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44947062 No.44947062 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44911311

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44947114

I started playing Twinkle Crusaders and I couldn't make it past the 2nd tutorial battle on hard because the enemy goes first every time and one shots you before you have a chance to do anything. Did they not playtest this shit? I had to set it back to normal. Hopefully the next battle I can play on hard or else this is just bullshit.

>> No.44947146

Do we know who wrote what in Nukitashi?

>> No.44947171

i also tried hard exactly once and also got oneshot before i could even act
i thought maybe it might be one of those NG+ things for a second route or something but apparently that's not even how it works either
normal's fine, i guess, i'm not exactly playing it for its brainbusting gameplay

>> No.44947187

I want to try becoming a cuck, any good ntrge for beginners?
heard good things about Elf and Venus games

>> No.44947195


>> No.44947210

The gameplay is actually kinda fun so I feel it would be a waste if it's too easy. I have to admit though, it dampens the mood knowing you can skip all the battles.

>> No.44947230

it seems like it's getting mildly harder, i just hit the second OP so i'm either nearing the end of the common route or done with it already
but yeah no idea either why not only can you skip everything, the cursor auto-jumps to the skip button
other anon was saying the fandisk's got better gameplay so at least there's that to look forward to

>> No.44947246

Neat. How are you liking it so far?

>> No.44947254
File: 70 KB, 323x285, ものべの-happy_end-_16-10-2023 02-59-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait i just realized...

>> No.44947256
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>> No.44947280

i rambled a bit about it in the previous thread but generally it's a good time with a fun cast and those perky tits are very nice
sometimes they get too into the stuco stuff and that drags, but otherwise it's been good fluffy fun. looking forward to zipping around trying to get all the trophies, but for now i'm gunning for Misa because it's been ages since i did a regular old-fashioned tsundere route.

>> No.44947366

Yeah, I almost dropped it the first hour because the student council shit was extremely boring. Then it started to pick up and now the characters and their shenanigans are growing on me. Agree with the perky tits, and not to mention you can sneak a peak underneath the heroine's uniforms but it's ever so subtly and tastefully done. The sprites are lewd in a subdued way.

>> No.44947467

Thanks bros I will check them out

>> No.44948095

Because it's simply fucking hard and ultimately unrewarding. You see how by the mid 00's most just stopped doing that because it's not worth the time and resources satisfying a minority within a minority of autists.

>> No.44948190

Is there a tag on vndb for gradually changing clothing? I want to play nukige where the girl becomes more and more of a bitch gradually.

>> No.44948217

>where the girl becomes more and more of a bitch gradually
I have this fetish too.

>> No.44948371
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So I asked this like a week ago in the translated VNs thread but no one gave me an answer so I'll try asking here:

Can anyone help me with this? Ive used that MTL patch for Dare mo ga Kanojo o Neratteru and it was doing fine until I got to this part in the janitor's route. Now I cant seem to get past it either by spamming click, using the auto or skip button. The original site for where the MTL page came from seems to be kill btw.

>> No.44948382
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>> No.44948395
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>> No.44948767

Cute Vendetta.

>> No.44948974

The true ntr experience

>> No.44949096


>> No.44949135
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>> No.44949137

eops definitely aren't mentally ill

>> No.44949155
File: 78 KB, 351x500, 203000157674_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick Vendetta DFC

>> No.44949180
File: 340 KB, 800x600, opmovie - Copy (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Djibril, because it's half ntr and half wacky comedy.
As a fellow cuck who's done some stupid shit when he was younger, and since you asked politely, I'll take pity on you and tell you 1) you can copy error messages like that with ctrl+c then paste them into your online translator of choice, and 2, you could almost certainly solve the issue by removing the patch file then making a save after the crash.

>> No.44949196

>make trilogy
>make main girl of first game the best girl of the entire franchise and it's not even a fucking competition

>> No.44949209

Second game has the best OP.

>> No.44949220

An OP is two minutes, a heroine's love is forever.

>> No.44949248

and the best mc

>> No.44949276

>Because it's simply fucking hard and ultimately unrewarding.
So? This is basically what Dark Souls games are like and that series is popular as fuck.

>> No.44949292

Fucking hard and unrewarding on the dev end, not the player's end, anon. It's extremely expensive to make a game like Yu-no and there's very little reward. There's a clear trend in games having less and less choices and general complexity (on average) over the past two decades. People don't make games like Clannad or Kagetsu Tohya anymore.

>> No.44949294
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Nah, Zephyr was much better. Trinity fatal flaw in general was not having proper romance with Rain in the true route.

>> No.44949307

>Dancer outfit
Okay, I will now jump into another mult-entry long-ass series.

>> No.44949319

If you put all three games together Silverio's long but each individual game is only 20-30 hours, they're relatively short and tight for a chuunige. I'd say each one is probably half the length of something like Fate or DI.

>> No.44949350
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>> No.44949355

Helios was the true heroine

>> No.44949381
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Nah, I feel it was much easier to empathize with ash and his whole world view, as well as to connect more easily with the development he acquires along the different routes and the story in general.
Also, I really liked this whole exploration of his dream of being an 英雄 (ヴァルゼライド​)

>> No.44949393

What works should I read to prep myself for SCA-Ji's "Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~" (2010)?

>> No.44949396

>People don't make games like Clannad or Kagetsu Tohya anymore.
I never played Clannad, but surely its choice system wasn't anywhere as brutal as Kagetsu Tohya. KT is just downright masochism. I don't know what the fuck Type-Moon was thinking there. All of their other VNs are sensible.

>> No.44949419
File: 1.69 MB, 3800x4400, kagetsubetterquality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never played Clannad, but surely its choice system wasn't anywhere as brutal
It's not as bad as KT - I can't think of anything that is - but there's a couple light balls that are a pain in the ass to get without a guide and are an absolute maze of choices.
> I don't know what the fuck Type-Moon was thinking there.
If you read Nasu's old interviews he sounds like a lunatic and he needs Takeuchi to slap him across the head and calm him down. KT is insane and clearly went way too far, but I wish indie devs these days had a fraction of this ambition. (I know all VN devs are technically indie, you know what I mean)

>> No.44949440

To play devil's advocate, KT isn't all that long. If it was FSN tier, then I among with many others, would've just offed ourselves.

>> No.44949446

The only choice I need is the one to pick the girl's route. The rest is just bloat.

>> No.44949454

It's not that long in terms of individual playthroughs, but it's almost like a roguelike VN - each individual day won't take you that long to read, but if you're trying to see every variation and every scene you'll be there quite a while.

>> No.44949460

why are moecucks like this?

>> No.44949464

I'm a plotcuck.

>> No.44949471

false flag.

>> No.44949475

>I couldn't make it past the 2nd tutorial battle on hard because the enemy goes first every time and one shots you before you have a chance to do anything
Did you press a button / mouse click right at the beginning of the battle (when the 'Ready' gets to 'Go') to get a perfect boosted start? It gives your entire party an earlier first turn. If I'm remembering correct I had the exact same issue, because the game doesn't teach about that particular mechanic until later on and the devs didn't have the foresight to nerf the initial few battles until it's properly introduced in a later tutorial.

>> No.44949612

tractatus logico-philosophicus is basically required if you want to understand where HACK-ji's is coming from before he finally spell it out at the very end instead of randomly dropping verbatims of it during the course of the novel

>> No.44949618
File: 46 KB, 302x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so ready.

>> No.44949624

Add KamiMaho too.

>> No.44949627

I dropped it.

>> No.44949636


>> No.44949644

Got tired before I reached good part.

>> No.44949673

good to know, thanks. i did not know that, either i skimmed over it the tutorial that covered it or there's more tutorials to come
probably the latter, there's a lot of them

>> No.44949848

>Got tired before I reached good part.
Same for me. I really enjoyed the first chapter where the characters use their genre savvy to solve the mystery, but after that the game quickly petered out. Characters themselves weren't that interesting, the subsequent cases weren't as clever and the main plot felt like it moved at snail pace while hinting at something bigger eventually down the line, but I couldn't bring myself to get through the boring parts.

>> No.44949856


Should have read at least until end of 3.

>> No.44949862

I really enjoyed dude kissing kissing his br imouto in the church while no one was around
I read until first route branch and didn't enjoy what I've read so far, so didn't want to continue.

>> No.44949867

Such a good scene, such a good setup, yeah. I guess 4 and 5 are kinda slow and dont pick it up instantly.

>> No.44950285

I went back and sure enough, I was able to beat it. Thanks, I had no idea that was a thing. That should be like... the first thing they teach you in the tutorial. Speaking of which, the tutorials are cute. I like it when the characters explain things to you and make jokes during it instead of them spamming you stills with a bunch of text.

>> No.44950672

Try Lupercalia, it's getting pretty entertaining early on

>> No.44951179

The new cube game made my dick dry.

>> No.44952062
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2nd beat?

>> No.44952201

theres something about lucle games where the characters are just too overdramatic, I cant get into it

>> No.44952269

At least it makes sense in lupercalia since it's all about performance in drama

>> No.44952312

I still find sad how they killed this franchise on 2 different occasions, it was really unique.

>> No.44952415

Unmei Yohou was pretty tame compared to the others.

>> No.44952455

Thanks maeda

>> No.44952505

Is it any different than anime?

>> No.44952561

2nd Beat is Heaven Burns Red.

>> No.44952568

Is Maeda redeemed?

>> No.44952572

I'm not playing your gacha trash maeda

>> No.44953127
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, 恋し彩る正義爛漫_jgqsmLwMGp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to take a break from it because I was jerking off to it too much, kek. You know the game is fucked when your dick is hard for the majority of the common route.

>> No.44953556

Now I'm interested.

>> No.44953700

I CTRL'd through the common route without reading a single word and it looked stupid and not hot enough.

>> No.44953777

Am I actually going to learn anything if I play with dual text or not

>> No.44953790


>> No.44953792


>> No.44953828
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, 1672838120891510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to hate translations of course!

>> No.44953846

It's fine if it's your first vn, you can just focus on mining as many words as possible
Just try to not directly associate the text with tl because it's not translation it's localization so the sentences are rephrased to sound "better" in english and have nothing to do with the original, the best it can help you is to grasp the overall meaning

>> No.44954264

unless the translation is specifically designed around this feature and has tons of translation notes explaining the entire process to you, no.

>> No.44954494
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-17_01-58-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is his problem

>> No.44954512

too based

>> No.44954579

Average loli enjoyer

>> No.44954615

I never use that because the text becomes so tiny
doesn't seem that useful as a beginner, you just look at the translation and learn very little

>> No.44954744
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>> No.44954753

is shumon yuu working on anything atm? or did he retire

>> No.44954807
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>> No.44954931

Any cool servers on Discord I can use to discuss untranslated VNs?

>> No.44954942

He definitely has an alt account. Just take some vitamins and get writing man.

>> No.44955040


>> No.44955111

Get back to writing chuuni and yuri rape scenes you lazy fuck.

>> No.44955147


>> No.44955343

The most sane dragaqueer fag

>> No.44955461

No, there's seriously that many. One layer mistrusts the other. It's like an onion at that point. There's probably cp in the lower layers

>> No.44955477

quick rundown?

>> No.44955484

No, it should stay a mystery. Discords are wild man

>> No.44955499

lmao my knowledge came up to shin when they discovered that mtl scum had infiltrated

>> No.44955498

i stay far away from anything porn related on chat rooms, that's how you get sucked into shit you shouldn't

>> No.44955521
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, 1673897912925943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get to the deepest layer your shitposts will become reality

>> No.44955787

This thread is dedicated to literal porn games yet people actually know how to behave.
Now go take a look at any gachashit general and see how is a 24/7 ecchi/porn spam with little discussion going on.

>> No.44955844

People here see porn on a daily basis so there is literally nothing new about it
Gachashit keeps blueballing 24/7 without delivering anything so people gonna straw for any deeds

>> No.44955937

It's less behavioral issues and more the combination of a non-anonymous identity and the format lending itself to occupying the parts of one's brain that crave belonging to something that gets you into trouble. None of us are immune to that second part.

>> No.44956125


>> No.44956180
File: 2.41 MB, 1681x945, ものべの-happy_end-_17-10-2023 00-59-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao those sudden out of place h scenes feels so ridiculous
Really gives the C;C vibes where you enter the schizo mode do crazy shit and then just wake up out of it like nothing happened

>> No.44956199

deep shit

>> No.44956366

>start Asairo expecting beautiful fall backgrounds
>actually all the trees are dead

>> No.44956391

just wait for it

>> No.44956404

Just go outside

>> No.44956405
File: 696 KB, 1200x851, 20220110171749[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An entire game just to say modern art sucks.
Good game.

>> No.44956406

No trees.

>> No.44956410

At least it's not 437 hours about firing pottery pigment at 1200 degrees.

>> No.44956706

MC is basically a different character for the porn scenes. They had to come up with a way to fit over one hundred in somehow.

>> No.44956787

I laughed in Asairo when he named the 提出作品 after his previous games. What a smug cunt.

>> No.44956840

They are basically just purely fanservice fanfic scenes that are given periodically to motivate you to continue reading
As a concept it's pretty smart and they are actually really hot so i still would take it over the usual boring scenes at the end that you just ctrl through, but in this case, the story is actually really good with some wholesome family feels so getting interrupted with ridiculous h scenes right after serious moments kinda ruins the immersion
Wonder if i should just skip the h scenes for now and return after finishing the route or there will be some actually plot-related ones?

>> No.44956847

A small handful do have important plot relevant dialogue in them.

>> No.44956927

It was a lot more nuanced than that and I don't think the writer's position was that modern art sucks. The characters who find modern art appealing are considered geniuses and the people who made the enclosed towns because they hated modern art are treated as antagonists.

>> No.44957191


>> No.44957272

>sample h-voice for MC
Is ensemble getting even gayer every new game?

>> No.44957301

They just need to start having H scenes of MC having sex with his bros to truly become kami.

>> No.44957506

Games with voiced MC really need the option to turn it off during H scenes.

>> No.44957537

The male MC in eroge needs to moan loudly so I can self insert

>> No.44957607

as the girl, you mean

>> No.44957655

I had forgotten how great the stories of the protagonist against the world to defend the heroine are. No matter how much time passes, I still enjoy them

>> No.44957783

Cute MC, cute premise.

>> No.44957838

It's nothing like real performance tho. VAs literally screeching as loud as they can. Maybe it's fine for people who never been to real theater before

>> No.44957864

voiced protag is literal cuckoldry

>> No.44957880

Man, she looks so hot.

>> No.44957889

I don't know, that outfit looks kind of cold.

>> No.44957997
File: 488 KB, 960x640, やきもち妹とえっちな日常_ver1.10_2023-10-17_06-14-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said the thing

>> No.44958150
File: 219 KB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last ensemble game had solo male voiced h-scenes.
It looks like they're going a little bit farther every game, so in like six games (so two years from now) they'll be full blown homo.

>> No.44958158
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_30134800842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I can't wait

>> No.44958242
File: 1.92 MB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the absolute balls it took to do what they did in otoken, but I wish they'd actually committed to it and gone all the way, even if it was just one h-scene. Maybe next game.

>> No.44958306

uweeee homo enjoyer

>> No.44958637

I just wish AmeGure had more likeable characters and an actual editor to cut off the fluff and repetition. The twists were actually pretty clever and I liked the protagonist actively being proactive in trying to solve shit (even if he's purposefully written to be as stupid as possible so he doesn't immediately pursue obvious leads), but I was screaming at the game to get to the point several times since nothing else than the mystery managed to have something of interest. Also, the main villain getting off the hook with a slap on the wrist for attempted mass murder was extremely dumb.

>> No.44958675


What the hell, bros? There's a solo MC jerking off scene and it's voiced?

>> No.44958688

Kind of hot.

>> No.44958699

Gay as fuck.

>> No.44958754
File: 91 KB, 697x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the game has a voiced h-scene that's just MC jerking it with the shot framed to get as much of his ass, cock, and balls in the shot as possible.
I think Ensemble realized that a part of their audience reads their trap-infiltrates-ojousama-school-ge for the trap, and so is now catering to them.
>Gay as fuck.
Wait until you find out about the true route.

>> No.44958762

I saw the spoiler.
What did they mean by it?
And what will the future bring to ensemble?

>> No.44958769

We'll find out in their next game, I suppose. They've made what, 30 of these trapge? I can't blame them for wanting to mix it up.

>> No.44958891

If it’s a female VA there’s nothing gay about it.

>> No.44958912

You like checking out cocks?

>> No.44958930

How long do I need to press ctrl to reach this scene?

>> No.44958948

Fairly long, it's in one of the routes.

>> No.44958949

Just download a save you retard.

>> No.44958968

Damn, they even show the CG on the official site.

>> No.44959290

Actually hot since i can self insert as mc

>> No.44959421

Its a woman voicing that, who gives a shit.

>> No.44959569
File: 230 KB, 680x870, masterup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it recommended to play the first Aikotoba before getting into the new one with Silver, Snow, and a Sister, which comes at the end of this month?

>> No.44959680
File: 3 KB, 849x64, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this ensemble talk made me want to get Otome Domain, but I found out you could only run the game without any updates. Luckily some with some fiddling I found the issue.

More in comments:

Pic related is how you dodge the DRM.

>> No.44962065

They aren't related

>> No.44962167

any plotkamige that isn't cartelslop?

>> No.44962186

don't word it like horrid low-effort bait if you really want an answer

>> No.44962189

I'm fine with NBR.

>> No.44962194


>> No.44962373

The eroge, they aren't related in any way other than using tinder to set up the story.
Also they are pretty similar so you could run into the problem of getting bored half-way through.

>> No.44962621
File: 3.94 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44962774

Ah, thank you. I assumed for some reason that it was about characters in the new game. I guess I'll wait for release of the new one and play that one. The new girl seems much more attractive than the old one.

>> No.44962783 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, Lucle has to Lucle you to the very end. Wasn't Yoruko being clearly unhappy enough? It already felt bittersweet with that alone.

KamiMaho Rio route spoilers.

>> No.44962942

That route made me really mad. Poor Rio.

>> No.44963000

I like hetare MC's and I'm tired of pretending I don't.

>> No.44963431

Yeah. And now I started chapter 7 and it's so, so bitter. C'mon, did she have to die too?

>> No.44963545


>> No.44963619
File: 8 KB, 153x69, ものべの-happy_end-_17-10-2023 19-44-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck i barely started a route and it already gave me some 19 additional h scenes for whatever reason..
I guess it's from those additional patches or something but i don't get why would they open now without finishing anything

>> No.44963832
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-18_01-06-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44963863


>> No.44964260

is fortune arterial worth reading?

>> No.44964444

Yes. Shiro is the miracle of this universe.

>> No.44964457

>like nothing happened
Pretty sure they get offhand mentions often. Like right at the start the protagonist more or less says how Sumi's little childish body is perfect for standing blowjobs but, you know, in the usual PG-13 "whew good to be home haha" way.

>> No.44964543

Reading it right now as my second VN I'm still in the common route but the kuudere and childhood friend here are top tier.

>> No.44964604
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-18_02-59-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44964998

Yes, the heroines are cute, that goes for every eroge. Is it actually fun to read?

>> No.44965807

>the heroines are cute, that goes for every eroge
Not true.

>> No.44966596

Really, really cute.

>> No.44966620
File: 190 KB, 800x600, 2023-10-11-180113_800x600_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I finally finished the childhood friend route in Yatohime Zankikou and I said I'd blogpost so here it is. First, sorry for the long wait. It's not because of the game, but just me because I haven't been playing eroge regularly lately (real life shit; should be more normal now). Anyways, I'd would say that is decent so far. There's some parts that are bit rocky, but there are also other parts that are really good so it sort of balances out. One complaint from me is that Yuuma oddly feels very underpowered. It's a chuuni game after all so you naturally expect the MC to lose the first couple of times or so, but eventually he unlocks his power and gets good at some point. At least that's how it normally goes. Yuuma basically doesn't have a single clean win until the very final fight in the route. He does win against Yashamaru although his opponent just runs away so it's not like a grand victory. There's a fight against Tou later where they are more or less even-matched, but yeah that's pretty much it. Every other battle, he has to get saved somehow. I didn't find it detrimental, but it's kind of weird. Of course, this could just be because of the route I picked. I didn't look it up or anything, but Sakurako certainly feels like the "starter" route. Lots of stuff isn't really explained at all and is clearly left for the other routes. There's even an unnamed man that drops some mysterious lines at one point before fucking off.

This game definitely has the problem of completely out of place H scenes. I'm not some prude, but I expect that after MC and the heroine have their confession and do the deed, any further H in the route is between those two. Well that actually doesn't happen, MC gets into situations where he can manwhore it up and fuck other women. To be fair, it's more-or-less Yuuma getting raped but I mean did they really need to have this in the game. The part with Brunhilde is actually plot relevant and sort of makes sense, but I don't know. Surely they could have thought of something better. Anyways, the actual romance is pretty solid. For a childhood friend, Sakurako isn't totally annoying, and it makes sense that they would get together. Actually, MC's bro unexpectedly snags a girlfriend too. They don't show much of this unfortunately and given how the plot is structured, I highly doubt that would change in any other route.

The story is overall solid. I like that kind of shit of ancient families, oni, secret powers, etc. It's always cool. This route is one of those where the heroine is kidnapped most of the time, but realistically that was the logical way to go even if it's not the most exciting plot development. Like I said earlier, they obviously intentionally didn't address some stuff in this route, but there is actually one really weird oversight. Riko, who is important to both MC and Sakurako, does die during the story's events. MC basically figures out that it is her without admitting it which is understandable given he was in a time crunch. But they literally never bring this up later. Both MC and Sakurako return back to the town with their happily ever after and not a single word about Riko is spoken. That was bizarre. There should have been at least a brief scene or something.

Also they really fucked up the final "fight" in the route for some reason. I don't know why they did this because the preceding battle against Tou is cool as hell with all the autistic rambling and attention to detail you'd expect. Right before the last scene, the characters all do the pep talk thing and the narrative hypes up the final climax. As a reader, your body gets ready for some intense oni slaying. What actually happens is that Yuuma just shoots a big lightning bolt and oneshots it lol. I mean in isolation that was cool. But it felt like the writers just skipped to the "final attack" part of the fight and didn't bother with anything else. The CG was cool though.

On the plus side, in theory this should be the least interesting route. I'm not saying this will get as good as Dies Irae or anything, but it would be like judging it based on Kasumi's route. The writers clearly left out a ton of things and have much more interesting things to explore in the other scenarios. If the other routes are actually worse, well my stance on this game shifts quite a bit and we're in some deep shit, but let's hope not. Anyways onto the best girl Tou now.

>> No.44966624
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, 『アイコトバ-Silver Snow Sister-』オープニングムービー(あざらしそふと+1)__EbirbDv2eQ_00_01_06.967_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its OP is great: https://youtu.be/_EbirbDv2eQ

>> No.44966711
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, 1668696795900039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44966792

>aryan MC
Can't self-insert

>> No.44966804

>WAKARASE eyecatch
my interest has been piqued

>> No.44966812

I want to bully this girl. Can't wait for it

>> No.44966827

If only it wasn't Amekawa Shino
I just want Kanako imoutos now.

>> No.44967040

Does someone have 空想彼岸?
It was apparently shared here back in 2019 but the link is dead, someone please upload

>> No.44967201

Who's ready to watch the newest episode of 16Bit Sensation?

>> No.44967218

yeah, up later

>> No.44967596

Everyone seems to love Vendetta, but I always found Chitose better.

>> No.44967670

We should start numbering our threads like the JAV and Idol guys :^)

>> No.44967683

This looks cute as fuck, is a trial out?

>> No.44967795
File: 965 KB, 542x881, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are good. I like tomboy but loli oneesan have better impact for me.

>> No.44968345 [DELETED] 

Whoever uploaded メロウイヱロウ
Thank you
a super niche doujin eroge that I mentioned here few months ago, it maybe a pure coincidence though
If you like short eroge with a lot of philosophy rambling with crazy girls you should play it

>> No.44968492

Doesn't look like it. I hope that's not too much of a red flag.
Azarashisoft wouldn't screw it up too much, right?

>> No.44968496

It's a short solo heroine moenukige. You have to be a massive fuckup to make one below a 6 and a genius to make one above an 8. They're fairly standardized.

>> No.44968761

What do you have against Amekawa Shino? She is exceptional here:

>> No.44968790
File: 180 KB, 1200x675, F8K5x3Aa0AAak1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kakyuusei remake wheeeeen

>> No.44968852

why hey h voice sounds so pretentious

>> No.44968872

I was thinking of playing this but I changed my mind after hearing that

>> No.44968935

>modern anime

>> No.44968939


>> No.44968947

Anyone read this? https://vndb.org/v25413
It's apparently one of the top VN's on Switch.

>> No.44968952

But why?

>> No.44969194

Are you willing to invest effort into counting historic threads?

>> No.44969198


>> No.44969262

Who were your favorite heroines?

>> No.44969364
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, fatal_26225725390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much I love you

>> No.44969601

Still nothing about Bare&Bunny's new vn?
I really hope it's a momge again

>> No.44969936

The one on the right.

>> No.44970268

Extremely disappointed, I thought you would say miyuki or ryouko

>> No.44970396

Getting tired of this meme fetish for retards.

>> No.44970465
File: 2.41 MB, 1602x932, 2022-02-02_10-10-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44970486

kek maybe I should read hentai prison soon

>> No.44970794

It's impossible to get tired of wakarase. Cheeky brats always need some lessons teached.

>> No.44970828

Not that anon but her voice is just annoying and samey, she was in like every other game back during 2019-2021 and just got tiring.
Same as Sazanami Suzu, they start showing up everywhere always with the same voice and it gets annoying.

>> No.44971071
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-18_22-24-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44971331


There won't be a trial according to a stream today.

>> No.44971810
File: 44 KB, 720x220, INSTALL_18-10-2023 18-59-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it not work on w10

>> No.44971965
File: 1.16 MB, 1266x719, Rinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I enjoyed Bansenjin and Hachimyoujin's battles and the main group's camaraderie, will I also like the Silverio games?
It's the last Light property that I haven't been exposed to yet. Anyone willing to shill it/give me a basic primer on what to expect? No heavy spoilers please.

>> No.44972065 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.06 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-19_00-16-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>side characters get their pasts revealed

>> No.44972108

I like both Senshinkan and Silverio. The Silverio games protag groups aren't really comparable to a group of high school friends and aren't as entertaining but the bro characters aren't bad and have some pretty cool moments in the story.
Silverio battles are pretty fun and cool if you like 限界突破 autism. Think Senshinkan's were better written and more creative, but both series were fun to read through.
The first two Silverio games are the best ones by the way. The third is pretty weak.

>> No.44972124

Sazanami Suzu is good, but she's been typecasted into voicing a lot of annoying lolis in the past couple years (Study Steady 2, Girls Frantic Clan, Unless Terminalia).
She was pretty good in Houkago Cinderella and great in Erewhon. That first h-scene with Kiyora is fucking diamonds and really sets the tone for the whole game.

>> No.44972189
File: 532 KB, 641x523, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just run the game exe.

>> No.44972248

It also didn't work, seems like i had to unarchive it with locale emulator

>> No.44972253

Oh, maybe.
I have a Japanese Windows install, so it worked fine for me.

Also just opening the exe with 7-zip seems to work too. So try that as well.

>> No.44972481 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-19_01-44-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it didn't make sense for someone of his rank to be doing protection

>> No.44972714

Where can I find the Japanese version of Fate with voice acting?

>> No.44972732

Realta Nua or maybe the Ultimate Edition with Japanese text if they have that.

>> No.44972832

Prepatched here:
This version is incompatible with hookcucking though, if you want that you'll have to patch the voices in yourself or play Realta Nua.

>> No.44972966

Did the original version had shirou voiced outside of the prologue? i honestly don't remember

>> No.44972970
File: 6 KB, 360x118, 1681941223098314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just download the EOP release and switch the language back to Japanese.

>> No.44972989

oh how the mighty have fallen

>> No.44972997

The original is not voiced at all.

>> No.44973054

I wonder if they'll make a Fate/stay night remake when they're done with Tsukihime. Not that it needs one, but I feel like it will happen sooner or later

>> No.44973103

Is there any censorship in Realta Nua?

>> No.44973169

Yes, Realta Nua is the all ages version

>> No.44973183

Didn't Nasu say he wanted to remake it in FGO lmao

>> No.44973207

Besides the obvious removal of H-scenes there's also a fair bit of text censorship; descriptions of violence and sexuality and toned down, there's a reference to Shirou drinking alcohol removed. One really bizarre example is there's a removed line where Shirou says something nice about Raiga, I guess they didn't want to glorify the Yakuza or something?? It feels like Realta Nua was hurt by being a 15, if it was a 17 they could've left more of that in.

>> No.44973394
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>> No.44973438
File: 303 KB, 1026x668, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

switched to hard mode just in time to get absolutely reamed by a bara furry
combat's a lot more fun this way though, even if i feel like i should have been learning the tricks a long time ago
lolo's healing is downright heavenly

>> No.44973592

I made an autism patch a couple of years ago for the ultimate edition that keeps the original text. You can see the old post here: >>35733820

>> No.44973710

Is this for https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3860991?

>> No.44973729


>> No.44973882

Nice, this seems like the ideal way to read it. The fact that random details were changed just because Nasu autism sounds annoying but I imagine it's all minor details, right?

>> No.44973923

>but I imagine it's all minor details
Not always. He changed the recharge/gap between grail wars from 60 to 50 years for some reason.

>> No.44974476

he actually changed a lot even during crucial moments, I read a japanese blog about it years ago. The guy is just japanese george lucas and always has been

>> No.44974504
File: 869 KB, 1920x1080, aed9HQjLrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already feel kami vibes

>> No.44974673

Speaking of Fate, has there ever been a better fandisc than Hollow ataraxia?

>> No.44974724

Aokana extra 2 is really good unless you count it as a sequel

>> No.44974785

Every other one that doesn't have "heroine rape by others" tag

>> No.44974934
File: 8 KB, 1674x46, scajibtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

westoids are insane

>> No.44974960

for rating something written by a guy that fucks dead chickens that high? I agree

>> No.44974994

t. cartelcuck

>> No.44975002

Extra 2's EGS score is only 2 points behind Sakura no Uta's

>> No.44975039

>rape by others
Technically she's raped by the protagonist

>> No.44975071

>SakuUta got a spanish translation before EOPs
Im fucking laffin.

>> No.44975083

saku-uta was never good.

>> No.44975241
File: 214 KB, 800x600, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a warrant you fat fuck.

>> No.44975275
File: 632 KB, 1024x576, Muramasa_unwrapped_xbF4fD9QPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene went on for way longer than I expected

>> No.44975280

Probably the best fight in the game

>> No.44975284


>> No.44975304

Imagine if they just released that back then instead of wasting time and budget with the MaSHITro one
Maybe we would actually get Zwei

>> No.44975351

If only every fight were like this instead of wasting time on shitty chuuni

>> No.44975363

They were too busy wanting to push their ultra expensive R18 gacha and wasting all their money until they declared bankruptcy

>> No.44975479

they didn't fuck at the end so it's gay

>> No.44975481

FGO and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.44975527 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, るいは智を呼ぶJ9kBbFJZFe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected nothing less from the gayjin

>> No.44975569
File: 1.16 MB, 1279x953, 1629457093685819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this earlier this year, and liked it a lot.

>> No.44975573

How can Tomo be so hot

>> No.44975601

Need correction

>> No.44975904
File: 288 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] 16bit Sensation Another Layer - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_23.49.970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44975942
File: 132 KB, 2340x1080, 1668560726739588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happening at the beginning of Airi's route made me crave for a polygamy route in which you date Airi, move to their mansion, hire Ange and rope her into the relationship.

>> No.44975961

Are you playing the PSP version? Why does it have a blurry and fucked aspect ratio?

>> No.44976027
File: 173 KB, 640x1136, C_m7YJ8XkAAuOz9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't diss on my wife Mizuho. Vanilla and bland friend is the best. Also I like that she praises (you) if you don't peek on Miko's skirt when she falls asleep on the gym.

>> No.44976223
File: 146 KB, 2340x1080, 1696721437700066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I play it on my phone during power outages when both my PC and modem are out of the question.
Why? Is there another way to emulate VNs on Android I don't know of?

>> No.44976238

Move out of South Africa/MENA.

>> No.44976253


>> No.44976448

Your loss, turdie.

>> No.44976517

Then at least spend some money on a generator or a battery setup to not suffer this much.

>> No.44976542

Sca-ji has never fucked a dead chicken.
All he did was say that if he DID fuck a dead chicken, western puritans would freak out about it for some reason and try to cancel him on twitter even though it's really not a big deal. He didn't fuck the chicken, he's just saying he doesn't understand what the problem is if he did.

>> No.44976784
File: 535 KB, 806x662, rider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of censorship in Realta Nua, how was this line kept in? Is 達する considered an acceptable euphemism even for a game that's only Cero C?

>> No.44976786

I think it was unchanged.
There's a shocking amount of unchanged stuff in Relata Nua, the Sakura masturbation scene that doesn't have a CG and is voice-only is 100% unchanged.

>> No.44976833
File: 819 KB, 2340x1080, 1682764747206633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, for a while now I've known about this Kirikiroid2 app that allows you to play Kirikiri engine games on Android, but I've never bothered to try it so I've stuck to PPSSPP.

>> No.44976839

Are you actually playing games with your screen that dark or is it just the screenshots?

>> No.44976875

It's pitch black during power outages, so I turn the brightness down.

>> No.44976879

You're in a power outage and wasting precious battery life to shitpost here?

>> No.44976888

Not like battery life is short.

>> No.44976890

If there was a power outage right now, I would have no internet either because my modem would be off.
Besides, the power outages are due to daily rationing, so I know for how long they last and when the power is coming back. Battery isn't a concern.

>> No.44977063

bro wait no
phones dont work like that
the pic doesnt turn dark when you take a screenshot with the brightness down

>> No.44977148

Maybe he's roaming amongst his other utterly insane methods of playing eroge.

>> No.44977364

What is there to unwrap?

>> No.44977414

Soft Denchi or some other type of DRM?
I don't play Nitroplus games so I could only guess.

>> No.44977462

Surprisingly didnt drop muramasa after this scene, it was so bad. Still wasted 40 hours before actually dropping it, that terrible Ichijou sex scene did the trick.

Tokyo Necro was miles better.

>> No.44977472

Ah, right, he could have a DL version he bought. The disc version doesn't have DRM, so I wondered.

>> No.44977485

I, too, love ps2 graphics

>> No.44977802


>> No.44977832

Here you can find a lot of already pre-patched and ready to use vns for android, there are some non kirikiri apks too https:// linktr.ee /avn2

>> No.44977878

The Ichijou h scene was the best h scene in eroge history and it's not even close.

>> No.44977908

I think you can also play most Alicesoft games up to Sengoku Rance with the android version of xsystem here https://github.com/kichikuou..

>> No.44977931

You can also play sengoku with exagear

>> No.44977995

Exagear can play a lot of games but it runs pretty bad for me because my phone is not that good. Xsystem's performance is better so I prefer using it.

>> No.44978015

You can improve its performance significantly by using virgl for virtual gpu
There is a guide on how to fully optimize it on their discord

>> No.44978134


>> No.44978477

Does it kill your battery? That's the question.

>> No.44978526

That's honestly barely an issue in the age of power banks

>> No.44978595
File: 41 KB, 1080x272, Beast's Lair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44978604

Why should I bring another brick with me?

>> No.44978889

Do you think we'd have eroge if Japan had adopted European values and attitudes towards sexuality early in history?

>> No.44978895

It's crazy how much I'm enjoying the interactions between the characters; I think it's the closest thing to the oretsuba experience for me. Also, tomo has huge potential to be one of my favorite protagonists

>> No.44978909

You realize americans and all of the west have porn games on steam right?

>> No.44978940

But they're not even nukige quality.

>> No.44978991
File: 441 KB, 1280x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my hot bros

>> No.44979038

Playing porn games would probably be a respected national pastime in Japan had they been Frenchified.

>> No.44979054

What if they got Anglo-Saxoned?

>> No.44979092

Everything would be just wegs everywhere if that happened

>> No.44979111

So? Erotic games exist regardless of Japan's existence, let alone values and attitudes and whatever. We'd have different flavors of degeneracy, is all.

>> No.44979121

What if they adopted extreme puritanism? Checkmate.

>> No.44979122

Ah yes i would like to see tokyo being paris 2.0

>> No.44979128

Oh, and no mosaic censorship of course.

European whatever-they-have-for-values is anything but that.

>> No.44979131

Mosaics are good.

>> No.44979158

No. It infinges on the freedom of expression. If the artists want to draw dicks for money, let them draw fucking dicks. It's their basic human right.

>> No.44979164

I unironically think that one of the reasons why japan became so fetishes oriented is thanks to the mosaics because you have to supplement the lack of stimulation with more creativity

>> No.44979168

That's the main reason why ero in VNs is so shit though.

>> No.44979171
File: 753 KB, 1280x720, capture_008_13082018_003510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extreme puritanism?
Isn't Europe in general more lax about sex compared to America? Aside from Anglo countries, of course.

That could be the case as well.

>> No.44979180

I am neutral about mosaics

>> No.44979204

Mosaics identifies and filter westoids so they are good in my book.

>> No.44979219

How looking at uncensored dicks would make it any better?

>> No.44979231
File: 1.50 MB, 1602x932, 2022-02-02_18-03-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44979284

What if they got Slavified?

>> No.44979286

It's Soft Denchi, yes. I bought the Windows 10 DL version on sale for like 2000 yen

>> No.44979300

Mosaics does not exist irl. Dicks do, specifically my dick does. Stop ruining artwork and immersion by mutilating 2D people. Also, the artist would profit from learning anatomy.
>captcha: jsvaga

>> No.44979327

99% of vns are now Nakige.

>> No.44979347

You sound like a eop tourist. People who consumed weeb shit for years at this point (except retarded mentally ill eops) don't care about mosaics, not even gonna remind you how bad shit looks under mosaics most of the time. So you should go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, buddy.

>> No.44979359

t. Stockholm syndrome incarnate

>> No.44979362

It'll be based because utsuge is peak

>> No.44979376

You still aren't Japanese and smell real bad no matter how many runes you memorized, westoid

>> No.44979378

nta but it's true tho. The last time I saw an uncensored cg eop it was pretty shit

>> No.44979381

White haired heroine is the new norm.

>> No.44979388

t. the resident plotfag
I always knew most of you are dirty Russians/Ukrainians.

>> No.44979419

Sure thing, eop friend

>> No.44979429

My dick looks like several variations of those.

>> No.44979432
File: 489 KB, 731x702, 1684444132856884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwaaa disgusting

>> No.44979455


>> No.44979459

There are a few artists where I like the uncensored art, but not many.

>> No.44979463

Nta but you should realize that they don't bother to draw high quality dicks just to be censored later. they don't take into account western release when they make a game

>> No.44979467

t. morbidly obese seabuta who smells real bad and pretends he's Japanese

>> No.44979478

Struck a nerv, Maxim? Try not to die for Pootin.

>> No.44979491

I'm not saying he's wrong, just that he's gotten so used to eating shit that he took a liking to it.
I only get real pissed off by bleeps and real salty when reading hentai manga. They can get away with barely any censorship at all while I have to turn blind eye to fucking devastated pussies in the objectively superior media. Not like there was anything to destroy, since nobody bothered to draw genitals in the first place (they can't draw anyway), but this cheapens/worsens the experience and I'm sick of having to deal with it.

>> No.44979499

>Nta but you should realize that they don't bother to draw high quality dicks just to be censored later

Correct. Which is why mosaics should be left intact. Not like I really give a fuck because I'm not a eop, but always funny to see these unmosaic obsessed peasants crying about shit.

>> No.44979505

Remember to eat your pagpag, seabwo

>> No.44979522

>westoids wanting to change japanese laws to suit their views instead of not consuming said content and leaving the country alone.
Why is this so common between the western hemisphere?

>> No.44979524

Better that than whatever your Rus overlords have in store for you.

>> No.44979527

Women vaginas look disgusting so this medium is clearly superior to manga

>> No.44979575
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1b30de10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I don't give a shit if there is censorship or not, I just want more lingerie in my eroges

>> No.44979594

The /a/ 16bit threads talk more about eroge than this general.

>> No.44979602

stop responding to me, seafriend. You're gonna be late for your dumpster diving job to feed your pagpag staved family

>> No.44979626

That goes double for you. Leave your phone off when you go to your mandatory drenched trench patrol.

>> No.44979640

You'd have an option to look away or even an on/off toggle in the config. I have no options than get distracted by the cockblock and intensify my suspension of disbelief, all while trying to fap. It's manageble but can and should be improved upon. If anything good ever comes from the west, it's lack of censorship than should be forced into Japanese constitution, the rest of the weebery can be left alone for that attractive exoticism, says Me the Great.

>> No.44979662
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Yeah, I went into it not knowing it was a friend simulator and was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.44979672

Any games with primarily male VAs? I find that they're easier to listen to

>> No.44979690

Literally any BL/otome or chuunige (honorary bl/otome)

>> No.44979701

Sex slave simulator > Friend Simulator

>> No.44979730

> I have no options than get distracted by the cockblock and intensify my suspension of disbelief, all while trying to fap
t. newfag

>> No.44979732

hello my homo friend

>> No.44979750

It's way more polarized than that
The main charming point of eroge is the way they put so much effort into creating all the various erotic situations and mixing in all kinds of fetishes
If people are satisfied just from looking at uncensored manko they will have way less stimulation to be creative about h scenes
Just look at western porn 90% of which consists of chinko touching manko and that's about it
Many people have a hard time realizing that we all came to love Japanese media here because it is the way it is and there is no guarantee that it would be the same if you exclude some even some seemingly unrelated parts from the whole mix

>> No.44979751
File: 770 KB, 800x600, ruitomo_fve_15135456060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so much better than Hello Lady because of this

>> No.44979774

It's not gay, female VAs tend to talk on the faster side with their personalities up to 100. Males tend to have clearer speaking, at least to me

>> No.44979780

Tomo is a boy though.

>> No.44979790
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>> No.44979795

Still hotter than their whole cast

>> No.44979815

Try Nitro chiral games they got all top tier seiyus

>> No.44979833

The shitposters from there are coming here to take a shit just as i predicted last week.

>> No.44979851
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>The /a/ 16bit threads talk more about eroge than this general.
lol sure

>> No.44979862

You wanna talk about eroge featuring armpits? Is that it?

>> No.44979881
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, 1697358022210675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead.

>> No.44979882

Hino seems to know what he is talking about in ruitomo, there is a passage that is a literal reference to Hobbes' leviathan

>> No.44979884

> hey look they talk about eroge!!
>mfw its usual animetards discussing irrelevant bullshit

>> No.44979941

Only Hamashima Shigeo does because she hopes that someone will see the uncensored version one day.

>> No.44980008

So just like this thread.

>> No.44980013

I feel like Ruitomo was tailor made for the terminally online autistic shitposter.

>> No.44980031

Her art and Norizane's are pretty much one of the few reasons to ever play any of CLOCKUP's trashy shock value games.

>> No.44980042

I feel that those people will most likely be totally filtered out with the letter

>> No.44980089

Never been to 16bit Sensation threads on /a/ but is the show really popular enough that it's making people think they want to "get into eroge"? Most of the games the show talks about are old as hell and untranslated too.

>> No.44980119

No of course not. Most people that are watching it already play eroge.

>> No.44980156

Watching that shit without knowing about eroge is like watching gintama or lucky star without knowing about otaku culture, makes no sense

>> No.44980194

>watching gintama or lucky star without knowing about otaku culture
Isn't that what a lot of people do? I really doubt every MALfag giving Gintama high scores gets most of the references.

>> No.44980384

The only anime I care about (the ending suck tho) https://youtu.be/_1rvWVpd_U0

>> No.44981177

I need to rewatch Lucky Star sometime, I watched it as one of my first seasonal anime back in the day and didn't know half the references.

>> No.44981204
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, EyXEhQJX90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, just remembered that I should read that someday.

>> No.44981287

Zoomers are easily influenced by stuff they see in anime. See how that bocchi the rock anime made a bunch of people pick up guitar just so most of them would drop it after a few weeks after realizing it was hard.

>> No.44981305

I shit on zoomers just as much as anyone else, but come on that kind of thing applies to everyone. A bunch of people picked up and failed at guitar after K-on too.

>> No.44981308

main character syndrome.
whitoids think that everyone is below them (they are right)

visual novels i am very excited about the new azarashi soft!

>> No.44981315

I see a lot of people reference "the letter" in Ruitomo, what exactly is so hard about it?

>> No.44981363

There's nothing wrong being inspired about the media you experienced, though. Everything that requires some effort always has a terrible retention with any age group. It's only cringe coming from zoomers is because 99.9% of the time they aren't serious about learning, they only care about the attention from it. If you see a zoomer announcing they're learning Japanese or drawing, you already know they're attention seeking.

>> No.44981366


>> No.44981370

What kind of straight man thinks vaginas are disgusting? Just admit you're gay and go.

>> No.44981382

Seems ok?
Or is the difficulty in understanding the hidden meanings only appearent when you understand the game's plot?

>> No.44981507

These posts always come from buckbroken Millennials who got their ambitions shat on from the Lehman Shock.

>> No.44981509

I would really like to know what part of that ambiguous wall of text seems okay to you. Being able to read it and being able to understand it are not the same thing

>> No.44981515

Whiteys are becoming joke characters though.

>> No.44981609
File: 2.78 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minstrel 壊レタ人ギョウ spoilers?

>> No.44981702
File: 2.58 MB, 1142x1406, 1668804416403692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gyarudoma fandisc(?) site gets revealed later today, i really wonder how well it sold for them to announce that 1 month after it released.

>> No.44981707

生(なま) is always the best. No one should ever question it or its worth.

>> No.44981768

i bought that game!

>> No.44981801

Hard to say others are below le whitoid boogeyman when everywhere has been increasingly excluding them from everything and western blood literally age you like milk. Foreigners were always massive jokes. that's why they all got killed in Muramasa

>> No.44982044

how was it?

>> No.44982158

I just remembered I never read LuckyCos. I should fix that.

>> No.44982199
File: 3.43 MB, 1920x1080, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタ_2023-10-20_01-42-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a single normal person in this game

>> No.44982209
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>> No.44982319

Don't know,haven't played it yet i'm still in Japan.

>> No.44982732

Natsume a shit

>> No.44982949

16-bit sensation is trash, as expected of moebuta pandering enabler shit. Cant wait to see /a/ seething when it flops.

>> No.44983185

At least it is trying to get new people into eroge. That's commendable and necessary for this industry to survive.

>> No.44983447

not only that but the MC is a fucking femoid
I dropped the first episode immediately

>> No.44983553
File: 406 KB, 1920x1080, そうですか.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44983698

2d girls aren't femoid, retard.

>> No.44983786

Someone post any pic from white album 2

>> No.44984091
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I'm reading Hulotte next after I'm done with Mashiroiro then.

>> No.44984146

I'm gratified to know that there's some VN out there that counts rabbits with 羽, if only to justify the neurons in my brain that are committed to the almost entirely 100% useless knowledge that you're allowed to count them that way in Japanese if you want to.

>> No.44984164
File: 943 KB, 1784x1080, 2023-10-19 16_52_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit. Donkan strikes again.

>> No.44984181


>> No.44984187

0 iq

>> No.44984202

she was just joking bro there's no deeper meaning

>> No.44984210

That's just like Catholics considering beavers to be fish.

>> No.44984227

The fish loophole in and of itself makes zero sense

>> No.44984305

I have these.
It's great to be able to play Alice Soft on the toilet etc., but over the past few years I believe I have pocket dialed Daiakuji and Rance 5D at work once each.
Thank goodness it was only the title screen. Can you imagine?
>"Haha, sorry, that must be my, uh, Japanese girlfriend calling. She's, uh, sick. She's got that new Asian flu."
>"Oh, I see. That must be what all those wet slapping sounds were."
>"Yes, it's very, uh, plappy. Not now honey, I'm still at work! ばいばい、またね!」

>> No.44984422

But they are literally not voiced

>> No.44984695

only retarded eop zoomers who aren't from 4chan seriously use these words

>> No.44984731

No, it's good that they use them. That way, you know it's bait immediately and can ignore it.

>> No.44984771

You can just filter the whole post and replies; let the trash interact with the trash

>> No.44985124

I said imagine, Anon.
If you don't imagine, you're breaking the rules.

>> No.44985403
File: 323 KB, 1339x751, スクリーンショット_2023-10-19_16-44-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd they have to put a tranny in the game? Like I can accept the other two, but the tranny is fucking annoying.

>> No.44985620

Is kastelcord worth joining?

>> No.44985695

yeah but there's a few insufferable fags you should ignore outright

>> No.44985715

how do you join it?

>> No.44985751

Why does he have real (?) breasts?

>> No.44985799

ask kastel for an invite

>> No.44985812

>Not sexually involved
