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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 764x637, 2023-10-19 09_55_39-私の推しは悪役令嬢。 - 19.学院騎士団 — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44984909 No.44984909 [Reply] [Original]

2023 is almost over
Why don't you know japanese yet? You want to, you plan to, you imagine yourself impressing people with your language skills. Yet you do nothing about it.

One would be tempted-- well, your Dad would be tempted-- to call you lazy. But he's wrong, you're not lazy, you’d work harder than anyone, you just need to get chosen first. And who can blame you? Everything you've ever seen with your
eyes says greatness is thrust upon the unsuspecting hero; while everyone who works hard becomes.... a worker.

And so this “laziness” is the logical first step of exactly what you desire. You want to be selected for doing nothing. You don't
want to do better in calculus because then you will become a calculator and you will be responsible for calculating. You must
not commit to any definite path in case the Sphinx is down another. It's also why you're still single, even if only mentally.

>> No.44984910

Fine speech.

>> No.44984911

>Why don't you know japanese yet?
I promised myself that I would learn it by 2086.

>> No.44984912

my cope nowadays is that once i get into a more stable financial situation i will pay for classes.
im 30 and just barely can look after myself now. left my parent's house 2 years ago and things have been super rough but once i totally make more money which is definitely going to happen and i'm 100% not coping, i will pay for classes.
t-trust the plan!!!!

>> No.44984913

I already have enough problems with English despite being an EOP.

>> No.44984914

>Why don't you know japanese yet?
I already speak three and a half languages. Head's full.

>> No.44984915

But it's the opposite, actually. The more languages you know, the easier learning languages becomes.

>> No.44984916

>>44984913 (favourite manga: Dragon Ball)
>>44984914 (favourite manga: HxH)
The duality of /a/..

>> No.44984917

paying for classes is a bad idea, you will waste a lot of money and time and potentially still not get good

>> No.44984918

because its an outdated archaic language that will be phased out

>> No.44984919
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I spy some Alone posting

>> No.44984920

you not doing that bad bro
you got 20 years to get your shit together then you can learn jap fly to japan and become the ugly bastard
you got this bro

>> No.44984921

I do. And this constant posturing is pathetic. It's just a hobby. Doesn't make you a better, or worse person any more than my mother's interest in knitting does, or my dad's obsession with re-watching ski-races from the fucking 80's. It's certainly nothing worth trying to lord it over anonymous people on the internet for. Not that anything is, the behaviour itself is just sad. Didn't read your post. Seen it a million times before. No one cares to watch you grasp at straws for a sliver of self-esteem in the lowest risk, lowest effort environment imaginable. Get over yourself. Grow up. Maybe make something of yourself in the process, and you won't even need this desperate pleading for approval.

>> No.44984922

I can read manga that interest me with occasionally having to look up words, but my listening ability is so bad that I always have to rely on japanese subtitles which makes me feel pathetic

>> No.44984923
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Everything else is fine but Kanji is retarded and unnecessary. Everyone who stops, stops at Kanji. Fucking Chinese bullshit!

>> No.44984924

I can barely type out a 6 page essay for my english classes, I stopped trying to learn new languages after a month of spanish duolingo in 9th grade

>> No.44984925

You need a purpose and goal for why you are even learning the language, for example if there's an untranslated manga you desperately want to read or really want to know the original author's intent without having to rely on translations that might tamper with the source material for whatever bias they have.

>> No.44984926

What's this

>> No.44984927

I don't want to or plan to. There are other things I want to do with my time. There's more than enough English translated manga for me to read for a lifetime and even if I run out, I'll just put more time into other hobbies.

>> No.44984928

>Implying I already haven't since 2012

The obsession to play untranslated eroge and VN did wonders for grinding Japanese.

>> No.44984929

>Paying for language classes in 2023
I know you are 30 and that enters in more of a millennial territory but you don't need classes to get the basics down.
I learned English alone in my room (although English is kind of an easy language I have to admit), granted, I don't have certifications or something like that but who needs them? I just need to pay for the exam and not waste 2+ years learning at a slower rhythm.

>> No.44984930

I'm taking a break in this month because I'm too busy watching horror films, but I'll pick up where I let off in november

>> No.44984931

>The more languages you know, the easier learning languages becomes.
That's true, I was surprised to know German is like a combination of English and Spanish, tej difficult part is that German words are fucking stupid, but the structure is easy

>> No.44984932

I can speak and understand pretty well, but I'm illiterate as fuck. I'm getting there though.

>> No.44984933

>I'm taking a break in this month because I'm too busy watching horror films
Do you have any recommendations? I watched "Talk to me" and "Evil Dead Rising" and honestly I didn't like them much, thy received nothing but praise but I don't think horror movies are for me.

>> No.44984934


>> No.44984935

There are languages that impress normies just as much while being much more useful. Vast majority of which are also much easier to learn. Japanese isn't something anyone picks up for practicality, it's just a hobby for weeaboos. Stop trying to make it seem like it's anything but in an attempt to justify your decision to learn it.

>> No.44984936

Why would I learn the language of a racist ass country that I'll never visit?

>> No.44984937

I've never really been interested in learning Japanese. I speak three languages, two of which aren't particularly useful (Norwegian, Russian). Japanese would be another useless language. I'd be better off learning Spanish or something. Plus, the idea of learning Japanese for the sake of reading manga would just make me even more insufferable.

>> No.44984938
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I'm in Japan right now
I wish I knew more than sumimasen, gomenasai, and arigato

>> No.44984939

I actually started practicing writing my hiragana/katakana yesterday along with some basic sentences. I took some classes in college but haven't learned anything new in 6 years aside from picking up some words/phrases from anime. Like others said, I don't have any practicality for it outside of my own hobbies.

>> No.44984940

>Why don't you know japanese yet?
I'm unproductive enough as it is, the amount of dumb porn games I would play if I knew japanese would keep from ever getting anything done.

>> No.44984941

Sadly, Porn by Ed Teach (aka Alone aka The Last Psychiatrist)
It's not "really" about porn, but about narcissism, how one seeks knowledge to defend against impotence, and a lot of other stuff. Pretty good read, just like his blog



>> No.44984942

because I get hyped over it for a month or so and do my anki reps/write to japanese anons on int and then I suddenly become disinterested and do jackshit for a few months
also I'm 32 so it becomes harder to obtain new skills

>> No.44984943

Zero reason to now that there is deepl and other AI machine translation. It's only going to get better.

>> No.44984944

>also I'm 32 so it becomes harder to obtain new skills
Believing in "age" cope, It was over before it even started

>> No.44984945

>I'm 32 so it becomes harder to obtain new skills
The neuroplasticity meme doesn't kick in until you're about 60. That's why the retirement age is always around there. If you feel dumber than you used to it's because you've rotted your brain abnormally much.

>> No.44984946
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Because it unlocks a massive amount of stuff that will never be translated and will enhance the experience of enjoying Japanese media.
>racist ass country
Japanese people are just super into their own culture, it's how every every country should be ideally. It's just a case of Japan staying normal while the rest of the world is going through chaos and insanity.

>> No.44984947

I still have so much media that is translated that I can enjoy. I read a lot of manga but I am not really running out.

>> No.44984948

AI translations exists now such that its meaningless.

>raw japanese anime
>pass through whisper ai
>get japanese transliteration
>pass through deepl/openai/any number of options
>get english sub

Still not satisfied?

>get raw anime
>pass it through elevenlabs or heygen
>get english dubbed anime

A year or two from now, it will even get better.

>> No.44984949

maybe for languages of the same family ie romance languages and east asian languages
but i doubt knowing german spanish and english is gonna give you any particularly useful heads up in learning pictograms

>> No.44984950

Try to translate ops pic with one of your "science machines", so that we can laugh at the results

>> No.44984951

>Why don't you know japanese yet
i'm getting there

>> No.44984952

post hand

>> No.44984953

I am waiting until I uncover the secret method to learning Japanese entirely passively, or at the very least, remember every word and kanji you've seen instantly on the first encounter with 0 needed repetitions
i think maybe theres drug or somethin you can take out there probably

and then thats when my jaapanese learning adventure will TRULY begin

>> No.44984954

Have you tried memory palaces? You can probably store a few thousands words in them

>> No.44984955
File: 43 KB, 1413x719, 7b51c96a-4452-4e33-9686-17da9c37b25c_1413x719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse twitter mindlessly
>japanese post comes up
>instinctively read and understand it on the first try, had to double check because i was caught off-guard

>> No.44984956


>> No.44984957

I don't even watch that much anime, much less read manga

There's a shit ton of already translated media that will be enough for me

Having said that, I want to learn so I can visit Japan and go exploring, but for le anime? Nah

>> No.44984958
File: 148 KB, 720x2863, AAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want to, you plan to, you imagine yourself impressing people with your language skills. Yet you do nothing about it.

>> No.44984959
File: 159 KB, 720x908, SHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not the reaosn, it;s mostly because i have a 9 to 5 as a steel worker ... wait not even 9 to 5, 0730 to 1700

>> No.44984960
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>> No.44984961
File: 733 KB, 686x641, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>I don't even watch anime
>much less read manga
go right the fuck back to r*ddit you fucking tool

>> No.44984962
File: 9 KB, 258x196, 1693828240232919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been learning it for almost two years, but lately I feel like I'm not improving at all.

>> No.44984963

I've been reading manga in Japanese recently. I still have trouble remembering words/Kanji but it's not too bad taking the time to look up words while reading. Could never stick with Anki.

>> No.44984964

I've watched around 350 and god it's more than enough. I just watch seasonal shit now

Cope & seethe nerd

>> No.44984965

based weebgoy

>> No.44984966

I started learning japanese but I am getting progressively more and more tired of the japanese and their culture in general. Including manga.

>> No.44984967

Just imagine Japan as a land full of nice and kind anime-like people. Doesn't matter if a thought is true or not, the only valid metric for you to listen to it should be "is it beneficial or not?" Does believing a thought gets you closer to your goals/ideals? Then it's good.

>> No.44984968

That's all you need

>> No.44984969

I wish I was in japan right now with you

>> No.44984970

I literally went through 50 new words from Core6K today. And I already finished Core2K. I can even kinda watch subtitled Sailor Moon and read a simple VN with Yomichan.
It took way longer to get there than it should have by any reasonable metric but my Japanese genuinely skyrocketed this year. Now I'm past the Unclimbable Kanji Wall, out of Bog of Despair and into the Infinite Plain of Slow Gradual Improvement.
So no, don't get what you're talking about.

>> No.44984971

this is why japanese naturally filtering filthy westoids like this is a good thing

>> No.44984972
File: 426 KB, 1580x327, it's not even that much but it still hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I figured it'd be easier to learn kanji and vocabulary first before learning how things go together. Essentially, understand how bricks work before installing insulation and electrical systems into the wall. It works decently enough, but keeping up with it very rigorous and I tend to lose steam because of other distractions and demands.

>> No.44984973

Oh yeah I bet there are at least 10 words in OP you can't read, in fact I'll list them here and you'll be like "fuck I cant read those fucking words" and then you'll cheat and google them
But I'll know
And you'll know

Anyways I bet you cant read these

>> No.44984974

congratulations on tricking yourself into wasting massive amounts of time

>> No.44984975

"Wasting time" is what I do all day anyway.

>> No.44984976


>> No.44984977

Have fun with your repetition copy and paste series. And don't come with me with the netflix or comics arggument, I also do not watch/read any of that shitty western media. I'm going to get back to reading more books and listening to more music.

>> No.44984978

Why does it matter if I know some random-ass words if I can understand the gist of the text? It's more about being able to read 95% of what's written and filling in the blanks for the remaining 5%, either through guessing or looking them up. Like, I guess it's better if I know everything, but you don't have to read everything perfectly to be making progress. Not like I claimed to be C1.
And I will eventually learn these words anyway. It's just a matter of time and effort.

But anyway here are my guesses from actually reading the OP chapter in context, no looking up words, since it does sound fun.
甲冑 - armor
屈強 - overpowering
直属 - belonging
治安維持 - preservation of safety
担っていて - holding up
悪化 - worsening
紛争 - prolonged battle
圧倒的多数 - overpowering numbers
低下 - lowering
用いられる - be using
ごく少数 - something about small amount, not sure what.

>> No.44984990

>moved to /jp/
Oh boy in before dick pics.

>> No.44984995

>thread actually talks about anime and experiencing it as intended for once
>kicked out of /a/
not even surprised

>> No.44985022
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Go back from where you came from

>> No.44985023

What is your first language, ESL-kun?

>> No.44985035
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welcome friends

>> No.44985037
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I haven't even checked /jp/ in years, but really I never understood why it exists. Is it the touhou equivalent of /mlp/? Do they only talk about touhous and jap dramas? You'd think they'd run out of topics eventually..

>> No.44985054

>You want to, you plan to, you imagine yourself impressing people with your language skills. Yet you do nothing about it.
No I don't.

I'm probably not as much of a weeb as some others here; 99% of things I care about get translated(eventually). Sure, not having to wait for LNs to get translated and watching anime raw instead of subbed or dubbed would be pretty neat but is that really worth the effort? Probably, if not for kanji. I'm just not gonna fuck with it.

>> No.44985055

/jp/ is where the true oldfags and the highest of powerlevels reside. Most people on /jp/ have seen more anime series than 10+ average f/a/ggots combined. In addition a lot of people on /jp/ can watch anime without waiting for subs like you fucking faggot babbys. Generally, /a/ looks to each other for approval of things, while /jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality. Also /a/ has no OC besides shitty image macro memes that get old within a week; /jp/ translates VNs, games and has doujin translation teams that regularly post there. People at /jp/ know your own boards' subject far, far better than you do, fucking dream on if you think you have any kind of superiority in any way whatsoever.

We sneer at you fucking newfags/normalfags, your shonenshit Big 3 threads, quasi-/v/ mentality and everything else that makes /a/ suck fucking balls. /jp/ is a better board than /a/ could ever dream to be because most of you f/a/ggots are, in our eyes, eternal newfags, aka there is nothing you could ever say or do to bring yourself up to our level, because you aren't true oldfags. You're G/a/ia, you're ANN and MAL trash now. Stay away, we don't want you in /jp/, not now, not ever. Go on and continue existing in your own world of shit thinking that it's any good, while the master race quietly resides separated from you mongoloids.

>> No.44985061

But /jp/ is shit.

>> No.44985063

Replace "japanese" with whatever is you're procrastinating on, or with that which you never even started but keep thinking "one day.."

>> No.44985071

I honestly have no idea whether that applies to /jp/ or not, since I don't go here either.
But from my limited experience visiting generals for information in a thread faq or a one-off question, running out of topics never stopped anybody from a good circlejerk.

>> No.44985074

Double the mod's salary

>> No.44985076
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>> No.44985082

>Replace "japanese" with whatever is you're procrastinating on, or with that which you never even started but keep thinking "one day.."
But I don't think I'm going to learn Japanese one day and I hate procrastination. If I have a list of things to do and I hate some of the things on the list, I go out of my way to do those first so I don't have to worry about them anymore.

>> No.44985083

It's for general discussion of Japanese culture, when they finally grow one.

>> No.44985084

Big boards are dedicated shitpost boards, they are not actually about discussing the topics they claim to be about.

>> No.44985099

>westoid already throwing a tantrum

>> No.44985107

imagine being happy slurping trannylations because you're a lazy retard

>> No.44985115

Is 32 too old to go to japan and snatch a japanese girlfriend/wife?

>> No.44985123

Oh, I'm not Western, and this... really isn't. It's a statement of reality, Japan has nothing that isn't a shoddy knockoff of Indian, Chinese, or Western culture.

>> No.44985128

>Above 25.
You better be unironically rich, otherwise it's joever.

>> No.44985146

I can lie about my age whos gonna notice lol all gaijin rook same

>> No.44985164

they can smell your ojiisan stink

>> No.44985176

>Most people on /jp/ have seen more anime series than 10+ average f/a/ggots combined.
spoken like a true newfag larping
just read the source material in japanese instead, adaptations are garbage 99% of the time and it's not hard to find the 1%

>> No.44989549

how does /a/ do it? Despit- wait

>> No.44991534
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>Why don't you know japanese yet?
Because I'm learning chinese. One thing at a time.

>> No.44997441

i used to be shocked that a lot of people were going to japan without knowing a lick of the language but at this point the ONLY people ive seen say they go to japan or that went to japan couldnt speak more than five words or knew any kanji either so i think i would be MORE shocked if somebody who COULD speak the language went there now

>> No.44997662
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i do enough calculus daily (not fun calculus, real analysis, which sucks ass) that my brain hurts thinking about learning a language, let alone a non-romance one. being able to read kana, basic phrases and some kanji is a nice party trick but i don't think i'll ever go past that or think the time i spent a few years ago doing it was ever worth it

it's a hobby over anything else, one which i'm not dedicated to simply because i have no use or passion for it. i've met like one japanese person in my life ever and i don't think i'd have the gall to engage them in conversation when the peak of my knowledge is the equivalent of a gringo going up to someone who looks vaguely latino and commiting a crime against the spanish language

point being i don't even read enough manga to see use in it, so why the fuck would i? people who learn the language translate shit for me at pretty high quality, so why even bother if i'm not a language nerd or an uber weeb?

>> No.44998093
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I'm learning Japanese by reading and watching YouTube videos, and I'm learning math. I'm not lazy. I'm doing my best.

>> No.44998254

Japanese is too complex to learn artificially. It really needs to be learned naturally, but there is no good learning resources.

>> No.45006895

okay now what

>> No.45011522


>> No.45019207

I've been studying Japanese for 5 years now and it isn't a race, I'm probably around N4 now give or take a few wrong answers, and can hold very basic conversations speaking with a bit more difficulty listening. Just keep on going and stop worrying about any final goal that may or may not ever come. Ganbatte!

>> No.45019686

But I'm 30 and want a hot japanese gf NOW, when I'm 40 itll be too late

>> No.45019714

Men age like wine. You're fine and only weirdos will judge you for dating a 20 year old at 40.

>> No.45019791

2023 has been my best year of learning so far.

Started in 2020 with normie-tier shit until I saw the light and started grinding visual novels. This year I recovered from my Yomichan's addiction, reduced my daily Anki time, and read very good VN.

Still, I need to learn more kanji, need to improve my listening, need to be able to write more than 小学校's 1000 kanji. I also think I'll start reading proper literature in 2024.

>> No.45020228

I'm taking N2 in December. I aced N3 last year but the jump in difficulty from N3->N2 caught me off guard, I'm not sure I'll even pass this time.

>> No.45020263
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Try some tests online, this one was fun

>> No.45020837
File: 84 KB, 919x480, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool test, is there some equivalence between its score and JLPT levels? Never tried taking JLPT

>> No.45020841
File: 20 KB, 914x337, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, never used that one before. As expected my grammar needs work, and I guessed my way through many of the kanji.

>> No.45020952

Now I feel bad thanks assholes!
Not sure about the jlpt level, I'd guess either n2 or n1 but no idea, just google ttbj to jlpt or something

>> No.45022340
File: 1.15 MB, 3458x2103, 1674762546398441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45022459

It's never too late to become a kidnapper, anon.

>> No.45027159

Approximate correspondence with JLPT is at the bottom of this page:

>> No.45028263


>> No.45030977

If I didn't already know Japanese, I'd definitely be learning it precisely because of this. Shitty human translators putting out garbage translations was already a problem, but now we'll have retards who can't even pretend they know the language running everything they can get their hands on through a machine, brimming with the kind of confidence only the completely ignorant can have. But I suppose if the state of human translation wasn't bad enough to motivate a person then nothing ever will be.

>> No.45031494

jeez I only started a month ago be patient

>> No.45036068

You can't experience the delight of mentally reconstructing a Japanese sentence in English if you let AI do it for you, anon. If you're just learning a language for utility though, Japanese isn't the greatest because there's so much more to learn than the average language

>> No.45036088

your looks and game will be the determiner of whether you can get a hot Japanese gf or not, if you aren't getting girls now in your home country you will fail in Japan as well

>> No.45036442

Going with no Japanese is a lot easier than with only basic comprehension (non-conversational).
Most Japanese that aren't elderly will speak basic English and larger business will basically always have a fluent English speaker on staff. However, if you try Japanese first they'll always feel compelled to speak Japanese back, regardless of their English fluency.
Unless you're N1, just speaking English and expecting them to understand, get someone who does or just guess what you want, is a much better option.

>> No.45038291

fuck no. you just have more dedicated language learning time and get proficient in the process if you do it a lot but im at a point where i mix languages up on accident
