 2021 she got into 81p then she would be 20 that time and two years now she will be 22 but that only if she started her training right after high school if she is not and like only decided what she wanted to be at age of 20 she will be like 24 now and likely she was not born in 2000 but 1998-1999 and there are so many young popular seiyuu at that age already, but nevertheless when you got the genius Anna Nagase in 81p everyone younger than her should be ashamed.

>> No.45191891

>everyone younger
I mean older

>> No.45191959

I wish one of those was mine.

>> No.45192099

I was assuming she was no older than 23, and it wouldn't surprise me if she's still in college at most.

>> No.45192293

>Wake up
>Kayanon is still not my mom
>Taneda is still not my wife

>> No.45192996
File: 242 KB, 1280x1618, 1680179061792541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45193078

Murase Ayumu Blue Box MC?

>> No.45193124

He is not good for romance also he is already Haikyu MC too, is he allowed?

>> No.45193227

it's going to be takeo otsuka

>> No.45193232

Haikyu's anime is ending next year with 2-3 movies.

>> No.45193235

Dunno, the usual leaker gave a vague post about Murase with a box icon.

>> No.45193412

As Taiki? Hell no.

>> No.45193413

>大喜是村濑步大概? ​​​

A chink leaker also named dropped but with a question mark.

>> No.45193526

lol he has some main role coming up that led those clout chasers to deduce it's for Blue Box, who knows maybe it's DDDD instead. Anyway, the chinks retracted that Cloverworks was going to animate Blue Box.

>> No.45193569


The New Gate

Shin (CV: Kensho Ono)
Schnee Raizer (CV: Asami Seto)
Tiera Lucent (CV: Kaede Hondo)

>> No.45193651

Kinda wild that she's still can do this things, while Chisa Yokoyama who's 5 year her junior already looks washed out from life

>> No.45194998
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>> No.45196012
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>> No.45196571

>onoken mc again

Working hard for the wife.

>> No.45197040

I honestly don't know what to feel about this

>> No.45197602
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>> No.45198290


>> No.45198623

What a bastard but this won't blow up that much even if it's true as neither are big names.

>> No.45200072
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>> No.45201258
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Gabu's thick thighs.

>> No.45201261
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>bba cleavage

>> No.45201338
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>> No.45202106

Yeah I'm thinking about sumata and other things

>> No.45202173

yikes bad lightning.

>> No.45202417



>> No.45202674

fat tenchan is growing on me

>> No.45203034
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>> No.45203068
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>> No.45203226

Which Marvel slop is that?

>> No.45203230


>Haruko Kitahama passed away on November 2 due to a chronic lung disease. She was 86. Her relatives held a private funeral.

>> No.45203379

Holy shit.

>> No.45203485

>passed away

>> No.45203528

The latest movie, with Carol (Nana Mizuki), Kamala (Misato Matsuoka), and Monica (Tomo Muranaka)

>> No.45203875
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Wow, rude and untrue. Nanjo address the matter more than 10 years ago. She’s a stingray.

>> No.45204327

holy fuck
is this real?

>> No.45204610

Based Nanjo, greater than almost all of these other shitty modern seiyuu

>> No.45204740


Ok, what

>> No.45204879


>Mausu Promotion announced on Friday that voice actor Yousuke Naka passed away on October 20. He was 93. His family held a private funeral service.

>> No.45204898


>> No.45205155

are her thighs thicker than Y.Aoi's ?

>> No.45205180


>> No.45205696
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The Marvels

>> No.45205703

Imagine her wet farts.

>> No.45205704


>> No.45207500

how do all these seiyuu graduate from prestigious universities?
there is no way that someone who works full-time and has to attend recordings, live shows and other events has the time to thoroughly pursue higher education for multiple years.

>> No.45207539

Arts degree

>> No.45207655

Ogurin did psychology.
Part time?

>> No.45207660


>> No.45207842

I want sex

>> No.45208266
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>> No.45210108

>passed away
ANN needs to take the hint from well-known and respected outlets that insisting on that term harms their reputation. No wonder ANN new reporting has such a poor reputation these days.

>> No.45210122


>> No.45210921


>> No.45212213
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>> No.45212478

What's wrong with it?

>> No.45212489
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>> No.45212597 [DELETED] 

Using euphemisms like "passed away" are heavily frowned upon in serious journalism. Major news outlets tend to avoid using that term except to avoid redundancy or when reporting direct quotes. For example, when major news outlets reported on Matthew Perry's dead, almost all of them used some variant of "Matthew Perry Dies at 54" or "Matthew Perry Dead at 54" rather than "Matthew Perry Passes Away". Serious journalists mostly don't like passed away since it feels less formal and direct and can even be ambiguous.

>> No.45212618

>>45212478 #
Using euphemisms like "passed away" are heavily frowned upon in serious journalism. Major news outlets tend to avoid using that term except to avoid redundancy or when reporting direct quotes. For example, when major news outlets reported on Matthew Perry's death, almost all of them used some variant of "Matthew Perry Dies at 54" or "Matthew Perry Dead at 54" rather than "Matthew Perry Passes Away". Serious journalists mostly don't like "passed away" since it feels less formal and direct and can even be ambiguous. Other than direct quotes, usually they'd only use "passed away" if they already used "died" somewhere earlier in the report and they don't want to be redundant. Even in the rare cases where the headline does use "Passed Away" they still usually use "died" somewhere in the actual body. ANN is basically deviating from an established journalism norm that is mentioned in journalism classes and major news styles like AP, and doing that may make them seem less serious and professional.

>> No.45212654

Good thing ANN isn't serious journalism. Also off-topic cunt.

>> No.45212667

Your point is valid but you are being autistic about journalism standards when talking about a fucking anime news site.
It's never going to be a respected or serious site considering the news they report on.

>> No.45212681

Tomori make her actual WSJ debut with Mashle

>> No.45212691


>> No.45212692

Cool. Anyway

>> No.45212721

People should stop shitting on Tomoriru

>> No.45212854

Wow Sonyplex. Such a useless and talentless whore.

>> No.45213652
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>> No.45215251

They kept laughing.

>> No.45216476
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How long would she last in the 'hood?

>> No.45216900

Probably two days, maybe three if she doesn’t relax much

>> No.45217188

Get your autism checked

>> No.45217227
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>> No.45217489

I totally would.

>> No.45218169
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>> No.45218593

me on the left

>> No.45218763

Need Sugita.

>> No.45218896

I've read all of Mashle and I don't remember her character doing anything

>> No.45219371

It's perfect. Sony finally learned what kind of roles she could handle.

>> No.45220079

Sugita should've just marry and impregnate her instead of creeping around seiyuu who are young enough to be his daughters.

>> No.45220111

Those girls already fuck men older than him.

>> No.45220134

not even a shitty eroge has such a retarded reasoning

>> No.45220171

Why not do both?

>> No.45220257

>Yuki Kaji's child made his debut as a voice actor at the age of 0! "Attack on Titan" Baby voice role ▼ Mother is Ayana Taketatsu / Born last fall

>> No.45220389

Nakaharabros we are SO back as Reimu again, but officially this time

>> No.45220968

I've heard Akari Kito also voiced Reimu, wonder if Nakahara agreed to stop draining her youth to get this?

>> No.45220978

The staff actually watched A Summer Day's Dream and realised how vastly superior Nakahara as Reimu is.

>> No.45221265
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>> No.45221463

Scroll up

>> No.45221481

Does Mamoru Miyano still voice new anime roles or is he completely done with that?

>> No.45221547

Rika bulked?

>> No.45221826

It'snot hard to look up.his profile.

>> No.45221832

He's on Pluto

>> No.45221990

still my girl

>> No.45223022
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>> No.45223747

He does it if the production can afford him

>> No.45224856
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>> No.45225850

When he gets offers that are willing to pay his high rank. But overall I think he's over seasonal anime, he only does 1 or 2 obligatory King anime a year. King has a new male idol Chiba Shoya, so they'll rotate between Yuma and him, and I guess Aoi Shota too.

>> No.45226695
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>> No.45227124

it's so fucking over, not one of them survived the wall

>> No.45228567
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>> No.45228657
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>> No.45228663

Her goal is to become a chef.
That's pretty normal.

>> No.45228724

Miss her

>> No.45228987

she could have been the goat had she kept her legs closed...

>> No.45229479

That baby thing really ended her career lol

>> No.45230374

It should have been my baby

>> No.45230420

She just wanted to help with the low birthrate.

>> No.45230580

for me it's still Asami Imai and Eri Kitamura

>> No.45230685

Has Onishi Saori's kid been born yet? She's been hiding her figure for a while now.

>> No.45230696

Who's the father anyways? Is it producer san?

>> No.45230706

Nanasis' producer IMO

>> No.45230734
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>> No.45230794

Chihara is still hot, I watch her youtube regularly because she gives me a raging boner.

>> No.45231439

I wish she is my wife.

>> No.45231959

It is definitely just to raise her profile being in actual WSJ

>> No.45231967

He is in every Netflix anime

>> No.45232000

So I notice there is newcomer enka singer coming around on nip tv with exact same name with Aimi Tanaka (exact same writing even in Japanese too), I think she should consider changing her name or her already undershadowed name would get overshadowed even more

>> No.45232275

Spare a thought for Mai Fuchigami... I mean Momo Asakura.

>> No.45232985

Damn, Nee-san is so tiny.

>> No.45234574

Good taste.

>> No.45234587

Momo Asakura is underrated

>> No.45234591

I wish I was Yuuma, getting to see nee-san's bush often as a kid.

>> No.45234596

I wonder how hairy Sora is down there

>> No.45234601

Gotta pay the bills somehow

>> No.45234643

I can't decide if Maaya or Sora is the most fappable seiyuu in the industry today.

>> No.45235149

Maaya since she has proven record of being promiscuous and wouldn't hesitate to engage in pillow business.

>> No.45235178

Tenchan is Sony executive's living sex doll.

>> No.45235196

That's just an unfounded rumor made by 4chan.
Her alleged body count is just one ancient skeletor.

>> No.45235374

All the Sony excutives are ancient.

>> No.45240595
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Based and Lastation-pilled
