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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45060117 No.45060117 [Reply] [Original]

Treats, Not Tricks Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>44820144
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10686663
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Bundled Up
Previous Photo Challenge: Watching Videos

If your doll is for sex, go to /ona/:
(Dollhos have been discontinued for years. Try the 60cm Six House Dolls instead.)

>> No.45060723

I'm an idiot and forgot to remove a dark wig from a doll in storage. Is it safe to use zit cream on the face it itself?

>> No.45060798
File: 1002 KB, 2000x1250, 20231026_105546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 spooky 4 u

>> No.45060839

Reposting from last thread

Does Parabox give you the putty you need to place the eyes in the head if you don't ask them to place them for you? I'm planning on buying their 110cm doll but since it comes disassembled I don't know if I can ask them to do just the eyes for me.

>> No.45060858

Parabox doll heads have a full vinyl "socket" to seat the eyes in. It's a tight fit, so recommended to warm up the sockets to soften them before fitting the eyes.

>> No.45060899

Was unavailable to pick up a doll body delivery and it's being shipped back. Life is pain. I was in the ER for a week, couldn't be helped. I'll let you guys know how Faithz customer service is at the end of all this, at least.

>> No.45061646

Only some of their heads to, if my memory serves me right. I have no clue how they've designed the head for the 110cm body, but a quick loock at an unboxing video tells me you do need putty for these ones.

>> No.45062317

Spooky time
Post goth dolls and/or dolls with big "pumpkins"

>> No.45063795
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>> No.45064264

What body is that? Full silicone?

>> No.45064959

Is it a factory face or custom? Custom faces are usually sealed to protect them so it's a different set of chemicals involved. Factory faces are usually just painted straight on so they're a little safer to use it around.

>> No.45065600

Was in jp for vacation and picked up a 2nd hand mdd body to later combine with a custom head as my first doll but now that im looking online at auction sites etc i see that pretty much every custom head only comes in semi-white while i got a normal body. Does anyone have examples of how noticable the color mismatch would be?

>> No.45065642

its extremely noticeable, i can't take a picture right now but its not viable to use

I've gotten some custom normal skin heads, they are rarer but they do pop up from time to time

>> No.45065681

Alright im just going to keep my eyes open for any normal skin heads that i like then. Prob shouldve put more thought into it but i do quite like the normal skin colour

>> No.45065726

Check places like ebay and etsy, as well, you may find one you like or an artist you want to commission.

>> No.45066595
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>> No.45068123

oh no was this the type-I?

based on the other photos of that doll I've seen, it's photoshop

robot arms on dolls are cool

>> No.45068376

Yes. I'll get it back somehow, but it is frustrating.

>> No.45069426

Custom. The stains run straight across the eyes as well. Do you think it might be safer to cover the whole face so it there is fading its at least even or spot treatment as best I can?

>> No.45072133

>it's photoshop
Not full silicone AND hiding her joints? Disappointing. Blasphamous, even.

>> No.45072246

NAYRT, but I've seen the owner mention that they use the flex body from Adyka. They sell seamless arms too.

>> No.45072301

Does anyone here have experience with the Adyka bodies? I've been considering one. Do clothes fit right? Will I have to get a new wardrobe for that body? How is it with stain resistance?

>> No.45072311
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ah, I just assumed it was all photoshop because of the legs

>> No.45072315

Who is the owner?

>> No.45072405

With a custom faceup it's usually sealed with something like Mr. Super Clear, so stain treating is going to be really difficult and ineffective. I'd say try and spot clean as best you can, but prepare for the worst. Sorry anon, good luck.

>> No.45072414

I've heard they're sized closely to DDDy on top, and pants are an absolute no-go. So dresses and skirts sized for DDDy are what's available.

>> No.45072695

Never had experience with a flex body but I have owned silicone busts for my dolls and they can get stained. However, it goes away completely on its own compared to having to use products on vinyl.


>> No.45074439

>imomodoll 1/4 boy body
>new imomodoll head
RIP my wallet, Jane's is a solid importer but those who can will save money going through Imomodoll's Taobao instead.

>> No.45075597
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>> No.45075679

newfag here hello
how to get >>>/g/96926811?

>> No.45075688

Go to /ona/. They'll know. >>45036529

>> No.45076222
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>> No.45077670
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>> No.45078746
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>> No.45079795
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>> No.45081729
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>> No.45081857
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Hi anon. I know that doll! I took her to Takehara yesterday.

>> No.45081869
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>> No.45081880
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>> No.45081922
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>> No.45081932
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>> No.45081941
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>> No.45082407

I adore pictures of people taking their dolls places. Thanks for making my day anon

>> No.45083273
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Thanks anon!
I took her to Miyajima the day before but there were so many people I was afraid to take her out. It was almost the same situation yesterday, but I was determined to at least take this picture in Horikawa, and afterwards I was able to take a couple more pictures outside, but I was still really nervous. Later on I ended up behind another doll owner who was just carrying his doll around in the open, and seeing that gave me the courage to do the same.

>> No.45083416

Thank you for posting anon! Your photos are honestly so well-done, I really admire them. You inspire me to try and do more with my own photos.

>> No.45083563

How fun! Thanks for sharing!

>> No.45084071
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Halloween weekend, it's time for some witches!

>> No.45084078
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>> No.45084083
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>> No.45084089
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>> No.45084095
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>> No.45084103
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>> No.45084109
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>> No.45084115
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>> No.45084126
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>> No.45084131
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>> No.45084141
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>> No.45084146
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Last one
Happy Halloween!

>> No.45084992

Nice pilgrimage. This is great, have fun! Please share some more as you travel, this is the kind of stuff that helps me getting motivated to go there.
This pic is relaxing.

New wigs! They create quite a different atmosphere than usual. I didn't recognize the first doll immediately.
This would have been perfect with a bit of steam coming out of the caldron to complement the hair fluttering.
Is that a new wig too? It does look slightly different but I'm not sure.
I like this one a lot, the waves in her hair are beautiful. And that small fist behind her, revealing her nervousness as she gives candies to you...
Good job picking the outfits as well!

>> No.45085487

I'm always impressed by people who have the confidence to take out their dolls in public.
I embarrassed to show my Azones even to my girlfriend.

>> No.45086428

Cute! Cute willing cuddle giver. Cute unwilling cuddle receiver

>> No.45086844

Is that even legal?

>> No.45087219

Fantastic shots as always anon, it's always good to see what you'll come up with next. The second and last photo are probably my favorites, your girls always look so distinct and memorable. I most likely won't be up to anything spooky this year, so it's nice to see how others interpret scary season.

>> No.45087277

Always amazed by all the accesories and props you manage to get your hands on.
The posing and photography too of course.

>> No.45087371
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Meanwhile I might put almost no care in scene and lighting, and the camera might be shit, but I'm still glad of how this came out.

>> No.45088852

Is the person with the high-quality photos where a kitten is enjoying team time with some BJDs still around? I meant to save some of your pics but I was unable to, would love to see them again!

>> No.45089137

Thank you guys for the compliments!
Yes, everybody got new wigs. I thought it was time for a style refresh, and my favorite wig company was liquidating their stock since they're discontinuing the size, so it was now or never! I really like how they're the same but still so different.
Thank you for saying so, I'm sorry to say November's shoot is going to be boring, but Christmas will be fun lol I know what you mean though, the holidays are my favorite time in this hobby, I love seeing how creative people get.
Finding them has become one of my main hobbies. The jewelry I make myself, for the most part, but the other props have been fun to think around corners to find. The glowing orb is a piece of Star Wars merch from the Star Wars Holiday Special. It's a Life Day orb that I found on a trip to Disneyland, of all places to find doll props.
Cute dolls are cute because you cared to make them cute, and your dolls are super cute!

>> No.45089250

Did you only end up bringing the one along? I saw in the last thread you were having trouble deciding which of your collection to bring.

Such beautiful pictures!

>> No.45090305
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Got a sewing machine a while ago and after making some basic t-shirts to leran the basics, managed to finish my first real project just in time for Halloween.
I probably should have tried some of the decorative stitches with gold or silver thread to add some more details but still I'm quite pleased with how everything turned out.

>> No.45090322

Anon this is beautiful! It looks so good, the sleeves are perfectly fitted. I think you've really accomplished something here, congratulations!

Their posing gives them so much life anon, you did really well.

>> No.45090323
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Also tried some moody lighting but shitty phone camera is shitty.

>> No.45090396

Anon just casually moving up from t-shirts to this.
Cute witch.

>> No.45090453

Thanks! Fortunately smart dolls have both great sewing patterns as well as a whole bunch of youtube vids on how to actually assemble those patterns available.

>> No.45091705
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>> No.45093448

I love Dorothy! She always looks pretty in white

>> No.45094136
File: 1.05 MB, 1209x826, スクリーンショット 2023-10-29 23.46.10のコピー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's doing shoots this thread, huh
I just finished a shoot I've been planning for like a month, but probably won't have time to edit until next weekend
so here's a preview

>> No.45094259

Damn. It's time I plan another shoot.

>> No.45094273

these photos are really comfy
they kind of feel like the type of photo you can find on jp dolltwitter

I think this wig suits her much better than the previous one
but that's just my opinion, and maybe I'm just a sucker for bangs over one eye
this is some really fun lighting, I like the clean break across the face

do you mean corner333333?

damn I need to up my sewing game

>> No.45094386

Thanks, and I agree, but who isn't a sucker for the eye bangs thing?
Part of my half assed character concept for Lydia (that's her name) is that her hair length is tied to the equinoxes. Long hair for the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, shorter hair for the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Which is also why she has sun and star jewelry. So it'll be short again in March, but maybe not AS short.

>> No.45094506
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fuckit they don't need no editing

anyways we've had some unseasonably warm weather, maybe Elle shouldn't have worn her new heavy coat, must be awfully hot under there
actually I missed the warm days because I was lazy
and this was actually the last photo and I didn't have time to properly pose her because it started raining

>> No.45094514
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>> No.45094520
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>> No.45094528
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>> No.45094533 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45094542 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45094548 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45094580
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and the setup
anyways sorry about that, the coat was too tempting to pass up
I'll do a less lewd shoot next time

>> No.45094589

No need to apologize, I sincerely admire how you walk the line between SFW and NSFW in this photoshoot, it's really tasteful and well-done. Thank you for behind-the-scenes as well.

>> No.45094624

Adorably provocative, well done!

>> No.45094698
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thank you
I'm particularly proud of the lighting on the last one, here was my setup
I was trying to get an even light into the coat without it looking flat or unnatural

>> No.45095499

Holy shit. Hope she doesn't get arrested, either for exhibitionism or for beating people up.
And wait, that raised foot. I had never considered it but I suppose swappable feet can exist in the same vein as swappable hands do?

>> No.45096676
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the heel feet are an AP thing specifically, I think
swapping them is not a fun process (screws), so I bought some extra shins & ankles to keep them permanently attached to but forgot to order shin dowels… next time
also the heel feet require cutting off the tab bit of the skeleton inside the foot, so they are a semi-destructive mod to the ankles you put them on
>beating people up

>> No.45096711

That's more of a hassle than I imagined.
>beating people up
Sorry, that's the first thing my half-asleep brain thought when seeing this >>45094542

>> No.45096736

oh, yeah
that pose didn't quite work out how I wanted but I decided to leave it in in case I was over-thinking it (apparently not lol)

>> No.45096952

I'll just say I'm glad that photo exists.

>> No.45097157 [SPOILER] 
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have an alternate version then

>> No.45097210
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I took 14 variations of this particular shot before settling on good enough
forgot to bring out the spudger for my eye mover so posing Elle's eyes was tricky

side note, warning for anyone attempting this tripod setup — it actually increases shaking, the hanging camera acts like a pendulum
I had to set a 12sec timer for a lot of the shots just to get rid of the vibrations from pressing the shutter release

>> No.45097783

Cannot recommend a remote/cable shutter release enough for these exact situations.

>> No.45098005

What a horny doll.

>> No.45098142

I'm a /toy/ fag and because I'm tired of shitty quality. I want to get a resin BJD so at least the money I'd blow on it would be justified. How hard would it be to buy or even make a suit of armor and a sword? Are there even people I could commission that from?

>> No.45098185
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starting to realize just how bad my phone camera is

yeah, I just hadn't really needed it until now, 2sec timer was always good enough
into the shopping cart it goes

well, she is an AP after all

>> No.45098231

The censoring is making this way too hot.

>> No.45098471
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It's not too bad if you have a 3d printer for some of the simpler props. There are plenty of places to get them online however your milage will vary greatly in cost and quality. It usually ends up quite expensive, and you have to factor in shipping costs as well since a lot of shops tend to be from Asia.

I was also a former /toy/ fag and used to be into little armory stuff, but have mostly converted to BJDs. It was worth it for me to invest in a 3d printer instead. I can print anything for almost nothing and a lot of the miniature skills transferred over.

>> No.45098503

Please give her back her leg!

>> No.45098561

LOL I use that brand of gloves IRL
This is not exactly what I want to do (do not care much for operator stuff) but it's very similar in that it's the same thing but dark fantasy. I wanna suit her up with armor based on a character of mine.
I guess you're right, printing everything would be the most reasonable choice. At this point /toy/ shit is in the range of $100 a pop, and I think the level of QC doesn't justify the costs any longer. For something that expensive I want a product that is guaranteed to be free of defects instead of having to take a gamble every time. Also I wanna get into customization and it doesn't get any better than BJDs.

>> No.45098571

don't worry she only stood on my desk like that for a month

>> No.45098699

Can someone remind me of that twitter with the super hot blonde doll

>> No.45098726
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Nevermind I had it saved

>> No.45099116
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> dark fantasy
> armor
I think you'd have trouble even commissioning this. I've only seen a handful of examples on twitter, online shops, and secondhand doll stores in japan. However, I think you'd be ok with fantasy weapons.

>> No.45099165

Nah I had more of a dark souls aesthetic in mind
Surprised that it's as niche as I'm guessing it is

>> No.45099193

3D printing is a great way to go for props and hard plate, but armor and sword vendors are plentiful from leather to chainmail to plate. You'll have to do a little digging, as the hard part of finding a vendor is dependent on your doll's scale and measurements. Here's a quick Etsy list:
etsy.com/shop/LilWingsNThings - crowns, headdresses, horns and other jewelry
etsy.com/shop/GuluUP - leather harnesses, gas masks, body chains, helmets, cuffs (mostly fetish, but some not)
etsy.com/shop/DollsFancy - leather plate armor, sword belts and scabbards, bows

>> No.45099314

Thanks anon!

>> No.45100007

Fuck, that's one of the most erotic doll images I've ever seen.

>> No.45100068
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it's the tummy and high rise panties

>> No.45100080
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>> No.45100096
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>> No.45100107
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>> No.45100110

… and the shorts, and the garters, and the shirt, and the gaze, and the posing…

>> No.45100134
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>> No.45100145
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>> No.45100158
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Yeah... I wonder if the owner had sex with it

>> No.45100170
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>> No.45100214
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>> No.45100222
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all right I'll stop the dump here before the thread becomes too coomy

>> No.45100291

Post this somewhere else without the heart

>> No.45100356

Do all of this doll's pictures just remove her leg from the socket as a trick?

>> No.45100491

I don't know anon, but whatever trick it is, it works on me

>> No.45100517

Oh, same, I'm just wondering if that's really it.

>> No.45100519

doubt it, she's a DD so that wouldn't be terribly practical

no it's embarrassing that I accidentally rubbed the paint off not being careful enough dressing her early on

either that or uses one of those alt skeleton parts some people make

>> No.45100645

She got roughed up...

>> No.45100735

and probably liked it

>> No.45100854

actually I looked again and it's not too bad from this angle, so here https://files.catbox.moe/273jxe.jpg

>> No.45100897

Ah, I love this
Your doll is very cute and your photos are great

>> No.45102032

it's raining… need doll umbrellas

>> No.45102137
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>> No.45102483

nice! where did you get it?

>> No.45103139
File: 269 KB, 1365x2048, F9uB4sOa4AAkOEM.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys resist cumming over your dolls, I've been looking at some pictures and damn

>> No.45103205
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imprisoning me
all that I see
absolute horror

>> No.45103377

Dang, where can I find more operator stuff like this?

>> No.45103569

Do I need to vent wherever I keep my BJDs? I keep them in a somewhat sealed plastic box. When I open it to change their poses and outfits I smell a plastic smell.

>> No.45103726
File: 868 KB, 1509x2015, dollbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my dollbot Kinako today... no time for a really good photo; but she is super cute as expected. I don't know how I feel about how soft the vinyl is; its super soft and thin and will probably pick up stains even easier than DDs do. But as someone who's only had DDs I am really impressed with the range of motion on the skeleton. Obviously it breaks up the sculpt a lot to use the full range but its simply impossible to even get one of my MMDs into a seated pose like this. Is this the kind of range you can get out of the 2.0 frame? Maybe I have to upgrade one or two of my other girls.

>> No.45103878
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, _68dabab9-0d84-4739-8479-d32734a0a0f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me upon finding a doll in the wild
before she goes in the sack

>> No.45103895

oh wow, she really does look super cute
that hip range is better than any other vinyl doll I've seen, too — not sure how it compares to the new MDD
also how soft are we talking here? squishy-soft like APs, or just a bit of give?

>> No.45103991

Super squishy, can feel her skeleton with just a pinch even on the thicker pieces like the thighs. I don't have an AP to compare to but is probably similar.

>> No.45104032

Tata's Paradise, you'll need a Taobao proxy:
You can also find some on Etsy: etsy.com/listing/691050245/bjd-umbrella-in-sd13-sd17

>> No.45104362
File: 330 KB, 1140x1710, il_1140xN.2375735170_oqej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this doll is amazing
and I'm saying that as a dude

>> No.45104767

>saying that as a dude
Most of us are, pretty sure.

>> No.45104971
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we all are

>> No.45105093
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There are no women on the internet.

>> No.45105309

This is getting a little too 2014 Tumblr. Bring back the women.

>> No.45105759
File: 198 KB, 1200x1800, 1688046945635120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my fellow internet dwellers. I am, indeed, a woman speaking.

>> No.45105921

>its simply impossible to even get one of my MMDs into a seated pose like this
Huh, are DDs really that limited? My tiny Obitsu girls can do that and more, the only limit is in how comfortable you are deforming the abdomen vinyl.

>> No.45106503
File: 62 KB, 628x960, 76a836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another dream where my dolls come to life and try to seduce me

>> No.45108599

Reminds me of the nightmare I had a few years ago. My doll's leg was on a plate and I cut a piece of it with a knife and a fork before eating it. The leg wasn't hollow but whole, it was quite disturbing.
I swear I love my doll and would have preferred to eat her in another way...

>> No.45109403
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SartotiaJ makes historic medieval stuff, but their selection is very limited time and they seem to seldom release old sets. they do have some leather stuff up now for halloween, and they do plenty of historical swords and weaponry, and occasionally armor. their stuff is aimed at 1/3 and 70cm dolls though.
on the other hand, dollnoveau makes armor sets for msd/mdd but its more fantasy inspired.
there's makers on booth.pm that make weapons for msd and dd, some of which are very dark-soulsy.

>> No.45109792

It probably wouldn't be too hard to cratch build or even kitbash something together. You'll probably need basic sewing knowledge though, but if you're already a /toy/ frequenter then the scale model and custom generals have some useful resources on the topic.

>> No.45111374
File: 390 KB, 1414x2122, 20231028224638_IMG_2587 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a couple doll cafes/studios. Gonna dump a couple photos from the Halloween scenes.
I brought four.

>> No.45111398
File: 356 KB, 2122x1414, 20231029021244_IMG_2596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met one of my twitter followers at one of them.

>> No.45111422
File: 382 KB, 2122x1414, 20231029042143_IMG_2621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communication was difficult due to the language barrier (I'm pretty bad at Japanese). But cuteness of dolls transcends language. It was a lot of fun taking pictures together with another doll owner!

>> No.45111483
File: 511 KB, 2122x1414, 20231031032610_IMG_2787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The owner of the above cafe (in Kure) recommended a couple places in Osaka. I went to one of them today. The other one is closed on the days I'm here unfortunately.

>> No.45111499
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>> No.45111538
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That's it for now. I have more to share but it's really late here and I want to wake up early tomorrow. I just wanted to post Halloween pics while it's still Halloween.

>> No.45112042

I am so envious of Japan and their doll cafes. These are great pictures, thanks for sharing them!

>> No.45112253
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>> No.45112259
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>> No.45112269
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>> No.45112329
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Be careful this Halloween anons, you never know when your doll might be possessed by a spirit

>> No.45112339
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>> No.45112364
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>> No.45112375
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>> No.45112381
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>> No.45113073

I love your dolls so much! DO you have your own private album site elsewhere or do you only post them here?

>> No.45113169

I'm still thinking about the DollChateau doll I wanted to get a few months ago. I forced myself to stop thinking about her 'cause I decided she was too expensive and I didn't know where to keep her, but maybe I'll save up.
I love the morbid side of dolls in stories. It's the kind of comfy horror I associate with Halloween.

>> No.45113224

I only post here and on twitter. @Sasoriqx Feel free to repost any pictures that feature only my dolls. If they include another person's dolls please don't repost them elsewhere because they might not want that. I did ask one doll owner if I could post the picture here and he said twitter only and I will respect that, and I hope you will too.

>> No.45113384

Oh I would just view them for personal enjoyment, not to repost anyplace. I'm no social media buff! Thank you so much!

>> No.45113656

Glad nobody got left behind! :D

>> No.45113726

Me too. I wish we had them in the US, but even if we did they would still be thousands of miles away in CA probably.

>> No.45114290

Are they always so frilly? I looked for doll cafe japan on YT and what comes up looks like a female clothes' shop. How do you even walk into that as a man? 'Cause it's all men here right

>> No.45114904

No anon. We're all little girls here.

>> No.45114909

Me too?!

>> No.45115528

ooh thank you

>I met one of my twitter followers at one of them.
wow that's super cool

>> No.45118360

>Oh hi! I'm Kumiko!
>Plleasure *hand kiss* I'm DollFucker69

>> No.45119096
File: 479 KB, 2122x1414, 20231031212801_IMG_2848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took Yuzuki to Fushimi Inari today. Countless people around from all over the world and I didn't give a single fuck. Took lots of pictures.

>> No.45119161
File: 408 KB, 2040x1536, PXL_20231101_030402349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a few heads turn as I walked by people, heard a bunch of "kawaii" and had a couple people ask questions about her such as if she was an anime character. Even had a few people take pictures of her themselves.

>> No.45119236
File: 328 KB, 1414x2122, 20231031221111_IMG_2874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a mix of putting her down, posing her, and taking pictures with my camera; and just holding her in my left hand and taking a picture with my phone.

>> No.45119248

Literally me whenever I unbox a new doll

>> No.45119257
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>> No.45119286

They were probably saying "kowai", Anon...
jk jk, she's super cute. I love doll pictures that feature random people walking by.

>> No.45119304
File: 630 KB, 1414x2122, 20231031224628_IMG_2890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been wanting to set her on some of these little shrines for photos but I didn't know if it would be considered rude to do so, so I asked a Japanese couple that walked by and they said it was okay.

>> No.45119313

Where's she and the outfit from? Looks real snazzy.

>> No.45119397

I've heard there's a Shinto shrine in Japan that takes in old dolls, and Volks has a Japan-only service where they collect old dolls that are no longer wanted and bring them to the shrine.

>> No.45119437
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They also offered to take a picture of me with her. I didn't really want to have my own picture taken but I agreed anyway. No I'm not going to post it.
That guy does look a bit uneasy the way he's standing there and looking at her, but he was probably just waiting for me to shoot the picture so he didn't get in the way.

>> No.45119537
File: 395 KB, 1414x2122, 20231031230213_IMG_2914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the cool effect from the lighting in this one.
She's a custom mdd. Bought the head from Yahoo! Auctions (seller was Momoiro Manbou), wig is Pengin Workshop, and the outfit is made by M+V Studio.

>> No.45119562
File: 403 KB, 2040x1536, PXL_20231101_043305667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice view from (almost) the top.

>> No.45119707
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And after that I had Kitsune Udon, of course, for lunch.
There was an old guy at the table next to me that was staring in my direction for several minutes until he finally finished and left (even after I had put her away - didn't want to splatter her with food while I ate). That made me feel a bit awkward. The girls working there thought she was cute though, and asked me some things about her.

>> No.45119729
File: 579 KB, 2040x1536, PXL_20231101_035646244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I missed this one.

>> No.45119770

Now I'm curious what kind of reactions one would get in the west with a doll like this.
One way to find out

>> No.45120247

>doll gets stolen by a passing jogger

>> No.45120280

If you're a man you'd probably get arrested

>> No.45120773

These are the best travelog photos.

>> No.45120815
File: 844 KB, 1140x1711, IMG_9729ePjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a shit honestly. I distinctly remember a time I was taking some photos of one of my dolls in a restaurant, and several tables down someone else was taking photos of their dinner with a whole-ass DSLR camera with flash. No one batted an eyelash. In the era of social media, whatever weird thing you're doing isn't a big deal, anons. Go have fun.

>> No.45121455

No offense but I assume you live in a place that's extremely modernized or some very upper class, high trust place in a big city.

>> No.45121569
File: 2.30 MB, 4096x3072, 1560266905936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in christ I live in rural West by-God Virginia.

>> No.45122004

God.. Is this what FREEDOM feels like? Burgerchad I kneel...

>> No.45124049
File: 105 KB, 650x843, 9caa2fcc3f99970c14ee12b6dce2088b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Its me and your doll before I shove her into the sack

>> No.45124084

>elmore pic
a-are you going to take her to your magical realm?

>> No.45124344

I doubt she's a dollho but I will give her a nice tea party and smooches on the cheek and knockers.

>> No.45125080

>and knockers.

>> No.45125450

This is such a nice photo. Thanks for sharing the set anon

>> No.45125563
File: 421 KB, 1536x2040, PXL_20231101_084652959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon

>> No.45127293
File: 285 KB, 1252x2048, 1668480520368066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pov you start feeling guilty and are about to release her

>> No.45128341

Your photos are really cool anon, I hope I can take photos this good one day.

>> No.45128425

Do most people that get dolls get them to do photography? That's pretty much the only context I see them being talked about online. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that gets them because I just like looking at them.

>> No.45128437

It's just the times, you gotta share everything on social media.

>> No.45128445

I'd say they're the most active in the community, but not, there's a LOT of people who buy them just to have them around. Dolls are meant to be enjoyed however you want to enjoy them.

>> No.45128449

Nah, a ton of people just get them because they're nice. Some of my older dolls don't pose worth a damn (one in particular's ankles keep falling out,) but... they are sentimental to me! So I keep them and just enjoy looking at them, they're sat behind my laptop on a shelf so I see them basically any time I glance over there. Others get them as models to make clothes or cosplay for, or as inhabitants of their roomboxes, and so on. But I'd say the majority of people get them just to look at them, play with them, and do typical dolly stuff. We photographers are just more visible online because we're always posting photos.

>> No.45128486

I dream of a day when I'll have enough space to have an atelier dedicated room, and I'll have my grail BJD sitting there while I paint.

>> No.45128561

>while I paint
Oh I thought you would be pulling ships out of cauldrons.

>> No.45128594

NTA but who would you want to see made into an M/DD? Ryza is an obvious pick, but damned if I don't still want her as a DDdy.

>> No.45128843

Anyone BUT Ryza. I'm tired of her dickbait and even more of how well it worked.
The most doll-like one would probably be Totori. Or maybe Suelle.

>> No.45128891

I understand. I feel like Lydie and Suelle would be perfect MDDs. Sophie could also be popular enough, I'd imagine.

>> No.45131300
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>> No.45131333

Anyone know where to get lingerie for 75cm male dolls? My imomodoll boys are here and I literally don't even have a shirt that fit these fuckers. They are absurdly large. I did not realize how large they are but now I own them so might as well have fun with it.

>> No.45131842

What kind of lingerie? Fetish, lace, regular boxers? Anyway, the answer, as always, is Etsy.
Check your dolls measurements against other known lady dolls for corsets and bottoms. You'll probably be out of luck with bras for the most part.

>> No.45133705
File: 3.93 MB, 2574x3000, NASH-GIANT_WOLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel
I didn't get the change of heart because I would treat her better

>> No.45133783

Fancy shit is nice, but honestly anything is fine by me. Thank you, I appreciate the reply anon!

>> No.45134102

>i showed you my ball-joints please respond

>> No.45135925

Sophie is the most popular one after Ryza by a wide margin. If they were to make an Atelier DD, Sophie is the most likely to get the treatment. Even more than Ryza I'd say since she doesn't need the dynamite deal.

>> No.45136780

>Fetish, lace
What if lace is my fetish...

>> No.45138206

Was the old OHDDbooru ever archived?

>> No.45138993

>getting extra cash this month
>think I'll add a new figure to the month's order
>realize I could start saving up for a 1/3 BJD
>don't wanna spend the money anymore
is it habbening?
>inb4 doll is discontinued by the maker

>> No.45139089

What doll do you want anon? Depending on what it is, you may be able to get it cheaper on taobao.

>> No.45139131
File: 97 KB, 750x1126, 8beae0ef890c3b0a2b170ea45a972ca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DC Gladys
I literally don't care about any other BJD but she's been on my mind for about a year. She looks like something out of a Jim Henson movie.

>> No.45139145

Oh I remember you anon. I'm rooting for you!

>> No.45139186

I think I'll do it... It's gonna take a while though 'cause expenses always come up.
It is safe to order directly from the maker? I asked them a question a few months ago and they didn't reply. Are they reputable?

>> No.45139213
File: 154 KB, 1080x1350, 332183678_122485084103739_4920041751562358602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also pretty insane what people can do with BJDs. This is still Gladys but I assume everything else is custom.

>> No.45139219

Doll Chateau? Yeah, they've been around for AGES. If you want an easier time, you can go through an agent like ACBJD. BJD websites tend to look like they were made with angelfire circa 2002, and ACBJD, BJDivas, Stacy's Pink Ocean, Denver Doll Emporium, or another dealer are just easier to use.

>> No.45139225

Yep. Customization is a huge part of this hobby for a lot of people. Custom facepaint, hair, outfit and accessories... it can all make a doll look completely different.

>> No.45139229

I'm in Europe, so it may be more convenient for me to order directly from China.
I also have no idea what kind of shipping and fees would add up to the base price. I assume something like €300-400

>> No.45139238

The only nitpick I have about her is that I'd like fully articulated hands instead of just 1 joint at the knuckle. But it's really a nitpick, that doll is perfect.
If anyone here owns one of the larger DC dolls, please tell me about them. It's hard to find any info even going fairly deep into communities. Someone said they have trouble standing and they're very kicky.

>> No.45139258

Oh... doesn't much of Europe have a 25% tax on imports? My sincere condolences anon. I can see why it's such an expense for you now. Hang in there, you will eventually get there.

You can replace her hands if you like. I'm sure DC sell articulated hands, or if they don't, you can use another company's hands! I haven't done much part swapping on resin dolls (stringing them is a pain for me personally,) but the adventurous can do nearly anything if they put their mind to it.

>> No.45139293

>Oh... doesn't much of Europe have a 25% tax on imports?
Yep it's some 20% VAT plus additional taxes over high value orders. Plus the shipping which I assume will be very high due to size and weight.
>You can replace her hands if you like.
It's not an issue, the hands are still articulated after all (I don't like the static hands on say, DDs). And I've seen fully articulated alternatives but the sculpt just isn't nearly as pleasant.

>> No.45139304

That's brutal, I'm so sorry. I understand for things where there's a domestic industry like dairy, but putting a tax that high on things that quite literally do not exist anywhere else is insane.

>> No.45139335

Such is life. I get therapy for free that would cost me $3000 a month if I lived in the USA, so I'm not complaining too much.

>> No.45140511

acbjd and new clover singing are located in china, they just act as dealers to the west. acbjd does free shipping on orders over an amount, ncs generally has free shipping. both owners (alice and christina, respectively) are super helpful and nice, so you can always email them with questions about how long the order will take, estimated shipping time, etc.

>> No.45140607

Neither has Gladys though. I wonder if she's discontinued.

>> No.45141212

With NCS, for things not listed on the site, you can email her a link to the doll's listing and ask if she'd be able to get it - she's very open to requests as far as I've seen and she can probably let you know if they're accepting orders for the doll you want

>> No.45141455
File: 75 KB, 320x279, grooves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say... These websites do suck. They really bring me back to the era of geocities
Anyway, what are these grooves I've seen here? They're not on a DC, another doll body. Are these locks in the articulation so the doll can stand?

>> No.45141565
File: 18 KB, 552x414, 21d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me understand... Is this some kind of rabbit hole where you save up a gorillion dollars and go
>I'll buy this perfect doll and she'll be perfect the way she is
And you think you're done, but then you see a nice sweater online and you think it would fit her nicely, and all of a sudden the resin succubus is vacuuming all of your money and you just bought a mahogany burl wardrobe for her clothes while you're keeping your own shoes together with off-brand stick glue? It's not something like this, right? 'Cause I have seen this nice sweater on etsy

>> No.45141584

Essentially. You get a doll and then you think "wow, that was expensive!" Then you start getting clothes and accessories and look over your financial statements later and full-body shudder.

They are bumps to help the doll's joints lock in place, yes! Some of my larger dolls have them and they help tremendously. Especially for the centaur.

>> No.45141655

Oh you're the centaur boy anon. "Weighs like a bowling ball," I remember. I take it there are only a few regulars here, so we're gonna see each other every time I get in here.
Good thing I'm totally immune to this, no sirree it's not gonna happen.
Maybe I'll get her a new outfit once a year on her birthday (is this a thing?), and on Christmas. And Valentine's.

>> No.45141683

Centaur anon indeed, and every time I try to make him stand I fear for my life. I'm also the threadminder and the maintainer of the /BJD/ QnA. We have a surprising number of regular, though some are more regular than others. It's always lovely to see someone come back from some time away and post their dolls again.

>birthday outfits
Some people do doll birthdays! It's really up to you. I wish you luck in resisting the siren song of cute new outfits, it is insidious.

>> No.45141758
File: 847 KB, 1200x1600, 1000060715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may get this

>> No.45141823

I have seen that DD is making a 2B too
I don't like her 'cause the face is nothing like 2B, but this one is spot on. cute

>> No.45141854

I'm unfamiliar with this franchise but damn she's pretty.

>> No.45143940
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>> No.45147979
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>> No.45149273

What is the official Doll Chateau site?
there are two,
Is one of these fake?

>> No.45149694
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 271203454_1957714457740137_717060672427728233_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more gladys pics, this user has astonishing pics

>> No.45149705
File: 204 KB, 1080x1080, 265180621_3046517195566028_7885269478295843358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top left should be the fullset. I should get her a shirt lol

>> No.45149713
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>> No.45149721
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 331137729_165426562969568_2753435188963876827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is so good. how much would it even cost to get to something like this?

>> No.45149727
File: 158 KB, 1080x1080, 246583201_137795455253001_8689429906276456588_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what doll this is but that looks really cool too

>> No.45150922

can someone track the head for this?
it's tagged as dollzone but I don't see it

>> No.45151236

m-maybe consider joining the mid-east-coast meet we'll maybe have one day?
>Yuzuki set
always a joy to see her

>centaur anon is threadminder anon
nta guess I'm not so good at connecting the dots after all lol

>> No.45151888

Oh I think I did good holding off for so long. I sobered up from my infatuation and I've found a maker that does something I love even more. And it might be cheaper, too.
There are so many doll makers. I had no idea there was such a huge market.

>> No.45152015
File: 539 KB, 1536x2048, 1682160715977812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resin dolls especially have a huge number of makers. If money was no object, I would probably have dozens...

>> No.45152066

The maker I'm looking at right now is Maskcat. The face sculpts are gorgeous.

>> No.45152899

TFW no dollcase...

>> No.45153178

just like in Rozen Maiden...

>> No.45153197
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x733, doll case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? If I can't find one to convert, I'm going to make one. Although I do have two of these I got for 45 a piece at yard sales - I'm going to pad the large side so I can use them as carrying cases.

>> No.45153207

That should be $5 a piece, lol

>> No.45153276

>and you just bought a mahogany burl wardrobe for her clothes
kek here it is

>> No.45153405

$5 my dude. I ended up spending more on the hangers($10 for 5).

>> No.45156658

I was just kidding. It's funny that a scale wardrobe actually showed up

>> No.45161674
File: 1.68 MB, 2731x4096, 1637932394858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45162420 [SPOILER] 
File: 958 KB, 2138x3200, IMGP2887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow-up to this set
I was originally debating whether she should be wearing shoes or not
went with barefoot to play with mismatched foot types
here's with shoes (just indoors this time)

>> No.45162443
File: 1.76 MB, 2138x3200, IMGP2859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also a vaguely spooky pic for late halloween
picked up a pair of skull-shaped lip balms on a not-so-recent trip (the other is black)
don't worry I'll be getting around to her faceup soon

>> No.45162467
File: 1.52 MB, 2138x3200, IMGP2878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what my Nanase's wearing this month
not really digging the stockings, I grabbed them because it's what I had out but they don't really work with the rest of the outfit

>> No.45162470
File: 665 KB, 1080x1487, tsr_mikunt_img02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think they'll sell this in the U S? I think this will be my only chance to get a miku under 1000$

>> No.45162475
File: 2.64 MB, 2130x3200, IMGP2510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus pic of new camera, MDD for scale
(obviously have other lenses, it's just a fun size comparison)

>> No.45162528

Volks US will 100% get Miku, she sells like hotcakes. I wish they'd sell that wig and outfit separately.

How heavy is that lens? I use a small tripod for various reasons and I'd be worried I'd have to counterweight it to keep it from falling over.

>> No.45162790
File: 1.12 MB, 2138x3200, IMGP2863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most telephoto lenses have their own tripod mounts for that reason
plus their hoods tend to make them look much larger
the actual lens only starts around the bottom of her sleeves here

>> No.45162813
File: 1.36 MB, 2138x3200, IMGP2911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two very different dolls

wow sorry about the exposure there, didn't check before exporting

>> No.45164164

Why such a large range? I'm not about to suggest only buying primes, but the larger range zooms like that sacrifice a lot of image quality.

>> No.45164370

I've exhausted this year's gear budget so something better will have to wait

>> No.45164457
File: 1.50 MB, 3200x2138, IMGP0946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that said, it can take fine images
picrel looks a bit shite because of the downsampling, full one is very sharp
(and also lensfun doesn't have a full profile yet, need to do that myself at some point)
here's another >>>/p/4244137

>> No.45164494

It's wild as a new member of the community finding out all these dolls I've been seeing are yours. Thought it was at least three different anons.

>> No.45164730
File: 122 KB, 1067x1457, Softness Experiments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing with some techniques
triple exposure stack at different apertures & focus to emulate my understanding of how a Rodenstock Imagon lens functions
then quick & dirty pseudo-daguerreotype color matrix

I only have the three, which puts me quite behind the curve I'm afraid

>> No.45165803

Yes but seeing that some of my favorite dolls, other than my own, are owned by the same anon is something else.

>> No.45168250

post your doll(s)

>> No.45169034

Not that anon but I feel like if I posted how many dolls belong to me people would be alarmed. I stopped counting after 30.

>> No.45169634

How do you do it, anon? How do afford so many? Shit, where do you put them all?

>> No.45169716

I don't, now, but in the past I was doing better (my collection has also grown over many years.) Times change, and we persevere. As for storage, you know those metal shelving units meant for industrial kitchens? Unironically good for doll storage if you aren't fussed about aesthetics. Clothes and stuff are in a dresser in bags, props and stuff are in some boxes in the closet. I need to rearrange everything, but I've been busy and away from doll stuff for now. I look forward to when I can return to doing things with them, and it's a comfort to have them around.

>> No.45170483

Have you owned an Azone character doll?

>> No.45171326

It's been 150 days since I ordered my doll...

>> No.45171346

What doll is this? She's beautiful.

>> No.45171348

I just realized Nanase has some additional eyelashes, as in not painted ones. This is nice, I love those!
Yuzu's great grandma... The kimono and the apron go well with the style of the picture.

>> No.45171467

That's not even a collection, that's an army

>> No.45171650

Kind of a weird question but is looking at the sculpt instead of the photos with face-up a better way to understand which head to get amongst a selection, or is it actually misleading?

>> No.45171708

Post collection

>> No.45171958

:( Here's hoping for you anon.

>> No.45172054
File: 827 KB, 2728x4090, 20231105_215635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172057

I don't have any ready at the moment (a few in the works) but I'm the owner of the Candy DD Standard model that posts photoshoots occasionally.

>> No.45172255

Is everyone here a man? I imagine there might be a few biological women.

>> No.45172296

We're all little girls anon. Even you.

>> No.45172305
File: 135 KB, 219x297, スクリーンショット 2023-11-06 17.52.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I've actually been planning on trying eyelashes on Elle as well (even have some) but haven't gotten around to it
Yuzu will as well along with a faceup, but I haven't sourced a material for her lashes yet (aiming to do something like picrel, couple of examples I just pulled off a booru)
>Yuzu's great grandma
huh, had never thought about dolls having families like that

>> No.45173163

Some of us are dolls tippy tapping on the keyboard when master isn't looking

>> No.45174543 [SPOILER] 
File: 782 KB, 950x650, Hill-Giant-5e-Guide-950x650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. well if there are such dolls they should know that there are some high quality clothing items near my house I am giving away for free.
You know if you want to come over

>> No.45174585

Must find 1/3 scale RC cars for doll racing NOW!

>> No.45174815 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.18 MB, 3096x4128, too much doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imomodoll boy compared to my DDS, Eris. Spoilered because I have absolutely nothing that will fit this absolute monster.

The lightest Imomodoll skintone is pale as hell, too pale for Volks NS and SWS, but a good match for WS if you have a head laying around that you want to mod to fit the bigass neck peg. Whether or not it will look right is contentious, the necks on these boys are frankly absurd, and I can see now why a guide to fit a resin head was included -- DD heads are probably all too small to look right. If you want a LARGE anime-style head, Natsuki BJD does some fantastic ones, though they are resin, with some washers and a little DIY magic they should be an easy fit! (She did my centaur's boy's head sculpt and faceup, I recommend her work from personal experience.)

Imomodoll tan is a good match for Volks Tawny -- so Anthy or the DD Icon girls. It's too dark for Volks Sun Skin, and too warm-tone for SmD Tea (though with some blushing it could work, you run into the "giant neck" issue. I have a tan SmD boy head I could try, but... the neck is really contentious, and the peg is as big as an Obitsu connector but even longer, so it's a mod you really want to be sure about before making!)

I do not currently have their middle skintone, but I suspect it will be a match for Volks NS/SmD Milk. I will not be getting one until the 68cm boys are released, because frankly, a third one of these is not going to fit in my house. As it stands, I think the strategy is to order the heads they've made specifically for these dolls and ask Jane's Doll Land to do an anime-style faceup on them (or send them to an artist of your choosing, though this is more effort.)

Posing is pretty solid. They can stand unaided with a little adjusting of the weight distribution. Hands are on a peg system, so while they come loose a bit easily, it makes changing them far less of a pain in the ass if Imomodoll release some option parts. Nipples are present and as pronounced as on an Angel Philia bust, which would be a problem in shirts but I have yet to find an ID75 shirt to fit these two. Given that I've found more custom-tailored ID75 lingerie in my searching, I might just give in and have these giant bastards lounge around in lace and silk all day -- at least they'd be clothed.

Penis is detatchable and flaccid. As far as I know, there are no erect options at this time, but I'm sure that even if they are not made available, the community will find a way to rectify that.

Overall they're surprisingly good for the price, especially as my first experience with Imomodoll's 1/4 body was a disaster. Though there are some logistical challenges with dolls this large, overall for the price I think they're worth the money, especially if you are comfortable with doing a little DIY work to slap head onto this thing. For those who want something that's more reasonably in-scale with M/DD, definitely wait for the 68cm boys (which I intend to buy for review purposes as soon as they're available.)

>> No.45174871

I'm afraid I don't know. I saved the picture from this board, IIRC.

>> No.45174969 [SPOILER] 
File: 932 KB, 3096x4128, oh no no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DD heads do not, in any way, shape, or form, fit the Imomodoll 75cm body.

>> No.45175017

Seems fine to me.

>> No.45175108


>> No.45175131


>> No.45175160

i have one. will show pix tomorrow(hopefully. i apologize in advance if i cant get to it.) i love it. heavy tho. she is a thiccc girl naturally. tops fit easy as long as they were planned to be larger bust anyway. skirts dont fit too bad but long skirts become much shorter. specialty outfits are probably a no if they arent designed with some looseness. if you can find a few outfits for it you really like, you will love it as long as the weight doesnt bother you. all n all i am thrilled myself with it cuz i love the look. i intend on getting at least one more once finances straighten out.

>> No.45175162 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.47 MB, 3500x4603, Ce n'est pas un mamelon..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah not putting this much effort into a stupid joke again

>> No.45175175

AP type I anon, how's it going?

holy shit that's big
>my first experience with Imomodoll's 1/4 body was a disaster
I feel like you make half the posts in these threads lol

>> No.45175410 [SPOILER] 
File: 601 KB, 1459x2266, IMG_0968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc he is big! i hope you’re able to find some outfits you like! maybe things for soom idealian 75 would fit?

i recently got a second-hand SD17-equivalent mystery body with an SD F-71 head from Mandarake, so uh, posting in boy-waiting-to-be-dressed solidarity? he’s my first resin doll, so i’ve just been too chicken shit to do much with him yet, even though i have clothes for him and intentionally bought second-hand thinking existing flaws would help curb my anxiety…haha…

>> No.45176278

Oh. I thought that would hava been posted in these threads.

>> No.45176280


>> No.45176336
File: 172 KB, 700x1481, 999551e1dd20ca7d9174ad7f0e6a642a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nendoroid dolls becomig more doll-like.
Will be fun if they start selling wigs.

>> No.45176452

Post joints

>> No.45177560

and yes because it was meant to post on /p/ forgot to censor it lol too late to delete now

>> No.45178867

Thinking of buying a doll for my niece's birthday, any tasteful suggestions?

>> No.45178961
File: 1.36 MB, 3072x4096, 20231106_123715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45179834
File: 318 KB, 1210x2048, 20231105_085039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45179889

Without knowing what she likes and a price range, hard to recommend.

>> No.45180347

my heart legitimately fluttered looking at this

>> No.45180586

cute shit'll do that to a mf

>> No.45180688

i know that all to well but this, this is something else...

>> No.45181563

You might need to see a doctor...

>> No.45182072

Heard back from Faithz after sending a second email because mine got routed into their spam folder, the parcel is indeed on the way back to Hong Kong and when it gets there they will ship it back. I'll have to pay shipping twice, but I'm just relieved it's not lost in the ether. Eventually I can finally handle an AP girl for myself!

>I feel like you make half the posts in these threads lol
I mostly just make the OP and leave the thread to do its thing unless someone has a question or I have something worthwhile to contribute.

>> No.45182126

>also type-I anon
see this is what I meant

>> No.45182159 [DELETED] 

New Thread

>> No.45182167

you typod!

>> No.45182175

New Thread

I did! My mistake.

>> No.45184377

I want to fuck a doll anon!

>> No.45184472

