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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4508166 No.4508166 [Reply] [Original]

>playing a vn
>given a choice between blowing one of two girls off to hang out with the other
>immediately alt-tab and browse the web while thinking about it for an hour or so

Am I the only one who does this?

>> No.4508169

>immediately alt-tab to walkthrough

>> No.4508193

I only have one waifu per VN. I play one route and them delete it forever.

>> No.4508202

Obviously you save at that point, choose one option, and if you realize you don't like the girl go back and choose the other option.

Then you find out the MC does it anyway.

>> No.4508217

The worst thing is when you are railroaded into the route of a girl we don't like. Kinda like the near-side routes when you first play Tsukihime.

>> No.4508234

I usually just pick the one that annoys me the least

>> No.4508236

I always save when I have to make choices. So I can test all of them to see what happens.

I usually focus in one girl and after completing the VN with her route I don't play again, because I'm still attracted by that heroine and can't play unless I go for her route.

>> No.4508240

I choose whatever I feel like on my first play through.

>> No.4508255

Specially when it's one of those VNs in which the girl that isn't chosen get a terrible end.

>> No.4508288

that's a serious problem, i usually try to work around it by pursuing the lesser heroines first

>> No.4508343

I usually just flip a coin.

>> No.4508740

I prefer to play VNs as if I really am the protagonist. Of course, with me being me, this pretty much always results in getting axe-murdered.

>> No.4508746

I treat VNs like real life, there are no saves in real life.

>> No.4508753

I don't alt-tab. I get up out of my chair and walk around my room for a while.

I also do this when "oh shit son" moments happen in books or comics.

>> No.4508761

Fuck, I do this too, all the time.

>> No.4508768

>Am I the only one who does this?
Green-text "blogging" on /jp/? Yup, you are.

Please leave or reform yourself.

>> No.4508781

suck it bitch, i'm staying here and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.4508783

Yeah, I do the pacing thing all the time too. But I don't usually save, too much of a pain. I'll just play through again to get other endings.

Also, I wish people would stop doing that green-text actions stuff, if you're from /a/b/v/ you could at least try to hide it.

>> No.4508784


That's a bold-faced lie.

>> No.4508792


Me too. I tend to pause an episode because I'm just unable to watch on.

>> No.4508796 [DELETED] 

Remove the illegal clone subdomain and all of its files from your server, moot. Immediately stop spamming and cloning www. Anõñ+åIK .com.

>> No.4508805

I spin my chair for a while when that happens.

>> No.4508812

Save and see paths for both.

>> No.4508845

You're right. More than just one guy does it on /jp/ (after all there's nothing that can be done about /jp/ and /v/ cross board browsers), but if we don't take a stand, our quality will continue to drop.

People providing serious responses are basically condoning his behavior. Well, if you want to hasten /jp/'s decline into further /b/ territory, be my guest.

>> No.4508930

What's wrong with using > to change the colour of some lines for reasons other than quoting?

>> No.4508964

Well, you know, it is for quoting. Why can't we just use it as intended? There is a million other ways to tell people what you've done without using quotes.

>> No.4508981
File: 618 KB, 1024x576, Sion is armed and deadly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical newfriend.

Note how it misuses quotes.

>> No.4509016

>implying that I am a ``newfag''

Someone needs to experience the pleasure of being cummed inside.

Attention, attention: People have referred to ``>stuff'' as ``green-text'' as far back as 2007. You are the newfags, people have been ``misusing'' the quotes for years.

>> No.4509032
File: 218 KB, 476x270, 1236627927173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troll in a thread with greentext about greentext
>get greentext'ed yourself

>> No.4509038

So just because it's general consensus, that means it's automatically "correct"?

>> No.4509050
File: 32 KB, 220x240, inko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509048


Shut up, fake ``oldfag.''

>> No.4509071 [SPOILER] 
File: 358 KB, 600x950, Tge27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509087

>Am I the only one who does this?
Why do you do it? You feel that you need walkthroughs, instead of going by what you feel and venture into the unknown?

>> No.4509108


Read the post more carefully. You should be able to infer through the phrase "while thinking about it for an hour or so" that I'm not using a walkthrough.

>> No.4509131

I love those. "Oh hey, you didn't go out with her! NOW SHE'S RAPED TO DEAD INSIDE"

>> No.4509132
File: 143 KB, 800x600, how_quaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How quaint! They really think this place is theirs!

Get out of /jp/, and leave my /prog/ alone while you're at it.

>> No.4509136



>> No.4509138

Not really, I'd just rather not have it turn into /v/.

>> No.4509149

Fuck I'm not the only one then.

>> No.4509225

Most of the time, I'm planning to replay it anyway (at least until I get the ends of all the girls I like), so I have decided beforehand, and the worst that could happen is that a choice makes me want to go for another route instead,.

Happens once in a while with some choices in games, though, since I rarely replay them. Usually those "kill the villain begging for his life or show him mercy" choices. I'll sit for a few minutes considering whether he'd really become a better person if I let him go, and whether I want to be the kind of person who shows mercy or not, and whether it'd be worse to kill a man who's willing to become a good guy or to spare a man who will just continue his misdeeds as soon as he leaves my sight. After considering all this, I still can't find a decision I'm happy with, and I go check a walkthrough to see what the consequences are. If there are none, or they are not notable enough, I think about it for a few more minutes, until finally concluding that I'll forget about it after having made the choice and just make the decision that strikes me first.
