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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45091953 No.45091953 [Reply] [Original]

Anatomical Androids antics edition

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, and so on: https://controlc.com/e322ed43 [Warning, still under construction]

list/guide of plush doll providers: https://controlc.com/705b3aae

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Don't post infant dolls you dumb fag.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

>Keep it SFW and use spoilers.

Previous thread >>45036529

>> No.45092006

The foreskin is supposed to do that otherwise you wouldn't have it

Just leave it as is

>> No.45092117

>shes in the mail
I'm hype

>> No.45092716

That's psychologically the longest and most painful part of the process. This is where almost everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

>> No.45092893

>This is where almost everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
>Excitement gives way to horror as you see damage on the shipping box and immediately start going through the stages of grief as you start to inbox your doll and either have the most intense feeling of elation you'll ever have or the deepest feeling of despair as you discover whether or not your wife was injured in transit

>> No.45093173

I literally cannot stop fucking my sexdoll. I've been fucking it for 45 minutes straight now. I feel like this is an exercise at this point, but this is wayyyyyy better than fapping.

>> No.45093204

Their necks are never unscathed. I don't know why they can't just put something around them for protection because they always get put upside down. I think they'd even fare better if they didn't put the "this side up" label on the box because then they would have a 50/50 chance of getting put the right way up instead of a 100% chance of getting put upside down because mail workers are dickheads.

>> No.45093240

My doll was shipped with a foam arch so that it would support the shoulders to keep it from fucking up the neck too much

>> No.45093432

Where can you get a homurahara uniform for dolls?

>> No.45093917

An anon recently got a Piperdoll and the head was bolted to the box to stop it sliding up and down. I'm surprised it took manufacturers so long to work out such a simple solution.

>> No.45094188

Yes you did.

>> No.45094457

will my wizard powers get revoked if i get a doll?

>> No.45094512

Wizards can summon golems.

>> No.45094532

You can no longer get the pure wizard build but you can subclass into summoner or illusionist

>> No.45094586

The wizard powers are what frees you from the shame preventing you from buying a doll in the first place

>> No.45094720

> frees you from the shame
>preventing you from buying a doll in the first place
You lost me

>> No.45094725

Wait I get it nevermind

>> No.45095271
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I honestly can't comprehend the logistics of using a sex doll.
Sure, while you're fucking it, it feels just as good as the real thing, probably even better because it isn't constantly complaining. But after you're done doesn't it kill the mood entirely when you have to awkwardly shuffle around and try to clean it or pose it in a more flattering position? And may God have mercy on your soul if it doesn't have a removable vagina. I own a small hip and the walk of shame to the bathroom sink after I'm done with it kills the experience for me entirely no matter how good it felt. Also doesn't the post nut clarity hit like a truck? After you're done doesn't it suddenly hit you that you spent two paychecks worth on a glorified onahole?
I'm not trying to be malicious, I'm genuinely curious how people cope with the inherent hurdles and responsibilities of owning a life size doll.

>> No.45095425

Don’t get a doll if you feel this way.
Dolls are a means of coping with isolation.

>> No.45095445

This isn't meant to be snarky or mean but I stopped having "shame" after ejaculation in my teens. It does suck to have to clean up afterward, I own a hip and a torso and they're both over 30 pounds, I have sticks for arms and can only really clean them in my room with a douche and bucket so I really feel you on the cleaning part. With that said, I stick my penis in that doll knowing full well how much of a pain the process is going to be afterward and make an effort to spend more time having "fun" than cleaning. It makes me feel better, the experience is downright magical to me as a dude in his 30's with zero sexual experience. Moreover -- and you can call this a cope or whatever -- when I think about how much absolute shit guys have to put up with just to get with the real deal and the risks associated with it? It makes the cleanup process almost fun by comparison and I've in fact come to enjoy it somewhat, at least the powdering part. No risk of pregnancy, no changing diapers, no alimony, no risk of cheating, no stds, no conversations or cuddling afterward. I don't have anything against women and I'm not saying that's all a given, it's just nothing I'm willing to potentially take with the good.

>> No.45095545

>muh shame
Why is this site full of white "conservative" americans?

>> No.45095704

Little bit of this and that
Bought a doll with my last $$$ in uni and love and hated it. Scared of my roommates finding out I have one while also being deprived of touch that every flaw was overlooked. Only shame I had was if I got caught

>> No.45095778

>no conversations or cuddling afterward
you had me until this bit, this is pure copium

>> No.45095828

How do you manage to hide what might as well be a dead body from roomates for so long? Teach me your secrets.
Fuck off FBI-sama, we're talking about dolls

>> No.45095956

>Buy medium sized torso doll
>just kept the doll in the same box that it came in
>roommates at the time left to go to their families during the weekends because they were close
>had the whole place to myself and my doll
The perfect condition to go ham on my doll for a few days

Wished I didn't throw her away though but I didn't have a place for her at home and didn't want to risk family finding out about it.
Still regret it as I missed throwing my face between those boobs :/

>> No.45095959

Haha when I wrote that part I knew I'd get at least one reply for that alone but I meant it. No offense to the dollfags that get theirs for that but I've never seen the appeal of cuddling, maybe one day when/if I get a doll I'll try it to see if it sparks anything in me but I doubt it.

>> No.45096546

People to follow who actually fuck their doll not just pose it?

>> No.45096654
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>> No.45096944

Not sure what you mean by follow, but there are doll fucking vids on most porn sites. Its boring as fuck watching some fat hairy nerd fucking his stiff lifeless doll though.

>> No.45097025

It really gives perspective how one looks while going at it.

>> No.45097109 [SPOILER] 
File: 484 KB, 1600x1067, 1698607546389780-(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought a relatively expensive Piper dolls silicone Akira and the asshole tore the moment I stretched the legs. The arms also tore to shit where they connect to the shoulders after a few rotations. I had the thing for 3 days before it was shredded in several places. If you put on the right clothes, you can cover the damage, but they are extremely tender.

Quite an eye opening doll thread in /b/ the other day. Even with the reinforced assholes, they're still tearing when spreading the legs. Its not just an issue with Piper, there are countless accounts of it happening with many brands. The Dolltochina vendor even has a notice on their site to warn customers to be very careful with silicone dolls as they're fragile and prone to tearing. Silicone is just a shit material in a lot of ways. It has benefits, like making the doll lighter, holding more detail etc, but is it worth the shit durability and firmness... Especially for 2-4x the price of TPE.

>> No.45097159

anyone use prostate vibes

>> No.45097204

fongRuWoGe has great dolls. It really sold me on getting a sino when I'm able to actually buy one next year.
He needs to accept your follow but he accepted my private and empty account.

>> No.45097288

>>45097109 (me)
Also if by slim chance this anon reads this, you should contact your vendor and send them the pics. If its a decent vendor you should get a new doll sent out. Failing that, contact Mizuwali on Twitter. Hes a sound guy and as long as you aren't demanding he will no doubt help you.

>> No.45097446

Silicone has it's pros over TPE. Since I'm not a moron and can handle a doll within its limitations, I'm never going back to TPE after experiencing ultra soft silicone. The anus tearing is a big issue, but I never use it so it's not really a problem for me. If anything it makes single hole dolls more preferable.

>> No.45097738

That's nuts. I have a silicone doll from some no-name brand and I've put her through the wringer already

>> No.45097871

Never heard of it despite owning several silicone doll

>> No.45098028
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>doesn't it kill the mood
>walk of shame
>hurdles of responsiblities
as an adult, i am fully aware that i spent half a paycheck on something that helps satiate my urge for sex. i know what the purpose of it is, i know what needs to be done to maintain it.

>> No.45098275

I was actually thinking about this the other day. Are ALL toys in Toy Story alive, or is it just kid's toys? If adult toys are also alive/sentient it would stand to reason that they desire to be used for their intended purpose since the toys in the movies almost always express a desire to be played with. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a manga/doujin where a sex doll either reveals that it's alive to its owner and they live happily or the doll kept it a secret, but did things like cleaning and such in secret.

>> No.45098510

I am still waiting for something to delve into this aspect.
I think I might have seen it once in a hentai but it was a very long time ago.

>> No.45098583

Closest thing I've seen was on of the Little Evil doujins wherein a guy finds a hidden room under the floorboards of his new place with a shrine with a small doll. The doll starts appearing in places and he keeps trying to get rid of it, but it always shows up again. Eventually he accepts that it's there and soon after a real girl appears that looks just like the doll, which seduces him. Then the guy's girlfriend shows up and the doll-girl NTRs her and makes her the third wheel.

>> No.45099006

Any recommendations from the toydemon black friday sale?
I tried the Elaborate Vagina Lewd Spiral Sukesuke, it's durability leaves much to be desired and it flops around a lot but I enjoyed it. So I'm looking for something similar though a bit smaller and maybe tighter.

>> No.45099028

Do you know, it might have been Tiny Evil hentai, if that was based off the Little Evil doujins?

>> No.45099464
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Question: Ive been using my tenga for months in the following position:

I have a large pillow that I put the tenga on. Then I place a pillow down between atop of it to keep it pinned in place. Then I lie atop of the pillow. That way I lay relatively flat on my stomach with my hips doing all the work. Keeps my hands free to use my tablet to watch material.

However, I noticed that I get constant upper back aches and I suspect is because this is a bad position for my spine and body. What can I do to alleviate or improve this lying position?

>> No.45099884

Yes, there was a Tiny Evil hentai series based on the doujins of the same name. I misremembered the title at first. The hentai was shit though. Poor "animation" and the girls were off-model for it. I can understand the studio not wanting to do outright loli, but at that point have some integrity and just don't make it.

>> No.45099975

If I'm seeing this in my mind properly, the pillow sandwich is under your stomach and pelvis while you're supporting your upper torso with your elbows and this position has your back arched backwards? If so then I would say you should probably just stop doing that. I'm not a chiropractor, or any medical professional, but this sounds like you're regularly straining your back for long periods of time. Maybe get into yoga or some other regular stretching routine.

>> No.45100020

Yes that's exactly whats going on. My elbows are primarily keeping me up. I have a large long pillow, my tenga, then a smaller one for pinning that I then lie on with it. So yeah it's likely a very bad position. But damn is it convenient for browsing on my tablet.

>> No.45100082

it depends on your sexual desires and if you crave intimacy or not. I dont have a doll myself but I've watched people talk about them and they say it's like a tool. It helps some for sexual satisfaction, like thrusting into a humanoid object and it can help simulate sex better than just your hand or a fleshlight. Sometimes when I use a fleshlight I will thrust into it because I wanna simulate sex rather than just the same jerking motion. Some also really like cuddling or being intimate. They want to grope and hug a woman and this at least is a surrogate option for when they do it. Some like both the sexual/romantic side, and people have other wants and needs as well. I watched one guy who had a whole host of wigs and clothing for his doll, it gives him variety of different types of women that you cant do with most human women for obvious reasons. The post nut regret is a thing most of us go through, some will stop and others will have it come and go depending on the day, but we all have sexual urges and at times I feel a little guilty myself. I have a large set of dildos I use to masturbate and that's when the regret usually hits is after I relieve myself. But it goes away, I clean up and clean my toys just like how the guys here clean their fleshlights and dolls.

>> No.45100112

If you insist on continuing this practice then I'd recommend not trying to keep yourself up, but rather leaning over the edge of your bed or couch while doing this. Just have your tablet on the ground or whatever and be looking down at it instead of having it "upright". This should reduce the stress on your back as long as you aren't arching your back in the opposite direction, so to speak.

>> No.45100164

Hm, I see what you mean now. I'll give that a try. It would be best if there is no stress on my back.

>> No.45100212

If you continue to have problems then see a doctor, preferably a chiropractor, for a consultation. Idk about outside the states, but anything you say to a doctor in a professional setting should be confidential, so don't hesitate to be honest with them. Also remember to stay hydrated. Many aches and pains can be caused simply by dehydration.

>> No.45100262
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Consider this dolls ass

>> No.45100318

Nice, very impressive, now lets see the hips and thigh gap.

>> No.45101236

whats the point of buying more onaholes when you already bought 5?

It feels like theres not much difference after that.

>> No.45101368

I have a about 20, and 4 different hips, 3 different breast toys...
It becomes about finding something new and interesting.

>> No.45101382

damn that's brutal. this is why I'm not buying piper silicone. or any silicone until makers fix this.

funny thing I just started cutting up my 150cm TPE akira. I fucked her into oblivion and it's time. will not be replacing her with an easily damaged "soft" silicone.

>since I'm a pussy in bed
lol I bet you have intact wired hands too

>> No.45101399

you need to exercise and stretch out far more with an emphasis on core and spine.

>> No.45101493

I have 5-6 and only ever go back to using 2 of them often since the others aren't as good.

with 20 you must have quite some shitty ones

>> No.45101511

Not at all, only 3 of them are bad ones I don't use.
Some were impulse buys that turned out pretty great, and sometimes if I want something quick they'll be my go to.
Each one varies in what I'm in the mood for.

>> No.45101627

Different tunnels and materials have different sensations. I have like 5-6 at this point, but each has its own unique feel. So if you're buying new onas, you're just looking for something different rather than repurchasing what you've already used. Either way is fine, really.

>> No.45101757

I life weights. I already do

>> No.45101952

Otana’s having a Halloween sale
What should I buy?

>> No.45101961

Yes did you miss the stretching part? I lift weights and have injured myself plenty of times. I pulled a groin muscle once when a chick tickled me down there. That fucking sucked...

As other anon suggested you should see a chiropractor (one that does xrays ideally). And you should get professional fitness advise on how to alleviate the pain in that area. If you are having unusual struggle with an area of your body you keep fit then there may be a structural issue. That issue may be as simple as some self/pro massage and stretching routines. It may also require mobility work and calisthenics. Or some chiropractic adjustments.

>> No.45102071

nothing because they are scammers, read the fucking thread

>> No.45102131

give her your all anon, shes totally not a succubus bro trust

>> No.45102261
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Beware of spooky dolls

>> No.45102269

How many people have actually been reportedly scammed by otana? I dont check in on this thread's often, but I have a feeling whoever got "scammed" was probably some australian that got gypped because of his own country's laws
If they scam literally everyone whom buys from them, wouldnt they have been taken down years ago by now?

>> No.45102394
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>> No.45102914

it's "otona", not "otana", consider that maybe you're not even searching for the correct term. there was literally someone in this thread explaining why they're problematic. if you want to order from them go ahead but don't bitch about it afterwards

>> No.45102945

meant to reply to this obviously but maybe i shouldn't even have bothered because it's a waste of time

>> No.45102946

If it was that simple then Banquet would have gone out of business forever ago.

>> No.45103068

Jesus. I've had my Sanhui silicone doll for a year and a half and have honestly been pretty rough on her and not a single tear. She's got a little finger damage and some foot damage, but that's it.

>> No.45103075

>foot damage
anon don't suck her toes so hard

>> No.45103091

Nah it's on her heel, she has the fancy hard silicone feet and at one point she fell on one of them and it split in two spots. I filled it with reinforcement silicone and it's been fine since.

>> No.45103176
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>> No.45103412
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>> No.45103454

i fuck my sexdoll seated cowgirl. i wrap the legs around my hip and the arms around my neck
its the closest ill ever be to the soft embrace of a woman. generally i take her out of her crate once or twice a year when the loneliness just gets to be too much

>> No.45103464

Which part do you like, the spirals, firmness, or stimulation?
Carnivorous mermaid is probably what you're looking for if you're fine going harder.
Nukinuki maid if you want something stimulating but less hard.
Unfortunately, both are out of stock.

JD Neat Girl is spiral based and supposed to be good, but its softer than the sukesuke. I haven't tried it though.

>> No.45103632
File: 86 KB, 682x1024, media_Fd-FnNbUYAAQ3CM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ricki made a porno with that centaur doll he has for sale. so not only can you buy a bargain priced used centaur doll from doll channel.. you can buy a used centaur doll that was fucked by ricki himself.

the times we live in.

>> No.45103664
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>doll channel
I see they still have this fucking thing for sale

>> No.45103757

Who wants to play fleshlight tag?

>> No.45103893

I bet he has boxes of them.

>> No.45103902

Who is this even for?

>> No.45103935

For his 1 inch cock supporters that will support him even while in prison

>> No.45103967

when that doesn't happen you are going to fall apart lol

>> No.45103989

rent free, 3 years later

>> No.45104091

You're correct. He's a billionaire; he has his ways of avoiding prison. He'll die of old age before he sees the inside of a jail cell. His supporters meanwhile would go to prison for life if they did even 1% of what that conman did.

>> No.45104124
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This is a sex toys thread you communist faggot.
If you are not a troll I am willing to wager to pay guys to fuck your doll for you

>> No.45104135

>decides to fall apart now
to think you could have talked about masturbating instead

>> No.45104167

>"Never speak ill of doll socioty, Algernon. Only people who cant get one ever do"
>Aunt Augusta, The Importance of Being Ernest, Act 2

>> No.45104361
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>I am free because I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them.

>> No.45104594

Is the J-list lucky box worth the money?

>> No.45105351

Stay mad faggot. I'll be pounding away at my Donahole while Biden will give you an axe wound.

>> No.45105467
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When corn starching onaholes are you supposed to cover the insides too?

>> No.45105583

No. You don't want to risk it absorbing residual moisture inside the hole and providing food for bacteria to grow on.

>> No.45105736

Since when are mystery boxes ever "worth" the money? You buy them because you want something random, not something worth exactly as much as you put in. At best you'lll get some random backstock that hasn't been moved for months.

>> No.45105746
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My onahole is getting battered and ruined internally after using it everyday for almost 6 months. What can be done to minimize internal wear if I shouldn't get any corn starch inside?

>> No.45105823

It's going to happen but you can slow it down by avoiding turning it inside out and not rubbing anything around the insides too hard when not lubed up during cleaning and drying. Overzealous microfiber drying is especially destructive.

>> No.45106373


>> No.45106777
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Post cunny doll

>> No.45107185

Can you give a doll stinky girl feets or a pissy cunny (at least the smell of one)?

>> No.45108310

I remembered seeing tons of body scented fluids in a sex shop in Japan so you might be able to find the same products wherever you can buy onaholes

>> No.45109904

Does Hanidoll actually have sales or is it just permanently like that to incentivize impulse purchases?

>> No.45111405

I bought my first onahole. It kinda hurts when I cum.

>> No.45111421

Mentally or physically

>> No.45111446

physically. if i thrust during the orgasm at all it's overstimulating. strane since im not normally sensative

>> No.45111502

That's understandable. If you were jerking off with your hand, you usually don't have a lot of stimulation on the head while you're actually unloading.

>> No.45111820

everytime i go into these threads i get the urge to buy new onas
at this point im going to buy 1 or 2 new holes in a few weeks

>> No.45112143

Is air drying a meme? Like having my onahole dry on the outside, placed on a towel and facing slightly downwards, I won't store it until completely dry, but just curious if i have to dry it asap or whatever after rinsing and cleaning

>> No.45112197

Yes. Most onas have enough texture to retain moisture long enough to grow mold and bacteria if left to sit for an extended period of time. Also I doubt you would want to leave it in the sun either, since depending how hot it can get, it could damage the material.

>> No.45112216

Okay thank you, I guess there might be quite some differences between fleshlights and onas

>> No.45112455


I mean, try to dry the interior as best you can but I've never had an issue with them being less-than bone dry before storage.

also expect to get a reply from airpumpbro

>> No.45112950

The clown mask he uses really ties those videos together.

>> No.45113049
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Be careful tonight anons, you never know when a demon will possess your doll

>> No.45113068

>Is air drying a meme?
Yeah, that's how you get mold. Just use a drying stick or a soft microfiber cloth to soak up any left over water.

>> No.45113090

Yeah, using my microfiber cloth and dry fingers lol, takes some time but i kinda wanna figure out how to reach deeper with the microfiber cloth, maybe cut off a part and a pencil smth.

>> No.45113139
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>figure out how to reach deeper with the microfiber cloth, maybe cut off a part and a pencil smth.
Just get on amazon or whatever and buy some microfiber dusting sticks like these. They're just cloth sleeves around a bamboo stick and they work well. You can slide the sleeve off the stick if you feel the need to wash it.

>> No.45113847

no, I can't say I experience any of that.

>> No.45113860


>> No.45114200 [SPOILER] 
File: 206 KB, 936x1463, 1697234199932122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking need this in doll form. I can't take the blue balls of doll shopping anymore!


Reminds me of the TaYu a-cup but they don't make elves. I'm about to go back to school just so I can learn to design molds that can be customized with elf ears. I know some day we'll be able to highly customize. I can't wait for someday my balls are aching at this moment.

Someone please talk me out of this figure I don't even like this show. My dick has my wallet and a gun...

>> No.45114276
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Dig through this guy's posts to see what brand his elf is

>> No.45114317

thats a DS NinaE head

one of the better looking elf heads out there, but cant say i recommend them at the moment even though i have two.

>> No.45114919

The struggle is real elf bro. I can't take it anymore. Always one thing off.

>> No.45115163

should i take tunnel length into account when getting an onahole? cuz im longer than some of these tunnel lengths......

>> No.45115178

Do you want to go balls deep?

>> No.45115190


>> No.45115196

Well then, there's your answer.

>> No.45115434
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This spider gwen outfit was a pain in the ass to put on.

>> No.45115854

For a fixed type vagina, Is “Top Sino” the most realistic vagina you can get? or Is there any brand that’s more realistic?

>> No.45115865

tpe cant be realistic, but basically all of them will get you off hard

>> No.45115976
File: 45 KB, 390x362, measure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any extractors
whats a reliable way to drain cum out of an ona for measurements? can i even hope to cum inside if i want this?

>> No.45115983

no because you're putting like 1-5mL of lube in there too

>> No.45116048

>drain cum out of an ona for measurements?
try going by weight instead

>> No.45116215

>wouldnt they have been taken down years ago
You've never seen Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels have you

>> No.45116543
File: 465 KB, 2730x4096, FzbUjlBakAA9JnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently guava lost their main guy and their sculptor went to mozudoll, some jap on twitter is saying they don't even have anyone that speaks japanese and are a hassle to work with.

>> No.45116616

im a retard whats the method for this

>> No.45116620

weigh after adding lube, weigh after ejaculation. The difference is your cum. Congrats.

>> No.45116642

ur a fucken genius

>> No.45116688
File: 246 KB, 1366x2048, F9uS5IWaUAA3tTe.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Halloween spooky doll post

>> No.45117128

Does not account for evaporation and whether you count precum as cum or not.

>> No.45119122
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>> No.45120311

for real, im tempted to get a custom through coeros for my next one, just not sure if they do elf ears or how well they do.

looks to be about 2k for a custom head like that so not ideal, but manageable and they have stuff like hinged jaws, proper mouths, ect.

>> No.45122211

>body scented fluids
Are they safe on TPE/silicon?

>> No.45122515
File: 632 KB, 498x532, forwhatpurpose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pedo but for such a messed up head that doll actually doesn't have that bad of a body. They have some wild looking shit though

>> No.45122562
File: 398 KB, 482x485, wouldyouafish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another, this is apparently a head that you can put on a doll.

>> No.45122782

I don't know how but I fucking lost my onahole. I was in a bit of a daze after cumming so I quickly rinsed and dried it and threw it in the usual bag but then I passed out and now the thing is fucking gone
It's over for me bros, my roommate already thinks I'm a fucking virgin loser

>> No.45123094

Never mind found it under a pile of laundry in my bed, I'm safe

>> No.45123564

What kind of doll is that?

>> No.45124428

I so excited

>> No.45124446

Just in time for NNN.

>> No.45124476

I only do No N-word November (and usually lose)
No fap is not super healthy, going without porn is

>> No.45124581
File: 2.08 MB, 900x2040, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take the dollpill anon.

>> No.45124586

Is that the thick asian hanidoll?
She aint bad but a make up touch up would make her beautiful

>> No.45124591

Sure just let me take the "$1.3K lying around" pill first

>> No.45124599
File: 2.22 MB, 2048x1005, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sino and it's 3k.

>> No.45124701
File: 1.66 MB, 4080x3060, 20221207_001145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try the 500 dollar pill first, it's easier to swallow

>> No.45124708

Have you tried the not buying frivolous things for a month or two pill?

>> No.45124757

Are there any stores that sell that low besides Hani? I'm skeptical of them since they're the only ones that I've seen so far that don't have a floor of $1k+ and it makes me think there's a strong reason behind that.

>> No.45124843

>Aibei/Hanidoll make the dolls they sell
>3rd party vendors inflate their prices so they can make a profit
It's pretty simple as far as business goes

>> No.45124999

That does make sense, thanks.

>> No.45125016

I actually have way more than enough laying around I just wanted to make the joke

>> No.45125173

If I was your friend I'd be there for you and just laugh at finding your male equivalent vibrator. Your roommate is a fucking tool. Buy a hip and fuck it in front of him. Then get a better roommate.

>> No.45125182

sexdollstation is another cheap knock off vendor. they'll catch a name brand every once in a while and sell it cheap. but expect a cheap doll either way.

>> No.45125299

I still live with my mom and sister. It's not going to happen anytime soon.

>> No.45125767

Hey listen anon. By the time you make it out of there and then make it further you're going to start realizing how important the time you have with your little family was. Best to do respect that now while you have this window of time.

I can afford any doll you can think of all the way up to the most expensive robotics (they suck but I can buy one). I miss my mom like you wouldn't believe. If you can do anything make her a surprise dinner and buy the girls some flowers. You'll get your own pad when it's time if you put your mind to it. You won't get your mom back though.

Good luck my dude.

>> No.45128097
File: 135 KB, 1080x1616, F927e6Ha0AAwyQY.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok anon, I'm sure it happens to a lot of guys

>> No.45129235
File: 2.74 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20180223_174908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have pic related (145 Elf head (Ninae?) DS doll/EXDOLL) years ago.

I picked her up between girlfriends because I finally had the money and always wanted a doll anyway. As far as *physical* awkwardness goes... Yeah, she was just a huge 40KG pain in the fucking ass. It was always really difficult to get her in a comfortable and 'sexy' position for seggs time, and despite her removable hole cleanup was always a bitch and a half since semen tends to, you know, get everywhere anyway. Between that and adjusting her wig all the time, changing her clothes, washing up, etc etc, it was just such a chore I ended up only fucking her a few times a year. She made for great photos though! That was honestly the best part. It was fun trolling normie coomer and anime fans on FB with her pics (posted on alt account)

As for the shame aspect, was never really an issue for me personally. I've been a relentless coomer since the day I was born tho, kek. What really helped is that I live in China and interestingly she wasn't immediately perceived as a sex doll by most (admittedly rather naïve) women upon seeing her. Despite being a doll owner and 4chan user I was rather successful with women once I moved to here, (Being white is probably the biggest factor there lmao) as a result I had 2-3 different girlfriends who saw her and never complained, most even liked her, one thought she was super cute and even bought her new clothes, haha.

I think part of it is your attitude- I just owned it, like yeah, I have a doll, so? Had her sitting on my large desk right next to my PC in my apartment. It was nice having her around for company and I never got any bad reactions to her from friends or girls. I just dressed her nicely and modestly in dresses and such and the "worst" reaction I would get would be a male friend raising eyebrows and going "Really bro?" and I would just laugh.

This was ages ago though tbf, I sold her after I got married cause ironically the gf who liked her the least eventually became my now-wife. I still pop in these threads though cause I still enjoy doll pics and since we've had a kid I do still have to use onaholes again sometimes- our kid is little and often sleeps in our bed= solo fap time in the office, no seggs :(

tl;dr- The shame depends on the person, but yes cleanup is a bitch no matter what. Silicone dolls are too fucking heavy, go with a plush one if you wanna routinely fuck it, if you just wanna take nice pics, go for silicone.

>> No.45129255

Seconded, any cunnychads here? I'm waiting on my custom 135cm anime style head Nahida plush doll, super hyped. Will post her once she's here in a month or so.

>> No.45129644

Is there any risk of TPE deforming over time? I have two torsos in a box that I'm stacking on top of each other due to space constraints and don't want to potentially mess them up due the bottom one being compressed.

>> No.45129767

how tall are you

>> No.45129812

That was an interesting perspective, Anon. I suppose the different country and culture played a big part in people's reactions, as I can't imagine an european or american woman reacting positively to an actual sex doll. Even a non-functioning doll like a BJD would be considered a "red flag", lmao. But I can see how confidence can affect the way people perceive it.
However I have one question.
>I sold her
Who was the schmuck that bought a used sex doll?

>> No.45130325

Silicone or nothing. This isn't decades ago.

>> No.45130496
File: 26 KB, 317x317, Hhhllvie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know... As much as I lust after and prefer little girls/hebes/preteens in real life, I think I would actually buy a full sized adult doll. Not huge tits but like medium or small to medium. While the little girl dolls are cheaper, light weight and easier to work with and conceal, the faces look terrible and not as real. I am also thinking cuddling would be worse as there is less there. If she is in bed with me, there would be less "presence'. Hard to explain but right now there is a huge dakimakura that is warm in the winter and raises the comforter and sheets. I also think for dressing up there would be more choices in quality clothing. I'd like to deck one out in outdoor gear. So I dunno... maybe I should buy an adult one to look at, dress up, sleep with and buy a child one to have sex with and roughplay.

>> No.45130572

>Who was the schmuck that bought a used sex doll?
He said that it had a removable onahole so likely easy to sell since you can put in a new one.

>> No.45130604

get both start a family

>> No.45130843

Not him, but what he is asking for is like a perfect life. A wife that is pretty that he can dress up, sleep with and doesn't bitch, basically eye candy. Then you got a sexy tween girl for fucking the brains out of that keeps her eyes open and never grows older.

What else do you need?

>> No.45131487
File: 2.81 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20170901_152844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just over 180cm/about 6ft, and yeah I know the size difference does cause issues too. Doesn't change the fact that her dead weight was one of the biggest issues.

Yeah, western women are fucking retarded so there is that.
>Who was the schmuck that bought a used sex doll?

As this anon pointed out >>45130572
Her ladyparts were removable, I didn't even bother giving the guy who bought her my old one of course, haha. He was just some Chinese zoomer. Nice enough but super skittish/was in a huge hurry during the purchase but I understood. He got her at like an eighth of her original price so beggars can't be choosers I guess. My wife was utterly shocked, she was convinced no one would buy her but the dude responded to the ad within an hour of posting and didn't haggle price at all, haha.

>> No.45131527
File: 754 KB, 751x991, doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the faces look terrible and not as real.
I actually agree,
So just get an anime style 'loli' doll then instead, anon.


Doesn't have to be this store, but scroll down and check out the custom faces they make- just an idea.

>> No.45131737

Are smaller dolls easier to cuddle than bigger ones? Like say 135cm vs 160cm.

>> No.45131932
File: 476 KB, 1774x1330, IMG_20231029_032520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ganna say yes without knowing your height, weight, the doll or type of cuddling.

>> No.45132000

Depends on how small. Too small and it doesn’t wrap around you. For me, a doll that is 20cm shorter than me would be ideal.

>> No.45132091

I'm not saying I need one but...
I wish my doll could do this.

>> No.45132158

depends on how much you like lap sitting and being the big spoon
small dolls are optimized for big spoon activities

>> No.45132376
File: 170 KB, 1080x1620, F97ESkQb0AAQKR5.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you want dinner first?
>a bath?
>or me?

>> No.45132396

I like doll buttjob. Easy cleanup too and the doll stays pristine.

>> No.45132491

>Too small and it doesn’t wrap around you.
I guess this is a good point, I'm a big guy 6'2" 200 pounds, my 168cm Happy Doll lap sits with me no problem, think a 140cm would be an issue? They still have pretty wide hips, thankfully, but still smaller obviously...

>> No.45132501

Preferably all of the above but without needing my involvement for the first.

>> No.45132633

dude I thought you were a security guard in Florida that really needed new wallpaper. congrats on the big move man lol.

>> No.45132637

No, there is a guarantee that TPE is going to deform over time. If you can keep the doll relatively cool, certainly well powdered, and in a standing or hung "factory default" position you stand your best chance. If the TPE has pressure on it from any surface then over time it will change its shape and may not pop back.

>> No.45132699

going to do my yearly big onahole order. usually I've always gotten Ride Japan's Lotion
but it seems to have mediocre reviews. has the lotion game changed so much in a few years?! if so any suggestions for a lube of similar thickness?

>> No.45132723

oh the guide got rid of the japanese onahole recommendation sites. those were always useful fuck let's see if I can find them again

>> No.45133020

it just depends on how much of a size difference fetish you have
I'm 5 10 and my 135cm doll is very short compared to me, but its fine because I really enjoy my hands engulfing her hips when i grab her, or my dick being bigger than her forearms

>> No.45133029

oh yeah I should also mention that i have an 85 cm fairy on order so yeah

>> No.45133227

fuck these dolls are starting to look too real.
Also show me more dolls in lace

>> No.45133252

What exactly would that entail?

>> No.45133264

I wish they didn't.
I want my cool robot heads and robotic style bodies.

>> No.45133322

there are fantastic anime style dolls but I am just happy to see these girls finally cross the uncanny valley

>> No.45133358
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>> No.45133392

he can't be sharing pictures like that...

>> No.45133422

>the faces look terrible and not as real
asian ones generally look better. Also catdoll's sasha head is great.
>I am also thinking cuddling would be worse as there is less there.
Depends but kinda agree. My thicc 150cm doll is much nicer to cuddle with than my smaller dolls.

>> No.45133473

Whats wrong with getting a ring for your main doll wife?

>> No.45133500

I have no problem with that, I just find it funny someone would share such indecent pictures of his wife like that
>moralfagging about inanimate objects

>> No.45133531

Better not look at the last thread then

>> No.45133588

I guess I'm just a bit more serious about playing with dolls than other guys

>> No.45133995

Can anyone else confirm this or is it just elitism cope?

>> No.45134006

I think it's reasonable to believe either type of plastic is subject to deformation.

>> No.45134016

I figured as much, but that prior post seemed like it was implying that silicone doesn't run the same risks, or at least not with as much severity.

>> No.45134095

Bros I can't believe we can just have doll girlfriends. It feels like a cheat code.

>> No.45134213

>elitism cope
Pretty much, there's an anon that loves to shriek against TPE because he bought an expensive silicone doll when both materials have their pros and cons

>> No.45134281

It's amazing. I still remember the first time I saw a realistic doll posted on /b/ years and years ago, it blew my mind. They were also way more expensive. I never imaged they'd now become so accessible and easy to purchase.

>> No.45134326
File: 249 KB, 343x555, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont like sex dolls due to the logistics of owning and maintaining
>found out there's a android 18 doll

Fuck. Do they have a Tifa and Princess Peach doll too? Do I dare go find out...

>> No.45134336

For the right price you can have ANY waifu you want.

>> No.45134353

tifa exists but not a single nintendo sex doll...

>> No.45134375

>find body type that matches the character you want
>get a wig that matches the hairstyle
>get an outfit that matches
That's like 90% of recreating your waifu as a doll, the other bit is finding a good face
There's also manufacturers like gamelady that specialize in remaking characters but you'll pay a premium on them that's not really worth it

>> No.45134385

Nintendo doesn't screw around. They'll sue the shit out of you. And if they can't pursue legal action, they'll just kill you instead.

>> No.45134442

Just try thinking about an Uma-Musume doll and the Yakuza will be all over you.

>> No.45134452

AND their bodies aren't as close as the real thing, I find.

>> No.45134463

Okay so this thread reminded me, and now I just bought an expensive gold ring for her.
Add that to the total cost of my sins.

>> No.45134471

One day when I become obscenely rich, I WILL have a custom-made Centorea Shianus sex doll. She will have lovely long ears and massive tits and a nice horse body with horse pussy and fat teats.

>> No.45134473


>> No.45134481

not if you make a custom doll

>> No.45134753 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 1776x1184, 1698510917741487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I was being serious and I am speaking from experience. I missed that you had a torso but it's kind of the same thing. I have had some TPE torsos and they've all held their shape but they were like really small ones. But TPE dolls I've owned have gotten "pancake" ass or flat ass from laying. Something I've seen other doll owners talk about and wish I'd paid more attention to. I had a "it's just a day" attitude and wrecked a few dolls that way. I've had other body parts mold towards the surface they rested on as well. Like just laying it against an edge on a wall for a few hours and wala, I got a fucking line I have to look at for the next two months.

Another thing is blends vary between manufacturers and even then between batches. YMMV no matter what here. In my experience when an ass pancakes it's that way forever. Marks and indentations can kinda work themselves out over many months but not always. But over time you can kind of tell how fragile or malleable the doll you have may be as you get to know it better.

I have silicone too and it for certain holds its shape far better than TPE. The risk of the material breaking is there and this is a pretty bad outcome with silicone. Then of course if you want a really slappable ass you're probably gonna want TPE.

tl;dr just try and be careful it's the best you can do

You might be the dumbest poster we have but at least you help keep the place a little livelier.

>> No.45134783
File: 504 KB, 800x1199, so des ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45134794

irokebijin employees live in constant fear of nintendo ninjas discovering their location

>> No.45134833

>be me
>be US customs worker
>get in early because overloaded inspecting fuck dolls all day
>turn on warehouse lights holding fresh mug of coffee
>torn open boxes and doll heads everywhere
>wait, is that head pokemans from my childhood
>black shadow wooshes by me
>third time this year

>> No.45134839

If a doll is capable of free standing, would that be good enough to prevent indentation/deformation? I remember years ago seeing people mention that a bra is recommended for preventing too much sag, I assume that hold true still?

>> No.45134868

I want to get an anime head like
>>45134783 This but I wish they had usable mouths to fulfill my dream of face fucking my pokewaifus

>> No.45134880

Elsa Babe

>> No.45134897

>it's that retard that writes "wala" and tries to pass himself off as an authority
You don't want to listen to this guy, he's got terminal autism and loses his mind when people disagree with him, so much so that he starts samefagging arguing with himself to try and get the last word

>> No.45134916

If you're worried about deformation standing in a neutral stance with a piece of foam between the doll and the wall or hanging the doll with a hook attached at the neck is going to be the route you want to take.

>> No.45135209
File: 264 KB, 869x1885, 712c181353786444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thing seething or trying to troll

>> No.45135220

I want this but actual centaur.

>> No.45135225

yeah if you can't hook the doll standing with shipping foam/memory foam they send as padding for feet and surfaces. if you don't have that some blankets are better than nothing. just try and keep weight off of her parts. never had a boob problem but if you got gigas then that sounds like a good idea. I'd be worried about indentations if it's tight though.

>> No.45135230

dude you can get a used centaur from doll channel legit fucked by ricki himself lol

>> No.45135292
File: 555 KB, 1536x2048, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol do it bro I bet he sterilized it for resale but you can probably ask him to fuck it again for you! XD

>> No.45135427

Fabric dolls are best for cuddling, CMV

>> No.45135585
File: 847 KB, 757x859, doll2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like this is the case, I'm the anon who mentioned the Nahida doll earlier, I used to have a silicone doll and she was super nice and high quality but cuddling her wasn't that great + her weight made things a huge pain.

Hence I've taken the plush doll pill, I'll let you guys know results when she's here.

Pic semi-related, doll from same manufacturer I got her from.

>> No.45135937

TPE dolls are best for cuddling.

>> No.45136069

Will check them out when I get my own place, like the heads look really good

>> No.45136098
File: 1.08 MB, 1012x1920, 1657937736550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



It is spelled voilà.

>> No.45136108


Look up Gamelady Tifa and Aerith.

>> No.45136581

Are there any sites like Hanidoll? Or is Hanidoll the only one who sells for that cheap?

>> No.45138262

Nah they made a tifa doll and didn't even bother giving her huge knockers.
It's like they deliberately ignored her defining character trait, even in a context it would have been most relevant
They ain't worth the money

>> No.45138289

Best thing to do would be to simply buy the gamelady head if you're absolutely set on it, and then stick it into a better body with good proportions and massive tits.

>> No.45138547

They must have based it on the nerfed remake Tifa kek.

>> No.45139042

that is not what my doll said
read the thread

>> No.45139309

Someone give me fashion ideas for cunny.

>> No.45139368

blonde hair, blue eyes, nice face. thats it. call her sasha from the haguhagu artist

>> No.45139510


>> No.45139723
File: 100 KB, 1006x1301, 88e49a2d3d449edb65a679d0de01f8ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45139747

Based choice. I got some of these for my doll and the back flap is just for show. The adult size has a working flap though.

>> No.45139982

Disappointing. Learn to sew I guess.

>> No.45140057

White sundress (shear)
White sun hat
White side ties

>> No.45140123

so i finally got around to e-mailing motsutoys about restocking tomax holes
they told me that tomax take so long to make their stuff and their profit margins are so thin they have no plans to restock them
so tomax is off the menu in Europe unless you want to use a proxy service i guess

>> No.45140170
File: 95 KB, 750x1012, 1695250574189738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 days till my plush girlfriend comes in the mail
>bought her a lacy out fit to wear when she arives
>haven't fapped in a while to build up the inaugural load
I shouldn't be this excited for what essentially is a shapely muppet. If her face is too rough I have a mask I can get quickly to make her look more human
the wait is putting me on edge

>> No.45140255

I actually did make the adult version smaller, but it was a lot of work. I need to buy another set this Christmas and do it again so all my dolls have matching onesies.

>> No.45140658
File: 507 KB, 2034x4160, cunnydoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catdoll best doll

>> No.45140939
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>> No.45140982

>>haven't fapped in a while to build up the inaugural load
That's not how it works and you're just going to cum right away
Drink lots of water, eat some yogurt and lean protein, and massage your balls and taint to increase blood flow in the area
The day before she arrives you can hold off on cumming but anything beyond that is wasted effort since your body doesn't just continue to produce and store cum if you aren't ejaculating

>> No.45141065
File: 2.93 MB, 1058x1511, funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45141072

so fucking hot bro i need cunny right now

>> No.45141074
File: 2.05 MB, 946x1142, cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45141079
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>> No.45141126
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>> No.45141145

fuck I need a toki wife...

>> No.45141610

as soon as they unlock durable silicone with tpe softness ..... as soon a they do this, I'm buying ten new dolls.

>> No.45141616

I'm going to kill myself

>> No.45141726

>doll thigh gap area skin breaks
between the leg and pussy
>spread legs at like a 45 degree angle
>close legs
>looks nice
>once use and skin rebreaks
>repeat 45 degree heatgun thing
>leave legs open
>looks like 3 vaginas but the tear is not getting worse after like a week
im scared bros

>> No.45141940 [SPOILER] 
File: 337 KB, 1536x2048, 20231103_225052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45141954

This is insane.

>> No.45141980

brand, model, head, vendor

>> No.45141991


>> No.45142000

I don't think I've ever been sold on a product this fast. Lord, forgive me for what I am about to do.

>> No.45142064
File: 73 KB, 1200x1200, sponedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how hard I try my doll will never feel my efforts into making her feel good.

>> No.45142073

Dude has like 6 dolls but after getting this one it's all he has posted. Truly the cunny to them all.

>> No.45142077

The video of him blowing inside of her after 3 seconds and the tiniest motion is pretty funny
He has this massive doll collection and quickshots in the bratty cunny in 3 seconds

>> No.45142091

thanks anon i found my next doll

>> No.45142100

Very versatile.

>> No.45142115

It's about the love

>> No.45142134

>The video of him blowing inside of her after 3 seconds and the tiniest motion is pretty funny
wait really? is it on his twitter or some other site

>> No.45142141


>> No.45142147

I would too. Brat too strong.

>> No.45142148

Are you sure? seems like just a short clip

>> No.45142155

The tweet says "Only 3 seconds man" with a crying emoji so yeah I think so

>> No.45142194

Do US delivery guys recognize dolls when they see the box yet? According to 22doll you're getting a "your new wife is here" in China when you're getting it delivered.

>> No.45142229

>have not powdered my dolls in like 5 months
>do so
>big difference
>also the amount of lint and hair that was coming off their genitals, breasts and mouth because of the powdering

>> No.45142516

I get that powdering is an essential part of maintenance, but I also see people mentioning "oiling". Wouldn't that be counter-productive to the powdering?

>> No.45142618

>oil first
>keeps TPE elastic and healthy
>powder after letting oil absorb into the dolls skin
>makes skin soft instead of sticky, helps seal the oil in ensuring the dolls lasts longer
If you do the process backwards you'll end up with a big mess on your hands, so don't be retarded and make sure you follow the steps in order.

>> No.45142677

I would be they do especially by now. Doesn't mean they're always certain I just got a bunch of heavy as fuck furniture from amazon. Fuckdolls all come in the same box style though. I don't give a shit anyways as I am never gonna see that driver again. And most of the time they just drop it at my door and leave. It's a bit of a tense moment when you're waiting to get that doll. Your balls are clenching knowing it's coming. Your mind is thinking about your neighbors and seeing some dude who's handing you a $1k++ sex toy. Then reality sinks in as the day is here and this shit is inevitable, nothing can stop it. Suddenly they arrive, drop off your doll, and get the fuck out. It's like 5 minutes for all that worry and you're sliding your box around for your unboxing.

Totally worth it my dude.

Now when neighbors in general catch up to this I might be out of the hobby lol.

>> No.45142691

>I would bet they do

>> No.45142749

Is that a fudoll or a shedoll?

>> No.45142758

What kind of oil is used/recommended and how long does it typically take to absorb? I can't imagine it's a good idea to just spray down a doll with WD-40.

>> No.45142773

You're glowing sweetie.

>> No.45142813

Yeah idk about 2k for a head man. I'll try spirit gum and real hollywood costume ears before I go there. It's weird though how if it's not actually molded right in it's not actually an elf. Sanui told me to "just get costume ears" and I was like it's not the fuckin same man. But maybe if I weld them on it'll be the same. That's my last step if I can't find the perfect match in the next year.

>> No.45142817

mineral oil and only for tpe dolls

>> No.45142830

Regular baby oil, scented is fine as well. Basically what you would be doing is pouring some into your hands and giving her a full body rub down/massage then standing her up with a towel underneath her for an hour or two and then you would start the powdering process

>> No.45142861
File: 654 KB, 3024x4032, 142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudoll 136

>> No.45143065

Seems reasonable. This is like once every month or two, right?

I'm not well versed in mineral oils. Does baby oil, as recommended by the other reply count? It is a TPE doll that I plan to get and I'd like to make sure I'm not messing it up early on.

>> No.45143094

>This is like once every month or two, right?
Nah, that's far too often. You'll want to treat them anywhere from 4 to 6 months depending on the climate where you live and their storage conditions. Also baby oil is mineral oil.

>> No.45143101

my delivery guy has delivered tens of thousands of dollars worth of ammunition to my house. I'm more worried about that than the dolls, what with all the WARNING:EXPLOSIVES labels, and the massive weight and size of the packages.

Ask anyone who works for amazon, dildos and onaholes are getting shipped every single day to loads of people. If the delivery guy is delivering enough sex dolls to know what's in the box, that means you're far from the only person buying one and it's not THAT weird.

>> No.45143103

Thanks, good to know.

>> No.45143346
File: 188 KB, 689x1033, f4e9df75f4789e87f7f9fbc98fb34ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this martys mom from back to the future?

>> No.45143766

i have a number of costume ears i use on my Sanhui, it def aint the same.

>> No.45143856
File: 429 KB, 1298x1597, she doll elfuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mineral oil is mineral oil and that is the only ingredient. Johnson and Johnson sells a lavender scented one if you like the scent. If you have a stinky tpe doll it can help. You don't need to use it often. It's like a ritual you do once every three to six months. Cleaning and powdering is far more important.
Very cool anon silicone or tpe? How's the tactile experience?
if they can come off it just doesn't do it. I have no idea why. you just know they're fake. Even just thinking about applying them like a professional costume artist doesn't do it for me. Good news for me maybe: I'm really into picrel. Might do custom eyes.

>> No.45144006

that tweet doesnt work

>> No.45144013 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45144020 [SPOILER] 
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Post pics and doll brand.

>> No.45144043

Audibly kek'd, is this your OC, anon?

>> No.45144061
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1038, Lars.and.the.Real.Girl.2007.BluRay.1080p.x264.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-HDC.mkv_snapshot_00.38.49_[2023.01.21_18.57.13].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iwn go to church with my dollwife

>> No.45144085


>> No.45144135

make a paste out of tpe glue so you can fill instead of just seal.

>> No.45144207

>Tfw just bought a Julia+ like 2 weeks ago
>Very little use
>It aready fucking broke; there's a hole in my ona
I'm upset. my last Julia lasted me way longer.
Any recommendations of any good, lasting onaholes? My dick isn't that big I can't fathom why it even broke.

>> No.45144461 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45144904

It's such a pain in the ass finding outfits small enough.

>> No.45145001

Yeah, for some reason it's hard to find child sized sexy outfits.

>> No.45145348
File: 65 KB, 390x390, 1694642613960066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My onahole reeks of cum and mold from not cleaning it properly so I'm forced to use my hand to jack off and it feels so weird after using nothing but ona's for a whole year. i have to wait till my NEETBUX comes in next week to buy another one

>> No.45145489

Can't we cancel these clothing brands? Everyone should be able to feel sexy.

>> No.45145652

>reeks of cum and mold
Just like a real woman. Don't let that stop you.

>> No.45146838
File: 373 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_4267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elsababe has their princesses I’m pretty sure one of those would function as peach with the right skin tone and wig.

>> No.45147936

>buy 2 fleshlights just because I want to try something else
>They're not even remotely close to being as good as my meiki zxy onahole

Money lost lol, western toys are a complete meme I guess

>> No.45147977

Try wrapping the inner TPE sleeve in a towel instead of using the plastic case. That's what I used to do when I had fleshlights.

>> No.45148150

I'll try that out ty, might make quite a difference. I do like the plastic case but it affects the overall feel for sure

>> No.45148738

I'll think about it

>> No.45149240

What are the prices of like international shipping from something like toydemon? I've been looking at items I want from European vendors, but toydemon has like all of them on discount. Also the european vendor in the faq is 45 shipping lolz.

>> No.45149372

Use amazon.jp

>> No.45149845

Why the fuck is Onatsuyu constantly out of stock on Motsutoys? Do I just order it and hope they restock it for me?

>> No.45150001
File: 1.30 MB, 3898x2110, c8fe4d76-5e5d-488c-943c-f6f9c74e65f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked a fudoll for a full-body picture with the head on the right and got sent the photo on the left. I was a bit disappointed. Would the right face be recreatable with make-up or did they make it look like that through photoshop and angle/lightning tricks?

>> No.45150021

Get a femidom.

>> No.45150035
File: 1.05 MB, 4017x2110, c8fe4d76-5e5d-488c-943c-f6f9c74e65f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one, this time with matching eye-colors. The skin looks vaguely pink around the cheeks and eyes. The lips look much redder and thicker. And the eyes seem much larger.

>> No.45150123

This is one of the many issues with silicone, it looks amazing in the product photos that have been meticulously painted and the shine removed, but the real thing is kinda plastic looking because of the shine.

That said, the low res and blurriness of the left image is working in its favour and the differing angle will be playing a role.

>> No.45150175

It's just a case of them applying makeup when shooting. There's also some services that specialize in makeup for dolls so you could get a similar outcome for the right price (usually the ones I see have their own heads they sell though).
For fudoll Twitter is your best shot to find real photos from owners.

>> No.45150191
File: 94 KB, 1000x812, fudoll-148cm-head-j8-silicone-sex-doll-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out that they did have high-quality photo's of the doll on another website

>> No.45150833

never trust marketing photos

>> No.45150886

Reminder that learning how to apply make up can make your doll go from uncanny to 10/10
Real women do it to not look like monsters

>> No.45151072

Can you just use cheap make-up that you can buy anywhere? And you can just leave it on?

>> No.45151089

Silicone doesn't get as dirty as TPE or real skin, unless you smudge the makeup it'll last a while, the makeup the doll comes with isn't that different from regular makeup, just applied by people who know what they are doing.

>> No.45151294

yeah especially when you are just starting out. think of it as painting more than makeup. and then learn the chick stuff. for tpe dolls you have to go all powder makeup. silicone can use liquid makeups too.
basically that order. eyelashes are a pain but once you get it you get it. takes a still hand and some practice. there's a billion tutorials online after that if you want to get good at painting your dolls face. to start get some foundation, blush, and brushes. all of this is dirt cheap so you can fuck up and retry as much as you like. once the doll is painted apply baby powder and this will seal it in. wipe the lips and apply lip gloss. for nipples on tpe you can use lip gloss in a hurry (important when horny). or if you use a powder you can seal it with baby powder. I find that nipples look better after it wears off a bit. doll manufacturers will use powders to shade body curves and features too. I haven't but it can look really good in good lighting.

>> No.45151309

imo eyeliner is where the real magic happens
Also is foundation nessisary? The dolls skin is inherently unblemished

>> No.45151334

a little blush is just fine with eyeliner, huge upgrade. but yes you should learn to use some foundation it takes a second and changes the palette up for the next layer. the real trick is matching colors and not making a clown. I want to get really good at makeup someday but for now just getting the basics down is enough. doing really good eyeshadows does make a huge difference. freckles, birthmarks, and on.

>> No.45151376

not sure where to ask but is there a dog cookie ona? if so where

>> No.45151400

Bad dragon has you there
Its just not well priced

>> No.45151430

I see like maybe one? is that it

>> No.45151439

How many dog vaginas do you need bro

>> No.45151446

bro I just wanna see what's out there besides bad dragon stuff

>> No.45151507

Bro its made by furries, you aren't going to get much more authetic than that without buying a bitch
They know their stuff

>> No.45151622

understatement of the decade, bad dragon milks the furry tax so hard for an extremely mediocre product

>> No.45151734

I actually met the owner of bad dragon at a business conference. Dude was way up in my face and I was backed against a heat lamp and a giant crowd. The friend who introduced us made some uncomfortable jokes about European culture as I pushed myself away. Week later I saw his butthole on /b/.

True story.

>> No.45151750

>furries being degenerate faggots
Color me shocked, next you will say troons are just doing it because they are coom fried incels

>> No.45151869

It's just lighting bro. One picture is dim the other is in a bright factory.

>> No.45151910

>next you will say troons are just doing it because they are coom fried incels
thats the best explanation of trannies Ive ever heard

>> No.45151945
File: 105 KB, 600x839, IMG_3590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are various brands out there like American meat. You’re going to have to look at places that make stuff for furries. Most of them do pony stuff for stuffed ponies only a few k9 toys and even then they are way too realistic looking for my taste (I briefly considered a cartoony fortune cookie for Isabel but no one makes it)

Most of them will be silicone though and that’s totally different from the TPE used in onaholes. I know there are cosmetic inserts made for fur suits that plug into a vagina so you could pair that with an Elsa babe furry doll head.

>> No.45151956

That's why I buy non sexy child sized outfits like bikinis.

>> No.45152166

It's really not but you have to be smarter than the search bar you're working with. Then after this you have to accept some level of experimentation and that some purchases won't work. Just like anyone shopping for clothing really. Once you find things you like building wishlists and exploring similar items using keywords helps a lot. Knowing a little bit about sizing and materials is the biggest hurdle. Spend some time figuring this out and finding items becomes easier. Then curate catalogues on your wishlists. Go back to them later and remove items that didn't really fit. Then make some purchases. Never spend money you aren't willing to throw away.

>> No.45153041


Website must be run by a paranoiac.

>> No.45153162

I love this body but still cannot get over the Aotume faces.

I should get a smol doll. What's the current meta there? Still just catdoll?

>> No.45153236

definitely catdoll

>> No.45153402

Catdoll, AXB if you're on a budget

>> No.45153435
File: 474 KB, 747x1600, Fzo7dmOaEAA4tLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guava (but not their bodies)

>> No.45153455

Got it. Where's a good place to do research? Seems like most sites, if they even carry catdoll, don't have any explicit pictures or videos.

>> No.45153486

My muppet gf came in the mail early today. Who wants to see her

>> No.45153491

Why don't you get things started on the Muppet Show tonight!

>> No.45153498
File: 3.53 MB, 4032x3024, 20231104_193821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not as ugly as I was fearing but I might get her a mask anyways.
I might have messed up stuffing her but I rather like her shape atm. Hate the red they used for the nips but doen the road I'm going to get her silicone tits

>> No.45153508


>> No.45153509
File: 1.67 MB, 2451x3816, 20231104_194227~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This angle makes her a lot more inviting but I may have gone overboard on her ass size
>mfw the image had to be cropped because size
Her ona is heating now

>> No.45153522

She's mainly going to be a cuddle buddy but I will bang her a lot. She's easy to hide, easy to clean, soft af and warm for the coming winter.
I even thought of a retarded backstory for her.
She used to be on public television till she got fired. I don't know what for but I do know my numbers and letters now

>> No.45153716

Here's the doll channels second site, they had to hide all their small dolls there

>> No.45153836

>kuma-doll (jp site)
>doll channel
email vendors for photos, ask for factories, videos, and "customer photos" specifically. hashtag the brands on social media.

>> No.45153845

Took her for her first ride. I think I might have over packed her. She is TIGHT like so much so getting her heated and lubed ona in her wasn't easy. Also glad I had her on top of me. As soon as I pulled out she emptied onto my shorts but not onto herself.
I'm sure a tpe doll would be a better lover but for now this Ona holder/pillow will do just fine
Any ideas for costumes?

>> No.45153970

Athletic wear, it'll help shape her into a more pleasing form as an added bonus
I'm talking yoga short, tank tops, sports bras that sort of thing

>> No.45154024

Garbage seller btw, no communication/ factory photos and i had to pay import taxes myself

>> No.45154052

Catdoll/axb for pedo
Fudoll/irokbenjin for a anime Loli
My Loli waifu for the in between

>> No.45154134

That might work well.
She's kinda fun to just have around. Like sitting her on my lap or just laying next to her on the bed is really... calming

>> No.45154190

I'm looking for decent looking torso, stuff like Hanidoll has, not exactly full dolls. Sexdollstation has only one torso that I think looks good while Hanidoll has four

>> No.45154238

You sound touch starved anon, have fun cuddling and fucking your pillow wife

>> No.45154371

I really am.
Haven't had a girlfriend for over a year. This muppet might be my gf for a while but I ain't giving up

>> No.45154421
File: 38 KB, 440x587, e43a836072b3fa99887102507b386568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you could find some solace anon, having something like her to cuddle really does help a lot. I remember when I got my daki ages ago it made a big difference in my sleep, same thing with a plush torso I got later.

I see you're finding the same comfort, maybe better!
I actually wish I could say the same for my old silicone doll lol

(pic unrelated)

>> No.45154470
File: 88 KB, 640x959, FlnsCQO8-p8SzoENhWwd6xiLsFPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us don't live in cunts or states that ban loli dolls, anon :3

It's weird you would accuse those two random posts of glowing when this thread is so full of lolidoll shit to begin with btw lol

Anyway so I'm not shitting the thread up,
I really did buy a Nahida doll, guess I'll just have to prove her when she's here.
I almost got this exact one-
But went with a plush one in the end cause of both cost and realizing my last experience with a silicone doll made her kind of a waste. (Too heavy, too easily damaged, etc)

I'll stop blogposting about my Nahida now, I'm just too hyped and don't have many people to talk about her with obviously, lol

>> No.45154474

are dual hole onaholes a meme?

>> No.45154489

No personal experience but from what I've heard, yes. I remember reading they tend to break/tear a lot more easily. Hopefully an anon that actually has one can answer for you though.

Although I must admit I don't know if you just mean the ones with holes on both ends? If you mean those then I would imagine the biggest issue is just cleanup/mess making issues on finish and potentially during.

>> No.45154809

Q: are those "legless"/quad amputee torso dolls worth it? I feel like with the legs you can do a bit more with it but idk
any tips?

>> No.45154917

I used to have a plush torso that was essentially a glorified pillow that holds onaholes, I overpaid by a lot for the damn thing but yes, they definitely do add a bit to your fapping experience. Issue with mine was the price. This was some years ago, like 2016, but I paid about 270 bucks or something and nowadays that's less than a hundred bucks away from a nice full custom anime plush loli (maybe even full size) doll with all the limbs etc... No idea how torsos are priced now tbf.

Personally I would say go for it if you're interested- but don't be retarded like me and pay more than like 150~ bucks or so, cause then youre only another hundred and change away from a full doll. And personally I'd recommend a plush one cause it makes for nice cuddles on top of being able to put whatever Ona you want in it.

>> No.45155084
File: 78 KB, 1024x980, 1658354983257863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's not as ugly

Are you sure about that?

>> No.45155267

>buy a metal storage shelf that you have to put together yourself
>put the torso on the shelf at your ideal height
>full body standing experience!
>when someone asks why you have an empty shelf in the middle of your room, give them the 100 yard stare

god help me

>> No.45156190

lol here I was thinking everyone was being so nice, be nice to OP alright? Beauty is just a light switch away!

>> No.45156190,1 [INTERNAL] 

When it comes to sex, everyone likes to have a partner with markedly desirable body features. A hot figure and arousing body appeals to every single one of us because they are natural triggers of our sex hormones. That is why sex fuck dolls are designed to give your sex hormones a spike with their tantalizing body features. A sex doll is often customized according individual preferences and that’s why it should have all the characters you want that can set your soul on fire. Whether you like skinny or a busty babe to be your partner, your sex doll is going to have exactly the same persona. In general their bodies are designed to make them highly seductive with a visual appeal so you feel attracted to your sex doll every time you look at her. You will never have to worry about your doll getting out of shape.
