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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44969933 No.44969933 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for regular Japanese music. Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, BABYMETAL, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads

Pirating Japanese music related links: https://pastebin.com/M1pFz6Ps

Previous thread: >>44601419

>> No.44970009

I like the album alot

>> No.44970327

Nobody listens to those links.

>> No.44970796
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Yunosuke and WaMi is forming a unit together called Awairo under the Sinsekai Record label. Their first single Pale&Deep is releasing in two days.

>> No.44971000
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New Goto Mariko Acoustic Violence POP album「未来」will release on December 6th, CD only available at 3 or 4 stores. Probably no streaming for a while. Old people and their old ways...

>> No.44972923

It's out.

>> No.44973226

/alt/ is two blocks down.

>> No.44973325

Can't we just be friends and accept that some of these /jp/ music threads have overlap?

>> No.44973626

Yea I just realized after posting >>44970796 that it's more suited for the utaite/vsinger general (or even vocaloid since Yunosuke is a vocaP). But it's still something music related and I thought people here would like to know about it.

>> No.44974427


>> No.44974528

any good heavy metal recs?

>> No.44974658
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Must listen

>> No.44974668

>youtube is now limiting video views unless I disable adblock
it's joever

>> No.44977172

LOVEBITES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWHPfnJz2qk

>> No.44977198

purge your ublock filters then update them


>> No.44981147


>> No.44981665

I don't know why you removed Polkadot Stingray from your post and reposted, but I've been listening to them a lot since then, so I guess I should thank you.

>> No.44982978

Thank you, such a cool artist

>> No.44986603


>> No.44988994

Your favourite electronic artists? The harder the feel the better, this is one I know and have liked for a while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U588oVCqjUY

>> No.44989993


>> No.44992493

She's so dreamy

>> No.44992502


>> No.44992728

the closest thing to this I listen to is Hakushi Hasegawa
but just electronic I really like dj newtown
which is just tofubeats but I hate his vocals with a passion so I'm glad he's doing projects without them

>> No.44992841

Hakushi has a pretty neat cover of Love Zukkyun but I wouldn't really put her in the same genre as anon posted (which is hardcore). Posting the cover anyway since I like it.

How familiar are you with the more popular stuff? Camelia, Kors K, Hardcore Tano*C, t+pazolite, etc? You can probably find stuff you like on the Hardcore Tano*C channel, if you haven't already been through the whole thing

>> No.44992934

I love his/their cover of sakanaction sentorei in that album. been looking for the drama "ore wa shinjimatta zo" but I can't find it anywhere. I don't really listen to hardcore, just wanted to post other electronic stuff.

>> No.44992962

their, apparently.

>> No.44993018

yeah, I still find it hard to switch to "their" after using he/him for so long now, but since they've signed into flying lotus's label it's "they" everywhere in every bit of english publication.
anyways, air ni ni is fantastic and kept me sane during the pandemic

>> No.44993425

kinda reminds me of mono, like this alot

>> No.44993719


>> No.44995593


>> No.44997288


>> No.45001078


>> No.45005280

Artists, groups, circles, etc. by whom you like absolutely everything? Have posted them before, for me it is SANOVA, everything they make is simply pure goodness to my ears. Some MVs:

>> No.45005319

Yorushika, Keina Suda and Amiyon don't miss for me.

>> No.45005569

>Artists, groups, circles, etc. by whom you like absolutely everything?
Mariko Goto, Samezame, Kojima Mayumi, 魅起法則(yes, there's only one project, it still counts),Tokyorenbo.

>> No.45006668

I read this as "artists that if I put their discography on I'd not skip any songs"

>> No.45006708

Do people really skip songs on an album? Actual songs, not skits or interludes.

>> No.45006755

well, not first time listening but I skip a lot of songs on subseqant listening experiences
and I did include skits and interludes as songs.

>> No.45009015


>> No.45013866

I'm permanently stuck in 2000s.

>> No.45018921

Hazuki of Nemophila is an amazing guitarist

>> No.45019193


>> No.45020795

What are some bands similar to chilli beans?


>> No.45022170

I love a good guitar duel. Thanks for the rec man.

>> No.45030657


>> No.45033278


>> No.45036007

Been listening to Long Vacation a lot lately. Wonder if that anon that was obsessed with Kera is still around.


>> No.45036447

Gotou Mariko (Usagi, Midori, solo, Violence POP, DJ, her collaborations with and songs written for other artists as well)
Mukai Shuutoku (Number Girl, Zazen Boys, solo)
Terui Yoshimasa (haisuinonasa, siraph, sora tob sakana, solo works, his soundtracks and songs written for others as well)
Ushio Kensuke (agraph, soundtrack, collaborations with Denki Groove, LAMA)
Uchiyama Yuua (Dots, RAY, solo, her blogs and her work in general, her passion for idols, and music in general really comes through everything she does)

There would be others but those are the top. Didn't want to include just bands/singers I like everything from but more like individuals involved in multiple project which all use their strengths in various ways.

>> No.45036463


>> No.45036812


>> No.45039241

>her collaborations
I've finally found a person who likes that Keichi Sokabe project.

>> No.45041097


>> No.45043093


>> No.45043664

Anyone else like Neko Hacker?

>> No.45044564

Heck yeah. I've been looping PRINCESS PRINCESS for the past few days.
I also loved the second opening for Tonikaku Kawaii

>> No.45047806


>> No.45049868
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>> No.45051624

So underrated, it's extremely good for an unfinished album made by a bunch of students. Sad that Mariko refuses to acknowledge it.


>> No.45052189


>> No.45055922



>> No.45055932

I love this sort of voice.

>> No.45059235

YT recommendations delivered, Moon In June is very nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVzxlmhr-SE

>> No.45060745

Yeah, i had to listen to the full album after posting that. And then listened to it two more times in a row.

This may be extremely girly but i love this song regardless:

>> No.45063496

Thank you anon who posted heaven in her arms last thread

>> No.45064405


>> No.45065041
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>> No.45068943


>> No.45068985

I think I know only Aiko & Susumu Hirasawa from there

>> No.45071765


>> No.45072113

That post reminded me of the album and when I searched for it on YouTube they told me to not kill myself. 10/10.

>> No.45072396
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She even announce a tour for the first time in forever, sad that it ends in February, i can't go till summer.

Also, lots of people mention Number Girl, but no one mentions toddle, weird.
Also also, Bugy Craxone is extremely underrated.

>> No.45072447

>but no one mentions toddle
I personally don't think toddle is any good despite also thinking Hisako is one of the best female Japanese guitarists, seen in her work with all the other bands she's been in and played for. I don't think anyone in toddle are particularly interesting or good songwriters, regardless of their individual performing talents.

>> No.45072643

I like bugy, Somebody posted them in one of these threads a long time ago.

>> No.45074718

hey jay, any of you guys know the original composer of Rainbow Girl? my friend that is into jp music didnt know and i couldnt track it down on the internet, google fucking sucks nowadays.

>> No.45076070


>> No.45076094

I dunno, when it comes to Japanese shoegaze, toddle is definitely better than that one extremely overrated band /mu/ creams over.

>> No.45079282


>> No.45081735

Check out Shizuku Aosaki if you enjoy the sound of harp, her songs are a delight to listen to:

>> No.45083972

Is there any Japanese music other than anime songs, Utaite, or Vocaloid?

>> No.45084140

...What do you think? Do you mean traditional music, because this thread is filled with modern stuff

>> No.45086453


>> No.45086889
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I like how, instead of actual japanese music, youtube keeps recommending videos about japanese music made by westfags.
Maybe he is displeased with the lack of enka.

>> No.45090061

I'm not sure who you're referring to, I'm not super into shoegaze

>> No.45090513


>> No.45091763

are they shoegaze? they're more just post-hardcore than anything. but yeah they are shit and just one of those albums /mu/ jerks over because a handful of people forced it and the album art is striking and memorable like midori

>> No.45091867

>are they shoegaze?
Most of their song are. At least the ones that i've heard, i gave up after 3 albums.
>like midori
Midoridesu was forced because of how it starts. You can't even post the uncensored cover most of the time.
Nice background music, but i don't get what's the "nostalgic" tag about.

>> No.45097892

Looks like we ran out of music.

>> No.45098011


>> No.45104500


>> No.45112999

The one DJMariko recording not in potato quality. Still earrape though.

>> No.45117271


>> No.45117395
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Got me Silent Hill 1 & 2 ost on vinyl. Not the original issue but I don't care.

>> No.45117403
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As well as my favourite Reol albums + her new one. Hazd a listen yesterday, it's pretty good.

>> No.45117475
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We're posting CDs now? Okay.
Sad that she got almost no money from these purchases though.

>> No.45117517

Oh, very nice

>> No.45118733

Why is that? Does the label get all the money?

>> No.45119055

Half of it was bought used(the most expensive half, Second on vinyl is very rare). And yes, she gets 0% of money from Midori reissue sales.

>> No.45122280

A lot of japanese artists make hilariously small amounts of money. Especially independent ones.
Less than your average salaryman.

>> No.45127428

jjapanese music veru good

>> No.45129321

Maybe a long shot but does anyone have the Sangatsu No Phantasia concert that was streamed and privated?

>> No.45129981

You should always record streams, baka.

>> No.45129994

I always do, especially stuff like this, but I was overseas.

>> No.45130493

Every time i buy used CDs in japan they have zero scratches and every promo material like tour schedules is included. God bless them.

>> No.45134977

How popular are anison artists in Japan? Like, among the general population.

>> No.45135830


>> No.45135882

sad state of affairs
well, he was on that track anyway
but his new song was not as good as his older stuff ;_;

>> No.45136804

What makes you think that general population would know them?

>> No.45137122

Aimyon my beloved

>> No.45137692

>anison artists
You need to be more specific. Some anison artists are more popular than others. Mainstream anime are definitely popular in general so in turn the artists making music for them would also be popular, the other way also applies.

>> No.45140381

Non-popular artists don't get to make songs for any anime. Unless it's some rookie pushed by a label

>> No.45143259

Think Konomi Suzuki or her kind.

>> No.45143656

does anyone here listen to ikkyu's SUSU project

>> No.45143847

>i don't get what's the "nostalgic" tag about.
They sound like from a miyazaki film or something similar that's considered classic now, my guess at least.

>> No.45148299

MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS aren't really shoegaze, it's more like they incorporate distinct shoegaze elements but aren't really part of the main lineage, they are more like alt-rock or poppy post-hardcore if you will.

Japan has loads of great shoegaze bands but Walrus is one of my favourites. They represent a pinnacle of what happens when you take heavy distortion and go with it as far as you can in the rock direction. Almost all of their songs are ballads but extremely powerful. Also there was a great running joke how in live venues you can't even see the drummer properly because of all the equipment they had to get onto the stage for their distortions which does paint a clear picture of their music.


>> No.45148353

It depends on the era you want to consider. Nowadays it's extremely blurry considering that big portion of anime songs are done by big mainstream artists in the first place. In the 00s and 90s there was a big gap and anison breaking into mainstream was considered "big" deal. Mizuki Nana was basically considered to be very special since she was basically anison person but managed to built mainstream success on that which at the time was notable.

>> No.45148453

Post-hardcore isn't a real genre.

>> No.45148943

you're not a real genre

>> No.45149199

listening to hikari no kakera with a good headset on full blast was an experience

>> No.45149626

Everyone should listen to 「voice」by Akaikurage.
I don't want to be the only person who suffered through that.

>> No.45150000


anyone know any similar japanese artists?
i know the dresscodes did some songs in this style

>> No.45151153

I can't stand male vocals.

>> No.45154267

Any good house/techno/etc remixes of of Japanese songs you like?

>> No.45159329


>> No.45160093

Sure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnlqkRT3zIU

>> No.45160132
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Singer's throat must hurt. Anyhow, the cover of their first album is interesting

>> No.45161352
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Most relevant Japanese song for today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hTUgg4oTbc
>Singer's throat must hurt.
Not as much as my head. 385 is the limit of quirky voices for me.

Anyone here likes ヤプーズ?

>> No.45166024

Yapooz is just typical peepeepoopoo music.

>> No.45166053

New Zazen Boys coming up.

>> No.45166178
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Why is this thread not bumping?
Let's try with a picture.

>> No.45166472

It happens to me sometimes, but only on /jp/. Don't really know the cause.

>> No.45168645


>> No.45169131


>> No.45170964

Is 385 girl still with them?

>> No.45171091

Yeah this is her first album with them

>> No.45171550

I feel so bad about pirating from small indie bands with less than 5k followers on any platform, I promise I'll donate 3x the amount if I ever win the lottery or something :')

>> No.45171898

Looking at it that would be around 1/4 of my music folder so ~350 releases, assuming one costs ¥700 that would be ¥245'000. The average cost of a release in my music folder would probably be ¥1'000, with there being 1400 the total cost would be ¥1'400'000 for which I could buy a very fine used car here

At least half of them are now sold only at overpriced auctions with many probably missing

>> No.45171936

Wait, I misinterpreted 5k as 500. At least half then, so 700, assuming one release is ¥700 then ¥490'000

>> No.45172284

I feel bad even when i stream from paid account. Small artists make pretty much no money on those platforms.
But they also don't make much on CD sales, only real revenue source is live shows.

>> No.45172835

It's not like you'd have purchased them anyway. Best you can do it is share their stuff around so maybe they get more popular. And if you can buy, make sure it's always from places where they get most of the money.

>> No.45172854

Realistically as someone who lives overseas and can't regularly attend live shows, buy goods in person etc, there's very little to truly feel guilty about. It's by and large out of your hands, at least with the wonders of the インターネット you can engage with their artistic expressions from the otherside of the world, even if you can't monetarily support them, which IMO is important for art in any form.

>> No.45172925

If I was stinking rich I probably would've bought them, but yeah I'll rate them highly on RYM and share them for now lol

>> No.45176308


>> No.45178008

>At least half of them are now sold only at overpriced auctions with many probably missing
Used sales don't help artists in any way.

>> No.45178023

>My favorite artist posting about how she can now afford an ipad thanks to fan support

>> No.45180131

Recommend me some enka please
Preferably more recent and sung by a female

>> No.45180423

>female enka
Tough luck buddy.
For some reason this reminded me of that time Mariko slept on the bench near convinience store because she got wasted after a show and had no money for a taxi.

>> No.45185384

What guitar is on the left?

>> No.45186403

SHISHAMO @ Budokan clip

>> No.45193063

Stage looks awkward.
MIJ Mustang, late 90s.

>> No.45193288

Imagine traveling to Japan to see a live show but it gets rescheduled last minute.
Ha ha...

>> No.45196064


>> No.45196436
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Bless those who upload stuff on nyaa nine years ago out of love for their hobby,
whose torrents had zero completions in all of those nine years,
and who only remind me that I was too late to the game.

>> No.45196660

If you are looking at completed downloads from the site then the nyaapocalypse which happened in 2017 probably affected them

>> No.45197029

Most of uploads on nyaa were just reuploads from jpopsuki though.

>> No.45200178

Kinoko Teikoku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8xGXT31dUc
Vanguard Sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SyRFMCQJh4
Haru Nemuri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZxP_uVzpjQ

>> No.45202334
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>Haru Nemuri
Stopped making good music right after getting popular overseas.

>> No.45203102

ah, that makes sense.
what a shame

>> No.45203413

And the best song about air conditioners ever:

>> No.45205779

Reminds me of Mimi's melody

>> No.45208274

>Stopped making good music right after getting popular overseas.
many such cases

>> No.45208382

Not really. There are almost no japanese acts that are more popular overseas than domestically. Very obvious one is Boris, but they were never good to begin with,

>> No.45212842

椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi7WDCz5pleqqY0L9Z4euTZnHVkIQ8QVo

What an amazing album, the last track is probably my favourite

>> No.45212974

Oh no, thread is ruined...

>> No.45212988

NTA but I don't see anything wrong with talking about a popular Japanese artist in the regular Japanese music thread

>> No.45213075

Which website now to use? JPOPMIX.com is dead........

>> No.45215169

cibo matto

>> No.45217007

Some RYM darlings and people reviewed by f*ntano are generally more known overseas, merely because the audience is much larger merely by virtue of a lack of market saturation.
Very little Japanese music makes its way to western audiences that aren't already into Japanese pop culture, so what does is by nature more exotic will get more attention because of a lack of competition;
let's say there are 10 bands, and the international and domestic audiences are only 100 people each. Domestically, the audience has access to 10/10 bands, and for the sake of the example assume that the audience is evenly spread amongst those 10: now each band has an audience of 10. Now let's assume that only 1/10 of the bands manages to catch international attention through the youtube algorithm, RYM, f*ntano, /mu/, reddit whatever. Now you have 100 people all focused on just that 1 band, because that's all they have access to, who now has a larger international audience than domestic merely because the supply and demand is much much lower in the international market.

>> No.45219889
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Why does her voice sound so digital? Like theres pitch correction or filtering even when there isn't

>> No.45221206

Basically this but also of note is that in the West people usually stuck with The One Album by an artist and don't really follow his/her career as a whole but just listen to that one popular record that made them somewhat known.

>> No.45222061

Sounds completely regular to me. But if she does have some implant or whatever then that certainly sounds like an anime plot. Expect her to overuse it and permanently damage her voice, everyone giving up on her except the MC and later she comes to be able to sing again

>> No.45225652

bald music review man bad

>> No.45228094

Etsuko Yakushimaru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMhRrKPuMmc

>> No.45228303

Will Midori ever reunite?

>> No.45231138
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Who is the target audience?

>> No.45232622

The mainstream audience

>> No.45234578

SAMPO first single

>> No.45234995
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In the west people usually stick with that one song.
Left one is for pedos.
Short answer is no.
Long answer: Mariko is very afraid of performing with a band. One-time guest appearances are fine, but only in a support role, not as a front(wo)man. Unless she magically gets rid of her mental issues, Midori reunion is impossible. Plus, drummer is retired anyway.

>> No.45237492

stella by KASHIWA Daisuke performed live with musicians at a concert in Kazakhstan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Pw2wdgwfs

It has been a bit since I last listened to this songs fully, my favourite part was the violin melody I think which starts around 13:23

>> No.45237516

That's random.

>> No.45237742

He has toured Kazakhstan before, seems like he goes to a variety of places

>> No.45238048
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Bocchi had a terrible impact on regular japanese music.

>> No.45239063

Does Natori go in this thread or the Vsinger one?

>> No.45239078

He gets posted in both places, so wherever you are comfortable is fine.

>> No.45242359
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Tricot really fell of after Makkuro, wasted my time checking out newer albums.
Miraidenpa, on the other hand, dropped a very good album this year, even if it sounds almost exactly like the "fuck you Nakamura" album.

Oh, and new Samezame single is terrible, she's getting too old for this shit:

>> No.45243000

new vaundy album

>> No.45245110

I hate japanese music industry.

>> No.45245830

His music sense is pretty diverse. Can feel all over the place though.

>> No.45246502


>> No.45248576

The new Backlight version is quite something

>> No.45249927

ado unravel

>> No.45251937
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Got some rare stuff, and a single nobody bought.
Relisted to all toddle albums today, songwriting is fine, especially on shimmer and dawn praise the world, but vocals are too bland, most of the time she sounds uninterested.

>> No.45254613

君が光に変えて行く https://youtu.be/PrXClc6tIMM
Oblivious https://youtu.be/UI8Iy7kmRxo
Sprinter https://youtu.be/94gsbQAajnY

>> No.45254665

Oh god. Kajiura is the most overrated composer on earth.
At least she was back in 2000s.

>> No.45254670


>> No.45254780


>> No.45254827

Slightly offtopic, but no matter how much japanese music i listen on youtube(including most of the songs in these threads) there's still nothing japanese in my recommendations. Probably some conspiracy.

>> No.45254838
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I guess you aren't listening to enough because my feeds look like this

>> No.45254900

Apple music is the best when it comes to recommendations. Just wish that it would stop forcing Za Ningen and oomori on me.

>> No.45254916

I don't have Apple Music so I can't compare, but Spotify and YouTube Music (tuner function, specifically) usually target me with good stuff. The hardest part for me is that I tend to listen to different stuff on YTM versus Spotify, and for my favorite artists where I have everything offline, I do most of my listening there.

>> No.45255129
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>> No.45256509

Youtube is heavily biased toward the most recent thing you click + links you put in "Watch Later". If you want it to recommend Japanese music, you pretty much have to click on Japanese music exclusively.
For example, I only use Youtube to listen to music and occasionally click on Street Fighter 3: 3rd strike videos. But 1/3 of my recommendations are random assorted video games, even those I'd never click myself and I pretty much block every video/channel that have contents I don't like. The algorithm is shitty and have a terrible long term memory.

>> No.45257442


>> No.45258604

Anime and movies always shill Les Pauls, yet Japan still overwhelmingly uses Fenders.
I watched a couple of videos about distortion pedal circuitries and now my front page is 80% metal and Green Day for some reason.
We need desktop Newpipe.

>> No.45258609


>> No.45260551
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It would be much easier to support an artist if buying merch didn't require you personally mailing them and paying with direct money transfer.

>> No.45260960

Was there some post I failed to notice about these shirts being available by inquiry? I myself barely spend money at all, did you perhaps manage to buy a shirt by e-mailing her on your own or something?

>> No.45261091

I was talking about picrelated t-shirt from her recent movie, 光光光 shirt was supposed to be an event exclusive, but event got canceled and it will be sold on 11/18 at the PK Shampoo PSYCHIC FES, 11/26 at the Acoustic Violence show and 12/28 MariKuri year-end show. She decided not to sell it online because of taxes(as if she couldn't raise the price to cover that, all of her merch sells out in a day anyway).

>> No.45261102
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Forgot the picture.

>> No.45265657


>> No.45266540


>> No.45266807

Any Japanese Black Metal?

>> No.45267184

He's pretty consistent and unique.

>> No.45268021


>> No.45269062

This is death metal.

>> No.45272008


>> No.45276188


Check this circle out if you like fripSide

>> No.45279915

Love me some low quality live recordings.

>> No.45280866

Got a ticket to a small live show for my trip to Japan next year, but I'm scared shitless to actually go.

>> No.45281210
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>Artists, groups, circles, etc. by whom you like absolutely everything?
Lamp, and Daijiro Nakagawa's past band Uchu Conbini as well as his current band JYOCHO. Just inject this stuff straight to my veins.

a song from each band following

>> No.45283392

I feel sad that I can't find some music I had saved on a youtube playlist from one of these threads a long while back.
It was like some fantasy (?) sounding original doujin (?) music , even the cover art had a fantasy vibe

>> No.45284138

Alieson, canoue & el ma riu are big ones I know, you probably are going to have to go through the fantasy tag on Doujinstyle

>> No.45284369
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Tokyo Syoki Syodou added to the victim list, so here's some songs:

>> No.45287317

that doesn't round things up much

>> No.45287724

Sounds boring.

>> No.45288876

finally got my algorithm to give me japanese songs

>> No.45288899
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What a shit algorithm.

>> No.45289383

If you're gonna post from KAF's Suite series, I would like to recommend the Hakushi Hasegawa collaboration. The MV also has a nice style to compliment the song. They actually have been adding EN subs to the Suite series songs, but I guess they didn't get to this one yet.

>> No.45289679

They are much better live. Producers can really suck out all the life from a song.

>> No.45293602

Good for 2nd hand fags.

>> No.45293608
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Only 15 days till the album. Unless streaming release is delayed.

>> No.45297485

what did she do? i'm not familiar with idol scene
anyway have some more algorithm

>> No.45297494

for >>45288899

>> No.45298416

I don't like industry plants, that's all.

>> No.45299722

Is it me or LiSA has completely become passe lately? She was the big hotness after Gurenge and was everywhere, but it seems YOASOBI completely stole her thunder.

>> No.45302709

Clichexxx makes really nice stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srov0r-GW4U

>> No.45303924
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I miss her so much...

>> No.45304273


I really like his works, thank you anon

>> No.45305662

who's this skeleton?

>> No.45305808
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NTA but

>> No.45305823

ah it's a trick of the light

>> No.45307911

Primary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyrXAXNvODw

>> No.45311926

>check description
>AI artist
>AI artist director
I don't know how to feel about this

>> No.45312423

song good
video bad, the technology isn't there yet

>> No.45316684

POPNESSSEIZETHEWORLD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_pUj2jTLIs

>> No.45318752

Who is she?

>> No.45319893

I like music

>> No.45320121

Me too, especially Japanese music because the language is pleasant to listen to

>> No.45320368

I listened. It's wonderful.

>> No.45321930
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Trailer is out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1oGkYIiGEA

I wish she would stop using that one picture in her videos.
At least she censored it this time.

Halo hits right in the feels.

>> No.45322037

Not into Mariko. Also she seems a bit crazy. But the album sounded great to me

>> No.45322520

More スペイン, great album & circle overall http://www.geographic.jp/expose/

>> No.45327460

>Also she seems a bit crazy
She's very sweet actually.
Mental health issues are there though.

>> No.45328212

I love love love calming voice + piano. Thank you for making this an ad on youtube, random singer

>> No.45330681

Reading YouTube comments(english ones) fills me with rage.

>> No.45330848

finally listened to the new shinsei kamattechan compilation album and holy shit did they suck the life out of every re-recording, the mix is shit and the rearrangements are even worse, pretty much everything i've hated about noko's lazy attitude towards music from the last few years amplified

>> No.45331092

Never was into them, but people always said that they fell off years ago.
Also, on of them showed up on recent Mariko stream, the pink-haired girl. Seemed like a nice person.

>> No.45331617

She's a nice person, but she's a horrible drummer. That being said, the rhythm section is an afterthought from the composition level in most shinsei kamattechan songs so her abilities don't really matter.
They did fall off years ago, and the only thing that prevented them from falling further was the bassist, who was the only one who had any real input on the albums and would give his opinion, but he unfortunately left in 2019.
People like to blame the label for the change in studio sound, but the truth is noko is completely to blame because he fought and parted ways with the sound engineer (AxSxE) of their first albums that are usually the most acclaimed, Tsumanne in particular.
The sound they've had for a while is entirely on noko, it's what he wants, and he's explicitly said so since he says they've worked with the same engineer for most of their later albums since he understands exactly what noko wants in terms of sound. Noko has a good idea of what's a catchy, hummable melody, but has absolutely no ear for for music production outside of that. The last few years he's just dumped the melody onto a violin/strings accompaniment, even with his self-produced demos, and called it a day, instead of trying to do something, anything, musically interesting with the rest of the song.

>> No.45332362
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Such a small world, he was a guitarist for Mariko during her entire solo career. He also mixed two songs on Midori's last album, mixed and mastered all of 299792458 and half of m@u.
Oh, and he composed one of her weakest songs(it's still good): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIINj1yPTt8

>> No.45334971


>> No.45336383

anonymouz x wanuka

>> No.45337330


>> No.45337570
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Got all four myself + bonus foom

Based, still mad I missed the vinyl press of her debut

>> No.45337622
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Been building the visual kei collection

>> No.45337638
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Also Ai Otsuka, I love her :3

>> No.45337775

Literally incapable of taking a photo without their fumos, damn fumofags.

>> No.45337794

these were old photos that I posed with fumos for a page since and I didn't feel like retaking everything with even shittier lighting right now

sorry anon

>> No.45338294

You should check out AxSxE's bands boat and Natsumen, they're both very good

>> No.45338340


>> No.45338801

Do you guys ever listen to the lyrics?
I've listened to boat a long time, at least i recognize their album covers.

>> No.45338905

It depends on the artist and my expectation from them RE:lyrics; if I notice they have good lyrics when I first start listening to them I'll pay attention in the future, but if they usually don't have interesting lyrics then I won't necessarily focus on it

>> No.45340628
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Sometimes i wish i didn't understand the lyrics.


>> No.45344136


>> No.45344415

Reminds me of my youth
Can't stand this type of music now
What's wrong with it?

>> No.45346121

>What's wrong with it?
パイナップル パイナップル
1.2 魔女狩り お好きにはじめて気持ちの悪い正義感で
1.2 多数決をとります

>> No.45347436

Very nice and calming. Thanks for the rec anon.

>> No.45350791

Lotus Root Orchestra https://youtu.be/6fFc7R_REtk

>> No.45351319

Kalafina, especially their 10th anniversary live album is seriously great, check them out

>> No.45355818

Necry Talkie is always such a fun listen

>> No.45356173

Someone should make an Urbangrade playlist without the songs with m*le vocals.

>> No.45356327

Naoki Itai composed both new songs for Ado and asmi.

>> No.45356838

It feels like breathing the morning air deeply. I love it.

>> No.45357139


>> No.45357815


It sounds so comfy

>> No.45364747

Ali Project makes some interesting stuff

>> No.45368547
File: 1.13 MB, 1212x902, mariko207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UrbanGARDE, you mean.
Even back in 2000s i didn't mind AliProject. Never understood the hate.

>> No.45368964

New Release Hallucination single

>> No.45372234

How popular is Daoko in Japan?

>> No.45372574

Not really popular anymore but I wager she's has a decent fanbase and is known of because of her mid/late-2010s period and that collab with Yonezu. Her last album sold decently well at least but I don't know what the competition was at the time, and you'd have to go back 2-3 years to find her last music video that broke a million views while back in the day you had a slew of hits. Even at her peak 6-8 years ago she was never as consistently popular as say YOASOBI or Ado or whoever's in demand these days, she just really got lucky with some big collabs.

>> No.45372587

unsubbed from daoko since she used aislop in her latest video

>> No.45373150

Glad you enojyed anon, I forgot I posted this album.
Here's another album from a similar band that I enjoy.

>> No.45373385

Autistic thread.

>> No.45373725

Autistic board.

>> No.45373727

Autistic site

>> No.45374016

Do we need another thread? It feels like only 2-3 people are still posting songs.

>> No.45374021

The thread attracts some 39 IPs so people clearly still find it useful even as a passive discovery tool

>> No.45374133

20 of those are my phoneposts though.

>> No.45374143

You don't know how many times I've listened to this in the past 18 hours.

>> No.45376272
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How bad is buyee? Anyone bought cds through them?
I usually buy through my accomplice in Japan, but this time international release has the best bonuses.

>> No.45376377

check what cdjapan has, they usually list what preorder bonuses were provided to them, I have a bunch of stuff at least

>> No.45376448

new Tatsuya Kitani

If you like akari, there's an archive of one of her concerts posted here. >>45369648
>how many times
Probably about 6 or 7 times yesterday myself.

>> No.45376450

>cdjapan has
Nothing, obviously.

>> No.45376492

This MV is criminally underrated. The art Arawi Keiichi drew for the MV is literally perfect.

>> No.45376842

Oh that's delightful. Thank you for telling me anon! I should really take a look at that other thread sometimes.

>> No.45377473

any of you got that Spotify/Apple wrap thing?

>> No.45377579

this is fantastic

>> No.45379121
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>> No.45379130

absolute killer album

>> No.45379181
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Those things are pointless. As if i don't know what i've been listening to.

>> No.45379220

I listen to the same artists day in and day out, but listening to the same album more than once per day is truly dedication.

>> No.45379905
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May be a bit late to create a new thread meaning I will probably create it when this is at page nine, if someone is eager on making a new one quickly then please include the links below in the OP. If you have trouble finding an image use picrel

Pirating Japanese music related links https://rentry.org/rjmt
Recommended Japanese Music https://pastebin.com/Cca07HuB

>> No.45379980

There's no rush, anon

>> No.45380019

I wouldn't mind a couple months without a thread.

>> No.45380685

a break to keep things fresh wouldn't be bad

>> No.45381107

Walrus is my favorite Shoegaze band (behind MBV of course)
I'm glad to hear of another fan in this thread.

>> No.45383036

Sure, so unless someone wants to take up the responsibility of becoming the OP see you all on Jan 1st

>> No.45383337
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>> No.45383414


>> No.45383423

>several artists in peaked in this album

>> No.45388239

Well, if this is goodbye for now, hope you anons all have a happy new year. I'll leave with a seasonal choice, Yuki No Hana.

>> No.45388356

based jefre-cantu ledesma poster

>> No.45388517
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Thanks, but new year is always bad when you spend it in hospital.
Would be better if Mirai comes out on streaming in december.

>> No.45388902

See you again, thread

>> No.45389375
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>> No.45389829

Lovely song, thanks anon

>> No.45390516

Is heart failure common in Japanese?

>> No.45390549
File: 83 KB, 544x544, mika_nakashima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mika Nakashima
>her latest album looks like this
