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File: 157 KB, 600x800, __komeiji_koishi_komeiji_satori_kaenbyou_rin_and_reiuji_utsuho_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_jam_shoujikimono_wa_naze_mawaru__f500cbb4579d5590ce4414dcf3fa7c56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44978510 No.44978510 [Reply] [Original]

If you were born a youkai would you be content with your existence?

>> No.44978530

>Born a superior, supernatural being
>Humans naturally fear you
>You have a long lifespan to do whatever you want
>Partying, drinking and having fun with fellow youkai while eating human meat casually
>Power to affect supernatural phenomena
>No taxes to pay
Yes I would

>> No.44978551

Quoting whom, there?

>> No.44978931


>> No.44978941
File: 117 KB, 392x444, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I was a youkai girl I would fuck all the shotas in the village for the rest of my life
these kids would never get old for me since the old ones are replaced with young ones
i hopefully would get pregnant and give birth to triplets of half-youkais

>> No.44979010

What the absolute fuck man

>> No.44979382

Threads with this question are always full of autogynophiles. It's like a dog whistle for them and their fantasies.

>> No.44979714


>> No.44979773

Were I born a youkai, I wouldn't think about such pointless questions.

>> No.44980136 [DELETED] 
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:D <3

>> No.44980183
File: 6 KB, 400x400, whenyoudodgethechair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you're gonna rape me, huh?
You're gonna try and suffocate me with your massive fucking milkers? You think you can take me on you insane cosplay cop?
Take one step closer you geek, one motherfucking step and you'll taste the smite of pure refined magical concentrate applied directly to your whore face, I double dog dare you motherfucker!

>> No.44980193
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>> No.44980222

go back

>> No.44980287

I'm not a shota. However, in this fictitious scenario would you let me impregnate you?

>> No.44980311
File: 393 KB, 4092x2893, EV-LTT0U0AAC1Vl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to refuse.
Verification not required.

>> No.44980345

Meira does not exist.
Do not pretend she does, that's a /v/ psyop.

>> No.44980490

Fine then I'll go impregnate another anon who gets turned into a youkai girl

I don't need you!

>> No.44983085

Well.... I would be lying if I said it wasn't hot....

>> No.44983106

I'd be content with being a youkai, male or female.

>> No.44983108

I would immediately work hard to develop an ability to make girls uncontrollably wet themselves and cause an incident so the incident resolvers would come after me.

>> No.44984066

i'd try to search a way to not rely on the schizo monkeys's beliefs to exist

>> No.44984383

this is an interesting post. its weird how there has not been much trying for youkai to find a way to exist without humans.
also, not all youkai need belief to exist: magicians, fairies, hermits, vampires, and celestials don't really need belief, but those are more "youkai" in the sense of being supernatural species, rather than actual ones.

>> No.44984469


>> No.44984487

My answer is also yes based on this. There is literally no down side.

>> No.44984559

I would not want to be a youkai because I would still be dependent on human belief to exist. It’s not like I can just do whatever to fuck I want, youkai still have to work in their autistic archetype

>> No.44984765

Go out and let some hillbillies record you in the forest every decade or so and you'll be as immortal as bigfoot.

>> No.44989894
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Probably not. My existence would be dictated on a whim by Yukari, if I even manage to continue to exist or arrive in Gensokyo, plus I'm presumably embodying some sort of primordial fear. What fear am I representing, the fear of bad exam scores due to procrastination? Somehow the youkai of social anxiety doesn't sound too catchy either, and I'm a pretty normal human, so nothing murder related. Presuming we're in zun-created japanese mythology and not you know... kappas are serial drowners instead of engineers.

I guess if I had somewhat of an advantage I'd be a magician like Patchouli or have some gimmick power like Yukari I'd have the talent to be able to do my own thing and not be curb-stomped by the nearest oni, so starting another library would be a great way to spend my time, which I've presumably got a lot of now that I've been corralled to a 50km^2 area of buttfuck nowhere. Researching something that isn't pure math would be very fun, and I guess for a few hundred years if I managed to live that long it'd be all I did

>> No.44989964

>youkai of social anxiety
Wow, you're stupid. That's like one of the most powerful things to be, especially nowadays. You could carve out your own little spot anywhere you want, including outside world.

>> No.44990015
File: 279 KB, 1611x1665, __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_fensedekaoji__a0b2915e788e48546a48a76f50afe0b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's been addressed properly but in the context of those species they actually will die out if the barrier goes down, I believe Aya notes it in her little tabloid project though she's not the most trustworthy.
In the fairy manga Yukari notes that even in the forests there is a distinct lack of life brought forth by fairies and thus an absence of them as well.
It follows in line that certain things like hermits and vampires may exist out there due to their nature but magic is gone in most regions of the world and thus their power is as well. Funny enough given how some beings like kanako have a real body its likely that they'd fade into being humans like Sanae was.

>> No.44990162

Though they are technically former humans, they are still in the "youkai" category, and hence need human belief to exist
Not sure about them
Not sure either
A species of youkai, specifically devils, and hence need human belief like every other youkai
Not sure like hermits

>> No.44990648
File: 30 KB, 331x334, Alice confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and hence need human belief to exist
only to use their magic, otherwise they just fade into humans. Though arguments could be said that magic does still exist in the outside world but very muted in comparison.
don't exist in the outside world, or at least japan according to fairy manga
see magicians
Remillia did come from the outside world but she's also exceptionally powerful. It really depends on your vampire lore and where you draw their existence from. In the case of Koakuma who is a devil her existence could be sustained considering the huge followings Abrahamic religions have. Remillia could fall under the same category of being associated under said lore.
Like Yama and other things they'd probably fall under 'forces of nature' and are a part of fundamental existence so a lack of belief likely isn't to stop them from existing properly

>> No.44993343

Being born a lunarian is even better, being destined for greatness from the start, experiencing no disease and impurity in one's life, and living in an extremely advanced society overall, just don't disobey the monarchy's authority and don't show compassion toward earthlings.

>> No.44996361

the Scarlet Mansion gang just recently arrived at Gensokyo, long after the creation of the hakurei barrier (roughly one centurie and a bit from now), so Remilia and Flandre were around the outside world without much belief
> but magic is gone in most regions of the world and thus their power is as well
Patchouli is also implied to have been a wizard from birth, and its doubtful that her magic was weak or nonexistent prior arriving Gensokyo, since how would she have met Remilia otherwise? also, Sumireko is capable of using magic, but she calls herself a "psychic", so maybe there are wizards around the outside world who maybe are an elitist bunch like tengus that follow the rule of not getting into muggle's lives out of a superiority bias.

>> No.44996441

see my other post >>44996361
in Europe today, there are people who claim to have seen fairies around, so they are kind of ok without explicit belief, since they are forces of nature
didn't the taoists arrive even later than the SD crew?
see my post>>44996361
they are basically the evolution of an hermit, so no belief required.

>> No.44997555

You need help

>> No.44997602

Yeah can you imagine if some guy told you that in real life

>> No.44997720
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1695815826558460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ショタコン fuck them all 1997
I am a shotacon princess
210,747,792,300 DEFLOWERED SHOTAS

>> No.44997994
File: 22 KB, 128x128, 1696257317448499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are scaring the tourists

>> No.44998074

You could probably set up some cameras and record yourself and post it on youtube. Like how spiderman takes pictures of himself and give it to the journal he works at.

>> No.44998088

This, but if i was a youkai male and with lolis instead of shotas.

>> No.44998164
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>> No.44998317
File: 11 KB, 185x272, 1haa8pratwib1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you belong in a prison

kindly escort yourselves to Makai or else face retrubution

>> No.44998440

Seiga even went to Japan to impress people there because her country was already filled with hermits that where better than her, so it probably still works.
Or believe can go as far as from China to Japan to power your magic.

Devils don't seem to be specified as youkai aside from when youkai refers to anything supernatural.
But since there's barely any info on them or makai it's a bit hard to tell.
I also thought that magicians where closer to devils than youkai but maybe that's me associating them because of sharing kanji.

Lmao, would be funny to see some random channel of someone showing weird paranormal youkai magic and the comments fighting over if it's fake and gay or not.

>> No.44998552

Most humans already believe that they exist because of a God or some other similar figure, rather than existing... "independently". If I were a youkai and knew that I only existed due to human faith/fear, I wouldn't let it hold me back, assuming I'd even have the sentiments to care about such things in the first place...

>> No.44998632

literally me

>> No.44998652

I would cope by convincing myself i am still human in spirit and not like the born as a youkai youkais.

>> No.44998722


>> No.44999136

Wonder if that would alter your existence to something else, put you back to human or make you disappear.
Makes me wonder, did we ever got an explanation of what Byakurens(theoretical) plan would make?
Like if humans and youkai live together in peace do the youkai just banish or do they just become humans, animals or whatever their were based from?

>> No.44999195

Who knows, maybe i would turn into something like a magician who is not a human but is not exactly a youkai either? Maybe a half youkai like Rinosuke?

>> No.45001884

Humans can become youkai, but it is not implied anywhere that youkai can become humans, they can only disguise themselves as such

Mere egregores cannot ever become the same as their creators

>> No.45007859

I thought many youkai came from humans like oni and tengu. kappa on the other hand I've never heard of them being humans, but many youkai are animals that learned magic so kappa could be in a similar position.
Stuff like tenome could be consider more like some sort of human ghost so the line is sometimes blurry and Buddhism reincarnation seems to imply that souls are very "flexible", youkai could be the equivalent of the hungry ghosts or ashura. And there was a story about some buddhist convincing Tamamo's spirit to go to hell and redeem herself in her next live.
If we stay strictly by Touhou canon it's a bit harder, but I remember fortune tellers book getting burned so that he didn't come back, so at the very least you can go from spirit/ghost to youkai and back to spirit/ghost, so at least he could become a human in his next life, so atleast human to youkai to human seems to work.

>> No.45008062

Peace doesn't mean comfort. Just look at how ex cons live. Even if they have no intention of ever committing another crime, the people around them will always worry that they might. I imagine it would be the same with youkai in such a scenario. Sure the youkai might never harm a human but they will always worry that one day one of them might snap and do it. No matter how long that state of peace lasts humans as a whole will always think of youkai as a dangerous "other".

>> No.45010156

But would you make half-youkai?

>> No.45017086

Depends on what I respawn in Gensokyo as.
Youkai of analog computers? Might be pretty cool. The likes of the kappa or Moriya would find me interesting, at least.
Youkai of plastic bags? I'll consider doing whatever Gensokyo's equivalent of brb gensokyo ;_; is.

>> No.45018322

Buddhism is all about letting go of the material world. So, presumably, Byakuren's ideal world would simply be all Youkai dying out due to reaching Nirvana.

>> No.45018332

I want to judge you, but you are unironically the only one with a proper Youkai mindset and character.

>> No.45018413

notice how youkai can't stop talking about humans for once, they always mention them in one way or another when they talk, what the fuck is up with their obsession if they think they are oh so above them?

>> No.45018804

so true

>> No.45018825

I think if I was born one instead of becoming one later in life I wouldn't appreciate as much as I would have if I knew what it was like to be human first.

>> No.45018842

Youkai are covetous of humans. Their flesh, their technology, their wisdom, even their love. They can never escape this.

>> No.45018854

so, parasites in the truest sense?
do they covet their souls too?

>> No.45018862

>so, parasites in the truest sense?
Yes. They don't even have the nature spirit excuse of fairies.

>do they covet their souls too?
I mean, Rin exists.

>> No.45018900

I still don't get why youkai can't stop babbling about humans whenever they talk about random shit, and it's always them talking about how they're inferior someway and they are better someway, it's as if they're incapable of not giving a fuck about humans despite believing they are so superior and prideful

>> No.45025120

I'd rather be a Celestial. That seems to be a way better deal then a god or youkai considering I'm not at the mercy of human fear and believe

>> No.45025222

They were literally bron from humans abd need them to continue existing. They're the most pathetic predators out there

>> No.45031014

What kind of youkai specifically? I think that matters.

>> No.45032861

>I think that matters
Not really, some youkai are classified as being just youkai and don't belong to any particular species, examples include Rumia and Yukari

>> No.45032937

Aren't there youkai that get the short end of the stick?

>> No.45033271

9/9 should be soon isn't it?

>> No.45033784

Do you think aliens have their own versions of youkai on their planets?

>> No.45037746

