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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45011770 No.45011770 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465
v20.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1715655

Previous: >>44855629

>> No.45012772

Which digital seller has the easiest drm to remove from epubs? Want to buy the new kagejitsu and read it on my own reader

>> No.45013000

If you don't care about shitty compressed image then Kindle, otherwise Kobo

>> No.45013227

images aren't compressed from kindle
people are just extremely retarded with how they rip shit

>> No.45013298

>Still a little over a week for the volume.

>> No.45013309

I read up to volume 3 for the first season, and I'm now right at the end of volume 5 ready for volume 6 next week.

How fast do e-books generally get ripped, anyway? Might just buy it if it's not some faggy staggered release or something.

>> No.45013337

you mean the raws? oh boy then it's down to luck
it's kagefags we're talking about so expect someone to be autistic and buy it then post it in a catbox within minutes of the store purchase opening
but anything else? you can see the epubs up within the day or you could wait years and still be a dozen volumes behind

>> No.45013353

>How fast do e-books generally get ripped, anyway? Might just buy it if it's not some faggy staggered release or something
it really depends, sometimes shit doesnt even get ripped at all
for example, it took like a month for someone to upload danmachi volume 19 despite all the previous things being ripped instantly or a day after release
i'd feel so much better if i knew how to rip bookwalker epubs without giving account details to whoever the fuck to rip it
missing out on so many side stories and stuff like that

>> No.45013396

the usual leaker doesn't want to post leaks this time, apparently
the only leak he (or she) posted were who got BW illust and who got expelled at the end of the volume
it was Kamuro btw

>> No.45014347

Is there any good kingdom-building stuff out there? Just so you know, I genuinely enjoyed slime. Sorry for "poking the hive" or whatever, but this is probably the only place I am actually going to get some less-known recommendations.

>> No.45014465

I think there should be other leakers as well since I'm pretty sure the book has started being sold

>> No.45014519

kingdom-building is just the diet version of senki
so just read senki, go read vanadis

>> No.45014742

smartphone isekai is the comfiest kingdom building out there

>> No.45015253

I only know one leaker and no one else has posted anything about the volume so I'm sure no one is going to leak it
the volume will be out by tuesday anyway so why bother

>> No.45018088

someone here posted vol 5 not long after release but don't keep your hopes up.

>> No.45018584

That was me, but unfortunately I'll be too sleep deprived when the next volume comes out to do it again.

>> No.45019363

Any word on oreaku/evil lord volume 8?

>> No.45019541

I liked kagejitsu more when it was 1 volume = 2 arcs, more fast paced and things happening. v5 was the most boring one imo, and seems like v6 will be another 1v = 1 arc, sadly it will be how are constructed the volumes are going to be, going forward

>> No.45019742

V5 technically 2arcs, Library and Basement. Bet if the anime reached that point it'll change school library into town library

>> No.45020016

Eh, the wedding in V4 dragged too. I feel like Suzuki could've started earlier and maybe had a better send-off.

>> No.45021705

Anyone got recs for a shelf/case you can find online in the US?
Everything I see is some horrid ornamental shit meant more for display than storage or is sized for regular books and you waste space if you're only storing A6s

>> No.45022007

>tfw discovered that japanese uses chinese script so you'll have to memorize a ton of symbols to understand it
>the same symbol can have a chinese or japanese pronunciation depending on the sentence
absolutely gay

>> No.45022034

learn kanji as words not as symbols

>> No.45022054

what's an easy read for a retard to learn kanji?

>> No.45022068

if you mean LNs in particular, kuma kuma bear is as simple as it gets without going into "made for literal kids like a lot of gag 4koma" territory

>> No.45022173

this isnt hard at all lol

>> No.45022218

you must learn chinese before japanese, everyone reading raws here started with chinese.

>> No.45022243

People are so stubborn about wanting things to be formulaic. You tell them 1+1=3 and they'll fight you to the death asking "why" and trying to change it instead of accepting it, memorizing it, and moving on. It's not like the readings change based on the phases of the moon. Just remember the pronunciation of every word and don't agonize over trying to find some 100% guaranteed shortcut to derive readings.

>> No.45022586

the fucked part is japanese is the most consistent language i know given it's rules, with a few freak exceptions (that seem to come from casual lingo anyway) even conjugations are consistent
meanwhile with english you're actually better off forgetting it has rules and just learning what things mean as you go

>> No.45022718

i give up. i can't find a japanese text version.
this is the closest i got.
the rest were manga raws and english pdf translations.
please spoonfeed me the japanese text or tell me something else to read to learn japanese. not necessarily light novels.
for non-retards, sure.
by words you mean when the symbol alone is one word and when it's next to another symbol it's another word and so on?

>> No.45022751

kek is it this?
i'm such a fucking retard

>> No.45022929

ok. i have finally downloaded it.
how many pages a day should i be going through?

>> No.45022970

it's a for fun thing bro, as many as you can handle without burning yourself out on it
early on don't be surprised when you take 4+ hours on a single page but by week 5 you would be taking 10-20 mins per page assuming you keep up on grammar reps off cure dolly and sakubi
and that's assuming you're slow and a brainlet, for a turbo autist they can probably reach that point in a week

>> No.45022980

>only 2136 kanjis
huh, it's not so bad.
>that's assuming you're slow and a brainlet
i'm even worse than a brainlet.

>> No.45023013

>>only 2136 kanjis
If you are really in that much of a hurry to read then knock out only the first 2 joyo grades, it's only 80+160 kanji and covers the really common stuff.
Given a lot of basic words are single kanji words you would also get some vocab in the process.

>> No.45023101

>If you are really in that much of a hurry to read
i'm not but i found in sakubei a video that said staying in the basics is a noob a trap.

>> No.45023136

Yeah, that's why you read, to not stay in the basics.

>> No.45023188

i meant that trying to master the basics is the trap.

>> No.45023244

you will never learn japanese unless you live and work in japan for a long time
if your goal is to consume mass produced japanese slop then unironically just use MTL, it will do a better job than what 10 years of learning japanese will get you
if your goal is to learn japanese, move to and get a job in japan

>> No.45023249

surely you are trolling, but I think some people out there might actually think this

>> No.45023257

doubt they actually believe it, it's just the literal western psyop to stop people from learning japanese

>> No.45023259

He's trolling for reading/listening but if you want to speak well (I know most people here don't care) you need to practice talking with natives which isn't going to be feasible unless you live there

>> No.45023272

I mean that's not wrong but I don't even talk to people in real life in English very often.

>> No.45023286

literally just play apex or any game with voice chat and a decent jp playerbase

>> No.45023297

But won't you end up talking like a gamer instead of a human being?

>> No.45023319

>if your goal is to consume mass produced japanese slop
it's this.
>unironically just use MTL
is the tech there yet? OCR too?

>> No.45023326

it's a post-coof world anon, everyone talks like a gamer or a marvel quipper, humanity is dead

>> No.45023785

I've seem plenty of people saying that about English, it's real and it's not exclusive to Japanese. Not to mention all the boomers that give up before trying because they believe you can only learn new languages while young.

>> No.45023869

should i read and move on or should i re-read until i've memorized the words that i've came across?

>> No.45024146

No and it never will be.

>> No.45025474

bros... Mobuseka is actually... liked on /a/...
What do we do about this?

>> No.45025503

old as fuck news me thinks

>> No.45025540

>story about all flat women being evil and a dude annihilating a self-centered otome player
Mobuseka was always based.

>> No.45026850

>What do we do about this?

>> No.45027604

Anywhere I can find raws for セブンス? Also are there any major plot differences between the LN and the WN that makes it hard to continue with the WN? It seems like the LN is on infinite hiatus...

>> No.45028042

If anything I question why are you even still using /a/ when it's long past the point of being an unusable cesspit.

>> No.45028663

yooo arifureta is getting new wn chapters again i thought he was done with it

>> No.45029021

weekly releases with long gaps in between is the author's usual style anon

>> No.45029040

i always get scared when there's month-long gaps man

>> No.45029374


>> No.45029470

‘we’ don’t need to do anything, jp isn’t your soapbox for when you can’t handle anons on /a/ liking shit you dont.
Seriously, why do /a/ schizo immigrants keep coming here for backup? this place leens more towards the more cult following series but what’s popular their is liked here too for the most part.

>> No.45029529

I'm mainly falseflagging because that gets more responses.
I like mobuseka and how it makes /blog/ seethe.

>> No.45029619

None. Last vol was published in may, right? We will probably get some news next month

Anyway, he said the series is going to end with this section so just enjoy it while we can

>> No.45033984

>Anyway, he said the series is going to end with this section so just enjoy it while we can
what the fuck

>> No.45034518

This latest chapter of ゴルダナ though.
First time I've seen urethral sounding in a WN, and it's not even an ero WN to boot.

>> No.45037446

literally fucking who

>> No.45038070

bro they're on THIS board

>> No.45039127

the fujostacies

>> No.45041707

Anyone bought the new trpg vol?

>> No.45041785

>Also are there any major plot differences between the LN and the WN that makes it hard to continue with the WN

>> No.45041805
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>> No.45041908

anyone have epub for the new cote volume?

>> No.45046028

Nyaa really needs to open the registrations. The number of missing volumes grow greater every month.

>> No.45046078

>It seems like the LN is on infinite hiatus...
It basically is, IIRC the author had disagreements with the publisher and then basically fucked off.

>> No.45046132
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>LN raws
Nope, got nothin, try the usual site.
>Major plot differences
It's a bit hard to say. I mean, from what I've already read in the LN, we got a new bitch from the get go and a certain four-eyes is missing an arm for reasons I don't remember, but the story/plot seems to be mostly the same with "One ancestor dead per one arc/level-up." I like the WN better desu, got much of that amateur-ish feeling (and also passion) when compared to his later works, but each Ancestor/Mr. Lyle moments massively overshadows anything that ever happened with Dragoon/Otome Mob/Evil Lord, the LN counterpart on the other hand felt a bit flat/restrained I think. Probably an editor problem ala LDM and its ilk.
>why do /a/ schizo immigrants keep coming here for backup?
Well, not to say that LN threads never existed before in /jp/ (Kawakami threads anyone?), but the current one is an offshoot of isek/a/i's non-rotten branch that exists to discuss actual series, so it's not that hard to imagine why refugees kept coming here. Why they won't follow the board/thread culture or why they kept going back to isek/a/i like a battered housewife with Stockholm syndrome is an another matter entirely.
How do you define "good" exactly and what's your main focus in reading said kingdom-building series? If it's only about the political aspects of kingdom management, Risou no Himo should be up your alley. Senki enjoyer on the other hand might like Kyoukai Senjou, Kuro no Maou, Wortenia Senki, and/or Vanadis as the other anon said before. Though if you expect someone building their legacy from zero, Isekai Tensei Soudouki is probably the best one out there (but it's an *lphapolis shit, so yeah) followed by MaoYuu and Mynoghra. There's also things like Rain, Grancrest, and Mismarca that's a bit hard to describe where they stand exactly but is quite satisfying to read. Do stay away from TsukiMichi or anything with "Realist" in its title though, they tend to be the farthest thing ever than what they states to be.

>> No.45046450

How's the /a/ general these days? I stopped using it months ago because it was nothing but shitposting and KR/CN shills (so also shitposting).
Can't imagine it has gotten worse when that was already rock bottom.

>> No.45046812

I mean the world tree stuff is nearing the end and there isn't anything that can extend the overall setting further to continue the story. The only stuff left is one more abyssgate series for the 7th wife, myuu's final position and the story with the next generation that was foreshadowed in the inaba's and riiman's story. And I doubt the author is going to follow up on the last two, so there is really not much to go on even if he wants to

>editor meddling with the LNs
>I like the WN better desu,
Thanks anon, will read the WN then. I wasn't sure before because wai's WN's read like a digest instead of a full story but it's better than reading something that went through some shitty editor intereference

>> No.45047468

Thank you for the recommendations! I will check them out.

>> No.45047564

Not exactly kingdom building but if you are ok with organization building with cultural and technological aspects and doesn't mind an unfinished work, please give 下準備転生~下準備チートは全てを駆逐する~ a try.

>> No.45047592

it's pretty fucking stupid these days, then again it's literally so far up it's own ass trying to get actual recommendations is actually impossible while they gush over FOTM's.

>> No.45047779

there's still FOTMs? i would have guessed with how all the novel readers left /a/ there's nothing new for them to talk about when all manga adaptations are so slow

>> No.45050442
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does the anime reach this part? I want to see how it looked like when she launched herself from the carriage and the way down before landing

>> No.45050557

I think the anime only covered until franklin's game

>> No.45050601

guessed as much. any hope for an S2?

>> No.45050911

>any hope for an S2?
Lol. Lmao. The anime is so shitty that even the author can't control himself from expressing his hate for it, going against the unspoken rule in the industry. No one wants more of it, so the answer is 100% no.

>> No.45050946

still no epub for cote y2v10?

>> No.45051234

Give me a day

>> No.45051798
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Nah, no need to thank me. Those are just (mostly) Pre-2013 Narou/BT era LNs that were either finished being translated or left to rot after them "Translators" admits their dekinai asses can't translate shit. You'll wind up knowing them no matter what once you've spent enough time looking for LNs to read. If you're an EOP though, good luck searching for a worthwhile translation heh.
Haha anon, that's a good one. Dendro has no anime, someone (Veldorbell probably) made some MVs to celebrate its fifth birthday though. You know, just to emulate how Dendro's OP and ED would sound if it were to ever get an anime adaptation. Fuck.
Jokes aside, the derivative part of this series is pretty much cursed anon. Crow Record got canned, manga failed to deliver despite expectations (+ will probably conclude this year), and nonexistent anime. I guess Fuuta's hatred got so strong it managed to influence the source material.
Just checked, still hell on earth. Meaningless /pol/-tier debate just for the sake of debating, lingo that outright states their disdain towards Nipponese works, double-threads, and rampant gook/chink shilling. Basically how it's been for the last 5 years or so.
Man, I'm not the kind of nigger that usually supports the Psy-Ops theory but damn does it feels like one by each passing seconds I spent there.
A certain gookshit got shilled to high heaven again, same author as past 2-3 gookshit FOTM. You know, the one that can't write an ending without desecrating all 3 sentences of character development that ever existed in each of his works. My deepest condolences for your wasted time if you know, good for you if you don't. Let's just stop at that, shall we?

>> No.45051948

thanks anon!

>> No.45052104

thats too bad. I just wanted to see shield girl doing shield things

>> No.45053317

>manga failed to deliver despite expectations (+ will probably conclude this year)
Of course, this could just mean that they'll pad out the volume with something else. Kaido is a master at filler and could easily cook something up. But I feel like filler would be inappropriate for the final chapters of the final volume, so it doesn't seem unlikely that it will actually continue.

>> No.45053888

i have kind of memorized the meaning of 60 kanjis so far.
but i'm not so good with both of the pronunciation.
should i memorize the pronunciation like the kana or just learn how they are pronounced later with words?

>> No.45054274

>Man, I'm not the kind of nigger that usually supports the Psy-Ops theory but damn does it feels like one by each passing seconds I spent there.
People have gotten 3 day vacations and their posts in the thread deleted for calling out the anti-japan propaganda.
That's everything you need to know.

>> No.45054293

stop memorizing kanji and learn words

>> No.45054330

huh, the post in the earlier thread said to go through the first 2 grades of kanji before starting reading.
or did he mean to learn the first 2 grades of kanji in words?

>> No.45054685

there is no such thing as the anti-japan propaganda, it's one schizo indog who samefags to try and start shit about westniggers and posts genshin memes to get around wordfilters

>> No.45054711

the first 2 grades of joyo kanji are in fact words, though like 40 or so of them are prefixes and suffixes

>> No.45054750
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>there is no such thing as the anti-japan propaganda,
Let's ignore the multiple cases per board where the moderation has been in cahoots with the propaganda.
Let's also ignore that exact same moderation allows unironic shitposters to run rampant with twitter screencap threads and similar bait.
Let's ignore even in this very board the /vt/umor cancer was allowed to flood everything with zero resistance whatsoever.
Let's ignore people have gotten banned off /a/ for calling out the KRshills, which you can see from seeing the deleted posts in isek/a/i threads in the achives.
Let's ignore dictionary databases are being actively sabotaged.
Let's ignore sites hosting JP guides are being actively hunted down now.
Let's ignore trannylators keep trying to worm their way into changing their source material and in some cases like nintendo of america they have actually succeeded.
Let's ignore the obvious where trannylations being insulted as fanfics is in turn an insult to fanfics, because actual fanfics at least try to respect and like the source material they are working with, actual translations can't even do that.

>> No.45054799

you have to go back /v/tard

>> No.45054821

Nice trips, but this isn't /djt/.
I'll respond anyway: As the other anon said, don't bother trying to learn a bunch of readings of kanji separately from words. As you read LNs, you'll learn most of the proper readings in context through whole words. That said, I personally think it's helpful to have a names dictionary on hand. I just incorporate mine into Yomichan, but I think there may be some good sites for it too.

>> No.45054862

the psyop has been undeniable for years at this point anon
there's a reason the instant netflix pulled out of trying to take control of anime and doubled down on k-dramas the kr shilling and trying to push it as "better than japan" skyrocketed basically overnight

>> No.45055124

It's not a western conspiracy that the Korean government has been far more competent at spending to shill K-pop and K-dramas overseas than Cool Japan ever was.

>> No.45055138

>doubling down on defending the psyop and accidentally admitting to it

>> No.45055444

I'm not sure which poster you think I am, I'm saying that the South Korean pop culture soft power program is well documented and in broad daylight, there's no conspiracy involved.

>> No.45055901
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>it's a 大会 arc

>> No.45057522


Just completed it. Mad scientist continues to be a mad scientist. Pink yandere becomes more yandere. funny seeing her bullying karuizawa and using the same to control the points. Maezono acts braindead continuing from 9.5
Entertaining vol but feels more like it's setting the stage for the later developments

>> No.45057594

i finally gave up on that /a/ general when an unironic biblefag started preaching like it was fb and nobody even thought that was out of place
how the fuck has it gotten even worse than before?

>> No.45057823

pretty sure people were just not feeding the troll

>> No.45057859

Doubt it, recently there was a time period when for about 3 days the threads were nothing but shilling abrahamic religions, guns and the usual /pol/stuff.
Since then it's gone back to shilling KR garbage at least.

>> No.45058428

You know a board when to shit when a sperg hijacking a general for an anime to complain about AI art for 2 weeks and counting is somehow one or the better generals on the board.

>> No.45058517

it really felt like the seven spellblade threads were the last gasp of the threads on /a/ not being completely unsalvageable

>> No.45058793

by any chance, do you also have a rip of tomose's second artbook with the SSs?

>> No.45058878

How much vol until Y2's end? 11 and 11.5? I don't mind setup volumes but it's been a while since we had any real payoff, I don't expect much after getting clowned with v5

>> No.45058897

Kinugasa said it's same or slightly shorter than 1st year's 3rd term so 2-3 more vols + a .5

>> No.45063837

>Still have to wait a few more days.

>> No.45064309

the author said in the latest afterword that the next volume might get delayed because of health issues
I think he got a neck hernia and can't spend too much time writing

>> No.45065596


>> No.45067899

>巨大企業を出し抜いて、機密を盗み売り払 わないと殺されてしまう半分詰んだ状況で、一発逆転しなきゃ生存すらで きないキャストじゃないんだ
Any idea what is this referring to? I feel like I read or watched something like this but can't remember it

>> No.45067938

prison break

>> No.45068006

Are you sure? Never watched it but as I said I remember seeing a similar story somewhere else. That aside I wish jnc guys added tl explanations for trpg like they do with that one series someone posted here

>> No.45069567

>new trpg chapter
That kind of party play is nice to read. Also wiled (?) Is cute.

>> No.45071887

I wonder why this thread did not appear in my catalog, weird

>> No.45073184

this board sometimes acts up like that for whatever reason

>> No.45073210

any kagejitsu 6 epubs out yet?

>> No.45073220

do you have time machine?

>> No.45073234

not yet
but i will in the future so maybe that means i have one already

>> No.45073283

Yeah, this, /blog/ and エロゲスレ are the only threads I care about, so it was weird that LN suddenly disappeared

>> No.45073798

can I borrow it?

>> No.45075600

Anyone have a rip of tomose's second artbook with the SSs?

>> No.45076087

Completed trpg vol 9-1. Personally found it more entertaining than the previous volume. Also schnee (the furry cat on the cover) was cute.
This vol's henderson scale is also probably the best the author has ever written without depending on romantic interests. Teleporting viking slayer erich (with some divine influences) is such a cool build and is probably how his final build in the main story is going to look like.

>> No.45076231

Guys, I have a question. Do you know of any light novels where the mc has a girl who fulfills the role of "daughter" or something like that, you know, he has to take care/protect her and all that, but where the fucking author doesn't ruin their relationship by making her grow up just to introduce romance? I want a wholesome father/daughter story

>> No.45076423

Which one's the better version for ティアムーン帝国物語, the ln or the wn?

>> No.45076433

for that one in particular pretty sure the LN obsoletes the WN completely so no point in reading the WN

>> No.45076457

/djt/ is hell. why did you send me there?
>Are you sure?
it fits. idk what they're referencing exactly.

>> No.45076494

the audiobook

>> No.45076689

redpill me on audiobooks

>> No.45076702

Something something pipe.
But really, I can't think of any of them where it doesn't turn into romance or the "daughter" doesn't want to fuck her daddy.
Which is indeed pretty based, you would have to stick to western media for the alternative.

>> No.45076713
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>fucking author doesn't ruin their relationship by making her grow up just to introduce romance?
Shut up Dale, you know you enjoy that prime 17 years old demon lord meat very much, else you won't be plowing her for a full day whilst
under the effect of "Viagra of Absolute Mating Press" until she can't fucking walk, heh. Stats can't lie.
>fulfils the role of daughter
*Hits pipe.* Jokes aside, I assume you want a series that mainly talks about fatherhood and those sorts of thing right? Then that S-Rank Adventurer daughter one should be more to your liking. There's also Hataraku Maou-sama that does the family part extremely well, but that's before the author decides to crash his series right at the very end. Pretty sure 竜殺しの過ごす日々/Ryuugoroshi had the MC be an actual father in vol 4-ish, but the story itself is quite bland to put it simply, though that's a common occurrence for raising a kid series. Der Werwolf got a (minor) child-rearing part around vol 5+ IIRC, but that's really more of a Senki series. Lastly, while this is basically common knowledge for longtime readers already, MT's Redundancy plot basically revolves around Rudeus' kids, though I haven't really bothered with the LN version.
If (and that's a big if) you can stomach bad writing, I suppose you could say LDM's Niku/Meat also count as a "daughter," but I honestly would recommend against reading LDM, Hachinantte, and Death March just for the sake of your mental health.
>is such a cool build
I'm sorry, but Erica's faith build is still the best one.
>author can't control himself from expressing his hate for it
More like disappointment, but it's even worse when you know how excited he was for the (nonexistent) adaptation, to the extent of making an SS about accepting how hard it is to make sakuga etc.

>> No.45076758
File: 331 KB, 1125x1600, at some point just asking for sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S-Rank Adventurer daughter one should be more to your liking
assuming you're talking about this one that's the thirstiest one i have seen to date

>> No.45076781

You get a cute seyuu voice reading it to you and can concentrate more on imagining the scene. It helps you keep a pace and is easier to understand when hearing the stress on the correct parts of the sentence. Easier to understand unknown words from context based on tone of voice.
But if you already speed read and know all the words, it might be slower.

>> No.45076888

I wonder who will win if Erica and this viking slayer erich fights. Probably depends on 渇望の剣 being able to cut through erica's regen and resurrection. Which it probably can in viking-slayer's hands as his reality intervention skills got buffed by the curses.
>Easier to understand unknown words from context based on tone of voice
Lol, no. If anything it's the opposite. It's easier to read than listen through unknown words because of the kanji and being able to move up and down the text at will.
They are great if you don't have much free time and want to read while doing something else. The better voiced ones are also good if to want to immerse yourself in the story's atmosphere. Takes about nearly twice the amount of time it takes to read though in my experience.
Other than that, helps with your listening skills if you are interested in that.

>> No.45077048

>easier to read than listen through unknown words because of the kanji
I guess what I mean is easier to skip understanding the word, but getting the sentence meaning from tone of voice. It feels easier to skip looking up a word in an audiobook than in written text.

>> No.45079209

the one that has an anime airing right now

>> No.45079393
File: 33 KB, 450x338, 11YhLRucLdmIj0t3m9MtuQZec7V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I assume you want a series that mainly talks about fatherhood and those sorts of thing right?
Yeah, I recently watched 愛してるぜベイベ and it was crazy how much I enjoyed it. I realized that maybe could have a thing for father/daughter stories, because I remembered that was precisely one of the reasons I enjoyed Rance Quest so much. I don't care about 大きくなったら、パパのお嫁さんになる! shit as long as it remains a cute gag and doesn't become a future fait accompli.
I will check some of your recommendations

>> No.45079600

perfect for wasting your entire day playing brainless roguelikes while listening to.

>> No.45080524

Does ebook release follow JP timezone or your local timezone?

>> No.45080537

jp time
at least on bookwalker

>> No.45082051
File: 121 KB, 777x508, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn funa's newest anime adaptation is NOT doing well

>> No.45083462

given the plots i would be surprised if any FUNA anime ended up with decent reviews, at least while airing
maybe noryoku but even then it's a stretch, i don't check this stuff

>> No.45083830

funa storytelling too comfy for anime plebs

>> No.45085468

Just got Overlord volume 7, man Ainz is into straight horror villain now. Just cut their heads off bro.

>> No.45085480

the two previous ones didn't have raving reviews either but were decently well liked by the people who watched them

>> No.45086481

By far the worst of his three main works so no surprise.

>> No.45088707

it's already 30th in Japan, hopefully someone share the epub soon

>> No.45088969

It's up in /a/ thread

>> No.45089147

thanks for the heads up

>> No.45091543

reposting from the /a/ thread for anyone too lazy to go check https://www.filemail.com/d/oebagoragvwpueb

>> No.45092078

>4 years almost since last お前ごとき volume
It's dead isn't it

>> No.45092983

There may be some dredges of /a/ that have hope yet. Honestly surprised this thread didn't have it first, yall gotta step your game up kek just kidding

>> No.45094668

Given the posting styles of some people, guessing those last dredges you speak of are just people from here.
I recognize a couple people that were on the spellblade threads too.

>> No.45095164
File: 160 KB, 750x1067, 陰の実力者になりたくて! 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

春夏秋冬代行者 秋の舞 上
春夏秋冬代行者 秋の舞 下
ソードアート・オンライン IF 公式小説アンソロジー
ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った? Lv.22
書影:妹はカノジョにできないのに 5 妹はカノジョにできないのに 5
魔法史に載らない偉人3 ~無益な研究だと魔法省を解雇されたため、新魔法の権利は独占だった~
さんかくのアステリズム 俺を置いて大人になった幼馴染の代わりに、隣にいるのは同い年になった妹分
異世界帰りの勇者は、ダンジョンが出現した現実世界で、インフルエンサーになって金を稼ぎます! 3

お酒と先輩彼女との甘々同居ラブコメは二十歳になってから 1
幼馴染に陰で都合の良い男呼ばわりされた俺は、好意をリセットして普通に青春を送りたい 1
毒の王 最強の力に覚醒した俺は美姫たちを従え、発情ハーレムの主となる 2
六畳間の侵略者!? 44

異世界のんびり農家 16
陰の実力者になりたくて! 06
生活魔法使いの下剋上 3
Dジェネシス ダンジョンが出来て3年 08
腹ペコ要塞は異世界で大戦艦が作りたい World of Sandbox 2
バスタード・ソードマン 2
泣き虫令嬢の良縁 婚約破棄されたので職業婦人として生きていくと決めたのに公爵様に溺愛されるので困っています
U-15サッカー日本代表だけど部活は幼馴染と一緒の文芸部です 1

転生したらポンコツメイドと呼ばれていました 前世のあれこれを持ち込みお屋敷改革します 1
廃村ではじめるスローライフ 2
魔導細工師ノーミィの異世界クラフト生活 ~前世知識とチートなアイテムで、魔王城をどんどん快適にします!~ 1

男嫌いな美人姉妹を名前も告げずに助けたら一体どうなる? 3
彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます 4
カノジョに浮気されていた俺が、小悪魔な後輩に懐かれています 8
極めて傲慢たる悪役貴族の所業 2
クラスで2番目に可愛い女の子と友だちになった 5
地下鉄で美少女を守った俺、名乗らず去ったら全国で英雄扱いされました。 3
隣の席の中二病が、俺のことを『闇を生きる者よ』と呼んでくる 2

>> No.45095170
File: 179 KB, 400x569, 転生したら最強種たちが住まう島でした。この島でスローライフを楽しみます 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

転生したら最強種たちが住まう島でした。この島でスローライフを楽しみます 5

黒猫ニャンゴの冒険 レア属性を引き当てたので、気ままな冒険者を目指します 4

給食のおばちゃん異世界を行く 2
灼熱の魔女様の楽しい温泉領地経営~追放された公爵令嬢、災厄級のあたためスキルで世界最強の温泉帝国を築きます~ 4
千夜千食物語 敗国の姫ですが氷の皇子殿下がどうも溺愛してくれています 2
ボクは光の国の転生皇子さま! ボクを溺愛する仲間たちと精霊の加護でトラブル解決です 2
ライブラリアン 本が読めるだけのスキルは無能ですか!? 1

「ある程度(?)の魔法の才能」で今度こそ異世界でスローライフをおくります 3
異世界のおチビちゃんは今日も何かを創り出す スキル【想像創造】で目指せ成り上がり! 2
ダンジョン配信を切り忘れた有名配信者を助けたら、伝説の探索者としてバズりはじめた 陰キャの俺、謎スキルだと思っていた《ルール無視》でうっかり無双

アルス・ゲーティア 無能と呼ばれた少年は、72の悪魔を使役して無双する
落ちこぼれ令嬢は、公爵閣下からの溺愛に気付かない 婚約者に指名されたのは才色兼備の姉ではなく、私でした
落第聖女なのに、なぜか訳ありの王子様に溺愛されています! 2

吸血鬼作家、VRMMORPGをプレイする。 日光浴と料理を満喫していたら、いつの間にか有名配信者になっていたけど、配信なんてした覚えがありません
出来損ないと呼ばれた元英雄は、実家から追放されたので好き勝手に生きることにした 6
五歳で、竜の王弟殿下の花嫁になりました 2

>> No.45097199

>kagejitsu 6
It was meh, except for the last chapter. Next vol looks interesting though.

>> No.45097315

I don't know, I generally enjoyed it. Next volume looks boring though, too much Alpha, probably more Rose, kill me now.

>> No.45097747

Christina sex.

>> No.45098000

I'm not into murderous clowns.

>> No.45098644

How much time between a prize annoncement and the release? I'm still waiting for シン 夏目漱石

>> No.45099011

Kanade sex

>> No.45099090

I just don't care for her design. Too many hair accessories, she should've had a really generic bob cut. Personality wise? Pure sex.

>> No.45099147
File: 612 KB, 1895x732, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up pic related because the art looked nice and then realized I already tried reading the manga once but put it on hold because I didn't vibe with the art. It's amazing how much style (not necessarily quality) influences my decision to pick something up lol

>> No.45099492

thanks anon

>> No.45100453 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 498x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my best but I couldn't help crying my eyes out listening to the honzuki vol 15 audiobook

>> No.45101420

Shana is still going? Wtf

>> No.45102616

this is why i don't read manga anymore, almost all of then have awful art that gives the wrong impressions
it's good anime adaptations are slowly making a comeback, otherwise all adaptations would be awful

>> No.45102813

Most stuff from the 00s is still ongoing in some shape or form.

>> No.45107191

>she should've had a really generic bob cut
gross, she's cute enough as-is

>> No.45107250
File: 342 KB, 1000x750, 14174435_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't get it, man.

>> No.45107525
File: 467 KB, 1269x2410, 92725650_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No black hair himecut girl in SG yet.
Still a shame.
Eta doesn't have the color or quite the proper cut, Akane doesn't have the cut either, and Rose was a weird mix of it and ringlets but she's blonde.

>> No.45107685

Akane is close enough if you think Miyuki has a hime cut.

>> No.45107717

It's not the same, not even close.

>> No.45113548

Rose sex.

>> No.45115327

>flats are evil because their hearts are empty
too based
>imoutos are evil

>> No.45115919

>imoutos are evil
that is also based, ceres is to this day still one of the best imouto characters ever written

>> No.45117241

Any downsides in reading raw light novels in horizontal orientation? Can't really think of any so far.

>> No.45117283

on paper it's up to personal preference, but i question why would you ever do that
i even shove WNs on calibre so i can read them vertically, it's just way more comfortable

>> No.45117300

I guess it depends on your reading format. Horizontal makes more sense for WNs when you're scrolling, but for a portrait view with page turning, vertical feels superior. There are also obvious issues with formatting like vertical chapter titles or section markers that work properly vertically, but take up half a page or a full page by themselves in a worst case scenario if you convert to horizontal.

>> No.45117307

>but i question why would you ever do that
I don't have much experience with vertical text(didn't read much lns to begin with), so naturally I'm slower this way compared to horizontal.
I thought about AuTheNtIc experience, but then I think about how every single WN written horizontally and how even chinks don't use vertical text in tled lns... So dunno if there is any point.
Surely I can just read more vertical text and get used to it shortly.

>> No.45117312

You didn't read any manga? I doubt it'll take long to get used to it, I never even noticed.

>> No.45117323

Not much, mostly h doujins, but seeing vertical text in manga is different cause you only see small amount of text at time. Oh well, guess I'm just going to get used to it.

>> No.45117459

no real downsides but personally i think it looks dumb

>> No.45121295

If you read a broad range of stuff you will inevitably come across unavoidable vertical text, and you don't need any more practice reading horizontally so you may as well practice reading vertically

>> No.45121536

It's personal preference of course but having big long run-on sentences that never fucking end and keep going on forever and ever probably works better vertically imo because you can just break it in the middle after a couple of lines or so and visually it would just be more pleasing than doing the same thing horizontally plus it's not like that sort of thing is uncommon in Japanese anyway.

>> No.45121965

Thanks for the suggestion anon, the audiobook version is great. Well, except for the fucking "desuwa" epidemic, it's like the author learned ojousama slang from those fake ojou 5ch threads

>> No.45122142

desuwa is hot

>> No.45122185

Not all desuwa's are made equal

>> No.45123431

No sure if this is the right place but anyone know where could I find(pirate) the books in this tweet?
The title of the books are below.
1. はじめての
2. 目の見えない白鳥さんとアートを見にいく
3. 土偶を読むを読む

>> No.45123503

Or if it's not possible to find. Can someone tell me how to at least buy one of these? Amazon just doesn't want to sell it to me.

>> No.45123519

Forgot to add and rip the file so that I can put it in ttsu for easier reading.

>> No.45124110

If anyone likes ざまぁーesque stuff with a little bit of comedy here and there, and wants to try something new, give this WN a try: https://kakuyomu.jp/works/16817330661730670311
My health has been so-so, so it's been hard to read for long stretches, but in the middle of Ch 24 so far, and been really enjoying it, so I thought to post about it. It's really satisfying seeing the characters get little justices here and there when various shitheads mistreat them. I really like some of the formatting and concept chapters too (like a few that were written straight-up like imageboard threads). The author is releasing plenty of chapters regularly too, so I know there's more to look forward to. Just having fun; back to reading it now.

>> No.45124319
File: 182 KB, 1074x1500, nisio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone read this 悲鳴伝 伝説? How does it compare to zaregoto and monogatari?

>> No.45125577

>No LN.
>Consistent updates even today.
>Relatively niche subgenre.
Pretty rare find you got there.
Get better soon too anon.

>> No.45125841

Checked in the usual places, seems like no one pirated them yet.
>Amazon just doesn't want to sell it to me.
What's the issue?

>> No.45126010

Kept seeing this one on the front page and someone else posted it a while back too but
I'm getting to be an old man who hates new things and I absolutely refuse to try anything that involves streaming

>> No.45126635

The main character is a middle-aged wageslave that just wants to camp out, have a few drinks, and eat monster meat. Maybe you'd connect a little to some aspects of it outside the 'streaming' thing, though to each their own. I just think it's good to post about stuff we all come across and particularly enjoy.
Thanks, I'm trying. I was gonna read something from みょん because his atypical reversal premises are really intriguing to me, but this one turned out to be a great find, and so I've been hooked. It's not often I find myself invested enough to be actively cheering for a character, but maybe that's all due in part to the ざまぁ quality. I think he may also intend to push to an LN eventually (he mentioned it in an afterword), and considering how well it seems to be going, that may come to fruition eventually. Checked by the way.

>> No.45126678

as much as this will make me sound like a fucking zoomie, i do recommend giving it a try, jp streamer culture is far less obnoxious than burger streamer culture despite what /vt/umor memes may lead you to believe
some of them will even have back and forth clever banter between the host and the chat, it's pretty comfy and honestly a good way to polish your japanese even if you can already read well enough
basically, a novel based on that is not going to be all poggers feelsbadman kappa sussy bakka

>> No.45127024

The kindle version doesn't showup when I'm logged in so I can't buy it. Should I be using a vpn?

>> No.45127231

No, you shouldn't have to. Maybe you are seeing a listing for older, paper-only editions. Check with this once https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/aw/d/B09SG486MC

>> No.45127259

Nope just paperback for me. Probably depends on the country?
>The Kindle title is not currently available for purchase

>> No.45127291

>Probably depends on the country
Shouldn't be the case. You are using amazon jp account right? Your account's location setting decides what you are shown, not the access location.
No harm in trying with a vpn though. If that doesn't work try buying on rakuten kobo (slightly costlier). If even this fails just get someone else to buy and rip it for you

>> No.45127359

Anyone got a list of kami/must-read LNs? I'm asking cause AB is on freeleech and I'm looking to go on a download spree.

>> No.45128099

Before I try though is it easy to rip epubs from kindle?

>> No.45128280

Yes, search for de-drm. Needs a bit of extra work to get the hd illusts though

>> No.45128326

Kagejitsu 6 idk but it kinds of feels like the author is going out of ideas, isn't it the 4rd time we get an arena fight? anyway, I liked the first part with edgy Kristina and dumb Kanade, but dunno what was the point of that Delta flashback, and didn't know Eta was that much of a bitch. For how much Kai and Omega were shown in illustrations, they only appear for 10 lines. I thought the girl with the dagger died in previous volume against Alpha? Whatever, next volume in elf's country with Alpha it seems

>> No.45128533

>flashbacks and the bitchiness
Feels like it's setting the stage for shadow garden's internal breakup
>kai and omega
That's fanservice for those playing the game, where they got a lot more appearances. Anime is doing this too.
>dagger girl
I only read from vol 2, but at least in anime she was already saved by alpha

>> No.45129367

anyone has epub for vol7 of 経験済みなキミと、 経験ゼロなオレが、 お付き合いする話?

>> No.45129497

do you want to get told to read dendro? because i don't think anyone has mentioned dendro this thread yet as a rec
jokes aside it really depends on your autism powerlevel (and if you know japanese)
if you're at the peak there's obviously THE giga autism stuff like to aru, mahouka, monogatari, and so on
slightly below that you have the likes of shikkakumon, NGNL, rokujouma, vanadis, seven spellblades, infinite dendrogram, etc
meanwhile if you want stuff that is simply good without giving you an incomprehensible autism aneurysm, look no further than anything that has more than 10 volumes, the likes of isekai smartphone, arifureta, SAO (i'm serious), bisco, and so on are relatively new but by now have proved themselves, and for older stuff there's saijaku no bahamut, date a live, ore no twintail, shana, toradora, tokyo ravens, honestly you have a better shot at getting recommended old stuff by asking which LN was the first one to make someone REALLY care about that story

>> No.45130038
File: 934 KB, 549x782, Screenshot 2023-11-01 165626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that one. Picrel, like the other anon said. Quite heartwarming, daughter left home to get herself a mom, yet came back bringing 2 other womanchild with her.
Haven't we got this question some threads ago?
Just refer to the KonoRano ranking/Oricon sales for must-reads, numbers don't lie. A piece of (bad) advice for you, do be aware of the book's author, editors can be a menace for novice authors, but pros (and/or best-selling authors) tend to have a habit they always fall back into, though whether said habit is "good" or "bad" depends entirely on you since enjoyment is a matter of taste. For example, I can't personally enjoy something like ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ/COTE because I've had enough with Kinugasa in this lifetime (though I do find Ichinosex really appealing), but I could and would devour all "Kamachislop" if given the chance.
Though if you really need recs, Nisio is a must read for day-long philosophical debates, Danmachi is a great high-fantasy coming-of-age series, Log Horizon does political and "kingdom-building" better than most actual kingdom-building series, and SukaSuka/Moka will personally pour lemon juice with grated onion to your eyes if you read 'em.

>> No.45130164 [SPOILER] 

oi rate the LN collection I started this summer
no bullying

>> No.45130179
File: 1.58 MB, 2838x1425, E3B83211-3560-4098-A807-B5BF67235584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45130188

it's shit

>> No.45130191


>> No.45130218
File: 3.40 MB, 2529x1419, Kiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a simple man.
I see my wife Kizmel and I immediately feel better.

>> No.45130262

no, fr*nch
I'm starting to read the fourth volume of SAO progressive and so far Kizmel is best girl even better than Asuna.
From which visual novel is that image from?

>> No.45130282
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, kizmel bed big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAO Hollow Realization. not a VN but a single player "MMO" that was honestly surprisingly good as an action game. Not amazing, but I didn't feel like a dumbass wasting my time on it.
I played it because a friend of mine gifted it to me and I rushed the sister romance to make him uncomfortable.

>> No.45130318


>> No.45131057

Thanks bros

>> No.45131088
File: 24 KB, 295x259, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check it out on steam
>previously marked the game as "ignored"
>"hmm, why would i do that it looks like something i woul-"
>pic related
into the trash it goes

>> No.45131779

Close your eyes and pretend it's an audiobook

>> No.45132172

Welp I'm using a VPN right now and it's not possible. It' probably because of my credit card and the address linked to it.

>> No.45132202
File: 56 KB, 425x370, 1698956271339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>la legende des familias
>legendes chimeriques
>sois bene monde merveilleux
/jp/ truly is illiterate

>> No.45132247
File: 55 KB, 364x271, katanabrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue that it was because the text was vertical and thus not easily legible, but vertical text should be this thread's specialty.

>> No.45132270

He probably just saw "Kono Suba", "Sword Art Online", and "Bakemonogatari" and didn't bother checking. Doesn't really matter though because I remember reading that the German translation of Konosuba was translated from the English one instead of the original JP so if anything like that happens in other language TLs then they're even worse than >english

>> No.45132291

I'll try to buy from Kobo but is there an easier way to rip from there other than link related?

>> No.45132298

I honestly didn't bother reading and just sperged out because I saw titles in english

>> No.45132309

tokyopop is just a special brand of retarded no matter what language they are translating to, 99.9999999% of non english language tls are from japanese

>> No.45132325

>People are actually reading translations of translations.
Look, I get it, but isn't it just tiring reading such dogshit texts all the time? Imagine reading some shit manga scanslation a guy used MTL for, and then someone else translating from THAT. Not everyone is going to want to go through learning an entire language like this, but holy fuck, if you're going to read a lengthy series, why torture yourself with such blatant, mind-numbing trash? People need to stop mystifying Japanese as some impossible feat and just read more novels. Damn.

>> No.45132330

>because I remember reading that the German translation of Konosuba was translated from the English one instead of the original JP
they're willing playing telephone lol

>> No.45132346

Doesn't really get much easier than Kobo; it takes the bare minimum to set up and doesn't really require any maintenance. No coding/algorithmic experience needed unlike Bookwalker.

>> No.45132347

>German translation of Konosuba was translated from the English one instead of the original JP
reminds me of people who MTL from JP to English, and then use MTL again to translate from EN to their native language

>> No.45132350

German fans actually complained about the Konosuba situation because it was so unusual. Using a pivot language for a paid translation of anime, manga or LN is essentially unheard of.

>> No.45132365

shush we just figured out how to make our strawman circlejerk three feet wider

>> No.45132393

The French market for manga is bigger than the entire Anglo demographic combined; I can assure you that no Frenchman would accept a secondhand translation from English instead of directly from Japanese.

>> No.45132448

iirc Slime and Goblin slayer in french are from the english translation, they just don't say it loud.

>> No.45132529


>> No.45132588

Anyone got an epub for magical explorer 9

>> No.45132643

Thanks I finally did it! The price is a bit more but worth it for the epub alone.

>> No.45132654

Got SAOAGGO volume XIII on preorder.

>> No.45132810

reading mitou shoukan for the first time
>white queen goes from ojou-sama to yankee in a fucking instant
i'm in love bros

>> No.45132831
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The last few MJ's winner had been so shit they got axed after v1, I wonder if the jury even read them sometimes, how can you fuck up this much.

>> No.45132999

it's kinda funny how bookwalker ripping is such a shitshow that's outright easier to just do a screenshot scan and call it a day

>> No.45133028

It's actually not a rare situation for contest winners, those tend to be perfectly crafted as a single volume and tailor made to win, only to shit the bed immediately afterwards when serialized.
And since around 2021 the meta changed into pandering to the judges directly rather than writing anything normally good, so that's just fucking with the contest winners even further.

>> No.45133486

I got the epub exported but it still has DRM on when I save to file. Do you know what I did wrong? Already have DeDRM and DeACSM installed and can read the book via calibre but I can't read the file from somewhere else.

>> No.45133603

What's up with non-english demographics being "pretty big akshually" all of the sudden? Apparently the market for anything anime in LATAM is also pretty big.

>> No.45133696
File: 12 KB, 510x123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you save to disk via the right click context menu? I always export via the convert option up at the top of the tool bar. IDK if it makes a difference
Globalization. We're all culturally the same now, no real reason for it to be surprising when non-USA countries are also into anime

>> No.45133780

Yeah I was just doing the save to disk thing. The Convert command seems to create an unencrypted epub that's smaller than the original encrypted file. Thanks.

>> No.45133797
File: 80 KB, 1062x778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also make sure you change the Output profile on the Page setup tab to Tablet otherwise it compresses the images

>> No.45133820

How soon after beginning to learn jp did you guys read your first LN? I'm doing some simple manga right now at N5 and I'm a little afraid of starting my first LN

>> No.45133846

with the massive wave of CN/KR shilling with burgers they are probably one of the countries with the least jp media fans on the planet

>> No.45133847

I believe most people here recommend starting to read as early as possible, as the only way to truly learn a language is to learn it in context.
It'll be difficult at first, but you should just pick a series you enjoy and just start reading.

>> No.45133966


>> No.45134103

You will 1000% suck for the first 3 months just accept that

>> No.45134404

it's better to ride the pain now rather than put it off and progress very slowly
the first week or so you will take hours to read a single page, and it will suck, but keep in mind it only gets better from there

>> No.45135982

It really depends on what you want to read. Personally, I'd suggest starting out with something easier that has better context. Anime with JP subs, manga with furigana, games for children. If you're only interested in LNs, sure, jump in. First thing I read was arguably too difficult for me at the time, but if it's what you want to read, motivation is high.

>> No.45136614

Read a volume of Nanatsu no Maken and it was pretty bad to be honest.

Definitely does feel like he's run out of ideas and wants to pad the series to make it last longer without advancing the plot. It was pretty boring compared to the previous books with a lot of reused jokes. The whole Jack the Ripper/夜剣 arc was pointless, just coming up with some villians we've never heard before and having them get beaten up. The last third was decent though, with Shadow Garden. And yea Eta is crazy.

>> No.45137621

I did RTK and kana before starting. Wouldn't recommend RTK since most people do fine without it.
Then I just read. I'd ignore any suggestions of starting with easy stuff and working yourself up from that. Only criteria should be if it's something you really, really want to read or not.

>> No.45138170
File: 613 KB, 2048x1100, Godless_1A_006-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dendro AE updated, just a mini side-story about Symphogear. Also,
Time to watch G-1 I suppose, there's no way Kaidou won't put a bit of reference later on.
Vol 1? Understandable, it'll only really improve after the Not!Quidditch arc anyway, so just take your time if you want to continue reading.
It's language, you've got to be proactive to truly learn it and to dive deep into its culture to truly understand it, and even then it'll quickly become obsolete since Nipponese is not a dead language. It's not a race against time, you just need to make a conscious decision when consuming any Japanese media. Just be aware that the literal meaning may not always be the most correct translation, focus on the context first and foremost. Here, have a Kawakami to motivate you.

>> No.45141046

In my opinion, it's plenty easier to read (digital) LNs than manga if only for the benefit of being able to instantly hover over terms and get relevant definitions. You can also get name readings if you have said dictionary installed, check related words, pitch accent, sample audio; whatever you want. With manga, you have to manually look that shit up every time. That is, through furigana when available, and OCR or radical search if not. Complete halt in the reading experience. It's easier to pick up and more fun to read LNs precisely because it's so seamless, and the medium itself encourages more mindful and imaginitive consumption. Just read something that keeps you hooked, and even if it's a little tough, you'll probably make it and have fun too.

>> No.45141677

"fun" is subjective and hover dictionaries are a crutch at best, while some people find way more satisfaction off methodically looking up every single kanji, conjugation, gobi, etc, doesn't help that's pretty much just glorified MTL with extra steps
especially given JP > EN databases got compromised and a vast majority of LN piratefag raws are scans or screenshot scans, which will make you look up things manually like you would in manga regardless, to say nothing of just having physical copies

>> No.45142046

>doesn't help that's pretty much just glorified MTL with extra steps
dumbass take
with hover dictionaries you're trying to figure out the japanese first, then look up the shit you don't know
this is how you get good
with mtl you're just reading the translated garbage meaning you'll never improve
>while some people find way more satisfaction off methodically looking up every single kanji, conjugation, gobi, etc
this applies only to the most autistic autists or linguists
>especially given JP > EN databases got compromised
--> /pol/
>and a vast majority of LN piratefag raws are scans or screenshot scan
there is an insane library of epubs these days it's not 2020 anymore

>> No.45142079

>>especially given JP > EN databases got compromised
>--> /pol/

>> No.45142088

Ah shit, here we go again.

>> No.45142102

Or you could just learn normally instead of using the hover crutch.

>> No.45142111

at least use a jp dictionary

>> No.45142124

you mean with language courses and textbooks like the 99% of learners who never get anywhere

you should use a jp dic but not at the beginning that's just inefficient
yeah jp->en dics aren't perfect but they're just a rough guidance for the meaning
any misconception you'll get from them will self-correct itself by just continuing to read and watch japanese content and seeing the respective words used in context

>> No.45142128

>yeah jp->en dics aren't perfect but they're just a rough guidance for the meaning
前, 先, 嘗て, 往

>> No.45142145


>> No.45142163

>especially given JP > EN databases got compromised
after a couple of doujins you'll probably figure out that 凌辱 isn't used as "insult" most of the time

>> No.45142184

What's the hardest LN to read? Kanjis and prose wise
hard mode, a good one and not axed

>> No.45142189

When you have the same experience for the majority of the kanji, that's the point it would have been faster to go full immersion and pretend you're a JP toddler learning from scratch.

>> No.45142193

Newfag retard.
That statement has nothing to do with that shithole too.

>> No.45142199

read anything from nisioisin if you really want to challenge yourself

>> No.45142207

>pretend you're a JP toddler learning from scratch
There is 0 cases where this is a good idea unless you are a toddler yourself.

>> No.45142212

>When you have the same experience for the majority of the kanji
but you won't that's an extreme case
nuances will often be missing, but as mentioned they'll self-correct as you read more
> it would have been faster to go full immersion and pretend you're a JP toddler learning from scratch.
you are insane if you actually believe this

>> No.45142221

full immersion is always the best way to learn regardless of age

>> No.45142238

there is a huge difference between full immersion while making efficient use of a dictionary and full immersion while trying to figure out literally everything by yourself
years of difference, in fact

>> No.45142256

>just be a toddler bro it'll only take you 6 years to get to elementary school level

>> No.45142261

Full immersion does not mean trying to learn a toddler. Learning like a toddler is retarded, a waste of time, and boring as shit.

>> No.45142266

>while making efficient use of a dictionary
So by using a JP > JP dictionary.

>> No.45142270

whatever makes you happy man

>> No.45142302

>try to read japanese
>can't understand it
>try to look up the words in a jp-jp dictionary
>can't understand the definitions
w-what now...?

>> No.45142308

shit in your diaper like a real toddler

>> No.45142319


>> No.45142324

use MTL on the jp dictionary definitions, that's still more accurate than using a jp > en one

>> No.45142334

look up the definitions of the words in it

>> No.45142335
File: 610 KB, 1920x1080, 0054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45142340

retarded lol

>> No.45142344
File: 87 KB, 500x740, F95euXRasAABR-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything like pic related.
Really scratch that comfy late 90s - early 2000s harem stuff like Tenchi Muyo or Sora no Otoshimono despite being an isekai.

>> No.45142345

Westoid attempts at sabotaging anyone learning Japanese have reached to the point of sabotaging JP > EN databases used by both j*sho and hover dictionaries, these days you will get definitions that are either comically dry or outright wrong, exactly to push the "Japanese is too dry/robotic" meme.
For example look up 岩石 and 岩根 if you don’t believe me, pro tip: they aren’t synonyms.
You think it’s a freaky exception? It’s not, look up 降雪 and 天華, or 強風 and 一陣.
Again, they aren’t synonymous, or they are in the same sense “trees” and “delightful grove” are technically synonyms, in fact the rocks example isn’t even a synonym, not even close.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg by the way, look up 前, 先, 嘗て or 往 if you want to see how fucked up things have been for a while now.
Do yourself a favor and throw your EN > JP dictionary bookmarks in the trash where they belong, and bookmark kotobank,jp, because the sabotage has gotten so bad that throwing words at a JP > JP dictionary and using MTL on the result gives you more accurate definitions with far more depth than whatever garbage the west is trying to feed you.

>> No.45142370

>For example look up 岩石 and 岩根 if you don’t believe me, pro tip: they aren’t synonyms.
>You think it’s a freaky exception? It’s not, look up 降雪 and 天華, or 強風 and 一陣.
i'm not saying you're wrong but none of this matters for people who actually read japanese consistently it's completely irrelevant

>> No.45142399


>> No.45142409

>despite being an isekai.
how to out yourself as someone that wasn't actually reading LNs in the late 90s - early 2000s without actually saying it
jokes aside this brings quite the nostalgia, it was one of the last FOTMs on /a/ LN threads during it's silver age before it fully went to shit, and for good reason, it has a pretty good mix of drama and comfy without really being painful drama like some romance-drama LNs tend to be
which yes it may be considered a bad thing to some, some people actually want that emotional stabbing, but at least just as many just want comfy

>> No.45142498

>how to out yourself as someone that wasn't actually reading LNs in the late 90s - early 2000s without actually saying it
Yeah, I mostly watch anime and manga around that era but really only surface level stuff so even harem series are more set in modern world, scifi or pure fantasy. I could be wrong though

>> No.45142579

depends on your definition of modern, plenty of ones like mahouka were set in magitech worlds that also happened to have current year tech and culture
that was pretty much the norm for almost any LN that had any kind of focus on combat and honestly it's still common even today

>> No.45142670

>poking the beehive

>> No.45142701

>come back to see there's like 40 new posts
>it's almost all shitflinging about the language

>> No.45142779

Well, I read most of monogatari and zaregoto, it isn't that hard, he even have the most enjoyable writing I've read so far with Kadono

>> No.45142820

Look at this fag humblebragging.

>> No.45143995

I really hope the sabotage conspiracy is real. Japanese learning being obtuse and inacessible is a good thing. I'm tired of retards who have been "learning" for a year polluting discourse, making discussions about reading difficulty (lol) instead of the actual content and misunderstanding plot elements because they don't know the language.

>> No.45144019

people dick measuring with their mining anki decks was the point i realized they don't have any interest in actually reading/listening to japanese

>> No.45144839

Is there a list of recommended LNs? I'm pretty new to the medium and while I wanna read stuff that I've watched the anime adaptation of, but still want to know some basic stuff to get started.

>> No.45144846

Just wanted to say that ロシデレ is good, and I don't even usually like romcoms

Different anon, but Monogatari is pretty normal Japanese. It's well written though, and Nisio is very witty.

I'm on Hanamonogatari (the 9th one) right now, so still have lots left to go

>> No.45144865

>I wanna read stuff that I've watched the anime adaptation of
that's probably one of the best ways to get started honestly

>> No.45145516

After reading that Noucome sequel, I want to read more romcom that focuses more on the "com" part rather than the "rom" part. Any recommendations?

>> No.45145646

Arifureta, SAO Progressive, Youjitsu, Konosuba, Smartphone, Tonari no Tenshi

>> No.45145716

the unfortunate reality is that most people that write LNs are pretty autistic and every story no matter how lighthearted will turn at least somewhat serious at some point, and if you get unlucky then get ready for a rather painful emotional stabbing session
likewise any story that is full blown lighthearted haha funni will pretty much be a one trick pony doing the same thing forever
even stuff like nagatoro and the massive wave of "popular girl is into the class introvert now" manga ends up doing one or the other so there's that
there's probably stuff like what you want out there but i can't think of any

>> No.45149691

On vol 4 of tearmoon and meer(?) is just being normally intelligent at this point lol.

>> No.45149888

it's basically the same problem you see in the licensed eop circles, it's less about reading the series and more "look at my cool bookshelf" and muh prose fuckery

>> No.45150525

not going to watch the tearmoon anime
i'm too used to mia's voice from the audiobooks it'd probably be weird

>> No.45152377

