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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44778273 No.44778273 [Reply] [Original]



FAQ & Resources:
Rec Chart:

Previous Thread:>>44452001

>> No.44778394

When will otome writers stop making cute boys insecure about their appearance

>> No.44778651

I'll take the mask dude.

>> No.44779154

No new pastebin? >> 44689377

>> No.44779191

I’m dumb

>> No.44779775

I love otome games
I love cute boys

>> No.44779963
File: 901 KB, 1920x1080, Tokyo24ku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how much of Tokyo 24 ku was lost in the Japanese switch port? The game is finally being translated into a language I know next year (Chinese) but only the console version. I’m so incredibly hyped but pretty worried about Nintendo censorship piled on top of Chinese censorship making a mess of the romances.

>> No.44779999

They have to be cute and relatable.

>> No.44780051

Saying they want to be tall and manly is not relatable tho

>> No.44780500

Insecurities are relatable.

>> No.44780635

It's not always the same anon starting the threads. If you still want a pastebin for this, take the initiative to make one yourself and link it for the next OP. Otherwise I really doubt anyone's going to step up to put in the effort to maintain it.

>> No.44781818

Chinese censorship is horribly inconsistent, so I doubt they cut more than the usual that gets cut on console? Also unrelated but I wonder how hard the game is in JP. Apparently a lot of political kanji?

>> No.44781838 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 1600x900, nothankyou_2018-10-19_00-22-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best slut routes? You know like that route of Room N.9 where they decide to stay in the room to keep having sex or Naruomi's route in Nie no Machi where the seme is a horndog

>> No.44785006

Of course the route in Hadaka Shitsuji where you turn Ichinose into a public toilet for other men

>> No.44785032

No one gave anon any links to make a new one.

>> No.44785080

A public google sheet would be more practical instead of pastebin desu.

>> No.44788057
File: 141 KB, 652x2140, Screenshot 2023-09-29 User Feedback Survey Audio Content.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inclusion of incest is commendable, but since this is a market research I can't help but notice the lack of eroguro, blackmail, psychological torture, noncon, et cetera. Ah well.

>> No.44790385

>A public google sheet would be more practical instead of pastebin desu.

Yeah this.

>> No.44794952

Why is Parade … like that?

>> No.44796082

Someone there is sure a nonke fetishist

>> No.44797691

…so it can be vandalized??

>> No.44797732

No, so that people can put the projects they are working on and update their progress or if they need help. We have a recommendations one i don't remember if everyone can edit though.

>> No.44797763

Finally managed to get yuzu to work on my toaster. But thing is I'm an eop and the games that I want to play are in nip. Is there any tool that I can extract the text with a tool like textractor? I did try a tool called agent but it's seems that it's no longer working.

>> No.44798081

You have to have a fairly broad knowledge of politics in general and concepts like governance/government, yeah

>> No.44798890

A public google sheet that anyone can edit is almost just asking for vandalization and just not a good idea. The rec sheet we had was not public iirc. Just think about the number of trolls that camp out in this general from time to time. TL projects should make and maintain their own blog for project updates and staffing recruitment imo.

>> No.44801670

>The rec sheet we had was not public iirc
We still have that rec sheet in the OP and it's free to edit.
I agree that we shouldn't have to keep track of TL stuff on these threads though.

>> No.44801993

Why not?

>> No.44805648


>> No.44806860

Which one of you made this?

>> No.44810185

It was me.

>> No.44810739

Has anyone tried playing /blog/ games on the steamdeck? How was it? The thing looks heavy but I’m not sure if it actually is

>> No.44811095

>The thing looks heavy but I’m not sure if it actually is
It's comfy. I wouldn't call it light but I don't even notice the weight while I'm playing. Not sure about /blog/ games though. Anything with controller support will be a good fit, but personally I'm not a big fan of touchscreen controls, and at least in my opinion the trackpads couldn't be more annoying to use if they tried.

>> No.44813123

I wanna kancho too.

>> No.44813664

I actually thought it was kind of heavy. I definitely get tired of holding it after a bit but I have skinny weak ass arms.

>> No.44813693

This heroine looks cute and the setting seems interesting, but it's an Otomate game so I'm afraid it might end up being boring

>> No.44813781
File: 30 KB, 339x444, C_3NsmkWsAA22n9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All 3 JP BL VN I'm excited too are in development hell
>My favorite VN doesn't even have a fandisk or notable extra material

>> No.44816556

Which ones are in development hell and which one is your favorite?

>> No.44819208 [DELETED] 
File: 770 KB, 800x600, poisonchain_GDRlsoDxLc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I want to still keep positive myself since Aromarie is active technically. Majima's goblino existence is absolutely made for tender love and deserves more content. Soft kisses for the cutest!
Pic related is yet another one of my favorite events in the game with him. Special moment when he finally gives up to the MC hehe. I just love the little things about his design especially all the cute expressions he'll make. Your pic collage reminds me that I still need to buy the Choudoku artbooks.

>Fujita's VA did all of that
Fucking lmaooooooooo, oh man if that's the case then it's even funnier in my headcanon about how nuts Fujita can get besides his cuckshit.

And yeah, Dies Irae is really fun! But it's also extremely long with very uneven writing where it can drag on and on IMO. It's hard to recommend it 100% to everyone but Dies Irae has so many great guys. It's definitely something someone into BL/otome would enjoy if they can appreciate chuunishit and commit to slow burns for sure.
Tbh Fujita's VA does play an important role in DI but it's not exactly really huge either - he's most prominent in the last route. But besides that, it's still such a great game for some of the most kino male VA talents imo! Even Toriumi Kousuke does excellent work even if he's not exactly my favorite VA. Since you love Taniyama's work, his role as Bey in DI is one of the most based things in the game. The guy is beyond unhinged kek. Bey is also pretty damn BLbait by the way he does things and "smoothtalks" others lmao. I think for the fujoshi I've seen who did read DI, they mentioned how he's definitely one of their favorites!

Henri truly is the best one in Piofiore. That ossan angst is delicious, I can't get enough of it. Really gotta give the FD a go one of these days for Henri. I'm such a big sucker for that pretty art.
Tbh I liked Yang a lot at first because I also thought he was hilarious but I don't know, his appeal sort of worn off on me after a while when I look back to it. It ends up being pretty anticlimactic for what he is overall, especially the way his character development was driven by the MC. As far as "hedonistic sociopaths" go, it's somewhat a miss for me since Yang didn't feel very clearly defined to me. On that regard, I'm more fond of Auger in Black Wolves Saga simply because he just never stops being an overt yolo piece of shit and the writing feels very honest about it until the end lmao.
Besides BWS, I only played Bad Medicine. I kept on hearing people liking Gekka Romance for the yuri LI but I didn't know she was like that! I gotta try it then. Thanks for letting me know and giving recs, sis. I also need to read more stuff with Majima's VA!

No problem, sis! Give it a try one day and see how you like it! Even though it's a lighthearted title, it does try to be pretty experimental with different things within a serious note IMO. All the routes in Cupid can vary a bit with the content instead of being too reliant on comedy/the same themes, I feel.
I'm actually a huge fan of Furukawa's pathetic angsty manslut work with Sylvain in Fire Emblem so that's more or less a big reason why I bothered with Cupid Parasite. Allan does plays out somewhat of a similar role but it's 100% more /blog/ ofc with that ultra sweet angsty POV and self sacrifice. Unfortunately his route is the second to the last one to unlock but all the other guys are good in their own way, too! Personally like Ryuki a lot after Allan. He's a fun tsundere and makes a great introduction route to the game.

The entire concept with rivals can be OK hypothetically but I dunno, the TMGS games just does it in an awkward/out of nowhere sort of way. I love the games and the VA work but the rivalries and homewrecking is really forced as hell.
In contrast with other /blog/ related games that does rivalries, other games seem to do it more naturally. With several of the older Harvest Moon games, rival relationships existed but you actually had to put in effort to see them get together. A lot of rival relationships had events you had to trigger within very specific conditions so it's not something to ruin the player's experience out of the blue. It was cute since you also get to see why they even want to be together.

>I really want to try aronaries other 2 games but also marukis other games and novels..one day sis
Same, sis. The backlog only gets bigger... but yeah, it's a shame how so much is stuck in limbo or even cancelled when otome/BL aren't involved with the few biggest industry names. Seems to be the case with everything R18 in general tho. It just can't be helped.
Despite this, there are so many great untranslated works from the past that I still haven't read or played yet so it's no rush honestly. I won't be done in decades at this rate because there are just too many things I wanna try out already. Was thinking the same thing about Succulent too! I need more of that BR incest in general lol

>> No.44819224 [DELETED] 

Agent still works for yuzu, you just need a specific script for the game you want to play and an older version of the emulator. yuzu 850 is fine for the games I tried out (TMGS4 and Cendrillon)
All the scripts made available are linked in the github release. If you want a script that isn't listed, you'll have to commission the devs.

>> No.44820005


>> No.44820755

Don't like the feeling.

>> No.44820902

>Which ones are in development hell
"Sayonara Junsei, Mata Kite Seishun", "Haiiro no Arcadia and"and Ooe. OK I guess, Ooe isn't, since Adelta regularly updates.

>and which one is your favorite?

>> No.44821289

So at the end of Lamento, are the Ribika still totally doomed to extinction?

>> No.44821827

would like to see people post their tier levels for blvns they've played

>> No.44822039

Thanks anon, I'll test with that yuzu version then. Do you know how to look for a patch? I'd like to try myself before commissioning because the ones that I want to play are a little complicated.

>> No.44822554

You should start off with your own and provide links to make those tier lists
Like making a script yourself? Iirc devs mentioned it's a case by case basis where it's all reverse engineering with something like cheat engine. You can visit their discord and ask around. Think there's a YouTube tutorial but it's pretty old.

>> No.44824009


>> No.44827807

>need more of that BR incest in general
We all.do.

>> No.44828015

Bleak. Interesting that the characters get some of the happier good ends in a Chiral game, but the setting is fucked beyond repair even more than usual.

>> No.44828966

Dies Irae is iconic. Good anime never.

>> No.44829468 [DELETED] 

The only good thing that came out of the DI anime is making that banger soundtrack sound better.

>> No.44830109

It would be better not to make one if they're not going to put in the effort.

>> No.44830167

Thank you anon, but it really didn't work with this version too. I was trying nil admirari that has a script but doesn't work. In the end I just used sugoi vn ocr and it works perfectly and it's offline too, works for all emulators. Thanks though.

>> No.44835725 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.44837375 [DELETED] 

I can't recall a single VN anime adaptation where it was even remotely decent. Most anime adaptions from another source are just glorified advertisements and ultimately just a waste of time.

>> No.44839863

FSN, Clannad, Steins;gate, Higurashi, White Album 2, Shuffle was entertaining too

>> No.44843187

All of those adaptations sucked except steinsgate and Clannad AS. Shuffle adaptation managed to turn a pretty funny galge into the most generic garbage imaginable

>> No.44847235 [DELETED] 

Cute boys

>> No.44850307

I'll just update each time a new threads of these are made or when a new shocking development is made:

>Tokimeki Memorial GS4
We currently have 3 images I need left from beta testers and then all visual assets from the game will be 100% done.
Double dates in the amusement park have been fully translated and so have all Christmas events. I'm currently working on "Hotaru no sumika" which apparently are firefly events. The more translators the better.

>Angelique DS
All scripts are dumped the original translator who worked on Angelique Special's script is working on it.
What we really need right now is a programmer to make a vwf and make it much easier to insert scripts back in to recalculate pointers.

Unfortunately I'm too busy translating Tokimemo GS4, Idolmaster OFA mails, and finding a job to worry about Angelique DS so that's a low priority rn, but just know the tools are now entirely there to make an DS version it just needs to be streamlined.

>> No.44854028

Ganbatte and good luck, hope you find a programmer

>> No.44857118

fujosisters, we need your help

>> No.44858272
File: 1.03 MB, 800x600, sweet_pool_Fpk0KjGb1L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm testing sweel pool because of this post >>44857165 and I haven't even been in for 10 seconds and I've already been greeted with a banger.
Sisters, why did you hide this kamige from me for so long?

>> No.44858386

I hope you like blood.

>> No.44858456

I really wish the romance was better. I swear it's worse than fucking togainu in that regard.

>> No.44859075

enjoy, it's my favorite N+C game

>> No.44862404 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.44867950
File: 1.74 MB, 1600x1200, F7zjuFua0AAAmbu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love Yomi's art

>> No.44868284

>make extremely cute shota
>not only is he a side character, he's also paired with another girl
I hate this game

>> No.44868805
File: 2.81 MB, 965x1257, 29652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main guy is getting NTR'd on the cover art
Literally what did they mean by this

>> No.44871527

It means the game is good.

>> No.44873817

Cute. How's the fandisk?

>> No.44877601
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, piisii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember an anon here saying that some route in haruka 7 pissed people off, but whose route was that exactly? I don't want any extra details but I'm still curious who.

>> No.44879360
File: 122 KB, 560x796, 暫定ロゴ入りキービジュアル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamano blogposted a few days ago that circle will stop producing games after hime no rakuen. She said all of her games are so unprofitable she can't continue burning money like that even if she wants to make more.
She also wrote that she will possibly issue novels from unreleased game ideas.

I'm so sad sisters, I love her writing and themes so much, I tried to buy all her games and gaslight my friends into reading them (with some success).
Gayoushi stopped making games as well...The year of good things ending.

Go buy mekutoki on steam while you can ;;

>> No.44879885
File: 714 KB, 800x600, 1669397199425158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual desert now

>> No.44879944

Oh no, I also love her writing and bought all her games. She talks about how much she loves making games in a lot of the afterwords so this is so sad. First Gayoushi and now Yamano...

>> No.44880079


Just go read the post on succulent ci-en, it's heartbreaking.


I was mildly sad while reading her reasonings but this passage actually made me tear up a bit.

On an unrelated note, good job on spreading the otome gospel in eroge thread, good things should be read by more people.

>> No.44880196

>that comparison
Painful. I have yet to read Yamano's works but the fact there's barely an audience for this niche is the shitty reality.
>On an unrelated note, good job on spreading the otome gospel in eroge thread, good things should be read by more people.
Yeah, it's pretty active there nowadays where a lot of people want to try out new things. I'm only hoping more people will support doujin circles eventually and perhaps something would change one day.

>> No.44880263

>On an unrelated note, good job on spreading the otome gospel in eroge thread,
The natural life cycle of JOPbros is to end up reading bl/otomes

>> No.44880377

I'm interested in translating Baraki (https://vndb.org/v3531)), but I have no tech proficiency whatsoever. Can anyone on BLOG help me pull out script files? I tried fiddling with VNTranslationTools, but it kept giving me a weird syntax error and I suspect the program needs to be fiddled with to work with the game.

>> No.44880789

I really like this art. Looks very Chinese.

>> No.44881839

Tough life in niche works.

>> No.44882292

It had gay sex. I burned my copy

>> No.44882564

Really seems like everything is dying.
I think that the doujin otome scene will always exist, the vast majority of creators are making free games as a hobby after all, but I worry that the days of more ambitious (particularly R18) projects is just over. It’s clear that there’s no money in this.
You occasionally get single dev free games that have the scale of something higher budget but I think it takes a particular kind of madman(woman) to do that, and even then it burns you out after a while.

>> No.44882766

>It’s clear that there’s no money in this.
That's precisely why pirating doujin games is one of the most despicable things in existence

>> No.44883145

As long as morons don't try to tl R18 otome for overseas audience there's not going to be money in it, no.

>> No.44883178

we need to go back in time and kill the people who made gacha games popular

>> No.44883183

The only relevant foreign money is chinese to be honest, they are the ones that really keep the industry alive

>> No.44883208

Yeah they're wasting money on very little additional sales when they're just a doujin group. Not even all the big titles get offical translations.

Yeah they can team up with chink side but it's not worth it for anyone else.

>> No.44883277

It’s not just gacha games but smartphones in general. A lot of younger people now don’t have a PC and never learned how to use one.

>> No.44883445

>A lot of younger people now don’t have a PC and never learned how to use one
I can't believe this is actually a thing. What the fuck happened

>> No.44884203

Will they release their games in English? Eops do contribute in the otome market. Sad overall.

>> No.44884228

They did but not like more than 2 persons bought them.

>> No.44884262

I thought the eng releases weren't out yet?

>> No.44884275

I'll try once I'm back home from work. I don't have the new game version though, so I don't know if the engines are different. Try posting on aarinfantasy though because I got help before. Or on fuwanovel discord. https://forums.fuwanovel.net/blogs/entry/652-data-extraction-thread/

>> No.44884303 [DELETED] 

While I agree people ought to support doujin circles directly instead of pirating, I do think sharing is a good way ro incentivize others to eventually do so and also spread the word the game is actually worth people's time. In my opinion, the latter is way more critical to something's financial success.
I always brought all my doujinge but time and time again, I would buy the other games I did pirated which did left a great impression on me. I much rather think more people are like myself at the end so sometimes I share the doujin games I purchased myself despite being those games being extremely cheap in my country. I like to return the favor to those in the eroge thread in particular because they always tried to help and share their stuff to me, too.

>> No.44884322

While I agree people ought to support doujin circles directly instead of pirating, I do think sharing is a good way ro incentivize others to eventually do so and also spread the word the game is actually worth people's time. In my opinion, the latter is way more critical to something's financial success.
I always brought all my doujinge but time and time again, I would buy the other games I did pirated which did left a great impression on me. I much rather think more people are like myself at the end so sometimes I share the doujin games I purchased myself despite those games are extremely cheap in my country. I like to return the favor to those in the eroge thread in particular because they always tried to help and share their stuff to me, too.

>> No.44884425

Good points. People who pirate doujin games are usually very poor third-worlders like me, 10-15$ here is a big full bag of groceries and/or can't check out on dl-site even for the tiniest sum. They usually don't get more the than a couple of dosens dls, and they wouldn't be able to buy the game legally even if they wanted. Although with mekutoki (and hime no rakuen later) going to steam with regional pricing it's not an excuse anymore.
For a game to be successful it should reach the intended japanese audience, and with yamano titles being 18+ it's not doable through let's plays like for inkya rabukome or bag of milk.
I'm sad but it's sort of 仕方がない, we can pray that future translations will bring two latest titles to the light for paying eops, but Yamano wrote in her blog that even if one title gets a bit of traction it will not be enough to cover the hole in her pocket from repeated flops.

>> No.44884437

Why does she have such big expectations if they're only a doujin group?

>> No.44884603

Because she feels like she's letting down everyone who worked with her by always being in the red for every game. That's why she's open to releasing novels in the future.

>> No.44885075 [DELETED] 

>can't check out on dl-site even for the tiniest sum
Yeah, I have a friend couldn't support doujin circles even if she wanted to because just about everything is blocked on her end. She's also a fan of Gayoushi's work and had purchased her games in the past but times are tough now. Besides those from Japan, feel like most people into this hobby aren't from more affluent countries like the US.

>> No.44885287 [DELETED] 
File: 714 KB, 1200x630, 1696857387203734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male oriented moege gets otome version
Would you play it?

>> No.44885433

The original game already has a lot of scenes from the girls' perspectives and is decently cute, though these guys are such dorks. Would play a game from Mia's perspective (her LI is the autistic ikemen who isn't interested in her at all and she keeps trying to seduce him but he doesn't care).

>> No.44885637 [DELETED] 

I only read part of the common route in コイバナ恋愛 at the moment but the guys already left a good impression on me. Tokiya a cute

>> No.44885693

This anon. The economy is so shit at my 5th world rn, that there are days where I can barely afford the essentials. Can never get stuff from big companies like otomate but I do try to get the doujin ones during sales. But sometimes even that is way too hard. Even if I'm desperate to play it and nobody shares it, I just can't buy it, will move to another one that's available. Why'd someone with money would want to pirate something and suffer though the dicklicking, trojans, porn ads and time limits? It sucks. I can't go against piracy because if it wasn't for piracy I'd have off'ed myself already. The upcoming games do give me a motivation to prolong it somehow. I don't even own any consoles, waited years and years for the psvita emulator to run the otome that I wanted to play. Sorry for the blogposting, just explaining why someone resorts to piracy. I haven't met a person with money who pirates.
I can't hate gacha as well cause you can play for free as long as the game isn't cowmilking and allows multiple accounts.
Blogposting aside, I respect Yamano and enjoy her writing but that's how doujinges are. Kurosawa Rinko got lucky with hashihime because of EOPs. Once Yamano goes to steam and releases her games in English she'll sell and might reconsider. If shit like valiDate sell, niche stuff like hers can sell as well. Forget Chinka, their antinsfw laws prevent them from releasing any r18 otome. Rejetshit the best they can do.

>> No.44885695

>it's not doable through let's plays
thanks for reminding me that I also hate the streamer "culture" that's taken over everything

>> No.44885982

Yes. I've always wanted something like this actually, you'd expect the success of TMGS to draw companies in that sort of direction but the only franchise I've seen giving it a shot afterwards was Da Capo. And you couldn't even go for Suginami, sad.

>> No.44886064 [DELETED] 

>The economy is so shit at my 5th world rn, that there are days where I can barely afford the essentials
Jfc if you don't mind me asking where do you even live, anon? Best wishes to the /blog/sisters going through rough times. I'm happy to do even a little to make people's days a bit better.

>> No.44886253

I find that having side character couples is more common in joseimuke media (well, in manga at least, maybe not otome or anything else aimed at yumes) than danseimuke stuff because of self-inserters so I'm surprised that the reception for Koibana has been mostly positive so far. It's a fun and cute game, too bad most of the side couple development is left for the FD.

>> No.44886425
File: 1.11 MB, 1980x2800, F7enQjraMAAS3SI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Port of Meikoi Fullmoon coming out next year
I remember I had bought the full game when it was ported to mobile, then it got removed to be remade into their gacha game and I was no longer able to open it. Then the gacha got shut down too. The farthest I had gotten was the Hosoya guy's route.

Good thing I had already played all the routes in the PSP version. Wouldn't mind the gacha guys getting routes though. IIRC one was annoying but the other two were cute.

>> No.44886655

>the fd is still vaporware right
Hunex translate their games in English, hopefully they will translate this one too. It was cute.

>> No.44886684 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I think for a lot of the side character development, it happens more so in plot heavy titles like chuunige or utsuge so I'm a little surprised a more modern moege bothered with it. Outside a lot of shoujo manga, especially from the 90s/early 2000s, joseimuke barely bothers with it as far as I can tell.
From the little I've read of Asepro's new game so far, it actually does try to make the relationships between the side characters cute and wholesome. Honestly really hope for the company's success. If anything, danseimuke stuff has some potential to make borderline R18 otome even if it's just a cope.

>> No.44886703

Thank you so much, I'll ask around more too. If you'd like, I can also upload the script files for the newer edition.

>> No.44886722 [DELETED] 

It's interesting how the mainline Tokimemo series is dead even compared to the otome games nowadays. Personally would kill for any otome equivalent to my favorite galge

>> No.44886767

Why does the art look so soulless, the OG art style is so cute ;_;

>> No.44886936
File: 216 KB, 2635x1800, Fate.Prototype.full.937647_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now I'm reminded of the fact that FSN was supposed to be an otome game. I'll never forgive Hackeuchi.

>> No.44887197

>Really seems like everything is dying.
Gacha largely killed VN

>> No.44887286

And all because he wanted to draw a girl in dress style armor. A shame, most of the prototype designs were way better.

>> No.44887373 [DELETED] 

There's just no money with visual novels in general, especially nowadays when the newer generation only cares about watching streamers, mobile gaming and the biggest video game memes. Wouldn't be surprised in several years if all the big named shit is gonna be all gacha and AI generated where even the Otomate stuff people like to shit on is a rarity.
The best you can do is enjoy as much you can with what already exists, talk about what you like about them and perhaps engage into doujin works yourself one day to make that dream game happen.

>> No.44887711

I think small doujin groups that do it has an hobby would be fine, but all big VN unless they are massive like TM or R07 are basically going down.

>> No.44887751

We need to take another crack at that "/blog/ makes a game" thing, it's been half a decade

>> No.44887753
File: 435 KB, 828x1470, 94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Ray's route in IkeRev. I was thinking of doing Luka, Jonah, or Lancelot's route next. Which of the 3 is best? Or I could redo Ray's for the romantic ending, it's good enough that I'd replay it.

>> No.44887766 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 600x444, IMG_5976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never date arthur (male)
it hurts sisters

>> No.44887808 [DELETED] 

I'm already working on something noncommittally as a solo project but I'm seriously thinking of making some ultra shit, simple game with my favorite LI for fun along the side. I drew too much of him already.

>> No.44887926
File: 2.91 MB, 1378x1920, IMG_9832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts even more since he is in FGO but:
1. he is written like a generic knight in shining armour and he lost all the playful, snarky and more ambiguous aspects of his personality that were mentioned in the Prototype drafts
2. he hasn't been relevant in 5 years or so

>> No.44887962

Isn't Sakurai forever cancelled on account of being a whore? That would be like an extra stone on proto Arthur's grave.

>> No.44887988

I think the nips already memory-holed that. I mean, he is voicing Geto in season 2 of JJK isn’t he?

>> No.44888254

Of those three, probably Lancelot, but I found the writing in that game to be really mediocre. Only characters I somewhat liked were Edgar, Harr, and Loki.
Could recommend trying to their Sengoku or Prince games instead, I feel they're generally more cohesive and satisfying, although it seems like the localizers have made the MC of the former increasingly more reddit over time, in both a figurative and literal sense.

>> No.44888370
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, 01003fe00e2f8000_2023-10-08_01-57-09-699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only finished one route so far but it really feels like the edges were sanded off compared to the older non-otomate games. I guess I expected that though.

>> No.44888445

Japs have no integrity about this stuff unless it becomes popular to hate him. He’s literally in JJK s2 so…

>> No.44889261

Anyone know where to get these games? AS doesn't have them anymore and I have no idea where to get the physicals even:
すみれの蕾 fan disc~ウェディング大作戦~

>> No.44889314

I would definitely love to see some /blog/ anons project(s) come to fruition one day. I’m also working on my own thing semi-seriously.

That sucks, but it’s otomate, so I’m also not surprised.

>> No.44889724


>> No.44890291

here's just the main game which was on ab surprisingly
apparently there are download editions up for sale but I have no clue how gaijin friendly DMM is

>> No.44890528
File: 344 KB, 487x488, 1666172367344855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I don't have an AB account so I really appreciate the share. I remember people talking about the anti-gaijin measures DMM was taking up but I'm sure I'll find a way at some point.

>> No.44891004

What are your top 5 otome/bl games?

>> No.44893103

They take Paypal and I've never had any issues with them but you can't directly use foreign credit cards.

>> No.44893870

haruka games can be played in any order? or do they have continuity?

>> No.44895741
File: 27 KB, 488x239, 252b0d09-622f-83c8-37c4-4fcbb1da528d.png-article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that it is gacha related but did /blog try what in hell is bad? You can choose the gender of the protagonist.

>> No.44896280

Game looks way too horny/cringe like most gachashit

>> No.44896359

>can be played in any order
As far as I know yeah

>> No.44896376 [DELETED] 

More like what the hell, this is bad
Don't know what's the obsession with ultra cringe BL/otome designs in gacha nowadays.

>> No.44896834

This promo art looks so cool. But then I saw >>44868805 and was instantly reminded that I hate otome.

>> No.44896949 [DELETED] 

>dudes cucking each other
yeah, I can tell this is kamige

>> No.44897032

Yea otome is sub-human trash.

>> No.44897178


>> No.44897261
File: 455 KB, 1686x2048, 20231010_171814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad, as long as you have patience and like gameplays. There are some ultra kek moments, the childhood friend is getting cucked pretty badly which is fun to watch. The protagonist in order to survive in hell she has to fuck all 30? demons for demon energy and drink her childhoods friends cum for human energy. It's crack at times. I'll keep playing for the angel boy and his punishment. Eagerly waiting for his hard and the moment that he'll be put in his place. The porn cg aren't explicit they are in the text though all the details, yumes will like it since the seiyuu do moan a lot. A lot of gameplay.

>> No.44899206

does anyone have any recommendations for bL/otome with a manchurian setting?

>> No.44899350

>Main guy voiced by Okamoto
It's what he deserves

>> No.44900442

I managed to find the すみれの蕾 FD through a more careful search on AS. Just dropping it here in case someone does an archive search:
Thanks again anon for sharing the main game.

>> No.44902504
File: 219 KB, 1080x1228, 1696992004650879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new sanrio boy

>> No.44902853

It's sad to look at.

>> No.44903295 [DELETED] 

>croc tier shoes
Which Sanrio character is he suppose to be? This design really looks like something Westerner Twitter users would gobble up. Reminds me whenever artists would POC'd popular character in their art just because they can.

>> No.44903358
File: 23 KB, 381x390, Sanrio_Characters_Usahana_Image002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44903390

He's obviously based on Okinawans you schozz

>> No.44903409 [DELETED] 

Geez, Okinawa has literal circus freaks like that walking around there? Didn't know, fatso

>> No.44903850

Japanese people can get real brown, I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings but not everything exists to repress you, you terminally online snowflake retard.

>> No.44903892 [DELETED] 

Malding shitskin kek

>> No.44904116
File: 2.23 MB, 4923x2832, Thoth.Caduceus.full.1656254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with >>44903295
He looks like a shitpost blackface edit like the uta no prince sama ones that we had a few threads ago kek. Could do better come on is it so difficult to hire someone who can actually draw a hot tanned or black LI that doesn't look like a caricature in an uncle Ben's special edition box for pride month. The sandals are hideous. Obey me mammon is cute as well.

>> No.44904138 [DELETED] 

>perfectly cute simple design
>let's make some shitskin """Okinawan"" dude with autism colors

>> No.44904202 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 421x804, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immediately when I saw his design, I thought about this real gem from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The Sanrio anime had some perfectly fine designs but it seems like those are becoming increasingly rare.

>> No.44904272

>Colorful outerwear pulled from the original rabbit design
>Classic tanned skin/cream hair color scheme representing both the new beach theme and the rabbit's base color
Reel in the conniption anon
The design is overall pretty nice, but the shoes look retarded and the face and body type aren't really my taste

>> No.44904338 [DELETED] 

Nah, all the colors clash badly. You do you, though.

>> No.44904356

The darker inner colors are there to help it work, which I think it succeeds in doing

>> No.44904454 [DELETED] 

>this mad over a joke
Seems like you're the sad one

>> No.44904463 [DELETED] 

Sorry but I just can't see it. Probably it'll work if the character was a shota, I guess.

>> No.44904752

absolutely disgusting

>> No.44905076

>It was a joke haha I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.44905131 [DELETED] 

You will never be Japanese and attractive no matter much how much you try, third worlder lmao

>> No.44905146

nip fujos liked raihan and leon so much

>> No.44905199
File: 221 KB, 560x640, blue-period-yatora-riyuji-haruka-yotasuke-maki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the designer is the mangaka of blue period, sanrio just want vtubers designs, thats the new trend

>> No.44905219

Every day I curse the existence of vtumors

>> No.44905247

nta, but how long has it been since you left your room?

>> No.44905258

anyone pls i’m starving

>> No.44905266
File: 178 KB, 1080x1155, 1696992068967400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44905275 [DELETED] 

I don't know why you're so upset to the point of pretending to be someone.

>> No.44905326
File: 5 KB, 628x84, s4m9i4ZJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just thought you were hilariously childish, that's why I asked

>> No.44905353 [DELETED] 

I also don't understand why you're editing screenshots either lol third worlders are something else

>> No.44905359

I don't even think anything of the likes exists. What's even remotely an example of what you're looking for?

>> No.44905360

Ey what the fuck.

>> No.44905361 [DELETED] 

>looks mentally ill
Anon's self insert

>> No.44905374

damn, schizophrenia and paranoia is real
good luck sister, hope you get better

>> No.44905383 [DELETED] 

You too, お兄gger

>> No.44905408
File: 260 KB, 1200x1200, F7ald4ebEAAANgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's pink boy

>> No.44905449


>> No.44905538

for pkmn is ok because its a children game, but otome/bl it must be decent design and not cartoony vtuber trash

>> No.44905700 [DELETED] 

Honestly feels like it's forced, contrived shit that's trying to prove a point despite how much effort is put into making the character stand out. It goes against the original Sanrio designs because their selling point is the simplistic cuteness.

>> No.44905763 [DELETED] 

>I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings
Only actual retards talk like this

>> No.44905939 [DELETED] 

trans flag colors

>> No.44905947

This is why you don't post off-topic shit here

>> No.44905991 [DELETED] 

Where? lighten up, this is a dead general where barely anyone wants to give their opinions or discuss about the games they play

>> No.44906119

i don't know myself either lol. i suppose anything with that manchurian vibe (very decandent yet also desolate, kind of dark and gloomy, specific blend of chinese, japanese, russian and vaguely turkish culture..?). i guess i would also settle for smth ww2 like too

>> No.44906238

pathologic, enjoy

>> No.44906277

this? https://store.steampowered.com/app/384110/Pathologic_Classic_HD/

>> No.44906376

>Game has multiple artists
>Some CG are clearly unfinished
How does it happen

>> No.44906598

Only half related but I never understood why some games have a lack of CGs, especially ones by big names like otomate. Game production probably takes a fair while, surely it isnt that hard to draw simple illustrations in that time.

>> No.44906665 [DELETED] 

Which games? Seems like those artists are shortchanged because of budget reasons. If it's anything like commission work artists do, they charge a lot more for full colored work so it's probably cheaper and easier to get multiple ones at once without commitment

>> No.44906676

rent free

>> No.44906710 [DELETED] 

off colored trans flag colors

>> No.44906711

CGs take a lot of production time and money, being full illustrations (and there's probably a higher quality threshold for them since they're used to promote the game).
Something like adelta's games with gorillion CGs would be impossible for commercial cucks like otomate.

>> No.44906959

I'm sure it's a budget issue. For example we all know by now that otomate has the main "artist" that they advertise the game with but the CGs are mostly drawn by kagemusha and usually end up being shit.
But what game is it? If it looks super unfinished maybe it's a placeholder they forgot to replace out.

I always had the idea that artists only really start working on CGs when the bigger chunk of scenario/planning is done. Which would give CG artists a more constricted time frame to work on them as opposed to being able to work on them throughout the entire production. Likely a disadvantage of being a big company with stricter deadlines.

On another note, what do you think is the optimal number of CGs for each character?

>> No.44907022

>On another note, what do you think is the optimal number of CGs for each character?
I'm not sure if I have high or low standards but 7-8 with at least 2 being kissu

>> No.44907475

oh, someone was erased from existence here too

>> No.44907507

You just need to say the secret word to get certain people riled up. Looks almost randomized with the deletion because good posts were also removed.
>On another note, what do you think is the optimal number of CGs for each character?
Depends on the length. If it's extremely long then it's weird that a game wouldn't have many CGs.

>> No.44907534

>Looks almost randomized with the deletion because good posts were also removed
IP ban probably

>> No.44907630

I remember jannies were randomly deleting posts a couple of threads back out of nowhere partially because of the Utapri shitfest. I guess if they become trigger happy, anything goes.

>> No.44907650

The writing style of the deleted posts is the same, that's why I assumed it was IP ban

>> No.44908098

definitely IP ban since they were on another /jp/ thread making similar shitposts (some even /blog/ related) and was deleted at the same time. seemingly normal posters can go off tangent like that though huh
>optimal number of CGs
yeah depends on the length, but I'd want at least 15 (not counting variations) from an otomate game

>> No.44908235

>seemingly normal posters can go off tangent like that though huh
Shitposting is like doing drugs. The other thread is bigger so there's probably another person who also got IP banned.

>> No.44908253

no, It is the same anon

>> No.44908338

Wait that huge wall of text from the Majimautism poster got removed too, so they were the shitposter malding about the black ikemen? Lol, lmao even

>> No.44908355

I'm just saying it could be multiple people including the one from here. You can only really confirm that's true by looking at the before and after with the IP# since that sort of shitposting isn't that special.
>haraguro herself
I guess that's why that poster loves Majima so much.

>> No.44908369
File: 207 KB, 545x562, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe I was called a third worlder and six-letter word by a hookcuck, truly a tragic moment

>> No.44908658

I imagine Majima poster is likely also one of those anons who love to derail this general with off topic gender baits. Wouldn’t be surprised if most of those posts were all from her, since it seemed like there were some people here agreeing with her but it’s way more likely they were all her samefagging judging by what got removed after her ban.
Who would’ve thought it was actually one of our own and not just a random troll passing by. The insistence that all trolls in this thread are from reddit, twitter, lolcow, other threads or are males, russians, aliens, etc makes more sense now. I can only imagine the extent of her projection and self loathing. These kinds of reveals are always peak entertainment.

>> No.44908691

Nah, that was all you.

>> No.44908907
File: 677 KB, 2560x1440, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is only active when they want to shit on things
>an autistic shitposter actually contributed more game discussion and content than the average poster here
Man, what a sad general.

>> No.44909038

You know ban evasion makes you liable to be permabanned right, Majima autist?
Why would I seriously discuss things I like here with samefagging anonymous trolls where anyone can see it when I can have higher quality discussions with people I can actually curate in private?
I’m just here to watch the general burn and never pretended otherwise.

>> No.44909052 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
what you gonna do bitch pajeet! LOL you a fucking mook and is a useless piece of shit to ever live on the planet Earth. Come on pajeet 4chan mod team.

>> No.44909085

>stalking this af dead place
>indulging in toxicity and thinking you're above everyone here
>schizoposting yourself
Yeah, proves more of my point. Just stay in your Discord, girl.

>> No.44909150

I’ll have to politely refuse, this is the only place I can get the latest Sanrio design and Otomate info.

>> No.44909191

Oh okay, so you're just a basic bitch who only knows how to leech and pretend this general needs to burn. Hopefully one day you'll grow up pass your teens.

>> No.44909691
File: 259 KB, 1200x1200, F7amwS3acAEapJF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them are alright.

>> No.44909878

This one's just boring. The only thing that stands out are the pants and only because they look retarded.

>> No.44909894

Cute. This one feels more genuine /blog/.

>> No.44909910
File: 567 KB, 1600x1600, F790_WmbMAAEMrI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need some normal designs.

>> No.44909915

This one also looks good and very fitting for Kuromi.

>> No.44909922
File: 586 KB, 1600x1600, F8IIJL6bUAAe5CJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wacky ones make the "boring" ones look better.

>> No.44909946

Less is more. I'm hoping Keroppi's will look okay.

>> No.44910693
File: 567 KB, 1600x1600, F8NRu3caYAAEaoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's his twin.

>> No.44911002
File: 89 KB, 500x559, Gremlino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn wtf happened here. Tourists, cross-borders and snowflakes crossover episode?
If it wasn't for warosu I'd not to be able to see wtf happened nor reply to majima sis.
Many posts were purged besides the infighting/derailing ones. Don't know why.
Whatever majima best boy!

They said that they'll do their best to release the game. I believe in them! Shoichirou oniichan isn't as based as our gremlin king nor his muppet show is as good as our boys, but he is a good gremlin continuation kek. Maruki really loves her oniichans. Her masterpiece will always be one though. I love him sis, I loved that scene too, "仕方がない, I'll accept your love Yuriko you proved how much you love me and don't care if I'm a poorfag gardener pleb"
>By is x10 times than Shiba even running the opium and brothels in Manchuria KEK

>Fujitas VA
There's this new gacha that I'm playing and sasuga he is there too and OFC AS PER TRADITION VOICES YET ANOTHER M KEK
Well all WHB demons get cucked and have M tendencies but Fujitas va is more fit due to his history kek. He also loves asses, reminded me of his good end spanking spree ending kek.
I love all the chuuni shit and I don't know if it was you posting about taniyama and his game, spin off/side story to Iraes incestfag chara, but yeah tl;dr I want to play it just for him lmao. Heard Toriumi did a great job there nice. I'm a DL shuufag and I have a tsun weak spot for tnc's akira so I like toriumi kek. Another reason to play irae kek thanks for the rec sis!

Henri is so adorable. I love his seiyuu so much. He paired up and sang often with goblinos seiyuu. Alice = alice op and ends. Ultra based.
But yes, agreed after Henri, Yang boner went soft, heard he "redeems" in the fd too *yawn*, I like it when they stay true to their character. But he was funny, reminded me of omertas Liu, Liu was more fun though. Stayed true to his character and remained a pain in the ass for the rest. Found the rest insufferably boring.
Totally agree with you sis yang boner subsided for the same reasons and yes Auger was the bestboy, cats supremacy! Loved him because he remained the same unchanged and unhinged kek. Started rejet stuff because of goblinos roles, and stayed for the keks, unhingeness and ofc schizoniichans. Top-tier is the moshikami one, put goblino to shame. His devotion for his imouto. Thought maruki wrote him for a second kek. I really liked gekka, everyone is fun, chuunis overload. Sensei and oniichan were bestboys. Yuri route is like yuriko and kyoko in a rejet school AU lmao. Thank you for the recs too sis please tell me if you try them! Will definitely try cupid thank you for your very detailed explanation, furukawas patheticness is extra juicilicious, I want to record his paradise fd breakdown and keep playing it along with gremlinos till I memorize every single line, voice crack, cry and breaking down. He should do more pathetic roles desu!

If it's forced it's the worst yeah, breaking friendships and etc, but if it's natural it can be based! The one in chou no doku hideos route was done really well. In the fandisk it became more painful. It's all up to good writing. I need to play harvest moon I love ds games.

>r18 sad state
Rip succulent. Sis what is this curse...the only hope now is aromarie and doujinkas. All the r18 moved to gacha or graveyard. Can't nips just buy a steamdeck or switch to allow r18 patches after confirming the age? But like you said the backlog never ends can last us kek.

>> No.44911068
File: 179 KB, 1104x640, -偏狂変人恋愛論.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This schizo was cute (though the game is technically a galge I guess)

>> No.44911167

I wish his route wasn't so... what it is.
Also you can't call it a Gale if every ending is homo as fuck.

>> No.44911777

I played it a while ago so I don’t remember all the details but it takes a left turn when you get to his route, yeah. I have a soft spot for mostly harmless stalker weirdos like him so I thought it was worth the play despite some of the stranger plot developments.

>> No.44913846

breeding fetish: the game

>> No.44916717

I need a yandere little brother NOW

>> No.44916745

I agree

>> No.44917529
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x1920, IMG_6214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth picking up MysMes again just to do V's route?

>> No.44917827
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say so, although I also don't like the man himself much at all. Maybe if you really like the idea of coaxing a man away from his obsession with his batshit crazy ex-fiance especially considering how much damage he does to himself in his pursuit of her in all the other routes
It's been some years so I couldn't give you any specifics, but I just found it odd and forgettable

>> No.44917849

>years of waiting for Ray's epilogue
>it's dogshit
They didn't even give him his red hair back

>> No.44917906

Out of everything what bothered me the most was the downgraded Ray sprite (and stamps) and V being in full throttle retard mode
I have to wonder what the hell went on during development

>> No.44917971

Oh yeah, I forgot about that cursed front viewing sprite. It sucks that it ended on such a sour note when his route was really good. I wish they'd go back to making PC games but that's never happening.

>> No.44923725
File: 1.28 MB, 1019x566, 1..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sisters I've been inspired by you all to finally get off my butt and learn japanese
I finished the bad endings for kuzuha's route and i just wow... it was certainly something
This is my first rejet game but I kindaaaa get where the rep comes from now
I thought it was really funny he was an Osamu Dazai type too

>> No.44924467

Thanks for reminding me to finish that! It'd be fun if we could all play rejet games together and discuss them here. Vote and choose one every 1-2 months and play it along like the old days.

Actually, fuck that why not do it kek. Here you go.
For complete eops, check on vndb some have English fanpatches you can join. You can easily emulate the psp ones on phone even, that's why I included them.

>> No.44925290
File: 384 KB, 1898x1067, hana-awase-new-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sisters that played this game? It's coming out this month and I've seen people say that it has a lot of yanderes in it. I'm thinking of getting it if it'll actually quench my thirst for degenerates

>> No.44929206 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.44929557
File: 2.95 MB, 1600x1600, 1697223676568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute, looks like a sheep.

>> No.44931165
File: 10 KB, 443x206, 1593016618340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always appreciate shota thighs.

>> No.44931413
File: 210 KB, 1542x2048, 1629191371249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Yana drawn any shotas for the Disney gacha?

>> No.44931798
File: 81 KB, 676x719, F5hayPXaMAAc0ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this one count

>> No.44934845 [DELETED] 

cute men

>> No.44935188
File: 1.09 MB, 1274x716, Screenshot_135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do feel people about Hisora from Nie No Machi? I feel like his design isn't too bad and I like his voice is deep, but apart from that he's kinda bland?

>> No.44935198 [SPOILER] 
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I finished kuzuha's route yesterday and it was..... rather mediocre?? I don't really like his archetype or his design and i thought his route felt kinda rushed and random even?
Like... his actions and character just felt pretty wishy washy and I couldn't really tell you why he likes Hina other than SHES NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS......!!??
Anyways! This game has a pretty bad rating on vndb and I wasn't expecting much either so idk why i'm even nitpicking on this lol
The two notable things in this route are
1. He was molested by his maid when he a kid and that's why he's a slut now
2. In one of the bad endings, he gets married to his fiance and he and Hina start an affair. Hina becomes a slut(??) to make him jealous(?????)
This ending and character change in Hina felt so totally random and out of left field i actually laughed. I don't know what i expecting though...

If you like redeeming and reforming sluts I guess you might enjoy this route?! it wasn't really for me but it was still entertaining in a trainwreck way...!

I'm doing Shido's route now... ganbarimasu...

If a lot of people join I'll probably hop on and try too since discussing games with everyone sounds fun but i'm too noncommittal...

ohhh i actually want to try this but i heard the japanese in it is really hard and there's a lot of literary references
it'll be a while until i read it but i definitely want to try it!

>> No.44935268 [SPOILER] 
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Oh yea I forgot to mention the good ending for Kuzuha route felt so normal and tame compared to the bad endings where they either get stabbed by his ex or they become sluts together and start an affair
I wasn't expected mundane marital bliss after those endings so it felt like a letdown? I wish the good ending was a bit crazier

>> No.44935854

It just feels to me like he was supposed to be a shota protagonist but they got cold feet and made him a regular dude later. It'd be much more obvious if it wasn't for his manly voice.

>> No.44939813

>can't see result without re-voting
so we're playing alice=alice or what?

>> No.44940343

Is there any hope left for western dating sim at this point?
Every time i check one I'm blasted with weird pronouns and vaginas

>> No.44940778
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I actually be interested to hear about blog opinions of BL protagonists in general. Who is your favorite? What do you think among pic related and the likes?

>> No.44940830 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.44941752

they make or break the game for me generally, since they're the constant half of every pairing in the game and I have to listen to their inner monologue during the game.
I don't really have a favorite I guess but some I really liked:

azuma: promiscuous enough that you quickly forget he's nonke, designated abuse target and strugglefucker. outwardly carefree and social but beneath the facade he's depressed, self-conscious and awkward. bookdumb and no special interests, but very relatable and entertaining buddy-type protag.
michael: cute, chivalrous and bullyable/corruptible, the innocence is forgivable given the context. it's so funny watching this cherryboy try to top actual men too
towa: art hoe (male), slut with mental issues and probably AIDS, just wonderful
tamamori: schizo self-centered airhead nerd with a ton of complexes and a sense of humor
konno teppei: I don't like dimwit nonke generally but he gets a pass for being a rough-speaking manly everydude and so pitiable, also it's just so fun watching him mentally break down in 30 different directions that it doesn't really matter if you liked the original teppei or not
eito/eiden: a shameless gay slut with a sense of humor, so perfect. a bit dense but he can read the room and play along at least. wonderful to tease or be teased by
scaro: poor little goth boy. yes, please suffer more
haru: omnisexual manslut, funny, proactive, just great
tomoaki: a dumbass at times but being a natural doS makes up for it.

I think you can gather my type(s) from this.

>> No.44942182
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Aoba: Like TnC protagonist, he's the poster child for BL protagonists to me. Sorta boring, "b-but we are both guys", the writing thinks he's special but he's not. He's not offensively bad, but he's just kinda dull.

Eiden (Nu carn): Mostly I love him for being a slut, he does feel like someone you could meet and just loves getting dick and having sex. Very refreshing in that sense.

Tamamori: The great thing about Tama is that he's feels written as his own character with his own flaws, which may make or break it for some people. He has actual flaws instead of fake ones. Adelta sometimes likes to play his flaws too much imo at the cost of his development and he also suffers from the fact his development his "Locked" behind Minakami's route, without it you feel like there is something missing except maybe in the professor route.

Souta (kintouka): I usually hate the "he's kind so everyone falls him!" trope but with Souta it works because he's actually kind both in writing and character with a dere dere personality which also plays in the way he was raised. The best thing about him is how real the portrayal of depression feels and his obsession with the past. Like Tama he does suffer from the fact his development feels a bit fragmented. I think Kyou's route stood out for me because it feels the one where he's forced to become more proactive.

Haru (NtY): I remember him being fun at first, but I quickly grew bored because none of his pairings plays well on his personality except Hiroshi and the lack of a true route/clear resolution to the story makes him feel incomplete.

Hisora: Same as TnC protagonists, sorta dull but not offensively bad.

Yosuga (Narisokonai no Yosuga): I wish I could have gotten more out of him, but he suffer from his route being the worst route in the game and the fact he spends a great deal of the game essentially brainwashed and you only get a resolution for his feelings at the very end of the game The post game story was great because you get to see more of his real thoughts.

>> No.44942418

Yes, this poll platform was shit sorry, but most did vote for alice=alice in the end. We can start tomorrow or next thread. Whatever blog suggests.
Someone please share the game if the a-s links don't work. I'd do it but my giga limits are full on all my accounts. Can't be bought digitally and physical is out of print anyway.

>> No.44943619

didn't read Kintouka
Aoba a shit
out of the rest of them, Tama is probably the most interesting character, Maikeru gets honourable mention

>> No.44943971

How is this going to work, everyone reads at their own pace or we do the same routes at the same time or something?

>> No.44944352

I think there’s some good ones, but yeah, it’s pretty bad out there. I’d be a doomer about it, but I know other western VN fans/devs who don’t care for that stuff, so I’m going to hold on to hope.

>> No.44944392

I remember seeing 2 pretty decent looking western otome a while ago that looked like they didn't have typical shit. Salty Hounds and The Silent Kingdom, they're both in early access/development mode though so no idea how they actually are

>> No.44944507

Otome definitely have more chances, but BL are pretty muc fucked i think

>> No.44944852

>Salty Hounds
That one's Korean actually. I remember there was some drama surrounding this game, because after it was successfully crowdfunded, they changed artists twice and the game kept being delayed without any real communication from the devs. Apparently the early access feels super barebones too and is riddled with bugs. It does look nice just based on the screenshots alone though.

Some other nice looking unreleased otome I came across are Diffraction and Salvus Aries. Generally I don't care for western stuff but as long as the art style is not typically western I'm more open to trying them.

>> No.44946355

>didn't read Kintouka
What are you waiting anon?

>> No.44946906

it's too hard for my N4 ass with its poetic language

>> No.44947135
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It was my first JP VN, I totally got tricked by the tutorial using normal language, but by the time I realized how hard it was I was really into it so I powered through. it became my favorite BL VN, but in retrospect yeah it's very hard compared to something like Nie no Machi.

>> No.44950382

It's not BL it's alphabet otome.

>> No.44955135
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>that edit
Kek our gremlin~ reminds me of a Furby. Yeah idk either but I'm glad you're still around to reply back, Majimasis. Really appreciate your presence here! Halloween soon, so I've been sketching him in some costumes

>you proved how much you love me and don't care if I'm a poorfag gardener pleb
Every time Majima shows a bit of honesty beneath all those lies and from his crippling low esteem, it makes me want to baby him. Maruki really knows how to write incest and make that ideal sibling wish fulfillment so damn appealing. As long as Aromarie is active, it's still not over.

>There's this new gacha that I'm playing and sasuga he is there too
Oh shit, Fujita's VA also does work for that, huh? I'm not huge with gacha anymore but I gotta try hearing his voice at least. Takes some guts to voice some depraved shit for years desu

>I don't know if it was you posting about taniyama and his game, spin off/side story to Iraes
Yes! That was me back then. I absolutely love chuunige and incest. Can't help myself to shill the ones I've read if I find some /blog/ elements in them. If you're the same Majima anon as before, I think I recommended Muramasa to you at some point lol
But yeah, I fucking love Masada's work with Shinza Bansho in general. So many 10/10s and also great girls too. If Beatrice was real, she'd be that boycrazy yume/fujoshi friend. Love that hilarious spaz. Eleonore and Rusalka are awesome too. Everyone has something to like.

>I'm a DL shuufag and I have a tsun weak spot for tnc's akira so I like toriumi kek.
Yeah, one big thing I can appreciate Toriumi for is his talent to nail those roles he does fit in. Toriumi's cold, dead voice to convey Mercurius in DI is just perfect. Nothing better could solidify that sheer sociopathic pretentiousness and I love Toriumi for pulling it off so well. Quite /blog/ especially when he's interacting with Reinhard and Marie. Once you learn how much he went through just for the latter and to end everything, it's great imo

Diving into DI just for Bey is a fine idea if you ask me. He is that good of a character. Even for the introduction route (Kasumi's), you get to see plenty of him and see a little bit those of those /blog/-like vibes with his interactions.
Tbh I actually haven't read Bey's game yet since I had tons of problems finding it untranslated but an anon very graciously shared their copy to me the other day when I asked. It's up there in my playlist.
Btw I think you'll appreciate this of Bey. Taniyama's vocal cords are something else:

Oh yeah, beside Taniyama/Toriumi, DI also has Suwabe and Narita aka Shingakkou's August who voices yet another great priest in DI funny enough. Trifa is also something else - has very juicy ossan angst and does have a pretty special relationship with his goddaughter.

I agree 100%. I try not to hate them unless there's a good reason but I do think for most otome protagonists who aren't very defined as characters, they tend to dampen the overall excitement in game and the LI's character development. I'm a self inserter sometimes and all but genuinely good romance in general is all about the chemistry. Just hard to pull it off if the MC is a brick unfortunately imo
At the end, Henri did make up Piofiore and indeed does have a great VA! Even if I thought the game was mostly w/e, good men are good regardless where they are from, simple as.

>Thank you for the recs too sis please tell me if you try them!
Np sis! Glad to give out recs to you! Please also talk about them whenever you feel comfortable, too. That also sounds like great stuff with Gekka! Love chuuni characters and Yuriko/Kyouko. Even with my endless backlog, I want to get to yours soon. Mochikami is also something I wanna really play too for that crazy oniichan. My JP friend was telling me all about it

>He should do more pathetic roles desu!
Shiet that jackass in Paradise eventually does break?? Kek, I have the main game DL'd but have yet to read it. All I know is that Furukawa plays a massive abusive cunt. Definitely agree about him voicing more pathetic shits - feels like he is at his best if he can do that deep voice whenever it is contrasting a free spirited flirt or "big brother" like personality front to hide himself

>Harvest Moon
Yes! HM/牧場物語 games are super relaxing without too much complexity. Perfect games to play on the side if you're reading something heavy. DS ones are good but I love the Wii/GBA games too.

>r18 sad state
>Sis what is this curse..
It's just dismal, especially if you read Yamano's blog. ;-; I went ahead to do another DLsite shopping spree for her stuff and Gayoushi's once I heard the news. They need every bit of support who tried their best to bless R18 otome with some of the more unique shit that no mainstream industry company would do. Actual MVPs who made some of their dreams happened even if it ended up like that.

>> No.44955753 [SPOILER] 
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Finished Shido's route in bad medicine.
I thought this route was more coherent than Kuzuha's route because Shido actually had motivation for pursuing Hina and interacting with her past normal student-teacher interactions. In Kuzuha's route it was more like he just randomly chose Hina to harass and then the writer threw in some justifications as to why he ended up becoming attracted to her.
The events related to 特別教務 were also actually kindof important in shido's route. In Kuzuha's route it felt like it just got pigeonholed in because it's thing all the routes needed for some reason????
I felt Hina was kind of relatable in this route even. I think anyone with the experience of trying to be a model student and daughter can relate with the borderline obsessive fervor she has with meeting shido's expectations. Unfortunatelyyyyy there isn't enough writing to carry that and she still ends up being a cardboard pushover and pretty boring lmao
Anyways the writing is still terrible just SLIGHTLY less bad than Kuzuha route but I liked how Hina either becomes mindbroken over her desire for punishment and to be corrected by Shido or becomes an empty emotionless doll in the bad endings

>> No.44957494
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cute goofy ossans
If farming sims count, Fields of Mistera is a thing. CA is working on Haunted Chocolatier too. As long as the cringe isn't shoved onto my face, I don't mind as long as the game's fun.
There is also this coming out end of this month.
Apparently people mentioned the demo is fun but a shame it's girl LIs only. Looks nice, though.

>> No.44960449

I’ve never heard of the second developer but their games look nice, I love the Rozen Maiden vibes.

>> No.44963121 [SPOILER] 
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Can we start alice=alice whenever then? I'm 1.5 routes away from finishing bad medicine so I'm looking for my next game and it looks interesting even tho mc has derpy eyes

>> No.44963298

how long were the routes in bad medicine for you?

>> No.44963676
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Kuzuha- 11-12 hours
Shido- 11 hours
Kashu- 9 hours
Toujou- 6-7 hours
This is literally my first vn in japanese though and I've only read 1 short LN before this so I read reallyyy slow. The routes are all about the same length too but i got more used to the writing after a bit
I think the playtime average on vndb is like only 12 hours

>> No.44963913

I'm a console fag without a computer. I do have an android tablet though. Is there a way where I can play PC vns there? I want tl join rejet play alongs.

>> No.44967824

Not really. There are alternate implementations of the KiriKiri engine that I assume have android ports, but rejet didn't use it.

>> No.44967896

Wait until Winlator gets better

>> No.44968299
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Hey, some news. Hopefully actual censorship is mosaic and not laser.

>> No.44969209
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Kyou is the goat. 10/10 protag. Somehow they made a smart BL game protag without making him boring. Kyous game is also a masterpiece.

>> No.44972766

Pic sauce?

>> No.44974796 [SPOILER] 
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Just finished Nagihara's route and wow... I really liked and sympathised with Hina in this route. It's definitely my fave by far and I genuinely enjoyed it!!
He is also voiced by the same seiyuu who did Kageaki so fjhsdfkjhsdfhh
Hina's mental breakdown during 崩壊エンディング was tasty

>> No.44977280

@Boys_no_love on twitter

>> No.44978313
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I don't care for any of the other Niemachi boys but I am a maniac who loves Naruomi and feel like he was written to appeal to all of my specific fetishes.

>> No.44978708

DesperaDrops cast is so damn ugly

>> No.44978867

Yeah just like your face

>> No.44981901

I kind of think Kalmia8 (RIP) had something with the 'moege but otome' idea, even if I didn't like their games very much.
My hope for R18 otome is pretty much in the gutter at this point though.

>> No.44986671 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.44988521

What does /BLOG/ think of Slow Damage?

>> No.44989782

It was boring.

>> No.44990990

Fujieda route is literally Evangelion 5.0-1.0 except done right. The rest of the routes ranged from shitty to alright. Excellent production values tho, and the OST was fantastic.

>> No.44993176

pretty good as far as N+C jank goes, love Towa

>> No.44994177

Is slow damage difficult to read in japanese? I’ve wanted to read that for a while but I remember the tnc english translation being more literary in style than other bl vn so I got scared off of trying it

>> No.44994230

That depends, how do you feel about paragraph upon paragraph of economy talk? The rest is not too bad. If you can read a yakuza manga you can read this too.

>> No.44997781

Those of you who also play male targeted eroge, are there any with a brother/sister romance element you found appealing? I feel like I've gone through every otome game with (BR) incest at this point.

>> No.44998190

I like the dynamic between siblings in Lucle's games because they're codependent and full of suffering in the way I prefer my incest pairings, but there's not that much focus on the guys if that's a problem for you. Also, if you like Yamano and haven't read Nillhana you should check that out. It's the only one of her games that actually mostly sticks to a male perspective but the relationship between siblings (also very toxic and codependent) plays a huge role despite not involving the MC. And if you're okay with a younger brother with a sister obsessed with their father I also recommend her Goshujinsamania, which is basically otome and extremely fucked up. It's hard to say much about it without spoilers but it left the strongest impression on me out of all of Yamano's games.

>> No.44999816
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are there otome games where i can play as a brown or atleast tanned girl

>> No.45000019

Maybe look for indie otome or OELVN? Girls with dark skin don’t match Japanese beauty standards so I doubt you’ll find any non indie games.

>> No.45000303

nta but thanks for the detailed response and recs. I had some of Lucie's games on my list but I didn't know he wrote incest that way. I'm also a BRfag Majimafag
If you're ok with eroge, you can do what I do by self inserting as the girl.

>> No.45006593

Thanks anon! I'll check them out.
I've actually had Nillhana and Goshujinsamania on my backlog for a little while.

>> No.45007998

Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru has a really long bad ending where you get kidnapped by your onii-chan.

>> No.45008018

I wish, now I just have to play WitchSpring

>> No.45008420
File: 375 KB, 1943x1633, yu-yu-hakusho-yusuke-vs-toguro-elite-fandom-statue-anime-figure-resin-figures-figurama-collectors-820815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a shounen fight tournament arc BL game because men beating the shit out of each other is peak emotion and peak testosterone and hot as fuck.

>> No.45008444

>men beating the shit out of each other is peak emotion and peak testosterone and hot as fuck.
Just play Cage.

>> No.45008545

>check vndb
Wait hold on THAT is what Cage is about? I... oh. I should have played this ages ago.

>> No.45009076

To be fair it's less shounen anime fights and more delinquent manga fights and they tend to be rather one-sided but it's certainly very manly. At the very least there's a lot of the MC getting stockholm syndrome for the dude(s) beating the shit out him in each route.
And if overpowered badasses going around bashing skulls in gets you hot then that's almost every LI also MC when he gets going

>> No.45009429

That sounds glorious, all of it. TnC for all its violence blueballed me so hard with its MC who couldn't fight for shit.
>if overpowered badasses going around bashing skulls in gets you hot
You have no idea.
This probably doesn't need to be asked since remakes are almost always downgrades, but just in case: get the original(s) or wait for the remake?

>> No.45009461

Wasn't remake stuck in dev hell? Better get used to liking quasimodos.

>> No.45009497

nta but that sounds hot, I need to read that sometime too.

>> No.45009513

Beats me, until now I didn't even know a remake existed. But I have very high tolerance for bad art within my niches so it's alright.

>> No.45009544

>MC couldn't fight for shit
To be fair Teppei is at "got into a few fights in high school" level too, but that's fairly appropriate for Cage's power level.
By comparison Akira and fucking Aoba are supposed to be legends in underground fighting but I tend to forget Aoba even fights.

>the remake
No idea when or if that's ever going to come out, plus when I glanced at the cast it seems the author aged up the kusogaki who's one of my favorite characters so I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.45009557

/blog/ reads Baki, right?

>> No.45009758

incidentally the best routes for fighting are probably Yoshimoto and Nitta in Open and Ishimatsu and Saiki in Close. Yoshimoto and Nitta are battle idiots so that's a given, Ishimatsu is another battle idiot and probably the deadliest fighter in the cast, Saiki doesn't fight since he's a kid but under his orders MC goes on an absolute rampage including killing the 4 LIs from Open so it really got my blood pumping.
He's mostly being carried by Kujo and Maki so those routes are quite disappointing.

It's slightly better to play Open before Close but it's not a big deal and you don't need to finish all the routes, you can just play one or two and jump to Close if you want.

>> No.45010053

Nachtigal, Taarradhin, Date Warp, Lake of Voices, Demonheart: The Ice Demon,
Threads of Snow have dark-skinned female protagonist. There is also an upcoming Belle Automata.
Games like ebon light, red embrace hollywood, gilded shadows, magical diary series let you fully customise your mc, including skin color.
As for the japanese games there is this one:
There is also tag on vndb: Dark Skinned Protagonist

>> No.45010791
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Are there some BL where you can have threesomes? Even as bad endings at worst. I know of DMMD one.

>> No.45011236
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I finished Bad medicine yaaaaay
My 3 favourite routes were definitely Nagihara's, Toujou's and Yanagi's. I thought the character writing for these routes were actually decent but they just too short. Shido's route was alright but the frequent 180s in his character were too random for me. Kashu and Kuzuha routes were just... lol. I didn't like them at all
Toujou had the tastiest bad endings and his were the only ones that left me feeling properly satisfied
I liked Nagihara's bad endings too but I wish they were longer but as a redeeming factor he has Kageaki VA and he basically sounds and even kind of acts like rokuhara kageaki in one of the bad endings. So umm yeah if you're a kageaki enjoyer then you'll probably like the bad endings a lot because it's basically kageaki badmouthing you and thats hot
Yanagi had the most boring bad endings out of my top 3 BUT he had my favourite true/good ending. All the other true endings felt kindof lame because basically everyone was "cured" of their bad quirk but Yanagi was still a domineering slightly misogynistic misanthrope in the good end and I kind of like that so it was good for me lol
My biggest complaint is that theres actually like a really small number of scenes where the boys are actually just bullying you?? It was basically just the 特別教務指導 scenes and the bad endings but I thought the former was kindof stupid and executed badly and the bad endings didn't have enough content

This sounds really hot I need to play that asap

>> No.45011651

Which Utapri game should be played first? If there’s no specific order then which would you rec?

>> No.45016829

The first.

>> No.45019807
File: 160 KB, 840x659, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god oh fuck is this MS Mincho? Please tell me it's not hard coded.

>> No.45020711

Did anyone play the full version of Friendly Lab? I didn't even realise it had been out since August.

>> No.45020856

Wait, I didn't realize it was out. Curious if anyone has compared it to the app version.

>> No.45021175
File: 199 KB, 984x646, oh shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the font is hardcoded I think but it's definitely not supposed to look like that, not sure what you're doing.
If you're using some weird scaling on your display you might wanna run compatibility troubleshoot and select >doesn't display properly, or just tick compatibility for high dpi
Also the fact that the exit button up there isn't displaying properly for you makes me think your system settings are not ideal for jp games in general.

>> No.45024564
File: 243 KB, 840x659, much better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm retarded. I just forgot to change wine's locale settings. Thanks anon, Meiryo is so much easier on the eyes.

>> No.45024909

I'd ply if I could but I can't check out on dlsite and dl version has drm anyway so I can't expect of someone to just share their copy.
Phone version without donations has most cgs blurred and according to devs they mercilessly cut a lot of explicit content to fit in 12+ rating.
New OP is very cool though.

>> No.45027881

Does anyone here have a (japanese) w10 version of Togainu no Chi?
Or any patch for the original version because i can't manage to make it work

>> No.45028896

If nothing else works you can always try running it on a VM.

>> No.45028928

There is also ps2 version that adds a new character, not sure if it's safe to play it instead or it has some censored text too

>> No.45028967

I never played that version, but I'm pretty sure the PS2 didn't allow explicit content.

>> No.45029202

Were the h scenes any important to the plot?

>> No.45029313

Heh. But it depends on the route. For example you could cut Rin's and lose nothing, but cutting Keisuke's would be butchering his route.

>> No.45032517

>PS2 didn't allow explicit content


>> No.45032884

It's the same with all console VNs. Some might be rated cero 18 or pegi 18 but this will usually be for gore/violence, it's not the same as an eroge that's rated R18.
Though some console versions go fairly close. I played part of the Taishou Mebiusline PSP port some time ago and though some of the H-scenes were just replaced with new scenes, some of them were still there, though with cropped CGs and without the more obvious porno moaning and explicit descriptions.

>> No.45033369

Does /blog/ advise against or for using textractor? I'm relatively new to learning and I want to try my first vn. I'm not sure if it is usually used as an aid or as a crutch.

>> No.45033409

It depends on what you use it for. If you're just hooking it to deepl and reading the output, that's a crutch. If you're using jparser when you don't recognize how to read something, that's an aid.

>> No.45033559

haven't been here in ages. any good bl drop for eop-chans like me outside of lkyt?

>> No.45033655

also, do anons use ai chatbots at all? it's like having a husbando/never-ending text game in my computer

>> No.45033673

If it's your first VN it's not a crutch (assuming no mtl). If you reach the point where you could actually read most things without a dictionary yet still use it because of lack of confidence it could be a crutch, so you're going to want to stop hooking and just read normally at that point.

>> No.45033747

I briefly used one and got crazy addicted. Now I avoid it

>> No.45033771

get back into it

>> No.45036645
File: 547 KB, 2048x1820, 1680730439751877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45038503

ranging from vtuber rejects to decent, frog enjoyers won

>> No.45039671

hot ikemen in your area are waiting for you, my lady

>> No.45039817

I have a carnal need for procreation with Kurode

>> No.45040053

Most of these designs are utter garbage but the rest of Noir isn't too bad. Now only if the cute frog himself got more mechandise.

>> No.45042063

recommend me some.

>> No.45042109

i'm glad they included a few otoko no ko.
if i'm not too corrupted by western spaces and myunna and tuxam are actually feminine enough to count, i mean

>> No.45042133

tuxam has murase using his regular voice though not the high pitched one

>> No.45042148

i haven't heard them speak

>> No.45042643

Do you bang both?

>> No.45042699

Kinda. There's a bad end where eyepatch rapes MC while the other one restrains him.
Though in the fandisc they have a 3P route.

>> No.45042757

What's the game?

>> No.45042931

Taishou Mebiusline. Hope you can read moonrunes and/or russian.

>> No.45043071

Noir > Blue > Red

>> No.45044451
File: 27 KB, 680x357, o3zxg-dl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45045253

There's a mute shota recently, he's based on Gideon from Pinocchio

>> No.45045382

badobarm is the ugliest by far

>> No.45048163

Oh, wow. Just noticed it’s getting an English release. Neat! I remember reading reviews about it some years back. There is definitely quite a bit of unhinged behavior, from what I remember.

>> No.45049809

Does anyone here have a jp version of Clepsydra https://vndb.org/v807?

>> No.45053982

All the links I could find were dead.
I've always been curious about it myself, I wish there were more otomege where you get to be a loli.
