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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 348 KB, 1920x1080, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45023276 No.45023276 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44986104

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45023285

hurry the fuck up avesta

>> No.45023307
File: 251 KB, 1605x905, 幕末尽忠報国烈士伝 MIBUROMIBURO (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The decision to make Chusingura BnK canon to the events of Miburo, but NOT actually show any of those events despite how important they are to the character development of the main four shinsengumi girls, so now it's all just directly told to MC is one of the strangest decision I've seen a VN make. They outright have the characters go
>Hey Ken we're off to have a big fight
>Hey Ken we're back from the big fight, it completely changed our outlook on life and what it means to be a samurai, also we fought these people who were supposed to have died a century and a half ago, pretty nuts right?
Weirdly, this bothers me more than Kasumi showing up, because that's a cameo while this is vital character development for the main heroines happening completely offscreen (or technically on-screen in a different game).

>> No.45023755

>The best thing about Japan is how easily you can live by yourself, in a working society, largely unbothered by anyone.
What about how easy it is to get pussy?

>> No.45023995

If you have to ask, then give up on 3DPD.

>> No.45024003


>> No.45024049

I think he was saying that's one of the best things about Japan

>> No.45024127

If he still thinks he can Charisma Man his way into getting a harem there, then he's on a one way street to bitching at a gaijin bar.

>> No.45024171
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>> No.45024182
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>> No.45024312

Did they talk about where and how it will get released?

>> No.45024641 [SPOILER] 
File: 186 KB, 580x681, 1698032840386013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45024727

>he says while posting in a child's bedroom.

>> No.45024771

2 parts, first one before the end of the year, second one somewhere in Winter next year

>> No.45024785

Hmm, not much time then. Likely gonna get enki'd.

And do they plan a phusical release? Or what online stores?

>> No.45024789

iirc online stores only, no physical release

>> No.45024808


>> No.45024857
File: 10 KB, 618x84, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life wisdom by Yukito-sensei.

>> No.45027179

There is something strangely hot about a woman with huge boobs using ore

>> No.45027485
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, vnr-capture-1920x1080-20231023-125141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so thankful Realive has alot of phone text scenes that can't be hooked to MTL, forcing me to translate them myself, I keep catching myself smiling when I realise I can understand some of it.

Can anyone tell me all the VNs that are heavy on stuff like this?

>> No.45027515

All VNs are like that when you're not a hookcuck.

>> No.45027518

>vnr capture

>> No.45027540

Are you seriously trying to mock me for wanting to learn japanese?

>> No.45027576

> vnr
> mtl
> learning

>> No.45027578

>What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

I'm currently reading Stein's Gate. I'm already at chapter 7 and I'll be finishing the whole thing before November.

With my current reading speed in jp, it takes more or less 30 days to finish mid length VNs fluctuating between 5k~10k chars per hour at >5 hours a day.

After Steins, my candidates for the next VN to read are Muv luv trilogy, Summer pockets, Totono, and Little Busters.

>> No.45027633

Is that mtl shit?

>> No.45027644

Lmao, AI makes so many idiots seethe into oblivion. What's the matter? Embarrassed you had to spend years of your life learning a language that AI can translate in seconds? Hahaha, go complain with the artcucks.

>> No.45027677
File: 950 KB, 800x868, 1689442096232879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45027685

JOPsisters... we lost

>> No.45027686

Sorry bro, I can respect EOPs because I was one in the past too, but mtl scum are just trash and deep down you know you are. This is the only post you will get from me. Feel honored

>> No.45027695

Uhh EOPbros?? Our response?

>> No.45027697

>Is that mtl shit?

>> No.45027698
File: 114 KB, 297x383, 1673825309177338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45027700

>I keep catching myself smiling when I realise I can understand some of it.
Post your translation of those lines in your screenshot.

>> No.45027712

Nothing of worth is being said by these characters, therfore nothing of worth is lost.

>> No.45027719
File: 490 KB, 1020x780, 1684238647353971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Embarrassed you had to spend years of your life learning a language that AI can translate in seconds?

>> No.45027725

Damn bro, you're getting dabbed on. :(
But no matter. The important thing is that you're progressing. Just don't use machine translation tools, they don't lead to proficiency.

>> No.45027760

>Post your translation of those lines in your screenshot.
Faruko: I love some of you. (idk what that kanji is so i skipped the rest of the line)
Faruko: Lies. You are you.
Faruko: I (idk that kanji) everyone human started to love
Itasu: Sempai...
Itasu: So lonely... I am about to puke...
Itasu: But I love you a lot....
itasu: I think about Atashi (weird name) a lot.
Itasu: Sempai... fight me please...
Itasu: You really wanna be a knight together with me?
Faruko: Yes.
Faruko: Not really.

>> No.45027768

Yeah, majority of the learning is sitting through the confusion until it somehow makes sense.

>> No.45027774

Any less toxic place for learners like me?

>> No.45027787

djt probably

>> No.45027791

Anons seem to get enraged at the mention of MTL, cope and seethe. I've enjoyed nearly 200 VNs (you little bitch) with no difficulty using MTL and what other actual knowledge I have of the language as a supplement.

I do still want to become fluent without the need of MTL but for that to happen I need a compelling reason to drop MTL, since there has never been a need to not use it, If it's an available tool that minimizes the effort I need to put into reading, VNs that have unhookable text is that reason I've found.

>> No.45027795

>Faruko: I (idk that kanji)
Anon, that's one of the heroine's names. How can you say you're learning anything if you don't even know that this far into the game?

>> No.45027798


>> No.45027801

Google TheMoeWay discord server, it's a sterile place for all kinds of redditors and mtlers

>> No.45027807

Ive been reading english text until I got to that screen

>> No.45027809

Not my job to translate for you anon. Get back to your Duolingo reps.

>> No.45027812

Must be infest with tranny

>> No.45027821

Cool, but how will that help you when some black decides to stab you?

>> No.45027842

(Not the anon you replied to)
It might be better that you don't join any community after you'e grabbed all the tools and resources and just proceed on inputting on your own. Most of the things related to grammar are searchable and the stuff that don't immediately makes sense will somehow do after continued immersion.

>> No.45027850

america lives in your head rent free

>> No.45027851 [DELETED] 

>wonder there are 31 replies out of nowhere
>discord raid
Should we fucking raid the hololive thread so the mods can do something?

>> No.45027861

Goodbye, anon.

>> No.45027869

>I've enjoyed nearly 200 VNs
What's the hardest eroge you've read using that shit? Let's discuss it to see how much you enjoyed it

>> No.45027888

It's been a while but I think Flyable Heart had some strangely hard to mtl sentences I had to personally translate. But I think the most difficult one was Rui wa Tomo, since it had kanji jokes, I actually remember being pretty happy that I could understand some of them.

>> No.45027899

>Flyable Heart
This has to be a troll.

>> No.45027908

Might have been bad inputs and slang I don't remember.

>> No.45027917

It's not the holofags, it's the VN leddit fags.

>> No.45027926
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, EyXEhQJX90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you understand this?

>> No.45027929

Bro just how much iq you need to have to mtl a game with one of the highest amounts of untranslatable puns and slang?

>> No.45027940

Doubt that DJT will be welcoming to mtl users. Are they?

>> No.45027944

If you get so happy when you can understand Japanese, why don't you, I don't know... Learn Japanese?

>> No.45027961

What i meant is that mods only care about shitposting when it affects their vtumor general, they dont care about any other threads in the board.

>> No.45027967

I know saying MTL is like flying a red flag to a bull anon, but I said before that I have some JP study besides that. It wasn't that difficult.

>> No.45027968

Dunno I only saw that thread in catalog

>> No.45027979

Why did you reply with a completely unrelated statement?

>> No.45027990

Still can't see past the red flag huh?

>> No.45027995

Apparently you didn't understand this >>45027926 so I can only tell you: ngmi. ruitomo has a lot of references that you can only understand if you are really immersed in the language and culture. I'm sorry to tell you that you've wasted a lot of time of your life without really understanding what makes that game great

>> No.45028006

How do MTLfags fail to understand there's more to a story than understanding basic plot points? You might as well just read a plot synopsis instead.

>> No.45028012

Can you slow fucks stop replying to bait

>> No.45028014

Are you guys underage or just newfags? How retarded you need to be in order to fall for such obvious bait?

>> No.45028018

Oh, I didn't notice it.
Cat noises
incomprehensible animal noises remind me of a conversation
what did you say?
I am a cat

Wow, so difficult. (No I'm not giving you a literal translation fuck off.)

>> No.45028033

Someone is wakaruing nipponese using only a fraction of the effort I put into it!!! natekoto!!! How could this be happening to meeeeee!!!!!?????

lol, lmao

>> No.45028038

You can't be serious right? ....right?

>> No.45028040


>> No.45028045 [SPOILER] 

Your translation of your original screenshot says otherwise.

>> No.45028050

People who fail to recognize false flags like you are the reason the world is fucked.

>> No.45028073

Have you considered that maybe we're playing along and getting a laugh out of it? You know, because it makes you seethe?

>> No.45028081

>Oh no, I was only pretending to be retarded.
Is this... the power of fluent JOPs? Subarashi

>> No.45028082

The only thing that is incomprehensible to me is why mtlers keep coming here just to embrace themselves? Is it some kind of fetish when you enjoy everyone making fun of you?

>> No.45028093

Self-proclaimed jops.

>> No.45028096


>> No.45028105

To shit all over your JOPtranny circlejerk while you are powerless to stop us

>> No.45028117

I once had a dream I could understand Japanese and told a girl 愛してる, so I consider myself to be a JOP even if I use MTL.

>> No.45028138

If anything, I'm worried about trannies claiming my obscure 2000s nukige to be lgbtq+ friendly thus attracting more trannies to them, mtlers can stay.
>all the YnK series games do, it's great lesbians, gays, futas, transwomen, enby's, >and a whole bunch of kinky shit to go with

>> No.45028155

So let's discuss Visual novel. What vn you guys reading right now?

>> No.45028175

>Muv luv trilogy, Summer pockets, Totono, and Little Busters.

what are your thoughts on these 4? is there anything anyone would want to recommend?

>> No.45028179
File: 2.08 MB, 1681x945, ATRI-MyDearMoments-_23-10-2023 03-07-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Atri to prepare myself for being blueballed to death by Ginka

>> No.45028192

I don't like Key and I think the two Key games are the best out of these. That should tell you enough.

>> No.45028201

LB if you want kamige experience

>> No.45028202

seigiranman, it's pretty hot if nothing else
i haven't touched cube before but holy fuck the girls are thirsty
i wish you could've done an "evil" route with black snow but while i'm wishing for the impossible i'd also like a couple billion dollars

>> No.45028203

Let me guess. Like all all-ages eroge, this has erotic shop tokutens.

>> No.45028206

Your fault reading allage ge

>> No.45028210

Reading kishin hishou demonbane, somewhat annoying to run it on modern windows (keep reminding myself I should only use hotkeys for save-load), but it's really fun read so far. It's everything I love about demonbane. Nice sequel/fandisk.

>> No.45028228

Still a low price to pay for a flat white hair experience

>> No.45028236

is this you? https://m.twitch.tv/gambsgambs

>> No.45028249

Is the dude unironically streaming anki?

>> No.45028253
File: 1.85 MB, 1764x988, 3490234970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finishing up tenshi before mermaid friday

>> No.45028262

What the fuck am I watching

>> No.45028277

wow, he sucks at japanese

>> No.45028296


>> No.45028320

Time to not come to this thread for 3 more years.

>> No.45028359

Atri is shilled by 16Bit Sensation. It must be good.

>> No.45028696
File: 597 KB, 1273x705, 2023-10-10 10_25_54-それは舞い散る桜のように-Re_BIRTH- - Ver1.0.1 『アンニュイかぐらちゃん』.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slowly going through sorechiru re just now coming to terms with how much of a disappoint it is until realizing kagura is never getting a proper route written by Jackson and now I hate it again


>> No.45028726

Why do i hear Kamiya in the first seconds?

>> No.45028731

I mean, not even the 5 main heroines got proper routes.

>> No.45028747

Because it is, and the bro character is Midorikawa. Surprised they reprised their roles.

>> No.45028760

Damn i must play it now

>> No.45028818

You really should play the original.

>> No.45028861

Speaking about Kamiya, Togainu no chi ps2 version adds a new character voiced by him https://vndb.org/c81095
Wonder if it's safe to just play it instead and save time on skipping h scenes or it got some censored text like always

>> No.45028870

Bro, you gay or something?

>> No.45028944

Any VNs with lots of phone text between characters?

>> No.45028977

Turns out Sakura Moyu for Switch runs on Unity. Probably pointless to know, but I was interested in seeing if someone ported FVP to Switch.

>> No.45028983

Yet most of the heroines were changed? Sad.

>> No.45029035

persona 5

>> No.45029050

yubisaki connection had a fair bit
any vn that makes their own emojis wins points in my book

>> No.45029058

I mean, it was 20 years ago. Who knows how many of these VAs are even still active AND don't sound old.

>> No.45029075

Wait so in the remake they kept the same text but still changed the seiyus? So which cast is better overall?

>> No.45029086

Old one

>> No.45029117 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.66 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, I've read Yoruko route and now I'm in chapter 10 and Jesus. You feel fully, 100% Lucle'd, but no, then he goes for 200%. Or like 1000%.

Extreme spoilers for KamiMaho, don't open this. But it's good, this does answer things I've considered weird for a long time. And Ruri and Kisaki are truly good siblings.

Also Yoruko route was pretty good. Yoruko-chan was very cute ultimately. Also lol at that last stinger.

>> No.45029137
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, BGI_3SydgG0LMB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently finished 絆きらめく恋いろは (Tsubaki route) and dropped her fandisk because I didn't like it.
Currently reading 大図書館の羊飼い that anon uploaded a few threads ago and really liking it

>> No.45029139

But it doesn't seem like they changed or added much text, so there was no need to redo the voices.

>> No.45029143

You are going for Kanasuke first, right?

>> No.45029146

Love Kana.

>> No.45029173

Of course

>> No.45029186


>> No.45029194

True, I guess they didn't want to look that lazy (even though they obviously are)

>> No.45029195

Is there anything like VNR but in Japanese? Or English? But most importantly, you know, not abandoned?
It was a good program cause I have my stuff all over the place across hard drives and stuff, also sometimes I don't remember wtf a game was so having the little database thing that could at the very least pull up a cover pic was nice. Screen capturing was much easier as well.
Man I thought it was kinda bloated way back like 8 or 9 years ago but now I miss it.

>> No.45029227


>> No.45029268

Thank you. Could be prettier... but it looks like it serves its function

>> No.45029288

Make a folder and take screenshots with Ctrl + Win + S.

>> No.45029294

Time tracker is useless though because it keeps tracking in alttab

>> No.45029321

>100% Lucle'd

>> No.45029325

use gameplay time tracker for that

>> No.45029342

>he's never been lucled
it's an experience
don't hesitate, book your appointment today

>> No.45029391

Shit, can't just dump the main vn folder and get him to sort out exe, well, no way I'm doing it manually 200 times

>> No.45029432

Can take it slowly and add the ones you playing

>> No.45029460

I fucking love eroge so much!

>> No.45029480

Why even have 200 VNs installed at a time?

>> No.45029484

I recommend procrastitracker, used it for quite a long time because I like to compare my times with native and it has not given me any problem

>> No.45029515

>I like to compare my times with native
How is it going?

>> No.45029523

I just use manic time because every other i tried i couldn't be arsed setupping all shit

>> No.45029530

I download everything that gets posted here just in case I want to play it.

>> No.45029534

Do you not have a harddrive or something?

>> No.45029535

Too little; need more

>> No.45029542
File: 21 KB, 250x300, 94119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she get so many CGs within her H scenes, wtf is this favoritism?? They even gave my Kaya the worst cgs for her h-scenes, scenes where you couldn't even see her pussy at all. WTF!!!???

>> No.45029565

In general I am behind for about 5-6 hours approximately. It feels good to see how I have been closing the gap over time

>> No.45029568

Once i finish something i leave it installed and send the shortcut to the archive

>> No.45029572

I install a bunch that I intend to read within the next several months and then never uninstall anything after reading, but I don't install most of what I download. My hard drives are cluttered enough as is.

>> No.45029590

I instal every single vn i download to playtest if it's working fine

>> No.45029594

I got like 500 downloaded on my HDD, but I only install like 2 or 3 at most. Better focus that way.

>> No.45029595

you never know when an anime sharing ddl link is gonna go down making a VN lost forever
i mean not a problem if all you play is the newest yuzuges but, maybe even one day 10 years from now

>> No.45029596

I do this too except I uninstall games after I consider them finished. Usually this is 100% completion, but I have a bunch of games taking up space that I finished ages ago and can't be bothered going back to to finish side routes.

>> No.45029600

loli characters taking the L yet again. My whole life is filled with this trope, ever since I was a child and watched my first anime where the loli character my age I fell in love with lost, that trauma has lasted forever within me. I HATE LOLI HATERS, HATE, HATE, HATE

>> No.45029614

Yeah but you can backup games without installing them. In fact it's much better from a preservation standpoint to have a separate backup drive.

>> No.45029615

Best Lucle VN to start off with? Which one has the most BR suffering?

>> No.45029630

This is me. I often forget to play them since I jump to the next VN to test.

>> No.45029641

KamiMaho is pretty good. I can tell you that.

Don't worry, I got backups for all those doujin games someone uploaded here. Well, at least the ones I wanted.

>> No.45029651

Are you comparing to EGS times? If so those are underreported, so you're already close to natives.

>> No.45029659

best br suffering is probably lupercalia
best to start with is probably kamimaho
i will however shill unmei yohou as a personal rec

>> No.45029660

But the question is, are you willing to share them when requested?

>> No.45029681

Sure, why not?

I'll give you Mushi no Me Matsuri any time you want it.

>> No.45029694

Why don't they make VR VN's already?

>> No.45029709

I always come back to the finished games replaying some good scenes

>> No.45029719

I constantly support doujin circles and encourage others to also do so but I still DL all the doujinge I can find because sometimes the author just stops distributing. Good luck having others share those especially if it's gay shit like otome/bl
On the contrary if it's popular like TM and yuzusoft then there's no reason to hoard those

>> No.45029733

Lupercalia is a definition of br suffer but it is also really solid all the way through except for the ending being underwhelming
Kamimaho is more brutal overall but it has a pretty slow pacing

>> No.45029746

Give it to me since apparently i have lost it

>> No.45029756

Yes and no. I know some EGS users, so I compare my times with them and also use some jikkyou as a reference. The best incentive to keep improving is to reread the first eroge you experienced in japanese and see how much your speed and understanding has increased

>> No.45029757

There are a few all-ages ones

>> No.45029780

Unfortunate, defeats the point of it being in VR

>> No.45029790

I see. I guess it would also depend a lot on how much you care about voice acting.

>> No.45029800

>On the contrary if it's popular like TM and yuzusoft then there's no reason to hoard those
Bold words said by anon before WWIII started

>> No.45029802

Aren't there plenty of vr porn games on steam? they just don't really count as vn to add to vndb

>> No.45029823


You give me the HaruKuru and NatsuYuru extra games. 後ろめたい少女 and others. And the ones for the other two games as well, if they were shared.

>> No.45029844

What are those even? never heard of them

>> No.45029852

You're useless.

>> No.45029865

>extra games
> 後ろめたい少女
not on ab, can't be helped

>> No.45029886

It's not even on vndb and google doesn't give anything either..

>> No.45029895


You newfags are useless. We gathered these in like 2015 or so, but then I foolishly deleted them in one of my HDD purges. Oh well.

>> No.45029904

because theyre not VNs

>> No.45029908

I think I have the Harukuru one, but I remember when I played that game I wasn't able to get that working. Let me have a look.

>> No.45029922

It is what it is. I have no excuses.

>> No.45029939

Checking the game websites, there should be two, one for HaruKuru and one for NatsuYuru, the ones I linked here >>45029895

>> No.45029985

So yeah, I do have the Harukuru tokuten but it's the same as what's on nyaa, i.e. possibly a bad rip (if it's not something on my end)

>> No.45029992

Thanks for looking. It's okay then.

>> No.45030113

Because she's the best Purplesoft girl ever made

>> No.45030129

them there is fightin' words considering maia exists

>> No.45030154

Deceitful girls are always the worst in any VN.

>> No.45030191

Who is the Herman Melville of visual novel?

>> No.45030209


>> No.45030229

Doesn't translate. You'd better ask about studios but even then, I can't think of a studio that made the greatest visual novel ever but it was not recognized as such and then said studio made a few more very good visual novels largely ignored but now and then praised until they went out of business and the staff started to work at the Japanese customs service or something akin.

>> No.45030256
File: 759 KB, 617x696, 1625151210971564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her sibling better

>> No.45030260

I think KamiMaho has good pacing in the good parts. Chapter 3 and then from 7 onwards. 1 and 2 are okay as an introduction, but not too special. It's good that Lucle had the trial end at 3, cause that's the real good. 4, 5, 6 and Rio route are the weakest parts. The main idea in Rio's route is good and would make for a good main route in some different game, but here the route feels weak. And the actual drama gets ridiculous with her losing memory. It gets explained later, of course, but when you're reading, it's hard to take fully seriously.

>> No.45030306

Does Hapymaher have a good plot? I just read 40 hours of SOL and am desperate need of a plotge.

>> No.45030321

I remember scaji shilling it as the best game ever or something

>> No.45030334

I don't trust the opinions of chickenfuckers.

>> No.45030335

It was all right if you're playing for Maia

>> No.45030343

Our girl Konoha bought a copy in the first episode of her show.

>> No.45030356 [SPOILER] 
File: 816 KB, 1920x1080, sakutoki Ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lied. You are lying out of your ass. I just read this part and it was amazing from the beginning to the end. Surely it will keep up with the quality until the end.

>> No.45030370

it was most definitely not alright if you were playing it for maia
there was not enough maia and too much of girls that were not maia
the fandisk did not make up for it either

>> No.45030372

>he doesn't know

>> No.45030394
File: 146 KB, 1000x535, 31248c546e24ffce564aa60d75f98b26-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In have real life trauma of letting go of someone I loved's hand. I will never let go of Maia's hand.

>> No.45030407

there's something wrong with your screenshot anon, the font's all weird and unreadable

>> No.45030409

>School finds out about heroine and mc living together in their own homes
>Force them to split up
Do japs really?

>> No.45030428

It's uhh, cursive.

>> No.45030443
File: 207 KB, 800x1160, ur beutiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lies, i know cursive when i see it

>> No.45030499

It's bad for le public morals

>> No.45030503

I thought they wanted more kids over there?? Abe-sama nanikore??

>> No.45030506

Do you need to know about Japan's history to read Chusingura? (and Miburo I guess) Like ronin and shinsengumi stuff?

>> No.45030561
File: 1.20 MB, 1605x905, kuranosuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can go in with basically no background knowledge, they really enjoy explaining things to the reader. The only background I had going into it was having watched that shitty Keanu Reaves movie and I did just fine. Just be prepared to look things up occasionally as needed.

>> No.45030572
File: 29 KB, 753x707, 1633806708195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw finished another VN where I pretend to be the MC in a pathetic attempt to simulate the emotions felt when one is loved and loves another down to even masturbating when the sex scenes are played and cuming only when the MC cums in a vain farce of real intimacy.

>> No.45030611

author is being chuuni again

>> No.45030638
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1440, malie_09-10-2023 02-32-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The german tl of dies was pretty good quality

>> No.45030678
File: 61 KB, 680x680, 869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hop on /jp/ after a while of not looking at the board
>immediately see gold

Literally me.

>> No.45030720

Are there any games that use 80-90s english rock songs as bgm?

>> No.45030841
File: 5 KB, 1000x189, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Magpie is great. Thanks to that guy who recommended it.

Here's Sakura Moyu options screen with just whatever default upscaling it uses (nothing?) vs Magpie.

>> No.45030863

I had to sing that chuuni chant in elementary school

>> No.45030868

First game CG that shows right as you start the game.

>> No.45030893

Try to remove bicubic and add Restore_Soft_M

>> No.45030902

I'll try. Bicubic as second was what the guy first recommended and it's already great.

>> No.45030915

I keep bicubic for <720p games

>> No.45030961

Nice, it's even better.

So Anime4K_Upscale_UL as first, then Anime4K_Restore_Soft_M.

>> No.45030983

Putting bicubic between them works great for old games but sometimes can work for higher qualities too

>> No.45030986

What program you using to upscale on the fly?

>> No.45030988


>> No.45030993

I'll have to play around with it.

>> No.45031074

I didn't even know you could do multiple passes and stuff. I just use Lanczos for everything. Good enough for me.

>> No.45031110

Depends on your screen, if it's at least 2k you will start to notice differences

>> No.45031824

Anything good for 640 x 480? Those look like melted shit no matter what I've tried.

>> No.45031921

Try RAVU_Zoom_R3. It usually does a reasonably decent job if you don't like oversharpening and could tolerate some ringing.

>> No.45032028

The one 'classic' that could be easily adapted into eroge form is Don Quixote. I'm honestly surprised nobody has done it before, an eroge where the protagonist has read so many eroge that he believes he is an eroge protagonist and applies that logic to real life situations. I guess you have parody VNs, but none of them really go deep into that existential/metafictional side that made Don Quixote so famous. I've fantasized a lot about what a Don Quixote eroge would look like.

>> No.45032216

Takuji was so close to it

>> No.45032688

mtl is for untranslated games
This is the untranslated game thread

Simple as that. This is not DJT, no one needs to know japanese here. Even if you are an insecure sunk cost "jop" you have to accept learning dead languages is not something many want to do

>> No.45032818

I've thought about this too. Also an isekai novel version of this.

>> No.45032885

mtls are translations...

>> No.45032915

I want to play sakutoki again...

>> No.45032946

mtl is a tool, not a widely available translation for everyone. And even if that was the case, there is still discussion about translated VNs like Dies irae, you can discuss it wheter you read it in eng or jap, no one can tell the difference anyway.

>> No.45032950

I'm so tired of robots that are basically normal humans with the robot tag, are there any robo heroines as autistic as the Hello world mc?

>> No.45032972

komorebi's robots are both very autistic in their own ways

>> No.45032975

If you discuss Dies here it simply means you are discussing *untranslated* version of Dies, what is so hard to comprehend?
The difference is that i don't want to listen to the recommendations of someone who mtl'd it because our experiences will be fundamentally different.

>> No.45033089 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1682x946, ATRI-MyDearMoments-_24-10-2023 00-34-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i didn't expect this one to come, this kinda hurts not gonna lie (big Atri spoiler)

>> No.45033162

I never felt anything with atri because i knew that was always the case, maybe that's also why i can't enjoy any robot romance.

>> No.45033189

Most of the ones i played before were all about robots having some living organisms in their brain that managed to learn emotions so i genuinely expected it to be exactly the same, they really managed to deceive me here with all the boring sol

>> No.45033605

>no one can tell the difference
These threads were created for people who read untranslated because people could tell the difference. The title is misleading.

>> No.45034235
File: 604 KB, 1920x1080, 4VZTS5e8yi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45034245


>> No.45034275

You just know that he wanted to say 犯罪者 for 黒人 but couldn't so he had to come up with literally any random example that barely makes sense

>> No.45034290

>black people having rhythm is a literally any random example that barely makes sense
where have you been the last hundred years of pop culture

>> No.45034297
File: 42 KB, 728x591, Screenshot_120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've installed Ruitomo, but I'm getting this error. Is there any way to fix it on win 10?

>> No.45034300

It's far from the first thing that comes to mind if you aren't american

>> No.45034314

try to google it first

>> No.45034321

Iirc kernel32 error is always related to Win8WOH, just download it and put to the folder

>> No.45034349


Thank you anon, that solved it.

>> No.45034381

how do I learn all the words?!

>> No.45034405

step 1: learn some words
step 2: learn some more words
step ??: learn the last few words
there, now you know all the words

>> No.45034438

You just feel them out bro

>> No.45034570

get the win8 patch

>> No.45034597
File: 856 KB, 2048x1365, 1697393411932983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45034724

I've seen that same example several times from Japanese people so it's not as rare as you think.

>> No.45034825

Geminism is gonna be a stinker.

>> No.45034860 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x810, 1690358828743354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's at least two eroge now where CUBE referenced Nukitashi. Sharkness Life being the other one.

>> No.45034899

damn bro I've seen a lot of self owns on this site but this is up there for possibly the biggest

>> No.45035083

>Try to remove bicubic
I haven't tried this, but does it actually makes image better in some cases?

>> No.45035230

last thing i read was sakutoki any cool releases since?

>> No.45035245

...damn, it really does when scaling from 720p to 1440p, interesting

>> No.45035841
File: 2.48 MB, 1605x905, 幕末尽忠報国烈士伝 MIBUROMIBURO (47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to know anything, you can go in completely blind (but how the hell have you managed to be a weeb and not know everything about the shinsengumi just from osmosis?). I didn't know anything about the 47 ronin story and Chusingura became one of my favorite VNs ever. The vns explain everything you need to know, and they go into an absurd amount of detail. They were clearly written by a huge history buff and half the appeal for me is the random history facts like how in 1700s Edo the two most expensive items a peasant would own were mosquito nets and futons and they'd pawn the one for the other every six months as the seasons changed because you die without them. I'd highly recommend them.

>> No.45035848

How is this VN compared to shark week? I'm interested in it but dunno whether I should be prioritizing it in my backlog.

>> No.45035884

Story wise, it's much weaker. To compensate, it's much, much lewder. If you wanted another Sharkness Life, this ain't it, it's more of a regular moege format with some light capeshit mixed in.

>> No.45035897

Sounds like fun, all I want is a cute moege to serve the function opium would if I was born two centuries ago.

>> No.45035977

it's a lot more lewd than cute, but still reasonably fun

>> No.45036650

The Sorechiru sequel is going to be shit, isn't it?

I get that Jackson is a lazy fuck, but I wish they could have at least gotten the Tsuriotsu guy.

>> No.45036761

You don't like our guy Morisaki Ryouto?

>> No.45036780

Not exactly the first person that comes to mind when I think of witty and clever writing.

>> No.45036789

Who does? Jackson, Kinugasa and?

>> No.45036795

Tsuriotsu guy and Romeo, I guess.

>> No.45036823
File: 169 KB, 632x840, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45036974

On the moonrune grind right now, fairly new to reading vns in japanese. It's pretty grueling. But I'd like to hear of you guy's first experiences with untranslated vns/jp language learning. Like what troubles you went through, what it was like dealing with the ambiguity for something you're really interested in. What often made you doubt ever reaching the stage of actual comprehension, or things like what kept you motivating through it all

>> No.45037021
File: 87 KB, 640x360, samplecg_0501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to date Kanasuke.

>> No.45037022

“moon runes”, even as a joke, are indicators of orientalism because they point to the “obscurity” of east asian scripts while subtly presenting latin scripts as “clear”. it is a “joke” that is premised on the inferiority of east asian languages and the superiority of western ones. “obscurity” and “clarity” in languages are socially constructed to present a colonialist narrative. so stop calling japanese or any other language “runes” because you think they are “obscure” and thus “exotic”. people use these living languages to communicate.
we’ve killed languages and cultures before because we believe they were “obscure” and come from “primitive people”. so this won’t be the first or the last time we will see phrases like “moon runes”. so call them out for being colonialist racist fuckers.
it isn’t “badass” to call the japanese language “moon runes”. it is fucking racist. your understanding of badassery is just being fucking racist. i have zero fucking tolerance with people trying to play racist shit off as some kind of joke
please don’t rationalize about how you actually respect or love the language because if you do, you would fucking call it japanese like normal people and not some garbage internet shit.

>> No.45037044

I'm a hookchad so I never really had any difficulties

>> No.45037058

did you use google to find this copypasta or do you have it saved on a notepad

>> No.45037066

I just really wanted to jerk off to nukige. Sounds kinda weird looking back, but when you're a horny late teenager/young adult you'll do a lot to jerk off right.
It takes a while but it's just practice. Learning Japanese is like running a marathon, except once you run the marathon once you're in marathon-ready shape for the rest of your life.

>> No.45037067

I used to save everything in evernote, but moved to Obsidian few months ago and happy with it.

>> No.45037076

Is this what they call "being Lucle'd" irl?

>> No.45037078

Not sure if chatgpt

>> No.45037095

is this a kastel-sama post?

>> No.45037098

Yeah, but his doujinge will save us next year.

>> No.45037148

No. Too rude for current chatgpt.

>> No.45037151

His works always felt more like doujinge rather than commercial works to me so it's not too bad I guess. Still funny someone who makes all those snowflake eroge is now writing something seemingly generic like this.

>> No.45037170

I thought Uguisu Kagura was effectively his brand already, why did he move to dōzin games?

>> No.45037178

impossible to learn japanese with low conscientiousness
probably with low openness too, but I wouldn't know about that one

>> No.45037187
File: 773 KB, 1024x576, 1684696424968530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45037190

Good question. Maybe it's an issue of financing. And did he turn Yonaki Uguisu into Uguisu Kagura? Perhaps the artist change, I guess. Also why did Kiriha-chan become Sushimekabu?

>> No.45037236

So with the Danish translation of Oretsuba looming on the horizon, an English translation is only a matter of time. What other kamige do we have left that are still unsullied by EOP hands?

>> No.45037244


>> No.45037251

>Danish translation of Oretsuba

Lol, not something I expected to happen.

>> No.45037271

He moved to do other work as a freelancer writer (which still hasn't been announced publicly yet). The doujin games and kakuyomu stuff are all just a hobby for him, not work.

>> No.45037300

Is this something he mentioned on Fanbox or elsewhere? Or just a guess, albeit a pretty safe one?

>> No.45037333

Yeah he made a Fanbox post about what he's doing and why back when he announced the company shutting down.

> 余談ですが、外注の仕事はすでにお引き受けしてて、ゆっくりと作業を開始していいたりする。これがまた非常にやりがいを感じる内容で、人の作りたい作品にアイディアを提供する仕事は非常に楽しい。自分だったら絶対に作らないキャラ構造が、すでに面白い化学反応を起こしているんじゃないかなーって。ちなみにどういう仕事してるかは予想できない感じなので、誰も当てることは出来ないと思います。(このあたりは、あまり詮索しないでいただければ。あとあんまり前に出たくない)

>> No.45037347

Thanks for the info.

>> No.45037562
File: 694 KB, 551x649, qtdragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized GoD3 was announced. Weird but not as weird as the scenario. I hope this won't be a disaster like Ars. Technically all they have to do is make 1, balance it properly and don't do stupid shit like "WOOPS YOUR PARTY IS GONE NOW" from 2.

>> No.45037597

From now on I'm gonna hang around here. I can't stand djt, it's essentially like being surrounded by a bunch of discord kids constantly trying to earn cool points.

>> No.45037951

My first vn was Axanael, it has a minimal amount of narration and mostly consists of full-voiced dialogues so i had a relatively chill time with it
It has a lot of various confusing slang but i still could guess most of it thanks to all the anime i watched
My main struggle was grammar because i was stoopid (i couldn't understand English grammar either so all the guides that compared them were of no use to me) so i wasted a ton of time on searching for something that would work for me and then i randomly found the Cure Dolly videos and it was a breaking point of my language learning trip
She completely opened my eyes with her unique explanations and suddenly everything just started to make sense so all that was left was to keep the anki grind and continue to read daily

>> No.45037956

>Shitposters from /vg/
>newfag cancer from /a/
>Now refugees from DJT
This thread can't catch a break

>> No.45038041


>> No.45038270

yeah thats right stay here in the beginner thread you arent ready for the djt big leagues

>> No.45038435

So it looks like EVE Rebirth Terror got a PC port a couple months ago.

What's the play order for this series anyway? Can I just do Burst Error remake -> Rebirth Terror -> Ghost Enemies?

>> No.45039052

Yes, the story is self contained but you will catch on more stuff doing them in order like this

>> No.45040292

For you, bros, a version of KamiMaho 1.6 patch that unlocks the preorder afterstory and fixes the broken chapter 11 title screen.


Previously you'd need to remove the patch and then put it in special.xp3. Now just this patch is enough.

Kami no Ue no Mahoutsukai

Great game btw, strongly recommended. Read at least until the end of chapter 3, that's when things get going.

>> No.45040306

>just wait X hours till it becomes good

>> No.45040309

If you don't understand something, save it in a file and come back to it in a few months. You'll understand more over time.
That makes me really curious just what it is. Some kind of non-otaku media?

>> No.45040329

It doesn't take that long to get there and chapter 3 is already great by itself. Chapters 1 and 2 are interesting enough as prologues.

It's just that the end of chapter 3 is when the game shows what it's gonna be like, so at least that far is how far I would recommend reading.

>> No.45040334
File: 67 KB, 960x423, virus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heck kind of patch is this?

>> No.45040350

Ryouichi has a fanbox too, he said he was working on a lot of stuff last year too, and yet only ギャル×オタ released, so it could end up being nothing again

>> No.45040354

Normal xp3 file packed with GAR.
Here is it directly, renamed it to "patch.xp3"

>> No.45040371

1/90 clearly means it's a false positive.

>> No.45040473

I had taken a (very long) break after Rio but your posts have made me want to resume it after my current VN if it gets good again after that point. I did enjoy the first several chapters.

>> No.45040489

I feel like an idiot all the time while learning it but when I think about the eroge LI who inspired me to read untranslated and improve myself, I just keep on going. The number of times I dropped this shit in the past when I was younger was countless so I think it's impossible to get better with JP without some strong obsession, really.

>> No.45040496

It really depends on whether or not you like Kisaki, Kanata and Yoruko. I would have possibly dropped it too after the Rio route, if I didn't like Kisaki so much.

And then after Kisaki, I just wanted to see the rest. And Kanata and Yuruko became pretty good too.

>> No.45040503

>phone text scenes that can't be hooked
VNDB doesn't mention it, but it's just the usual Purple Software's CMVS engine, isn't it? Use ITH64 with 64-bit .exe, it was made specifically for 64-bit CMVS and it works to this day.
Alternatively, VNDB has an H-code for the 32-bit .exe

>> No.45040581

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DELET THIS

>> No.45040590

The same will happen with oretsuba as with cross channel and it will be a lot of fun to watch

>> No.45040622

I do like all the heroines and especially Kisaki, so I did mean to keep reading at some point at least for her. Just got a bit tired of so much drama by that point. But the type of drama related to Kisaki and their family seems more up my alley. Rio drama came out of nowhere and Yamiko was suddenly made out to be horrible, though clearly something else was going on there.

>> No.45040626

Huh? Seriously? I couldn't find any hooks for the phone text.

>> No.45040634

So what did he write for this? Does it have his signature crazy humor?

>> No.45040648

the plot half of musumaker

>> No.45040670

I don't have the game to test it myself, but the point is that Textractor's built-in CMVS hook sucks, unlike ITH64's. ITH64 sucks for everything not-CMVS though.
Also, Textractor is effectively abandoned but its hooking DLL is getting updated by someone else in the issues section on github, maybe they improved the built-in CMVS hook in that one.

>> No.45040713

Why do you care? Most of stuff already translated are translated badly and it will get worse, if you can read the original you shouldn't care.

>> No.45040733
File: 1022 KB, 1606x951, Tomoyogood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magpiebros, any tips to not get cropped shot while scaling?

>> No.45040765

Windows + Shift + S takes the full screen for me.

>> No.45040774
File: 753 KB, 644x484, 空想彼岸_22220143922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know, he's still working on lots of stuff it just takes time to get released, have some patience.
The gyaruge is fucking shit btw don't get scammed, the main writer for it is terrible and its like 2 hours long.

>> No.45040780

All the otome and doujin with shit art is 100% never ever, bro. Not like EOPs will ever get a good translation anyway. They'll either complain about "bad prose and boring script" and/or the inevitable fanfiction translators force in.

>> No.45040785

You can know that stuff like Saihate or Albatros will never get translation when not even chinks managed to handle it

>> No.45041094

I liked the way Atri resolved the "robot with a time limit" issue without using any of the usual tropes

>> No.45041318
File: 462 KB, 1201x796, 2023-10-24 12_22_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to murder this MC in cold blood so badly, you have no idea.

>> No.45041334

Any VNs where the characters eat 二郎系ラーメン?

>> No.45041519

It's less handy than sharex, a bit of a pain to save them somewhere each time with paint, but that's would do I guess, thanks

>> No.45041561

he's so far beyond donkan that i'm half suspecting some kind of Ah My Goddess tier supernatural neutering is going on
his maslow's hierarchy of needs is a pyramid with only the bottom step

>> No.45041566

I don't get why you get cut off, do you use region capture?

>> No.45041619

I have never seen an MC this donkan in my life. It's been 8 hours of this shit (excluding 1 hour of getting my ass kicked on hard) and still no confession. I'm also getting annoyed with Nanaka also not confessing already when her personality is bold when it comes to everything else. This is manga-tier writing, where nobody confesses for 300 chapters so that the status quo is maintained. Surely, the MC can't be this much of a faggot in other routes. It just isn't possible.

>> No.45041653

>that dialogue

>> No.45041711

i have no idea what he's gonna do with Misa since she is not for the fucking life of her confessing (although if she actually does have to be the one only for the game to chalk up another MISA LOSE i *might* consider the pain thus far worth it) and MC has the higher brain functions of a tadpole so he's not going to either
it's going to require drastic levels of divine/satanic intervention
sucks to hear not even Nanaka can do it, i expected her to be more forward

>> No.45041725

I've heard that that game is really long even excluding the gameplay and I can see why now.

>> No.45041795

the best way i can describe it is, it's one knife-full of tasty, homemade jam spread over an entire loaf's worth of toast

>> No.45041814

Kek, I cannot see Misa confessing in a billion years. I'm curious to see what the romance in their route looks like because it seems exactly like Nanaka's route, going absolutely nowhere. Why do the best girls get the worst routes?
Well, I can say if you really really like gakuenmono, it may not feel as long. But I mostly came for magical girl shenanigans and comfy romance, and got very little of that. Shame to have such top-tier heroines and not do much with them.

>> No.45041891

>I'm curious to see what the romance in their route looks like
i'll let you know sometime in the next few years when i get there
so far it's been some genuinely sweet moments interspersed with long stretches of pain and the overwhelming urge to reach through the screen and shove their respective faces into each other until they smooch

>> No.45041904

Worse than Asairo?

>> No.45042015

Asairo wasn't even romance focused vn in the first place, there is literally 1 route

>> No.45042016
File: 4 KB, 389x134, 1691226999598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're using windows scaling of any kind, right click on the shortcut to VN and set compatibility like this.

>> No.45042041
File: 101 KB, 510x379, 1684044063245760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45042076

I meant in terms of donkan.

>> No.45042264

Based shonen mc

>> No.45042276
File: 51 KB, 1290x270, firefox_24-10-2023 21-23-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who let the monkeys in

>> No.45042334

I don't like this description of my life

>> No.45043309
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_トリニティ_2023-10-25_04-20-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45043347

But it's literally just Kikokugai

>> No.45043422

best dog

>> No.45043483
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_トリニティ_2023-10-25_04-38-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45043926

I spent a week of edging in preparation for the heroine's first H-scene. Numerous h-manga every day in order to create as much sperm as humanly possible without letting any of it out.
Finally I got to do her. Foreplay was mutual so I didn't hesitate to let it out. And then I just couldn't get it up for 本番. I see the mesmerizing blood, the cute breasts (lack of), but I just can't. And so the whole route is ruined. Let this be a lesson to everyone: never cum to foreplay.

>> No.45043985

Foreplay is more erotic the actual h scene 90% of the time

>> No.45043999
File: 125 KB, 731x643, fascinating, tell me more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man speaks the truth

>> No.45044042
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, (2023-10-21) (12-04-18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edging was the wrong thing to do, you need to no-fap for atleast a month before even reading the vn. Play through the VN as slowly as possible, don't skip anything just to get to the sex, especially not the foreplay once it happens, listen closely to her every kiss, lick and suck. Resist the urge to even touch your dick at this point, It'll build up that high for the actual moment of pleasure. You'll notice slightly pleasurable sensations like butterflies in your stomach but in your balls. Nut only when the MC cums. and optiopnally, Only when he cums inside without a condom.

>> No.45044051


>> No.45044061
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_トリニティ_2023-10-25_05-51-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these two are serving the wrong nation

>> No.45044067

hey anon you got some weird scribbles over your text, might wanna look into getting rid of those

>> No.45044089

I'm working on it, they're quite stubborn.

>> No.45044102

what do you do when MC nuts multiple times per scene

>> No.45044125

I used to come back later when I'm refilled and nut again but after nutting 8+ times in a row playing MGQ I stopped to only the first virgin scene.

>> No.45044146

If I'm really horny, I can manage two in a row, but anymore is just ludicrous.

>> No.45044151

It's literally the only h scenes that can manage to make me nut, otherwise it will going to take me 4-5 h scenes

>> No.45044154

I only nut to nakadashi anything else is ignored

>> No.45044206
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_トリニティ_2023-10-25_06-16-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even is this anymore

>> No.45044211

Any good VNs with injured heroines living in a hospital?

>> No.45044243

kiminozo kind of?

>> No.45044276
File: 308 KB, 1917x1440, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked this one https://vndb.org/v2969
Akari is the perfection, the rest of the routes kinda suck though and not worth doing (except for Saeko maybe but still)

>> No.45044291

I've been meaning to read this but only for the eyepatch girl. Are the routes that bad?

>> No.45044353

I think the last time i spent an entire week without an orgasm was like back in 2017 when i had to share the room with some cousins.
You people are strong.

>> No.45044361

I do it for her.

>> No.45044370

I spent a few months being utterly depressed around those years

>> No.45044390

They aren't exactly bad just feel underwhelming after Akari since you basically start with the true route and then for the rest of the game there isn't much happening
If you judge the rest of the routes as a separate game then they are pretty alright
Saeko is the best because of her very unique chemistry with the mc (honestly never seen a character like her before), Korun was very cute itoko all the way through if only not for the grown-up ending, fuck that, Uri felt completely different from the rest of the game turning it into mystery but it still had some really great parts in it, and then Chizuru is just completely dogshit and useless

>> No.45044391

You said it took 1 week(or more) to get to the h-scene, were you going slow or you had your eyes on her before starting the VN?

>> No.45044407

I'm a different anon.

>> No.45044421

>grown-up ending
You mean something like Majikoi Monshiro? Man, she showed me the transcendant truth. Lolis are great because you get to see them grow up.

>> No.45044428

I liked those two routes but never bothered with the others.
The tone shift after the first part was a little jarring though.

>> No.45044455

Man this cg still makes me so triggered, you just couldn't ask for a better way to ruin a pretty good route

>> No.45044471

I'm not privileged enough to see anything in exhentai. But if it is her, what did you expect? She'd never grow up. She's perfect in my eyes.

>> No.45044495

That screenshot is a good example that shows how 学校文法 is a lie.

>> No.45044500


>> No.45044504

>I'm not privileged enough to see anything in exhentai

>> No.45044545

I prefer if you're given the choice on whether she grows up or not.

>> No.45044554

All lolis are supposed to grow up with a perfectly flat chest, it's really as simple as that

>> No.45044680

I remember that for one of the 1st year girls in amakano they changed her voice for the epilogue as proof that years have passed and she has grown up.
Then by the time you reach the fandisc they backpedalled on the voice and gave her the old high pitched voice, i guess because her fans were mad she grew up lmao.

>> No.45045454
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, 1667133986771741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the intrusive thought of reading BnK ever since I finished Chusingura but all these Miburo posts completely destroyed what little self-control I had. So fuck it, I'm going to read it right now.

>> No.45045797

>open vndb
>notice Lacus on the random screenshot list
lol what why does this even exist

>> No.45045942


>> No.45046382

Let me know if I'm crazy for being so bothered by the bnk thing or not.

>> No.45047125

Slow. I'd already read common and the other heroines' routes before. She had very late H but I still read 30-60 minutes per day max.

>> No.45047561

Treating2U as a bonus it has an amazing MC.

>> No.45047597

Anon I....
